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TT3000E SSAS Installation Manual

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TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual

by Thrane & Thrane

TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System

Installation Manual

Copyright© Thrane & Thrane A/S

2006, Thrane & Thrane A/S

Information in this document is subject to change without

notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of
Thrane & Thrane A/S.

Document number: 98-122650 Revision: A

Release Date: 5th of April 2006

TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual


Rev. Date Section Description / Remarks

A 2006-04-05 Based in part on TT98-120343-D

TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual


The following general safety precautions must be observed

during all phases of operation, service and repair of this
equipment. Failure to comply with these precautions or with
specific warnings elsewhere in this manual violates safety
standards of design, manufacture and intended use of the

Thrane & Thrane A/S assumes no liability for the customer’s

failure to comply with these requirements.


During transmission this unit radiates microwaves from the

antenna. This radiation may be hazardous if exposed directly
to humans close to the antenna. Make sure that nobody is
closer than the recommended minimum safety distance of 1 ft.
(0.3 meters) during use of the transceiver.


Operating personnel must not remove equipment covers.

Only qualified maintenance personal must make component
replacement and internal adjustment. Under certain
conditions, dangerous voltages may exist even with the cable
removed. To avoid injuries, always disconnect power and
discharge circuits before touching them.

TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual

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TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual

List of Contents:

1 Introduction .................................................. 8
1.1 Important information for SSA system ..................... 10
1.2 Initial Inspection ..................................................... 11
1.3 Storage................................................................... 12
1.4 Repacking for shipment.......................................... 12
1.5 Abbreviations......................................................... 12
2 System description...................................... 14
2.1 Activation key......................................................... 14
2.2 Test and Alert Buttons ............................................. 14
2.3 SSA Messages......................................................... 18
2.4 Covert Alert Initiated Data Reporting ..................... 19
3 Installation .................................................. 21
3.1 Installation of the buttons........................................ 21
3.2 Connection of the buttons....................................... 24
3.3 Configuring the TT-3026C for SSA .......................... 29
3.3.1 Password protection of SSAS settings.............. 29 Example.................................................... 29
3.3.2 Enabling of SSAS option................................... 30
3.3.3 Selection of activation mode ............................ 31
3.3.4 Pre-configuration of mini-C ............................. 31 Configuration of SSA recipients ................ 31 Examples .................................................. 33
3.3.5 Setting up mobile number in the transceiver ... 36 Example.................................................... 37
3.3.6 Optional LES selection ..................................... 37 Example.................................................... 38
3.3.7 Optional free text in alert................................. 38 Example.................................................... 40
3.4 Configuring the TT-3026C for Data Reporting......... 41
3.4.1 Factory default................................................. 41
3.4.2 Example configuration after DNID download ... 43
3.4.3 Important constraints ....................................... 43
4 Registration................................................. 44
5 Function and testing .................................... 44
5.1 Operating the system ............................................. 44
TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual

5.1.1 Standard mode operation ................................ 44

5.1.2 Instant activation mode operation.................... 45
5.2 Testing the system ................................................. 45
5.2.1 Test button light pattern .................................. 45
5.2.2 Installation and wiring test instruction ............. 47
5.2.3 Transmission test............................................. 49
6 Technical Specification ................................52
7 Maintenance guidelines...............................53
8 Appendix A – Wiring of Buttons ...................54
9 Appendix B – Accessories ...........................56
10 Appendix C – cable Installation rules ..........57
11 Appendix D – Installation help .....................58
12 Appendix E – Use of Special Access Code ...59
12.1 SAC Example for SMS: ........................................ 59
12.2 SAC Example for e-mail:..................................... 60

List of Figures:
Figure 1 TT-3000E mini-C GMDSS System with SSAS ............. 9
Figure 2 SSA Message layout ............................................... 15
Figure 3 SSA Test Message .................................................. 17
Figure 4 Button .................................................................... 18
Figure 5 Example of SSA Message routing ........................... 19
Figure 6 TT-3616C Connectors for test and alert buttons ..... 24
Figure 7 Installation with 2 alert buttons............................... 25
Figure 8 Installation with 3 alert buttons............................... 27
Figure 9 Installation with 4 alert buttons............................... 28
Figure 10 Position of Mobile Number in SSA Message ......... 37
Figure 11 SSA Test Message during test mode..................... 50
Figure 12 Four wires on additional alert button.................... 55

TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual

List of Tables:
Table 1Wiring of additional alert buttons ............................. 26
Table 2 Reasons for missing light in test button .................... 47
Table 3 Cable specification.................................................. 52
Table 4 Wiring of additional alert buttons ............................ 55

TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual

This manual describes the TT-3000E Ship Security Alert
system and provides instructions for installing the SSAS add
on option on the TT-3000E mini-C GMDSS System.

A prerequisite for installing the SSAS option is a fully

functional TT-3000E mini-C GMDSS System (Refer to TT98-
122414 TT-3000E mini-C GMDSS Installation Manual).

The TT-3000E SSAS option is available in two versions:

403000E-913 (standard activation mode):

ƒ Green Test Button
ƒ 21 x Covert Alert Button (latched)
ƒ TT-3000E SSAS Installation Manual
ƒ Activation key (certificate)

403000E-916 (instant activation mode):

ƒ Yellow Test Button
ƒ 21 x Covert Alert Button (non-latched)
ƒ TT-3000E SSAS Installation Manual
ƒ Activation key (certificate)

The instant activation mode is required by certain national

governments and authorities. In order to easily detect which
operational mode is used for a given installation, the
configuration for instant activation mode must be
accompanied by the installation of a yellow test button.

A system with buttons for standard activation mode is shown

in Figure 1.

If extra alert buttons are needed, they can be procured

separately. Refer to Appendix B – Accessories for more

Up to 4 Covert Alert Buttons can be installed.
TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual







SSAS Buttons

Figure 1 TT-3000E mini-C GMDSS System with SSAS

TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual


Use extreme caution when operating the system and do not

initiate alerts unless under real attack or threat. Only test the
system using the build-in test functionality.

Specifications of the SSAS routing requirement are found in

IMO SOLAS Regulation XI-2/6 and in IMO Circulars
MSC/Circ.1072 and MSC/Circ.1073.

Thrane & Thrane has implemented a flexible covert alert

messaging capability that provides the seafarers with the
optimum Ship Security Alert Solution. The TT-3000E SSAS
covert alert messaging capability, also referred to as SSA
Message, offers flexible routing to MRCC and/or Ship Owner.

By using the TT-3000E SSAS the ship owner accepts the

responsibility for ensuring that the SSA Message address is
pre-configured in the mobile in accordance to Flag
Administration. Not doing so will render the SSA Message
capability inactive. Configuration of the SSA Message
addresses is mandatory.

The addressees of SSA Message are set-up during installation

and the configuration is password protected. By using the TT-
3000E SSAS the ship owner accept responsibility for
specifying and controlling the TT-3000E SSAS access
password. Not doing so will affect the security of the

A ship owner selling a vessel is responsible for informing the

Accounting Authority that the TT-3000E SSAS must be
decommissioned. Not doing so means that he is still obligated
to pay the fees. Furthermore, the ship owner is required to put
the equipment into default configuration, i.e., clearing all SSA
Message recipients prior to changing ownership. Leave the
sysadm password as 123456789. Not doing so means that the
new owner will have to return the equipment to the
manufacturer for initialisation.
TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual

Thrane & Thrane takes no legal liability of a SSA Message

incorrectly being flagged as received by the terrestrial
termination point. Testing at regular intervals of the TT-3000E
SSAS installation is required to ensure a proper operating



To avoid hazardous electrical shock, do not perform electrical

tests if there is any sign of shipping damage to any portion of
the outer cover. Read the safety summary at the front of this
manual before installing or operating the TT-3000E SSA

Inspect the shipping carton immediately upon receipt for

evidence of mishandling during the transport. If the shipping
carton is severely damaged or water stained, request the
carrier's agent to be present when opening the carton. Save
the carton packing material for future use.
Contents of the shipment should be as listed in the enclosed
packing list. If the contents are incomplete, if there is
mechanical damage or defect, or if the TT-3000E SSAS option
does not work properly, notify your dealer.
After you unpack the TT-3000E SSAS option please:
• Inspect it thoroughly for hidden damaged, loose
components or loose fittings.
• Inspect the cable harness for stress, loose or broken
wires, or broken cable ties.
• Examine all the components for loose or missing

TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual

The TT-3000E SSAS option may be stored or shipped in
temperatures within the limits -40° C to +80° C. It is
recommended that the TT-3000E SSAS option is unpacked
immediately on delivery.


The shipping carton and its associated packing material
should be used when repackaging for shipment. Attach a tag
indicating the type of service required and the return
address. Mark the carton FRAGILE to ensure careful handling.
If the original shipping carton is not available, the following
general instructions should be used for repackaging with
commercially available material.

• Wrap the TT-3000E SSAS option in heavy paper or

plastic. Attach a tag indicating the type of service
required and the return address.
• Use a strong shipping container, e.g., a double-walled
carton made of 160 kg test material.
• Seal the shipping container FRAGILE to ensure
careful handling.


AA Accounting Authority
AORE Atlantic Ocean Region East
AORW Atlantic Ocean Region West
COMSAR Sub-Committee on Radio communications and
Search and Rescue
DNID Data Network Identification number
GPS The Global Positioning System
IMO The International Maritime Organisation
IOR Indian Ocean Region
ISP Inmarsat Service Provider
ISN Inmarsat Serial Number of the TT-3026C
LES Inmarsat-C Land Earth Station

TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual

LESO Inmarsat-C Land Earth Station Operator

MES Mobile Earth Station (the TT-3026C)
MRCC Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre
MSC The Maritime Safety Committee
NCS Inmarsat-C Network Coordination Station
Opt. Short for option
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PDN Positive Delivery Notification, a read
POR Pacific Ocean Region
PSA Point of Service Activation
PVT Performance Verification Test
SAC Special Access Code
SARF Service Activation Registration Form
SSA Message Covert alert based on messaging protocol
SSAS Ship Security Alert System (Requirement of
SOLAS regulation XI-2)

TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual

The TT-3000E SSAS option is available in two versions:

403000E-913 (for standard activation mode):

ƒ Activation key (certificate)
ƒ Green Test Button
ƒ 22 x Covert Alert Button (latched)
ƒ TT-3000E SSAS Installation Manual

403000E-916 (for instant activation mode):

ƒ Activation key (certificate)
ƒ Yellow Test Button
ƒ 22 x Covert Alert Button (non-latched)
ƒ TT-3000E SSAS Installation Manual


The TT-3026C mini-C GMDSS Transceiver supports Ship
Security Alert Messaging (SSA Message) for flexible routing.
The SSA Message will use the messaging capability of
Inmarsat-C to send a covert message with routine priority to a
competent authority designated by the administration or any
other recipient such as the ship owner.

To enable the Ship Security Alert System functionality on the

TT-3026C mini-C GMDSS Transceiver a key must be entered.
This key is unique for each transceiver and can be found on
the certificate.


The test and alert buttons forms the interface of the TT-3000E
SSAS system. They are high quality switches equipped with

Up to 4 Covert Alert Buttons can be installed.
TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual

flip open lids to prevent inadvertent operation. The buttons

are designed for below deck installation.

The red buttons are the covert alert buttons.

If the system has been configured for instant activation

(403000E-916) an alert is initiated immediately after the alert
button is pressed.

If the system has been configured for standard activation

(403000E-913), the alert buttons have maintained action (stays
open or closed after switch actuation until the next time the
switch is actuated). When pressed, an alert will be sent after
30 – 33 seconds. If released within the 30 seconds, the alert
will not be sent. When cancelling or reinitiating a covert alert,
leave the covert alert button released for at least 3 seconds
before activating the button again. If the alert button is not
released SSA Messages will be retransmitted every 30

Figure 2 SSA Message layout

Following a Covert Alert Initiation, the system will start

sending data reports for tracking purposes according to the
actual transceiver configuration; refer to section 2.4 and 3.4.
TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual

The green or yellow button is a test button with a lamp. The

button has momentary action (closed only as long as the
switch is pressed and held). When the system is operational,
the test button will be permanently lit. When the test button is
pressed the test button is no longer lit and the covert alert
buttons can be tested (operated) without sending any alerts. If
a covert alert buttons is pressed for 30 – 33 seconds3 during
test, a SSA Test Message is sent to all recipients configured to
receive test messages. An example of a SSA Test Message is
shown in Figure 3.

Refer to section 3.3 for a detailed description of how to

configure SSA Messages.

This timing applies for instant activation systems as well.
TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual

From: [email protected]
Sent: 10. juni 2004 14:46
To: John Doe (JD)
Subject: Message from Inmarsat-C Mobile

----------- TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST -----------

Mobile Terminal No : 492388069
To CES : 101
Position : 55 47.60'N 012 31.40'E
Position updated : 12:44 2004-06-10 UTC
Nature of distress : Piracy/armed attack
Course : 034 Speed : 0
Activation : Covert/Security Alert
Position activated : Yes
Course/Speed updated : Yes
-This message is for test purposes, please disregard--

Covert message setup (changed recently):

Destination type : E-mail
Address : [email protected]
Parameter :
Usage : Msg+Test
Destination type : PSTN
Address : 4539558888
Parameter : T30
Usage : Msg+Test
Destination type : PSTN
Address : 4543435564
Parameter : V22B
Usage : Test

Figure 3 SSA Test Message

Different flashing sequences are used to indicate that the

system is functional. The test button lamp will turn off if the
transceiver does not have a working satellite link. The link to
the satellite is established automatically by the transceiver.
Refer to section 5 for a detailed description of testing.

TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual

Figure 4 Button


The SSA Messages needs local terminal addressing of the

recipients in accordance to Flag Administration.

The TT-3000E SSAS will select a random LES among a number

of LES’s in the Inmarsat-C system or use the pre-configured
LES (refer to 3.3.6 Optional LES selection) as the first attempt.
If the SSA Message could not be delivered, attempts are
stepwise made to deliver the SSA Message to a number of
other LES’s in the current ocean region. If the SSA Message
could not be delivered, attempts are stepwise made to deliver
the alert to a number of LES’s in all other visible ocean
regions. Delivery is considered done when a Positive
Delivery Notification (PDN) is received by the TT-3000E SSAS.

When a SSA Message is received at the LES it is routed

directly to the recipient address found in the SSA Message,
which can be any competent authority designated by the
Administration – such as the MRCC – or the ship owner.

TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual

Figure 5 Example of SSA Message routing

Three (3) individual and independent recipient addresses can

be configured to receive the SSA Message.


The TT-3000E SSAS system is pre-configured4 to send data
reports at regular intervals following a Covert Alert initiation
provided a Data Network Identification number (DNID) is
downloaded. The report holds information about:
- Date/time
- Position
- Speed
- Course
- Button status

Please check this setup during installation. Refer to section
3.4 for further information.
TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual

The default interval between data reports is set to 15 minutes.

The data report is routed to a mailbox in the LES, from where

it is normally forwarded to the DNID owners mailbox, from
where it is read by Capsat® SSA Manager (TT-10220SSA) or

To obtain a DNID please contact your local sales


Please note, that to obtain global coverage, a DNID must be

downloaded for each ocean region (AORW, AORE, POR, IOR).

TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual

To fulfil the IMO requirement on covert activation, the alert
button installation must be concealed using appropriate
covert installation techniques. One of the alert buttons must
be placed on the ships navigation bridge. To make testing
easier it is recommended that the test button is installed in
close proximity to one of the covert alert buttons but in a way
that the constant light emitted does not disturb navigation
(night sight). The test button must be installed where it is easy
to test the TT-3000E SSAS installation at regular intervals.

When the place for installation of the covert alert button is

determined, a hole with a diameter of 16 mm should be

The mounting-nut and the large piece of flex 19x30mm should

be placed on the backside of the hole. The wire must then be
slipped through the hole, the mounting nut, the flex, and all
the way to the TT-3616C Interconnection Box. Leftover length
must be cut off. The 19x30mm flex is for cable strain relief on
the backside of the button.

Tighten the mounting nut.

Bend the cable in an s shape on the side of the switch.

TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual

Pull the flex to the back of the board where the button is

Shrink the flex.

TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual

The flex now takes the strain off the soldering.

Refer to Appendix C – cable Installation rules for further

requirements regarding installation of cables.

TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual


The test button and the alert buttons must be connected to the
TT-3616C Interconnection Box using the connectors shown in
Figure 6.

Figure 6 TT-3616C Connectors for test and alert buttons

The test button must be connected to J1001 and the two alert
buttons must be connected to J1002 and J1004 respectively.
Match the wire colour code with the label on the PCB. The
resulting installation is shown in Figure 7.

TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual

Figure 7 Installation with 2 alert buttons

TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual

The jumpers W1001 and W1002 are used to enable additional

alert buttons. In the basic configuration with only two alert
buttons the jumpers must be located as shown in Figure 7
(and Figure 6).

Make sure the cables are securely fixed using the cable relief
brackets as shown in Figure 7.

When the buttons are correctly installed, the “SSAS OK” LED
found in the upper right area of the TT-3616C PCB should be
constantly lit. A flashing LED indicates an erroneous wiring.
Not all errors can be detected without pressing the buttons,
thus the first thing to do after installing the buttons is to
perform a button test as described in section 5.2.2.

In case 2 alert buttons are not sufficient, it is possible to add 2

extra buttons, provided that the normally unused white wire is
taken into use as shown in Table 1 (and Appendix A – Wiring
of Buttons).

Button pin number Colour of wire

1 White
2 Yellow
3 Brown
4 Green
Table 1Wiring of additional alert buttons
In Appendix A – Wiring of Buttons a guide on how to modify a
standard alert button can be found.

An installation with three alert buttons is shown in Figure 8.

Note the jumper W1002, where the contact elements are
horizontally aligned in order to enable an extra button on

TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual

Figure 8 Installation with 3 alert buttons

An installation with four alert buttons is shown in Figure 9.

Note that the contact elements of both jumper W1001 and
W1002 are horizontally aligned in order to enable extra
buttons on both J1003 and J1005.

TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual

Figure 9 Installation with 4 alert buttons

TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual



This is a required configuration.

By using the TT-3000E SSAS the ship owner accepts

responsibility for specifying and controlling the TT-3000E
SSAS access password and store it in a secure manner. Not
doing so will affect the security of the installation.

Enter terminal mode on the TT-3606E Message Terminal

(Options > Configuration > Terminal mode5).

Access to the configuration is only granted at SYSADM user

level. The terminal command to change SYSADM user level is
“SU <user level>”. EXAMPLE

The default password is “sysadm” and the password is case

sensitive. Note: The password might be “123456789”, ref.
section 1.1.

The below examples show change of password the first time

SYSADM user level is entered.

: su sysadm<enter>

Enter password: sysadm<enter>

Enter new password: ***************<enter>
Confirm new password: ***************<enter>
Password for user sysadm changed.

Note that this menu item may be password protected.
TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual

The below examples show change of password when in

SYSADM user level.

: passwd sysadm<enter>

Enter new password: ***************<enter>

Confirm new password: ***************<enter>
Password for user sysadm changed.

Replace *************** with a unique and individual

password of at least 8 characters but 15 is preferred for this
installation. The password must be specified, controlled and
stored it in a secure manner.

Change to NORMAL user level when all configurations have

been completed. Press enter when asked for a password.

: su normal<enter>
Enter password:<enter>


The SSAS functionality can be enabled and disabled by
entering the SSAS option code found on the certificate:

: cfg -c 623c313531050756<enter>

Covert alert enabled

: cfg -c 623c313531050756<enter>

Covert alert disabled

: cfg -c 623c313531050756<enter>

Covert alert enabled

TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual


When installing an instant activation SSAS option (403000E-
916), “instant activation” operational mode must be selected:

: cfg -c 3<enter>

The chosen operational mode can be checked:

: cfg -c<enter>

Covert alert mode: Message (instant activation)

When installing a standard SSAS option (403000E-913), please

check, that the operational mode is correct:

: cfg -c<enter>

Covert alert mode: Message

If not, then select standard operational mode:

: cfg -c 0<enter>


The TT-3000E SSAS must be configured prior to installation to

ensure proper routing of the ship security alert to the

This is a required configuration.

TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual

SSA Message requires the recipient addressees to be pre-

configured in the TT-3000E SSAS in accordance to Flag

Three individual and independent recipient addresses can be

configured to receive the SSA Message. It is highly
recommended that all three addresses are configured.

The terminal command to use is “SE –am”. The command

takes 4 parameters as described below.

Format: SE –am <entry>,<type>[,<address>[,<param>]]

<entry>: Address list entry number: 0-2.
<type>: Destination type:
1: PSTN,
3: PSDN,
6: SAC (Special Access Code),
254: e-mail.
255: Delete address entry

<address>: Destination address. This can be telephone

numbers, telex numbers, or e-mail addresses
depending on the type.
<param>: Supplementary parameter for some address types.
To address a PSTN FAX machine use T30 or t30 and
for PSTN Modem use V22B.

Please refer to Appendix E – Use of Special Access Code for

more information concerning the use of Destination Type 6:

For each of the three available addresses it is possible to

control which addresses will receive SSA Messages and which
addresses that will receive SSA Test Messages. It is not
permitted to disable the SSA Message for entry 0 and 1.
TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual

The terminal command to use is “SE –ame” . The command

takes 2 parameters:

Format: SEt –ame <entry>,<usage>

<entry>: Address list entry number: 0-2.
<usage>: Usage:
0: Reserved,
1: SSA Message only,
2: SSA Test Message only,
3: Both SSA Message and SSA Test Message. EXAMPLES

Example of setting up the first addressee to Telex destination

5519298, Answerback code TATJH:

: se -am 0,0,5519298+/TATJH<enter>

Example of setting up the first addressee to another MES

(destination type is telex; destination address is 580 followed
by IMN):

: se -am 0,0,580422380021<enter>
Replace 422380021 with the correct IMN number when
configuring a TT-3026C.

Example of setting up the second addressee to PSTN Fax

destination +45 39558888:

: se -am 1,1,4539558888,T30<enter>

Example of setting up the third addressee to PSTN modem

destination +45 39558788:

TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual

: se -am 2,1,4539558788,V22B<enter>

Example of setting up the first addressee to PSDN X.25

destination 1110492380047:

: se -am 0,3,1110492380047<enter>

Example of setting up the third addressee to email destination

[email protected]:

: se -am 2,254,[email protected]<enter>

Example of setting up the third addressee to email destination

[email protected] and [email protected]:

: se -am 2,254,[email protected];[email protected]<enter>

Example of displaying the current setting:

: se -am<enter>

Update time: 2004-02-11 14:31:56

Entry Type Param Address
0 0 5519298+/TATJH
1 1 T30 4539558888
2 1 V22B 4539558788

Example of setting up the first addressee only to receive SSA


: se -ame 0,1<enter>

Example of setting up the second addressee to receive SSA

Messages and SSA Test Messages:

: se -ame 1,3<enter>

TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual

Example of setting up the third addressee only to receive SSA

Test Messages:

: se -ame 2,2<enter>

Example of displaying the current setting:

: se -ame<enter>

Extended address configuration.

Entry Usage
0 Msg
1 Msg+Test
2 Test

Note: If an illegal combination of parameters is used, the

following error code will be seen:

: se -ame 0,2<enter>

ERROR 121: Bad parameter(s)

The recommended destinations are land based PSTN (Fax),

PSDN (X.25) and Telex. Other destination type like SAC and
email is not recommended as no end-to-end confirmation is
guaranteed and therefore should not be used for the first
address. Thrane & Thrane takes no legal liability of a message
incorrectly being flagged as received by a modem, fax, telex
network or mail server.

The ship’s flag administration has appointed a competent

authority for the Ship Security Alert operation. The ship’s flag
administration is the administration of the country specified
registration of the system. Obtain the competent authority
Telex or Fax address from the flag administration.

It is highly recommended that at least two addresses are

configured to the same recipient as a backup in case of Telex
TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual

or Fax machine problems. The third can be used as a forward

copy to, e.g., a fleet management system or another Inmarsat-
C transceiver.

In case the Flag Administration has not yet implemented a

procedure for routing alerts the addresses must be
configured with ship owner controlled destination type. This
is mandatory and not doing so will render the SSA Message
capability inactive.
The recipient addressees can be changed remotely via
satellite to avoid local access to the installation in case the
recipient address needs to be changed. Contact you dealer
for further information on this possibility. The password
described in 3.3.1 is needed for the remote configuration


This is a required configuration

When the Service Activation has been completed and the

SSAS operator has received an Inmarsat-C Mobile Number
(IMN number) the number must be configured in the TT-

The number configured will be used directly in the SSA

Message. If the number is not configured the field “Mobile
Terminal No” will be empty and the number must be read
from the header line of the SSA Message. See Figure 10.

TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual

Figure 10 Position of Mobile Number in SSA Message

The configuration of IMN number in the TT-3026C transceiver

furthermore enables use of enhanced features in the Thrane &
Thrane fleet monitoring software Capsat® SSA Manager.

The terminal command to use is “SE -u <IMN number>”. The

command takes 1 parameter, which is the mobile number. EXAMPLE

Example of setting up mobile number:

: se -u 422380021<enter>

Replace 422380021 with the correct IMN number when

configuring a TT-3026C.
Note, that this can also be done via a dialog box accessible
from the TT-3606E menu system.


This is an optional configuration

The TT-3026C provides means for an SSAS operator to pre-set

the covert alert Land Earth Station ID in each of the 4 ocean
regions. This allows the SSAS operator to set up a preferred

TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual

LES to handle SSA Message. Setting up a preferred LES for

alerting does not influence the retransmission protocol.

Automatic select LES does not take priority over the manual
pre-set unless delivery could not be accomplished (or the
pre-set LES ID becomes invalid).

Any LES can be selected but in case of selection of a demand-

assigned LES, the TT-3000E SSAS will default to a permanently
assigned LES, which is required for technical reasons.

The terminal command to use is “se –m”. The command takes

4 parameters. LES in AORW, LES in AORE, LES in POR and LES

Use below example to configure the TT-3026C

Example of setting up Xantic:

: se -m 12,112,212,312<enter>

Replace 12,112,212,312 with the LES ID for the current



This is an optional configuration, but please note, that some

flag states have specific requirements for the content of this
free text.

It is possible to setup a supplementary text note on SSA

Messages. This may be used to provide information such as
ship name, radio call sign, country of registration, etc.

TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual

----------- Covert/Security Alert Received -----------

Mobile Terminal No : 492380023
To CES : 304
Position : 55 47.60'N 012 31.42'E
Position updated : 05:27 2004-06-18 UTC
Nature of distress : Piracy/armed attack
Course : 024 Speed : 0
Activation : Covert/Security Alert
Position activated : Yes
Course/Speed updated : Yes
Ship owner: THRANE & THRANE


The terminal command to use is “SE -at “text””. The command

takes 1 parameter, which is the text in quotation marks.

The “SE –at” command accepts a text length of up to 64

characters. In case this is not sufficient, the command
“SE –atf <filename>” can be used to enter a text of up to 199

A textfile can be made using the “tr” command:

Format: TRansfer <filename>

The command will input a file from the console and stop after
a 5-second time-out. You should allow the Transceiver at least
20 ms to switch from text mode (command line) to binary
mode (your data). It might be helpful to edit the text in a text
editor before pasting it into the transceiver due to the 5
second timeout.

Other usefull commands:

• Use “DIR” to list the current files
• Use “DE <filename> to delete a file
• Use “TYPE <filename> to view the content of a file.

TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual EXAMPLE

Example of setting up the supplementary free text of max 64


: se –at “Ship owner: THRANE & THRANE”<enter>

Example of creating a file to be used for input of up to 199

characters free text:

: tr free.txt<enter>
Ship name: M/S Thrane
Ship owner: Thrane & Thrane
Flag state: Denmark
Code 1: 1234567890
Code 2: Alpha1234

Example of setting up the supplementary free text of max 199


: se –atf free.txt<enter>

TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual


Configuration for data reporting is optional and normally the

factory default is sufficient.


Before any DNID’s are downloaded, the transceiver must be

configured to:
• DNID automatic grouping enabled.
• Automatic initialisation of data reporting in case of an
• Default interval between alert initiated data reports

The factory setting normally includes this setup. If not, the

following sequence must be entered:

: su sysadm<enter>

Enter password: **********<enter>

: dn –fa 0<enter>

: dn -f 2,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0<enter>

: pg -fa 1,104<enter>

Connection AlertCont AlertInt

Default 1 104

TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual

Check of configuration:

: dn –fa<enter>

Auto group disabled : 0

: dn -f<enter>

Default Data Network format:

Authority level : 2
Time/pos type : Maritime
Date format : 0
IO pin data : Yes
Add speed/course : No
Single packet report : No
Append userstring : No
Extra pos precision : No
Tachograph data : No
Autocreate intvpgr : 1
Autocreate evpgr : 0
: pg -fa<enter>

Connection AlertCont AlertInt

Default 1 104

Remark: Alert interval 104 corresponds to 104 frames of 8.64

seconds = 898 seconds = 15 minutes. The amount of frames
between data reports can be selected between 20 and 4999.

TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual


After DNID download in AORW, IOR, AORE and POR the DNID
status is as follows:

: dn -d<enter>

Entry Provider Name S LES DNID Mem Sub

0 : THRANE & THRANE A/S - SSA 01 004 8048 101 0
1 : THRANE & THRANE A/S - SSA 01 304 8048 101 0
2 : THRANE & THRANE A/S - SSA 01 104 8048 101 0
3 : THRANE & THRANE A/S - SSA 01 204 8048 101 0

The resulting data report program status is:

: pg -d<enter>

Connection Program Ocean region

0: remote PU[sp]6 004,8048,101 104,8048,101 204,8048,101 304,8048,101
1: closed
2: closed
3: closed


The DNID’s will only be grouped correctly if the DNID are the
same for all oceans, ex. 8048. Furthermore the LES ID must be
the same, ex. 4 (004, 104, 204 & 304).

A drawback of using the configuration described in section

3.4.1 is that all programs generated after DNID download will
be alert aware. For advanced general purpose data reporting
some manual configuration might be needed.

Before the first activation of the data reporting this will read
TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual

Provided the GMDSS system has been properly registered,
no further action is required. Refer to TT98-122414 TT-3000E
mini-C GMDSS Installation Manual for help on registration of
the GMDSS system.


This chapter describes the function of the TT-3000E SSAS and
how to test the system.


How to operate the system differs on a few points between a
standard SSAS option (403000E-913) and the instant activation
SSAS option (403000E-916).
• Standard option: Please read section 5.1.1
• Instant activation option: Please read section 5.1.2


When the system is operational, the green test button emits
constant light. This includes a working satellite link,
established automatically by the transceiver.
To send a covert ship security alert the lid of one of the covert
alert buttons must be lifted and the button must be pressed.
The button is latched and will stay pressed. After 30 – 33
seconds the transceiver will send a ship security alert.
Keeping the button in its pressed state for at least 33 seconds
guarantees initiation of ship security alert.
Pressing the covert alert button again (unlatching the button)
before the 30 seconds has expired will cancel the alert.
Keeping the button unlatched for at least 3 seconds
guarantees cancellation. The green test button lamp will be
flashing slowly indicating a cancelled alert. Press the green
test button to clear the indication (stop the flashing).

TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual

Unlatching the alert button after the 33 seconds will not clear
the initiated alert. In general when cancelling or reinitiating a
covert alert, leave the covert alert button released for at least
3 seconds before activating the button again to ensure that the
transceiver has detected the state of the button.

The two Covert Alert Buttons operate individually. If both alert

buttons are pressed, two alerts will be sent.
The Ship Security Alert, when activated, does not cause any
alarm or indication on the ship.


When the system is operational, the yellow test button emits
constant light. This indicates a working satellite link,
established automatically by the transceiver.

To send a covert ship security alert the lid of one of the covert
alert buttons must be lifted and the button must be pressed.
This will immediately initiate transmission of a SSA Message.
The system will continue sending updated SSA Messages with
a 30 minute interval. The repeated transmissions can only be
cancelled by sending a SSA Test Message. Refer to section
5.2.3 for information on how to send a SSA Test Message.

The two Covert Alert Buttons operate individually. If both alert

buttons are pressed, two alerts will be sent.

The Ship Security Alert, when activated, does not cause any
alarm or indication on the ship.



When not pressed, the light in the test button should be on
and not flashing.

In case the test button is flashing slowly (1.5s on, 1.5s off), one
of the covert alert buttons have been pressed and then
TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual

released again before initiating an alert transmission. Press

and release the test button to clear the indication. This
situation is not applicable for Instant Activation operational

In case the test button light is permanently off, some sort of

error exists. The reasons may be:

Reason: Solution:
No satellite link Check and solve using TT-3606E.
No GPS fix Check and solve using TT-3606E.
Missing configuration Add at least one destination address;
refer to section 3.3.4.
The SSAS option must be enabled,
refer to section 3.3.2.
Missing button test The transceiver is continuously
scanning the alert buttons to detect
errors. In case an error is detected,
the test button light is turned off and it
won’t turn on again before the error
is corrected and a successful button
test has been completed. Perform the
test as described in section 5.2.2.
Test button light does When turned off by the system, a
not work voltage of VWY = 6.4VDC ±1V should
be measured on J1001 between white
and yellow (on TT-3616C).
When turned on by the system VWY
should be around 0.8VDC.
In case the bulb (diode) is missing or
has gone open circuit, VWY will be
around 0VDC.
Test button error Check wiring and button. The contact
element in the test button can be
tested by pressing the test button and
observing the information displayed
by the TT-3606E (enter/leave button
test mode).

TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual

Reason: Solution:
Error in basic TT- Check the system according to the
3000E system procedure given in TT98-122414 TT-
3000E mini-C GMDSS System
Installation Manual.
Table 2 Reasons for missing light in test button


It is possible for covert alert buttons, wiring and lamps to be
tested locally, without transmitting, by means of the TT-3000E
SSAS being put into a special test mode. The operator is
informed via the test lamp in the Test Button that the covert
alert buttons are under test. The operator should cancel the
test mode if a real covert alert needs to be sent.

The test button is not latched and must be kept pressed while
performing the test instructions.

Step 1. Make sure all latched buttons are depressed.

Cancel a slow flashing signal if present (ref. section
5.2.1)............................................... Proceed to step 2
Step 2. Press the test button. Wait (max. 10s) for an info box
on TT-3606E informing that “Security/Covert Alert
buttons are under test”. Remove the info box. Release
the test button and wait (max. 10s) for an info box
informing that “Security/Covert Alert buttons test
ended”. Remove the info box.
• If OK.............................................. Proceed to step 3
• Otherwise ..................................... Proceed to step 9
Step 3. Press the test button (which must be held during the
entire test)
• If the light is Off ........................... Proceed to step 4
• If the light is now Blinking quickly the system is in
test mode but one of the alert buttons seems to be
pressed .............................. Go back and verify step 1
• Otherwise the system is faulty........ Proceed to step 8
TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual

Step 4. Press alert button. The test button must be blinking

quickly (0.3s on, 0.3s off). Release the alert button.
The test button must be off.
• If OK .............................................. Proceed to step 5
• Otherwise the system is faulty. ....... Proceed to step 8
Step 5. If more alert buttons to test .............. Proceed to step 4
• Otherwise release the test button .. Proceed to step 6
Step 6. Inspect the light in the test button
• If the light in On the system is operating ...................
........................................................ Proceed to step 7
• Otherwise the system may not be functional ..............
........................................................ Proceed to step 8
Step 7. Test completed successfully
• The test procedure succeeded

Step 8. The test procedure failed. There can be several

reasons for this.

• If the light was constantly Off during these fault

conditions are the most likely:
Test button lamp failure
Power failure
Wiring fault
Test button function fail
Transceiver unit or wiring failure

To avoid false alerts being initiated due to a failing

test button, the testing of alert buttons must not be
performed in case the test button is not working

• If the Blink indication in steps 4 was missing, these

fault conditions are the most likely:
Alert button failure
Wiring fault

TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual

• If the light does not turn Off in step 3, these fault

condition are the most likely:
Test button failure
Wiring fault

• If the light does not turn On in step 6, or if the light

turns Off again after a moment of operation, then refer
to section 5.2.1 for further explanation.

Step 9. Make sure the SSAS option has been enabled, refer to
section 3.3.2. Else try shorting J1001 Yellow and
Green. This should result in an info box on TT-3606E
informing that “Security/Covert Alert buttons are
under test”.
• If so, the button and/or the wiring are erroneous. Fix
the problem and start from step 1 again.
• If not, then an error exists in the basic TT-3000E
system. Check the system using the procedure
described in TT98-122414 TT-3000E mini-C GMDSS
System Installation Manual.

It is recommended that the test is performed at regular



When the covert alert button is pressed during test mode the
test light is blinking quickly indicating the button is working.
If the covert alert button is kept pressed for 30 seconds a SSA
Test Message will be transmitted to all programmed
destination addresses configured for reception of SSA Test
Messages (refer to section It will be clearly identified
that it is a SSA Test Message. The SSA Test Message also
includes a list of all recipients for SSA Messages. An example
is shown in Figure 11.

TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual

----------- TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST -----------

Mobile Terminal No : 492380023
To CES : 304
Position : 55 47.63'N 012 31.34'E
Position updated : 11:07 2004-06-18 UTC
Nature of distress : Piracy/armed attack
Course : 291 Speed : 1
Activation : Covert/Security Alert
Position activated : Yes
Course/Speed updated : Yes
-This message is for test purposes, please disregard--
Ship name: M/S Thrane
Ship owner: Thrane & Thrane
Flag state: Denmark
Code 1: 1234567890
Code 2: Alpha1234

Covert message setup (changed recently):

Destination type : E-mail
Address : [email protected]
Parameter :
Usage : Msg
Destination type : PSTN
Address : 4539558888
Parameter : t30
Usage : Msg+Test
Destination type : E-mail
Address : [email protected]
Parameter :
Usage : Test


Figure 11 SSA Test Message during test mode

It is also possible for the TT-3000E SSAS signal path to be

tested including special alert test transmissions without
interfering with Ship Security Alert System.

This can be done by requesting a LESO in the Inmarsat-C

system to perform a PVT (Performance Verification Test) on
the mobile under test.

TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual

The LESO operator returns the result of the test, which is

either that the mobile passed or failed the test. A written result
might look like:
Test Id Group Start time End time Overall result
pvt test ssm subsystem 20031028 15:07:45 20031028 15:17:07 finished pvt

Requirements for testing is defined by the competent


TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual

For technical specifications of the TT-3000E mini-C GMDSS
System please refer to the TT-3000E mini-C GMDSS System
Installation Manual, ref. TT98-122414.

Cable for Max. length 150m.

alert and test
buttons Flexible data cable
Type CD 305 FRNC 4 x 0.25mm2.

Temperature range, unmoved: -40°C to


No flame propagation acc. to IEC 60332-3-

24+ EN 50266-2-4 + VDE 0482 part 266-2-4
as well as flame retardant and self-
extinguishing acc. to IEC 60332-1 + EN
50265-2-1 +VDE 0482 part 265-2-1.

Table 3 Cable specification

TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual

The test button and the alert buttons need no special
maintenance when properly installed.

For general maintenance of the system, please refer to TT98-

122414 TT-3000E mini-C GMDSS System Installation Manual.

TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual


3 1
Alert button as wired from T&T
nc no

4 2


3 1
Alert button prepared for use as
nc no
button no. 3 or more.

4 2


1 a

. Test button as wired from T&T.

2 b


TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual

Modification of a standard alert button for use as button no. 3

or more:

The wire delivered with the standard alert button has 4 leads,
of which only 3 are used. When used as additional alert button
all 4 leads must be connected as described in Table 4.

Button pin number Colour of wire

1 White
2 Yellow
3 Brown
4 Green
Table 4 Wiring of additional alert buttons
Note the heat shrink tube that takes the strain of the soldering.

Figure 12 Four wires on additional alert button

TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual

Capsat Ship Security Alert System TT-3000E SSAS Accessories

Product number: Product description:

Opt. 911 Red alert button - latched.
(403000E-911) For standard activation mode.

Opt. 912 Green test button.

(403000E-912) For standard activation mode.

Opt. 913 SSAS Button Kit for TT-3000E.

(403000E-913) For standard activation mode.

Opt 914 Red alert button – non latched.

(403000E-914) For instant activation mode.

Opt 915 Yellow test button

(403000E-915) For instant activation mode.

Opt 916 SSAS Button Kit for TT-3000E.

(403000E-916) For instant activation mode.

TT10220SSA SSA Capsat Manager Fleet Tracking Software

on CD-Rom incl. World Map. Runs under
Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0 or higher,
Windows 2000 and Windows XP.

TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual


The cables delivered with the Thrane & Thrane TT-3000E Ship
Security Alert System are as a minimum tested for fire
propagation/flame retardation according to IEC 60332-1 or
IEC 60332-3 Category C.

The installation requirements applied must be in accordance

with the relevant Classification Societies rules for the specific
cable. For cable specification please refer to Chapter 6
Technical Specification. For installation rules please refer to
the relevant IEC Publication and Classification Society rules.

Please be aware of the mechanical strength of the supplied

cable. The cables are chosen for the purpose of covert
installations and are not resistance towards harsh treatment
during installation and long lasting mechanical influence.

Alternatives to the T&T cables can be used if the cables are

identical or better than the T&T cables and the installation is
done in accordance with Classification Societies rules. In
order to gain approval of the installation by the relevant
Classification Society, please note the following minimum
technical Thrane & Thrane requirements:

• The cross-sectional area of conductors must be

0.25mm2 or greater.
• The length of the cable must not exceed 150 meters.
• An individual cable must be used for each button.
• The conductor resistance must be less than 85Ω/km

TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual


Completing this form prior to installation helps the installation

The ship owner accepts responsibility for specifying,

controlling and storing password in a secure manner in
accordance to ISPS code, accepts responsibility for ensuring
that the SSA Message address is pre-configured in the mobile
in accordance to Flag Administration and accepts
responsibility for testing the system at regular intervals.

Mobile number:


Addressees Destination type Number or address

Addressee no. 0
Addressee no. 1
Addressee no. 2

Supplementary free

TT-3000E SSAS first time configuration or change of


(If the password is unknown in case of change of owner-ship, the TT-3026C

must be sent to T&T for initialisation)

TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual


This appendix gives some guidelines for the usage of SSA
Message Destination Type 6 (SAC).

The configuration of SAC depends on which LES is used for

the actual transmission. As described in section 2.2, it is not
possible to guarantee which LES will be used for an SSA
Message transmission, thus the use of SAC is not
recommended for primary routing. It’s mandatory to set up
the preferred LES when using SAC. For set up of preferred
LES, please refer to section 3.4.4.


Example of setting up the third addressee to SMS destination

4512345678 via TELENOR LES:

: se -am 2,6,4512345678,66<enter>

Example of setting up the third addressee to SMS destination

4512345678 via XANTIC LES:

: se -am 2,6,4512345678,696<enter>

Example of setting up the third addressee to SMS destination

4512345678 via France Telecom:

: se -am 2,6,SMS+4512345678,29<enter>

TT-3000E Ship Security Alert System Installation Manual


Example of setting up the third addressee to SAC destination

email with additional addressing “TO:[email protected]
included. This is LES specific and this example is for e-mail
with Beijing LES.

: se -am 2,6,TO:[email protected],email<enter>

Corresponding setting up of Beijing LES as preferred LES in

POR and IOR:
: se -m 0,0,211,311<enter>



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