Three Dimensions - A Model of Goal and TH - Adrian Treffers PDF
Three Dimensions - A Model of Goal and TH - Adrian Treffers PDF
Three Dimensions - A Model of Goal and TH - Adrian Treffers PDF
Managing Editor
A. J. Bishop, Cambridge, U.K.
Editorial Board
H. Bauersfeld, Bielefeld, Germany
B. Christiansen, Copenhagen, Denmark
H. Freudenthal, Utrecht, Holland
J. Kilpatrick, Athens, U.S.A.
T. Varga, Budapest, Hungary
G. Vergnaud, Paris, France
Mathematics Education Research Group (OW &OC),
State University of Utrecht, The Netherlands
A Model of Goal and Theory Description in
Mathematics Instruction - The Wiskobas Project
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Enlarged and revised edition of: Wiskobas doelgericht: Een metode van
doelbeschrijving van het wiskundeonderwijs volgens Wiskobas, Instituut voor Ontwikkeling
van het Wiskunde Onderwijs, Utrecht 1978.
Translated by H. Vonk et al.
1. From "New Math" to Wiskobas 9
1.1 Three trends 9
1.2 Wiskobas 10
2. The history of Wiskobas 11
2.1 The exploratory phase 11
2.2 The integration phase 12
2.3 Spin-off, further development and research 12
2.4 Summary 13
3. Wiskobas between four trends 14
3.1 Wiskobas and the empirical trend 14
3.2 Wiskobas and the structural trend 15
3.3 Wiskobas and the arithmetical trend 16
3.4 Wiskobas and the current arithmetic edu-
cation 17
3.5 Conclusion 18
4. Innovation according to Wiskobas 19
4.1 The innovation strategy 19
4.2 The innovation theme 21
4.3 The innovation 22
5. The problem 23
5.1 The problem of goal description 24
5.2 The question at issue 24
5.3 What is not dealt with? 26
6. Overview of what follows 26
6.1 Chapters 26
6.2 What is the function of the mathematical
material? 27
6.3 Short summary 28
7. Conclusion 29
explains the title of this study, "A model of goal and theory description
... ". The goal description is the principal part of this study - in this case
the primary school - and the theory description is dealt with extensively
in the Appendix (Chapter VII) in order, as mentioned above, to clarify the
goal description.
In order to deal with the contents and methods describing the goals of
mathematics education, each chapter of the present book starts with a
piece of mathematical material for primary school use.
The function of the mathematical material is varied. Generally speaking,
however, the reader is given the opportunity to acquaint himself with the
kinds of experience of mathematics education in the elementary school
that were propagated by Wiskobas. The reader may use it by reading and
working out the problems presented; and at the same time a concrete
foundation for considering the problem of goal description will be laid.
On the other hand the examples of mathematical material enable the
author to support his views concerning goal descriptions, in respect to
both form and content. Besides the general aims of providing acquaint-
ance, explanation and support, each particular piece of mathematical
material in each chapter has its own specific function, which is indicated
immediately preceding the material.
Mathematical Material for Chapter I
The topic "Gulliver" was designed for the sixth grade. Here it precedes the
introductory chapter, and is meant to give a first impression of the kind of
mathematics education Wiskobas supports. This first impression is brought
out in full in the basic text of Chapter I by setting Wiskobas' ideas in the
context of four trends in arithmetic/mathematics education. "Gulliver" also
serves as a means of explaining the central problem.
The reader is asked to read the following text, to consider the mathe-
matical problems it contains, and to focus on the background ideas of
mathematics education that lie behind it, before reading Chapter I.
1. Story
In the first lesson the teacher reads from 'Gulliver's Travels' by Jonathan
Could this story have really happened?
There is disagreement among the children. The arguments for yes and
no are markedly different. Some of the children come forward with "hard"
facts like a TV series about the Cyclops and excavations that confirm the
existence of giants. Others give their personal opinions. The first lesson is
a good starting point for scrutinizing a large amount of quantitative data in
the story. It is also possible to dwell on the social background of the story
and the intentions of the author.
2. Ground Plan
The City is an exact Square, each side of the Wall being five hundred foot long. The two
great Streets, which run across and divide it into four Quarters, are five foot wide. The
Lanes and Alleys, which I could not enter, but only view them as I passed, are from twelve
to eighteen Inches. The Town is capable of holding five hundred thousand Souls. The
Houses are from three to five Stories. The Shops and Markets are well provided.
The Emperor's Palace is in the Center of the City, where the two great Streets meet. It
is enclosed by a Wall two foot high, and twenty foot distant from the Buildings. I had his
Majesty's Permission to step over this Wall: and the Space being so wide between that and
the Palace, I could easily view it on every side. The outward Court is a Square of forty foot,
and includes two other Courts: In the inmost are the Royal Apartments, which I was very
desirous to see, but found it extremely difficult; for the great Gates, from one Square into
another, were but eighteen Inches high and seven Inches wide. (p. 72-3 Swift, 1890)
Though this fragment gives some hints, there are a few other things which
we need to know in order to make a detailed sketch. The main streets can
be drawn in various ways:
The palace square is not unambiguous and various ideas about the scale
are possible. All sorts of matters can lead to discussion.
3. Population Density
Now Mildendo is compared to a city from our world. The story has told
us that the reduction factor is 12. All sorts of questions arise:
- Are the main streets comparatively wide?
- Aren't the smaller streets rather narrow?
- What about the wall?
- Can it be compared with the great wall of China?
- How wide are our own streets and lanes?
In order to keep the comparison simple we must translate all measures
either to the Lilliputian or to our own world.
- Which shall we choose?
After some discussion it seems to be easier to choose our own measures.
In terms of our measures "Mildendo" is only 1.8. by 1.8. or about 2 by 2
kilometres. But it has 500,000 inhabitants.
- How is that possible?
Some of the children look for a 2 by 2 km city in order to compare its
population to that of Mildendo. They do not find any, so others suggest
The Hague, which has about 500,000 inhabitants. They suggest comparing
the area of The Hague which is referred to as a square of about 8 by
8 km. The children calculated it from the map. Who can explain the
meaning of saying the population in Mildendo is very "dense"?
The pupils come forward with all sorts of arguments, but it is hard for
them to explain something their intuition tells them is true, namely that
500,000 is a lot of people in such a small area. We give them a hint.
Suppose that The Hague was as densely populated.
- How many inhabitants would it have?
Now it is clear: more than half of the Dutch population live in The Hague.
But be careful! We should more properly have focused on a situation
around 1750 (also for the width of the streets). At that time a city like
Utrecht had a density of about 30,000 people per square kilometre. Swift
did not exaggerate as much as the children had thought in the first instance.
4. Gulliver's Clothes
- Suppose we were Lilliputians, how big would Gulliver be?
- How big would his shoe, comb and handkerchief be?
The question about the handkerchief is especially important for the sequel.
- How many Lilliputian handkerchieves make one for Gulliver?
This question introduces the influence of linear enlargement on area. The
pupils have no difficulty with the problem. Now we tum to the part of the
story that deals with Gulliver's clothes:
Two hundred Sempstresses were employed to make me Shirts, and Linnen for my Bed and
Table, all of the strongest and coarsest kind they could get, which, however, they were
forced to qUilt together in several Folds, for the thickest was some degrees finer than
Lawn. Their Linnen is usually three Inches wide, and three foot make a Piece. The
Sempstresses took my Measure as I lay on the ground, one standing at my Neck, and
another at my Mid-Leg, with a strong Cord extended, that each held by the end, while the
third 'measured the length of the Cord with a Rule of an Inch long. Then they measured my
right Thumb, and desired no more; for by a mathematical Computation, that twice round
the Thumb is once round the Wrist, and so on to the Neck and the Waist, and by the help
of myoid Shirt, which I displayed on the Ground before them for a Pattern, they fitted me
exactly. (Swift, 1890, p. 90-91)
First of all we decide whether the 1 to 2 ratio between thumb and wrist,
wrist and neck, neck and waist are correct. We start by estimating, which
does not work, and so we measure. Then, we have children calculate how
much material is needed and ask them how many Lilliputian clothes can
be made from Gulliver's clothes. This problem tests whether or not the
pupils see the connection with the handkerchief problem. But even more
important is the link with the solution of the food problem.
The Reader may please to observe, that in the last Article for the Recovery of my Liberty,
the Emperor stipUlates to allow me a Quantity of Meat and Drink sufficient for the
Support of 1724 Lilliputians. Some time after, asking a Friend at Court how they came to
fix on that determinate Number, he told me, that his Majesty's Mathematicians, having
taken the Height of my Body by the help of a Quadrant, and finding it to exceed theirs in
the Proportion of Twelve to One, they concluded from the Similarity of their Bodies, that
mine must contain at least 1724 of theirs, and consequently would require as much Food
as was necessary to support that number of Lilliputians. By which, the Reader may
conceive an Idea of the Ingenuity of that People, as well as the prudent and exact
Oeconomy of so great a Prince. (Swift, 1890, p. 71)
Without bothering about the error (1724 should be 1728) the calcula-
tion is found to be correct by our own mathematical wizards. Yet it is not
Without further explanation, we supply the information that the amount
of food is not proportional to the volume (weight) but to the surface area
of the body. For the time being the biological explanation is omitted.
The consequences, however, must be faced. We can lead the train of
thought as follows: One Gulliver balances with 1728 Lilliputians. In order
to stay in balance and alive they must eat. One portion for Gulliver is one
portion for each Lilliputian, as long as we assume that they eat the same
amount in proportion. Now it has appeared that the amount of food
depends on the surface area (remember the city, handkerchief, clothes).
That means that Gulliver's portion only feeds 144 (12 x 12) Lilliputians.
That is 12 times as small. Therefore, proportionately, the Lilliputians must
eat 12 times as much as a human. If they ever existed, they would need to
eat all day. (See Note 16 for Chapter 1).
The mystery of Lilliput is unravelled without taking away any of the
story's fascination. The effect of linear enlargement on higher dimensions
can be experienced as a miracle of equal magnitude.
The theme is concluded by a number of test questions that relate to the
heart of the problem.
One example: When Gulliver gets up out of the bath tub a thin layer of
water covers his body. If it could be collected, it would fill a tall glass, the
weight of which is about 1% of Gulliver's weight (1% of 70 kg.). Gulliver
hardly notices the water.
But the Lilliputian who is 12 times smaller is bothered by the weight of
the water on his skin. Try to explain this.
This introductory chapter presents the central question at issue for this
study. The problem concerns the description of the goals of mathematics
education in the elementary school, as seen in the context of innovation.
The leading question is:
terised and the central question at issue will be formulated. The present
chapter concludes with a summary of the contents of the present publica-
tion and a short summary of the essentials of this introduction.
At the end of the nineteen fifties, and at the beginning of the nineteen
sixties, curriculum projects mushroomed in many countries of the western
world in both university and secondary education. In some cases elemen-
tary education was also included.
The initiators were scientists from the universities as well as represen-
tatives of the educational system - an informal 'panel' that provided
general directives for development teams and author groups. Within a few
years teaching packages :were produced, tested, revised, and disseminated.
The basic texts were designed in a matter of weeks, while other groups
spent long, hot summers on such chores. Within a few years these texts
were thought to be ready for schoolroom use. After the total package was
marketed the authors and developers went home. The publishers took the
package of texts, work sheets and work books in hand and proceeded with
further revisions.
This picture of a curriculum development explosion emerged in quite a
few countries. Sometimes teachers' organisations backed the effort, some-
times schools were the promoters, and in isolated instances the stimulus
came from a prominent mathematics didactician. 1
We are totally agreed that the road to follow begins with the investigatiqn of a situation,
which, however, means a real life situation that will teach us to see, analyze and process the
mathematical (and therefore also the arithmetical) aspects, rather than situations which are
purely "mathematical". We do not agree with mathematics for math's sake. Question of
values? Indeed. And we do not hesitate to choose for the real values: living beings in their
society and environment.4
The empirical trend does choose as its starting point for mathematical
activities the neighbourhood of the child's every day_ experience. It injects
arithmetic with activities in the areas of measurement, geometry, functions
and statistics. This innovation is characterised by its didactical approach
rather than by strict methodological structure or a mathematical source of
inspiration. In practice this leads to an enrichment of arithmetical instruc-
tion but sometimes also to a badly organized collection of activities
originating in 'environmental situations'.
Edith Biggs, one of the most outspoken representatives of the empirical
trend offers the following in her "reflections after a decade of discovery
During the experimentation which has taken place in primary classrooms throughout the
past ten years many teachers have come to abandon their schemes and today they are
working without written guidance of any kind. This makes it very difficult to ensure that
children are not repeating the same experience at different stages of their school life unless
teachers frequently meet to discuss programmes.s
The arithmetical trend finds its origin in the United States, the struc-
tural approach was followed mainly in French speaking areas, while the
empirical trend was manifested mairlJy in Britain.
1.2. Wiskobas
In the Netherlands there was interest in each of the three trends: at the
end of the sixties measures were taken to translate into Dutch textbooks
written in the 'arithmetical trend', to adopt contributions in the 'structural
trend', to sell material in the empirical trend'.6 Speaking to a conference
of Dutch educationalists in 1968 about the meaning of new math for
elementary school, Boomsma is quoted as saying:
The separate directions in New Math, as we have observed them abroad, should serve as a
warning and at the same time as a stimulus to attack the problems around New Math in a
common effort, so that the Dutch school world is spared from a chaotic situation in
arithmetic education.7
while student teachers were confronted with more and more aspects of
mathematics education as it was being created by Wiskobas. The network
of activities was enriched during four-day conferences for teachers,
teacher trainers, counsellors and designers. Here curriculum content,
suggestions and views about mathematics education as well as strategies of
educational development were discussed. At the end of this period the
acquired insights were collected in the guide· book for teachers, Mathe-
matica, containing an overview of mathematical activities for the various
elementary school grades, mathematical reflections on a number of
relevant subjects, and a description of a series of educational topics. II
2.4 Summary
We now summarise the most important facts from the previous sections.
In the pre-institutional stage of the Wiskobas project (1968 -1971) the
possibilities for mathematics education in the elementary school were
Study of foreign developments showed that three main trends could be
distinguished in mathematics education at the elementary school level: an
arithmetical, a structural, and an empirical trend. During the exploratory
phase (1971-1973) new areas for mathematics education were explored
and experiences were exchanged. An attempt was made to make explicit
the viewpoints which form the basis for construction purposes. The
integration phase (1973-1975) ended with an overview of an example
curriculum that had been developed during this period. This overview
aimed at giving direction to innovations in mathematics education which
started around 1970. During the spin-off and further development phase
(1975-77) certain parts of the overview were published in a more
extensive form, fresh developments for the benefit of training colleges
were elaborated and specific areas of mathematics education were further
examined. From 1977 onwards the formal research and local and gloQal
theory building increased.
In far too many classrooms in the U.S. (and perhaps elsewhere) children are called upon to
stop the successful spontaneous organizing they have had underway since birth and rather
than elaborate the cognitive actions (comparing, contrasting, generalizing, thinking up
explanations, challenging explanations, ... ) they've begun to construct thus far, they are
called upon merely to store and retrieve. Despite public claims to the contrary, it is too
often the case in classroom practice that children are treated as empty, passive urns into
which pre-organized (and adult-organized) schemes are deposited. In mathematics educa-
tion, to be specific, this often amounts precisely to the transmission by teachers to children
of the facts, rules, procedures, nomenclature and notation of elementary school arithmetic
with a great emphasis on accurary and speed in arithmetic computation.23
The issue is one which cannot be resolved by mere attendance to surface structures, i.e.
discussions of this or that bit of content or this or thatteaching approach.24
This does not mean that Wiskobas has not been influenced by the
arithmetical point of view. On the contrary, the following subjects in the
example-curriculum reflect a "New Math" heritage:
- many puzzles;
- many practice games;
- ideas about learning the basic operations;
- the use of ''frames'' in arithmetic assignments;
- charts and diagrams for the setting of arithmetic assignments.
Between the two world wars Dutch arithmetic instruction was almost
monopolised by Bouman en Van Zelm, a standard textbook, and their
endless rows of problems, long arithmetic calculations, and countless
so-called thinking problems. After the second world war arithmetic
instruction changed, with vast alterations of the most elementary part,
sophistication of the practice, simplification of the subject matter, and a
slow but definite withdrawal of the long arithmetic problems. Diels and
Nauta were the first to reflect these changes in print.
Later on - at the end of the nineteen fifties - psychologically oriented
arithmetic instruction gained in influence and emphasis was placed on
insight in arithmetic, methods of solution, and the use of structural means
such as the number line, the hundred-square chart and the ratio strip.
More often than had previously been the case, attempts were made to
start from real life situations. The method of "Functional Arithmetic" by
Reynders and Snijders can be seen as an example of this development.
From the middle sixties these tendencies were supplemented by a more
flexible use of the arithmetic reader in all sorts of classroom organisation,
for example: the classroom or group activities, and individualised instruc-
However, the changes mentioned were not able to remove the over-
ruling mechanistic element in arithmetic education from the third grade
on, notwithstanding certain attempts, such as in "Functional Arithmetic".
Freudenthal sees the distinction between the existing pluriform arith-
metic education and Wiskobas like this:
When a child leaves the primary school, he has completed from ten to twenty thousand
arithmetic problems. The measure of success with which he has done so, determines his
type of secondary school and his future life. To an even higher degree the fact of having
learned arithmetic (and the measure of success) also determines the mathematical (or more
often the antimathematical) attitude of the pupil - and what is even worse - that of the
teacher who is instructing hlm: a view of the individual as a programmable computer, who,
however, will never approach the performances typical of the computer.
The education we are developing is determined by a different view of fellow man and
by a different view of mathematics - not as subject matter, but as a human activity. At an
earlier time I have characterised it as
- allied to reality;
- close to the child;
- socially relevant.
Bringing these characteristics together as one worthy of a human being: worthy of the
human as a learner, teacher, guide to and creater of, education. 25
3.5 Conclusion
creative constructive process that takes place very close to the real
teaching situation and in which concrete objectives play no dominat-
ing part at the outset.
- The simultaneous development of ideas, material and instruction
packages, and curriculum for:
• primary education;
• retraining courses for teachers;
• teacher training institutions;
• instructors and counsellors.
Yet even supposing such bricks are found, what is to be done with
them? Are the newly developed ideas and material supplied by Wiskobas
''finished'', "teacher-proof" and ready for use?
In the case of 'Gulliver' this understanding attitude means that the teacher
(by which we mean, throughout this book, he or she!) must analyse the
material both mathematically and didactically. He first solves the problems
for himself, considers the structure and interrelatedness of the problems
and asks himself questions about the context, about evaluation aspects and
about any necessary changes.
This brings us to a second point: that of the teacher as developer.
The teacher must find his own answers to the questions. In short,
teaching calls for personal involvement and a productive contribution on
the part of the teacher. Applied to 'Gulliver' this can mean a revision of
the theme, the production of a personal variant of the story content, the
addition of new questions or modification of certain parts.
Goffree summarises. these two points in the term "constructive analy-
sis": the teacher analyses the material and if necessary constructs a variant
that reflects his personal ideas on education and in tum revises his variant
after the teaching experience.35
The theme 'Gulliver' is therefore neither ''finished'', "teacher-proof" nor
"ready to use". On the other hand, the package represents more than only
general suggestions. Rather it is one example - as we might join Sixma in
saying -, that "offers clear orientation and activity possibilities, that is
security to the practitioner without being strictly prescriptive, thus stimu-
lating the teacher's (as well as the pupil's) initiative."36
This can be formulated even more strongly: the kind of mathematics
education Wiskobas has in mind and that is adequately reflected in
'Gulliver' demands a strong personal contribution from the teacher and
calls for the mathematical-didactical attitude of constructive analysis.
Of course such an attitude is of importance for traditional arithmetic
instruction as well. However, Wiskobas' ideas of mathematics education
not only emphasise this mathematical-didactical attitude, but also offer
greater possibilities for a productive contribution on the part of the teacher
as well. All in all it can therefore be said that mathematics education, as
Wiskobas would have it, aims at fundamentally new innovative content -
new for, and appealing to, the pupil as well as for the teacher.
has more or less been completed, the problem still remains for those who
did not participate in the development.
How can the new message be conveyed to "foreigners" in a way that
will enable them to achieve the kind of mathematics education desired?
This is what Hacker refers to as the unsolved problem of dissemination. 37
From the previous discussion it can be concluded that Wiskobas has
taken a variety of initiatives to further the distribution and realisation of
the desired mathematics education. This was done by forming working
groups, by organising retraining courses for teachers, holding conferences
on curriculum development, supporting author groups and co-operating in
radio and television programmes, and similar activities.
These activities will be left for what they are and attention will here be
directed to one aspect of the dissemination problem; that of goal descrip-
tion, which emerges in almost all these initiatives. We presuppose that goal
description is important, a statement which will be made plausible at a
later stage.38
This problem remained during the course of the innovative process and
became even more urgent when the supply of material increased and the
dissemination circle grew.
This permanent question will be examined more closely in the course of
the next sub-section, before passing to the detailed formulation of the
question at issue and a summary of a number of problematic aspects.
Often where objectives are operationalized, only the cognitive variables are taken into
account because they are more tangible and accessible to measurement. Therefore
products are created which reflect certain parts of the goal structure and there is a great
danger of producing side effects not directly related to the more broadly defined
educational objectives.4o
Dalin, as well as other authors, does not consider the matter of the side
effects or even harmful effects of goal description from the point of view
of "not-being-acquainted-with", which is inherent to innovations with
fundamentaly new goals. In other words, in the literature dealing with the
formulation of objectives, the questIOn of innovation has not been fully
Having given a sketch of the innovative context and the formulation of the
problem, there now follows an overview of the content of this study.
Firstly the chapters and related examples are listed. The function of the
examples is restated. Finally a short summary is given of the contents of
the various chapters.
6.1 Chapters
The chapter headings are listed, the titles of the examples of mathematics
material are given together with the year in which these were developed.
Chapter I: Introduction
Example: 'Gulliver' (1974 )
Chapter II: Starting-points
Example: 'Counting Problems' (1972)
Chapter Ill: One-dimensional goal description .
Example: 'Grains on the Chessboard' (1975)
Chapter N: Two-dimensional goal description
Example: 'The Land of Eight' (1976)
Chapter V: Three-dimensional goal description
Example: 'Freckleham' (1973)
Chapter VI: Surv¢y and justification
EXcuhple: Algorithms (1982)
Chapter VII: Fr~ework for instruction theory
Example: The Wiskobas Curriculum (1986)
The chosen topics were not specially designed for this study, but form
parts of the example-curriculum for mathematics education that was
developed by the Wiskobas team during the period 1971-1975. Besides
being representative of Wiskobas' efforts, these topics are chosen here
mainly because of the author's own involvement in their development. It
would have been possible to have chosen an entirely different range of
examples from the example curriculum which for the greater part was de-
veloped by Van den Brink, Van Bruggen, Ter Heege, and Streefland.41
P roblem s
1. Flowers
Given: three sets of flower petals, each of a different colour and two
different coloured centres. How many differently coloured flowers can be
2. Routes
How many different routes run directly from a to c via b? Describe them.
3. Apples
An apple tree has three branches. Each branch has three smaller
branches, each of the smaller branches has three stems and each stem has
one apple. How many apples are there on this tree? How can the position
of an apple be indicated?
4. ToandFro
How many different routes are possible from a back to a via b?
5. ToandFroAgain
A person lives in a and works in b. On the way to work he can use the
exit roads pb, qb and rb, to which he can go directly, i.e. without going out
of his way. The same is possible on the way back, but now in the opposite
direction. How many different aba routes can our traveller take?
6. Number Cards
There are three cards numbered 1, 2, 3. Find out how many different
numbers can be made from the combination of these three cards.
a ""
Io<.-_ _ _---'V
9. Score Progression
In the soccer game PEe versus Heerenveen the final scores were 6-3 (at
half-time 4-2). The score progression is a chain of successive goals made
10. Families
Acting on the assumption that the chance per family of a boy being born
is as great as the chance for a girl, indicate the boy-girl situations that can
be expected in a sample of 160,000 families with four children. For
example: 20,000 families with four boys; 30,000 families with three boys
and one girl, etc. Explain the answer!
1. 3 x 2 = 6.
2. 2 x 3 - 6.
3. 3 x 3 x 3 = 27.
4. 3 x 3,. 9.
5. apb contains two routes; aqb has 1 route; arb has six routes. There are nine possible
routes on the way to work.
The total number of different routes aba is therefore 9 X 9 - 81.
6. 3 X 2 = 6.
7. 3 X 2 = 6.
8. 20. a
9. 15 X 3 - 45.
We begin this chapter with a short discussion about the heart of mathe-
matical activity, i.e., about what Wiskobas considers to be the essence of
mathematical activity in primary school mathematics. The actual process
of deciding on that essential activity is not discussed here.' Therefore
when speaking of ''the'' mathematical activity in this study, we shall mean
that activity in mathematics education which is in accordance with
Wiskobas' ideals.
After a consideration of mathematical activity based on the series of
counting problems, we will ask ourselves what the characteristics of the
didactical action are that make actual mathematical activity possible.
This is illustrated by an example of a mathematics lesson. The learning
process will be seen to have certain characteristics. Moreover Wiskobas
feels that mathematics education as a whole should possess these charac-
teristics, which means that they are in fact the starting points for mathe-
matics education by Wiskobas.
In the third sub-section these starting points are further illustrated by
referring to the counting problems in the first part of the chapter. In
conclusion a short reflection is needed on the importance and the
limitations of the starting points. The conclusion is that an explicit
definition of mathematical-didactical starting points is desirable, but not
sufficient to indicate precisely the type of mathematics education that
Wiskobas is looking for. Thus a description of objectives is necessary, and
that will be the substance of subsequent chapters.
This chapter deals with the description of the vertices of the objectives-
cube as eight mathematical-didactical starting points. However, as each
of these eight bases for mathematics education is concerned with such
fundamental aspects, it is only possible to dwell on each of them briefly in
the course of this chapter.
1.1 Flowers
Given: three sets of flower petals, each of a different colour and two
different coloured centres. How many differently coloured flowers can be
If actual petals and centres are given out to kindergarten children the
assignment can be completed by them without any help.
The results:
One child did not understand the assignment. Another child worked systematically: always
choosing two similarly coloured sets of petals with different centres. The other children
checked to see if the flowers they were making were any different from the ones already
made. 3
The problem can also be offered at a higher level: without actual petals
and centres; each time six different flowers were found. Note that impor-
tant performances were present at each level:
- it is understood that the flowers are to be different;
- the assignment is completed in a systematic fashion with concrete or
with schematised material.
1.2 Routes
How many different routes run directly from a to c via b? Describe them.
·c ':>.cC :=:>'
1 3
1.3 Apples
An apple tree has three branches. Each branch has three smaller branches,
each of the smaller branches has three stems and each stem has one apple.
How many apples are there on this tree? How can the position of an apple
be indicated?
W ~·---_I
This kind of symbolisation can of course vary but the one given above is
efficient and brief. Indeed a discussion about its efficiency and brevity can
in itself be the objective of a lesson for third and fourth graders.
This problem has the same structure as the previous one. The systematic
approach, symbolisation and generalisation can also be applied here.
There are also a few new aspects. For example, a difference of opinion can
arise in the interpretation of the concept "different routes". Is route (1,3)
different from (3, I)? The necessity for an agreed definition arises. Then it
can be seen that a number of previous solutions can be associated with
this problem.
Now route aba becomes:
------ I ------
The way back is, as it were, the way there reflected or turned over. The
grid can be used in this connection; routes are then represented by
intersections .. The tree can also be used; routes become branches. Hence
routes, grids and trees can be associated with other problems. This
becomes the first step on the long road to the concept of models. What is
first presented as a problem can later be used as an instrument to solve
other problems, not because it is prescribed or required but because it
offers itself - spontaneously or not - as a support.
We can see this for ourselves in the next problems:
a c
No new essential elements are added to this problem, but a good deal
of counting will have to take place before the problem is reduced to
familiar proportions. There are nine possibilities for the route to work.
Thus making 9 X 9 routes. This "thus" finds its origin in 1.4, as a
generalisation of that solution. But also the grid, the road problem, 1.2,
and the tree 1.3, can serve as a model for the solution, although this is
not so obvious here because of the signals given by "routes" and "to and
2 waysviap
lx6+1xl+lx2= 9
6 ways via r 81.
We have just seen that the grid model can be used to display a multiplica-
tive situation: for example 9 X 9.
10 x6 = 60
3x6 = 18
10 3
- find a schema for the grid; work with thicker lines for the tens, for
example 13 X 16:
10 x 10 = 100
3 x 10.= 30
lOx 6= 60
3 x 6'" 18
6 -+
- symbolise the grid; place numbers along one line; for example
67 X 78:
60 7
40 7
26 x
6--~-~-- 282
GV - cv--
20-- 940 +
We may wonder whether this increasing schematisation is an effective
means of teaching the algorithm of multiplication through vertical plan-
ning, where by an algorithm we mean a fixed procedure for getting the
answer. If so, an important didactical phase has been outlined here, which,
however, does not yet justify our didactical digression in a discussion
about mathematisation.
Yet we could go even further and suppose that a pupil can experience
the phase of increasing schematisation by himself in a guided learning
process, in which the necessary opportunities for mathematisation. are
given, but without offering him the prepared five schemas. In our opinion,
if the pupil is offered the described grid problem, "in time" he will be able
to experience the process of schematisation by a discovery method if he is
stimulated to do so.
Thus we feel that learning an algorithm can (do not read: must) be done
through a mathematisation process.
At the same time we voice the opinion that on the one hand the
mastery of an algorithm can be an important aid to mathematisation (as
the addition algorithm is a necessary aid. in the previous example), while
on the other hand a mathematisation process can lead to the discovery of
an algorithm (in this case the multiplication algorithm).
It is therefore incorrect to place mathematisation and algorithmisation
(learning an algorithm) as two conflicting elements in mathematics educa-
tion. What we have is a mutual meaningfulness.
Mathematics education will have to contain both the inventive as well
as the receptive element, not as conflicting but rather as supporting
necessities. That which is the result first of a discovery can later be used
as a secure routine for the solution of problems at a higher level.
It is fitting. that this evidence is formulated explicitly in an argument
about the concept of mathematisation, and this is the reason for this
didactical digression.
A possible approach.
Take the solutions starting with 1 .
Take the solutions starting with 2 .
Take the solutions starting with 3 .
This approach can be represented by a tree diagram:
If the problem is formulated as: ''first I had three possibilities, then only
two and then one", a jump can be made to the road network model. The
problem can best be visualised using the tree model since the various
possible choices can easily be distinguished on it. The road model reduces
the concrete cards to possible choices and shows a more abstract
approach. The grid diagram offers no possibilities of this kind.
If the number card problem is extended to four or more, an elegant
solution can be found using the systematic approach combined with
reasoning based on considerations of symmetry. A fifth grader attacked
the problem like this:
''There are six possibilities with card 1 in the first position. With 2 in
the first position another six possibilities, and the same for 3 and 4. So
there are 24 possibilities."
The symmetry of this kind of reasoning can be represented on the tree
diagram: one of the branches is considered with all its side branches, we
know there are four branches, so ...
Similar remarks can be made concerning the cube crawler.
It is worthwhile comparing the two problems with each other. If a move
to the right is represented by 1, a move to the back by 2 and a move up
by 3, then each route can be described by using three digits as with the
earlier card-numbers.
For example:
/ / : - - - - - - -.....~- g
// ",/
I ' I
[I] [II III is the route: 1
1 I
I " " ...... , j .. "
/ .... I
----.:-----f""// 1
1 1
1 2 1
1 3 3 1
1 4 6 4 1
1 5 10 10 5
1 6 15 20 15 6 1
pattern will continue in the original fashion and will not suddenly drop a
Is that a daring supposition? It would not seem so, but the remark "and
so on" will have to be justified.
Can we explain why this type of pattern occurs on the highway
network? Take an arbitrary case: is it plausible that the lOin the pattern
results from the addition of 6 and 4?
1 2
1.1 0 Families
Acting on the assumption that the chance per family of a boy being bom is
as great as the chance for a girl, indicate the boy-girl situations that can be
expected in a sample of 160,000 families with four children. For example:
20,000 families with four boys, 30,000 families with three boys and one girl,
etc. Explain the answer!
The road highway network can also be used here. The boy/girl ratio
can be seen as the end of one route on the network:
Each of the 160,000 families is asked to follow one of the routes. The
route cannot be read from the destination - with the exception of the
For example, there are four possible routes for a family with three boys
and one girl (the first, second, third or fourth child can be a girl; therefore:
four possibilities).
The total distribution is:
- one possible route for four boys;
- four possible routes for three boys and one girl;
- six possible routes for two boys and two girls;
- four possible routes for one boy and three girls;
- one possible route for four girls.
- Total: 16 possible routes.
From this it follows that:
- There is a chance of 1/16 for four boys;
- there is chance of 4/16 for three boys and one girl;
- there is a chance of 6/16 for two boys and two girls;
- there is a chailce of 4/16 for one boy and three girls;
- there is a chance of 1/16 for four girls;
To interpret this calculation we have used the law of large numbers.
The law says that for this large number, the relative deviation will
probably be small. The term "approximately" takes care of the matter of
Yet we have been somewhat too hasty and abstract in the explanation
we have given. First of all we should have asked ourselves whether the
chance of having four boys is the same or smaller than the chance of
having two boys and two girls. In general the first reaction is: "the chance
of having four boys is smaller, but I don't know why, I just have the feeling
it is." That ''feeling'' is a good opportunity to quantify the chances. To
simplify matters somewhat we can begin with coins and ask ourselves if
the chance of getting head-head is smaller than the chance of getting
head-tails. Analogously, is the chance of boy-boy smaller than the chance
of boy-girl in a family of two children? Then ... , this is the path followed
in a course of study.
The foundation should be laid in a varied series of linked experiences,
which will lead to familiarity with the concepts of probability and chance.7
1.11 Mathematising
Mathematising is an organising activity. It refers to the essence of the mathe-
matical activity, to the thread that runs through all mathematics education
directed towards the acquisition of factual knowledge, the learning of
concepts, the attainment of skills and the use of language and other
organising skills in solving problems that are, or are not, placed in a
mathematical context. In the ten counting problems, organising occured by
means of:
- estimating results;
- empirically experimenting as a starting point for a mathematical
- analogical reasoning.
First of all the teacher explains the structure of a city map and points
out that direct does not mean straight but that the route must run via the
squared city map. Therefore:
ae:-----,----r-----, a o--~--
.... ....
.... ~I
L..-_-'--_---'--_ _...._ b
.... ....
~- . - b
a ---- -----,I . I
First the girls draw the round-about route and then - hesitatingly - the
short-cut route:
a ----,- I
'----I --- b
into two parts: determine the various equidistant shortest routes for ab
and then the different routes be. They start by colouring the various routes
but when it becomes difficult to tell these apart, Jolanda decides to draw
them separately:
Note that both when colouring and drawing, the children naturally keep
within the rectangle (with a and b as opposite vertices). They realise that
they are detouring as soon as they leave the rectangle.
While Jolanda and Tineke are still busy finding the other routes, the
teacher intervenes. He asks: "How many steps from a to b?" Their answer
is ''five''.
He asks: how many steps is that to the right and how many down?
The girls count the steps involved in each route and come to the
surprising discovery that each shortest route ab has three moves to the
right and two moves down. On looking back it is self-evident, but when
they were counting the steps they were not yet aware of this regularity.
The five steps can now be divided. into three to the right and two down.
The teacher uses this information to introduce coding. He asks the girls to
describe the routes. The description "right-right-down-right.;.down" is
replaced by the notation "r-r-d-r-d" at his suggestion.
This manner of coding is then used to describe the original problem of
the total number of shortest routes.
The solution is:
Jolanda Tineke
drrrd drrrd
ddrrr rdrrd
rddrr ddrrr
rrddr rrrdd
rrrdd drdrr
drrdr drrdr
drdrr drd ..
Neither girl shows evidence of having used a systematic approach.
Asked whether they are sure that there are nine routes and not more,
neither girl is bold enough to confirm the answer: They decide to have
another look. The teacher advises them to further simplify the code by
asking themselves whether it is necessary to record the letters "r" once the
"d's" have been recorded. They decide this is no longer necessary, since
"r's" can be filled in in each empty space. The code for the route is clear
now: in a column of five squares you mark the letter "d" twice or put two
crosses, which determines the route:
Ix I I x I means drdrr
This code is now used to determine all the shortest routes abo
Jolanda and Tineke's second attempt looks like this:
lo1anda Tineke
x x x x
x x x x
x x x x
x x x x
x x x x
x x x x
x x x x
x x x x
x x x
x x
Before the teacher can explain the diagram any further, Jolanda says:
"Dh, I see, the answer is thirty, you can go on in three ways each time."
The teacher asks Tineke: "How many shortest routes aba are there?"
Tineke answers the question correctly and her explanation is also
sound: "One hundred, you can show that on the tree diagram."
The teacher concludes the lesson with a short review of all that they
have covered. He points out the following important moments in the
- the meaning of the words "other route" from the problem and the
discussion that followed;
- splitting the problem into parts;
- the progression from colouring to coding the routes;
- further simplification of the code using crosses;
- systematic notation for the different routes;
- being able to prove that each of the routes has been found;
- combining the sections of routes ab and be to find the total number
of routes abe;
- illustrating the combination of routes sections by means of the tree
- application of that which has been learned in a similar case.
2.2 Didaetising
in the sense that it is quite possible to add or take away from them. So, the
reason for suggesting these eight starting points is that the basic interpre-
tation Wiskobas places on mathematics education is adequately expressed
by these starting-points.
The three didactical principles mentioned - activity, differentiation
and vertical planriing - are related to the classic "Unterrichtsgrundsatze"
as "Anschauung", "Aktivitat", "Lebensnahe", "Ubung" and "Kindesgemass-
heit"; and the five mathematical principles - structure, language, applica-
bility, dynamics and specific manner of approach - refer to the most
important aspects from which the mathematical activity can be viewed.
Aided by these eight basic "rules" the fundamental interpretation of
Wiskobas mathematics education can be illustrated. There will be frequent
reference to the counting problems described earlier.
3.1 Activity
Mathematics is an open system that is always developing. This is true
objectively for the development of the science as well as subjectively for
one's own personal development. In contrast to this openness stands a
pre-fabricated system, the completed structure. If mathematics is ap-
proached only as a closed system, then the acquiring of subject-matter
knowledge and the imitation of already established structures are the
major ingredients of mathematics education.
It is understandable that when considering such a finished product,
questions will arise such as: whether we should begin with the child, or
with society, or with the subject matter. Indeed, in a closed approach to
mathematics these three elements will have to be placed against each
other. In the open approach, mathematics appears more as a process, as a
"doing" discipline, as a practical skill, that is carried out in the region
between the inspired art and the technique. Thus mathematics is some-
thing that is built up from the learning individual: it is an activity.
Mathematics education based mainly on the idea of an activity is also
referred to as activity-centred, as opposed to child-centred and discipline-
centred education. In general this reference to "centred" is not a happy
one, since it implies the principle that the elements child, subject matter
and society are contradictory. It is particularly unfortunate with reference
to activity, since it is 'not the activity as such that matters but what it
includes. Better still, the issue concerns education in which the three .
elements are not separated.
The "centred" terminology rests on a didactical anti-thesis model, while
the concept of activity supplies the synthesis through education that
should be both pedagogically important and socially relevant.
For that reason we would prefer to speak about "mathematics as an
activity" rather than about "activity-directed mathematics education". In
3.2 Differentiation
suitable. For that reason - and rightly - they are often offered as 'enrich-
ment' problems.
We have, however, previously encountered a number of problems that
could be solved in a truly differentiated way. For example, in the card
problem 1.7, 'differentiated' means approaches differing in level con-
cerning: systematic action, or ,systematic action and reasoning on grounds
of symmetry, or reasoning according to the method of mathematical
induction to solve the problem.
The advantages of such problems speak for themselves. Each pupil can
try to find an appropriate solution at his own level, and, in the group
discussions during the last lesson on a theme, a summary can be made of
the various methods of solution where each pupil can judge his solution
against those of the others.
This kind of differentiation in terms of the general solution process is
linked to another kind of level differentation, which concerns the specific
calculation method. We briefly described in Section 1.6 an example of
learning column arithmetic according to the principle of spontaneous
progressive schematisation: the same problem is solved by each pupil at
his own personal level of schematisationP If a contextual problem which
involves a multiplication is to be solved, we can observe some children
immediately discussing the required arithmetic operation, which then is
carried out at a low level of schematisation. Meanwhile there are others
who master the completely schematised algorithm of column multiplica-
tion but who have great difficulty in recognising the multiplication in the
problem situation, and perhaps resort to repeated additions. In brief we
can distinguish differences of level with regard to the general solving
process and also to the· specific calculation procedure. It is not so much
the quantitative difference in pace or content of the material that is
essential in the learning process, as the qualitative distinction in this
It is most likely that this level of differentiation is too exclusively
restricted to mathematics education to claim a general validity. However,
it is a fact that this two-sided level of differentiation is of the utmost
importance within mathematics education next to the differentiation
according to pace and 'enrichment' material. 13
cards cube-crawler
''They are the same" in these cases means that the one problem can be
transformed into the other: openings become roads and cards serve as
In the first example (mice and routes) the isomorphism can be more
easily detected than in the second case (cards and cube crawler). The
expression ''the same" does not mean that the problems are the same as
such, but it indicates similarity at a higher level. The surprise is a happy
one of discovering a structural similarity and not a disappointment
because of failing to' see a simple likeness which was detected later.
As well as the isomorphism between the problems, the structural aspect
is also apparent within the various problems. The arithmetical structure of
the route problem has been dealt with extensively. It concerns not only
the connection between the numbers but also the explanation of the
(upper road, middle road) and, also for the letter-pair (u, m) or the
number pair (1,4). The demand for intelligibility is thus related to the
comfort of brevity in a completely natural way. This kind of language for
route description also makes it easier to discover isomorphic problems,
the pedestrian and the mouse use the same route code.
Let us return to the Pascal triangle and ask ourselves how the relation-
ships can be formulated in this case, so as to comply with the require-
ments of intelligibility, brevity and support. For a time we will follow the
analysis by Freudenthal. 18
1 1
1 2 1
1 3 3 1
1 4 6 4 1
1 5 10 10 5 1
1 6 15 20 15 6 1
1 7 21 35 35 21 7 1
We can begin with one particular example and continue by saying: "and
the same is true for each number in this table." The intelligibility is then
restricted by pointing to one example like:
6 15
~/ 21
'21 = 6 + 15'
(part of the pattern) and the generalisation of it (in each case....) can be
fitted into an exact formula:
m= (k=D + (nkl)
where indicates the kth number in the nth row (k, n E N).
To the given requirements we should add the necessity of a gradual and
natural adaptation of the mathematical language in order to attain the five
characteristics of intelligibility, brevity, exactness, support and simplicity
with which the formulation above complies, and which makes it compara-
tively easy to describe the wealth of relations hidden in the table. This
touches on the applicability of the developed language. Let us take a
closer look at this matter of applicability in a general sense.
3.6 Applicability
Let us consider this with respect to the road network and road grid
- How many different routes are there from a to c via b?
Q ...------.c
For this problem, matters are somewhat different.. While the previous
situation concerned an identical case, here the multiplication rule applies
to a related situation. This implies that it cannot be applied immediately.
On the contrary, in general this rule is quickly rediscovered from the "to
and fro problem" itself, independent of the prior problem and only then is
the relationship to that prior case detected.
- How many different routes aba are there via the exit roads at p, q and
r, without making a detour?
The applicability of rules was explained by three essentially different
forms of the two starting problems:
- an identical situation; the same context, the same case;
- a related situation; the same context, a different case;
- a new situation; a different context, either the same or a different
"Different context" means that at first sight there is no indication of a
road problem, even though transformation to the grid model is possible.
"Similar case" means that the application can take place according to
the prototype.
In the first two situations (identical and related) we are dealing with a
direct application within mathematics. In the third case the problem must
first of all be placed in a mathematical context before it can be applied.
This matter of putting into a context (model building) is also very much a
specific mathematical activity.19
3.7 Dynamics
The reader should try to decide for himself what course his mental
processes took in finding the solution to the problems at hand. In order to
offer a similar opportunity" for reflection but on a new basis, we will
consider a new problem. One example of a possible solution will be
offered immediately after the statement of the problem in order to sketch
the dynamics of mathematics (in a subjective sense). Each reader can
place his personal experience alongside ours. One warning; the puzzle is a
tricky one!
- Determine whether a grid of n by n (unit squares), from which two
opposing "comer squares" have been removed, can be covered by
dominoes of two by one (unit squares) shape.
In the first instance I discovered that coverage was impossible when n is odd. This is
because the number of squares of the grid with corners removed is then odd as well, and
cannot therefore be covered. Up to this point the proof was easy. If n is even, matters are
less simple. I tried to apply symmetry, but this got me nowhere. Next I simplified the
problem and filled in 2, then 4 then 6 for n.
Coverage was not possible in any of these cases. That gave me the idea (induction) that
it would not work for any even n. But I was careful - if coverage did not work for 2, 4
and 6 that did not mean it would not work for any even n. For the time being I would have
to make do with an inductively found hypothesis, and that is no small achievement. I now
knew in which direction to look. It was not possible to tackle the problem by mathematical
means. What should I do? I abandoned the problem for a while.
Several days later - I had "forgotten" the problem - a coloured squared cushion
reminded me of the unsolved domino puzzle. It was the pattern of the diagonal squared
that especially caught my attention: the corner squares were both yellow.
All of a sudden I got the idea that I had found the solution (although I should report
that I had had that same idea when considering symmetry). In any case, I drew the chess
board structure on the grid. From that pattern two black (or white) squares must be
removed. Each domino that is placed on the board - horizontally or vertically, no matter
which - covers one black and one white square. That did it. Since the chess board with
removed opposite corners did not have the same number of black and white squares, it
could not be covered. This proof holds true for each even n.
A fmal remark about my experience. I was rather frustrated after my initial failure. The
puzzle remained in the "back of my mind and I had a hard time letting it go. On the other
hand I was more than ready to abandon it.
The problem suddenly reappeared in the form of the cushion. At that very moment I
was sure I had the solution and was quite excited about it. Having completed the proof I
was impressed by the beauty of my solution. It was an important personal experience.
Looking back I realized that it was only with great difficulty that I could recollect that it
was the cushion that triggered off my solution.
One of the parts of the question at issue formulated earlier was: What are
the starting points of mathematics education, as pursued by Wiskobas, and
how can they be described to those who are not sufficiently· familiar with
this kind of mathematics education?
This very question has been answered in this chapter, both in relation
to content and to form. The content of the starting points was described;
and the manner in which this was done - through concrete examples of
mathematics education - is similar to the kind of description used by
Wiskobas for the benefit of unacquainted readers.
The description of the mathematical-didactical starting points is of
importance, since by it the general bearing of this mathematics education
can be made clear, independent of the specific objectives of a certain part
of instruction. The starting points can be seen as orientation pointers for
Chapter III deals with the permanent general goals that are pursued by
The theme "Grains on the Chess-board" - designed for the sixth grade
- selVes to illustrate the so-called one-dimensional goals.
It is important for a good understanding of the contents of the general
goals that the reader not only deals with the mathematical problem but is
also aware of the ways in which pupils solve the given problem, and which
are collated in the commentary at the end of this section on the mathe-
matical material.
1. Grains of Wheat
According to the legend, the inventor of chess brought his new game to
his king. The monarch was delighted by it and offered the inventor a
reward of his own choice.
. .. "Your Majesty, this is my wish: give me my reward in grain,
measured in the following way: one grain on the first square, two on the
second, four on the third, eight on the fourth, and so on for each square."
The king was astonished: "Is that all you want? Only grain? Very well,
so be it. Fetch a full sack of grain."
A strong servant left to do his master's bidding.
I> Will one sack of grain be enough?
2. A Faster Count
One hour later .... Several men were busily counting the grains. The king
was becoming slightly uneasy.
"Haven't you finished yet?" he asked.
"Oh no, my lord, we've only just reached the 14th square."
"Only the 14th? Why is it taking so long?"
"Sire, for the 14th square.alone we need thousands of grains: it will be
some time before we have finished counting them."
'vrhis could take all night!", the king sighed.
No one heard the inventor mutter under his breath: "I'm afraid it will
take a lot longer than that."
"Can't you count less precisely and more quickly?", the king begged.
The inventor intervened and said "I have an idea that will speed things
up." ...
How long will it take to count the grains for the 14th square?
I> 'That could take all night", the king sighed.
How long will it really take? Can you think of a quick way of making an
estimate of the number needed?
The inventor explained to the king how the counting could be speeded up .
. . . "A good idea," the king said, "fetch a scoop and a pair of scales."...
4. A Kingdom of Grain
Later still .... Sacks of grain filled up most of the throne room when it
was reported that the royal stores were empty. Now what?
The chess master said: "Majesty, give me the rest later, but before I go I
would like to know how much you still owe me."
"Very well", said the king, "call for the royal treasurer."
Shortly after he had received the king's order, the treasurer said "Sire, I
have bad news for you, there is not nearly enough grain in your entire
kingdom to pay for this."
"But that's impossible", the king declared, "it is such a simple request:
first one grain, then two, then four, then eight ..."
"Certainly", the treasurer replied: "At the beginning the amounts were
small, but they grew rapidly, the 11th square has 1024 grains, let us say
1000 to make it easier, that is one scoop of grain. The 1000 scoops for
the 21st square fill one sack. From this point on the number of sacks are
doubled. The 31st square requires 1000 sacks ... a bamful!"
[> In the story it is said that the sacks of the grain filled up most of the
throne room. How many squares had been covered at that point?
[> Is the treasurer's calculation correct? Follow his argument from the
41st to the 64th square in such a way that it will express the amount for
the last square in comprehensible terms.
5. The Calculation
The royal treasurer went on. He spoke of thousands of rooms of grain and
of figures with more than ten digits and showed how to determine the
number of grains for the last square. The king showed the results to the
"Sire," the inventor replied. ''to be honest, I am not completely satisfied .
. . . This amount gives me only the amount of grain for the last square,
while you promised me the total of all of the squares together."
6. The Dream
The treasurer, who was a mathematician, discovered that the total number
of grains on the first four squares was one less than the number of grains
on the fifth square; the total number on the first five squares was one less
than the number of grains on the sixth square, etc. He showed the king
that in this way the total number of grains could be determined quickly
once the amount for the last square was known.
This was too much for the king, but one thing was very clear to him: he
had been caught, even if it was in an honest fashion.
The inventor had slipped away unnoticed since he realised that the
king's mood was none too good; The king looked around for him, but not
seeing him anywhere, muttered something to the treasurer and turned to
leave the throne room but not before ordering: "Tell the farmers to grow
more grain."
He went to his royal bedroom and once asleep he had the most
extraordinary dream.
[> Give your version of the king's dream.
1. Grains of Wheat
The class was allowed only a short time to think. Therefore the answers
were wild guesses. Were the children aware of the fact that some impor-
tant information is missing?
Their estimates varied greatly: from 6000 to a few million grains. A few
pupils doubted whether one sack of grain would be sufficient. The
different groups each explained their estimates. The feeling in general was
to question: who is right?
2. A Faster Count
The class found two ways to determine how long it will take to count: by
agreement (1 count per second, therefore ...) and by measuring (50
grains per minute, so...).
General conclusion: count on indefinitely.
The teacher showed the class an easier method: approx. 1 minute for
the 7th square (64 grains); 2 minutes for the 8th square; 4 for the 9th; 8
for the 10th; 16 for the 11th; 32 for the 12th; 64 for the 13th (about 1
hour); 2 hours for the 14th square, and so on.
The class found two ways to conduct an indirect count: scooping and
One thousand grains (the rounded-off number for the 11th square)
weigh approx. 30 grams and fill a measuring glass of 50 cm3 •
In conclusion, the teacher asked: "how much do the grains on the 14th
square weigh? On the 15th? On the 16th square? Which square yields 2
dl and which will yield a little less than 1 dl? Will one sack of grain be
By now most of the groups doubted whether one sack of grain would
be sufficient.
The contents of one sack of grain was estimated, then measured and
finally found to be t hI.
Agreement: the amount on the 11 th square (t dI.) is one scoop.
Question: how many scoops to one sack? Some guessed, others calcu-
lated with cubic measures. The 11th square equals one scoop, therefore
the 21st square equals 1024 - say 1000 scoops, or 1 sack.
Up to this point the teacher had held a tight rein on the amount of
material used.
This was now the time for class discussion. Will they discover that the
number of grains on a certain square is one more than the total number of
grains on the previous squares? (In this context "one more than" can be
considered as "equal to"). If not, it can be left undiscovered and a rough
addition can be made.
Conclusion: the sack will be empty when the 21st square is reached.
The teacher can illustrate the answer using fractions: calculating back-
wards from the 21st square to show that 112 + 1/4 + 1/8 + 1116 ... is
approximately 1.
The second question can now be answered: the class came to the
conclusion that the second sack will not be enough to fill the 23rd square.
By the end of the second lesson the pupils had noticed the ''unimaginable
growth", which will be made "imaginable" in the next section.
4. A Kingdom of Grain
The children chose their own dimensions for the throne room, calculated
the volume in m3, transformed this into an estimate of the number of sacks
and tried to estimate which square will be reached. Some pupils substi-
tuted 10hl for 1 m3, that is 20 sacks of .; hl each, which is the treasurer's
measure. A few decided to work with barns full of grain, just as suggested
later on in the story.
Not only did the solution strategies vary - the estimates for the size of
the throne room were even more divergent.
Both of these points were then discussed briefly.
The capacity of the barn or the classroom - 1000 sacks - offered a
good basis. Again the addition rule became important. It is possible that
the relationship between the number of grains on one square and the total
of the previous squares will then be found.
In any case retracing the steps like the teacher did for the sacks of grain
will be helpful. Calculating the number of barns may also he useful.
Conclusion: Depending on the size of the throne room, the entire
supply of grain will be used up by the time the 40th square is reached. To
make this imaginable: throne room (41st square), sky-scraper (51st
square), city (61st square).
The amount for the last square: a cube-shaped chest with an edge of 8
km. The Hague in the shape of a cube!
By the end of the third lesson the problem had almost been solved. A
few surprising finishing touches remained.
5. The Calculation
So fat the pupils had discovered that a jump across ten squares yields a
thousand fold increase in grains. This rough estimate can be used to
determine the number of grains on the last square: 11 th square 1000
grains; 21st square 1,000,000; 31st square 1,000,000,000; and the 61st
square "a one with 18 zeros" (a number with 19 digits).
This, multiplied by eight for the 64th square, results in a number of 19
or 20 digits - the rounding off procedure was a source of uncertainty.
Now the exact number for the 64th square could be found so that a check
could be made. The way in which this was to be done was discussed.
Repeatedly the teacher asked the class: "Who can think of a better way?"
1. Primary education must bring the pupils to master the fundamental basic knowledge,
insights and skills that form the foundation for all forms of secondary education.
2. The main task of the primary school lies in equipping children so that they have
command of the instrumental cultural skills, especially reading, writing and arithmetic.
3. At the end of their primary school education children should have attained the
following arithmetic goals: insight into the number system; command of basic operations;
understanding of the common units of measurement and of geometrical forms; the ability
to solve simple meaningful problems from everyday life; and understanding of the decimal
4. The pupil must be able to indicate the positional value of each particular digit in a
number (in the number 724 the 2 indicates two tens), and be able to separate a number
into "hundreds, tens, and units". (724 = 7 H + 2 T + 4 U or 700 + 20 + 4.)4
where the pupil is offered the opportunity to develop his own positional
This question of "product" versus "process" objective will be discussed
at greater length later, but for the moment it is enough to say that there is
no consensus about the particular importance of these goals for educa-
tional practice.
To complete this overview of goal description, therefore, the division
mentioned earlier should be expanded to include process goals in terms of
activities, which then produces the following categories:
general goals
intermediate goals
concrete behaviour goals activity goals
(product goals) (process goals)
It has already been said that numerous terms are used for similar goals.
We have also mentioned that the various goals are not described in the
same way in each case and furthermore that their importance for educa-
tional practice is assessed differently. In what follows, one-, two-, and
three-dimensional goals, as we have distinguished them, will be considered
in the framew()rk of the formulations listed above. This will also offer us
the opportunity to describe the various categories more precisely and to
indicate the importance of these goal descriptions for educational practice.
"noting down systematically all possibilities of taking two out of five". But
now the character of the behaviour dimension has changed: the general
quality is transformed into a specific skill. Therefore if the relationship
between the various goal descriptions is seen merely as 'additional', the
specific nature of the one-, two-, and three-dimensional goals is misunder-
We will not deal with the question of how the one-, two-, and three-
dimensional goals arise from each other.
1.3 Summary
One aspect of the problem concerns the substance of the general goals
that have been set by Wiskobas. The response to this first part will make it
possible to deal with the second aspect, namely, the problem of goal
description in the framework of innovation.
Especially important is the way in which the relationship between
concrete and general goals can be expressed. The answer to that question,
given in the form of the earlier three-dimensional goal descriptions, can be
concise use of language, the ability to express oneself clearly, responsibility for one's state-
ments, learning to distinguish between issues and side-issues, reverence for the grand
conceptions of the human mind, appreciation of the beauty of mathematics....8
example that these personal values cannot be imposed. One pupil will be
touched by the simplicity and beauty of the proof, while another will react
with "so what?" . It is for this reason that integral goals can more
adequately be described in terms of "offering opportunity for ..." than in
more binding formulations such as "being-able-to ...".
The matter of concrete descriptions of the aspects of general goals will
be left for the moment, though more will be said on the subject in the next
2.2 Socialisation
The socialisation value of mathematics education in former times was
derived from the functional reasoning and expression that was pursued in
mathematics instruction, which, it was assumed, banned misunderstanding
and furthered 'reasonable' understanding.
In that way socialisation was, as it were, equated with the rationality of
mathematics education.2o After World War II the socialising contribution
was seen less in the light of the rational aspect of mathematics than in the
light of the relational!didactical component of mathematics education.
This change can, as elsewhere, be perceived in the introduction of a
textbook for the teaching of mathematics.21 This textbook is a sort of
problem-bank that generates a series of educational learning activities. The
educational route is only marked by the various problems so that both
teacher and pupils are left with sufficient room for their differentiated
learning processes.
It is claimed that through the exchange of experiences, discussion of
solution strategies, task-sharing, listening and explaining to each other,
contributions to both the integral school objective of socialisation and also
the specific purposes of mathematics are made.
Wiskobas shares in the convictions concerning the socialisation value of
mathematics education as expressed in this way. Mathematics, as it is
pursued in several approaches and also by Wiskobas, serves to further
socialisation by accentuating empirical activities, the research character
and the richness of problems.22
In our opinion, the theme "Grains on the Chessboard" expresses these
possibilities in a concrete way. The socialisation value of the theme lies
in working together, in argument and discussion, in listening to -each
other, in co-operation and the evaluation of the opinions of others: aspects
that are given due attention in each of the six parts of the theme.
In the first sub-section it is interesting to see whether "extraordinary
estimates of the number of grains in a sack are allowed". Do the pupils
feel they must comply with the average estimate - 500,000 for example?
How are other opinions evaluated? What attention is paid to the argu-
ment, i.e., the reasoning behind the estimates?
. . . that he is sufficiently prepared for the arithmetic and mathematics subjects in the
various types of advanced education, as far as to the application of arithmetic skills is
concerned, such as in simple assignments that call for insight into the structure of numbers
and the number system, learning good methods of solution, and acquiring skill in the
choice of efficient methods of calculation.24
That quotation describes the first aspect of the preparatory task that
has been mentioned. A more detailed summary of the necessary general
ultimate skills of arithmetic in the primary school could be found in the
types of problems set for the entrance examinations to secondary schools
and can be found more recently in catalogues of ultimate objectives for
primary education.25
Generally speaking there has been a reasonable consensus concerning
this aspect of the preparatory task. There has also been a certain stability:
historically there was agreement about the ultimate objectives, in which
the content changed only gradually. Not until the seventies did the
substance of the ultimate goals become more of a problem due to
influences from new ideas about mathematics education for the primary
The second aspect of preparatory value is related to the principle,
mentioned earlier, of vertical planning. Until very recently this planning
applied only to the restricted area of arithmetic instruction: the recogni-
tion of shapes (preparatory geometry) had been removed from the
primary school programme by the end of the last century. This meant
that there were no topics in elementary school arithmetic that extended
into secondary education. Indeed, there was usually no subject called
"arithmetic" in secondary education and no "mathematics" in primary
The introduction of mathematics for the primary school changed this,
as did the changes in mathematics education for secondary education.
Thus the idea of vertical planning extended across the borders of ele-
mentary education to secondary education, giving new meaning to the
preparatory value. At that stage it was not clear exactly what the substance
of the new integral objectives should be. Should the pupils be exposed to
specific experiences in probability during their primary school period?
What geometric ideas should be conveyed? How should relations and
functions be prepared for?
For these kinds of questions it becomes clear that, for this second aspect
of preparation, we are not so concerned with certain (arithmetic) skills as
with certain mathematical experiences and the learning of concepts and
properties which are built upon and structured in secondary education.
Behind these ideas of preparation lie firstly the notion that certain
specified mathematical performances are possible and compulsory at
various levels (read: ages); secondly that these mathematical activities must
be sequenced and positioned in a ''vertical'' line and thirdly that this
vertical line should spiral upwards. This means that the same basic
problems must be considered and solved at gradually higher levels, not
waiting for the time when they can be solved at the highest possible level. 26
This conception of vertical planning has been worked out in various
ways for mathematics instruction in the primary school. In each case,
however, it has implications for the preparatory valueP
Wiskobas clearly recognises the importance of the preparatory value
aspect of the integral objective. However, these ultimate goals of arith-
metic and mathematics education must be the result of education agree-
ments. This is not the place to consider the policy Wiskobas pursues to
reach an agreement on the preparatory values of primary education. We
will only mention here a fewimportant questions.
What degree of arithmetical skill should pupils· have acquired by the
time they leave elementary school? In this connection: how can pocket
calculators be utilised in arithmetic instruction? Is it desirable to postpone
the greater part of learning and operating with fractions to the secondary
school? Which mathematical topics should be introduced in the primary
These questions should serve to illustrate the immense problems
encountered in deciding the exact content of this integral objective.28
In the theme "Grains on the Chessboard" it is particularly the second
aspect, that of vertical planning, which is illustrated, although the first
2.5 Summary
Mathematics education should serve to further the pupil's insight into, and
understanding of the arithmetical system and equip him with the skill to
solve arithmetical problems.
For the pupil this might mean:
- knowledge of all sorts of quantitative aspects such as those which are
expressed in counting, measuring and calculating;
- skill in the use of arithmetic concepts and operations in real-life
- insight into relevant number systems and operations within these
- mastery of the algorithmic execution of mathematical operations.
The arithmetical aspect in "Grains" is found in numerous activities: calcu-
lation with ratios by means of the linear graph and the ratio matrix,
conversion of measures (dl to hI), learning to calculate with powers and
the calculation of 2 to the power 63 in as few steps as possible. It is
noteworthy that, in contrast to most other arithmetical work, the concern
here is not only with an exact solution but also, and more particularly,
with estimation and approximation.
Example: 1024 approximated by 1000, and later determining whether
this rounding off has any great bearing on the result; approximating the
time needed to count to half hours (2 ~ ... 2 !), days (20 hours ... 1 day),
and weeks (eight days'" one week) to show that counting would continue
forever; exaggerating a measuring error (one grain); calculating with
inexact measures (a handful). All of these require the pupil to understand
the actual meaning of the calculation. 34
3.3 Applicability
(or his heirs) should not get carried away by all of this, and no company
exists today that existed in 1200.
In these matters of exponential growth we are concerned with the
calculation of the time it takes to double. This can be done simply by
calculating how long it will take before one guilder becomes two, or by
using an approximate formula for - not too high - interest rates
(d = approx. 70/p where d represents the number of years for the time it
takes to double and p represents the percentage interest).
Suppose that the time needed to double in this case is about 25 years.
This means that in the period between 1200 and 1975 there have been 31
"doublings". In other words, we are on square 31 of the chessboard. The
number that goes with it is about one billion.
Thus what has been learned from the grains theme is applicable: it
offers support in the solution of similar growth problems.
3.5 StnucflUralJ1spect
Mathematics education must be directed at learning to find relevant
connections, regularities of patterns and the distinctive meaning of stnuc-
flUres within mathematics.
For the pupil this can include:
- discovery of regularity in patterns in relation to numbers, shapes and
- discovery of common properties of mathematical objects, operations,
relations and structures within relevant topics;
- detecting and formulating of rules and laws;
- being able to provide concrete examples when given certain rules.
The structural aspect comes to the fore in four ways in the "Grains" theme
- in passing over ten squares on the chessboard the number of grains
becomes 1000 times as large each time; this knowledge can be used
to calculate the number of digits of the number on the last square;
- in the number patterns that results when this number is written in
another system than the decimal;
- in the connection that exists between the number of grains on a
certain square and the total number of grains on the preceding
- in calculations with fractions: e.g., 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + 1/16 + 1/32
+ ... is approximately 1.
In a broader sense, we can add - the discovery of all kinds of rules for
the operations with powers of numbers.
The methodological aspect can be seen in the first problem in the story of
"Grains", as explained in the commentary on the mathematical material.
The pupils first make an estimate. Are they aware of the haphazardness of
the guess? The subsequent sub-sections deal with the comparisons of the
efficiency of various strategies and the finding of the most suitable
In connection with the points listed for the structural aspect the
question can be asked: how can we prove that certain patterns remain
Let us restrict ourselves to the third point of the structural aspect: the
relationship between the number of grains in a square and the total
number of grains on the preceding squares. Can it be proved that the rule
applies in each case? In other words, if the relation holds for the fifth
square, can it be made clear that it also holds for the sixth square, etc?
3rd ~; Ilr~il l
If the "sixth square" is placed next to the fifth, then the value of the total is
twice as large, 32, and so too is the value of each of the parts. The shaded
area of square five is worth "2" on square six, but as to its area, this must
be halved since each square moves up one field. Therefore the new shaded
area is worth "1" and the first square also ....
Therefore the rule that applied to the fifth square applies again. If it is
correct for the sixth square we can also show that the same is true for the
seventh square as well. This is an example of ''visual'' evidence according
to the principle of mathematical induction. In the elementary school
situation this is generally too complicated: the approach mentioned pre-
viously with the binary counter, or a more numerical approach, will
probably be preferable.
It is much easier to give evidence for the first two aspects of the points
in the structural section discussed earlier. In any case, this is an oppor-
tunity to place inductive hypothesis and deductive certainty side-by-side
as two important methodological elements. The last point concerning the
sum of fractions can be proved in various ways.
"The Land of Eight" theme is meant for the fifth grade of the elementary
school. It serves here to illustrate the problem area of goal description for
Chapter IV.
The leading question is how to describe the objectives of this theme for
the "lessjamiliar" reader. In order to focus as sharply as possible on goals
and goal description, we have not filled out the concluding part of the
theme, which has an evaluative character. The reader is asked to draw his
own final conclusions and to compare his solutions with the two examples
in the text of Chapter IV. Thus different points of view about mathematics
education that are possible can emerge clearly.
Idea:D. W. Oort
Design: F. Goffree and H. H. M. Jansen,
Adaptation forthe elementary school: A. Dekker and A. Treffers.
In this theme the pupils are taken to a country with strange arithmetical
rules. By taking a closer look at these rules, the children are offered the
opportunity to "back-track" on what they have already learnt about basic
operations in order to re-discover the properties of the decimal system. At
the same time they learn to see that the particular base of a positional
notation is irelevant for the purposes of counting and calculating.
In the first lesson the pupils are introduced to "The Land of Eight". After
an introductory discussion about Walt Disney cartoons, the first work
sheet is handed out. The children are asked whether they notice any
peculiarities. After a number of comments, one pupil discovers that each
of the characters has only four fingers on each hand.
They are told that Disney did this on purpose: it saved time. Thousands
of drawings are necessary for one cartoon. And what is more, most people
never noticed that something was "missing" in the cartoon. They did
notice this when the figures had three instead of five fingers. Therefore
further thrift was unwarranted.
Up to this point the cartoon characters were doing well, but once they
were animated in the cartoon - which is nothing more than a series of
pictures - their problems started. By the use of story-like characters the
children realise that we have entered into the fantasy world of motion
What were these problems? The cartoon characters, and especially the
children among these characters, were having trouble with counting and
calculating. Why was that?
One pupil suggested that it had something to do with counting on one's
fingers. We follow this suggestion: 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. We analyse
what the symbol ''ten'' (10) really means: I've used each of my hands once
in counting, we call it a grasp, and now I start counting again. Twenty-
three (23) means: both hands twice and three more.
The cartoon children could not count in this fashion, so it was decided
to count in a different way. To make clear what they had in mind, they
talked about "The Land of Eight."
2. Counting
First: how do cartoon parents teach their children to count? How many
digits will they need?
Some answer, seven; others say, eight. We still cannot be sure what
their answers mean. They write down their answers and the following
solutions are offered:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
0, 1,2,3,4,5,6, 7
The last suggestion might be chosen, but let us now assume not. It would
be best to consider the row 0 through 7 or 0 through 8 and analyze it
analogously to the decimal sequence. We see that for eight we must say:
"Both hands once" (a grasp) and write down "10" but now pronouncing it
as one, zero - this is to avoid confusion with the decimal system. In ''The
Land of Eight", "nine" becomes "11" being both hands once plus one, and
is pronounced as one, one. (From now on in the text base eight will be
given between quotation marks).
3. Tallying
How do we tally in fives? Why do we do it like this? How would .they tally
in ''The Land of Eight". The pupils are asked to tally quantities:
The idea is that the pupils should find a good counting strategy: two
groups of four make "10" (one, zero), and after that it is easy to count:
"10", "20", "30", "40", "47". It is more sensible to count directly using the
base eight system rather than first using the decimal system and then
having to convert the outcome into base eight:
9 X 4 + 3 = 39 = "47" (both hands four times plus seven). Both
strategies - direct and indirect - are discussed.
4. The Abacus
The loop-abacus is demonstrated. Attention is directed to
- notation,
- carrying,
- use of the abacus in base ten and base eight:
The assignment:
Write down in "The Land of Eight": 28, 43, 54, 64 (use the abacus if
you like). Some of the pupils work with eights: 43 is five eight plus three =
"53". Others work in groups with the aid of the abacus. The conversion of
64 fails for most at the first attempt. Answer: 64 = "80". They forget to
change the eight eights.
The problem is discussed in groups. The abacus is used to demonstrate
what happens. We remind the pupils of the odometer. They soon discover
what they have forgotten: 64 = "80" = "100".
5. Clever Counting
The pupils are told to count the stars in the following pictures:
>~ r~
For (b) the two systems are mixed. This method makes it somewhat easier
since the eight-fold appears as the familiar eight and not as the "10".
7. Conclusion
The two final lessons serve to evaluate and reflect on the previous ones.
As mentioned earlier, the idea is to get the pupils to review what has been
learned in order to make them aware of the arithmetical processes that are
followed when using the decimal system and to make them realise that it
makes no difference which system is used (see pp. 141-146).
... an instructional objective should refer to an intended change which we wish to bring
about in a learner. More specifically, the position will be taken that the only sensible
reason for the educator's engaging in instruction is to modify the learner's behavior;
therefore, these intended changes must be described in terms of measurable learner
behaviors. 8
What is the source of this high expectation? Not empirical evidence, since
But why do teachers not make use of the instruments that could make
instruction so much better and more efficient?
But Eisner is not only concerned with the elaboration of possible goal
formulations for a certain kind of instruction - to be classified as being
open, creative or investigative - he also points out the danger of
"blinkered" instruction as a result of instructional objectives. Or as he puts
that is, when you provide a window for looking at something, you also, if I can use the
analogy, provide something in the way of a wall. I9
That wall, according to Eisner, removes from view much more of the
broader educational scene than Popham would allow to be considered.
The fact that this statement is not a mere fabrication can be seen from
Popham's reaction when Eisner applies the concept of expressive objec-
tives to the situation of personal discussion. Eisner says:
This situation is a good example of an expressive objective, if I can use that term. We have
a general idea, but it's certainly not an instructional objective meeting the criteria that are
specified. We're having a dialogue and from our dialogue things are emerging from which
we are learning and after we complete this session we would be in a position to ex post
facto identify some of the things that we've gotten out of our encounter. So, if you were to
ask me for a sort of an operational example of an expressive objective, I'd say this would
1.3 Summary
The most important points of the discussion can be summarised as
- the importance of instructional objectives is not denied by Eisner,
but he assesses their potential application as being less than does
- the restricted applicability is founded on a broader vision of edu-
cation, in which not only the "introduction to" and the "equipping
of" but also the "confrontation with" has an important place;
- this elaboration leads Eisner to distinguish different kinds of ob-
jectives which he calls expressive objectives, and which, unlike
instructional objectives, are not formulated in terms of behaviour,
but are described in terms of activities. They apply to learning
situations with a strong search character, which allows for trial and
error, for which the outcome is not determined, and for which the
behaviour is not prescribed or specified;
- the travel-paradigm, which forms the corner stone of rational anal-
ysis, and leads to the recommendation of an exclusive use of instruc-
tional objectives in the planning of education, cannot, in Eisner's
view, be applied in these situations.
Before going more deeply into the possibilities and limitations of the
two different types of objectives, we will first discuss a number of variants
of these.
like: "Given one co-ordinate of a point and a graph of the point, the
learner will supply the missing co-ordinate.
Sample item: Find the missing coordinate." 25
o 8 16
Process objectives are related to learning situations for which the product
cannot be described clearly enough in terms of behaviour since the
essence lies in the process of the activity: investigation, exploration,
construction, description, etc.
would produce PISA goal formulations that read like this: the pupil must
be able to give a "satisfactory" solution for the improvement of the traffic
problem in the given city, i.e., satisfactory in the eyes of one or more
experts. Thus the PISA goals would have been operationalised.
The question is whether or not Eisner's introduction of the concepts of
expressive objectives and type-III objectives has created a pseudo-contra-
diction. 35
We will deal with this question only briefly, since the answer is related
to the second variation of expressive objectives, which will be discussed
In our view, Eisner's statements are not clear, and therefore often
misinterpreted, because he ties the desirability of goal description in terms
of activities to certain characteristics of learning situations, i.e., the open-
ness of the results. If the essence of the expressive goals and type-III goals
were to lie here, they could indeed be substituted by an operational goals
description with a ''floating'' criterion.
However, from the discussions between Popham, Sullivan and Tyler, it
becomes evident that Eisner has pinned himself down to the openness of
learning situation .because, in his opinion, that is exactly where certain
learning experiences can be attained and certain learning processes can
take place that are characteristic of the work done "at the cutting edge of
inquiry". It is this last aspect that he is concerned about. He says:
I would like to see us provide situations in a school where that cutting edge experience can
be undergone because in a very important sense, you might say that the ultimate criterion
of education is an aesthetic criterion rather than a product criterion. It may be that the
most important goal of education is to enable to think in such a way that the kind of
experience they undergo is a feelingful experience, is an aesthetic experience. 36
As I think about people who are doing research or painting, one reason that they do it is
because they like the interior excitement that they undergo when they're doing it, and this
excitement emanates in large measure from things which they come upon in course of their
muddling through. 37
Process goals are also directed at learning situations with a clear prob-
lem indication and a determined solution, but now we are concerned not
so much with the solution per se, as with the whole investigating process
that leads to this solution. One example is the combinatorial problems of
the girls Jolanda and Tineke, that is, mathematisation of the problem.
The al1~embracing process goal formulation applies to the whole of
education. When speaking of process goals, therefore, we have in mind
goals given in terms of activities, where the intended objective lies within
the activity itself, without describing this objective in terms of ultimate
behaviour. It does not matter whether or not these activities are "open"
with regard to the problem and its solution. Defined in this way, the
concept of process goals also includes the expressive goals and PISA
goalS. 43
This possibly different use of "materials" will also be evident in ''The Land
of Eight". Yet designers of teaching materials often have a certain objec-
tive in mind for a particular piece of instruction. The question is how to
describe those objectives, so that the teacher can, if he wishes, conform to
them or attune his teaching activities accordingly.
The last question can be confirmed, since the activities in "The Land of
Eight" are not meant solely for the attainment of knowledge and skills, but
rather for the understanding of the carrying principle and the arithmetic
algorithm of positional notation.
Should the pupil also be capable of writing the counting sequence in
base five? "The Land of Five" is more complicated than "The Land of
Six", because in ''The Land of Six" it is possible to imagine people with
three fingers on each hand, analogous to "The Land of Eight", but in "The
Land of Five" this symmetry is broken, thus depriving a number of children
of the concrete background for counting and carrying. Do we feel that
pupils must be able to deal with these kinds of circumstantial factors and
be capable of counting and calculating in the systems of base two through
This is a series of questions that can be asked in order to determine the
product goals for the first main activity.
It will not have escaped the reader's notice that in our earlier considera-
tions, terms like "knowledge", "skill" and ''understanding'' were used to
characterise the objectives and from there to determine the product goals.
We can also formulate matters the other way round. By indicating the
categories of assignments that the pupils must be able to complete, the
concepts of "knowledge", "skills" and ''understanding'' have been filled in.
The first is McAshan's goals approach and the second indicates
Klauer's operational method. 46 In both cases a "matching problem" arises;
one concerns the "deduction" of concrete product goals from a "goal" and
the other the "induction" from test assignments to a "goal".
Many authors have pointed out the necessity of having a goal described
in terms of behaviour categories, in order to escape, as Klauer expresses
it, the ultra-behaviouristic and ultra-operational practices of the self-
sufficient concrete and operationalised product goal formulation. In terms
of educational psychology, what matters in product goals related to
ultimate observable performance is not the mere performance but the
underlying activity structures, the behaviour potentials, of which the
performance is only the indicator. If this were otherwise, the product goal
would indeed be self-sufficient and arbitary.47 In other words: in order to
determine the product goals of a piece of instruction, one must consider
carefully and decide which behaviour potentials are intended for that
particular instruction.
An example of a deliberation process for "The Land of Eight" has just
been given. Now we can choose the product goal for the first activity as
The pupils should have an understanding of the carrying principle of positional notation,
i.e. they should be able to give the counting sequence in base eight as well as in base six
which has not been treated in the lesson. They must also be able to convert a given
sequence of decimal numbers into these systems and vice-versa.
After this, we can be brief about the second and third main activities.
Since these activities are closely related, the product goals can be formu-
lated together as follows:
At the end of the instruction, the pupils should have acquired skill in the counting of
quantities in base eight and base six, and be able to "do simple additions, subtractions and
multiplications in those systems.
Taken together, we now have a goal description for ''The Land of Eight":
a series of product goals in terms of behaviour and a suitable test. How-
ever, the goal description could be made somewhat more exact by
deriving the terms of the behaviour component of that description from a
particular taxonomy.
Wood has constructed a relatively simple taxonomy, by which the
possible product goals for ''The Land of Eight" can be classified and
ordered as being:
- the level of knowledge (''writing down the counting sequence from
''The Land of Eight";
- the level of skill ("being able to do simple addition, subtraction and
multiplication in base eight");
- the level of understanding ("being able to complete the basic opera-
tions in the unfamiliar "Land of Six");
- the level of insight ("being able to execute the basic operations in
every system with a base smaller than ten");
- the level of inventiveness ("being able to write the counting sequence
in base twelve").48
Terms like knowledge, skill, understanding or insight used in the
formulation of goals give an indication of the levels of those goals, thus
offering a certain degree of clarity. We say "a certain degree" since the use
of taxonomies for goal formulation is rather problematic - more is said
about this in the next sub-section.
One can wonder whether the product goal formulation must contain
the three components mentioned - "goal", concrete product goal and
operationalised product goal - in every -case. In the example from ''The
Land of Eight" these three aspects were combined. This does not mean
that a combination of these three possible components of a product goal is
always necessary. In our opinion, for ''The Land of Eight" it would be
sufficient to give an operationalised product goal description in the form
of the collection of the ten test problems, with the additional information
that the pupils who are taking part in this lesson have previously worked
only in the base eight system. Yet here we are not concerned with this
kind of more sophisticated appreciation of goal descriptions. Whether a
particular solution is the most appropriate depends on too many special
factors to allow a general statement. Therefore there is no one "best"
description possible.
What we are concerned with here is that if "The Land of Eight" is
considered as a piece of instruction in which the primary concern is
learning to master, use and apply .certain facts, concepts, operations,
algorithms, rules, and methods, then the product goal formulation, no
matter in what form, can be handled efficiently. This can mean a large
number of "technical problems", but in principle the intended output can
be obtained by means of the product goal formulation.
But not all has been covered by this discussion, the defenders of process
goals will argue. The given product goals, being directed at mastery, do
not adequately express what they feel should be attempted by the theme of
"The Land of Eight".
Here we will take another look of "The Land of Eight" from a different
point of view about goal description. Once again we will consider the
three main activities and the concluding evaluation lesson.
First of all there is a more general goal interpretation. According to this
view, the primary concern is not to teach the children how to operate in
systems other than the decimal, but rather it is to offer the children the
opportunity to reflect on earlier learning experiences which used the
decimal system, by means of an exploration in ''The Land of Eight",
together with all the important mathematical learning experiences that can
be gained in such an exploration. By the end of the lesson, most of the
pupils will have almost certainly reached the level of the previously
mentioned product goals of knowledge and skill and the majority will also
be able to fill the requirement of the level of understanding and therefore
be able to apply what has been learned to the base six system.
Yet if the primary concern is not the pursuit of these product goals,
what is it?
The goal of the first main activity is the construction of the counting
sequence by the children who conferred together, i.e., the discussion
concerning the number of digits in "The Land of Eight".
The class discusses the proposals, 1 through 7, 1 through 8, 0 through
7, 0 through 8, and come to the conclusion, by analogy with the carrying
rule in the decimal system, that the "eight" is to be carried. This means
that we have a 'grasp' (two hands with a total of eight fingers) and zero
fingers. Written as "10". Nine becomes both hands once and one finger:
Then the pupils continue by making suggestions about the distinction
between the two systems - base ten and base eight - and choose the best
suggestion for a notation, for example, between quotation marks for the
numbers in "The Land of Eight".
This is followed by some practice in the conversion of numbers from
one system to the other, using the hands, fingers and, in difficult cases, the
abacus, as for the number 64 that is "100" in base eight.
Important process goals are present, particularly in the common effort
to construct the counting sequence and to choose the notation for
numbers in "The Land of Eight", that is, goals which cannot adequately be
described in terms of ultimate behaviour, such as skills at the end of the
instruction, but which can' only be indicated within the learning process
itself. Naturally the learning process results in a series of product goals;
but conversely, the process goals cannot be "understood" from the
product goals. The intended process goal· relates particularly to introduc-
ing the pupils to the counting and notation problems and, through that, to
the process of mathematising "at the cutting edge of the inquiry".
Such a goal can only be described by the activity itself, possibly adding:
whereby the pupils are given the opportunity to argue, reason by analogy, devise a notation
system and reconsider how counting and arithmetic is done in the decimal system.
Even if we decide that, at the end, the pupils must be able to construct the
counting sequences in "The Land of Eight" and possibly in "The Land of
Six", this product goal in no way encompasses what was taken to be the
heart of the process goal, namely the common mathematical activity,
resulting in the construction of the counting sequence. It is for that reason
that we say that the process goal resides within the learning process itself,
which implies that this goal description can only be given in terms of
activities, with a possible short reference to general goals, and not in terms
of ultimate behaviour. This is the argument of those for whom 'process' is
of the highest importance.
The problems of process goal description are manifold. One might say:
But such an activity is surely not done for its own sake! The children are supposed to
learn "something" from it, and if this is accepted, the objective of the activity must involve
(and allow) a description of behavioural potentials, dispositions, properties, or whatever
.other word might indicate the depth of human behaviour.49
The idea is for the children to acquire the passports of as many different
'lands' as possible.
The pupils work in pairs and the teacher observes, offers assistance and
. . . evaluates. Are any "odd" systems examined or do the children stay
with characters having two hands and an equal number of fingers on each
hand? Are there children who find abstract solutions, disregard fingers
and think only in positional systems? Is the abacus used or do the children
carry the numbers mentally? Do the children consider characters with six
fingers on each hand? And if so, how is the role of "10" orchestrated in
the "Land of Twelve"? Do they enter "The Land of One"? Do the pupils
understand that the base of a positional notation system does not really
matter in counting and calculating?
And, especially, how do the children react to certain "hints" given by
the teacher, how do they assist each other and how do they work
This is just a series of observation and supporting points.
All that was discussed earlier in relation to the expressive objectives,
about the appeal of the assignment as opposed to the prescription, about
the diversity versus the homogeneity of the solutions and about the
"meeting with" as opposed to the "transfer of", can for the most part be
applied to this concluding section of "The Land of Eight".
In fact, the children are motivated by the challenge of the problem. The
results are diverse. Some children, with a lot of assistance, manage to
acquire a few passports, while others, with only a little help, manage to get
to "The Land of Twelve". The concern in this kind of approach is not that
each pupil learns to count with dexterity and calculate in as many systems
as possible, but rather that the (process) goal lies in the activity of the
detection of all possible "number systems'.' and therefore in mathematising
itself, which cannot, as mentioned earlier, be adequately described as an
ultimate skill in terms of behaviour.
Take for example the problem of "The Land of Twelve", where the
characters have six fingers on each hand. What does the number line look
like? "0", "I", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", ... At twelve we have
a full grasp and as in the other systems, the number should be "one-zero":
But should "9" be followed by "10"? Isn't there something wrong? We
cannot have "10" twice in the sequence - at ten and at twelve. So what
can be done? The children come forward with all sorts of suggestions to
"repair" the counting sequence. Some cannot offer any solution since the
fault is with "II" and "12". Some positive suggestions lead to complicated
notation systems while others are more efficient, like one pupil's sugges-
tion of filling in the two open spaces in the sequence, for the ten and
eleven, with two Chinese characters. After discussion this last solution is
found to be the best.
In this process of research, reasoning by analogy, resolving conflicts,
thinking up systems of notation, weighing possible solutions, discussing
which is the most acceptable solution, demonstrating these solutions using
the abacus and explaining things to each other, which are all parts of the
unpredictable process of mathematising, lies the true goal, in the opinion
of the advocates of process goals.
It is evident that the teacher is also involved in that process. In this
connection we refer to the remarks on didactisation for the lesson of
Jolanda and Tineke in the second chapter and to the more recently listed
points of observation.
So the goal lies within the learning process, but this does not mean to
say that such a process should not lead to certain products in the sense of
ultimate skills, as were enumerated in the first part of this sub-section.
Those, however, in favour of process goal formulations, feel that the
intentions of the process goals cannot be reflected by means of a product
goal formulation. We might also say that they feel that not all intended
objectives can be formulated in terms of "at the conclusion of the
instruction, the pupils must be able to" ... , even if we add ''with some
assistance" to that sentence.
It is for this reason that the evaluative conclusion of "The Land of
Eight" takes place completely within the learning process and not at some
later date. Therefore some speak of an internal process evaluation, to be
combined with the external product goal evaluation that was described
So far the problem of process goal description has remained somewhat
in the background. How can the process goals for a certain piece of
instruction be described? Restricting ourselves to the concluding part of
the theme, we might formulat~ the process goal two-dimensionally as
The goal lies in the activity of detecting all the possible "number system countries",
whereby the pupils are given the opportunity to calculate, develop notational methods,
reason by analogy, argue, and become aware of the meaning of certain familiar arithmetic
techniques, such as carrying and borrowing in the basic operations.
is anything but clear. In other words the unenlightened will find little help
for the planning, realisation and evaluation of the instruction for "The
Land of Eight" in such a description.
Our conclusion must therefore be that the two-dimensional process
goal formulations cannot adequately describe the intentions behind it -
shared by us - in a way that what is intended becomes clear to those who
are "less familiar with" the ideas and intentions. To that end a much more
extensive description is necessary, one that expresses the different forms
of learning behaviour that certain pupils will show in mathematising, as
well as demonstrating the different kinds of instructional behaviour that
the teacher can hope to use in the didactisation.
A start to such an extension was made in the discussion of a few
examples in this sub-section. We summed up the reactions of the children,
and gave examples of the teacher's reflections, in order to clarify the
intentions of those in favour of process goals. Such an extensive process
goal description, however, in which the abundance of possibilities for
learning processes comes to the fore, cannot be made with a two-dimen-
sional goal description, restricted to a behaviour and content component,
because this would require a disproportionate conditional clause in the
form of a series of references to the instructional and didactising activities
involved. This is the reason why in that case we will speak of three-
dimensional goal description in a didactical context, which will be dealt
with later on.
For the moment it is enough to have shown why we consider a process
goal description to be as necessary as the previously mentioned product
goal description. We feel we have made this plausible in principle on the
basis of "The Land of Eight". We say "in principle" because there are a
number of important matters yet to be discussed.
4.3 Summary
Before proceeding further, we first give a summary of the results of our
explorations in the field of goal descriptions in "The Land of Eight".
At the outset we gave a justification for the choice of the theme "The
Land of Eight" in that it has, as far as goals are concerned, almost
chameleon-like characteristics. The instruction can be directed at routine-
like ultimate skills, at process activities, or at any combination of these
two. "The Land of Eight" easily adapts to either, or to any other
In this sub-section we have however not confronted extremes with each
other, in order not to distort the views about product and process goals.
Even in the product view, as we presented it, higher cognitive goals were
aspired to rather than restricting it to routine skills. We saw that these
"higher" product goals could be described clearly by a combination of
product goal descriptions: goal plus concrete product goal plus opera-
tionalised product goal - and with one clear condition, that the children
would have to be able to learn the well-defined performances exclusively
on the basis of the instruction given in base eight.
In short this goal takes the view that the pupil must be able to apply
what he has learned in ''The Land of Eight" to ''The Land of Six".
It is evident that such goals have consequences for the design of
education, since children will only be able to apply what they have learned
in ''The Land of Eight" to other systems if certain mathematical principles
behind the positional system, such as the exchange of certain quantities for
certain units, have been understood.
Instruction on the basis of these product goals must consequently be
directed at making the pupil aware of the routine arithmetic operations in·
the decimal system and at a systematic comparison of the decimal system
and other systems, using the abacus as an important aid.
An approach to instruction expressed in this way need not be in
conflict with what is pursued by the process interpretation of ''The Land
of Eight", though it sometimes can be the case. Indeed, the product
conception can result in the formation of a firmly directed learning
process, in which the teacher guides the pupil towards the intended goal,
step by step, without offering him the opportunity to discuss alternative
solutions, resolve conflicting situations, put forward his own opinions, find
his own short-cuts, develop the creation of his own aids and so on,
whereas the process conception, on the other hand, intends just these
features of mathematical investigation in ''The Land of Eight".
The distinction between these two types of approach has often been
equated to that between self-discovered and guided learning.52 However
this is unjust, since the process approach also holds in it a strong element
of guidance and direction, as can be seen from the previous description. In
this case, the guidance takes place in the context of mathematical inquiry,
while this does not have to be the case for the product approach.
However, as we have said, these two types of approach, taken as
indicated, can be in complete agreement, but if only the product goals are
offered there will remain a large degree of uncertainty as to what is meant
by the value of pursuing the process goals. What is much more important
is that by giving the description of the product goals only, a totally false
impression can be given about the intended learning. In this respect "The
Land of Eight" serves as an excellent example, since the theine seems so
close to the conventional arithmetic in the decimal system, while in reality
the intentions, or rather the process goals, are so totally different that an
exclusively product goal formulation would distort rather than clarify
matters. Especially from the point of view of innovation, it is therefore
essential to provide a process goal description for ''The Land of Eight".
The conventional· process goal description is two-dimensional, i.e., it
contains an activity and a content-component, to which a short refer-
ence to the general goals may h.ave been added or not - the latter· being
product goals will not be understood as intended and the instruction will
not be given as envisaged by those who designed it. For the goals
formulation, behavioural terms can be used which are borrowed from a
particular taxonomy, but this is not necessary. In the example, "The Land
of Eight", we used Wood's taxonomy in which order classes of knowledge,
(routine) skills, understanding, insight and inventiveness can be distin-
These terms are similar to those used conventionally in such practice
and can be relatively easily and unambiguously understood. Even if there
were disagreements about the interpretation in eve,ry case, we join De
Block in saying:
It should be mentioned that differences of opinion concerning the exact position of a cer-
tain learning objective in the taxonomy should not be dramatized. The main concern is that
the respective learning objective and its relative importance be seen and consciously be
pursued in the educational process. A taxonomy should be a guide, not a straight-jacket.56
This pragmatic. attitude toward the use of taxonomies should not make
us blind to the criticisms from many quarters of the problem of level-
indication, of the underlying principle and of the mathematical didactical
usefulness of the taxonomies in general, and certain taxonomies in
In some cases this criticism has led to a subject-didactical adjustment
of the taxonomy, for example Wilson's taxonomy as a mathematical-
didactical adaptation of Bloom's taxonomy. In other cases the critical
analysis has led to the recommendation of a more subject-didactically
directed terminology for the formulation of goals superseding the terms
for the general behavioural categories of a taxonomy.51 . .
An example of such a description has already been given on the basis
of the concept of applicability, of what has been learned in identical,
related, relatively new and absolutely new problem situations. This can
lead to a· breakdown that closely resembles Wood's. Differences of
opinion concerning the interpretation of these qualifications can also arise
here, but a global level-indication is at any rate given, which can be made
clearer by the addition of examples of product goals for each of the
Notice. that we have said "can lead". It often happens that in the product
goals a conditional clause is lacking which would indicate the relation
between the goal and the envisaged instruction. The result can be that no
clear picture can be given of the degree of difficulty of this objective.
For example, what does "being able to count and calculate" in the base
twelve system say about the intended objective, if it is not known that the
children are supposed to have worked exclusively in the base eight
system? In general this is the source of many misunderstandings of
product goal formulations. 58
A conditional clause can also contain a description of the aids that are
to be used while completing the assignments indicated by the product
goal. One can go as far as to consider the teacher as an "aid", i.e., that to a
certain degree he is allowed to help the pupil to understand and to
complete the assignments. To come back to the example from the base
twelve system: he can draw the pupils attention to the "six-fingered"
situation of characters and to the notation of "10" for the number twelve.
A product formulation in this sense for ''The Land of Eight" could
read: ''The pupil must, if necessary with some help from the teacher, be
able to count and calculate in base six, four, five, two and twelve".
Finding out whether or not the pupils have attained this objective must
almost certainly take place within the learning situation. It will also be
clear that a product goal formulation that includes ''if necessary with some
help from the teacher"· in fact lacks a clear conditional clause (what is
"some" help?) and does not allow for an exact criterion.
Now it is not necessary to have an exact criterion for every product
goal description. Goals with a strong creative and productive element can
afford to use a ''floating'' criterion determination, which indicates that by
the end of the given instruction the pupil must be able to find a "satis-
factory" solution to a certain task or problem situation. In this context
"satisfactory" can mean as much as "comply with a series of more or less
objective criteria", and for assignments with a more open solution it can
mean ''found to be satisfactory by one or more experts in that field".
Now, suppose that not only the intended results of the task or the
solution of the problem, but also the process that leads to that result or
solution (which takes place within a didactical context) is included in the
product goal formulation, together with the supposition that the teacher is
the only competent judge of the process. The formulation could then read:
The pupil must be capable of finding a satisfactory solution to the assignments at the end
of a given piece of instruction - if necessary with some help from the teacher - and the
solution should be satisfactory in the opinion of the teacher.
The questions remain: what does ''with some help" mean and what is
"satisfactory"? These questions are well suited to be placed in the evalua-
tion lesson for ''The Land of Eight" where the various possible number
systems were to be examined. Therefore it is not difficult to formulate a
minimum requirement to which the children must comply if they are to be
considered as havipg sucessfully completed the work connected with the
theme. We have already formulated such a requirement: "Capable of
independent transfer of what has been learned to 'The Land of Six' ", to
which we could add "and with some help from the teacher, to the lands of
three through to nine".
By giving a fuller description of "some help", however, we have
extended the limits of two-dimensional product goal clescription. A further
education. One could also query whether the process goals can be derived
from the basic concepts of mathematics education in each concrete case,
as is assumed by the purveyors of the results approach. But let us not
insist on this point. From the specific innovation point of view, this
self-evidence certainly cannot be taken for granted. On the contrary, the
permanent goals can only be made explicit by the concrete description of
The question remains whether this explicitness can be realised by
means of descriptions of activities. Before answering this question, we
tum to Eisner's motives for preferring goal description in terms of
it is precisely because of the richness of these encounters or activities and the unique
character of the outcome that the expressive objective becomes so difficult to describe in
advance. To avoid attempting to do the impossible, I shifted to a description of the
Eisner does not dispute this either. But - and this is the weak spot in
the activities formulation and the origin of a great deal of misunder-
standing - the process goal description does not reveal what wealth of
possible learning experiences or process goals are locked up in the
proposed activity, nor does it explain why this particular activity is
included in the instruction. One does not do something just at random,
there is most certainly a purpose behind the proposed activity. But what is
Why does one visit the zoo and talk about what one has seen, to
mention one of Eisner's examples?
Interpreted for mathematics instruction, we could say that process goal
description in terms of activities does not make sufficient reference to the
starting points and permanent one':'diinensional goals and consequently
does net--reveal the possibilites for the learning processes hidden in the
given activity, nor the conditions under which these process goals can be
Applied to 'The Land of Eight", the description of the activities does
little more than indicate that the goal is implicit in the activity of solving
the proposed problems. It does not emphasise the wealth of opportunities
for important learning experiences in mathematising problems, such as
analogical reasoning, use of learning aids, becoming aware of certain
arithmetic techniques, which are not given concretely or in detail.
At best these opportunites are only indicated globally. Only a global
description of the activity is given and the opportunities for the learning
process are left unspecified and open. It is an "open" goal description, in
the sense of ''undetermined''.
As such there is nothing wrong with an open goal description. On the
contrary, in certain instances it is quite enough to indicate the activity,
since the relation to the general goal, or the wealth of learning experi-
ences, is self-evident.
There are, however, learning situations, as for example in the lesson
dealing with the combinatorial problems at the end of ''The Land of
Eight", where the opportuniti~s for learning processes are so hidden in the
activity that the teacher who is relatively unfamiliar with the mathematical-
didactical problem at issue cannot be assumed to have insight into the
intended process goals, such as "offering the opportunity to ...". In such
cases two-dimensional goal descriptions in terms of activities are not
sufficient. Here the type of description will have to be adapted to what we
refer to as three-dimensional goal description, concerning which more will
be given in the next chapter.
Summarising, it can be said that alongside the product goal formulation
of "at the end of the instruction the pupil must be capable of", the process
goal description in'terms of "during the instruction the pupil is offered the
opportunity to" is also of great importance, since it is here that the
subjective and formal aspect of the goals of mathematics instruction are
However, only a global indication pf the wealth of possible learning
experiences is given in two-dimensional process goal description. What
"being offered the opportunity to" means exactly does not become clear
because the didactical context, and therefore also the role of the teacher,
is not taken into account. All of this means that we support the intentions
of what is meant by a process goal, but consider the two-dimensional type
of description incapable of making these intentions clear. This was already
evident from the discussion about ''The Land of Eight" A two-dimensional
process goal description at the end of the theme, which indicates the
relationship with the general goals, is Greek to the "less-familiar with"!
Only an illustration with concrete references to the instruction can serve
to make it clear.
5.3 Summary
In this chapter it was stated that for portions of instruction which are
concerned with teaching mastery, use and applications of certain facts,
concepts, operations, algorithms, rules and methods, the product goal
formulation can be used effectively, albeit considerable "technical" diffi-
culties can be encountered. We have also seen that these difficulties,
especially where they relate to higher cognitive skills, can be overcome by
The "Freckleham" theme forms the basic material with which three-dimen-
sional goal description as prepared by us will be demonstrated. The various
assignments from the theme can be found in Chapter V together with the
addition of a goal description in a didactical context.
This goal description will only be clearly understood by the reader if he
himself has first solved the problems in "Freckleham", working in a way
that would be similar to that of the third grade pupils for whom the theme
was designed.
Design: A Treffers
2. A Map ofFreckleham
Years ago the Frecklehammers chose where they wanted to live in their
town, but at the postman's request the mayor changed all that.
.. The black sections represent either a hat or a scarf and therefore conceal either hairs or
3. Greetings
Once they had been re-housed in a more orderly fashion and the postman
could work more efficiently, the mayor also decided to improve the
manners of his townsfolk. He issued an order: when two Frecklehammers
meet, the one with the most hairs or freckles will greet the other and say "I
have more ... than you have".
"I ~ you" means: "I have more hairs than you have".
"I Q ______ _ JJ you" means: "I have more freckles than you have".
~ b 0
0 ~ ~
(j W'
- Draw in hairs and/or freckles to fit the patterns below.
~---~----~ ~
e e .'
, f
0---:---0 O---:--V
4. Confusion
- Which of the patterns can cause confusion or an argument? (No
arrow means that no greeting takes place). Change the arrows when
necessary (in red ink).
e---~----e l-e e -e
-e -e
'------ -~--
5. Thieves
Soon each Frecklehammer had learned to greet the others in the proper
manner, but not every Frecklehammer was happy with the new situation.
One day a policeman from a neighbouring town came to see the mayor.
He reported that three Frecklehammers had tried to break into the
barber's shop in his town. They were looking for more hairs and freckles!
The. three thieves had escaped. The policeman did not know what they
looked like, but he said he had heard their greetings. He drew the sketch
show below:
7. New Proposals
It soon became clear that many of the Frecklehammers were unhappy with
the current way of greeting each other. It sounded so boastful and the
postman especially resented the fact that he had to stay quiet during all
greetings. He reasoned that everyone should be able to .say hello and
he proposed to do so by saying "I have as many ... as you have". The
emphasis would lie on the similarities and not on the differences.
Everyone was pleased by the new idea. They began to practise, and so will
- Do you think that everyone will be satisfied by this new way of
greeting each other?
Discuss these questions:
- How many greetings will be heard at the next town meeting?
- How many times will each person greet another at the next meeting?
5. There are several possibilities for the first group of three Frecklehammers. Looking
only at the hairs we have:
There are also 3 possibilities for the freckles. A combination of the two results in 9
groups of three Frecklehammers. There is only one possible answer for the second
The quickest way of finding the answer is to consider the hair and freckle forms of
greeting separately. The Frecklehammer that greets twice has 3 hairs (freckles) and
the one that greets once has 2 hairs (freckles). The one that says nothing has 1 hair
(freckle). This conclusion can be drawn since there are no 'equals' present, i.e., no
arrows missing.
6. The total number of greetings can be found by using the grid. Consider the hairs
first. Each Frecklehammer greets his lesser fellow, and therefore his left-hand
neighbour. This means that those with 3 hairs greet 3 X 6 = 18 times and those with
2 hairs 3 X 3 = 9 times. All together 27 times. The same is true for the freckles. In
the grid this is made visible by "going down". A total of 54 greetings is obtained.
7. Each Frecklehammer greets all the others in his street or avenue thus resulting in
four times. The total is 4 X 9 = 36.
8. The letters are coded according to their position in the alphabet written in the base
three system. The words to the song are therefore:
I have as many hairs as you.
I have that many freckles too.
And you do as I do,
I have that many too.
I have as mamy as you.
Note that she says: ''until recently". There has been a noticeable change in
this respect since the beginning of the sixties. Since then, many procedures
for curriculum development have been designed. These vary from a short
series of "hints" and a long series of suggestions, to complicated flow
charts of directions. 3 Many of them agree in one respect: they are
"objective-based", Le., goals in terms of ultimate behaviour form the basis
of curriculum development.
In its simplest form the procedure comes down to the following:
- drawing up a plan of ultimate objectives in terms of goals;
- programming a sequence of product goals in terms of behaviour that
leads to these goals;
- preparing the design of the instruction by collecting all the relevant
information about the pupils in relation to those product goals
- drawing up a definitive list of product goals;
- proceeding to the development and realisation of instructional
material that leads to the intended goals (didactical operationalisa-
tion of product goals);
- adapting if necessary, the list of product goals on the basis of the
information gained from educational practice;
- evaluating the instructional material (evaluative operationalisation of
product goalS).4
This may be followed by a number of directions on how to proceed from
one phase to the next. For example, for the first step, analysing existing
programmes or appraising the opinions of experts; using the method of
task analysis by Gagne or Glaser to get from the first to the second step;
discussing with children is an important part of step three; using
Gal'perin's theory to guide you to the didactical operationalisation of
product goals for mathematics instruction, etc.
In her paper, Baker argues that it is impossible to arrive at a generally
Walker comes to the conclusion that the development task often begins
with the construction of concrete pieces of instruction and discussion of
them, rather than with making the objectives concrete.7 .
After a period of time, the result of the co-operation is "a shared
systems of beliefs and working principles" which Walker refers to as the
"platform".8 This platform is the basis of the educational conception used
and the development of the teaching material. Is there a place for
objectives in this platform? According to Walker there is, but it does not
occupy an exclusive position:
At the present moment in history I think it most important to try to explode the widely
believed myth that all curriculum development should begin with objectives and work in a
formal and systematic way toward the creation and evaluation of plans and materials ...
There are other ways.9
activities, which means that the outlook on and the connection to the basic
conceptions become clearer and the activities are ever more attuned to
each other. Like Baker, Walker also emphasises the fact that there is no
one "best" procedure for curriculum development:
We need many ways to match the many circumstances in which curriculum development
takes place and the many different patterns of educational values that different people
embrace. I I
1.4 Conclusions
An overall look at what has been said about the place of objectives in the
framework of the development of mathematics instructional materials
leads to the following conclusions:
- the actual process of development is not in accordance with the
conception of development as a progressive concretisation of objec-
- the interpretation of development as a progressive structuring of
activities on the basis of a common platform of views on education
and curriculum development, in an alternating process of construct-
ing, deliberating and investigating, is better suited to the description
of the developmental method ·followed by Wiskobas than that of the
objective-based development even though the objectives most cer-
tainly playa role;
- the starting points and general objectives can find their role in
concrete pieces of instruction if the development is closely related to
the concrete learning situation;
- "goals" can serve as orientation points for development on a more or
less explicit basis of starting points and general objectives of mathe-
matics instruction;
- the kind of development used by Wiskobas, in which both two-
dimensional and one-dimensional objectives are made concrete by
developing instructional themes, can be taken as a synthesis of the
objective-based development and the activity-based development.
Thus the significance of goals in the framework of development is more
complex than one would suspect at first sight. In any case the idea that
curriculum development can only take place along the route of more or
less concrete two-dimensional product goals does not apply to Wiskobas'
work. Especially where the relationship with the general objectives is
strong - and that is the case in each of the themes included in this study
- the development takes place close to the instruction, which means that
an intentional gap is left between the goals and the construction of the
learning materials in order to create the necessary space for important
objectives that are formulated generally as permanent one-dimensional
These objectives of developed material which are seen in the frame-
work of innovation, can only be described concretely in the didactical
context in which they were developed. An example of goal description in a
didactical context is given in the following sub-section.
The theme is designed for pupils in the third or fourth grades and is very
different from existing arithmetic instruction. The relation to the per-
manent one-dimensional goals is clearly present, as will be seen from what
The effect of the instruction with "Freckleham" cannot be given clearly
in terms of ultimate results because the benefits will mainly appear in the
learning process. Hence "Freckleham" is an ideal location for a three-
dimensional goal description. In the following we offer, apart from a few
references to points from the publication, the text for the guidance of the
teacher and other participants.
Each goal description of the eight lessons contains three parts: the
assignment, a goal description in a didactical context and a summarising
goal description. Together these form the three-dimensional goal descrip-
After the description of the eight parts there follows a supplement that
places the theme in a broader context. This enlarged context is not
compulsory since in many cases it can be presumed to be familiar. In the
case of "Freckleham", however, we will take it that this relation with what
follows is not completely clear. For that re'?tson a brief overview will be
given of a possible continuation.
We conclude with a short sketch of the relation between the goals of
"Freckleham", on the one hand, and the starting points and permanently
desired objectives, on the other. This supplement is not always necessary,
although it has often been presented at seminars and conferences to
illustrate the objectives-cube.
* The black sections represent either a hat or a scarf and therefore hide either hairs or
principle is retained. But when the entire class finally comes to a decision,
the two-way ordering, as suggested by the postman, is chosen rather than
the "messy" functional structure. The same is true for the naming of the
streets (horizontal) and avenues (vertical). Conventional street names lose
out in favour of names like "one-freckle street" and "three-hair avenue".
The result of the ordering and name-giving activities is a grid with hair and
freckle coordinates on the map of Freckleham.
Summary of the goal: to offer the opportunity for two-way ordering and
name-giving which can lead to a co-ordinate grid.
2.3 Greetings
Once the houses had been re-arranged in an orderly fashion and the
postman was able to do his work more efficiently, the mayor decided to
improve his townmen's manners. He wanted them to be more polite in
their way ofgreeting each other. Therefore he issued the following order.
Every Frecklehammer is required to greet his neighbour if he has more
hairs or freckles than that neighbour by saying: "[ have more ... than you
"[ ~ you" means: "[ have more hairs than you have".
"[ Q _____ ~.,o you" means: "[ have more freckles than you have".
e e
0 ob ~ -0
c/:) 0
~ ~
Q 6 @
a d
~---~----~ ~ ~
b e
0- · -0 ---~---
0-· ---0---~
- . . ---~-:::.€/
The introduction and practice of the arrow language is the main problem
in these questions. The way in which the arrow-language is introduced is
crucial. The arrows can be offered ready made or the symbolism can be
developed by the pupils themselves as a variant of the balloon in a comic
In the last series of problems it is important that the pupils discover and
are able to verbalise that the lack of an arrow between two Freckle-
hammers means that the number of hairs (or freckles) is the same. So the
absence of an arrow also means something.
Summary of the goal: to offer the opportunity to develop an arrow
language to indicate the relationship of the inhabitants; to practise this
language and to draw the appropriate Frecklehammers for a given arrow
pattern. Now each of the pupils should be able to place the Freckle-
hammers on the grid, to indicate the greetings by arrows in the pictures
and to deduce that the lack of an arrow indicates persons of the same
class who consequently are living in the same street or avenue.
2.4 Confusion
Find out which greeting patterns can cause confusion or argument. If there
is no a"ow it means that there is no greeting. Change the arrows, using red
ink, when necessary.
Q e
e---~---~ ~ ~
b f
e--~---~ ~---~--~
c g
. -- ....._----
d b
~ ~ ~---~---~
""~ -"
The idea IS to let the pupils discover the possibilities and limitations of a
greeting pattern at the highest possible level for themselves. Some pupils
appear to reason using the arrows as a guide, others using the map of
'Freckleham' to track down the discrepancies, but most, of them work by
trial and error.
Yet others work at various levels, depending on whether they deal with
the harmony or the conflict pattern of that particular picture.
We find the different levels of use of arrows, map and experimentation
in the following explanations of the picture (e). "They all have one freckle,
or they all have two freckles, or three". ''They live in the same street";
"they all have the same number offreckles".
Seen from a higher level, we are concerned with the application of the
properties of (anti)symmetry and transitivity in equivalence and order
relations. For pupils who cannot solve the conflicting situation the linear
ordering offers a way out: "I have more than" is changed into "lives to the
right of".
In this way the principles of anti-symmetry and transitivity are locked
into the linear order. Hair Avenue or Freckle Street serve as a model.
Summary of the goal: to offer the opportunity to investigate the
possibilities of certain greeting patterns at different levels; to symbolise
and formulate by application of the relational properties of (anti)symmetry
and transitivity, either with or without the intervention of linear order.
2.5 Thieves
Various strategies are possible for decoding the song. The idea is to
attune the end of the story of Freckleham to the imagination and dis-
coveries of the pupils of that particular class.
It is certainly not the intention to introduce the base three system at this
time. This can be done some two years after having been introduced to
"Freckleham" .
Summary of the goal: to offer the pupils the opportunity to decode an
ordering problem given in the form of a coded message.
have as much as" or by any other such aspect? These are a few questions
which are worth considering in this kind of reflection. I 7
The preparatory value lies primarily in the problem-oriented and
research-directed instruction that aims at a mathematical attitude. The
practical value of "Freckleham" in itself is almost nil. However, seen in a
wider context the use of coordinates can be mentioned.
Finally, a few remarks about the relationship to the various starting
points may be made. In three-dimensional goal description the starting
point of the activity is not clearly defined. Not until the actual lesson
begins will it become clear whether or not the pupils have accepted the
problems of Freckleham as their own and will work with motivation and
enthusiasm. From observations and reactions we may come to the conclu-
sion that in most cases the pupils were attracted by the "Freckleham"
problems and were eager to find solutions to
The three-dimensional goal description does give an impression of the
possibility of a variety of solutions. The principle of vertical planning has
been discussed in the previous sub-section.
The five mathematical starting points can be recognized in the overview
which has just been given. Thus it appears that "Freckleham"· is in accord-
ance with the starting points of mathematics instruction as pursued by
Wiskobas. The pupils are working actively and in a differentiated way, in a
problem area that is vertically planned and from which important mathe-
maticallearning experiences can be obtained.
First of all these are the objectives which, next to the behaviour and
content components, contain a product section suggesting ways by which
the envisaged performance of a specific task (report, essay, paper) could
be produced. This generates a three-dimensional description space for
objectives that shows a relationship to the scheme of the structure of
intelligence designed by Guilford. Klauer's approach, which was men-
tioned in the previous chapter, leads on to the Guilford modeI.19 De
Corte's suggestion for a four-dimensional goal description is also based on
Guilford's ideas. 20
Secondly, there are three-dimensional goal descriptions in which the
third dimension, next to the behavioural and content components, con-
tains a transfer component which indicates the scope of the particular goal.
Wheeler's contents-cube contains a third dimension, the three parts of
which are 'specifics', 'ways and means of dealing with specifics and
universals and abstractions."21 De Block recognises three similar transfer
levels, the subject matter, the rather general, and the general transfer. 22
In the third place there are goal descriptions in which the third
dimension consists of general objectives that are mentioned expressly
alongside the behavioural and content components. Johnson, Rising and
Van Dormolen adopt this approachP For the latter this dimension con-
tains the general goals that reflect the social significance of mathematics
next to dimensions of specific goals of knowledge and skills pertaining to
mathematical theory, algorithms, logical principles, problem-solving and
communication, and the dimension that contains the behaviour categories
from a taxonomy.
The fourth kind of three-dimensional goal description is by Pikaart and
Travers. Their third dimension is one of instruction, which indicates ''what
the teacher does to bring about the desired changes in the leamer."24
The well-known two-dimensional description of product goals is thus
extended to a three-dimensional description space for educational pur-
poses, in which next to the desired conduct by pupils, the implications for
the instructional behaviour of the teacher are taken into account. The
behaviour dimension consists of the ordered classes of knowledge, under-
standing and problem-solving. "The content dimension contains subject
materiat, for example the addition of fractions with different denomina-
tors. The third dimension of the "process" is sub-divided into planning,
teaching and evaluation and contains directions for the teacher on the
planning, realisation and evaluation of instruction with respect to the
product goals that are to be pursued.
The first three examples above can be interpreted as refinements of the
two-dimensional goal formulations which were discussed in Chapter IV.
The three extensions, product dimension, transfer component and the
dimension of the general goals, were mentioned in Chapter IV during the
fact this dimension for them is more of a means than a goal component. It
offers no actual new point of view of the two-dimensional goal description.
In our case, however, the three-dimensional goal description is espe-
cially related to the inadequacy of the two-dimensional process goal
description, and especially with regard to what is meant by "offering (or
being given) the opportunity to". What does it mean when we' offer the
pupils the opportunity to give a proof in the first lesson? In this example
the main issue that lies in the three-dimensional description "do we have
all of the Frecklehammers?" can offer clarity about "offering (or taking)
the opportunity to".
In short, the third dimension was introduced primarily to illustrate the
goals, and not to indicate the means of achieving these goals, as is the case
for Pikaart and Travers.
Of course, it must be added that the holistic goal description also gives
information concerning those means, but this is a derived function. So
much for the formal characteristics of the holistic three-dimensional goal
description. In the following sub-section the material aspect will be
considered and we shall ask ourselves on which facts this kind of goal
description is based, or can be based. To that end the "Freckleham" topic
will be used once again.
for the product and process evaluation of the envisaged learning. Further-
more, generally speaking, holistic goal description for a certain piece of
instruction, alongside and together with clarity concerning the envisaged
learning, can offer good support for the planning, evaluation and realisa-
tion of that instruction.
We would finally like to mention one other function of three-dimen-
sional goal description for teaching purposes, namely that pertaining to the
theory of instruction. In the goal description for "Freckleham" there are a
few points that are important to the theory of learning and teaching: for
instance the two-way ordering and reasoning on the basis of transitivity.
More important aspects could be found in the other themes given earlier.
"The Land of Eight", seen from Gal'perin's point of view, could lead to a
large number of questions. The same is true for "Counting Problems".37
Questions of growth as in "Gulliver" and "Grains on the Chessboard",
working with large quantities and calculators, have not yet been tackled
theoretically. Especially in the use of calculators, we are confronted by an
important and theoretically tricky problem; In the three-dimensional goal
descriptions for that kind of instruction one might well find a considerable
amount of raw experience material that could warrant further research.
We make these remarks to indicate that the three-dimensional goal
description can offer certain impulses to (mathematical) educational
psychology. Various authors have recognised the one-sided or insufficient
analysis of the essence of 'mathematics' in diverse investigations and
theories of educational psychology.38 In our opinion three-dimensional
goal descriptions can offer a view on mathematics as a human activity
which contributes to a broadening and deepening of the psychological
conceptions in mathematics, thus making possible a closer connection
between theory and practice. They can also contribute to the insight that
certain psychological theories do not ''fit'' certain parts of mathematics
For if there is no structural relationship between psychological theory
and what is considered to be the essence of mathematics, the application
of the one to the other can be damaging for mathematics instruction.
Three-dimensional goal descriptions could offer a contribution to a better
insight into the heart of mathematical activity, or at least bridge the gap
between general and specific educational theories.
tions of levels of solution, observation points, etc. In this way all the data
that have emerged from the experience of working with the design and the
development phase and which are considered to be crucial for the
envisaged learning process can be included in the holistic goal description.
These data, as well as the observations of the designers in the experi-
mental phase, are derived from the reactions of the teachers, students,
tutors, etc. who are involved in the development activities. Next to its main
function of didactical action in the actual practice of instruction, three-
dimensional goal description. can also function in educational theory.
The main question concerning the way in which objectives for "new"
mathematics material such as "Freckleham" should be described for the
"less-familiar-with" has now been answered as follows. Describe the
objectives holistically, i.e., place the two-dimensional goal descriptions in a
didactical context, thus making clear what is meant by the terms "offering
(receiving) the opportunity to" or "being able to" in a concrete way. These
three-dimensional goals will then fill our objectives cube.
Mathematical Material for Chapter VI
2. .J
'IS lo)/'';Lh
=: i'Jo '~L=h.c>
10 l.=b"lC
I.,1s l./So
1."50 10XJ.:t 4'2. 0
'L"l.1. -
1.J.' .so ~
--b> ~
''Jj.,c , ~'0-t
!&J.t:o 2:]5 0
: "
Itl2..9 O b'2.
~2.79D ~ ~o
'OlC.lts= UC :2.7 00
l°)lf.lts='bo ,~
II>-J( Q,,"'I{!of)
'D~ 'i5::C/So 1-7 So
I>OJl. 'I 0= 2/.;. DO
leXl/$:::tao l>p YS:-~27-j'
ntlS .. U
l~!i~ d)
Fig. I.
For unclear reasons commutativity had been applied in (c). This pupil
calculated the intermediate products 40 X 62 and 5 X 62 only partially,
which might develop into a handicap for reaching the stan!iard algorithm.
Here the teacher should intervene. As far as notation is concerned, the
approach of (d) is detached from the long addition, as is that of (e). The
notation is perfectly clear, the partial products are separately calculated
and then added. The next phase that announces itself is the straight-
forward calculation and notation of 60 X 45. In (e) we notice radical short
cuts. To a certain extent it is just the background of the long addition that
stimulates the clever use of some properties.
The particularly striking elements in the displayed work are the
- after about 15 lessons pupils do multiplications with rather long
- they work-at different levels of schematising and shortening;
- they use adapted notations.
The next phase in the course is combining the tens, thus writing and
calculating 60 X 45 via 6 X 450 with immediate carrying in the partial
products. As a matter of fact this means attaining the standard form.
Phase 3: The positions grow larger as does the degree of schematising and
324 '---' '---' '---' '---'
200 50
120 30
4 1
0 81
i SU-
~ t.\o
( ..... ) =\%1
t~~. (t.)
Fig. 2.
If the goal set for the whole group is level (c), it will again take 10 lessons
for the great majority to reach it. For the last step toward the standard
pattern 10 more lessons would be required. Indeed, it is well-known that
these kinds of transformations create new problems.3
If, however, one is satisfied with differentiated performances like the
preceding ones, the whole course of long division is finished after about
20 lessons.
the specific part played by the context deserves to be considered. The role
of the context differs fundamentally from that played in the traditional
instruction of column arithmetic, which centres around bare number
problems. If there is any attention paid to context problems in the
traditional case, it is restricted to application of the procedures learned by
means of bare number problems. In other words, in the traditional
instruction of this subject context problems are in general not used as
starting points, whereas in an integrated course of column arithmetic they
are used to prompt schematising and shortening at every important stage
of the learning process. The background argument for this approach is
that learning column arithmetic is made easier by suggesting concrete
representations of the numerical actions and that applicability is increased
by the a priori organic connection between the formal arithmetic proce-
dures and the informal methods of solving contextual problems used by
the pupils.
However, in the case of column arithmetic the adjective 'integrated'
refers not only to its relationship with contextual problems but also to that
with flexible and clever reckoning. This includes the idea that systematic
attention should be paid to the a priori estimating of the result and also
that clever reckoning by using relevant properties and rules must not be
lost from sight. The last is rather easy since the courses are solidly based
on clever reckoning.
Column arithmetic is, as it were, squeezed in between estimating and
flexible calculating with the additional aim being to counteract an attitude
exclusively directed at algorithms. In particular, in the third and fourth
grades where the instruction is often strongly determined by the domi-
nance of the column arithmetic rules - at least in the traditional approach
- the danger of prompting an a- or antimathematical attitude is immi-
nent.4 There is, however, one more reason to integrate column with
flexible arithmetic: the opportunity to effect breaches in the troublesome
additive "carry-over" for pupils solving contextual problems. 5 To be sure,
estimating plays a part too in the process of shortening procedures. In
brief, there are a number of serious arguments for including estimating,
clever reckoning and contextual problems in teaching arithmetic.
Finally, an example is given of an evaluation lesson for division at the
end of the course, where progressive schematisation and the significance
of contextual problems is involved. It gives the following problems:
5. Summary
6. Queries
1. Starting Points
In traditional teaching of column arithmetic the pupils are more often than
not immediately confronted with the standard terminal product, that is,
with a rigid procedure. Little if any opportunity is left for growing towards
the definitive algorithm, and by this means to experience the necessity of
an algorithm and to appreciate the efficiency and general applicability
of standardised algorithms. Moreover, by their overwhelming influence,
algorithms may put a restriction on the instruction of arithmetic in the
third to fourth grade and on the pupil's behaviour. In .contra-distinction,
Wiskobas proposes· an approach that leaves the child the chance to
develop terminal algorithms for himself, to rediscover the arithmetic rules,
which only in the course of centuries of human history got their final·
shape. This then is one way among others to help the child avoiding the
trap of a one-sided algorithmic attitude, or formulated in more positive
terms, to create important mathematical starting points such as learning
to schematise, to shorten, to develop notations, to reflect on one's own
activities. The faster learning of column arithmetic by this approach - we
will reconsider this point - is a bonus, since the Wiskobas algorithmic
programme is primarily a matter of principle because of its conception of
mathematics as a human activity fitted to the world that the child
experiences and lives in, and guided by the principle of reinvention. The
starting points of an active, differentiated and longitudinally planned
mathematically rich instruction are clearly visible in this approach, in
particular as regards the process of algorithmisation.
We did not, however, claim that this general view necessarily leads to
integrated column arithmetic by progressive schematisation. There is
another movement that would globally ·subscribe to Wiskobas' basic
conceptions and starting points as well as the consequent objections
against traditional programmes of column arithmetic, though their final
conclusions would diverge from those of Wiskobas. Rather than the
standard-algorithms (or variants) they endeavour to teach children
adapted methods that are not just standard 7 - let us call them the non-
standard movement.
2. One-dimensional Goals
Obviously there is a divergence as regards the one-dimensional goals
pursued. In the case of algorithmising, the non-standard movement
stresses exclusively the general goals of personal, social and mathematical
values. Beyond these, Wiskobas also stresses the preparatory value and
the social relevance of the standard algorithms (while admitting less
shortened versions). The availability of calculators and computers does
not reduce the merit of these values, even though in instructional practice
the actual teaching methods for column arithmetic may change and even
come closer to what we called the non-standard movement. These changes
concern, as we mentioned earlier, the process of algorithmising, that is the
general mathematical goals.
3. Two-dimensional Goals
The two-dimensional product goals are concerned both with the terminal
algorithms and their applicability in a context. Let us first consider the
envisaged terminal algorithms.
For the majority of children the envisaged level in multiplication
problems is:
62 X 45 --> 60 X 45 = 2700
2 X 45 = 90
For the division it is:
6000 500
360 30
24 2
10 532 rem. 10
A small minority of pupils would be allowed less shortened variants of
long division, such as those shown previously in (a) and (b) of the example
of pupils' practice. If the method of (b) or even (a) is accepted as a kind of
minimal level, the percentage of mastery is considerable higher than the
usual 70% (or even less) for long division, whereas the invested instruction
time - mark well - is considerably reduced. x Both facts are easily
understood and explained as soon as it is realised that in progressive
schematisation the procedural acts are built on insight and the numerical
techniques are less advanced. Insight protects the learners against a variety
of idiosyncratic mistakes, which are a well-known phenomenon in long
division. And as far as the arithmetical techniques are concerned, the less
shortened method, far from compelling the pupils to estimate exactly the
partial quotients, gives them the opportunity to split off easily recognisable
parts. In other words, practically every pupil can learn a long division
whereas the long division is only accessible to two out of three pupils.
Since from the start column arithmetic is tied to solving contextual
problems, it may be taken for granted that in the integrated approach the
applicability of the procedures of column arithmetic is not lower than
in the isolated approach. This, however, has not yet been corroborated
The first part of the present chapter contains a brief sketch of the
prehistory of our publication. It deals with the various phases we went
through in the Wiskobas project before arriving at the conception of a
three-dimensional goal description within the frame of innovation. In the
second part we survey the contents of the present study. The third part
aims at justifying our attempt at answering the query about content and
form of goal descriptions for mathematics instruction such as are pre-
sented in our publication. Finally we conclude with a summary of starting
points, goals and methods of goal descriptions.
The question, however, is to what extent the manner followed which led to
these conclusions and solutions, is scientifically justified.
The first part of the study, containing Chapters II and III, is of a descrip-
tive nature. It describes the starting points and general objectives of
mathematics education as Wiskobas would have it. Even though these
ground rules are not substantiated, they are not offered without any kind
of motivation either.
The examples of mathematics instruction not only serve to illustrate,
but also offer the opportunity for a critical reflection on what is presented.
This also arises from personal experience with the mathematics instruction
from the "mathematics material". The second part of the study, which
deals with the essence of the problem at issue concerning the goal
description, Chapters IV and V, is of a discursive nature.
The fourth chapter begins with two arguments on the problem of goal
description, by Popham and Eisner. It is noteworthy that they discuss
instruction in a rather general setting. Only once does Eisner refer to a
concrete example from an instructional situation, when he uses ''personal
discussion" to argue the necessity for the formulation of expressive
objectives. At that point the ideas of Popham and Eisner about what
instruction is, or should be, showed clear differences.
From these different views on instruction the different values they assign
to product and process goal description can be derived most clearly. For if
one considers the "confrontation with" certain investigational activities of
importance in instruction, one will not exclude the process goal formula-
tion. If however, like Bloom, one feels that "equality of outcomes" prevails
above "equality of opportunity", only product goal formulation will be
used. 16 The difference in views concerning instruction therefore leads to a
distinction in the kind of goal description desired.
The sketch we gave in the first three chapters about the basic concepts
and general goals, illustrated by concrete examples, was an essential means
of making clear that we find both two-dimensional product goal formula-
tion and process goal description important. We have left no doubt
concerning our support of the activity principle of "learning mathematics
by doing mathematics".
This starting point is often interpreted in different ways, but as under-
stood by Polya and others it does little more than convey the conviction
that by executing suitable mathematical activities, the pupil, as well as
gaining all sorts of skills, also acquires a mathematical attitude, which is
expressed in a specific view on problems and the approach to them. This
means that, in our opinion, next to product goals in terms of "being able
to", process goals in terms of "offering (receiving) the opportunity to" also
deserve a place in mathematics education. The examples of mathematics
instruction from the model curriculum of Wiskobas, which were not
specially designed for the problem of goal description, but do represent an
image of the instruction developed by Wiskobas, were considered as being
a given fact: the question of. legitimation was not being considered at that
From this basis of concrete orientation in the examples described, the
various arguments for and against certain types of goal description were
assessed in relation to that mathematics instruction in the framework of
innovation. In tum the reader, from his 'own experience with the related
mathematics material, was able to analyse and judge our arguments.
The argument in Chapter IV was structured in the following way. After
the presentation of the various types of goal description, these were in
turn examined in relation to the theme "The Land of Eight", next to which
the question of the extent to which these types of description can express
the objectives for the ''less-familiar-with'' was considered.
In conclusion the possibilities and limitations of the two-dimensional
goal descriptions were considered in a more general sense, each time
referring to the concrete examples.
The fifth chapter gives an example of three-dimensional goal descrip-
tion which, in our opinion, complies with the requirements of clarity
But there is little mathematics here, as mathematicians see it - and would like to see
conveyed in the classroom....
The view of mathematics represented in The Psychology of Mathematics for Instruction
is a travesty, and to have that represent "mathematics for instruction" would be
devastating. 18
Finally we give a summary of the conclusions that are drawn in this study
in answer to the problem at issue.
Firstly, the question concerning the starting points of mathematics
education, as seen from Wiskobas' point of view:
- the starting point of Wiskobas is an active, differentiated, vertically
planned learning process in which the structural character, the
language aspect, the applicability, the dynamics and the specific kind
of approach to mathematics are emphasised.
Secondly, the question concerning the general objectives of mathematics
education by Wiskobas:
- the four one-dimensional integral objectives that contain formal,
socialising, preparatory and socially relevant aspects are as important
as the eight one-dimensional mathematical goals which contain the
mathematical aspects mentioned in the starting points.
Thirdly, the question concerning concrete objectives of mathematics
education as desired by Wiskobas:
- the two-dimensional objectives are related to six subject material
areas: arithmetic systems, measuring, geometry, probability and
statistics, relations and functions, and language and logic.
Next to the content part of the problem at issue there arises the formal
question concerning types of goal description. Of particular importance is
the question of how to describe the goals for certain pieces of mathematics
instruction in a way that will make them understandable to a large circle of
teachers, curriculum developers, researchers and other participants who
are not sufficiently familiar with this mathematics education. The answer
given is that, as well as the usual two-dimensional goal description with a
behaviour and content component, which is distinguished in concrete
product and process goals, a three-dimensional goal description for "new"
sections of mathematics instruction is recommended. Such a three-dimen-
sional goal description can be called holistic, since all elements of the
didactical context can contribute to the clarification of "offering (receiving)
the opportunity to" or "being able to" by being included in the description.
The eight starting points fit the vertices of the objectives-cube. The
twelve permanent one-dimensional goals fit the edges, the six content
planes of the two-dimensional product and process goals fit the planes of
The Lissajous curve on the previous page shows the projection of the
former IOWO logo, the Moebius strip, on one plane and that of the
OW & OC logo on the other. Its parametric representation is (sin t, sin 2t,
sin 3t).
- which pile of books is higher, that with four or that with five?
- a thicker and a thinner book - which one has more pages?
- Mary was born in 1980, and John in 1981. How old are they now?
Who is taller?
- two friends celebrate their birthday together, one of them invites five
friends and the other six. How many have been invited?
- how long is the peel of an apple, who can make the longest one, and
how long will it be?
Even in memorisation and mental arithmetic elementary context problems
play a part: they can provide the arithmetical actions and properties with a
concrete orientation basis. The same holds for a variety of material,
models and diagrams.
Memorising the tables of addition and subtraction up to twenty and
those of multiplication and division involves a process of continued
shortening, of skilful reckoning, shortened counting, structuring based on
memorised knowledge, and insight into the arithmetical structure, estimat-
ing, repeated doubling and halving, and the efficient use of arithmetical
Elementary mental arithmetic develops by a process of continued
shortening of skilful reckoning based on knowledge of the multiplication
tables, understanding the properties of and insight into the positional
system. This mainly concerns addition and subtraction below a hundred,
multiplication by ten and multiples of ten, multiplying a number with
several digits by a one digit number and, finally slight extensions to
hundred and multiples of a hundred, thousand and multiples of a thou-
sand, . . . Training in basic knowledge and the development of abilities
takes place while sequences, tables, diagrams, and 'machines' are used in a
variety of games. Estimating is considered an extraordinarily important
means of learning to shorten certain arithmetical actions. For instance
counting, which plays an important part in early instruction, can be
'conquered' by having the children estimate results of 7 + 9 = ... ; 17 + 9
= ... ; 31 - 10 = . .. In other words, approximations are allowed
provided they don't deviate too much.
But estimating can also be a goal in itself: calculating by estimating.
Thus, either rough results are the goal or estimating as a means of
checking the orders of magnitude, or estimating is implied by the rough-
ness of the data, or finally a combination of these three elements. In brief,
it includes the appropriate use of empirical data, operations, approxima-
tions, rounding, precision and lack of precision, and estimation in numer-
ous everyday situations,where arithmetic applies.
Two examples of press-cuttings, useful in mental arithmetic, estimating
and developing a certain feeling for numbers:
25,999 chickens grilled
(From our correspondent, Hellendoom, Thursday)
In a fire on the farm of the family K in Hellendoom 25,999 chickens perished. There were
26,000 chickens in the burning shed. One chicken escaped. The fire, probably due to a
short-circuit, started in a empty barn and because of the strong wind it spread to the
chicken shed. The damage is estimated at more than half a million guilders.
The classification obtained in this way has for some time functioned as a shadow classifica-
tion, although it has never found its way into the official tables. Nonetheless, a closer look
at the equivalence formula is revealing. It takes some figuring, so let us restrict ourself to
The Netherland's. This nation has about 14 million people, as opposed to about three
billion in the USA, which is 200 times greater. The area of The Netherlands is 40,000
square metres to the USA's 33,000 square kilometres, almost a thousand times as much.
Weighing one against the other, the population coefficient of The Netherlands is one fifth
of that of the USA.
2. Column Arithmetic
In the preceding chapter we described what we call 'integrated column
arithmetic by progressive schematisation'. 'Integrated' meant column
arithmetic not isolated from skilful calculating and application, but just the
opposite: skilful reckoning in context serves in the Wiskobas programme
as an initial motiviitional point for learning the procedures of column
arithmetic. 'Progressive schematisation' meant not heading straight for
standard procedures; learning proceeds along the continuous path of
ever-continuing schematisation and shortening. Much less time (about
half) is spent on learning column arithmetic with this approach than the
traditional ones (see Chapters VI and VII). Moreover the procedural
patterns themselves become a matter of investigation. A retrospective view
on column arithmetic as far as the positional principle is concerned is
taken in 'The Land of Eight' (Chapter N).
Take the following examples:
2. I did the division 15317 + 379 with a pocket calculator. It showed 40.414248. How
can you use the calculator to find the remainder of the division?
3. Ratio
In the Wiskobas programme the subject ratio is assigned an important
place: it is a 'Gulliver subject'. This is at variance with the traditional
arithmetic instruction in The Netherlands, where 'ratio' has withered into a
set of stereotyped, highly schematised problems. 'New Maths' dropped
this subject: ratios were reduced to fractions. However, the field of ratio
provides a great opportunity of mathematising relevant realistic problems.
Ratios primarily serve to compare situations. Comparing is a way of
organising, of assessing divergences and bringing about corrections, which
assures it an important place in the instructional course.
From the very beginning the observed reality reveals points of rele-
vance, such as in examples of magnifying, reducing, ratio-conserving and
nonconserving, representations in drawings, maps to scale, and so on. In
the bottom classes (5-8 years) this allows qualitative preparation for the
more quantitative operations with ratios.
The transition from a visual to a more numerical grasp of ratio
develops gradually in the middle classes (9-10 years). Models and
schemas like the double-scaled numberline, the strip, the stick-shadow
model, the rectilinear graph, the string of coloured beads, and the propor-
tion table are aids both for detecting numerical relations and for pro-
cessing them arithmetically. Connections between numbers of items and
prices, paths and journey-times are then investigated, as well as the
compostion of recipes and mixtures. In the top classes (11-12 years)
percentages are introduced, and the proportion table plays a central part
in the technique of 'reducing to 100'. In addition, the application of ratio is
extended to linear and non-linear relations between magnitudes; the
calculations are more and more schematised and shortened. Ratios are
also relevant to fraction activities to be dealt with later on. In brief, they
are a link between the various domains of arithmetic and mathematics,
and reality. Moreover, this subject anticipates secondary instruction in
mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and geography (see 'Gulliver').
To conclude, we present two examples of ratio problems for 11-12
years-olds (see next page).
In the USA.
Speed limit 60 miles/h.
How much is this in km/h?
< 50""",,, )
and calculating. At the start simple fractions are operated on, informally
rather than by rote. The progressive formalisation of the operation pro-
ceeds through four clusters of more or less simultaneous activities, which,
to be sure, are not clearly separated from one another.
The first regards 'fair table arrangements':
There are 24 pizzas for 32 children. Arrange them fairly, such as: two tables with 12 pizzas
each for 16 children.
The pupils are given a sequence of such tasks. The organising and
structuring activities lead to a kind of mapping of the situations in obvious
patterns, which allow for communication and encourage thinking.
16 16 8 24
Such schemas can be extended and shortened, that is, partitions can be
made with smaller and bigger numbers, which are all equivalent. Questions
can be asked like:
- Is the distribution fair?
- Who will get more, those at table , or at table ~?
- How much more?
- What about ~ and ,?
If the partition is carried out piecewise, one gets! + ! + ! = ~. In this way
ratio distribution situations are coupled to fractions. But, at the same time,
they are distinguished by means of notation. Indeed, ~ symbolises the
original situation of a table with 3 pizzas on it and 4 persons around it.
This is the beginning of the road towards operating with fractions: the
equivalence of distribution situations and of fractions emerges, as well
as ordering according to magnitude, previewing the determining of dif-
ferences. The second cluster of activities, which, as we have said, is closely
connected to the first, includes further exploration and elaboration.
Distributions are constructed with rectangles, circles and strips, and their
results are described. For instance:
Distribute 3 chocolate bars among 4 children. Draw the parts and describe them by
but now the pizzas have to be paid for. The central question is, how much
should a person pay who took first! and then %of a pizza (or who pays for
two people who got respectively! and %)? Initially one can prescribe the
pizza price; later on the pupils may choose it. How much do you pay
for to? This is another way by which adding, subtracting, multiplying and
dividing fractions can be realised (if the proportion table is used, dividing
by fractions does not pose new problems). Nothing, however, is enforced.
The jump from! + ~ to to via the price of 90 cents need not yet be made
explicit; looking for an appropriate price is not yet related to finding the
least common multiple of the denominators, and the multiplication rule is
not yet verbalised. Nor does this happen if pizzas are replaced by pieces
of chocolate bars and it is asked how many pieces is ! + ~, or how much
of the whole it is (here the rectangle model is best for both adding and
multiplying). Afterwards, conversely, the pupils can check whether the
result is correct by proceeding on the ~ymbolic level: to = to + 10 = ...
How do pupils finally come to operate with fractions? This happens in
the fourth cluster of activities. The students are constantly encouraged
to perform productions of their own on the symbolic level. This is done
both with regard to decomposition (i = ... + ... ) and to composi-
tion (! + = ... ). A first example is the series: i = * * *
+ + or
* *'
i = l + or i = 1 - The production of more complicated decom-
positions can be stimulated: ~ = ! + ! + ! + ! +! is a standard distri-
bution, belonging to " where each of the five objects is fairly distributed
among the six participants. This may be followed by ~ = ~ + ~ and
subsequently by ~ = ! + !. The transition from ~ to ! may be supported by
the table arrangement model as well as by that of paying for ~ or ! pizza or
by a combination of both of them. Then ~ becomes an alias of !. At a
certain moment the pupils can be asked to assemble what you might call
fraction 'monographs' of aliases. Similar production activities of com-
posing can be stimulated. The pupils may use the payment model, at first
explicitly and later tacitly.
Our second example series starts with ! +!. In principle, various
models and situations can be devised to solve such problems, reversing the
activities leading to the preceding 'monographs': the visual distribution of
the bar, the pizza price of Dfl. 4. - per unit, and so on.
As the first, second and third cluster of activities increase in multitude
and subtlety, the pupil can produce more problems of increasing ingenuity
at the symbolic level, and, in addition, the variety of applications
influences what is produced.
Overall, this sketch of a course on fractions faithfully reflects the
didactical principles of the introduction: context problems, models, pupils'
own production, the intertwining with ratio, measuring and calculating,
and interactive learning where children exchange products with one
another. We will close with a few examples:
A wine glass holds litre. How many glasses can be filled from a i litre bottle?
... glasses
The hall of an apartment is 2t metre long and Ii metre wide. The floor is laid with new
parquet (that is wooden boards). Dad bought an economy pack that can cover 5 square
metres of floor.
Is there not enough or is there too much? How many square metres?
those which concern money. Gradually the children discover rules for the
basic operations using the decimal point. Our judgment and experience
suggest that tricks and rules taught by the teacher obstruct the applicabil-
ity of decimal numbers, which is indeed a problem. (Only in algebra
instruction might a broader applicability be attained.) The chcrracteristics
of the decimal positional system should be recalled where decimal num-
bers are to be introduced. Again, estimating and shortening contribute to
discovery of the rules. Calculators can be used as a didactic and a
checking tool. Again an example:
5. Measuring
'larger' than the other. For this reason the concept of area is first coupled
with other magnitudes such as price, weight, and so on, in order to prevent
confusion with, say, perimeter. Not until one has proceeded via natural
measures to standard measures (,square units') is the term 'area' intro-
duced. A number of strategies are applied to compare and measure by
means of measuring units: superimposing, cutting, sticking together, re-
constructing dissections, counting, approximate calculation, refining the
measuring unit, general strategies and formulas (for instance decomposing
in half rectangles). In a way these working methods increase in difficulty,
from qualitative comparing through quantitative measuring to calculating
by means of formulas and general strategies. At the same time, the
connection with perimeter and volume is investigated, as well as the
behaviour of the magnification and reduction of the relation between
formulas, their practical use in painting, flooring, furnishing, cultivating,
and soon.
After this brief survey on just one aspect of measuring- area - let us
turn to the attention paid in the Wiskobas programme to measuring in
general, which includes:
- indirect measuring and estimating;
- arithmetic by estimation in relation to measuring;
- developing measures for speed (of reading), wind-intensity, angle,
density and so on;
- the meaning of precision and imprecision of errors in measuring, of
estimating, of rounding, and their total effects on the results of
- measuring in the context of investigations and experiments;
- tabulating and graphical processing of data;
- finding relations between magnitudes;
- integrating measuring with arithmetic and geometry.
While numerical data is processed in tables and graphs, the converse
activity of interpreting is not neglected.
In brief, measuring belongs to the foundations of arithmetical-mathe-
matical instruction: it offers most natural access to calculating and
provides models (such as the number line) and context problems which
cover a vast range of applications. Besides, measuring as such is an
important area of mathematics instruction, not least because of its
mathematical and soCial relevance (see our examples on the next page).
6. Geometry
Determine the (approximate) thickness of the page on which this text has been printed. Say
how you did it.
Measure on a map the length of The Netherlands coastline from Hook of Holland to Den
The difference in the width of the beach at low and high tide is an average of 100 metres.
How much is the beach area reduced by the high tide?
How much is the coast length reduced?
A map of a big island, Waterland, is hanging on the wall of the classroom. The question is:
who can tell from which point the picture was taken?
This canvas covered with a thin reflecting layer is a marvellous aid for making selfportraits.
What went fundamentally wrong when this reflecting canvas picture was drawn?
The coast of Soldaria stretches exactly North-South. North is the harbour Urtak, and a bit
South of it the harbour Romsk.
One day the coastguard of Urtak sees an emergency signal - West South West. The
coastguard at Romsk sees the same signal right in front of the coast, that is West.
1. Make a drawing of the situation (a map). .
2. The distance Urtak-Romsk is 3 km. How far is the ship from the coast?
.... H
-,., 0100
',/ 0
.... 010
1:. /10
'When the Van Hieles started teaching they were just as unprepared as many other young
teachers; nobody had told them how to do it. Of course they had passively undergone
teaching, may be even observed their teachers' performing, but this was not enough. As
time went on, they got the opportunity of discussing their teaching with each other and
with others. They subjected their own actions to reflection. They observed themselves
when teaching, recalled what they had done, and analysed it. Thinking is continued acting,
indeed, but there are relative levels. At the higher level the acting of the lower becomes an
object of analysis. This is what the Van Hiele s recognized as a remarkable feature of
the learning process, namely of that in which they learned teaching. They transfered this
feature to the learning process of pupils who were learning mathematics. There they
discovered similar levels.'s
third, the formal level. The symbols used refer insufficiently to first level
notions, for the simple reason that these notions have not been developed
to a degree that the connection can be made. The signal character of the
symbols is too weak, they do not refer to concrete (mental) objects, they
represent nothing, they are properly said to be no symbols at all, and at
that moment they don't allow the pupil to profit from the system of formal
rules according to which they are operated on. As Hofstadter would say,
there is a lack of active as well as of passive 'meaning'. 10 One cannot even
raise the question of real formal significance - it is merely formalism and
Compared with the traditional manner, instruction according to Van
Hiele goes in just the opposite direction. Instead of starting with formal
operations at the second, or even third level, and trying to apply the
matter learned in appropriate first level situations, one starts at the first
level with the phenomenological exploration of the manifestations of
mathematical concepts and structures, in order to continue with formal
operations on the second level, and subsequently on the third. Essentially
it is the same teaching/learning process by reflection and recursion, as
typified by Kilpatrick.ll The lower level is the basis of the higher; the
(mental) actions on the lower level become thinking matter at the higher
In order to rise from one level to the next, the pupils pass through five
phases, to wit: information, constrained exploration, explicitation, free
orientation, integration. Still in brief, this means:
- getting acquainted with the subject;
- getting in touch with the relevant structured elements by means of
- developing appropriate linguistic means for the field under consid-
eration, in order to describe and verbalise relations and structures;
- free exploration of the total field in question by using the now
available means of organisation;
- and, finally, condensing the learned matter and fitting it into the total
inventory of knowledge, abilities and insight.
Th~ are briefly, and in rather general terms, the levels and phases of the
learning process distinguished by Van Hiele.
logically related to the realistic starting point of the level theory and the
didactical phenomenology.
In brief, and leaving aside the subject matter, they are the following:
1. phenomenological exploration
In the first instructional phase of a relatively new subject an exten-
sive phenomenological exploration is undertaken. The mathematical
activities take place within a concrete context.· The real phenomena
in which the concepts and structures under consideration manifest
themselves are explored as multifariously as possible. The aim is to
acquire a rich collection of intuitive notions in which the essential
aspects of concepts and structures are preformed. This, then, is
laying the basis for concept formation.
2. bridging by vertical instruments
From the very start, in elementary problem situations, a variety of
'vertical' instruments such as models, schemas, diagrams and symbols
are offered, explored and developed. This is done with the intention
of helping to bridge the level difference between the intuitive,
informal, context bound operating at the first level and the reflective,
formal systematic one on the third. In conformity with the theoretical
construct of gradually progressive mathematisation this is more a
step-by-step progress rather than a single jump from one level to
another. This means that from the start more formal elements may
be involved in the learning process, although they take place 'locally',
that is, are bound to specific cases and within a concrete reference
frame. In other words, horizontal exploration is not free of vertical
features in the teaching/learning process, as illustrated by the follow-
ing picture:
level 3
level 2
I level!
These then are the five general principles to be generally observed with
the intention of making the transition from one level to the next in the
progress of mathematising according to Wiskobas. The progress is realised
by reflection and recursion, by a cyclic process of phenomenological
exploration and mathematical structuring, by a stepwise articulation of the
teaching/learning process.
At the first approach, context problems are elementary but nevertheless
paradigmatic, which means that they function as forceful mental models.
Or, in the terminology of mathematisation: they possess a strong vertical
potential, they lend actual significance to more abstract models and to
symbols, while as context problems their horizontal range is broad
because they represent a broad domain of real phenomena, which may
emerge as applications. The pupil's own contribution to the learning
process is an essential factor. The cognitive intertwining of learning
strands, which may be relatively separated from the viewpoint of subject
oriented systematics, is accounted for. And finally, this view on and theory
of the process of mathematising implies interactive instruction.
This ends the abstract one-dimensional description of the tenets of
instruction theory connected to Van Hiele's level theory and Freudenthal's
phenomenology. We were able to risk making the exposition in general
terms because the concrete basis of orientation had been laid in advance
- a precaution taken in order not to sin conspicuously against the
principles of phenomenological theory adhered to. In fact, this theoretical
framework will be given a more concrete filling as soon as we proceed to
the two- and three-dimensional descriptions. But before tackling these, let
us cast a glance at the three other instruction theory trends, indicated
At the close of this section we venture to pose the question: How is the
instruction theory construct of progressive mathematisation related to the
instruction theory conceptions of the three other trends of arithmetic/
mathematics instruction?
Well, mathematising with its horizontal and vertical aspects is shaped
according to the four trends as follows:
Column arithmetic offers the same picture that has been painted in detail
in Chapte'r VI. A number of pupils develop the standard algorithms, can
apply them broadly within the system of whole numbers, can use them in
context problems, and are able to make the algorithms themselves an
object of investigation.
Ratio activities start at the first level with qualitative and informal com-
parisons in mainly visually set problems and gradually pass into the stage
of more numerical and calculation strategies. The gap between is bridged
by all kinds of models. Finally, arithmetic processing becomes more and
more schematised, shortened and endowed with numerical precision, in
particular when dealing with percentages. It should be added, as said
before, that in primary school only a certain number of the pupils reach
the third Van Hiele level of more profound investigation of ratio, propor-
tion and percentage. 16
and mathematical instruction are made more precise with the intention of
relating them to the themes and courses sketched above.
3.2 The Five Tenets of the Framework for Instruction Theory Revisited
- concept formation: at the onset of the course they offer the pupils
natural and motivating access to mathematics;
- model formation: they support the learning of formal operations,
procedures, notations, rules, together with providing other material
and visual models which fulfil an important support function for
- applicability: they uncover reality as source and domain of applica-
- training specific arithmetic abilities in applied situations.
- 6/608 ... was correctly answered by 69% and 65% of the 13 and
17 years olds, respectively;
- the problem '26 children, four per car; how many cars are needed?'
was correctly answered by no more than 3% of the nine years olds
(handheld calculators were allowed); 12% chose for the answer 6.5
and 7% for 65 cars.20
These examples furnish further evidence that, right through the elementary schoolyears, the
attitude that 'schoolmath is something for itself, not for life outside school' is becoming
However, rather than restricting our attention to the form, contents and
functions of the particular context problems belonging to a certain teach-
ing subject, we shall also consider them in their totality. An important
criterion is completeness, in other words, whether the variety of mathe-
matical phenomena in the real world is sufficiently ~xpressed. In partic-
ular, problem situations should be viewed which, thanks to their inherent
this view on instruction, they are typically first level - at least in principle
since, as the pupils advance, many parts of mathematics can acquire the
same concreteness, but let us disregard this for the moment.
Instead, we give one example of this kind of model from each chapter.
The handkerchief problem from 'Gulliver' is first of all an object of
exploration and functions later on as a model for the behaviour of area
and perimeter under linear magnification.
The road problem functions similarly, together With the tree diagram in
organised counting as a model for combinatoric problems.
The chessboard problems with grains of com is an important basis for
(exponential) growth problems (growth by a certain percentage per year).
As a first step an (approximate) doubling time is figured out in order then
to use the chessboard model further.
The context of the Walt Disney drawings (characters with four fingers
on each hand) helps the pupils learn to count and reckon in base eight. The
fingers-hand model is then retained in order to do the same calculations in
base six and other number systems, and eventually, for instance, also in
base twelve, where two new symbols are needed - a unique opportunity
to demonstrate the force and function of digital symbols. Let us add that
the fingers-hand model, which initially provided strong support, might
later on block the process of generalisation - a feature inherent in the use
of models.
In Freckleham it was seen how linear ordering can function in prob-
lems when reasoning rests on awareness of transitivity. In note 27 of
Chapter V we dislayed four isomorphic order problems which not-
withstanding their isomorphism, differ considerably in difficulty. This is
because in certain cases, the linear order is not obtrusive enough to
impose the global thought model on the learner who, therefbre, proceeds
by chains of local deductions, that is, on a higher level than needed.
Numerous psychological experiments have revealed the enormous dif-
ference arising from the way isomorphic problems are proposed, that
is, whether they can be solved on a concrete and meaningful level or
whether, thanks to their specific adornment, it must be done on a more
formal level. The availability and possibility of using thinking models is of
crucial importance if a difference of level in such reasoning problems is to
be bridged - not only in reasoning problems but in mathematising as a
If the long division procedure is to be developed, the situation of fair
sharing and distributing plays a principal part. This is true of the first
phase of the course, but just as true in later phases if shortening is
stimulated and procedural mistakes are to be overcome. More precisely: it
is the combination of fair sharing With its symbolisation in a schema that
opens the road to self-reliant development of the algorithm.
Table arrangement is another opportunity to make similar observa-
productions derive part of their enormous significance from the fact that
the instructional course is essentially the result of the pupils' own con-
tributions. The mere possibility of their own production protects pupils
from being forced into a subject matter oriented straitjacket. They are
relatively free, that is, as far as the space in which the pupils can construct
the instructional course permits.
Within the frame of their own constructions, their own production is, as
it were, the condensation point of the teaching/learning process. For both
the pupil himself and for the instructor the pupils' own contributions are
of eminent importance, both for mathematising and didacticising. The
reflective moment for the teacher as well as for the pupil is the significant
factor in the production. The pupil's production, as the result of instruc-
tion, functions as the mirror image of the teacher's didactical activity. Its
prognostic value is unmistakable.
In brief, the pupil's own production is both a learning and a teaching
tool - that is to say, in instruction where pupils' own constructions
determine the progress of mathematising. This, in fact, is one of the most
characteristic features of realistic instruction theory.
Other trends in mathematical instruction, in particular the structuralist
one, pay no attention to pupils' own constructions, let alone productions.
On the contrary, after a sometimes playful introductory period little space
is left for the development of informal approaches and their gradual
transformation into formal methods, and consequently as little for own
and games around it. In the initial phase, pupils are allowed to make their
own constructions; this is even stimulated, only to disappear later. Pupils'
own productions are not systematically used in the intermediate stages of
the learning process. Instruction is, or at least can be, interactive. Partial
courses which are connected might be intertwined if this is suggested by
some aspect of the subject matter, but phenomenological aspects do not
count in this respect.
In the empiricist methods all five tenets are active, although a strong
vertical component of mathematising is lacking. This implies that relatively
little use is made of situation models in modeling, schematising and
symbolising, that the pupils' own productions are not related to problems
of a more formal symbolic nature with situations in the background, that
interaction takes place on too low a level since the pupils have no
sufficient formal linguistic means of description and communication at
their disposal and, finally, that the mathematical activities are integrated in
problems set within themes and projects which do not allow any resolu-
tion of the intertwining.
While mechanistic and structuralist instruction methods are too formal,
empiricist instruction is bound to remain too material. And, while isolation
prevails in the first and second, integration dominates in the empiricist
presentation. If the first two start in at too high a level, the third stays too
long on one that is too low.
First the preparation for long division: In the first phase of initial instruc-
tion, division is anticipated, namely by way of fair sharing. Indeed, fair
sharing leads to the relations of more, less and equal. It can be evoked on
by counting and grouping. Fair sharing between more people leads to the
questions 'How many does each of them get?' 'How many are left?' 'What
to do with the remainder?' At this stage dividing is not yet a formal
operation. Not until the basic operations of adding and subtracting, and to
It is probable, though not yet proved - Gagne says - that the basis of this
learning structure is formed by the type 1 'signal learning', that is, Pavlov's
classical conditioned response.
Overall the foundation of Gagne's learning theory, that is, the sequence
of the first three to five types of learning, is about the same as that of
Thorndike, Tolman, Hull and Skinner. And these were primarily the types
of learning which appear in many New Math projects of the sixties and
seventies, partly guided by Gagne for designing curricula. Use was made
of task analysis as sketched by Gagne, which starts with the question:
What knowledge and ability is the learner required to possess at the start
of instruction?
This analytic question led Gagne to decompose a complex task into
a hierarchy of simple tasks, which can be interpreted as parts of the
complex one. Mastery of the elementary tasks simplifies learning to
perform the complex ones, according to Gagne. The cumulative learning
sixth phase finally is the formal system with its derivation rules (rules of
the game):
Finally, there will be the theorems of the system, which are the parts reached from the
initial description by using the 'rules of play'P
Let us consider for a moment the example of !ogic; we need to recognize that the natural
environment in which the child lives does not embrace all the attributes which we consider
as logical. It is necessary, then, to invent an artificial environment. 29
Not only for logic is. this supposed to hold, but for mathematics as a
whole: the everyday reality is not pure enough, there is too much noise in
it for clean mathematics education according to Dienes. On the contrary,
in the framework of Van Hiele's level theory, reality is or can be the
source of mathematical activity and the starting point for both constructive
activity and what Dienes calls the principles of mathematical and per-
ceptual variability.
Dienes' influence in some domains is certainly not negligible, although
he has apparently been interpreted in the wrong way. It is true that
the most important impulses in structuralism come from subject matter
systematics. But, whereas Dienes cares about the meaningfulness of
symbols, technical language, logical patterns and strategies, this is no
longer true of structuralists in general. On the contrary, they believe that
after a short concrete introduction to the mathematical entities in ques-
tion, the formal approach enables the pupils to build the mathematical
structures. The learning cycle as used by them is nominally 'exploration -
concept introduction - concept application'.3o In the usually short intro-
ductory phase they use the materials, schemas, diagrams that have been
publicised by Dienes' work; but this way of working has in fact little in
common with that of Dienes, as little for that matter, as the sequence of
'actions first, then pictures, finally symbols' has to do with Bruner's view,
although it is ascribed to him. Let us, however, disregard this for a
(4) Conclusion
In the above description Davis uses the term 'idea' where in the theoretic
framework (our terminology) of his cognitive science approach he would
speak of 'frame'.35 A frame is a stable concept or, as pavis would say, an
information representation structure. In the terminology of computer
programs it is a subroutine of a higher level programme. Examples of
frames, in Davis' sense, are the function concept, the division algorithm,
the negative number - that is, such as understood by the pupils, accord-
ing to their ideas and representations.
What matters in instruction is building mental representation structures
that are stable, meaningful and useful, which is often not quite that easy.
How adequate frame-building should be realised can be made clear by
means of two layers of mathematical thinking that he distinguishes: the
calculator layer and the layer of experience. In the first layer - that of the
calculation world - symbols, operations and routines need not necessarily
be meaningful. In the second layer, on the other hand, they are taken from
concrete experience and therefore must be meaningful. The so-called
paradigm teaching strategy, which has a central place in Davis' theory,
aims at founding the activity of operating mathematically within the
abstract-symbolic layer upon that of the experience-bound knowledge.
As an example of a teaching strategy Davis uses the introduction of
negative numbers via the pebbles-in-the-bag paradigm. There is a bag with
pebbles and a pile of single ones. A problem like 4 - 10 = ... is assimi-
lated to 'first 4 into and then 10 out of the bag, thus 6 less than before',
which yields the answer 4 - 10 = -6. The assimilation paradigm of the
pebbles-in-the-bag is:
- a forceful representation
- which procures an accurate isomorphic image of additions and
subtractions of positive integers
- tells how pupils should solve the given problems
- and is simple.
In general, Davis remarks on assimilation paradigms:
Given the studies of recent years, however, it has become clearer that learning is primarily
metaphoric - we build representations for new ideas by taking representations of familiar
ideas and modifying them as necessary, ( ... ) 36
To conclude that the computer is the last metaphor for the mind requires the assumption,
first, that the computer will not change in its nature and, second,.that cognitive theory must
be computational. To conclude that the computer offers a complete metaphor for the mind
requires the assumption that all knowledge can be reduced to information and all wisdom
to knowledge. 38
The subject does not form concepts as internal images or through copying other people's
activities. The subject actively constructs meaning and relations through social situations of
interaction and negotiation.43
Investigating relevant subjective experiential domains by means of long term case studies at
preschool age (and after) would lead to more trustworthy appreciations of, for instance,
what conceptual distinctions are also subjectively important, what connections of meanings
are difficult or rather obvious or even self-evident, what kind of experiential domains are
appropriate as up to date foundations and which contextual contradictions could possibly
obstruct their tying up to the mathematical concept.44
be the operative aspect, the part-whole aspect, the ratio aspect etc. -
or, in general the various structural manifestations of the concept in
the reality: the within concept networks;
- the relation between these within-concepts and those with related
concepts - such as fractions - are related to ratio, division,
geometry, decimals, magnitudes: the between-concept networks;
- the embedding in various systems of representation: concrete mate-
rials, pictures, symbols, real world situations; the system of modeling
processes for problem solving, that is, the way to translate problems
into mathematics, solving within mathematics and feeding back into
the original situations.48
In this way a conceptual model filters the information couched in the
problem and organises and transforms its data. Lesh et al. are not only
concerned with the identification of the subjective conceptual models but
also with the search for the mechanisms that influence their origination
into being. This is, indeed, a typical learning theory concern: not only is
the status quo described but also how to model the students' modeling.
In the affirmative part of the research on conceptual models and on
the corresponding applied mathematical problem-solving processes, the
most striking results on rational numbers can be generally formulated as
- there is an 'instability of the subjective conceptual models': a minor
change in the problem can have a major impact on performance
with, as a consequence, a major regression in conceptualising in a
(short) period where instruction is not oriented towards the concept
in question;
- the external mode of representation reveals nothing about the degree
of difficulty of a problem: problems which are posed in terms of
concrete material are not necessarily easier than structurally equi-
valent ones which are formulated in the writing of symbols (possibly
surprising for Brunerians);
- representing a problem can be a quite active process in which pupils
alternate between modes of representation (manipulative models,
pictures, symbols, real scripts) and use several ones simultaneously;
- the internal representation influences the external representational
expression and, conversely, the externalisation allows the pupils to
refine the internal representation: a cyclic process of internal and
external structuring;
- pupils are inclined to work straightforwardly towards the precise
answer; there are few instances of estimates or approximations;
- pupils do not care whether different procedures applied to the same
problem lead to different answers (this recalls the 'microworlds' and
'domains of subjective experiences').
All in all Lesh states that pupils can better be characterised as modelers
than as processors. And as far as processing is concerned, it is a process-
ing of the conceptual models themselves rather than that of rough data.
According to Lesh, this is one of the reasons why problem solving and
concept formation should not be considered separately - ' thinking is
domain specific, says Lesh.
Passing from these theoretic facts to the constructive part of his
research, Lesh emphasises the role of the focus on real math, real
situations and real pupils. In brief his choice is a realistic starting point.
Let us quote:
It is not necessarily the case that students first learn an idea, then add some general
problem-solving processes, and finally (if ever) use the idea and processes of real
situations, that is, those in which some knowledge about the situation is needed to supple-
ment the underlying mathematical ideas and processes.
We believe that applications and problem solving should not be reserved for considera-
tion only after learning has occurred; they can and should be used as a context within
which the learning of mathematical ideas takes place.49
If, summarising, we compare Lesh's conceptual model view with the the-
oretic framework of progressive mathematisation, we may ascertain a
close agreement with regard to the starting point of the global phenomen-
ological basis, although more strongly than Lesh we emphases the pupils'
own productions, interactive learning (in which we agree with Bauersfeld,
Brousseau etc.) and the importance of teaching paradigms (as does Davis).
Nevertheless, agreement preponderates. Here we should also mention the
important part that Lesh plays in the discussion on subject-area-oriented
versus more general psychology-oriented research and with regard to the
just as is the case with digital computers, where the programs are
expressed in high-level language. However, more recently it has been
pointed out from various sides that conventional computers are not such a
good model of cognitive processes (take arithmetic on the one hand and
geometry on the other), probably for the reason the brain operates not so
much sequentially as simultaneously, thus as a network of parallel com-
puters which are more specialised in certain domains than a general-
purpose computer, perhaps something - let's say - like fifth generation
computers. This picture, then, would possibly be a bit more in agreement
with the model of mind prefered by subject area didactics.6o
(4) Nuances
Here our only intention is to show that general cognitive and activity
psychological theories cannot serve as instruction theories for mathe-
matics. Hardly any rules for developing and actualising instruction can be
borrowed from them - none, at any rate, for realistically oriented mathe-
matics instruction, unless one is satisfied with rules about what should not
be done. As a matter of fact, in this respect and with respect to early
instruction, affirmative cognitive psychological research can teach us
lessons. Striking examples can be found in the studies of Carpenter &
Moser, Riley, Greeno & Heller, and De Corte & Verschaffel.64 From their
research one general positive conclusion for instruction can be drawn,
namely that real situations can function excellently at the start of instruc-
tion (developing the number concept). This, then, is exactly the realistic
starting point, which in general is shunned in the micro-teaching experi-
ments of general cognitive psychological research.
5.4 Overview
Let us pass the foregoing as viewed through the framework for instruction
theory of progressive mathematising in review - short references to the
discussed theoriticians and researchers will suffice. By this sketchy review
we will demonstrate that the present chapter was not meant so much to be
a description of numerous frameworks for instruction theory but rather as
a means to deepen various nuclei of the realistic framework as described
Starting points for mathematical instruction were expressis verbis dis-
cussed in the case of Davis' cognitive science approach. They appeared to
be broader than that of structuralistic mathematics instruction.
The framework for Van Hiele's level theory was put into relief against
the background of Dienes' learning cycles, as well as of Piaget's and
Bruner's theories.
In the micro-sphere of mathematising the levels in the learning process
appeared in our sketches of Lawler and Gal'perin.
The phenomenological approach can be deepened through Lesh's
conceptual models and Bauersfeld's domains of subjective experiences,
and by way of contrast, through the work of Gagne and Dienes.
The important part played by situation models (context models) was
recognised in Davis' paradigm teaching strategy, as was that of modes of
representations in Bruner's, Davis', Lesh's and Douady's theories, and the
relation between internal and external representations mainly in Lesh's
The constructive aspect is present in almost all the theories we dis-
cussed, although the pupils' own productions, such as defined by us as one
of the most powerful means of organisation and reflection, was not (or
almost not) explicitly mentioned by others.
Attention to the interactive aspect was paid in Piaget's (later) work, by
Bauersfeld, Brousseau, Balacheff, Laborde, Bishop and Goffree.
Intertwining of courses is found in the theories of Lesh, Bauersfeld,
Vergnaud and Douady and in a general sense, in cognitive theories.
The more recent didactically oriented theories show a trend towards a
kind of interactive realistic mathematics instruction. The more general
cognitive psychological theories, on the contrary, choose in their micro-
teaching experiments a structuralist mathematics instruction. Although this
is not implied by their general psychological standpoint, their models of
mind, with the computer metaphor, emphasis more strongly psychological
processes than rich content structures. This, then, is one of the reasons
why subject area didacticians react with reserve to the metaphorical use of
the computer for the learning process.
Finally, we point out that the theory of progressive mathematisation as
presented here should properly be viewed in close connectioh with its
operationalisation in the concrete Wiskobas programme covering a large
part of mathematics instruction from ages 4-12. The theoretic framework
is in a sense a composite of partial theories as developed and described
for a number of courses. Or, more to the point: it is an attempt on the
third Van Hiele level to arrive at a global theoretical organisation via local
organisations on the second level which, in tum, came into being by reflec-
tion on developing and actualising mathematics instruction for the primary
school. Certainly more than is the case with many of the cited theoreti-
cians, we have placed ourselves primarily on the level of educational
development, with the emphasis on textbooks. For this reason, our
analysis of the different persuasions was mainly concerned with the
textbooks and manuals available on the educational market, rather than
with material of certain projects or ideas of individual researchers of
theoreticians. In the present chapter, however, this textbook picture was
supplemented by that obtained from more theoretically oriented studies
related to instructional practice, from Gagne to Gal'perin.
5.5 Closure
We started the present study with a sketch of the cube of goals. With
Steiner we believe:
that value and goal orientation should be also important factors of every systems view of
mathematics education commencing with the fact that mathematics itself - like other
sciences - is not a value-free human activity.65
6 Here we refer to the total utilities for mathematics education: textbooks, teachers'
manuals and instruction material.
In this respect we mention:
Denken en rekenen, 's Hertogenbosch 1968.
Elementair wiskundig rekenen, Assen 1970.
Ontdek het zelf, Groningen 1970.
Wiskunde voor de basisschool, Alphen aan den Rijn 1971.
Also translations of booklets from the "Nuffield Mathematics Project" and the "Invicta"
instructional material.
7 Boomsma, G.: 'Problemen rond de New Math', Mededelingenblad 4 (1968), p. 1l.
8 Around 1977 modern mathematics textbooks took up less than 10% of the total market
for mathematics including arithmetic.
9 The name for the IOWO (Institute for the Development of Mathematics Education) was
deliberately chosen by H. Freudenthal. The inclusion of the word "curriculum" before
development was rejected, since this does not adequately express what the institute stands
for. Curriculum development in the sense of document development is only a part of the
work that was tackled. The term "educational development" is much more suited to the
efforts of the institute.
Educational development can be divided into:
curriculum development;
- change support;
- research.
All of this took place at the IOWO.
For the term "educational development" see:
Hemphill, l. K.: 'Educational development', The Urban Review 4 (1969), 23-27.
Schultz, R. E.: 'The nature of educational development', Journal of Research and
Development in Education 3 (1970), 39-64.
10 This is the Dr. W. Drees school in Arnhem. For a description of the work see:
Frenay, K.: 'Bericht uit de ontwerpschool', Wiskobas-bulletin 1 (1972),269-273.
II Wiskobas: Matematika, handboek heroriiintering onderwijzers, IOWO publication,
Utrecht 1973.
12 By primary school we refer to the 6-12 age group. The curriculum for mathematics
contains a justification and description of the learning activities for everyday instruction.
These activities can be described extensively in such a curriculum or else contain a short
reference to the relevant sources (books, learning material).
13 long, R. de (ed.): Overzicht van wiskundeonderwijs op de basisschool, IOWO
curriculum development publication 2, Utrecht 1975.
14 By spin-off we mean that a number of publications have yet to be finalised, i.e., edited
for publication including the collection of responses.
These publications are:
long, R. de (ed.): Bussen en blokken (Work sheets for mathematics instruction for primary
schools), IOWO curriculum development publication 3, Utrecht 1976.
long, R. de (ed.): Inter-lokaal (Instruction material for mathematics instruction for primary
schools), IOWO-curriculum development publication 4, Utrecht 1976.
Wijdeveld, E. l.: Vierkubers (A theme for mathematics in the primary school), IOWO
curriculum development publication 5, Utrecht 1977.
long, R. de (ed.): De abacus, IOWO curriculum development publication 6, Utrecht 1977.
Heege, H. ter and Moor, E. de: Oppervlakte (Guide to a theme for the primary school),
IOWO curriculum development publication 7, Utrecht 1977.
Brink, l. van den and Wijdeveld, E. l.: De Kamping, IOWO curriculum development
publication 8, Utrecht 1978.
Linnaeus once said that if an elephant were as strong as a beetle, he would be able to
move mountains. And Linnaeus was a wise man. All the things we read about ants that
can lift 52 times their own weight or snails that can pull 200 times their own weight
must be considered with some reservation.
Such performances depend on nothing but the ratio between length, area and
volume. The larger the animal, the weaker the power of his muscles in proportion to his
weight. For that reason my ten year old son can carry two of his friends on his
shoulders, while I cannot carry two colleagues. Also if snails can pull 200 times their
own weight, I cannot possibly imagine why we have not designed a cart drawn by 25
snails to carry us about, if only for the lack of noise!
A small bird needs up to 30% of its body weight in food per day, a larger bird 10%
and a chicken 4%. A field mouse eats its own weight of food per day, but the smaller
titmouse eats twice its own weight. The smaller the animal, the larger the loss of energy,
the faster the rate of metabolism, the larger the need for food.
Small animals have no time off. They are constantly looking for food, which in turn
costs energy and therefore extra food. On the other hand a crocodile can live on half a
pound of fish or meat per week. He can also fast for a long time. Man is large enough
to be thrifty with his food which leaves him time for other matters. If we were the size
of mice, there would be no culture in spite of our brains. Our entire day would be filled
up with eating, sleeping and taking care of the children.
Since I am a great admirer of your .articles I would allow myself to respond to your
remark: ''the smaller the animal, the greater the loss of energy ..." I have tried to
fathom this, but try as I may, I have not succeeded. I find it most unlikely, this law of
smaller/larger, more so after your illustrations: the chicken is large enough to eat only
4% of its weight. And a human - any hearty eater will be able to manage 4% of his
weight daily - isn't he a much larger chicken, while the difference in dimensio.ns
between a small croco.dile and a big perso.n is no.t so. big that it can explain the
difference in co.nsumptio.n (croco.dile: half a po.und per week). intriguing is the bird that eats 30%. Has it go.t used to. this because it had little
else to. do., thus speeding up the co.nsumptio.n process? it no.t have time left to.
devo.te to. culture, ,has this been timed? Is it no.t remarkable that its bill can take such
large mo.rsels that the 30% can be managed in a sho.rt time? Or it eat things that
render o.nly a little nutritio.n to. the bo.dy, so. that it will have to. eat Or is its
metabo.lism so. fast because it has no. sto.rage place where fo.o.d can slo.wly be digested?
If it really has to. eat all day to. survive, to. retain sufficient energy, it wo.uld have to. die
at night. Or it also. eat at night?
Imagine an animal as being a cube with edges o.f 2 cm. The area o.f that cube is then 6
X 2 X 2 = 24 cm 2 and the vo.lume 2 X 2 X 2 - 8 cm 3 - a ratio. o.f 3:1. If the cube is
do.ubled to. sides o.f 4 cm, the area beco.mes 6 X 4 X 4 = 96 cm 2 and the vo.lume 4 X 4
X 4 = 64 cm 3, a ratio. o.f 1.5:1., the larger the animal, the smaller his surface area, as well as the surface
area o.f his muscles, as co.mpared with co.ntents and weight. The larger the animal
beco.mes, the smaller his muscular capacity in relatio.n to. his o.wn weight. Fo.r example,
a bee can carry 24 times his o.wn weight, but the average human no. than his o.wn
The rate o.f metabo.lism alSo. varies with the surface area. we can say that
the smaller the animal, the o.f energy per kg o.f bo.dy weight and the it
will have to. eat to. retain its temperature. There are a number o.f o.ther invo.lved,
the nature o.f the metabo.lism and climate fo.r example, but in general the example o.f the
cube true.
To. stay alive the bird will have to. eat 30% o.f his to.tal weight. That will get him
through the night since he will use up little energy while sleeping. During a harsh winter
there are many birds that do. no.t succeed in finding sufficient fo.o.d during the daytime
and hence do. no.t live thro.ugh the night. The essential difference between man and the
croco.dile is that is a mammal and the o.ther a reptile. Reptiles have a much Io.wer
rate o.f metabo.lism than birds and mammals. That is the reaso.n why croco.diles can fast easily.
This discussio.n stimulated the idea o.f designing a theme dealing with these problems. This
is a remarkable example o.f ho.w keen the IOWO designers are to. find usable ideas.
Five phases o.f develo.pment can be distinguished in the "Gulliver" theme: a preparato.ry,
co.nstructio.n, deliberatio.n, revisio.n and fo.llo.w-up phase. During the preparato.ry phase
o.f the oesigners hit o.n the idea o.f using "Gulliver's Travels" as the scene o.f the instructio.n.
A first draft was designed during the co.nstructio.n phase, tried o.ut and revised.
Co.nstructio.n can mean taking o.ver o.thers' ideas and materials, o.r adapting them o.r
thinking o.ut relatively new ideas. In the last case a incubatio.n perio.d (nurturing a
vague idea) is so.metimes by a sho.rt illuminative mo.ment (eureka!) and a lengthy
co.nstructio.n process. This was alSo. true fo.r Gulliver. Jo.nathan Swift's bo.o.k appeared to.
ho.ld so. many interesting Po.ints, that it was hard to. make a
The first draft was co.nsiderably lo.nger than the final versio.n. It alSo. included
geo.metry, a number o.f physic~ experiments and an amo.unt o.f bio.lo.gical info.rmatio.n. The
geometry included assignments o.n the relatio.n between quantities in linear enlargement o.f
two. and three dimensio.nal figures and a number o.f applicatio.ns. One o.f the experiments
was to. sho.w that, under certain circumstances, the co.ntent o.f a smaller cube
quickly than that of a larger one; another experiment showed that the bearing power of a
thread varies with its thickness, that is, with the area of its cross-section. These were
experiments referring to the relation between skin-area and volume, and muscular strength
and weight respectively. The biological information concerned subjects like food, loss of
energy, and muscular strength. Much deliberation took place during the construction of
both versions.
About""deliberation" Schwab says:
It treats both end and means and must treat them as mutually determining one another.
It must try to identify, with respect to both, what facts may be relevant. It must try to
ascertain the relevant facts in the concrete case.... It must then weigh alternatives and
their costs and consequences against one another and choose, not the right alternatives,
for there is no such thing, but the best one. (Schwab, J. J.: 'The practical: a language for
curriculum', in Levit, M. (ed.) Curriculum, Urbana 1971, p. 328).
The deliberation process lacks the straightforwardness and strictness of a logical structure,
the firmness of a proof, the surveyability of a strategy: it is sometimes compared to the
activity of a jury during a trial. As far as the last comparison is concerned, it can happen
that the design group feels itself to be condemned to carrying out an impossible task - that
of constructing a consistent package from a collection of conflicting suggestions. During the
deliberation, principles are stated (''is this not a misuse of literature and in poor taste?),
convictions are pronounced (too difficult!), experiences are resported (in class ...),
reflections of a mathematical-didactical nature are uttered (how this theme fits into the
total programme), suggestions are offered (the evaluation might be done by letting the
children make a report about the theme, about their experiences, ...), questions are asked
(what do they learn?) and answers are given (yes, but ...). Concrete product goals do not
seem to play a dominating part in the deliberation process, just as they did not in the
construction process. That is, not in the sense of 'what must the pupils be capable of at the
end of this activity'? On the other hand, it might be said that the general goals are of
dominating importance in construction and deliberation since the envisaged processes are
implicitly aimed at pursuing permanently certain general goals and at concretising them in
particular learning activities.
The revision phase should, if possible, provide a definitive version that is suited to
educational practice. For Gulliver this became possible by leaving out a number of strands
in the tale and re-arranging others. Afterward the piece of instruction is fitted into the
larger context of the mathematics programme, whose lines should converge into the theme.
Thus the question arose whether or not the line of the ratio concept connected with
Gulliver, and whether or not the line of the function concept had been correctly drawn. If
not, where should the necessary adjustments in the curriculum programme be placed? So
in the construction of a piece of instruction, the still-developing curriculum around it is
permanently at issue. Broading on the main stream, the macro-process of curriculum
development, in turn brings along its own specific problems of fundamental mathematical-
didactical analysis of a subject area. For this a broad knowledge of mathematics, its
application areas, instruction and the mathematical learning processes is required.
The chain of events as sketched for Gulliver started in the exploratory phase, was
intermixed with several other theme designs, was closed off in the integration phase by the
publication of the theme in an "overview of mathematics for the primary school", and in
the spin-off phase completed by screening it during one of the four-day conferences
mentioned previously. The response was generally positive. Some question marks were put
next to the topic: Can the teacher handle this theme? Shouldn't there be some sort of brief
introductory presentation? How can the biological information be made plausible? There
were also suggestions for applications dealing with evaporation, specific weight, buoyancy,
cooking and melting.
This gives an idea of the development of a part of the curriculum programme. Left out
were the discussions with children, the experiences with the first version, most of the
responses from the development team and from the macro-development.
The sketch given might even be a distorted general picture. We described the
production of a piece of instruction which was published in a later phase while in other
cases a rough product or even the initial basic idea itself was disseminated in our early
stage, thus enabling all participants to be involved in the development.
To a large degree, development of material takes place along the lines of the phases
mentioned above. Noteworthy is the increase in organisation: first some ideas, then a
structured theme, which finally was fitted into the totality of the developing curriculum.
17 Morley, A.: 'A new development in primary school mathematics. The Dutch Wiskobas
Dienes, Z. P.: Les six etapes du processus d'apprentissage en mathematique, Paris 1970.
20 Adda, J.: 'Difficultes liees it la presentation des questions mathematiques', in
Educational Studies in Mathematics 7 (1976), p. 17.
21 Loc. cit., p. 18.
22 Serious criticism of the "New Math" came from, amongst others:
Kline, M.: Why Johnny can't add. The failure of the New Math, New York 1973.
23 O'Brien, T.: Three informal essays', Educational Studies in Mathematics 7 (1976),
24 Loc. cit., p. 96.
25 This quotation is from an address by Hans Freudenthal, given during the awarding of
an honorary doctorate at the University of Amsterdam. See: Euclides 52 (1977), p. 337.
26 The report of the questionnaire, completed in 1969 by 80 arithmetic didacticians at
teacher training colleges, is found in an internal IOWO publication, entitled: Lochem.
Besluiten Wiskobas, internal publication, Utrecht 1971.
27 Dalin, P.: Case studies of educational innovations: Strategies for innovation in education,
Paris, 1973, p. 36.
2S Ibid.
29 A discussion about the suitable strategy was held in the Wiskobas working groups on
the basis of the article mentioned below, which was also the author's starting point for a
lecture given during the first Wiskobas conference in October 1969:
Teunissen, J. M. F.: 'De verbreding van schoolwiskunde in het basisonderwijs', in
Mededelingenblad 4 (1968), 17-30.
30 The approach followed by Wiskobas is described in a special edition of Educational
Studies in Mathematics 7, nr. 3 ("Five years IOWO. On H. Freudenthal's Retirement from
the Directorship of IOWO"): See especially, 'Curriculum development. A strategy', 351-
31 Dalin, P.: Case studies of educational innovations: Strategies for innovation in education,
Paris 1973, p. 36.
32 There are many descriptions of the concept of innovation that, unlike Dalin's, place the
emphasis on "new". Chin and Downey give the following summary of these definitions:
40 Dalin, P.: Case studies of educational innovations: Strategies for innovation in education,
Paris 1973, p. 216.
41 The example-curriculum of Wiskobas for the first two grades of the elementary school
was designed by J. van den Brink of the IOWO together with the Wiskobas team and the
teachers for grades one and two of the Dr. W. Drees school in Arnhem. J. van Bruggen was
responsible for the grade three programme, H. ter Heege for grade four and L. Streefland
for grades five ahd six.
Along with the primary school group, Wiskobas has collaborators involved in in-service
training, and teacher training, as well as various other activities.
4~ We should mention that the cube image was not found until the eight starting points and
twelve general goals had been formulated and published internally. The six subject areas
completed the image of the objectives cube.
Goffree, F.: 'Johan, A teacher training freshman studying mathematics and didactics',
Educational Studies in Mathematics 8 (1977), 117-153.
10 The emphasis on the concept of "meaning" is found in:
Swenson, E. J.: Making primary arithmetic meaningful to children, Washington 1961.
Thorn, R: 'Modern mathematics: Does it existT, in Howson, A. G. (ed.), Developments in
mathematical education, Cambridge 1973, pp. 194-213.
II Jong, R de (ed.): Bussen en blokken (Worksheets for mathematics education in- the
primary school), IOWO curriculum development publication 3, Utrecht 1976.
Jong, R de (ed.): Inter-lokaal (working material for mathematics education in the primary
school), IOWO curriculum development pUblication 4, Utrecht 1976.
12 If it is a context problem, for example in the form of a story, the two levels can be
distinguished. In a particular instance the pupil sees that a multiplication must be carried
out to find the solution, but this operation is done by him at a low level of schematisation,
i.e., the application level is relatively high but the operation level low.
In another case the pupil does not recognise the multiplication problem, while he is
capable of performing that operation at a high level of schematisation. In short, it is
meaningful to distinguish between the level of mathematisation and the level of operation if
the learning of the basic operations takes place according to the strategy of progressive
schematisation, as sketched in sub-section 1.6. in Chapter II.
13 For differentiation in general see:
Nijhof, W.: 'Van externe naar interne differentiatieT Pedagogische Studien 53 (1976),
Koning, P. de: Interne dijferentiatie: doel en mogelijkheden, APS edition, Amsterdam 1973.
14 The conceptions of T. Ehrenfest-Afanassjewa and D. van Hiele-Geldhof and P. M. van
The Mathematics, Architecture and Science Society at Leyden with the device
"Mathematics is the mother of science" awarded gold to a paper in 1797 with the
motto: Knowledge of geometry is the first step toward becoming a reasonable man.
Dapperen, D. van: Vormleer, Amsterdam 1825, p. 34.
10 Cuypers, K.: Het aankweeken van het wiskundig denken, Antwerpen 1940, p. 29.
II F. (initial only): 'De wiskunde op de MMS', Euclides 14 (1938), p. 31.
12 Cuypers, K.: Het aankweeken van he! wiskundig denken, Antwerpen 1940, p. 193.
13 Turkstra, H.: Psychologisch-didaktische problemen bij het onderWijs in de wiskunde aan
de middelbare school, Groningen 1934, p. 34.
14 Reindersma, W.: Over het inleidend onderwijs in de meetkunde, Groningen - The
Hague 1926,pp.16ff.
15 See the views of Ehrenfest-Afanassjewa in: Kan het wiskunde-onderwijs tot de
opvoeding van het denkvermogen bijdragen?, Purmerend 1951.
16 These are mainly the views of Van Hiele-Geldof and Van Hiele. See:
Hiele, P. M. van: De problematiek van het inzicht, Amsterdam, pp. 88-102.
17 For the views of Kohnstamm on the learning of methods of solution, and Langeveld's
theory on knowledge domains see:
Kohnstamm, Ph.: Keur uit het didactisch werk, Groningen 1952.
Langeveld, M. J.: Inleiding tot de studie der paedagogische psychologie van de middelbare-
schoolleeftijd, Groningen 1954.
18 Sluis, A. van der: 'Computerkunde bij het AVO', Euclides 46 (1970), 81-92.
19 For the meaning of number systems see the theme "The Land of Eight" in Chapter IV.
In short, the notation for the binary system is:
:4 I ~3 I :2 I ~ I I :
'10101' in the decimal system is 21 (1 + 22 + 24)
In the binary systew one has two digits at one's disposal (0 and 1). In base 3 system there
are three (0, 1 and 2), and so on.
20 This view is found in:
Beth, E. W.: 'Doel en zin van het meetkunde onderwijs, Euclidps 14 (1939).
21 Goffree, F. and Wijdeveld, E. J.: 'Een praktikum wiskunde', Euclides 44 (1966),
22 Much attention to the socialising aspect has been paid by Wiskivon (mathematics in
secondary education). See:
Sweers, W. (ed.): Leerplanontwikkeling onderweg I, IOWO publication, Utrecht 1977.
23 As indicated in Chapter I (see Note 12) this refers to the 6-12 age group. Kindergarten
education has been paid more attention since 1975. See articles by Jeanne de
Gooijer-Quint in the Wiskobas Bulletin.
24 See:
Proeve van een leerplan for het basisonderwijs B: Rekenen, Kohnstamminstitute, Groningen
25 Dam, P. R. L. van: Sommetjes in hokjes. Einddoelstellingen van het rekenonderwijs op
de basisschool, CITO publication, Arnhem 1975.
26 The idea is not a new one, and was popular in geometry instruction, searching for a
"definitive" pseudo-deductive treatment. NaIiles include Reindersrna, Wolda, Ehrerifest-
Afanassjewa, Van Hiele-Geldof and Van Hiele. The work of the last two especially was
theoretically based and resulted in a distinction of leanling levels. See:
Hiele, P. M. van: Begrip en inzicht, Werkboek van de wiskundedidaktiek, Purmerend 1973.
27 A very strict vertical planning according to the spiral idea is used by Dienes. See: .
Dienes, Z. P.: Les six etapes duprocessus d'apprentissage en mathematique, Paris 1970.
28 The problems will arise without any doubt, since modern arithmetic and mathematical
methods like 'Elementair Wiskundig Rekenen', 'Hoi, Rekenen', GetaJ in beeld', and 'Taltaal',
'Operatoir Rekenen', 'De Wereld in Getallen', 'Rekenwerk' and 'Rekenen en Wiskunde',
which differ from existing methods in several ways, will probably do well in the coming years.
d'Ambrosio, U.: 'Overall goals and objectives for mathematical education' (mimeo), 1976;
published in the Proceedings of the Third International Congress on Mathematics
Education, 1977.
I The following is meant to convey some insight into the possible content of a
mathematics curriculum according to Wiskobas. It is no more than a global indication.
From the given starting points and general objectives one can come to a large variety of
choices for text books, themes etc. Some of the arguments for such a choice are of
normative character - something should be so and so - and are derived from a certain
view of man, society and subject area. Other arguments are based on facts - something is
so and so - and stem from data of educational practice, didactics, mathematics and
psychology. Often the choice is made on the basis of vague personal tastes and preferences.
Take the theme "The Land of Eight": Is there an objective (in the sense of "valid for
everyone") criterion for the choice of this theme? How about for "Gulliver" or "Grains on
the Chessboard"? No coercive arguments can be brought forward for the choice of these
themes. They can be made perspicuous or even plausible through the starting points and
general objectives.
In view of this, it is not surprising that there is no consensus, either nationally or
internationally, on the desirability of a number of subjects. The activities within the subject
areas as described here are therefore no common property, although there is agreement on
a number of them. This is not the time or place to describe the procedures followed by
Wiskobas in weighing each of the parts as far as their desirability is concerned. Matters of
deduction, legitimacy and competence are not considered.
The arithmetic system
The arithmetic system is the area that consists mainly of the classical curriculum: counting,
grouping and classifying, adding, subtracting, multiplying in the field of natural numbers,
fractions and decimal numbers; becoming acquainted with the properties of these
operations and their applications.
In mathematics education, arithmetic was given a number of new impulses, especially in
the application area, leading to a more integrated and reality-bound instruction. In a more
technical sense, where the learning of arithmetic skills is concerned, certain new charac-
teristic traits can be distinguished.
We have in mind:
practic6 games for the basic operations;
systematic counting;
calculating with pocket calculators;
calculating on magnitudes, probabilities, slot machines;
open statements with relation symbols like ", <, >;
the various number aspects, counting number, measuring number, numerosity,
reckoning. number and code number, their functions and how they are "operable";
use of the number line, grid and flow chart;
connection to subject areas like mesurement, geometry, functions and probability;
calculating with negative numbers;
generalizing, detection of formulae, and the use of letters;
calculations in other number systems, for the higher grades, thus offering an
overview and review of learned algorithms in the decimal system;
properties of operations in connection with structured reckoning;
varieties of applications of the basic operations, as in counting problems and ratio.
As we have said, an attempt is made to find connections to everyday situations. The
newspaper, train timetable, sports, and advertisements were proposed. Thus the arithmetic
system offers a greater opening to meaningful reality, more so than was previously the
2 Measuring
In the area of measurement we have to do with magnitudes such as length, weight and time.
Magnitudes can be captured numerically: we can add them, subtract them, multiply and
divide them. Thus the area of a rectangle is found by multiplying length and width, and the
average speed of a vehicle by dividing the covered distance by the time. The resulting units
of measure are the compound units "m X m" (m 2) and "km per hour" (kmlhour). From the
original units, new units are formed by these operations, which in turn are numerically
Working with magnitudes leads to operations with numbers. In the traditional
programme much time was devoted to the arithmetic of time, money, length, area, volume
and weight, with the stress on the algorithms of the metric system. Yet this approach to
measurement is unsatisfactory for several reasons. Firstly, working with magnitudes is
in principle independent of the numerical interpretation. We can compare, order and
combine magnitudes without introducing specific units of measure. Secondly, a large
number of mathematical activities is possible in measuring beyond the limits of routine
developing measuring strategies, e.g. by indirect measuring;
developing measuring units, e.g., for population density, traffic density, etc.
the meaning of precision and imprecision in estimating, measuring, calculating,
measurements in experiments and projects, making charts and graphic processing of
discovery of relations between magnitudes;
detection of rules, for example the area of a circle;
the integration of mathematics and "science" in themes and projects, for example the
consequence of enlargement of an object for its circumference, area, and volume,
and the biological consequences;
the connection to counting problems, geometry, functions, probability and statistics;
Measurement can also link mathematics to reality.
3 Geometry
Until very recently, geometry was exclusive to secondary education. It was associated with
Euclid and seen as the example of a deductive system. At primary school level there were a
few remnants of elementary geometry such as the calculation of the circumference, area,
and volume of geometrical objects. However, from the nineteen-fifties onwards, the interest
in geometry in the primary school grew almost as fast as the enthusiasm for Euclidian
geometry in secondary education faded. The Arithmetic Teacher contained not one article
on geometry in the 1954-1959 period, only an average of five per year in the next five
years, then ten and in the 1968-1973 period even fifteen per year. Internationally,
however, there is little agreement on geometry programmes for primary education. This is
possibly due to the richness of the area; geometry has many aspects that can be included in
a vertically planned curriculum only with difficulty.
For example:
the form aspect, concerned with the naming, recognition and classification of geo-
metrical objects, the design of patterns, tesselations, projections and intersections;
the constructive aspect: making of grids, working with construction straws, drawing
of patterns and ground plans and constructions with the use of compasses and ruler,
construction of buildings;
the relation aspect: congruence, similarity, parallelism, spatial orientation, views of
buildings, etc;
developing·a language of one's own;
detecting relationships between the vocabulary and syntax of ordinary language,
mathematical language and more formalised language, for example as in the use of
variables; .
translating situations into mathematical terms and vice versa: interpretating mathe-
maticallanguage into everyday terms;
the use of "and", "or", "either-or", "not", "some", "few", "always", "at least", "at
most", etc., visualising statements in which these terms occur, and vice versa: placing
statements next to illustrations;
analysing all kinds of reasoning and mental strategies on the basis of suitable
"exploration" of paradoxes.
The area of language and logic, with the exception of formal logic, has barely been touched
upon so far.
This was an overview of subject-areas, as sources of multi-dimensional objectives of
mathematics education, as pursued by Wiskobas.
7 See:
Groot, A. D. de: 'Over fundamentele ervaringen: prolegomena tot een analyse van
gesprekken met schakers', Pedagogische Studiifn 51 (1974), p. 332.
8 Popham, W. J., Eisner, E. W., Sullivan, H. J., and Tyler, Z. L.: Instructional objectives,
Chicago 1969,p. 35.
9 Loc. cit., p. 37.
10 Loc. cit., p. 33.
11 Loc. cit., p. 45.
15 For the use of the terms "introduce to", "equip with", "confront with" and "unfold" see:
Oudkerk Pool, T.: 'Van zaakvak tot wereIdverkenning', Resonans 7 (1975), 183-188.
16 Popham, W. J., Eisner, E. W. et al.: Instructional objectives, Chicago 1969, p. 28.
17 Loc. cit., p. 16.
18 Loc. cit., p. 17.
19 Loc. cit., p. 26.
starting point, as Klauer does, then the problem of coverage changes to one of description,
and the question arises as to how to provide a covering description of the set of tests.
Klauer's answer to this problem is not satisfactory. In an unpublished book review on
this matter H. Freudenthal says:
From mathematics the author borrows the idea of describing a learning objective
extensionally, Le., as a set of "Aufgaben", so that a test of the objective is a random
sample from that set. The opposite, and more acceptable, view is the intentional
interpretation of an objective where the intention is conveyed by a set of examples, a
set that only extensionally gives the impression of a random sample. What, from the
extensional point of view, looks like a sample, is intentionally to be considered as a
paradigm. The author's theory concerning learning objectives looks exact, but is so only
at the cost of its operationality. The author has operationalised it only in cases where
the operationalisation is trivial. There is not the slightest evidence that the theory, in a
broader sense, can be operationalised.
If I might be allowed to dwell on this point, I wonder whether Eisner does not create a
pseudo-contradiction here. In the case of expressive objectives also, one has definite
intentions with the planned encounters, that is, one has certain products in mind. What
Eisner refers to as expressive objectives, the encounters, are in fact learning activities.
The outcomes can be manifested in the activity itself and in products. That which is
pursued can be formulated beforehand in terms of behaviour.
A different matter is what Eisner means by the outcomes of "expressive objectives". This is
dealt with in the text.
Eisner, W. W.: 'Epilogue', in Popham, W. J. (ed.), Instructional Objectives, Washington
Kieviet, F. K.: Open and gesloten curricula, Groningen 1976, pp. 1O-1l.
36 Loc. cit., p. 28.
37 Ibid.
38 Ibid.
Suppose you take three or four judges and ask them to appraise a product and then you
get some kind of consensus with respect to its value. Now that's different from
describing the characteristics of the behaviour or product that the learner is trying to
produce in the first place. I think that's the distinction we need to make. I think it is an
important one, Howard, and I don't think we have made that kind of distinction. In the
process of writing, in the process of painting, and in the process of researching, ideas
emerge which become leading ideas which then direct the course of action.
Knowing strategies, then, is not all that is required for thinking; It IS not even a
substantial part of what is needed. To be an effective problem-solver, the individual
must somehow have acquired masses of organized intellectual skills.
According to Gagne's train of thought, emphasising "processes" does not exclude the need
for product goals, but rather indicates the importance of giving a sequence of product
goals. He is especially concerned with equipping for, offering means to, offering thinking-
instruments, while Bruner also has in mind the confrontation with rich learning situations
in the same way as Eisner - learning situations that lead to process goal formulation. Thus
there is a difference between the empirical and structural trend, which in "science" is
exemplified by that between the ESS-project (Elementary Science Study) and the SAPA-
project (Science, A Process Approach). In the one case there is more room for "messing
about" and for initiative on the pupil's part while, in the other case, instruction is more
guided. This problem of processes will be further discussed in the course of this
publication. See:
Shulman, L. S.: 'Psychological controversies in the teaching of science and mathematics', in
Crosswhite, F. J. (ed.), Teaching mathematics: Psychological foundations, Worthington
1973, p. 19.
40 Examples of the mathematical thinking process can be found in:
Krutetskii, V. A.: The psychology of mathematical abilities in schoolchildren, Chicago
41 Raths, J.: 'Onderwijzen zonder specifieke leerdoelen als uitgangspunt', Onderwijs en
Opvoeding 26 (1975), 211-218.
Some goals are pursued to ensure a purposeful course of learning, in other words, to
ensure an effective attainment of the product goals. So for a lesson in creative art one
might first of all playa record to induce a fitting atmosphere - this is a process goal.
In other words, for him process goals are to create the necessary conditions for learning.
Block, A. de: Taxonomie van leerdoelen, Antwerp 1975, p. 128.
Another alternative interpretation is what, in our terminology, could be indicated as
product goals involving the methods of a certain subject area, as in the term ''the process of
science" or ''processes of mathematics". This kind of objective is also sometimes denoted
as a process goal. In fact one uses a characteristic of content - goals related to a methodo-
logical approach - rather than, what is common, a formal criterion. This interpretation is
closely connected to what is posed in Note 39. See:
Bell, A. W.: The learning of general mathematical strategies. A development study of process
attainments in mathematics, including the construction and investigation of a process-
oriented curriculum for the first year of secondary school. Unpublished Ph.D.
dissertation, Nottingham, 1976.
44 Becker, H., Haller, H. D., Stubenrauch, H., and Wilkending, G.: Das Curriculum. Praxis,
Wissenschaft und Politik, Miinchen 1974, p. 27.
45 Goffree, F.: 'Doorkijkspiegelingen' (Semi-transparent mirror reflections) (Fifteen
reflections on teaching learning material), Wiskobas Bulletin 3 (1974),474-495.
46 McAshan, H. H.: The goals approach to performance objectives, Philadelphia 1974, p. 2.
Klauer, K. J.: Methodik der Lehrzieldefinition und Lehrstoffanalyse, Dusseldorf 1974,
47 Many of the authors quoted agree on this point: Klauer, McAshan, De Corte and De
Groot. See also Note 49.
48 Wood, R: 'Objectives in the teaching of mathematics', in Ashlock, R B. and Herman,
W. L. (eds.), Current research in elementary school mathematics, New York 1970, pp.
Taxonomies that show agreement with Wood's are: "Educational Testing Service"
(USA), "Tlte Indian National Council of Educational Research· Classification" (India), the
classification of ''The Schools Mathematics Study Group" and "The International Study of
Achievements in Mathematics" (Husen, Sweden). Here is a short explanation of Wood's
the language of mathematics: definitions, notati,ons, concepts;
specific facts;
laws and generalizations.
So that besides being able to execute all sorts of manipulations the pupil must also have
certain techniques and algorithms at his disposal.
being able to transpose data; for example the conversion of data from diagrams,
charts, graphs, into verbal form and vice versa; being able to convert geometric
concepts given in a verbal form into spatial forms;
being able to interprete data: for example the interpretation of graphs, drawing
conclusions from data, the critical examination of reasoning, the distinction between
relevant and less relevant data, the distillation of the essence from an argument or
interpolation and extrapolation; for example giving predictions on the basis of
available data and the filling in of gaps in a series with a certain pattern.
Applying with insight:
application of what has been learned to other situations;
application of what has been learned to relatively new situations;
determination of relations between certain data;
handling solution methods;
drawing conclusions and evaluating.
- creative performance.
49 In this connection Franssen says:
Apparently Van Parreren sees a depth structure under what we call the surface
structures. The observable behaviour is determined by this depth structure. Learning is
not in the first place a change in the observable behaviour of performance, it is a
change in the underlying structures of action. The result is not a certain behaviour
but a potential that makes this, but also other, behaviour possible. (Franssen, H.: 'Het
eksakt formuleren van doelstellingen voor het onderwijsleerproces: mogelijkheid en
betekenis', in Creemers, B. (ed.), Bijdragen tot de onderwijskunde. Den Bosch 1973,
50 Finch, C.: Walt Disney. From Mickey Mouse to Disneyland, Amsterdam 1975.
51 For this terminology see:
Rasche, H.: 'De functie van doelstellingen in een leerplan', Pedagogische Studien 50
(1973), p. 530.
52 See Notes 39 and 43 and also:
Philp, H.: 'Mathematical education in developing countries; some problems of teaching and
learning', in Howson, A G. (ed.), Developments in mathematical education, Cambridge
53 For such a strict approach to product goals see:
Corte, E. de, and Janssens, A: Praktische leidraad voor het formuleren van leerdoelen,
Leuven 1974.
54 The inadequacy of this strict approach is most clearly evident in Klauer. See the
remarks in Note 27.
55 See for example:
Greenberg, H. J.: 'The objectives in mathematics education', The Mathematics Teacher 67
Steiner, H. G.: 'Mathematics curriculum development in the USA A look at the past
twenty years', Zentralblatt flir Didaktik der Mathematik 8 (1976), 136-141.
56 Block, A de: Taxonomie van leerdoelen, Antwerp 1975, p. 163.
57 See:
Wilson, J. W.: 'Evaluation of learning in secondary school mathematics', in Bloom, B. S.,
Hastings, J. T., and Madaus, G. F. (eds.), Handbook on formative and summative
evaluation of student learning, New York 1971, pp. 643-697.
Freudenthal, H.: 'Lernzielfindung im Mathematikunterricht', Zentralblatt fUr Piidagogik 20
58 This source of misunderstanding is also found in the above mentioned work by Wilson:
placing certain test items under certain categories is, disregarding the actual instruction
given, very arbitrary. Sullivan has also referred to this. See:
Sullivan, H. J.: 'Objectives, evaluation, and improved learner achievement', in Popham, W.
J. (ed.), Instructional objectives, Chicago 1969, p. 94.
59 See for example:
It is clear that we are concerned here with a description of the learning process, not the
learning objectives. Of course this does not exclude that sometimes we do not know
what the actual result of certain intended objectives will be. Nor does this mean that the
learning process (subject matter, methods and media) is of no importance.... Eisner
does not make sufficient distinction between the learning objectives and the learning
process and thus comes to his highly disputable theses. (Block, A. de: Taxonomie van
leerdoelen, Antwerp 1975, p.lS7.)
62 De Groot does not use the term process goals, but what he says about the subjective
aspect of objectives, the pursuit of general objectives and the fact that the affective domain
is no separate domain, but is of a cognitive nature, fits within the terms of process and
product goals. His ideas on evaluation can therefore well be applied to the evaluation of
process and product goals. We have in mind especially his "student reporting" in the form
of "I have learned that ...". See:
Groot, A. D. de: 'Hoe stelt men eindtermen op?' Universiteit en Hogeschool 20 (1974),
Groot, A. D. de: 'Over fundamentele ervaringen: prolegomena tot een analyse van
gesprekken met schakers', Pedagogische Studien 51 (1974), 329-349.
63 Popham, W. J., Eisner, E. W., et al.: Instructional objectives, Chicago 1969, pp. 130-
64 Block, A. de: Taxonomie van leerdoelen, Antwerp 1975, p. IS 7.
I Referred to here are material aids - including written assignments and texts such as the
themes presented - which are supplied to the pupils so that they may carry out learning
activities. They can be accompanied by teachers' manuals. In the text we often use the term
"pieces of mathematics instruction".
2 Baker, E."L.: 'The technology of instructional development', in Travers, R M. W. (ed.),
Second handbook of research on teaching, Chicago 1973, p. 249.
3 The term curriculum development can refer to a wide range of planning, directed
towards instruction as a whole, school programmes, and series of lessons. Here we are
In their first few weeks of discussions the Project staff made several decisions that
shaped their subsequent work. They decided to prepare some lessons immediately,
rather than, say, prepare flow charts of the whole Project's work, or write a rationale or
other planning document. Also they decided to do lesson writing outside staff meetings,
working individually or in teams of two, reserving for general discussion only questions
that arose in the outside work. This decision meant that the work would be divided into
two ongoing parts, production of lessons and support materials, and discussions, or as I
later came to call it, deliberation.
less than 10% the reaction was that the problem at issue was unrealistic. Experience has
shown that in a few cases the context story had been somewhat modified. We had expected
teachers to show more reserve towards this kind of theme.
19 Allerdings ist durchaus moglich, Guilford's dreidimensionale Intelligenzfaktoren als
Lehrziele zu betrachten, was beispielsweise auch in der piidagogisch-psychologiaschen
Kreativitiitsforschung geschieht (see also Muhle und Schell 1970).
Dabel ist dann auf vorbildliche Weise das Problem gelost, wie man vom Lehrziel
zum Lehrstoff und zu lehrzielorientierten Testaufgaben gelangen kann.
Ein diesem formal sehr iihnliches Konzept wird weiter unten vorgestellt, wobei die
Lehrziele durch eine Klasse von Testaufgaben definiert und gleichzeitig nach dem
Inhalts- und Verhaltenaspekt (evtl. auch nach dem Produkt-aspekt) bestimmt werden.
(Klauer, K J.: Methodik der Lehrzieldefinition und Lehrstoffanalyse, Dusseldorf 1972,
20 The four dimensions as suggested by De Corte are: subject matter dimension, content-
information dimension, product-information dimension and operation dimension. Klauer
takes De Corte's dimensions one and two together, which in our opinion is meaningful.
Corte, E. de: Onderwijsdoelstellingen. Bijdrage tot de didaxologische theorievorming en
aanzetten voor het empirisch onderzoek over onderwijsdoelen, Leuven 1973, p. 146.
21 Wheeler, D. K: Curriculum Process, London 1967, p.I13.
22 Block, A. de: Taxonomie van leerdoelen, Antwerp 1975, pp. 55ff.
23 Johnson, D. A. and Rising, E. R.: Guidelines for teaching mathematics, Belmont 1969.
Dormolen, J. van: Didactiek van de wiskunde, Utrecht 1974.
24 Pikaart, L. and Travers, K J.: 'Teaching elementary school mathematics: a simplified
Swenson's book which considers initial instruction in arithmetic from the point of view of
meaningful instruction. She says:
Meaning is experience. Children learn to know and understand what they have
experienced. ... Meaning is context. Children learn best within a rich context of
meanings.... Meaning is intent. Children's purposes and intentions are as important as
adults' purposes and intentions for them.... Meaning is organization. If the results of
learning are to be useful, they must be organized.
Swensen, E. J.: Making primary arithmetic meaningful to children, Washington 1961.
Thorn, R: 'Modern mathematics: Does it exist?', in Howson, A. G. (ed.), Developments in
mathematical education, pp. 194-213.
For examples of meaningful instruction see Wiskobas publications by Van den Brink, De
Gooijer-Quint, Ter Heege, Streefiand, Wijdeveld and others in Wiskobas Bulletin; and as
regards Wiskivon (secondary education), see articles by Van Barneveld, Kindt, Kremers,
De Lange, Sweers, Leenders, Goddijn, Schoemaker, and others in both Wiskobas Bulletin
and Wiskrant.
27 From research by Inhelder, Piaget, Bruner, and others, the designer of "Freckleham"
knew that third graders, generally speaking, are capable of reproducing, completing, and
re-arranging a two-way order. It was not known, however, that children of this age are
capable of constructing a two-way order themselves. See:
Inhelder, B. and Piaget, J.: The early growth of logic in the child. Classification and
seriation, London 1964.
Bruner, J. S., Olver, R, and Greenfield, P. M.: Studies in cognitive growth, New York 1966.
Modgil, S.: Piagetian research. A handbook of recent studies, New York 1974, pp.
28 The question of transitivity reasoning has been examined frequently in educational and
developmental psychology. The results are often conflicting. The heart of the problem lies
in the essence of reasoning by transitivity. How does it work? Suppose that for four
individuals A, B, C and D it is known that A is heavier than B, B heavier than C and D is
heavier than C; who is the heaviest; and who is the heaviest in the group A, B, C and D?
And if the relation ''is heavier than" is substituted by "is faster than" or "is older than" or
"is further ahead of" or "is longer than", will this make any difference for the reasoning? If
in the last case the lengths are drawn or represented by straws, will this change matters?
To make clear the problem we will give four illustrations, on the basis of which we will
try to answer these kinds of questions.
- A professor and his grandson are taking a walk in the snow. At an intersection they
see four bicycle tracks. First they walk over them, but later they turn back to find out
in which order the bicycles had passed. Find the original pattern.
The following drawing shows a window with four holes. Find out in which order the
damages occurred.
In Greater Freckleham (for example on a ten-by-ten grid) a has more hairs than c; b
more than a and c more than d. Arrange a, b, c and d according to the number of
A few remarks may be made on these four isomorphic order problems:
For the first problem: each track can be given a name, for example a, b, c and d, and
the relationship "a was before b" can be recorded as (~). The tracks are related as follows:
(~), (~) and (~). Afterwards they can be placed in one scheme:
By symbolising and visualising the relations in this way, the transitivity of the order relation
is locked up in the linear order.
If we consider the four problems in their mutual relationship again in the opposite
direction, we notice an even more abstract presentation of the same mathematical problem:
the last problem calls for quantitative ordering, as in "Freckleham". The last but one can be
schematised by representing the persons by marbles of various sizes, which allows solving
without reasoning. In the second case we can see the solution, but it is seeing supported by
reasoning. In the first case we must symbolise and reason, while possibly making use of
linear order.
This shows a vertical line that can be drawn from one Freckleham basic problem to
'secondary mathematics instructjon. We could have gone even further backwards. More
"primitive" than the Freckleham problem is ordering linear objects (straws, etc.) based on
activity and observation.
The question is how such problems are solved. Is this done directly via linear order or
indirectly via transitivity reasoning? Inhelder and Piaget suppose that, with the exception of
strongly "visual" cases such as sticks, it is done indirectly. Our experiences confirm these
suppositions. With the first problem even adults also usually follow the difficult route of
reasoning rather than using the linear order.
Tests that seem to prove the opposite, thus indicating that children do not reason
deductively but "see" via the linear order, are based on the relation "is longer than" and
therefore strongly related to the linear order, where transitivity is locked in, which allows
for an immediate conclusion along visual lines.
Our relation examples are different, which makes the resulting problems much more
difficult: pure deductive reasoning prevails and impedes the use of linear order. The crucial
point is whether one can learn to use linear order as an aid to make the solution of more
difficult problems possible.
Experiences with "Freckleham" and its sequel have given rise to the hypothesis that
linear order does in fact offer an important support for reasoning problems on order
relations and that along these lines pupils are capable of performances that look impossible
by means of transitivity reasoning. The third graders in the Wiskobas design school initially
had great difficulty with transitivity reasoning, but once the linear order was used in
Freckleham and in the following seesaw problems, instruction was seen to progress
reasonably well.
The supposition that linear order and transitivity reasoning should be kept well apart
seems justified. Piaget does so, but other researchers do not. On the other hand we feel
that Piaget has not discerned the connection sufficiently. For instruction it is just the
relationship between linear order and transitivity reasoning that is of importance. The
crucial problem is whether linear order can be used as a thinking model. According to our
present rough information, this is the case, indeed. Compare:
Bryant, P.: Perception and understanding in young children. An experimental approach,
London 1974.
Johnson, M. L.: 'The effects of instruction on length relations, on classification, variation
and transitivity performances of first- and second-grade children, Journal for Research
in Mathematics Education 5 (1975), 115-126.
Smedslund, J.: 'Development of concrete transitivity of length in children', Child
Development 34 (1963),389-405.
Inhelder, B. and Piaget, J.: The early growth of logic in the child. Classification and
seriation, London 1964.
See also the articles by Davydov and Levinova in: Parreren, C. F. van and Nelissen, J. M.
C. (eds.): Rekenen, Groningen 1977.
Trabasso, T.: 'Representation, memory and reasoning', in Pick, A. D. (ed.), Minnesota
symposium on child psychology, Vol. 9. 1975.
29 This was established for some 50 teachers in in-service courses, who were presented
with the problem ofthe bicycle tracks in the snow (see Note 28).
30 Frederique Papy, especially, has stimulated the use of arrow-language for young
children. The fact that children must learn to use this language is also noticed in a study by
Wallrabenstein: older children are not capable of filling in arrow-diagrams on their own.
Papy, F.: Graph Games, New York 1971.
Wallrabenstein, H.: 'Development and signification of a geometry test', in Educational
Studies in Mathematics 5 (1974), 81-91.
31 See also Note 18 for this chapter.
32 This became evident at conferences and in-service courses. First of all a number of
teachers and teacher trainers feared that the problem would not appeal to the children; and
secondly they had difficulty in coming to grips with the objectives. At the first in-service
course in Hilversum, it was seen that the instruction progressed poorly because of the lack
of holistic goal description. The first teacher-participants, who had to work without these
descriptions and explanations, were therefore less contented with the theme. Later, when
the theme was disseminated with a three-dimensional goal description attached, this
changed. We learned particularly from conferences that a clear goal description is
considered to be of great importance.
33 See Chapter I, Sub-sections 2.2, 2.3, 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3.
34 See for example:
Stake, R. E.: 'A theoretical statement of responsive evaluation', Studies in Educational
Evaluation 2 (1976), 19-23.
1 Brown, M.: Rules without reasons? Some evidence relating to the teaching of routine
skills to low-attainers in mathematics', International Journal of Mathematics Education in
Science and Technology 13 (1982),449-461.
Foxman, D. D. (ed.): Mathematical development, London 1980.
Hart, K. (ed.): Children's understanding of mathematics: 11-16, London 1981. .
2 A somewhat comparable approach has been sketched by Gerd Walther, although the
progressive schematisation is as it were imposed on the learner: the phases follow each
other too rapidly and little is left to the children themselves. Hutton gives the children a full
opportunity for shortening, though there is little information on the phases of the process.
Walther, G.: 'Acquiring mathematical knowledge', Mathematical Teaching, Nr. 101 (1982),
10-12.' .
Thus even if the rules can be remembered they are largely without reasons and are not
related to other number knowledge. They are far from aiding the understanding of
numbers; rather they encourage a belief that mathematics is essentially arbitrary.
A person who has to do a lot of such calculations will soon develop methods of a
brevity suited to his needs. Here is a non-standard method for long multiplication:
20 3
10 200 30
8 160 24
which shows how much diagrams can help. The important thing is a process which is
intelligible (to the user), rather than one which is standardised or quickest. Plunkett, S.:
'Decomposition and all that rot', Mathematics in SchoolS (1979), p. 3.
8 This appears from various Dutch pieces of research and from practical experiences in
experimental schools. The gain in time is about 50%, though from this number should be
subtracted the attention given to mental, that is to say, flexible and clever, arithmetic (basic
abilities). There are virtually no failures, at least if less abridged algorithms are admitted as
final, in particular in long division. Compare the general exposition in:
Dekker, A., Heege H. ter, and Treffers, A.: Cijferend vermenigvuldigen en delen volgens
Wiskobas, Utrecht 1982.
9 Resnick, L. B. and Ford, W.: The psychology of mathematics for instmction, Hillsdale
Gagne, R. M.: 'Some issues in the psychology of mathematics instruction', Journal for
Research in Mathematics Education 14 (1983),19-29.
Gal'perin, P. J.: 'Stages in the development of mental acts', in Cole, M. Maltzman, J. (eds.),
Handbook of contemporary soviet psychology, London 1969, 149-173.
Gal'perin, P. J. and Talyzina, N. F.: 'Die Bildung erster geometrischer Handlungen des
Schiilers', in Gal'perin, P. J. and Leontjew (eds.), Probleme der Lerntheorie, Berlin
Davydov, V. V.: 'Ueber das Verhiiltnis zwischen den abstrakten und den konkreten
Kentnissen im Unterricht', in Lompscher, J. (ed.), Probleme der Ausbildung geistiger
Handlungen, Berlin 1972.
Davydov, V. V.: 'Logical and psychological problems of elementary mathematics as an
academic subject', in Steffe, L. P. (ed.), Soviet studies in_the psychology of learning and
teaching mathematics, Chicago 1975, pp. 109-207.
10 See Sub-section 5 in Chapter I.
II The orientation points were described by Goffree and Treffers in an internal
publication in 1970 and 1971.
12 In the guidebook for the first in-service training block, the objectives were already
formulated in terms of activities. See:
Smaling, A and Treffers, A: Stadsplan, IOWa publication, Utrecht 1971.
13 Treffers, A: 'De Klok', in Meijer, G. H. (ed.), Matematika, IOWa publication, Utrecht
1973, pp. 7-27.
Treffers, A and Wijdeveld, E.: 'Leerplanologle. Over doelstellingen van het
wiskundeonderwijs', in Wiskobas Bulletin 2 (1973), 983-991.
14 From the moment that the three-dimensional goal description was introduced, the call
for the objectives of mathematics education has been noticeably lacking, while before that
time it was an ever-recurring point of discussion.
15 Treffers, A.: De kiekkas van Wiskobas. Beschouwingen over uitgangspunten en doelstel-
lingen van het aanvangs- en vervolgonderwijs in de wiskunde, IOWa curriculum develop-
ment publication 1, Utrecht 1975.
16 See Bloom, B. S.: Human characteristics and school learning, New York 1976, p. 217.
17 Resnick, L. B. and Ford, W.: The psychology of mathematics for instruction, Hillsdale
18 Schoenfeld, A H.: 'The wild, wild, wild, wild world of problem solving: A review of
sorts', For the Learning ofMathematics 3 (1983),40-47.
19 Cobb, P. and Steffe, L. P.: 'The constructivist researcher as teacher and model builder',
Journalfor Research in Mathematics Education 14 (1983), 95-101.
Carpay, J. A. M.: 'Westeuropese benadering van onderwijsleerprocessess', in De Corte, E.
(ed.), Onderzoek van onderwijsleerprocessen, 's Gravenhage 1982,28-36.
Hilton, P.: 'Do we still need to teach fractions?', in Zweng, M. et al. (eds.), Proceedings of
the Fourth International Congress on Mathematics Education, Boston 1983, pp. 37-
6 Lakatos, I.: Proofs and refutations. The logic of mathematical discovery, Cambridge UK,
7 Freudenthal,H.: Didactical phenomenology of mathematical structures, Do'rdrecht 1983,
8 Freudenthal, H.: Mathematics as an educational task, Dordrecht 1973, p. 121.
9 Hiele, P. M. van: Begrip en inzicht, Purmerend 1973.
Hiele, P. M. van: Structure and insight. A theory of mathematics education, New York
Hiele-Geldof, D. van and Hiele, P. M. van: English translation of selected writings,
Brooklyn New York, 1984.
10 Hofstadter, D. R.: Godel, Escher, Bach: An eternal golden braid, New York 1979.
11 Kilpatrick, J.: 'Reflection and Recursion', Educational Studies in Mathematics 16
12 Burger, W. F. and Shaughnessy, J. M.: 'Characterizing the van Hiele levels of develop-
ment in geometry', Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 17 (1986), 31-48.
13 Freudenthal, H.: Didactical phenomenology of mathematical structures, Dordrecht
1983, pp. 32-33.
14 Morley, A: 'A new development in primary school mathematics. The Dutch Wiskobas
23 Cooney, T. J.: 'A beginning teacher's view of problem solving', Journal for Research in
Mathematics Education 16 (1985), 324-336.
Cooney, T. J.: 'The contribution of theory to mathematics teacher education', in Steiner, H.
G. et al. (eds.), Theory of Mathematics Education, Bielefeld 1984, pp. 120-132.
24 Menninger, K.: Zahlwort und Zijfer, band II, Gottingen 1958.
25 Gagne, R M.: The conditions of learning, London 1965, p. 60.
26 Gagne, R M.: 'Some issues in the psychology of mathematics instruction', Journal for
Research in Mathematics Education 14 (1983), 7-19.
27 Dienes, Z. P.: The six stages in the process of learning mathematics, London 1973, p. 9.
28 See also:
Dienes, Z. P.: Building up mathematics, London 1960.
29 Dienes, Z. P.: The stages in the process of learning, London 1973, p. 9.
30 See for example:
Karplus, R, Pulos, S. and Stage, E. K.: Proportional reasoning of early Adolescents, in
Lesh, R and Landau, M. (eds.), Acquisition of Mathematics Concepts and Processes, New
York 1983, p. 81.
31 Bruner, J. S.: Toward a theory of instruction, Cambridge 1966.
Piaget, J.: Comments on mathematical education, in Howson, A. G. (ed.), Developments in
mathematical education, Cambridge 1973, pp. 79-88.
Piaget, J.: Science of education and the psychology of the child, London 1971.
32 Friedman, M.: 'The manipulative material strategy: The latest pied _paper?', Journal for
Research in Mathematics Education 9 (1978), 78-81.
Khoury, H. A. and Behr, M.: 'Student performance, individual differences and modes of
representation', Journal/or Research in Mathematics Education 13 (1982), 228-235.
Kieren, T. E.: 'Manipulative material in mathematics learning', Journal for Research in
Mathematics Education 2 (1971), 228-235.
33 -Behr, M. J., Lesh, R, Post, T. R and Silver, E. A.: 'Rational number concepts', in Lesh,
R. and Landau, M. (eds.), Acquisition of mathematics concepts and processes, New
York 1983, pp. 92-128.
Behr, M. J., Wachsmuth, I., Post, T. R and Lesh, R: 'Order and equivalence of rational
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tion IS (1984), 323-342.
Lesh, R, Landau, M. and Hamilton, E.: 'Conceptual modes and applied mathematical
problem-solving research', in Lesh, R and Landau, M. (eds.), Acquisition of mathe-
matics concepts and processes, New York 1983, pp. 264-345.
34 Davis, R: 'A conceptual basis for problem-solving studies', in Dorfier, W. and Fisher, R
(eds.), Empirische Untersuchungen zum Lehren und Lernen von Mathematik, Wien 1985,
35 Davis, R B.: Learning mathematics. The cogn!tive science approach to mathematics
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36 Davis, R B.: Learning mathematics. The cognitive science approach to mathematics
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37 Lawler, R W.: 'Extending a powerful idea', Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 3, 2
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38 Kilpatrick, J.: 'Reflection and recursion', Educational Studies in Mathematics 16
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activity: role in mathematics education 60- "Chessboard" see "Grains on the Chess-
61 board"
Adda, Josette 15 clever reckoning: column arithmetic 204-
Adler 148 206
algorithms "The Clock" 212
mathematical material 26,198-210 cognitive psychology 289-294
role in mathematics education 44 column arithmetic
applicability educational psychology 216-217
goal of mathematics education 103-104, mathematical problems 199-210
184 Wiskobas curriculum 225
mathematical rules 66-68 Wiskobas instruction theory 253
arithmetic computers: mathematics instruction 287
column arithmetic 199-210, 216-217, concrete product goals 125-126, 168-
225,253 169
Wiskobas curriculum 223-225 context: Wiskobas instruction theory 255-
Wiskobas instruction theory 253 258
arithmetical goal of mathematics education Cooney, T. J. 265
101-102,184 Cooper, I. 282
arithmetical trend of mathematics teaching counting problems
9,10,16-17 development by Wiskobas project 26
Arnold, W. R. 133 examples 33-36
attitude development through mathematics examples, analysed 37-53
107-108 "Freckleham" project 183
Wiskobas instruction theory 225,259
Baker, E. L. 121, 168-169 Courant 240
Balacheff, N. 285,294 "The Cube" 212
Bauersfeld, H. 279,282-285,287,294 curriculum development
Becker, H. 134 current objectives 83
Behr, M. J. 279,287 early trends 9-10
Biggs, Edith 10 Wiskobas project 10-14
Bishop, A 285, 294
Bloom, B. S. 149,215 Dalin, P. 19,21,24
Boomsma, G. 10 Davis, R. 148, 279, 280-282, 286, 287,
Bouman en Van Zelm 17 294
Bourbaki 293 Davydov, V. V. 210,217,290,293
Brousseau, G. 285,287,294 DeBlock,A 149,154,186
Braunfeld, P. 148 . decimals
Bruner, J. S. 63, 132, 251, 278, 282, 286, Wiskobas curriculum 226-231
294 Wiskobas instruction theory 253
De Corte, E. 84,186,293
calculators: use of pocket calculators 104, DeGroot,AD. 120
231 didactical phenomenology 246-247,257
Canada: mathematics education 240 didactising: Wiskobas instruction theory
Carpenter, T. P. 293 57-59
cartoons see "Land of Eight" Diets and Nauta 17