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Methods of Research

Test I.
Qualitative Research is primarily exploratory research. It is used to gain an understanding
of underlying reasons, opinions, and motivations. It provides insights into the problem or helps
to develop ideas or hypotheses for potential quantitative research. While Quantitative Research
is used to quantify the problem by way of generating numerical data or data that can be
transformed into usable statistics. It is used to quantify attitudes, opinions, behaviors, and other
defined variables – and generalize results from a larger sample population.

- Census and sampling are two methods of collecting survey data about the population
that are used by many countries. Census refers to the quantitative research method, in which all
the members of the population are enumerated. On the other end, the sampling is the widely
used method, in statistical testing, wherein a data set is selected from the large population, which
represents the entire group.
- Probability sampling is a sampling technique, in which the subjects of the population get
an equal opportunity to be selected as a representative sample. On The Other
Hand Nonprobability sampling is a method of sampling wherein, it is not known that which
individual from the population will be selected as a sample. Nonprobability sampling methods
include convenience sampling, quota sampling and purposive sampling or judgement sampling,
and snowball sampling.
- Primary data is data originated for the first time by the researcher through direct efforts
and experience, specifically for the purpose of addressing his research problem. Also known as
the first hand or raw data. While Secondary data implies second-hand information which is
already collected and recorded by any person other than the user for a purpose, not relating to
the current research problem. It is the readily available form of data collected from various
sources like censuses, government publications, and internal records of the organization, reports,
books, journal articles, and websites and so on.
- A conceptual framework is the researcher’s idea on how the research problem will have
to be explored. This is founded on the theoretical framework, which lies on a much broader scale
of resolution. The theoretical framework dwells on time tested theories that embody the findings
of numerous investigations on how phenomena occur. While the theoretical framework provides
a general representation of relationships between things in a given phenomenon. The conceptual
framework, on the other hand, embodies the specific direction by which the research will have
to be undertaken.


- Correlation and Regression are the two analysis based on multivariate distribution. A
multivariate distribution is described as a distribution of multiple variables. Correlation is
described as the analysis which lets us know the association or the absence of the relationship
between two variables ‘x’ and ‘y’. On the other end, Regression analysis, predicts the value of
the dependent variable based on the known value of the independent variable, assuming that
average mathematical relationship between two or more variables.

- An independent variable is the variable that is changed or controlled in a scientific

experiment to test the effects on the dependent variable. While a dependent variable is the
variable being tested and measured experiment. The dependent variable is 'dependent' on the
independent variable. As the experimenter changes the independent variable, the effect on
the dependent variable is observed and recorded.


- Exploratory research is defined as the initial research into a hypothetical or theoretical
idea. This is where a researcher has an idea or has observed something and seeks to understand
more about it. While Explanatory analysis is what happens when you have something specific
you want to show an audience - probably about those 1 or 2 precious gemstones. In my blogging
and writing, I tend to focus mostly on this latter piece, explanatory analysis, when you've already
gone through the exploratory analysis and from this have determined something specific you
want to communicate to a given audience: in other words, when you want to tell a story with
Test II.
1. What is the general objective of the study?
- This study examines in some depth the influences
- The objective of the study is to find out the factors affecting men’s buying behavior
towards male skin care products in kalstad Sweden.
2. What are the specific variables in the study?
- Independent variables
3. What theories have been used to establish the framework of the study?
- The theories of masculinity and feminist, customer behavior theory, customer decision
making theory. Theory of metrosexual and theory of the four Ps in marketing mix strategy
are employed as a theoretical framework and also adapted with theory of the self-esteem
4. Respondents?
- Men with ages from 15-45 years old who are residing in karlsatd,Sweden
5. What is the sample size?
- The sample consist of 94 respondents
6. What is/are the research instruments
- Self-made survey questionnaire
7. What is/are the statistical technique used in the analysis of data?
- The returned questionnaire were analyzed by using factor analysis, correlation and path
analysis in SPSS version 16.
8. What is/are the finding in the study?
- The result of the study indicated
Test III.
The study claim that the non- technical system losses id not caused by the power system but
usually comes from the theft of power, retiring inaccuracies and unmetered energy. The
study covered all electric cooperation ECS in the Philippines.
Notice that the variables of the study are explicit presented in the illustration, the two
variable are 1.) ECS, and 2.) Non-technical system loss. The former is the independent variable
and the latter is the dependent variable. It was measured that outsourcing enables the
companies to increase efficiency, reduce cost and focus on core business and NTL are none
difficult to measure. Because these losses are often and cause by unaccounted by the system
operation and this have no recorded info.
Test IV. Construct example of survey questionnaire
1. Nominal scale
What is your gender
What language do you speak?
2. Ordinal scale

3. Interval scale

4. Ratio scale

What is your height in feet and inches?

 Less than 5 feet.
 5 feet 1 inch – 5 feet 5 inches
 5 feet 6 inches- 6 feet
 More than 6 feet
2. What is your weight in kgs?
 Less than 50 kgs
 51- 70 kgs
 71- 90 kgs
 91-110 kgs
 More than 110 kgs

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