Grouting Pressure Overburden Pressure
Grouting Pressure Overburden Pressure
Grouting Pressure Overburden Pressure
A series laboratory soil-nail pullout tests on complete decomposed granite at the saturated condition under different
grouting pressures and overburden pressures were carried out to study the effect of grouting pressure and overburden
pressure on the pullout resistance of soil nails. The pullout tests were fully instrumented and monitored. The bare Fibre
Bragg Grading point sensors were installed together with the strain gauges to measure the axial strain changes during
testing. Some latest test results are presented and discussed in this paper.
Des séries d’essais d’arrachement sol-ongle sur du granit complètement décomposé à l'état saturé, sous différentes
pressions de jointoiement et de surcharge, ont été effectués en laboratoire pour étudier leurs effets sur la resistance
d’arrachement des sols-ongles. Les essais d’arrachement ont été entièrement équipés et surveillés. Des sondes
d’évaluation de point de Bragg de fibre nue ont été installées ainsi que des jauges de contrainte pour mesurer les
changements axiaux de contrainte pendant l'essai. Les derniers résultats d'essai sont présentés et discutés en cet
Extensive field pull-out tests (Schlosser and Guilloux Nowadays, in common practice of the soil nail
1981, Berglund and Oden 1996, and Franzén 1998) construction in Hong Kong, gravity or low pressure
have been carried out on different types of driven nails grouting is normally adopted. The effect of grouting
and grouted nails. Due to the uncertainties of the field pressure is seldom taken into account in the soil nailing
conditions, the reported test results are commonly design and studies on the contribution of the grouting
scattered. These uncertainties include the nonuniform pressure to the soil nail pullout resistance are limited in
references. Yeung et al. (2005) carried out field pullout the box design and setup can be found in Yin and Su
tests on Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) pipes (2006).
in a CDG soil slope in Hong Kong and observed a
significant increase of the pullout resistance due to the Test procedures include box preparation, sample
pressure grouting. Yin et al. (2006) reported some preparation, placement of transducers, hole drilling, soil
laboratory pullout tests and discussed the influence of nail installation, pressure grouting, saturation with back
cement pressure grouting on the soil nail pullout pressure, pulling out of the soil nail. More descriptions
resistances. Totally four tests with grouting pressures of on the test procedures can be found in Su (2006) and
80kPa and 200kPa and overburden pressures of 80kPa Yin et al. (2006).
and 130kPa were carried out on the CDG soil with 50%
In the pullout testing, the axial strains of the nail can be DURING PULLOUT TESTING
measured in order to calculate the shear resistance at
the interface between cement grout and the 3.1 Basic properties of the soil and the cement grout
surrounding soils. Normally electrical resistance and
vibrating wire type strain gauges are used to measure The Completely Decomposed Granite (CDG) used in
the strain data. The Fibre Bragg Grading (FBG) sensor this study was taken from a highway construction site at
is an innovative technique for measuring the strains. Tai Wai, Hong Kong and was a typical in-situ soil
The concept is the wavelength changes of the FBG commonly found in Hong Kong. The composition of the
sensor are proportional to the strain changes at the CDG soil obtained for the present study was 9.3%
sensor point. Comparing to traditional strain gauge, this gravel, 62.5% sand, 25.0% silt and 3.2% clay, classified
optical fibre sensing technology has apparent as yellowish brown, very silty sand. The plastic and
advantages. It is immune to electromagnetic liquid limits of the soil were 27.3% and 35.5%
interference and highly resistant to corrosion. The respectively. The maximum dry density was 1.802
compact size makes it easy to install without affecting Mg/m3. The soil compacted in the box had the initial
the structural integrity. This technique has been widely degree of saturation of around 75%. The density of
applied in structure health monitoring (SHM). Chan et cement grout was 1.89 Mg/m3. The average uniaxial
al. (2006) has applied the FBG sensors in the compressive strength of the cement grout on the 5th
monitoring of Tsing Ma bridge in Hong Kong. However, day was 32.1 MPa. The secant Young’s modulus
its application in geotechnical field is still limited. Yin et (defined as the slope from the origin to the point of 50%
al. (2007) firstly applied this technique in field soil nail of the maximum axial stress in the axial stress-axial
monitoring and found that FBG sensors are more strain curve) and the corresponding Poisson’s ratio
reliable than electrical strain gauges for the strain were 12.6 GPa and 0.21 respectively. Other basic
monitoring. parameters and the shear strength parameters of the
soil and cement grout were summarized in Table 1 and
Recently, further studies on the influence of grouting Table 2 after Yin et al. (2006).
pressure on the shear resistance of soil-grouted nail
interface are in progress based on the previous studies 3.2 Typical experimental results during application of
(Yin and Su 2006, Su 2006, Yin et al 2006). A series of overburden pressure, pressure grouting, and the
laboratory soil nail pullout tests with different grouting pull-out of the soil nail
pressures and overburden pressures are proposed. All
the tests are performed on CDG soil under nearly Due to page limit, only typical results of the test nail
saturated condition, that is, the critical condition. Both subjected to an overburden pressure of 120 kPa and a
strain gauges and FBG sensors are used to measure grouting pressure of 200 kPa are presented and
the strain changes during testing. In the paper, some discussed in this section.
up to date test results are presented and discussed.
Overburden pressure was applied to the soil before
drilling a horizontal hole in the soil for the nail
2 SOIL NAIL PULLOUT BOX WITH installation. Figure 1 shows the vertical pressures
INSTRUMENTION AND TEST PROCEDURES measured by the six pressure cells (P-Cells 1 to 6)
versus time, after an overburden pressure of 120 kPa
The pullout box designed by Yin and Su (2006) was had been applied on the top soil surface in the pullout
used in the present study. The internal dimensions of box. The overburden pressure was applied gradually
the box are 1000 mm long, 600 mm wide and 830 mm and then maintained at 120 kPa. As shown in Figure 1,
high. The pullout box is fully instrumented with six earth the vertical pressures first increased to about 120 kPa
pressure cells, four pore water pressures cells, an and maintained constant afterwards, which indicates the
overburden pressure application system, an additional soil stresses in the pullout box were adequately
chamber at the box back covering the end of the soil established in simulation of the overburden pressures in
nail, a back pressure saturation system, a special a slope.
triaxial cell as a waterproof front cover, a pressure
grouting device, and a pullout device. More details on
Pressure (kPa)
250 1 2
pressures measured by P-Cells 1,2,3 and 4 were not
reduced to zero because these cells were still in some
distance (about 40mm) from the hole. The 4 cells had
to be placed not too close to the perimeter of the
drillhole in order to avoid damage during the drilling.
0 50 100 150 200 250
150 Time (min)
Figure 2 Measured earth pressures versus time during
Pressure (kPa)
changed little during pullout as they were further away the nail with measured diameter. One can see clearly a
from the nail, suggesting that the effect of pulling of the strength softening behavior of the soil nail shear
soil nail to the surrounding soil was localized. Some resistance during pulling out. In this test, the peak shear
inconsistent variations were observed in the measured stress occurred at a pullout displacement of 7mm.
earth pressures at the pressure cells above and below
the soil nail (Figure 4b). A possible explanation is that (a) Relationship between pullout shear resistance and displacement
the nail or the line of action of the pullout was not 100
25 0
Pullout force (kN)
0 20 40 60 80 100
20 Pullout displacement (mm)
1 2 0 20 40 60 80 100
120 Pullout displacement (mm)
80 Relationship between strain and pullout displacement
40 SG1
0 20 40 60 80 100
30 Pullout displacement (mm)
Figure 5 Variations of (a) average interface shear
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 stress, (b) effective vertical stresses at six locations and
Time (min) (c) axial strains along the soil nail measured by strain
gauges and FBG sensors, versus pullout displacement
during pulling out
Figure 4 Variations of (a) soil nail pullout force, (b)
effective vertical stresses at six locations and (c) axial
The diameter of the steel rebar was 40mm. Although it
strains along the soil nail measured by strain gauges
is commonly used in Hong Kong soil nailing practice,
and FBG sensors versus time during pulling out
the strain responses in the present soil nail pullout
testing are quite small, with the maximum strain of
Figure 5 shows variations of (a) average shear stress,
around 100 micro strains during pull-out. Two methods
(b) effective vertical stresses at six locations and (c)
were used to measure the strain changes along the soil
axial strains along the soil nail measured by strain
nail, which are traditional strain gauges (SG) and Fibre
gauges and FBG sensors, versus pullout displacement
Bragg Grading (FBG) sensors. As shown in Figure 3,
during pulling out the soil nail. The deduced average
the axial strains at 4 locations along the steel bar were
shear stress was calculated using the measured axial
monitored by 4 strain gauges. To increase the reliability
force at nail head divided by the total surface area of
of the testing results, FBG strain sensors were
employed and located beside SG2, SG3, and SG4 decreased as the soil is saturated and the pullout failure
respectively. The variations of the axial strains (Figure is more likely to occur in the soil rather than at the soil-
4c and Figure 5c) along the steel bar show that, as the grout interface.
soil nail was pulled out the strains at Location 1 (near
the soil nail head) responded distinctly and reached the Figure 8 plots the increasing trends of peak shear
highest value, the strains at Location 2 responded the stress, shear stress at the pullout displacement of
second, while the strains at Location 4 (near the end of 50mm, and shear stress at the pullout displacement of
the soil nail) changed little and the values were below 5 100mm in relation to the grouting pressure under the
micro strains. From the comparison of the measured same overburden pressure (a) for VP=80kPa and (b)
results between strain gauges and FBG sensors, it for VP=120kPa.
shows that for the small value strain monitoring, the
FBG sensors provide higher sensitivity than the 120
GP=0 kPa (after Su 2006) GP=80 kPa
traditional strain gauges.
GP=130 kPa GP=250 kPa
80kPa, 130kPa and 250kPa together with the results GP=250 kPa; VP=120 kPa
from Su (2006) under no grouting pressure and
saturated condition. From the figure we can see that,
comparing to Su‘s results, generally the grouting 60
the results without grouting pressure, the peak shear 100 Shear stress at disp=50mm: VP=80kPa Shear stress at disp=50mm
stresses increased about 60% and 150% for the Shear stress at disp=100mm: VP=80kPa Shear stress at disp=100mm
grouting pressure of 80kPa and 130kPa, respectively.
That is to say, the effect of grouting pressure on the 60
Average interface shear stress (kPa) a
Peak shear stress: VP=120kPa Peak shear stress
Chang, K.T. and Milligan, G.W.E. 1996. Effects of the
100 Shear stress at disp=50mm: VP=120kPa Shear stress at disp=50mm transition zone in a nailed wall model test. Proc. of
Shear stress at disp=100mm: VP=120kPa Shear stress at disp=100mm
Earth Reinforcement, Ochiai, Yasufuku & Omie
(eds.), Balkema, 333-338.
Franzen, G. 1998. Soil nailing – A laboratory and field
40 study of pullout capacity. Doctoral thesis,
20 Department of Geotechnical Engineering, Chalmers
University of Technology, Sweden.
0 50 100 150 200 250 Junaideen. S.M., Tham L.G., Law K.T., Lee C.F., and
Grouting pressure (kPa)
Yue Z.Q. 2004. Laboratory study of soil-nail
interaction in loose, completely decomposed
Figure 8 Relationship of average interface shear stress granite. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 41, 274-
(at peak, at 50mm pullout disp. and at 100mm pullout 286.
disp.) and different grouting pressures with the same Lee, C.F., Law, K.T., Tham, L.G., Yue, Z.Q. and
overburden pressure (a) VP= 80kPa (b) VP=120kPa Junaideen, S.M. 2001. Design of a large soil box for
studying soil-nail interaction in loose fill. Soft Soil
5 CONCLUSIONS Engineering, Lee et al (eds.), 413-418
Powell, G.E. and Watkins, A.T. 1990. Improvement of
The authors present some latest results of laboratory marginally stable existing slopes by soil nailing in
soil nail pullout tests under different grouting pressure Hong Kong. Proc. of the Int. on Reinforced Soil,
and overburden pressure under the saturated condition. Glasgow, 241-247.
The following conclusions and can be drawn from the Schlosser, F. 1982. Behaviour and design of soil
above: nailing. Proc. on Recent Developments in Ground
Improvement Techniques, Bangkok, Thailand, 399-
The constrained dilation of the surrounding soils was 413.
clearly observed during the pullout. Schlosser, F. and Guilloux, A. 1981. Le frottement dens
les sols. Revue Francaise de Geotechnique, (16),
In the strain monitoring during pullout of the soil nail, the 65-77.
FBG sensors provide higher sensitivity than the Su, L.J. 2006. Laboratory pull-out testing study on soil
traditional strain gauges. nails in compacted completely decomposed granite
fill. Ph.D. Thesis, The Hong Kong Polytechnic
The effect of grouting pressure on the pullout resistance University.
for saturated soil is much less than that for the Yeung, A.T., Cheng Y.M., Lau C.K., Mak L.M., Yu
unsaturated soil because the pullout failure is more R.S.M., Choi Y.K., and Kim J.H. 2005. An
likely to occur in the soil rather than at the soil-grout innovative Korean system of pressure-grouted soil
interface at the saturated condition. nailing as a slope stabilization measure. The HKIE
Geotechnical Division 25th Annual Seminar, Hong
It should be noted that more tests under higher grouting Kong, published by HKIE-GDC and HKGES, 43-49.
pressures and overburden pressures are to be carried Yin, J.H., and Su, L.J. 2006 An innovative laboratory
out and reported in the near future. box for testing nail pull-out resistance in soil. ASTM
Geotechnical Testing Journal, 29(6): 1-11.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Yin J.H., Su L.J., Cheung R.W.M., Shiu Y.K., and Tang
C. 2006. The Influence of Grouting Pressure on the
Financial supports from The Hong Kong Polytechnic Pullout Resistance of Soil Nail in Compacted
University and a grant from Research Grants Completely Decomposed Granite Fill. Submitted to
Committee (RGC: PolyU 5174/04E) of the Hong Kong Geotechnique.
Special Administrative Region Government of China are Yin, J.H., Zhu, H.H., Jin, W, Yeung, A.T., and Mak, L.M.
gratefully acknowledged. 2007. Performance evaluation of electrical strain
gauges and optical fiber sensors in field soil nail
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