Abu Ali project-APCS 1D Using Hempel Paint REV.01

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Coating Procedure for APCS – 1D at Acortec
facility, Jubail for Abu Ali Project.


1. Purpose

2. Scope of Work

3. Codes and Reference Standards

4. Duties & Responsibilties

5. Storage & Handling of paint and abrasive material

6. Procedure of blasting and coating Applications

7. Instrument used

8. Pipes,Spools & Steel Structures – Coating System


9. Shop Damage Repairing Procedure

10. Inspection And Acceptance

11. Material and spools traceability

12. Health and Safety Environment

13. Qc Documentation

Coating Procedure for APCS – 1D at Acortec
facility, Jubail for Abu Ali Project.

1) Purpose
The purpose of this coating procedure is to provide the workmanship criteria to the
greatest practicable extent and to control of the quality to meet the Saudi Aramco
requirements through complying with the requirements of Saudi Aramco specification,
paint manufacturer datasheet, technical manual and international reference codes and

2) Scope of Work

This coating procedure describes the specific work required to be implemented for
application of Liquid Coating Applications on Pipes, Spools & Steel Structures under
“Saudi Aramco Abu Ali Project”. It covers responsibilities, work execution procedure,
quality control of resource inputs and task activities, as applicable standards for this
particular work phase.

Surface preparation: sa2½(SSPC SP10) Surface profile:40-65 Microns

Type of coat HEMPEL PRODUCT Dry film thickness Color shade

PRIMER HEMPEL GALVOSIL15780 65-100 Metalgrey19840
TOP COAT HEMPATHANE55210 25-65 White 10000

3) Codes and Reference Standards

Comply with all Codes & Standards including but not limited to SAUDI ARAMCO
Painting Standards as outlined below:


1.SAEP-316 Performance Qualification of coating personnel.

2.09-SAMSS-060 Packaging requirements for coating

3.SAES-B-067 Safety identification and safety colors

4.SAES-H-200 Storage,Handling And Installation Of Externally Coated Pipe

5. APCS 1D Saudi Aramco Coating systems.

Coating Procedure for APCS – 1D at Acortec
facility, Jubail for Abu Ali Project.

6. SAES-H-001 Coating selection & application requirement for

Industrial plant & Equipment.

7. SAES-H-002 Internal & external coatings for Steel pipe lines &

8. SAES-H-004 Protective Coating Selection and Application Requirement

for Offshore Structures and Facilities.

9. SAES-H-101V Approved Saudi Aramco Data Sheets- Paints and Coatings.

10. SSPC-SP1 Solvent cleaning

11. SSPC-SP 7 Sweep Blast.

12. SSPC-SP 10 Near White Metal.

13. SSPC-PA-2 Measurement of Dry Film Thickness with magnetic gauges.

14. ISO 8501-1 Preparation of Carbon Steel Substrate before

Application of paints and related products - Visual
Assessment of surface cleanliness.

15. SIS 055900 Surface Preparation Standards for Painting Steel Surface.

16. ASTM-D-3359 Adhesion Test (Tape test or Peel off test)-Cross cut Method

17. ASTM-D-4417 Replica Tape Test Method C for Surface Profile.

18.ASTM-D-4285-83 Method for Indicating Oil or Water in Compressed Air

19.NACE National Association of Corrosion Engineers.

20.SAES-H-102 Safety requirements for Coating Applications

4) Duties & Responsibilities

Construction Manager
Responsible for overall site management, execution of quality procedures that meets
project specification and project requirements along with client satisfaction.
Establishment of construction organization, monitor job quality and overall management

QA-QC Manager
Responsible for Preparation and maintenance of Quality Plan, Preparation of internal
Audits Schedule, implement of Quality Audits with respect to COMPANY Procedures,
Quality Plan and schedule Q Attachment V. Periodically conducting auditing with sub-
contractors quality plan, Confirming that corrective action have been taken for NCR in
consultation with Project manager, to issue follow-up and closeout the Corrective
action ,evaluate and monitoring the effectiveness of the project Quality Plan and
Quality system of suppliers and vendors within the contractors scope, Make fully aware
Coating Procedure for APCS – 1D at Acortec
facility, Jubail for Abu Ali Project.

of the quality management system and the PQP through quality induction Training,
Advising the Project manager regarding the appropriate preventive action following the
occurrence of any non-conformity work, Preparation/Verify the documents as required

Shall be responsible for the implementation of HSE procedures before and during the
execution of Civil activities.
Shall be responsible for check for any unsafe conditions on the working areas and
liaise with field Supervisor ensuring that the work is carried out as per approved
Project safety plan and procedure.

Crew Supervisor:
To monitor day-to-day Operations including Blasting & Painting
activities, safety of Personnel as well as Equipment as per SAUDI ARAMCO / SAES-
H-001 & SAES-H-101V STDs. Crew Supervisor should check all Abrasives, Paint
Materials and take care of the Storage. He should conduct Too Box Meetings regularly
and explain to his operatives in detail about procedures written in the Method
Statement and Safety precautions to be followed. He should supervise all in – process
Blasting & Painting activities. Accordance with SAEP-316

Q/C Inspector:
Q/C Inspector should conduct Visual Inspection, Material Verification,
Take Weather readings,conduct Blotter Test as per ASTM –D– 4285, Chloride Test,
Profile Test, take DFT readings, conduct Addition Tests if required by the Client etc.
He fills up all Q/C Forms, raises RFI's, etc.All Coating Inspectors shall be qualified and
certified to perform their tasks as mentioned in SAEP-316.

Coating Applicator:
Paint applicator will be the responsible for paint mixing & proper
applications. During application, he will make sure that the WFT of the paint is
to the requirements. Coating applicator shall be Saudi Aramco and jcc approved in
Accordance with SAEP-316

5) Storage & Handling of Paint & Abrasive Material

1.Coating and thinner material shall be stored in well ventilated room at the storage
temperature as recommended in MSDS and storage temperature and humidity shall be
monitored in accordance with SAES-H-101V

2. Coating material used at construction site must be covered with the appropriate
canvas, tarpaulins, or equivalent for temporary storage period not exceeding 14 days.

3.Coating shall not be used from the container showing sign of leakage shall be

4. Coating which have exceeded the shelf life given in the MSDS shell be set aside and
must not be used.

5. Received abrasive material shall be kept in dry place to avoid moisture entrapment.
Coating Procedure for APCS – 1D at Acortec
facility, Jubail for Abu Ali Project.

6. Abrasive material shall be free from foreign particle.

7.Each coating containers clear marks in accordance with 09-SAMSS-060

6)Procedure of Blasting & Coating Application

1. Abrasive used shall be approved Garnet.

2. Blasting finish to be achieved is Sa 2.5 (near white metal) or SSPC SP 10.

3. Condition of Steel Surface /appearance can be compared with Pictorial Std. ISO

4. Anchor Profile – 40 to 65 microns. Profile measurement shall be taken using Testex

Tape or equivalent as per ASTM-D-4417, Method C. Sweep Blasting will be carried out
to reduce high anchor profile if observed.

5. Prior to Abrasive Blasting, surfaces shall be cleaned for moisture, Oil, Dust, Grease or
other contaminants.

6. Compressed Air used for Abrasive blasting shall be free of Oil, moisture and
contamination. Air quality shall be verified in the following method at the start and
midpoint of 8 hour period. A piece of Blotter paper or absorbent shall be attached
to a board and will be held approximately 45-60cms in front of the blast nozzle during air
flow only, with nozzle pressure of 50 PSI and for a period of one minute. Blotter shall be
inspected visually for assessing the contamination.

7. Abrasive Blasting & Painting shall be carried out only when the steel surface is at
least 3 Degree Celsius above the Dew point.

8. Dust grade shall not be exceeded Rate 2 as per ISO 8502-3

9. After Abrasive Blasting, Surface shall be tested for soluble salts. Chloride levels shall
be less than 40 mg/m2; if Chloride levels are greater than 40 mg/m2, surface shall be
washed as per SSPC-SP-1 or ISO 12944.

10. Spent Abrasives shall be removed from cleaned external surfaces by dry brushing
and blowing down with clean, dry compressed air.

11. Abrasive blast cleaned surface shall not be held for more than 4 hours or less than
that if any chance of contamination. If held for more than 4 hours, need to sweep blast
and re-inspect the surface profile for acceptance.

12. Paint shall not be applied when the surface temperature is less than 10 Degree
Celsius or more than 50 Degree Celsius.

13. Paint shall not be applied when the Relative humidity is more than 85%.

14. Paint shall not be applied when the wind is strong enough to blow sand, salt spray
or dry spray.

15. Paint mixing shall be monitored by approved Supervisor and proper guidance shall
Coating Procedure for APCS – 1D at Acortec
facility, Jubail for Abu Ali Project.

be provided by approved QC Inspector in accordance with the Paint manufacturer’s Data


13. On plain end pipes to be welded, leave ends unpainted for a distance of 2.5 cms (1.0
Inches) and not more than 6.4 cms (2.50 Inches) as per SAES –H-100.

17. Welds, edges and nut – bolts shall be stripe coated before spray application.

18. Care shall be taken not to exceed the re - coating intervals for the different coats.

19. Acortec site representative shall utilize the proper testing instrumentation to perform
the following measurements and report readings and test results on Acortec's Quality
Control Forms.

✓ Dew point temperature -
Digital Dew Point Meter
✓ Relative humidity -
Digital Dew point Meter
✓ Ambient Temperature -
Digital Dew Point Mater
✓ Surface temperature -
Magnetic Thermometer
✓ Anchor pattern -
Using replica tape (Testex Tape) & Profile Micrometer),
Method C
✓ Degree of cleanliness - ISO - 8501 - 1
✓ Wet film thickness (WFT) - Wet Film Gauge
✓ Dry film thickness (DFT) - DFT Gauge
✓ Salt Test Kit - Bresle Salt Kit
✓ Adhesion Test on Finish Coat by Cross Cut Method A as per ASTM D 3359 on request
from Client,
✓ Compressed air Pressure - Hypodermic needle gauge -
✓ Oil and water - Blotter test paper
✓ Adhesion test - sharp knife

8) Pipes, Spools & Steel Structures - Coating systems


A. Primer Coat Application

Immediately after Abrasive blasting, mask off welded & damage area. Primer Coat will be
applied to protect the surface from environment with “Hempel Paint Primer” Zinc Silicate
“Hempel’s Galvosil 15780” or equivalent using Air less Spray pump at the manufacturer’s
recommended pressure of 1450PSI with Tip Size 0.019” to 0.023” to achieve 65 -100 microns

For spray application paint material shall be agitated continuously using low speed

Note:- Manufacturer recommended Paint Mixing ratio, Thinning ratio, Pot life, Shelf life,
inter coat re-interval etc. shall be followed.
Coating Procedure for APCS – 1D at Acortec
facility, Jubail for Abu Ali Project.

Color – Metal Grey (RAL 19840)

B. Intermediate Coat Application

Primer Coat surface shall be lightly abraded to remove gloss for Intermediate Coat
application. Abraded Primer coat shall be properly air blown with dry air to avoid any
foreign contamination. “Hempel Paint Intermediate Coat” High solid epoxy “Hempadur
Mastic 45881” or equivalent with Airless spray pump at the manufacturer’s
recommended pressure of 3625PSI with Tip Size 0.017” to .023” to achieve 100 -150
microns DFT.

Note:- Manufacturer recommended Paint Mixing ratio, Thinning ratio, Pot life, Shelf life,
inter coat re-interval etc. shall be followed.

Color – Grey (RAL 13600)

C. Top Coat Application.

Intermediate Coat surface shall be lightly abraded to remove gloss for Finish Coat
application. Abraded Intermediate coat shall be properly air blown with dry air to avoid
any foreign contamination. “Hempel Paint top Coat” Acrylic Polyurethane
“Hempathane Topcoat 55210” or equivalent with Airless spray pump at the
manufacturer’s recommended pressure of 2175PSI with Tip Size 0.017” to .019” to
achieve 25 - 65 microns DFT.

Note:- Manufacturer recommended Paint Mixing ratio, Thinning ratio, Pot life, Shelf life,
inter coat re-interval etc shall be followed.Finish coat will be hard dry after 16 hours at
25 Deg. Celsius.

Color – White(RAL 10000)

Total DFT: 190 - 315 Microns

9.Shop damage repairing procedure:

• For areas less than 0.1 m², grind to a rough metal surface using at least an 80 grit
disc sander. Alternatively spot blast or power tool cleaning to bare steel. Feather
edge of coating at least 25 mm beyond bare metal.

• For areas greater than 0.1 m², blast clean to obtain the metal surface pre-treatment
originally specified. Feather edge the coating at least 50 mm beyond bare metal.

• Apply Hempel Mastic 45881 as Primer by Brush & Roller @ 65 - 100 Microns DFT.

• Apply Hempel Mastic 45881 as Intermediate by Brush & Roller @ 100 – 150
Microns DFT
Coating Procedure for APCS – 1D at Acortec
facility, Jubail for Abu Ali Project.

• Apply Hempel Top coat 55210 as top Coat by Brush & Roller @ 25 – 65 Microns

Note: Brush & Roller application is acceptable if repair area size is less than
0.1m2. Above 0.1m2, spray application is required.

Total DFT: 190 - 315 Microns


a. General
• All Inspection activity shall be carried out as per the approved Quality control
planning the various phases of execution and inspection.

• Request for Inspection (RFI) shall be raised to AYTB/ARAMCO for inspection as

per the approved Blasting and Painting ITP.

b. Inspection of Surface Preparation

• Painting Inspector shall check the surface of the blasted materials as per required
surface preparation and ensure the clean surface must be free from mill scale, oil,
grease, soil,
cement, salt, acids or other corrosive chemical, which are harmful for painting.

• Inspection frequency for cleaning of rust etc. shall be one in each area where
surface preparation has been completed before coating.

• Anchor pattern shall be inspected by using Testex Tape (Press-O-Film) the profile
shall be acceptable according to the applicable APCS. Testing area shell be
selected randomly.
• Anchor profile value shall be inspected in Testex tape by using calibrated Dial
gauge micro meter. The values shall be within the acceptable limit. This shall be
ensured by Painting Inspector and the Testex Tape shall be attach with the Painting
inspection report.

c. Inspection of Coating application

The following inspection and testing shall be performed during the application
coating system.
• Checking on materials (integrity of packing, expiry dates etc.)
• Checking of paints documentations (Technical Data Sheet, Material Safety Data
• Checking of meteorological and environmental conditions

d. Coating film Thickness Check

Coating Procedure for APCS – 1D at Acortec
facility, Jubail for Abu Ali Project.

• Coating film thickness shall be measured for the following items:

• Measurement of wet film thickness (WFT) has to be done with standard eccentric
wheel and comb gauge

• Dry Film Thickness Measurement shall be carried out as per SSPC PA2

• Thickness gauges to be used for measurement of paint films shall be

calibrated with Standard specimens in accordance with the coating
Manufacturers ‘recommendations.

• If the dry film thickness does not meet the specified value, additional coats
shall be applied as per repair procedure, except for inorganic zinc(zinc
silicate) primers that shall be re-blasted and re-applied at the required dry film
thickness (DFT)
• Inorganic zinc (zinc silicate) primers applied at dry film thickness greater than
100μm or showing mud-cracking shall also be re-blasted and re-applied at the
required DFT.

MEK soaked pad in contact with the coating surface for one minute and then
rubbing vigorously for 15 seconds. There shall be no softening of the coating or
substantial color removal from the coating.

f. Drying / Curing

For each coat, the Drying/Curing shall be checked as per the Manufacturers
Product Data Sheet and the same shall be ensured by the Painting Inspector.

11) Material and spools traceability

if the blasting and primer application is performed before fabrication of pipe spool, prior
to blasting and primer application following shall be carried out

• Verify the spool number and heat number is transfer at the end of inside surface
of pipe is available, marked by the piping release department.
• For the small diameter pipe marking is not possible inside surface of pipe, then
aluminum tag which shall be securely attached to the pipe or pipe spool with
stainless steel wire shall be provided by the piping release department
• Material identification i.e heat number, material specification, color coding etc.
shall be transferred to cut out pieces for traceability as above prior to release for
• Material identification after blasting and primer punch shall be provided by AYTB
if client requested

12) Health, Safety and Environment

• Safety Standard to be followed is as per SAUDI ARAMCO STD and or SAES - H

– 102
Coating Procedure for APCS – 1D at Acortec
facility, Jubail for Abu Ali Project.

• All PPE not limited to Hard Hats, Coveralls, Leather Gloves for Blasters, Safety
boots, Blasting hoods, Ear plugs, Safety Specs, Cartridge masks etc shall be
worn by the personnel during work execution. Blasters shall wear Blasting hood
with positive air supply and Painters with cartridge masks as per Safety
requirements outlined in SAES - H – 102
• All Equipment shall be grounded not limited to Blast Pots, Blast Hoses, Paint
Pumps, and Air Compressors etc.
• Approved Grit shall be used as Abrasive which is absent from free Silica
• Spent Abrasives shall be disposed of as per Saudi Govt. regulations if not
recyclable. Paint Cans & Paint Flakes will be disposed off as per Saudi Aramco
regulations to avoid contaminating the work place.
• Blasting area, Painting Area, Material Storage Area etc will be demarcated and
sign boards will be placed.

13) QC Documentation.

Q/C Inspector shall submit Q/A/QC documentation to AYTB / SAUDI ARAMCO

Inspector on SAUDI ARAMCO Quality Control Forms, i.e, SATIP-H-100-01 as below:

SAIC-H-2023 -Document review and coating procedure

SAIC-H-2024-Receiving inspection of paint and abrasive materials

SAIC-H-2025-Storage and handling of paint and abrasive materials

SAIC-H-2026-Equipment Inspection

SAIC-H-2027 -Inspection of Surface Preparation & Prior to Application of liquid

coating systems (New Installations)

SAIC-H-2028 -In-Process Inspection of Primer Coat or First Coat Application

SAIC-H-2029-Inspection of Primer Coat prior to top coating

SAIC-H-2030-In-Process Inspection of Intermediate and/ or Top Coat Application

SAIC-H-2031-Inspection of Top Coat Application (Dry/Cured Coating)

SAIC-H-2032-Repair and/or Touch-up of coating

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