Four Leaf Clover
Four Leaf Clover
Four Leaf Clover
Reyginald Perez
Feb 2020
Working while studying is not an easy task, especially for full-time students
who work for more hours a week. This can be tough situation which needs
balancing of time between studies and work. Students working as assistants in the
campus assume extra responsibilities besides studying. With the goal of earning for
school fees and other needs. College cost are high that students also want the
amenities that extra money brings.
Working full-time while also studying full-time clearly requires a lot of effort.
Putting so much of one’s mental and physical energy into this uneasy arrangement
usually leaves a feeling of fatigue,stress, or both. Students who work while
studying are those who usually studying are those who usually belong to families
with low average income, where survival is a must. Tuttle (2005) describe the as a
lower-income students, and to some extent, middle –income students, who have
some unmet financial burdens and need to work while studying.
Working while studying could have positive effects on omne thing and
negative on another, and that it would affect different kinds of students differently
(Lederman, 2009). Studies shoed that students who work are more confident and
posseses better time_ management skills than students who are not employed. In
addition to receiving an income, some independence and satisfaction, a part-time
job can provide both training and experience. Working teaches students students
about about responsibility and can also reinforce what they are learning in school.
College is all about learning to be a of the practical world and the challenges
that it brings with it. Working does not only give a person firsthand experience in
the field, but it also encourages creativity and productivity in college , since
working helps in developing a better understanding of what is being taught
(Haquifa, 2013). However, some researches have reported that the more time a
student devotes to employment, the less he or she has for either academic or social
activities (Fjortof, 1995 in tuttle, 2005). For some students especially those in
traditionally underserved populations, taking a job is not a matter of choice, but
necessity. They need to work to save for college or even to supplement family.
This study seeks to explore the struggles and difficulties of students who study,
at the same time, work on-campus. Their self-esteem, academic performance, and
time management are also condered, whether these factors are affected by their
status as on-campus working students
Significance of Study
This study is important to students who study full time and work part time in the
campus, instructors, parents, municipal leaders, researchers,and counselors will also
be learning from the results of the study.
Future Researchers. This study will serve as framework for other researcher
to be conducted in the future.
Working Studendt. The study will serve as their guide on how to become
good and responsible students, especially to the student who have a hard time
balancing work and study.
Teachers. For they will be able to understand and to help students who work
as a working student to cope up with their studies.
Gauidance Councselors. It will help them to find a way on how to counsel and
guide students who are found to be laden with problems because they are working
Foreign Literature
Work School Performance Relationship
The following related literature discovered the differences models used by
previous researcher in explaining the inpact of work on school performance.
Local Literature
Conceptual Framework
6.)What inspire on -
campus working student?