4th QTR Week3

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February_____ , 2020 • Expository [Exposes the reader to new information]:

Just the Facts

I. Goals Informational Writing [Encyclopedias, Dictionaries,
At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected etc.]
to: Research Reports
1. Use appropriate reading strategies for various text Everyday, Career, and Technical Writing
2. Make generalizations from different text types; Task 2- Comprehension Check
3. Use graphic organizer to prove the text type. True or False
II. Subject Matter 1. Type of text depends on its purpose.
Topic: Four Major Text Types 2. A descriptive text paints a picture in the mind of
Reference: English 7 the reader using five senses.
Materials: Visual Aids, Computer, TV 3. An expository text informs the reader based on
III. Procedures facts and statistics.
A. Initial Task 4. A narrative text encourages the reader to do a
Task 1-Preliminaries certain action.
a. Setting the classroom 5. A persuasive text delivers two sides of an issue-
b. Prayer the affirmative and negative side.
c. Greetings
d. Checking of Attendance Task 3 – Text Check
Task 2-Review Read the following excerpts from essays carefully.
Fragmented Retelling Then, on the space provided before the number,
The teacher will ask random students to retell the write N if the paragraph is narrative, D if descriptive,
story, “A Shawl for Anita”. The students have to listen E if expository, and P if persuasive.
carefully because the teacher may stop the story
teller and ask somebody to continue.
Task 3- Motivation
Teacher will show pictures and post a question.
“What is the painter/artist’s purpose for making such
an art?

Afterwards, teacher will give sentences and help

students figure out the purpose of author for writing
such a literature?

1. The story of a teenage boy learning to

understand and live with his father, who is an
alcoholic Vietnam war veteran.
2. A list of the 25 richest athletes in the world.
3. An article arguing why Michael Jordan is the
greatest basketball player ever.
4. An “X-men” comic book.
5. A National Geographic article about the eating
and breeding habits of the endangered bald
B. Discovery Tasks C. Final Task
Task 1 – Text Types Blast Task 1- Text Type Application.
Distinguishing the text types is simply a matter of On the graphic organizer , tell what kind of text is “A
determining the writer’s goal. Does the writer want to Shawl for Anita” and write its features. Explain your
tell about a personal experience , describe claims.
something, explain an issue, or convince the reader
A Shawl for Anita
to accept a certain viewpoint?
The four major text types address these purposes.
What Type Of Text?
• Narrative: Telling a story
Autobiographical Writing
Biographical Writing
Short Story [The 5 W’s; When, Where, Who, What,
Why] Features:
• Descriptive: Painting a Picture
Creative Writing
Sensory Writing [The 5 Senses; Poetry/Lyrics]
• Persuasive: Convince me
IV. Assignment
Editorial and Advertisement Writing
Differentiate Helping Verb and Main Verb.
Speech Writing
February______ , 2020 3. Outlandish C. To say unfair
I. Goals My friend plans to go to comments
At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected some outlandish place
to: to look for buried
1. Discover through Philippine Literature the need to treasures.
work cooperatively and responsibly in today’s global 4. Patriotism D. Very strange or
village; Her patriotism was so unusual
2. Express one’s beliefs based on a material heartfelt that she quit
her job serve he
3. Use lexical and contextual clues in understanding
5. Contentious E. Blatantly and
unfamiliar words
Gun control is likely to disdainfully
be a contentious proud
II. Subject Matter subject in any group
Topic: The Parable of the Rainbow Colors by Juan M. discussion.
Reference: English 7 Task 2- Literary Exploration
Materials: Visual Aids  Before moving on to the literary text, introduce
III. Procedures first “Parable”. Ask a learner to read the definition
A. Initial Task of parable and let them share their previous
Task 1-Preliminaries knowledge about parable.
a. Setting the classroom  Tell the learners to read the introduction of the
b. Prayer literary text as well.
c. Greetings  Emphasize that as learners read the text, relate
d. Checking of Attendance the attitude of the characters to themselves.
Task 2-Review  After reading, let the class form groups of five
1. What are the four major text types? and answer the process questions.
2. Differentiate the four text types.
Task 3 – Process Questions
Task 3. Motivation
1. If you were one of the colors, what would you
Setting Expectations. Reflecting on the outcomes of be? Why?
your previous activities, answer the questions in 2. What is the change that happened in each of the
each balloon. Write your answers on your notebook colors? How?
and share it to the class after. 3. How is this change relevant to the existence of
each of the colors?
4. Why do you think rain emphasized the need for
Do you like cooperation?
rainbow? Why? What does the 5. What do you feel when you see a rainbow?
represent in
your life?
C. Final Task
Task 1- Small Group Differentiated Activities
Group 1. Preserving the Magic
What color of
the rainbow do On a cartolina, instruct the learners to draw a symbol
you like best? that best presents the message of the story.
What does the
Why? line, "There's a
rainbow always Group 2. Checking out Characters
after the rain" Instruct the group to copy the table on a visual aid
mean? and fill it out with the lines of the characters at the
beginning and at the end of the story.
B. Discovery Tasks
Task 1 – Matching Vocabs Group 3. Constructing a Slogan
Match the words in Column A that correspond to the Instruct them to write three slogans encouraging
definitions stated in Column B. Use the given people not to lose hope in times of trials, to
sentences as your hints to find the correct meaning cooperate and collaborate in social activities and to
of the words. accept inevitable changes in their lives.
Column A Column B
1. Denigrate A. Likely to cause IV. Assignment
Theater critics have disagreement
been denigrating her Differentiate Homophones, Homonyms and
acting ability. Homographs
2. Haughty B. Love for one’s
The haughty waiter country
smirked when I talked
to him.

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