10 - War On Drugs
10 - War On Drugs
10 - War On Drugs
MBA – II Current Economic Trends and Issues
Drug issues in the country has been very alarming. More and more people, including
women and children are getting involved in the issue. But how do they multiply? The Philippine
Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) has illustrated the process of injection of drug abuse and
transactions in the country. It starts with the drug lord. The drug lord injects a pusher in the
community. He supplies them free drugs. When a group of users are already addicted to dangerous
drugs, he abruptly cuts the supply of freebies. By that time, the users are already addicts and since
the free drugs are already cut off, they now buy their dose of drugs. They now work to feed their
addictions, where food on the table is gone, bills are starting to pile up, and automatically they do
not perform in their jobs causing them to eventually get fired. Now jobless, they start to sell their
properties to feed their addictions. Eventually, all properties and belongings are gone, their
families leave them because of their erratic behaviors. And because they are alone and penniless,
they now resort to criminality to feed their addictions, starting to commit robberies (which can
even lead to homicides) and theft or they can start selling drugs to continue the vicious cycle.
Number of drug users and addicts in the country is increasing and is very alarming because this
drug related issues tend to be the reason for more social problems. This is the primary reason why
Since President Rodrigo Duterte took office on June 30, 2016, he carried out a “war on
drugs” in the country. The Philippine Drug War refers to the drug policy of the Philippine
government which aimed at the neutralization of illegal drug personalities nationwide. President
Duterte has urged members of the public to kill suspected criminals and drug addicts. He said he
would order police to adopt a shoot-to-kill policy, and would offer them a bounty for dead suspects.
However, through this drug war, this policy has been widely condemned locally and
internationally for the number of deaths resulting from police operations and allegations of
systematic extrajudicial executions. This has led to the deaths of over 12,000 Filipinos to date,
B. Analysis of the situation presenting the pros and cons or strengths and weaknesses or
In the advent of this war on drugs, one advantage is that it may deter or lessen drug-related
crimes. When drug addicts will not have easy access to illegal drugs, they will not experience the
highs or hallucinations that will drive them to commit crimes. They wouldn’t need to steal either
so they can buy drugs. Put simply, without the pushers there will be little to no users. Another one
is that offenders and culprits (manufacturers, distributors and users of illegal drugs) will be
penalized. The level of punishment that will be imposed depends on the gravity of the crime.
Knowing that there are consequences to be paid will make people think twice before embroiling
in any stage of the illegal drug trade. Lastly, war on drugs will help create a drug free environment.
A drug-free area or community may seem impossible given the present situation, but it is
achievable if everyone does their share in the fight against drugs. War on drugs should not only
involve the government and local authorities, but also friends and family of drug users or sellers.
However, despite its good intentions, this drug war has led to the killing of significant
number of people, including the children. This may have achieved other government objectives
but has done nothing in terms of eliminating the drug problem. One disadvantage of this drug
war is widespread corruption. It might also provide a smokescreen to hide the real problem behind
drug abuse. A majority of the population that are easily lured into drug dealing are those within
and below the poverty line. People who have no hope of achieving very much because of their
circumstances would resort to drug dealing where knowledge and skills are not required in their
resume. They also see it as a way to make something of themselves, and to have the resources to
fund their own drug habits. This drug war also increases the risk on the lives of policemen and the
military. Missions against drug lords is no joke, considering that they too have their own army that
has no care about the lives that will be lost during a shootout or drug bust operation. Not to belittle
the skills and capacity of law enforcement, but mission against drug pushers and manufacturers
are increasingly worse. The safety risks on the lives of many policemen are also very high. It may
also further increase racial tension and make a disparity on sentencing. Opponents complain that
sentencing in drug-related crimes have major flaws. There is a huge problem in the sentencing
between possessions or trafficking of powder cocaine and crack. Judging from the differences of
the drugs in question, sentencing is definitely unfair. This drug war is a never ending chain
reaction. Drug abuse can event result to so many other problems. Thus, this is one of the issues
Drugs are expensive but addiction makes it cheap. I wonder if drug users ever think of how
many kilos of rice he can buy with value of 0.1 grams of shabu or did they even think of how many
cans of sardines he can buy with a 0.1 grams of drugs. It is expensive and yet, for just a few hours
of getting high, people just wasted a months’ worth of food. When users got addicted, they now
work to feed their families, but to feed their addictions. And the cycle will continue to go on.
This drug war aims to eradicate the root causes of a bountiful social problems in our
country. It has the best intentions – to fight for drug related problems in order to provide a drug
free and peaceful environment. However, despite this aim to sweep away drug-related problems,
the reality is, it even causes more problems, sometimes even compromising human rights. Many
were killed including the innocent. And that is one thing that I don’t want to this drug war. It has
its intentions good, but the delivery of this program is very alarming. It aims to provide a drug free
safety and family’s safety. There are so many what ifs every day including what if we get into a
situation where we were planted drugs but we are innocent? It’s reality. Even the innocents were
killed. Even the non-users are blamed because they are planted drugs. It is really alarming.
People commit drug addiction because of poverty, unemployment and other problems. But
what if the government focus on eradicating poverty? I guess it would be better if those that are
attributed to drug campaigns are attributed to livelihood programs that will help people fight
poverty and improve lives of individuals. Everyone would turn out to be good citizens if they are
provided with all the basic necessities to help them achieve their dreams.
Thus, for me, it is not just the duty of the government to eradicate this drug problem. It
should start with ourselves. People should be disciplined enough to enter to this kind of life
threatening situation. We should be responsible enough to work for ourselves because it is not
poverty that lead people to addiction but the lack of hope that something will come out positively.