Phonology in Batak Toba Language

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Batak is the major language that used in North Sumatra Province especial
ly in the deepest of North Sumatra. In Medan-the Capital City of North Sumatra P
rovince, most people use Indonesian because they are new comer in there. But if
we come to outskirts, such as Pematang Siantar, Kisaran, Balige, Brastagi, and s
o on, most of people still use batak language to communicate. Batak language is
the mother tongue of bataknese. It’s spoken natively by them. Batak language also
has many dialects, such as Batak Toba language, Karo language, Mandailing langua
ge, Simalungun language, and Pak-Pak language. They have different dialect and s
ome different word. The oldest one is Batak Toba language. Because the native of
Bataknese come from Toba Island, even there are more Batak tribes in North Suma
tra, they just an interpreatation of Batak Toba. But Batak language also has dif
ferent words to day something, for example Batak Toba says “unang” but Batak Mandail
ing says “Inda”. Both of them is the meaning of “No” in English.
In this paper, me as a writer only concern with Batak Toba Language, bec
ause my mother is from Toba Island. In Batak, they only use “ε” b caus if th y th y t
ongu is not familiar with “ ” or anoth r soft pronouncing sound.Th Batak Toba also
has vow ls, consonants, and diphtongs lik nglish. But th vow ls, consonants,
and diphtongs in this languag ar diff r nt from English. Som of th m ar sam
and som of th m ar diff r nt. M as a writ r of this pap r will xplain abou
t it.
This pap r not only disscuss about th vow ls, consonants, and diphthongs in Ba
tak Toba Languag , but this pap r also giv th xampl and transcrib of ach v
ow l, consonant, and diphthongs hat is us d in Batak Toba Languag .

2.1 Vow ls in Batak Toba Languag
Vow ls ar sp ch sounds that mad by shaping th oral cavity and no abst
raction of th air flowth. Th vow ls in English ar : /ɑ/ /æ/, /i/, /ɛ/, / /, /u/, /α n
d soon. In B t k Tob  L ngu ge, there re so m ny vowels too. such s / /, i/i/
, ɛ/ɛ/, u/u/, o/o/. Thos vow ls ar classifi d into front vow ls, c ntral vow ls,
back vow ls, high vow ls, low vow ls, and mid vow ls. L t w s it on th tabl
b low.
Tabl of vow l phon m s of Batak Toba Languag
H igth Front C ntral Back
High i/i/ u/u/
Mid ɛ/ɛ/ o/o/
Low a/a/
Th tabl abov xplains about vow ls in Batak Languag . Now w will s
th xampl of ach vow l.
Vow l a:
Vow l a Phon tic Transcription M aning in English M aning in Indon sian
Aha /a’hha/ What Apa
Amma /a’mma/ Fath rhood K bapakan
Alusi /a’llusi/ Watch out! P rhatikan!
Alai /ala’i/ But T tapi

Vow l i:
Vow l i Phon tic Transcription M aning in English M aning in Indon sian
Ito /I’tok/ Broth r Abang
Is /i’sɛ/ Who Siapa
Ima /i’ma/ That is Itulah
ingkon /i’kkon/ Must b Harus
Vow l u:
Vow l u Phon tic Transcription M aning in English M aning in Indon sian
Unang /u’nang/ Dont Jangan
Udan /u’dan/ Rain Hujan
tuson /tu’son/ Com h r K sini!
marudut /mar’du’rut/ Continously B rturut-turut
Vow l ɛ:
Vow l ɛ Phon tic Transcription M aning in English M aning in Indon sian
Eta /ɛ’ta/ L t’s go Ayo
Eda /ɛ’dak/ Sist r in law Ipar p r mpuan
End /ɛ’ddɛ/ Song Lagu

Vow l o:
Vow l o Phon tic Transcription M aning in English M aning in Indon sian
Oto /ot’to/ Stupid Bodoh
Dolok /’dolok/ Hill Bukit
On /’On/ This Ini
Olo /o’lok’/ Y s Ya
Otik /o’tiik/ Littl S dikit
Th xampl s abov xplain about th vow l that oft n us d in Batak Toba Languag
. Th r ar so many xampl to show th vow ls that is us d in Toba Languag . B
ut in this pap r th writ r just disscuss about som of th m.

2.2 Consonants in Batak Toba Languag

Consonant is a sp ch sound that is articulat d with compl t or partia
l closur of th vocal tract. W will s th consonant that is us d in Batak To
ba Languag in th tabl b low.
Tabl of consonant phon m s of Malay
D ntal
D ntal
Alv olar
Alv olar
V lar
m /m/ n /n/ - ng /ŋ/
p /p/ b /b/ t /t/ d /d/ k /k/ g /ɡ/
- j /dʒ/
- s /s/ - -
h /h/
- w /w/
Lat ral
l /l/
r /r/

Th tabl abov xplains about th consonant that is us d in Malay of T

mbilahan. Th tabl also giv xplanation about wh n th consonants occur. To mo
r xplanation l t w s th xapl nation of ach cononants.
Consonant b:
Consonant b Phon tic Transcription M aning in English M aning in Indon
Borngin /bor’ngin/ Night Malam
Biar /’biar/ Scar Takut
Boru /bo’ru/ Daught r Anak P r mpuan
Consonant d:
Consonant d Phon tic Transcription M aning in English M aning in Indon
Dongan /do’ ŋan/ Fri nd T man
Dohot /do’hot/ Follow Ikut
D ba /dɛ’ba/ Apart S bagian
Consonant g:
Consonant g Phon tic Transcription M aning in English M aning in Indon
Gokkon /go’kkon/ Invitation Undangan
Godang /go’dang/ Much Banyak
Ganjang /gaj’jang/ Long Panjang
Consonant h:
Consonant h Phon tic Transcription M aning in English M aning in Indon
Horas /ho’ras/ Gr ting Word Haloo, s lamat!!
Hamu /ha’mu/ You Kamu (sapaan halus)
Ho /’ho/ You Kau
Consonant j:
Consonant j Phon tic Transcription M aning in English M aning in Indon
Jugul /Ju’gul/ Bad ( for human) Nakal, band l
Jalo /ja’lo/ Asking (for som thing; asking for mon y) M minta ( x: min
ta dulu uang tant mu)
Jolma /jol’ma/ Human Manusia
Consonant k:
Consonant k Phon tic Transcription M aning in English M aning in Indon
Pabidangkon /pa’bi’dak’kon/ Ext nsify M mp rluas
Poltak /pol’tak/ Ris T rbit
Tingki /tik’ki/ Tim waktu
Consonant l:
Consonant l Phon tic Transcription M aning in English M aning in Indon
Lambok /lab’bok/ Smooth L mbut
Lamtiur /lam’tiur/ Mor bright S makin t rang
Loja /lo’ja/ tir d L tih
Consonant m:
Consonant m Phon tic Transcription M aning in English M aning in Indon
Mulak /mu’lak/ R turn hom Pulang
Molo /mo’lo/ If Kalau
Mardalan /mar’da’lan/ Walking B rjalam
Consonant n:
Consonant n Phon tic Transcription M aning in English M aning in Indon
Ninna /nin’na/ says Katanya
Nasida /na’si’da/ Th y M r ka
Marnida /mar’ni’da/ Looking M lihat
Consonant p:
Consonant p Phon tic Transcription M aning in English M aning in Indon
Pusuk /pu’suk/ Tip of som thing Pucuk
Pitung /pi’tuŋ/ Blind Buta
Pidong /pi’doŋ/ Bird Burung
Consonant r:
Consonant r Phon tic Transcription M aning in English M aning in Indon
Rongit /ro’ŋit/ Mosquito Nyamuk
Ranggiting /raŋ’gitiŋ/ B L bah
Ringgas /riŋ’gas/ Dilig nt Rajin
Consonant s:
Consonant s Phon tic Transcription M aning in English M aning in Indon
Sud /su’d / All S mua
Sada /sa’da’/ On Satu
Songon /so’ŋon/ Lik S p rti (for similarity)
Consonant t:
Consonant t Phon tic Transcription M aning in English M aning in Indon
Tolu /to’lu/ Thr Tiga
Tangiang /ta’ŋi’aŋ/ Pray r Do’a
Tarsonggot /tar’soŋ’got/ Shock Kag t
Consonant w:
Consonant w Phon tic Transcription M aning in English M aning in Indon
Inang Tua /i’naŋ twa/ Th old r sist r of your par nts Mama tua
Mboi /m’bowi/ Can Bisa, Bol h
Consonant ng:
Consonant y, ny, ng Phon tic Transcription M aning in English M aning
in Indon sian
Biang /’Biaŋ/ Dog Anjing
Nunga /’Nuŋa/ Alr ady sudah
B caus of th ifflu nc from moth r tongu som consonant cannot b pro
nouncing w ll, th y ar /C/, /F/, /V/, xampl wh n Nativ say “Cumi-cumi” it b com
s “sumi-sumi”, wh n th y pronouncing “Cacing” it b com s “sassing” and wh n th y pronouncin
a nam lik “Fortiana” it b com s “Portiana” and also “Viktor” b com s “piktor”.
In Toba Languag th r is no Consonant Y, Z, and ʒ. That’s all of th consonant that
is us d in Toba Languag .
2.3 Diphtongs In Batak Toba Languag
Diphthongs ar transcrib d with two vow l symbols, indicating th b ginn
ing and nd points of th articulation. Th xampl of diphthong in English ar
sound /ai/ and /au/, such as in word “high /hai/” and “how /hau/”. But in Toba Lnguang ,
th r ar th oth r diphthong b sid /ai/ and /au/, such as /ai/, /au/, /oi/, /
ou/, /ao/, /a /, /ua/,/aɛ/, and / a/.H r ar th word xampl of diphthong in Bat
ak Toba languag :
No Diphthong Exampl of word Phon tic transcription M aning in Engli
sh M aning in Indon sian
1 ai Paima /paima/ Waiting M nunggu
2 au Ahu /au/ M Saya
3 ou ompung /ou’puŋ/ Grandpar nts N n k / kak k
4 Ao Bao /bao/ Broth r in law Ipar laki laki
5 a Bah n /’Ba n/ Making Buat/bikin
6 ua Tuani /tuani/ Incid ntally K b tulan
7 aɛ A k /’aɛk/ Wat r Air
8 a Marm am /Mar’m am/ Playing B rmain
Th xampl s abov giv us th information that th r ar a lot of diphthong in
Batak Toba languag which is diff r nt from English.

Chapt r III
Vow ls sp ch sounds that mad by shaping th oral cavity and no abstraction of
th air flow. Thos vow ls ar classifi d into front vow ls, c ntral vow ls, bac
k vow ls, high vow ls, low vow ls, and mid vow ls. Vow ls in English and Vow ls
in Batak Toba Languag ar Diff r nt. Ev n som of th m hav similarity.
Consonant is a sp ch sound that is produc d/articulat d by constricting th vo
cal tract. Diphthongs ar transcrib d with two vow l symbols, indicating th b g
inning and nd points of th articulation. As w know, in Batak Toba Languag , t
h r ar No Consonants C, F, V, and Z, b caus of th y natur .
From th xplanation abov , w can g t th mor information about Toba languag ,
w ath r th diff r nc b tw n Toba languag and English and also th vow ls, c
onsonants, and diphthongs in Toba languag .
Sloat, Claranc . Introduction to Phonology. Pr ntic -Hall. 1978: Unit d Stat s o
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Dau r, R b cca M. Accurat English a compl t cours in pronunciation. Pr ntic -
Hall. 1993: N w J rs y.
Hutagalung, W.M. Pustaha Batak-Tarombo dohot Turiturian ni Bangso Batak. Tulus J
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