Softball Detailed Lesson Plan

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Detailed Lesson Plan


At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
- Discuss the nature and background of softball
- Appreciate the importance of basic skills in softball
- Apply which sport each skill belongs to


Topic: Softball
Reference: Grade 8 Physical Education and Health
Author: Belinda R. Amido et al.
Instructional Materials: Visual aids and pictures

III. Procedures
Teachers Activity Students Activity

Goodmorning class! Goodmorning maam, !

How are you today?. Were fine.

That’s good.

Before we start our class. I want you to arrange

Your chairs fixed yourselves and keep all the
Unnecessary things in your table.

-Checking of Attendance
Class who is absent ? None

A. Motivation
Class, are you familiar in the game of 4 pics 1 word? Yes maam.
This is the app games that you’d play in your phone or
Tablet you need to guess a picture by saying 1 word.

Ok! Let’s play a little game, Can you guess what

you see in the picture.
1st picture? That is soft maam
2nd picture? Ball maam
And last picture. What do you think, Softball maam
What kind of sports is that?
Very good!

Our topic for today is all about
Basic skills in softball.

-Are you familiar in the game of softball? Yes, maam

-What is softball class? This is a sports which played by 9

players by using a glove, bat and ball.
- What do you think, How to play this game? Maam! You have to hit the ball by using a
bat and ran into bases.

But before that, let me introduce the nature and
Background of softball.

(Teacher discuss the nature and background (Students are listening)

Of softball)

Softball is a game played by two team who

Alternate between offense and defense.
How many players are there is a team? Nine players maam.

Ok. There are nine players in each side. The

Goal is to score more runs than the opponent,
Which is achieved by one circuit of four bases
That are placed on the diamond.

There are five basic skills is softball.

Kindly give them class Pitching maam
Whatelse? Catching maam
Another? Throwing maam
Whatelse? Batting
And last is? Running maam

Excellent classs.

Each skill is important you have to learn

This 5 basic skills before playing this game
Because it has a function and connection.

Pitching- is a skill that puts the game to play.

It is performed by a pitcher, one of the key
Players in softball who stay at the center of
The playing field called diamond.

Catching- is a defensive skill used to receive a

Thrown ball and hold a base runner or batter
From proceeding or prevent the opponent from
Earning a point or run.

Throwing- is the basic skill in softball. It allows the

Team to prevent their opponent from touching bases
Or even earning points or runs. Style and technique
In doing a differ from player to player.

Batting- is an offensive skill used to strike the pitched

Ball using a bat is done to advance to the bases and
Eventually leads to earning run or point.
Running- is a very important skill you need to master
Because it allows you to advance safely from one base
To the other with full speed and agility.

Any question from the basic skill class? None

Now, we will have an activity. I will group You into
three. Each group will choose a team sports. The
table indicates the basic skills of basketball, softball and
Volleyball. Identify each group which sport each skill
Belongs to.

Is that clear class? Yes maam.

Whoever has the most points shall win the game. Yes maam.
Are you ready?

(The teacher will start the activity)

Dribble Throwing Dig Pitch
Set Serve Pass Layup
Chest Pass Catching Rebounding Shoot
Bounce pass Blocking spike Homerun
Follow through Block slam dunk Bat/Batting

Basketball Softball Volleyball

Rubrics in checking the Group activity

10 points- if you have an excellent knowledge about.
8-9 points- if you have very good knowledge about
4-7 points- if you have good information about
0-3 points- if you have poor information about

Get one whole sheet of paper answer and Identify the following questions:
___________1. Is a skill that puts the game to play.
___________2. This is a defensive skill used to receive a thrown ball and hold a base runner or batter from
proceeding or prevent the opponent from earning a point.
___________3. This is an offensive skill used to strike the pitched ball using a bat.
___________4. The most basic skill in softball to prevent their opponents from touching bases.
___________5. This is a very important skill you need to master because it allows you to advance safely from
one base to the other with full speed and agility.

*Give the basic skills in softball (6-10) *

Tomorrow wear your prescribed P.E uniform and lets apply what you have learned today.

Number of Students with Mastery:
Number of Students that need Remediation:

Prepared By:
Teacher-I Applicant

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