Aramco Painting Q A
Aramco Painting Q A
Aramco Painting Q A
1. Define Adhesion ?
2. Define Viscosity ?
3. Define Primer ?
Ans. Non cured coating with visco elastic properties that can be applied
in the form of wrapping on the pipe body according with APCS 113C.
Ans. A type of coating that thickness or gels in short time but it become
more fluid when agitated / stirred.
9. What is the approved coating ?
Ans. The amount of water vapor in the air what express as a percentage
is called Relative Humidity.
Ans. Pot life is the period of the after mixing in which paint should be
Ans. Induction period is the length of time after maxing in which paint
should stand before use.
Ans. Length of time a paint can be store in a day and cold storage area.
Ans. Flash point is the point which vapor will ignite if can external source
origination is introduced. flash point is the minimum temp, At which paint
can be applied. flash point is measured in a close type able cup.
18. Define Tie coat?
Ans. Automatic cut off device, which is hold on by the operator or blaster
released automatically cuts of supply.
Ans. (1.cross cut) (2.pull off dolly test) (3.cross hatch test)
Ans. 30 to 70um
Ans. Its quality control plan, Procedures, ITP and ISO Standard included
in it.
Ans. 90 PSI.
Ans. A guide line of standard, which lead us how to work with quality.
45. What is the total DFT when using APCS 26 on new construction?
Ans. 200um .
Ans. 40 mg/m
Ans. On vertical position, to hold the further insulation sheet with existing
cladding sheet.
49. What is the requirement when coating anode area in the immersion
service ?
Ans. In 2 square meter area of anode DFT shall be 30% extra then
actual DFT.(APCS-2A) Not applicable for APCS-19 and APCS-20 series.
50. At what pressure in PSI, length of time and distance is required for
blotter test ?
Ans. APCS-2C
Ans. Apply coat for epoxy in the morning time in winter. steel
temperature should be 25-30 degree centigrade. Otherwise there would
be bubbling and moisture under the film from the air.
Ans. Put some garnet and distilled water in a test tube. Mix thoroughly to
make solution. Dip a litmus paper to check the PH (Power of Hydrogen)
Value. The acceptable range is in between 4.5 to 7 P.H put the solution
in another test tube and check the chloride value accordingly.
55. How to test air receiver tank and after how many duration ?
Ans. All pressure relief valves, gauge, and devices shall be tested
annually and togged with the expiration date.
61. What will be the re-coat interval timing stringent application condition
Ans. 1. In this condition use the use latest Materials Technical Data
Sheet of the manufacturer. 2. Use this material data sheet as a
supporting document to the Saudi Aramco Data Sheet given in SAES-H-
101. SAES-H-001
Ans. (1). Use heavy duty textile or fabric adhesive tape and cover all
coated areas near to the defective area. (2). Clean defective area by
solvent or detergent wash. (3). For area less than 0.1m, grind to a rough
metal surface using at least on 80 grit disc Sander. (4). Feather edge the
coating at least 50mm beyond bare matel. (5). For area greater than 0.1
m, blast clean. To obtain the metal surface par.(6). Remove dust and
debris by brush or vacuum. (7). Apply coating spray for areas greater
than 0.1m to the original specification.(8). The primer of a multi-coat
system shall by 15%.(9).The coating shall be holiday tested when fully
63. When it is mandatory to issue NCR (non-conformance report) ?
2. Application malfunctioning.
Ans. Smoking, open flames heating coils are prohibited in areas where
coating is in progress.
65. What type of electrical lighting and equipment should be near the
painting area ?
66. Solvent cleaning and coating is not allowed on hot surah surface,
What is the temperature range ?
Ans. Solvent and coatings shall not be applied to surface warmer than
Ans. Work permits for hot work, cold work, a confined space entry shall
be obtained in accordance with GI-0002.100
74. How to make safe the compressor hoses, air line, and blasting hoses
Ans. Compressor hoses, air line, and blasting hoses shall be pinned at
each coupling.
Ans. The pump shall be shut down and the fluid pressure in the system
relieved before servicing or cleaning any components, including spray
82. At what temperature the solvent shall not be flushed into container ?
Ans. Solvent still not be flushed into container that are hotter than 50°C.
Ans. Blasting and coating shall not be performed if one or more of the
following conditions exist unless the coating is specifically formulated for
the averted condition.
b) The substrate contains oil, grease, dirt, loose coating, loose rust, or
other surface contaminants.
c) The substrate temperature is less than 3°C (5 F) above the dew point.
d) Strong wind blows sand, salt spray, or other foreign matter onto the
e) Strong wind cause dry spray or seriously disturb the spray pattern.
86. What coating material Shall be stored in air condition storage area ?
Ans. 09-SAMSS-060.
Ans. Coating shall not be used from a leak container. Coating which
have exceeded the shelf life shall not be used.
Ans. Sulfate content shall be less than 50 PPM, the chloride shall be
less than 50 PPM, and calcium carbonate shall be 0.10% maximum by
94. How to remove existing coating for inspection propose ?
Ans. Use other non-silica sand abrasive such as garnet, grit and slag.
The affected areas shall be re-blasted with suitable abrasive prior to re-
Ans. Prior to blasting, rough welds and cut-offs shall be grounded. Weld
spatter shall be removed.
98. After blasting what is the precaution to enter in the tanks / vessels ?
99. After abrasive blasting how to remove spent abrasive from external
surface ?
Ans. Use dry brushing and clean compressed air to blow off abrasives
and dust accordingly.
100. After abrasive blasting how to remove spent abrasive from internal
Surface ?
Ans. Within 4 hours before the Surface condition degrades below the
specified cleanliness level.
102. After how long Abrasive blasted surface shall call for inspection
prior priming ?
Ans. If the surface are hold for more than 4 hours after blasting.
Ans. For quantities over 5L, use a power stirrer. For quantities less than
5L, mix by hand. All coating mixing shall ‘be homogeneous.
Ans. Add thinner type and quantity as per Saudi Aramco data sheet
during adding the thinner remain continue stirring until coating become
Ans. No it is prohibited.
109. In which condition the coating material of the project can be
changed/ replaced?
Ans. Check the Saudi Aramco / manufacturer data for recoating timing.
The latest Materials Technical Data Sheet of the manufacturer shall be
used as a supporting document to the Saudi Aramco data Sheet.
Ans. DFT shall be within the minimum and maximum limits allowed in
the applicable APCS. Dry film thickness shall be checked in accordance
with SSPC-PA 2.
117. What is the minimum DFT for immersion service (coatings for tanks
and vessels including Vapor Zones) ?
Ans. 500 um .
118. What is use to coat the interior of nozzles and traps inside tanks
and vessels ?
119. How to make and holiday test for tanks, vessels and other structure
in immersion service ?
Ans. Use a wet sponge for holiday test. At 67.5 volts The coating
thickness shall be less than 500 micron. A small amount of wetting agent
shall be added to the water to aid in finding holidays, Dry spark tester
shall be used for holiday detection if the coating dry film thickness
exceeds 500 microns. Holidays shall be repaired in accordance with
paragraph 8.5 .
120. When it is allowed to high voltage dry spark holiday detector shall
be used to detect pinholes and coating film discontinuity ?
A. (1)- Cobra areas adjacent to defects with heavy duty textile or fabric
adhesive tope before commencing repair or patch up. (2)- clean
defective area by solvent or detergent wash. (3)- For areas less than
0.1 me grind to a rough metal surface using at least on 80 grit disc
sander. Spot blast to bare steel. Feather edge the coating at least 50
mm beyond bare metal. (4)- For areas greater than 0.1 m2, blast clean
to obtain the metal surface pre- treatment originally specified. Feather
edge the coating at least 50 mm beyond bare metal. (5)- Remove dust
and debris by brush or vacuum. (6)- Apply coating bye brush for areas
less than 0.1 m and by spray for areas greater than 0.1 m² to the original
Specification except that the first coat of a multi-coat system shall be
thinned. (7)- The full Coat of the repair coating shall be holiday tested
when cured.
125. How to apply glass flake paint? And how much is the
recommended DFT ?
Ans. Nonskid Epoxy coating system for floors and Decks. Nonskid
aggregate shall be provided by the coating material system
128. When St 3 [SP3] (hand and power tool cleaning) used for surface
Preparation ?
Ans. For area less than 0.1m? St 3 [SP3] St 3 (SP3) [hand and power
tool cleaning] used for surface preparation (SAES-H-101) .
129. In APCS-2A what is the special requirement for portable water
paint ? Ans. Requires Current 24 month certificate stating that the
product is tested and used for potable water application. APCS-2B.
Ans. Yes, weld line, accessories, welded bracket should be stripe coated
prior to spray apply Coating of glass flake. APCS-2F
131. In Coat Tar Epoxy Coating System for immersion Service what
shall be done it primer is holding ?
Ans. (1). Nonskid aggregate shall be applied after the 2nd (mid) coat.
(APCS-12) (2). A final topcoat shall be applied over the aggregate
sealing it in. (APCS- 12)
133. Which coating system is used for galvanized steel and aluminum
for appearance or increased chemical resistance ?
Ans. Epoxy coating for application into damp steel surface: System-
One-Coat APCS-22B
Ans. It’s protective wrapping. Use to protect the surface from corrosion.
Ans. Remove dust, Light abrade the Surface by Sand paper and then air
Ans. The holiday cannot be seen by naked eye. So to detect that small
holiday a test is conducted which is call holiday test. It is of 2 type (high
voltage spark test, wet sponge low voltage holiday detector)
Ans. The next roll should we use starting at a distance of at least 100
mm before the end of the finished roll. APCS-113C
Ans. Leave 10 mm area of the first Stopaq layer and start 2nd layer of
Stopaq wrapping. APCS-113C
9. What about the overly lap of the 2nd layer of Stopaq wrapping ?
Ans. Longitudinal overlap 50% regardless of the roll Stopaq roll. APCS-
10. When a roll of the wrapping-band is finished in 2nd layer then how to
start another roll of Stopaq wrapping ?
Ans. The next roll should be used starting at a distance of at least 25cm
before the end of the finished roll. APCS-113C
Ans. Use the roller longitudinally along the pipe, starting from the blister
toward the edge of the outer wrap. This way blisters, irregularities,
bubbles shall be removed. APCS-113C
12. How to repair the Stopaq damage area ? APCS-113C
Ans. (a) Cut out the damaged area using a sharp blade cutter. Chamfer
the surrounding coating. (b)Use new patch of wrapping band to cover
the area. (c) Do not overlap the patch on the sound coating. (d) Use
several strip of the wrapping and if necessary to b applied next another
(minimum 10 mm overlap with one another). (e) Install the outer wrap
over the wrapping band patch. (f) Make several wraparounds over the
new patch of wrapping band until it is completely covered.
Ans. (1).The substrate temperature shall be 5°F higher than the dew
point. (2). Do not apply the coating when the pipeline temperature is less
than 5°F above the dew point. (3). Relative humidity shall not exceed
85% to ensure that no condensate is forming on the substrate during
Ans. Yes all the buried pipes on onshore and subsea shall be externally
coated. More over Plant piping and other above ground pipeline in
industrial or marine exposure shall also be externally coated.
Ans. all the buried pipes on onshore and subsea shall be 100% holiday
free and all holidays shall be repaired prior to burial.
19. At changes from buried to Above ground service how the pipe line
coating will be applied ?
Ans. (a) For sharp angle risers (46 to 90 degree). the coating shall
extend at least 1 m measured along the pipe above grade. (b) For
shallow angle risers (45 degree or less) the coating shall extend at least
8 m measured along the pipe above ground. For maintenance coating, if
there is a support in 8 m along the pipe above-ground portions shall be
coated as per APCS-115, This coating will protect it from the direct
20. What type of coating systems shall not be used projects as the
primary external coating on buried pipelines ?
Ans. Liquid coating system shall not be used on new projects as the
primary external coating on buried pipelines.
22. The Cast iron pipe that has been shop-coated with enamel (or
similar) require additional external coating prior to burial ?
Ans. Buried stainless steel lines shall be externally coated with holiday-
free liquid coating approved by the RSA.
24. How to coat thrust board pipe ?
Ans. Pipe to be thrust bored shall be coated with APCS-104 and top
coated with APCS-113A to 1000 micron (40 mils) or APCS-105.
26. In APCS-113A what is the required DFT for buried pipe line ?
27. What is the recommended voltage for holiday test of the buried pipe
line ?
28. In APCS-102 FBE coating, what is blasting grade and profile range
on field weld joints ?
Ans. (1). 20% the width of the tape for pipes with diameters up to 10".
(2). 15 mm for pipes with diameters larger than 10". (3). For outer tape:
50% of the tape width.
30. How much Visco-Elastic coating the girth weld bare area ?
Ans. (1). Cover 3 times the weld joint for pipe diameter up to 12" (2).
Cover 4 times weld joint for pipe diameter greater than 12".
Ans. (1) DFT range is from 500 - 750 microns. (2). Use high DC voltage
spark teste for holiday detection at 2400 + 50 volts DC.
➢ Inorganic zinc & zinc rich
1. What are the precaution during inorganic zinc application?
Ans. Re-Blast.
10. How to avoid pinhole on inorganic zinc primer when applying epoxy
top coat on over ?
Ans. Wash out the surface with water brush to remove zinc oxide and
then apply paint with 10% to 20% thinner. First apply mist coat then
apply full coat of paint.
11. When removing zinc oxide formation by high pressure water
cleaning what will be quality of sweet water ?
Ans. (1). When using inorganic zinc primer the surface shall be checked
for zinc oxide formation. (2). Wash out any zinc oxide formation with
high pressure sweet water.
Ans. Apply strip coat on all weld lines, edges, bolts, nuts, rivets,
structures and equipment in offshore and immersion services. When
inorganic zinc is used strip coating should be applied after the first
15. How to brought up the inorganic zinc film thickness, which found
16. Which primer can be used commonly in APCS-19 and APCS-12 no-
skid epoxy coating ?
17. What is most important when applying inorganic zinc primer solvent
Ans. Relative humidity must exceed 50% during coating application and
curing. APCS-17A
18. What is most important when applying inorganic zinc primer water
SAES-H-002: Internal and External Coating for Steel Pipelines and Piping
SAES-H-002V: Approved Saudi Aramco Data Sheets for the Pipeline Maintenance
SAES-H-101: Approved Protective Coating System for Industrial Plant & Equipment
Painting Equipment.
➢ Compressor
➢ Air Receiver
➢ Air Less Pump
➢ Gum
➢ Tip
➢ Power Stirrer
➢ Paint System
Mid Coat
Top Coat
Blasting Equipment.
➢ After Cooler
➢ Air Receiver (Function like as outlet.
➢ Blasting Pot (Capacity in liter)
➢ Air & Blasting Hose (Carbon)
➢ Air Filter
➢ Dadman Handle (Must be ground with AWG4 weir for safety.
Abrasive must be clean and dry. Abrasive save to water. Use only non-silica