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November 2019

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Summary of account activity Payment information

Account no. ****-****-****-5193 New balance $155.28
Minimum payment due $27.00
Previous balance $121.91 Payment due date 11/28/2019
Payments -121.91
Other credits 0.00 Late payment warning:
Purchases 155.28 If we do not receive your minimum payment by 11/28/2019 you may
Other debits 0.00 have to pay up to a $37.00 late fee.
Fees charged 0.00 Minimum payment warning: If you make only the minimum
Interest charged 0.00 payment for each period, you will pay more in interest and it will take
New balance $155.28 you longer to pay off your balances. For example:
Past due amount 0.00 If you make no additional You will pay off And you will
Credit limit $900.00 charges using this card the balance shown end up paying an
Available credit $744.72 and each month you pay: on the statement estimated total
Statement closing date 11/02/2019 in about: of:
Days in billing cycle 31 Only the minimum payment 7 months $168
For information regarding credit counseling services,
call 1-800-284-1706.

Account Questions? Need to make a payment? Want to know how to go paperless?

Visit VSAngelCard.com or call 1-800-695-9478 (TDD/TTY 1-800-695-1788). Want to stay in the know with credit tips
and news? Visit us at facebook.com/askcomenity or at twitter.com/askcomenity.

Angel Card Account Summary

Rewards Summary Tier Status Summary FREE SHIPPING FOR
Current total points*: 50 Current Tier+: Angel ANGELS]
Points to next reward: 200 Dollars to next tier ¢: $250 Get it on every $50+ purchase
with your Angel Credit Card.
Enter offer code ACSHIP50 at
Receive a $10 reward within 3-6 checkout.****
weeks for every 250 points
Details of your transactions

10/28/2019 PAYMENT-THANK YOU -121.91

Total fees charged for this period $0.00
Interest charged
Interest charge on purchases $0.00
Total interest for this period $0.00

2019 totals year to date

Total fees charged in 2019 $0.00
Total interest charged in 2019 $0.00
NOTICE: See reverse side for important information.
Please tear at perforation above
number ****-****-****-5193
New balance Minimum payment
$155.28 $27.00
99 3
Yes, I have moved or updated my Payment must reach us by
e-mail address - see reverse. Amount enclosed: 6 pm ET on 11/28/2019.

$ Please make check payable to:


Please return this portion along with your payment to:
BRONX NY 10468-3881 SAN ANTONIO TX 78265-9728

00900102 00022199 5856375350365193 000002700 000015528

Keep this portion for your records. CREDIT REPORTING. We may report information about your account to
What To Do If You Think You Find A Mistake On Your Statement credit bureaus. Late payments, missed payments, or other defaults on your
If you think there is an error on your statement, write to us at: Comenity account may be reflected in your credit report.
Bank PO Box 182782, Columbus, Ohio 43218-2782. NOTICE OF CREDIT REPORT DISPUTES
In your letter, give us the following information: If you believe the account information we reported to a consumer reporting
³ Account information: Your name and account number. agency is inaccurate, you may submit a direct dispute to Comenity Bank PO
Box 182789, Columbus, Ohio 43218-2789. Your written dispute must
³ Dollar amount: The dollar amount of the suspected error. provide sufficient information to identify the account and specify why the
³ Description of Problem: If you think there is an error on your bill, information is inaccurate:
describe what you believe is wrong and why you believe it is a mistake. ³ Account Information: Your name and account number
You must contact us within 60 days after the error appeared on your ³ Contact Information: Your address and telephone number
statement. ³ Disputed Information: Identify the account information disputed and
explain why you believe it is inaccurate
You must notify us of any potential errors in writing. You may call us, but if ³ Supporting Documentation: If available, provide a copy of the section of
you do we are not required to investigate any potential errors and you may the credit report showing the account information you are disputing
have to pay the amount in question.
While we investigate whether or not there has been an error, the following We will investigate the disputed information and report the results to you
are true: within 30 days of receipt of the information needed for our investigation. If
³ We cannot try to collect the amount in question, or report you as we find that the account information we reported is inaccurate, we will
delinquent on that amount. promptly provide the necessary correction to each consumer reporting
agency to which we reported the information.
³ The charge in question may remain on your statement, and we may
continue to charge you interest on that amount. But, if we determine that PAYMENTS MARKED "PAID IN FULL". All written communications regarding
we made a mistake, you will not have to pay the amount in question or disputed amounts that include any check or other payment instrument
any interest or other fees related to that amount. marked with "payment in full" or similar language, must be sent to: 6550
³ While you do not have to pay the amount in question, you are responsible North Loop 1604 East, Suite 101, San Antonio, TX 78247-5004.
for the remainder of your balance. DO NOT USE THE ENCLOSED REMITTANCE ENVELOPE.
- We may accept payment sent to any other address without losing any of
³ We can apply any unpaid amount against your credit limit. our rights.
Your Rights If You Are Dissatisfied With Your Credit Card Purchases - No payment shall operate as an accord and satisfaction without prior
written approval.
If you are dissatisfied with the goods or services that you have purchased
with your credit card, and you have tried in good faith to correct the CUSTOMER SERVICE. Visit vsangelcard.com or call 1-800-695-9478
problem with the merchant, you may have the right not to pay the remaining (TDD/TTY 1-800-695-1788).
amount due on the purchase. TELEPHONE MONITORING. To provide you with high-quality service, phone
To use this right, all of the following must be true: communication with us is monitored and/or recorded.
1. The purchase must have been made in your home state or within 100 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. The following designations, when appearing
miles of your current mailing address, and the purchase price must have on the front of your statement, mean the following: V means variable rate
been more than $50. (Note: Neither of these is necessary if your purchase (this rate may vary); WV INT PAY RQ means WAIVE INTEREST, PAYMENT
was based on an advertisement we mailed to you, or if we own the company REQUIRED; WV INT EQ PY means WAIVE INTEREST, EQUAL PAYMENT; WV
that sold you the goods or services.) INT LOW PMT means WAIVE INTEREST, LOW PAYMENT; DF INT PY RQ
2. You must have used your credit card for the purchase. Purchases made means DEFER INTEREST, PAYMENT REQUIRED; DEF INT EQ PY means
with cash advances from an ATM or with a check that accesses your credit DEFER INTEREST, EQUAL PAYMENT; DF INT LOW PMT means DEFER
card account do not qualify. INTEREST, LOW PAYMENT and LOW APR EQ PAY means LOW APR, EQUAL
3. You must not yet have fully paid for the purchase. PAYMENT. If you have a variable rate account, your periodic rates may vary.
If all of the criteria above are met and you are still dissatisfied with the You may pay all of your Account balance at any time without penalty.
purchase, contact us in writing at: Comenity Bank PO Box 182782, Send all inquiries to: CUSTOMER SERVICE, PO Box 182273, Columbus,
Columbus, Ohio 43218-2782. Ohio 43218-2273.
While we investigate, the same rules apply to the disputed amount as Send all bankruptcy notices and related correspondence to Comenity Bank,
discussed above. After we finish our investigation, we will tell you our Bankruptcy Department, PO Box 182125, Columbus, Ohio 43218-2125.
decision. At that point, if we think you owe an amount and you do not pay
we may report you as delinquent. NOTICE ABOUT ELECTRONIC CHECK CONVERSION. When you provide a
check as payment, you authorize us either to use information from your
HOW TO AVOID PAYING INTEREST. Your due date is at least 25 days after check to make a one-time electronic fund transfer from your account or to
the close of each billing cycle. We will not charge you interest on purchases process the payment as a check transaction. When we use information from
if you pay your entire balance by the due date each month. We will begin to your check to make an electronic fund transfer, funds may be withdrawn
charge interest on new purchases made under a Low APR, Equal Payment from your account as soon as the same day we receive your payment, and
or Budget Payment Credit Plan from the date of purchase. you will not receive your check back from your financial institution.
BALANCE COMPUTATION METHOD. We calculate interest separately for
each balance using the method(s) described below. The two letters in
parentheses next to the Balance Subject to Interest Rate column in the
Interest Charge Calculation section on this statement corresponds to the
(DA) We figure the interest charge on this balance by applying the periodic
rate to the 3daily balance4 for each day in the billing period. To get the
3daily balance4 we take the beginning balance each day, add any new
transactions and fees and subtract any payments or credits (treating any net
credit balance as a zero balance). This gives us the daily balance.
(MC) We figure the interest charge on this balance by applying the periodic
rate to the 3average daily balance4 for the billing period. To get the
3average daily balance4 we take the beginning balance each day, add any
new transactions and fees and subtract any payments or credits (treating
any net credit balance as a zero balance). This gives us the daily balance.
Then, we add up all the daily balances for the billing period and divide the
total by the number of days in the billing period. This gives us the 3average
daily balance.4

PAYMENTS. Pay your Account by the payment due date by the time listed below. If we do not receive your payment in a correct format (outlined below) it
may not be credited to your Account for up to five days, or may be rejected. Also, your payment must reach us by the payment cutoff time that applies to
the payment method you select.
Correct Format. Correct format for different payment methods include:
Mailing or Overnight: Send a personal check, money order, traveler2s check or cashier2s check payable in U.S. dollars, to the name and address shown on
this Statement in the payment stub area containing your balance and minimum payment amount. Be sure to include your payment stub, do not staple or
clip your payment to the stub, include your account number on your check, use the envelope provided with your Statement, send one payment with one
payment stub and do not send any correspondence with your payment. You should overnight a payment to 6550 North Loop 1604 East, Suite 101, San
Antonio, TX 78247-5004 and the additional format requirements are the same as other mailed payments unless there is a dispute, in which case you follow
the Payments Marked "Paid In Full" section above. Do not send cash or gift certificates. Pay By Phone: You can call us toll free at 1-800-695-9478
(TDD/TTY 1-800-695-1788) to make a payment by telephone, which may include a fee. Online: You can make a payment online at vsangelcard.com.
In-store: You can make payments in-store.
Payment Cutoff Times. Payment cutoff times/deadlines for us to receive payments are by the due date on this Statement in the payment stub area at the
following times: Mailing and Overnight: By 6:00 pm Eastern Time (ET); Pay By Phone: By 8:00 pm (ET); Online: By 8:00 pm (ET); and In-store: By the time
the store closes at the location you make your payment.

Interest charge calculation

Your Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is the annual interest rate on your account. See BALANCE COMPUTATION METHOD
on page 2 for more details. Minimum interest charge may exceed interest charge below, per your credit card agreement.

Purchases 26.7400% (v) 0.00 (DA) 0.00

Additional important messages
It2s never been easier to know your Angel Credit Card tier status]
Starting Feb. 1, 2020 tier upgrades* will be based on your program year spend instead of a rolling 12
Earn VIP tier status when you spend $250 between Feb. 1-Jan. 31. Earn Forever status when you spend
$500 between Feb. 1- Jan. 31.
To maintain an upgraded tier status, you must spend the above amount each program year.
Learn more about your exclusive program benefits at www.victoriassecret.com/angel-card.
*Spend $250 (VIP) or $500 (Forever) during the program year (Feb. 16Jan. 31) on qualifying purchases
made with your Angel Credit Card, minus returns, to upgrade to VIP or Forever status. To maintain this
status, a customer must spend $250 (VIP) or $500 (Forever) each subsequent program year on the
Angel Credit Card. This rewards program is provided by Victoria2s Secret and its terms may change at
any time. For full Rewards Terms and Conditions, please see
*This information is accurate as of the statement closing date provided on this billing statement. Please
refer to VSAngelCard.com to get your most accurate and up to date balance. This rewards program is
provided by Victoria's Secret and its terms may change at any time. For full Rewards Terms and
Conditions, please see www.VictoriasSecret.com/vsangelrewardterms.
¢This information is accurate as of the statement closing date provided on this billing statement.
+Spend $250 for VIP status and $500 for Forever status from 2/1/2019-1/31/2020. Beginning 2/1/2020
must have spent this amount in a rolling 12 months on qualifying purchases made with your Angel credit
card, minus returns, to upgrade to VIP or Forever status. To maintain this status, a customer must spend
$250 for VIP status and $500 for Forever status 2/1-1/31 beginning the program year after you have
upgraded on the Angel credit card or tier level will reset corresponding with spend and any previously
accumulated spend will be reset. This rewards program is provided by Victoria's Secret and its terms may
change at any time. For full Rewards Terms and Conditions, please see
**Subject to credit approval. Limited to orders shipped within the United States only. Must add qualifying
in-stock items totaling $50 USD (after all discounts are applied) to your shopping bag. Select Angel Credit
Card as payment type. When prompted, enter offer code ACSHIP50 at checkout. Standard shipping and
handling charges will automatically be adjusted after offer code is applied. Must use Angel Credit Card for
offer eligibility. Not valid on previous or store purchases.Angel Credit Card Accounts are issued by
Comenity Bank.
*For Victoria's Secret rewards program terms visit www.VictoriasSecret.com/vsangelrewardterms.
+++ Must have valid email address and U.S. mailing address
****Subject to credit approval. Limited to orders shipped within the United States only. Must add qualifying
in-stock items totaling $50 USD (after all discounts are applied) to your shopping bag. Select Angel Credit
Card as payment type. When prompted, enter offer code ACSHIP50 at checkout. Standard shipping and

00900102 00022200 5856375350365193 000002700 000015528


Additional important messages - continued

handling charges will automatically be adjusted after offer code is applied. Must use Angel Credit Card for
offer eligibility. Not valid on previous or store purchases.
Did you know? You can easily add a family member or friend as an authorized buyer for your Victoria2s
Secret Angel Card] It2s just one way to spoil your loved one while reaping the rewards. And, you can
choose between a Victoria2s Secret Angel Card or a PINK Angel Card design. Just access our secure
customer service website at vsangelcard.com or call our Customer Care Center at 1-800-695-9478
(TDD/TTY 1-800-695-1788).
Be the first to know] Sign up for emails at VictoriasSecret.com/angel-card.
GO PAPERLESS and manage your account online]
With paperless billing, you receive an email reminder prior to your payment due date. Get started today by
visiting VSAngelCard.com
STEP 1: Sign in or register your account. STEP 2: Select Go Paperless and sign up.
Protect yourself against mail and phone consumer fraud.

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