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Published in association with the
Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine
Edited by
Gian Carlo Di Renzo and Dev Maulik
Lois G. Jovanovic MD
Clinical Professor of Medicine, University of Southern California
Keck School of Medicine
Adjunct Professor of Biomolecular Science and Engineering
University of California at Santa Barbara
CEO and Chief Scientific Officer
Sansum Diabetes Research Institute, Santa Barbara, CA, USA
Gian Carlo Di Renzo MD PhD
Professor and Chairman
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Director, Perinatal and Reproductive Medicine Center and Midwifery School, University Hospital
Perugia, Italy
Director, Permanent International and European School of Perinatal and Reproductive Medicine (PREIS)
Florence, Italy
Alberto de Leiva MD PhD
Professor of Medicine, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Director, Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Nutrition
Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau
Principal Investigator, EDUAB-HSP, CIBER-BBN, ISCIII
Vice President and Scientific Director, Fundación DIABEM
Barcelona, Spain
CRC Press
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To the most important people in my life
My wife Zipi; my sons Roy, Elad, and Yotam; my parents Esther and Michael; my grandchildren Dan,
Guy, Noa, Carmel, and Dor; and their mothers Maya and Timi
viii Contents
In 2014, the International Federation of Gynecology and the cost-effectiveness of the universal diagnosis approach.
Obstetrics (FIGO) embarked on a new gestational diabetes A summary of the main areas of focus is provided in the fol-
mellitus (GDM) initiative with the ambitious objectives of lowing, although we strongly suggest reading the original
(1) raising awareness of the links between hyperglycemia document, which is open access and includes references and
and poor maternal and fetal outcomes and to the future can be found at www.figo.org/figo-project-publications.
health risks to mother and offspring, and demanding a
clearly defined global health agenda to tackle this issue,
and (2) creating a consensus document that provides guid- Gestational diabetes mellitus
ance for testing, management, and care of women with
GDM regardless of resource setting and disseminating and Hyperglycemia is one of the most common medical condi-
encouraging its use. In order to develop such international tions women encounter during pregnancy, with an estimated
guidance, FIGO brought together a group of experts (Moshe one in six live births (16.8%) to women with some form of
Hod, Anil Kapur, David A. Sacks, Eran Hadar, Mukesh hyperglycemia in pregnancy. While 16% of these cases may
Agarwal, Gian Carlo Di Renzo, Luis Cabero Roura, Harold be due to diabetes in pregnancy (either preexisting diabetes—
David McIntyre, Jessica L. Morris, and Hema Divakar) to type 1 or type 2—which antedates pregnancy or is first iden-
develop a document to frame the issues around gestational tified during testing in the index pregnancy), the majority
diabetes and suggest key actions to address the health bur- (84%) is due to gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM).
den posed by it. The result—“The International Federation of The occurrence of GDM parallels the prevalence of
Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) Initiative on gestational impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), obesity, and type 2 diabe-
diabetes mellitus: A pragmatic guide for diagnosis, manage- tes mellitus (T2DM) in a given population. These conditions
ment, and care”—was published in the International Journal are on the rise globally. Moreover, the age of onset of diabetes
of Gynecology and Obstetrics 131 (S3) (2015) S173–S211 and and pre-diabetes is declining while the age of childbearing is
launched at the FIGO World Congress in October 2015 in increasing. There is also an increase in the rate of overweight
Vancouver. and obese women of reproductive age; thus, more women
Despite challenges of providing guidance given the lim- entering pregnancy have risk factors that make them vulner-
ited high-quality evidence available, this guide outlines able to hyperglycemia during pregnancy.
current global standards for the testing, management, and GDM is associated with a higher incidence of maternal
care of women with GDM and provides pragmatic recom- morbidity, including cesarean deliveries, shoulder dystocia,
mendations, which, because of their level of acceptability, birth trauma, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (includ-
feasibility, and ease of implementation, have the potential to ing pre-eclampsia), and subsequent development of T2DM.
produce a significant impact. Suggestions are provided for Perinatal and neonatal morbidities also increase; the latter
a variety of different regional and resource settings based include macrosomia, birth injury, hypoglycemia, polycy-
on their financial, human, and infrastructure resources, themia, and hyperbilirubinemia. Long-term sequelae in
as well as for research priorities to bridge the gap between offspring with in utero exposure to maternal hyperglyce-
current knowledge and evidence. In assessing the quality mia may include higher risks for obesity and diabetes later
of evidence and grading of the strength of recommenda- in life.
tions, the guide follows the terminology proposed by the In most parts of low- and middle-income countries
Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development (LMICs) (which contribute to over 85% of the annual global
and Evaluation (GRADE) Working Group in which strong deliveries), most women are either not screened or improp-
recommendations are numbered as 1 and conditional/weak erly screened for diabetes during pregnancy—despite these
recommendations are numbered 2 with the quality of sup- countries accounting for 80% of the global diabetes burden
porting evidence labeled from very low quality to high qual- and for 90% of all cases of maternal and perinatal deaths
ity of evidence. and poor pregnancy outcomes. In particular, eight LMICs—
The guidelines were extremely well received globally but India, China, Nigeria, Pakistan, Indonesia, Bangladesh,
it is the next phase that will be even more challenging for Brazil, and Mexico—account for 55% of the global live births
FIGO—the implementation of this extensive document via (70 million live births annually) and 55% of the global bur-
capacity building, education, and advocacy, as well through den of diabetes (209.5 million) and should be key targets
establishing a research network which will be able to provide for any focused strategy on addressing the global burden of
evidence on operational and clinical implementation of the GDM pregnancies. These countries have been identified as
guidelines and provide health economics evidence to support priority countries for all future GDM interventions.
xii Preface
Given the interaction between hyperglycemia and poor be at high risk, and universal testing will have to be strictly
pregnancy outcomes, the role of in utero imprinting in implemented and measured to ensure that all women are
increasing the risk of diabetes and cardiometabolic disorders offered the test.
in the offspring of mothers with hyperglycemia in pregnancy, The diagnosis of diabetes in pregnancy as defined by the
and increasing maternal vulnerability to future diabetes and WHO criteria and the diagnosis of GDM should be made
cardiovascular disorders, there needs to be a greater global using a single-step 75 g OGTT as per the recommendation of
focus on preventing, screening, diagnosing, and managing the IADPSG (2010) and WHO (2013). FIGO suggests various
hyperglycemia in pregnancy. The relevance of GDM as a pri- alternatives based on resource settings in Table P.1.
ority for maternal health and its impact on the future burden
of noncommunicable diseases is no longer in doubt, but how
best to deal with the issue remains contentious, as there are Glucose measurement: Technical
many gaps in knowledge on how to prevent, diagnose, and
manage GDM to optimize care and outcome. These must be considerations in laboratory and
addressed through future research. point-of-care testing
Most glucose measurements in laboratories are performed
on serum or plasma. Faster laboratory turnaround time is
Diagnosing GDM one reason that plasma has become the gold standard for
glucose measurement. However, in most laboratory panels
Global healthcare organizations and professional bodies have
(i.e., the comprehensive metabolic panel), serum is the most
advocated a plethora of diverse algorithms for screening and
suitable sample for all other laboratory tests performed, and
diagnosis of GDM that have been criticized for lacking valida-
so a “panel” glucose is usually a serum glucose.
tion, inasmuch as they were developed based on tenuous data,
Ideally, for diagnosis of GDM, reliable test results should
the biased result of expert opinions, which were based on eco-
be based on venous plasma samples properly collected and
nomic considerations or were convenience oriented, thereby
transported prior to laboratory testing by an accredited labo-
creating confusion and uncertainty among care providers.
ratory. However, this ideal situation may not be present in
One underlying yet fundamental problem, as shown consis-
many primary care settings, particularly in the developing
tently by several studies, including the Hyperglycemia and
world where proper facility for collection, transport, storage,
Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes (HAPO) study, is that the risk
or testing may not exist. In this situation, FIGO recommends
of poor pregnancy outcomes associated with hyperglycemia
that it is acceptable to use a plasma calibrated handheld glu-
is continuous, with no clear inflection points.
cometer with properly stored test strips to measure plasma
It is therefore clear that any set of criteria for the diagno-
glucose. Regular calibration should be undertaken with
sis of GDM proposed will need to evolve from a consensus
standard test solutions (usually supplied by the glucose
approach, balancing risks and benefits in particular social,
meter manufacturer).
economic, and clinical contexts. In addition to different cut-
off values, the lack of consensus among different professional
bodies for an algorithm for screening and diagnosis of GDM
is perhaps an even larger problem. Management of hyperglycemia
Selective testing based on clinical risk factors for GDM during pregnancy
evolved from the view that in populations with a low risk
of GDM, subjecting all pregnant women to a laboratory test Fetal and maternal outcomes are directly correlated with
was not considered cost-effective. Variations in risk factors the degree of maternal glycemic control. The primary goal
have resulted in different approaches, generally with poor of treatment for pregnancies complicated by diabetes is to
sensitivity and specificity. The major problem of risk factor– ensure as close to normal outcome as possible for the mother
based screening is its high demand on healthcare providers and offspring by controlling maternal hyperglycemia. Since
with more complex protocols for testing, which result in fetal macrosomia is the most frequent complication of dia-
lower compliance by both patients and healthcare providers. betes, special effort should be directed toward its diagno-
Given the high rates of hyperglycemia in pregnancy in sis and prevention. Fetal assessment can be achieved by a
most populations and that selective testing based on known fetal kick count, biophysical profile, and cardiotocography
risk factors has poor sensitivity for detection of GDM in a (nonstress test).
given population, it seems appropriate to recommend uni- Maternal hyperglycemia and macrosomia are associated
versal rather than risk factor–based testing. This approach with increased risk of intrauterine fetal death and other
is strongly recommended by FIGO and is particularly rele- adverse outcomes. Therefore, induction of labor may be con-
vant to LMICs where 90% of all cases of GDM are found and sidered at 38−39 weeks, although there is no good-quality
ascertainment of risk factors is poor owing to low levels of evidence to support such an approach. Thus, some guide-
education and awareness and poor record keeping. In many lines suggest that a pregnancy with good glycemic control
of these countries, there is little justification for selective and a seemingly appropriate gestational-age fetus ought to
testing, as they also have ethnic populations considered to continue until 40−41 weeks. Given the significantly greater
Preface xiii
Who to test and
Setting when Diagnostic test Interpretationa Grade
Fully resourced settings All women at Measure FPG, RBG, or 1|⊕⊕⊕O
booking/first HbA1c to detect
trimester diabetes in pregnancy
24−28 weeks If negative: perform 75 g
2-hour OGTT
Fully resourced settings All women at Perform 75 g 2-hour 2|⊕OOO
serving ethnic booking/first OGTT to detect
populations at high trimester diabetes in pregnancy
riskb 24−28 weeks If negative: repeat 75 g
2-hour OGTT
Any setting (basic); All women Perform 75 g 2-hour 1|⊕⊕⊕O
particularly medium- between 24 OGTT
to low-resource and 28 weeks
settings serving
ethnic populations
at risk
Alternative strategies as currently used in specified countries
China: Medium- to All women at Measure FPG to detect >7.0 mmol/L or 2|⊕OOO
low-resource settings booking/first diabetes in pregnancy >126 mg/dL.
serving populations trimester FPG values between 5.6
at high risk and 6.9 mmol/L (100
and 125 mg/dL)
consider as GDM
24−28 weeks If negative: perform 75 g Value >5.1 mmol/L or 1|⊕⊕⊕O
2-hour OGTT >92 mg/dL diagnostic
Or of GDM
To reduce number of 2|⊕OOO
OGTTs measure FPG.
Only in women with
values between 4.5 and
5.0 mmol/L (81 and 90
mg/dL) perform 75 g
2-hour OGTT
Indian subcontinent: All women at Measure fasting or Reading between 7.8 and 2|⊕OOO
Medium- to booking/first nonfasting 2-hour value 11.0 mmol/L or 140
low-resource settings trimester after 75 g OGTT and 199 mg/dL
serving rural/ indicates GDM
semi-urban/urban 24−28 weeks If negative: repeat test
ethnic populations
at high risk
Latin America: All women at Measure FPG to detect >7.0 mmol/L or 2|⊕OOO
Medium- to booking/first diabetes in pregnancy >126 mg/dL.
low-resource settings trimester FPG values between 5.6
and 6.9 mmol/L (100
and 125 mg/dL)
consider as GDM
24−28 weeks If negative: perform 75 g 75 g 2-hour glucose value
2-hour OGTT >7.8 mmol/L or >140
mg/dL is diagnostic of
xiv Preface
Table P.1 (Continued) Options for diagnosis of GDM based on resource settings
Who to test and
Setting when Diagnostic test Interpretationa Grade
United Kingdom: All Selected women Perform 75 g 2-hour FPG of 100 mg/dL or
settings at booking/as OGTT 5.6 mmol/L or above or
soon as 2-hour plasma glucose
possiblee of 140 mg/dL or
7.8 mmol/L or above
24−28 weeks If negative: perform 75 g
is diagnosticg
2-hour OGTT
Offered also to
other women
with risk
factors for
Abbreviations: FPG, fasting plasma glucose; RBG, random blood glucose; HbA1c, glycosylated hemoglobin; GDM, gestational
diabetes mellitus; OGTT, oral glucose tolerance test.
a Interpret as per IADPSG/WHO/IDF guidelines unless stated otherwise.
b Asians are at high risk of hyperglycemia during pregnancy, which may include previously undiagnosed diabetes. The propor-
tion of previously undiagnosed diabetes is highest in the youngest age group particularly among women. In Asian populations,
FPG and HbA1c have much lower sensitivity to diagnose diabetes than the 2-hour post-glucose value. In a study of 11 Asian
cohorts, more than half of the diabetic subjects had isolated postchallenge hyperglycemia. In a study in China, 46.6% of the
participants with undiagnosed diabetes (44.1% of the men and 50.2% of the women) had isolated increased 2-hour plasma
glucose levels after an OGTT. Therefore, the need to identify postprandial hyperglycemia seems especially relevant in Asian
c Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group in India (DIPSI) Guideline.
e Women with a past history of GDM or women with glycosuria of 2+ or above on one occasion or of 1+ or above on two or more
occasions (as detected by reagent strip testing during routine prenatal care in the current pregnancy).
f BMI above 30 (calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared), previous macrosomic baby weighing
4.5 kg or above, family history of diabetes, first-degree relative with diabetes, minority ethnic family origin with a high prevalence
of diabetes.
g National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Diabetes in pregnancy: management of diabetes and its complications
from preconception to the postnatal period. NICE guidelines [NG3]. Published February 2015. http://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/
risk of shoulder dystocia at any birthweight above 3750 g for diabetes, hypertensive complications, stillbirth, and cesar-
babies of women with diabetes, consideration may be given ean delivery. Recommendations are given for weight gain
to elective cesarean delivery when the best estimate of fetal during pregnancy for women with diabetes. Nutritional
weight exceeds 4000 g. Recommendations are provided for therapy includes an individualized food plan to optimize
prenatal supervision, fetal growth assessment, fetal well- glycemic control. It should be based on personal and cul-
being surveillance, and timing and mode of delivery. tural eating habits, physical activity, blood glucose measure-
Blood glucose control can be evaluated in one of three ments, and the expected physiological effects of pregnancy
ways: glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c), self-monitoring of on the mother and her fetus. Nutritional intervention for
blood glucose, and continuous glucose monitoring. The rec- diabetes, specifically pregnancy complicated with diabetes,
ommendations for glucose monitoring in women with GDM is consistently considered a fundamental treatment modal-
are given in the document. Attempts must be made to achieve ity and is the first-line therapy for all women diagnosed with
glucose levels as close as possible to those seen in normal GDM. Women with GDM and DIP must receive practical
pregnancy. Elevated glucose values, specifically postpran- education that empowers them to choose the right quantity
dial glucose levels, are associated with adverse pregnancy and quality of food. Recommendations are given for nutri-
outcomes in patients with hyperglycemia in pregnancy. Data tion therapy in women with GDM, and for physical activity,
suggest that postprandial glucose levels are more closely which has been shown to have benefits.
associated with macrosomia than fasting glucose levels. No Management using pharmacological treatment may also
controlled study has, as yet, established the optimal plasma be required. In the short term, for women with GDM requir-
glucose level(s) to prevent increased fetal risk. Glycemic tar- ing drug treatment, glyburide is inferior to both insulin and
gets for women with GDM are provided. metformin, while metformin (plus insulin when required)
Overweight and obese women before pregnancy are at performs slightly better than insulin. Recommendations
an increased risk for pregnancy complications including for pharmacological treatment in women with GDM are
Preface xv
constraints in many low-resource countries, alternate effective treatment options for GDM during the second
strategies described in the document should also be con- and third trimesters.
sidered equally acceptable. ●● Postpartum follow-up and linkage to care: Following a
●● Diagnosis of GDM: Diagnosis should ideally be based on GDM pregnancy, the postpartum period provides an
laboratory results of venous plasma samples that are prop- important platform to initiate beneficial health practices
erly collected, transported, and tested. Given the resource for both mother and child to reduce the future burden of
constraints in many low-resource countries, it is accept- several noncommunicable diseases. Obstetricians must
able to use a plasma-calibrated handheld glucometer for establish links with family physicians, internists, pedia-
diagnostic purposes. tricians, and other healthcare providers to support post-
●● Management of GDM: Management should be in accor- partum follow-up of GDM mothers and their children.
dance with available national resources and infrastructure A follow-up program linked to the child’s vaccination and
even if the specific diagnostic and treatment protocols are regular health check-up visits provides an opportunity for
not supported by high-quality evidence, as this is prefer- continued engagement with the high-risk mother−child
able to no care at all. pair.
●● Lifestyle management: Nutrition counseling and physical ●● Future research: There should be greater international
activity should be the primary tools in the management research collaboration to address the knowledge gaps
of GDM. Women with GDM must receive practical nutri- to better understand the links between maternal health
tional education and counseling that will empower them and noncommunicable diseases. Evidence-based find-
to choose the right quantity and quality of food and level ings are urgently needed to provide best practice stan-
of physical activity. They should be advised repeatedly dards for testing, management, and care of women
during pregnancy to continue the same healthy lifestyle with GDM. Cost-effectiveness models must be used in
after delivery to reduce the risk of future obesity, T2DM, countries with specific burden of disease and resources
and cardiovascular diseases. to make the best choices for testing and management
●● Pharmacological management: If lifestyle modifica- of GDM.
tion alone fails to achieve glucose control, metformin,
glyburide, or insulin should be considered as safe and Moshe Hod
xviii Contributors
2 Introduction
the mother and her fetus in cases of high-risk pregnancies. and for pregnancy at an advanced maternal age.8 Finally,
The rapid advance in sonography, the introduction of MRI, there is a continuing trend across the developed world to
and the leap jump of measuring fetal DNA in maternal blood postpone family planning and attempt to conceive at an
have shifted the MFM emphasis to fetal medicine. This prog- advanced maternal age, with Italy leading the convoy with
ress occurs in parallel to increased maternal morbidity and 34.9% of women delivering at age 35 and older as reported
failures in the attempts to decrease maternal mortality rates by the EUROPRESTAT project evaluating pregnancy sta-
over the last few decades.1–3 Thus, there is a need to reem- tistics of 39 countries in Europe (http://www.europeristat.
phasize the maternal component (M) in the MFM specialty com/reports/european-perinatal-health-report-2010.htm).
by means of introducing new concepts and advanced diag- While this may in turn be a source of organ regeneration and
nostic procedures and policies coupled with changes in edu- extension of maternal longevity,9 it is also associated with
cation and training, in order to implement improvements increased risk for preeclampsia, intra uterine growth restric-
in healthcare services for pregnant women and enable the tion (IUGR), and preterm birth.10 Consequently, a higher
introduction of a personalized medical approach.1,2 percentage of pregnant women are at high risk for develop-
In this commentary, we aim to present a new paradigm ing serious maternal complications during pregnancy and
for healthcare service reorganization combining front-edge the postpartum period.1,5
technologies for early diagnostics, prevention, and treat- In the United States, the major etiologies of maternal
ments that can assist healthcare organizations in achieving mortality during pregnancy, labor, and delivery are CVDs,
reduced morbidity and mortality while optimizing cost ben- 14.6%; infection or sepsis, 13.6%; non-CVDs, 12.7%; cardio-
efit for the obstetrical care as a whole and pregnancy out- myopathy, 11.8%; hemorrhage, 11.4%; thrombotic pulmo-
comes in particular. The approach is patient centered and nary embolism, 9.6%; hypertensive disorders of pregnancy,
offers services to meet the individual patient needs. 9.4%; cerebrovascular accidents, 6.2%; amniotic fluid embo-
lism, 5.3%; and anesthesia complications, 0.7% as reported
by the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention
The Neglected M in MFM and Health promotion, NCCDPHP (http://www.cdc.gov/
Although the maternal and fetal medicine subspecialty was reproductivehealth/MaternalInfantHealth/PMSS.html).
originally introduced to equally address fetal and/or mater- These leading causes of maternal morbidity and mortality
nal aspects of pregnancy management, the main focus of demonstrate that prepregnancy health (especially in the
MFM today is the diagnosis and treatment of fetal complica- context of CVDs) contributes to increased pregnancy com-
tions and improving neonatal outcome. The health of preg- plications. Further emphasis of the potential benefit of early
nant mothers is no longer getting sufficient attention. This diagnosis and prevention (especially of hypertensive disor-
situation may have been influenced by the rapid progress in ders during pregnancy) is attempted at reducing maternal
prenatal diagnosis of congenital and chromosomal anoma- mortality during pregnancy or immediately after delivery,
lies, the introduction of fetoscopic surgery for in utero treat- also demonstrating how the mode of delivery and postnatal
ments of fetal disorders and advanced imaging and Doppler care impacts pregnancy outcome.9,10
methodologies, and the profound impact of these develop- In the 2010 annual convention of the American Society
ments in reducing the incidence of major pregnancy disor- for Maternal and Fetal Medicine, M.E. D’Alton was the first
ders, stillbirth, and preterm birth.3 to address the question: “Where is the ‘M’ in Maternal Fetal
As the advanced treatment offered by neonatal intensive Medicine?”11 She urged to outline a specific plan for clinical,
care units progressed, premature babies with very low birth educational, and research initiatives in order to return the
weight are saved generating challenges for the postdelivery maternal “M” in MFM to the center of fetal and maternal
management of newborns.4 medical care. In 2012, a step forward was undertaken by the
At the same time, maternal morbidity rates have been ris- leading U.S. authorities in obstetrics and gynecology by pub-
ing.5 One major contributor, mainly in developed countries, lishing their recommendations to enhance education and
is the obesity epidemic6 causing increased rates of metabolic training in maternal care for MFM fellows, to improve medi-
disorders, diabetes, hypertensive disorders, and cardiovascu- cal care and management of pregnant women, and to address
lar diseases (CVDs), all of which are chronic in nature, in the critical research gaps in maternal medicine.4,11 However, to
general population. Women affected by these diseases have really return the focus to the maternal M in MFM, educa-
an elevated risk for pregnancy disorders, including hyper- tion and training alone are insufficient. A revolution in ser-
tension disorders in pregnancy, gestational diabetes (GDM), vice provision and introduction of the front-edge diagnostic
and prematurity as suggested by the American College and prevention technologies is required in order to shift the
of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (http://www.acog. emphasis to early diagnosis and prevention, to introduce an
org/Resources-And-Publications/Committee-Opinions/ individualized approach, to combine the front-edge genom-
Committee-on-Obstetric-Practice/Obesity-in-Pregnancy). ics into the standard of care, and to shift the paradigms of
The constant rise in the rates of delivery by cesarean section perinatal and antenatal care to emphasize maternal and
entails elevated risks of placenta accreta and hemorrhages.7 not just fetal aspects. And this will make the difference,
Furthermore, new assisted reproductive technologies save lives, and improve the use of financial resources to
opened the possibility for women to conceive among those the patients’ benefit. Such a paradigm shift is timely and is
with kidney, lung, heart, and other serious medical diseases required to improve maternal health and fetal outcome.
Bringing maternal–fetal medicine to the new era of medicine 3
This paradigm shift involves the introduction of multidis- these “programmed changes” are metabolic adaptations
ciplinary assessment procedures and novel test technologies to fetal undernutrition expressed in enhanced catabolism
with a focus on early diagnosis and prevention/management and self-consumption of substrates for energy supplies.15 A
of the major causes of maternal morbidities and mortality.12 In prolonged fetal adjustment period to undernutrition also
this commentary, we suggest the introduction of the inverted reduces endocrine concentration of fetal growth hormones,
pyramid of antenatal care for early (first trimester) screening via the reduced transfer of amino acids and glucose across
of a pregnant woman. The aim is to detect the development the placenta, due to decreased maternal insulin-like growth
of pregnancy disorders and outline the personalized path- factor. These changes are followed by reduced rates of fetal
way for the prevention of these disorders to improve preg- growth also creating a process of response to stress that is
nancy outcomes, as proposed by Nicolaides.13 It is proposed to repeated in adulthood life and thereby lead to metabolic
implement the inverted pyramid of prenatal care as the major disorders and CVDs.16
paradigm for antenatal care during pregnancy. Low birth weight was shown to be associated with
Additional components offered in the current com- increased rate of ischemic heart diseases in adulthood.
mentary is the introduction of new means and tools for Studies with three large cohorts (>16,000 individuals) in
implementation into the routine practice of pregnancy the United Kingdom have shown that mortality from isch-
management the methods for prepregnancy family planning emic heart disease later in life were twofold higher in those
and health evaluation. It will enable to assess the prior risks born <2.5 kg at birth compared to the ones born >4.3 kg.17
before conceiving and to plan ahead and provide appropri- Thin or stunted and small trunk babies who were born due
ate maternal care facilities. Using this framework will allow to in utero undernutrition, hypoxia, and other changes are
prior risk assessment and management before entering into predisposed to consequential diseases in the long term.18
the process of conceiving. Furthermore, increased mortality rates from coronary heart
Offering postpregnancy prevention and management can diseases are found among men born with a low birth weight,
then complete the whole framework of comprehensive ser- low placental weight, or narrow head circumference.19
vices for pregnant women. The prevalence of Diabetes Mellitous type 2 (type 2 DM)
Combining the progress in fetal medicine with innova- and impaired glucose tolerance later in life are threefold
tion in maternal health not only offers remerging the M and higher in people who were born with the smallest (<2.5 kg)
the F of the MFM specialty but will also bridge the discrep- birth weight compared to the people who weighed >4.3 kg
ancies and introduce new strategies for pregnancy manage- at birth.20,21 There is evidence that deficiency in insulin pro-
ment. This approach can assist healthcare organizations in duction and insulin resistance are both determined in utero
optimizing obstetrics care and pregnancy outcome.14 and that low-birth-weight babies develop in utero the “insu-
lin resistance syndrome” that prevailed in their adulthood,
causing an impaired glucose tolerance, hypertension, and
Bridging between maternal and fetal medicine: The high concentrations of triacylglycerol.21,22
maternal–fetal medicine hypotheses The extreme example of the long-term impact of nutrient
shortage in pregnancy was discovered with the Dutch study
The integration between the “M” and “F” components of
of individuals who were in utero during the Dutch famine
maternal and fetal medicine is required to enable compre-
of 1944–1945.23 This study provides evidence linking fetal
hensive care and management.12 During pregnancy, women’s
undernutrition to programmed insulin resistance and type 2
bodies and their fetuses are interconnected. Maternal heart
diabetes. Their glucose tolerance tests at age 50 years were all
adjustments occur in response to the increased physiological
higher than in those conceived before or after the famine.21,22
burden of pregnancy and the signaling of circulating factors
This study has also provided evidence for long-lasting epigen-
that are exchanged between the mother and the fetus having
etic effects transferred from the newborn to their progenies,
a positive/negative impact.14 These are just obvious elements
not through the mother but through the father, indicating
of the required integrative whole framework of the “M” and
the profound impact of undernutrition on the DNA meth-
“F” components of MFM.
ylation of germ cells associated with facilitated aging-related
Pregnancy shapes adulthood health: The Barker diseases for the generations to come.16,21 Another example is
hypothesis (fetal origins of adult diseases: programming the Chinese famine during 1954–1964, which was identified
and imprinting in utero) to be associated with a higher likelihood to develop metabolic
syndrome in adulthood.24 Based on all these changes, Time
Low birth weight: Increased risk for lifelong CVD and magazine published its series of articles on the way the first
diabetes Barker was the first to demonstrate how low 9 months shape the person’s health throughout life (http://
birth weight is associated with elevated risk for CVDs in
adulthood.12 He postulated that fetal shortage of nutrients
and oxygen due to placental insufficiency is associated
with fetal development of physiological pathways for stress
adjustment underlying recruitment of the same pathways Blood pressure and hypertension A multitude of studies
in adulthood, and leading to the development of higher have found a trend in which each 1 kg increase in birth
adulthood susceptibility to obesity, diabetes mellitus weight is associated with a fall of around 3.5 mmHg in blood
(DM), hypertension, and CVDs. According to Barker, pressure in adult life.25 There is a strong association between
4 Introduction
Adult life—
The barker hypothesis
Late pregnancy—
The pedersen hypothesis
PPH, Accreta
Preterm birth
gi M Type 2 diabetes
ir n the
B k FM
ba to M PET-related morbidity
M Cardiovascular morbidity
Figure 1.1 Maternal medicine meets fetal medicine; the vicious cycle—noncommunicable disease epidemic.
hypertension disorder in adulthood to low birth weight, diseases associated with pregnancy disorders in the next
thinness, stunting, and below-average head circumference.26 generation onward, is now recognized as the link between
All the aforementioned examples have demonstrated the origin of NCDs in neonatal life and adulthood diseases
how birth weight, in utero conditions, and epigenetic changes (Figure 1.1). It requires implementation of healthcare assess-
are associated with the increased adulthood morbidity from ment and preventive interventions before pregnancy to
NCDs leading to a vicious cycle for generations to come. reduce infant and maternal morbidity and mortality and
prevent developing NCDs later in life.29
Maternal aspects of placenta insufficiency
Increased maternal CVDs and decreased life expectancy Vicious cycle of the NCD epidemic (obesity, diabetes,
due to preeclampsia Another consequence of placental hypertension, metabolic syndrome): Fetal programming
insufficiency is preeclampsia, particularly the early form According to the World Health Organization (WHO), of the
of the disorder. McDonald et al., in their meta-analysis of 57 million people who died in 2008, 36 million died from
35,000 women, have shown that hypertension disorders in NCDs, stating that NCDs represent a “slow motion disas-
pregnancy are associated with increased maternal morbidity ter.”30 The four main chronic diseases responsible for most
from CVDs and DM 10 years later.26 Furthermore, Irgens NCD deaths are CVDs, including heart attacks and stroke
et al., using the Medical Birth Registry of Norway, have shown (17.3 million annually); cancer (7.6 million); respiratory dis-
in >600,000 women and their spouses a 10-year shortening of eases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and
maternal longevity following early preeclampsia and IUGR.27 asthma (4.2 million); and diabetes (1.3 million).31
Thus, placental insufficiency is programming high sus- Intermediate risk factors predisposing to NCDs include
ceptibility to CVDs and diabetes not only among babies hypertension, elevated blood glucose, hyperlipidemia, over-
born with lower birth weight but also among their mothers. weight, and obesity, which all can lead to the development
of CVDs.
NCDs and maternal morbidity The hypothesis about the developmental origins of health
Prepregnancy conditions of maternal health (obesity, dia- and disease put forward the concept that internal and exter-
betes, anemia, and undernutrition, kidney, blood, and heart nal environmental conditions during pregnancy cause
diseases) all impact maternal health during pregnancy.28 critical biochemical, endocrinological, and epigenetic modi-
Prepregnancy diabetes and GDM can cause macrosomia, fications in the DNA, cell differentiation, and formation of
obstructed labor, postpartum hemorrhage, and neonatal specific tissues in both the mother and her fetus/newborn.31
mortality due to prematurity, respiratory distress syndrome, While at birth these functional changes are currently not
hypoglycemia, etc. Maternal undernutrition can lead to fetal detected by conventional tests and are likely to be initially
metabolic and hormonal alterations causing lifelong sus- masked by systemic effects, the slow process of their devel-
ceptibility to certain diseases. At the same time, low birth opment into disorders may impact the health of the mothers
weight and accelerated growth during childhood have been and their children later in life.32
demonstrated as risk factors for CVD and type 2 DM. Epigenetic changes in DNA methylation and Cytosine-
This vicious cycle starting from prepregnancy health, Phosphate-Guanidin (CPG) Islands cause the silencing
influencing the outcome, which in turn causes adulthood or activation of certain genes that are essential for the
Bringing maternal–fetal medicine to the new era of medicine 5
physiological function in early childhood and in adult life of developing pregnancy disorders in the early trimester of
and could lead to an accelerated DNA clocking and aging.33 pregnancy36 and the development of individualized pregnancy
Thus, epigenetic methods could shed light on in utero pro- management and disorder prevention and monitoring toward a
cesses that predispose individuals to diseases in adult life.31–33 timed delivery,38 including management of maternal and new-
The programmed in utero changes of the metabolism and born health for those who developed pregnancy disorders.37
physiology could lead to dysfunction and disease in adulthood. The model proposes a change in the organization of the
As such, the related pregnancy disorders such as preterm deliv- clinical services to pregnant women as a combination of
ery, IUGR, and preeclampsia can be considered as markers of hospital-based clinics and community clinics. This combined
increased risk of CVDs, obesity, and metabolic disorders, and paradigm of evaluation, prevention, treatment, and follow-up
GDM could be the source for obesity and DM or—overall— could provide high-quality perinatology services from pre-
the origin of NCDs. In fact, the American Heart Association pregnancy planning, through antenatal follow-up, to labor
(AHA) has identified women who develop hypertension and to delivery and through the postpartum management.
disorder during pregnancy and women who have GDM as
the two new high-risk groups for developing CVDs, which
require special management and monitoring as included in Clalit Health Services approach
the American Heart Association Stroke Council guidelines Clalit Healthcare Services is the largest health manage-
for the prevention of stroke in women (http://blog.heart.org/ ment organization (HMO) in Israel and one of the largest
preeclampsia-doubles-womens-stroke-risk-quadruples-later- in the world. It has more than 4 million insurees, operat-
high-blood-pressure-risk/). ing more than 100 community clinics, 40 regional women’s
In order to reduce the influence of epigenetic, biochemi- health centers, and 14 hospitals with some of the leading
cal, endocrinological, and physiological preconditioning of maternal–fetal medicine departments in Israel. The HMO
NCDs in the perinatal period, preventative measures should employs thousands of family physicians and gynecologists,
be introduced, including the provision of sufficient prenatal trains hundreds of interns and fellows, involves thousands of
care; prevention or optimal treatment of conditions such as nurses and many midwives, and manages advanced labora-
obesity, diabetes, and chronic hypertension; and also direct- tory services and testing infrastructure.
ing the attention at prepregnancy assessment of their prior As a leading HMO in Israel, the organization is in the
risks and family planning to assure women begin their preg- process of implementing the Clalit’s Maternal Medicine
nancy period with rich metabolic reservoirs and with a pre- Meet Fetal Medicine project that is built of three “floors”:
planned program for their pregnancy management based on
their prior risks. Pre-Pregnancy: Identifying NCDs and carriers of gene
In this way, it may be possible to inhibit negative epi- disorders before pregnancy
genetic, biochemical, physiological, and endocrinologi- The goal of the first floor is to improve maternal health and
cal programming. The importance of good maternal care prenatal outcome before the women get pregnant. While
beginning prior to conception and continuing during preg- part of this campaign involves promotion of health educa-
nancy and after delivery is therefore crucial to shape the tion to families, it also involves the assessment of the prior
health of mothers and their babies for life and to prevent risk of developing pregnancy disorders and offers appropri-
the impact of internal and external effects of long-lasting ate interventions with proven efficacy.38,39
changes, thus reducing the likelihood of NCD development In 2013, the AHA introduced the seven metrics to estab-
in adulthood. lish three health levels of well, intermediate, and sick status,
based on blood pressure, obesity, blood glucose and choles-
terol levels, smoking, physical activity, and healthy diets,
Reconnecting the M to the F in MFM adjusted to age and gender. The seven metrics are linked
The importance of improving maternal healthcare and ser- through a comprehensive algorithm to divide patients into
vices can leverage on recent achievements of the medical one of the three categories.40
research to introduce a strategic plan and policy. Preconception evaluation should follow this approach to
A healthy pregnancy begins before conception.34,365 It con- establish the high, intermediate, and low risk of developing
tinues during the gravid period with early recognition and pregnancy disorders, given that the same criteria that are
management of complications if they arise, with strategies considered as risks for hypertension disorders in pregnancy,
to prevent complications, planning for a timed delivery, and GDM, spontaneous preterm birth (SPB), and fetal growth
follow-up in the postdelivery period.37 Healthcare providers restriction are underlying risks for developing major CVDs
can help women prepare for pregnancy and for any potential and metabolic disorders.30,31,41
problems during pregnancy with postpregnancy manage- Thus, three categories of risk levels in pregnancy will be
ment of complications that were not previously prevented.37 defined, and stratification will be performed at prepregnancy
The Maternal Medicine Meets Fetal Medicine project of visit(s) to the family physician. Using patient interviews and
the Clalit Health Services proposes a new strategy and aims blood tests (including the hemoglobin A1C test) and obtain-
to establish a new paradigm of pregnancy care. It extended ing family, pregnancy, and medical history from the patients
from prepregnancy evaluation of prior risk of developing and from their electronic medical record, the family phy-
NCDs34,35 to the emphasis on a thorough evaluation of the risk sician will gather all the information available to establish
6 Introduction
PE and SGA Obesity GDM PTL Aneuploidy Early PE and SGA Obesity GDM PTL
Aspirin Life style Diet Progesterone
History Prepregnancy Diagnosis History NT + fHCG
MAP Cx length APPA Insulin Cerdage
Weight gain
Uterine PI NIPT Oral hypo- Pessary?
GDM glycemic
FPG ≥ 5.1 mmol/L agents
(92 mg/dL)
Overt diabetes:
• FPG ≥ 7.0 mmol/L (126 mg/dL)
• HbA1c ≥ 6.5%
• RPG ≥ 11.1 mmol/L (200 mg/dL)
the prepregnancy risk for NCDs. Hadar et al.42 have demon- Inverted pyramid of antenatal care and personalized risk
strated that when glycemic control and obesity are optimized management
prior to gestation, smoking and drinking are avoided before The second floor of Clalit’s Maternal Medicine Meets Fetal
pregnancy, and moderate physical activity and a healthy diet Medicine project is proposed to follow the inverted pyramid
are adopted before conception—which could prevent GDM, of antenatal care suggested by Nicolaides.13 Unlike the cur-
congenital malformation, abortion, prenatal and neonatal rent antenatal care that focuses on a uniform service model
death, and adverse pregnancy outcomes.42 reacting to complications when they develop and focusing
The whole system will be accompanied by a team of on a uniform high-frequency visit plan during the third
genetic counselors in order to assess the prior risk of major trimester of pregnancy, the inverted pyramid of antenatal
genetic disorders. This approach was adopted by American care focuses on a thorough first trimester risk evaluation
College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) antena- and aims to implement a personalized approach for subse-
tal Care–Introducing the Inverted Pyramid for Pregnancy quent management according to the individual risk score
Management43 and is widely offered in Israel. Chips for blood (Figure 1.2).
test are available for all couples to identify carriers of major The approach applies to both those who are already man-
ethnic-associated DNA-based diseases. Couples identified as aged by the MFM specialized center due to prior risk and to
carriers will be directed for genetic counseling to consider the rest of the pregnant women population.
various assisted fertility technologies, including preimplan- The first prenatal visit aims to quantify the woman’s risk
tation Genetics diagnosis (PGD), whereas others are advised in this pregnancy in developing major pregnancy disorders.
to begin with spontaneous conception. The evaluation is based on the obstetrics and medical his-
For assessment of the major NCDs, the family physician/ tory, demographics, biochemical serum markers, and bio-
community gynecologist could prepare the prior risk evalu- physical parameters, including mean arterial blood pressure
ation and direct women to either dietitians and even to phys- and sonographic image of nuchal translucency and uterine
ical trainers to improve her prepregnancy conditions if she artery Doppler pulsatility index. All are entered into the risk
is at intermediate risk, or to an MFM specialist for glycemic algorithms to provide the patient risk for any of the chromo-
controls and other endocrinological and biochemical moni- somal aberrations, preeclampsia, and IUGR, SPB, and GDM.
toring, if her prior risk is high. Those at a low risk are reas- If performed at the community level, the inverted pyra-
sured and could start with their family planning. mid of antenatal care requires training and certification of
The success of this preconception level of care depends the community ob-gyn physicians to incorporate the wider
on the implementation of unified guidelines within the range of testing methodologies and equipment for provid-
entire complex of family physicians and obstetricians in the ing a multiple marker screening and the use of advanced
community, together with dietitians, physical trainers, and risk algorithms to enable the assessment of the patient risk
high-risk hospital clinics.42 They will have joint meetings to to a diversity of major pregnancy disorders. In the United
discuss cases and guidelines and will use unified medical Kingdom, this stage is carried out in hospital departments
records that will create a database for future quality evalua- that specialized in these procedures.
tion and research. As already reviewed by Hadar et al.,42 the Based on the specific pregnant woman’s medical and
effectiveness of prepregnancy care is highly dependent on obstetric history, her serum markers, blood pressure, and
such guidelines, education, and training, including patient sonographic examination, the risk score will be determined.
Bringing maternal–fetal medicine to the new era of medicine 7
Accordingly, her pregnancy management will be adjusted Similar contingent approaches are being developed for
by a contingency management algorithm that will issue GDM and macrosomia.48 Metformin and insulin have been
an individualized pregnancy monitoring tailored for low-, shown to prevent GDM and macrosomia by 30%–40%.49
intermediate- and high-risk patients. In the Clalit version of the inverted pyramid, low-risk
While women at high risk are directed toward more fre- pregnancies will be managed in community clinics, by
quent visits and offered preventive care to prohibit/reduce general treating gynecologists. For high- and intermediate-
the risk of developing particular disorders while allowing risk pregnancies, follow-up will be offered via two potential
the majority of gravid women who are at low risk to enjoy pathways:
less medically intense pregnancy care, many women wish to
experience pregnancy as a healthy period. ●● Hospital maternal–fetal medicine clinics: High-risk preg-
The smaller group of women who are at a higher likeli- nancy with a multidisciplinary team including special-
hood of developing the threatening outcome will then be ized perinatologists, ultrasound experts and technicians,
directed to an intensive process of evaluation and, when pregnancy nurse educators, dietitians, genetic counselor,
appropriate, offered preventive treatment. The smaller size and perinatal laboratory personnel with immediate refer-
of this group enables to focus the efforts on those who need ral to invasive diagnostic tests.
it, while the majority will not require intensive medical ●● Women’s healthcare centers: A regional network of
attention. clinics that will have a dedicated service for high-risk
The model is shifting perinatal management from the women, with specialized perinatologists working in
treatment of complications after they develop to early risk tight cooperation with the regional obstetric depart-
identification during the first trimester of pregnancy to ment. It is important to note that in Israel today, some
enable prevention. For example, women who are at an ele- tests that are in the market and are important for a com-
vated risk for major pregnancy disorders, such as placental plete risk assessment as offered by high-risk algorithms
insufficiency, are offered the use of daily aspirin already in developed by the Fetal Medicine Foundation in London
the first trimester to prevent the development of preeclamp- are not yet included in the pregnancy tests covered by the
sia and IUGR, based on evidence that low-dose aspirin state insurance policy for pregnant women.* Thus Clalit
from the first trimester prevents preeclampsia, fetal growth offers a local additional alternative, through its fully
restriction, and stillbirth by at least 50%.44 It has been evalu- owned complementary insurance network of Mor for
ated that the cost of implementing such broad first trimester Women Health providing access to these new services.
evaluation and prevention is much cheaper than treating the The inverted pyramid of antenatal care proposes two
long-term impact of preeclampsia on mothers and their off- major additional clinic visits in the second trimester, at
spring, preventing further mortality and morbidity.45 This the 22nd and 32nd gestational weeks. The model sug-
approach was already taken in Australia on a small group gests a stepwise reduction in the number of patients at
of patients, which is further evaluated with the European the high-risk group during these additional visits, and
Commission (EC) project Aspirin for preeclampsia (ASPRE). the identification of the intermediate group, which can
The vast majority of women in the very-low-risk category be removed from close surveillance. Those that are iden-
can be reassured that preeclampsia and IUGR are unlikely. tified to develop these conditions in late pregnancy can
The power of the inverted pyramid and of the proposed be offered planning for a timed or early delivery.
contingent model of prevention could be demonstrated for
the case of Down syndrome. Early screening is based on Postpregnancy: Early prevention of NCDs by early
maternal age, biochemical markers, and nuchal translu- examination shortly after birth
cency. Based on the initial risk, a small proportion of women The third floor of Clalit’s Maternal Medicine Meets Fetal
at the highest risk are directed to interventional procedures Medicine project is offered for the postpregnancy period
(Chorionic Villus Sampling [CVS], or early amniocentesis) (Figure 1.3). The prevalence of various forms of NCDs—
and karyotyping. The intermediate-risk group is referred to the whole spectrum of metabolic syndrome and premature
cell-free fetal DNA testing to assess for chromosomal abnor- CVDs—is increased in women with a history of maternal
malities while the very-low-risk group is sent home. With placental syndromes (pregnancy-induced complications),
this approach, the fetal medicine foundation group was able including GDM, pregnancy-associated hypertensive disor-
to show prediction of more than 97% of all major trisomies ders (e.g., preeclampsia), fetal growth restriction, preterm
in the first trimester.46 labor, and placental abruption. 50 Following pregnancies
In the case of SPB, an algorithm at 11–13 weeks identi- with any of the aforementioned conditions, the informa-
fies a small, very-high-risk group with a history of SPB and a tion will be passed to the family physician, neonatolo-
short cervix that can benefit from the treatment of cerclage gist, and pediatrician, which will refer the patients to the
or followed up closely and offered prevention treatment with needed consultants—e.g., diabetologists, endocrinologists,
progesterone at the 22nd gestational week. Based on ran-
domized studies, evidence was found that the use of proges-
terone can prevent SPB by 45%.47 The vast majority of women * In this context, it is important to note that this community clinic–based
in the very-low-risk category can be reassured that SPB is solution should be adopted as the healthcare model of each country that
unlikely. should involve not just midwives but also obstetric gynecologists.
8 Introduction
Follow-up—Postpregnancy-induced complications
Normal Cardiovascular risk other
New pregnancy
Early evaluation (first visit)
FPG Treatment
HbA1c and/or
OGTT prevention
Other options
cardiologists, and nutritionists. Thus, the women will be evaluate the preconception risks to adjust patient’s glycemic
immediately managed aggressively in community clinics control and dietary, physical activity, and nonsmoking hab-
that will provide measures for the prediction and preven- its before conception. Combining the two floors will improve
tion of future pathological conditions, including lifestyle pre- and postpregnancy management and integrate the skills
management, medication, and family lifestyle advice and of the specialists in maternal and fetal medicine with inter-
support. nal medicine and family physicians to substantially improve
maternal and fetal outcome. The preconception service meets
the needs and habits of the young generation through com-
Summary munication and family planning. The inverted pyramid floor
forms the opportunity for the majority of pregnant women
NCDs such as CVDs, diabetes, obesity, and hypertension to experience pregnancy as a healthy period, offering them
have significant adverse impacts on maternal health and reassuring evidence to enjoy such an approach. The small
pregnancy outcomes, and through the imprinting mecha- proportion of women who are at a high risk and need close
nism of intrauterine programming, the burden of future surveillance and perhaps treatment will have the opportunity
NCDs is highly influenced by pregnancy disorders and to do so and will be offered a sensible service personalized
impacts the burden of NCDs in future generations.51,52 to their needs. Together the two floors are tailored better to
Research today has shown repeated cycles of vulnerabil- the public. The dedicated postpartum and child development
ity to NCDs through major pregnancy disorders such as low floor could offer better monitoring to women who experi-
birth weight, preeclampsia, GDM, and SPB that are propa- enced pregnancy complications in adjusting their lifestyle
gating the risk for NCDs to subsequent generations through and taking healthcare measures. It enables early intervention
epigenetic, physiological, endocrinological, and biochemical and diagnosis of newborn complications to reach sufficient
pathways. nutrient support, physical training, physiotherapy, and cog-
Clalit’s Maternal Medicine Meets Fetal Medicine project is nitive progress in a period of plasticity of the brain and of
based on three “floors.” At the core is the inverted pyramid of other tissues to achieve better outcomes.51,52
antenatal care that offers a systematic method to screen and
prevent pregnancy disorders according to the principles set up
by Nicolaides,13 involving first trimester risk score and con- Acknowledgment
tingency managements of low-, intermediate-, and high-risk
pregnancies according to individualized management plans. The funding for this review was partially obtained from
In the preconception period, Clalit’s Maternal Medicine the ASPRE project of the EC Seventh Framework project #
Meets Fetal Medicine project offers an additional floor to 601852 (KN, HM).
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21. Barker DJP, Hales CN, Fall CHD et al. Type 2 (non-insulin depen- 43. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Prenatal
dent) diabetes mellitus, hypertension and hyperlipidaemia (syn- and preconceptional carrier screening for genetic diseases in indi-
drome X): Relation to reduced fetal growth. Diabetologia 1993; viduals of Eastern European Jewish descent. ACOG Committee
36: 62–67. Opinion No. 298. Obstet Gynecol 2004; 104: 425–428.
22. Wehkalampi K, Muurinen M, Wirta SB et al. Altered methyla- 44. Roberge S, Villa P, Nicolaides K et al. Early administration of low-
tion of IGF2 Locus 20 years after preterm birth at very low birth dose aspirin for the prevention of preterm and term preeclamp-
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24. Li Y, Jaddoe VW, Qi L et al. Exposure to the Chinese famine 46. Gil MM, Akolekar R, Quezada MS et al. Analysis of cell-free DNA
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Diabetes Care 2011; 34: 1014–1018. Fetal Diagn Ther 2014; 35: 156–173.
10 Introduction
47. Romero R, Nicolaides K, Conde-Agudelo A et al. Vaginal proges- 50. Siddiqui N, Hladunewich M. Understanding the link between the
terone in women with an asymptomatic sonographic short cer- placenta and future cardiovascular disease. Trends Cardiovasc
vix in the midtrimester decreases preterm delivery and neonatal Med 2011; 21: 188–193.
morbidity: A systematic review and metaanalysis of individual 51. Zwicker JG, Harris SR. Quality of life of formerly preterm and
patient data. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2012; 206: 124.e1–124.e19. very low birth weight infants from preschool age to adulthood.
48. Metzger BE, Lowe LP, Dyer AR et al., HAPO Study Cooperative Pediatrics 2008; 121: e366–e376.
Research Group. Hyperglycemia and adverse pregnancy out- 52. Vederhus BJ, Markestad T, Eide GE et al. Health related quality
comes. N Engl J Med 2008; 358: 1991–2002. of life after extremely preterm birth: A matched controlled cohort
49. Cotarelo A, Zaman HT, Jovanovič L, Hod M. Technology and study. Health Qual Life Outcomes 2010; 8: 53.
pregnancy. Diabetes Technol Ther 2014; 16(Suppl. 1): S68–S77.
2 History of diabetic pregnancy
David R. Hadden
12 History of diabetic pregnancy
He survived for many years and became the leading diabetes successfully treated by diet only (which was probably type 2,
specialist in England.6 rather than type 1) are of considerable theoretical interest,
These two doctors, Joslin in Boston and Lawrence in but it is perhaps important that these cases were not often
London, became the leaders of the revolution that would reported in the literature and may well have been missed due
take place in both the opportunity for and the outcome of to not even testing the urine for sugar.
pregnancy in diabetic women. In the preinsulin days, and for some time after, death of
the mother during or soon after pregnancy from uncon-
trolled diabetes was the major risk. But maternal mortality
Pregnancy and diabetes before the was high for many reasons unrelated to diabetes, and retro-
discovery of insulin spective analysis of data from England and Wales between
1850 and 1937 shows that poor interventional obstetric care
A full historical review of fertility and of the outcome of with increased risk of puerperal sepsis was more important
pregnancy in different parts of the world is beyond the scope than social or economic deprivation.10 The maternal mortal-
of this chapter, but there are a number of aspects that are of ity rates for Scandinavian countries were much lower, and
particular relevance to the story of diabetes. Medical history it is now clear that this was due to better overall obstetric
in particular is constrained by publication bias, and there management in the prevention of sepsis; in the United States,
is much more available data regarding Europe and North maternal mortality between 1921 and 1924 was 6.8 per 1000
America than in other parts of the world. The geographi- births, in England and Wales 3.9 per 1000 births, and in the
cal and ethnic differences in the distribution, development, Netherlands only 2.5 per 1000 births.8 These differences at
and management of diabetes in different places at different national level have been widely discussed, but must be borne
times would be of great interest to review, but as the data in mind when considering the isolated effect of maternal dia-
are patchy and both diabetic and obstetric treatments often betes over those years.
poorly defined, it may be that “History followed different Overall perinatal mortality (death of the fetus after
courses for different peoples, because of differences among 28 weeks or within 7 days of delivery) has shown a more
peoples’ environments, not because of biological differences consistent fall over the same period of time in all Western
among peoples themselves.”7 There are certainly both envi- countries. Most of the decline was in postneonatal mortality
ronmental and genetic reasons for the differing prevalence related to the rising standards of living and nutrition but also
and incidence of diabetes in different countries, as much to improved public health measures—broadly speaking, the
as for the different outcomes of pregnancy, but the interna- predominant form of infant mortality in Western countries
tional historical study of these factors is still in its infancy. was postneonatal in the nineteenth century and neonatal
The collection of vital statistics first became avail- in the twentieth. There was not a close link between neo-
able at varying times in the developed Western countries. natal and maternal mortality, but there were very consider-
The Scandinavian countries were first Sweden (1749) and able differences in each of these measures between countries
Denmark (1801), England and Wales followed (1838), and at the time of discovery of insulin (Table 2.1). The overall
then Russia (1867); although the process was initiated in infant mortality rates in Scandinavian countries were per-
the United States in 1880, it did not become complete until sistently lower than in England and Wales, or Belgium,
1933.8 Fertility rates have varied as much as death rates and between 1920 and 1965, although all countries show a steady
migration in different countries, so that population dynam- exponential decline.8 As perinatal mortality is now used as
ics will have a considerable effect on reported statistics for a
single condition such as diabetes in pregnancy. The classi-
cal Malthusian checks on death rate—disease, famine, and Table 2.1 Overall maternal mortality and infant and
war—and the effects of celibacy and restraint on birth rate neonatal mortality for selected countries at the time
will have more effect on the overall outcome statistics of of discovery of insulin
pregnancy in diabetic mothers than the diabetes itself. The
general fertility rate for England and Wales was about 130 Maternal Infant Neonatal
live births per 1000 women between the ages of 15 and 44 in deaths, deaths, deaths,
1840 but is now only half that rate. At present, the total fertil- 1921–1924, 1924, per 1924,
per 1000 1000 per 1000
ity rate (average number of children born per woman) varies
Country births births births
from 2.1 in Western Europe to 6.7 in West Africa.9 However,
there is no doubt that untreated diabetes must have been vir- The Netherlands 2.5 67.3 18.6
tually incompatible with successful pregnancy before about Japan 3.3 166.4 67.5
1850. In 1856, Blott in Paris wrote that “True diabetes was England/Wales 3.9 75.1 33.1
inconsistent with conception,” and certainly the then short Australia 4.5 57.1 29.8
life expectancy of a young woman with what we now call United States 6.8 70.8 38.6
type 1 diabetes before the discovery of insulin would sup-
Source: Loudon, I., Death in Childbirth: An International Study
port that statement. Recent speculation on the possible of Maternal Care and Maternal Mortality 1800–1950,
nutritional causes of the present-day epidemic of type 2 Clarendon Press, Oxford, U.K., 1992, pp. 1–622.
diabetes in older patients means that any data on diabetes
Important early publications 13
a main comparator for the outcome of diabetic pregnancy, only a few Caucasian.24 Subsequent studies in many parts
it is important to bear these long-standing historical trends of the world have extended the recognition of what has now
in mind. become, in some places, an epidemic of hyperglycemia in
Congenital malformations are also an important compar- pregnancy. Jorgen Pedersen also used the term gestational
ator for obstetrical results, but the recognition of a possible diabetes in his monograph in 1967, but preferred to so clas-
link with maternal diabetes is much more recent: anecdotal sify a mother only after delivery, when he had demonstrated
accounts in small series in the 1940s were not supported until that her abnormal glucose tolerance in pregnancy had actu-
the report by the U.K. Medical Research Council in 195511 ally returned to normal postpartum; this rigorous defini-
and the larger series from Copenhagen in 1964.12 Historical tion has proved too difficult to achieve in practice.25,26 The
records on the frequency of congenital malformations true definition of hyperglycemia in pregnancy judged by the
are very incomplete, and it was not until the International internationally acceptable 75 g oral glucose tolerance test
Clearinghouse for Birth Defects began to operate after 1974 awaits the results of the large Hyperglycemia and Adverse
that any baseline data on the prevalence of congenital mal- Pregnancy Outcome study.27 The enthusiasm of the team at
formations became possible.13 It is still difficult to compare Northwestern University, Chicago, led by Norbert Freinkel
results for specifically identified diabetic pregnancies with and subsequently by Boyd Metzger has ensured that the con-
overall national malformation rates where the collection of cept of gestational diabetes is now firmly imprinted on the
cases is much less detailed.14 Other obstetrical complications obstetric mind, as well as having established a major place
such as preeclampsia appear today to be more common in as an epidemiological tool to study not only the immediate
diabetic pregnancy, but it is difficult to trace this possible outcome of pregnancy but also the long-term effects on both
interrelationship back to the days before organized antenatal mother and baby of the relatively short phase of hyperglyce-
care. Some of the cases where maternal death occurred in a mia during the latter part of the pregnancy.
diabetic pregnancy may have been due to eclampsia rather
than diabetic coma.
Important early publications
Gestational diabetes The historical development of understanding in obstetric,
metabolic, and pediatric disciplines over the past 100 years
The concept of gestational diabetes, actually meaning hyper- is perhaps best illustrated by several more extensive quota-
glycemia due to the pregnancy itself but in practice defined tions and commentaries on seminal papers from the early
as “carbohydrate intolerance of varying severity with onset literature: Bennewitz HG, Diabetes mellitus—A symptom of
or first recognition during pregnancy,” is also recent.15 In the pregnancy [translated from Latin].28
very first recorded case, Bennewitz, in 1823, considered that This is the first reference to diabetes in pregnancy.
the diabetes was actually a symptom of the pregnancy, and Although the patient was young, the clearly described onset
as the symptoms and glycosuria disappeared after at least of her symptoms during the pregnancy would now classify
two successive pregnancies, he had some evidence to support this as gestational diabetes. Is it possible that she only sur-
his views.16 That lesser degrees of maternal hyperglycemia vived because she has a milder case who responded to diet,
were also a risk to pregnancy outcome dates back to studies while all the more severe type 1 diabetic patients died?
in the 1940s in the United States17,18 and Scotland,19 which Henry Gottleib Bennewitz publicly defended his the-
showed increased perinatal mortality some years before the sis for the degree of doctor of medicine at the University
recognition of clinical diabetes mellitus. This led to the term of Berlin on June 24, 1824. It is a simple case report and
prediabetes in pregnancy and to poorly defined concepts of review of the literature on the causes and treatments of
temporary and latent diabetes. The first prospective study diabetes known at that time. His Greek derivation of the
of carbohydrate metabolism in pregnancy was established word diabetes and his one-line definition of the symp-
in Boston in 1954, using a 50 g 1-hour screening test, which toms are unchanged today: “Urine differing in quality and
has subsequently been widely adopted in the United States.20 quantity from the normal … accompanied by unquench-
O’Sullivan21 first used the name gestational diabetes in 1961, able thirst and eventual wasting.” Before giving the case
following the term metagestational diabetes used by Dr. JP history, he summarized his belief that the diabetic con-
Hoet in 1954 after his early studies in Louvain, Belgium.22 dition was in some way a symptom of the pregnancy, or
At that time, the U.S. emphasis was on establishing crite- due to the pregnancy. He noted that “Other disorders …
ria for the 100 g oral glucose tolerance test in pregnancy as began to break out as the pregnancy matured … the little
an index of the subsequent risk of the mother developing fires which had hidden beneath the smouldering deceiving
established diabetes, and the well-known O’Sullivan cri- ashes broke forth and devoured again the woman’s condi-
teria were derived on this basis.23 At about the same time, tion in the most wretched manner.” He was convinced that
Mestman, in southern California, began to identify the very “The disease appeared along with pregnancy, and at the
considerably increased perinatal mortality associated with very same time …; when pregnancy appeared, it appeared;
abnormal oral glucose tolerance in the obstetric popula- while pregnancy lasted, it lasted; it terminated soon after
tion of Los Angeles County Hospital, which then comprised the pregnancy.” He showed a degree of humility when he
>60% Latino mothers with the rest African-American and remarked that his patient must be something of a rare bird.
14 History of diabetic pregnancy
The case history commences on November 13, 1823, were usually of a large size: at least 10 survived and only 3
when Frederica Pape, aged 22, was admitted at 7 months in miscarriages are recorded; another 20 pregnancies seem to
her fifth pregnancy to the Berlin Infirmary. The first three have occurred before the recorded cases, so some of these
pregnancies appear to have been unremarkable, but in the mothers must represent late-onset type 2 or gestational dia-
fourth in 1822 she had an onset of thirst and polyuria that betes, and these seemed to have a better prognosis for both
had resolved spontaneously after delivery. These symptoms mother and child.
returned at an unspecified time in her fifth pregnancy: she
had “a really unquenchable thirst—she consumed more So far as is known, all, with one exception, were mul-
than six Berlin measures of beer or spring water, although tipara, the pregnancy of highest number being the tenth.
the quantity of urine greatly exceeded the amount of liquid They cannot be read without giving a strong impression
consumed, and the urine itself smelt like stale beer. Her voice of the great gravity of the complication, but they are not
was weak, skin dry, face cold and she complained of a drag- sufficiently numerous to justify any statistical argument
ging pain in her back.” based on the number of occurrences.
Treatment was more a matter of belief than of under-
standing, but apart from having withdrawn 360 mL of The histories further show that
venous blood all at once (the equivalent of 36 10 mL routine
blood tests today) and taking a high-protein diet, probably • Diabetes may come on during the pregnancy.
deficient in vitamins, she must have benefited from the rest • Diabetes may occur only during pregnancy, being
and care. The measurement of 2 oz of sugar in 16 lb (224 oz) absent at other times.
of urine, which is equivalent to about 1% glycosuria, was • Diabetes may cease with the termination of the preg-
Bennewitz’s only biochemical evidence of diabetes mellitus. nancy, recurring some time afterwards.
From about 32 to 36 weeks, the patient had a recurrent sore • Pregnancy may occur during diabetes.
throat and increased abdominal distension such that twins • Pregnancy and parturition may be apparently unaf-
were suspected. When examined on December 28, 1823, fected in its healthy progress by diabetes.
the cervix was dilating and the fetal head already partially • Pregnancy is very liable to be interrupted in its course,
descended. On December 29, she had an obstructed labor, and probably always by the death of the foetus.
and the child died intrapartum, probably due to delay in the
second stage. Bennewitz remarked that the baby was of “such Whitfield Williams was professor of obstetrics at Johns
robust and healthy character whom you would have thought Hopkins University and wrote the first major American
Hercules had begotten.” The infant weighed 12 lb, a fact wit- textbook on obstetrics, which still survives today in the eigh-
nessed carefully. Postpartum, in spite of continued dieting, teenth edition. He was concerned that the demonstration of
sweating and purging, and the application of eight leeches, sugar in the urine in pregnancy would be overinterpreted.
the patient’s strength improved daily, and sugar disappeared “I know of no complication of pregnancy the significance
from her urine. “With nature to preserve and treat her, we of which is more variously interpreted than the presence of
dismissed our patient cured.” sugar in the urine of pregnant women.” Williams blamed
Unfortunately, there is no record of the woman’s sub- Matthews Duncan29 for concluding that the detection of
sequent health, perhaps because Dr. Bennewitz presented sugar in the urine constituted one of the most serious compli-
his thesis within 6 months and, having been successful in cations of pregnancy, as Duncan’s views were accepted with-
obtaining his doctorate, dropped out of academic medicine. out question, although they were based on a small series of
This pregnancy would certainly qualify as “carbohydrate 22 pregnancies in 16 women collected from the then medical
intolerance of varying severity with onset or first recogni- literature over 60 years, and his own small experience in
tion during pregnancy”—which was the definition agreed Aberdeen. Williams30 presented six case reports to illustrate
for gestational diabetes at the first workshop–conference in the various conditions in which sugar may be observed in the
Chicago in 1980. urine of pregnant women: simple lactosuria, transient gly-
Matthews Duncan graduated in Aberdeen and became cosuria (two cases), alimentary glycosuria, recurrent glycos-
one of the leading obstetricians of his day. This compila- uria, and mild diabetes. All resulted in a normal pregnancy
tion of cases from the literature, from anecdotal reports, outcome (although all the recorded birth weights were >8 lb).
and from his own experience first identified the serious He then analyzed the urinary records of 3000 consecutive
problem of diabetes to the obstetrical world. He recorded patients in the obstetrical department of Johns Hopkins
at least 22 pregnancies in 15 mothers between the ages of Hospital, in 167 of whom sugar had been demonstrated by
21 and 38 (the data are confused in places): the mother Fehling’s solution. He concluded that 137 of these repre-
survived the pregnancy for long enough to become preg- sented definite postpartum lactosuria, being recognized
nant again in 9 instances, in 5 died at the delivery, and in only during lactation, and that almost all the others who had
6 within a few months. The cause of maternal death was been recognized in late pregnancy were similar. He was able
usually diabetic coma, although it is not possible to exclude to accurately distinguish glucose from lactose in a few cases
eclampsia, and some must also have developed puerperal and found only 2 of the 167 cases had definite glycosuria and
sepsis, and one died from exacerbation of tuberculosis. could thus be considered to have mild diabetes complicat-
Out of the 22 babies, 12 died, usually in utero, and they ing pregnancy. This may be the first evidence of screening
References 15
for gestational diabetes, suggesting a rather low prevalence treated with insulin (probably the more severe and often
in hospital practice in Baltimore, MD, nearly 100 years ago. referred cases), the perinatal mortality was still 57%.31 The
The major difficulty in the bedside measurement of 13 perinatal deaths included 6 stillbirths, 2 intrapartum
reducing sugars by Fehling’s test is no longer apparent, as deaths, and 5 early neonatal deaths; of the 10 living children,
all test strips now use a glucose oxidase system and recog- 3 were asphyxiated at birth, 1 weighed only 1500 g, and 1
nize only glucosuria (lactosuria will still occur but no longer was 5250 g. Histological examination of the pancreas in two
causes medical concern). Whitfield Williams then tabulated full-weight fetuses showed a pronounced increase in the size
all reported cases (81) of diabetes complicating pregnancy and number of the islets of Langerhans. Dr. Brandstrup,
from 1826 to 1907: he considered 15 cases to be doubtful, as who was in charge of these mothers’ care during that time,
glycosuria disappeared after delivery (including the famous set the scene for the future advances made by his successor
patient first reported by Bennewitz in 1826, although he had Dr. Jorgen Pedersen after the war.
not read the full case report in the original Latin). He calcu- Brandstrup noted that most of his patients had been
lated an overall immediate maternal mortality of 27%, with considered to be well adjusted with insulin treatment, but
an additional 23% of mothers dying within the following that they still had high levels of blood sugar for the greater
2 years. He concluded: “Pregnancy may occur in diabetic part of the day. He had previously undertaken physiologi-
women, or diabetes may become manifest during pregnancy; cal studies in pregnant rabbits on the passage of carbohy-
either is a serious complication, although the prognosis is drates across the placenta after intravenous injection and
not so alarming as is frequently stated.” had shown that while glucose and pentoses passed across
Joslin was the first internist to specialize in diabetes by a process of slow diffusion, the placental membrane was
and wrote the first textbook on the subject. In 1915, 6 years almost impermeable to disaccharides, including saccharose
before the discovery of insulin, he was able to describe and lactose.32 He described one case treated in 1927, illus-
seven personal cases of moderate or severe diabetes asso- trated by a 24-hour curve for blood sugar, who had been
ciated with pregnancy. He wished to take a more hopeful treated with two doses of insulin daily, felt well, and was
view, but admitted that little progress had been made. Of his looked upon as treated adequately, but he was unhappy with
seven cases, four were dead—one by suicide, one with ure- the level of control achieved:
mic manifestations (eclampsia), one of diabetic coma while
under the care of a clairvoyant, and the fourth, having sur- The blood sugar is seen to keep at very high levels through
vived one pregnancy with a healthy child, died of pulmo- a great part of the day. This feature is typical of the severe
nary tuberculosis 2 months after losing her second child. cases of diabetes under treatment with insulin, and it
But he was pleased that of the three remaining cases, one explains why the children are subject to intrauterine
was in exceptionally good health, free from sugar, and had a obesity through excessive supply of sugar also now in
normal child, another in a tolerable condition having been the epoch of insulin therapy. But these children are not
pregnant three times but with only one child now living, and only fat: they are large too. They present a condition of
the remaining case alive although severely ill with diabetes universal macrosomia … it seems probable that it is the
6 years after confinement. He closed his paper with an opti- maternal hyperglycaemia alone that brings about the
mistic comment: “It is certainly true that with the improve- pathologic–anatomical changes in the child.
ments in the treatment of diabetic patients [he meant strict
diet], diabetic women will be less likely to avoid pregnancy.”
The immediate postinsulin period was marked by some Conclusion
euphoria by both patients and their doctors, but it took
a long time for the very considerable fear of pregnancy to There is no doubt that had insulin not been discovered in
diminish and to some extent that fear remains to the pres- 1922, then the present-day outlook for successful pregnancy
ent day. A careful retrospective assessment of those early in a diabetic mother would still remain very poor because of
years of insulin at the Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen from continued maternal hyperglycemia, in spite of the enormous
1926 to 1938 showed that although there had been no mater- improvements in social, medical, and obstetrical care that
nal deaths in 22 pregnancies in 19 diabetic women mostly have occurred in the intervening years.
1. Peel J. A historical review of diabetes and pregnancy. Obstet 6. Laurence RD, Oakley WG. Diabetic pregnancy. Q J Med 1942;
Gynaecol Br Comm 1972; 79: 385–395. 11: 45–54.
2. Reece EA. The history of diabetes mellitus. In: Reece EA, Coustan 7. Diamond J. Guns, Germs and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies,
DR, eds., Diabetes Mellitus in Pregnancy, 2nd ed., Churchill Norton & Co.: New York, 1997, p. 25.
Livingstone: New York, 1995, pp. 1–10. 8. Loudon I. Death in Childbirth: An International Study of Maternal
3. Banting FG, Best CH. The internal secretion of the pancreas. Care and Maternal Mortality 1800–1950, Clarendon Press:
J Lab Clin Med 1922; 7: 256–271. Oxford, U.K., 1992, pp. 1–622.
4. Bliss M. The Discovery of Insulin, Paul Harris Publishing: 9. Chamberlain G. Birth rates. In: Turnbull A, Chamberlain G, eds.,
Edinburgh, Scotland, 1983, pp. 20–58. Obstetrics, Churchill Livingstone: Edinburgh, Scotland, 1989,
5. Joslin EP. Pregnancy and diabetes mellitus. Boston Med Surg J pp. 1105–1110.
1915; 173: 841–849.
16 History of diabetic pregnancy
10. Turnbull A. Maternal mortality. In: Turnbull A, Chamberlain G, 20. Wilkerson HLC, Remein QR. Studies of abnormal carbohydrate
eds., Obstetrics, Churchill Livingstone: Edinburgh, Scotland, metabolism in pregnancy. Diabetes 1957; 6: 324–329.
1989, pp. 1121–1132. 21. O’Sullivan JB. Gestational diabetes. Unsuspected, asymptom-
11. Medical Research Council Conference on Diabetes and atic diabetes in pregnancy. N Engl J Med 1961; 264: 1082–1085.
Pregnancy. The use of hormones in the management of preg- 22. Hoet JP. Carbohydrate metabolism during pregnancy. Diabetes
nancy in diabetes. Lancet 1955; ii: 833–836. 1954; 3: 1–12.
12. Molsted-Pedersen L, Tygstrup I, Pederson J. Congenital malfor- 23. O’Sullivan JB, Mahan C. Criteria for the oral glucose tolerance
mations in newborn infants of diabetic women. Lancet 1964; i: test in pregnancy. Diabetes 1964; 13: 278–285.
1124–1126. 24. Mestman JH, Anderson GU, Barton P. Carbohydrate metabo-
13. International Clearinghouse for Birth Defects Monitoring Systems. lism in pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1971; 109: 41–45.
Congenital Malformations Worldwide, Elsevier: Amsterdam, the 25. Pederson J. Diabetes og gravid: En introduktion. Ugeskr Laeger
Netherlands, 1991, pp. 1–8. 1951; 113: 1771–1777.
14. Kalter H. Of Diabetic Mothers and Their Babies: An Examination 26. Pedersen J. The Pregnant Diabetic and Her Newborn: Problems and
of Maternal Diabetes on Offspring, Perinatal Development Management, Munksgaard: Copenhagen, Denmark, 1967, p. 46.
and Survival, Harwood Academic Publishers: Amsterdam, the 27. HAPO Study Cooperative Research Group. The Hyperglycemia
Netherlands, 2000, pp. 95–111. and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome (HAPO) study. Int J Gynecol
15. Freinkel N. Of pregnancy and progeny. The Banting Lecture Obstet 2002; 78: 69–77.
1980. Diabetes 1980; 29: 1023–1035. 28. Bennewitz HG. De diabete mellito, gravidatatis symptomate, MD
16. Hadden DR. The development of diabetes and its relation to thesis, University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 1824 [translated into
pregnancy: The long-term and short-term historical viewpoint. In: English, deposited at the Wellcome Museum of the History of
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17. Miller HC. The effect of the prediabetic state on the survival of 30. Williams JW. The clinical significance of glycosuria in pregnant
the fetus and the birthweight of the newborn infant. N Engl J Med women. Am J Med Sci 1909; 137: 1–26.
1945; 233: 376–378. 31. Brandstrup E, Okkels H. Pregnancy complicated with diabetes.
18. Hurwitz D, Jensen D. Carbohydrate metabolism in normal preg- Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 1938; 18: 136–163.
nancy. N Engl J Med 1946; 234: 327–329. 32. Brandstrup E. On the passage of some substances from mother
19. Gilbert JAL, Dunlop DM. Diabetic fertility, maternal mortality to fetus in the last part of pregnancy. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand
and foetal loss rate. Br Med J 1949; i: 48–51. 1930; 10: 251–287.
3 Metabolism in normal pregnancy
Emilio Herrera and Henar Ortega-Senovilla
18 Metabolism in normal pregnancy
late pregnancy, nitrogen balance is modified to allow a more uteroplacental blood flow, and maternal concentrations of
efficient use of dietary proteins.20 amino acids, 24 all of which change as gestation advances
Although these alterations in protein metabolism dur- and are dependent on maternal health.26
ing late pregnancy favor nitrogen conservation, pregnancy
is associated with hypoaminoacidemia, which is especially
evident during fasting, is present at early gestation, and per- Lipid metabolism
sists throughout pregnancy.21,22 Since insulin infusion in
nonpregnant adults decreases both plasma amino acid lev- Accumulation of fat depots in maternal tissues and mater-
els and protein breakdown, it is proposed that the decrease nal hyperlipidemia are characteristic features during normal
in plasma amino acids found during normal pregnancy pregnancy. Although lipids cross the placenta with difficulty,
is not associated with the insulin resistance condition of essential fatty acids (EFA) and long-chain polyunsaturated
pregnancy. Thus, maternal hypoaminoacidemia reflects fatty acids (LCPUFA) are needed for fetal growth and devel-
increased placental amino acid uptake. Additionally, mater- opment and must arrive from maternal circulation. Thus,
nal oxidation of branched-chain amino acids decreases in throughout pregnancy, there are major changes in lipid
late pregnancy, increasing their availability for transfer to metabolism.
the fetus.23
In contrast to glucose, the concentrations of most amino
acids in fetal plasma are higher than those found in the Adipose tissue metabolism
mother, because placental transfer of amino acids is carried Fat accumulation takes place during the first two-thirds of
out by an active process, using selective transporters and gestation27,28 and represents an important contribution to
metabolic energy.24,25 This capacity to concentrate amino the increase in maternal body weight that take place dur-
acids on the fetal side of the placenta against the concentra- ing pregnancy.29 It is the result of both hyperphagia and
tion gradient is clearly seen in the fed and 24-hour fasted increased lipid synthesis and is driven by the greater respon-
rat. As shown in Figure 3.1, under fed conditions, maternal siveness to insulin by adipose tissue that occurs during early
total plasma amino acid levels are similar in 20-day pregnant pregnancy.30 During this early stage of pregnancy, there is
rats and sex- and age-matched virgin animals, whereas the also an increase in adipose tissue lipoprotein lipase (LPL)
levels in fetal plasma are already higher than in the mother. activity as reported in women31 and in rats,32 which cata-
However, after fasting, the decline of plasma amino acids lyzes the hydrolysis of circulating triacylglycerols (TAGs)
in the late pregnant rat is greater than that seen in virgin that are carried in TAG-rich lipoproteins (i.e., chylomicrons
animals, whereas fetal total plasma amino acid concentra- and very-low-density lipoproteins [VLDLs]). The hydrolytic
tion remains the same as when fed. Thus, under fasting, the products, nonesterified fatty acids (NEFAs) and glycerol, are
fetal/maternal total amino acid ratio becomes even higher taken up by the subjacent tissue,33 and overall these changes
than when fed, showing the efficiency of the placenta in facilitate the accumulation of lipids in maternal depots.
transferring amino acids against the gradient. A multiplic- Further increments in maternal fat depots cease dur-
ity of factors affects the overall placental amino acid deliv- ing the third trimester of gestation as a consequence of two
ery rates, including the activity and location of the amino changes: (1) a decrease in the LPL activity,34 which mainly
acid transporter systems, changes in placental surface area, corresponds to that present in adipose tissue35 and causes a
decline in the hydrolysis and uptake of TAG circulating in
the TAG-rich lipoproteins, and (2) an increased activity of
10 enzymes that cause the lipolysis of adipose tissue TAG stores,
b b which is especially manifest under fasting conditions.36,37
8 The placental transfer of the products of adipose tissue
Concentration of plasma
Maternal acids
Figure 3.2 Schematic representation of maternal response to starvation during late pregnancy. Enhanced adipose tissue lipolysis
increases the availability of glycerol in the liver, where it is used as the preferential substrate for gluconeogenesis, and of non-
esterified fatty acids (NEFA) for ketogenesis. This mechanism enables the mother to preserve other gluconeogenic substrates,
such as amino acids (mainly, alanine), and ensures their availability to the fetus while producing glucose for the fetus and her
own needs. Note: TAG, triacylglycerols.
Thus, as shown in Figure 3.2, both the mother and the fasting conditions, where maternal hypoglycemia seems to
fetus benefit from the increased adipose tissue lipolytic be responsible for an increase in catecholamine production44
activity during late pregnancy, especially during periods of and consequently for increasing the breakdown of fat depot
fasting. The preferential conversion of glycerol to glucose and promoting the use of NEFA and glycerol by maternal tis-
allows the preservation of other gluconeogenic substrates sues while preserving glucose and amino acids for the fetus.
like alanine and other amino acids for transfer to the fetus.
The active production of ketone bodies from fatty acids by
fasting maternal liver allows both their transfer to the fetus Hyperlipidemia
and their use by maternal tissues such as skeletal muscle as Hyperlipidemia normally develops during the last third of
alternative fuels. Ketone bodies also save glucose for its use gestation and mainly corresponds to increases in TAGs, with
by maternal tissues, like the nervous system that depends smaller rises in phospholipids and cholesterol.29,34 As well as
on glucose, and for its transfer by the placenta. the increase in VLDL levels described earlier, the increase
Pregnancy hormones may contribute to some of the in plasma TAGs also results from their proportional enrich-
changes taking place in adipose tissue metabolism. Figure 3.3 ment in both low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density
summarizes the main pathways of adipose tissue metabo- lipoprotein (HDL),34 lipoproteins that are normally poor in
lism, showing how representative hormones exert active con- TAGs. Such changes in the maternal lipoprotein profile and
trol on them. Insulin augments LPL activity and therefore composition are the result of the combined action of several
increases the uptake of circulating TAG-rich lipoproteins, factors, which are schematically summarized in Figure 3.4:
whereas it decreases the adipocytes’ lipolytic activity. This (1) the arrival of larger amounts of the adipose tissue lipolytic
later effect is achieved by increasing the conversion of cAMP products, NEFA and glycerol, at the liver, which facilitates the
into AMP and consequently decreasing the activator of the hepatic synthesis of TAGs, and their subsequent release into
protein kinase A, which is responsible for the breakdown of the circulation as VLDL; (2) a decreased removal of VLDL
intracellular TAG through the phosphorylation and activa- from the circulation as a consequence of the reduced adi-
tion of several key proteins like perilipin, adipocyte TAG pose tissue LPL activity; (3) an increase in cholesteryl ester
lipase, and hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL). transfer protein activity that takes place at midgestation,45
On the other hand, lipolytic hormones increase the activ- facilitating the transfer of cholesterol from LDL and HDL
ity of the lipolytic cascade by increasing the activity of ade- to VLDL in exchange for TAGs; and (4) the intense decrease
nylate cyclase and consequent production of cAMP, as is the in hepatic lipase (HL),34 which results in less conversion of
case for glucagon and catecholamines, by interacting with the relatively buoyant HDL2b TAG-rich particles into smaller
their respective receptors (Figure 3.3). TAG-poor and cholesterol-rich particles (HDL3), allowing
In early pregnancy, increased estrogen, progesterone, and the former to accumulate in the circulation.34
insulin favor lipid deposition and inhibit lipolysis. However, Plasma estrogen increases hepatic VLDL production46
in late pregnancy, placental hormones like human chorionic and decreases HL expression and activity.47 Consequently,
somatotropin add to the effect of the insulin resistance by the increase in its concentration during gestation will add
promoting lipolysis and fat mobilization. This shift from to the effects of the insulin resistance48 and contribute to the
an anabolic to a catabolic state is further accelerated under maternal hypertriacylglycerolemia.
20 Metabolism in normal pregnancy
Glucagon +
α γ
ACIL-CoA Perilipin
Figure 3.3 Overview of adipose tissue lipolysis and the uptake of circulating triacylglycerol (TAG)-rich lipoproteins (mainly very-
low-density lipoprotein [VLDL]) and their control by insulin, glucagon, and catecholamines. The binding of glucagon or catechol-
amines to their respective receptors (in case of catecholamines to the β-adrenergic receptors, β-AR) activates adenylate cyclase (AC)
and increases the production of cyclic AMP (cAMP). This leads to the activation of protein kinase A (PKA), which phosphorylates
and activates several key proteins including perilipin, adipocyte triacylglycerol lipase (ATGL), and hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL).
Phosphorylation of perilipin modifies its barrier function, resulting in a restructuring of the surface of the lipid droplet, and allows
access by the lipases to the lipid droplets. The translocation of ATGL and HSL from the cytosol to the lipid droplet results in the
sequential hydrolysis of TAGs to diacylglycerols (DAG) and then to monoacylglycerols (MAG), which are hydrolyzed by monoac-
ylglycerol lipase (MAGL) producing nonesterified fatty acids (NEFAs) and glycerol. Glycerol is directly released into the circulation;
the NEFAs are bound to adipocyte fatty acid binding protein, which facilitates their intracellular trafficking from the droplet surface
to the plasma membrane as part of their efflux from the cell. In plasma, the NEFAs circulate bound to other binding proteins (fatty
acid binding proteins), of which albumin is the most abundant. Insulin also has many effects, most of which oppose the effects of
glucagon and catecholamines. It stimulates lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity, increasing the hydrolysis of circulating TAGs of TAG-
rich lipoproteins (mainly VLDL), to facilitate the uptake of released NEFA, which are converted into TAG inside the cell, and has an
antilipolytic action by its activation on the phosphodiesterase (PDE) activity, which converts cAMP into 5′-AMP. This mechanism
reduces intracellular concentrations of cAMP, resulting in an inhibition of lipolysis. Conditions causing an insulin resistance, as is
the case in late pregnancy, prevent these two effects of insulin, i.e., they decrease LPL activity and increase lipolytic activity. These
actions are exaggerated at late pregnancy by the actions of catecholamines and lipolytic hormones produced by the placenta. ACS,
acyl-CoA synthetase; MGAT, acyl-CoA monoacylglycerol acyltransferase; DGAT, acyl-CoA diacylglycerol acyltransferase.
Benefits of maternal hypertriacylglycerolemia to the fasting conditions, the maternal liver switches from an
fetus and newborn exporter organ to an importer of plasma TAGs, which
Although maternal TAGs do not directly cross the placenta,49 may be used as substrates for ketogenesis. This allows the
we think that there are several ways by which the fetus and exaggerated increase in plasma ketone bodies, which, as
newborn may benefit from maternal hypertriacylglycerolemia: discussed earlier, save glucose in maternal tissues and
cross the placental barrier providing a substrate for the
1. Use of TAGs as metabolic fuels. Although adult liver fetus.
does not normally express LPL activity, studies in the 2. Placental transfer of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA).
rat have shown that under fasting conditions during late EFA from the maternal diet and LCPUFA, derived either
pregnancy, there is a marked increase in liver LPL activ- from the diet or by endogenous synthesis from EFA, are
ity.50 This liver LPL seems to be the result of the washout mainly transported in their esterified form in mater-
of LPL from extrahepatic tissues carried out by the rem- nal plasma lipoproteins rather than as NEFA.51 The
nants of the TAG-rich lipoproteins. In this way, under placenta expresses receptors for all the major plasma
Lipid metabolism 21
Figure 3.4 Schematic representation of the relationship of adipose tissue lipolytic activity with lipoprotein metabolism during
late pregnancy, and its role as a source of essential (EFA) and long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFA) for the fetus. CE,
cholesterol esters; CETP, cholesterol ester transfer protein; HDLs, high-density lipoproteins; LDLs, low-density lipoproteins; VLDLs,
very-low-density lipoproteins; LPL, lipoprotein lipase; HL, hepatic lipase; TG, triacylglycerols.
lipoproteins. It has different lipolytic activities, includ- Adipocytokines and fetal growth
ing LPL, phospholipase A 2, and an intracellular lipase, Adipose tissue secretes several specific proteins called adi-
and it also expresses fatty acid binding proteins (for pocytokines that play critical roles in energy homeostasis
a review, see Herrera et al.52). Thus, esterified PUFA in in adults, and some of them also modulate insulin action in
maternal plasma lipoproteins are taken up either intact different tissues.54,55 Changes in the plasma levels of some of
through the placenta’s receptors or after hydrolysis as these adipocytokines during pregnancy are involved in the
their constituent fatty acids. Within the placental tissue, maternal changes of insulin sensitivity and are known to
the fatty acids are reesterified to be subsequently hydro- contribute to fetal growth. Here we will describe four adipo-
lyzed along with those taken up intact and finally dif- cytokines that are known to possess this property: adipocyte
fused into the fetal plasma by a mechanism that is not fatty acid binding protein (AFABP), leptin, adiponectin, and
yet completely understood. This process, together with retinol binding protein 4 (RBP4).
the direct transfer of NEFA and the intrinsic placental AFABP is responsible for the intracellular trafficking of
fatty acid metabolism, determines the actual rate of the fatty acids and interacts with HSL increasing its lipolytic
selective placental fatty acid transfer, which is essential activity.56 This novel adipocytokine is present in human
for fetal development. serum55 and its concentrations are associated with insulin
3. Contribution to milk synthesis in preparation for lactation. resistance and type 2 diabetes,57 being higher in pregnant
Around parturition, there is a rapid rise in mammary gland women with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) than
LPL activity53 that, together with the low LPL activity in in control subjects.58 The concentration of AFABP in cord
adipose tissue,35 drives circulating TAGs to the mammary serum of control subjects is higher than in the correspond-
gland. This caused a rapid disappearance of maternal hyper- ing maternal serum, and in GDM fetuses, values correlate
triacylglycerolemia,34 and EFA and LCPUFA from maternal with neonatal fat mass.58
circulation are taken up by the mammary gland for milk Leptin is produced by adipose tissue as well as by other
synthesis to become available to the suckled newborn, con- tissues, including the placenta,59,60 its concentration in
tributing to its normal development. maternal plasma being increased during late pregnancy.60
22 Metabolism in normal pregnancy
Besides increasing adipose tissue lipolysis, leptin modulates DNA and RNA synthesis. Thus, it is obvious that these
glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity, and maternal folate-dependent reactions are essential for fetal growth and
hyperleptinemia seems to contribute to the availability of development and for maternal well-being.
nutrients to the fetus. Although the relationship between Pregnancy is associated with an increased folate demand
fetal leptin and birth weight has not been clearly established, and, in some cases, leads to overt folate deficiency. The increase
leptin concentration in serum from the umbilical vein has in folate requirement during pregnancy is due to the growth
a strong positive correlation with neonatal fat mass61 and is of the fetus and uteroplacental organs. Circulating folate con-
considered a marker of adiposity in the fetus. centrations decline in pregnant women who are not supple-
RBP4 is another adipocytokine that has been shown to mented with folic acid.68 Possible causes for the declines in
regulate glucose metabolism by reducing insulin sensitiv- blood folate include an increased folate demand for the fetus,
ity.62 During pregnancy, RBP4 is also synthesized by the increased folate catabolism, increased folate clearance and
placenta, and its concentration in maternal plasma increases excretion, decreased folate absorption, hormonal influence on
progressively with gestational age as the placenta expands.63 folate metabolism as a physiological response to pregnancy,
The concentration of RBP4 in maternal and cord blood and low folate intake.69,70 There is a strong positive associa-
serum is higher in pregnant women with GDM than in con- tion between folate concentrations in maternal plasma, cord
trols,58 and it has been proposed that this contributes to the plasma, and placenta, suggesting that transplacental folate
higher insulin resistance found in women with GDM. delivery depends upon maternal plasma folate concentrations.
Adiponectin is another adipocytokine, but unlike the The transfer of 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (the main form of
foregoing examples, it increases insulin sensitivity. During folate in plasma) from the maternal to the fetal perfusate is
normal pregnancy, no significant alterations in adiponectin not saturable in a range well above typical physiological con-
levels have been found,64 but its levels negatively correlate centrations71; also it is favored by the folate receptor, which is
with insulin resistance65 and they are lower in women with abundant in the epithelial cells of placenta.72
GDM than in control women.66 Cord blood adiponectin Studies conducted in recent years led to the recognition
concentrations increase with gestational age and correlate that supplementing the maternal diet with folic acid reduced
positively with birth weights,67 suggesting a possible role in the prevalence of folate deficiency in pregnancy and pre-
fetal adiposity and development. However, cord blood adipo- vented pregnancy-related disorders. Data from these stud-
nectin concentrations in women with GDM are lower than ies suggest that 200–300 μg folic acid per day is needed in
in controls, and no relationship is found between this vari- addition to dietary folate to maintain normal folate status
able and neonatal fat mass or birth weight.58 and to prevent folate deficiency during pregnancy.73,74
Vitamin C
Vitamin metabolism in pregnancy
In addition to the prevention of scurvy, vitamin C (or ascor-
Adequate maternal micronutrient and vitamin status is bic acid) has numerous other functions and is a cofactor for
especially critical during pregnancy and lactation. Several several enzyme systems. For humans, ascorbic acid is an
micronutrient deficiencies (like iron, iodine, zinc) are well essential vitamin, with an important antioxidant function.
established as contributors to abnormal prenatal develop- As antioxidant defense systems are important to protect tis-
ment or pregnancy outcome. Less well recognized for their sues and cells from damage caused by oxidative stress, an
importance are deficiencies of vitamins. Evidence is accu- imbalance between increased oxidative stress and decreased
mulating that maternal antioxidant status is important to antioxidant defenses impairs fetal growth.75 Thus, pregnant
prevent abnormal pregnancy outcomes. In lactation, the women utilize a defense mechanism, composed of antioxi-
maternal status of several of these vitamins affects their dant enzymes and nutrients including vitamin C, against
concentration in breast milk. The main cause of multiple oxidative stress and free radical damage. It is believed that
vitamin deficiencies is a poor-quality diet, even though gene ascorbic acid, after conversion to dehydroascorbic acid,
polymorphism can also impair vitamin absorption or alter crosses the placenta to enter fetal circulation. Once in the
their metabolism and cause vitamin deficiency. fetal circulation, dehydroascorbic acid is reduced back to
We summarize here the changes in the metabolism of the ascorbic acid and is maintained in high concentrations on
vitamins during pregnancy that have the highest implica- the fetal side in the placenta.76 Maternal serum vitamin C
tions in fetal growth and development. levels during the second trimester of gestation are correlated
with birth weight and length in full-term babies.77
Hydrophilic vitamins
Folic acid
Lipophilic vitamins
Folates act in a number of one-carbon transfer reactions, Because lipophilic vitamins are fat soluble, they share
including purine and thymidylate biosynthesis, amino acid several common mechanisms with other lipophilic sub-
metabolism, and formate oxidation. Purine and thymidy stances in terms of their metabolism and transfer to the
late biosyntheses are fundamental requirements underlying offspring. Although lipophilic vitamins are essential during
Lipophilic vitamins 23
40 2
a a
a 1.5
30 b
Vitamin E (µmol/L)
Retinol (µmol/L)
25 ad
0 0
First Second Third Postpartum Postlactation
trimester trimester trimester
Figure 3.5 Plasma levels of vitamin E (α- and γ-tocopherol) and vitamin A (retinol) in the different trimesters of pregnancy,
6–8 days postpartum and postlactation, in healthy women. Data are expressed as means ± SEM. Statistical comparisons between
the different times are shown by the letters above the points. Different letters for the corresponding vitamin between the groups
indicate statistical significance (p < 0.05).
24 Metabolism in normal pregnancy
the placenta and delivers retinol, whereas in late gestation, a which circulates as its nonesterified alcohol form in serum
different mechanism appears to be operating because fetal lipoproteins. Changes in plasma α-tocopherol levels during
liver is capable of synthesizing RBP.86 Studies in vivo show that pregnancy parallel maternal hyperlipidemia (see earlier in
maternal RBP does not cross the placental membrane barrier this chapter). In contrast, γ-tocopherol reaches a maximum
in the last trimester of gestation and cannot enter fetal circula- concentration in maternal plasma at midgestation. The rea-
tion,87 and homozygous RBP-null mutant mice are viable and son for the different concentration patterns (between α- and
fertile.88 In humans, serum apo-RBP (retinol-free) concentra- γ-tocopherol) during pregnancy is unknown, but could be
tion appears to be elevated during pregnancy, suggesting that related to differences in their tissue uptake and intracellular
pregnancy may alter the affinity of RBP for retinol or induce metabolism.
the binding of the vitamin to other uncharacterized proteins.89 α-Tocopherol concentration in the plasma of human
Moreover, other forms of vitamin A, such as retinyl esters and fetuses is lower than in their mothers, but rises toward the
retinoic acid, can also be taken up at the placental barrier. end of pregnancy. Since α-tocopherol is carried in plasma
Nevertheless, there are no significant correlations between mainly by VLDL and LDL, its uptake and handling by the
maternal and cord plasma concentrations of retinol or carot- placenta are similar to that of the other lipoprotein lipophilic
enoids under normal conditions, although some authors components (see earlier in this chapter). The placenta also
report a weak but statistically significant correlation when expresses α-tocopherol transfer protein (α-TTP), and in a
the concentrations of retinol in cord and maternal plasma manner similar to its role in liver, it may actively contribute
are low.90 Published studies in humans show that maternal to the specific transfer of α-tocopherol to the fetus.98,99
subclinical vitamin A deficiency is related to neonatal sub- Despite the existence of all these processes, efforts to inves-
clinical vitamin A deficiency and to low birth weight90,91; tigate the kinetics of the transfer of vitamin E by isolated
furthermore, adequate vitamin A at delivery is positively human placental systems have found that it is specific for
associated with birth outcomes and children’s neurodevel- the natural stereoisomer, RRR-α-tocopherol, rather than any
opment in later childhood.92 other form of vitamin E, but that its rate is very low. This justi-
The situation with vitamin A in early lactation is peculiar. fies the consistent finding of much lower α-tocopherol levels in
Because of the limited transplacental transfer, the infant’s fetal plasma and red blood cells than in maternal ones.
liver stores of vitamin A at birth are small even in well- During lactation, vitamin E intake through milk is the
nourished populations, so newborns are highly dependent on way of supplying the newborn with an essential defense
dietary intake of the vitamin to establish proper tissue stores, against oxygen toxicity and of stimulating the development
maintain rapid growth, and develop their immune system. of its immune system. A good supply of vitamin E to the
Colostrum contains a higher vitamin A concentration than offspring is therefore particularly critical in this period. The
milk and has an important role to play in providing the ini- increase in vitamin E content in body tissues of the offspring
tial protection from vitamin A deficiency in the newborn.93 following birth is attributed to the ingestion of colostrum and
The timing of colostrum ingestion seems to play a role in the milk, emphasizing the limited placental vitamin E transfer
efficiency of intestinal vitamin absorption, thus colostrum and the importance of milk consumption. Colostrum con-
feeding on the day of birth is important for the establish- tains a higher concentration of vitamin E than does milk,100
ment of absorptive mechanism allowing intestinal transport which may imply an active uptake by the mammary gland in
of fat-soluble vitamins. Moreover, breast milk is also a good compensation for the limited placental transport. A decline
source of vitamin A and clinical vitamin A deficiency is rare in maternal circulating vitamin E concentration is noticed at
in breast-fed infants during their first year of life. the end of gestation or in early lactation; this decrease coin-
Debate surrounds the use of retinol supplements during cides with the high concentration of α-tocopherol present
pregnancy. The use of retinol supplements in well-nourished in colostrum, and the two events are probably related. The
mothers does not affect fetus concentrations. High doses mechanism of transfer from blood into milk is not com-
of retinol are teratogenic, and in some countries, pregnant pletely understood. Perhaps the transfer of vitamin E into
women are advised to avoid retinol-containing supple- milk occurs through a protein-mediated transport: the pres-
ments.94 However, this advice may lead to vitamin A defi- ence of an α-TTP-like mechanism in the mammary gland
ciency.95 Serum retinol is a relatively insensitive indicator of cannot be excluded nor can the presence of a lipoprotein
body vitamin A status: only 1% of the body’s reserves cir- scavenger receptor class B1 (SR-BI receptor) in the mammary
culate in the plasma, and homeostatic mechanisms control gland, which could be involved in the uptake of α-tocopherol
concentrations via retinol binding protein concentrations. from HDL. In addition, the high concentration of vitamin E
found in colostrum compared to mature milk might be due
to an increase in the activity of mammary LDL receptors and,
Vitamin E thus, to an important uptake of LDL by the mammary gland
Dietary vitamin E is present as tocopherol, mainly α- and around parturition. LPL also seems to modulate the mam-
γ-tocopherol, and tocopheryl esters. Plasma levels of vitamin mary gland uptake of α-tocopherol from VLDL and chylo-
E in the mother increase significantly from the first trimes- microns.101 In contrast to placental transfer of tocopherols,
ter of gestation to reach a maximum in the third trimester which remains low even when maternal serum levels are high,
of gestation (Figure 3.5).80,96,97 Unlike vitamin A, there is no the transfer through colostrum and milk can be increased by
specific carrier protein in the serum to transport vitamin E, increasing the ingestion of vitamin E by the mother.
References 25
It is important to note that tocopherol is able to affect the main destination of released NEFA and glycerol is the
the metabolism of vitamin A in several tissues and may play liver, where they are used for the synthesis of TAGs. The glyc-
a role in tissue retinol homeostasis. It has been shown to erol is also used as a gluconeogenic substrate and the NEFAs
modulate the levels of retinol and total vitamin A in tissues are also oxidized for ketogenesis.
such as the liver, kidney, and intestine. In vitro, tocopherol Adipocytokines secreted by adipose tissue play critical
exerts an inhibiting or stimulating action (depending on the roles in energy homeostasis in adults, and some of them
tissue) on the hydrolysis of retinyl palmitate. modulate insulin action. Circulating levels of some of these
adipocytokines are modified during pregnancy, are involved
in the maternal changes of insulin sensitivity, and are
Summary appeared to contribute to fetal growth. This is the case for
AFABP, leptin, adiponectin, and RBP4.
Maternal metabolic adaptations during pregnancy are Major changes also occur in vitamin metabolism.
mainly directed toward maintaining a continuous availabil- Vitamins A and E are the most affected. Maternal plasma
ity of substrates to enable fetal growth. Glucose, used as a retinol falls as gestation progresses, whereas vitamin E
primary energy source of fetoplacental tissues, is quantita- levels increase parallel to the increase in plasma lipids.
tively the most important substrate crossing the placenta. Transplacental transfer of these vitamins is limited, but both
During late pregnancy, the mother develops hypoglycemia the fetus and the newborn need them. They are both taken
as a result of the high rate of placental transfer, despite there up by the mammary gland, and their high concentration in
being more active gluconeogenesis and a reduced consump- colostrum seems to play an important role in the extrauter-
tion of glucose. ine adaptations of the suckled newborn.
Amino acids cross the placenta against the concentra-
tion gradient, thanks to an active process. Fetal growth is
sustained by the transfer of amino acids from the maternal Acknowledgments
circulation. Protein metabolism changes gradually through-
out gestation, and although during late pregnancy there is The results reported in this chapter were obtained
increased nitrogen retention, the mother develops hypoami- with grants from the Spanish Ministry of Science and
noacidemia, which is especially evident during fasting. Innovation (Grant SAF2012-39273) and Fundación
Fat depot accumulation and maternal hyperlipidemia are Ramón Areces of Spain (CIVP16A1835). The authors
characteristic features of pregnancy. During late pregnancy, thank pp-science-editing.com for editing and linguistic
maternal adipose tissue lipolytic activity is increased, and revision of the chapter.
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4 Intermediary metabolism in
pregnancies complicated by
gestational diabetes
Bartolomé Bonet, María Bonet-Alavés, and Isabel Sánchez-Vera
Mechanisms of pregnancy-induced insulin resistance 29
Adipocyte Adipocyte
Triglycerides Triglycerides
+ + hPL
Cortisol Cortisol +
Insulin Insulin Cortisol
Catecholamines – Catecholamines – Insulin
Catecholamines –
Figure 4.1 Intermediary metabolism in nonpregnant women (panel a), normal pregnancies (panel b), and pregnancies with GDM
(panel c). The thickness of the lines relates to the degree of stimulation (solid lines) or inhibition (dash lines) for both the metabolic
pathways and the hormonal effects.
levels of TNF-alpha, a condition that modifies the intracel- insulin resistance,40,41 exacerbating the pregnancy-induced
lular signaling of insulin, causing insulin resistance.28,29 The insulin resistance and the risk of developing GDM.
insulin-sensitizing effects of adiponectin30 are plumbed by
the decreased plasma levels of adiponectin observed in the
second half of pregnancy. The higher concentration of corti- Glucose alterations in GDM
sol found in pregnancy increases the hepatic glucose produc-
tion and decreases the peripheral tissue glucose utilization, Independent of the mechanisms involved, in GDM, there is
further increasing insulin resistance. The high plasma levels a relative lack of insulin during a period of time with high
of progesterone found during the second half of pregnancy insulin needs to compensate the insulin resistance that
also has been related with the pregnancy-induced insulin develops in the third trimester of pregnancy. When GDM
resistance.31 develops, in the maternal tissues, the insulin-dependent
glucose uptake is further decreased and hyperglycemia
develops. Because the placental transfer of glucose is con-
Mechanisms leading to the centration dependent9 under conditions of maternal hyper-
glycemia and placental normal function, there is increased
development of gestational diabetes placental transfer of glucose (Figure 4.1, panel c), and fetal
The mechanisms leading to the development of gestational hyperglycemia and, secondary to this alteration, hyper-
diabetes mellitus (GDM) have not been fully defined but insulinism develop. As insulin is one of the main growth
are probably related to both an exacerbation of the beta-cell factors during fetal life,42 hyperinsulinemia promotes fetal
dysfunction in subjects genetically predisposed to beta-cell growth, macrosomia, and complications secondary to the
alterations and to the insulin resistance that takes place as delivery of a large baby, mainly both maternal perineal
gestation advances. In that sense, GDM will act like a type 2 damage and birth trauma, including shoulder dystocia and
diabetes mellitus (DM). Regarding the beta-cell dysfunction, Erb’s palsy. Once the umbilical supply of glucose is sud-
several mechanisms could be involved in this process. High denly arrested after delivery, in the newborn, the remain-
progesterone levels may play a relevant role.32,33 Recently, in ing hyperinsulinism increases the risk of hypoglycemia.
models of knockout mice,33 it has been shown that the lack The macrosomic newborn will need monitoring of blood
of progesterone receptors is associated with a higher insulin glucose within the first hour after birth and early feeds
secretion by beta cells. Therefore, the high levels of progester- and occasionally may require intravenous administration
one that develop during pregnancy may damage these cells. of glucose.43 Hypoglycemia in the newborn, if not cor-
The hyperlipidemia observed during pregnancy may also rected, may lead to brain damage.44 Fetal macrosomia also
decrease the capability of beta cells to secrete insulin.34,35 increases the risk of obesity, type 2 DM, and cardiovascular
Although fatty acids may induce insulin secretion,36 under diseases later on in life.45,46
certain circumstances, prolonged elevated levels of fatty
acids may damage the beta cell, decreasing insulin secretion.
In fact, in an experimental animal model during pregnancy, Lipid alterations in GDM
a decrease in plasma free fatty acids (FFA) and triglycerides
increases insulin secretion after an oral glucose tolerance In GDM, as occurs in other conditions of insulin resistance
test.37 Recently, higher plasma levels of cholesterol have been and beta-cell dysfunction, there is an increase in plasma
linked to islet dysfunction38; therefore, pregnancy-induced levels of triglycerides and cholesterol. This effect should be
hypercholesterolemia may play a role in the beta-cell failure added to the physiological hyperlipidemia induced by preg-
associated with GDM. nancy10,11 (Figure 4.1, panel c). Therefore, women with GDM
The higher food intake that develops during early preg- have higher plasma levels of triglycerides and cholesterol
nancy may cause beta-cell hyperplasia. In certain geneti- than found in normal pregnancies.47–49 Hypertriglyceridemia
cally predisposed subjects, this higher supply of glucose and found in GDM may also play a role in the fetal macrosomia
fatty acids to the beta cell may increase the cell metabolism, observed in these pregnancies, as several authors have shown
leading to increased beta-cell apoptosis and cell death. 34,39 a positive correlation between the plasma levels of triglycer-
Such a phenomenon would compromise the capability ides and birth weight.20,21
of the beta cells to provide enough insulin in a period of Nevertheless, these increased plasma levels of both
increased insulin requirements causing development of triglycerides and cholesterol, as occur in other condi-
GDM. Further research is needed for a better understand- tions through the life, may have deleterious effects on the
ing of the beta-cell dysfunction observed in GDM, in order normal development of pregnancy and on fetal growth.
to develop methods to improve this function and decrease Increased levels of triglycerides have been associated to
the incidence of GDM. structural alterations in LDL.50,51 High triglycerides make
Because the insulin resistance that takes place in the sec- LDL particles smaller and denser. Such particles are more
ond half of pregnancy plays a key role in the development of susceptible to oxidation. Through pregnancy, the maternal
GDM, any condition susceptible to exacerbating this resis- milieu changes, developing conditions that both increase
tance may play a role in the development of GDM. Obesity and decrease LDL susceptibility to oxidation. Higher lev-
and the associated metabolic alterations also promote els of triglycerides, cholesterol, glucose, and progesterone
Amino acid alterations in pregnancies complicated by gestational diabetes 31
are prooxidant,52,53 but this effect may be blunted by higher Fetal weight
levels of vitamin E and estradiol,22 two powerful antioxi- Macrosomia Normal weight Intrauterine growth
dants whose levels are increased in pregnancy.22 In fact, our retardation
group and others have shown that in normal pregnancies, Glucose
as pregnancy advances, despite increased plasma levels of
triglycerides and cholesterol, LDL susceptibility to oxidation Triglycerides
decreases,22,54 a phenomenon that is partially explained by
LDL oxidation
the high levels of estradiol observed at the end of pregnancy.
Nevertheless, under conditions of exacerbated dyslipidemia, Placental damage
the prooxidant effects may lead to increased LDL oxidation
and to the consequences associated with this process. An Figure 4.4 Potential factors affecting fetal growth in preg-
increased LDL oxidation may have relevant consequences nancies complicated by gestational diabetes mellitus. Factors
for the placenta as well as for the fetus. In a cell culture model increasing fetal growth are shown in yellow and conditions
of human placental trophoblasts and macrophages, LDL oxi- decreasing fetal growth in red.
dation is cytotoxic.55 If this process occurred during preg-
nancy, it could damage the placenta. If such damage were
extensive, the placental capability to transfer nutrients and streaks in the fetal arteries.60,61 As a consequence, children
oxygen to the fetus might be decreased, compromising fetal from GDM pregnancies may have a higher incidence of
growth. In fact, our group has shown a correlation between these alterations than newborns from normal pregnancies.
LDL susceptibility to oxidation and birth weight,22 suggest- Further studies are needed to demonstrate if stillborns from
ing that in conditions where LDL oxidation is increased, the GDM pregnancies also have increased incidence of fatty
fetal growth is compromised. Furthermore, when oxidized streaks in their arteries.
LDL is taken up by human trophoblasts, through scavenger To sum up, in GDM, there is a combination of factors that
receptors and not by the LDL receptor, despite increasing may affect the nutrient supply to the fetus (Figure 4.4). Under
the intracellular concentration of cholesterol, progesterone certain conditions, increased supply of glucose and triglyc-
secretion is decreased56 (Figure 4.3). These data suggest that erides toward the fetus may lead to increased fetal growth
the metabolism of cholesterol from oxidized LDL does not and macrosomia. Nevertheless, under certain conditions,
follow the physiological pathways required for hormonal dyslipidemia and hyperglycemia found in GDM may lead
synthesis. Therefore, under circumstances of increased LDL to increased LDL oxidation, placental damage, and vascular
oxidation, there may be a lack of cholesterol for the placenta, dysfunction; such a condition would decrease the transfer of
decreasing the placental synthesis of steroidal hormones as nutrients toward the fetus and lead to intrauterine growth
well as the transfer of cholesterol to the fetus. As occurs in retardation (Figure 4.4). At present, most efforts are directed
other conditions, increased LDL oxidation may also lead to toward blood glucose normalization, and little attention
vascular dysfunction,57–59 decreasing the vascular blood flow has been paid to the dyslipidemia and to the LDL oxidation
and the nutrient transfer to the fetus. Therefore, increased associated with this process; in fact in our institution, in
LDL oxidation could affect the transfer of nutrients and oxy- GDM pregnancies with optimal metabolic control, we have
gen to the fetus either damaging the placenta or decreasing found a higher incidence of intrauterine growth retardation
the placental blood flow. (13.5%) than macrosomic infants (9.1%).49 Further studies
Finally, conditions of increased plasma levels of choles- are needed to obtain a better understanding of the role of
terol and triglycerides have been linked to increased fatty dyslipidemia in the maternal and fetal complications associ-
ated with GDM. There is a need of studies to determine why
some pregnancies complicated by GDM causes intrauterine
growth retardation instead of large infants.
Amino acid alterations in pregnancies
200 complicated by gestational diabetes
In GDM, there is an increase in the number of essential and
100 nonessential amino acids in umbilical venous and arterial
50 concentration,62 compared to the values found in normal
0 pregnancies. The higher plasma levels of fetal amino acids
0 20 40 80 do not seem to be related to a higher concentration in mater-
nal plasma, as only ornithine has been shown to increase in
plasma from pregnant women with GDM.62 More recently,
Figure 4.3 Progesterone secretion in trophoblast incubated studies analyzing maternal protein and amino acid metab-
with increasing concentrations of normal or oxidized low- olism by stable isotope methodologies did not find signifi-
density lipoprotein (for details, see reference 52). cant differences in either treated63 or untreated GDM64,65
32 Intermediary metabolism in pregnancies complicated by gestational diabetes
compared to normal pregnancies. However, the elevation taken up across the microvillous plasma membranes, is rap-
observed in the plasma amino acid concentration in the idly transferred to the fetus, contributing to the accelerated
umbilical cord, but not in maternal circulation, suggests fetal growth in these patients.66,67 More studies are needed
that placental amino acid exchange and/or fetal–placental for a further clarification of the role of amino acid metabolic
metabolism is altered in GDM.62 alterations associated with GDM.
Studies in vitro show that among the different amino acid In conclusion, GDM is a condition of increased mater-
transporters, the expression of system A, which mediates the nal metabolic fuels; such a condition in the majority of
transfer of neutral amino acids such as alanine, serine, and pregnancies leads to a higher fetal growth, although under
glutamine, is increased in diabetic pregnancies.66,67 This, in certain conditions, the increased fuels, mainly lipids,
turn, could increase the uptake and delivery of neutral amino through oxidative process and increased free radical gen-
acids into the fetus. However, it does not seem to be the pri- eration may lead to placental and vascular damage, com-
mary cause of accelerated fetal growth. Other transporters promising the normal development of pregnancy and fetal
such as the specific system for leucine (system L) have also growth.
been shown to be increased in microvillous plasma mem-
branes isolated from GDM pregnancies with large babies
for their gestational age.66,67 Nevertheless, other authors Acknowledgments
did not find an increased activity of these transporters.68 It
is remarkable that leucine has been proven to be an effec- I dedicate this chapter to my former mentor, Bob Knopp, who
tive stimulus for fetal insulin secretion in human pancreas introduced me to the world of pregnancy and lipids, but most
studied in vitro.69 In vivo studies applying stable isotope importantly taught me with his example how to take care of
techniques have provided evidence to suggest that leucine, patients in a loving and compassionate way (B. Bonet).
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5 Nutrient delivery and
metabolism in the fetus
William W. Hay, Jr., Paul J. Rozance, Stephanie R. Wesolowski, and Laura D. Brown
Nutrient supply and fetal metabolic rate 35
Nutrient supply and fetal metabolic rate fatty acid oxidation in the fetus. At markedly reduced rates
of glucose supply to the fetus, fetal glucose utilization rates
Estimates of carbon supply to the fetus are compared (GUR) decrease proportionally, until about 50% of normal
with requirements for energy production and storage in GUR, when GUR is maintained by the development of
Table 5.1. The fetal glucose/oxygen metabolic quotient, an glucose production, initially glycogenolysis, but then also
index of that fraction of fetal oxygen consumption that gluconeogenesis.8,9 Fetal oxygen consumption remains
could be accounted for by complete oxidation of net fetal near normal under such conditions of reduced nutrient
glucose uptake from the placenta, is <1.0.4 Furthermore, supply from the placenta, indicating an increase in the
the fraction of fetal glucose utilization that actually pro- reciprocal oxidation of other substrates, such as glucose
duces CO2 is only c. 0.5–0.6 (Table 5.2). 5–7 Thus, carbon released from glycogen and gluconeogenesis from amino
substrates other than glucose are metabolized to meet the acids. Simultaneously, there is an associated decrease in
oxidative requirements imposed by the rate of fetal oxygen fetal protein accretion rates, which limits the requirement
consumption; as noted earlier, these include lactate and for energy substrates to maintain protein synthesis and net
amino acids principally, given the limited evidence for protein balance.10
Table 5.1 Estimated human fetal nutrient substrate balance in late gestation
Sources: Reprinted from An Introduction to Fetal Physiology, Battaglia, F.C. and Meschia, G., Copyright
1986, with permission from Elsevier; Reprinted from Fetal and Neonatal Physiology, 4th ed.,
Hay, W.W., Jr., Brown, L.D., and Regnault, T.R.H., Fetal requirements and placental transfer of
nitrogenous compounds, pp. 585–602, Copyright 2011, with permission from Elsevier;
Sparks, J.W. et al., J. Clin. Invest., 70, 179, 1982.
Total 0.88
Sources: Reprinted from Fetal and Neonatal Physiology, 4th ed., Hay, W.W., Jr., Brown, L.D., and
Regnault, T.R.H., Fetal requirements and placental transfer of nitrogenous compounds,
pp. 585–602, Copyright 2011, with permission from Elsevier; Hay, W.W., Jr. et al., Am. J.
Physiol., 256, E704, 1989; DiGiacomo, J.E. and Hay, W.W., Jr., Metabolism, 39, 193, 1990;
Sparks, J.W. et al., J. Clin. Invest., 70, 179, 1982.
a Estimates derived from data in fetal sheep in late gestation.
36 Nutrient delivery and metabolism in the fetus
Similar to nutrient deprivation, excess delivery of nutri- storage in adipose tissue also are directly related to fetal
ents to the fetus, such as with experimental glucose infusion glucose supply and uptake. Thus, it is not surprising that
into the fetus or mother, decreases amino acid oxidation, but fetuses of hyperglycemic, diabetic mothers tend to con-
has little effect on fetal metabolic rate. A maximal increase tain maximal amounts of hepatic and muscle glycogen and
of c. 15% has been observed in fetal sheep infused directly excess body fat than do fetuses of more normally glycemic
with glucose and insulin.7 The balance of excess glucose mothers, whether they are diabetic or not.17–20
consumption under these conditions maximizes glycogen The concentration of glucose in the fetal plasma declines
stores, and in those fetuses that can produce abundant fat, relative to that in the maternal plasma over the second half
such as the human, augments the growth of adipose tissue. of gestation. This increases the transplacental glucose con-
Excess fetal amino acids are used primarily for oxidation, centration gradient in later gestation, providing a greater
substituting their carbon for that of glucose and lipids, and driving force to supply glucose for the increasing glucose
not excess growth of lean body mass.11–13 Thus, fetuses of dia- requirements of the growing fetus.21 The decrease in fetal
betic mothers tend primarily to be macrosomic (i.e., obese) glucose concentration over the second half of gestation rep-
due to increased storage of glucose and lipids as fat in adi- resents an absolute increase in glucose clearance by the fetus.
pose tissue without increased oxidation of these maternally At least three principal mechanisms are responsible for this
derived fuels/substrates. Similarly, excess insulin in the pres- increase in glucose clearance: The size, cellularity, and glu-
ence of excess amino acids has been shown in fetal sheep to cose metabolic rate of the brain increase relative to other
produce the same linear growth rate with only minimally fetal tissues and organs; there is progressive development of
increased production of lean mass as occurs with normal fetal insulin secretion by the expanding mass of pancreatic
insulin concentrations and amino acid supplies.14,15 islets and beta cells; and there is increased growth of insu-
lin-sensitive tissues, primarily skeletal muscle, and also the
heart and adipose tissue.
Fetal carbohydrate supply and
metabolism Placental glucose transport
The rate of glucose transfer from maternal to fetal plasma Glucose transporters
and the net rate of fetal glucose uptake are directly related Placental glucose uptake and transfer are mediated by Na+-
to the maternal glucose concentration (Figure 5.1a).16 Fetal dependent transport systems on both the maternal-facing
growth rate, glycogen deposition, and fat production and microvillus and fetal-facing basal plasma membranes of the
100 7 10
Fetal glucose uptake (mg/min/kg)
Uterine glucose uptake (mg/min)
80 Vmax 6 8
(mg/min/kg of fetus)
GM = 70
GF = 12
60 5 6
40 4 4 GM = 50
20 3 GF = 30 2
km ks
0 2 0
0 40 80 120 160 0 20 40 60 80 0 10 20 30 40
Maternal arterial plasma Maternal arterial plasma Fetal arterial plasma
(a) glucose (mg/dL) (b) glucose (mg/dL) (c) glucose (mg/dL)
Figure 5.1 (a) Schematic representation of the effect of maternal glucose concentration on uterine glucose uptake, based on
experiments in which glucose was infused into pregnant sheep after an overnight fast to produce a large variety of maternal arterial
blood glucose concentrations. Fick principle measurements were then made of net uterine glucose uptake rates versus the maternal
arterial blood glucose concentration, which shows saturation kinetics with an approximate km value in the physiological range of
maternal glucose concentration (about 50–60 mg/dL). (b) Fetal glucose uptake (net transfer of glucose from placenta to fetal circu-
lation) plotted versus maternal arterial glucose concentration, showing a saturable dependence of fetal glucose uptake on maternal
glucose concentration. In addition, this relationship is left-shifted as fetal glucose concentration is decreased, showing that as fetal
glucose concentration is decreased relative to that of the mother, which increases the maternal–fetal glucose concentration gradi-
ent, placental-to-fetal glucose transfer increases. (c) Net rate of uteroplacental glucose consumption in sheep, expressed per kilo-
gram of fetus, plotted versus fetal arterial plasma glucose. Solid line: values measured while maternal arterial plasma glucose was
clamped at about 70 mg/dL. Dotted line: values measured while maternal arterial plasma glucose was clamped at about 50 mg/
dL. These data show that although maternal glucose concentration determines glucose entry into the uteroplacenta and fetus,
actual uteroplacental glucose consumption is regulated largely by the fetal glucose concentration. (Reproduced from Hay, W.W. Jr.,
Placental function, in: Gluckman, P.D. and Heymann, M.A., eds., Pediatrics and Perinatology: The Scientific Basis, 2nd ed., Edward
Arnold, London, U.K., 1996, pp. 213–227. With permission; [a] Adapted from data in Hay, W.W., Jr. and Meznarich, H.K., Proc.
Soc. Exp. Biol. Med., 190, 63, 1988; [b and c] Adapted from data in Hay, W.W., Jr. et al., Am. J. Physiol., 258, R569, 1990.)
Placental glucose transport 37
syncytiotrophoblast.22 The predominant molecular isoforms IGF-1 can upregulate GLUT1, GLUT3, GLUT8, and GLUT9
of glucose transporters (GLUT) in the placenta are GLUT1 sufficiently to correct some aspects of placental insufficiency
and GLUT3,23 although GLUT8 also has been found in the and reduced placental glucose uptake and transport.41
placenta and in sheep is reduced in amount with intrauterine Increasing maternal feed intake to meet calculated energy
growth restriction (IUGR),24 as has GLUT9, both isoforms requirements in previously nutrient-restricted ewes dur-
of which appear to be increased in diabetic pregnancies.25 ing the second half of gestation increases placental mass
Participation of GLUT3 in glucose uptake and transport has and fetal weight and the abundance of GLUT1, an adapta-
not been confirmed in vivo in the human placenta, although tion not observed if maternal food intake is increased above
in sheep placenta, cytochalasin binding assays indicate that requirements,42 the opposite of what occurs with nutrient
GLUT3 might account for as much as 40% of glucose uptake restriction that results in IUGR—inhibition of placental
by the end of gestation.26 Other studies in sheep indicate that mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) and insulin/IGF-1
GLUT3 is localized close to mitochondria where it might signaling resulting in downregulation of placental nutrient
serve to support placental glucose uptake and energy pro- transporters may link maternal undernutrition to restricted
duction at low glucose concentrations, thus preserving pla- fetal growth.43
cental function.27 In other studies in human placental tissue,
GLUT3 appears to peak earlier in gestation and declines Kinetics of glucose uptake and transport by the placenta
toward term.28 GLUT3 also regulates intraplacental glucose Although the effect of the maternal glucose concentration on
transport that, in mice, at least, appears reciprocally related net placental-to-fetal glucose transfer demonstrates satura-
to leucine transport.29 Studies in human placentas indicate tion kinetics,16 this relationship does not necessarily define
that GLUT3 is upregulated with intrauterine growth restric- the quantitative characteristics of placental-to-fetal glucose
tion,30 as also found with the original classical studies of transport capacity, because as maternal glucose concentra-
placental hypoxia in vitro.31 Further studies are indicated in tion and placental glucose transport are increased, both
diabetic pregnancies, as there is evidence that fetal macro- fetal glucose concentration and fetal GUR increase. Other
somia is associated with increased expression of GLUT3.32 studies in which glucose was infused directly into the fetus
In vivo studies of human placentas from high-altitude have shown degrees of increase (slope) and saturation of
hypoxia with IUGR indicate reduced GLUT1 expression.33 fetal GUR occurring at about the same fetal glucose con-
With GLUT3 upregulated under similar conditions, this centrations as determined by maternal glucose infusions.44
would set the stage for enhanced placental glucose con- Thus, the maternal glucose infusion approach reflects fetal
sumption but reduced glucose supply to the fetus, perhaps glucose consumption kinetics as well as those of placental-
contributing to fetal growth restriction. Other studies have to-fetal glucose transfer. To address this experimental prob-
noted that corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) also lem, different studies have used glucose clamp procedures to
affects GLUT1 (increases) and GLUT3 (decreases) via spe- regulate the maternal-to-fetal glucose concentration gradi-
cific receptors in trophoblast cells, though physiological ent at different maternal and fetal glucose concentrations.45
significance of these changes has not been determined.34 As shown in Figure 5.1b, placental-to-fetal glucose transfer
Related to the effects of CRH, both GLUT1 and GLUT3 are is sensitive to a change in fetal glucose concentration and
downregulated by glucocorticoids, perhaps playing a role in thus the maternal-to-fetal glucose concentration gradient,
how maternal stress can lead to placental insufficiency and regardless of the maternal glucose level.46
intrauterine growth restriction.35 Still other studies have At almost any maternal glucose concentration, therefore
amplified the impact of placental GLUT1 and GLUT3 regu- uteroplacental glucose consumption rate (the metabolism
lation by systemic hormones. For example, one study noted of glucose by the uteroplacenta) is directly related to the
that maternal growth hormone treatment increases fetal fetal glucose concentration (Figure 5.1c). In fact, when the
growth, in part, by enhancing placental nutrient transporter transplacental glucose concentration is abolished, c. 75%
protein expression and hence fetal nutrient supply, as well as of the glucose consumed by the uteroplacenta is supplied
trophoblast proliferation and differentiation, and may have by the fetal circulation.47 These observations imply that the
the potential to ameliorate intrauterine growth restriction.36 fetal side of the uteroplacenta is markedly more perme-
Despite considerable study, the regulation of placen- able to glucose than the maternal side. They also indicate
tal GLUT expression and activity remain poorly defined. that changes in fetal glucose concentration have a strong
Placental GLUT1 is acutely upregulated by hypoxia and influence on placental glucose flux and metabolism. The
hyperglycemia and downregulated by hypoglycemia,37,38 importance of this regulation of placental-to-fetal glucose
while hypoglycemia leads to downregulation, although one transfer and net uteroplacental glucose consumption by
study found upregulation of GLUT1 in the growth-restricted fetal glucose concentration is highlighted by observations
rat placenta.39 Chronic changes in glycemia generally are in chronically hypoglycemic pregnant sheep in which fetal
associated with diminished expression and glucose trans- glucogenesis developed.8 Fetal glucose production contrib-
port.40 In vitro studies indicate that changes in GLUT con- utes glucose molecules to the fetal glucose pool and appears
centrations are related to transport capacity, but this has not to be sufficient in amount to sustain fetal glucose utilization
been demonstrated in vivo, except in experiments in which at near-normal rates. As a result, the placental-to-fetal glu-
the transporters were competitively blocked by pharmaco- cose concentration gradient and the placental-to-fetal
logic inhibitors. A recent study in mice also indicates that glucose transfer rate are relatively reduced; under these
38 Nutrient delivery and metabolism in the fetus
Table 5.3 Metabolic rates in the fetus that account for glucose utilizationa
Sources: Reprinted from An Introduction to Fetal Physiology, Battaglia, F.C. and Meschia, G., Copyright 1986, with permission
from Elsevier; Reprinted from Fetal and Neonatal Physiology, 4th ed., Hay, W.W., Jr., Brown, L.D., and Regnault, T.R.H.,
Fetal requirements and placental transfer of nitrogenous compounds, pp. 585–602, Copyright 2011, with permission
from Elsevier; Sparks, J.W. et al., J. Clin. Invest., 70, 179, 1982.
a Based on data in fetal sheep and estimates for human fetuses for the brain.
circumstances, uteroplacental glucose consumption is is directly related to glucose deprivation.50 Table 5.3 presents
maintained at near-normal rates for the level of maternal estimated utilization rates of glucose in several fetal organs
glycemia. Fetal glucose production can compensate for a and the remaining carcass of fetal sheep in late gestation. All
reduced maternal glucose supply and sustain placental as organs are dependent on the plasma glucose concentration
well as fetal glucose utilization requirements. for their specific rate of glucose uptake, while the skeletal
muscle, heart, and liver develop insulin sensitivity in later
gestation. The acute effect of increased fetal plasma insulin
Gestational changes in placental glucose transfer concentrations results in increased fetal glucose utilization
Placental glucose transport increases markedly over gesta- and decreased fetal plasma glucose concentrations.7 It still
tion. In sheep, the increase in transport capacity accounts is not known to what extent basal insulin concentration
for c. 60% of the increase in placental glucose transport, with affects glucose uptake by specific organs and tissues in the
an increase in the transplacental glucose concentration gra- fetus. However, an acute decrease in the fetal plasma insulin
dient accounting for the remaining 40%.47 This increased concentration, such as by somatostatin infusion (studies in
transport capacity most likely reflects the growth of the fetal sheep), does not affect measurements of the fetal GUR.
surface area of the trophoblast and increased numbers of These procedures do, however, lead to an increase in the fetal
GLUT.26,37 It has not been determined if an increase in tro- glucose concentration,51 which may be a consequence of
phoblast membrane GLUT concentration occurs as well. The decreased glucose disposal or increased glucose production.
regulation of this developmental increase in GLUT abun- Thus, the basal plasma insulin concentration in the fetus
dance, other than by remodeling of the trophoblast mem- appears to regulate glucose production but not utilization;
brane surface area, remains unknown. the latter is more under the control of the plasma glucose
A chronic decrease of fetal plasma insulin concentration,
Fetal glucose uptake and utilization however, either by pancreatectomy or streptozotocin injec-
GUR in near-term fetal sheep is c. 5–7 mg/min/kg.48 This tion (a drug that leads to destruction of the pancreatic beta
value is similar to those measured in term human new- cells) into the fetus,52–54 results in an increased fetal plasma
born infants using stable isotope tracer methodology49 and glucose concentration and decreased glucose utilization.55
is about half the value that occurs at midgestation in fetal As discussed previously, fetal hyperglycemia decreases pla-
sheep16 when fetal growth, protein turnover rate, and frac- cental-to-fetal glucose transfer. Chronic hyperglycemia in
tional protein synthetic rates also are about twice those fetal sheep also is associated with decreased peripheral tis-
closer to term. The high correlation between fetal glucose sue insulin sensitivity and glucose utilization capacity,56 as
utilization and growth rates indicates that glucose probably well as the potential release of insulin’s normal inhibition of
serves a major role as the energy supply for the protein syn- hepatic glucose production. Examples of metabolic effects of
thesis required for growth. Indeed, fetal growth restriction increased glucose supply to the fetus are shown in Table 5.4.1
Placental glucose transport 39
tissue in late gestation, similar to adult humans in whom Insulin, IGF, and other growth factors
higher rates of glucose utilization are partitioned more into
glucose storage in adipose tissue fat than into oxidation. Glucose acts at the transcriptional level to regulate the syn-
Glucose carbon also contributes significantly to the forma- thesis and thus plasma concentrations of both IGF-1 and
tion of glycogen, which is stored primarily in skeletal mus- IGF-2.78,79 Conversely, infusion of IGF-1 into late-gestation
cle, but also in the heart, liver, and lung, and to the carbon fetal sheep promotes both glucose and amino acid utiliza-
contained in amino acids and synthesized proteins. tion.79 In turn, increased fetal plasma IGF-1 concentrations
have been shown to either inhibit fetal protein breakdown80
or promote fetal protein synthesis and accretion,79 depending
Fetal insulin secretion on the availability of circulating amino acids. These observa-
tions indicate that IGF-1 indirectly enhances the capacity for
Glucose-stimulated fetal insulin secretion (measured as an glucose to promote the fetal nitrogen balance and growth.81
acute increase in fetal plasma insulin concentration) increases Likewise, acutely increased insulin concentrations in fetal
more than fivefold during the second half of gestation in fetal sheep promote glucose utilization, amino acid utilization,
sheep and has been documented in third-trimester human and net nitrogen balance,82,83 as well as activate proteins in
fetuses.63,64 Fetal insulin secretion can be modified by the the mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase cascade.84 Such
degree, duration, and pattern of changes in the fetal plasma effects are probably short-lived, as chronically raising fetal
glucose concentration. Sustained, marked, relatively constant insulin concentrations above normal does not increase fetal
hyperglycemia actually decreases fetal insulin secretion, while growth beyond normal rates.15
pulsatile hyperglycemia increases fetal insulin secretion and
fetal β-cells.56,65–68 This is consistent with findings in gesta-
tional diabetic women in whom there is a strong tendency Fetal glucose carbon contribution to
to develop increasingly exaggerated, meal-associated hyper-
glycemia in late gestation and associated increases in new- glycogen formation
born insulin secretion.69 Thus, a principal cause of enhanced Many fetal tissues, including the placenta, as well as the
fetal insulin secretion is variability in the magnitude and the brain, liver, lung, heart, and skeletal muscle, produce gly-
intermittent nature of fetal glucose concentration. Fatty acids cogen over the second half of gestation.85 Liver glycogen
also stimulate fetal insulin secretion; their concentrations are content increases with gestational age (Figure 5.2) and is
increased in pregnant diabetics and in their fetuses in late the most important store of glycogen for systemic glucose
gestation, perhaps contributing to augmented insulin secre- needs, because only the liver contains sufficient glucose-
tion.66 Chronic hypoglycemia diminishes fetal insulin secre- 6-phosphatase for the release of glucose into the circula-
tion and β-cell mass.70 Increased amino acid supply augments, tion.86 Skeletal muscle glycogen content increases during late
and decreased amino acid supply attenuates, fetal insulin gestation, whereas lung glycogen content decreases with loss
secretion.71,72 of glycogen-containing alveolar epithelium, development of
type II pneumocytes, and onset of surfactant production.87
Cardiac glycogen concentrations decrease with gestation as
Effect of other hormones on fetal cellular hypertrophy develops. Despite this decrease, the car-
glucose metabolism diac glycogen content is essential for postnatal cardiac energy
supply and cellular function; in fact, deficits of cardiac glyco-
Fetal thyroid hormone indirectly enhances fetal glucose uti- gen are associated with shortened survival time during peri-
lization by increasing the fetal metabolic rate (oxygen con- ods of anoxia.87 Fetal glycogen synthetic rates vary from low,
sumption).73 Changes in fetal plasma cortisol concentrations steady rates of accumulation in species with relatively long
during late gestation have little effect on fetal glucose con- gestations, such as the human and sheep, to exceptionally
centrations or on the rates of glucose utilization.74 However, high rates in species such as the rat that have relatively short
fetal plasma cortisol concentrations do increase in very late gestations. In larger, more slow-growing fetuses (e.g., sheep,
gestation, at which time cortisol-dependent increases in fetal monkey, human), glycogen synthesis by the liver accounts
hepatic glycogenolytic and gluconeogenic enzyme activities for only a small (<10%) portion of fetal glucose utilization.88
develop. These may enhance the glucogenic capacity of the
fetus, thereby contributing to the endogenous glucose pro-
duction observed in normal fetuses just before term and at Fetal glucogenesis
the time of delivery.75 Glucagon and circulating catechol-
amines (adrenal epinephrine and spillover norepineph- Tracer studies in humans89 and sheep16 have shown the same
rine from peripheral nerve endings) are normally present specific activity or enrichment ratio of tracer glucose to
in modest concentrations in the fetal plasma, but they do nonlabeled glucose in fetal as well as in maternal plasma when
stimulate fetal glucogenesis when infused into the fetus. the tracer glucose is infused into the mother and is trans-
Catecholamines promote glucose production at physiologi- ported across the placenta to the fetus. This demonstrates
cal levels,76 but glucagon must reach relatively high concen- that the only source of glucose in the fetus is from the mater-
trations in the fetal plasma to do this.77 nal plasma. Otherwise, new glucose production into the fetal
Fetal lipid metabolism 41
20 Dog
0 20 40 60 80 100
0 1 9 17 25
Stage of gestation (%)
Age (days after birth)
Figure 5.2 Liver glycogen in various species before and after birth. Hepatic glycogen content in several species is shown to
increase with gestational age, decrease precipitously during the immediate postnatal period, and increase again with a normal
neonatal diet. (From Shelly, H.J., Br. Med. Bull., 17, 137, 1961. With permission.)
plasma either from the fetus itself or from the placenta would Fetal lipid metabolism
dilute the tracer glucose coming from the mother along with
unlabeled glucose, thus lowering the fetal labeled glucose- Placental lipid metabolism and fetal lipid supply
specific activity or enrichment ratio. Furthermore, studies in The amount and type of fatty acid or complex lipid trans-
fetal sheep have shown that the net uptake of glucose by the ported by the placenta varies among species. Placental lipid
fetus from the placenta invariably is equal to the fetal GUR, transport capacity is greatest in the hemochorial placenta of
independently measured with glucose tracers.48,57,90,91 Thus, the human, guinea pig, and rabbit and least in the epithelio-
there is no evidence for fetal glucose production under nor- chorial placenta of the ruminant and the endotheliochorial
mal conditions. Also, there is little if any fetal glucogenesis placenta of the carnivores.95 There are many lipid substances
under the conditions of short-term (1–4 hours) changes in in the plasma that are transported across the placenta that
maternal and fetal glucose concentrations, placental-to-fetal are essential for placental and fetal development, even if they
glucose transfer, and fetal GUR. Measurable rates of fetal glu- do not contribute to nutritional or energy metabolism. Also,
cose production only develop significantly after prolonged brown fat is common to all fetuses; it is essential for postna-
periods (several days) of decreased fetal glucose supply and tal thermogenesis, even if the neonate is not “fat” with white
sustained fetal hypoglycemia and hypoinsulinemia.51–53,92–94 adipose tissue. Furthermore, many lipid substances enter-
The capacity of the fetus to make new glucose molecules from ing the fetus are qualitatively different from those taken up
nonglucose substrates (e.g., lactate, amino acids, and glycerol) by the uterus and uteroplacenta, implying active placental
varies considerably among species. In nearly all cases, this metabolism of individual lipid substances. More complex
appears to be a late gestational development, augmented by pathways include lipoprotein dissociation by placental
hormonal signals including decreased insulin and increased lipoprotein lipase and phospholipase activity.96 Maternal
cortisol and catecholamines that activate phosphoenolpyru- plasma triglycerides are hydrolyzed by these enzymes and
vate carboxykinase, the rate-limiting step for gluconeogen- the released fatty acids are then taken up by the placenta. In
esis, and glucose-6-phosphatase, the enzyme necessary for the trophoblast cells, the fatty acids are then reesterified and
the release of glucose from the liver into the circulation.54,56 further hydrolyzed, facilitating their diffusion into the fetal
42 Nutrient delivery and metabolism in the fetus
Lipoproteins 20
Percentage body
Lipoprotein 16 Adipose
lipase tissue
Mono-and Lipoproteins 12
diglycerides 8
Esterification Hydrolysis
Free fatty acids (FFAs) FFAs 32 36 40
Essential fatty acids (EFAs) Gestational age (weeks)
Phospholipid EFAs
metabolism PUFAs Membrane growth
Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs)
Keto acids Keto acids Oxidation (brain, liver, muscle)
Glycerol Glycerol Triglyceride synthesis, glucogenesis
Figure 5.3 Schematic of placental–fetal interrelationships in humans for various aspects of placental lipid metabolism, fetal lipid
uptake and metabolism, and fetal lipogenesis into adipose tissue. (Adapted from Hay, W.W., Jr. et al., Nutrition and development
of the fetus: Carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, in: Duggan, C.P., Watkins, J.B., Koletzko, B., and Walker, W.A., eds., Nutrition in
Pediatrics: Basic Science and Clinical Applications, 5th ed., PMPH-USA, Ltd., Shelton, CT, 2015 (in press), Chapter 28; Hay, W.W.,
Jr., Placenta, 16, 19, 1995.)
circulation. Triglycerides also are taken up and metabolized from increased placental lipid transfer or increased de
by complex processes in the placenta, including metabolic novo lipogenesis fueled by increased insulin and glucose
pathways of oxidation, and chain-lengthening, synthe- concentrations.104
sis, and interconversion pathways, followed by release into In humans, umbilical venous–arterial fatty acid concen-
the fetal plasma as free fatty acids (FFAs) or lipoproteins.97 tration differences in cord blood samples show that the net
A schema of placental lipid uptake, metabolism, trans- flux of nonesterified fatty acids into the fetus from the mater-
port, and metabolic interaction with the fetus is shown in nal circulation can account for the fetal requirement of fatty
Figure 5.3.3,97 Recent reviews summarize information about acids during the end of pregnancy.105 Similar estimates in
placental lipid transport and fetal lipid metabolism and nonhuman primates (e.g., monkey)106 indicate that in placen-
accumulation.98–100 tal fatty acid, transfer across the placenta could account for
The most important factor that regulates the flux of lipid all fetal fat deposition in late gestation. Overall, therefore, it
into the placenta and into the various pathways of transport appears that there is a relatively direct relationship between
and metabolism is the concentration of maternal plasma the permeability of the placenta to lipids, especially fatty
lipids, including FFAs and triglycerides. For example, pla- acids, and the adiposity of the fetus at term. Human fetuses
cental triglyceride content increases in women who are develop the most body fat, c. 15%–18% of body weight by the
fasting, who deliver preterm infants, or who have diabe- end of gestation. Guinea pig and rabbit fetuses whose moth-
tes mellitus—all conditions in which maternal plasma FFA ers were fed enriched lab chow are second at c. 12% and c.
concentrations are increased. Fatty acid transport into the 7%, respectively. The sheep fetus develops only about 3%
fetal circulation is largely determined by the transplacental body fat by term, because there appears to practically no fatty
gradient of FFAs relative to available circulating binding acid transfer except for essential fatty acids across the ovine pla-
protein concentrations and the activity and availability of centa. Other small mammals produce even less fetal body fat
their binding sites. In humans, fetal patterns of essential content, such as the mouse at only about 1% (Figure 5.4).
fatty acids and structural lipids correlate directly with the
fatty acid/lipid composition of the maternal plasma (and,
indirectly, the maternal diet).98–100 Fetal lipid metabolism
The fetal impact of maternal plasma FFA and lipid con- Physiological changes that develop in the fetus in late
centrations is further reflected in the fetal lipid content gestation and increase nutrient utilization, such as the
and adipose tissue development.101 Fatter (more macroso- increase in plasma insulin concentration, act to enhance net
mic) human fetuses develop in pregnant women who have maternal-to-fetal fatty acid and lipid transport by increas-
higher BMIs and plasma glucose, triglyceride, and insulin ing fatty acid utilization in the fetus (largely to develop
concentrations, particularly among women with diabetes adipose tissue).107 Increased utilization of fatty acids by
during pregnancy.102 Reducing maternal plasma glucose fetal tissues lowers fetal plasma fatty acid concentrations
and lipid concentrations with a complex carbohydrate diet relative to those in the maternal plasma and increases the
also reduces fetal adiposity.103 Recent data also indicate maternal-to-fetal fatty acid concentration gradients.108 For
that infants from mothers with gestational diabetes melli- example, human maternal venous blood concentrations of
tus have increased neonatal hepatic fat, which could result fatty acids are directly related to the umbilical artery FFA
Placental amino acid uptake and transport to the fetus 43
Human Guinea Rabbit Sheep Calf Cat Monkey Pig Rat
Figure 5.4 Fetal fat content at term as a percent of fetal body weight among species. (Adapted from Hay, W.W., Jr. et al., Nutrition
and development of the fetus: Carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, in: Duggan, C.P., Watkins, J.B., Koletzko, B., and Walker,
W.A., eds., Nutrition in Pediatrics: Basic Science and Clinical Applications, 5th ed., PMPH-USA, Ltd., Shelton, CT, 2015 (in press),
Chapter 28; Hay, W.W. Jr., Placenta, 16, 19, 1995; Reprinted from An Introduction to Fetal Physiology, Battaglia, F.C. and Meschia, G.,
Copyright 1986, with permission from Elsevier.)
concentrations and the umbilical vein–artery concentra- exchange, but amino acid transport systems also increase
tion differences of FFA.109 their transport activity over gestation.114,115 For example,
Recent evidence supports the unique roles for leptin studies that have evaluated intralitter variation in mice
in fetal metabolism, including enhancement of growth.110 have shown that the lightest placenta of a litter adapts
Umbilical cord leptin concentrations correlate directly with to meet fetal growth demands by increasing surface area
birth weight, and also length and head circumference. They for nutrient exchange as well as amino acid transporter
are higher in macrosomic infants of diabetic mothers and activity.115
lower in infants with IUGR, indicating that the fetal meta- Several factors regulate the expression and activity of
bolic and hormonal milieu independent of fetal fat content placental amino acid transporters. Insulin, IGF-1, inter-
may regulate leptin synthesis and circulating concentra- leukin-6, and tumor necrosis factor-α all have been shown
tions. Interestingly, cord blood leptin levels also predicted to stimulate placental system A transporter activity,117–119
weight gain independent of insulin concentrations over which is the amino acid transporter system responsible
the first 2 years of life. The effect of leptin levels on weight for the uptake of small nonessential neutral amino acids.
gain was independent of birth weight and was still evident Less is known about the regulation of placental system L
at 24 months. Thus, the wide variation in growth during transporter activity, which exchanges neutral amino acids
infancy may be partly regulated by leptin levels present in for essential amino acids against their concentration gra-
utero in response to maternal diet and metabolism and by dient, although a recent study of fetal IUGR produced in
fetal fat accumulation.111 mice by uterine artery ligation could be reversed in part by
IGF-1 gene transfection of the placenta with increased sys-
tem L activity.120 Insulin has been shown to increase system
L activity,117 while a 4-day adiponectin infusion into preg-
Placental amino acid uptake and nant mice downregulated system L activity and decreased
transport to the fetus fetal growth.121 Mechanisms by which these factors regu-
late amino acid transporter activity are currently being
Growth and regulation of placental amino acid elucidated, though evidence supports the involvement of
transport capacity mTOR and signal transducer and activator of transcription
In human and in many other species, fetal body weight in 3 nutrient sensing pathways.117,118
late gestation correlates positively with placental weight.112
As pregnancy advances, the increasing protein synthetic
and nitrogen balance demands of the growing fetus are Fetal amino acid uptake
met by an appropriate increase in placental size and Amino acids are actively concentrated in the trophoblast
amino acid transport capacity. This enhanced transport intracellular matrix by Na+/K+-adenosine triphosphatase-
is facilitated by increases in uteroplacental blood flow, F- and H+-dependent transporter proteins at the maternal-
trophoblast membrane exchange area, and transporter facing microvillous membrane of the trophoblast and then
concentrations in the trophoblast membranes.113 Fetal transported into the fetal plasma.122 Thus, fetal amino acid
growth not only is supported by increased surface area for concentrations are generally higher than maternal levels.123
44 Nutrient delivery and metabolism in the fetus
Direct transport
Ala Ala
Metabolism NH3 Liver
CO2 Glu
Ser Gly Gly
Protein Muscle
MeTHF Ser synthesis
Leu Leu
Unique keto acids
Insulin Pancreas
Arg Arg
Nitric oxid
Figure 5.5 Schematic representation of a variety of placental–fetal metabolic interactions with respect to amino acid uptake
by the placenta, metabolism in the trophoblast cells, direct transfer to the fetus, signaling of fetal vascular and metabolic pro-
cesses, and utilization in fetal tissues. Ala, alanine; Gln, glutamine; Glu, glutamate; Ser, serine; Gly, glycine; Leu, leucine; KIC,
α-ketoisocaproic acid; Arg, arginine; MeTHF, methyl-tetrahydrofolate; NH3, ammonia. (Adapted from Hay, W.W., Jr., Placenta, 16,
19, 1995; Reprinted from Fetal and Neonatal Physiology, 4th edn., Hay, W.W., Jr., Brown, L.D., and Regnault, T.R.H., Fetal require-
ments and placental transfer of nitrogenous compounds, pp. 585–602, Copyright 2011, with permission from Elsevier.)
This active transport process is decreased by hypoxia and can account for c. 0.46 g/day/kg of nitrogen excretion,
inhibitors of protein synthesis,124,125 while hypoamino- which is c. 25% of fetal nitrogen uptake in amino acids.
acidemia increases transport, indicating that synthesis of Such fetal urea production rates are large, exceeding neo-
the transporters is in part responsible for their functional natal and adult weight-specific rates, indicating relatively
state.126 Net total fetal amino acid uptake can account for up rapid protein turnover and oxidation in the fetus. Direct
to 30%–40% of the combined carbon requirements for oxida- measurement of fetal amino acid oxidation using carbon-
tive metabolism and deposition in fetal protein, glycogen, labeled isotopic tracers has determined fetal oxidation rates
and fat, providing 100% of the fetal nitrogen require- for leucine (c. 25% of utilization), lysine (c. 10% of utiliza-
ments.127,128 The placenta and fetus also interact in a variety of tion), and glycine (c. 13% of utilization).130 These studies also
ways to ensure amino acid supply to a large and complex set demonstrated that the fetal oxidation/disposal rate ratio
of vital developmental, metabolic, and signaling processes that is directly related to the excess umbilical uptake of these
are unique to fetal growth and development (Figure 5.5).5 amino acids above that required for protein accretion and
to their plasma concentrations.127,131 Similarly, when amino
acids are exogenously infused into fetal lambs during late
Fetal amino acid metabolism gestation, the rates of leucine oxidation increase and the
glucose/oxygen metabolic quotient decreases, indicating
Fetal amino acid oxidation that the fetus will increase amino acid oxidation rates in
Evidence for a relatively high rate of fetal oxidation of lieu of glucose depending on substrate availability.13
amino acids comes from three observations: Amino acids
are taken up by the fetus in excess of their rate of deposi-
tion in fetal protein5; fetal urea production rates are quite Fetal protein synthesis and turnover
high129; and fetal infusions of carbon-labeled amino acids The net umbilical uptake rates of several nonessential amino
have produced fetal production and excretion of labeled acids are less than their total rate of utilization, emphasiz-
carbon dioxide.62 The urea production rate in fetal sheep ing the need for a relatively high rate of fetal amino acid
References 45
0.3 to the higher metabolic rate and GUR at that stage of ges-
tation.131,132 Thus, protein synthesis per millimole of oxygen
consumed is quite constant from midgestation until term
(Figure 5.6).
Skeletal muscle in the fetal sheep is a major consumer
0.2 of both essential and nonessential amino acids from the
circulation,133 reflecting the relatively high rate of protein
synthesis and nitrogen accretion of the fetus. Insulin and
(per day)
IGF-1 both have been shown to increase blood flow to the
fetal hindlimb (used as an estimate of skeletal muscle-
specific metabolic rates),133,134 promoting uptake of amino
acids by the hindlimb. Euglycemic hyperinsulinemia
also has been shown to promote the net uptake of several
amino acids as well as increase glucose utilization by the
(per day)
fetal hindlimb.134,135 Therefore, it is reasonable to hypoth-
esize that insulin-induced glucose utilization by muscle
0 increases net protein balance, in part by substituting car-
80 100 120 140 bon from glucose for that of amino acids in the tricarbox-
Fetal age (days) ylic acid cycle.136
Figure 5.6 Fractional rate of protein synthesis (kS) over
gestation in fetal sheep studied with leucine (●) and lysine (O)
radioactive tracers compared with the fractional rate of growth
(kG) in the lower portion of the figure. (Reprinted from An
Introduction to Fetal Physiology, Battaglia, F.C. and Meschia, G., The preparation of this chapter was supported in part by
Copyright 1986, with permission from Elsevier; Meier, P.R.
et al., Am. J. Physiol., 240, E320, 1981; Kennaugh, J.M. et al., the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Grand Challenges
Pediatr. Res., 22, 688, 1987.) Exploration Grant OPP1061082 (WWH, PI), NIH Training
Grant T32HD007186-32 (WWH, PI and PD), NIH
production.5,130 Protein synthetic rates also are high com- K12HD068372 (WWH PD), NIH UL1TR001082 (WWH,
pared to the adult. Fractional protein synthetic rate (kS) and Co-PD), NIH R01DK088139 and K08HD060688 (PJR, PI;
fractional growth rate (kG) are higher in the midgestation WWH, Co-I), NIH/UCDenver K12HD057022 (LDB, PI),
fetus compared to the near-term fetus, both proportional NIH KO1DK090199, and NIH R03DK102972 (SRW, PI).
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6 Pathogenesis of gestational
diabetes mellitus
Yariv Yogev
50 Pathogenesis of gestational diabetes mellitus
is limited owing to the change in the relationship between Estrogen and progesterone
common measures of body size, such as total body weight and In early pregnancy, both progesterone and estrogen rise
body surface area. Catalano et al.8,9 were the first to conduct a but their effects on insulin activity are counterbalanced.
prospective longitudinal study using the hyperinsulinemic– Progesterone causes insulin resistance, whereas estrogen
euglycemic clamp model in obese and nonobese gravid is protective.20 An IVGTT given to estrogen-treated rats
women with normal glucose tolerance tests. They found a 47% showed a significant decrease in glucose concentrations and
decrease in insulin sensitivity in obese gravid women and a a twofold increase in insulin concentration21; the addition of
56% decrease in lean gravid women. Differences in whole- progesterone was associated with a 70% increase in the insu-
body insulin sensitivity tend to be small in the third trimes- lin response to a glucose challenge test, but there were no
ter, owing to the marked effects of pregnancy itself on insulin alterations in glucose tolerance.22 In cultured rat adipocyte
resistance. Nonetheless, precise and direct measures of insu- tissue treated with estrogen, there was no effect on glucose
lin sensitivity applied during the third trimester have identi- transport, but maximum insulin binding was increased.
fied, in women with GDM, exaggerated resistance to insulin’s However, progesterone decreased both maximum glucose
ability to stimulate glucose utilization.9 transport and insulin binding.20,21
The development of resistance to the glucose-lowering Gonzalez et al.23 evaluated the role played by proges-
effects of insulin is a normal phenomenon of pregnancy. terone and/or 17beta-estradiol on sensitivity to insulin
In a pioneer study, Burt et al.10 demonstrated that pregnant action that took place during pregnancy. Ovariectomized
women experience fewer hypoglycemic events in response rats were treated with different doses of progesterone and/
to insulin infusion than nongravid women. Accordingly, or 17beta-estradiol in order to simulate the plasma levels
later research found women with normal pregnancies had in normal pregnancy rats. A hyperinsulinemic–euglycemic
progressively exaggerated insulin responses to ingested glu- clamp was used to measure insulin sensitivity. The results
cose, together with a slightly decreased glucose tolerance.11,12 suggested that the absence of female steroid hormones leads
Using the IVGTT model, Buchanan et al.13 and Cousins to decreased insulin sensitivity. Thus, the rise in insulin sen-
et al.14 demonstrated a significant (70%) reduction in insulin sitivity during early pregnancy, when plasma concentrations
sensitivity during the second trimester of normal pregnancy, of 17beta-estradiol and progesterone are low, could be due to
with a return to normal values shortly after delivery. Ryan 17beta-estradiol. However, during late pregnancy, when both
et al.2 were the first to report quantitative differences in insu- plasma concentrations of 17beta-estradiol and progesterone
lin sensitivity between normal and diabetic pregnancies. are high, the role of 17beta-estradiol may serve to antagonize
Other researchers noted that insulin sensitivity was lower in the effect of progesterone, diminishing insulin sensitivity.23
patients with GDM than in patients with normal pregnan-
cies at 12–14 weeks of gestation, before the point of maximal
physiological insulin resistance; however, the difference was Cortisol
not statistically significant. By the third trimester, insulin Cortisol levels increase as pregnancy advances and by the
resistance was similar in the two groups.8,14 end of pregnancy concentrations are threefold higher than
Much effort has been invested to identify the tissues that in the nonpregnant state.24 Rizza et al.,25 in a clamp study,
contribute to the insulin resistance of pregnancy. Findings, demonstrated that under infusion of high amounts of corti-
in animal models, indicate a 40% reduction in insulin- sol, hepatic glucose production increased and insulin sensi-
mediated glucose utilization by skeletal muscle and a similar tivity decreased. Findings in a skeletal muscle model showed
effect in cardiac muscle and fat cells.15,16 that an excess of glucocorticoid is characterized by decreased
It remains unclear whether hepatic insulin sensitivity is total tyrosine phosphorylation of the insulin receptor (IR);
altered during gestation. Kalhan et al.17 and Cowett et al.18 therefore, it seems logical that glucocorticoid-induced insu-
noted no significant differences in basal glucose produc- lin resistance is related to a postreceptor mechanism. In a
tion in pregnant women at term compared to nonpregnant study by Ahmed and Shalayel,26 30 pregnant women with
control subjects when the data were expressed per kilo- GDM and 30 pregnant women with impaired glucose toler-
gram of body weight; however, expression of the data in ance (IGT) were compared with 30 pregnant women with
relation to pregravid weight yielded an increase in hepatic normal glucose tolerance. The GDM and IGT groups were
glucose production in late pregnancy.19 Furthermore, in found to have significantly higher levels of serum cortisol
hyperinsulinemic–euglycemic clamp studies, hepatic glu- than the control group.
cose production was significantly less suppressed in lean and
obese patients with GDM than in the control group.8,9
During pregnancy, maternal prolactin levels increase 7–10-
Hormonal effect in normal and fold. Gustafson et al.27 reported that the basal insulin con-
diabetic pregnancy centration and postchallenge glucose and insulin responses
were greater in women with hyperprolactinemia than in
Reproductive hormones tend to increase during pregnancy, healthy controls. These findings were supported by studies
most of them contribute to insulin resistance and altered showing that the culture of pancreatic islet cells with prolac-
beta-cell function. tin induces an increase in insulin secretion.28 Skouby et al.29
Other factors affecting gestational diabetes mellitus 51
investigated the relationship between the deterioration in shown that leptin directly affects whole body insulin sensitiv-
glucose tolerance and plasma prolactin levels in patients with ity by regulating the efficiency of insulin-mediated glucose
normal and diabetic pregnancies. Oral glucose tolerance metabolism by skeletal muscle37 and by hepatic regulation of
tests (OGTTs) were performed in late pregnancy and post- gluconeogenesis.38 Leptin may also wield an acute inhibitory
partum. In late pregnancy, the GDM group had significantly effect on insulin secretion.39 Yamashita et al.40 suggested that
elevated fasting glucose levels compared to the controls, and, an alteration in leptin action might play a role in GDM and
after glucose challenge, their insulin responses were sig- fetal overgrowth weight gain. They found that pregnant mice
nificantly diminished and the suppression of glucagon less treated with leptin had markedly lower glucose levels than
pronounced. These differences in glucose metabolism were controls during glucose and insulin challenge tests. However,
markedly reduced in the early postpartum period. There was despite the reduced energy intake and improved glucose tol-
no difference in basal prolactin concentrations between the erance, fetal overgrowth was not reduced. Results provide
two groups at either time point. The prolactin levels were evidence that leptin administration during late gestation can
also not altered during the OGTTs, and there was no cor- reduce adiposity and improve glucose tolerance in the model
relation between the deterioration in glucose tolerance and of spontaneous GDM. These data suggest that alterations
the prolactin concentrations in either group. Thus, abnormal in placental leptin levels may contribute to the regulation
prolactin levels are not of pathophysiologic importance in of fetal growth independently of maternal glucose levels.
the development of GDM. Kautzky-Willer et al.41 measured plasma concentrations
of leptin and beta-cell hormones during fasting and after an
oral glucose load (OGTT of 75 g) in pregnant women with
Human placental lactogen GDM and normal glucose tolerance at 28 weeks gestation
Human placental lactogen (hPL) levels rise at the beginning and in women who were not pregnant. Plasma leptin con-
of the second trimester, causing a decrease in phosphory- centration was higher in the women with GDM than in the
lation of insulin receptor substrate (IRS)-1 and profound women with normal glucose tolerance and higher in both
insulin resistance.20 Beck and Daughday30 demonstrated these groups than in the nonpregnant controls. No change
that overnight infusion of hPL results in abnormal glucose in plasma leptin concentrations was induced by OGTT in
tolerance and increased insulin and glucose concentration any group. Basal insulin release was higher in women with
in response to an oral glucose challenge. Accordingly, Brelje GDM than in women with normal glucose tolerance. The
et al.31 found that in islet cell culture, hPL directly stimulates authors concluded that women with GDM and no change in
insulin secretion. This may indicate that hPL directly reg- plasma leptin on oral glucose loading have increased plasma
ulates islet cell function and is probably the principal hor- leptin concentrations during and after pregnancy. Vitoratos
mone responsible for the increase in islet function observed et al.42 investigated the changes in leptin levels and the rela-
during normal pregnancy.31 tionship between leptin substance and insulin and glucose
in pregnant women with GDM. Plasma leptin levels were
measured in peripheral vein blood samples from healthy
Leptin and diabetic women at 29 and 33 weeks gestation. Results
Leptin is a 16 kDa protein encoded by the ob/ob (obesity) gene showed a correlation of plasma leptin levels with fasting
secreted by adipocyte tissue. It can modulate energy expen- plasma insulin levels and plasma glucose levels measured
diture by direct action on the hypothalamus. Fasting insu- 1 hour after oral administration of 50 g of glucose. Serum
lin and leptin concentrations correlate closely with body fat, leptin levels were significantly higher in the women with
making leptin a good marker of obesity and insulin resistance. GDM than in the women with uncomplicated pregnancies.
As receptors to leptin are found in skeletal muscle, the liver, The GDM group also showed a significant, positive corre-
the pancreas, adipocyte tissue, the uterus, and the placenta, lation of serum leptin levels with glycosylated hemoglobin
it may be responsible for both peripheral and central insulin levels, fasting serum insulin levels, and plasma glucose lev-
resistance. Reductions in leptin concentrations are caused by els measured 1 hour after administration of 50 g of glucose.
weight loss, fasting, and starvation; leptin concentrations are Thus, levels of leptin are elevated in women with GDM, and
increased with weight gain and hyperinsulinemia. leptin metabolism depends on insulin levels and the sever-
In animal models, using hyperinsulinemic–euglycemic ity of the diabetes. Wiznitzer et al.43 reported that umbilical
clamp studies, infusion of leptin was found to increase the cord leptin concentration was an independent risk factor for
glucose infusion rate.32 Leptin levels are significantly higher fetal macrosomia in nondiabetic pregnant women.
in pregnancy than in the nonpregnant state, especially dur-
ing the second and third trimesters,33–35 and this change in
circulating leptin concentrations is generally consistent Other factors affecting gestational
with changes in maternal fat stores and glucose metabolism. diabetes mellitus
Results of studies by Laivuori et al.36 suggest that pregnancy-
associated increases in maternal plasma leptin may result Tumor necrosis factor-alpha
from an upregulation of adipocyte leptin synthesis in the Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) has been implicated
presence of increasing insulin resistance and hyperinsu- in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes mel-
linemia in the latter half of pregnancy. Investigators have also litus, but only limited data are available with regard to GDM.
52 Pathogenesis of gestational diabetes mellitus
Coughlan et al.44 investigated the effect of exogenous glucose level was extremely high in comparison to serum levels in
on the release of TNF-α from placental and adipose tissue children and adults and was positively correlated to fetal
obtained from normal and diabetic pregnant women. They birth weights. No correlation was found between cord adi-
found significantly greater TNF-α release under conditions of ponectin levels and maternal body mass index, cord leptin,
high glucose concentrations in the GDM group. As TNF-α has or insulin levels. Cord adiponectin levels were significantly
been implicated in the regulation of glucose and lipid metabo- higher compared with maternal levels at birth, and no cor-
lism, and in insulin resistance, these data are consistent with relation was found between cord and maternal adiponectin
the hypothesis that TNF-α is involved in the pathogenesis and/ levels. There were no significant differences between adipo-
or progression of GDM. nectin levels at birth and 4 days postpartum. These find-
Catalano et al.45 reported that changes in insulin sensi- ings indicate that adiponectin in cord blood is derived from
tivity from early to late pregnancy correlated with a gradual fetal and not from placental or maternal tissues. The high
increase in TNF-α levels, which in turn correlated with the adiponectin levels in newborns compared with adults may
percentage change in body weight. be the result of deficient negative feedback on adiponectin
production stemming from the lack of adipocyte hyper-
trophy, low percentage of body fat, or a different distribu-
Adrenomedullin tion of fat storage in newborns. Adiponectin may emerge
Adrenomedullin is a newly discovered hypotensive peptide as a significant factor in carbohydrate–fat metabolism and
involved in the insulin regulatory system, and it may play in the development of insulin resistance during pregnancy.
a role in modifying diabetes in pregnancy. Di Iorio et al.46 Data suggest that there are decreased adiponectin levels in
studied its correlation to GDM. Adrenomedullin concen- women with GDM compared with healthy control subjects.
trations were measured in maternal and fetal plasma and This finding supports the concept of a common pathogenesis
in amniotic fluid in diabetic and nondiabetic pregnancies. between type 2 diabetes and GDM. Although adiponectin
Overall amniotic fluid concentration was higher in the preg- level appears to rise throughout pregnancy, its contribution
nant diabetic women (type 1 or GDM), but there was no to gestation remains unclear.
difference between the group in maternal and fetal plasma
levels. These findings suggest that placental adrenomedullin
production is upregulated in diabetic pregnancy and that it Pancreatic beta-cell function in
may be important to prevent excessive vasoconstriction of
placental vessels. normal pregnancy and gestational
diabetes mellitus
Adiponectin Insulin is the main hormone controlling blood glucose con-
Adiponectin is an adipose tissue hormone, which is a spe- centration. Most commonly, assessment of beta-cell func-
cific plasma protein that is secreted by adipocytes. It may tion is made by measuring the fasting insulin concentration
facilitate the regulation of the glucose and lipid metabolism. or the response to glucose infusion. Fasting plasma insulin
Adiponectin decreases the hepatic glucose production and increases gradually during pregnancy—by the third trimes-
insulin resistance by upregulating fatty acid oxidation.47 ter, levels are twofold higher than before pregnancy. Patients
Adiponectin also suppresses the secretion of TNF-α by adi- with GDM have fasting insulin levels equal to or higher than
pose tissue, a factor that is known to contribute to insulin those of women with nondiabetic pregnancies, with the
resistance.48 Studies have shown that adiponectin serum lev- highest levels occurring in obese women with GDM.
els were decreased in obese subjects49 and patients with type During normal pregnancy, oral and intravenous glucose
2 diabetes.50 In studies with rhesus monkeys, adiponectin tolerance deteriorates only slightly, despite the reduction in
plasma levels were significantly decreased with the progres- insulin sensitivity.13 The main mechanism responsible for that
sion of obesity and insulin resistance.51 In all probability, phenomenon is a gradual increase in insulin secretion by the
adiponectin increases insulin sensitivity by enhancing the beta cells. Kuhl12 reported a hyperbolic relationship between
β-oxidation of free fatty acids and by decreasing the intra- insulin sensitivity and beta-cell responsiveness to glucose in
cellular concentrations of triglycerides.52,53 In patients with both pregnant and nonpregnant women, pointing to a role for
type 2 diabetes, who have the same risk factors for GDM, the beta cells in pathological states such as GDM and demon-
i.e., obesity, maternal age, ethnic origin, and family history, strating the magnitude of the change in insulin secretion that
lower serum levels of adiponectin were detected. In mice, is necessary to maintain glucose tolerance. The mechanism
the intravenous administration of adiponectin was associ- responsible for increase insulin secretion during pregnancy is
ated with loss of weight and reduced plasma concentrations not well understood. A major contributing factor is the increase
of fatty acids54; the proportion of total body fat mass was cor- in the beta-cell mass, a combination of hyperplasia and hyper-
related negatively with adiponectin serum levels.55 The data trophy.59 The increased beta-cell mass can contribute to the
suggests that low plasma adiponectin concentration during increased fasting insulin concentration despite normal or
even early pregnancy may be associated with subsequent lowered fasting glucose concentrations in late pregnancy, and
development of GDM.56–58 Levels of adiponectin have been the enhanced insulin response to glucose during pregnancy
assessed in fetal cord at delivery.58 A cord blood adiponectin (twofold to threefold above nonpregnant levels).
Pancreatic beta-cell function in normal pregnancy and gestational diabetes mellitus 53
In GDM, the early insulin response to OGTT (15–30 GDM may be similar to the genes conferring risk of type 2 dia-
minutes after glucose ingestion) is reduced compared to betes, whereas in others, novel genes may contribute to GDM.
nondiabetic pregnant control women, suggesting a defect in
the beta-cell response.60 First-phase beta-cell responses to
glucose infusion in GDM patients has also been reported to Insulin signaling system in normal pregnancy and in
be reduced. GDM tends to be milder in women with a nor- gestational diabetes mellitus
mal beta-cell response, and they are at relatively low risk for The action of insulin is triggered when it binds to the IR. The
developing diabetes.61 IR belongs to the IGF receptor family, which possesses an
intrinsic tyrosine kinase (TK) activity. The receptor is com-
Genetics, immunology, and gestational diabetes posed of two alpha-subunits, each linked to a beta-subunit
mellitus and to each other by disulfide bonds; only the beta-subunit
Some patients with GDM manifest evidence for autoimmu- has enzymatic TK activity. When insulin binds to the recep-
nity toward beta cells (insulin autoantibodies and anti–islet tor, the conformational change activates the beta-subunit
cell antibodies); however, the prevalence of such autoim- and autophosphorylation begins. Thus, the activation of TK
munity has been reported to be extremely low (<10%).62,63 enzyme leads to increased tyrosine phosphorylation of cellu-
Mutations in the glucokinase gene occur in no more than lar substrates. IRS-1, a cytosolic protein, binds to the phos-
5% of patients with GDM.64 The inheritance of GDM was phorylated intracellular substrates, thereby transmitting the
studied in a group of 100 women with previous GDM.65 The insulin signal downstream. The distribution of the IRS pro-
women were reinvestigated 11 years postpartum and 60% teins tends to be tissue specific: IRS-2 is more copious in the
were found to have either IGT or type 2 diabetes. An inves- liver and pancreas, whereas both IRS-1 and IRS-2 are widely
tigation of their parents showed that a substantial propor- expressed in skeletal muscle. Insulin stimulates the activation
tion had neither parent affected with IGT or type 2 diabetes, and binding of the lipid kinase enzyme, phosphatidylinositol
which suggests a polygenic inheritance or environmental (PI)-3-kinase, and its binding to IRS-1. The formation of PI is
influence rather than autosomal dominance inheritance mandatory for insulin action on glucose transport. Knockout
with high penetration rates. In addition, animal studies of the IRS-1 gene causes only a moderate increase in insulin
have shown that prenatal exposure to a diabetic intrauterine resistance due to increased insulin secretion, but not overt
milieu increases the risk of GDM. diabetes. In women with GDM, the skeletal muscle contains
Harder et al.66 reported that the prevalence of type 2 dia- lower levels of IRS-1 protein and significantly less insulin-
betes was significantly greater in mothers than in fathers of stimulated IRS-1 tyrosine phosphorylation, while levels of the
women with GDM, and there was also significant aggrega- IRS-2 protein are increased. These findings suggest that the
tion of type 2 diabetes in the maternal–grandmaternal line insulin resistance of GDM may be exerted through a decrease
compared to the paternal–grandpaternal line. Therefore, that in the insulin resistance cascade at the level of the IRS pro-
may suggest that a history of type 2 diabetes on the mother’s teins. The increased IRS-2 level may be a compensation for the
side might be considered as a particular risk factor for GDM. reduced IRS-1 level.69 Glucose uptake by cells is mediated by
The possible genetic background of GDM remains a family of membrane proteins, GLUT1–GLUT4, which have
unclear. In particular, its association with human leukocyte a significant sequence similarity. GLUT4 is the main insulin-
antigen (HLA) class II polymorphism has been poorly stud- sensitive glucose transport, expressed uniquely in skeletal and
ied, and the results are conflicting. In an attempt to clarify cardiac muscles and adipose tissue. Garvey et al.70 reported
these discrepancies, Vambergue et al.67 reported that the that in rectus abdominis taken from lean and obese women
distribution of HLA class II polymorphism was not signifi- with GDM, GLUT4 content was similar. In GDM, GLUT4
cantly different between GDM and IGT samples, and there gene expression is normal in skeletal muscles. To the extent
was no significant variation in DRB1*03 and DRB1*04 allele that these muscles are representative of the total muscle mass,
frequencies. These data provide further evidence that type 1 insulin resistance in skeletal muscle may involve impaired
or insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus HLA class II suscep- GLUT4 function or translocation, but not its depletion, as
tibility alleles cannot serve as genetic markers for suscepti- observed in adipose tissue. Garvey et al.71 demonstrated that
bility to glucose intolerance during pregnancy. the insulin-stimulated glucose transport in adipocyte tissue
Ober et al.68 studied the restriction fragment length poly- was reduced by 60% at term in women with GDM compared to
morphisms near “candidate diabetogenic genes” in order to nondiabetic pregnant women. Moreover, the GLUT4 content
identify molecular markers for GDM genes. Genotypes for in adipocytes was profoundly depleted in 50% of the GDM
the insulin hypervariable region, insulin-like growth factor 2 group. The whole group exhibited a novel abnormality in
(IGF2), IR, and glucose transporter (GLUT)1 were studied in GLUT4 subcellular distribution, an accumulation of GLUT4
GDM and control subjects. The results supported the hypoth- in membranes cofractionating with plasma membranes
eses that GDM has heterogeneous phenotypic and genotypic and high-density microsomes in basal cells, and absence of
features and that the risk for GDM in black and Caucasian translocation in response to insulin. These data suggest that
subjects is not related to obesity per se but to interactions abnormalities in cellular traffic or targeting relegate GLUT4
between obesity and IR alleles. In Caucasian women, IR and to a membrane compartment from which insulin cannot
IGF2 alleles interact to confer an additional risk for GDM. recruit transporters to the cell surface. This has important
Thus, in some women, genes responsible for susceptibility to implications for skeletal muscle insulin resistance in GDM.
54 Pathogenesis of gestational diabetes mellitus
The membrane protein plasma cell membrane glycoprotein-1 and it corresponds to the prevalence of type 2 diabetes and
(PC-1) has been identified as an inhibitor of insulin receptor IGT within a given population. The predominant patho-
TK (IRTK) activity. Shao et al.69 investigated IR function and genic factor in GDM could be inadequate insulin secre-
PC-1 levels in the muscle from three groups of obese subjects: tion. It has been convincingly demonstrated that GDM
women with GDM, pregnant women with normal glucose tol- occurs as a result of a combination of insulin resistance
erance, and nonpregnant control subjects. No significant dif- and decreased insulin secretion. The similar frequencies of
ferences were found in basal IR tyrosine phosphorylation or HLA-DR2, HLA-DR3, and HLA-DR4 antigens in healthy
IRTK activity among the three groups. After maximal insulin pregnant women and women with GDM, and the low
stimulation, IRTK activity increased in all subjects, but was prevalence of markers for autoimmune destruction of the
lower in women with GDM by 25% and 39% compared with beta cells in GDM, rule out the possibility that GDM has
pregnant and nonpregnant control subjects, respectively. an autoimmune origin. Pregnancy is associated with pro-
Similarly, IR tyrosine phosphorylation was significantly found hormonal changes that have a direct effect on carbo-
decreased in the subjects with GDM compared to the other hydrate tolerance. In early pregnancy, both progesterone
two groups. Treatment of the IR with alkaline phosphatase and estrogen levels rise, but their actions on insulin are
to dephosphorylate serine/threonine residues significantly counterbalanced, as progesterone causes insulin resistance
increased insulin-stimulated IRTK activity in the pregnant and estrogen is protective. In the second trimester, hPL,
control and GDM subjects, but the rates were still lower than cortisol, and prolactin levels all rise, causing decreased
in the nonpregnant controls. PC-1 content in the muscle from phosphorylation of IRS-1 and profound insulin resistance.
GDM subjects was increased by 63% compared with preg- In most subjects, pancreatic insulin secretion rise to meet
nant control subjects and by 206% compared with nonpreg- this need, but in those with underlying beta-cell defects,
nant control subjects. PC-1 content was negatively correlated hyperglycemia ensues. In women with GDM, the insulin
with IR phosphorylation and IRTK. Increased PC-1 content resistance of pregnancy is exaggerated, especially if fast-
in the pregnant control and GDM groups suggests an exces- ing hyperglycemia is present, and is related to additional
sive phosphorylation of serine/threonine residues in muscle defective tyrosine phosphorylation of the IR beta-subunit.
IR, both of which may contribute to the pregnancy-associated Recent research suggests that the postreceptor mecha-
decrease in IRTK activity. In GDM, changes worsened, even nisms that contribute to insulin resistance of pregnancy
when controlling for obesity. These postreceptor defects in are multifactorial but are exerted at the beta-subunit of the
insulin signaling may contribute to the pathogenesis of GDM IR and at the level of IRS-1. The resistance to insulin-medi-
and the increased risk for type 2 diabetes later in life. ated glucose transport appears to be greater in the skeletal
Receptor autophosphorylation has also been reported to muscle from GDM subjects than from pregnant subjects.
be impaired in GDM subjects, a finding consistent with their There is also a modest but significant decrease in the maxi-
increased insulin resistance.70 In addition, overexpression mal IR tyrosine phosphorylation in the muscle from obese
of membrane plasma cell differentiation factor-1 (i.e., PC-1) GDM subjects. Results also suggest that increased IR ser-
may play a role in developing insulin resistance by inhibit- ine/threonine phosphorylation and PC-1 could underlie
ing the TK activity of the IR.71 In GDM patients, PC-1 lev- the insulin resistance of pregnancy and contribute to the
els were significantly higher in skeletal muscle compared to pathogenesis of GDM.
nondiabetic pregnant women.72 Whether additional defects are exerted further
downstream from IRS-1 remains to be investigated. GDM
is a predictor of diabetes (mainly type 2) later in life. The
Summary cumulative incidence of type 2 diabetes is 50% at 5 years.
GDM is also a predictor, or even an early manifestation,
GDM is carbohydrate intolerance resulting in hypergly- of the metabolic (insulin resistance) syndrome. GDM is a
cemia of variable severity with onset or first recognition cardiovascular risk factor, and affected patients should be
during pregnancy. The incidence of GDM is 0.15%–15%, screened to prevent late complications.
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7 Autoimmunity in gestational
diabetes mellitus
Alberto de Leiva, Dídac Mauricio, and Rosa Corcoy
58 Autoimmunity in gestational diabetes mellitus
using a radiobinding assay. We observed that only FDRs-DM-1.35,60 Table 7.1 illustrates the prevalence of
0.98% (2 of 203) of consecutive women at diagnosis of DRAs in GDM, reported in multiple publications.
GDM displayed IAAs in their sera before initiation of A prospective German multicentric study has shown
treatment (registered frequency in control subjects, 0 that GADAs in women with GDM bound fewer epi-
of 106 individuals; frequency in FDRs-DM-1, 4.7%). topes than GADAs in FDRs-DM-1.60 Whereas the
Interestingly, in the subgroup of ICA (+) women with prevalence and titers of GADAs to the major GAD65
GDM, the prevalence of IAAs was higher than in ICA COOH-terminal middle epitope were not significantly
(−) ones (11% vs. 0.7%), so that in women with GDM and different (91% vs. 100%, 88.6% vs. 100%), AAs to epit-
ICA positivity, the prevalence of IAAs was not differ- opes GAD65-midb (middle b) and GAD67 were less
ent than in FDRs-DM-1.25 Quite a different issue is the frequently detected in patients with GDM (57% vs. 90%,
appearance of insulin antibodies (IAs) in women with 38% vs. 79%). AAs reactive to all epitopes of GAD65
GDM treated with exogenous insulin. Our group has tested in this study were also less frequent in subjects
reported that 44% of women receiving human insulin with GDM, in comparison to FDRs-DM-1 (65% vs. 23%,
therapy for GDM develop IAs, which may persist up to p < 0.01). The observed reduction of binding to GAD epi-
24 months after delivery.42 Similar findings have been topes in women with GDM, in comparison with young
described after treatment with lispro-insulin.43 FDRs-DM-1, is also seen in latent autoimmune diabetes
GADAs and IA-2As. GAD is the biosynthesizing enzyme of adulthood (LADA) patients.61 Similar to LADA, in
of γ-aminobutyric acid. Pancreatic β-cells express this GDM, the combined presence of various AAs is infre-
enzyme, among other cell types. The prevalence of these quent,25,27,34,48,49 which is consistent with the concept of a
AAs in subjects with new-onset DM-1 is 60%–70% for slow progression form of autoimmune diabetes.60
GADAs, 40% for IA-2As, and 20% for IA-2βAs.44,45 All Transplacental passage of DRAs and related effects. DRAs
DRAAs could be useful for the screening of autoim- are transferred to the fetus.42,62–67 They are mainly
mune diabetes. Because ICA measurement is time con- IgG and are actively transported by the placenta.68,69
suming and semiquantitative, currently it is usually Maternal and fetal levels are highly correlated for
used for confirmation purposes. The combination of IAs,42,62,64–66 ICAs,46 GADAs,62,70 and IA-2As.62 This
two antibodies offers a good yield with GADAs/IA-2As transplacental passage of antibodies lies behind the
and GADAs/IAAs being used in adults and children, higher prevalence of DRA in cord blood from infants
respectively.46 Our group has reported that nonisotopic of diabetic mothers compared with infants of diabetic
alternatives for GADA65 and IA-2As are suitable for fathers.67 Postnatal elimination of transplacentally
the precise use of estimation of risk prediction and acquired DRAs has been prospectively investigated in
diagnosis of autoimmune diabetes.47 infants born to type 1 diabetic mothers, with the mean
Some reports have shown that the prevalence of elimination time being 3.1 months for ICAs and IAs,
IA-2As in GDM ranges from 0% to 6.2%.27,34,38,48,49 4.5 months for GADAs, and 4.3 months for IA-2As.72
Several articles have compared the prevalence of IA-2As
in women with GDM with that of a control population, Menon et al.64 reported that the concentration of ani-
the figures being higher in two articles25,34 and similar mal insulin in cord serum correlated with birth weight,
in the other two.27,38 These antibodies are not frequent in but this observation has not been confirmed by other
this age range50 and are associated with rapid progression authors.42,65,66,71,72 The underlying mechanism would be
to severe insulinopenia.51 IA-2A titers in women with an IA-facilitated maternal insulin transfer and, as a con-
GDM are lower than in children with type 1A diabetes.48 sequence, an enhancement of fetal hyperinsulinism and
The prevalence of GADAs in GDM has been reported to related morbidity.73 Maternal insulin–IA complexes have
range from 0% to 10.8%,25,27,34,35,38,48,49,52,53,59,60–63,99 with been associated with toxemia,27,74,75 HELLP syndrome,76
an article from India describing a prevalence of 41% for hypoglycemia,27,77 respiratory distress,27 and high hemato-
of GADAs/IA-2As.59 Several reasons may account for crit in the newborn.76 Nevertheless, other investigators have
these heterogeneous findings. First, each population has not observed a relationship between maternal levels of IAs
a different genetic and environmental background that and cord blood levels of insulin, 32–33 split proinsulin,72
confer different risks. Second, in each population, dif- or C-peptide.65 In our experience, fetal outcomes were not
ferent ethnic groups may have different susceptibility influenced by the presence or titers of IAs, IAAs, or ICAs.78
for GDM and to β-cell autoimmunity. Third, method- In the nonobese diabetic mouse, the transplacental
ological issues, such as study design or laboratory pro- passage of maternal AAs increases the risk of experimen-
cedures, may justify these wide differences. As in the tal autoimmune diabetes in the offspring,79 whereas the
case of ICAs, their frequency has been reported to be transmission of AAs against activated T cells is protective.80
higher than in the control population in some25,27,34,35,62 Interestingly, in infants of diabetic mothers, the presence of
but not all articles,38,54,55,58,63 probably because of the GADAs and IA-2As, but not of IAs, in cord blood samples, is
low statistical power of the latter. As for other diabetes- associated with a lower risk of developing DRAs and DM-1.81
related antibodies (DRAs), titers of GADAs in GDM However, when present in infants of diabetic fathers, DRAs
have also been reported to be lower when compared are not protective, which seems to imply an active fetus self-
with type 1A diabetes, autoimmune prediabetes, and immune response in this case.81
Heterogeneity of autoimmune diabetes 59
Source: de Leiva, A. et al., Diabetes Care, 30(Suppl. 2), 127, 2007. With permission.
the term LADA has been incorporated to define this new α-chains that have an arginine residue 52 and β-chains
clinical variant of diabetes.85–87 that lack an aspartic acid at residue 57. The highest genetic
These patients with adult-onset autoimmune diabetes can risk corresponds to those persons in whom all four
be initially misclassified as having DM-2. Characteristically, HLA-DQ combinations meet this criterion (heterozygous
they display a lower rate of metabolic syndrome than for HLA DRB1*04-DQA1*0301-DQB1*0302 and DRB1*03-
patients with DM-2.88 The distinction between adult-onset DQA1*0501-DQB1*0201), with an absolute lifetime risk
DM-1 and LADA is sometimes difficult, but, characteris- for DM 1A in the general population of 1:12. On the con-
tically, patients with LADA evolve slowly toward insulin trary, persons who are protected are those with DRB1*15-
requirement (within 6 years), and older patients with LADA DQA1*0201-DQB1*0602 (Asp57+) haplotypes.95 People
show even a slower progression.86,89 The presence of GADA carrying out the B1*0401 and 0405 subtypes of DRB1*04
indicates a strong possibility of requiring insulin treatment are susceptible, whereas the *0403 and *0406 subtypes are
earlier than expected in classical-type diabetes. protective.
Some investigators believe that patterns of HLA suscep- So far, the genes of HLA complex have been the
tibility in LADA patients are similar to those reported for most investigated genetic factors in autoimmune GDM
classic DM-1, supporting the hypothesis that the genetics (AIGDM). The information obtained from various reports
of autoimmune diabetes in children and adults are dif- showed discordant results.14,36,37,96–98 In these protocols,
ferentiated by only relatively few age-dependent genetic the number of investigated subjects was small, and the
effects and the slower progression of the insulin deficiency analyzed populations quite heterogeneous. Rubinstein
in adults may be related to subtle variation in the HLA class et al. depicted a strong association between HLA DR3/DR4
II gene associations.90,91 On the contrary, other researchers and islet autoimmunity of women with GDM. 31 A similar
have proposed that LADA patients differ genetically from observation was provided by Freinkel et al., showing a
classical DM-1.92,93 Two distinct monocyte gene expression twofold increase in the frequency of DR3 and DR4 alleles
clusters have been identified in autoimmune diabetes. One in women with GDM.14 Ferber et al.98 investigated 184
cluster, comprising 12 pro-inflammatory cytokine/com- German women with GDM; when compared with another
pound genes, was detected in 60% of LADA patients and group of 254 nondiabetic unrelated subjects, no elevation
28% of adult-onset type 1 diabetic subjects but in only 10% in the frequency of any HLA class allele was observed.
of juvenile-onset type 1 diabetic patients. A second cluster, Nevertheless, DR3 allele frequency was increased in GDM
comprising 10 chemotaxis, adhesion, motility, and metabo- women with positivity to islet cell antibodies, particu-
lism genes, was identified in 43% of juvenile autoimmune larly GADA (p = 0.002), as well as DR4 and DQB1*0302
diabetes, 33% of LADA patients, and only 9% of adult-onset (p = 0.009). Those who had a DR3/DR4-containing gen-
type 1 diabetic individuals.92 otype are 60% of women who are islet antibody positive
and 74% of women who developed DM-1 postpartum.
Combining the determination of susceptible HLA alleles
Genetic markers in (DR3, DR4) with islet AA measurement increased the sen-
autoimmune GDM sitivity of identifying women with GDM developing post-
partum DM-1 to 92%. Damm et al. showed a trend toward
Although genetic markers hold a most relevant promise for an increased frequency of DR3/DR4 and a decrease fre-
the future, they are of only limited clinical value in the eval- quency of DR2 in women with GDM evolving to DM-1. 36
uation and management of diabetic patients. To screen for On the opposite, several reports could not found associa-
the genetic susceptibility of type 1A diabetes, HLA typing is tion between increased prevalence of class II alleles and
most useful. The HLA complex on chromosome 6p21.3 is a the presence of humoral islet cell autoimmune markers in
major susceptibility locus, IDDM1. The HLA complex con- women with GDM.73,45,99
tains class I and II genes that code for several polypeptide C. Murgia et al., from the University of Cagliari, have
chains. The class I genes are HLA-A, HLA-B, and HLA-C. reported a very high prevalence and very unusual dis-
The loci of class II genes are designated by three letters: tribution of antibodies in GDM patients of Sardinia (the
the first, -D-, indicates the class, the second (M, O, P, Q, R) population with the highest frequency of HLA DR3). They
the family, and the third (A or B) the chain. Both classes of determined anti-GAD65, IA-2A, and IAA in a group of 62
molecules are heterodimers: class I exhibits an α-chain and GDM patients and in 56 controls. Frequency of AAs was
β2-microglobulin and class II exhibits α- and β-chains. The 38.8% (7.1% for the control population), being IA-2A the
function of the HLA molecules is to present short peptides most frequent antibody (29.0% in GDM patients, 7.1% in
to T cells to initiate the immune response. Multiple genetic controls). The prevalence of GAD-65 AA was 3.2% (absent
reports have demonstrated an association between various in controls). IAAs were positive in 14.5% of women with
HLA alleles and autoimmune disorders. GDM (absent in controls). Eight percent of all GDM
In Caucasian patients with DM-1, HLA-D genes con- cases were positive for two antibodies (0% in controls).98
tribute as much as 50% of the genetic susceptibility.94 Pregestational weight and BMI of DRA-positive GDM
HLA-DQ genes appear critical to the HLA-associated risk patients were lower than of DRA-negative GDM patients,
of DM-1A. In any individual, four possible DQ dimers are in coincidence with other reports. One plausible expla-
encoded; positive risks for the disease are associated with nation of these unique frequency and distribution of
Autoimmune GDM and LADA 61
pancreatic AAs among women presented with GDM in displayed fewer features of insulin resistance, required
Sardinia is their distinct genetic background. more frequent insulin therapy than negative women, and
Anti-IA2 correlates with DQ8 and/or DR4/DQB1*0201 presumably had presymptomatic DM-1. Nevertheless,
and is negatively associated with DR3/DQB1*02012; IAA other authors have reported that women with GDM with or
and ICA are found with higher frequency in individuals without GADA positivity at follow-up display similar clini-
positive for DR4 and DQ8, while anti-GAD65 is more com- cal characteristics with the exception of BMI.57
monly found in type 1 diabetic patients with DR3 and/or It may be hypothesized that women with AIGDM have
DQB1*0201 haplotypes.100 LADA, which it has been demonstrated not to be the case.
LADA is neither the same than classic DM-1A with onset
in adulthood; although ICA and GADA are common
Autoimmune GDM and LADA in LADA, both anti-IA2 and IAA are much less common in
LADA than in DM-1.101
S. Bo et al. investigated the differences in clinical charac- Our group has recently reported the characteristics of
teristics of women with GDM, whether associated with LADA in Spanish population in terms of β-cell autoimmu-
islet cell autoimmunity or not.35 A total of 207 women nity, insulin secretion, and clinical aspects.102 The study was
composed the total group of investigated subjects; 12.5% initially part of the Action LADA Project, which was locally
were carrying AAs in their sera, either ICAs or GADAs, extended for an additional period of 3 years. Cases of LADA
usually at low titers. Women with GDM with autoimmune were defined as patients age 30–70 years at the diagnosis of
markers apparently presented a lower risk for the develop- diabetes, who did not require insulin for at least 6 months
ment of conventional GDM (were younger, had lower pre- after diagnosis, with GADA or IA-2A positivity. A total of
pregnancy BMI, lower prevalence of diabetes in their FDRs, 82 consecutive patients with LADA, 78 patients with DM-1,
lower waist circumference, lower fasting plasma insulin, and 480 patients with type 2 diabetes were included in the
and lower weight increase during pregnancy). The rate study. Table 7.2 shows the main clinical parameters of the
of insulin treatment during pregnancy was significantly three study groups. The investigation of metabolic charac-
higher in the group positive for AAs. These observations teristics depicted for patients with LADA an intermediate
led the authors to the conclusion that women with AIGDM phenotype.
Table 7.2 Clinical characteristics, including fasting C-peptide concentrations of patients with type 1 diabetes,
latent autoimmune diabetes in adults, or type 2 diabetes
Source: Mollo, A. et al., Diabetes Metab. Res. Rev., 29, 446, 2013. With permission.
62 Autoimmunity in gestational diabetes mellitus
Table 7.3 Abnormal glucose tolerance at follow-up in women with gestational diabetes mellitus
and diabetes-related antibodies
Source: de Leiva, A. et al., Diabetes Care, 30(Suppl. 2), 127, 2007. With permission.
Note: For groups with several articles on the subject, only articles providing new information on the predictive ability of diabetes-related anti-
bodies are included.
Abbreviations: FBG, fasting blood glucose; HOMA, homeostasis model assessment; IGT, impaired glucose tolerance; OGTT, oral glucose toler-
ance test.
a Adjusted for other predictors.
64 Autoimmunity in gestational diabetes mellitus
0.6 40
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
(a) Follow-up (years) (b) Follow-up (years)
Figure 7.2 (a) GDM: progression to DM at postpartum follow-up. (b) Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM): cumulative survival
free from GDM. ([a] Adapted from Mauricio, D. et al., Diabetes Metab. Res. Rev., 17(6), 422, 2001; [b] modified from Albareda, M.
et al., Diabetologia, 41, 106, 1998.)
800 *
n 9 9 12
** 1 + 3 insulin (pmol/L) 634 (241)* 635 (387) 1021 (391)
Area under the insulin curve 2422 (874)* 2690 (1402) 4155 (1381)
400 0– 10 minutes (pmol/L/min)
K value 1.76 (0.69)* 2.11 (1.07) 2.7 (0.91)
*p < 0.02 versus control group, and NS versus relatives. Numbers in
parenthesis indicate SD.
0 1 3 5 10
Figure 7.3 Gestational diabetes mellitus: islet cell autoantibody, IVGTT, insulin release. (From Mauricio, D. et al., Diabet. Med.,
12, 1009, 1995. With permission.)
for one or more islet cell antibodies, 54,110–112 with the risk of autoimmune markers. This has already been observed
increasing with the number of antibodies, 27 but not for in FDRs of type 1 diabetic subjects. Another possibility
IA-2. 25,27 Even for ICAs and GADAs, not all articles find a points to the appearance of DM-1 shortly after pregnancy.
positive association between DRA positivity and diabetes Alternatively, progression to an established state of glucose
at follow-up, which in some cases, 28,27 but not others,49,57 intolerance could occur, which may eventually progress
can be attributed to a low statistical power. For example, to further deterioration of the insulin-secretory capacity
in our population, despite the aforementioned association as a result of the progression of autoimmune destruction
of ICA positivity with postpartum abnormal glucose toler- of beta cells. If the autoimmune process evolves, the time
ance, DRA positivity (ICA/GADA/IA-2, alone or in any course and degree of destruction may vary. This can result
combination) was not predictive of diabetes at midterm in a full and rapid progression to late-onset DM-1, with the
follow-up.49 As in the case of short-term follow-up, only typical onset of the disease. Alternatively, the process may
some studies have adjusted for other predictors27,49,110 progress slowly, resulting in a long subclinical period with
In our opinion, the beta-cell secretory capacity of an further progression to a non-insulin-dependent state man-
otherwise normal glucose-tolerant woman may be chal- ifested as LADA. Moreover, the course of the autoimmune
lenged by the higher functional demand associated with destruction of the beta-cell mass may be accelerated at any
the state of pregnancy. After delivery, the autoimmune time point in patients with LADA resulting in a rapid-onset
process may follow different pathways. One would be that insulin-dependent form of DM-1 (Figure 7.4).25
of the restoration of normal glucose tolerance when preg- These considerations were accepted by the Consensus
nancy is over, with eventual persistence or disappearance Panel at the Fifth International Workshop-Conference on
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8 Epidemiology of gestational
diabetes mellitus
Yariv Yogev, Avi Ben Haroush, Moshe Hod, and Jeremy Oats
70 Epidemiology of gestational diabetes mellitus
Source: International Diabetes Federation, IDF Diabetes Atlas, 6th ed., IDF, Brussels, Belgium, 2013.
(1.81 95% confidence interval [CI] 11.13–2.89) and Hispanic in Beersheba, Israel, 9.9% in Barbados, West Indies, to 21% in
(2.45, 95% CI 1.48–4.04) women than in white women. The Manchester, United Kingdom, and 23.7% Cleveland, United
degree of carbohydrate intolerance was similar across racial States (Table 8.2).10
groups; nevertheless, when the 92 patients with GDM under
dietary control were analyzed separately, mean birth weight
was found to be highest in Hispanic women and was low- Risk factors for gestational diabetes
est in the blacks and Orientals. Hence, race had a significant mellitus
independent effect on birth weight, with percentage ideal
body weight a significant covariant. These findings are sup- The traditional and most often reported risk factors for GDM
ported by Gunton et al.8 who showed Asian women were are high maternal age, weight and parity, previous delivery
more likely to have GDM than Caucasian women (31.7% vs. of a macrosomic infant, and a family history of diabetes.
14%, p = 0.02), despite their lower body mass index (BMI). These and other reported risk factors are summarized in
Although the Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Table 8.2. It is of great importance that the clinician under-
Outcome (HAPO) study9 was not a population study, when the stand and use these characteristics, along with others, such
WHO/IADPSG criteria were applied to the glucose tolerance as racial and geographic attributed risk (discussed earlier),
test (GTT) results, there were marked differences in the preva- to improve screening programs and diagnostic accuracy and
lence of GDM across the 15 field centers in 9 different coun- perhaps to design better and more cost-effective selective
tries. The overall prevalence was 16.1%, rates ranged from 8.7% screening and diagnostic tests.
Jang et al.11 examined 3581 consecutive Korean women Is GDM a cause or an effect? A retrospective study in
and found a 2.2% prevalence of GDM. The affected women Hong Kong18 in 84 normotensive women showed that the
were older and had higher prepregnancy weights, higher progressive glucose intolerance throughout pregnancy
BMI, higher parity, and higher frequencies of known diabe- is associated with an upward shift in blood pressure in
tes in the family. The risk of diabetes was closely associated the third trimester. Hence, it is possible that blood pres-
with previous obstetric outcome, such as congenital malfor- sure changes below the diagnostic threshold for hyperten-
mation, stillbirth, and macrosomia. The number of risk fac- sive disorders of pregnancy may help identify women at
tors present in each individual increased the risk of diabetes, increased risk of GDM.
with the prevalence ranging from 0.6% in subjects without The relationship between dietary fat and glucose metabo-
any risk factors to 33% in those with four or more. Thus, it lism has been recognized for many years. Epidemiological
is possible that selective screening may be cost-effective in data in humans suggest that subject with a higher fat intake
situations where health resources are scarce and where total are more prone to disturbances in glucose metabolism.19
screening is impossible.2 Several researchers have hypothesized that polyunsatu-
Similar results were reported in a retrospective cohort rated fatty acid plays an essential role in the maintenance of
study of 2574 pregnant women, which suggested that elec- energy balance and, through regulation of gene transcrip-
tive screening programs have a true-positive yield.12 An age tion, may improve insulin resistance.20–22 A recent small
of ≥30, a family history of diabetes, obesity (BMI ≥ 27), and study reported significantly lower cord vein erythrocyte
previous fetal macrosomia were the most important risk fac- phospholipid fatty acid concentrations in 13 women with
tors. Just over half (54.2%) of the population present with one GDM compared with 12 women with normal pregnancies.23
or more risk factors. The positive predictive value of screen- Accordingly, Bo et al.24 investigated the relationship between
ing increased with the number of risk factors, from 12% for lifestyle habits and glucose abnormalities in 504 Caucasian
the women with no risk factors to 40% for those with three women with and without conventional risk factors for GDM.
or more risk factors. They identified 126 women with GDM and 84 with IGT.
In another study, Jang et al.13 demonstrated that in the These women were older and shorter than the women with
racially homogeneous population of Seoul, Korea, besides normal pregnancies and had significantly higher prepreg-
prepregnancy BMI, age, weight gain, and parental history nancy BMI, higher rates of diabetes in first-degree relatives,
of diabetes, short stature is an independent risk factor for and higher intakes of saturated fat. In a multiple logistic
GDM. Accordingly, Kousta et al.14 reported that European regression model, all of these factors were associated with
and South Asian women with previous GDM were shorter glucose abnormalities, after adjustment for gestational age.
than control women from the same ethnic groups, perhaps In the patients without conventional risk factors, only the
due to a common pathophysiological mechanism underly- percentage of saturated fats (odds ratio [OR] = 2.0, 95% CI
ing GDM and the determination of final adult height. Others 1.2–3.2) and polyunsaturated fats (OR = 0.85, 95% CI 0.77–
have reported similar results.15 0.92) were associated with gestational hyperglycemia, after
In a large retrospective cohort study in Canada, Xiong adjustment for age, gestational age, and BMI. Thus, the alleg-
et al.16 evaluated 111,563 pregnancies and detected a 2.5% edly independent role of saturated fat in the development of
prevalence of GDM. The risk factors identified were age gestational glucose abnormalities takes on greater impor-
>35 years, obesity, history of prior neonatal death, and a tance in the absence of conventional risk factors. This sug-
prior cesarean section. Interestingly, teenage mothers and gests that glucose abnormalities could be prevented in some
women who drank less alcohol were less likely to have GDM. groups of women during pregnancy.
The risk factors mentioned earlier are mainly of mater- A possible expression of the still unknown genetic link-
nal origin. However, cumulative knowledge about the long- age in GDM was reported by Lao and Ho, 25 who detected
term implications of exposure to the diabetic intrauterine GDM in 62% of 163 women with the alpha-thalassemia
environment (see Chapter X) has led to the addition of the trait compared to 14.7% out of 163 controls matched for age
mother’s fetal history to the risk factor list. Egeland et al.17 and parity.
investigated whether the mother’s own characteristics at
birth could predict her subsequent risk of GDM. Using
linked generation data from the Medical Birth Registry of Polycystic ovary syndrome and
Norway for all women born between 1967 and 1998, the gestational diabetes mellitus
authors identified 498 women aged <32 years with GDM
in one or more singleton pregnancies. They found that the PCOS is a heterogeneous disorder affecting 5%–10% of
women whose mothers had diabetes during pregnancy were women of reproductive age. It is characterized by chronic
at increased risk of GDM themselves. Significant inverse anovulation with oligo-/amenorrhea, infertility, typical
trends in diabetes were noted in relation to birth weight, sonographic appearance of the ovaries, and clinical or bio-
with an increased risk of GDM of 80%, 60%, and 40% in chemical hyperandrogenism. Insulin resistance is present in
women whose birth weights were ≤2500, 2500–2999, and 40%–50% of patients, especially in obese women.26
3000–3499 g, respectively, compared with women in the Holte et al.27 reported a higher rate of ultrasonographic,
4000–4500 g group. Similar findings were observed for cat- clinical, and endocrine signs of PCOS in 34 women who
egories of weight for gestational age. had had GDM 3–5 years before, compared to 36 matched
72 Epidemiology of gestational diabetes mellitus
controls with uncomplicated pregnancies. Five of the different, suggesting a minor clinical impact. Wein et al.35
women (15%) with previous GDM had developed manifest compared the prevalence of GDM between 61,914 singleton
diabetes. The authors concluded that in women with previ- and 798 twin deliveries performed between 1971 and 1991.
ous GDM, PCOS may form a distinct subgroup from women The difference was significant only for the earlier decade
with normal ovaries and previous GDM, who may be more (5.6% vs. 7.4%, p = 0.025). However, in a follow-up program,
prone to develop features of insulin resistance syndrome. there was a trend toward higher prevalence of overt diabe-
Many other researchers reported similar results, Kousta tes in women who had a diabetic twin pregnancy (18.5%)
et al.28 found a higher prevalence of PCOS in 91 women compared to those who had a diabetic singleton pregnancy
with previous GDM compared to 73 normoglycemic control (7.4%). Whether this represents a true increased risk for dia-
women (52% vs. 27%, p = 0.002), and Anttila et al.29 reported betes is unknown.
a 44% prevalence of PCOS in women with GDM, with no dif- By contrast, using data derived from the Medical Birth
ferences in BMI before pregnancy or in weight gain during Registry of Norway, Egeland and Irgens,36 controlling for
pregnancy compared to controls. They suggested a screening other risk factors such as advance age, parity, maternal his-
program for GDM in these patients. tory of diabetes, and the woman’s own birth weight, found
Mikola et al.30 retrospectively evaluated 99 pregnancies GDM in 6.6 per 1000 multiple pregnancies (n = 9,271) and
in women with PCOS compared with an unselected control in 5.0 per 1000 singleton pregnancies (n = 640,700) (OR =
population. The average BMI and the nulliparity rate were 1.3 95% CI 1.0–1.7, p = 0.03). However, analysis stratified
higher in the PCOS group, as was the multiple pregnancy by maternal age or parity yielded no elevated risk of GDM.
rate (9.2% vs. 1.1%). GDM developed in 20% of the patients Others have also failed to demonstrate a higher prevalence of
with PCOS but in only 8.9% of the controls (p < 0.001). GDM in multiple pregnancies.37,38
A BMI >25 was the best predictor of GDM (adjusted OR =
5.1, 95% CI 3.2–8.3), and PCOS was an additional indepen-
dent predictor (adjusted OR = 1.9, 95% CI 1.0–3.5). Genetic factors
Koivunen et al.31 found that compared with 48 control
Animal studies have shown that female fetuses exposed
women, 33 women with previous GDM more often had sig-
to a diabetic intrauterine milieu have an increased risk of
nificantly abnormal oral glucose tolerance tests (OGTT);
subsequent GDM. In a family history study, Harder et al.39
higher prevalences of polycystic ovaries (39.4% vs. 16.7%,
reported a significantly greater prevalence of diabetes
p = 0.03); higher serum concentrations of cortisol, dehydro-
(mainly type 2 DM) in the mothers of women with GDM
epiandrosterone, and dehydroepiandrostenedione sulfate;
than in their fathers. A significant aggregation of type 2
and a greater area under the glucose curve.
DM was also observed in the maternal–grandmaternal line
compared to the paternal–grandpaternal line. However, in
patients with IDDM, there was no significant difference in
Multiple pregnancy and gestational the prevalence of any type of diabetes between mothers and
diabetes mellitus fathers. Therefore, a history of type 2 DM on the mother’s
side might be considered as a particular risk factor for GDM
The number of fetuses in multifetal pregnancies is expected via “intergenerational transmission of type 2 DM,” which
to influence the incidence of GDM owing to the increased might be prevented by strict avoidance of GDM.
placental mass and, thereby, the increase in diabetogenic Dorner et al.40 reported a significantly decreased familial
hormones. However, the reports are somewhat conflicting, diabetes aggregation on the maternal side in children with
probably because of the heterogeneous populations studied. type 1 DM born between 1974 and 1984 compared to those
In an interesting study of the prevalence of GDM in dizy- born between 1960 and 1973. This finding was explained
gotic (DZ) twin pregnancies with two placentas compared by the improved prevention of hyperglycemia during preg-
to monozygotic (MZ) twin pregnancies with one placenta, nancy since 1974 and particularly of GDM in women with
Hoskins32 evaluated 3458 recorded twin deliveries and found familial diabetes aggregation. These authors also noted a
a higher proportion of different sex compared with same- highly significant predominance of type 2 DM in the great-
sex twin pregnancies complicated by GDM (3.5% vs. 1.6%). grandmothers of individuals with type 1 DM compared to
The estimated risk for DZ twin pregnancies relative to MZ the paternal side. They suggested that GDM, which may rep-
pregnancies was 8.6 (95% CI 3.5–21.0). The impact of fetal resent a risk factor for diabetes transmission on the mater-
reduction on the incidence of GDM may support this theory. nal side, is often followed by “extragenerational” type 2 DM
Sivan et al.33 examined 188 consecutive triplet pregnancies at a later age. Like Harder et al., 39 these authors suggested
of which 85 were reduced to twins. The rate of GDM was that their findings were consistent with the suspected tera-
significantly higher in the triplet group than in the reduction togenic effect of GDM on diabetes susceptibility in the
group (22.3% vs. 5.8%). offspring and that this was preventable by avoiding hyper-
Similar results were reported by Schwarz et al.34 in a glycemia in pregnant women and hyperinsulinism in fetuses.
study of 29,644 deliveries. They found that GDM was sig- Histocompatibility leukocyte antigen (HLA) studies are
nificantly more frequent in the 429 twin deliveries (7.7% one way to establish a genetic linkage in certain diseases. In
vs. 4.9%, p < 0.05). However, insulin requirements were not GDM, conflicting results have been reported. Kuhl41 described
Early gestational diabetes mellitus diagnosis as a risk factor 73
similar frequencies of HLA DR2, DR3, and DR4 antigens following variables were present in the index pregnancy:
in healthy pregnant women and women with GDM and parity ≥1 (OR = 3.6), BMI ≥ 30 (OR = 3.6), GDM diagnosed
low prevalences of markers of autoimmune destruction of ≤24 weeks gestation (OR = 20.4), and insulin requirement
the beta cells in GDM pregnancies. Likewise, Vambergue (OR = 2.3). A weight gain ≥7 kg (c. 15 lb) (OR = 2.9) and an
et al.,42 in a study of 95 women with GDM, 95 with IGT, and interval between pregnancies of ≤24 months (OR = 1.6) were
95 control pregnant women, found no significant difference also associated with a recurrence of GDM. Spong et al.50
in the distribution of HLA class II polymorphism among the found a similarly high recurrence rate of 68% in 164 women
groups. However, the GDM and IGT groups presented some with GDM. Risk factors for recurrence in this study were
particular HLA patterns, pointing to a genetic heterogeneity earlier diagnosis of GDM, insulin requirement, and hospital
of glucose intolerance in pregnancy. admissions in the index pregnancy.
Lapolla et al.43 evaluated 68 women with GDM and
matched controls for the frequency of HLA A, B, C, and DR
antigens; the only significant differences were an increase Abnormal glucose tolerance test as
in Cw7 and a decrease in A10 in the GDM group. Budowle
et al.44 reported that the Bf-F allele was found significantly a risk factor for adverse pregnancy
less frequently in nonobese black women with GDM com- outcome
pared to controls and suggested similar genetic associa-
tions in nonobese black women with GDM and type 2 DM. The relationships between maternal hyperglycemia mea-
Similarly, in another study, women with GDM who required sured during a 75 g OGTT administered early in the third
insulin for glycemic control had a lower frequency of the trimester of pregnancy and adverse pregnancy outcome
Bf-F phenotype and a higher frequency of the Bf-f1 pheno- have been clearly demonstrated by the HAPO study.9 The
type; they also had a lower frequency of the type 2 allele at adjusted ORs were calculated for adverse pregnancy out-
the polymorphic locus adjacent to the insulin gene.45 comes associated with an increase in the fasting plasma
Freinkel et al.46 evaluated 199 women with GDM and glucose level of 1 SD (6.9 mg/dL [0.4 mmol/L]), an increase
148 patients with normal pregnancies and found that HLA in the 1-hour plasma glucose level of 1 SD (30.9 mg/dL
DR3 and DR4 antigens occurred significantly more often [1.7 mmol/L]), and an increase in the 2-hour plasma glucose
in black women with GDM. Ferber et al.,47 in an analysis level of 1 SD (23.5 mg/dL [1.3 mmol/L]). For birth weight
of 184 women with GDM, did not find an elevation in the above the 90th percentile, the ORs were 1.38 (95% CI, 1.32–
frequency of any HLA II alleles in the GDM patients com- 1.44), 1.46 (1.39–1.53), and 1.38 (1.32–1.44), respectively; for
pared with nondiabetic unrelated subjects. However, the cord blood serum C-peptide level above the 90th percentile,
DR3 allele was noted significantly more frequently in 43 1.55 (95% CI, 1.47–1.64), 1.46 (1.38–1.54), and 1.37 (1.30–
women with islet autoantibodies and in the 24 women who 1.44); for primary cesarean delivery, 1.11 (95% CI, 1.06–1.15),
developed type 1 DM postpartum. The cumulative risk of 1.10 (1.06–1.15), and 1.08 (1.03–1.12); and for neonatal hypo-
developing type 1 DM within 2 years after pregnancy in glycemia, 1.08 (95% CI, 0.98–1.19), 1.13 (1.03–1.26), and 1.10
the women with GDM with DR3 or DR4 was 22% and in (1.00–1.12).
the women without these alleles was 7% (p = 0.02). The risk Likewise there were significant continuous relationships
rose to 50% in the DR3- and DR4-positive women who had for the secondary outcomes, the strongest being preeclamp-
required insulin during pregnancy (p = 0.006). These results sia followed by shoulder dystocia and birth trauma where
indicate that women with GDM who have islet autoantibod- for each 1SD rise the ORs ranged from 1.21 to 1.28 and
ies at delivery or develop type 1 DM postpartum have HLA 1.20 across the three glucose measurements, respectively.
alleles typical of late-onset type 1 DM and that both HLA Premature delivery, the requirement for an increased level of
typing and islet antibodies can predict the development of neonatal care, and treatment for hyperbilirubinemia were all
type 1 DM postpartum. related to the 1- and 2-hour postload levels, but not fasting
glucose. Importantly, these relationships were independent
of maternal BMI, age, family history of diabetes, gestational
Recurrence of gestational diabetes age at OGTT, infant sex, mean arterial pressure at OGTT,
and hospitalization for complications of pregnancy.
MacNeill et al.48 conducted a retrospective longitudinal
study of 651 women who had had a diabetic pregnancy and Early gestational diabetes mellitus
at least one other thereafter. They found a 35.6% recurrence diagnosis as a risk factor
rate of GDM. Multivariant regression models showed that
infant birth weight in the index pregnancy and maternal Early onset of GDM is a high-risk factor. Bartha et al.51 found
weight before the subsequent pregnancy were predictive of that among 3986 pregnant women, those with early-onset
recurrent GDM. GDM (n = 65) were more likely to be hypertensive (18.46% vs.
Higher recurrence rates (69% of 78 patients) were reported 5.88%, p = 0.006) and have higher glycemic levels and greater
by Major et al.49 Recurrence was more common when the needs for insulin therapy (33.85% vs. 7.06%, p < 0.001) than
74 Epidemiology of gestational diabetes mellitus
those in whom diabetes developed later (n = 170). All cases Hypertensive disorders
of neonatal hypoglycemia (n = 4) and all perinatal deaths
(n = 3) were in this group. The women with early-onset Preeclampsia and gestational hypertension are apparently
GDM also had an increased risk of postpartum DM, whereas more frequent in women with GDM. As noted earlier, the
those with late-onset GDM had a minimal risk.52 The per- HAPO study demonstrated a strong association between
centages of overt diabetes and abnormal glucose tolerance increasing maternal glucose levels and preeclampsia.
were significantly higher in the early-pregnancy group A large study by Xiong et al.16 detected preeclampsia in
(n = 30) than in the late-pregnancy group (n = 72) (26.7% vs. 2.7% of 2,755 patients with GDM compared with only 1.1%
1.4% and 40% vs. 5.56% respectively). of 108,664 patients with normal pregnancies (adjusted
OR = 1.3, 95% CI 1.20–1.41). Similar results were observed
for gestational hypertension. Likewise Dukler et al. 58 stud-
Congenital malformations ied 380 primiparous women with preeclampsia and 385
primiparous control women for a total of 121,207 and 1,293
Schaefer-Graf et al. 53 in a review of 4180 pregnancies deliveries, respectively. When adjusted for confounding
complicated by GDM (n = 3764) or type 2 DM (n = 416), variables, GDM was strongly associated with the recur-
reported that the congenital anomalies in the offspring rence of preeclampsia in the second pregnancy (OR = 3.72,
affected the same organ systems described in pregnancies 95% CI 1.45–9.53).
complicated by IDDM. The risk of anomalies rose with Further evidence for the relationship between GDM
the increasing hyperglycemia at diagnosis or presenta- and preeclampsia comes from the two RCTs of treatment of
tion for care. However, most other reports had conflict- GDM—the ACHOIS59 and Landon and colleagues.60
ing findings. Bartha et al. 51 failed to find an increase in In the ACHOIS study,59 the incidence of preeclampsia was
major congenital malformations associated with GDM, as reduced from 18% to 12% from the controls to the treatment
did Kalter54 in a comprehensive review of the literature. group (adjusted treatment effect 0.70 [95% CI 0.51–0.95]).
An exception is the recent Swedish Health Registry study In the Landon study,60 the incidence of preeclampsia in
covering over 1.2 million births between 1987 and 1997. 55 the treatment group was 2.5% compared with 5.5% for the
The author identified 3864 infants born to women with controls (RR 0.46, 97% CI 0.22–0.97).
preexisting diabetes and 8688 infants born to women Go et al.,61 in an 11-year follow-up study of a cross-
with GDM. The total malformation rate in the first group sectional sample of African-American women with a his-
was 9.5% and in the second group 5.7%, similar to the tory of GDM (n = 289), reported one of the highest rates of
rate in the general population. However, the GDM group microalbuminuria (MA) of all ethnic groups. The presence
was characterized by an excess of certain malformations, of MA was not associated with insulin resistance, but it was
suggesting that a subgroup of GDM are at increased risk significantly and independently associated with glycosyl-
of diabetic embryopathy, perhaps due to preexisting but ated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels and hypertension. Hence,
undetected type 2 DM. hypertension and glucose tolerance influence MA through
Martinez-Frias et al.56 analyzed 19,577 consecutive different mechanisms, and screening for MA should be con-
infants with malformations of unknown cause and com- sidered in this patient population.
pared those born to mothers with GDM with those of Conditions associated with increased insulin resis-
nondiabetic mothers. Their findings indicated that GDM tance, such as GDM, PCOS, and obesity, may predispose
is a significant risk factor for holoprosencephaly, upper/ patients to essential hypertension, hypertensive pregnancy,
lower spine/rib anomalies, and renal and urinary system hyperinsulinemia, hyperlipidemia, and high levels of plas-
anomalies. However, owing to the heterogeneous nature of minogen activator inhibitor-1, leptin, and tumor necrosis
GDM, which includes previously unrecognized and newly factor-alpha. These findings may also be associated with
diagnosed type 2 DM, they could not rule out the possibil- cardiovascular complications in these women.62 Joffe et al.63
ity that the teratogenic effect is related to latent type 2 DM. provided further support for the role of insulin resistance in
Nevertheless, they concluded that pregnancies compli- the pathogenesis of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. In
cated by GDM should be considered at risk for congenital a prospective study of 4589 healthy nulliparous women, they
anomalies. found that the women with GDM had an increased RR of
By contrast, the relationship between GDM and the preeclampsia and all hypertensive disorders (RR = 1.67, 95%
development of congenital malformations was examined CI 0.92–3.05 and RR = 1.54, 95% CI 1.28–2.11 respectively).
in another population-based retrospective study using RR were not substantially reduced after further adjust-
birth certificate data for all live-born children delivered ment for race and BMI (OR = 1.41 and 1.48, respectively).
between 1984 and 1991 in Washington State.57 The preva- Furthermore, even within the normal range, multivariant
lence of congenital malformations was 7.2%, 2.8%, and 2.1% analysis demonstrated that the level of plasma glucose 1 hour
among offspring of mothers with established diabetes (n = after a 50 g oral glucose challenge was an important predic-
8869), with GDM (n = 1511) and without diabetes (n = 8934), tor of preeclampsia.
respectively. That is, the rate of congenital malformations in Innes et al.64 evaluated 54 normotensive women who
the GDM group was only slightly higher than in the control developed hypertension in pregnancy and 51 controls
group (OR = 1.3, 95% CI 1.0–1.6). with normotensive pregnancies, matched for parity. Mean
Summary 75
postload glucose levels and the total glucose area under the type 2 DM, 17% IGT), in contrast to a control group in
curve were significantly higher in the cases than the controls which none of the women had diabetes and 5.3% had IGT.
and were positively correlated with peak mean arterial pres- The independent risk factors for later development of dia-
sure. After adjustment for potential confounders, 2-hour betes were fasting glucose levels at diagnosis of GDM, deliv-
postload glucose levels remained strongly related to the risk ery >3 weeks before term and abnormal OGTT 2 months
for hypertension and to peak mean arterial pressure, as did postpartum. Low insulin secretion at diagnosis of GDM
the total area under the curve. The cases were also more was also an independent risk factor. Even the nonobese glu-
likely to have had one abnormal OGTT. Stratifying analy- cose-tolerant women with previous GDM had a metabolic
ses by case severity (preeclampsia and gestational hyperten- profile of type 2 DM, i.e., insulin resistance and impaired
sion) yielded similar results. Among all subjects, more cases insulin secretion. Thus, the first OGTT should probably be
than controls were also diagnosed with GDM (31% vs. 12%, performed 2 months postpartum to identify the women who
p = 0.008). are already diabetic and the women who are at highest risk of
later development of overt diabetes.69 Interestingly, accord-
ing to Fletcher et al.’s study, both women with a history of
Risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus GDM and their children are at risk of progressing to type 2
DM.70 Whether this effect is due to a genetic or an in utero
Women with GDM have a 17%–63% risk of type 2 DM influence has yet to be determined.
within 5–6 years.65 However, the risk varies according Overall a systematic review and meta-analysis of 20 stud-
to different parameters. For example, Greenberg et al.66 ies that included 675,455 women and 10,859 type 2 DM
reported that the most significant predictor of 6 weeks events concluded that the RR for women who had GDM of
postpartum diabetes was insulin requirement, with RR = developing subsequent type 2 DM compared with women
17.28 (95% CI 2.46–134.42) followed by poor glycemic who had a normoglycemic pregnancy was 7.43, 95% CI of
control, glucose tolerance (GT) and glucose challenge test 4.79–11.51.71
(GCT) ≥ 200 mg/dL. All of these factors probably repre-
sent the magnitude of the insulin resistance, which is the
hallmark of future diabetes and of other vascular complica- Summary
tions. Similarly, Bian et al.67 reported a diagnosis of diabe-
tes 1–5 years postpartum in 33.3% of patients with previous The IDF estimate that in 2013 diabetes affected 21.4 million
GDM (n = 45), but only 9.7% (n = 31) of those with IGT live births, which is 16.8%, of which 16% were due to gesta-
and 2.6% (n = 39) of normal controls. Two or more abnor- tional diabetes. This is set in the context of the prediction
mal OGTT values during pregnancy, a blood glucose level that the total number of cases of diabetes will rise by 55%
exceeding the maximal values at 1 and 2 hours after oral from 382 million in 2013 to 592 million in 2035.4 This should
glucose loading, and high pregnancy BMI were all useful alert physicians to the need to direct special attention to
predictors of diabetes in later life. this population, especially in developing countries.
To determine if recurrent episodes of insulin resistance The data presented in this chapter indicate that the epide-
(i.e., another pregnancy) contribute to the decline in beta- miology of GDM is characterized by several features:
cell function that leads to type 2 DM in high-risk indi-
viduals, Peters et al.68 investigated 777 Latino women with ●● Differences in screening programs and diagnostic cri-
a history of GDM. Among the 87 (13%) who completed an teria have made it difficult to compare frequencies of
additional pregnancy, the rate ration of type 2 DM increased GDM among various populations. Nevertheless, race
to 3.34 (95% CI 1.80–6.19), compared with women without has been proven to be an independent risk factor of
an additional pregnancy, after adjustment for other potential GDM, which varies in prevalence in direct proportion
diabetes risk factors during the index pregnancy (antepar- to the prevalence of type 2 DM in a given population or
tum oral glucose tolerance, high fasting glucose, gestational ethnic group.
age at diagnosis of GDM) and during follow-up (postpartum ●● Identifiable predisposing factors for GDM include high
BMI, glucose tolerance, weight change, breast-feeding, and maternal age, multiparity, obesity, previous delivery of a
months of contraceptive use). Weight gain was also inde- macrosomic infant, and a family history of diabetes.
pendently associated with an increased risk of type 2 DM; ●● In the absence of risk factors, the incidence of GDM is low.
the rate ration was 1.95 (95% CI 1.63–2.33) for each 4.5 kg Therefore, some authors suggest that selective screening
gained during follow-up after adjustment for the additional may be cost-effective, especially in view of the forecasted
pregnancy and other potential risk factors. These data show rise in the burden of GDM.
that a single pregnancy, independent of the well-known ●● PCOS is an important risk factor for GDM, with special
effect of weight gain, accelerates the development of type 2 similarity in the existence of insulin resistance.
DM in women with a high prevalence of pancreatic beta-cell ●● The genetic diathesis is not well understood.
dysfunction. ●● The recurrence rate of GDM (35%–80%) is influ-
What about milder, diet-controlled GDM? Damm69 enced by parity, BMI, early diagnosis of GDM, insulin
reported abnormal glucose tolerance in 34.4% of 241 women requirement, weight gain, and the interval between
2–11 years after a diabetic pregnancy (3.7% IDDM, 13.7% pregnancies.
76 Epidemiology of gestational diabetes mellitus
●● GDM carries a significantly increased risk of an adverse considered in all patients with early diagnosis of GDM,
pregnancy outcomes relative to women with normal accompanied by appropriate patient counseling.
glucose tolerance. ●● Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy and afterward is
●● Women with an early diagnosis of GDM represent a high- more prevalent in women with GDM. One possible mech-
risk subgroup, with an increased incidence of obstetric com- anism is insulin resistance.
plication, recurrent GDM, and development of type 2 DM. ●● Women with GDM are at increased risk of developing
●● Another subgroup of GDM is characterized by an type 2 DM, especially obese patients, those who were
increased risk of diabetic embryopathy, perhaps due to diagnosed before 24 weeks gestation, and those who
preexisting but undetected type 2 DM. This should be required insulin for glycemic control.
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9 Genetics of diabetic pregnancy
Komal Bajaj and Susan J. Gross
Monogenic diabetes 79
Table 9.1 Comparison of the relative role of genetic factors and obesity in young-onset type 2 diabetes,
gestational diabetes, and late-onset type 2 diabetes
Gene(s) Location
HLA class I and HLA class II genes 6p21.3
Insulin receptor (INS) 19p13.3
Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4 (CTLA4) 2q33.2
Interleukin 2 receptor α (IL2Rα) 10p15.1
Interferon induced with helicase C domain 1 (IFIH1) 2q24.2
C-type lectin domain family 16 (CLEC16A) 16p13.13
Th1transcription factor (STAT4) 2q32.2-q32.3
Sources: Stankov, K. et al., Pediatrics, 132(6), 1112, 2013; C-type lectin domain family 16, available from: http://omim.org/entry/611303,
accessed on April 29, 2014; INSR insulin receptor, available from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene/3643, accessed on April
29, 2014; Cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated 4, available from: http://omim.org/entry/123890, accessed on April 29, 2014;
Interleukin 2 receptor, alpha, available from: http://omim.org/entry/147730, accessed on April 29, 2014; Boucas, A.P. et al.,
Arq. Bras. Endocrinol. Metabol., 57(9), 667, 2013; Knudsen, N.H. and Lee, C.H., Diabetes, 62(12), 4002, 2013; HGNC,
Histocompatibility complex, available from: http://www.genenames.org/genefamily/hla.php, accessed on April 29, 2014.
raise suspicion for a monogenic syndrome unless a family GCK mutation. In fact, a 700 g birth weight difference was seen
history is clearly suggestive of an autosomal dominant pat- between infants that did not carry the mutation and those that
tern. This is further complicated by the fact that all types inherited the mutation from their mother.28,29 There are cur-
of MODY exhibit variable penetrance—not all individuals rently no standardized guidelines as to how to manage women
carrying a particular gene change will develop MODY.20 with GCK mutations during pregnancy to minimize the risk of
Patients with MODY are typically diagnosed by age 25 and maternal and fetal complications.
are often misclassified as having either T1DM or T2DM.21 While it is impractical to consider testing every woman
A clearly distinguishing feature is the lack of autoantibod- with GDM for GCK mutations, narrow fasting glucose, BMI
ies. Patients with MODY are categorized into different types levels, and family history have been suggested as parameters
depending on the gene mutation. Table 9.3 highlights the that can be utilized to select patients with GDM for genetic
gene defects associated with the various types of MODY. testing.27,30 For example, using a BMI of <25 kg/m2 and fasting
Glucokinase (GCK) is an enzyme present in the β-cells of glucose of ≥5.5 mmol/L during pregnancy as screening crite-
the pancreas that helps the cells, through phosphorylating glu- ria, 2.7 women with GDM would need to be tested to find one
cose to glucose-6-phosphate, accurately detect circulating glu- case of GCK-MODY and 66% of all cases would be detected.27
cose and adjust insulin secretion accordingly. A loss of function
mutation in the GCK gene impacts the ability to detect glucose
at lower levels, thereby causing a rise in the homeostatic set Mitochondrial mutations
point of blood glucose in that individual. Glucokinase mono- The mitochondrial tRNA leucine 3243 mutation (3243
genic diabetes (GCK-MODY) has been estimated to have a mtDNA) results in a rare form of maternally inherited
prevalence of 1.1 in 1000 primarily European population and diabetes and deafness. There is variable expressivity of the
that the prevalence in women with GDM is at least 0.9%.27 condition, though all cases have some level of aberrant insu-
Fifty percent of the fetuses of women with GCK mutations will lin secretion and sensorineural deafness. The mean age of
inherit the mutation. It is expected that an unaffected fetus of a onset of symptoms is between 30 and 40 years of age. A pro-
mother with a GCK mutation would produce excess insulin in posed mechanism of disease is that diabetes develops due
response to the increased circulating maternal blood glucose, to an inappropriate storage of triacylglycerols, resulting in
causing an increase in birth weight compared to a fetus with the deterioration of pancreatic β-cell function.31 The mutation
80 Genetics of diabetic pregnancy
Sources: Naylor, R. and Philipson, L.H., Clin. Endocrinol., 75(4), 422, 2011; Shields, B.M. et al., Diabetologia, 53(12), 2504, 2010;
Thanabalasingham, G. and Owen, K.R., Br. Med. J., 343, d6044, 2011; Maturity-onset diabetes of the young, Type 7, available from:
http://omim.org/entry/610508, accessed on April 23, 2014; Maturity-onset diabetes of the young, Type 8, available from: http://omim.
org/entry/609812, accessed on April 23, 2014; Maturity-onset diabetes of the young, Type 10, available from: http://www.genetests.org/
disorders/?disid=315205, accessed on April 23, 2014; Tyrosine kinase, B-lymphocyte specific, BLK, available from: http://omim.org/
entry/191305, accessed on April 24, 2014.
has been well described in several different populations.32,33 beings and how they are distributed among diverse popula-
Since the 3243mtDNA mutation leads to an insulin secre- tions.34 Both these important initiatives, along with advances
tion defect, not a defect in insulin sensitivity, these patients in molecular technologies such as arrays and next-generation
initially do respond to medications that increase secretion sequencing, provided the foundation for investigators to be
such as glyburide. However, since there is a progressive loss able to evaluate many genes at one time and begin to make
of insulin secretion, the use of insulin is eventually required. meaning of changes found in genotypes of many different
individuals and populations. See further Table 9.4.
Table 9.4 Definitions of terms commonly utilized during the discussion of advanced molecular techniques
Term Definition
Epigenetics Any process that alters gene activity without changing the DNA sequence itself and leads to
modifications that can be transmitted to daughter cell.35
Exome Composed of all exons, which are the coding portions of genes.36
Genome The entire genetic information (genes) for an organism, which is maintained in the nucleotide
sequence of DNA; each organism has only one genome.37
Genome-wide An approach that involves rapidly scanning markers across the complete sets of DNA, or genomes, of
association study many people to find genetic variations associated with a particular disease.38
Locus (loci) A specific location of a gene or DNA sequence.
Monogenic A phenotype or disease that is the result of a change within a single gene.
Polygenic The combined action of alleles of more than one gene contribute to a particular phenotype or disease.39
Single-nucleotide Often called SNPs, these are the most common type of genetic variant in any species. Each SNP
polymorphism represents a difference in one nucleotide.40
Impact of the abnormal glycemic environment on fetus 81
Table 9.5 Genes and locations associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus
Gene Location
KCNJ11 11p15.1
HHEX/IDE 10q23.33
SLC30A8 8q24.11
KCNQ1 11p15.5-p15.4
WFS1 4p16.1
Sources: Saxena, R. et al., Science, 316(5829), 1331, 2007; Zeggini, E. et al., Science,
316(5829), 1336, 2007; Steinthorsdottir, V., Nat. Genet., 39(6), 770, 2007; Scott,
L.J. et al., Science, 316(5829), 1341, 2007; Williams, A.L. et al., Nature, 506(7486),
97, 2014; Unoki, H. et al., Nat. Genet., 40(9), 1098, 2008; Sladek, R. et al., Nature,
445(7130), 881, 2007; Hayes, M.G. et al., Diabetes, 62(9), 3282, 2013.
architecture.41 GWAS and other forms of analysis allow for function (Table 9.5). The attributable risk of T2DM associ-
the discovery of variants associated with disease in genes ated with the allelic variants within each of these genes has
not otherwise implicated in the disease process as well as been studied in several diverse populations.
the identification of variants outside coding regions of DNA. Two of these genes, KCNQ1 and WFS1, are also associated
These insights provide important clues to the pathogenesis of with other genetic syndromes. The KCNQ1 gene encodes for
common diseases, including new loci related to diabetes sus- a subunit of a potassium channel (KvLQT1). Mutations in the
ceptibility.42 The following text summarizes some examples KCNQ1 gene have been implicated in long-QT syndrome, a
of genetic susceptibility categorized by suspected gene func- group of disorders involving a characteristic cardiac arrhyth-
tion. While this area of research is constantly growing and mia. SNPs in KCNQ1 have also been shown to confer an
changing, the examples highlight the types of information increased risk of GDM in several different populations.57,58
that is being generated in the genomic era. WFS1 is a gene involved in beta-cell survival. Mutations
in this gene cause Wolfram syndrome, the features of which
Insulin action and release include diabetes, optic atrophy, and deafness.59
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10 Animal models in diabetes
and pregnancy research
Catherine Yzydorczyk, Delphine Mitanchez, and Umberto Simeoni
Maternal diabetes constitutes an unfavorable environment transported inside the cell only by the glucose transporter-2
for the development of the fetus. The concept that exposure (GLUT-2) (STZ is not recognized by the other GLUTs). Beta
in utero to a hyperglycemic environment has both a short- and cells of the islets of Langerhans express high levels of GLUT-2,
a long-term impact in the offspring is notably demonstrated therefore making them more vulnerable to STZ toxicity.8
by animal studies. Animal models for diabetes and pregnancy Various modes of injection (intravenous or intraperito-
offer various ranges of hyperglycemia, which can lead to fetal neal) and different doses (30–50 mg/kg) have been proposed.
organ alterations, congenital malformations, and micro- or Also, STZ administration can be performed during the pre-
macrosomic fetuses and affect the offspring later in life. The gestational or gestational period that leads to the develop-
purpose of this review is to give a comprehensive view of the ment of severe or mild diabetes associated with two opposite
most frequently studied animal models of diabetes and to fetus phenotypes, intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR),
demonstrate how animal models have permitted to elucidate or macrosomia. In the case of mild diabetes, mothers are
some mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of diabetes. hyperglycemic (with blood glucose concentrations com-
prised between 120 and 300 mg/dL) and hypoinsulinemic
and deliver macrosomic fetuses, whereas in the case of severe
diabetes, mothers are insulin deficient and hyperglycemic.
Animal models This leads to small-for-gestational-age fetuses, characterizing
Animal models of pregestational type 1 diabetes IUGR, and to fetuses with congenital malformations.9
Type 1 diabetes (T1D) in humans is characterized by a spe-
cific destruction of the pancreatic beta cells, commonly Spontaneous animal models
associated with immune-mediated damage.1 The nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice and biobreeding (BB)
rats develop spontaneous pregestational T1D.
Surgical models NOD mice develop a mild form of diabetes characterized
In rodents, after puberty, partial pancreatectomy (removal of by macrosomic fetuses and adiposity. Pancreatic beta cells
95% of pancreatic weight) leads to a decrease in the number become infiltrated by mononuclear cells that lead to the devel-
of beta cells and therefore to uterine and placental defects and opment of insulitis (inflammation of the islets of Langerhans,
altered fetal glucose metabolism regulation, associated with present in NOD mice at 4–5 weeks old), followed by beta cell
mild maternal diabetes (glycemia between 150 and 200 mg/dL). destruction, and a decrease in circulating insulin concentra-
Insulin administration is not required and pregnancy rates are tions. Mild diabetes is present between 12 and 30 weeks of age.
usually good. However, postsurgery mortality is relatively ele- However, insulin-dependent diabetes develops spontaneously
vated (20%) and a delay (2–3 months) exists between the surgi- only in 9% of NOD at 12 weeks of age and in 80% of them at
cal procedure and the development of diabetic symptoms.2 30 weeks of age and is more prevalent in females.10 Contrary to
human T1D, ketoacidosis is relatively mild and affected ani-
Chemical model mals can survive for several weeks without insulin injection.
In general, human T1D is reproduced by streptozotocin BB rats, which were originally derived from a Canadian
(STZ) administration to rodents during adult life.3 STZ is a colony of outbred Wistar rats, are a good model for the study
nitrosourea derivative isolated from Streptomyces achromo- of perinatal morbidity, small-for-gestational-age fetuses, and
genes.4 It is a powerful alkylating agent that has been shown malformations.
to interfere with glucose transport5 and glucokinase func- Weight loss, polyuria, polydipsia, hyperglycemia, and insu-
tion6 and able to methylate DNA. Nevertheless, it is gener- linopenia appear around 12 weeks of age. Also, ketoacidosis
ally accepted that the cytotoxicity produced by STZ depends is severe and can be fatal if exogenous insulin is not adminis-
on DNA alkylation.7 STZ, relatively similar to glucose, is tered. The incidence is similar in males and females.11,12
Outcomes in animal offspring of maternal diabetes exposure 85
Animal models of type 2 diabetes fetuses at late gestation in a rat model with STZ-induced dia-
Type 2 diabetes (T2D) represents a heterogeneous group of betes.27,28 Congenital malformations are also mentioned in
disorders, which is characterized by insulin resistance (IR) fetuses from other models of diabetes such as the GK rats29
and impaired insulin secretion, and defined by a raise in and the BB rats with T1D.30 In NOD model, principally, neu-
fasting or postload blood glucose concentration. ral tube defects and skeletal alterations have been observed
in embryos from NOD female with overt diabetes.31
Spontaneously diabetic rats Also, congenital anomalies could be the result of a
The Goto-Kakizaki (GK) rat model is a model of nonobese default in gene expression involved in the control of the
T2D.13,14 This strain was developed by the successive inbreed- developmental processes. A decrease in Pax-3 (a gene that
ing of Wistar rats with the administration of highest blood encodes a transcription factor necessary for neural tube
glucose concentrations.15 GK rats develop some features closure) expression has been involved in neural tube and
that can be compared with the complications of diabetes cardiac malformations observed in mice with STZ-induced
observed in humans, as renal lesions,16 structural changes diabetes.32,33
in peripheral nerves,17 and abnormalities of the retina.18 GK
offspring exposed throughout gestation to mild diabetes
presents a severe reduction in beta cell mass. This is associ- Fetal organ alterations and long-term outcomes
ated with a lack of pancreatic reactivity to glucose that seems Maternal diabetes is also associated in the offspring with an
to be the consequence of a reduction in cell proliferation, a alteration in the development of many organs. Notably, the
defect of insulin-like growth factor signaling pathways, and heart, kidney, liver, and endocrine pancreas are the most
an increased apoptosis in the fetal pancreas.19,20 affected, and cardiometabolic diseases may develop later in life.
Nutrition alteration
Maternal nutrition represents a major factor, and it is now Oxidative stress
well recognized that inappropriate nutrition in utero has Diabetic pregnancy and macrosomia are associated with
notable metabolic consequences in adulthood.49 Beta cell increased OS. Protein glycation and glucose auto-oxidation
development is irreversibly damaged by inadequate nutri- may generate ROS and therefore catalyzed lipid peroxida-
tion during critical periods of fetal development.50 tion.65 ROS can be detoxified by endogenous antioxidant
enzymes (superoxide dismutase [SOD], catalase, glutathione
Caloric-nutrient restriction peroxidase, and reductase) and vitamins (A, E, and C).
In rat, global restrictions (40%–50% of normal intake) dur- An increase in OS and an impairment of antioxidant
ing the last week of gestation lead to low birth weight (LBW) enzymes have been found in fetuses and neonates from rodent
in offspring and a decrease in beta cell mass that persists experimental models with mild and severe STZ-induced dia-
in adulthood with a reduction in insulin content.51,52 Also, betes.66,67 In offspring with advanced age, maternal protein
nutrient restriction during the suckling period leads to a restriction leads to an increase in OS levels, characterized
permanent reduction in beta cell mass in offspring and the by an increased lipid peroxidation (hexanoyl lysine adducts),
development of glucose intolerance with aging.53 decreased antioxidant defenses (SOD), and an increase in
islet fibrosis markers (collagen I and III), which can lead to
Protein restriction progressive beta cell loss and dysfunction.68 A poor maternal
In pregnant rats fed with a low-protein (LP) diet, the mater- nutrition leading to LBW followed by accelerated postnatal
nal plasma glucose and insulin levels are normal and fetuses growth is associated with impaired antioxidant defenses
are normoglycemic. Nevertheless, the development of the (SOD expressions) and increased markers of senescence (p21
fetal endocrine pancreas is impaired, which leads to a defi- and p16) in the beta cells of pancreatic islets.69 To confirm
cient insulin response and to fetal growth restriction. The the role of OS in these metabolic alterations, nutritional
offspring from LP dams presents a deficit in beta cell mass,54 and antioxidant therapies have been tested. Folic acid and
reduced pancreatic insulin content and islet size, altered antioxidant supplementations (α-tocopherol and ascorbate)
Mechanisms 87
have been observed to decrease congenital malformations the genes. Usually, if these islands of the promoter region
in term fetuses of rodents with STZ-induced diabetes.70,71 are unmethylated, the gene is transcribed, but when a sig-
Also, omega-3 fatty acid consumption restores the antioxi- nificant part of the CpG islands is methylated, the gene can
dant status of diabetic pregnant rats and decreases the rate no longer be transcribed and is silenced. In early life, DNA
of macrosomic pups at birth and lipid peroxidation (plasma methylation can be altered by many nutritional factors such
thiobarbituric acid–reactive substance measurement) in dia- as folate, choline, betaine, methionine, and vitamins B2, B6,
betic mothers and their offspring.72 and B12 (methyl donors).82 DNA methylation pattern can
also be affected by OS. The replacement of guanine by the
ROS radical adduct-8-hydroxyguanine affects the methyla-
Telomere shortening tion of adjacent cytosine.83 Therefore, this DNA modifica-
Telomeres are repeated sequences of DNA (TTAGGG)n at tion can affect the development and thus increase the risk
the end of chromosomes that protect them against inappro- of developing cardiometabolic diseases later in life. A global
priate DNA fusion, breaks, and shortening into coding DNA DNA hypomethylation has been observed in the liver of rats
sequences.73 Thus, they are essential for chromosome stabil- with T1D.84
ity. Telomeres have a high content in guanine and therefore LP diet is associated with impaired fetal growth and
are particularly susceptible to damage by OS,74 and a posi- development of cardiometabolic diseases in the offspring.
tive correlation has been observed between OS and telomere Many epigenetic changes have been reported in offspring
shortening.75 With each cycle of replication, the telomeres exposed to a maternal LP diet. Hypomethylation of the pro-
shorten; however, the telomerase makes additional copies of moter of the glucocorticoids receptor (GR) associated with
the hexanucleotide repeats to protect against this telomere a decrease in DNA methyltransferase-1 expression and in
loss. Data suggest that short telomeres may lead to prema- expression and binding of methyl CpG-binding protein-2
ture beta cell senescence associated with a decreased beta in the liver results in increased GR promoter activity and so
cell mass and a default in insulin secretion and glucose toler- can lead to the development of hypertension thereafter. An
ance. Using a mice model deficient in telomerase, Kuhlow increased activation of the peroxisomal proliferator–acti-
et al. have suggested that this enzyme is important to main- vated receptor-α promoter has also been observed in the
tain glucose homeostasis.76 In rat offspring, an LP diet expo- liver of these adult offspring exposed to maternal LP diet,85
sure in utero followed by an accelerated postnatal growth which can be associated with induction of dyslipidemia.86
leads to a higher number of short telomeres and fewer long LP intakes during gestation in mice lead to DNA hypo-
telomeres in pancreatic islets, reflecting an accelerated islet methylation of the leptin promoter in adipose tissues associ-
telomere shortening.69 ated with an alteration in body composition and increased
food intakes in male offspring and so could contribute to the
development of MS.87
Epigenetic regulation
Epigenetic modifications can be defined as changes in the Histone modifications
pattern of gene expression without involving changes in In the nucleus of eukaryotic cells, DNA is coiled around
the DNA sequence. The fetal environment can alter the octamers of globular proteins called histones, forming dense
epigenome in the offspring, therefore leading to different blocks of DNA and proteins named nucleosomes and that
phenotypes.77–79 Three main pathways can silence, acti- in conjunction form chromatin, the condensed form of
vate, or regulate the level and time of expression of many DNA. Histones can be modified on the tails by methylation,
genes: DNA methylation, histone modifications (acetylation, acetylation, phosphorylation, biotinylation, ubiquitination,
methylation, ubiquitination, phosphorylation, or ADP ribo- and ADP-ribosylation.79,80 These modifications facilitate or
sylation), and small noncoding RNAs, such as microRNAs obstruct the access of DNA to transcriptional factors and,
(miRNAs).80,81 In general, these three epigenetic mechanisms together with the other epigenetic factors, regulate gene
appear to work together to regulate gene expression. DNA expression.
methylation or histone modifications can alter the expres- In a rodent model of IUGR that expressed a lower level
sion of miRNAs, which can in turn regulate the expression of Pdx1 (a transcription factor critical for beta cell func-
level of DNA methyltransferases, histone methyltransferases, tion),88 epigenetic modifications characterized by the loss of
histone deacetylases, and methyl CpG-binding proteins and upstream stimulatory factor-1 binding at proximal promoter
therefore regulate the epigenetic processes of DNA methyla- of Pdx1, recruitment of histone deacetylase 1 and the core-
tion and histone modifications.80 Nowadays, it is relatively pressor Sin3A, and deacetylation of histone H3 and H4 were
well established that epigenetic alteration/modification can observed. This resulted in Pdx1 silencing, which persisted
affect several processes involved in glucose regulation and from 2 weeks to 4 months of age and was responsible for the
insulin secretion that can lead to the development of T2D. prediabetic state in rats.89
Histone modifications were also proposed to decrease
DNA methylation the expression of GLUT-4 (glycoprotein that facilitates
It is the best-known pathway. It usually leads to repression of g lucose transport that is involved in the development of glu-
transcription of the involved gene. Methylation takes place cose intolerance) in the IUGR offspring. A reduction of glucose
on CpG islands mainly located in the promoter region of transport in the muscle is a feature of IR. Such alterations
88 Animal models in diabetes and pregnancy research
persist at adulthood and could be an adaptive response to the this IR. However, in the model with STZ-induced diabetes,
decrease of insulin pancreatic production.90 the main alteration is the beta cell destruction.
Also, histone modification and DNA methylation can be In an optimal experimental model of GDM, levels of
dependent on one another. Methylation of lysine 9 on H3 can glycemia before gestation would be normal, and then, after
promote DNA methylation, and in turn, CpG methylation midgestation, glucose intolerance and impaired insulin
can influence methylation of lysine 9 on H3.91 secretion would be observed with a perturbation in glucose
and IR in the dams and therefore affect the fetus.
Noncoding RNAs A satisfying model of GDM is db/+ mice in which dia-
miRNAs are small single-stranded RNAs that do not encode betes occurs during gestation, but the deficiency in leptin
proteins. Each miRNA binds to specific messenger RNAs receptor leads to phenotypes that differ from human GDM.
(mRNAs) resulting in the degradation of target mRNA or In STZ-induced diabetes, the destruction of beta cells during
inhibition of its translation into protein. miRNAs regulate pregnancy leads to a diabetic experimental model during the
the posttranscriptional expression level of many genes and pregnant state.
processes such as apoptosis, cell growth, and differentiation Nevertheless, in all cases, the elevated glucose and other
in a large range of tissues. Therefore, miRNAs are involved metabolic substrates in the maternal compartment reach the
in many processes including angiogenesis, cardiogenesis, fetuses and are involved in the induction of short- and long-
nephrogenesis, and related diseases.92 miRNAs are critical term outcomes of diabetes.
regulators of metabolism. It has been shown that miR-103, An alternative to the limits mentioned on rodent animal
miR-107, and miR-33 regulated insulin sensitivity and glu- models with diabetes will be the use of larger animals that
cose homeostasis.93–95 Also, an overexpression of miR-143 seem better to mimic the human diabetes.
was involved in the default of insulin pathway and glucose Treatment of rabbit with alloxan is associated with the
homeostasis.96 induction of T1D, notably on the long term. Injection of a
monodose of alloxan (100 mg/kg) is rapidly taken up by the
beta cells, which leads to the formation of free radicals and
Conclusion the fragmentation of beta cell DNA, as a consequence of the
poor antioxidant defenses from these cells. Hypoinsulinemia
The impact of an early exposure to an altered fetal environ- and hyperglycemia have been observed 48 hours after the
ment (hyperglycemia, inadequate maternal nutrition) on destruction of pancreatic b-cells.97
the offspring’s health and on the development of cardio- In cats, some similar characteristics to T2D in human are
metabolic diseases in adulthood is robustly demonstrated in reported. Cats develop T2D in middle age, associated with
animal models. These models also can offer a major contri- obesity, IR, and subsequent beta cell loss.98
bution in the understanding of the mechanisms leading to Administration of an HF diet and different doses of STZ
such alterations. However, they have some limits in mimick- in dog lead to features similar to human T2D, characterized
ing human diseases. by obesity, IR, and compensatory hyperinsulinemia followed
An ideal animal model to mimic human T1D and T2D is by a decrease in pancreatic function.99
not easy to develop. For T1D, this ideal animal model should The nonhuman primates (NHPs) present disease with
be associated with an autoimmune destruction of beta cells many similarities with the human ones like obesity, IR, dys-
at a very early stage of life to reproduce the human situation. lipidemia, and hypertension. Likewise, NHP spontaneously
However, in surgical animal models of diabetes, the decrease develop T2D with advanced age and also when a hyperca-
of beta cell number is the result of pancreatectomy, whereas loric diet is administrated.100
in STZ-induced diabetes, beta cells are destroyed due to spe- Larger animal models of diabetes share important
cific beta cell–induced death. The spontaneous animal mod- metabolic similarities with human pathology compared
els (NOD mice and BB rats) seem to be good models because to rodent models. The life span to reproduce the natural
the destruction of beta cells is the result of an autoimmune history T2D and permit to study the long-term clinical
process. In BB rat models, diabetes develops around puberty, complications observed in human. Moreover, larger ani-
whereas this occurs in aged animals in NOD mice. mal models provide a valuable resource to test the safety
The ideal animal model of T2D should be a model with and efficacy of therapeutic intervention prior to clinical
an IR and a default in pancreatic response resulting from trials.
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11 Pathologic abnormalities of
placental structure and function
in diabetes
Rhonda Bentley-Lewis, Maria Rosaria Raspollini, and Drucilla Roberts
92 Pathologic abnormalities of placental structure and function in diabetes
Figure 11.2 Section of a normal placenta at 38 weeks gestational age (a), a placenta at 38 weeks gestational age complicated
by maternal insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and chronic hypertension (b and c) (hematoxylin–eosin). In (b) the villi are
widely separated due to premature branching, and the villi have fewer capillaries and larger and more numerous syncytial knots
(arrow and arrowhead). (c) Shows a chronic abruption with the retroplacental hematoma (arrow) with an indented and infracted
Figure 11.3 Hematoxylin–eosin section of a normal placenta at 38 weeks gestation (a), a placenta at 38 weeks gestation with
maternal gestational diabetes (b), and a placenta at 38 weeks gestation with insulin-dependent diabetes (c). Note the smaller villi
in (a) have 1–3 capillaries, while those in (b) have 3–5, and in (c) have 10 or more. The villous stroma in (a) is dense and pink and
the trophoblast has formed syncytial knots (arrow). The villous vessels are all peripheral (arrowhead). With diabetes, there are few
syncytial knots (b and c), and the stroma is more open and clear.
demonstrated a difference in chorangiosis prevalence by pathology includes brisk funisitis or umbilical cord vasculi-
race/ethnicity; white women with gestational diabetes tis with peripheral umbilical cord abscesses (Figure 11.4).59
had a higher rate of chorangiosis compared to nonwhite The presence of invasive hyphae within the Wharton’s jelly
women with gestational diabetes. 27 Villous immatu- of the umbilical cord is thought to represent an increased
rity, defined as inadequate or absent terminal villi, can risk for disseminated disease in the fetus, but even deeply
lead to relative hypoxia due to the fact that the centrally invasive hyphae are usually benign.3 Consequently, it
located villous capillaries will increase the distance oxy- usually does not have significant sequelae for the fetus,
gen and nutrients need to travel from the maternal to fetal although rarely fungal placentitis can lead to overwhelm-
circulation.48 ing sepsis.62,63
Chronic chorioamnionitis may also be present in the Fungal infection may also promote umbilical cord vascu-
diabetic placenta. This finding is characterized by infiltra- litis and abscess formation, also associated with acute cho-
tion of the membranes, chorionic plate, and umbilical cord rioamnionitis. The abscesses typically have easily identifiable
by mature lymphocytes, plasma cells, and histiocytes.49,50 hyphae invading the Wharton’s jelly or superficial hyphae
Although chronic chorioamnionitis may be seen in the and do not require special stains for visualization. Abscesses
setting of infectious agents, other suggested mechanisms on the surface of the umbilical cord are nearly always due
have included an imbalance of the systemic inflammatory to Candida although they can be occasionally observed in
milieu associated with insulin resistance in gestational dia- group B β-hemolytic Streptococcal infections. When vis-
betes mellitus.51 In contrast to fetal acute chorioamnionitis, ible hyphae are absent, fungal specific staining such as silver
chronic chorioamnionitis is usually associated with villi- stains should be used.
tis of unknown etiology and cannot be evaluated via gross
One of the more common diseases associated with mater-
nal diabetes is hypertension. Whether pregnancy related,
such as preeclampsia or pregnancy-induced hypertension,
or pregestational, hypertension can cause vascular damage
to the uterus leading to poor blood flow to the placenta. The
resulting uteroplacental insufficiency causes placental isch-
emia that is associated with infarction, chronic and acute
abruption, and stunted placental growth. This impaired pla-
cental growth is associated with a small organ, weighing less
than the 10th percentile, and accelerated villous branching,
also referred to as hypermaturity (Figure 11.2).53 In addi-
tion, hypertensive diabetic placentas have more syncytial
knots, more vasculosyncytial membranes, smaller villi,
centrally located villous vessels, and decreased vessels per
villous compared to placentas from nonhypertensive dia-
betic pregnancies (Figure 11.3). Poor glucose control will
exacerbate these findings and result in placentomegaly and
Figure 11.4 Hematoxylin–eosin section of an umbilical cord
macrosomia.54 showing peripheral abscesses (arrow) that contain maternal
Fungal placentitis, a relatively uncommon finding, is white blood cells and abundant candidal forms (insert with
also increased in the setting of maternal diabetes.55–61 This silver stain).
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12 The great obstetric syndromes:
The roots of disease
Rinat Gabbay-Benziv and Ahmet A. Baschat
98 The great obstetric syndromes
Luoto et al.14 studied the impact of first-trimester dietary or intra-arterial) results in displacement of vascular smooth
modification and physical activity on the prevention of muscle and endothelial cells and transforms the narrow spi-
GDM and delivery of a large-for-gestational-age infant. In ral arteries into a low-resistance high-capacity vascular bed.
this study, pregnant women with at least one risk factor for
GDM (age > 40, BMI > 25, prior GDM, prior macrosomia,
and family history of diabetes) were recruited at 8–12 gesta- Diabetic placenta
tional weeks. Modification of physical activity was initiated
at recruitment and dietary consult started at 16–18 gesta- The term GDM encompasses all women first discovered in
tional weeks. The study demonstrated that the interventions pregnancy and accordingly by itself does not distinguish
had an impact on infant birth weight but failed to reduce between diabetes exclusively precipitated by pregnancy from
the rate of GDM. This provides further evidence that therapy preexisting type 2 diabetes incidentally discovered during
does not prevent the development of GDM but can reduce pregnancy. In fact, in 30%–40% of women with GDM, the
the consequences of the condition. diagnosis is made prior to 20 weeks of gestation,15,16 increas-
ing the likelihood that there is an overlap with preexist-
ing type 2 diabetes. In principle, the disruption of normal
Interaction with placental placental development is most profound if it occurs early
development in gestation. Because early disruption of development occurs
at a time when structural development, especially of the
The placenta has many roles. Other than being a selective vasculature, is still incomplete, structural and functional
barrier between the maternal and fetal circulations that is placental dysfunction may ensue. In comparison, later devel-
capable of controlling nutrient and gas exchange, it also has opment of abnormal glycemic status is more likely to affect
immune and endocrine functions. The conditions that con- the functionality of the placenta. The relationship between
tribute to the development of the great obstetrical syndromes the degree of glycemic control and placental changes remains
exert their effects in part by interfering with normal placen- unclear. While some studies support the concept that the
tal development that sets the stage for the development of degree of damage is proportional to the degree of hypergly-
pregnancy-related hypertensive disease, preterm delivery, cemia, o thers have shown that even in tight glycemic control
stillbirth, abruption, and disrupted fetal growth.3 there are still histological differences in the diabetic placen-
GDM is associated with maternal and fetal short-term tas compared to the nondiabetic ones.17–19
and long-term complications. Well-recognized complica- Macroscopically, the diabetic placenta is character-
tions are the increased risk for type 2 diabetes for the mother ized by increased size and weight resulting in an increased
and accelerated growth for the fetus. Although less com- placental-to-fetal-weight ratio.20–25 These changes are pro-
mon, but not less important are fetal adverse outcomes such portional to the degree of hyperglycemia and suggest that in
as stillbirth, delivery complications attributable to macro- the diabetic environment, the placenta grows first and then
somia, and neonatal metabolic complications. Late-onset contributes to accelerated fetal growth by increased glucose
metabolic complications for the offspring are associated as well as other nutrient transfer.
with endothelial/vascular dysfunction that may later cause Microscopically, a number of lesions have been found in
obesity, hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and meta- increased frequency in placentas of diabetic women compared
bolic syndrome. At least some of these complications may be to controls. Villous fibrinoid necrosis, a condition where vil-
related to aberrant placental structure or function caused by lous stroma is replaced by fibrinoid material, and villous
the metabolic milieu of the diabetic mother. immaturity with a decreased formation of terminal villi are
An important question is how early in gestation can observed. These changes may affect maternal–fetal nutrient
placen tal changes related to diabetes be seen. Following delivery and gas exchange and accordingly may be precur-
fertilization, placentation is initiated when the trophoblast sors to otherwise unanticipated fetal complications such as
develops as a cell area that is distinct from the inner cell stillbirth.26,27 Chorangiosis and vascular hyperplasia of the
mass that will form the embryo. The progenitor cytotropho- chorionic villi are defined as the occurrence of 10 or more villi
blast cell is the stem cell of the placenta. These cells prolifer- with 10 or more capillaries in 10 or lower-power microscopic
ate throughout gestation, differentiating along two pathways fields and may be a result of increased vascular recruitment
to form villous cytotrophoblast that ultimately will become that occurs with placental overgrowth. Infarction of 10% or
either syncytiotrophoblasts (outer cellular layer) or extravil- more of the placenta and evidence of ischemia (Tenney–Parker
lous cytotrophoblasts (inner cellular layer). The syncytiotro- changes) resulting in increased maturation of branching villi
phoblast has several functions, including transport of gases, and increased numbers of fetal nucleated red blood cells as a
nutrients, and waste products and synthesis of peptide and marker of chronic fetal hypoxemia are also more commonly
steroid hormones that regulate placental, fetal, and maternal seen in the placentas of diabetic women.
systems. The extravillous trophoblast (EVT) has a prolifera- Jones et al.28 suggested that even optimal glycemic con-
tive component and an invasive component. Invasive EVT trol cannot abolish the placental effect as they have observed
that invades the decidua is called interstitial EVT, whereas various degrees of changes in the syncytiotrophoblast,
EVT that invades and remodels the spiral arteries is called cytotrophoblast, trophoblastic basement membrane, and
the endovascular EVT. Endovascular invasion (intramural fetal vessels in six out of seven women with all ranges of
References 99
diabetic severity. Madazli et al.17 compared the histology of diffusion distance of immature villi and the placental size
22 placentas from women with well-controlled GDM to 22 to perfusion mismatch may predispose the fetus to sud-
placentas from nondiabetic women that served as control. den changes in gas and nutrient exchange. Accordingly,
They found a sixfold increase in villous immaturity and the placenta “becomes its own enemy” by initiating the
chorangiosis and a threefold increase in ischemic changes sequence that leads from altered glycemic status to placen-
in the placentas of women diagnosed with GDM. These tal dysfunction. Understanding these pathways in greater
findings were confirmed by the study of Daskalakis et al.,20 detail will become important in modifying this sequence
which examined a large number of placentas by a pathologist of events.
that was blinded to the maternal glycemic status. This study
showed that GDM was associated with villous immaturity,
chorangiosis, villous fibrinoid necrosis, and nucleated red Conclusions
blood cells regardless of the maternal glycemic status.
Collectively, these studies document that the glyce- GDM can be regarded as one of the great obstetric syn-
mic control can have profound impacts on many critical dromes where early placental development coupled with
developmental and functional aspects of the placenta. maternal predisposition initiates a chain of events that
Interference with angiogenesis sets the stage for maternal affects placental, maternal, and fetal development with
hypertensive disorders. The placenta that is subjected to lasting impacts on mother and child. Understanding the
the opposing stimuli of glucose-mediated growth accel- pathways that mediate these effects to greater detail will
eration and decrease in vascular development is at risk be required to develop effective screening, prevention, and
for local ischemic changes. The increased intervillous management approaches.
1. Romero R. Prenatal medicine: The child is the father of the man. 16. Meyer WJ, Carbone J, Gauthier DW et al. Early gestational glu-
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2. Romero R. Prenatal medicine: The child is the father of the 675–679.
man. 1996. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med August 2009; 22(8): 17. Madazli R, Tuten A, Calay Z et al. The incidence of placental abnor-
636–639. malities, maternal and cord plasma malondialdehyde and vascular
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Syndromes” are associated with disorders of deep placentation. tes mellitus and nondiabetic controls. Gynecol Obstet Invest 2008;
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Clin Obstet Gynaecol June 2011; 25(3): 301–311. ings in placentas of insulin-dependent diabetic patients treated with
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betes mellitus. Biol Neonate 1987; 51(2): 78–85. in women with gestational diabetes. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand
8. West NA, Kechris K, Dabelea D. Exposure to maternal diabe- 2008; 87(4): 403–407.
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10. Ruchat SM, Houde AA, Voisin G et al. Gestational diabetes November 2010; 31(11): 963–968.
mellitus epigenetically affects genes predominantly involved in 23. Taricco E, Radaelli T, Rossi G et al. Effects of gestational diabetes
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62(12): 4088–4097. tional diabetes. Placenta April 2003; 24(4): 343–347.
12. Catalano PM, Tyzbir ED, Wolfe RR et al. Carbohydrate metabo- 25. Lao TT, Lee CP, Wong WM. Placental weight to birthweight ratio
lism during pregnancy in control subjects and women with ges- is increased in mild gestational glucose intolerance. Placenta
tational diabetes. Am Physiol Soc 1993; 264: E60–E67. March–April 1997; 18(2–3): 227–230.
13. Catalano PM, Huston L, Amini SB et al. Longitudinal changes 26. Evers IM, Nikkels PG, Sikkema JM et al. Placental pathology in
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normal glucose tolerance and gestational diabetes mellitus. Am J mal and large-for-gestational-age infants. Placenta September–
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14. Luoto R, Kinnunen TI, Aittasalo M et al. Primary prevention of ges- 27. Björk O, Persson B. Villous structure in different parts of the
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Gynecol 2000; 182: 346–350. 274–280.
13 Placental origins of diabesity
and the origin of preeclampsia
Gernot Desoye and Berthold Huppertz
Transplacental transport of nutrients in diabesity 101
concepts ultimately explain why and how diabetes and/or Transplacental transport of nutrients
obesity may develop later in life.
A key role is attributed to the intrauterine environment, in diabesity
in which the fetus grows and develops. This intrauterine
Insulin secretagogues
environment is characterized and determined by the con-
centrations of principle nutrients, cytokines, growth factors, The placenta is richly endowed with glucose transporters
and hormones. foremost with GLUT1,36 which are dynamically regulated
across gestation.37 These confer a high glucose transport
capacity, which only becomes saturated at a maternal–fetal
glucose concentration difference of 20–25 mM d-glucose.38
Placenta in diabesity This overcapacity to transport glucose renders the placenta
How the placenta integrates maternal and fetal exposures10 relatively insensitive to glucose transporter changes as they
has been the subject of several reviews.11–24 It is unclear may occur in diabesity39 induced by hyperglycemia40,41 and
whether any of these placental changes are causally linked other components of the intrauterine environment.42 In fact,
with the fetal and neonatal phenotype of pregnancies in direct measurements of maternal-to-fetal glucose transfer
diabesity. Therefore, we will focus on the specific con- in placentas from normal and gestational diabetic pregnan-
cept that fetal and neonatal insulin plays a central role in cies did not find differences.43–45 Thus the placenta per se
determining the neonatal phenotype25 and represents the does neither limit nor promote glucose flux at least at the
mechanistic link with childhood diabesity and associated end of gestation. The amount of glucose reaching the fetal
comorbidities.26 By emphasizing on the maternal and fetal circulation is thus dictated by its maternal–fetal concentra-
glucose/insulin axis and its effects on placenta and fetus, we tion gradient with some contribution of uteroplacental and
will explain the fetal phenotype and some aspects of intra- fetoplacental blood flow.46
uterine programming of childhood obesity in the wake of Arginine uptake into various placental cells has been stud-
maternal diabesity. ied, because of its precursor role for NO biosynthesis. Glucose
as well as insulin is capable of stimulating arginine uptake
into a trophoblast model cell line,47 which may suggest altera-
The fetus/neonate in maternal diabesity tions associated with maternal diabetes mellitus. However,
trophoblast uptake does not necessarily correspond with
A growing body of evidence shows that the major difference
overall transfer. There are no data available on transplacental
in the neonatal phenotype between normal and diabetic/
arginine transport and potential changes in maternal diabetes
obese pregnancies is the fetal body composition indepen-
mellitus. Arginine concentrations in the maternal circulation
dent of birth weight. While the fat-free mass is unaltered,
are higher in diabetes mellitus as compared to nondiabetic
neonates of diabesity pregnancies contain more fat. These
pregnancies, and this likely leads to an increase in the fetus.
differences are found even when born in the appropri-
This increase must be transient, because fetal steady-state
ate-for-gestational-age range (between the 5th/10th and
concentrations of arginine are unchanged in diabetes.48 The
90th birth weight percentile).27–30 Interestingly, gestational
transient rise in fetal arginine elicits a pancreatic response as
diabetes mellitus (GDM) and maternal obesity are inde-
reflected by elevated insulin levels.49 This response is, how-
pendent risk factors for neonatal body fat and contribute
ever, limited to diabetic pregnancies, which is an indication
additively. 31
of the accelerated β-cell maturation under the conditions of
The relative body fat of the neonate associates with that
permanent overstimulation by glucose and perhaps arginine.
of the offspring at age 9 years, whereas total body weights
do not associate. 32 This reinforces the concept that the
number of adipocytes for a human being is determined
very early in the life cycle if not already in utero. 33 The tra- Lipids
jectory of adipocyte number cannot be changed not even The augmented fat accretion in offspring born to diabetes
when weight, i.e., fat, is lost. Thus, once the growing fetus or obesity pregnancies has sparked interest in the question
has developed more adipocytes in the wake of the diabesity whether there is an increased transfer of lipids across the pla-
environment, then the neonate may be strongly disposed centa under these conditions to contribute to the buildup of
to remain on this trajectory and have more adipocytes also fetal fat depots.50,51 Lipids are a complex class of molecules
in childhood. most of which contain fatty acids as esters such as triglyc-
According to the well-established Pedersen hypothesis, erides (TGs), phospholipids, and cholesterol esters. These
maternal hyperglycemia will lead to fetal hyperglycemia. As in turn are building blocks for lipoproteins, in which more
a result, fetal islets will become hypertrophic and hyperse- than 95% of fatty acids are bound.
crete insulin.34 The lipoproteins have to be hydrolyzed by lipases to release
The hyperinsulinism may not only be the result of fetal fatty acids, which is the lipid moiety transported to the fetus.
hyperglycemia, because some amino acids such as arginine For topological reasons, these lipases have to be located on
can also stimulate insulin secretion, especially from the the microvillous membrane of the syncytiotrophoblast. For
overactive fetal pancreas as in maternal diabetes.35 most fatty acids, a maternal–fetal concentration gradient
102 Placental origins of diabesity and the origin of preeclampsia
exists, and hence, free fatty acids may traverse the placenta is also unknown whether overall transfer of the lipoprotein-
by simple diffusion, but an intermediate esterification of free borne fatty acid is altered in diabesity.
fatty acids to TGs within the placenta may occur, followed
by lipolysis and release into the fetal circulation. Lipid stores
in the placenta are elevated in diabesity.52,53 It is unknown Effect of fetal hyperinsulinism
whether this affects overall fatty acid transfer.
Endothelial lipase (EL), a close relative of lipopro- Fetal hyperinsulinism as it often occurs in diabesity has sev-
tein lipase (LPL), was recently identified on the microvil- eral effects, which may not only help sustain fetal develop-
lous syncytiotrophoblast membrane at the end of gestation ment and growth but also mediate long-term consequences
(Figure 13.1), whereas LPL was found in cells subjacent to associated with intrauterine exposure to the diabesity envi-
the fetoplacental endothelium.54 EL is upregulated in placen- ronment (Figure 13.2).
tas from obese women with GDM, but unchanged in placentas
from lean GDM cases.55 This suggests that metabolic inflam-
mation together with diabetic conditions accounted for Fetal metabolism and uptake of glucose and fatty acids
dysregulation of EL in pregnancies complicated by obesity Glucose uptake into fetal tissues is stimulated by hyperin-
and GDM. TNF-α and leptin, both inflammatory cytokines sulinism as reflected by a higher glucose disappearance rate
often elevated in diabesity, are putative key regulators of EL. (“k-value”) in newborns of diabetic as compared to nondia-
After hydrolysis and release of fatty acids, they have to betic pregnancies.34 The insulin-stimulated glucose uptake
be transported across the placenta to ultimately reach the will transiently decrease glucose levels in the fetal circulation,
fetal circulation. The transport will be accomplished by a thereby steepening the maternal–fetal glucose concentration
range of fatty acid transporters present on the surface and gradient with ensuing increased glucose flux across the pla-
of fatty acid–binding proteins in the cytoplasm of placental centa until steady-state concentrations will be reached. At
cells.56–58 Each of these has a different preference for the vari- this stage, the amount of glucose passing from mother to
ous individual fatty acids and may be subject to regulation fetus is independent of the maternal glucose level and dic-
by distinct changes in the diabesity environment.59,60 tated by the fetus. Whether a similar mechanism exists also
Notwithstanding the presumed key role of EL in hydro- for fatty acids is unknown. When fatty acid profiles were
lyzing maternal lipoproteins on the placental surface and measured in the cord blood of newborn from gestational
the fatty acid transporters for transplacental movement of diabetic and nondiabetic pregnancies, then lower proportion
fatty acids, it is unclear whether total placental EL activity or of polyunsaturated fatty acids were found in gestational dia-
the transporter activity is the limiting and therefore deter- betic newborn but only in the arterial and not in the venous
mining factor for overall fatty acid transport. Moreover, it cord blood. All other fatty acids were similar.61 This would
Maternal Stroma Fetal
Arginine Arginine
Glucose Glucose Insulin
Liver +
TG + +
Lipogenesis LPL
HDL White
Lipoproteins adipose
EL tissue +
Syncytiotrophoblast Endothelium
Figure 13.1 The Pedersen–Freinkel concept expanded. Maternal glucose and arginine cross the placenta and stimulate fetal insu-
lin secretion. Lipoprotein–triglycerides (TGs) and phospholipids will be hydrolyzed by lipases such as endothelial lipase present
on the microvillous membrane of the syncytiotrophoblast to release fatty acids, which then traverse the placenta to contribute to
the fetal fatty acid pool. Fetal glucose and insulin enhance hepatic TG formation. Insulin stimulates growth of adipocytes in white
adipose tissue as well as lipoprotein lipase (LPL) transcription. LPL hydrolyzes TGs released from the liver and provides free fatty
acids for uptake into adipocytes and reesterification under insulin promotion to ultimately form TGs.
Conclusions 103
Glucose uptake
Syncytiotrophoblast Endothelium
Figure 13.2 Fetal hyperinsulinism leads to multiple changes. High insulin levels promote hepatic glucose metabolism and indi-
rectly glucose uptake into hepatocytes and other insulin-sensitive peripheral tissues. This will increase fetal oxygen demand for
aerobic metabolism. In a situation of inadequate oxygen supply, this results in fetal hypoxia. Insulin directly and hypoxia indirectly
stimulates angiogenesis-promoting factors, which are potent stimulators of placental angiogenesis serving to ultimately increase the
degree of placental vascularization. Insulin also acts on the adipocytes with its dual role as growth factor to stimulate adipocyte
growth and as hormone to promote triglyceride formation and fat deposition. The central role of insulin is reflected by stimulating
orexigenic and reducing anorexigenic neurons, which may contribute to neonatal overfeeding in such situations.
indicate that the newborn takes up polyunsaturated fatty end of gestation, when its levels in the umbilical cord are
acids, which are needed in particular for the development of associated with the capillary surface area.20,67 In vitro exper-
the retina and the brain, and this uptake may be under the iments using primary human fetoplacental endothelial cells
regulation of fetal insulin. Insulin also stimulates TG forma- also demonstrated insulin stimulation of several pathways
tion in the fetal liver and in the white adipocytes. involved in angiogenesis.68,69
Fetal hypoxia
Fetal hypothalamus
The insulin-stimulated glucose uptake into peripheral tissues
The human brain contains insulin receptors in various
and, in the presence of hyperglycemia, also into the liver is
regions.70 During fetal development, insulin binding to brain
accompanied by enhanced aerobic glucose metabolism gen-
receptors increases as the fetus grows, i.e., with advancing ges-
erating an increased demand for oxygen. At the same time,
tational age.71 One of the sites in the brain susceptible to insu-
maternal and placental oxygen supply is impaired, because
lin action is the hypothalamus. Insulin exerts neurotrophic
of more maternal hemoglobin being present in the glyco-
functions and contributes to the organization of neuronal
sylated form and thickening of the basement membrane of
networks during critical periods of hypothalamic develop-
the syncytiotrophoblast. Occasionally, this is aggravated by
ment.72–74 Thus, fetal hyperinsulinism is likely to affect the
reduced uteroplacental and fetoplacental blood flow. Overall
development of hypothalamus. Indeed in rat experiments,
this will lead to an imbalance of oxygen demand and supply
fetal hyperinsulinism was accompanied by increased insu-
and chronic fetal hypoxia. A reduction in umbilical oxygen
lin concentrations in the immature brain75 with subsequent
saturation and oxygen content,62 enhanced erythropoiesis,63
permanent dysplasia and neuronal hypotrophy of the ventro-
and elevated cord blood erythropoietin levels64 are often
medial hypothalamic nucleus.9 The prolonged intrauterine
manifestations of inadequate oxygen supply.
exposure to high insulin levels ultimately induces hypotha-
lamic insulin resistance. Since insulin also serves as satiety
Placental vascularization signal, this may contribute to neonatal overfeeding observed
The placenta as a fetal tissue receives fetal signals and adapts in some mother–offspring pairs. Most recently, maternal
its development and function according to fetal needs. This hyperglycemia during an oral glucose tolerance test (oGTT)
explains why the placenta is often hypervascularized in was associated with slower fetal brain responses.76
maternal diabetes.13 Corresponding data for maternal obe-
sity are missing. Mechanistically, low oxygen levels may
upregulate hypoxia-sensitive proangiogenic factors such as Conclusions
fibroblast growth factor 2, which promotes sprouting angio-
genesis and is increased in the placenta and fetal cord blood Collectively, fetal hyperinsulinism associated with mater-
in diabetic pregnancies.65,66 Fetal insulin may also be capable nal diabesity not only modifies the classical peripheral
of directly stimulating placental angiogenesis at least at the insulin-sensitive tissues but also has a broad spectrum of
104 Placental origins of diabesity and the origin of preeclampsia
central effects (Figure 13.2). These effects have been postu- 10%–15% of maternal deaths, 12% of infants born SGA (small
lated to contribute to the permanently increased disposition for gestational age), and up to 25% of stillbirths and neonatal
to adiposity and associated comorbidities such as T2DM.9 mortality rates.79 Although preeclampsia is pregnancy spe-
Conceptually, this links the placenta and its absence of cific, it has been shown to have long-term consequences for
mechanism to protect the fetus from nutritional overload those women who experienced preeclampsia. Such women
associated with diabesity, with the medium- to long-term are at increased risk of a variety of diseases including chronic
offspring risk for diabesity, and may help explain the trans- hypertension, diabetes mellitus, ischemic heart disease, cere-
generational transmission of diabesity risk. brovascular disease, kidney disease, thromboembolism,
hypothyroidism, and even impaired memory.80
Normal risk of woman later in life Higher risk of woman later in life
Figure 13.3 Origin of preeclampsia. Representation of a very simplified scheme showing the players and combinations leading to
preeclampsia. While the combination of a normal mother with a normal placenta should end in a normal outcome, all of the other
combinations may result in preeclampsia. If one player is normal, the syndrome may be mild or severe, while the combination of
both being abnormal or predisposed mostly results in severe cases of preeclampsia. In these scenarios, a predisposed mother will
also carry a higher risk for, e.g., cardiovascular diseases later in life.
risk to develop the late-onset type of preeclampsia.85 Here However, features thought to be specific for early-onset pre-
the question arises whether there needs to be a dysregula- eclampsia such as changes of blood flow within the maternal
tion of placental development at all to cause this type of uterine arteries or even abnormal blood flow in the umbilical
preeclampsia. There may well be cases where an increased arteries are regular findings in cases with pure FGR.
maternal susceptibility in combination with an inadequate Hence, a dispute arose whether these findings are directly
maternal response to placenta-derived factors could lead to related to early-onset preeclampsia or whether there is an over-
preeclampsia without any dysfunctional placental deteriora- lap of two independent syndromes, FGR and preeclampsia.82
tion.82 However, respective data are missing. From a clinical point of view, this dispute is of no relevance.
In a clinical setting, it is important to do the best for both,
Early-onset type of preeclampsia mother and child. Here it does not play a role whether there
are two independent syndromes or just one with features of
Different to the late-onset type of preeclampsia, the early-
both. However, scientifically it indeed plays an important
onset type of the syndrome only develops in a small propor-
role since only a clear demarcation between FGR and pre-
tion of all preeclampsia cases, in 5%–20%84 (Figure 13.4).
eclampsia will help to identify the origins of both syndromes.
Early-onset preeclampsia only affects 1 in 200 pregnancies;
however, at the same time, it is responsible for the majority of
fetal and maternal morbidity and mortality in the developed Definition of FGR
world that are related to preeclampsia.86 FGR affects 5% of all pregnancies and is one of the leading
It is not only the gestational age at the onset of symptoms causes of perinatal mortality and morbidity.87–89 In litera-
that makes the early-onset type different to the late-onset ture, several terms are used in parallel, leading to massive
type. The early-onset cases are mostly associated with growth confusion. The terms fetal growth restriction and intrauter-
restriction of the fetus. This is why the early-onset type is rec- ine growth restriction (IUGR) are synonymous and can be
ognized as showing features not present in the late-onset type. used to describe the same issue: a fetus who has not been
Weeks of gestation 0 20 34 40
Figure 13.4 Early-onset versus late-onset preeclampsia. Schematic representation of the length of pregnancy in weeks (0–40) with
two specific time points: 20 weeks of gestation as the start of clinical symptoms of preeclampsia (per definition) and 34 weeks to
discriminate between early-onset (prior to 34 weeks) and late-onset (after 34 weeks) preeclampsia. The two types of preeclampsia and
fetal growth restriction (FGR) are further characterized by their occurrence rates in all preeclampsia and FGR cases (% values) and
also by their massive overlap in early-onset cases and their negligible overlap in late-onset cases. In late-onset cases, it is still very dif-
ficult to achieve a clear distinction between FGR and small-for-gestational-age cases without growth restriction.
106 Placental origins of diabesity and the origin of preeclampsia
able to achieve its growth potential.90 These two terms (fetal Doppler ultrasound between 11 and 14 weeks of gestation.
growth restriction and intrauterine growth restriction) are These authors were able to calculate a sensitivity to predict
regularly mixed with the term small for gestational age and early-onset preeclampsia of only 33.3%, while the sensitiv-
are even used as synonyms. However, fetuses who are SGA ity to predict all cases of preeclampsia (early and late onset)
are defined being born below a certain growth percentile further decreased to 21%. At the same time, the sensitivity
(e.g., below the 10th percentile). Not all of such fetuses are to predict early-onset FGR was 100% using the same pool
also growth restricted since there are fetuses with a normal of women.98
growth trajectory but who are constitutionally small while
otherwise normal.89,90 Ott has calculated that of 100 SGA
babies with a growth below the 10th percentile, only 30 are Etiology of preeclampsia
growth restricted and hence are FGR.91 The etiology of preeclampsia is still unclear, but as described
Furthermore, FGR can also appear with a baby being born earlier, the placenta is essential. Without the placenta, pre-
above the 10th percentile. In such cases, the growth trajec- eclampsia does not develop. Only the presence of at least one
tory of a fetus did not remain constant over the duration of of the two, defective placenta and/or a predisposed mother,
pregnancy but rather massively declined (e.g., from the 70th may result in preeclampsia.82
percentile to the 30% percentile). Also such newborn babies Even today it is more than difficult not only to exactly
are growth restricted without being SGA.90,92 define the syndrome of preeclampsia but also to define the
individual that is responsible for the development of the
syndrome (mother or fetus). Thus, preeclampsia may derive
from at least three different combinations of mother and
Features of preeclampsia and FGR fetus/placenta (Figure 13.5).
The clinically relevant features of early-onset preeclamp-
sia (excluding hypertension and proteinuria of the mother) Cases with a normal placenta and a predisposed mother
may be caused by preeclampsia or may be the features of the Here the mother suffers from an inadequate response system
overlying syndrome FGR.82 This deleterious combination of and may simply be overloaded by the normal release of fac-
early-onset FGR and early-onset preeclampsia dramatically tors from the placenta. Today, a number of factors leading to
increases the risk for both, mother and baby. This is why predisposition are defined as risk factors to increase the risk to
these cases are highly relevant for clinical intervention. develop preeclampsia including chronic hypertension or renal
The idea that there are two overlapping syndromes rather disease.
than a single syndrome with both features is supported by a
variety of studies and data:
Preeclampsia and FGR
1. In cases with preeclampsia, the placenta does not dis- Normal or predisposed mother + Abnormal placenta
play any gross morphological changes and also shows Villous trophoblast Extravillous trophoblast
normal values for volume and weight. Of course, a Affected Normal Normal Affected
macroscopically normal placenta does not necessar-
ily reflect a histologically and functionally normal pla-
centa. Looking into the morphology of the placenta,
also here preeclampsia has only modest effects, if at all.
There have been a number of variables that have been Preeclampsia Preeclampsia and FGR FGR
quantified using stereological techniques, including
placental weight and volume, length, diameter, volume Normal growth Reduced growth of fetus
and surface area of villi, villous components and vascu- of fetus (no FGR) (FGR)
lature,93–95 and villous domains and intervillous pores.96
Normal levels of Higher levels of
All of the aforementioned measures were not different angiogenic factors angiogenic factors
between healthy control placentas and those from pre- (due to absence of FGR) (due to presence of FGR)
eclampsia cases (without FGR). In the presence of FGR,
these measures were significantly different, whether or Higher risk of woman Higher risk of newborn
not such cases were further suffering from preeclampsia. later in life later in life
2. Studies predicting preeclampsia and/or FGR using Doppler (if predisposed)
ultrasound to assess blood flow in uterine arteries showed Figure 13.5 Combinations of fetal growth restriction (FGR)
that again it is FGR rather than preeclampsia that is the and preeclampsia. As described earlier,82 preeclampsia could
effective component here. Nicolaides et al.97 have assessed be derived from a dysfunctional villous trophoblast, while FGR
uterine artery blood flow between 11 +0 and 13 +6 weeks could be derived from a maldeveloped extravillous tropho-
by Doppler ultrasound. These authors were able to calcu- blast. The combinations of these defects in a single placenta
determine whether only preeclampsia, only FGR, or the com-
late a detection rate for early-onset preeclampsia of only bination of both develops. This may have direct effects on fetal
40% at a 10% false-positive rate.97 Pilalis et al.98 used a simi- growth and outcome, changes in biomarkers such as angio-
lar approach and assessed uterine artery blood flow using genic factors, and long-term effects on the mother or offspring.
References 107
The overload of the maternal system may develop slowly symptoms will appear early in pregnancy (early-onset pre-
resulting in normally grown babies (no FGR), clinical eclampsia) with no effect on the growth of the fetus (no FGR)
symptoms appearing mostly late in pregnancy (late-onset and the absence of changes in predictive angiogenic markers.
preeclampsia), and the absence of changes of predictive However, a larger proportion of these maldeveloped pla-
angiogenic markers such as PlGF and sFlt-1 prior to the centas may also show defects in extravillous trophoblast
onset of symptoms.99 development and hence may additionally result in impaired
Such women may well be the ones who suffer from a trophoblast invasion.105 In those cases, the villous syncy-
higher risk to develop cardiovascular diseases later in life. tiotrophoblast is affected and releases factors by necrotic
and aponecrotic shedding, while the maldevelopment of
Cases with a dysfunctioning placenta and a normal the extravillous trophoblast will alter maternal blood flow
mother toward the placenta106 subsequently impairing fetal growth.
Here, it seems as if mostly the villous syncytiotrophoblast is Again, the overload of the maternal system will develop early
affected, releasing factors systemically harming the mater- in pregnancy (early-onset preeclampsia), growth of the fetus
nal vascular system during pregnancy finally leading to the will be impaired as well (FGR), and changes in predictive
clinical symptoms of preeclampsia. The syncytiotrophoblast angiogenic markers will be quite striking.107
does no longer release most of the factors by controlled secre- Again, such women may well suffer from a higher risk to
tion and apoptotic shedding. Rather, necrosis and aponecro- develop cardiovascular diseases and other morbidities later
sis82,100,101 result in the release of subcellular fragments and in life. In cases with FGR, the babies may show fetal pro-
micro- and nanoparticles102,103 systemically affecting the gramming as well.108,109
maternal endothelium.104
The normal maternal system may resist any deleteri-
ous changes for a longer time period, and hence clinical Conclusions
symptoms may develop only later in pregnancy (late-onset
preeclampsia) and in the absence of changes of predictive Preeclampsia and FGR are different syndromes that have
angiogenic markers such as PlGF and sFlt-1.99 Also the different etiologies. Both may start as impaired development
fetus may develop into a normally grown baby (no FGR). of the placenta affecting different cell populations and tis-
The mother may recover completely after delivery without sues within the placenta. FGR may develop on its own only
any further long-term effects. affecting the fetus without any disturbance found in the
mother. The same is true for preeclampsia that only affects
Cases with a maldeveloped and dysfunctioning placenta the mother without any changes of the fetus. It has to be con-
and a predisposed mother sidered that preeclampsia may be solely derived from a pre-
These are the most severe cases since the combination of disposed mother who cannot response to normally released
both defects will definitively increase the severity of the placental factors in a proper way and hence develops pre-
symptoms of the mother. eclampsia in the presence of a normal placenta.
A small proportion of these maldeveloped placentas may The different origins and pathways of the etiology of
only show alterations of the syncytiotrophoblast. In those preeclampsia in combination with the simultaneous occur-
cases, the villous syncytiotrophoblast is affected and releases rence of FGR clearly hinder the further progress in identify-
factors by necrotic and aponecrotic shedding, subsequently ing the origins of the syndrome. It would be ideal to have
affecting a maternal system that is already impaired. The over- markers in hand distinguishing between the different ori-
load of the maternal system will develop fast, and hence clinical gins and combinations of preeclampsia.
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14 Diagnosis of gestational diabetes
Donald R. Coustan and Boyd E. Metzger
Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome study 111
Table 14.1 Various conversions of criteria for diagnosing gestational diabetes with 100 g, 3-hour oral
glucose tolerance test
c Corrected for conversion of whole blood to plasma and Somogyi–Nelson to enzymatic glucose measurement.
change from less specific Somogyi–Nelson methodology evaluating a 7.8 mmol/L (140 mg/dL) threshold reported
to more specific enzymatic glucose measurement, and the that 70%–88% of GDM cases would be identified, whereas
resulting values were increased by 14% because of the change a threshold of 7.2 mmol/L (130 mg/dL) identified 88%–99%
from whole blood to plasma.11 These various conversions of cases. At a threshold of 7.8 mmol/L (140 mg/dL), 11%–31%
of the original O’Sullivan and Mahan criteria are depicted of unaffected gravidas would require an OGTT, while at
in Table 14.1. When Sacks et al.12 reconstructed the origi- 7.2 mmol/L (130 mg/dL), 23%–34% require further testing.
nal methodology of O’Sullivan and Mahan and ran parallel
samples of whole blood and plasma, using Somogyi–Nelson
versus enzymatic methodology, only the Carpenter and The need for new criteria
Coustan conversions were within 95% confidence limits
of the original O’Sullivan and Mahan values. By 2002, the In 1991, the summary and recommendations of the
American Diabetes Association (ADA) had endorsed the Third International Workshop-Conference on Gestational
Carpenter and Coustan conversions.13 Diabetes18 noted that there was a lack of international agree-
While the 100 g, 3-hour OGTT became the standard ment on testing for GDM, with various countries and pro-
approach to diagnosing GDM in the United States, the fessional organizations promoting 50, 75, and 100 g glucose
75 g, 2-hour OGTT was in wide use throughout the rest of challenges as well as various sets of diagnostic thresholds. It
the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) criteria was predicted that the 2-hour, 75 g OGTT eventually would
for diagnosing diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance in become universally employed, just as it was for diagnosing
nonpregnant individuals were commonly applied to preg- diabetes outside of pregnancy. The report noted that none
nancy, such that if the fasting plasma glucose was below of the commonly used criteria were based on pregnancy
7 mmol/L (126 mg/dL) and the 2-hour value (after a 75 g glu- outcomes. The summary pointed out that “With respect to
cose challenge) was 7.8–11 mmol/L (140–199 mg/dL), GDM GDM, the heart of the matter is the relationship between
was diagnosed.14 A number of other tests and criteria are in the degree of glucose intolerance and/or hyperglycemia and
use in various locations. the risk of adverse maternal, fetal and neonatal outcomes…”
Another development in the United States was the use The report concluded that “The highest priority should be
of a two-step protocol for screening and diagnosis of GDM. given to efforts to develop international consensus on meth-
In 1973, O’Sullivan and colleagues described the glucose ods and definitions.” A 1992 international workshop spon-
challenge test (GCT) based on data from 752 unselected sored by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of
gravidas who underwent the 50 g, 1-hour test and the 100 g, Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) added
3-hour OGTT.15 A whole blood, Somogyi–Nelson glucose further support to the need for carefully designed multina-
of 7.2 mmol/L (130 mg/dL) was identified in 79% of indi- tional studies to measure adverse perinatal effects of GDM.19
viduals whose OGTT indicated GDM. This cutoff would be
equivalent to 7.9 mmol/L (143 mg/dL) if plasma and an enzy-
matic method of analysis were used. A subsequent study16 Hyperglycemia and Adverse
demonstrated that a plasma glucose cutoff of 7.2 mmol/L Pregnancy Outcome study
(130 mg/dL), using an enzymatic method of glucose analysis,
would identify nearly 100% of GDMs, while a 7.8 mmol/L The Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome
(140 mg/dL) threshold identified 90% of cases. A recent sys- (HAPO) study20 was based upon the rationale that overt
tematic review of screening tests for GDM,17 performed for diabetes clearly increases the risk of adverse pregnancy out-
the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, found that studies come, while controversy exists regarding the potential risk of
112 Diagnosis of gestational diabetes mellitus
glucose intolerance during pregnancy less severe than overt held, with mild attenuation, when adjusted for multiple
diabetes. This blinded observational study of over 23,000 potential prespecified confounders, including maternal
gravidas in 15 field centers in 9 different countries through- age, body mass index (BMI), smoking status, alcohol use,
out the world was designed to determine the association the presence or absence of a family history of diabetes,
between various levels of glycemia on a 2-hour, 75 g OGTT gestational age at the oral glucose tolerance test, sex of the
(performed between 24 and 32 weeks gestation) and adverse infant, parity (0, 1, or ≥2, except for primary cesarean deliv-
pregnancy outcomes. Primary outcomes included neonatal eries), mean arterial pressure, and the presence or absence
macrosomia (birth weight >90th percentile for the infant’s of hospitalization before delivery (except for preeclampsia),
sex, gestational age, race or ethnic group, field center, and the presence or absence of a family history of hypertension,
maternal parity), primary cesarean section, clinical neonatal and maternal urinary tract infection (for analysis of pre-
hypoglycemia, and cord blood C-peptide (a marker for fetal eclampsia only). Height was also included as a potential con-
insulin level). Prespecified secondary outcomes included founder, on the basis of post hoc findings of an association
delivery before 37 weeks of gestation, shoulder dystocia or with birth weight greater than the 90th percentile. The three
birth injury, the need for intensive neonatal care, hyperbili- glucose tolerance test values were not highly cross-correlated
rubinemia, and preeclampsia. Figure 14.1 depicts the rela- and were independently predictive of adverse outcomes.
tionships between each of the three glucose tolerance test The association between maternal glucose intolerance and
measurements and each of the four primary outcomes. Each macrosomia as well as cord C-peptide levels supports the
relationship was significant but continuous, increasing from 60-year-old Pedersen hypothesis that maternal hypergly-
the lowest to highest glucose levels, with no obvious inflec- cemia leads to fetal hypoglycemia, which in turn leads to
tion point. Secondary outcomes were similarly continuously fetal hyperinsulinemia and hence excessive fetal growth.21
related to glucose tolerance test values, particularly with A subsequent analysis of HAPO data 22 demonstrated that
respect to shoulder dystocia/birth injury and preeclampsia. neonatal adiposity was strongly correlated with both mater-
With the exception of clinical neonatal hypoglycemia (a rare nal OGTT values and cord C-peptide, lending further sup-
outcome occurring in only 2.1% of cases), the relationships port to the aforementioned mechanism. Another analysis of
Frequency (%)
5 5
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
(a) Glucose categories (b) Glucose categories
Frequency (%)
20 3
15 2
10 Fasting
1 hour 1
2 hour
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
(c) Glucose categories (d) Glucose categories
Figure 14.1 (a through d) Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome study: frequency of primary outcomes across glucose
categories. (Reprinted from HAPO Study Cooperative Research Group, N. Engl. J. Med., 358, 1991. Copyright 2008. With permis-
sion from Massachusetts Medical Society.)
International Association of Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Groups recommendations 113
HAPO data23 revealed that maternal BMI and glycemia were concentrations below levels that are diagnostic of diabetes.25–29
independently predictive of adverse pregnancy outcomes, However, because procedures for selection and enrollment of
refuting the suggestion that GDM is simply a marker for study participants, laboratory analyses, data collection, blind-
maternal obesity. ing study participants and caregivers to OGTT results, and
analysis of results were all well standardized, HAPO study
data were used by IADPSG as the basis to identify diagnostic
International Association of Diabetes thresholds for GDM.
Excess fetal growth, adiposity, and insulin secretion
and Pregnancy Study Groups are integral features of diabetic fetopathy. The IADPSG-
recommendations recommended diagnostic thresholds are the average glu-
cose values at which odds ratios (ORs) for birth weight,
Because there were no clear inflection points in the rela- cord C-peptide, and percent body fat, each >90th percentile,
tionships between OGTT glucose values and the various reached 1.75 times the estimated ORs of these outcomes at
adverse outcomes, the HAPO research group did not make mean fasting, 1-hour, and 2-hour OGTT glucose values, based
any recommendations for GDM diagnostic criteria, pre- on fully adjusted logistic regression models. The resulting fast-
ferring to leave such recommendations to a wider group ing, 1-hour, and 2-hour post 75 g glucose load thresholds are
of experts so as to foster better international ownership 92, 180, and 152 mg/dL, respectively (5.1, 10.0, 8.5 mmol/L).
and acceptance. The International Association of Diabetes Risk ratios for the HAPO study outcomes in those defined
and Pregnancy Study Groups (IADPSG) sponsored a 2008 as GDM compared with non-GDM are similar using glucose
Workshop-Conference on Gestational Diabetes Diagnosis and thresholds at ORs of 1.5, 1.75, or 2.0 relative to the mean glu-
Classification attended by more than 225 conferees from 40 cose levels. Thus, in the final analysis, the choice of thresholds
countries. Published and unpublished HAPO results and for associations that are continuous and linear is arbitrary.
other work on associations of maternal glycemia with peri- Preexisting diabetes requires more intensive evalua-
natal and long-term outcomes in offspring were reviewed. tion and treatment during early pregnancy. Because of the
A consensus panel of more than 50 individuals representing increasing prevalence of obesity and of diabetes in the gen-
the member organizations of IADPSG and other groups car- eral population and during pregnancy, the IADPSG also
ried out further review and analysis of HAPO results, held made recommendations for testing in early pregnancy to
a second face-to-face meeting of panel members, and then identify women with preexisting, untreated overt diabetes
published recommendations for the diagnosis and classifica- mellitus (Table 14.2).24 The IADPSG panel concluded that
tion of hyperglycemia in pregnancy.24 there are insufficient data available to determine whether
Results of a number of other epidemiological studies there was benefit to be derived from testing for GDM prior
are consistent with the HAPO study findings indicating to 24–28 weeks gestation. Women diagnosed with diabetes
that associations between maternal glycemia and adverse or GDM during pregnancy should undergo postpartum
outcomes are continuous across the range of glucose glucose testing to detect persistent diabetes or prediabetes.
Table 14.2 International Association of Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Groups recommendations for detecting
hyperglycemia in pregnancy
Case against adopting IADPSG rather than separate strategies for pregnant and non-
pregnant individuals, (2) diagnostic criteria based on
recommendations pregnancy outcomes, (3) comparability of data among
the various regions of the world, and (4) simplification of
Since the IADPSG recommendations were published, there
the testing protocol and elimination of the dilemma sur-
has been considerable controversy, with many authors
rounding the management of gravidas with a single ele-
expressing the view that they are unproven and it is not yet
vated value on the 3-hour OGTT. In the paragraphs that
time for their universal adoption30–33 and others expressing
follow, we shall deal with each of the concerns expressed
opposing views.34–36 In the spring of 2013, the U.S. National
by the consensus panel:
Institutes of Health (NIH) convened a consensus panel to
consider the available data and make recommendations.37
The panel consisted of a number of individuals from various 1. Increased healthcare costs and lack of data on cost-effec-
specialties who were considered unbiased, in that they have tiveness. The IADPSG recommendations, when applied
never published anything having to do with GDM. Experts to the data in the HAPO study, identify 17.8% of par-
in the field, on both sides of the issue being considered, pre- ticipants as having GDM, when subjects unblinded
sented available data for the panel to consider. In addition, a because of GTT results above the unblinding criteria are
number of evidence reviews were conducted by the Agency included.38 At the 15 field centers, rates of GDM varied
for Healthcare Research and Quality. Recommendations from 9.3% to 25.5%. Although it is not currently possible
from the consensus panel, which are not official recommen- to compare rates of GDM around the world because of
dations of the NIH or any government agency, were pub- the variability of diagnostic criteria, the International
lished in the summer of 2013.37 The panel acknowledged Diabetes Federation recently estimated that, based
that there would be clear benefits to international standard- upon available data that were then adjusted to reflect
ization of the diagnostic approach to GDM. However, the the IADPSG criteria, the global prevalence of “hyper-
panel opined that there is not sufficient evidence to adopt glycemia in pregnancy” is 16.9%, ranging from 10.4% in
a one-step approach and recommended continuation of the the North America and Caribbean region to 25% in the
current two-step approach for the time being. With regard Southeast Asia region.39 For comparison, rates of GDM
to the two-step approach, the panel recommended that a single (current criteria), based upon the 2008 hospital dis-
standard for the screening test cutoff and for the diagnostic charge data, from 23 states in the United States, ranged
thresholds be adopted by appropriate professional organiza- from 3.5% to 7.2%.40 Hospital discharge data likely
tions. The rationale for the recommendation not to adopt the underestimate GDM rates due to incomplete testing of
IADPS one-step approach can be summarized as follows: the population. Much of the difference among rates was
attributable to differences in age, race/ethnicity, and
1. The twofold to threefold increased frequency of the insurance status. Institution of the IADPSG one-step
diagnosis of GDM that would result from adoption of approach would likely result in a twofold to threefold
the one-step approach will generate increased healthcare increase in GDM, although the increment might be more
costs; it is not clear that this would be cost-effective. or less dramatic in particular locations. Thus, it is highly
2. It is not clear whether the additional women who would likely that healthcare costs will be increased. However,
be diagnosed with milder GDM, and their offspring, the current epidemic of obesity and diabetes is not lim-
would benefit from identification and treatment. ited to pregnant women; 4.5% of U.S. women aged 18–44
3. Labeling of these additional women may have unintended have diabetes41 and 26% have prediabetes.42 Since the
consequences, possibly including increased cesarean sec- IADPSG thresholds for GDM are not too different from
tions and adverse emotional impact on the mothers. the current diagnostic criteria for prediabetes, an 18%
4. The variability inherent in the OGTT is known to be con- incidence of GDM does not represent over diagnosis. As
siderable; the use of a one-step process is likely to result in diabetes has reached epidemic proportions throughout
more “false-positives” than a two-step test. the world, we have not raised the diagnostic criteria to
lower its prevalence; rather, healthcare providers and
Among its recommendations for future research, the panel systems are attempting to meet the challenges posed. The
suggested evaluation of the use of diagnostic thresholds same should be true for the “epidemic” of GDM; newer
based on ORs for adverse outcomes of 2.0 rather than 1.75 and more efficient ways to deliver care to these patients
as recommended by IADPSG. will need to be developed. One potential cost-efficient
approach may utilize group prenatal counseling and
care. It is not clear whether patients with milder forms of
GDM will require the same intensity of antepartum fetal
The case for implementing IADPSG testing and monitoring as those with more severe GDM.
recommendations Self-monitoring of blood glucose may be performed less
frequently with mild GDM without adversely impacting
There is no question that the IADPSG recommendations on the time of initiation of treatment.43 In two random-
offer numerous benefits, including but not limited to (1) ized trials of diagnosis and treatment of mild GDM,
the use of a uniform 75 g, 2-hour OGTT in all situations insulin was required in only 8%–20% of patients.44,45
The case for implementing IADPSG recommendations 115
A recent cost-effectiveness analysis46 compared the of LGA >90th percentile (13% vs. 22%), macrosomia >4 kg
one-step IADPSG approach with the current two-step (10% vs. 21%), and maternal preeclampsia (12% vs. 18%). It
approach. It did not assume any increase in efficiency should be noted that the GDM 2-hour OGTT diagnostic
leading to decreased costs of care as outlined p
reviously. criterion of 7.8–11 mmol/L (140–199 mg/dL) is lower than
The IADPSG approach was more expensive but was more the IADPSG recommended 2-hour criterion of 8.5 mmol/L
effective in improving maternal and neonatal outcomes. (153 mg/dL). While the upper limit of fasting plasma
In another study, the one-step approach was more cost- glucose in ACHOIS was 7.8 mmol/L (140 mg/dL), the
effective but only if women with GDM received postpar- average fasting plasma glucose of ACHOIS subjects was
tum testing and counseling to prevent the subsequent 4.8 mmol/L (86 mg/dL). ACHOIS demonstrated benefit
development of diabetes.47 This finding highlights the to identifying and treating GDM at diagnostic thresholds
opportunity for improvement in maternal long-term even lower than the IADPSG recommendations. In sum,
health that is presented by the diagnosis of GDM. While there is evidence that identification and treatment of mild
pregnancy outcome is the focus of efforts to test for GDM is worthwhile.
GDM, there is additional benefit if future diabetes can be 3. Will labeling of additional patients with GDM have adverse
prevented. In a subset analysis of data from the Diabetes consequences? The NIH consensus panel37 noted studies
Prevention Program, subjects with previous GDM and demonstrating negative emotional impact of screening
current prediabetes who were randomized to intensive and diagnosis of GDM. However, when the ACHOIS
lifestyle intervention or metformin treatment developed RCT investigators measured emotional well-being of
type 2 diabetes at an approximate rate of 7.5% per year, subjects and controls at 3 months postpartum,44 women
compared to 15% per year in those randomized to the diagnosed and treated for GDM did significantly better
placebo arm of the study.48 The numbers needed to treat than those in the control group who received routine
with metformin or lifestyle change to prevent one case pregnancy care. In another study, women with the
of diabetes over 3 years were 6 and 5, respectively. The diagnosis of GDM, including those who required insulin,
diagnosis of GDM offers an important opportunity to manifested no difference in psychological status when
dampen the epidemic of diabetes. compared to nondiabetic controls.49 An apparent effect
2 . Will identification and treatment of mild GDM provide of labeling a patient with GDM was demonstrated in the
benefit? Two large randomized trials of identification Toronto Tri-Hospital Study, 50 in which identification
and treatment of mild GDM were completed around and treatment of GDM (NDDG criteria) resulted in
the time of the IADPSG recommendations and have a relative normalization of macrosomia rates but a
relevance to the aforementioned question. The Maternal- persistent increase in the cesarean rate compared to
Fetal Medicine Units Network (MFMU) Network individuals with normal glucose tolerance; cesarean
study45 recruited women whose 50 g, 1-hour GCT was deliveries were not related to fetal macrosomia. An
7.5–11 mmol/L (135–199 mg/dL) to undergo a blinded intermediate group with mild GDM (Carpenter and
OGTT. The 958 subjects with mild GDM (Carpenter Coustan criteria), whose caregivers were blinded to
and Coustan criteria with two or more elevated values the OGTT results, demonstrated an increased rate of
but fasting plasma glucose <5.3 mmol/L [95 mg/dL]) both macrosomia and cesarean section, with cesareans
were randomized to identification and treatment versus being related to macrosomic babies. These findings
blinded OGTT results and standard prenatal care. The suggest that obstetricians caring for the patients with
latter group also included a number of women with known GDM were more likely to intervene despite the
all OGTT results normal to ensure blinding of the treatment being successful in preventing macrosomia,
caregivers. Identification and treatment of mild GDM presumably because of concern over shoulder dystocia
resulted in reductions in preeclampsia, macrosomia, when GDM was present. These findings are in contrast to
and shoulder dystocia of 50% or more, as well as a those of the MFMU Network trial45 in which diagnosis
20% reduction in cesarean sections. The Australian and treatment of mild GDM resulted in a significant
Carbohydrate Intolerance Study of Pregnant Women reduction in primary cesareans. Overall the evidence is
(ACHOIS) trial44 enrolled gravidas who had risk factors mixed regarding unintended adverse consequences of
for GDM or who had a 50 g GCT of 7.8 mmol/L (140 mg/ diagnosing GDM.
dL) or greater to undergo a blinded 75 g, 2-hour OGTT. 4. Will the inherent variability of the OGTT increase the rate
Subjects who had GDM, defined as a 2-hour plasma of false-positive diagnoses of GDM? The NIH consensus
glucose of 7.8–11.0 mmol/L (140–199 mg/dL) and fasting panel report37 noted that the results of OGTTs “may differ
plasma glucose below 7.8 mmol/L (140 mg/dL), were then in as many as 25% of women if performed at different
randomized to identification and treatment of GDM or times.” It is true that OGTTs are known to manifest
continued blinding of subjects and caregivers and routine variability; this is true for both pregnant and nonpregnant
prenatal care. Treated GDMs had a significantly lower populations. However, the 75 g, 2-hour OGTT is the
incidence (1% vs. 4%) of the composite outcome (perinatal standard method of diagnosis of diabetes throughout the
death, shoulder dystocia, bone fracture, or nerve palsy). world despite its instability. While the two-step approach
In addition, identification and treatment of GDM was introduces two OGTTs, with the second (diagnostic) test
associated with significantly lower birth weight and rates presumably uncovering any false-positive result from the
116 Diagnosis of gestational diabetes mellitus
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15 Cost-effectiveness of screening
and management programs for
gestational diabetes mellitus
Louise K. Weile, James G. Kahn, Elliot Marseille, and Nicolai Lohse
120 Cost-effectiveness of screening and management programs for gestational diabetes mellitus
good care for women with GDM could have substantial costs in monetary units, whereas they differ in the assess-
impact on population health in both high- and low-income ment of the consequences (Table 15.1).35
Cost-effectiveness and cost–utility analysis
Within a GDM screening context, the outcome of a CEA
Basic health economic theory could be found cases of GDM or prevented cases of neona-
tal morbidity depending on the time horizon used. As seen,
The benchmark of health economics is that resources such the former outcome focuses on the effectiveness of screen-
as labor, supplies, facilities, and equipment are scarce. ing, whereas the latter gives the opportunity of incorporat-
The use of resources must therefore be based on priority. ing both effectiveness of GDM screening and management.
The focus of many economic evaluations both within the However, both outcomes are specific to GDM and the obstet-
healthcare sector and elsewhere is on whether the com- ric field, and using these outcomes will narrow the scope of
mitments of resources in one area yield as good a return the economic evaluation. For decision making, these CEAs
as would have been obtained if resources were committed can only be used for comparison within an obstetric budget,
elsewhere. An essential component in any such analysis which limits their use for broader priority setting.
is the marginal cost, understood as the cost of produc- A specific type of CEA combines both mortality and
ing one additional unit of output such as a unit of health morbidity effects into one standardized single metric of
benefit. Costs and consequences are the input and output, change in health. This metric is either “disability-adjusted
respectively, of given health interventions. Drummond life years” (DALYs) or “quality-adjusted life years” (QALYs).
et al. define economic evaluation as “(…) the compara- DALYs measure the disease burden as it both represents
tive analysis of alternative courses of action in terms of premature mortality and disability due to morbidity. 36
both their costs and consequences.”35 Economic evalua- Imagine an individual who would normally expect to live
tions therefore aim at identifying, measuring, valuing, and another 10 years. He is now diagnosed with T2DM and
comparing the costs and consequences of certain health T2DM-related complications that give him a 10% disabil-
alternatives. Thus, economic evaluations offer input for ity compromise while alive, and he dies 8 years later. He
decision makers once issues of efficacy, effectiveness, and will have a DALY burden of 2 (lost life years) + 0.1 (disabil-
availability are settled. 35 ity) ∗ 8 (years living with that disability) = 2.8 DALYs. The
QALY is a measure of health and essentially the negative
of the DALY. Thus, an illness that shortens life by 2 years
Evaluation types and lowers “health status utility” by 10% for 8 years would
Only so-called full analyses can address the question of cost- decrease QALYs by 2.8. Since QALY incorporates the util-
effectiveness. Cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA), comprising ity of different health states into the outcome measure,
cost–utility analysis (CUA), and cost–benefit analysis (CBA) analyses using this outcome are often classified as cost–
are full analyses, because they compare costs and conse- utility analysis.
quences between two and more alternatives. Partial analyses A CEA compares two different health interventions and
focus solely on costs or consequences, or they neglect com- expresses the net cost with the units of health benefit gained
parison between alternatives. CEAs, CUAs, and CBAs assess in ratio form, for example, as the “net cost per death averted”
Basic health economic theory 121
or the “net cost per QALY gained.” This ratio is called the can be linked to endpoints by extending the time horizon.
“incremental cost-effectiveness ratio” (ICER), because both These models are suitable for decision making under uncer-
the costs and health benefits are incremental.35 Thus, the tainty, and they also allow effectiveness to be estimated on
ICER expresses the additional cost incurred to gain one multiple empirical studies. In the latter case, inclusion of
incremental health unit. The ICER has no useful meaning studies should be based on a systematic literature search
when programs result in net savings as there is no trade-off and include potential weighing and pooling of the studies.
between costs and benefits. Instead, such intervention is clas- Decision models are often structured as decision trees or
sified as “dominant” (both cheaper and better) and as such Markov models that can both be classified as cohort models.
should be a “no brainer” to health planners. Conventionally, Decision trees represent the possible prognosis of an indi-
the absolute magnitude of savings and health gains, with no vidual with or without an intervention. Events can be linked
ratio, is then reported.36 to costs and consequences, whereby the expected values of
DALYs and QALYs are generic health metrics and there- course of action within the competing alternatives can be
fore not restricted to a certain health field. Thus, analyses calculated.35
using one of these metrics are often sufficient for decision
makers comparing interventions broadly within the health- Confronting uncertainty
care sector. The models constructed to calculate cost-effectiveness are
only representations of the factors that determine costs and
Cost–benefit analysis
consequences and of the way those factors interact. The use-
Though the concept of “cost–benefit” is frequently used as a fulness of a model is therefore limited by the fidelity with
layman’s term, CBA is actually a rarely used type of analy- which it represents the underlying reality. Fidelity in turn
sis in healthcare. The power of CBA is that it permits com- depends importantly on the accuracy and precision of the
parisons of widely disparate funding alternatives. In the estimates of the models’ input values such as disease preva-
CBA framework, the value of spending on sewerage work lence, the cost of screening, or the effectiveness of the inter-
could be compared with spending on a maternal and neo- ventions being evaluated. An integral part of almost any
natal health initiative. Hence, in CBA, all health outcomes economic evaluation is therefore the systematic and trans-
including human life are assigned a monetary value,36 i.e., parent portrayal of the level of uncertainty and the confi-
the value of longer life and lower morbidity due to T2DM or dence that should therefore be placed in the outputs of the
other GDM-associated complications might be expressed as model. The rigorous assessment of the magnitude and effects
the sum of medical costs averted and economic productivity of uncertainty consists of a set of techniques known as “sen-
added compared with the cost of delivering GDM screening sitivity analyses” since they quantify how “sensitive” results
and management. are to changes in input values or in the way those inputs
Due to the use of a monetary outcome, CBA enables gen- interact. Sensitivity analyses should not be considered an
eral priority setting within all sectors, and this is a large part optional feature of CEAs, but rather an essential part of the
of its power and appeal. However, the monetary valuation analysis, without which it is perilous to draw any conclusions.
of health outcomes often places great demand on data and Figure 15.1 represents a set of so-called one-way sensi-
analytic technique. Furthermore, placing a value on human tivity analyses arrayed in a “tornado diagram.” It shows the
health raises ethical issues, and for these reasons, CBA effect on the outcome, in this case the cost-effectiveness of
is rarely used in the evaluation of clinical or public health GDM screening in Chennai, India,37 of an array of model
programs.36 inputs. The input with the greatest influence is at the top,
and each successively less important one is stacked beneath
Designing health economic evaluations it. The input with the greatest influence on cost-effectiveness
Health economic evaluations typically combine patient-level is the cost of postpartum care. At 50%–150% of the $2846
data with decision analytic modeling. Use of patient-specific base case value, the ICER ranges from $887 to $2385 per
cost and consequence data, often obtained from clinical tri- DALY averted. These are called “one-way” sensitivity analy-
als, may increase the precision of the analysis, but the results ses because they show the effect of changing one input at a
may not be applicable outside of the trial setting. Clinical tri- time, holding all of the other inputs constant. Other sensi-
als measure efficacy, whereas the economic evaluation wants tivity analyses techniques can document the effect of simul-
to estimate the effectiveness of a health intervention. Thus, taneously varying two, three, or more variables, including
using data collected with strict inclusion criteria will reduce stochastic variations.
the external validity of the economic evaluation. An eco-
nomic evaluation of GDM screening and management based Costing methods
on data from a clinical trial will have difficulties estimating Costs are traditionally classified as direct, indirect, or intangi-
the effect on persons outside of the trial, and the often short ble costs, but these can also be classified according to context:
duration of clinical trials may impede the very important consumed within the healthcare sector and other sectors, by
estimation of long-term cost-effectiveness. patients or relatives, or if a loss of production is seen. In order
Decision analytic modeling allows all relevant alterna- to take account of inflation due to different timing of the
tives to be taken into account, and intermediary outcomes costs, these are typically valued after a given currency from a
122 Cost-effectiveness of screening and management programs for gestational diabetes mellitus
Figure 15.1 Sensitivity analyses arrayed in a tornado diagram. (From Marseille, E. et al., J. Matern. Fetal. Neonatal Med., 26(8),
802, 2013. With permission.)
certain price year. Sources and methods for cost valuation are In total, 12 publications were identified. Over time, the
essential for the validity of the costing. As the health market published evaluations moved from analyses of measured
is flawed by several attributes of the free market (i.e., third- patient outcomes to decision analytic modeling, which
party payment, regulations, and monopolies), costs should allowed long-term outcomes to be considered. Furthermore,
optimally be valued as the marginal cost—understood as the the most recently published decision models were more
value of those benefits that cannot be gained if the resource sophisticated, including input values and model design
is not available.35 However, the concept of marginal costs will (Table 15.2).
not be further elaborated in this chapter.
Discounting is based on the existence of “time preference”
that is a preference of having resources now as opposed to Main findings
later from the assumption that one can benefit from them in In general, large variations in the reported cost-effectiveness
the interim. Both costs and consequences can be discounted were identified. It was therefore impossible to draw broad
according to a chosen discount rate per year. Discounting is conclusions about the cost-effectiveness of GDM screening
a standard technique, but is sometimes considered contro- from this dataset. First, many of the results (Table 15.3) were
versial.35 In relation to GDM screening and management, for derived from one study,38 which used natural outcomes such
example, discounting future saved costs and health gains of the as “averted cases of perinatal mortality” or “averted cases of
offspring will imply inequality between mothers and offspring. hypertension disorder.” In these analyses, total costs were
divided by each of the outcomes separately, thus preventing
Comprehensiveness and scope an assessment of the cost of the combined results. Second,
A comprehensive assessment of cost-effectiveness relies on even where broad measures such as QALYs gained or DALYS
inclusion of all relevant health program alternatives, meaning averted were used, ICERs were calculated against different
that a no-intervention alternative is essential if the full relevant comparators and included different beneficiaries (i.e., some
range of options are to be assessed. The scope of an analysis is women only, some offspring only, and some both). Finally,
defined by the perspective (of the patient, healthcare system, one study37 included averted cases of T2DM in both women
or society) and the applied time horizon. Ideally, a societal and their offspring. This required the estimation of both
perspective and lifelong horizon should be applied, and there the cost of postnatal interventions to avert T2DM and the
must be consistency between stated perspective, time horizon, discounted future benefits of averted case of T2DM. Since
and the design of the analysis and included data.35 averted T2DM is a potentially large component of the ben-
efit of GDM screening, studies that do not take these into
account cannot be compared directly with those that do.
Few assessments have compared IADPSG criteria to other
Review of current literature on accepted screening criteria, and results point toward the
GDM cost-effectiveness IADPSG criteria being cost-effective, but with great varia-
tions between studies.49
The following review includes all health economic evalua- The heterogeneity of the cost-effectiveness ratios could
tions published from 2002 to 2014.37–48 partly be explained by the different methods for calculation.
Review of current literature on GDM cost-effectiveness 123
sources/data Key input for
Study Key cost components Cost sources/data handling handling decision modeling
Poncet et al.38 Screening tests Prospective study (n = 120) Clinical GDM prevalence
Obstetrical care Hospital in Rhône-Alpes, effectiveness: Screening refusal
Management of GDM France published rate
Delivery care French key-letter costing literature Risk factors
Sick leave system (≈DRG), Test effectiveness
literature, and expert GDM treatment
opinions success
Discounting (NS) Decision modeling
Discounting (NS)
Larijani et al.39 Test materials Source for cost valuation Clinical
Time for testing (staff) (NS) effectiveness:
cohort (n =
2416), four
hospitals in
Teheran, Iran,
period or retro-/
design: NS
Discounting (NS) Prevalence estimate
on patient-level
Discounting (NS)
Nicholson et al.40 Treatment of maternal/ The 2003 Medicare Clinical GDM prevalence
neonatal resource-based relative effectiveness and Test effectiveness
complications (direct value units/The Maryland utilities: Hypertensive
and indirect costs) HealthCare Commission published disease
Database/The Bureau of literature Polyhydramnios
Labor Statistics Life expectancy: Cesarean/vaginal
the National delivery and
Center for Health associated
Statistics complications
Market prices adjusted Decision modeling Neonatal
using cost-to-charge Discounting at 3% hypoglycemia
ratios rate per year Macrosomia
Inflated into 2003 US$ Shoulder dystocia
using consumer price Morbidity/infant
index death
Discounted at 3% rate per
Ayach et al.41 Laboratory costs (ND) Public reimbursements Clinical
cohort (n = 341)
in university
hospital in Mato
Grosso do Sul,
Brazil, July
Discounting (NS) Prevalence estimate
on patient-level
Discounting (NS)
124 Cost-effectiveness of screening and management programs for gestational diabetes mellitus
Table 15.2 (Continued) Identification, measurement, and valuation of cost and consequences
sources/data Key input for
Study Key cost components Cost sources/data handling handling decision modeling
Thung et al.42 Identified costs (ND) Units/quantity/sources (NS) Clinical Perinatal death
effectiveness, Shoulder dystocia
expectancy, and
utilities (NS)
Discounting (NS) Decision modeling
Discounting (NS)
NCCWCH (United Testing (ND) National Health Service/ Clinical Test effectiveness/
Kingdom)43 Treatment of GDM literature effectiveness and acceptability
(staff’s time, materials, utilities: GDM treatment
medicine) published Induction of labor/
Treatment of GDM- literature cesarean section
associated Lifetime expectancy Stillbirth/neonatal
complications (ND) (NS) death
Inflated into 2006 U.K. Decision modeling Shoulder dystocia
pounds using retail price Discounting (NS) Bone fracture
index Nerve palsy
Discounting (NS) Jaundice
Lee et al.44 Treatment of GDM Units/quantity/sources (NS) Clinical Maternal death due
Treatment long-term effectiveness: to preeclampsia
child complications published Permanent brachial
Preeclampsia literature plexus injury
management Lifetime expectancy
and utilities (NS)
Discounting (NS) Decision modeling
Discounting (NS)
Meltzer et al.45 Test materials Statistics Canada/Canada Clinical
Time (staff/women) Revenue Agency effectiveness:
RCT (n = 1594)
in university
hospital in
Canada, January
Inflated into 2002 Prevalence estimate
Canadian $ on patient-level
Discounting (NS) data
Discounting (NS)
Round et al.46 Test materials Literature/National Health Clinical Test effectiveness/
Time for testing (staff) Service data effectiveness and acceptability
Treatment of GDM utilities: GDM treatment
Treatment of GDM- published Preeclampsia
associated literature Induction of labor/
complications Lifetime expectancy: cesarean section
80 years Neonatal jaundice
(reference NS) Admission to
Inflated to 2009 U.K. pounds Decision modeling neonatal nursery
Discounting at 3.5% rate Discounted at 3.5%
per year rate per year
Review of current literature on GDM cost-effectiveness 125
Table 15.2 (Continued) Identification, measurement, and valuation of cost and consequences
sources/data Key input for
Study Key cost components Cost sources/data handling handling decision modeling
Mission et al.47 Treatment/diagnosis of Published literature Clinical Test effectiveness
GDM (direct and effectiveness, GDM treatment
indirect costs) utilities, lifetime Preeclampsia
Admission for GDM- expectancy: Mode of delivery
related conditions published Shoulder dystocia
omitted literature Macrosomia
Inflated into 2012 US$ Decision modeling Brachial plexus
using consumer price Discounting at 3% injury
index rate per year Hypoglycemia
Discounting (NS) Hyperbilirubinemia
NICU admission
Werner et al.48 Testing (ND) Published literature/ Clinical Test effectiveness
Prenatal care Medicare effectiveness, Preeclampsia
Treatment of GDM- reimbursements utilities and Shoulder dystocia
associated lifetime Preterm birth
complications (short expectancy: Cesarean delivery
and long term) published Stillbirth
Prevention of GDM literature NICU admission
Inflated into 2011 US$ Decision modeling Maternal diabetes
using consumer price Discounting at 3% postpartum
index rate per year
Discounting at 3% rate per (sensitivity
year (sensitivity analyses: analyses: 1%–5%
1%–5% rate per year) rate per year)
Marseille et al.37 Testing (materials, staff) Personal communications/ Clinical GDM prevalence
GDM treatment and published literature effectiveness and Test performance
intervention utilities: Effectiveness of
Treatment of T2DM published treatment
literature Full set of perinatal
Lifetime adverse events
expectancy: Maternal/offspring
country-specific T2DM
WHO life tables
from 2009
Converted into 2011 Decision modeling
International $ Discounting at 3%
Discounting at 3% rate per rate per year
Source: Weile, L.K. et al., Best Pract. Res. Clin. Obstet. Gynaecol., 29(2), 206, 2015.
Abbreviations: DRG, diagnosis-related group; GDM, gestational diabetes mellitus; ND, not defined; NS, not stated; RCT, randomized controlled
trial; T2DM, type 2 diabetes mellitus.
It was questionable whether the separately calculated ICERs GCT ± 100 g OGTT were most frequently found to be cost-
performed in two studies38,40 clinically made sense. As the effective. However, it was questionable if the studies includ-
screening alternatives found most cost-effective in both these ing these two screening types were comparable, as not only
studies, it did not differ within strata. As the two studies44,47 the criteria used for diagnosis but also the definition of the
did not include a no-screening alternative, the possibility of screened population varied widely among the evaluations.
the alternatives in these evaluations actually not being cost- Thus, some studies relied on universal screening, whereas
effective compared with no-screening could not be excluded. others relied on selected screening. Furthermore, within
One-step 2-hour 75 g OGTT and two-step 1-hour 50 g the selective screening options, different definitions of risk
126 Cost-effectiveness of screening and management programs for gestational diabetes mellitus
b ADA risk criteria: American Diabetes Association definition of risk is having more of the following risk factors: >25 years, BMI > 27 kg/m2;
factors were identified. As these small variations might have supports a comprehensive review of feasible options and
a significant clinical effect, none of the evaluations could be helps place other alternatives in context. Moreover, the
said to compare the same combination of alternatives. Thus, potential of preventing effects on T2DM and other long-term
no summary conclusions could be made on these findings.49 complications for both mothers and their offspring should
be incorporated in the analysis.
To produce results as relevant as possible to decision
making, we encourage researchers to challenge their results
Future directions for health policies by addressing ethical issues in the discussion of the results.
and health economic evaluations If no screening is found to be the most cost-effective, is
this actually a politically viable option within the relevant
As stated earlier, making general assessments of the cost- setting? Similarly, if the cost per health gain is high (i.e.,
effectiveness of GDM screening and management based on poor cost-effectiveness), how will implementation of such
the current evidence is difficult. We recommend that future alternatives affect other health initiatives depending on
research addressing this topic from a health economic per- the same budget? As resources are scarce, priority is indis-
spective focus on national or regional policy alternatives pensable and trade-offs should be quantified. This is the
instead of global conditions: a relevant assessment at least heart of economic assessment and the main reason to per-
includes the national or regional existing screening program form CEAs. Hence, discussions of, for instance, whether
and screening alternatives that from a clinical perspective is GDM screening and management should take precedence
judged worthy of recommendation. Currently, the screen- over other interventions in pregnancy (i.e., screening
ing program and criteria recommended by IADPSG there- for preeclampsia or general health promotion) are most
fore should be included as one alternative. Furthermore, a needed. In theory, the discussion could even be expanded
no-screening alternative should always be included, as this to compare GDM interventions with other nonobstetric
References 129
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ber of the actual policy-relevant choices facing political issues of broad importance to society.
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16 Changing health policy: From
study to national policy
Ofra Kalter-Leibovici, Nicky Lieberman, Ronni Gamzu, and Moshe Hod
132 Changing health policy
We describe in this chapter the rationale and process of To estimate the expected yield of implementing the
changing health policy of GDM screening and diagnosis in IADPSG recommendation, we calculated the number needed
Israel, including the following steps: to screen (NNS) and the number needed to treat (NNT) to
avoid one case of LGA or preeclampsia.
1. Provision of locally relevant information for health pol- We developed a risk stratification tool for adverse preg-
icy decision making, based on the analysis of the Israeli nancy outcomes among IADPSG-positive cases.
HAPO study cohort data We also explored two alternative screening strategies,
2. Cost-effective assessment of implementation of the either with fasting plasma glucose (FPG) or body mass index
IADPSG recommendation, based on the data from Clalit (BMI) and calculated FPG and BMI thresholds that provide
Health Services (CHS), the largest health maintenance a similar number of cases as the number of cases identified
organization in Israel by the IADPSG criteria.
3. Changing current health policy of GDM screening, diag- Finally, we explored a two-step screening approach, using
nosis, and care in CHS FPG testing for the first step, and an OGTT with the IADPSG
thresholds for the second step.
We found that the Israeli cohort significantly differed
Step I: Data analysis from the rest of the HAPO study cohort. Israeli par-
The analytical approach has been previously described.16 In ticipants were younger, less heavy, and more frequently
brief, we compared the baseline characteristics and rates multiparous and had lower FPG and postload plasma glu-
of pregnancy adverse outcomes in the Israeli HAPO study cose levels. Adverse pregnancy outcomes were also less
cohort (n = 3,345) and the rest of the HAPO study partici- common in the Israeli HAPO cohort compared to the
pants (n = 19,971). Based on the Israeli HAPO cohort data, rest of the HAPO study cohort (Table 16.1). These find-
we calculated the expected number of women diagnosed ings emphasize the need to base health policy decisions,
with GDM according to the IADPSG diagnostic criteria where possible, on local data. Nevertheless, the associa-
and compared this number with the number of women tion between FPG and postload plasma glucose levels and
diagnosed with GDM in Israel, under the current two-step the rate of adverse pregnancy outcomes were similar in
screening and diagnostic policy. the two HAPO groups.
Table 16.1 Comparisons of baseline characteristics and pregnancy outcomes between Israeli and other
Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes study participants
Currently, about 7500 women, 4.3% of pregnancies in reducing or preventing maternal obesity are associated with
Israel are diagnosed with GDM, annually.17 Following lower risk of fetal macrosomia and preeclampsia.25 Thus, the
the implementation of the IADPSG recommendation, the assessment of maternal BMI and provision of effective life-
number of women diagnosed with GDM will double, adding style advice should be pursued regardless of the evaluation of
extra 8000 women each year. Similar results were reported maternal glucose metabolism.
in other populations. For example, the implementation of Screening with FPG may be an attractive alternative to
the IADPSG recommendation is expected to cause a two- OGTT, especially in developing countries. Agarwal et al.26
to threefold increase in the number of women diagnosed reported that screening with FPG ≥ 88 mg/dL has reason-
with GDM in the United States.15 Such increases require ably good performance in terms of sensitivity (85%), speci-
reorganization of the prenatal services and assessment of ficity (71%), and area under the curve (AUC) (0.88) when
extra resources needed. To meet these needs, we developed tested against the American Diabetes Association diag-
an LGA risk score, based on maternal height, parity, and nostic criteria of GDM. FPG of ≥90 mg/dL was reported
BMI at the time of screening. Using this score, we identified to have 80% sensitivity and 91% specificity, with likelihood
a subgroup consisting of about one-third of women diag- ratios of positive and negative test results of 8.84 and 0.21,
nosed with GDM according to the IADPSG criteria, who had respectively, when compared to the IADPSG diagnostic
a lower rate of LGA than the rest of the IADPSG-positive criteria for GDM.27 Screening with FPG using a threshold
cohort (9.8% vs. 19.7%, respectively). The rate of LGA off- of 85 mg/dL was previously reported to be associated with
spring in this subgroup was closer to the rate of LGA in the better sensitivity and specificity as well as positive and neg-
IADPSG-negative group (8.1%). This subgroup, considered ative predictive values compared to OGCT.28
to have mild GDM, would probably benefit from less inten- It should be noted, however, that FPG and IADPSG diag-
sive perinatal care setup, focusing mainly on healthy lifestyle nostic criteria do not necessarily detect the same population
advice. Thus, the implementation of the IADPSG recommen- of positive cases.
dation with further risk stratification may promote efficient Screening with FPG exclusively can miss cases that may
utilization of available healthcare resources and allow the still have high risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes despite
healthcare system to cope with the excess number of women having lower levels of FPG. We therefore developed a risk
diagnosed with GDM under the new diagnostic criteria. score for LGA offspring for women who have FPG < 89 mg/dL.
Among IADPSG-positive women in the Israeli cohort, the Using this risk score, we could identify a subgroup of the
rates of LGA offspring and preeclampsia were 16.4% and 1.8%, women with FPG < 89 mg/dL who have 17.5% risk for LGA
respectively. According to Landon et al.18 intensive treatment offspring, similar to the rate in women with FPG ≥ 89 mg/dL
of mild GDM is associated with a mean reduction of 51% in (18.8%). To avoid missing these cases, a two-step screening
the risk of LGA offspring and a mean reduction of 54% in the for GDM may be offered; first, all women will have a FPG
risk of preeclampsia. Thus, the NNS and NNT to avoid one test. Women with FPG ≥ 89 mg/dL will be diagnosed with
case of LGA are 145 (95% CI: 90, 232) and 12 (95% CI: 7.5, GDM. Women with FPG < 89 mg/dL, who have high LGA
19), respectively. The corresponding numbers for maternal risk score (about 20% of the women with FPG < 89 mg/dL),
preeclampsia are 1242 (95% CI: 431, 3584) and 103 (36, 292). will have OGTT and will be diagnosed with GDM according
These numbers are well within the range for other interven- to the IADPSG criteria. This two-step screening approach
tions in obstetrics, e.g., magnesium treatment for prevention reduces the risk of missing LGA cases while still avoiding
of eclampsia19 and for neuroprotection,20,21 or progesterone OGTT in more than 80% of pregnant women.
treatment for the prevention of premature birth.22 Göbl et al.29 recently reported a similar two-step screen-
To explore alternative screening methods for detecting ing approach, using the FPG threshold recommended by the
women at high risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes, we cal- IADPSG (≥92 mg/dL) for first-step screening and OGTT for
culated the BMI and FPG thresholds at 24–32 weeks of ges- second-step screening among women with FPG <92 mg/dL
tation providing rates of positive cases similar to the rate of and high LGA risk score.
positive cases defined by the IADPSG criteria. These thresh-
olds (at 24–32 weeks of gestation) were 33.5 kg/m2 for BMI
and 89 mg/dL for FPG. Using these thresholds, screening Step II: Cost-effectiveness assessment
with FPG or BMI produced similar rates of LGA cases, as Economic analysis of data from the Australian Carbohydrate
did screening according to the IADPSG recommendations Intolerance Study in Pregnant Women trial (ACHOIS) ran-
(18.8% for FPG ≥ 89 mg/dL, 17.3% for BMI ≥ 33.5 kg/m2, domized trial showed that treatment of mild GDM is associ-
and 16.4% for IADPSG-positive women). Similarly, screen- ated with incremental cost of $27,503 per serious perinatal
ing with FPG or BMI will detect a similar or even greater complication prevented and $2,988 per discounted life year
proportion of pregnancies complicated with preeclampsia gained.30 Altogether, the intervention was judged as highly
(2.2% and 4.3%, respectively), as compared to the screening cost-effective. However, the costs of screening and diagnosis
with the IADPSG criteria (1.8%). were not included in the analysis.7
Maternal overweight is associated with increased risk for Data from randomized controlled trials on the effect of
adverse pregnancy outcomes (e.g., fetal macrosomia, pre- GDM treatment on the risk of long-term adverse maternal
eclampsia, cesarean section, and shoulder dystocia), irre- and offspring adverse outcomes are scarce. Although insulin
spective of blood glucose levels.23,24 Interventions aimed at treatment in women with GDM was associated with reduction
134 Changing health policy
in perinatal mortality, it did not affect the risk of maternal overrepresentation of ethnically diverse and underprivileged
T2DM after 16 years of follow-up.31 Similarly, active treatment population subgroups. Although people can move from one
of GDM was associated with lower rate of fetal macrosomia health plan to another every 2 months, less than 1% chose
compared to routine care in the ACHOIS trial; treatment had to do so each year. The low attrition rate provides an incen-
no effect on offspring BMI at the age of 4–5 years.32 tive for the health plans to invest in preventive medicine and
The costs of one-step screening methods for GDM were in disease management programs. CHS was one of the first
studied in a Canadian randomized trial. The results showed health plans worldwide to develop and implement a desig-
that a two-step screening process (OGCT followed by OGTT nated diabetes prevention program for people with pre-
in positive cases) was associated with lower costs compared diabetes. The Israeli healthcare system is almost completely
to one-step screening.33 computerized, using electronic medical records with alerts
Werner et al.34 analyzed the cost-effectiveness of the pro- and reminder generator and embedded decision support
posed IADPSG criteria for GDM screening and diagnosis, systems, allowing data sharing between different providers.
using a decision tree model. The investigators found that CHS runs a comprehensive diabetes community pro-
a two-step screening for GDM (using FPG and OGTT for gram since 1997. Most people with diabetes are managed by
the first and second step, respectively), implementing the their primary practitioners and other community health-
IADPSG recommended glucose thresholds, was cost-effec- care providers, including nurses, pharmacists, dietitians, and
tive providing that post-delivery lifestyle intervention will physiotherapists. Patients are referred to consultant diabetes
reduce the incidence of T2DM in mothers. specialist in case of uncontrolled diabetes or severe diabetic
Lohse et al.35 developed a computer simulation model complications. CHS developed its own diabetes practice
to assess the cost-effectiveness of GDM screening and life- guidelines, endorsing international standards, and being
style change to prevent T2DM. The model was used to regularly reviewed and revised every 2–3 years. The diabetes
assess the cost-effectiveness of one-step GDM screening disease management program within the primary care setup
with 2-hour 75 g OGTT compared to no screening, using in CHS addresses also other comorbidities and risk factors
disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) for effectiveness mea- that are associated with diabetes, e.g., hypertension, dyslip-
sure.36 The investigators used CHS database for information idemia, and cardiovascular disease. The comprehensive care
on the prevalence of GDM and costs. The model assumed provided is culturally sensitive, addressing the ethnic diver-
that 80% of the women will receive postnatal care, includ- sity of the insured population. As a result, more than 55% of
ing lifestyle advice. The effect of the lifestyle intervention people with diabetes have HbA1C level of less than 7%, and
was assumed to decrease the relative risk for T2DM both in more than 70% have their HbA1c level within their personally
mothers and children by 40%, resulting in 4 cases of T2DM adapted target; more than 60% of the diabetic patients have
averted among mothers and 2 cases among children per 1000 LDL cholesterol levels lower than 100 mg/dL, and more than
women screened for GDM. The net incremental costs (in 75% of the patients with diabetes have LDL cholesterol level of
international dollars) compared to no screening was $76,102 less than 130 mg/dL. As a result of the comprehensive diabetes
per 1,000 women screened. The cost per DALY averted was care provided to people with diabetes, there has been a signifi-
$1830, and 95% of the DALYs averted were due to T2DM pre- cant decline in the rate of nontraumatic amputations, invasive
vention. In sensitivity analyses, lower uptake of postpartum procedures for coronary reperfusion and blindness due to dia-
care (50% instead of 80%) would raise the cost per DALY betic retinopathy. As a result, the costs of the person with dia-
averted to $2895. Assuming lower effectiveness of lifestyle betes decreased by about 40%, from the provider perspective.
advice (20% instead of 40% relative risk reduction of T2DM) Given the general policy that promote disease prevention,
would increase the cost per DALY averted to $7242. With no the high risk of T2DM in women with GDM, and the favor-
benefit in reducing T2DM, the cost per DALY averted rises able result of the cost–benefit analysis, CHS decided to adopt
to $182,750. the IADPSG recommendation and to adapt the care model
It should be noted that the estimated proportion of according to the increased number of patients diagnosed
pregnancies complicated with GDM in this analysis was with GDM.
2.6%, which is significantly lower than the rate of GDM CHS will adopt the risk-stratification approach described
according to the IADPSG criteria reported for the two par- earlier, stratifying the women diagnosed with GDM accord-
ticipating Israeli centers in the HAPO study.37 ing to the new diagnostic criteria into high-, intermediate-,
and low-risk subgroups. Women considered being in the
low-risk group will be provided with lifestyle advice, includ-
Step III: Changing current health policy ing dietary counseling and physical exercise, and follow-up
In order to understand CHS decision to change the cur- by their primary practitioners and consultant gynecologists.
rent policy, the reader should get acquainted with the Israeli Counseling will be provided by nurse educators, dietitians,
health system and the basic concepts of CHS’s policy. and occasionally diabetes specialists. Healthcare for women
According to the National Health Insurance Law enacted in the intermediate-risk subgroup will be provided in com-
in 1995, all Israeli residents are insured by one of the four munity, Women Health Centers of CHS, by multidisciplinary
health plans, currently providing healthcare services to over teams, which consists of lifestyle advice and hypoglycemic
eight million people. CHS, the largest health insurer in Israel, drug therapy. High-risk patients will be referred to high-risk
insures more than half of the total Israeli population, with pregnancy units in the regional hospitals.
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19. Duley L, Gülmezoglu AM, Henderson-Smart DJ, Chou D. Fetal Neonatal Med 2013; 26: 802–810.
Magnesium sulphate and other anticonvulsants for women with 37. Sacks DA, Hadden DR, Maresh M et al. Frequency of gestational
pre-eclampsia. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2010; (Issue 11) Art. diabetes mellitus at collaborating centers based on IADPSG con-
No.: CD000025. sensus panel-recommended criteria. Diabetes Care 2012; 35: 526.
17 Ideal weight gain in diabetic
Gerard H.A. Visser and Harold W. de Valk
References 137
1. Evers IM, de Valk HW, Visser GHA. Risk of complications of 8. Beyerlein A, Schiessl B, Lack N, von Kries R. Associations of ges-
pregnancy in women with type 1 diabetes: Nationwide prospec- tational weight loss with birth-related outcome: A retrospective
tive study in the Netherlands. Br Med J 2004; 328: 915. cohort study. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 2011; 118: 55–61.
2. Persson M, Pasupathy D, Hanson U, Norman M. Birth size 9. Dodd JM, Grivell RM, Crowther JS, Robinson JS. Antenatal inter-
distribution in 3,705 infants born to mothers with type 1 dia- ventions for overweight or obese pregnant women: A systematic
betes: A population-based study. Diabetes Care 2011; 34(5): review of randomized trials. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 2010; 117:
1145–1149. 1316–1326.
3. Jensen DM, Ovesen P, Beck-Nielsen H, Mølsted-Pedersen L, 10. Dodd JM, Robinson JS. Gestational weight loss in overweight and
Sørensen B, Vinter C, Damm P. Gestational weight gain and preg- obese women is associated with an increased risk of small for
nancy outcomes in 481 obese glucose-tolerant women. Diabetes gestational age infants. Evid Based Med 2011; 16: 125–126.
Care 2005; 28(9): 2118–2122. 11. Phelan S, Phipps MG, Abrams B, Darroch F, Schaffner A, Wing
4. Rasmussen KM, Catalano PM, Yaktine Al. New guidelines for RR. Randomized trial of a behavioral intervention to prevent
weight gain during pregnancy: What obstetrician/gynecologists excessive weight gain; the Fit for Delivery Study. Am J Clin Nutr
should know. Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol 2009; 21: 521–526. 2011; 93: 772–779.
5. Scifres CM, Feghali MN, Althouse AD et al. Effect of excess 12. Oteng-Ntim E, Varma R, Croker H, Poston L, Pat Doyle P. Lifestyle
gestational weight gain on pregnancy outcomes in women with intervention for overweight and obese women to improve preg-
type 1 diabetes. Obstet Gynecol 2014; 123: 1295–1302. nancy outcome: Systemic review and meta-analysis. BMC Med
6. Most O, Langer O. Gestational diabetes: Maternal weight gain 2012; 10: 47.
in relation to fetal growth, treatment modality, BMI and glyce- 13. Chmitorz A, von Kries R, Rasmussen KM, Nehring I, Ensenauer R.
mic control. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2012; 25: 2458–2463. Do trimester-specific cutoffs predict whether women ultimately
7. Bodnar LM, Siega-Riz AM, Simhan HN et al. Severe obesity, ges- stay within the Institute of Medicine/National Research Council
tational weight gain and adverse birth outcomes. Am J Clin Nutr guidelines for gestational weight gain? Findings of a retrospective
2010; 91: 1642–1648. cohort study. Am J Clin Nutr 2012; 95: 1432–1437.
18 Medical nutritional therapy for
gestational diabetes mellitus
Lois Jovanovic
Fetal complications of maternal hyperglycemia 139
General nutritional guidelines for the prominent characteristic.12 In the United States, GDM
affects 2%–14% of the pregnant population per year depend-
pregnancy ing on the ethnicity of the population studied.13,14 A women
who is most likely to be affected by GDM is one who is obese,
Normal pregnancy nutritional guidelines focus on several
is >25 years of age, has a family history of diabetes especially
dietary elements. Major topics include caloric intake, mac-
in first-degree relatives, and has a past medical history for
ronutrient proportion, vitamins and minerals, and alco-
glucose intolerance or metabolism problems and/or mis-
hol consumption. The energy requirements of the fetus
carriages or other obstetric problems. Additionally, Latino,
must be met to ensure proper development and provide
African, Native American, South or East Asian, and Pacific
postpartum lactation without causing excessive maternal
Islanders are at a higher risk for developing GDM.15 The
weight gain. The energy standard to support a pregnancy
Santa Barbara County Health Care Services Program Study16
has been debated heavily and will be explored in the sec-
found that women who meet several of these criteria, at the
tion “GDM and nutritional therapy.” The American College
greatest risk, should be tested as early as feasible, while those
of Obstetricians and Gynecologists advocates several basic
with average risk should be tested at 24–28 weeks gestation.
concepts for a balanced diet for pregnant women. They sug-
However, GDM can easily appear in low-risk women; there-
gest eating three to four servings of fruits and vegetables,
fore, universal screening would be ideal.
nine servings of whole grains for energy, three servings of
dairy for calcium, and three servings of meat to reach daily
protein requirements. Vitamin supplementation to achieve
daily nutrients, as an adjunct to a healthy diet, is encour-
Screening methods for GDM
aged when recommended by the woman’s physician. Certain The screening methods for GDM are very controversial.
foods should be avoided in pregnancy due to fetal develop- The two sets of criteria endorsed by the World Health
mental harm. These include deli meat, certain preparations Organization (WHO) or the U.S. National Diabetes Data
of smoked fish, soft cheeses, unpasteurized milk, refriger- Group are each distinct and are primarily based on statisti-
ated pate, raw meat, and raw eggs, which have been associ- cal standard deviations without regarding the level of clinical
ated with bacterial infections such as Salmonella, Listeria, outcome achieved. An attempt to set international standards
and Escherichia coli. Toxoplasma gondii, the protozoan that and identify those at risk for developing GDM is currently
causes toxoplasmosis, has also been found as contaminant in under way in a 5-year, prospective, observational, and mul-
unwashed vegetables and raw meat. Fish containing mercury ticenter study, the Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy
and raw shellfish should be avoided. Caffeine has been asso- Outcomes study. It involves 25,000 women in 10 countries
ciated with miscarriage, premature birth, low birth weight, and specifically will look at the clinical outcomes with
and withdrawal symptoms in the neonate when consumed respect to cesarean delivery, fetal hyperinsulinemia, mac-
in large amounts in pregnancy. However, other studies have rosomia, and neonatal morbidity in correlation to maternal
implicated caffeine intake in modest levels to be nondetri- glycemic levels.17
mental in pregnancy. Until further studies can evaluate the
effects of caffeine, it is recommended to be avoided alto-
gether.8,9 Alcohol should not be used in any amount during Fetal complications of maternal
pregnancy. In utero exposure has been linked to develop-
mental disorders such as fetal alcohol syndrome. Also, alco- hyperglycemia
hol should be avoided postpartum while breast-feeding.10
Uncontrolled hyperglycemia primarily affects fetal growth
on both extremes of the normal growth curve. In those
diabetic mothers that have advanced vascular disease, fetal
GDM growth deceleration may occur due to placental insuf-
ficiency. Fetal growth deceleration is defined as those in
As discussed in the previous section “Metabolic changes in lower fifth percentile on a growth curve adjusted for gesta-
normal pregnancy,” the nondiabetic woman undergoes dras- tional age.18,19 Macrosomia is defined as an absolute birth
tic and dynamic metabolic changes to provide glucose as the weight of greater than 4000 g or greater than the 90th per-
preferential energy source to the developing fetus. Although centile (adjusted for gender, ethnicity, and gestational age).
the pathophysiological mechanism behind GDM remains Cesarean sections often must be performed when the baby
unknown, some current theories include a predisposition to is at term to reduce the risk of birth trauma such as Erb’s
future type 2 diabetes triggered by the changes in metabo- palsy or Klumpke’s paralysis.20 Cesarean sections also adds
lism that normally accompany pregnancy or an increased risk to the mother’s health. As explained by the Pederson
response by the woman’s body to normal metabolic changes hypothesis,21 the effects of an intrauterine environment of
of pregnancy. GDM has been defined as “glucose intoler- hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia include hypoglycemia,
ance of variable severity with onset or first recognized dur- organ developmental problems (especially gastrointestinal),
ing pregnancy.”11 It is important to note that GDM does erythrocytosis, iron redistribution, calcium and magnesium
not cause a malfunction in insulin secretion or improper deficiencies, respiratory problems (respiratory distress syn-
proinsulin or glucagon activity: insulin resistance remains drome), cardiac problems (intraventricular hypertrophy and
140 Medical nutritional therapy for gestational diabetes mellitus
cardiomyopathy or heart failure), hyperbilirubinemia, and adjustments based upon those levels. Women in the routine
neurological sequelae. care group received care from blinded clinicians as to the
A multitude of metabolic problems occur that not only status of the previously performed oral glucose tolerance
affect the immediate future of the neonate, but as these chil- test (OGTT). However, if the clinician felt the patient was
dren mature, they are predisposed to future metabolic prob- experiencing glucose intolerance, assessment and treatment
lems, such as type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome.22,23 could be instituted at his or her discretion. Otherwise, pre-
Subsequently, this pattern of metabolic disease takes a cyclic natal care that was specific to the center visited was given.
course affecting future generations. Primary outcomes included one or more perinatal complica-
tions defined as death, shoulder dystocia, bone fracture, and
nerve palsy. Admission to the neonatal intensive care unit
and jaundice that required phototherapy was also assessed.
Does treatment of GDM make a Secondary outcomes included a consideration of the primary
difference in pregnancy outcome? outcome, gestational age at delivery, overall birth weight and
birth weight adjusted for gestational age, and the presence of
In June 2005, Crowther and colleagues24 published the macrosomia or fetal decelerated growth. Maternal outcomes
results of a 10-year multicenter randomized clinical trial were assessed on the basis of general and mental health
in Australia and the United Kingdom called the Australian including depression, anxiety, gestational age at birth, mode
Carbohydrate Intolerance Study in Pregnant Women of birth, weight gain during pregnancy, hospital admis-
(ACHOIS) (Table 18.1). The purpose of the ACHOIS was sions and prenatal visits, and common complications, such
to determine whether medical nutritional therapy, glucose as pregnancy-induced hypertension. The ACHOIS study24
monitoring, and insulin therapy were superior to routine established several significant results in both the neonatal
prenatal care with regard to reducing the risk of perina- and maternal outcomes. The rate of serious adverse perinatal
tal complications and postpartum maternal health status. outcomes was significantly different between the interven-
A total of 1000 women participated in this trial, 490 in the tional and routine care groups at 1% versus 4%, respectively
intervention group and 510 in the routine care group with (p < 0.01). This rate established the number needed to treat
eligibility based upon the presence of one or more risk fac- at 34 to reduce the incidence of perinatal complication.
tors for GDM or a positive 50 g glucose challenge test (GCT) Newborns in the interventional group were admitted to the
who did not have an indication of pregestational diabetes, neonatal intensive care units more often, at a rate of 71% ver-
history of GDM, or an active chronic disease. The WHO sus 61% admission rate in the routine group (p < 0.01). No sig-
criteria were used to identify those with GDM, and women nificant difference was seen when considering the length of
with severe glucose impairments were excluded. Therapies stay in the NICU or use of phototherapy due to jaundice. The
provided to the women in the interventional group consisted percentage of mothers who were induced into labor was 39%
of dietary counseling with consideration to prepregnancy in the interventional group versus 29% in the routine care
weight, activity level, normal dietary intake, and weight group (p < 0.001). However, rates and the reason for cesarean
gain. Women were asked to self-monitor their glucose levels sections were similar between the groups.24 With regard to
four times a day and proceed with insulin therapy dosage the secondary outcomes, the interventional group neonates
Table 18.1 Summary of the Australian Carbohydrate Intolerance Study in Pregnant Women study
Maternal and neonate primary, secondary Intervention group, n = 490 Routine group, n = 510
outcomes evaluated mothers, 506 neonates mothers, 524 neonates
Perinatal complications (p = 0.01) 1% 4%
NICU admission rate (p = 0.01) 71% 61%
Length of stay and phototherapy Median 1 day Median 1 day
implementation (NSD) Interquartile range, 1–2 days Interquartile range, 1–3 days
Labor induction (p < 0.001) 39% 29%
Rate of cesarean section (NSD) 31% 32%
Mean birth weight (p < 0.001) 3335 ± 551 g 3482 ± 660 g
Large for gestational age (p < 0.001) 13% 22%
Macrosomia (p < 0.001) 10% 21%
Small for gestational age (NSD) 7% 7%
Maternal Edinburgh postnatal depression 8% 17%
Score > 12 (p = 0.001)
Source: Crowther, C.A. et al., N. Engl. J. Med., 352, 2477, 2005.
Abbreviation: NSD, no significant difference.
Caloric restriction 141
had significantly lower mean birth weights (p < 0.01) and to fetal detriment. However, in studies conducted by Rizzo
were born earlier presumably due to higher labor induc- and colleagues, hyperketonemia during pregnancy, which
tion rates. However, when adjusting for gestational age with results from maternal diabetes (hyperglycemia), has been
respect to birth weight, there were significantly fewer neo- implicated to affect the fetus’s intellectual and behavioral
nates born to interventional mothers that qualified in the development as measured by the Bayley Scales of Infant
large-for-gestational-age category. Additionally, macrosomia Development and the Stanford–Binet Intelligence Scale,
occurred significantly less often, but the rate of infants in the which were administered at ages 2 and 3, 4, and 5 years,
small-for-gestational-age group did not differ between the respectively. Hence, it was suggested that ketonemia be
interventional and routine care groups. Maternal outcomes avoided in all pregnant women.28 Buchanan and colleagues
regarding maternal perception at 3 months postpartum of contrasted the metabolic response in normal pregnant
health showed an improved quality of life in the interven- women without GDM, to those who were obese with GDM.
tional mothers specifically with a reduction in the incidence He subjected both groups to an overnight fast and then an
depression, 8% versus 17% as measured by the Edinburgh extended 18-hour total fast. Obese women with GDM had
Postnatal Depression Scale24 (Table 18.1). The ACHOIS study a greater decrease in plasma glucose levels and were not
clearly shows the benefits of using a multifaceted approach more prone to develop ketonemia than the normal pregnant
toward managing GDM to the neonate and the mother. Not women. This result would support the use of decreasing the
only does it advocate dietary and insulin therapies, but also frequency of meals in order to achieve lower preprandial glu-
when one considers the population chosen and the method cose levels in obese women with GDM.29 In a study of type 1
of randomization, it supports the use of universal screening. diabetic women, Jovanovič and coworkers showed that those
Based on the study design, the interventional group would infants whose mothers had the lowest betahydroxybutyrate
be equivalent to universal screening practices and the rou- levels had the largest infants because mothers’ postprandial
tine group would represent those in which GDM screen- glucose concentrations were higher due to the increased
ing is not routine. Therefore, by applying the results of the caloric intake prescribed to avoid the ketonemia.30
study in the women receiving routine care, only 34 women
would need to be treated with interventional therapies to
produce one improved neonatal outcome. Given the severity Caloric restriction
of an adverse neonatal outcome, this finding would support
expanding the GDM screening population to include women Caloric restriction in pregnant women with GDM is another
who would routinely not be screened for GDM. aspect of medical nutritional therapy that needs to be addressed.
When women who are classified as obese or overweight prior
to pregnancy, the amount of weight gain in pregnancy differs
GDM and nutritional therapy from those who are at a normal or underweight prior to preg-
nancy. The National Academy of Science has recommended
As demonstrated earlier, management of GDM is multifac- that for women greater than 150% of ideal body weight, no
eted. Insulin therapy, exercise, and diet are all vital components more than 15 lb should be gained with pregnancy. Optimal
toward reducing the incidence of maternal hyperglycemia and infant birth weight was achieved when less than 3 kg or no
ultimately fetal complications. The remainder of this chapter weight was gained in these women.31 Hypocaloric diets have
will focus on GDM nutritional therapy. Currently, there is been explored in women with GDM based upon a 2400 kcal/
no universally accepted medical nutritional therapy for the day diet. Investigators32 compared a 2400 kcal/day diet to a
treatment of GDM. The American Dietetic Association advo- 1200 kcal/day diet and achieved significant differences in aver-
cates the standard medical nutritional therapy for a GDM age glucose and fasting insulin levels, but not in fasting or post-
mother to be the standard therapy advocated in nonpregnant GCTs. Those in the 1200 kcal/day group developed ketonemia
adults with the carbohydrate content standard being <60% and ketonuria; therefore, the study was discontinued due to the
carbohydrate per meal. However, when these standards were controversial association of ketones with fetal developmental
followed, an increase in insulin therapy was seen in more harm. Subsequently, in another study conducted by the same
than 50% of women with GDM.25 Additional studies have investigators, within the first week, when compared with the
supported lower carbohydrate percentages. For example, in 2400 kcal/day diet, a 1600 kcal/day diet improved fasting and
a study involving obese women with GDM, when the car- mean daily glucose values without the development of keto-
bohydrate was restricted to 33%, the infants were all within nemia. Further studies have advocated a 1500–1800 kcal/day
normal birth weight ranges and there was no evidence of diet for obese women with GDM with similar results.26 The
maternal ketonemia. standards for energy requirements for pregnant women with
GDM, as supported by the American College of Obstetrics and
Gynecology, determine the amount of energy needed to main-
Ketonemia and ketonuria tain pregnancy based upon the pregravid weight. For women
with GDM, who are 1.5 times their ideal body weight, the caloric
Following an overnight fast, 10%–20% of all pregnant intake is 12–15 kcal/kg of the current pregnant weight, while
women have ketones in their blood.26,27 This fasting keto- those at less than 0.8 of their ideal body weight are to increase
nemia or “starvation ketonemia” has not been associated their caloric intake to 35–40 kcal/kg current pregnant weight.
142 Medical nutritional therapy for gestational diabetes mellitus
For those at 0.8–1.2 times their ideal body weight, 30 kcal/kg, GDM who have greater than 130% of their ideal body weight
and those at 1.2–1.5 times ideal body weight, 24 kcal/kg cur- at 32–36 weeks’ gestation. The goal was to achieve a post-
rent pregnant weight is the standard.15 The “euglycemic diet” prandial of 120 mg/dL at 1 hour. None of the patients were
advocated the lower range of the spectrum set by the American on an insulin regimen and a caloric restriction of 24 kcal/
College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. kg/day was established. Patients kept a diary of glucose lev-
els taken four times a day and food intake. The carbohydrate
parameters of the diet were as follows: 12.5% of the total daily
Carbohydrate restriction carbohydrate at breakfast, 28% at lunch and dinner, with the
remainder in three snacks disturbed throughout the day.
The Pederson hypothesis attributes fetal macrosomia due The postprandial glucoses recorded by the women correlated
to hyperinsulinemia caused by maternal hyperglycemia. to the carbohydrate intake. From this study, the author has
Several studies have shown that when maternal glucose lev- adapted this diet to achieve optimal control of glycemic levels
els are well controlled, the incidence of macrosomia, fetopa- in her patients. Most women with GDM are very compliant
thy, and cesarean sections decreases.21,33–35 Currently, there and want to do what is necessary to have a healthy baby. By
is no set standard for pre- and postprandial levels in women having patients take an active role in their medical care, they
with GDM. Optimally, the therapeutic target of glucose lev- can significantly reduce their risk for fetal macrosomia. In a
els in a woman with GDM would be the same as those who study conducted by de Veciana et al.36 when patients moni-
are pregnant without diabetes. Normoglycemia in the preg- tored their pre- and postprandial glucose levels, the risk of
nant, nondiabetic, nonobese woman was demonstrated in fetal macrosomia decreased from 42% to 12%. Additionally,
studies conducted in 2001, by Parretti and colleagues.34 In these patients also had lower hemoglobin A1c levels, there-
this study, the postprandial mean glucose during the third fore supporting that they maintained lower glycemic levels.
trimester did not exceed 105.2 mg/dL (5.8 ± 0.27 mmol/L). Hemoglobin A1c is an effective clinical tool for accessing gly-
At 28 weeks gestation, the daily mean glucose levels was cemic control and can be performed every 2 weeks to chart
71.9 ± 5.7 mg/dL, and at 38 weeks, it increased to 78.3 ± management because the turnover rate of the red blood cells
5.4 mg/dL, which would coincide with the normal insu- during pregnancy is only 90 days as compared with 120 days
lin intolerance increase, respectively. Parretti et al.34 also in the nonpregnant state. Thus a significant improvement
accessed the clinical outcome of these pregnancies based on in glucose control is manifest by a significantly improved
fetal growth. They found that 1-hour postprandial glucose hemoglobin A1c level, although the steady state has not been
levels at 28 weeks through the third trimester had a posi- achieved until after 6 weeks. Patients monitor their pre- and
tive correlation to fetal abdominal growth. Furthermore, the postprandial glucose levels and only proceed with a meal
results are supportive in attributing the postprandial 1-hour when their preprandial glucose levels are 90 mg/dL or less;
glucose levels as a predictor of infant birth weight, fetal otherwise, insulin is initiated. A preprandial glucose of
macrosomia, fetal hyperinsulinemia, and fetal abdominal 90 mg/dL and a postprandial of 120 mg/dL may seem con-
circumference in nondiabetic pregnancies. Therefore, one troversial or strict; however, given the risk of macrosomia
may consider the level of insulin resistance as a spectrum, in and the positive outcomes that have been obtained clinically,
which those with GDM are affected in the same way as non- the authors of this chapter advocate these glycemic goals for
diabetic pregnant women but to a greater extent. Hence, the medical nutritional therapy.37
levels of glycemia achieved in nondiabetic pregnant women It is imperative that patients learn which foods have high
to decrease incidence of fetal complications and growth carbohydrate content, so educational lessons and nutri-
would be applicable to those with GDM. Another study to tional food label reading is essential for the success of any
support the importance of postprandial glucose levels is the therapy that is instituted. Patients are given a list of recom-
Diabetes in Early Pregnancy Study, which was conducted mended high-carbohydrate foods in order to remind them
with type 1 diabetic mothers. When postprandial glucose what needs to be portioned. For example, the “big 5” are
levels increased, there was an increased risk of macrosomia. potatoes, rice, pasta, bread/tortillas, and cereal (Figure 18.1).
The threshold for the marked increase was seen when post- By teaching patients to adhere to a euglycemic diet, not only
prandial glucose levels reached 120 mg/dL.35 Thus, a dietary are they able to control their glucose levels effectively, but
therapy, “the euglycemic diet” was developed on the basis of also they are able to modify their diet postpartum facilitat-
this study. ing weight loss.
The euglycemic diet takes into account the metabolic A simple teaching tool that is used in Santa Barbara
changes that occur within the pregnant woman as she goes County is shown in Figure 18.2. The one-page handout
throughout her day. In the morning, a surge of cortisol is identifies the foods to avoid, foods to eat with caution, and
seen (“the dawn phenomenon”), which causes the release of foods that may be eaten that minimally impact postpran-
glucose from stored sources and hepatic gluconeogenesis; dial glucose concentrations and thus can be eaten liberally.
thus the blood glucose is higher to begin with. Therefore, a Ideally, a breakfast of less than 33% of the daily carbohydrate
decreased amount of carbohydrate is needed in the breakfast intake, lunch at 45%, and a dinner at 55% are suggested to
meal. A small study (n = 14) was conducted in women with maintain a postprandial glucose level of 120 mg/dL.38
Role of protein 143
Role of fats in GDM therapy daily caloric intake. Increased satiety has also been cor-
related with meals that are high in protein content.40,41
Fat content in the American Diabetic Association’s diet con- Thus, this aspect could help morbidly obese patients
sists of less than 25% of the total caloric intake, whereas the manage their overall caloric intake especially when
euglycemic diet is composed of 40% of the total daily caloric moderate caloric restriction therapy is being used. Low-
intake. The role of saturated and monounsaturated fats in carbohydrate/high-protein diets in normal pregnant
women with GDM is different with respect to the uptake of women have been explored notably in the Motherwell
glucose postprandially. In a study comparing these two types studies running from 1938 to 1977. The Motherwell stud-
of fats, 1-hour postprandial glucose levels are approximately ies suggested a link between increased protein content and
equal; however, the duration of the elevated glucose levels dif- low birth weight.42 Recent studies have expanded the ini-
fers. In women with GDM who consumed monounsaturated tial Motherwell studies by looking at the offspring of these
fat, the glucose levels remained elevated at a longer period studies as adults. It has been hypothesized that increased
of time, and thus insulin dosage had to be adjusted to coun- protein intake can stimulate maternal cortisol production
teract the maintained elevated glycemia. Conversely, meals and expose the fetus to high levels of cortisol which may
consumed containing saturated fat had a shorter duration of facilitate lifelong hypersecretion of cortisol. Herrick and
elevated glucose levels, making them preferential with regard to colleagues found a correlation to increased plasma corti-
glycemic control of postprandial glucose levels. Furthermore, sol levels consequently causing hypertension in the adult
lower postprandial durations decrease the risk of macroso- Motherwell offspring.43 However, they postulated that the
mia and the need for increased insulin doses.39 Advocating type of protein consumed and the type of carbohydrate
saturated fats over monounsaturated fats is understandably paired with it may factor into the physiologic affects seen.
controversial due to the correlation that has been made with Cofactors needed for protein metabolism such as folate and
saturated fats and heart disease in nonpregnant individuals. vitamin B6 may be excluded when certain types of carbo-
Further studies are needed to answer whether eating a higher hydrate are avoided, such as bread and potatoes and green
proportion of saturated fat during medical dietary therapy for leafy vegetables, as was done in the Motherwell studies.
GDM at approximately gestation weeks 24–40 is a significant “In mothers with a limited capacity to synthesize nones-
time period to have adverse long-term effects on the mother sential amino acids, maternal amino acid oxidation could
versus the benefit of controlling p ostprandial glucose level impair fetal growth as a result of reduced availability of
duration, which decreases the risk of fetal complication. nonessential amino acids.”42 Therefore, the physiologic effect
of low birth weight on the fetus would be caused multi-
Role of protein factorially and not just due to high protein consumption.
Additional studies will be necessary to determine the role
Protein content in the American Diabetes Association of high-protein diets in pregnant women and, specifically, in
(ADA) diet and euglycemic diet makes up 20% of the total women with GDM.
144 Medical nutritional therapy for gestational diabetes mellitus
glucose levels. By restricting carbohydrate concentration in different with respect to detriment to the fetus. Fat content
the euglycemic diet and modifying the caloric intake based also remains controversial although studies have shown that
on pregravid weight, success has been achieved in reducing meals with saturated fat as compared to monounsaturated
large-for-gestational-age and macrosomic infants. The eug- fat result in the same-hour postprandial glucose level, but
lycemic diet targets a preprandial glucose of 90 mg/dL or less the duration of the level is shorter facilitating lower insulin
and a 1-hour postprandial of 120 mg/dL. Optimal glucose dosages. High-protein/low-carbohydrate diets are also con-
levels have been heavily debated and there is not currently troversial and in normal pregnant women have been cor-
a universal standard. However, research has shown that related to lower birth weights and adult offspring increased
normal pregnant women in the third trimester have lower cortisol levels. However, satiety is also important and pro-
preprandial and postprandial glucose concentrations than tein malnutrition should be avoided in pregnancy. More
nonpregnant women. This would support advocating lower research is necessary to determine the effect of these macro-
standards of ≤90 mg/dL preprandially and 120 mg/dL post- molecules on normal pregnant individuals and those with
prandially for women with GDM. Hypocaloric diets have GDM. Overall, medical nutritional therapy is one of the
been explored and appear safe for the obese woman with staples of GDM management. Women with GDM are very
GDM. The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology compliant and most are willing to make dietary changes in
advocate consideration of the mother’s pregravid weight their lives for the benefit of their babies. The successful triad
when considering the caloric needs per kilogram per day. of medical nutritional therapy, exercise, and insulin therapy
The presence of maternal ketonemia and ketonuria is con- for GDM is essential not only to achieve healthy babies but
troversial with respect to fetal development, and the mecha- also to assure that generations to come will begin life with
nisms and outcomes associated with ketonemia resulting normal metabolism, and thus future metabolic aberrancy is
from uncontrolled glucose levels and starvation may be reduced in the offspring.44–47
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19 Pharmacologic treatment of
gestational diabetes mellitus:
When to start and what agent
to use
Celeste P. Durnwald and Mark B. Landon
The mainstay of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) manage- to use. For years, the gold standard for treating women with
ment is dietary therapy, exercise, and self-monitoring of blood GDM who fail to achieve euglycemia on dietary manage-
glucose. Nutritional management focuses on a carbohydrate- ment alone has been insulin injections. Women with GDM
restricted diet consisting of 35%–40% of calories from car- have endogenous insulin production but are unable to either
bohydrates and the remainder of calories divided between mount the twofold to threefold increase in insulin secre-
protein (20%) and fat (40%). The general recommendation for tion or to overcome the insulin resistance of pregnancy in
daily glucose monitoring is four times daily performed as fast- order to maintain euglycemia. Therefore, oral hypoglycemic
ing and either 1 or 2 hours after the beginning of each meal. agents can also be considered as options for treatment. In
The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recent years, investigations have focused on examining the
endorses glycemic targets of a fasting glucose ≤95 mg/dL, use of both glyburide and metformin.
1 hour postprandial ≤140 mg/dL, and 2 hour postprandial
≤120 mg/dL as measures of adequate control.1 The American
Diabetes Association endorses similar pre- and postprandial Oral hypoglycemic agents
levels.2 These thresholds have been extrapolated from recom-
mendations for pregnant women with pregestational diabetes. The rationale for oral hypoglycemic use in pregnancy is appeal-
Institution of strict glycemic control has been demonstrated ing to both the woman diagnosed with GDM and the clinician.
to reduce neonatal morbidity and mortality associated Advantages of oral hypoglycemic agents include less patient
with the diabetic pregnancy by decreasing the incidence of discomfort, fewer supplies, and less office infrastructure needed
stillbirth and macrosomia.3,4 Infants born to women with well- that may lead to increased patient satisfaction and compliance
controlled diabetes also have fewer neonatal complications with pharmacologic therapy. In addition, prescribing glyburide
such as respiratory distress syndrome, hypoglycemia, and has been shown to be more cost-effective compared with insu-
hyperbilirubinemia.5 Treating GDM has also shown mater- lin injections.9 The average cost savings per patient based on
nal benefit including a decrease in hypertensive disorders of wholesale drug costs and hospital costs was $165.84. When
pregnancy, and in one trial, a reduction in cesarean delivery comparing new pharmacologic treatments with the previously
was observed.6 Approximately, 50% of women will meet these accepted standard for management, one must consider the
glycemic target values within the first 2 weeks of dietary ther- maternal–fetal unit in its entirety. Therefore, clinical efficacy in
apy, but only an additional 10% will achieve euglycemia by the regard to maternal glycemic control must be addressed, as well
fourth week.7 Most clinicians use this time frame to determine as transplacental passage and perinatal outcomes.
dietary failure and to initiate pharmacologic therapy. There is
no conclusive evidence for the threshold number of blood glu-
coses above target or the absolute blood glucose value at which Glyburide
a clinician should initiate pharmacologic therapy.8 In our Glyburide is a second-generation secretagogue that increases
practice, if more than a third of finger-stick glucoses are above insulin secretion and sensitivity in peripheral tissues. It also
the target range, pharmacologic therapy is initiated. reduces hepatic insulin clearance by binding to pancreatic
Once the decision to initiate medication treatment is beta cell ATP-sensitive calcium channel receptors. Therefore,
made, the clinician must decide which pharmacologic agent it is a reasonable option for the treatment of GDM in women
148 Pharmacologic treatment of gestational diabetes mellitus
who have underlying beta cell dysfunction. Glyburide typi- hypoglycemia were similar between groups. Glyburide was
cally lowers blood glucose by approximately 20% and works not detected in the cord serum of any infant with the mean
best in those individuals who are normal in weight to slightly time from the last dose of glyburide to cord blood sampling
overweight. It is well absorbed and not dependent on food of 8 ± 4 hours. Additionally, in 12 randomly selected women
intake with a primary side effect of hypoglycemia, although in the glyburide group, glyburide was measured at the same
fairly low. A typical starting dose is 2.5 mg with a maximum time in maternal and cord serum. Maternal serum concentra-
dose of 20 mg, usually dosed once or twice daily. Although tions ranged from 50 to 150 ng/mL, whereas glyburide was
the majority of studies published using glyburide for the undetectable in cord serum. In a secondary analysis of the
treatment of GDM in pregnancy utilize this once or twice parent study, the clinical efficacy of glyburide was comparable
daily dosing, based on the Obstetric-Fetal Pharmacology to insulin regardless of GDM severity as defined by the fast-
Research Units Network findings, there is new insight into ing value on 3 hour oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT).12 The
timing and number of doses.10 First, glyburide concen- majority of women with a fasting glucose value ≤100 mg/dL
trations begin to increase within 30–60 minutes, peak in were able to achieve glucose control with low-dose glyburide
2–3 hours, and return to baseline by 8 hours. Based on these (≤10 mg). In contrast, for those with higher fasting values
findings, it appears glyburide would work best if dosing regi- ≥106 mg/dL, the number of women requiring low and high
mens are adjusted to approximately 1 hour prior to the meal dose (>10 mg/dL) were similar. There was no significant differ-
to allow for maximum coverage of the drug for postprandial ence in the rates of LGA, macrosomia, or metabolic complica-
glycemic excursion. In addition, a predinner dose may be tions in the neonates of the treatment groups.
necessary in some women. These practical points regarding Since the publication of the RCT, several prospective
administration of the medication should be discussed at the cohort studies and retrospective reviews have evaluated the
time of initiation. Glyburide is primarily metabolized by the use of glyburide outside the constraints of a large RCT.13–17
liver. The oral clearance of the drug from plasma is at double In these studies, failure rates are closer to 20% with rates
the rate of oral clearance in nonpregnant individuals, most of macrosomia similar to those seen with insulin therapy
likely related to the metabolism of glyburide primarily from (Table 19.1). These smaller studies have identified predic-
the cytochrome P450 system that is upregulated in pregnancy. tors of glyburide failure to include both a diagnosis of GDM
Therefore, plasma drug levels in pregnancy are 50% lower earlier in pregnancy and a need for pharmacologic therapy
compared with nonpregnant individuals.10 earlier in pregnancy, higher mean fasting and 1-hour post-
prandial glucoses in the week prior to initiating therapy, and
Maternal glycemia and perinatal outcomes higher values on the 3-hour OGTT. Specifically, Conway
The landmark randomized clinical trial (RCT) comparing identified that women with fasting glucose >110 on 3-hour
glyburide and insulin for clinical efficacy in women with OGTT were 50% more likely to fail glyburide therapy.14 In
GDM was conducted by Langer and colleagues.11 Women Kahn’s study, women with GDM diagnosis <25 weeks of ges-
diagnosed with GDM between 11 and 33 weeks who failed tation had an eightfold risk of glyburide failure after control-
dietary management were randomly assigned to glyburide or ling for fasting blood glucose, gravidity, and parity.16
insulin. In this predominantly Hispanic population, there was The most common side effect of pharmacologic therapy
no difference in glycemia between groups as seen with fasting, in GDM management is maternal hypoglycemia. In the
preprandial, and postprandial values. A 4% failure rate was original RCT by Langer, the rate of hypoglycemia in women
identified in which women were unable to achieve adequate treated with glyburide (2%) was significantly less than their
glycemic control on maximum dosing of glyburide neces- counterparts treated with insulin (20%), p < 0.03.11 Yogev
sitating a switch to insulin therapy. Although the study was also examined the prevalence of undiagnosed asymptomatic
not adequately powered to evaluate neonatal outcomes, rates hypoglycemia in women with GDM treated with insulin and
of large for gestational age (LGA), macrosomia, and neonatal glyburide after at least 2 weeks of therapy.18 Using continuous
Table 19.1 Studies evaluating rates of macrosomia, failure rate of glyburide, and clinical
characteristics associated with glyburide failure
glucose sensing device for 72 hours, the 25 women treated in significant amounts.21 In a follow-up study by the same
with glyburide had an average of half the number of asymp- group, they compared placental transfer of glyburide to
tomatic hypoglycemic episodes each day defined as a blood first-generation sulfonylureas, showing that glyburide’s high
sugar less than 50 for 30 minutes compared with the 30 molecular weight, high plasma protein binding, and short
women treated with insulin. In women treated with insu- half-life were favorable characteristics in limiting its trans-
lin, 84% of hypoglycemic episodes were nocturnal com- placental passage.22 More recently, both Kraemer and Hebert
pared with glyburide treated women in which the episodes have published conflicting results. Kraemer’s placental perfu-
were equally divided between night and day. Brustman and sion studies documented substantial fetal-to-maternal trans-
colleagues examined if the rate of hypoglycemia was dose fer of glyburide against a concentration gradient strongly
dependent.19 In this study, 33% of glyburide-treated women implying active transport.23 Hebert, in work conducted
had at least one episode of documented hypoglycemia through the Obstetric-Fetal Pharmacology Research Unit
<50 mg/dL, but no episodes of symptomatic or severe hypo- Network, reported that glyburide crosses the placenta with
glycemia. There were no significant hypoglycemic episodes an average cord-to-maternal plasma concentration ratio of
in either group. Often, side effect profiles of drugs can be a 0.7 demonstrating that umbilical cord concentrations aver-
rate limiting factor to patient acceptability and compliance aged 70% of maternal concentrations.24 This relationship
with treatment. These findings confirm the favorable side persisted over various time intervals from the last maternal
effect profile with glyburide treatment. dose, although both concentrations were quite low due to the
In 2005, Jacobsen reported on the experience of imple- elapsed time since last dosing before delivery. The difference
menting glyburide use for the treatment of GDM in a large in results between the two groups is attributed to the different
managed care setting.20 This was a retrospective review of assay methodologies used, in which the high-performance liq-
women treated with insulin and glyburide after a diagno- uid chromatography assay used by Hebert is a more sensitive
sis of GDM (by the National Diabetes Data Group), with technique than the UV detection used in the older study by
exclusion for women with a fasting blood glucose >140 on Elliott. The clinical significance, if any, of placental transfer of
3-hour OGTT. Because of its retrospective nature, treatment low to moderate levels of the drug and the potential long-term
groups were not matched. The insulin group (n = 268) was effect of this fetal exposure remain unknown.
treated from 1999 to 2000 and the glyburide group (n = 236)
was treated from 2001 to 2002. The insulin group had a 4%
higher mean body mass index (BMI) and a 4% higher fasting Metformin
OGTT. Glyburide was dosed starting with 2.5 mg once daily The other hypoglycemic agent studied for the treatment of
up to 10 mg, and split dosing was employed if >10 mg was GDM is metformin, a biguanide. It inhibits hepatic gluco-
required. Maternal glycemic targets were a fasting BS ≤ 100, neogenesis, increases intestinal glucose absorption, and
1-hour postprandial ≤155, and 2-hour postprandial ≤130. stimulates glucose uptake in the liver and peripheral tissues.
In evaluating maternal glycemic targets, women treated Metformin does not stimulate insulin secretion or release
with glyburide were more likely to meet target blood sugar and, therefore, does not cause hypoglycemia. It reaches peak
goals, with both lower fasting and 1-hour postprandial glu- concentrations in 3–4 hours and has a half-life of 2–5 hours.
coses, which remained significant after adjustment for BMI, Ninety percent of the drug is excreted within 12 hours of
ethnicity, degree of glucose intolerance, and gestational age at administration. Typical dosing regimens include a starting
diagnosis. Interestingly, women treated with glyburide had a dose of 500 mg once or twice daily with a slow incremental
higher rate of hypoglycemia and preeclampsia. The combined dose increase over 2 weeks to achieve desired glycemia with
failure and discontinuation rate was similar to other reports a maximum dose of 2500 mg. This slow increase limits the
ranging from 12% to 17%. Although this study was also not unattractive gastrointestinal side effects, such as diarrhea
adequately powered to assess neonatal outcomes, there was and flatulence in addition to its most concerning side effect
no difference in gestational age at delivery, birth weight, fetal of lactic acidosis, which is quite rare.
overgrowth (LGA and macrosomia), or neonatal hypoglyce-
mia. Neonates in the glyburide group were less likely to be Maternal glycemia and perinatal outcomes
admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), although The RCT by Rowan evaluated metformin compared with
they had a longer length of stay if admission was warranted. insulin for the treatment of GDM (the MiG Trial).25 In this
Neonates born to women treated with glyburide also were RCT, women diagnosed with GDM after a 2-hour 75 g oral
more likely to need phototherapy. In assessing perinatal out- glucose tolerance test between 20 and 33 weeks were assigned
comes reported, these findings suggest that glyburide can be to metformin versus insulin therapy. In the MiG Trial, the
an effective treatment in a large, diverse managed care popu- primary outcome of the study was a composite neonatal out-
lation achieving similar results to insulin therapy. come including neonatal hypoglycemia, respiratory distress,
need for phototherapy, birth trauma, 5 minutes Apgar score
Transplacental passage less than 7, or prematurity. The study was powered to detect
The initial studies by Elliott using an in vitro cotyledon model a 33% difference between treatment groups. Secondary out-
that infused the maternal compartment with glyburide lev- comes studied included neonatal anthropometry, m aternal
els at higher concentrations than therapeutic human dos- glycemic control, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, post-
ing demonstrated that glyburide did not cross the placenta partum glucose tolerance, and patient acceptability.
150 Pharmacologic treatment of gestational diabetes mellitus
The rate of the primary composite outcome was similar in GDM diagnosis and the time of dietary failure. Women
those treated with metformin compared to insulin (32% vs. randomized to metformin had less weight gain during the
32.2%, respectively).25 Only preterm birth was higher in the pregnancy, but this finding was not consistently reported.
metformin group (12.1% vs. 7.6%, p = 0.04). This increase in Rates of fetal overgrowth were similar between those treated
preterm birth was related to an increased number of sponta- with metformin and insulin.
neous preterm births, which may be due to chance or some
yet to be determined effect of metformin. There was no sig- Transplacental passage
nificant difference in birth weight, rates of fetal overgrowth, Likely the biggest drawback of metformin use in pregnancy
or neonatal anthropometric measurements. Umbilical cord is that it freely crosses the placenta due to its low molecular
serum insulin concentrations were also similar between weight, hydrophilic properties, and lack of protein binding.
groups. Although this finding should be interpreted with Umbilical cord concentrations of the drug have been shown
caution as only half of the infants had cord blood levels to be up to twice those seen in maternal serum.30 The fetal
assessed. effects, whether beneficial or detrimental as an insulin sen-
In regard to maternal glycemia, both fasting and 2-hour sitizer, remains largely unknown. It has been proposed that
postprandial blood sugars were similar between groups. in utero exposure to metformin may enhance the action of
Although metformin had great patient acceptability, with fetal insulin and prevent adverse fetal effects or alternatively,
92.6% of women who were randomized to the drug continu- exposure could increase the likelihood of diabetic fetopathy.
ing therapy, 46.3% of women required supplemental insu-
lin. Women who required supplemental insulin had a higher
BMI and higher blood glucoses prior to treatment. The rates Glyburide versus metformin
of the primary outcome did not differ between those treated Two small RCTs have compared glyburide and metformin
with metformin and supplemental insulin (34.5%) compared for the treatment of GDM. In the first randomized trial, gly-
with women on metformin monotherapy (29.7%). Maternal cemic efficacies of 74 women with GDM treated with gly-
weight gain from randomization to 36–37 weeks was sig- buride and 75 women with GDM treated with metformin
nificantly less in those randomized to metformin compared were analyzed.31 In those women who achieved adequate
with insulin. This may play an important role in patient control, mean fasting and 2-hour postprandial glucoses were
counseling and the advantages of using metformin for the similar between treatment groups. However, the failure rate
treatment of GDM. was 2.1 times higher in those receiving metformin compared
Since the seminal RCT by Rowan, a few smaller ran- to glyburide (34.7% vs. 16.2%, p = 0.01, respectively). Despite
domized trials have been published (Table 19.2).26–29 These this failure rate, infants born to women treated with met-
studies are limited by small sample size and the differences formin weighed significantly less than those born to women
in diagnostic criteria for both GDM and dietary failure, in treated with glyburide (3103 ± 600 vs. 3330 ± 334 g), although
addition to the primary outcomes studied. Both Niromanesh the overall rate of LGA was similar between groups.
and Spaulonci focused on maternal glycemic control as the In the report by Silva and colleagues, 96 women with
primary outcome, while Ijas and Tertti focused on neona- GDM were randomized to glyburide and 104 women
tal birth weight and rates of macrosomia. In these studies, with GDM to metformin.32 During treatment, maternal fast-
the rates of need for supplemental insulin were between ing and postprandial glucose levels were similar between
14% and 32%, which is less than 46% reported in the MiG oral hypoglycemic groups. In contrast, the failure rate was
Trial. Similar to the large RCT, women who required insulin similar in both women treated with glyburide and metfor-
supplementation were more likely to have a higher BMI and min (29% vs. 21%). Similar to Moore’s findings, infants born
higher pretreatment glucose values. Other patient character- to women treated with metformin had significantly lower
istics associated with supplemental insulin usage included birth weights (3193 ± 521 vs. 3387 ± 512 g, p = 0.01, respec-
higher fasting values on the diagnostic oral glucose toler- tively), yet the rate of LGA was similar between groups.
ance test and an earlier gestational age at both the time of Interestingly, the ponderal index of neonates born to women
Table 19.2 Randomized controlled trials comparing metformin and insulin use in
the treatment of gestational diabetes
Macrosomia (%)*
n insulin (%) Metformin versus insulin
Ijas et al.26 50 metformin/50 insulin 32 19.1 versus 22
Niromanesh et al.27 80 metformin/80 insulin 14 3.8 versus 10
Spaulonci et al.28 47 metformin/47 insulin 26 0 versus 6.5
Tertti et al.29 110 metformin/107 insulin 21 4.5 versus 0.9
treated with metformin was significantly less compared The majority of data published on insulin analogue use in
with those born to women treated with glyburide (2.87 vs. pregnancy pertains to the treatment of women with preex-
2.96, p = 0.05). Rates of neonatal hypoglycemia, defined as a isting diabetes, most specifically type 1 diabetes. However,
blood glucose <40 mg/dL, were also similar between groups the tenets of therapy and clinical experience with these
in both studies. newer insulin formulations can be extrapolated for the
These two trials are limited by small sample sizes and treatment of women with GDM. Certain aspects of treat-
inconsistent results. It is thus difficult to make any definitive ment, such as congenital malformation risk, are not as
conclusions regarding the choice of oral hypoglycemic based pertinent to GDM because the diagnosis occurs beyond
on the results. The greatest limiting factor to using metfor- the period of organogenesis. However, transplacental pas-
min preferentially over glyburide remains the concern for sage, immunogenicity, and clinical efficacy, in addition to
the unknown effects of transplacental passage. However, it maternal and neonatal outcomes, will be similar regard-
should be noted that the large RCT conducted by Rowan and less of diabetes type.
colleagues was adequately powered to assess a composite
neonatal outcome. This is in contrast to the RCT evaluat- Prandial insulin
ing glyburide use in pregnancy in which the primary out-
Prior to the introduction of insulin analogues, women with
come was maternal glycemic efficacy. Further investigations
GDM were treated with the standard insulins, neutral prot-
would be helpful to better elucidate both short- and long-
amine hagedorn (NPH) and regular insulin. In regard to
term effects of fetal exposure to oral hypoglycemic agents.
prandial insulin, regular insulin has almost exclusively been
replaced by the rapid-acting insulin analogues (RAIAs),
insulin lispro and aspart. RAIAs are the preferred choice
Insulin therapy for short-acting insulin due to their superior pharmacologic
profiles, which leads to greater flexibility and convenience of
Insulin replacement is designed to mimic the normal physi- dosing. This has resulted in greater patient satisfaction and
ologic release of insulin by the pancreas and is typically improved quality of life that could lead to a higher patient
divided into basal and prandial insulin. Basal insulin is acceptability of insulin as a therapy.
designed to restrain hepatic glucose production between
meals and in the fasting state. Prandial insulin reduces glu- Rapid-acting insulin analogues
cose excursions associated with feeding. Unlike women with RAIAs are the result of recombinant DNA technology.
preexisting diabetes, insulin therapy for a woman with GDM Unlike regular insulin, which is a hexameric molecule,
is often tailored to address the individual glucose profile of RAIAs quickly dissociate into monomers in the subcutane-
the woman with GDM. The prescribed insulin regimen may ous tissue, which allows for a shorter onset of action, peak
include as few as one and as many as four insulin injections. action, and duration of action. The duration of action of
In those women with isolated fasting glucose elevations, a standard insulins and insulin analogues is outlined in Table
single nighttime injection of basal insulin may be adequate. 19.3. The pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic proper-
In women with both fasting and postprandial elevations, ties of RAIA result in twice the maximum concentration
a multiple insulin injection regimen is necessary. In these of insulin in approximately half the time compared with
cases, the typical starting dose would be 0.8–1.0 units/kg regular insulin (Figure 19.1), leading to less mean glucose
daily, in divided doses using both basal and prandial insu- excursion in response to a food bolus and less hypoglycemia
lins depending on gestational age. between meals. This superior drug profile allows maximum
Over the past few years, clinical experience with insu- flexibility and convenience in dosing resulting in greater
lin analogues in pregnancy has increased dramatically. patient satisfaction and improved quality of life.33
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
The RAIA include insulin lispro, insulin aspart, and insu- lower in women treated with insulin lispro.39 Yet the rate of
lin glulisine. Of the rapid-acting analogues, insulin lispro is increase in insulin between trimesters was similar between
the most studied in pregnancy. A limited number of studies groups. Predelivery hemoglobin A1c was improved in those
have also evaluated insulin aspart use in pregnancy, and no treated with insulin lispro compared with regular insulin
clinical studies to date have been published on insulin gluli- (5.9 ± 1.0 vs. 6.7 ± 1.3 mg/dL, p = 0.02). In contrast, a recent
sine in pregnancy. Due to the similar pharmacologic action, retrospective, multicenter Italian study reported a significant
the clinical experience related to transplacental passage, gly- improvement in hemoglobin A1c levels in the first-trimester
cemic efficacy, and perinatal outcomes would not likely to be women treated with insulin lispro compared with regular
different based on the specific rapid-acting analogue used to insulin (6.7% ± 1.3% vs. 7.3% ± 1.4%, p < 0.001), but similar
treat women with GDM. A1c levels in both treatment groups in the third trimester.40
Rates of severe hypoglycemic episodes were similar.
Maternal glycemia and perinatal outcomes Two recent studies have evaluated maternal obstetrical
In the first study of women with GDM treated with insu- outcomes for women with preexisting diabetes undergo-
lin lispro, areas under the curve for glucose, insulin, and ing lispro treatment in pregnancy. Both studies have shown
C-peptide were significantly lower in those women treated similar rates of preeclampsia, preterm birth, and cesarean
with insulin lispro compared to the regular insulin group, delivery in those treated with insulin lispro compared with
despite a similar hemoglobin A1c level.34 Women with GDM regular insulin.39,40 In regard to neonatal outcomes, rates
treated with insulin lispro experienced fewer hypoglycemic of shoulder dystocia, NICU admission, respiratory distress
episodes defined as blood glucose <55 mg/dL. In a retrospec- syndrome, and neonatal hypoglycemia were comparable.40
tive review of 53 women with GDM and 33 pregestational Insulin lispro has a great homology with insulin growth fac-
women, mean hemoglobin A1c during pregnancy was simi- tor 1 (IGF-1) raising concern for the possibility of accelerated
lar in those treated with insulin lispro compared to regu- fetal growth with in utero exposure to this RAIA. Table 19.4
lar insulin.35 However, when the 53 women with GDM were shows the rates of fetal overgrowth and mean maternal glyce-
evaluated separately, those treated with insulin lispro had mia as measured by hemoglobin A1c in pregnancies treated
lower hemoglobin A1c levels compared with those treated with insulin lispro, the majority of which are in women with
with regular insulin (5.25 ± 0.8 vs. 6.5 ± 2.0, p = 0.013). pregestational diabetes. Similar rates of macrosomia have
The majority of studies published on insulin lispro use been reported in pregnancies treated with insulin lispro
during pregnancy have focused on women with pregesta- and regular insulin.35,36,39–42 From the culmination of these
tional diabetes. These analyses have demonstrated conflict- reports, insulin lispro does not appear to be associated with
ing results with some studies showing no improvement in higher rates of fetal overgrowth than would be expected in
hemoglobin A1c with the use of insulin lispro36,37 and oth- diabetic pregnancy.
ers showing significantly lower predelivery A1c, without To date, only one study has evaluated anthropomet-
an increase in hypoglycemic episodes.33 The largest report ric characteristics of newborns exposed to insulin lispro in
of insulin lispro use in pregestational gravidas showed an utero.43 This study enrolled 49 pregnant women with GDM,
improvement in hemoglobin A1c values throughout preg- randomly assigned to treatment with insulin lispro or regu-
nancy. Hemoglobin A1c of women treated with insulin lis- lar insulin, and 50 pregnant women with a normal glucose
pro decreased from a mean of 8.9 ± 4.2 mg/dL in the first challenge test, matched for age, parity, prepregnancy weight,
trimester to 6.2 ± 2.4 mg/dL in the third trimester without and BMI. Rates of LGA and small for gestational age (SGA)
an increase in hypoglycemia compared to those treated with infants were similar between groups. However, the rate of
regular insulin.38 In a prospective observational study of infants with a cranial–thoracic circumference ratio between
58 pregestational women treated with insulin lispro and 49 the 10th and 25th percentile was significantly less in women
with regular insulin of similar age, BMI, and vascular com- treated with insulin lispro compared with regular insulin
plications, total insulin requirements in each trimester were (12% vs. 37.5%). This rate was comparable to the rate seen
Insulin therapy 153
Table 19.4 Maternal glycemia and rates of fetal overgrowth with insulin lispro
use in pregnancy
in those with normal glucose tolerance (14%). In this study, The largest evaluation of insulin aspart use in pregnancy
1-hour postprandial glucoses in the lispro group were close to was an open-label, randomized, parallel group study of 322
the physiologic levels as demonstrated by women with normal women with type 1 diabetes conducted at 63 sites in 18 coun-
glucose tolerance. In the regular insulin group, 1-hour post- tries.46 Study entry required a hemoglobin A1c of ≤8% at
prandial glucoses were higher than both women with normal pregnancy confirmation. In this study, the mean of the dif-
glucose tolerance and women with lispro-treated GDM. The ference between preprandial and postprandial plasma glu-
level of glycemia may have contributed to the aberration in coses were lower for those women receiving insulin aspart,
fetal growth pattern seen in this group. Although interesting, despite comparable hemoglobin A1c levels. Despite similar
further investigation is needed on a larger scale before any mean total amount of insulin in both groups, mean daily
conclusions can be made whether the difference in anthro- requirement of prandial insulin was significantly lower in
pometry is an effect of treatment with insulin lispro. the insulin aspart group. There was no difference in hypo-
Pettitt and colleagues were the first to study the clinical glycemic episodes between groups. Maternal outcomes such
efficacy of insulin aspart compared to regular insulin in 15 as rates of preeclampsia, preterm labor, and cesarean section
women with GDM.44 In this study, peak insulin and glu- were similar between groups. In contrast, women treated
cose concentrations were measured after eating a breakfast with insulin aspart reported significantly greater satisfaction
meal for three consecutive days: the first when no insulin with their assigned treatment as measured by the Diabetes
was given, the second with a random assignment to either Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire. In a second report,
regular insulin or insulin aspart, and the third when the 137 infants born to women treated with insulin aspart and
other insulin preparation was administered. Peak insulin 131 infants born to women treated with regular insulin were
concentrations were higher, and peak glucose concentra- evaluated. Rates of fetal overgrowth, neonatal hypoglycemia,
tions were lower with both insulins compared with no and perinatal mortality were similar between groups.47
insulin. Glycemic control, as measured by the glucose con-
centration under the curve above baseline, was significantly Transplacental passage
improved for insulin aspart compared with no insulin. In Transplacental passage of insulin can occur when insulin
a follow-up study of 27 women with GDM randomized to complexes with immunoglobulins to form an antigen–
treatment with insulin aspart versus regular insulin, there antibody complex. Previous studies have linked transpla-
was a greater reduction in average glucose values from cental passage of insulin complexes with fetal overgrowth.
baseline in those treated with apart indicative of improved Jovanovic first reported on the immunologic effects and pla-
postprandial glycemic control.45 There were more hypogly- cental transfer of insulin lispro in women with GDM.34 In
cemic episodes (71%) associated with aspart use, although this study, anti-insulin antibody levels were similar in both
no severe hypoglycemic event were noted. Treatment with groups, both at enrollment and delivery. Insulin lispro was
insulin aspart was also associated with significantly lower undetectable in the umbilical cord blood, including four
levels of C-peptide compared with regular insulin, reflect- women who received continuous intravenous administra-
ing a lower demand on beta cell function. This is likely tion of the drug during labor. There were no cases of fetal
attributed to the higher peak insulin concentrations that anomaly, macrosomia, or neonatal hypoglycemia. Similarly,
were achieved in this treatment group. Insulin-specific in a subset of 95 women enrolled in a randomized trial of
antibody binding was low in both groups (<1.5%). aspart and regular insulin, analysis of maternal and cord
154 Pharmacologic treatment of gestational diabetes mellitus
blood insulin antibody levels demonstrated low levels of Four studies have evaluated women diagnosed with GDM
insulin-specific antibodies in both insulin groups at baseline treated with insulin glargine.52–55 All studies included a mixed
and delivery.48 In this analysis, insulin aspart was undetect- population of women with pregestational diabetes and GDM.
able in all cord blood samples evaluated. In a prospective cohort study of 82 women with GDM ran-
Two in vitro perfusion studies have evaluated the trans- domly assigned to either insulin glargine or NPH, the total
fer of insulin lispro across the human placenta.49,50 In the dose of basal insulin was less in those women treated with
first study, the placental transfer of a range of insulin lispro glargine. Fasting glucose levels in the 36th week of gesta-
concentrations was examined. The maternal side of the pla- tion were also lower in the glargine group. Rates of maternal
centa was perfused with constant concentrations of the drug hypoglycemia and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy were
and the fetal circulation was closed. No placental transfer of higher in those women treated with NPH. In regard to neona-
lispro was detected during perfusion with 100–200 μU/mL. tal outcomes, jaundice was more common in the NPH-treated
Although there was a possibility of transfer with concentra- group, but no differences were noted in the rate of macro-
tions mimicking a single subcutaneous dose of over 50 units somia or LGA, neonatal hypoglycemia, respiratory distress
that was maintained for greater than 60 minutes, there was syndrome, or 5-minute Apgar <7.52 In a smaller retrospec-
no placental transfer at single standard doses.49 Given the tive review of a mixed population of 112 women with preges-
half-life of insulin lispro, it is unlikely that this physiologic tational diabetes and GDM treated with glargine compared
state could be reproduced in the clinical setting, and there- with NPH, there was no significant difference in maternal
fore, insulin lispro does not appear to cross the placenta complications of preeclampsia, hypoglycemia, or cesarean
in any significant amount. The lack of transplacental pas- delivery between treatment groups in the 59 women with
sage was also confirmed on a smaller scale by Holcberg.50 GDM studied.53 Rate of LGA infants, Apgar scores, neona-
No in vitro perfusion studies have evaluated the transfer of tal hypoglycemia, and hyperbilirubinemia, as well as NICU
insulin aspart across the human placenta. Given the simi- admission, were also similar between groups. However, only
lar biochemical characteristics, it is likely that the findings 15 of the 59 women with GDM were treated with glargine.53 In
reported with insulin lispro would be similar to those of two additional retrospective reviews including a small num-
insulin aspart if such studies were conducted. ber of women with GDM, perinatal outcomes were similar in
women treated with NPH insulin and insulin glargine.54,56
Basal insulin Clinical experience with insulin detemir in pregnancy is
In the majority of women with GDM, the basal insulin pri- limited to case reports and one RCT of women with type 1
marily prescribed continues to be the intermediate acting diabetes.57–59 In this RCT, the efficacy of insulin detemir com-
insulin, NPH insulin. In most women, the greater insulin pared with NPH insulin (both with prandial insulin aspart)
resistance associated with GDM and subsequent higher was evaluated. Of 310 women with type 1 diabetes, 152 were
insulin requirements cannot be adequately treated with a randomly assigned to insulin detemir and 158 to NPH up
single dose of a long-acting insulin analogue (LAIA) such as to 1 year prior to pregnancy or during the 8th–12th week of
glargine or detemir, which are peakless. If LAIAs are used, pregnancy. Maternal hemoglobin A1c at the 36th week was
it is not uncommon for women with GDM to require twice similar between groups. However, fasting plasma glucoses
daily dosing. There is limited experience in pregnancy with were lower in women treated with insulin detemir at both
LAIA. Similar to the RAIA, the reports published focus on 24 weeks and 36 weeks of gestation. There was no difference
the treatment of women with preexisting diabetes, most spe- in maternal hypoglycemic episodes. In a follow-up study of
cifically type 1. the neonates born to the women in the RCT, neonatal out-
comes including congenital malformations, fetal growth
Long-acting insulin analogues disturbance (SGA and LGA), preterm delivery, and neonatal
The biochemical properties of the LAIA allows for a slow, con- hypoglycemia were similar between treatment groups.60
stant release of insulin without a pronounced peak in insulin There has been concern raised about the increased affin-
concentrations. The relatively flat activity profile is beneficial ity to IGF-1 that is demonstrated by insulin glargine com-
for women at significant risk for nocturnal hypoglycemia. One pared to human insulin with a potential to stimulate fetal
of the biggest advantages of the LAIA is less hypoglycemia. growth. A retrospective review in which 77% of the study
The once-daily dosing regimens also may enhance patient population was diagnosed with GDM evaluated the use of
acceptance and satisfaction. In studies of nonpregnant diabet- insulin glargine on select neonatal outcomes.55 This analysis
ics, insulin detemir has been shown to have more consistent reported a mean birth weight of 3142 ± 606 g for the study
insulin absorption compared with both insulin glargine and population, with a 2% incidence of macrosomia in GDM
NPH insulin.51 Compared with insulin glargine, detemir is women. In addition, none of the studies published to date
similarly peakless but exhibits a slightly shorter duration of demonstrate an increase in the rate of LGA infants or fetal
action and therefore is dosed every 12 hours in most diabetics. macrosomia with glargine treatment. In contrast to glargine,
insulin detemir has a low affinity for the IGF-1 receptor
Maternal glycemia and perinatal outcomes (approximately 1/10 that of human insulin). Although a
Studies evaluating the use of glargine in pregnancy have strictly GDM population has not be studied, the risks of fetal
primarily been limited to retrospective reviews and observa- overgrowth and macrosomia are not unique to abnormal
tional cohorts of women with type 1 diabetes. glucose metabolism of the GDM cohort.
References 155
Transplacental passage published data on the use of insulin detemir in GDM as well,
Results from human placental cotyledon models of uncom- the results are more convincing given the RCT of women
plicated term pregnancies have shown that there is no trans- with preexisting diabetes.
placental passage at maternal therapeutic concentrations of
insulin glargine.61 Transport across the placenta was dem-
onstrated at concentrations 1000-fold higher than clinically Conclusion
therapeutic levels, yet there was a significant difference in the
rate of disappearance from the maternal compartment com- Pharmacologic treatment of GDM should be designed to
pared with the rate of appearance in the fetal compartment. achieve euglycemia that has been linked to both maternal
This suggests that the placenta may sequester some amount and neonatal benefit. Diagnosis of dietary failure should be
of insulin glargine at concentrations at these high levels. prompt and initiation of pharmacologic therapy expedited
Published studies evaluating glargine use in pregnancy in those women unable to achieve glycemic targets on nutri-
are limited by small sample size, a mixed population of tion therapy alone. Both insulin therapy and oral hypoglyce-
GDM, and pregestational women studied and do not show mic agents are viable options. Treatment strategies should be
a consistent clinical benefit for the use of insulin glargine individualized based on a woman’s glycemic profile, clinical
in the pregnant women. Given these findings, there is little characteristics, and fetal growth projection. Ideally, thera-
justification to choose glargine over NPH for basal insulin pies should be aimed at lowering the demand on beta cell
for the treatment of GDM. Although there is also limited function during this time of physiologic stress.
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20 Gestational diabetes
mellitus: The consequences
of not treating
Oded Langer
158 Gestational diabetes mellitus
Change from physiology to 50% of subjects with normal glucose tolerance and previous
GDM. This was primarily due to decreased nonoxidative
pathophysiology glucose disposal. Ward et al., 31 using the Bergman intrave-
nous glucose minimal model technique, also found evidence
The first condition in order to establish a medical entity as a
of increased insulin resistance in women with previous
disease is to demonstrate change from normal to pathophysi-
GDM. Unfortunately, neither Catalano nor Ward controlled
ology. This will facilitate the development of interventions
for family history in the subjects, so it is unclear whether
aimed at prevention as well as treatment. Human pregnancy
family history or previous GDM was the marker for these
is characterized as an insulin-resistant condition. Although
early abnormalities in glucose metabolism.
there is a fourfold to fivefold range of insulin resistance in the
In summary, GDM is characterized by pathogenesis
general population, there is a relatively uniform 40%–50%
deviating from the normal physiology of pregnancy that
increase (from the pregravid condition) in insulin resistance
involves insulin resistance and decreased insulin secretion.
and increase in insulin secretion. A substantial number of
Furthermore, similarity exists between the pathogenesis of
studies have addressed this topic.14–19
GDM and type 2 diabetes, which are probably one disease at
Another factor which may contribute to increased insulin
different stages on the spectrum of glucose intolerance.
resistance during pregnancy is the rise in body fat or change
in body fat distribution that begins in early gestation. It is
well established that obesity per se causes insulin resis-
tance.20 It has been shown that total oxidative and nonoxi- Is there an associated increased
dative glucose metabolism is inversely related to increased adverse outcome in GDM?
visceral-to-subcutaneous-fat ratio in obese women and to
total fat content in lean women.21 Others have demonstrated Socrates once said that the beginning of wisdom is the defi-
decreased insulin sensitivity in subjects with a central pat- nition of terms. However, using different definitions for
tern of fat distribution. Whatever the cause for increased GDM diagnosis criteria or threshold for neonatal hypogly-
insulin resistance during pregnancy in women who main- cemia will result in varying rates of the problem. Not only
tain normal glucose tolerance, it is offset by a 3- to 3.5-fold different definitions but also diverse institutional policies
increase in insulin secretion.22 Therefore, the degree of insu- such as indication for neonatal intensive care unit (NICU)
lin resistance during late gestation appears to be dependent admission and for cesarean delivery will result in varying
primarily on pregravid maternal insulin resistance, which is rates reported in different studies.
quite variable, and secondarily on the 40%–50% increases Small sample sizes have resulted in the evolution of the
mediated through placental factors. concept of composite outcomes (Tables 20.1 through 20.3).
In 1981, Bergman et al.23 proposed that there is a predict- Composite outcomes are pooled individual outcomes
able relationship in the shape of a rectangular hyperbola (serious morbidities) in order to produce a single outcome
between the quantity of insulin produced by β-cells and (overall serious morbidity). As treatments and population
the sensitivity of tissues to the glucose-lowering effects of health improve, the number of individual adverse outcomes
insulin. Kahn et al.24 demonstrated that this relationship is has declined. Using composite outcomes can often over-
present across a wide range of insulin sensitivity in people come this reality by combining several outcomes, thereby
with normal glucose tolerance. A hyperbolic relationship increasing the efficiency of a clinical trial (power and size).
exists between insulin sensitivity and several measures of Outcome selection has clinical significance; however, when
β-cell insulin release in women with IGT.25 The amount of evaluating composite outcomes in various studies, it is
insulin released at a given level of insulin resistance is lower
in people with abnormal compared with normal glucose
tolerance.26,27 Although GDM is defined as carbohydrate Table 20.1 Sample sizes for various effects in the
intolerance of variable severity with onset or first recogni- primary outcome (composite)
tion during pregnancy,28 the definition applies whether the
condition persists after pregnancy but does not preclude the 30% reduction 40% reduction
possibility that the glucose intolerance may have predated
Outcome Outcome Outcome
the pregnancy. Women who develop GDM are, in fact, rate in rate in rate in
genetically predisposed to develop type 2 diabetes since they untreated treated Sample treated Sample
tend to have a strong family history of the disease. Some group (%) group (%) size group (%) size
stressors associated with pregnancy probably trigger them 20 14.0 611 12.0 325
to develop overt disease sooner than if they had not become 25 17.5 537 15.0 248
30 21.0 366 18.0 196
Similar to other groups genetically susceptible to type 2
35 24.5 295 21.0 159
diabetes, women with previous GDM and normal glucose
40 28.0 243 24.0 132
tolerance have been shown to have defects in glucose metab-
45 31.5 218 27.0 110
olism. Using the hyperinsulinemic–euglycemic clamp tech-
nique, Catalano et al.29,30 demonstrated insulin resistance in 50 35.0 169 30.0 93
Is there an associated increased adverse outcome in GDM? 159
Outcome rate
Definition Authors Population n (%)
<30 mg/dL if <2500 g Gabbe et al. GDM treated 261 6.5
<20 mg/dL if 2500 g
<30 mg/dL up to 72 hours; Hod et al. GDM treated 731 5.2
<40 mg/dL later
≤30 mg/dL × 2 <4 hours after birth Langer et al. GDM intense tx 1145 3.8
GDM conventional 1316 20.0
<31 mg/dL <2 hours after birth Jang et al. GDM treated 65 7.7
Symptomatic Persson et al. Mild GDM treated 233 0.9
GDM treated 222 2.3
<30 mg/dL <1 hour after birth Schader-Graf et al. GDM treated 154 40.3
40 mg/dL × 2 <4 hours after birth Langer et al. GDM treated with glyburide 201 9.0
GDM treated with insulin 203 5.9
<40 mg/dL Langer et al. GDM untreated 555 7.0
GDM treated 1110 14.0
No GDM 1110 2.0
Hypoglycemia requiring I.V. therapy Crowther et al. GDM untreated 506 5.0
<35 mg/dL Landon et al. Mild GDM untreated 473 15.0
prudent to verify that the variables included in each compos- should not be used as an outcome measure in GDM because
ite outcome are identical. the procedure is not directly related to disease morbidity.
In the compilation of an outcome variable, only those that Delivery through c/s has become a self-fulfilling prophecy
are a result of GDM pathophysiology should be included; in the treatment of GDM. Naylor et al.33 reported that the c/s
variables that reflect physician behavior, i.e., cesarean sec- rate was 34% in women with GDM compared with 20% in
tion (c/s) delivery, misrepresent the conclusion. Although women without GDM. The National Institute of Child Health
associated with maternal morbidity (e.g., infection, bleed- and Human Development (NICHD) study 9 resulted in 27%
ing), c/s is a physician-driven decision rather than a com- c/s rate in the treated versus 32% in the untreated group, while
plication of the disease. Rates of c/s have skyrocketed with the Australian Carbohydrate Intolerance Study in Pregnant
more repeat c/s’s,32 c/s by demand, and elective c/s for breech Women (ACHOIS)8 c/s data revealed 31% in the treated and
delivery. Although this procedure has outstripped historical 32% in the untreated group. What these numbers indicate
numbers for both diabetic and nondiabetic patients, c/s rates is that inherent in the study of a treatable entity is that this
160 Gestational diabetes mellitus
new knowledge may alter the clinician’s behavior.33 On the drawbacks of this study included the retrospective design
other hand, there are care providers who have not inevita- and the lack of distinction between types of diabetes since
bly been influenced by the GDM diagnosis and have instead the results were derived from an administrative database.
evaluated the presenting conditions of the disease.34,35 In our However, it would be reasonable to assume that the majority
study,7 the c/s rate was similar for the untreated (24%) and of the diabetic patients had GDM that accounts for 90% of
the treated (23%) compared to 14% in nondiabetic subjects. all diabetic pregnancies.
Clinicians must, therefore, consider the merits of estab-
lishing a GDM diagnosis. GDM, if untreated or not rec-
Neonatal complications ognized, may be associated with an increased risk of
intrauterine fetal death and commonly reported morbidi-
The adverse outcomes most commonly associated with GDM ties such as macrosomia, birth trauma, neonatal hypoglyce-
include increased perinatal mortality, macrosomia, shoulder mia, hyperbilirubinemia, hypoglycemia, and polycythemia.
dystocia, birth trauma, preeclampsia, c/s, neonatal hypo- There is paucity of prospective data concerning some of
glycemia, hypocalcemia, hyperbilirubinemia, and polycy- these risks. However, it is generally agreed that women with
themia. In addition, there are long-term effects associated GDM with significantly elevated fasting blood glucose levels
with GDM pregnancies such as an increased maternal risk appear to have an increased risk of intrauterine fetal death.
of developing diabetes in the future and an increased risk of
obesity and glucose intolerance in the offspring.
Perinatal mortality is the most significant outcome, and
early, albeit flawed studies showed a fourfold increase in Macrosomia, shoulder dystocia,
perinatal mortality in women with GDM. These studies
and birth trauma
failed to control for variables affecting perinatal mortality
such as fetal malformations, maternal history of stillbirth, Being relatively common and easily documented, macrosomia
and advanced maternal age. Furthermore, these studies more is the adverse perinatal outcome most investigators refer to
than likely included women with unrecognized pregestational when addressing GDM. Macrosomia is the primary outcome
diabetes, thus contaminating the results. In addition, in most with relevant surrogate complications such as c/s, shoulder dys-
studies a labeling bias exists since a GDM diagnosis tends to tocia, and brachial plexus injury. The overall rate of macroso-
enhance surveillance and interventions that may have a major mia for the nondiabetic population is 7%–9%.28,41,42 In contrast,
impact on perinatal mortality. Some researchers have sug- the incidence reported for macrosomia in GDM is manage-
gested that GDM has no or negligible effect on mortality. This ment dependent. When good glycemic control is not achieved,
could be explained by two opposing views: GDM has no or the incidence of macrosomia can be as high as 20%–45%.35 The
negligible effect on mortality, or due to the overall decrease in macrosomic fetus is a result of diabetic fetopathy and is char-
perinatal mortality, excess fetal deaths due to unrecognized acterized by organomegaly.43,44 Complications, directly and
GDM could go unnoticed in smaller studies. indirectly associated to fetal macrosomia are neonatal hypo-
O’Sullivan and Mahan first reported an association glycemia, hypocalcemia, hyperbilirubinemia, and polycythe-
between GDM and perinatal death, documenting a 6.4% risk mia; in addition to birth trauma, these are all the consequence
only in women with GDM who were older than 25 years of of not treating or inadequate treatment of the disease.
age, and a RR of 4.3 over controls.36 Abell et al.37 reported Excessive fetal growth occurs in as many as 50% of preg-
similar results in women with GDM with a 3.9% overall peri- nancies complicated by GDM.45 It was shown that the accel-
natal mortality rate. However, an analysis of 1016 GDM preg- erated fetal growth is associated with the maternal glycemic
nancies from the same institution documented an increased profile.46,47 Although fetal growth can be measured by birth
perinatal mortality rate (3.2%) only among those meeting the weight, a more accurate way to characterize overgrowth is
stringent World Health Organization (WHO) criteria for the by estimation of body composition that includes lean body
diagnosis of GDM.38 Schmidt et al.39 evaluated the relation mass (LBM) and fat-free mass (FFM). LBM is a metaboli-
between the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and the cally active tissue and is relatively stable in utero. FFM is
WHO diagnostic criteria for GDM against pregnancy out- more variable and sensitive to factors that affect fetal growth.
come. Of the 4977 women in the study, 2.6% had GDM by the Therefore, to more accurately characterize the diabetic fetop-
ADA criteria and 7.2% by the WHO criteria. The perinatal athy, measurements that can identify even minimal devia-
death in the ADA group had an OR of 3.10, 95% C.I., 1.42– tions from the norm are needed. FFM and LBM may provide
6.47. Similarly, the perinatal mortality by the WHO criteria the means. Recent studies have shown conflicting results in
had an OR of 1.59, 95% C.I., 0.86–2.90 (nonsignificant). the evaluation of infant body composition.43,48,49 Catalano
Mondestin et al.40 reported the results of a retrospec- reported increased FFM in infants of women with GDM
tive cohort study of U.S. data (1995–1997). These included even when average weight for gestational age were compa-
10 million nondiabetic gravidas and 271,691 diabetic patients rable to infants of women with normal glucose tolerance.48
with fetal death rates of 4/1000 and 5.9/1000, respectively. Similarly, he demonstrated increased body fat in infants of
Fetal death rates increased when birth weight was >4250 g women with GDM requiring a cesarean delivery compared
for nondiabetic and 4000 g for diabetic patients with a two- with normal glucose tolerance despite similar birth weights.
fold increased rate in mortality in the diabetic group. The In contrast, we and Naeye43,44 found an increase in LBM at
Clinical studies 161
the time of autopsy in overgrown infants of women with dia- Motor Proficiency at ages 6, 8, and 9 years. They reported
betes. In a study evaluating body composition of macroso- that the children’s average scores on the Bruininks–
mic infants of diabetic women, we demonstrated increased Oseretsky test at ages 6–9 years correlated significantly with
body fat and decreased LBM in infants of women with GDM B-hydroxybutyrate in maternal second and third trimes-
when compared to women with normal glucose tolerance.50 ters. There was also a borderline association between chil-
Long-term effects of GDM. When addressing the issue dren’s scores on the psychomotor development index at age
of the long-term effects of GDM, one must differentiate 2 and B-hydroxybutyrate. Rizzo et al.59 correlated measures
between the long-term maternal effects and the prognosis of maternal glucose and lipid metabolism (fasting plasma
for the offspring. glucose levels, hemoglobin A1C levels, episodes of hypo-
glycemia and acetonuria, and plasma β-hydroxybutyrate
and free fatty acid levels) with two measures of intellectual
The mother development in the o ffspring using the Bayley Scales of
Infant Development for 2-year olds and the Stanford–Binet
The increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in life Intelligence Scale for 3- to 5-year olds expressed as an aver-
in women with GDM is well known with the magnitude of age of the three scores. The children’s mental development
the risk ranging from 20% to 50%; it is lower in Caucasians index scores at the age of two correlated inversely with the
and higher in Hispanic women, those of Mediterranean or mother’s third-trimester plasma β-hydroxybutyrate levels;
East Asian descent and the Canadian Aboriginal popula- the average Stanford–Binet Intelligence Scale scores corre-
tion. There is no evidence that the treatment of GDM will lated inversely with third-trimester plasma β-hydroxybutyrate
reduce this risk although recent data51 suggest that the rate and free fatty acid levels.
of progression to type 2 diabetes can be modified by lifestyle Maternal diabetes during pregnancy may affect behav-
changes, thus underscoring a possible benefit for increased ioral and intellectual development in the offspring. Petersen
surveillance of this high-risk population. et al. suggested that first trimester intrauterine growth delay
is associated with psychomotor deficit in the offspring at age
4–5 probably as a result of poor glycemic control.60,69 Sells
The neonate et al. reported that late entry into treatment programs in preg-
nancy in preexisting diabetic women resulted in lower scores
Since Barker’s primary epidemiologic studies in 1989,52,53 on language measures and intellectual development through
there is increasingly strong data to support the concept that age 2 in comparison to women who maintained good glu-
many fetal stresses may lead to fetal programming and the cose control during pregnancy.63 Stenninger et al. reported
alteration of the normal developmental gene expression pat- that children born to mothers with diabetes (probably
tern. Research indicates that the child of the diabetic mother GDM) who subsequently developed neonatal hypoglycemia
remains at increased risk for a variety of developmental dis- experienced long-term neurological dysfunction. Offspring
turbances: obesity,54–56 IGT or diabetes,57 and diminished had more difficulties in validated screening tests for mini-
neurobehavioral capacities.58–64 Therefore, it would be rea- mal brain dysfunction and were hyperactive, impulsive, and
sonable to speculate that the process whereby a stimulus or easily distracted. In addition, they had a lower developmen-
insult (glucose toxicity and other metabolic fuels) acting at a tal score in comparison to the offspring of normoglycemic
critical period of development in early and during intrauter- diabetic women and nondiabetic control patients.70 Olsson
ine life alters gene expression patterns for life.65,66 et al. concluded that impaired cognitive function may pre-
cede clinical onset of type 2 diabetes.71 In summary, the
existing evidence indicates that poorer glycemic control or
Cognitive development in children of other shared risk factors may influence both cognitive devel-
diabetic mothers opment and the risk for type 2 diabetes. The data suggest that
early detection of subclinical disease and treatment may be
There is paucity of data related to the cognitive development of value in protecting against cognitive deficits and adverse
of infants of diabetic mothers. A study of infants born to neurological outcomes in addition to the possibility of early
73 women with preexisting diabetes and 112 women with development of metabolic syndrome (hypertension, obesity,
GDM sought to determine the relationship between mater- and diabetes) when GDM is not treated or poorly managed.
nal fasting plasma glucose and hemoglobin A1C during
the second and third trimesters on neonatal performance
on the Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale.58 Clinical studies
They found a significant correlation between poor glycemic
control in three out of the four newborn behavioral dimen- Care providers and their institutions repeatedly find them-
sions on the scale for both gestational and pregestational selves compared to one another as well as to national/
diabetics. In another study,67,68 they evaluated the offspring universal standards. Inherent in these comparisons is that
of 95 women with preexisting diabetes and 101 subjects providers with improved outcomes presumably provide
with GDM using the Bayley Scales of Infant Development higher-quality care. Nonetheless, there are three major
at 2 years of age and the Bruininks–Oseretsky Test of sources of distinction in outcomes: preexisting patient
162 Gestational diabetes mellitus
addressed many of the limitations posed by the aforemen- the GDM group treated by the conventional approach, the
tioned studies. A population of 555 women with untreated results were comparable. In contrast, the pregnancy outcome
GDM were matched with 1110 women treated for the dis- in GDMs treated with intensified therapy showed signifi-
ease as well as 1110 normal subjects. Patients in the untreated cantly lower rates of complications. This finding demon-
group were recruited to the study after 37 weeks gestation strates that outcome of pregnancy is directly dependent on
that left the fetus exposed to the glucose toxicity throughout treatment modality (Table 20.5).
pregnancy and precluded lifestyle modifications such as diet Fasting plasma glucose is accepted as the gold standard
that could have influenced pregnancy outcome. The diag- for severity of diabetes. This is true in individuals with type 2
nostic criteria used in the study are one of two accepted and diabetes and in women with GDM. In an attempt to control
recommended in the last decade since it was supported by for different GDM severity levels in the treated and untreated
two international workshops on GDM that represent inter- GDMs, we stratified the patients based on increases in fast-
national consensus,79,80 American College of Obstetricians ing plasma glucose (10 mg increments) for each severity cat-
and Gynecologists (ACOG),81 and the ADA recommenda- egory. In the treated GDMs, similar perinatal outcome exists
tions.82 Two nondiabetic controls were matched to each for all fasting severity categories reiterating the importance
untreated GDM on the basis of the following characteristics: of achieving targeted levels of glycemic control. In contrast,
ethnicity, parity, gestational age at delivery (within 1 week), in the untreated GDMs, significant morbidity was found
disease severity (based on fasting plasma glucose level), obe- in each fasting plasma category of severity. Logistic regres-
sity (BMI), and number of prenatal visits. The treated sub- sion revealed in the untreated group that fasting plasma
jects used self-monitoring blood glucose memory reflectance glucose (severity of disease) had a significant independent
meters seven times daily in order to receive accurate feed- impact when each 10 mg increment increased the likelihood
back regarding glycemic profile. of adverse outcome (composite) by 15%; for each pound
A composite adverse outcome comprised of LGA, neona- increase in obese patients, the likelihood of adverse outcome
tal respiratory disease, hypoglycemia, hyperbilirubinemia, increased by 3%. For the treated GDMs, parity was found to
shoulder dystocia, and stillbirth enabled the evaluation of have a 6% increment for every child and obesity and weight
neonatal disease (morbidity) in addition to specific morbidity gain had a negligible effect although both were found to be
components. A composite adverse outcome of the aforemen- statistically significant.
tioned variables was present in 59% of the untreated compared Even in patients with lesser degrees of glucose intoler-
with 18% of the treated and 11% for the nondiabetic popula- ance (fasting plasma glucose <96 mg/dL), there were signifi-
tion. The rates of LGA infants were 29% in untreated versus cantly higher rates of morbidity in untreated women. For
11% with treatment that was similar to the rate in the control the nondiabetic group, the analysis revealed that gestational
population. There was a twofold to fourfold increased risk for age at delivery, previous macrosomia, and glucose screening
large infants and shoulder dystocia, a twofold to sevenfold results had significant independent effects on the composite
increased risk for metabolic and respiratory complications, a outcome. Moreover, for the mild GDM group (fasting glu-
fourfold increased risk for NICU admissions, and a twofold cose level <96 mg/dL), treatment was associated with 10%
increased risk for c/s. Multiple logistic regression analysis LGA rate in comparison to 20% without the benefit of treat-
confirmed fasting glucose as the most predictive cause for ment, composite outcome of 31% compared to 17%, respec-
the composite perinatal outcome in untreated GDM. There tively. Glucose intolerance discovered during pregnancy
was a twofold to threefold decrease in adverse outcome with can be ameliorated with medical intervention in all levels of
treatment after controlling for maternal weight, parity, and GDM severity.
disease severity according to fasting glucose level. Moreover, Nearly 40 years have passed from the original O’Sullivan
when the outcome in the untreated group was compared to randomized study36 that demonstrated that women
164 Gestational diabetes mellitus
with one abnormal value retested after 4 weeks showed that outcome variables were macrosomia (≥4000 g), LGA, and
about 33% had at least two abnormal values on the OGTT. neonatal FFM. Maternal outcomes included preeclampsia,
Gruendhammer et al.88 studied 152 women with one abnor- induction of labor, and cesarean delivery. The rate of com-
mal glucose value match controlled to 304 nondiabetic posite outcome in the treated and untreated groups was
women with normal OGTT values. They found that women 32.4% versus 37.0% (nonsignificant), respectively. None of
with only one abnormal OGTT value had increased risk in the individual frequency components of the composite out-
comparison to the control subjects. Similar results were found come were statistically different between the two groups.
in other studies.89,90 Recently, the use of one abnormal value In the secondary outcomes, there were significantly lower
as part of GDM diagnosis was endorsed by the International rates of LGA, macrosomia, and shoulder dystocia (1.5%
Diabetes in Pregnancy Group and the American Diabetes treated vs. 4.0% untreated). Preeclampsia results showed
Association.11,82 This endorsement documented that mild 8.6% for the treated versus 13.6% for the untreated subjects.
to severe hyperglycemia when unrecognized and untreated There are several major dissimilarities in the research
caused higher rates of adverse pregnancy outcome. design of each study: the NICHD, AICHOS, and Langer.
The NICHD Maternal-Fetal Medical Units (MFMU)9 These variances resulted in different outcome rates. What
trial sought to identify the lower end of the glucose is more scientifically sound is to indicate and emphasize
spectrum (“mild” GDM, fasting plasma glucose below the direction, i.e., reduced or increased rather than fre-
95 mg/dL). The rationale for addressing this end of the quency of rates when describing outcomes (Table 20.7).
spectrum was also related to the ethical considerations of The ACHOIS study 8 was based on an ethnically homoge-
participation in a randomized study of GDM treatment. neous population, while the NICHD and our study were
By following this reasoning, they recognized that patients more ethnically diverse (Langer study more Hispanic
with abnormal OGTT results (fasting plasma glucose >95 women included). The ethnic diversity affects GDM
mg/dL) are GDM and, therefore, should be treated. Four prevalence. In contrast, successful treatment resulted in
hundred and eighty-five women who met the entry criteria controlling abnormal glucose levels, which in turn led
were randomized to treatment, and 473 received the stan- to lowering the adverse pregnancy outcome. Therefore,
dard prenatal care. The treatment arm performed daily self- treatment will not be affected by ethnicity but rather by
monitored blood glucose testing with the glycemic target achieving targeted levels of glycemic control. As noted
achieved in the vast majority of cases. The primary peri- earlier, each study used different definitions for compos-
natal outcome was composite outcome that included peri- ite outcome and metabolic complications (hypoglycemia,
natal death, neonatal hypoglycemia, hyperbilirubinemia, hyperbilirubinemia), therefore making study results dif-
elevated cord C-peptide level, and birth trauma. Secondary ficult to compare (Table 20.8).
Table 20.8 Comparison of treatment effect for different outcome definitions in the
case–control study, ACHOIS study, and NICHD MFMU trial
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ter]. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1985; 152: 918–919. limitations of observational epidemiology. Obstet Gynecol 2012;
6. Beard R, Hoet J. Is gestational diabetes a clinical entity? 120(4): 920–927.
Diabetologia 1982; 23(4): 307–312. 14. Ryan E, Enns L. Role of gestational hormones in the induction of
7. Langer O, Yogev Y, Most O. Gestational diabetes: The con- insulin resistance. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1988; 67: 431–437.
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8. Crowther C, Hiller J, Moss J et al. Effect of treatment of gestational 16. Matsubara M, Maruoka S, Katayose S. Decreased plasma adi-
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66. Vohr B, McGarvey S. Growth patterns of large-for-gestational age 80. Metzger BE. Summary and Recommendations of the Third
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21 Gestational diabetes mellitus
in multiple pregnancies
Matteo Andrea Bonomo and Angela Napoli
170 Gestational diabetes mellitus in multiple pregnancies
1.7 1.5
1.2 3.1 Physiology of multiple pregnancies
Weight and caloric intake
1.3 Given the increased metabolic rate and higher caloric
needs in twin pregnancies, the U.S. Institute of Medicine
Guidelines established specific nutritional and weight guide-
lines.16 Women with a twin gestation and normal body mass
1.4 index (BMI) are recommended to gain 37–54 lb (17–24 kg),
overweight women 31–50 lb (14–22 kg), and obese women
25–42 lb (11–19 kg). The daily recommended caloric intake
for women with normal BMI who are pregnant with twins
Figure 21.2 Twinning rates (%) in Italy, 2010: regional differ-
ences. (Data from Basili, F. et al., Analisi dell’evento nascita – is 40–45 kcal/kg during the first trimester, then adjusted as
Anno, 2013, 1, 2010.) necessary for the weight gain goal.17
Glycemic homeostasis in pregnancy 171
Micronutrient supplement (daily total intake) First trimester Second trimester Third trimester
MVI with iron (30 mg elemental tablet) 1 2 2
Calcium (mg) 1500 2500 2500
Vitamin D (international units) 1000 1000 1000
Magnesium (mg) 400 800 800
Zinc (mg) 15 30 30
DHA/EPA (mg) 300–500 300–500 300–500
Folic acid (mg) 1 1 1
Vitamin C (mg) 500–1000 500–1000 500–1000
Vitamin E (international units) 400 400 400
Source: Modified from Goodnight, W. et al., Obstet. Gynecol., 114, 1121, 2009. With permission.
Abbreviations: DHA, docosahexaenoic acid; EPA, eicosapentaenoic acid; MVI, multivitamin.
Iron and other micronutrients glucose, lipids, and amino acids are available for the fetus.
Women with twin gestations require nearly double the iron Even with hepatic glucose production increased by approxi-
replacement (about 869 mg elemental iron) of a singleton mately 30%, fasting glucose concentrations fall, probably
pregnancy, on account of the larger amount being trans- secondary to the fetoplacental utilization. Placental and fetal
ported to the fetuses. When iron-deficiency anemia is man- demand for glucose is considerable and may even approach
ifest, 60–120 mg of elemental iron daily for 4 weeks raises the equivalent of 150 g/day of glucose in the third trimester.
the hemoglobin concentration by 1 g/dL. Considering the Glucose transport to the fetus is in direct proportion
increased incidence of hypochromic anemia already pres- to the maternal levels and is boosted by a fivefold increase
ent in twin pregnancies, appropriate iron supplementation in placental glucose flux even in the absence of maternal
is strongly indicated in these women, as both in singleton hyperglycemia. If fetal glucose requirements cannot be met
and multiple pregnancies it can reduce the 3–17 times higher because of maternal hypoglycemia or placental insufficiency,
risk of requiring blood transfusion during cesarean section the fetus can draw on alternate substrates, such as ketone
because of mild-to-severe preoperative anemia as well as bodies derived from beta-oxidation of fatty acids.
the risk of premature labor and the severity of postpartum Insulin does not cross the placenta, and fetal insulin pro-
hemorrhage.18,19 duction starts early.
Recommendations for micronutrient supplementation in
twin pregnancies, summarized in Table 21.1, are based on
expert opinion, and the long-term implications for a woman’s Multiple pregnancy: A potentially diabetogenic
health due to nutrient deficiency are not known. However, condition
calcium, vitamin D, zinc, magnesium, folate, vitamin C, and Women with multifetal gestations undergo significant physio-
omega-3 fatty acids are all important in fetal development.18 logical adaptations beyond the metabolic, cardiovascular, and
hematologic changes expected for a singleton pregnancy. The
levels of pregnancy-related diabetogenic hormones, including
Glycemic homeostasis in pregnancy human placental lactogen, estrogens, progesterone, and corti-
sol,23 are higher in multiple than singleton pregnancies because
Singleton pregnancy: A potentially diabetogenic of the growing placental mass. At term, the median weight of
condition twin placentas is about 1119 g, almost double the median pla-
Pregnancy itself is to some extent a “diabetogenic” state on cental weight for singleton boys (679 g) and girls (668 g).24
account of the continuous changes in maternal hormone Although the larger placental mass in twin gestation
concentrations. Over the course of gestation, the insulin results in an increase in placental-derived steroid hormones
response to nutrients progressively rises, while glucose tol- that may predispose to glucose intolerance by increasing
erance changes only slightly. The balance is maintained insulin resistance, the risk is likely to be offset by the increase
by progressive increases in basal and postprandial insulin in caloric expenditure with the higher metabolic rate neces-
concentrations to counteract the rising insulin resistance.20 sary to maintain a twin/multiple gestation.25 Twin gestations
At the end of pregnancy, the basal and 24 hours mean insu- have higher metabolic rates than a singleton pregnancy, with
lin concentrations may be double those before pregnancy, maternal resting energy expenditure 10% greater, resulting
with the first and second phases of insulin secretion three in a 40% increase in caloric requirements.17 In addition, BMI
times greater.20–22 and weight gain during pregnancy, which are important
The increases in insulin resistance mean slightly higher contributors to the insulin resistance, are also higher in twin
postprandial concentrations of metabolic fuels including than singleton pregnancies.26–29
172 Gestational diabetes mellitus in multiple pregnancies
Table 21.2 Common screening tests for gestational diabetes mellitus in twin pregnancies
Table 21.3 OGTT results in twin and singleton pregnancies with an abnormal
glucose challenge test result (>140 mg/dL)
Twins Singletons
Outcome (71) (1222) p value
Mean gestational week at testing 27.2 ± 1.7 27.5 ± 2.6 0.3
Result 1 (fasting)
Mean (mg/dL) 75.0 ± 11.7 75.2 ± 14.5 0.9
>95 mg/dL 2 (2.8) 74 (6.1) 0.3
Result 2 (60 min)
Mean (mg/dL) 160.0 ± 33.9 162.0 ± 31.8 0.6
>180 mg/dL 13 (18.3) 338 (27.7) 0.09
Result 3 (120 min)
Mean (mg/dL) 129.3 ± 30.7 128.7 ± 29.5 0.9
>155 mg/dL 11 (15.5) 229 (18.7) 0.5
Result 4 (180 min)
Mean (mg/dL) 93.6 ± 15.8 97.3 ± 21.2 0.1
>140 mg/dL 3 (4.2) 47 (3.4) 0.7
No abnormal results 56 (78.9) 809 (66.2) 0.03
(false-positive GCT)
One or more abnormal results 15 (21.1) 413 (33.8) 0.03
Two or more abnormal results 9 (12.7) 281 (23.0) 0.04
Source: Modified from Yogev, Y. et al., J. Matern. Fetal. Neonatal Med., 27, 57, 2014. With permission.
Note: Results are presented as mean ± SD, or no. (%).
Abbreviation: GCT, glucose challenge test.
National Diabetes Data Group,36 and Carpenter and was no information on the clinical subtypes of diabetes in
Coustan,37 as well as to the small populations studied and pregnancy. However, during the study reference period, uni-
differences in study design). versal screening for GDM was in place. The 3-hour 100 g
The oldest studies, in the 1980s, used an i.v. glucose toler- OGTT was routinely used for the diagnosis of GDM, accord-
ance test to evaluate the carbohydrate metabolism, but the ing to the diagnostic criteria recommended by the American
results in twin and singleton pregnancies were not univo- Diabetes Association or the National Diabetes Data Group.
cal.23,38,39 Subsequently, however, with the OGTT, some stud- The actual role of multiple pregnancies in the frequency
ies have indicated an increase in the incidence of GDM in of GDM is also hard to establish because of the confound-
twin pregnancies,31,40–42 while others find no difference from ing effect of ART and other infertility treatments that, as we
singleton pregnancy rates43–45 (Table 21.4). In the United have seen earlier, often give rise to multifetal pregnancies.
States, a retrospective cohort-based analysis of 281,505 twin Many recent studies report higher rates of GDM in pregnant
births between 1995 and 2000 confirmed a 3.5% rate of dia- women treated with various types of ART or ovarian hor-
betes46; mothers were more likely to be black (6.9% vs. 3.8%) monal stimulation; this finding, however, was seen both in
and older than 35 (28.8% vs. 18.5%). Unfortunately, there singleton and multiple pregnancies, suggesting a direct effect
Table 21.4 Prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus in singleton and multiple pregnancies, based on oral
glucose tolerance test
Risk ratio between 2007 and 2009 in the Australian National Perinatal
M-H, fixed, 95% Cl Data Collection.57 Comparing ART and non-ART pregnan-
cies, the overall frequency of GDM was significantly higher
in the ART group (7.6% vs. 5.0%). Looking then at multiple
pregnancies, even though the prevalence of GDM was higher
in ART than non-ART cases, multivariate analysis did not
show a significant difference (Table 21.5).
These data suggest that the higher risk of GDM after ART
is not due to an effect on multifetality and that other factors
must be considered—for example, the cause of infertility.
Table 21.5 Prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus in pregnancies conceived with assisted
reproductive technology procedures, compared with spontaneous conception (nonassisted
reproductive technology)
Total GDM Total OR AORa
(no.) (%) (no.) GDM (%) (95% CI) (95% CI)
All mothers 386.660 5.0 13.732 7.5 1.53 (1.43–1.64) 1.26 (1.18–1.36)
Singleton 381.402 7.3 12.105 8.8 1.22 (0.99–1.49) 1.18 (0.94–1.48)
Twin 5.208 5.0 1.571 7.6 1.55 (1.45–1.65) 1.28 (1.20–1.37)
Source: Modified from Wang, Y.A. et al., Hum. Reprod., 28(9), 2554, 2013. With permission.
Note: Data from the Australian National Perinatal Data Collection (NDPC), 2007–2009.
Abbreviations: AOR, adjusted odds ratio; CI, confidence interval; OR, odds ratio.
a Adjusted for age, parity, body mass index, health insurance, smoking during pregnancy, and essential hypertension.
Multiple pregnancies and GDM 175
Coming back to simple twin GDM pregnancies, prob- present high rates of hypertensive disorders and preeclamp-
ably the period of metabolic derangement after diagnosis sia,66 and the most frequent perinatal complications are
(few weeks) is too short to make it necessary to introduce excessive fetal growth and macrosomia,67 with consequent
significant changes in the therapeutic approach usually increased frequency of birth trauma, shoulder dystocia and
adopted in singleton pregnancies complicated by the same maternal morbidity due to operative delivery, and preterm
problem. This is not true, however, for twin pregnancies in deliveries. Perinatal mortality rates (stillbirths and neonatal
mothers who already have type 1 diabetes. death) may also be higher than normal.
In a retrospective study of 15 twin pregnancies with type 1 On the other hand, as reported in Table 21.6, a twin or
diabetes followed at the same center in Copenhagen, Callesen multiple pregnancy is itself a risk factor for several perina-
and colleagues60 investigated the insulin requirement during tal negative outcomes,18,68,69 such as low birth weight (LBW)
gestation, compared with a group of 108 singleton pregnan- and prematurity,70 stillbirth and neonatal death,71–73 mater-
cies with type 1 diabetes. With a HbA1c target ≤5.6% in the nal hypertension and preeclampsia, and hemolysis, elevated
second part of pregnancy, they reported small increases in liver enzymes, and low platelets syndrome.74,75 It is therefore
insulin doses from prepregnancy until 8 weeks, a decrease interesting to see how the combination of these two poten-
from 8 to 14 weeks, a substantial increase from 14 to 27 weeks, tially dangerous conditions—GDM and twin pregnancy—
and a stable insulin requirement from 27 to 33 weeks. Thus, influence pregnancy outcomes. The few studies reported in
the insulin requirement before pregnancy until 14 weeks was the last decade have produced controversial results.
comparable in twin and singleton pregnancies; the total insu- A small group of 28 twin pregnancies with GDM was
lin requirement increase doubled weekly between 14 and 27 examined in 2003 by Moses et al. in Australia76 in compari-
gestational weeks in twin pregnancies; this was explained by son with 29 control twin normoglycemic pregnancies; no
the growth of the total fetal and placental mass. From 27 to differences were found in pregnancy outcome (birth weight,
33 weeks, the insulin requirement remained fairly stable com- Apgar score, gestational week of delivery), with the excep-
pared with the continuous steady rise usually seen in single- tion of a higher rate of elective cesarean sections for twin
ton diabetic pregnancies; this was very likely due to the more pregnancies.
limited placental and fetal growth often seen toward the end In 2006, a Korean group77 examined 99 twin pregnancies
of twin pregnancies, possibly associated with some stagnation delivered at Cheil General Hospital in Seoul in 1998–2002,
in hormonal production, although the final placental weight in a case–control study comparing 33 women with GDM
was 74% higher in twins than singleton pregnancies with and 66 nondiabetic mothers. Again, no significant differ-
type 1 diabetes (1220 vs. 700 g). ences were found in birth weight, Apgar score, respiratory
As placental growth can be expected to follow simi- distress syndrome, and other possible complications such
lar patterns in twin pregnancies with GDM, the smaller as meconium aspiration pneumonia, transient tachypnea of
increase in insulin needs in these women might conceivably newborn, hyperbilirubinemia, hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia,
be attributable to a lower degree of glycometabolic alteration, and congenital anomalies. Intrauterine fetal death occurred
and to its shorter duration, insufficient to cause a substantial in two pregnancies in each group (NS). Women with GDM
difference from singleton pregnancies. were followed with a glycemic target of 60–95 mg/dL fasting,
and 120 mg/dL 2 hours postprandial; insulin (added when at
least 20% of measurements were above the target) was nec-
Glucose control and pregnancy outcome essary in 6 out of 33 (18%) cases, achieving optimal glucose
GDM generally raises the risks of adverse complications for control in all cases.
both mother and child,61,62 but these risks can be reduced Three other studies have since been published on the
with appropriate diagnosis and treatment.63–65 Pregnancies same subject: in 2011 in Portugal by Simões,78 in 2012 by
complicated by untreated or suboptimally controlled GDM González González79 in nine tertiary university centers in
Abbreviation: HELLP, hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelets syndrome.
176 Gestational diabetes mellitus in multiple pregnancies
Spain, and in 2013 by Luo et al.,46 using 1995–2000 data of complications and patient or provider preference, there were
the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). 2.5 times the number of cesarean sections compared with
Simões et al.78 reported a retrospective case–control study singleton deliveries.
on 105 twin pregnancies with GDM matched, with a 3:1
ratio, with 315 non-GDM controls. The only significant dif-
ference was in the prevalence of respiratory distress at birth Discussion and conclusions
and jaundice, which were more frequent in GDM pregnan-
cies; a higher rate of perinatal mortality in the same group The substantial increase in the frequency of multiple preg-
did not reach statistical significance. No information was nancies recorded in the last few decades, mainly as a result
available on the glucose control in diabetic mothers. of the growth in the use of ART techniques and therapies
The Spanish group conducted a retrospective observa- linked to ovarian stimulation, led us to expect some negative
tional study on 534 twin pregnancies, 257 with GDM and consequences related to the potential “diabetogenic” effect of
277 with normal glucose tolerance.79 GDM was associated the growing placental mass. There was worry not only about
with a higher risk of hypertensive complications, prematu- an increase in the prevalence of GDM and other alterations
rity, and macrosomia (not large for gestational age [LGA]), in the carbohydrate metabolism in these cases, but also
but a significantly lower risk of small-for-gestational-age about unfavorable outcomes in women with both these inde-
(SGA) infants. Prematurity was related not to GDM but to pendent risk factors—GDM and multiple pregnancy.
other pregnancy complications. Apgar scores, rate of admis- In actual fact, the figures on the prevalence of GDM in
sion to neonatal intensive care units, and perinatal mortality multiple pregnancies are discordant. There does appear to be a
were similar in mothers with GDM and controls. greater frequency of minor glucose tolerance disorders, partic-
The study by Luo et al.46 is important because of the huge ularly with frequently positive 50 g OGTT, but there seems to be
number of pregnancies examined. From the NCHS matched no rise in the diagnoses of GDM. There may in fact, therefore,
multiple-birth data for 1995–2000, the authors obtained be some sort of compensatory effect, resulting from the greater
information on about 20,000 twin pregnancies complicated calorie consumption and higher metabolic rate, which would
by diabetes (the type of diabetes was not specified, but prob- reduce the consequences on the material carbohydrate metabo-
ably mainly GDM), and more than 540,000 nondiabetic lism of the altered endocrine milieu due to the high concentra-
twin pregnancies. A previous article by the same group80 tions of placental hormones with “anti-insulin” action.
had reported a potential protective effect of diabetes against Similarly, in women with GDM complicating a multiple
neonatal death in twin pregnancies. Therefore, to exclude pregnancy, the obstetric and perinatal outcomes seem no
the hypothesis that this apparently positive result could different from single pregnancies. This obviously depends on
“mask” serious problems preceding delivery causing an how metabolic control is maintained after diagnosis, but it
increase in fetal deaths, this study was designed to assess does not seem any harder to manage diabetes during a mul-
the consequences of diabetes complicating twin pregnancies tiple pregnancy. The proportions of women requiring insulin
on perinatal mortality, considering both fetal and neonatal are in fact close to those for single pregnancy, and the insu-
deaths. The results, however, were not univocal: the risks of lin doses needed in such cases do not seem any higher; the
stillbirths and neonatal death were lower in very preterm or situation is different, however, in multiple pregnancies with
very-low-birth-weight twin diabetic pregnancies, but not pregestational diabetes.
among neonates with normal birth weight, where these rates There even seems to be a protective effect against peri-
were higher in diabetic women. Moreover, the lower risk of natal mortality, at least for preterm births and very-low-
perinatal death in diabetic twin pregnancies was observed birth-weight neonates, as if slight hyperglycemia in early
for vaginal but not cesarean section births. Overall, however, pregnancy gave some sort of “survival advantage.” Luo’s
perinatal death was less frequent in twin diabetic than non- findings, however, are surprising and certainly call for fur-
diabetic pregnancies (2.1% vs. 3.3%), confirming the trend ther confirmation, with greater details of the type of meta-
evidenced in 2011. bolic alteration present.
Looking at secondary outcomes, in diabetic pregnancies, In conclusion, the question of how GDM and multiple
mothers were more likely to have reported any other mater- fetuses are related is definitely important, especially in view
nal major illness (10.6% vs. 4.6%) or to have a cesarean sec- of the current “epidemic” of multiple pregnancies. However,
tion delivery (60.8% vs. 51.9%). Preterm (61.4% vs. 56.1%) or findings so far on the interaction between the two condi-
LGA (13.3% vs. 9.3%) births and congenital anomalies (2.8% tions seem reassuring. Once more, the main factor is the
vs. 2.1%) were also more frequent in diabetic pregnancies. importance of metabolic control on the outcome of a preg-
Extremely preterm births were slightly less frequent (10.5% nancy complicated by GDM, so it is essential to achieve and
vs. 12.1%) and slightly preterm births more frequent (50.9% maintain optimal glycemic levels, regardless of the number
vs. 44.0%) in diabetic pregnancies. LBW (52.5% vs. 54.6%) of fetuses. Diagnostic and therapeutic strategies regard-
and SGA (9.9% vs. 10.8%) infants were slightly less fre- ing the carbohydrate metabolism in women with multiple
quent in diabetic pregnancies. Among the extreme preterm pregnancies should therefore be no different from the uni-
births in diabetic and nondiabetic pregnancies, SGA was versally accepted approach for single pregnancies, which
slightly less frequent (10.0% vs. 11.7%), while LGA was simi- have achieved progressive improvements in maternofetal
lar (10.1% vs. 9.7%). Given the higher rates of twin pregnancy outcomes in recent years.
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22 Glycemic goals in diabetic
pregnancy and defining
“good control”: Maternal
and fetal perspective
Liran Hiersch and Yariv Yogev
180 Glycemic goals in diabetic pregnancy and defining “good control”
perinatal mortality in this population. However, perinatal infants based on its mathematical definition (>90th percen-
mortality rate is increased not only in women with preexist- tile) is 10%. Similarly, the rate of small-for-gestational-age
ing diabetes but also in women with GDM.14–16 In GDM, the (SGA) infants (<10th percentile) should be 10%. The rates
coeffect of other factors, such as the relatively older pregnant found in those of pregnant diabetic women should, there-
mother in comparison to the gravid nondiabetic population fore, be compared to the aforementioned baselines. Previous
and the presence of comorbidities (e.g., hypertension, obe- studies have reported rates of macrosomia and LGA of
sity), may also attribute to the increased risk of perinatal 10%–20% and 15%–30%, respectively.26–29 However, when
death. In a large cohort study of 4,757 women with GDM and exploring the association between the level of glycemic
10,804 nondiabetic gravidas, the rate of perinatal mortality control and fetal growth pattern, a control should be made
was evaluated.17 In this cohort, 79% of the study population for important confounding variables that were proven to be
achieved targeted levels of glycemic control (mean blood glu- associated with neonatal over-/undergrowth such as mater-
cose < 105 mg/dL). The incidence of stillbirth was 4.8/1000 nal obesity, gestational weight gain, and preeclampsia.30–32
for the subjects with GDM and 4.2/1000 for the nondiabetic Numerous studies have shown that by achieving the
subjects with neonatal death rates of 5.2/1000 and 5.3/1000, desired glycemic control, the rate of macrosomia and LGA
respectively. In seems that achievement of targeted levels of of neonates among diabetic gravidas can be reduced to
glycemic control in the GDM population can reduce the peri- closer, if not similar, to the general population.18,33–35 Landon
natal mortality to rates comparable to the general popula- et al. reported an LGA rate of 9.3% with a mean blood glu-
tion. Similar rates of perinatal mortality between nondiabetic cose <110 mg/dL in 43 patients with well-controlled type 1
gravidas and patients with intensified managed GDM were diabetes.35 With mean blood glucose levels >126 mg/dL in
reported.18 This study demonstrates again the relative protec- 32 patients, the LGA rate was 34%. Langer and associates
tive effect of controlling the abnormal levels of glycemia. found a rate of LGA in women with preexisting diabetes
The data suggest that both gestational and preexisting comparable to the rate in the general population (10%) when
diabetes are associated with increased perinatal mortality the mean self-monitoring blood glucose (SMBG) was within
when established level of glycemia is not achieved. Although 90–95 mg/dL.18 In a secondary analysis of the Metformin
the increased rate for perinatal mortality may be multifac- in Gestational Diabetes (MiG) trial evaluating 724 women
torial, it appears that a threshold of mean blood glucose with GDM who failed to achieve desired glycemic control
<100–110 mg/dL will be sufficient for the prevention of this under exclusive diet therapy, the lowest risk for LGA was
complication. when mean fasting glucose value was <90 mg/dL and when
2-hours postprandial values were <105–115 mg/dL unrelated
to maternal body mass index or treatment modality.29
Congenital anomalies However, it appears that tighter is not always better.
Since GDM is expressed in the late second or early third tri- Langer et al.36 have found that in GDM a threshold of mean
mester, which is beyond the period of fetal organogenesis, blood glucose <87 mg/dL was associated with an increased
congenital anomalies are a complication of mainly preexist- risk for SGA neonates. Similar relationship was found
ing diabetes. In studies reporting the association between between lower HbA1C levels before delivery (<5.7%) and
glycemic control and congenital anomalies, the method increased risk for SGA infants in women with type 1 diabe-
that was used for glycemic control evaluation was hemoglo- tes.28 Thus, in respect to deviant fetal growth patterns, both
bin A1C (HbA1C), mean blood glucose, mean fasting glu- upper and lower threshold should be used to define desired
cose, or mean postprandial glucose levels depending upon glycemic control.
the study.19–22 Temple et al., in a study measuring HbA1C,
found an increased rate of congenital anomalies already in
threshold of 7.5% (1% vs. 8%, p = 0.03), which translates to Metabolic abnormalities and respiratory complications
mean blood glucose of approximately 170 mg/dL.19 Others, Metabolic complications include fetal hypoglycemia, poly-
who used glucose profile to define the threshold for anoma- cythemia, hyperbilirubinemia, and hypocalcemia. The main
lies, suggested fasting plasma glucose of <120 mg/dL, post- contributor to metabolic complications is fetal hyperin-
prandial <140 mg/dL, preprandial <120 mg/dL, and overall sulinemia, which is also responsible for fetal macrosomia.
mean <110 mg/dL.22–24 In these studies, the preconception Thus, it is reasonable that the recommended thresholds for
rate of anomalies was 1%–1.5%, and in patients above these macrosomia prevention will likewise be advisable for meta-
thresholds, the rate of anomalies ranged from 6% to 12%. bolic complications. Studies in women with type 1 diabetes
With regard to congenital anomalies, the critical period for reported that a mean blood glucose <110 mg/dL was associ-
intervention and risk reduction is before or early in gestation ated with a significant reduction in rates of neonatal hypo-
making preconceptional care mandatory.25 glycemia and respiratory complications compared to poorly
controlled gravidas13 and that the rates were comparable to
the nondiabetes population.35 In GDM, good glycemic con-
Deviant fetal growth: Macrosomic and trol (mean fasting glucose < 95 mg/dL and either 1 hour post-
growth-restricted fetuses prandial <140 mg/dL or 2 hour postprandial <120 mg/dL)
In the general population, the rate of macrosomia (≥4000 g) was associated with decreased rates of neonatal hypoglyce-
is 8%–10%, and the rate of large-for-gestational-age (LGA) mia (7.1% vs. 9.3%, p = 0.031) compared to those who did
Recommended glucose thresholds and normal glucose values during pregnancy: Are they the same? 181
not reach good glycemic control.37 Langer et al. found that Preeclampsia
mean blood glucose <100 mg/dL was associated with simi- Although many studies have reported an increased risk
lar rates of metabolic complications in gravidas with GDM for hypertension and preeclampsia among women with
compared to nondiabetic controls, and that higher levels diabetes,42,51–54 some have disputed this relationship. 55,56
were associated with up to eightfold increased risk.38 As In women with pregestational diabetes, Cohen et al.
regards to respiratory complications, mean blood glucose found that first-trimester HbA1C levels were higher in
>106 mg/dL was associated with delayed appearance of bio- those who subsequently developed preeclampsia com-
chemical markers of pulmonary maturity, though without pared to those who did not (7.7% vs. 6.7%, p = 000.1). 57
correlation with clinical neonatal respiratory morbidity.39 In The association between high HbA1C levels (>8%) during
contrast, others failed to demonstrate the relation between early pregnancy and the rate of subsequent preeclampsia
glycemic control and appearance of biochemical markers of was further reported by others.6 These findings further
pulmonary maturity,40,41 except for uncontrolled diabetes emphasize the importance of prepregnancy optimization
(mean glucose >120 mg/dL) at preterm.40 of glycemic profile in women with type 1 and 2 diabetes.
The association between glycemic control and the rate
of preeclampsia was also reported in women with GDM.
Preterm delivery Yogev et al. found in 1183 women with GDM that those
Preterm delivery is considered the most important etiology with mean blood glucose <95 mg/dL had similar rates of
for neonatal morbidity and mortality. There is a comparable preeclampsia regardless of the severity of GDM (defined
incidence of preterm delivery in women with pregestational by fasting blood glucose levels on the oral glucose toler-
diabetes between types 1 and 2 diabetes (33.6% in women ance test). 54 However, in women with mean blood glucose
with type 1 vs. 32% in women with type 2).42 According to a >95 mg/dL, the rate of preeclampsia was higher in those
multicenter survey (435 pregnancies in women with preges- with fasting glucose >115 mg/dL compared to <115 mg/dL
tational diabetes), diabetes was directly implied in preterm (18.0% vs. 9.8%, OR 2.56, 95% CI 1.5–4.3). In addition, the
delivery risk particularly when first trimester HbA1C >8% severity of GDM (OR 1.7, 95% CI 1.21–2.38) was indepen
occurred and in cases of preexisting nephropathy.43 Others dently and significantly associated with an increased risk
reported that the risk of delivering preterm was more than of preeclampsia.54 Others found that fasting glucose levels
40% when HbA1C was above 7.7% in week 8.44 In a study of >90 mg/dL and/or 2-hour postprandial levels >120 mg/dL
253 gravidas with pregestational diabetes, those with sponta- were associated with increased risk for preeclampsia (OR
neous preterm delivery had at delivery higher mean HbA1C 8.40, 95% CI 4.57–15.42, p < 0.001). 58
levels (8.1% ± 1.4% vs. 7.4% ± 1.2%, p = 0.002) and blood glu- In summary, the level of glycemic control in women
cose (148 ± 30 vs. 109 ± 24 mg/dL, p = 0.043) compared to with pregestational diabetes and GDM is associated with
those delivered at term.45 However, there are differing opin- increased risk for maternal and neonatal complications.
ions if GDM as a single indicator increases the risk of pre- However, glucose values are best described as a continuous
term delivery. Several authors have suggested that there was variable, and the risk to the fetus increases in direct relation
a higher incidence of preterm delivery in association with to the increased level of maternal glycemia. In addition, the
different levels of glucose intolerance,46–48 while others found risk for each outcome measure was shown to correlate with
no difference in the rate of preterm delivery in comparison different glucose threshold. Thus, even if optimal glycemic
to the nondiabetic population.49,50 Scarce data, however, goals cannot be reached, it is important to keep on strug-
exist regarding the effect of maternal glycemic control and gling as it would still minimize the risk for complications
the risk of preterm delivery. Bar-Hava et al.49 demonstrated even if not abolish it.
in a small study similar overall rates of preterm delivery in
both subjects with GDM (n = 34 women) and without GDM
(n = 68 women). Moreover, women with GDM who delivered Recommended glucose thresholds
at term or preterm had similar glycemic profiles for both the
entire treatment period and the week preceding delivery. In and normal glucose values during
contrast, in a large study (n = 1526), Yogev et al.48 reported pregnancy: Are they the same?
that the mean blood glucose was independently associated
with the risk for spontaneous preterm delivery in women Various glycemic thresholds were recommended in patients
with GDM (odds ratio [OR] of 1.94, confidence interval [CI] with diabetes complicating pregnancy (Table 22.1).10,59–61
1.25–3.02) and that only 35% of women with spontaneous Although not identical, the cutoff levels proposed by the
preterm delivery have reached the desired glycemic control different authoritative bodies for each diurnal occasion
(defined as mean blood glucose <105 mg/dL) compared to are within a 10–15 mg/dL range. For example, while the
54% in those delivered at term (p = 0.004). It seems that in American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
pregestational diabetes, HbA1C level <7.7%–8% in early have recommended fasting levels of 60–90 mg/dL,10 the
gestation is desired for the prevention of preterm delivery, Fifth International Workshop-Conference on GDM recom-
whereas mean blood glucose of <105–110 mg/dL could alter mended fasting glucose level <95 mg/dL.60 However, the
the risk of preterm delivery in both gravidas with GDM and sources of these recommendations utilized the concept of
with pregestational diabetic. “mimicking” normality as they were based on nondiabetic
182 Glycemic goals in diabetic pregnancy and defining “good control”
Table 22.1 Comparison between recommended glycemic thresholds in pregnancy and glycemic profile of
nondiabetic gravidas
Glycemic profile
Recommended glycemic thresholds in nondiabetics
Fifth International
American College Workshop- Canadian
of Obstetrics and American Diabetes Conference on Diabetes
Gynecologists10 Association59 GDM60 Association61 Yogev et al.62
Fasting (mg/dL) 60–90 <105 <96 <95 75 ± 12
Premeal (mg/dL) 60–105 GDM <95/type I or — — 78 ± 11
II DM—60–99
Postmeal (mg/dL)
1 hour <130–140 <155 <140 <140 105 ± 13
2 hours <120 <130 <120 <120 97 ± 11
Mean (mg/dL) 100 — — — 84 ± 18
glucose profiles. One of only few studies who reported data research, advances in glucose monitoring, and treatment
concerning glycemic profile in nondiabetic gravidas was modalities, women with diabetes complicating pregnancy
conducted by Yogev et al., who measured interstitial glu- still experience higher rate of adverse outcome compared to
cose levels in subcutaneous tissue every 5 minutes using the general population. Several studies have shown that even
continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) for 72 consecu- meticulous glucose control aiming and achieving strict gly-
tive hours in nondiabetic gravidas.62 They found that for cemic targets, as advised by present guidelines and recom-
nonobese women, the fasting blood glucose level was 75 ± mendations, did not eliminate adverse perinatal outcome,
12 mg/dL, the mean blood glucose level was 83.7 ± 18 mg/ especially macrosomia, compared to the general population.
dL, the postprandial peak glucose value level was 110 ± In a small study, the rate of macrosomic fetuses of 14 women
16 mg/dL, and the time interval that was needed to reach with type 1 diabetes who were treated with continuous sub-
peak postprandial glucose level was 70 ± 13 minutes. A cutaneous insulin infusion and reached a desired glycemic
similar postprandial glycemic profile was obtained for control was assessed.65 Mean HbA1C level by trimesters was
breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Obese women were charac- 6.5% ± 0.9%, 5.9% ± 0.7%, and 5.8% ± 0.6%. Yet average birth
terized by a significantly higher postprandial glucose peak weight was 3312.1 ± 750 g with macrosomia (>4000 g) rate of
value, increased 1- and 2-hour postprandial glucose levels, 35%. Evers et al. reported similar findings in a cohort of 289
increased time interval for glucose peak, and significantly gravidas with type 1 diabetes, of whom 25.3% had a birth
lower mean blood glucose during the night. No difference weight greater than 4000 g.66 The mean HbA1C (%) levels
was found in fasting and mean blood glucose between achieved were 6.5 + 1.0, 6.0 + 0.9, and 6.2 + 1.1 during the
obese and nonobese subjects. Almost similar results in first, second, and third trimester, respectively. Evidence from
nonobese nondiabetic gravidas were obtained by Parretti studies by Mello et al.67 and Howorka et al.,68 who showed
et al.63 The thresholds endorsed by various authoritative that mean glucose levels required for normal birth weight
bodies represent merely the upper 1 or 2 standard devia- was <100 mg/dL with standard deviation (SD) of 12 mg/dL
tions from mean glucose value of nondiabetic gravidas, (noting a high rate of hypoglycemia) also supports the argu-
while other factors such as maternal BMI or the specific ment that macrosomia prevention requires more strict gly-
outcome variable, which was meant to be prevented, was cemic control than usually recommended during pregnancy
not encountered. In addition, even if nondiabetic glucose complicated by diabetes.
profile is achieved by a diabetic gravida, is it sufficient for
preventing diabetes-associated complications?
Glucose monitoring: The effect on
Does achieving good glycemic control glycemic control and pregnancy
eliminate complications associated outcome
with diabetes? The ability to monitor glucose values is of historical signifi-
cance, since throughout recorded history, physicians have
The management of diabetes in pregnancy, as put forward by been familiar with diabetes and have “finger dipped” in
the “St. Vincent” declaration, was aimed at achieving near- order to detect the “sweetness” of patients’ urine. This imper-
normal pregnancy outcomes.64 However, despite aggressive fect technique was used until the development of urine sticks
Glucose monitoring: The effect on glycemic control and pregnancy outcome 183
in the early twentieth century that were sensitive enough to In patients with type 1 diabetes, Kerssen et al.74 reported
detect glycosuria. Research efforts have continuously been that the detection of hyper- and hypoglycemia was sig-
directed toward the development of a process for testing nificantly higher in women with 10 or more SMBG deter-
blood glucose using either visual or electronic interpreta- minations daily than in patients with fewer. However, no
tion with a reflectance meter. The original meters used a wet correlation with pregnancy outcome was reported. In con-
method that often required as many as four steps (approxi- trast, Homko et al.75 randomly assigned 58 women with diet-
mately 10 minutes/step) to obtain one test result. Today’s controlled GDM and a fasting blood glucose level <95 mg/dL
reflectance meters are more user-friendly and include a to two groups. The experimental group measured their blood
memory chip for data storage and one-step testing. Recently, glucose levels four times daily using a reflectance meter with
a CGM technique was developed that facilitates the collec- a memory chip. Metabolic status was assessed in the con-
tion of even more accurate glucose data. However, is it the trol group by periodic monitoring at prenatal visits. They
most sophisticated method of glucose monitoring associated reported no significant differences with regard to dietary
with the best clinical results? compliance, birth weight, gestational age at delivery, rates of
macrosomia, delivery by cesarean section, Apgar scores, and
neonatal complications. It seems that the optimal frequency
Glycosylated hemoglobin: Can a single measure of for blood glucose monitoring should probably be different
glycemic level be valuable? among the various diabetes groups with diet-controlled
Traditionally, in nonpregnant diabetic patients, glycosyl- GDM needing the less frequent monitoring.
ated hemoglobin (HbA1C) became the indicator of long-
term glycemia. It is a modification of hemoglobin caused
by the attachment of glucose to the N-terminus of the beta The role of continuous glucose monitoring during
chain. The rate of attachment is determined by the glucose pregnancy
concentration in the blood. Based on the lifespan of the red The main advantage of CGM is by recognizing period of
blood cells that averages 120 days, different reports have hypo- or hyperglycemia that could not be detected using
suggested that the predictability of HbA1C ranges from 4 to routine determinations using SMBG. In pregnancies com-
10 weeks.69,70 Thus, it is virtually impossible to alter treat- plicated with type 1 diabetes, Yogev et al.76 demonstrated a
ment modality based on retrospective data, especially in mean total time (192 ± 28 minutes/day) of undetected hyper-
GDM since the window of opportunity is so small. Yet lately, glycemia (glucose levels > 140 mg/dL) identified by CGM,
Jovanovic et al. found that in 24 women with GDM and ini- which would not be recognized if SMBG was used alone.
tial HbA1C ≥7.0%, a decline of 0.47% per week in HbA1C Moreover, when GDM patients were evaluated, the mean
levels was observed in response to carbohydrate-restricted total time of hyperglycemia was 132 ± 31 minutes/day for
diet or insulin treatment.71 This finding, if proven by larger- those treated with insulin and 94 ± 23 minutes/day for those
scale studies, could reflect a possible utility of HbA1C mea- treated with diet only.77
surement during therapy. Until then, HbA1C measurement The efficacy and effectiveness of CGM during pregnancy
should be reserved for preexisting diabetes especially at was assessed in a recently published systematic review by
the first office visit for counseling for the risk of congenital Voormolen et al.78 They retrieved 5032 articles, 11 of which
anomalies and macro and micro complications throughout remained as relevant after selection according to predefined
pregnancy. criteria. Of those, only two studies were randomized con-
trolled trials (RCTs) evaluating the effect on pregnancy
outcome with conflicting results. Murphy et al.79 ran-
Is there an optimal frequency for blood glucose domly allocated pregnant women with type 1 or 2 DM
determinations? to either standard antenatal care with SMBG (n = 33) or to
Nowadays, the role of SMBG in nonpregnant and pregnant standard antenatal care with additional CGM use (n = 38).
women has become the standard of care for achieving tar- Retrospective CGM was planned every 4–6 weeks for a
geted levels of glycemic control.72 However, the optimal fre- period of 5–7 consecutive days and was executed on aver-
quency for blood glucose determinations is unclear. Langer age 4.2 times per pregnancy. Lower HbA1C values were seen
et al.18 demonstrated in a prospective study that a mean throughout pregnancy in the CGM group, but this difference
blood glucose obtained from SMBG (seven times/day, inten- did not reach statistical significance until at 32–36 weeks
sified treatment group), using memory reflectance meters, of gestation (5.8% ± 0.6% vs. 6.4% ± 0.7%, p = 0.007). The
identified more fetal macrosomia and other neonatal mor- incidence of LGA was significantly lower in the CGM group
bidities in comparison to weekly fasting and 2-hour labora- with OR for reducing LGA rate of 0.36 (95% CI, 0.13–0.98;
tory glucose determinations supplemented by four times/ p = 0.05). Comparison of other outcomes such as mode of
day (unverified) self-monitoring with only test strips and no delivery and neonatal morbidity was not significantly differ-
meters. Of note, the compliance in the intensified treatment ent. It must be noted that the intervention group included
group was not ideal since the mean test per day was only three twin pregnancies and four children with birth weights
5.2 instead of 7 as instructed. Others have reported similar under the 10th percentile, whereas there were none in the
results with four/day glucose determinations as compared to control group (p = 0.1). Logically, this affected the mean
less intensified treatment.73 birth weight of the intervention group for the better, though a
184 Glycemic goals in diabetic pregnancy and defining “good control”
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23 Insulin therapy in pregnancy
Lois Jovanovic and John L. Kitzmiller
188 Insulin therapy in pregnancy
of “normal” carbohydrate metabolism in pregnancy is because some reports claim that neonatal complications
paramount. Thus, the amount of insulin required to treat occur in spite of excellent metabolic control, although they
women with type 1 diabetes throughout pregnancy needs to fail to measure postprandial glucose levels.11,12 Postprandial
be sufficient to compensate for (1) increasing caloric needs, glucose control has been suggested as a key to neonatal out-
(2) increasing adiposity, (3) decreasing exercise, and (4) come for the pregnant woman with either type 1 diabetes
increasing anti-insulin or diabetogenic hormones of preg- or GDM.6–8 Alternatively, some have suggested that neo-
nancy. The major diabetogenic hormones of the placenta are natal morbidity is secondary to the variability of maternal
human chorionic somatomammotropin (hCS), previously serum glucose and the presence of antibodies to insulin.13
referred to as human placental lactogen, estrogen, and pro- Placental transfer of insulin complexed with immunoglob-
gesterone. Also, serum maternal cortisol levels (both bound ulin (Ig) G has also been associated with fetal macrosomia
and free) are increased. In addition, at the elevated levels in mothers with near-normal glycemia during gestation.
seen during gestation, prolactin has a diabetogenic effect.10 Menon et al.13 reported that antibody-bound insulin trans-
The strongest insulin antagonist of pregnancy is hCS. This ferred to the fetus was proportional to the concentration of
placental hormone appears in increasing concentrations antibody-bound insulin measured in the mother. Also, the
beginning at 10 weeks of gestation. By 20 weeks of gesta- amount of antibody-bound insulin transferred to the fetus
tion, plasma hCS levels are increased 300-fold, and by term, correlated directly with macrosomia in the infant and was
the turnover rate is 1000 mg/dL. The mechanism of action independent of maternal blood glucose levels. In contrast,
whereby hCS raises plasma glucose levels is unclear, but prob- Jovanovic et al.14 discovered only improved glucose control,
ably originates from its growth hormone-like properties. as evidenced by lower postprandial glucose excursions, but
hCS also promotes free fatty acid production by stimulating not lower insulin antibody levels, correlated with lower fetal
lipolysis, which promotes peripheral resistance to insulin. weights. They showed that insulin antibodies to exogenous
Placental progesterone rises 10-fold above nonpregnant levels insulin do not influence infant birth weight. It has been
and is associated with an insulin increase in normal healthy reported that both insulin lispro and insulin aspart (analogs
pregnant women by two- to fourfold. Most of the marked rise of human insulin with a peak insulin action achieved within
of serum cortisol during pregnancy can be attributed to the 1 hour after injection) significantly improve the postprandial
increase of cortisol-binding globulin induced by estrogen. glucose levels in nonpregnant diabetic patients.15–21 Because
However, free cortisol levels are also increased. This increase normoglycemia is important in the treatment of pregnant
potentiates the diurnal fluctuations of cortisol with the high- diabetic women, the use of insulin analogs would appear
est levels occurring in the early morning hours. The rising beneficial in the care of these women if the safety profile can
estrogen levels also trigger the rise in pituitary prolactin early be documented. This review presents the reports that studied
in pregnancy. Prolactin’s structure is similar to a growth hor- the safety and efficacy of insulin analogs in pregnancy and
mone, and at concentrations reached by the second trimes- offers an opinion as to the utility of insulin analogs for the
ter (>200 ng/mL), prolactin can affect glucose metabolism. treatment of the diabetes during pregnancy.
Although there are no studies that have examined prolactin
alone as an insulin antagonist, there is indirect evidence that
suppressing prolactin in women with gestational diabetes
with large doses of pyridoxine improves the glucose toler- Concern about anti-insulin antibody
ance. In addition to the increasing anti-insulin hormones formation during pregnancy
of pregnancy, there is also increased degradation of insulin
in pregnancy caused by placental enzymes comparable to Anti-insulin antibodies that cross the placenta may contri
liver insulinases. The placenta also has membrane-associated bute to hyperinsulinemia in utero and thus potentiate the
insulin-degrading activity. Concomitant with the hormon- metabolic aberrations in the fetus. Although insulin does not
ally induced insulin resistance and increased insulin deg- cross the placenta, antibodies to insulin do cross and may
radation, the rate of disposal of insulin slows. The normal bind fetal insulin; this necessitates the increased produc-
pancreas can adapt to these factors by increasing the insulin tion of free insulin to reestablish normoglycemia. Thus, the
secretory capacity. If the pancreas fails to respond adequately anti-insulin antibodies may potentiate the effect of maternal
to these alterations, then gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) hyperglycemia to produce fetal hyperinsulinemia.
results. In a woman with type 1 diabetes, her insulin require- Human and highly purified insulins are significantly
ment will rise progressively. Failure to increase her insulin less immunogenic than mixed beef–pork insulins.16 Human
doses appropriately will result in increasing hyperglycemia.10 insulin treatment has been reported to achieve improved
pregnancy and infant outcome compared to using highly
purified animal insulins.14 Insulin lispro (which has the
Rationale for the use of human insulin amino acid sequence in the beta chain reversed at positions
during pregnancy B28 and B29) has been reported to be more efficacious than
human regular insulin to normalize the blood glucose levels
Although controversial, the rate of complications in preg- in women with GDM. This insulin rapidly lowered the post-
nancies of diabetic women has been tied to the metabolic prandial glucose levels, thereby decreasing the A1C levels,
control of maternal glucose.1–5 Perhaps the debate remains with fewer hypoglycemic episodes and without increasing
Use of rapid-acting insulin analogs in pregnancies complicated by diabetes 189
the anti-insulin antibody levels.17 In addition, the safety and to result in little, if any, placental transfer of insulin lispro
efficacy of insulin lispro in the treatment of type 1 diabetes in to the neonate, as was demonstrated in the present authors’
women throughout pregnancy has recently been reported.22 study. Thus, the overall decrease in circulating insulin lis-
Also, insulin aspart has recently been reported to be safe and pro, plus the lower immunogenic response of lispro, leads to
efficacious in type 1 diabetic women.23 However, there are less maternal antibody formation and, therefore, less insulin
only case reports and a small series of the use of the long- transfer to the fetus with a reduction in the risk for physical
acting insulin analogs24–27 during pregnancy. They appear malformations.17,21 Menon et al.13 attempted to link mater-
to be associated with increased macrosomia, however.27 The nal antibody formation to negative fetal outcomes. Careful
following discussion helps the clinician decide if the newer review of the paper reveals, instead, better overall control of
insulin’s benefit outweighs any risks. maternal hyperglycemia with attendant reductions in fetal
macrosomia. This may have ultimately diminished the risk
of neonatal complications, including macrosomia. Previous
investigations have demonstrated that birth weight could be
Use of rapid-acting insulin analogs in normalized with regular human insulin.22–24 This aggressive
pregnancies complicated by diabetes therapeutic intervention may explain the apparent lack of
macrosomia in both patient groups. There are no differences
Postprandial glucose control in a patient with GDM is impor- in fetal parameters, as would be expected in the clinical set-
tant to neonatal outcome.6–8 The Diabetes in Early Pregnancy ting where euglycemia is a goal of therapy, which reduce the
(DIEP) study identified 28.5% of infants from diabetic moth- risk to the fetus. Although the present authors were inter-
ers who were >90th percentile in infant birth weights.8 The ested in the metabolic effects of insulin lispro in women with
birth weight in this 28.5% correlated positively with fasting GDM, the primary concern was safety, specifically the risk
blood glucose and A1C. When adjusted for fasting blood glu- of hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, and antibody production
cose and A1C, the nonfasting blood glucose concentration that might cause the insulin to cross the placenta to the fetal
in the third trimester was even a stronger predictor of infant side. In the study, 42 women with GDM were randomized to
birth weight and fetal macrosomia. Combs et al.7 confirmed receive regular human insulin or insulin lispro prior to con-
these findings, as they associated macrosomia with higher suming a test meal.17 Throughout the remainder of gestation,
postprandial glucose concentrations obtained between subjects received premeal insulin lispro or regular human
weeks 29 and 32 of gestation. In addition, they described a insulin (with and without basal insulin) and performed
higher risk of small-for-gestational-age (SGA) infants in blood glucose monitoring before and after each meal. During
those with lower (<130 mg/dL [7.2 mmol/L]) 1-hour post- the test meal, the areas under the glucose curve, and those for
prandial glucose levels. DeVeciana et al.6 described improved insulin and C-peptide levels, were significantly lower in the
fetal outcome and less risk of neonatal hypoglycemia, macro- insulin lispro group. The incidence of postprandial hyper-
somia, and cesarean delivery in patients who managed GDM glycemia (>120 mg/dL) was significantly lower in the lispro
by controlling 1-hour postprandial glucose concentrations group. Overall metabolic control also improved significantly
than in those who managed by only the preprandial glucose in the insulin lispro group, which showed the greatest abso-
concentrations. Therefore, rapid-acting insulin analogs that lute decrease in A1C levels as compared to the regular human
possess unique properties may make it a valuable therapeu- insulin group. The reduction from baseline A1C concentra-
tic option in the treatment of GDM and the prevention of tions at 6 weeks was statistically significant for the insulin
neonatal complications. First, the rapid absorption of insulin lispro group but not for the regular human insulin group.17
lispro from the subcutaneous site allows for a faster insulin To determine the immunologic effects of insulin lispro com-
peak concentration versus regular human insulin.17,18 This pared with regular human insulin, three different types
effect more closely mimics the physiologic first-phase insulin of antibodies were studied: (1) lispro-specific antibodies,
release and results in lower postprandial glucose concentra- (2) regular specific antibodies, and (3) cross-reactive anti-
tions, and may lead to improved postprandial coverage.15 In bodies. Levels of all three antibodies were evaluated at the
addition, insulin lispro is known to upregulate insulin recep- time of enrollment, at 6 weeks after enrollment, at delivery
tors.19,20 In the present authors’ study,17 the postprandial glu- (both in the maternal serum and the umbilical cord blood),
cose response to the test meal was more frequently within and at the postpartum follow-up visit in maternal serum.
the normal glucose range after a standardized dose of insu- No statistically significant differences were seen between the
lin lispro as compared with regular human insulin. Second, insulin lispro and regular human insulin groups. Now there
the elimination of insulin from the venous space is the same are several reports of the safety and efficacy of both insulin
as with regular human insulin, but the faster absorption of lispro and insulin aspart in pregnancy to confirm the results
insulin lispro allows both the glucose-lowering effect and the of the original report.17–25 Insulin aspart has also been suited
patient’s exposure to insulin to be less, which may result in in a similar fashion as insulin lispro. Wyatt et al.22 have
a diminished antibody response. Certainly, in clinical trials, reported that insulin aspart is not immunogenic, improved
there has not been any increase in antibody response associ- the area under the curve for the postprandial glucose excur-
ated with insulin lispro use.15,18,19,22 Since placental transfer of sion, and facilitates term delivery of a healthy infant. In
insulin occurs when it is complexed with Ig, the lack of insu- addition, the patient satisfaction was improved using insu-
lin lispro–induced antibody formation could be expected lin aspart compared to regular human insulin. Conclusions
190 Insulin therapy in pregnancy
from these studies are that those women with GDM who are malformations were due to a medication, it is perhaps unfair
not optimally managed with diet and exercise need insulin to single out insulin lispro. In spite of the medication used,
therapy. Insulin lispro and insulin aspart cause fewer hypo- the malformations reported are more indicative of poor
glycemic events than human regular insulin, and it attenu- glycemic control: situs inversus, one of the abnormalities
ates a greater postprandial response than regular human in the first infant, occurs almost exclusively in children of
insulin. Furthermore, the antibody levels are not increased diabetic mothers.30,31 During the initial clinical trials testing
over those seen with regular human insulin, and therefore, insulin lispro, pregnant women were excluded. However,
insulin lispro and insulin aspart may be considered a treat- some participants became pregnant unexpectedly during
ment option in patients with GDM. the trials, and 19 infants were born by these mothers who
were using insulin lispro. Of these births, 1 child had a
right dysplastic kidney but the other 18 were healthy.32 Now
Theoretical risks of the use of insulin there is a report that shows that insulin lispro is not tera-
togenic. Wyatt et al.22 report has shown that insulin lispro
analogs during pregnancy complicated is not associated with increased malformations. This report
by pregestational diabetes clearly showed that the 27 malformations that occurred in
this data set of 500 exposed pregnancies only occurred in
Diamond and Kormas28 first questioned the safety of using women whose A1C levels were greater than 2 standard devi-
insulin lispro during pregnancy in 1997. They reported on ations (SD) above the mean of the normal. There were no
two patients who used insulin lispro during pregnancies malformations in the sample of women whose A1C levels
and deliveries. One of these pregnancies was terminated at were within two SD of the normal. Thus the null hypothesis
20 weeks gestation and the second pregnancy resulted in a has been proven: insulin lispro does not by itself cause mal-
seemingly healthy infant after an elective cesarean delivery, formations. Malformations are only associated with hyper-
but who subsequently died unexpectedly 3 weeks later. Both glycemia in the first trimester. Mathiesen et al.23 have now
infants were discovered to have congenital abnormalities, reported that insulin aspart is safe and efficacious in preg-
which led the authors to question whether insulin lispro nancy with no increase in malformation rate.
might have teratogenic effects on the fetus, in which case
it should not be used during pregnancy. The report cites
concerns about insulin lispro use during pregnancy, yet it Possible effects of rapid-acting insulin
does not provide conclusive evidence that insulin lispro was analogs on the mother
responsible for the malformations of the infants mentioned.
In fact, there is sufficient reason to doubt that insulin lispro There are three situations in life in which rapid normalization
was to blame, since these isolated case reports were not part of blood glucose levels increase the risk for deterioration of
of a study and there was no control group. Therefore, the find- diabetic retinopathy: puberty, pregnancy, and rapid normal-
ings should stimulate initiation of clinical trials testing the ization of blood glucose levels. If two of these events occur
safety of insulin lispro during pregnancy and not be taken in the same patient, the risk for retinopathy progression
as evidence that it is unsafe. Despite the opinion of Diamond is potentiated.33,34 All three situations are associated with
and Kormas28 that poor glycemic control was not responsible increased serum concentrations of growth-promoting fac-
for the abnormalities of the infants in the cases described tors.33 It is hypothesized that when the blood glucose level
earlier, there is insufficient evidence to support this claim. is rapidly decreased, there is increased retinal extravasation
The letter reports that A1C levels were determined every of serum proteins. If there is a concomitant increase in the
3 months and that both women had values <7% at each test. concentration of serum growth-promoting factors, a predis-
However, an A1C of 7% may be associated with an increased posed retina may deteriorate. Pregnancy per se is the most
risk of fetal malformations. Since organogenesis is complete frequently reported situation in which rapid normalization
within the first 7 weeks of pregnancy29 and women tend to of blood glucose is associated with deterioration of retinal
improve their glycemic control as the pregnancy progresses, status. Normal pregnancy is associated with high concen-
an A1C measured at 3 months of pregnancy is a poor reflec- trations of many growth-promoting factors.35–40 Hill et al.37
tion of the mother’s blood glucose levels at conception and reported that a potent mitogen and angiogenic factor nor-
during the critical first organogenic weeks of pregnancy. mally absent from the adult circulation become detectable
The report also indicated that both women maintained a by 14 weeks of gestation and is maximal at 22–32 weeks of
mean blood glucose level of <108 mg/dL. A pregnant wom- gestation. A placental growth hormone variant had been
an’s target blood glucose should be <90 mg/dL fasting and found to increase throughout pregnancy, along with hCS
<120 mg/dL postprandially.29 If the women measured their and prolactin.38
fasting blood glucose only, the reported mean is obviously The production of maternal insulin-like growth factor
too high. If postprandial measurements were also taken into (IGF)-I has also been shown to increase significantly above
account, the mean is still too high, although less so. These nonpregnant levels.34 It is well known that diabetes mellitus
women would be categorized as being at high risk for bear- is associated with perturbations of growth hormone IFG-I in
ing infants with malformations. Throughout pregnancy, the cases of poor metabolic control.37 Kitzmiller et al.41 have sug-
second mother was being treated for hypertension, and if the gested that treatment with insulin lispro during pregnancies
Possible effects of rapid-acting insulin analogs on the mother 191
complicated by diabetes may be associated with accelera- retinopathy, 1 did develop moderate hemorrhages, exudates,
tion of diabetic retinopathy. If treatment with lispro insulin and intraretinal microaneurysms. Of their 20 patients with
did play a role in the rapid deterioration of retinopathy in initial background retinopathy, 2 progressed to proliferative
the case reports, it most likely was not mediated by IFG-I retinopathy. Laatikainen et al.45 confirmed that the decrease
activity of lispro. Human insulin binds to the IFG-I receptor in A1C levels was most rapid in the two patients with the
with an affinity of 0.1%–0.2% that of IFG-I. A comparison of worst progression. They concluded that a rapid near normal-
insulin lispro and human insulin was made to determine the ization of glycemic control during pregnancy could accelerate
relative IFG-I receptor binding affinity in human placenta the progression of retinopathy in patients with poorly con-
membranes, skeletal muscle, smooth muscle cells, and mam- trolled diabetes. The DIEP study34 reported that 10.3% of
mary epithelial cells. Insulin lispro had a slightly higher diabetic women who progressed, despite no retinopathy at
affinity for the human placenta membranes when com- baseline, had an initial A1C elevation of four SD above the
pared with human insulin (1.3 times greater than human mean of a normal population (risk progression 40%, odds
insulin). No other differences were observed in any other ratio [OR] 2.4). Independent of retinal status, the DIEP study
cell lines. Despite the suggested increased affinity, it should also reported that the duration of diabetes increased the risk
be noted that the absolute affinity for the IFG-I receptor is of progression such that after 6 years of duration of diabe-
extremely low for both insulin lispro and human insulin. tes, the OR was 3.0; by 11–15 years, it was 9.7; and >16 years
Concentrations >1000 times above the normal physiologic it was 15.0, but hyperglycemia was a stronger risk factor.
range are needed to reach 50% receptor binding. IFG-I is a Additional evidence has been reported by the Diabetes
much larger protein chain than insulin, and there is a 49% Control and Complications Trial (DCCT).46 In the con-
homology between human insulin and IFG-I. The reversal ventional care group who became pregnant (n = 135), and
of the B28 and B29 amino acids in insulin lispro increases thus had immediate intensification of glucose control, 47%
this homology to 51%, because of the analogous position worsened their retinal status, and the OR for progression by
in the IGF molecule. It has been shown that insulin lispro the second trimester was 2.6 compared to diabetic women
has the same affinity for the IFG-I receptor as does human in the conventional group who did not become pregnant. In
insulin; also, the dissociation kinetics of insulin lispro on order to compare the A1C levels reported by the DCCT43 to
the insulin receptor are identical to those of insulin, indi- other published reports, the approximate equivalent baseline
cating that insulin lispro should have no excess mitogenic A1C levels, using the DCCT normal range, is 7.1%, 9.8%, and
effect via either the IFG-I or the insulin receptor.42,43 Patients 9.5%, respectively. In addition, the rate of fall of the A1C level
in the Kitzmiller reports41 all had elevated levels of IFG-I in the three case reports was faster than the reported rate of
due to poor control of their diabetes and due to pregnancy fall associated with deterioration of retinal status.
per se, independent of the possible IFG-I activity of lispro. There is one case report in the literature that clearly
However, anecdotal cases should never be used to infer a shows that the combination of pregnancy and rapid normal-
cause–effect relationship. In controlled clinical trials of ization of severe hyperglycemia is sufficient to “explode” a
>2000 patients with insulin lispro, no significant differences previously normal retina. Hagay et al.47 reported a case of
in retinopathy were observed, but there were no pregnant a woman with no previously documented hyperglycemia
women in this trial.15 The factors that emerge as the indepen- who presented at 8 weeks of gestation with an HbA1C level
dent risk factors for retinopathy progression include elevated of 16%, and her ophthalmic examination was reported to be
A1C at baseline, duration of diabetes, significant proteinuria “completely normal.” She was treated with intensive insulin
(>300 mg/24 hours), pregnancy, and rapid normalization of therapy and at 12 weeks her A1C level was 5.9%. By the sec-
blood glucose (in <14 weeks). In fact, the strongest risk factor ond trimester, she had severe bilateral proliferative diabetic
for retinopathy progression, independent of baseline retinal retinopathy needing photocoagulation. In a report by Omori
status, is baseline elevation of A1C associated with a rapid et al.48 studying Japanese pregnant diabetic women, the
decline to normal. Of 14 patients who were treated with prevalence of retinopathy was 34.4% in their type 2 diabetic
insulin lispro during pregnancy, described by Kitzmiller population. In addition, the prevalence of proliferative reti-
et al.,41 11 had risk factors, including the evidence of baseline nopathy was as high in the women with type 2 diabetes as in
retinopathy, which have been associated with progression to the pregnant women with type 1 diabetes, despite the shorter
proliferative retinopathy during pregnancy. Therefore, we duration of documented diabetes in their patients with type
can learn the fact that if there is no retinopathy during the 2 diabetes. The need for photocoagulation occurred in 50%
first trimester of a pregnancy complicated by diabetes, pro- of their pregnant diabetic patients with type 2 diabetes with
gression to proliferative retinopathy needing laser therapy is greater than background retinopathy at the beginning of
rare; however, many of the cited references earlier empha- pregnancy. If insulin lispro did play a role in the progression
size that baseline elevation of glucose associated with rapid of retinopathy, it is more likely that the insulin lispro facili-
normalization can accelerate retinopathy. Phelps et al.44 tated the rapid normalization of the blood glucose levels. In
clearly showed that deterioration of retinopathy correlated pregnant diabetic patients, it has been shown that insulin
significantly with the levels of plasma glucose at entry and lispro improves glucose control and thus significantly lowers
with the magnitude of improvement in glycemia during the the A1C level compared to patients who are administered by
first 6–14 weeks after entry. Although the 13 patients with human regular insulin.17,22 There is danger in normalizing
no retinopathy at baseline did not progress to proliferative blood glucose quickly, regardless of the type of insulin used,
192 Insulin therapy in pregnancy
in pregnant women with a long duration of diabetes and ele- blood glucose. Before 1985, impure animal insulin was used,
vated A1C levels in the first trimester, in those with protein- with a result that the IgG antibody levels rose the longer
uria and perhaps those with type 1 diabetes. To date, there the women were treated. After 20 years of diabetes, women
have not been extensive clinical trials on the retinal status had antibody levels >10,000. Purified human insulin has
of women treated with insulin aspart (or any other insulin been available for >20 years; thus there is a new generation
analog) in pregnancy. Thus, we await clinical trials of the use of type 1 diabetes in women who have never been treated
of all of the insulin analogs in pregnancy to make a decision with animal insulins and therefore have negligible antibod-
about the role of analogs in the progression of retinopathy ies. Before giving these women insulin analogs, it must be
during pregnancy. Busy clinics may have a decreased abil- proved that (1) they do not cause an immunologic response,
ity to examine retinae thoroughly. Mild background reti- (2) they do not cross the placenta, (3) they do not increase the
nopathy may be missed, even in the best of settings. Any risk of congenital anomalies or spontaneous abortions, and
retinopathy increases the risk, especially if the blood glucose (4) they do not significantly increase the serum IFG-I levels
level is elevated. Rather than recommending angiography or accelerate diabetic retinopathy.
to all women before each pregnancy is planned, in the case
of no retinopathy seen on retinal examination, it is prudent
to improve the glucose control slowly. These case reports
reinforce the need to intensify preconceptional care pro- Definition of normoglycemia based
grams to allow the luxury of slowly normalizing the blood on infant outcome
glucose and to plan the pregnancy only after the blood glu-
cose levels have been stabilized in the normal range for at Previously, glucose control and targets for treatment were
least 6 months.46–48 If a patient presents pregnant, with high based on clinical judgment and concern for hypoglycemia.
A1C levels, regardless of the retinal status, as suggested by In fact, most clinicians preferred to maintain hyperglycemia
these cases, then a retinal specialist needs to be on the team, rather than increase the risk of a hypoglycemic reaction. As
be vigilant, and treats any developing angiopathy while the tools and techniques improved to achieve near-normal glu-
blood glucose is normalized. If an insulin analog was avail- cose levels during pregnancy, the emphasis has changed to
able that was not immunogenic and had the rapid action of strive for the degree of maternal metabolic control that is
insulin lispro but had less IFG-I activity than human insulin, associated with normal body size and proportions in full-
then even if there was no proof that the IFG-I activity of the term infants. Mello et al.50 published a study in which they
insulin plays a role in the acceleration of diabetic retinopa- investigated the anthropomorphic characteristics of 98 full-
thy when the blood glucose level is normalized quickly, such term singleton infants born to 98 women with type 1 diabe-
an insulin would become the treatment of choice. Insulin tes. They reported that those women who had a mean daily
aspart, an insulin analog that has been shown to produce a blood glucose level <95 mg/dL had normal infants whereas
peak blood level at 40 minutes and lowers the postprandial the women with mean blood glucose levels >95 mg/dL
glucose levels significantly better than human insulin, has delivered infants with an increased prevalence of being large
only 69% the IFG-I activity of human insulin. for gestational age, with a significantly greater ponderal
Long-acting insulin analogs have only recently been used index and thoracic circumference with respect to the con-
in clinical practice.49 The first clinically available long-acting trol group. Others have confirmed that overall mean glucose
insulin analog is insulin glargine. Insulin glargine has a gly- levels of <95 mg/dL can avoid alterations in fetal growth.5
cine substitution in the alpha chain at the 21 position and Jovanovic et al.51 studied 52 women with type 1 diabetes and
two glargines attached to the beta chain terminal at posi- found that when the mean blood glucose was maintained
tion 30. It is a soluble insulin and has been shown to pro- between 80 and 84 mg/dL, the outcome of pregnancy was
vide peakless, sustained, and predictable 24 hours action. Of normal. Langer et al.52 assessed the relationship between
note, insulin glargine has a sixfold increase in IFG-I activity optimal levels of glycemic control and perinatal outcome in
as compared to human insulin. There are no clinical trials a prospective study of 334 women with GDM and found that
using insulin glargine in pregnancy, nor are there reports when the mean glucose levels were <86 mg/dL, this group
of the retinal status in any of the 32 women in the previ- had a significantly higher prevalence of SGA infants. In con-
ously published case reports of the use of glargine in preg- trast, when the mean glucose levels were >105 mg/dL, there
nancy.24–27 However, a recent paper27 describing 118 women was a 20% prevalence of large-for-gestational-age infants.
treated with glargine during pregnancy showed that the Hellmuth et al.53 found that the frequency of hypoglycemia,
macrosomia rate was increased fourfold over that reported especially nocturnal hypoglycemia, was seen with a preva-
using human insulins. Of note, insulin glargine has a sixfold lence of 37% in the first trimester of pregnancies treated with
increase in IFG-I activity as compared to human insulin. intensified insulin therapy. Sacks et al.53 studied 48 women
Another insulin analog that is currently in clinical trials is with type 1 diabetes and 113 women with type 2 diabetes
insulin detemir. Here again there are no trials using this during pregnancy. They found that the mean glucose lev-
insulin in pregnancy, but the studies show that detemir has els were higher in the patients with type 1 diabetes and at
the same IFG-I activity as human insulin.27 Insulin detemir least one daily glucose level was <50 mg/dL during 19% of
is now category B. The clinician has to keep in mind that the observational days compared to only 2% of days in the type 2
most important concern is to safely normalize the maternal diabetes group. Rosenn et al.54 and Rosenn and Miodovnik55
Insulin requirements 193
published papers on the topic of the increased risk of hypo- decrease in insulin requirement. There are also reports of
glycemia during pregnancies complicated by diabetes. They rising insulin requirement in the first trimester. The pres-
found that at least 40% of mothers reported hypoglycemia ent authors have described the insulin requirements during
during pregnancy. Clinically significant hypoglycemia requir- pregnancy of a population of women with well-controlled
ing assistance from another person occurred in 71% of the type 1 diabetes, which possibly lends credence to the notion
84 women studied, with a peak incidence occurring between that first-trimester overinsulinization may be the cause of
10 and 15 weeks of gestation. They did not observe any the hypoglycemia seen by some workers in the first trimester.
increase in embryopathy. Jovanovic et al.56 then published In addition, together with the DIEP study group, the present
the first-trimester insulin requirements of women studied in authors have analyzed the insulin requirement and substrat-
the DIEP study. They showed that there was a drop in insulin ified based on the degree of glucose control in the first tri-
requirements during 8–11 weeks of gestation, which was seen mester.56 The weekly insulin requirement (as units/kg/day)
in all women with type 1 diabetes whose glucose concentra- were examined in the first trimester of diabetic women in the
tions were insensitively managed. The majority of decreases DIEP study with accurate gestational dating, regular glucose
in the insulin requirement were seen in the overnight monitoring, daily insulin dose recording, and monthly A1C
period. It was concluded that the insulin doses needed to be measurements. In pregnancies that resulted in live-born,
decreased for the overnight insulin requirement to prevent term, singleton infants, a significant increase in mean weekly
nocturnal hypoglycemia during the late first trimester. dosage was observed in weeks 3–7 (p < 0.001), followed by a
significant decline in weeks 8–15 (p < 0.001). The Friedman
nonparametric test localized significant changes to the
Insulin requirements interval between weeks 7–8 and weeks 11–12. To determine
if prior poor glucose control exaggerated these trends, the
Women with type 1 diabetes must increase their insulin women were divided based on their A1C values: <2 SD above
dosage to compensate for the diabetogenic forces of normal the mean of a normal population (group 1), 2–4 SD (group 2),
pregnancy. However, the exact pattern of insulin dosage and >4 SD (group 3) at baseline. Late first-trimester declines
increase is still controversial. Many observers have detected in dosage were statistically significant in group 2 (p = 0.002)
a decline in insulin requirement late in the first trimester of and in groups 2 and 3 together (p = 0.003). Similarly, women
diabetic pregnancies. Jorgen Pedersen, the father of the study with body mass index >27.0 had a greater initial insulin rise
of diabetes in pregnancy, was among the first to observe that and then a fall compared to leaner women. Observations
first-trimester hypoglycemia was a symptom of pregnancy in the DIEP study cohort disclosed a mid-first-trimester
and that it was a common knowledge among the physicians decline in insulin requirement in pregnant women with
of today. Pedersen wrote: insulin-dependent diabetes. Possible explanations include
overinsulinization of previously poorly controlled diabetes
Those physicians who manage diabetic women should be and a transient decline in progesterone during the late first-
particularly alert for hypoglycemia in women who have trimester luteoplacental shift in progesterone production.
recently become pregnant. About the 10th week of gesta- Clinicians should anticipate a reduction in insulin require-
tion there is an improvement in glucose tolerance mani- ment in the 4-week interval between weeks 8 and 12 of gesta-
festing itself as insulin coma, milder insulin reaction or tion. Based on these studies of women with well-controlled
an improvement in the degree of compensation. When a diabetes, an algorithm for care and an insulin requirement
reduction in insulin dosage is called for it amounts to an protocol has been created based on gestational week and
average of 34%. the woman’s current pregnant body weight. The total daily
dose of insulin in the first-trimester (weeks 5–12) insu-
Indeed, he even claimed that “Once in a while pregnancy lin requirement is 0.7 unit/kg/day; in the second trimester
may be diagnosed on account of inexplicable hypoglycemic (weeks 12–26), the insulin requirement is 0.8 unit/kg/day;
attacks.” In a total of 26 cases of insulin coma collected, all in the third trimester (weeks 26–36), the insulin require-
of the cases in his series occurred in months 1–4 of gesta- ment is 0.9 unit/kg/day; and at term (weeks 36–40), the insu-
tion, with the majority occurring at months 2–3. He also lin requirement is 1.0 unit/kg/day (Table 23.1). The insulin
noted that by late gestation, regardless of the metabolic con- needs to be divided throughout the day to provide the basal
trol and duration of diabetes, average daily insulin require- need (the dose of insulin that keeps a woman normal in the
ments increased by twofold from earlier in pregnancy. fasting state) and meal-related need.
Earlyfirst-trimester overinsulinization might explain a later When multiple insulin injections are used to provide the
first-trimester drop in insulin requirement. One example basal need, NPH insulin is preferred because it has a more
of this effect may be the significantly greater weight gain predictable absorption pattern than Lente or Ultralente
seen in the first trimester by diabetic women compared to insulin. Also, the recently developed long-acting insulin
healthy nondiabetic women. Perhaps the drive to increase analog, insulin determir, has just received the FDA category
caloric intake to prevent hypoglycemia in the first trimes- B determination. The preferred use of NPH is to give one-
ter may have been the cause of the first-trimester excessive sixth of the total daily dose of insulin (I) as morning, dinner,
weight gain in the diabetic women compared to the controls. and bedtime injections (i.e., NPH dose equals 50% of daily
On the other hand, others have not seen the first-trimester dose divided into three equal injections of NPH given every
194 Insulin therapy in pregnancy
Pregnancy NPH plus rapid-acting insulin schedule Patient weight in kg = Date and time:
“Big I” = total daily units of
Circle one: gestational weeks 13–28 29–34 35–40 Other
= 0–12
k = 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Calculate desired units of insulin from above line.
“Big I” =___(k units ×weight kg)/24 hours
“Big I” = basal insulin requirement + bolus (meal related) insulin requirement
Basal = ½ “Big I,” bolus = ½ “Big I”
Basal: Divide so that ⅙ of “Big I” is NPH given before breakfast, ⅙ of “Big I” is NPH given before dinner, and ⅙ of “Big I” is
NPH given before bedtime.
Bolus: Divide so that ⅙ of “Big I” is rapid-acting insulin given before breakfast, ⅙ of “Big I” is rapid-acting insulin given
before lunch, and ⅙ of “Big I” is rapid-acting insulin given before dinner. The rapid-acting insulin is then titrated based on the
blood glucose.
0800 Prebreakfast: NPH = ⅙ “Big I” = ____
Check yesterday’s predinner BS:
If yesterday’s predinner BS < 60, then decrease today’s a.m. NPH by 2 units.
If yesterday’s predinner BS 61–90, no change in today’s a.m. NPH.
If yesterday’s predinner BS > 91, then increase today’s a.m. NPH by 2 units.
Do not feed the patient until Rapid-acting insulin = “Big I” = : to be adjusted according to the following scale:
the blood sugar is below
Prebreakfast BS <60 = ___ = (⅙ “Big I” dose) – 3% of the “Big I.”
120 mg/dL.
61–90 = ___ = ⅙ “Big I” dose.
91–120 = ___ = (⅙ “Big I” dose) + 3% of the “Big I.”
>121 = ___= (⅙ “Big I” dose) + 6% of the “Big I.”
If today’s BS 1 hour after breakfast is <110, then decrease tomorrow’s prebreakfast rapid-
acting insulin by 2 units.
If today’s BS 1 hour after breakfast is 111–120, no change in tomorrow’s prebreakfast rapid-
acting insulin.
If today’s BS 1 hour after breakfast is >121, then increase tomorrow’s prebreakfast rapid-acting
insulin by 2 units.
1200 Prelunch: Rapid-acting insulin is Vs “Big I” = ___ to be adjusted according to the following scale:
Do not feed the patient until Prelunch BS < 60 = ___ = (⅙ “Big I” dose) – 3% of “Big I.”
the blood sugar is below
61–90 = ___ = ⅙ “Big I” dose.
120 mg/dL.
91–120 = ___ = (⅙ “Big I” dose) + 3% of “Big I.”
>121 = ___ = (⅙ “Big I” dose) + 6% of “Big I.”
If today’s BS 1 hour after lunch is <110, then decrease tomorrow’s prebreakfast rapid-acting
insulin by 2 units.
If today’s BS 1 hour after lunch is 111–120, no change in tomorrow’s prebreakfast rapid-acting
If today’s BS 1 hour after lunch is >121, then increase tomorrow’s prebreakfast rapid-acting
insulin by 2 units.
Insulin requirements 195
8 hours, or at 8 a.m., 4 p.m., and 12 midnight; Table 23.1). the total daily insulin requirement. Clinicians should note
The other half of the total daily insulin dose should be a that hyperglycemia would occur if the patient used only
rapid-acting insulin (insulin lispro or insulin aspart) given insulin lispro or insulin aspart for the meal-related needs
before each meal to control postprandial glycemia (Table and if the woman goes a long time between meals. The dose
23.1). This dose of rapid-acting insulin can be given using of NPH insulin may not be sufficient to prevent an escape
the insulin infusion pump or by multiple doses of subcu- of the blood glucose before the next dose of insulin is given.
taneously injected insulin (Tables 23.1 through 23.3). The To prevent this escape of blood glucose when >3 hours
meal-related insulin dose (one-half of the total daily insu- elapse between injections of the rapid-acting insulin ana-
lin requirement [0.5I]) (Table 23.1). The exact division of logs of lispro or aspart, the patient should add 3% of her
this meal-related insulin dose depends on the size of the total daily insulin requirement as regular human insulin to
woman’s lunch versus her dinner. Compensatory doses to the lispro injection to extend the effectiveness of the rapid-
adjust for high or low glucose levels are calculated as 3% of acting component.
Table 23.2 Basal insulin pump program (using human regular, insulin lispro,
or insulin aspart)
Table 23.4 Review of the literature on using insulin infusion pump therapy in pregnancies
complicated by diabetes
Trimester or weeks of
Author (reference) No. on CSIIa gestation Type of DMb Type of trial/comments
Potter et al. 57 8 Third 1 Longitudinal/improved
Kitzmiller et al.58 24 5–10 1 Longitudinal/no difference
Coustan et al.59 22 Second and third 1 Randomized/no difference
Carta et al.60 14 First 1 Case control/improved
Mancuso et al.61 12 Third 1 Longitudinal/improved
Jensen et al.65 9 Before and all trimesters 1 Case control
Caruso et al.63 12 Third 1 Longitudinal/improved
Leveno et al.62 11 Second and third 1 Self-selection/no difference
Gabbe et al.66 23 Second, third, and postpartum 1 Only postpartum improved
Simmons et al.64 30 Second GDM and 2c Equal
a Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion.
b Diabetes mellitus.
c Gestational diabetes mellitus.
the basal need is calculated as an hourly rate (Table 23.2) and dextrose infusion is begun at a rate of 2.55 mg/kg/minute.
is delivered such that the calculated rate (0.5I or total dose If labor is latent, normal saline is usually sufficient to main-
over 24 hours divided by 24) is given between 10 a.m. and tain normoglycemia until active labor begins, at which
midnight. The rate is cut in half (i.e., 0.5I divided by 24 times time dextrose is infused at 2.55 mg/kg/minute. Blood glu-
0.5) from midnight to 4 a.m. and increased by another 50% cose is then monitored hourly, and if it is <60 mg/dL, then
(i.e., 0.5I divided by 24 times 1.5) to counteract the morn- the infusion rate is doubled for the subsequent hour. If the
ing rise of cortisol levels that are potentiated during preg- blood glucose rises to >120 mg/dL, 2–4 units of regular
nancy. Also, low-dose NPH before bedtime has been used insulin are given i.v. each hour until the blood glucose level
by some clinicians to prevent the possible occurrence of dia- is 70–90 mg/dL. In the case of an elective cesarean section,
betic ketoacidosis if the needle slips out of position during the bedtime dose of NPH insulin is repeated at 8 a.m. on the
the overnight period. This dose of NPH insulin needs to be day of surgery and every 8 hours if the surgery is delayed. A
sufficient to provide protection from ketosis, or 0.1 unit of dextrose infusion may be started if the plasma glucose level
NPH times the weight of the women in kilograms. Then the falls to <60 mg/dL, and 2–4 units of regular insulin given
overnight basal insulin needs to be decreased to allow for i.v. every hour if the blood glucose rises to >120 mg/dL.67
the NPH dose. The 4–10 a.m. basal insulin should thus be
adjusted downward by 0.02 unit/kg/hour.
Insulin and glucose requirements
Insulin and glucose treatment postpartum
during labor Maternal insulin requirements usually drop precipitously
postpartum, possibly for 48–96 hours. Insulin require-
With improvement in antenatal care, intrapartum events ments should be recalculated at 0.6 unit/kg based on the
play an increasingly crucial role in the outcome of preg- postpartum weight and should be started when the 1-hour
nancy. The artificial beta cell may be used to maintain nor- postprandial plasma glucose value is >150 mg/dL or the
moglycemia during labor and delivery, but normoglycemia fasting glucose level is >100 mg/dL. The postpartum caloric
can be maintained easily by subcutaneous injections. Before requirements are 25 kcal/kg/day, based on the postpartum
active labor, insulin is required, and glucose infusion is not weight. For women who wish to breastfeed, the calculation is
necessary to maintain a blood glucose level of 70–90 mg/dL. 27 kcal/kg/day and insulin requirements are 0.6 unit/kg/day.
With the onset of active labor, insulin requirements decrease The insulin requirement during the night drops dramatically
to zero, and glucose requirements are relatively constant at during lactation, owing to the glucose siphoning into the
2.5 mg/kg/minute. From these data, a protocol for supply- breast milk. Thus, the majority of the insulin requirement
ing the glucose needs of labor has been developed.67 The is needed during the daytime to cover the increased caloric
goal is to maintain the maternal plasma glucose between needs of breastfeeding. Normoglycemia should especially
70 and 90 mg/dL. In cases of the onset of active sponta- be prescribed for nursing diabetic women, because hypergly-
neous labor, insulin is withheld and an intravenous (i.v.) cemia elevates milk glucose levels.68
198 Insulin therapy in pregnancy
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24 Use of oral hypoglycemic agents
in pregnancy
Oded Langer
extrapancreatic effect and/or to increase insulin availability hyperglycemia. Enhanced insulin secretion diminishes glu-
through the physiological route. cose toxicity and improves insulin secretion after meals,
The reader should consider the following “drug compass” thus reducing postprandial hyperglycemia. The drugs can
when contemplating the use of oral hypoglycemic agents in also enhance peripheral tissue sensitivity to insulin.30,31
pregnancy: Sulfonylureas influence insulin secretion in direct propor-
tion to plasma glucose levels from 60 to 180 mg/dL: they do
1. Will the drug–drug interactions complicate its use with not stimulate insulin secretion when the plasma glucose is
the necessary and commonly administered drugs? <60 mg/dL.35,36 The mechanism of action of sulfonylureas is
2 . Can glycemic control be achieved by using the optimal to facilitate rapid insulin secretion in response to nutritional
dose? intake, which results in minimal to no lag time between the
3. After nutrient ingestion, can the drug reduce the time lag changes in plasma glucose and modification of the insulin
between the plasma glucose rise and insulin secretion? secretory rate.37,38
4 . Can serious postprandial and fasting hypoglycemia be Chlorpropamide has been available for more than
minimized because the drug duration of action is short 40 years and is a highly effective oral hypoglycemic agent
enough or its dependence on plasma glucose levels with a very long duration of action. The main side effect for
sufficient? nonpregnant patients with type 2 diabetes is a significantly
5. Are there any side effects that can reduce long-term high rate of severe and protracted hypoglycemia. The com-
beneficial effects? plication has not been reported to be a major concern for
pregnant patients in previous studies.21–25 The drug stimu-
A major consideration in the efficacy of the drug will be its lates antidiuretic hormone secretion, potentiating its effect
ability to cross the placenta and, if so, what toxicity, if at all, at the renal tubular level resulting in water retention and
can it cause to the developing fetus. Often, the fear of drug- hyponatremia. With the development of second-generation
induced adverse outcome, especially after the thalidomide sulfonylurea drugs that minimally cross the placenta, i.e.,
era of the 1960s, inhibits the physician’s ability to judge the glyburide, first-generation drugs should not be recom-
scientific rationale for using a drug and evaluating it using mended in pregnancy.27
evidence-based data instead of dogma. Very few medications Glyburide (also known as glibenclamide and glybenzcy-
have been shown not to cross the placental barrier. In fact, clamide) is one of the second-generation hypoglycemic sul-
a pregnant woman is often exposed to four or five prescrip- fonylureas; the group also includes glipizide, gliclazide, and
tion drugs during pregnancy for a variety of complaints. glimepiride. These are considerably more potent than the
Similar to other epithelial barriers, transfer of drugs across earlier agents. When given as a single agent, the peak plasma
the placenta is affected by several factors: molecular weight, level of glyburide occurs within 4 hours; the absorption of
pKa, lipophilicity, placental blood flow, blood protein bind- the drug is not affected by food digestion. Metabolism of gly-
ing, elimination half-life, and the specific placental trans- buride occurs in the liver and its metabolites are extracted
port system that affects the ability of drugs to enter the fetal in the bile and urine in equal proportions. Ten hours is the
compartment.27–29 approximate elimination half-life of glyburide. Adverse
effects of the drug are infrequent; they occur in less than
4% of patients receiving second-generation agents.27 In
Sulfonylureas 11%–38% of nonpregnant patients with type 2 diabetes, the
Sulfonylureas were discovered accidentally. Additional clin- main side effect of glyburide is hypoglycemia, with symp-
ical trials led to the discovery of tolbutamide in the 1950s, toms being dose related: the older patient is at greater risk of
and since that time, many drugs in this class have been a hypoglycemic episode.
developed, e.g., chlorpropamide. Second-generation sulfo- The patient most receptive to glyburide therapy is one
nylureas were subsequently developed that today include who has been hyperglycemic for less than 5 years, is willing
glyburide and glipizide. In 1997, the first drug in a new class to follow a dietary protocol, and is of either normal weight
of oral insulin secretagogues called meglitinides (benzoic or obese. Characteristic features of both type 2 diabetes
acid derivatives) was approved for clinical use. The agent, and GDM are beta-cell exhaustion and insulin resistance.
repaglinide, has gained acceptance as a fast-acting, premeal Most often, patients of both diabetic types are comparable
therapy to limit postprandial hyperglycemia.27 Sulfonylureas in obesity, are asymptomatic in the early stages of the dis-
have been used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes since 1942 ease, and have similar prevalence in the same ethnic group.
because of their capacity to cause hypoglycemia by stimulat- Given the similarity of the phenotypic features of these
ing insulin release from pancreatic beta cells. Sulfonylureas complications, it is safe to assume that the use of glyburide
bind to specific receptors on beta cells that force the closure may be beneficial in the prevention of maternal–fetal GDM
of potassium adenosine triphosphate channels and open complications.
calcium channels that cause an increase in cytoplasmic cal- Glimepiride is another sulfonylurea drug. Both this
cium stimulating insulin release. The major effect of these drug and glyburide displace one another from their respec-
drugs is to enhance insulin secretion.30–34 Sulfonylureas tive binding sites. Glimepiride has a 2.5–3-fold faster rate
may also further increase insulin levels by reducing hepatic of association and an 8–9-fold faster rate of dissociation
clearance of the hormone, the main contributor to fasting from the beta-cell sulfonylurea receptor (SUR) binding site
202 Use of oral hypoglycemic agents in pregnancy
than glyburide. This results in a more rapid release of insu- triglyceride and cholesterol levels as well as in promoting
lin and a shorter duration of insulin secretion. Glimepiride weight loss in obese diabetic patients. Hypoglycemia is not
significantly increases second-phase insulin secretion, an overt side effect of its use. Metformin does not stimulate
whole-body glucose uptake, and insulin sensitivity.4,39,40 The the fetal pancreas to oversecrete insulin.44 However, met-
increase in insulin sensitivity may be explained by studies formin in pregnancy crosses the placenta. Its concentration
demonstrating lower fasting plasma insulin and C-peptide in the fetal compartment results in umbilical vein levels
levels in patients using the drug compared to glyburide- t wofolds higher than the maternal serum. Its effects on the
treated patients with comparable levels of glycemic control. fetus are unknown.
It should be noted that, to date, glimepiride has not been
tested for use in pregnancy.4,39,40
Biguanides Thiazolidinediones were introduced in 1997. The first agent,
troglitazone, was reported to have a high rate of hepatic tox-
Biguanides were recognized as early as 1920 but received
icity and as a result was withdrawn from the market. Newer
clinical recognition in the United States only in the recent
agents in this class such as rosiglitazone and pioglitazone
past. Phenformin, the primary drug in this group, was with-
are widely used in clinical practice without reported hepatic
drawn from American and European markets because of the
toxicity. Thiazolidinediones are a class of drugs that may
side effects of lactic acidosis. Its replacement, metformin,
provide still another pharmacological alternative to insulin
although used extensively in Europe, has only been recog-
therapy, although to date there are no reported data on its
nized for use in the United States since 1995.27 Metformin is
use in pregnancy. Troglitazone, the first of these agents to
an oral antihyperglycemic agent that is chemically and phar-
be introduced, has been withdrawn from use because it was
macologically unrelated to the sulfonylureas. Metformin is
associated with severe hepatic toxicity, followed by a num-
a second-generation biguanide that was reintroduced and
ber of deaths. These oral hypoglycemic agents exert their
distributed in the United States after biguanide phenfor-
principal effects by lowering insulin resistance in peripheral
min was withdrawn from the market in the 1970s: both
tissue. A decrease in systemic and local tissue lipid availabil-
were introduced in 1957. Metformin has universally been
ity may also contribute to its positive effects in controlling
shown to be effective in improving the glycemic profile in
diabetic patients. Its mechanism of action is thought to
Rosiglitazone and pioglitazone, other oral agents in
include decreased hepatic glucose production and intestinal
this group, are more potent than troglitazone and claim to
absorption of glucose and increased peripheral uptake of
offer lower risk of hepatotoxicity. They are absorbed within
glucose and utilization. The two latter mechanisms result in
2 hours but the maximum clinical effect is not observed
improved insulin sensitivity, i.e., decreased insulin require-
for 6–12 weeks. Liver function should be measured before
ments.41–43 Importantly, metformin does not stimulate insu-
the start of therapy and monitored once initiated. Studies
lin secretion and, therefore, does not cause hypoglycemia
also report considerable weight gain with the drugs.45,46
either in diabetic or in control patients. The drug acts by
Similarities exist between rosiglitazone and glyburide in
causing the translocation of glucose transporters from the
pharmacological characteristics that may suggest that there
microsomal fraction to the plasma membrane of hepatic and
is a possibility that they minimally cross the placenta. If this
muscle cells.43
proves to be the case, rosiglitazone and pioglitazone, just as
Metformin has no significant effect on the secretion of
glyburide and metformin, may be ideal agents for the man-
glucagons, cortisol, growth hormone, or somatostatin. The
agement of GDM and type 2 diabetes in pregnancy, as a sin-
mechanism by which metformin reduces hepatic glucose
gle therapy or in combination with glyburide.
production is controversial, but the preponderance of data
indicates an effect on the reduction of gluconeogenesis.43 It Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors: Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors,
has a strong safety and efficacy record, with a frequency of which reduce intestinal absorption of starch and glu-
lactic acidosis one-tenth that of the parent drug. The inci- cose (acarbose), have now been introduced into clinical
dence of lactic acidosis with metformin is 0.03 cases/1000 practice.27Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors act by slowing the
patients annually. The elimination of plasma half-life time absorption of carbohydrates from the intestine, thereby
is 6 hours. Therefore, patients with renal compromise should reducing the postprandial rise in blood glucose. The
not receive metformin, since the risk of lactic acidosis postprandial rise is blunted in both normal and diabetic
increases with the degree of renal impairment and patient patients. Gastrointestinal side effects require gradual dos-
age. Metformin should be introduced gradually in 500 or age increments over time after initiation of therapy. This
850 mg increments to a maximum of 2000 mg daily.41,42 group of drugs may be considered a monotherapy in elderly
The peak plasma level when the drug is given as a sin- patients but are typically used in combination with other
gle agent occurs within 4 hours. The extent of absorption is oral antidiabetic agents and/or insulin. Acarbose is the oral
reduced with food intake, although it should be adminis- agent in this group currently in use; however, in pregnancy,
tered with meals to minimize gastrointestinal intolerance. it is less effective than glyburide in achieving targeted levels
Metformin is not metabolized and is eliminated unchanged of glycemia. Therefore, its optimal use is as a secondary and
in the urine. It has been effective in reducing plasma not a primary drug of choice.47,48
Congenital malformations: Is it the glucose or is it the oral hypoglycemic agent? 203
Rationale for the use of oral improved glycemic control and decrease in the complication
rates. Thus, intensified therapy can, alone, provide the pri-
hypoglycemic agents in the mary prevention for diabetic complications. Studies of preg-
management of gestational diabetes nant diabetic women, including a study of >2000 women
with GDM,1 demonstrated that intensified therapy results in
mellitus improvement in glycemic control and in perinatal outcomes
similar to those in the nondiabetic population.
The intensified insulin approach in the management of GDM
has been shown to result in perinatal outcomes comparable
to those in the general population; thus, it has become the
method of choice for the control of glycemia.1 A less invasive, Congenital malformations: Is it the
efficacious alternative that achieves similar perinatal out-
come while enhancing patient compliance has been a major glucose or is it the oral hypoglycemic
diabetes research goal. The underlying principle for the use agent?
of oral hypoglycemic agents in pregnancy has been moti-
vated by three factors, first of which is the similarity between The incidence of congenital anomalies in nondiabetic
type 2 diabetes and GDM. In addition to the insulin secre- women is 2%–3%: the rate increases to 7%–9% overall in
tion and resistance abnormalities found in both conditions, pregnant diabetic patients and is even higher in poorly con-
there is a loss of the first-phase insulin secretion with a strik- trolled diabetics and as the severity of the disease increases.
ing lag time between the postprandial rise in glucose and the An unanswered question remains: what is the toxic agent
presence of significant insulin at the peripheral sites.36,37 The that triggers the development of malformations—is it the
result is in an early increase in postprandial glucose values. glucose or is it the oral hypoglycemic agent? This dilemma
As discussed before, second-generation sulfonylurea agents has led to several investigations of animal species or tissue
are rapid in onset and have a short duration of action that cultures as a source for answers. These types of studies pro-
makes them ideal agents for treatment in GDM and possibly vide the conditions with which to test separately and together
in the very early stages of type 2 diabetes in pregnancy. the effect of different drug doses in conjunction with varying
Second, GDM and patients with impaired glucose tol- levels of glucose. However, we are well aware that the findings
erance (IGT) are characterized by mild hyperglycemia in of studies using laboratory mice do not automatically translate
comparison to type 2 diabetics. However, this mild hypergly- into use on humans.
cemia is significantly elevated in comparison to nondiabetic Smithberg and Runner52 studied different hypoglycemia-
women. As the disease progresses to type 2 diabetes, there inducing treatments, including insulin, tolbutamide, and fast-
is progressive loss of beta-cell function.49,50 In the presence ing of prepuberal mice, as well as combination treatments
of insulin resistance with obesity, pregnancy, and, especially, involving nicotinamide plus insulin or tolbutamide. They
GDM, insulin secretion will initially increase to compensate were all found to be potent teratogens in one or more inbred
for the impairment in insulin action. The ensuing decrease strains of mice. Teratogenic treatments, with the exception
in secretion over time (50%–80%) will, in turn, result in the of fasting, also cause a variable proportion of deaths. The
progression from normal glucose tolerance to GDM, from response of different strains of mice to individual treatments
there to IGT and to type 2 diabetes.50 Oral hypoglycemic relevant to teratogenicity or lethality was highly variable. It is
agents have been successfully used to decrease glycemic lev- the variability of response elicited from each strain of mouse
els in type 2 diabetic patients. Since GDM subjects have the as a group that may be the most pertinent finding in these
mildest form of the glucose tolerance abnormality, it is rea- experiments. Most noteworthy is the 3% mortality produced
sonable to assume that the use of oral hypoglycemic agents by insulin treatment in strain BALB/c as compared to 17%
in the treatment of GDM should be even more effective than in other strains. This example demonstrates the variability
its current use with type 2 diabetic patients. in study results reported in the literature. It also makes one
Third, the UKPDS on type 2 diabetes supported the effi- realize that it was the strain of mouse that was the deter-
cacy of the drugs and in particular the use of glyburide.3 mining factor in recommending or failing to recommend a
The study demonstrated that with the use of glyburide, 70% particular drug.
of patients achieved a targeted level of glucose control with First-generation sulfonylureas, such as tolbutamide and
the most favorable effect achieved within the first 5 years of chlorpropamide, were found to be associated with con-
therapy.3 The study also reported a decrease in microvascu- genital malformations in the majority of animal studies.
lar and macrovascular complications. Rather than crediting Adverse effects appear to be caused by the drugs and not by
a specific therapy as the factor responsible for the reduced the hypoglycemia they produce. Chlorpropamide appeared
risk of complications, the authors concluded that improve- to be embryotoxic in mouse embryos in culture.53–55 There
ment in glycemic control was the crucial factor in treating is paucity of studies that have been performed to evaluate
the disease. second- and third-generation sulfonylureas and their asso-
The results of the UKPDS3,49,50 and the Diabetes Control ciations with malformations.
and Complications Trial51 suggested that intensive ther- Denno and Sadler56 evaluated the effect of biguanides,
apy in patients with types 1 and 2 diabetes will result in using metformin and phenformin as embryotoxic agents at
204 Use of oral hypoglycemic agents in pregnancy
concentrations equal to serum levels obtained in patients oral hypoglycemic or antihyperglycemic agents. Transport
treated with the agent clinically. They found that phenfor- and metabolism of glyburide across the human placenta
min is embryotoxic, whereas metformin is not, suggesting was investigated in which the following was found: (1)
that metformin is also the safer drug during pregnancy in Virtually there is no significant transport of glyburide in
patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. either the maternal-to-fetal or fetal-to-maternal directions,
However, it should be noted that in the present study, met- with an average transport of 0.26% at 2 hours. These lev-
formin was not without adverse effects since it produced a els are threefold to eightfold higher than the therapeutic
delay in neural tube closure and also reduced yolk sac pro- peak levels after a 5 mg oral dose in humans. In fact, when
tein values at two different concentrations. While delayed cord blood samples were tested using high-performance
closure of the neural tube may not have resulted in gross liquid chromatography (HPLC), glyburide was undetect-
morphological abnormalities, it was not possible to assess able in these samples despite maternal plasma levels of
subtler alterations that might result from such a delay using 50–150 ng/mL. (2) Increasing the glyburide concentration
the culture system. to 100 times therapeutic levels did not alter transport appre-
Shepard57 and Schardein58 reported that metformin did ciably. Equilibrium dialysis demonstrated that at least 98%
not appear to be a major teratogen because <0.5% of the rat of the glyburide was protein bound. (3) Glyburide is neither
fetuses in mothers administered 500–1000 mg/kg devel- metabolized nor sequestered by the placenta. (4) The results
oped anophthalmia and anencephaly. However, evidence of of the study suggest passive drug transfer.
embryo toxicity was evident with higher doses of the drug. Another set of studies conducted in 199470 and 199771
Since animal studies are not conclusive about the safety of demonstrated that second-generation oral hypoglycemic
the fetus regarding the association between drugs and mal- agents, especially glyburide, do not significantly cross the
formations, additional research approaches are needed to diabetic or nondiabetic placenta. Fetal concentrations reached
determine drug transfer across the placenta and/or tests of no more than 1%–2% of maternal concentrations. Although
fetal blood for evidence of the drug. glipizide crossed the placenta in small amounts, this was sig-
Unlike other species, the human placental barrier is com- nificantly higher than glyburide. In contrast, tolbutamide
posed of a single rate-limiting layer of multinucleated cells, diffused across the placenta most freely. Glyburide has not
the syncytiotrophoblasts. During the formation of the pla- been demonstrated to be teratogenic in animal studies and is
centa, fetal tissues erode the maternal blood vessels to attain thus classified as a category B or C depending on the source.
a closer proximity to the maternal circulation. Chorionic The recommendation not to use oral hypoglycemic or
villi that contain fetal blood vessels infiltrate the maternal antihyperglycemic agents because of an increased rate of
vessels and establish a sinusoid in which the villi are suffused anomalies was based on a retrospective study involving 20
by maternal blood.59–62 Animal studies addressing placen- patients with type 2 diabetes, all with hyperglycemia prior to
tal transfer (e.g., mice) will not necessarily be applicable in conception (glycosylated hemoglobin [HbA1C] levels >8%).13
humans.63 The existence of maternal hyperglycemia preconception
The characteristics of individual drugs will determine makes it impossible to determine if the increased rate of
their placental transfer capability. These factors will include anomalies in the study subjects was a result of the medication
molecular weight, pKa, lipophilicity, placental blood flow, or of the elevated glucose levels.
blood protein binding, and elimination half-life.62 Although In contrast, three studies have suggested that there is no
the cutoff for actual molecular weight passage across the association between oral hypoglycemic agents and congeni-
placental barrier has not yet been accurately defined, it is tal malformations. Towner et al.72 treated 332 patients with
generally agreed that molecular weights ≤1000 Da passively type 2 diabetes with oral hypoglycemic agents or insulin
permeate across the placental barrier with sustained mater- prior to pregnancy. They demonstrated, using a stepwise
nal blood concentrations.64,65 Glyburide has a relatively short logistic regression, that the mode of therapy did not have
elimination half-life time (6–8 hours) and an extremely high an adverse significant effect, while the level of glycemia and
protein binding (99.8%) that results in minimal placental maternal age were significant factors contributing to the rate
transfer. Furthermore, there is effluxing of glyburide by spe- of anomalies. Langer et al. demonstrated similar findings in
cific placental transporters (e.g., P-gP, MRP1, MRP3, MRP3, a retrospective analysis of 850 women with type 2 diabetes
and BCRP) even against concentration gradients from the exposed to different oral hypoglycemic agents, insulin, and
fetal to the maternal side.66 diet therapy prior to and during the first trimester of preg-
The recirculating single-cotyledon human placental nancy.73 Again, it was the blood glucose and not the mode
model is widely used to characterize the transport and of therapy that had the net effect on the rate of anomalies.
metabolism of numerous drugs and nutrients. It is a reli- Koren,74 at a National Institutes of Health and Food and
able in vitro model for human placental transfer since it Drug Administration conference, presented the results of
facilitates the study of intact human placenta independent eight studies and concluded that the use of oral hypoglyce-
of fetal metabolism. Experiments can be validated against mic agents have no effect on the rate of fetal anomalies due
known substances that freely cross the placenta.67–69 Using to a very narrow confidence interval (CI) (odds ratio [OR]
this model, we evaluated whether first- and second-gener- 1.0; 95% CI 1.05–1.85). Recently, two meta-analysis stud-
ation sulfonylureas cross the placenta.28,70,71 Glyburide’s ies reconfirmed that there is no association between gly-
molecular weight is 494 units (U); it is one of the largest buride or metformin therapies and fetal malformations.
Is there an association between oral agents and maternal/neonatal hypoglycemia? 205
In a meta-analysis (comprised of 10 studies), no relationship Are oral agents and insulin comparable in achieving
was found between first-trimester exposure and anoma- glycemic control?
lies, OR = 1.05 (0.65–1.70).75 In another meta-analysis that Since GDM is characterized by a milder abnormal glycemic
included 8 studies, metformin treatment was associated profile and occurs 2–10 years earlier than type 2 diabetes, the
with 57% protective effect (control 7.2% vs. 1.7% metformin use of oral hypoglycemic agents to treat GDM should prove
treated). There is no evidence for increased risk for major to be even more efficacious. In addition, it is reasonable to
malformations.76 expect that the success rate of therapy for patients with GDM
It remains unresolved if the treatment of type 2 diabe- should be ≥70%, as achieved in type 2 diabetes. Several ret-
tes with oral hypoglycemic agents will accelerate the rate of rospective studies and numerous randomized studies4,81–91
anomalies. On the other hand, is it an overreaction to con- evaluated the use of glyburide or metformin in comparison
demn these medications? With existing data, care provid- to insulin. All found no difference in success rate between
ers need to objectively present information to patients so the drug therapies. Notelowitz91 studied the utility of tol-
that issues are addressed and informed decisions are made. butamide, chlorpropamide, diet therapy, and insulin in a
Moreover, there should be diligence in separating data from randomized study with a small sample size with relatively
studies of type 2 diabetes when considering the treatment for low power (each of the 4 arms contained 50 patients). There
GDM. In the case of GDM, the issue of anomalies is simpler. was no significant difference in perinatal mortality or con-
Patients with GDM are diagnosed and enter therapy after the genital anomalies. Good glycemic control was defined
first trimester (after the organogenesis period). There then as a blood glucose level <150 mg/dL. The percentages of
remains concern about potential fetal hypoglycemia and the patients who achieved the targeted glycemic category
stimulation for macrosomia if the drug crosses the placenta. (i.e., <150 mg/dL) are 80% of those using oral hypoglycemic
However, as previously discussed, glyburide does not cross agents or diet therapy and 36% of those treated with insu-
the placenta in appreciable amounts, and metformin that lin. Eighty percent of subjects treated with oral agents or in
does cross the placenta is not clinically associated with fetal diet therapy alone maintained targeted blood glucose levels
malformation. Finally, we demonstrated4 that patients enter- <150 mg/dL. In contrast, only 38% of the patients with insu-
ing therapy after the first trimester have rate of anomalies lin treatment were able to achieve this level, probably due to
comparable to patients treated with insulin and glyburide and poor compliance.
similar to the rate reported in the nondiabetic general popu- In Langer’s study,4 glyburide was as effective as insulin,
lation. Others reported that in women with type 2 diabetes with 82% of the patients treated with glyburide and 88% of
that were treated with oral agents prior and during organo- the patients treated with insulin achieving targeted levels of
genesis, no increased rate of fetal anomalies was found. control. Four hundred and forty women in between 11 and
33 weeks gestation, with a singleton pregnancy, having GDM
requiring treatment (a failed oral glucose tolerance test and
Is there an association between a fasting plasma glucose level 95–140 mg/dL) were enrolled.
The blood glucose profile characteristics prior to initiation
oral agents and maternal/neonatal of therapy were comparable for the glyburide- and the insu-
hypoglycemia? lin-treated groups (114 ± 9 versus 116 ± 22 mg/dL, respec-
tively). Patients were randomly assigned to receive either
An example of a study used to generate the recommenda- glyburide (n = 201; initial dose 2.5 mg orally, increasing by
tion that there is an increased risk for neonatal hypoglyce- 5 mg/week up to a total of 20 mg) or insulin (n = 203; initial
mia with the use of these drugs was a case report of three dose 0.7 U/kg subcutaneously three times daily, increasing
infants whose mothers received chlorpropamide and another each week as necessary) for glycemic control. Patients were
mother of an infant given acetohexamide; another case report required to measure glucose values seven times daily. The tar-
reported prolonged symptomatic neonatal hypoglycemia.11,12 gets for glycemic control were a mean blood glucose level of
Studies evaluating the existence of hypoglycemia using data 90–105 mg/dL, a fasting blood glucose level of 60–90 mg/dL,
from continuous blood glucose during a 72-hour monitoring a preprandial blood glucose level of 80–95 mg/dL, and a post-
period defined hypoglycemia as blood glucose <50 mg/dL prandial blood glucose level of <120 mg/dL.
for 30 minutes. In the insulin-treated patients, 4.2 ± 2.1/day Both treatments caused significant reductions in blood
episodes and, for glyburide-treated subjects, 2.1 ± 1.1/day glucose levels compared with levels measured at home for
episodes (p = 0.03) were reported. Asymptomatic hypogly- 1 week prior to initiation of treatment. Mean blood glu-
cemia was identified in 63% of insulin-treated women and cose levels in the glyburide group decreased from 114 to
28% for the glyburide-treated subjects. Overall, 84% of the 105 mg/dL, whereas those in the insulin group decreased
hypoglycemic episodes were nocturnal.77 Another study from 116 to 105 mg/dL. The percentages of the subjects who
using self-monitoring blood glucose revealed that the rate of were able to achieve targeted levels of glycemia are 82%
maternal hypoglycemia does not increase with the use of gly- of those treated with glyburide and 88% of those treated
buride. In fact, women in diet therapy and with insulin treat- with insulin. However, eight glyburide-treated women (4%)
ment had higher rates of hypoglycemic episodes compared to failed to achieve the desired level of control early in the third
women treated with glyburide.4,78 These findings were reiter- trimester and were transferred to insulin therapy. None of
ated in two meta-analysis studies.79,80 the patients developed severe symptoms of hypoglycemia.
206 Use of oral hypoglycemic agents in pregnancy
However, in the insulin-treated group, a significantly more efficacious compared to metformin as a treatment
higher rate of subjects had 1%–6% of self-monitoring blood modality in GDM in both controlling the level of glycemia
glucose determination values <40 mg/dL compared to the and decreasing complications related to glycemia. In one
glyburide subjects. The glyburide and insulin groups had study, 26 the failure of metformin to achieve targeted levels
similar rates of preeclampsia (6%) and cesarean sections of glycemic control was 53.8% for established diabetics and
(23%–24%). Neonatal outcomes did not differ significantly 28.6% in patients with GDM. Apart from a high incidence
between the two groups. The glyburide and insulin groups of neonatal jaundice requiring phototherapy, the infant
had a similar incidence of large-for-gestational-age (LGA) morbidity in the metformin group was low. The rate of LGA
infants (12% vs. 13%), macrosomia (7% vs. 4%), lung com- infants was double the rate found in the authors’ general
plications (8% vs. 6%), hypoglycemia (9% vs. 6%), admis- population. However, the LGA rate was comparable in the
sion to a neonatal intensive care unit (6% vs. 7%), and fetal metformin- and insulin-treated patients, approaching 20%.
anomalies (2% vs. 2%). Finally, in this study, 26 the mothers of the three infants
In another study of the use of glyburide in pregnancy, with congenital malformations in the metformin group
the level of compliance in women using glyburide therapy initiated therapy in the third trimester. Another study by
to achieve glycemic control was reexamined. The success of the same authors23 compared patients treated with metfor-
glyburide therapy was defined as maintaining fasting plasma min and glibenclamide alone, and the combination of diet,
level <90 mg/dL and 1-hour postprandial level <130 mg/dL. metformin, and glibenclamide. Patients who failed the oral
Approximately, 83% of the women achieved these goals with hypoglycemic agent therapy were transferred to insulin
universal satisfaction with the mode of therapy.92 therapy. The incidence of LGA neonates (>90th percentile)
Success in achieving targeted levels of glycemia will was 15% (metformin), 27% (glibenclamide), 33% (com-
vary from study to study because of different doses, admin- bined therapy group), and 41% (failed oral insulin–treated
istration algorithms, length of therapy, type of patient group). The relative increase in the rate of LGA infants must
(severity and ethnicity), and noncomparable groups (com- be explained by the severity of the disease and the higher
pliant versus noncompliant subjects). To date, there is no rate of poorly controlled subjects in the group with the
evidence that a diabetic medication will be able to main- combination approach and the group treated with insulin.
tain targeted levels of glycemic control in all patients. Neonatal hypoglycemia is defined as <25 mg/dL: the overall
Several studies93–96 determined that 75%–84% success was rate of neonatal hypoglycemia was 11.5%, with the highest
achieved with the use of glyburide as a primary therapy. rates for the patients treated with glibenclamide, 27% and
When patients on glyburide failed to achieve targeted lev- combination therapy (glibenclamide and metformin), 18%,
els of glycemic control and transferred to insulin therapy, and the lowest rate in metformin-treated patients, 5%. The
failure rate was 54%–67%. Physician intervention can pre- high rate of neonatal hypoglycemia corresponds with a rate
vent avoidable failure by adequately adjusting drug dose of LGA infants reported in Langer’s study, suggesting that
or prescribing alternative treatment when the original a significant number of their patients were in suboptimal
therapy has failed; however, other factors are unavoidable glucose control.
and not subject to physician intervention, e.g., race, obe-
sity, and disease severity.
The success rate of metformin compared to insulin or Effect of obesity and disease severity on achievement
glyburide in achieving targeted levels of glycemic control of targeted level of control
is less well defined. Several randomized studies82–86,90,97–99 Although glyburide and probably metformin are compa-
evaluated the need for insulin supplements in metformin- rable to insulin in the success of achieving targeted levels
treated women. In these studies, the range of metformin of glycemic control, the question remains if this compari-
failure was 14%–46%. In the Rowen study,86 the range of son will hold true along the severity spectrum of GDM. We
insulin dose required was 22–81 units. Predictors of the evaluated this issue by stratifying women with GDM based
need for supplemental insulin include higher BMI and fast- on fasting plasma glucose. We demonstrated that there
ing glucose on the OGTT and earlier gestational age at diag- was no difference in the rate of success for insulin- and
nosis. A randomized small-scale study (46 patients in each glyburide-treated patients. This relationship was obtained
arm) found lower mean blood glucose in the metformin vs. in over 85% of patients with a glyburide dose ≤15 mg. For
the insulin group.90 Silva82,83 compared the success rates of both drugs, the success rate decreased with the increase
glyburide compared to metformin in other small random- in severity category of the disease. The incidence of LGA
ized studies. They concluded that treatment of GDM with infants increased in direct relation to the severity of the
metformin or glyburide was comparable for both women disease for both drugs.100 In regard to metformin, the rela-
and newborns. In contrast, Moore84,85 in a randomized tionship between severity level and success in achieving
study of metformin vs. glyburide found that the failure rate targeted levels of control is less clear. Some studies have
to achieve the glycemic target was 2.1-fold higher for the demonstrated comparable levels of success, while in oth-
metformin group (34.7% vs. 16.2%, 95% CI 1.2–3.9). Finally, ers, approximately 46% of subjects needed the addition of
a higher rate of fetal macrosomia and metabolic complica- insulin to the metformin therapy.86
tions was found in the metformin study86 compared to the Women with Type 2 diabetes, by definition, are in a
glyburide studies.4 The data suggest that glyburide may be higher disease severity level than patients with GDM
Conclusions 207
(fasting plasma glucose ≥126 mg/dL). The pregnancy exac- and insulin, metformin with a glucagon-like peptide 1
erbates the disease (insulin resistance) making it even receptor agonist and insulin, and metformin and insulin.
more difficult to achieve targeted levels of glycemic con- They found that all treatment regimens yielded comparable
trol. Therefore, these patients will benefit from immediate life years and QALYs, regardless of glycemic control tar-
assignment to insulin therapy rather than diet alone or oral get. However, the regimen in which sulfonylurea was the
agent treatment.101 However, when we compared success in second-line treatment accrued significantly lower cost per
achieving glucose targets and adverse perinatal outcome, QALYs and had the longest time to insulin dependence. For
we found no difference between patients treated with gly- all treatment approaches, an HbA1C goal of 7% resulted in
buride or insulin.102 higher QALYs vs. a goal of 8%. The study took into account
concerns regarding severe hypoglycemia in association
with sulfonylurea use. The study data suggest that a glyce-
Association between oral agents and breastfeeding mic control goal of 6.5% or 7% (~135–150 mg/dL) will be
Breastfeeding has, in the past decade, gained popularity sufficient to prevent hypoglycemia. However, this thresh-
in the United States where it was traditionally less popu- old is significantly higher than the threshold of <100 mg/
lar than in Europe. Women are encouraged and motivated dL needed to optimize outcome of pregnancy.
to breastfeed because of purported health benefits to the To date, a single study sought to evaluate the cost of
newborn and the psychosocial variable of mother–child insulin vs. glyburide therapy. The author included the cost
bonding. of insulin, syringes, needles, alcohol pads, and the teach-
From the pharmaceutical perspective, only when the ing required for patient insulin administration. For the
drug level is ≥10% is there a need for concern. Studies have glyburide patients, they calculated the cost of the medica-
shown that the infant metformin level was 0.28% of the tion and the cost of instructing failed glyburide patients in
weight normalized to maternal dose while glyburide showed insulin administration. The outcome of pregnancy was not
no trace in breast milk. Therefore, both drugs are safe to use included in the calculation since the outcome was com-
during breastfeeding.103–105 parable between the two modalities. They concluded that
glyburide is significantly less costly than insulin therapy
resulting in an average savings of at least $165.84/patient
Cost-effectiveness of insulin vs. glyburide (based on wholesale drug costs).107
In nonpregnant subjects with type 2 diabetes, the use of a
sulfonylurea drug as a second-line agent appears to yield
glycemic control and quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) Conclusions
similar to those provided by similar agents, but at a lower
cost, according to recent findings. In the study,106 the Different oral hypoglycemic agents act via diverse mecha-
researchers created a population-based glycemic control nisms of action. These drug characteristics provide a more
Markov model to mimic natural variations in HbA1C pro- physiological approach to the treatment of type 2 diabe-
gression. The study’s outcome measures were life years, tes and GDM. Furthermore, combination therapies will
QALYs, mean time to insulin dependence, and anticipated enhance the effect of these drugs on glucose metabolism
costs of medication per QALY from diagnosis, onset of dia- (Figure 24.1).
betes complications, or death. They evaluated the following In addition, a pill will generally be more acceptable than
four second-line intensification regimens: metformin, sul- an injection. In addition, the use of oral hypoglycemic agents
fonylurea, and insulin, metformin with a DPP-IV inhibitor is more convenient, less costly to the patient in supplies,
Insulin resistance
Diagnosis If type 2 in pregnancy
of GDM start insulin
other risk factor
Oral agents
glyburide metformin?
Combination therapy
with oral agents or insulin
and less expensive in office infrastructure and staff. Insulin adherence, etc.) will determine the overall success in manag-
therapy involves daily injections that do not always result in ing the disease and maximizing the quality of perinatal out-
optimal compliance by many women, and women in many come. Thus, as food for thought, we need to remember the
developing countries cannot afford insulin therapy. Hippocratic Oath (Orko V) that physicians swear to uphold:
Today, sufficient data exist generated by several random- Epi dhlhsei de kai adikihi eirxein—“first, do no harm or
ized and well-designed prospective and retrospective stud- cause injustice….” Withholding potential efficacious treat-
ies to support the use of oral hypoglycemic agents since they ment because of “conventional wisdom” does not uphold the
may have an even greater therapeutic effect in controlling Hippocratic Oath. We need to remember that often it is not
glycemic levels. However, regardless of the mode of therapy, a question of right or wrong—it is more often a question of
whole-patient care (glucose monitoring, education, diet what is more right.
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25 The drug dilemma of oral
antidiabetic agents in pregnancy:
Yoel Toledano, Moshe Zloczower, and Nicky Lieberman
212 The drug dilemma of oral antidiabetic agents in pregnancy
assessment of insulin resistance [HOMA-IR or HOMA]) as a more convenient screening tool.46 The A1C test should
have been extensively used. There are limitations to their be performed using a method that is certified by the National
use, including changes in beta cell function over time, lack Glycohemoglobin Standardization Program (NGSP) and
of a standardized universal insulin assay, and lack of data standardized or traceable to the Diabetes Control and
demonstrating that markers of insulin resistance predict Complications Trial (DCCT) reference assay.46
response to treatment. As a result, although indexes such as
HOMA and QUICKI (quantitative insulin sensitivity check
index) have been proposed and cut-points identified,36 none Treatment
are recommended for routine assessment of insulin resis- Although it might be preferable to treat only insulin-resistant
tance in the clinic. women with PCOS, there is currently no readily available
Hyperandrogenemia can be stimulated by several mecha- and reliable test to evaluate the presence of insulin resistance.
nisms. First, abdominal obesity is associated with reduced Thus, therapeutic interventions may be directed to specific
levels of serum sex hormone–binding globulin (SHBG) and symptoms of PCOS as control of hyperandrogenism and
increased bioavailable serum androgens, which include free restoration of menstrual cyclicity and ovulation. Increasing
and albumin-bound androgens.37 Second, obesity is associ- insulin sensitivity and reducing insulin levels are consid-
ated with an increased testosterone production rate and a ered as a more holistic therapeutic action.22,30 The treatments
non-SHBG-bound androgen production rate of dehydro- are either favorable or with no impact regarding the glucose
epiandrosterone and androstenedione.38 Third, the com- homeostasis.
bination of insulin resistance and increased LH secretion
appears to stimulate ovarian androgen production.39 Finally, Therapeutic lifestyle change
elevated insulin levels inhibit hepatic synthesis of SHBG.40 Weight loss strategies with calorie-restricted diets and physi-
Furthermore, estrogen levels, particularly estrone, may cal activity are the key to clinical improvement in overweight
also be higher in PCOS,41 although not participating in the or obese PCOS patients. Indeed, they are likely beneficial
hyperandrogenic state. for reproductive and metabolic dysfunction. There is no evi-
The molecular defects that cause insulin resistance have dence that one type of diet is superior for weight loss. Weight
not been fully determined. In some patients, insulin resis- loss is probably insufficient as a treatment for normal-weight
tance appears related to mutations in the insulin receptor PCOS women.28
gene that result in abnormal function of the insulin recep-
tor.42 Accordingly, genetic defects leading to extreme levels Hormonal contraceptives
of insulin resistance in women (e.g., those resulting from Combined oral contraceptives are considered as the first-
mutations in the insulin receptor gene) are typically accom- line management for the menstrual abnormalities and hir-
panied by manifestations of PCOS. sutism and/or acne of PCOS.28
Dysregulation of local follicle regulatory systems by
androgens and other factors impedes normal follicular Metformin
growth, resulting in follicular arrest at the 4–8 mm diam- Treatment of T2DM is the only indication for metformin
eter size.37 A dominant follicle (i.e., 18–25 mm in diameter) administration approved by the FDA. According to the 2014
does not develop, and therefore, ovulation does not occur. ADA recommendations, metformin therapy for the preven-
Thus, the combination of elevated LH, hyperinsulinemia, tion of T2DM may also be considered. It may be adminis-
ovarian androgen overproduction, and disruption of follicle tered to patients with IGT, impaired fasting glucose (IFG),
growth produces the PCOS phenotype of oligoovulation and or an A1C of 5.7%–6.4%, especially for those with a BMI
hyperandrogenism.43 ≥35 kg/m2 and women with prior GDM.46 Nevertheless, it
has been used “off-label” to treat or prevent several clinical
problems associated with PCOS47: oligomenorrhea, hirsut-
Associated morbidity ism, infertility, obesity, and early miscarriage. Next, we pres-
Abdominal obesity is the main metabolic abnormality in ent the different therapeutic effects of metformin in patients
PCOS women. Women with PCOS are at increased risk for with PCOS.
developing T2DM or impaired glucose tolerance (IGT). In
a study of 122 obese women with PCOS, 45% had either Metabolic effects: Metformin, compared with placebo,
IGT (35%) or T2DM (10%) by age 40.44 Actually, T2DM reduced plasma insulin by improving insulin sensitiv-
and gestational diabetes (GDM) are two different variants ity as measured by glucose clamp studies. Likewise, it
for the same disease in different settings. They are consid- reduced serum free testosterone and increased mean
ered as direct outcomes of the insulin resistance metabolic serum HDL cholesterol. Both the clinical and bio-
abnormality in PCOS. Moreover, they can lead to increased chemical alterations were not correlated to changes
cardiovascular risk,45 obstructive sleep apnea, nonalcoholic in body weight. Also, they were sustained over a
fatty liver disease, and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. mean duration of treatment of 11 months in a follow-
Taken together, women with PCOS should be actively up observational study. However, there was no sig-
screened with fasting and 75 g oral glucose load for IGT nificant reduction in hirsutism despite the lower free
and T2DM. A hemoglobin A1C (HbA1c) test is also accepted serum testosterone concentration.34 A meta-analysis
214 The drug dilemma of oral antidiabetic agents in pregnancy
of 13 trials reported that metformin is associated with believe that women with PCOS who do not respond at
a reduction in blood pressure, LDL, and fasting insu- these doses should be treated with 2000 mg daily.64
lin levels, when compared with placebo.48 Spontaneous abortion: The spontaneous abortion rate in
Gestational diabetes: The incidence of GDM is several- women with PCOS is 20%–40% higher than the baseline
fold higher in women with PCOS than in the general in the general obstetric population.65 Three studies in
obstetric population.49,50 Two observational studies women with PCOS reported miscarriage rates of 62%–
suggested that metformin use was associated with a 73% in pregnancies when metformin was not taken,
lower risk of GDM. However, this was not confirmed and only 9%–36% of pregnancies in the same women
in a trial of 273 pregnancies among 257 women with under metformin.49,66,67 By contrast, in a meta-analysis
PCOS who were randomly assigned to receive metfor- incorporating 17 trials in women with PCOS taking
min (2000 mg/day) or placebo from the first trimester metformin, with or without clomiphene, for ovulation
until delivery. No significant difference in the preva- induction, no effect of metformin was detected on the
lence of GDM was detected between the groups (met- pregnancy loss risk (secondary end point50).
formin 17.6% vs. placebo 16.9%).51 Hirsutism: Although metformin may reduce serum
Obesity: At least 40% of women with PCOS are obese.25 androgen concentrations, it has limited benefit for the
Metformin may be useful for achieving weight loss or treatment of hirsutism.68–74
potentiating weight loss by caloric restriction. A large
clinical trial randomly assigned 150 obese women In summary, the Endocrine Society recommended using
to receive weight reduction drugs (sibutramine or metformin28 in women with PCOS who have T2DM or IGT
orlistat) or metformin (850 mg twice daily).52 After and failed lifestyle modification. For women with PCOS
6 months of treatment, all three groups had 9%–14% and menstrual irregularity who cannot take or do not tol-
reductions in BMI. Thus, metformin treatment was erate oral contraceptives, metformin should be offered as a
associated with as much weight reduction as other second-line therapy. By contrast, the use of metformin as a
anti-obesity medications. In another study involving first-line treatment of cutaneous manifestations, as preven-
obese women with and without PCOS, metformin (850 tion of pregnancy complications, or for the treatment of
mg twice daily) plus a low-calorie diet (1200–1400 kcal obesity is not recommended. In addition, treatment of infer-
daily) was superior to a low-calorie diet alone in facili- tility should be initiated with clomiphene citrate (or compa-
tating weight loss.53 Other investigators have reported rable estrogen modulators such as letrozole) as the first-line
similar results.54,55 One trial reported that higher- treatment of anovulatory infertility in women with PCOS.
dose metformin (2550 mg/day) was more effective for Metformin usage is an adjuvant therapy for infertility and
weight loss than lower-dose metformin (1500 mg/day) for OHSS prevention in IVF patients.
in obese women with PCOS.56 The dose-dependent
effect was observed in women with a BMI between 30
and 37 kg/m2, but not in those whose BMI was greater GDM and metformin
than 37 kg/m2. Metformin appears to decrease caloric
intake by suppressing appetite.57 This effect may be Among the antidiabetic agents, metformin and human
independent of its gastrointestinal side effects.58 insulin are classified as category B (no evidence of risk in
Infertility: Metformin has not been proven to be endo- humans). Yet, despite the inconvenience of injections, met-
metrial protective but will restore ovulatory men- formin is barely used in pregnancy. The American College
ses in approximately 50% of women with PCOS, 34,59 of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG)75 and the
although some studies report ovulatory rates from Endocrine Society76 endorsed the use of metformin in GDM.
23% to 90% in normoandrogenic anovulatory Importantly, metformin crosses the placenta and could affect
women.60 This drug improves pregnancy rates when fetal physiology directly.77 This fact is not considered as a
compared with placebo. Metformin and clomiphene disadvantage if fetal harm is excluded. Actually, a drug that
together also improve rates when compared with improves insulin sensitivity in the mother and fetus has a the-
clomiphene alone, but not when metformin is com- oretical advantage. This was the rationale of the Metformin
pared directly with clomiphene. Metformin does in Gestational Diabetes (MiG) trial, as discussed later.78
not improve live births whether it is used alone or in The drug has not been specifically approved by the FDA
combination with clomiphene.61,62 Thus, the benefit of for treatment during pregnancy. Also, it was not recom-
metformin appears limited regarding the improve- mended by the ADA.79 Second- and third-trimester met-
ment of reproductive outcomes in women with PCOS. formin treatment of GDM appears to be safe. One small
However, it may prevent ovarian hyperstimulation retrospective cohort study80 showed increased rates of
syndrome (OHSS) in women with PCOS undergoing perinatal loss and preeclampsia as compared with insulin
in vitro fertilization (IVF).63 treatment. Many other studies reported that metformin use
Dose and side effects: The optimum metformin dose for during pregnancy is safe and effective,81 even in the first
restoring ovulatory menses has not been determined. The trimester.51,65,67,82–90 The only disadvantage may be limited
two best studied metformin regimens are 500 mg three effectiveness. Between one-quarter and one-half of women
times daily and 850 mg twice daily. Some authorities will need insulin to achieve glycemic targets.
Postpartum prevention of T2DM in women with prior GDM 215
The largest trial assessing metformin use in GDM is long-term safety, patients who are prescribed metformin
the Australian MiG trial.78 Seven hundred and fifty-one should be informed of the existing uncertainties related to
Australian women with GDM at 20–33 weeks of gestation transplacental passage.
were randomly assigned to receive metformin (with insu-
lin supplementation if needed) or insulin therapy. Perinatal
morbidity was reported as the composite rate of neonatal
hypoglycemia, respiratory distress, need for phototherapy,
Postpartum prevention of T2DM
birth trauma, prematurity, and low Apgar score. One-third in women with prior GDM
of women in each group experienced composite morbid-
ity. There were no serious adverse effects related to metfor- T2DM is characterized by hyperglycemia, insulin resistance,
min treatment; however, almost half of the women using it and relative impairment in insulin secretion. Abnormal glu-
needed supplemental insulin to achieve glycemic control. cose metabolism can be documented years before the onset
Another two small randomized prospective, open- of overt diabetes. Although the natural history of IFG and
labeled, Finnish studies in GDM pregnancies examined the IGT is variable, approximately 25% of subjects with either
effectiveness of metformin compared to insulin in the pre- will progress to diabetes over 3–5 years.99 Individuals with
vention of fetal macrosomy as the primary outcome. Both additional diabetes clinical risk factors, including obesity and
concluded that metformin is possibly suitable for the pre- family history, are more likely to develop diabetes. The risk
vention of fetal macrosomy, especially in lean or moderately for T2DM is higher in women who have had GDM.100–103
overweight women developing GDM during late gestation. These women have defects in both insulin secretion and
However, 20.9%–31.9% of the women randomized to the insulin action, the severity of which correlate with the future
metformin arm needed supplemental insulin, more likely risk of diabetes.100,101
among older, those with considerable obesity, high fasting As GDM is a predictor of developing T2DM, it is also a
blood glucose or higher serum fructosamine concentra- predictor for developing cardiac disease and metabolic syn-
tion at diagnosis, early GDM diagnosis, and earlier need for drome in both the mothers and the offspring. For example,
pharmacological treatment.91,92 higher birth weight (>4.0 kg) may be associated with an
The latest published study evaluated glycemic control in increased risk of diabetes.104 Long-term follow-up by the
women receiving metformin or insulin for GDM. Lower family physicians and efforts to prevent T2DM are sug-
mean glucose levels were observed in the metformin group.93 gested by ACOG,75 the ADA,105 and the Fifth International
Women using metformin developed less weight gain and a Workshop Conference on Gestational Diabetes.106
lower frequency of neonatal hypoglycemia. In the metfor- The goals of diabetes prevention are delaying the onset
min group, 26.08% of women required supplemental insulin of diabetes, preserving beta cell function, and preventing or
for glycemic control. Early gestational age at diagnosis and delaying microvascular and cardiovascular complications.
higher mean pretreatment glucose levels were identified as In order to prevent the development of T2DM, the post-
predictors of insulin need.93 GDM patient should be perceived as a “prediabetic” patient.
The main principles for managing these patients are as
Metformin for GDM prevention
Although observational studies of metformin use in women 1. Long-term intensive follow-up, including timely testing
with PCOS supported this hypothesis,89,90 a randomized trial for fasting glucose and HgA1C.
among women with PCOS did not.51 In this trial, as in many 2. Promotion of lifestyle changes, including healthy diet,
other trials, women in the metformin group gained less weight control, and regular exercise.
weight during pregnancy than those in the placebo group. 3. Encouraging breastfeeding.
4. For those women in which lifestyle changes fail to improve
Long-term outcome glycemic indices, it is suggested to use medical treatment,
Metformin crosses the placenta.77 Indeed, in one study, mainly metformin.
cord arterial levels were twice as high as maternal venous
levels.94 Long-term outcome of fetal exposure to an insulin- All patients should be counseled on the benefits of weight
sensitizing agent such as metformin is unknown. Notably, loss and increasing physical activity. Different programs for
it is not even known whether the exposure is beneficial or successful compliance, including health coaches and psy-
harmful. Thus, caution is still warranted in its use during chological support, are recommended. Patients should also
pregnancy. A 2-year follow-up study of the offspring in the be encouraged to stop smoking.
MiG trial reported no difference in total fat or central adipos- Importantly, changes in lifestyle, including diet modifi-
ity between metformin-exposed and nonexposed o ffspring. cation, weight loss, and exercise, slow progression of IGT to
However, there was an increase in subcutaneous fat deposi- overt diabetes.107 The Mediterranean diet appears to be associ-
tion.95 Whether this is beneficial or harmful remains to be ated with several health benefits, including diabetes preven-
determined.96,97 Because offspring of diabetic mothers may tion.108,109 There is no single definition of a Mediterranean diet,
not manifest obesity until the age of 5–7 years,98 longer- but typically it is rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans,
term studies are needed. Until such studies demonstrate nuts, and seeds; includes olive oil as an important source of
216 The drug dilemma of oral antidiabetic agents in pregnancy
monounsaturated fat; and allows low to moderate wine con- Pharmacologic therapy may be helpful in preventing
sumption. There are typically low to moderate amounts of T2DM in high-risk patients (GDM) for whom lifestyle
fish, poultry, and dairy products, with little red meat. interventions fail or are not sustainable.120,121 Metformin is
The benefit of exercise in preventing diabetes has been a pivotal therapy in this setting. To the best of our knowl-
demonstrated in several studies.110–115 Weight reduction edge, there is only one randomized controlled trial of
resulting from lifestyle intervention, i.e., combined diet and pharmacological therapy in women with prior GDM that
exercise aimed at weight loss and increasing activity levels, considered diabetes prevention as the primary end point
can improve glucose tolerance and prevent progression from (the Troglitazone in Prevention of Diabetes [TRIPOD]
IGT to T2DM.107,116 Moreover, breastfeeding is correlated study122). In this study, T2DM incidence reduced from
with reduced blood glucose levels and incidence of T2DM 45% to 20% (RR 0.45) with troglitazone versus placebo.
among both women with a history of GDM and women in Troglitazone is not marketed anymore due to the risk of
the general population.117–119 fatal liver failure.
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26 Facing noncommunicable
diseases’ global epidemic:
The battle of prevention starts
in utero—The FIGO challenge
Luis Cabero and Sabaratnam Arulkumaran
220 Facing noncommunicable diseases’ global epidemic
socially disadvantaged people get sick and die earlier than needs of people suffering from these diseases. However, one
people of higher social status, mainly because of the higher must acknowledge that low-income countries tend to have a
risk of exposure to harmful products, such as tobacco or low capacity for the prevention and control of NCDs.9
unhealthy foods, and limited access to health services. 2,3
In resource-poor settings, the healthcare expenses for car-
diovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and chronic lung
disease, as stated, can quickly exhaust the resources of Developmental origins of health
families and force them into poverty. The exorbitant costs
of NCDs, particularly prolonged and expensive treatment,
and disease
or the demise of the breadwinner, are pushing millions of In recent decades, various research areas have suggested
people into poverty each year, preventing the progress of that events involved in normal fetal development could have
the country and the society. National economies are suffer- long-term effects and influence health in adulthood.10,11 It
ing considerable losses due to premature death or disability appears that metabolic changes in utero can influence the
to work resulting from heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. physiological and structural patterns that “program” long-
For example, it is expected that India and China will lose term health in adulthood.12,13 Early studies by Barker et al.14,15
about $558 billion from their gross domestic production in the 1980s established that the prevalence of some diseases
(GDP) between 2005 and 2015 due to premature deaths.4–6 in adulthood, such as atherosclerosis, high blood pressure
In 2005, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes caused an esti- (hypertension), stroke, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and dyslip-
mated loss of $9 billion in India and $3 billion in Brazil from idemia, is related to the intrauterine environment (“Barker
the GDP.7 A study commissioned by the World Economic hypothesis”). Moreover, the association has been reported
Forum concluded that the world will sustain a cumulative between low weight and height at birth, with increased risk
output loss of $47 trillion between 2011 and 2030 because of of subsequent development of diseases such as hypertension,
NCDs and mental illnesses, about $30 trillion of which will metabolic syndrome, and stroke.16–18 Other studies have con-
be attributable to cardiovascular diseases, cancers, chronic firmed this relationship and currently are trying to reveal
pulmonary diseases, and diabetes.8 some of the mechanisms behind it.19,20 On an experimental
level, for example, nutritional restriction during pregnancy
has been shown to irreversibly affect the structure, metab-
Combating NCDs olism, and function in some organs, “programming” the
development of certain diseases in offspring.21 The result of
In many countries, the excessive use of alcohol and con- this research is that today we can talk about the fetal origins
sumption of unhealthy foods are affecting both high- of many adult diseases (Developmental Origins of Health and
income and low-income groups. However, the former can Disease [DOHaD]).21 Animal experiments and epidemiolog-
access products and services that protect them from the ical observations in humans suggest that nutrition received
major risks, while low-income groups are often unable to in the intrauterine environment modulates the metabolic
afford it. activity of various tissues in postnatal life.22,23 An important
To reduce the impact of NCDs on individuals and the consequence of intrauterine caloric and nutrient restriction
society, we should apply a comprehensive approach that rein- is the accelerated growth in the postnatal period.24
forces all sectors, including those related to health, finance, In fact, during periods of development, certain epigenetic
foreign affairs, education, and agriculture and planning, to modifications are taking place that establish the parameters
work together to reduce the risks associated with NCDs, and within which the tissue functions. It should be mentioned
to promote strategies and intervention to prevent and con- that the functional changes made by epigenetic influences
trol them. need not be phenotypically (physically) visible in order to
An important tactic to reduce NCDs is to reduce the be significant; however, they usually have long-term health
risk factors associated with these diseases. Effective and consequences. These functional changes cannot be reliably
low-cost solutions exist to modify common risk factors detected by conventional testing, are observed only when
(mainly tobacco consumption, unhealthy diets and physical they match certain environmental contexts, and are likely to
inactivity, and excessive use of alcohol) and to map the epi- be initially masked by systemic effects.
demic of NCDs and their risk factors.1 This developmental plasticity is more important during
Another option to combat NCDs is to introduce some periods in which the cells are differentiating and forming
essential high-impact interventions with the focus on pri- specific tissues, as happens mainly during pregnancy (for
mary care in order to improve their early detection and timely both mother and child) and during early childhood, puberty,
treatment. Evidence shows that such interventions are also and menopause. DOHaD hypothesizes that environmental
excellent financial investment, since if introduced early they exposures during critical periods of development may cause
can reduce the need for more expensive treatments. These subtle changes in certain biological functions, although,
measures may also be applied in situations with different lev- practically invisible, they can increase the risk of disease and
els of resources. For maximum effect, the public policies have dysfunction later in life.25
to focus on healthy lifestyles that promote prevention and Some of the most striking evidence of developmental
control of NCDs and reorienting health systems to meet the plasticity that were first discovered came from the analysis
Epigenetic programming 221
of the consequences of prolonged periods of famine. Dutch governs the cell machinery for the production of a specific pro-
conceived in the time of famine during the last two years tein. The addition or removal of a methyl group to a gene is a
of World War II were more likely to develop metabolic way of influencing this process, if a certain gene can be tran-
syndrome in adulthood.26 Subsequent research has also
scribed into RNA and, therefore, whether or not to produce the
confirmed these findings in Chinese famine victims.27 In both corresponding protein. Thus, methylation in a group of genes
groups, the offspring were more likely to have hypertension, may cause changes in many biological processes occurring in
glucose intolerance, and excessive weight gain. the body, and affect the metabolism, causing energy expendi-
ture or conservation. This process could also be responsible for
more specific aspects such as eye or skin color.
Epigenetic programming The discovery of noncoding small RNAs has opened a
new field of microRNAs, which also play an important role in
The discovery of epigenetic programming has provided a epigenetics by modifying gene expression posttranscription-
plausible explanation why and how nutritional characteris- ally.32 MicroRNAs indirectly affect translation of key factors
tics during critical periods of life can have health manifesta- or enzymes required for epigenetic processes in the nucleus.
tion much later. At present, there are a number of examples in What is also remarkable is that these changes in program-
animal models of how changes in the diet can directly influ- ming are largely functional. They include alterations in gene
ence the epigenetic machinery by inhibition of enzymes that expression, protein levels, cell metabolism and differentia-
catalyze the DNA methylation, by histone modifications, or tion, and the number of cells and their location. Functional
by altering the availability of substrates for enzymatic reac- changes are not necessarily identifiable as pathological, but
tions. These epigenetic alterations cause the expression or due to the changes in gene expression, these can lead to dys-
suppression of certain genes that can alter the phenotype, function and disease in adulthood. In such case, they can be
depending on the nature of the affected biological process. considered as markers of increased risk of NCDs. As already
Epigenetic changes can both be transient28 or persist for long mentioned, the functional changes are not necessarily
periods of time.29 apparent at the time of birth and, in some cases, may require
Epigenetic phenomena are fundamental features of mam- a particular environmental or physiological trigger in order
malian development that causes persistent changes in gene to be revealed. For example, certain subtle changes in breast
expression without altering the DNA sequence. In this way, tissue can significantly increase the risk of tumor growth
epigenetic mechanisms shape the phenotype of a cell with- in middle-aged patients without children.33 A clear positive
out changing the genotype. Although causality has not been association between breast cancer and higher birth weight,
fully established, epigenetics provides information on the birth length, and placental weight was reported. Further
possible in utero that may cause predisposition to diseases in epidemiologic studies have confirmed these findings. For
adult life. During development, epigenetic mechanisms may females who weighed 3500–3999 g at birth, the adjusted odds
undergo substantial changes caused by various factors. These ratio for breast cancer is 0.86. In comparison, in females
changes affect genes that are essential for both the develop- with birth weight less than 2500 g, the adjusted odds ratio
ment early in life as well as later physiological functions in is reduced to 0.5.34,35 Another example (as found in famine
adult life. An important fact is that epigenetic modifications situations) is that certain changes in some specific metabolic
are stable during cell division and can be transmitted to the set points can only be established when some types of diet
next generation. There is increasing evidence suggesting that are predominantly used (this could be the reason that fast
exposure to nutritional imbalances or environmental con- food, modern lifestyle, and certain chemical exposures are
taminants—including metals, pesticides, persistent organic the perfect “recipe” for obesity).
pollutants, and chemicals in drinking water, such as triethyl- The essential concept of “gestational programming”
tin, chloroform, and trihalomethanes—can cause changes in means that the nutritional, hormonal, and metabolic envi-
epigenetic mechanisms, and this could provide explanation ronment provided by the mother to the fetus could per-
for their effects on adult health.30,31 manently alter the structure and the cellular responses of
Epigenetics, in this sense, can also be understood as a various organs and alter the expression of certain genes
mechanism by which organisms can survive in an unpredict- that ultimately affect the metabolism and physiology of
able and changing environment. The fastest adaptation to the the offspring. Moreover, these effects vary according to the
environment comes from the immediate demand to maintain period of development, and as such, fetuses and newborns
homeostasis—the processes by which the body maintains a (rapidly growing) are the most vulnerable.
constant internal environment in response to external changes, The effects on programming can be immediate, for
often increasing energy expenditure. These processes are gov- example, the deterioration of organ growth at a critical stage,
erned mainly by hormonal and neural signals. The other end while other effects are delayed and not apparent until later.
of the spectrum of evolutionary change is adaptive, i.e., long- In this case, the question is how the memory of the early
term adaptations of species that are driven by genetic change events is stored and how it is expressed later, despite the con-
and therefore resulting in survival or demise. tinuous cell replication and replacement. This again could be
Epigenetics can insert influence by turning on and off the mediated through an epigenetic control of gene expression,
gene transcription. Transcription is the process by which which involves modifying the genome without altering the
an RNA copy of a gene is made, and this RNA copy then proper sequence of DNA.36
222 Facing noncommunicable diseases’ global epidemic
In addition, there is currently some debate on whether fetal epigenetic programming, is probably the most effective
certain nutrients can also modify the programming of the strategy to control the expansion of this great pandemic of
immune system. 37 Certain dietary patterns increase the NCDs we mentioned earlier.
risk of altering the immune mechanisms along with meta- The International Federation of Gynecology and
bolic dysregulation and increase the risk of a wide range Obstetrics (FIGO) is a professional organization dedicated
of NCDs. Besides changes in the nutrient profile and their to the improvement of women’s health and rights and
caloric load, diet-induced changes in the intestinal micro- to the reduction of disparities in healthcare available to
flora may also be involved in the pathogenesis and may women and newborns, as well as to advancing the science
increase susceptibility to many chronic diseases. In this and practice of obstetrics and gynecology. The organization
context, it is highly relevant that allergic diseases are one of shall pursue its mission through advocacy, programmatic
the first NCDs that may appear. Preventive strategies can, activities, capacity strengthening of member associations,
in this sense, enhance immune and metabolic health. education, and training. The FIGO has a vision that women
It must be acknowledged that, to date, most of the of the world achieve the highest possible standards of
research on epigenetic mechanisms induced by nutrients physical, mental, reproductive, and sexual health and well-
has focused on the identification of single specific genes being throughout their lives. The values of the organization
that somehow limit the complete picture of nutritional are those of innovative leadership, integrity, transparency,
effects on the entire epigenetic landscape. Using a genome- professionalism, respect for cultural diversity, and high
wide approach has the advantage and potential ability to scientific and ethical standards.
discover the targets of certain novel epigenetic mecha- Traditionally, the FIGO’s focus is on high maternal
nisms, which are sensitive to a specific diet modification. mortality ratio (MMR) in low-resource countries and
As observed in other studies of epigenomic associa- measures to reduce it. Recently, there has been a reduction
tions, epigenetic mechanisms of allergic diseases consti- in maternal mortality to 350,000 maternal deaths annu-
tute a major challenge to be studied in greater depth, i.e., ally, which represents a 34% decline. However, reduction
whether epigenetic variation is the cause or consequence of maternal mortality in sub-Saharan Africa is far below
of the disease. However, clarification of the potential link optimum for achieving MDG 5 target A: to reduce the
between epigenetic changes in allergic diseases could offer MMR by three quarters. The Countdown to 2015 initiative
new opportunities for diagnosis and/or therapy. (www.countdown2015mnch.org) has shown that only
Also, our biggest challenge is to identify the stages in the 5 of the 68 countries are on track to achieve this target.
life cycle where the epigenetic machinery is more sensitive to The leading causes of maternal mortality are preventable
a particular dietary factor in relation to subsequent health and include postpartum hemorrhage (PPH), preeclamp-
outcomes, so that prevention strategies based on changes sia, obstructed labor, infections, and other causes such
in the diet could produce maximum benefit. It is important as undernutrition, anemia, and unsafe abortion. NCDs
to note that multiple and complex multisystem interactions such as diabetes, obesity, undernutrition, and anemia are
require the implementation of an interdisciplinary approach responsible for maternal conditions that have an important
to overcome the growing burden of NCDs. impact on maternal mortality. 39 Diabetes (pregestational
and gestational) can cause macrosomia, obstructed labor,
PPH, and neonatal mortality (prematurity, respiratory
distress syndrome, hypoglycemia, etc.). Ensuring optimal
NCDs, maternal morbidity, and health during pregnancy and in the early childhood years
MDG 5: FIGO’s role not only provides the best chance for a healthy start but
also reduces suffering and the cost to society of chronic dis-
All this current knowledge allows us to conclude that the eases over decades of life. In this sense, the preconceptional
perinatal period is a golden opportunity for preventive state can be crucial. Many parental effects on the develop-
measures aimed at reducing the impact of the epigenetic ing offspring occur even before pregnancy.
preconditioning of NCDs and thereby reducing the likeli- The FIGO is developing different programs to address
hood of developing the aforementioned diseases when the these concerns. For example, the FIGO Saving Mothers
newborns reach adulthood. However, the critical window and Newborns Initiative aims to increase women’s access
of development that offers some plasticity (or pluripotency) to new, cost-effective, and evidence-based technology for
may vary from organ to organ with differing effects, depend- the reduction of maternal and newborn mortality in 10
ing on when the insult occurs and the stage of development low-resource countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America,
of a particular organ.38 Focusing on the preventive care of and Eastern Europe. The FIGO works with communi-
pregnant women has the potential to modify the epigenetic ties and promotes utilization of interventions to reduce
environment of the fetus. Prevention or the optimal treat- maternal and newborn morbidity and mortality. Another
ment of obesity, diabetes, and chronic hypertension in future example is the FIGO Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive
mothers interrupts the vicious cycle of epigenetic program- Health (ASRH) Initiative, which focuses on strength-
ming of the fetus not only in the current pregnancy but also ening the capacity of FIGO member associations at the
in future pregnancies. Hence, the effort to provide adequate national level and promotes access to information and
prenatal care, preventing or treating conditions affecting quality services in ASRH. The Leadership in Obstetrics
Conclusion 223
and Gynecology for Impact and Change in Maternal and In this sense, there are three elements of great impact:
Newborn Health Initiative is another program that has (1) The detection and treatment of anemia is one element
an impact on the diagnosis and treatment of NCDs. The (note that in certain areas the prevalence in anemia in the
FIGO received a substantial grant from the Bill & Melinda pregnant women reaches 80%, resulting in maternal mor-
Gates Foundation for capacity building of member asso- tality from PPH, as well as fetal morbidity from IUGR and
ciations in eight low-resource countries in Asia and prematurity, not to mention the long-term effect on the
Africa. The project will enable member associations to possible emergence of NCDs). (2) The detection and treat-
play a leadership role and influence policy and practices ment of diabetes is another element (in certain countries,
in maternal and newborn health. Improving maternal and it is prevalent in 25% of pregnant women, with its impact
newborn health in low-resource countries by strengthen- on fetal growth as well as the increase in maternal mortal-
ing the role of national obstetric and gynecologic associa- ity by obstructed childbirth). Recall the increased risk for
tions will help to achieve MDGs 4 and 5 to reduce child obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome that these chil-
and maternal mortality and morbidity. dren present, if predisposing factors are not controlled in the
The close link between child and maternal health and early postnatal life. (3) Maternal nutrition, as already cited,
the importance of early-life origin of NCDs requires that is an essential element of prevention, since a change in the
preventive and healthcare interventions related to such availability of nutrients causes a hormonal adjustment in the
diseases are integrated into reproductive, maternal, and fetus to reset its metabolism, so that the newborn is prepared
child health programs, especially at the primary health- for further malnutrition. However, if not properly fed during
care level.40 Many of these preventive strategies are effec- the postnatal age, this can lead to metabolic alterations that
tive for reducing both maternal and infant mortality and make him or her susceptible to certain diseases in adulthood.
later chronic diseases. In addition, it will also be impor- It has been demonstrated that low birth weight, followed by
tant to demonstrate that cost-effective interventions are an accelerated growth during childhood, is a risk factor for
possible. It may be helpful to emphasize the benefits of an cardiovascular disease and/or type 2 diabetes mellitus.
alliance bringing together new advocates to each cause. In
general, the NCD field is not addressing maternal health,
and the maternal health field has not established a place Conclusion
for itself in the push for greater attention paid to NCDs.
We have a unique opportunity for a change and we should The knowledge that certain processes in utero and in early
not miss it. Getting attention to the subject of DOHaD on childhood can affect the risk of developing NCDs provides
the global scene requires buy-in from a global voice. The an opportunity to enforce interventions during this critical
FIGO is such a voice.41 time, when they have the greatest effect. Using appropriate
Professional training is accompanied by an improvement protocols, healthcare providers can educate mothers about
in performance indicators. There are many areas, especially the risks of certain nutritional and environmental exposures
in low-resource countries, in which training different lev- and integrate health promotion on the agenda, as part of the
els of women’s healthcare professionals can be improved, social and economic development, and all this could moti-
so that better outcomes can be achieved, especially with vate a substantial reduction in the risk of NCDs.42
respect to maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality. At the high-level meeting of the UN on the prevention
Strengthening communication with and among member and control of NDCs held in New York, United States, in
associations and building the capabilities and capacity of September 2011, a four-by-four strategy was proposed.
those from low-resource countries through strengthening Priority efforts to prevent NCDs (diabetes, cardiovascular
leadership, management, good practice, and the promotion disease, cancer, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
of policy dialogues will enable societies to play a pivotal role mainly focus on four risk factors in adults: poor diet, physi-
in the development and implementation of projects and poli- cal inactivity, smoking, and alcohol consumption. Although
cies aimed at the improvement of care available to women paragraphs 26 and 28 of the Political Declaration of the
and their babies. United Nations relate to certain aspects of prenatal nutri-
The FIGO, aware of that responsibility and joining efforts tion, maternal diseases, and air pollution in households,
with other agencies and companies, is making a big effort so these paragraphs describe only partially the full scope of
that prenatal care programs are appropriate for prevention the problem and the opportunities for intervention.43,44 This
and treatment of the most common preconditioning factors, global health challenge has left no country untouched and
especially in low-income countries. The detection and treat- bridges the division between rich and poor countries. We are
ment of anemia, gestational diabetes, nutritional deficiencies, all affected by the rising prevalence of chronic NCDs, wher-
decreased alcohol and tobacco dependence, consumption of ever one takes a closer look.45
addictive substances, etc. are measures of high therapeutic The concept that the foundation for lifelong risk and
value and not only could decrease the immediate adverse susceptibility to numerous diseases begins in the womb
effects on pregnancy (prematurity, macrosomia, PPH, intra- and in early life—now referred to by the term develop-
uterine growth retardation [IUGR], etc.) but also have effects mental origins of health and disease—is not entirely new,
in the medium and long term, with the decline of the NCDs but has only recently gained acceptance from the broader
and their corresponding impact on population health. scientific community because of a swathe of good research
224 Facing noncommunicable diseases’ global epidemic
producing hard evidence of the link. The biological evi- the DOHaD link presents another compelling reason to
dence is there, but the knowledge has remained confined do so with more vigor. Evidence suggests that much more
to the academic environment and needs wider dissemi- attention is needed on early life interventions to optimize
nation. To move from evidence to policy change requires nutrition and reduce exposure to toxic substances in order
a broad evidence based on proven solutions, including to reduce the increasing prevalence of NCDs.
assessments of how much it costs, over how long a period Current and future health challenges demand new
of time, and what health benefits are expected. But policy and changing competencies to form the basis for edu-
is never dictated by hard evidence alone. It requires advo- cation, training development, and workforce planning.
cacy, persistence, and resourceful arguments. This is par- International developments in health promotion and evi-
ticularly important in the current global economic setting dence-based practice provide the context for developing
where there is fierce competition for limited resources, health promotion competencies, standards, quality assur-
and the focus on maximizing health impact for the money ance, and accountability in professional preparation and
spent is even stronger. Economic arguments make focus- practice. In addition to filling the training and develop-
ing on the link between maternal health and future health ment gap, there is a need to develop a comprehensive sys-
burden even more relevant and attractive. We know that tem for competency-based standards and accreditation to
provision of good services for maternal and child health is strengthen global capacity in health promotion, which is a
needed to stimulate development and reduce high rates of critical element in achieving the goals for the improvement
maternal and child morbidity and mortality; addressing of global health.
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27 Links between maternal health
and noncommunicable diseases
Anil Kapur
endemic, contributing significantly to maternal morbidity, lower risk of preterm births, stillbirths, neonatal deaths,
mortality, and poor birth outcomes including low birth LBWs, predelivery anemia in the mother, or low predeliv-
weight (LBW), neonatal mortality, and subsequent child- ery red cell folate, although predelivery serum folate levels
hood malnutrition. Annually, 13 million children are born were improved. The review also did not show any impact
with intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR), 112 million are of folate supplementation on improving mean birth weight
underweight, and 178 million children ≤5 years suffer from and mothers’ mean Hb levels during pregnancy compared
stunting. Combined together, severe wasting, stunting, and with placebo treatment. The evidence from the review did
IUGR-LBW are responsible for 2.1 million deaths and 91.0 not show any overall benefit of folic acid supplementation
million disability-adjusted life years.11 The effect of undernu- throughout pregnancy. Most of the studies included in the
trition during pregnancy goes beyond one or two generations review were old (conducted over 30–45 years ago).
because of fetal programming and has tremendous public Vitamin B12 deficiency in women has been shown to
health and economic consequences. Balanced protein–energy increase the risk of infertility or recurrent spontaneous
supplementation in undernourished mothers during preg- abortions. Starting pregnancy with inadequate B12 level
nancy results in 34% and 38% risk reduction for small-for- may increase the risk of birth defects such as NTD and may
gestational-age (SGA) babies and stillbirths, respectively.12 contribute to preterm delivery, although this needs further
Anemia, defined as hemoglobin (Hb) concentration evaluation.29 B12 deficiency in pregnancy is associated with
<110 g/L, affects more than 56 million pregnant women higher insulin resistance and higher incidence of GDM, as
globally; two-thirds of these are from Asia.13 Nutritional well as higher prevalence of type 2 diabetes (T2DM) at 5 years.
iron-deficiency anemia is the most common reason and Among B12-deficient women, the incidence of GDM increases
results in increased maternal and perinatal morbidity and with rising folate concentration.30 Low levels of circulating
mortality and long-term adverse effects on newborns.14 B12 in mothers who are folate replete has been shown to be
These include significantly higher risk of LBW, stillbirth, associated with “thin fat” offsprings with high prevalence of
and p reterm birth.15,16 Iron supplementation lowers the insulin resistance, suggesting a future risk for T2DM.31
incidence of LBW (RR [relative risk] 0.80) but has no effect
on the incidence of preterm or SGA birth.17
Severe anemia is associated with higher risk of preeclamp- Overweight and obesity
sia compared to women with no anemia.16,18 Based on the data
from the WHO Global Survey on Maternal and Perinatal Complications of overweight and obesity during pregnancy
Health, Zhang et al.18 concluded that both nulliparous and include hypertensive disorders, coagulopathies, GDM,
multiparous women with severe anemia had significant associ- respiratory problems, and fetal complications such as large-
ation with preeclampsia/eclampsia (aOR [adjusted odds ratio] for-gestational-age (LGA) babies, congenital malformations,
3.55 [95% CI [confidence interval] 2.87, 4.41] and aOR 3.94 stillbirth, and shoulder dystocia. Women being overweight
[95% CI 3.05, 5.09], respectively), whereas only multiparous in early pregnancy have a twofold to threefold increased risk
women with severe anemia were at increased risk of gesta- for preeclampsia.32 Obesity is associated with increased risk
tional hypertension (aOR 1.58 [95% CI 1.15, 2.19]). of preeclampsia (aOR 4.46), induction of labor (aOR 1.97),
On the other hand, high iron intake in pregnancy postpartum hemorrhage (aOR 3.04), intensive care admis-
increases the risk of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) sion (aOR 3.86), GDM (aOR 7.89), thrombosis (aOR infinity),
especially in nonanemic women, and routine iron supple- shoulder dystocia (aOR 1.89), C-section (aOR 3.50),33 mater-
mentation should be reconsidered in this group of women.19 nal infection (aOR 3.35), prolonged hospital stay (aOR 2.84),
Higher prepregnancy intake of dietary heme iron20,21 and instrumental delivery (aOR 1.17).34
and raised serum ferritin level22–24 are associated with an Maternal overweight and obesity (BMI >25 kg/m²) is the
increased risk of GDM. most important modifiable risk factor for stillbirths in high-
Studies from around the world show high rates of vitamin income countries, contributing to around 8000 stillbirths
D deficiency among women of reproductive age and during (≥22 weeks gestation) annually.35 In developing countries,
pregnancy.25 A systematic review in 2010 of first-trimester it is associated with a twofold to threefold increased risk of
25(OH) vitamin D level and adverse pregnancy outcomes macrosomia, requiring institutional and assisted delivery,
concluded that the evidence of the association between the lack of which results in significantly increased maternal
vitamin D levels and pregnancy complications such as pre- morbidity and mortality.36 A meta-analysis and systematic
eclampsia and diabetes is inconclusive.26 A recent meta- review of cohort studies of maternal BMI and risk of fetal
analysis and systematic review including some new studies death, stillbirth, or infant death concluded that even the
concluded that vitamin D insufficiency is associated with modest increases in maternal BMI lead to significantly
an increased risk of GDM, preeclampsia, and SGA and increased risk.37 The number of women in their reproductive
LBW infants.27 age who are overweight now exceeds the number of under-
Folic acid supplementation (450 µg) before conception weight women,38 and if this trend continues unchecked, it
and throughout the first 12 weeks of pregnancy reduces may again reverse the recent nebulous gains in improved
the risk of neural tube defects (NTDs) in the offsprings. maternal health outcomes. Focusing on quality nutrition,
A Cochrane review in 201328 concluded that folate sup- physical activity, and general health of women especially
plementation during pregnancy was not associated with during the reproductive years is an important public health
228 Links between maternal health and noncommunicable diseases
investment. Raising public awareness on the hazard of unexplained stillbirth, and spontaneous abortion in previ-
overweight and obesity, particularly among low- and middle- ous pregnancies; excessive weight gain; and the presence of
income communities undergoing rapid economic transition, polycystic ovary syndrome, metabolic syndrome, polyhy-
is the need of the hour in relation to NCD risk and from a dramnios, and suspected macrosomia during current preg-
maternal health risk perspective. nancy have been described to clinically identify women with
high risk of GDM.46 In practice, they fail to correctly identify
more than half the women with GDM47–50; thus universal
Hyperglycemia screening for hyperglycemia during pregnancy must be the
standard practice.
According to the International Diabetes Federation, there Hemorrhage, hypertensive disorders, obstructed labor,
are now an estimated 382 million people (184 million and infection/sepsis are among the leading global causes
women) with diabetes; in addition, about 316 million peo- of maternal mortality.51 High blood pressure and gesta-
ple have impaired glucose tolerance (IGT).5 By 2035, this tional hyperglycemia are linked directly or indirectly to all
number is likely to grow to over 592 million with diabetes of them; yet women are not routinely screened for hypergly-
and 471 million with IGT. The Asia Pacific region accounts cemia during pregnancy, and the diagnosis of GDM is often
for about half the global burden; China, India, Indonesia, missed. Maternal mortality and morbidity attributable to
Pakistan, and Bangladesh account for 185 million people diabetes in women may, therefore, actually be higher than
with diabetes and figure among the top 10 countries with current estimates.
the highest number of people with diabetes.5 These very five Diabetes in pregnancy is associated with serious com-
countries also account for over half of the global live births plications for both the mother and child. It has been shown
(66 million/year). that the negative consequences on the fetus and the mother
Worldwide, one in six pregnancies may be associated increase linearly with increasing maternal blood glucose.52
with hyperglycemia, 84% of which involve GDM.5 In 2013, Infants of mothers with pregestational diabetes have higher
16.8% of live births (21.4 of 127 million) were associated rates of malformation53–55; good blood glucose control before
with hyperglycemia in pregnancy and 16% of these were conception and throughout pregnancy reduces these risks
due to overt diabetes in pregnancy. This does not account substantially.56,57 The major problems related to hyper
for pregnancies ending in spontaneous abortions, still- glycemia during pregnancy are shown in Table 27.1.
births, or intrauterine deaths that may have been associ- A meta-analysis58 shows that, overall, women with GDM
ated with hyperglycemia, proven or otherwise. In high-risk have an increased risk of developing T2DM (RR 7.43, [95%
groups, up to 30% of pregnancies may involve diabetes.39,40 CI 4.79, 11.51]). Within 5 years of the index pregnancy, the
The age-adjusted prevalence of GDM in the United States is relative risk is 4.69, which more than doubles to 9.34, 5 years
higher than those of Asian or Pacific Island–origin women postpartum. The risk can be reduced or the onset of diabetes
but more so (almost threefold compared to non-Hispanic considerably delayed through preventive actions in terms of
whites) for migrant women born in the country of their ori- postpartum weight loss and adopting a healthy lifestyle.59
gin.41 In Southeast Asia, one in four live births may occur in Women with history of GDM also have higher prevalence
the setting of maternal hyperglycemia.5 A fact generally not of the metabolic syndrome and increased risk of cardiovas-
known to or recognized by public health experts and policy cular disease (CVD).60 Over a median follow-up of 12 years,
makers is that 91.6% of cases of hyperglycemia in pregnancy women with GDM had higher risk of CVD (adjusted hazard
occur in low- and middle-income countries.5 With limited ratio 1.66 [95% CI 1.30, 2.13], p < 0.001),61 more noninvasive
access to maternal care, this may have major consequences
for maternal health and a future burden of NCDs.
Increasing age is associated with higher prevalence of Table 27.1 Risks associated with hyperglycemia
hyperglycemia in pregnancy, which is the highest (47.7%) in pregnancy
among women >45 years. In general, the age of onset of dia-
betes is declining; at the same time, the age of marriage and Fetal risks Maternal risks
childbearing is increasing; as a consequence, we may, in the Spontaneous abortion, Polyhydramnios
future, see more women entering pregnancy with preexist- intrauterine death, and
ing diabetes.42,43 Between 1999 and 2005, the prevalence of stillbirth
pregestational diabetes among pregnant women in south- Lethal or handicapping Pregnancy-induced
ern California doubled.44 In 2010, there were an estimated congenital hypertension and
22 million women with diabetes in the reproductive age malformation preeclampsia
group of 20–39 years; an additional 54 million in this age Shoulder dystocia and Prolonged labor, obstructed
birth injuries labor, assisted delivery,
group had IGT with the potential to develop GDM if they and C-section
become pregnant.45 Thus, over 76 million women were at risk Neonatal hypoglycemia Uterine atony and postpartum
of their pregnancies being complicated with pregestational hemorrhage
(overt) diabetes or GDM. Infant respiratory distress Infections
Several markers such as age; race/ethnicity; BMI; his- syndrome Progression of retinopathy
tory of T2DM in first-degree relatives, GDM, macrosomia,
Maternal health impacts future burden of NCDs 229
cardiac diagnostic procedures (OR1.8 [95% CI 1.4–2.2]), sim- Although most cases of preeclampsia can be managed
ple cardiovascular events (OR 2.7 [95% CI 2.4–3.1]), and total successfully in well-resourced settings, severe preeclamp-
cardiovascular hospitalizations (OR 2.3 [95% CI 2.0–2.5]) sia is a life-threatening multisystem disease associated with
over a 10-year follow-up, after adjusting for age, ethnicity, eclampsia, HELLP syndrome (hemolysis, elevated liver
and comorbidities such as preeclampsia and obesity.62 enzymes, low platelets), acute kidney injury, pulmonary
Fetal environment contributes significantly to higher risk edema, placental abruption, and intrauterine fetal death, all
for diabetes than can be explained by genetic inheritance of which are difficult to handle in poor-resourced settings.80
alone. Offsprings of mothers with GDM are four to eight Several risk factors are associated with higher predilec-
times more likely to develop diabetes63,64 compared to sib- tion for preeclampsia; these include nulliparity (RR 2.38;
lings born to the same parents in a non-GDM pregnancy. 95% CI 2.28–2.49), multiple pregnancy (RR 2.10; 95% CI
Children born to obese or diabetic mothers are at higher risk 1.90–2.32), history of chronic hypertension (RR 1.99; 95%
of obesity and/or insulin resistance and T2DM during child- CI 1.78–2.22), GDM (RR 1.93; 95% CI 1.66–2.25), maternal
hood,65 adolescence,66 and early adulthood.64 Almost half age ≥35 years (RR 1.67; 95% CI 1.58–1.77), fetal malforma-
(47.2%) of diabetes and obesity in the youth can be attributed tion (RR 1.26; 95% CI 1.16–1.37), and mother not living with
to maternal GDM and obesity.67 Population attributable risk infant’s father (RR 1.21; 95% CI 1.15–1.26).81 Preeclampsia
for T2DM from GDM in certain populations may be as high risk increases with increasing prepregnancy BMI.81
as 19%–30%.68 Maternal pregravid obesity combined with HPD has long-term consequences for the offspring and
GDM leads to newborn hyperinsulinemia and increased fat the mother. Women with previous HPD have higher glu-
mass until 6 weeks, whereas pregravid obesity alone does cose, insulin, triglyceride, and total cholesterol levels after
not, suggesting the pivotal role of GDM.69 GDM creates a pregnancy.82 Women with HPD are at increased risk of
vicious cycle in which diabetes begets diabetes. cardiovascular and metabolic disorders, including a twofold
In view of the dramatic increases in obesity and diabetes, increased risk for hypertension, a threefold increased risk
we should accept that screening, diagnosing, and treating for T2DM, and a 1.3-fold increased risk for dyslipidemia,83
GDM is worthwhile.70 Skeptics, however, continue to ques- and these women may benefit from close postpartum moni-
tion whether screening women for GDM is cost-effective. toring, timely implementation of lifestyle modifications,
Most of the cost-effectiveness analyses in the past have not and preventive measures for cardiovascular and metabolic
included long-term benefits71 or have been conducted in risk reduction.82,83
populations with a relatively lower burden of GDM; none Offsprings of mothers with preeclampsia have higher
of these were in low-income countries. A few recent studies blood pressure during childhood and young adulthood.84–86
including modeling studies show that GDM screening asso- The mechanism for the higher risk is not clear and may be
ciated with postpartum lifestyle interventions for T2DM genetic and epigenetic—a consequence of vascular or meta-
prevention is cost-effective in both high-income (United bolic programming—and have shared family risks or a com-
States, Israel) and low-income (India) countries.72–74 bination of these.
high on the global development agenda, and therefore, it is had a prepregnancy BMI of <19. Undiagnosed or poorly man-
relevant to ponder that perhaps these social determinants aged GDM sets off a cycle of future obesity and T2DM in their
get “hard wired” into the next generations’ genome through offsprings, and the cycle may repeat in subsequent genera-
epigenetic changes. The recognition that early-life influences tions with ever-growing risk accumulation until interrupted
play an important role in the causation of chronic diseases through appropriate preventive actions in the pre- and peri-
does not imply an absolute deterministic process that cannot conceptual period, during pregnancy, and in the postpartum
be overcome by later-life intervention; it only helps to point period of the next generation.
that the task becomes more difficult and expensive with lower The concept of fetal programming and its consequences
chance of success when initiated later in life. is paradigm changing; it highlights that pregnancy offers a
Focusing on short-term survival in terms of lowered window of opportunity to provide maternal care services
maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality to assess not only to reduce the traditionally known maternal and
maternal health programs as has been the routine practice so perinatal morbidity and mortality indicators but also for
far does not capture outcomes that have longer-term impli- intergenerational prevention of several chronic diseases.40
cations for adult health, life expectancy, quality of life, and There are several barriers in achieving these objectives.
accumulation of human capital.97 Moreover, recommenda- These barriers related to GDM, for example, have been
tions for nutritional interventions are frequently based on recently described in a systematic review and are briefly
increasing birth weight, focusing on survival, gains in stat- described.112 Knowledge of and adherence to existing guide-
ure, or micronutrient status in the short term.98 Longer-term lines and procedures for screening and diagnosis seem
follow-up data confirm the existence of only a narrow win- suboptimal at best and arbitrary at worst, with no clear or
dow of opportunity for interventions up to 24 months of age, consistent correlation to the health provider, health system,
and only limited benefit, or even harm, of feeding strategies or client characteristics. Most women express commitment
thereafter.99,100 Small babies continuing to be malnourished and motivation for behavior change to protect the health of
and stunted during childhood and early adult life remain at their unborn babies, but knowledge about how to effectively
relatively low risk for NCDs as long as they have sufficient make changes is missing. Compliance to recommended
sustenance for which they were programmed. With changes treatment and advice is seen as difficult and challenging, and
in living conditions as a consequence of economic develop- precious little is known about health system or societal fac-
ment or urban migration, these individuals manifest dia- tors that hinder compliance and what can be done to improve
betes, hypertension, and other NCDs at much lower BMI them. When properly informed, immediately following a
and central adiposity threshold.101,102 Studies on survivors of GDM pregnancy, many women express desire and inten-
the Dutch103,104 and Chinese105 famine show that individu- tion to adapt healthy lifestyles to prevent future diabetes,
als exposed to intrauterine undernutrition had significantly but find the effort challenging. Adherence to recommended
higher rates of diabetes in adult life, and the risk was high- postpartum screening and continued lifestyle modifications
est in the subgroup that were relatively well-off in adult life. seems even lower. Here, some healthcare providers, health
Similarly, LGA babies born to overweight/obese women with systems, and client-related determinants and barriers have
or without GDM are at high risk of obesity, diabetes, and been identified.112 Studies reveal that a sense of self-efficacy
metabolic syndrome in early adult life.63–69 and social support is important for making and adhering to
Developmental effects operate through a gamut of subtle the changes. Noncompliance to screening or nonacceptance
influences that provide the fetus the cues (via the intrauter- of diagnosis of GDM may be due to poor understanding
ine environment) to predict the external environment it will of the consequences, or fear of stigmatization, and one needs
be born into, as well as the flexibility to adjust its growth to be careful how to address this in public health campaigns to
trajectory to match that environment. These cues, such as avoid creating another platform for women to be blamed for
maternal under- or overnutrition (pregnancy weight gain), adverse effects on their children’s future health.
maternal obesity or GDM,106,107 or other maternal health
insults like stress, or infections (malaria, tuberculosis, HIV/
AIDS, etc.),108,109 create multigenerational cycles of dis- Future direction for action and
ease110 through epigenetic changes. The mismatch between research
the predicted environment for survival programming and
the actual environment in adult life may be a critical factor Having saved a mother with GDM and preeclampsia from
driving the NCD epidemic primarily through its effects on dying of obstructed labor or postpartum hemorrhage and
weight, blood pressure, and blood glucose. her macrosomic baby, or a mother with severe malnutrition
In young women born small themselves, the physiological and anemia and her LBW baby, what can be done to ensure
effects of pregnancy-induced weight gain, insulin resistance, their future good health and to prevent or significantly
and increased insulin demand may be exaggerated by the pre- delay the onset of hypertension or T2DM? What should be
existing insulin resistance and the lower ability to produce done to ensure that a girl child born of such pregnancy is
insulin as a consequence of their early-life programming, given due antenatal attention to prevent further intergen-
resulting in higher rates of GDM and/or pregnancy-induced erational risk transfer? This requires transforming policy
hypertension. Seshiah et al.111 reported GDM prevalence rates to integrate services for MCH, NCD care and prevention,
of 8%–10% among women of low socioeconomic status who and health promotion. It will also require cost-effective
References 231
investments in information technology, to identify and health system response to jointly address the challenge of
track these high-risk individuals to enlighten, empower, improving maternal health and addressing prevention of
and encourage them to adopt healthy living throughout NCDs and developing scalable programs in real-life set-
life as well as empower local health workers to support and tings. In addition, developing tools and incentives to engage,
follow their progress. Enrolling, monitoring, and track- enlighten, empower, and encourage “at-risk” mother-and-
ing women during and after pregnancy and their offspring child pair and study of the impact of these actions over
using information technology may be the most appropriate time on population health are required. Given the size of
place to begin this health system transformation to break the problem, there is also a need to develop point-of-care
the ever-rising curve of chronic NCDs.113 easy-to-use diagnostic and prognostic tests to more accu-
There is a great need to carry out operational research rately identify individuals with greater risk so as to deploy
to understand the facilitators and barriers to an integrated resources appropriately.
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S25–S26. 122: 1192–1199.
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28 Diabetic pregnancy in the
developing world
Eran Hadar, Eran Ashwal, and Moshe Hod
Epidemiology of hyperglycemia in pregnancy in the developing world 235
Stigma and
expulsion from
in affected family
local community
Birth defects or
congenital Increased risk for
Lower life Risk of malformations hysterectomy
expectancy maternal death in newborn during delivery
Maternal impact
Gestational diabetes
Impact on offspring
in Chinese and Malays and over 10% in black and Hispanic The reported prevalence of GDM in the United States, as a
women in the United States, urban Indian, Tanzania, Pima, representation of high-resource countries, ranges from 1%
and Nauruan Indians and in other Pacific communities. The to 14%, with 2%–5% being the most commonly reported rate.7
combined age-stratified rate of both diabetes and IGT ranged Dooley et al.8 studied 3744 pregnant women who under-
from 0% to 36%, with over 10% prevalence in one-third of the went universal screening for GDM. The patient population
populations and beyond 30% prevalence in Pima and Nauruan included 39.1% white, 37.7% black, 19.8% Hispanic, and 3.4%
Indians. Importantly, in several populations, the majority of Oriental and others. The adjusted relative risk was increased
cases diagnosed with diabetes were in fact undiagnosed prior in black (1.81, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.13–2.89) and
to the survey. Thus, a significant proportion of patients with in Hispanic women (2.45, 95% CI 1.48–4.04). These findings
abnormal glucose tolerance will be missed without screening. were supported by others, showing that Asian women were
This fact warrants special consideration for pregnancy plan- more likely to have GDM than Caucasian women (31.7%
ning, as it implies that a significant proportion of high-risk vs. 14%, p < 0.02) despite their lower body mass index and
women will become pregnant without proper glycemic control socioeconomic status.9,10 Recent studies supported race as
prior to pregnancy, thus exposing themselves and their fetus a risk factor, with similar findings of a high rate of GDM
to adverse outcome associated with pregestational diabetes, among Asians, Hispanics, Native Americans, and African
specifically congenital anomalies and pregnancy loss. Americans as compared to non-Hispanic whites.11
Although closely related to race and ethnicity, from a
geographical point of view, Guariguata et al.12 in an exten-
Gestational diabetes mellitus sive review concluded that 90% of the global GDM burden
The prevalence of GDM is linearly and positively correlated occurs in low- and middle-income countries, with a global
with that of T2DM, in any given population. Therefore, in prevalence of 16.9% and a disease burden of 21.4 million
correlation with T2DM, the incidence of GDM has also live births affected annually. The highest rate of GDM was
increased dramatically in the past decade in all racial and found in Southeast Asia (23.1%) and the Middle East and
ethnic groups.5 The overall rate of GDM ranges vastly from North Africa (22.3%). In contrast to many countries in Asia
5% up to 25% of pregnant women, depending upon multi- and Latin America, where screening programs quantified
ple risk factors, such as race and ethnicity, familial history, the present problem, the majority of countries in Africa,
weight, height, age, and parity.6 mostly sub-Saharan Africa, lack the actual prevalence data
236 Diabetic pregnancy in the developing world
of diabetes in pregnancy.13 Currently available epidemio- probability of intrauterine fetal death, macrosomia, shoulder
logical data from this region are summarized in Table 28.1, dystocia, uterine rupture, and postpartum hemorrhage.17
showing not only the wide prevalence but also the pau- Finally, it is well established that untreated GDM causes
city of data coming from the 48 countries in sub-Saharan late-onset diabetes, leading to related complications in later
Africa. stages of life and negatively impacting women’s life expec-
The wide distribution variations in the prevalence of tancy, morbidity, and mortality. GDM leads to a higher
GDM by race and geography may be related to intricate prevalence of diabetes in the offspring of mothers who were
associations between genetic factors affecting insulin resis- affected by diabetes in pregnancy and, in turn, burdens
tance, lifestyle, diet, sociocultural factors, and healthcare future female generations.18
access and utilization. As such, and due to the remarkably From an environmental perspective, there is a complex
varied approaches used, different methods of screenings, interplay of obesity and malnutrition. Biological and envi-
various oral and intravenous glucose loads, and different ronmental factors in rural areas of developing countries,
diagnostic criteria, it remains unclear if this marked diver- in combination with malnutrition and infections, cause
sity represents true differences in the prevalence of GDM, metabolic alterations distinct from those seen in developed
or is simply biased. Understanding the racial, ethnic, and countries.19 Malnutrition concomitant with physical work
geographical disparities in GDM prevalence is a substan- and iron and protein insufficiencies contributes to the high
tial first step toward improving maternal and child health, prevalence of low-birth-weight newborns.20 Also, the pan-
through improved diagnosis and better treatment. creas appears to be sensitive to maternal anemia and infec-
tious diseases. In both in vitro studies and human studies,
a reduced number of pancreatic beta cells have been noted
Pathophysiology of hyperglycemia in in children who were small for gestational age at birth, sug-
pregnancy in the developing world gesting a reduced vascularization and replication rate of
beta pancreatic cells.21 Fetal and early postnatal undernutri-
Several factors come into play, when attesting to explain tion can provoke metabolic adaptations that affect variables
disparities in the prevalence and outcome of diabetes in such as glucose uptake,21 insulin signaling,22 leptin levels,23
low-resource countries. This is a combination of both genetic and endocrine adaptations that affect the hypothalamic–
and environmental influences. pituitary–adrenal axis.24 These changes mount to health out-
From a sociocultural perspective, gender studies pres- comes such as coronary heart disease, stroke, T2DM, and
ent the East African woman as a complex and dominant the metabolic syndrome, all of which have been shown to be
individual with a central role in society as mothers, work- increased in low-birth-weight neonates.25
ers, and members of families and communities.15 Women On the contrary, obesity has a profound impact on
are focused and educated on their central role in reproduc- hyperglycemia. The global trend of an increased prevalence
tion. Accordingly, being childless leads to stigmatization of diabetes in low-resource populations, with the subse-
and expulsion from the community.16 As a consequence, quent increase of GDM, is closely linked to higher rates of
childbearing even in later stages of life is common, and this obesity and is related to lifestyle and dietary changes.26,27
impacts the rate of diabetes in pregnancy. In recent decades, the incidence of T2DM has dramatically
Moreover, the impact of diabetes draws various social increased worldwide due to changes in lifestyle, from those
implications. In cases of diabetes prior to pregnancy, chil- of hunters, gatherers, and farmers to a contemporary pat-
dren may be born with birth defects, becoming customarily tern mainly characterized by sedentary occupations and
a female responsibility, with all the attendant implications. high-energy fuel resource intake.28 It has been demonstrated
In addition, poor obstetric outcomes in such pregnancies that Africans, especially in urban settings, are experiencing
may lead to a desire for “replacement” children. This, in turn, rapid demographic and epidemiological transitions, chang-
motivates high parity and its adverse sequel on the rate of ing diets and lifestyles encouraging urban drift and transna-
diabetes. Both GDM and pregestational T2DM increase the tional migration. This is characterized by an enormous rise
Diagnosis of hyperglycemia in pregnancy in the developing world 237
in noncommunicable diseases—diabetes, hypertension, and programming, exposing them to a higher rate of diabetes
cardiovascular diseases.29 Currently, the highest prevalence and the metabolic syndrome.
of T2DM is found in populations that have undergone rapid
alterations in lifestyle, such as Australian Aborigines, Native
Americans, Pacific Islanders, and some migrant populations Diagnosis of hyperglycemia in
such as the Asian Indians.30 pregnancy in the developing world
Finally, there is an important role for genetic alterations.
In 1962, Neel et al. proposed the “thrifty genotype” hypoth- Screening and diagnosis of diabetes in pregnancy appears
esis as a preliminary explanation for these observations.31 to be more complex in low-resource countries, especially in
In order to persist through centuries of evolution and in rural areas. Several aspects need to be addressed in relation
the face of the obvious and strong genetic selection against to the diagnosis of GDM and T2DM, which include finan-
this condition, the diabetogenic genes must have conferred cial, technical, and cultural barriers to appropriate diagnosis.
a survival advantage in times of nutritional deprivation;
yet they were detrimental at times of adequate or overnu- Screening and diagnosis
trition. In the 1980s, Barker et al.32 observed that the geo- The dilemma of when and how to screen and diagnose
graphical distribution of heart disease was closely related diabetes, worldwide, as well as in developing countries—is
to a person’s place and birth weight. This suggests that continuously debated.46,47 In the developing world, incon-
early life events can cause permanent changes in physiol- sistency in detection mechanisms and screening methods
ogy that, depending on the environment, may later entail of diabetes in pregnancy is being further magnified by the
a predisposition to disease. In the 1990s, the “thrifty phe- fact that most of the screening programs do no distinguish
notype” hypothesis was suggested by Hales and Barker as between GDM and undiagnosed T2DM—this may be solved
a probable etiology of T2DM.33 They claimed that adverse with the adoption of the International Association of the
mechanisms of nutritional thrift on the growing individual Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Groups (IADPSG) principles
are imposed by poor fetal and early infant nutrition. The for diabetes testing during pregnancy.48 Moreover, simpler,
thrifty phenotype hypothesis proposes that subsequent cheaper, and accessible strategies for diagnosis of hyper-
development of T2DM and the metabolic syndrome results glycemia in pregnancy need to be implemented uniquely
from poor nutrition in fetal and early life, which produces for the low-resource countries:
permanent changes in glucose and insulin metabolism.
During the period that the individual persists in the under- Diagnostic thresholds—Defining cutoff glucose levels that
nourished state, the physiological state is appropriately are adequate for the particular setting of a develop-
maintained. However, when the early adaptations that have ing country, considering the demographic shifts and
been invoked to survive under restricted nutrient supply local genotypes as a background determinant, remains
are later faced with conditions of affluence, the physiol- a nonresearched challenge. Both diabetes in preg-
ogy is disturbed, sequentially leading to the occurrence nancy and infectious diseases being highly prevalent
of disease.34 This phenomenon is particularly apparent in in low-resource countries, along with malnutrition,
countries undergoing a rapid economic and nutritional potentially influence maternal metabolism, induce
transition, or in peoples migrating from poor to wealthy a catabolic state in the mother, and increase the risk
countries.35 Observations in support of this assumption of diabetic ketoacidosis and its complications dur-
involve, for example, the increased susceptibility of Asians ing pregnancy.19 Basal glucose levels are most likely
to diabetes36 and of Africans to hypertension. 37 lower in pregnant women in low-income countries in
Yajnik et al. studied the body size and cord blood leptin comparison with their counterparts in high-income
and insulin concentrations in urban newborn (Pune, countries. Hence, in developing countries where a
India) and white Caucasians (London, England). The high prevalence of diabetes in pregnancy is assumed,
Indian babies were much smaller than white Caucasian outcomes could be more favorable when thresholds are
babies in all aspects apart from measurements of body fat set low, as more near-hyperglycemic pregnant women
and particularly central fat as judged by the subscapular will be diagnosed with diabetes. However, taking into
skinfold thickness. 38,39 They described these babies as hav- account financial constraints that such countries are
ing the “thin-fat” baby syndrome claiming it showed that facing and their need to focus on cost-effective, imme-
the excess visceral adiposity in most Asian adults can be diate lifesaving healthcare interventions, the cost
traced back to the neonatal phase. Also, cord blood insulin implications of setting a low cutoff level may not be
levels appeared to be higher, in Indian babies versus white feasible, nor efficacious in most low-income countries.
Caucasian babies, and were correlated with subscapular In many developing countries, specific target levels
skinfold thickness. Later in childhood, these “thin-fat” for the diagnosis and therapy of GDM and the conse-
Indian babies have substantial impaired insulin sensitiv- quences of their variation on the obstetrical outcome
ity, which inversely correlated with birth weight.40,41 These have not yet been formally evaluated.
studies, with subsequent support,42–45 provide solid data Selective versus universal—Selective screening based
to confirm the claim that people living in developing on risk factors may be a cheaper alternative to labo-
countries are prone to suffer the greatest effects of early ratory testing. However, such schemes score poorly
238 Diabetic pregnancy in the developing world
in predicting GDM.49 When selective screening is developing world,56 which include lack of standard proto-
applied, it is estimated that approximately 16% of cols, facilities, equipment, and the overall financing of health
GDM women will be undetected.50 The American services; lack of appropriately trained healthcare providers,
Diabetes Association recommended selective screen- particularly female doctors, nurses, and diabetic educators;
ing for women belonging to ethnic groups with low poor compliance to suggested care due to distance to health
prevalence of GDM. However, the lack of appropriate facilities, misperceptions of body size, weight gain/loss dur-
data on the prevalence of GDM in many low-income ing pregnancy, and cultural issues of health negligence; lack
countries makes this selective screening nearly impos- of decision-making power among women; and superstitions
sible. Universal screening for GDM in comparison to as to healthcare in general and diabetes in particular.
selective screening detects more cases and improves
maternal and offspring prognosis.51 The cost analysis
of universal screening when compared with risk factor Antenatal care and follow-up
screening showed only a negligible difference.49 Thus, Adherence to care, a lack of compliance because of poor
universal screening appears to be the most reliable and availability, religious beliefs or superstitions, and fear of
desired method for the detection of GDM, even in low- stigma can be expected. As families residing in rural areas do
income countries. not have the financial means to pay for appropriate screening
Methods for detection—Universal screening as such must and/or treatment. Hence, most pregnant women will opt for
be simple and cost effective. Currently, the two-step a traditional pregnancy and birth attendant. In some rural
procedure of screening with the 50 g glucose chal- areas, the patient with diabetes is considered as bewitched
lenge test (GCT) and then diagnosing GDM based on and as such might first consult a traditional healer or tra-
the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) is not feasible ditional birth attendant rather than seeking care from the
in low-resource countries because it places a tremen- medical health personnel.57 Women residing in rural areas
dous burden on the gravid women and jeopardizes are much less likely to receive antenatal care than their
their compliance. The two-step procedure requires the urban counterparts. For instance, in the developing world
pregnant women to visit the antenatal clinic twice, and as a whole, only one-third of rural women receive four or
at least three to five blood samples need to be drawn. more antenatal care visits (WHO recommendation on the
Alternatively, a single-step diagnostic procedure may number of antenatal visits), in comparison to two-thirds of
be easier to implement. Even though the National urban women.58
Institutes of Health (NIH) consensus concluded Therefore, as for screening and diagnosis, low-cost and
that there is insufficient evidence to adopt a one-step patient-friendly alternatives must be sought. Maiti et al.59
approach, concerning that the adoption of a one-step from Kolkata, India, studied 50 GDM patients versus 31 con-
procedure would increase the prevalence of GDM and trols employing a minimalistic approach for diabetes care.
the corresponding costs and interventions.52 They included 2 weeks of nutritional care followed, if neces-
sary, by twice daily regular human insulin, along with three
Some investigators have suggested low-cost alternatives for fortnight glucose measurements at a laboratory and visits by
GDM diagnosis. Such innovative algorithms can certainly be the patient or family member, every 2 weeks. No differences
used as alternatives when addressing diabetes in pregnancy were found between the two groups including perinatal
in the developing world.53 Agarwal et al.54 evaluated fasting mortality, macrosomia, shoulder dystocia, and birth injury.
plasma glucose (FPG) as a screening tool for diabetes among Although underpowered, this study shows that a simple and
1644 multiethnic high-risk population. They concluded that minimal approach may be adequate enough to ensure good
FPG below 4.4 mmol/L rules out GDM with 94.7% sensitiv- pregnancy outcome. This approach reached 100% compli-
ity and that FPG ≥5.3 mmol/L rules in GDM with compa- ance versus lower rates of 60% compliance in other studies.
rable sensitivity. Similar cutoffs of 5.1 and 4.4 mmol/L were
tested on the hyperglycemia and adverse pregnancy outcome
(HAPO) study population with similar results.55 Such algo- Diet and pharmacological treatment
rithms eliminate the need for OGTT in approximately 50% Even in cases where elevated blood sugar levels are actually
of the population, thus offering a simple low-cost algorithm detected, the lack of financial resources poses a main barrier
for diagnosis, saving money, and reducing the need for a for adequate treatment, such as insulin or oral hypoglycemic
cumbersome laboratory procedure. agents.
Lifestyle changes such as adopting appropriate eating
Obstacles to treatment of habits and engaging in regular physical exercise, which have
already been proven to be cost effective in diabetes care, play
hyperglycemia in pregnancy in an important role during and even before pregnancy. Such a
the developing world strict diet may be impossible to implement in a low-resource
setting, not to mention the impossibility to counsel for phys-
Following diagnosis of GDM, proper pregnancy care, treat- ical activity and weight loss during pregnancy. Obesity may
ment, and follow-up should commence. There are several be considered a desirable state in many low-income coun-
recognized obstacles to ensure such high-quality care in the tries as it signals strength, wealth, affluence, and even beauty
Summary 239
in women. Being thin might be associated with being seri- varied between countries, from 8.8% in the Maldives to an
ously ill, and therefore, women who are overweight might be increase of 5.5% in Zimbabwe. In 2008, more than 50% of all
reluctant to act on advice to lose weight to avoid diabetes or maternal deaths occurred in only six countries, all low-income
improve their diabetes control in pregnancy.60 countries (India, Nigeria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Ethiopia,
One of the major problems regarding diabetes care is the and the Democratic Republic of the Congo).64
insulin itself. The high cost of insulin might not be affordable Coetzee et al.,53 from their departmental reports, found
for some, especially for pregnant women from rural areas an overall PNM rate of 30/1000 births, while women with
where health insurance schemes are absent. Furthermore, GDM and T2DM had PNM of 14:1000 and 70:1000, respec-
the appropriate storage of insulin supplies may be impos- tively. If left untreated, the PNM of women with GDM was
sible, as temperatures in some tropical low-income countries 264:1000, and of women with T2DM it soared to 313:1000.
can reach and go beyond 40°C, and refrigerators are not For comparison, nondiabetic mothers who had received
available. no prenatal care had a PNM of 94:1000. Hence, it is obvious
Oral glucose-lowering agents are an alternative in low- that untreated diabetes poses a greater threat of PNM than
resource settings, where patients might have a poor level having no prenatal care.
of education and a lack of means to use insulin injections In addition to common diabetic complications such as
resulting in poor diabetic control.61 However, their use has retinopathy, nephropathy, and neuropathy in women with
not been studied in low-resource settings. pregestational diabetes, infectious morbidity is significantly
more frequent than in healthy women. There is a correlation
between the frequency of infections and poor metabolic
Technological availability control.65 Preeclampsia, which occurs in 20% of diabetic
Women living in a rural low-resource environment are less pregnant women—three times more frequent than in healthy
likely to remember their last menstrual period. Thus, the pregnant women—significantly increases perinatal and
estimation of gestational age is inaccurate and may not be maternal mortality and morbidity.66 The major cause of mater-
dated properly due to lack of access to pregnancy care dur- nal complications and subsequent deaths in low-resource
ing the first trimester. Even when early pregnancy care is countries as those in East Africa seems to be the delay in
sought and reached, sonography is not available as a tool for arrival at healthcare centers and hospitals.67 Apart from the
pregnancy dating and for later follow-up and management. lack of financial means and living far from health centers,
The lack of ultrasound even in referral centers throughout the low educational level often prevents a timely and poten-
countries such as in East Africa poses tremendous difficul- tially lifesaving presentation at health facilities especially for
ties for adequate pregnancy dating, monitoring of fetal well- women in the rural areas.68
being, and estimated growth throughout pregnancy.62 Also,
the lack of access to even more basic tools, such as capillary
glucose meters, remains difficult in rural areas. Summary
There is a paucity of data available on the prevalence of
Adverse outcomes due to GDM and pregestational diabetes in low-resource countries.
Furthermore, the available data are derived mainly from
hyperglycemia in pregnancy the more accessible urban population while less data exist
in the developing world regarding populations in rural areas. In addition, the criteria
for diagnosis are inconsistent, making comparisons diffi-
Hyperglycemia in pregnancy has a profound impact on cult. The management of diabetes in pregnancy is a tremen-
maternal and neonatal outcome (Figure 28.1). Adequate dously challenging task especially where existing resources
information about maternal and perinatal morbidity and are few, infrastructures are very weak, and the educational
mortality (PNM) as a consequence of diabetes in pregnancy levels are low. More newborn infants are being exposed to
is scarcely reported. the metabolic environment of diabetes during intrauterine
In 2004, the WHO estimated that 529,000 maternal deaths development each year as a result of the changing incidence
occurred worldwide—251,000 in Africa (47%), 253,000 in and demographics of diabetes and pregnancy. National gov-
Asia (48%), 22,000 (4%) in Latin America and the Caribbean, ernments along with the general public in the developing
and approximately 2,500 (Less than 1%) in the developed world must constantly be aware of the problems related to
countries.63 In terms of maternal mortality rate (MMR), the diabetes in pregnancy in order to establish appropriate pro-
world figure is estimated to be 4 to 1000 live births. Stratified grams including an approach to the diagnosis and therapy of
by region, the MMR was highest in Africa (8.3:1000); followed diabetes in pregnancy. Within such programs and policies,
by Asia (3.3:1000); Oceania (2.4:1000), Latin America, and the the prevention and issues of accessibility and affordability
Caribbean (1.9:1000); and the developed countries (0.2:1000). of care have to be addressed. Simultaneously, education for
A follow-up report estimated that maternal deaths worldwide healthcare workers must be implemented as they are able
decreased to 342,900 in 2008, with global MMR of 2.5:1000. to identify groups at a high risk of diabetes and to contact
The global MMR declined at a rate of 1.3% since 1990. During women and educate them of the existence of diabetes in
the years 1990–2008, the rates of yearly decline in the MMR pregnancy and its impact on their offspring.
240 Diabetic pregnancy in the developing world
Awareness of diabetes at the primary care level, assisted care. Improved healthcare knowledge will be associated
by access to obstetrical and medical intervention when with better family planning, better nutrition, and a better
necessary, will decrease perinatal and maternal compli- understanding of the threat that diabetes poses to preg-
cations and diabetes-specific complications. Efforts to nant women.
identify primary prevention strategies should be sought The development of programs and policies for the diag-
as secondary prevention as it is much more difficult to nosis and treatment of diabetes in pregnancy is a necessary
apply in low-resource countries. Women of reproductive key issue in attempting to prevent the diabetes complications
age must be educated and empowered to seek antenatal in both the mother and her fetus.
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29 Managing diabetic pregnancy
in China
Huixia Yang, Weiwei Zhu, and Rina Su
Management of GDM in China 243
HCPs chose MNT and exercise Constitution rate HCPs chose insulin to treat GDM Constitution rate
as priority (n) (%) (n) (%)
Tianjin 115 87.1 98 74.2
Shanxi 96 80.7 84 70.6
Heilongjiang 63 77.8 70 86.4
Guangdong 373 93.5 322 80.7
National 142 84.0 155 91.7
Total 789 87.7 729 81.0
Table 29.3 Patient education about the short- and long-term effects of GDM
About effect to the mother Constitution rate (%) About effect to the offspring Constitution rate (%)
Tianjin 126 95.5 126 95.5
Shanxi 114 95.8 114 95.8
Heilongjiang 73 90.1 72 88.9
Guangdong 382 95.7 367 92.0
National 156 92.3 154 91.1
Total 851 94.6 833 92.6
244 Managing diabetic pregnancy in China
of physicians, and they considered that an education pro- Very low long-term postpartum follow-up rate
gram to enhance the clinical aptitude of physicians, particu- Carson et al.11 collected 307 citations to identify system-
larly family physicians, in the medical management of GDM based factors that could explain the broad variation in
should be designed throughout the country. We conducted postpartum GDM testing rates and found that proactively
WDF 10-517 to train HCPs and patients to improve their contacting patients via phone calls, education programs, or
knowledge regarding GDM. At the beginning of the project, postal reminders was associated with higher postpartum
the survey showed the following. testing rates. Rather than working to identifying individ-
ual demographic factors, system-based approaches were
associated with a larger potential impact and appear easily
Unbalanced use of the new GDM standard in generalizable. Clinicians should think beyond individual
different areas habits and consider systematic approaches to improving
Over 50% of hospitals in Guangdong and Shanxi adopted testing rates.
the new standard, while only 30% did in Heilongjiang and In this study, lack of GDM knowledge prevented the
Tianjin. A lot of hospitals still performed 50 g GCT. Some doctors to educate and treat patients and value the impor-
hospitals used the new standards only in high-risk pregnant tance of follow-up. In reality, they seldom asked the patients
women. For example, 31.8% of HCPs in Guangdong did not to come back for follow-up. Most doctors considered that
perform routine FPG test to pregnant women in the first the endocrinologists should be responsible for the follow-up
trimester, while this percentage was 18.5% in Heilongjiang. of GDM patients, which reminds us that follow-up requires
This may be caused by less knowledge of doctors. collaboration of both obstetricians and endocrinologists.
The pregnancy managements were unbalanced in dif-
ferent areas in China; thus we should make an appropri-
Update of GDM knowledge lagged behind seriously ate management strategy based on local conditions. Maiti
The majority of doctors relied on textbooks or guidelines et al.12 concluded that it may not be possible to provide
issued by the government. Fewer doctors obtained GDM access to Western standards of care to a vast majority of
knowledge through literature, such as in Tianjin and Shanxi, GDM patients in resource-constrained settings in devel-
with only two and one doctor, respectively. Over 40% doc- oping countries, yet with minimal care delivered in a con-
tors had never heard of the HAPO study. Many doctors still sistent fashion, it is possible to obtain excellent maternal
rely on their knowledge of GDM during college, which is and neonatal outcome. In China, for example, in Tianjin,
outdated. Less than 40% doctors knew the weight gain scope pregnancy management in the first and second trimester
of diabetes during pregnancy. Update of GDM knowledge is in community medical instructions; therefore, in this
lagged behind seriously. area, community capability should be strengthened when
GDM management is promoted. In other situations, train- built. GDM management is promoted in a systemic pattern
ing HCPs from tertiary hospitals should be considered, and where 45 experienced tertiary hospitals are unified in man-
tertiary hospitals should be in charge of improving their aging locals with GDM.
medical instructions, thereby developing a pattern where As the incidence of diabetes and overweight in pregnancy
experienced tertiary hospitals are unified in managing has increased in China, a new project (WDF14-908) for dia-
locals with GDM. betes management beyond pregnancy funded by WDF has
been carried out from 2015. This project has mainly focused
on prepregnancy, pregnancy care, and postpartum care at
the hospital and community health service centers (CHSC)
Development of GDM management level for women with prediabetes and high risks of GDM.
in China Like the FIGO initiative on GDM,15 the CHSC can support
postpartum follow-up through child vaccination.
Since the MOH criteria gained acceptance throughout Patient education is important in the management of
China in 2011, the incidence of GDM has been estimated GDM. In China, a day-care outpatient clinic has been
at 17.5%.13 The updated criteria and management in China launched, where patients with GDM spend whole day and
have been published in 2014.14 receive basic information on GDM, medical nutritional
With the support of the World Diabetes Foundation therapy, exercise advice, and self-monitoring of blood glu-
(WDF 10-517), national standardized trainings for obste- cose, guided by professional nurses, clinical nutritionists,
tricians, professional nurses, and clinical nutritionists have and physicians. The concepts of healthy lifestyle and blood
been conducted in 16 different regions in China, totally glucose self-management promoted in the manual aim to
19,754 doctors and nurses have been trained, and 45 centers prevent or postpone the development of type 2 diabetes later
that focus on GDM screening and perinatal care have been in life.16
1. HAPO Collaborative Research Group. Hyperglycemia and 9. Akinci B, Tosun P, Bekci E, Yener S, Demir T, Yesil S. Management
adverse pregnancy outcomes. N Engl J Med 2008; 358: of gestational diabetes by physicians in Turkey. Prim Care
1991–2002. Diabetes 2010; 4(3): 173–180.
2. IADPSG Consensus Panel. International Association of Diabetes 10. Falavigna M, Schmidt MI, Trujillo J et al. Effectiveness of gesta-
and Pregnancy Study Groups recommendations on the diagnosis tional diabetes treatment: A systematic review with quality of evi-
and classification of hyperglycemia in pregnancy. Diabetes Care dence assessment. Diabetes Res Clin Pract 2012; 98(3): 396–405.
2010; 33: 676–682. 11. Carson MP, Frank MI, Keely E. Postpartum testing rates among
3. American Diabetes Association. Standards of medical care in women with a history of gestational diabetes—Systematic review.
diabetes. Diabetes Care 2011; 34(Suppl. 1): S11–S61. Prim Care Diabetes 2013; 7(3): 177–186.
4. Yang HX, Medical Service Specialty Standard Committee of 12. Maiti A, Nandi K, Chatterjee S. Management of gestational diabe-
Ministry of Health. Diagnostic criteria for gestational diabetes tes mellitus in a public hospital setting in India: Lessons from a min-
mellitus (WS 331–2011). Chin Med J (Engl) 2012; 125: 1212–1213. imalist approach. Diabetes Res Clin Pract 2012; 95(2): e34–e36.
5. Zhu WW, Fan L, Yang HX et al. Fasting plasma glucose at 24–28 13. Zhu WW, Yang HX, Wei YM et al. Evaluation of the value of fast-
weeks to screen gestational diabetes—New evidence from ing plasma glucose in the first prenatal visit to diagnose gestational
China. Diabetes Care 2013; 36: 2038–2040. diabetes mellitus in china. Diabetes Care 2013; 36: 586–590.
6. Hedderson MM, Ferrara A, Sacks DA. Gestational diabetes mel- 14. Chinese Medical Association, Branch of Obstetrics and
litus and lesser degrees of pregnancy hyperglycemia: Association Gynaecology, Obstetric Group, Chinese Society of Perinatal
with increased risk of spontaneous preterm birth. Obstet Gynecol Medicine, Diabetic Pregnancy Study Group. Guide for diagno-
2003; 102(4): 850–856. sis and treatment of diabetes beyond pregnancy. Chin J Obstetr
7. O’Sullivan JB, Mahan CM, Charles D et al. Screening criteria Gynecol 2014; 49(8): 561–569.
-for high-risk gestational diabetic patients. Am J Obstet Gynecol 15. Hod M, Kapur A, Sacks DA et al. The International Federation
1973; 116: 895–900. of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) initiative on gestational
8. Walsh C, Khan M, Kinsley B, Daly S. Have the new diagnostic diabetes mellitus: A pragmatic guide for diagnosis, management,
criteria for gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) impacted on peri- and care. Int J Gynecol Obstetr 2015; 131(Suppl. 1): S173.
natal maternal and fetal outcomes? Am J Obstet Gynecol 2013; 16. Yan J, Yang H. Gestational diabetes in China: Challenges and cop-
208(Suppl. 1): S114. ing strategies. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol 2014; 2(12): 930–931.
30 Gestational diabetes mellitus,
obesity, and pregnancy
Harold David McIntyre, Marloes Dekker-Nitert, Helen Lorraine Graham Barrett,
and Leonie Kaye Callaway
Pathophysiology of GDM and obesity circulating levels of glucose, insulin, cortisol, and leptin all
increase. The physiological increase in maternal insulin resis-
in pregnancy tance is an example of allostatic regulation: an adaptation of the
maternal physiology to a changing environment (Figure 30.1).
Pregnancy can be described as an allostatic state. Allostasis
is the process by which the body responds to stressors in
order to regain homeostasis or as achieving stability through Metabolism in healthy pregnancy
change. Where homeostasis is the regulation of physiology
around a set point, allostasis is the regulation of physiology In early pregnancy, maternal metabolism is anabolic and
to create a new set point. In an allostatic state, there is chronic results in maternal fat deposition. In healthy pregnancy,
activation of regulatory systems either due to some form of maternal insulin resistance increases throughout the second
dysregulation/dysfunction of physiological processes or due trimester with a peak in the third trimester due to secretion
to conflicting, competing, or opposing demands.12 The allo- of placental lactogen. In normal women, insulin sensitiv-
static load is the strain on physiology and regulatory capacity ity decreases by 50%–60% from prepregnancy to late preg-
due to sustained activation of regulatory systems. This could nancy.13 This decrease in insulin sensitivity (or increase in
also be defined as the regulatory load or metabolic load. insulin resistance) is usually overcome by an amplification
However, continuous activation of any regulatory system or of insulin secretion from the pancreatic beta cells, ensuring
activation to a level outside of its norm will eventually lead normoglycemia throughout pregnancy.
to failure of the system. Both obesity and pregnancy can be The rise in insulin resistance contributes to shifting
considered allostatic states. In combination, they may lead to maternal metabolism from an anabolic state to a catabolic
allostatic overload in which the compensatory systems may state. In the catabolic state, maternal metabolism becomes
fail resulting in adverse pregnancy outcomes. more reliant on lipids and ketones. This ensures an adequate
Outside of pregnancy, the brain is the main site for regulatory glucose supply to the developing fetus. Insulin sensitivity is
control in humans. In pregnancy, regulatory control is funda- inversely correlated to maternal plasma free fatty acid lev-
mentally altered due to the need for regulation of two organisms els.14 In addition to an increase in free fatty acid levels, other
simultaneously. Additionally, regulatory control is partially aspects of maternal lipid metabolism are also altered during
allocated to the placenta in addition to the brain. In pregnancy, pregnancy. Fat oxidation is significantly higher and a marked
Late gestation
Genetics gulation
Allostatic re
Exercise Prepregnancy
Level of insulin resistance
Figure 30.1 Factors influencing insulin resistance before and during pregnancy. Allostatic regulation maintains euglycemia in
normal pregnancy.
248 Gestational diabetes mellitus, obesity, and pregnancy outcomes
hyperlipidemia occurs in late gestation. This includes an Inflammation in obesity and GDM
increase in the triglyceride content of very-low-density lipo-
protein (VLDL), low-density lipoprotein, and high-density in pregnancy
lipoprotein (HDL). Maternal plasma cholesterol also rises.
In recent decades, the perception of adipose tissue has shifted
The metabolic adaptations of healthy pregnancy are altered
from being regarded as a passive organ dedicated to fat stor-
in pregnancies affected by GDM and/or maternal obesity.15
age to a metabolically active organ contributing to the regu-
lation of whole-body metabolism through the synthesis and
Glucose metabolism in GDM secretion of adipokines, cytokines, and hormones. Obesity
and pregnancy are both states of chronic low-grade inflam-
and obesity mation sometimes termed metabolic inflammation or “meta-
inflammation.”18 In obese pregnancy, there is an increase in
In women with prepregnancy obesity, the pregnancy-
circulating proinflammatory cytokines, e.g., tumor necrosis
associated rise in insulin resistance further exacerbates
factor alpha (TNFα), interleukin-6 (IL-6), and C-reactive
the high level of insulin resistance present in obesity. For
protein.20,21 In obese pregnant women, the balance between
many obese women, the additional rise in insulin resistance
proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines is altered,
can still be compensated for by increased insulin secretion
and this may contribute to increased maternal insulin resis-
from the pancreatic beta cells. However, when the pancre-
tance, for example, by differentially regulating phosphoryla-
atic beta cells cannot muster this compensatory increase in
tion of the insulin receptor and its substrates.22
insulin secretion, hyperglycemia ensues and GDM is diag-
The placenta is an active endocrine organ, which contrib-
nosed. GDM is more prevalent in women with an increased
utes to the regulation of metabolism in both the mother and
prepregnancy BMI but can also develop in women with a
the developing fetus. The placenta synthesizes and secretes a
prepregnancy BMI in the normal range. Additionally, the
large array of hormones, cytokines, and metabolic signaling
examination of maternal glucose profiles using continuous
molecules. Microarray studies of placentas from overweight
glucose monitoring devices showed that maternal glucose
women with GDM have shown increased gene expression for
levels, while frequently below the diagnostic cutoff for GDM,
genes involved with inflammation and lipid metabolism but
are increased in obese women.16 Additionally, in obese
not glucose metabolism.23 In obese pregnancy, the placenta
women, adipokines including leptin and adiponectin, which
and the adipose tissue both regulate maternal metabolism
are involved in lipid and glucose metabolism, are altered.
although their regulation is not coordinated.
As noted earlier, pregnancy is also a state of low-grade
Lipid and adipose tissue metabolism inflammation with the expression of proinflammatory
cytokines from the placenta and the uterine epithelium.24
in GDM and obese pregnancies The triggers for this inflammatory response are not well
understood, but placental debris in the form of microparticles
Decreased insulin sensitivity not only leads to increased
known as syncytiotrophoblast membrane microparticles
availability of glucose but also of lipids. Obese women and
(STBM)25 or exosomes26 as well as placental-derived signal-
women with GDM have higher triglycerides and VLDL cho-
ing molecules may be implicated. Over time, the balance
lesterol and lower HDL cholesterol levels than normal-weight
between proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines
normoglycemic women from early pregnancy onward.17,18 The
shifts toward the anti-inflammatory cytokines in normal
subcutaneous adipose tissue of women with GDM shows lower
healthy pregnancy.27 In normal-weight women with GDM,
protein expression for the insulin receptor substrate 1 com-
levels of TNFα but not IL-6 are increased when compared
pared with pregnant women without GDM, whereas the levels
to matched controls.28 Furthermore, increased leukocyte
of insulin receptor substrate 2 are increased in fasting preg-
counts in early pregnancy are predictive of the development
nant women compared with nonpregnant women indepen-
of GDM, which is independent of BMI.29
dent of their glucose tolerance.14 Furthermore, it was recently
reported that in adipose tissue from obese women with and
without GDM, gene expression of many genes involved in Infant weight and body composition
fatty acid metabolism was decreased.19 This included fatty
acid uptake and intracellular transport, triglyceride synthe- The Pedersen hypothesis, first proposed in 1952, states that
sis, lipogenesis, and lipolysis. In late pregnancy, inhibition of macrosomia (e.g., a birthweight over 4000 g) results from
lipolysis by insulin through inhibition of hormone-sensitive fetal hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinism due to hypertro-
lipase is less effective. Gene expression for transcription fac- phy of fetal islets of Langerhans, which is the result of mater-
tors, including PPARγ, that regulate lipid metabolism is also nal hyperglycemia.30 Macrosomia can occur even when
reduced in obese pregnant women with GDM.14,19 These stud- maternal glucose control appears satisfactory and may be
ies show that insulin signaling in adipose tissue in women a result of increased maternal triglycerides and other lip-
with GDM is altered and could contribute to the excess insu- ids.15,17 Maternal obesity is associated with higher fetal fat
lin resistance seen in GDM. Lower expression of PPARγ in mass31 as well as fetal insulin resistance.32 Maternal obe-
adipose tissue in pregnancy may be a reflection of the acceler- sity is a predictor for fetal fat mass but not for lean mass.31
ated starvation with fasting late in pregnancy.14 These results suggest that maternal obesity specifically
Evidence base for treatment of GDM and obesity 249
affects fetal adiposity rather than overall fetal growth. GDM glycemia on pregnancy outcomes were similar. Both were
unaccompanied by obesity is also associated with fetal adi- associated with increased rates of the primary outcomes
posity.33 Birthweight and fat-free mass are both correlated (LGA babies, primary cesarean section, clinical neonatal
with insulin sensitivity in late gestation.13 hypoglycemia, and neonatal hyperinsulinemia) and impor-
tant secondary outcomes including fetal adiposity and pre-
eclampsia. In general, the associations of maternal BMI
Long-term influences with these outcomes tended to “plateau” in the highest cat-
egories, whereas those of glucose did not show this trend.45
Maternal obesity doubles the risk for childhood obesity34,35
It is important to remember that, for ethical/safety reasons,
and is associated with metabolic syndrome in the offspring.36
women were unblinded from the HAPO study if their glu-
Similarly, children born large for gestational age (LGA) in
cose levels exceeded the predefined thresholds, whereas no
the presence or absence of GDM also have increased risks
such limits were enforced for BMI.
of developing metabolic syndrome.36,37 In glucose-tolerant
The HAPO study group have also reported the combined
Pima Indian mothers, maternal glucose levels in the third
associations of BMI and GDM with adverse pregnancy out-
trimester were strongly associated with increased risk of
comes.3 Across the HAPO study, obesity was present in 13.7%
type 2 diabetes in the offspring.38
of participants and GDM by the IADPSG criteria9 was pres-
These increased risks may partially be determined by a
ent in 16.1% of those who remained blinded within the study.
genetic background predisposing to obesity as well as by the
Only 25% of the women with GDM were obese. Compared
postnatal environment related to the lifestyle of the family.
to women with neither GDM nor obesity, the adjusted odds
However, some of the increase in risk may result from an
ratios for most pregnancy complications were increased both
altered intrauterine environment programming the offspring
in women with obesity alone and in those with GDM alone.
for later disease, as suggested by the Developmental Origins
Preeclampsia appeared to be more prevalent in the “obesity
of Health and Disease (DOHaD) theory. Animal models
alone group,” while excess fetal growth and fetal hyperinsu-
have implicated altered epigenetic regulation affecting many
linemia were slightly more common in the “GDM alone group”
regulatory and metabolic organs in the offspring includ-
than in the “obesity alone group.” The combination of GDM
ing the brain, liver, pancreas,39 and adrenals. In humans,
and obesity was clearly associated with a marked increase in
long-term effects of the intrauterine environment have been
the risk of pregnancy complications. These data are presented
reported with maternal undernutrition in the Dutch hunger
graphically in Figure 30.2. The HAPO study also presented data
winter study.40 Placental function, which is a crucial deter-
dividing their cohort firstly by BMI into normal and under-
minant of the intrauterine environment, may therefore affect
weight/overweight/obese, with similar categorization applied to
the health of the offspring long beyond its own lifespan.
the composite oral glucose tolerance test “z” scores that were
GDM for the mother is associated with higher risks of
categorized as normal/intermediate/GDM. The definition of
hypertension, IGT, and hyperlipidemia, which are all com-
“intermediate” glycemia was selected to approximate the fre-
ponents of the metabolic syndrome.37 These increased risks
quency of overweight in the HAPO participants. As shown in
are especially pronounced in women who were obese prior
Figure 30.3, the frequency of LGA (adjusted birthweight >90th
to falling pregnant.37
centile) increased across both axes, with the combination of
GDM and obesity clearly carrying the highest risk.
GDM and obesity in combination In summary, the HAPO data clearly show that maternal
BMI and glycemia have independent and essentially additive
Many reports have attempted to dissect the relative clini- effects in terms of their associations with adverse pregnancy
cal and population health importance of GDM and obesity outcomes. In view of this, the relative “importance” of these
in terms of their effects on pregnancy outcomes and later factors is heavily influenced by the potential costs and ben-
maternal and infant health. Separation of their associations efits of preventative or treatment strategies.
is difficult, especially as the two conditions frequently coex-
ist and obesity commonly lies on the casual pathway toward
hyperglycemia. In some reports, women were not uniformly Evidence base for treatment
screened for hyperglycemia in pregnancy.41,42 In studies that of GDM and obesity
provide evidence of glucose screening of their entire cohort,
detailed analyses of the prevalence of GDM in overweight There are now two well-designed large prospective ran-
and obese women were not reported.43,44 In the vast major- domized controlled studies that confirm that diagnosis and
ity of studies, treatment of GDM (but generally not spe- treatment of gestational diabetes has short-term benefits
cific treatment of obesity) is also likely to have confounded for both mother and baby.46,47 Women in the Australian
reported results. Fortunately, these problems are less of an (Crowther) study had early pregnancy BMIs ranging from
issue when considering data from the Hyperglycemia and 22.9 to 31.2 kg/m2, and women in the intervention arm of
Adverse Pregnancy Outcome (HAPO) study,3,45 as this study the study had lower weight gain during pregnancy, with
was blinded in terms of glycemia and did not provide spe- less macrosomia, less LGA, and lower rates of preeclamp-
cific interventions for obesity. The HAPO study showed that sia.46 In the U.S. (Landon) study, the BMI at recruitment of
the associations of increasing maternal BMI and increasing women in the treatment arm was 30.1 ± 5 kg and control
250 Gestational diabetes mellitus, obesity, and pregnancy outcomes
No GDM, no obesity Obesity, no GDM
GDM, no obesity GDM + obesity
Adjusted odds ratio
BW > 90th Cord c-peptide Primary CS Preeclampsia NN body fat Shoulder
> 90th > 90th dystocia
Pregnancy outcome
Figure 30.2 Fully adjusted odds ratios for selected pregnancy complications in the Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy
Outcome study. The “No GDM, No Obesity” category served as the referent group for all comparisons. The other categories, as
labeled, refer to GDM alone, obesity alone, and the combination of both factors. Odds ratios refer to “Model II” as explained in
detail in the source publication, with full adjustment for potential confounders. GDM, gestational diabetes mellitus.
6 and obese women, and the results of this study were disap-
Glucose pointing.48 Essentially this study aimed to limit weight gain
5 Normal Intermediate GDM in overweight and obese pregnant women through lifestyle
intervention. This study demonstrated that despite three face-
Adjusted or for LGA
regarding glycemia in pregnancy and treatment confounding excessive fetal growth and adiposity and to hypertensive com-
due to active intervention for GDM remain major issues. plications of pregnancy. GDM and obesity commonly, but not
A recent report by Black et al.51 regarding a cohort of 9835 inevitably, coexist, and the development of common preventa-
women from Southern California with a high prevalence of tive and therapeutic strategies seems an attractive prospect.
overweight (32%) and obesity (28%) reported that, on a pop- Despite the epidemiologic data showing associations of
ulation basis, overweight and obesity accounted for 21.6% of GDM and obesity with adverse pregnancy outcomes, our
LGA in women without and 23.3% in women with GDM. understanding of the mechanisms underlying these associ-
In their cohort, 75% of women who developed GDM were ations remains limited. The Pedersen hypothesis has served
overweight or obese. This study also emphasized the impor- as a useful framework for considering the pathogenesis of
tance of gestational weight gain as a determinant of LGA. hyperglycemia in pregnancy,18 but even our most energetic
These conclusions depend heavily on the background popu- approaches to achieving normoglycemia have not normal-
lation, as in the global HAPO study cohort, the prevalences ized pregnancy outcomes, particularly with the addition of
of overweight (22%) and obesity (14%) were much lower.52 obesity as a common comorbid condition. Specific therapy
Similar findings have been noted in other studies. Kim targeted a pregnancy dyslipidemia in GDM and obesity
et al. reported on a cohort from Florida.53 Twenty percent of seems attractive in principle but difficult in practice due to
this cohort were obese and 24% overweight. These authors safety concerns.15 The exploration of metabolic inflamma-
concluded that gestational weight gain was the major poten- tion and its consequences in pregnancy may also improve
tially modifiable factor in the prevention of LGA births. our mechanistic understanding,18,24,55,56 but again the ther-
Alberico et al. reported on a cohort from Italy54 and con- apeutic options with current agents appear to be limited.
cluded that maternal obesity, GDM, and gestational weight As previously noted, interventions commenced during
gain all warranted careful assessment during pregnancy. pregnancy appear to have limited efficacy in preventing
In summary, it is clear that, especially in populations with the complications of obesity. This aligns with the observa-
a high prevalence of overweight and obesity, these factors tion that, in obese women (in contrast to women of normal
constitute a large fraction of the population risk of LGA. weight), prepregnancy weight is more closely associated with
However, as noted previously, therapeutic strategies for neonatal adiposity than weight gain during pregnancy.57
addressing obesity in pregnancy have proved disappointing, Thus, preventative and therapeutic measures may need to be
in contrast to the positive results noted for the “glucocentric” initiated preconception to reap positive benefits.
treatment of GDM. By contrast, the efficacy of therapy for GDM is well
demonstrated. Effective implementation of GDM diag-
nostic and therapeutic strategies58–60 appears to have the
greatest potential for proven benefit at the current time.
Evidence gaps and evidence: Practice Future research should concentrate on delineation of
gaps and future research the pathogenesis of obesity and GDM through basic and
clinical studies; the development of effective strategies
From the evidence presented earlier, it is clear that both GDM to target both conditions before, during, and after preg-
and maternal obesity are associated with a similar spectrum nancy; and the effective implementation of treatments that
of adverse pregnancy outcomes, especially those related to are known to be effective but are currently underutilized.
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31 Obesity versus glycemic control:
Which contributes more to
adverse pregnancy outcome?
Amir Aviram and Yariv Yogev
254 Obesity versus glycemic control
Bianco et al.10 reported that weight gain of more than mothers were fed with high fat diet during pregnancy and
25 lb was strongly associated with birth of LGA infants. lactation, as well as others fed with high fat diet from wean-
However, poor weight gain did not appear to increase ing up through pregnancy, were hypoleptinemic and hypo-
the risk of low-birth-weight infants. Luke and associates insulinemic at birth, compared with controls. As adults
reported that for every kilogram of gestational weight nourished with postweaning high fat diet, these rats were
gained, birth weight increased by 44.9 g for underweight significantly more obese than controls and characterized
women, 22.9 g for normal-weight women, and 11.9 g for with hyperinsulinemia and hyperleptinemia. It is of inter-
overweight women. For every kilogram of retained weight, est that a lifetime of high fat nutrition produced a pheno-
birth weight was increased by 35.6 g for underweight type similar to high fat nutrition restricted to pregnancy and
women, 15.9 g for normal-weight women, and 5.1 g for lactation alone, thus suggesting that the postnatal sequelae
overweight women.11 These findings suggest that beyond a of maternal high fat nutrition occurs independently of pre-
certain level of weight gain, there is an increase in birth conceptional diet. Laitinen and colleagues19 found that
weight at the expense of increasing maternal postpartum children of overweight or obese women had higher BMI at
obesity for women who have gained an excessive amount of different ages until 31 years old than did children of normal-
weight during pregnancy. or underweight mothers. At the age of 31, measures of cir-
As the prevalence of obesity increased and evidences cumferences of the waist and hip and waist-to-hip ratio were
regarding adverse pregnancy outcomes in obese pregnant higher in those born to mothers with higher BMI. Forsen
women accumulated, the IOM issued new guidelines for et al.20 showed that Finish men whose mothers had a high
pregnancy weight gain in 2009, taking into account both BMI in pregnancy had a 1.24 hazard ratio for coronary heart
maternal and fetal health.12 The recommended weight disease for every standard deviation increase in the moth-
gain for underweight women (BMI < 18.5) is 12.5–18 kg, ers’ BMI. In south India, glucose and insulin metabolism in
for normal-weight women (BMI 18.5–24.9) 11.5–16 kg, 506 men and women aged 39–60 were tested. The research-
for overweight women (BMI 25.0–29.9) 7–11.5 kg, and for ers noticed that those with non-insulin-dependent diabetes
obese women (BMI 30 and greater) 5–9 kg. Hull and col- mellitus were born to mothers who tended to be heavier than
leagues examined whether differences exist in infant body average during pregnancy.21
composition based on the new IOM guidelines.13 It was
found that infants of obese mothers had greater percent fat
compared with infants of normal-weight and overweight
mothers. Within the excessive weight gain group, infants of Obesity and gestational diabetes
normal-weight mothers had less percent fat than infants of mellitus
obese or overweight mothers. Another study by Vesco et al.
found that obese women gaining weight above the IOM The association of obesity and carbohydrate intolerance in
2009 recommendations did not decrease the risk for SGA pregnancy is well established. Bianco performed a retrospec-
but increased the risk for delivering LGA or macrosomic tive study comparing 613 patients with BMI of >35 with more
infants, and that obese women gaining weight below the than 11,000 women with normal BMI, and found that the
IOM recommendations had higher risk for delivering SGA rates of type 2 diabetes and GDM were 4.5-fold and 3.3-fold
and lower risk for LGA infants.14 Bodnar and associates higher, respectively, among the obese group.10 Kumari et al.
demonstrated that the prevalence of excessive gestational examined pregnancy outcomes among women with BMIs of
weight gain (GWG) declined, and weight loss increased, as >40 and found a GDM rate of 24.5% versus 2.2% among nor-
obesity became more severe.15 Generally, weight loss was mal BMI patients.22 In one of the largest studies concerning
associated with an elevated risk of SGA, medically indi- obesity in pregnancy, including more than 287,000 patients
cated and spontaneous preterm delivery, and high weight (of which approximately 79,000 are overweight patients and
gain tended to increase the risk of LGA and medically indi- 31,000 are obese), the odds ratio (OR) for developing GDM
cated preterm delivery. was 1.68 for overweight patients and 3.6 for obese patients.23
Getahun and colleagues examined if BMI changes between Weiss et al.24 published the results of their 16,102 patients
two consecutive pregnancies are associated with increased and demonstrated that a BMI of 30–34.9 was associated with
risk for LGA in the second pregnancy.16 They found that an OR of 2.6 for developing GDM, and that a BMI of 35 and
women who were overweight or obese in both pregnancies greater held an OR of 4.0 for GDM. Other studies of different
had increased risk for LGA infant, and that any decrease in cohort sizes supported these observations.25,26 Super obesity
BMI attenuated the risk. They also concluded that 17.1% of (BMI equal to or greater than 50) was found to be associated
LGA infants of underweight mothers, 13.2% of LGA infants with a higher rate of GDM compared with normal-weight or
of normal-weight mothers, and 7.6% of LGA infants of over- other obesity classes’ women.27 A meta-analysis of 20 studies
weight mothers could be prevented if BMI had not increased concluded that the OR for developing GDM are 2.15 (95%
between pregnancies. CI 1.82–2.53), 3.56 (3.05–4.21), and 8.56 (5.07–16.04) among
Obesity and its late sequelae may prove to be one of the overweight, obese, and severely obese gravidas, respectively.28
greatest threats to adult health in the developing world in Another study sought to evaluate the percentage of GDM
this century.17 Different experiments on animals led to some attributable to overweight and obesity. The percentages of
interesting results. Howie et al.18 found that rats whose GDM attributable to BMI were calculated to be 15.4%, 9.7%,
Glycemic control 255
and 21.1% for overweight, obese, and severely obese, respec- Glycemic control
tively. The authors concluded that if all overweight and obese
women had the same GDM risk as normal-weight women, The second question raised earlier was whether glycemic
nearly half of GDM cases would be prevented.29 control goals of obese and overweight patients different from
Apart from the well-established correlation between those of lean GDM patients and what treatment adjustments
type 2 diabetes among nonpregnant women and obesity, are needed for achieving those goals.
attempts have been made to further elucidate the associa- Early in 1987, Leikin and colleagues tried to solve this
tion between obesity and GDM. Colomiere and associates dilemma. They conducted a prospective study in which
published their work about insulin signaling and glucose they divided GDM patients into two groups. The first group
transporter expression in maternal skeletal muscle and had fasting serum glucose levels of 95 mg/dL or less on oral
subcutaneous adipose tissue. They found that both skeletal glucose tolerance test and was treated with diet alone, and
muscle and adipose tissue from obese women demonstrated those with higher levels were treated with diet and insulin.
lower GLUT-1 and GLUT-3 mRNA expression, leading them The diet-treated group and lean GDM patients receiving
to conclude that this may be the cause of GDM.30 insulin treatment had the same rate of macrosomia as the
Not until long ago, GDM was not proved to result in nondiabetic group. However, obese GDM patients treated
adverse pregnancy outcome. Only in 2005 did the pioneer- with insulin demonstrated a higher rate of macrosomia.41
ing work of Crowther and associates31 as well as Langer Another study aimed at answering this complex question
and associates32 demonstrated that the treatment of GDM was performed by Schaefer-Graf et al.42 They evaluated dif-
reduces perinatal complications. Later, Landon et al. reiter- ferent parameters among GDM patients and found that while
ate these results.33 In fact, it was also shown that mild car- mean level of glycemic control was similar among mothers
bohydrate intolerance, in the absence of confirmed GDM, of macrosomic and nonmacrosomic neonates (except for
results in various adverse outcomes.34,35 fasting glucose levels at 32–35 weeks), macrosomia rates were
Since obesity is a substantial risk factor for GDM, and higher among the obese patients. They concluded that the
since GDM may lead to adverse pregnancy outcomes, association between glycemic control and macrosomia was
a series of dilemmas arise: is there a difference between limited, while obesity appeared to be a strong risk factor for
overweight or obese and normal-weight GDM patient, and macrosomia throughout pregnancies with GDM. In their
if there is, are glycemic control goals of obese and over- words, “in obese women, the high fetal macrosomia rate did
weight patients different from those of lean GDM patients not appear to be normalized by therapy based on maternal
and what treatment adjustments are needed for achieving euglycemia.”
those goals? Yogev and associates sought to determine whether preg-
Several investigators sought the answer for the first ques- nancy outcomes differ between obese (BMI above 30 but less
tion. Ben-Haroush et al. found that the prevalence of LGA than 35) and morbidly obese (BMI of 35 or greater) GDM
neonates was higher in obese (BMI of ≥30) GDM patients patients by analyzing retrospectively a cohort of 4830 patients
compared with normal-weight GDM patients.36 Another with GDM. The rates of obesity and morbid obesity were
study compared four groups of patients: reference group 15.7% and 11.6%, respectively. Similar rates of cesarean section,
(normal weight, no GDM), normal-weight GDM, obese fetal macrosomia, shoulder dystocia, composite outcome, and
GDM, and obese with no GDM. It was found that obese metabolic complications were noted. Of note, no differences
GDM patients had higher rates of cesarean deliveries, pre- were found in the rate of desired glycemic control, although a
eclampsia, macrosomia, and higher mean birth weights than higher rate of insulin treatment was needed among the mor-
lean GDM patients. Additionally, after accounting for con- bidly obese.43 Another study by Joy examined the impact of
founders, obese GDM patients had a two- to threefold higher obesity on pregnancy outcomes among GDM patients treated
risk for macrosomia and cesarean deliveries, while the lean by diet, oral hypoglycemic agent, or insulin. Although gly-
GDM patients had no such increased risk.37 A subanalysis cemic control data were missing, in each group, obesity was
of the results of the Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy associated with adverse outcome, suggesting its pivotal role.39
Outcome (HAPO) study among more than 23,000 patients Langer et al. performed a study comparing four groups of
revealed similar results. The adjusted OR for LGA neonate, patients (diet treated with good glycemic control, diet treated
cesarean delivery, preeclampsia, and shoulder dystocia were with poor glycemic control, insulin treated with good glyce-
calculated for the same four groups as depicted earlier. The mic control, and insulin treated with poor glycemic control)
results demonstrated an OR of 3.3 for LGA neonate among stratified by weight. It was found that obese and overweight
obese GDM (compared with 1.99 for lean GDM), an OR of GDM patients treated with insulin who achieved good glyce-
2.3 for cesarean delivery (compared with OR 1.5), an OR mic control showed no increased risk of composite outcome,
5.3 for preeclampsia (compared with 1.7), and an OR of 1.7 macrosomia, and LGA in comparison with normal-weight
for shoulder dystocia (compared with nonsignificant OR).38 GDM patients.44 In contrast, obese patients with good glyce-
Furthermore, obesity was found to worsen maternal and mic control achieved by diet still demonstrated higher risk
perinatal outcome regardless of treatment modality.39 It was for composite outcome, LGA, and macrosomia. Poorly con-
suggested that one mechanism responsible for LGA neonates trolled overweight and obese patients, regardless of treatment
among obese GDM women is hypertriglyceridemia, despite modality, had significantly higher rates of composite outcome,
glycemic control.40 metabolic complications, macrosomia, and LGA. It may be
256 Obesity versus glycemic control
that although obesity, in and of itself, translates into potential Intervention during pregnancy is also available. Harrison
adverse outcomes in pregnancy, GDM women treated with and colleagues randomized 228 women at risk of developing
insulin and possibly oral antidiabetic drugs who achieve tar- GDM to a four-session lifestyle program aimed at acquir-
geted levels of glycemic control will have pregnancy outcomes ing adequate GWG or controls. They found that by 28 weeks,
comparable to those of normal-weight women. The improved GWG was significantly lower among women in the inter-
outcome in the insulin-treated overweight and obese women vention group, and a trend was noticed toward less GDM.51
may be due to an unidentified effect of insulin itself on the Another study examined the effect of gestational weight
fetus or the activation of other metabolic fuel pathways. loss among overweight and obese women after the diag-
Most and Langer later published their results concerning nosis of GDM was established. Gestational weight loss was
the impact of maternal weight gain on fetal growth among associated with less macrosomia, NICU admissions, and
GDM patients in relation to treatment modality, BMI, and cesarean deliveries, yet rates of SGA neonates and deliver-
glycemic control. Among obese or overweight diet-treated ies <34 weeks increased.52 A study of similar design demon-
women, the rate of LGA was fourfold higher, compared with strated lower mean birth weight among overweight and class
insulin-treated women.45 I obese women with gestational weight loss.53 Park and asso-
Olmos and associates studied the impact of obesity and ciates found that overweight/obese GDM patients gaining
glycemic control on rates of macrosomia.46 They defined less weight than recommended by the IOM 2009 guidelines
glycemic control using mean blood glucose and HbA1c had better neonatal outcomes and better glycemic control
levels. They reported that the prevalence of macrosomia and lower rates of insulin treatment.54
was 14.9% among their patients with good glycemic con- A randomized trial of weight-bearing exercise (versus
trol versus 28.1% in those with lesser glycemic control. They no exercise) from 8 weeks of pregnancy in women who did
also reported macrosomia rates of 10.4% in the normal- not normally exercise resulted in significantly higher birth
weight group compared with 24.6% in the overweight group, weights in offspring of women randomized to exercise.55 In
although both groups had similar glycemic control levels another study, exercise two times/week or less was associ-
and GWG. Their conclusion was that good glycemic control ated with low birth weight (adjusted OR, 2.64 95% CI 1.29–
was not sufficient to reduce macrosomia rates in the presence 5.39) relative to women who exercised three to four times/
of overweight or obesity. week after adjustment for potential confounders including
social class.56 Dye et al.57 demonstrated that women who
were obese at the time of conception but exercised regularly
had lower rates of GDM. A meta-analysis published in 2011
Potential management and concluded that prepregnancy physical activity yielded a
intervention pooled OR of 0.45 (95% CI 0.28–0.75) for developing GDM,
and that exercise in early pregnancy was also protective
In obese women, a modification of risk factors prior to or (OR 0.76, 95% CI 0.70–0.83). Several studies showed that
early in pregnancy is recommended. Regarding prepregnancy moderate exercise in pregnancy did not appear to be harm-
interventions aimed at reducing the risk for GDM, Villamor ful and that there was no association with premature labor
and Cnattingius found that compared with women whose or poor Apgar scores, thus reassuring the safety of exercise
BMI changed between −1.0 and 0.9 units, women who gained during pregnancy.58,59
three or more units had increased risk of preeclampsia, gesta-
tional hypertension, GDM, cesarean delivery, stillbirth, and
LGA birth.47 The associations were linearly related to weight Summary
change and were also noted in women who had a healthy pre-
pregnancy BMI in both pregnancies. Ehrlich and colleagues In conclusion, obesity is a risk factor for adverse pregnancy
sought to estimate the association between interpregnancy outcomes, including GDM. The hazardous combination
change in BMI and the risk of GDM in a second pregnancy. of overweight and obesity with GDM increases the risks
They found that compared with women who had no change involved with GDM or obesity alone. It seems that while gly-
in BMI, those whose BMI increased had an increased risk cemic control is of utmost importance in GDM, the role of
of GDM. Conversely, those whose BMI decreased had lower obesity may be even more critical than previously believed.
risk of GDM only if they were overweight or obese during the We may hypothesize that the presence of obesity or over-
first pregnancy and lost at least two BMI units.48 weight in a GDM patient alters metabolic pathways, thus
Dell’Agnolo and colleagues49 found that women who mandating tighter and stricter glycemic control. Therefore,
underwent bariatric surgery had less obesity-related comor- the desired and adequate levels of glycemic control among
bidities such as diabetes mellitus and hypertension. Their overweight and obese patients need to be established.
infants were more likely to be appropriate-for-gestational- Nonetheless, the importance of insulin therapy may lie
age (AGA) and be born at term. A systematic review pub- beyond merely achieving glycemic control, but in regulating
lished by Maggard et al. included 75 articles, and concluded these aberrant metabolic pathways among overweight and
that less maternal complications occurred following bariat- obese patients. Prepregnancy and early pregnancy inter-
ric surgery (such as GDM and preeclampsia), and that neo- ventions aimed at weight loss are efficacious in reducing
natal outcomes were better than in obese controls.50 overweight-, obesity-, and GDM-related complications.
References 257
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32 Pharmacological treatment for
the obese gestational diabetes
mellitus patient
Fiona C. Denison and Rebecca M. Reynolds
she was severely obese (BMI > 40 kg/m2).3,4 Recent studies
Pandemic of obesity, diabetes, and suggest that the association between maternal obesity and
diabetes in pregnancy GDM may be even higher with a population-based record
linkage study reporting adjusted odds ratios for d
The World Health Organization has described the ris- GDM of 11.90 (7.54–18.79) and 67.40 (37.84–120.03) in obese
ing prevalence of overweight (defined as body mass index and severely obese women, respectively.5
[BMI] > 25 kg/m2) and obesity (BMI > 30 kg/m2) in devel-
oping and developed countries as a global pandemic.1
Between 1980 and 2013, the proportion of women with a
BMI of 25 kg/m2 or more increased worldwide from 29.8% Obesity, diabetes, and rationale for
(29.3–30.2) to 38.0% (37.5–38.5), and in at least seven treatment
countries including Kuwait, Libya, Qatar, and Samoa, the
estimated prevalence of obesity in women now exceeds 50%. Obese women are at increased risk of developing GDM
In developed countries, although the prevalence is much because they are more likely to enter pregnancy with pre-
lower, the overall pattern and rise in rates of overweight and existing insulin resistance. To maintain euglycemia in the
obesity parallels that of developing countries. third trimester, a 200%–250% increase in insulin synthesis
The peak age prevalence of obesity in women in developed is required to compensate for the 50% reduction in insulin
countries is at 60 years, which is beyond the natural reproduc- sensitivity.6,7 In the obese, this physiological adaptation either
tive age. However, although obesity rates in younger women are fails to occur or is insufficient to compensate for the reduc-
lower than in older women, they are also rising in women of tion in insulin sensitivity with resulting hyperglycemia.8,9
reproductive age.2 As a consequence, pregravid maternal obe- Both maternal obesity and diabetes in pregnancy are
sity is now the most common comorbidity of pregnancy, with associated with increased risk of adverse outcomes for both
overweight and obesity affecting up to 40% and 20% of the ante- mother and fetus.5,10–12 For the mother, these include increased
natal population, respectively. Recent evidence suggests that the risk of pregnancy-induced hypertension, preeclampsia, med-
peak age prevalence of obesity has started to fall in developed ically indicated preterm delivery, and cesarean section. For
countries.1 This is likely to further increase the proportion of the fetus, these range from increased risk of miscarriage,
women of reproductive age who are overweight and obese. congenital anomaly, macrosomia, and shoulder dystocia
In parallel with the obesity epidemic, there is also a dia- through to neonatal death and stillbirth. In addition, both
betes pandemic with increasing numbers of obese pregnant maternal obesity and diabetes are recognized to have long-
women having preexisting diabetes (typically type 2 but also term adverse health consequences for the child.
type 1) or being diagnosed with gestational diabetes mellitus Although the underlying mechanisms linking mater-
(GDM) during pregnancy. A proportion of these women will nal obesity with adverse outcome remain unclear, the
have previously undiagnosed type 2 diabetes. Due to the lack Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes study
of consensus in diagnostic and screening criteria for GDM demonstrated that fasting hyperglycemia was correlated
during pregnancy, accurate estimates of risk and prevalence with increased risk of adverse outcomes including cesar-
of GDM are difficult to define. However, a meta-analysis in ean section and fetal macrosomia. This relationship exists
2007 demonstrated that compared to normal-weight preg- even when blood glucose levels are within the normal range.
nant women, the risk of GDM was 3.56 (3.05–4.21)-fold higher Fasting blood glucose levels are higher throughout preg-
if the woman was obese and 8.56 (5.07–16.04)-fold higher if nancy in obese women than in normal-weight women,13
260 Pharmacological treatment for the obese gestational diabetes mellitus patient
so it is likely that relative hyperglycemia may in part explain glucose absorption and substrate availability for hepatic
some of the excess in morbidity observed in obese pregnan- gluconeogenesis.21 Metformin is actively transported to
cies. However, it is likely that other factors in addition to hepatocytes via organic cation transporter 1. It inhibits the
hyperglycemia and insulin resistance such as micronutrient mitochondrial respiratory complex I leading to reduced
deficiency, hyperlipidemia, and inflammation play a role in ATP synthesis and activation of AMP-activated kinase.
the pathogenesis of morbidities in the obese.14,15 This is sup- This results in a reduction of lipid synthesis, inhibition
ported by studies that demonstrate the effects of maternal of gluconeogenesis, and a decrease in circulating insulin
glycemia and obesity, which are independent and additive for and glucose. Metformin also stimulates insulin-mediated
outcomes including cesarean section and macrosomia.16,17 glucose uptake by the skeletal muscle and liver.21 This,
Thus, although there is a clear rationale for treating hyper- together with reduced gluconeogenesis in the liver, increases
glycemia and insulin resistance caused by GDM in the obese insulin sensitivity.
to improve outcome, a therapy or therapies that could also In obese nonpregnant women with type 2 diabetes, the
treat maternal obesity, for example, minimizing maternal apparent clearance and volume of distribution of metformin
weight gain and reducing inflammation, might have the best are influenced by the lean body weight. Markers of renal
chance of optimizing pregnancy outcome. function such as age and serum creatinine also influence
clearance and distribution.22 During pregnancy, metformin
clearance increases with gestation due to enhanced renal
Overview of management of GDM elimination. To maintain a therapeutic effect, the metformin
dose may therefore need to be increased by up to 20% in the
in the obese third trimester.23 Whether increased maternal BMI has an
Dietary modification with home blood glucose monitoring additional influence on clearance and volume of distribution
is the first-line management for GDM in obese pregnant of metformin during pregnancy is not known.
woman. This is covered in depth in Chapter 17. The key prin-
ciples are to maintain a healthy, balanced diet, for example, Safety of metformin in pregnancy Over the last 10 years in
using the “eatwell plate” as per dietary recommendations the United Kingdom, metformin has increasingly replaced
for nonpregnant individuals with newly diagnosed diabetes, insulin as the first-line pharmacological agent for the
with particular emphasis on avoiding refined carbohydrates, treatment of GDM if women fail to achieve glycemic control
sugars, and fats. For most individuals, adherence to these after dietary modification. This change in practice is in
dietary recommendations will result in a calorie deficit. In large part due to at least 10 clinical studies (5 randomized
pregnancy, there are no guidelines to suggest that weight controlled trials, 2 prospective nonrandomized trials, and
loss is recommended/advisable during pregnancy.18 The best 3 retrospective studies) that have all demonstrated that
available advice for gestational weight gain in pregnancy is metformin is safe in pregnancy and achieves comparable
from the Institute of Medicine Guidelines, which advises a (or better) glycemic control compared to insulin or the
sulfonylurea glibenclamide.24–32
weight gain of 5–9 kg during pregnancy for all women with
BMI > 30 kg/m2.19 This advice has not been looked at in Metformin crosses the placenta, with umbilical cord
the context of dietary advice for GDM, but for most obese concentrations at the time of delivery being at least half
women it would seem that advice to maintain weight during the maternal concentrations.23,33 In some cases, they exceed
pregnancy is not unsafe. maternal concentrations. It is therefore important to follow
In many women, dietary modification achieves accept- up babies exposed to metformin in utero.
able glycemic control and no further treatment is required.
However, in women with GDM who remain hyperglycemic Short-term outcomes
despite dietary modification, pharmacological therapy is the Maternal outcomes Metformin is generally acceptable
next stage in management. Subcutaneous insulin therapy has to women and well tolerated during pregnancy, with only
traditionally been regarded as the next stage in management, 2%–7% of women being unable to take it due to its mainly
but with new evidence of safety and efficacy of oral hypogly- gastrointestinal side effects. Other reported side effects are
cemic agents in pregnancy, these are increasingly being used either very rare (lactic acidosis) or relatively minor (erythema
as second-line treatment after failure of dietary modification. in hypersensitive individuals). There is no evidence that
Insulin is then added as third-line therapy if oral hypoglyce- maternal BMI affects the side effect profile of metformin
mic agents do not meet glycemic targets or are not tolerated. during pregnancy.
Between 10% and 46% of women with GDM treated
with metformin require insulin in addition to metformin
Pharmacological treatment to maintain euglycemia as pregnancy progresses.24,26,28,29,31
Higher maternal BMI and fasting blood glucose at diagnosis
Oral agents and early gestation at diagnosis of GDM are associated with
Metformin increased need for supplemental insulin at an earlier gesta-
Mechanism of action Metformin is a synthetically derived tion.27,28 Difference in the racial groups, time of blood glu-
biguanide.20 After oral ingestion, it is rapidly absorbed and cose monitoring (pre- or postprandial), and the threshold
transported via the portal vein to the liver where it inhibits for starting supplementary therapy (1 vs. 2 or 3 high home
Pharmacological treatment 261
blood glucose monitoring readings) may also explain the Long-term outcomes
wide range in need for supplemental insulin between differ- Maternal outcomes The impact of metformin treatment
ent trials. However, in those women who do require supple- on maternal weight postpartum is less certain. A follow-up
mental insulin, the dose of insulin required is consistently study of women with PCOS who were randomized to
lower in women taking metformin and insulin as opposed metformin (2000 mg daily) or placebo from first trimester
to metformin alone. For example, in the Metformin versus to delivery reported maternal and offspring follow-up
Insulin for the Treatment of Gestational Diabetes (MiG) at 1 year. Despite the use of metformin being associated
trial, participants on metformin required a significantly with less weight gain during pregnancy (3.2 ± 2.0 vs. 4.2 ±
lower median dose of 42 U insulin, compared to the patients 4.3 kg, metformin compared to placebo; p < 0.03), women
who received insulin therapy alone required a median dose randomized to metformin lost less weight from the end of
of 50 U.28 pregnancy to 1 year postpartum (−2.1 ± 3.6 vs. −4.1 ± 4.9 kg;
Excessive weight gain during pregnancy in obese p < 003) and had higher BMIs (30.6 ± 8.1 vs. 27.6 ± 6.1 kg/m2;
women is associated with increased risk of complica- p < 0.004) compared to those in the placebo group.35 This is
tions including preterm birth, cesarean delivery, macro- despite there being no difference in maternal BMI between
somia, and childhood obesity. 34 Trials by Balani et al., 24 metformin and placebo groups during the first trimester at
Niromanesh et al., 31 and Rowan et al. 28 reported less ges- randomization (32.7 ± 6.9 vs. 32.0 ± 7.3 kg/m2, metformin
tational weight gain in women on metformin compared compared to placebo; p = 0.51). To date, there are no data
to other pharmacological agents. The underlying mecha- on postpartum weight and BMI in the obese GDM managed
nism for this is not clear. In management of people with with metformin during pregnancy.
type 2 diabetes (who are not pregnant), metformin is
regarded as being weight neutral and is not prescribed as Offspring outcomes Maternal obesity is associated with
a “weight loss” drug. In randomized controlled trials in increased risk of offspring obesity due in part to fat
women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), with preferentially being stored in visceral as opposed to
associated insulin resistance but not overt type 2 diabetes, subcutaneous depots.36
treatment with metformin has not been associated with The MiG trial has followed up children at 2 years post-
significant weight loss. 20 However, limiting gestational delivery.28,37 Compared to the insulin group, the children
weight gain has potential health benefits for mother and exposed to metformin in utero had larger subscapular and
offspring, particularly in the obese. biceps skinfolds and greater upper arm circumferences.
There was no difference in total percentage body fat, fat
Fetal outcomes There is no evidence that metformin mass, or central fat measures between the two groups. The
treatment is associated with increased risk of congenital investigators concluded that in utero exposure to metfor-
anomalies. In the majority of trials, no difference was min may predispose children to laying down fat stores in
identified in frequency of large for gestational age, small for healthier subcutaneous fat depots, thus reducing the risk
gestational age, macrosomia, birth weight, and neonatal unit of developing insulin resistance and obesity in later life.
admission.26–29,31,32 Metformin is also associated with lower Others have subsequently cautioned against overinterpret-
risk of neonatal hypoglycemia compared to insulin. ing the results due to the crude indirect measures used to
The relationship between metformin use and preterm measure visceral fat depots, small numbers at follow-up,
birth rates is less clear. In the MiG trial, the rates of spon- and investigators not being blinded to the treatment group
taneous (5.0% vs. 3.5%) and iatrogenic (7.2% vs. 4.1%) pre- of the mother.38
term birth were higher in women treated with metformin If alterations in offspring body composition do exist fol-
(n = 363) compared to insulin (n = 370). 28 This reached lowing in utero exposure to metformin, whether these per-
significance when both spontaneous and iatrogenic pre- sist into childhood is not certain. Albeit in a different patient
term birth rates were combined (12.1% vs. 7.6%; metfor- cohort, Ro et al. reported follow-up of a randomized con-
min compared to insulin treated; p < 0.04). In contrast, trolled trial on women with PCOS randomized to metfor-
there was no difference in spontaneous preterm birth min or placebo in pregnancy.39 At 8 years, there were no
rates (p = 0.3) between metformin (n = 50 recruited, one differences in offspring body composition, weight, or height
spontaneous delivery at 36 weeks gestation) and insulin between those exposed to metformin and those exposed to
(n = 50, three spontaneous deliveries at 31, 33, and 36 weeks placebo. Children exposed to metformin in utero did how-
therapy) in the Ijas trial, 27 and there was an increase in ever have a higher fasting glucose level (4.93 vs. 4.60 mmol/L,
iatrogenic (15.0% vs. 7.6%) but not spontaneous (4.2% vs. p = 0.04) and a trend toward a lower LDL cholesterol level
4.9%) preterm birth rates in the insulin-treated (n = 399) (2.42 vs. 2.99 mmol/L, p = 0.07) and higher systolic blood
compared to metformin-treated (n = 471) group in the pressure (106 vs. 101 mmHg, p = 0.05).
Goh trial (p < 0.005). 26 Maternal obesity is associated with Although the follow-up studies are reassuring about the
increased risk of iatrogenic but not spontaneous preterm safety of metformin during pregnancy, caution should be
birth rates. 5 Differences in maternal BMI between trial exercised about concluding that its use in the obese GDM
participants may therefore in part explain inconsistencies will reduce the risk of the offspring in developing insulin
about whether metformin does or does not influence pre- resistance in later life due to redistribution of fat depots.
term birth rate. Further long-term follow-up studies are needed.
262 Pharmacological treatment for the obese gestational diabetes mellitus patient
Insulin at the injection site and/or need to inject more than once
Subcutaneous insulin therapy is recognized as the stan- (most insulin pens have a maximum of 80 units), which may
dard for the treatment of GDM to achieve euglycemia after be cumbersome for the woman and lead to poor compli-
failure of dietary therapy in order to avoid the short- and ance, as observed in nonpregnancy.61 However, this would
long-term complications of poorly controlled glucose during be unusual, even in an obese woman with GDM.
pregnancy. A recent systematic review and meta-analysis of Increased prepregnancy BMI is a recognized risk factor
randomized controlled trials comparing therapeutic inter- for the need for insulin treatment of GDM. For example,
vention for GDM with standard antenatal care included data in one study, prepregnancy BMI > 30 kg/m2 was indepen-
from 10 studies including 3881 patients.60 In these studies, dently associated with the need for insulin treatment with
interventions used in the experimental group were dietary an odd ratio of 2.35 (1.33–4.13).62 In this study, women with
modification and glucose monitoring, and insulin was GDM were not offered oral hypoglycemic agents after fail-
administered if glycemic targets were not met with dietary ure of dietary therapy alone, and future studies will inform
modification. Treatment for GDM significantly reduced whether use of these agents is associated with decreased need
the risk for macrosomia (relative risk [RR], 0.47; 95% CI, for insulin in the obese mother with GDM.
0.38–0.57), large-for-gestational-age births (RR, 0.55;
95% CI, 0.45–0.67), shoulder dystocia (RR, 0.42; 95% CI,
What are the disadvantages for women of insulin
0.23–0.77), and gestational hypertension (RR, 0.68; 95% CI,
therapy? Given that insulin therapy has been regarded
0.53–0.87) without causing any significant increase in the
as the standard therapy and there is a wealth of data and
risk for small-for-gestational-age babies. No significant dif- experience of its use in women with type 1 and type 2
ference was observed between the two groups regarding diabetes, why would women with GDM not want to be
perinatal/neonatal mortality, neonatal hypoglycemia, birth treated with insulin during pregnancy? Insulin has several
trauma, preterm births, preeclampsia, cesarean section, and disadvantages for women, often requiring multiple daily
labor induction. The heterogeneity of studies, for example, injections and with the recognized risks of hypoglycemia
differences in study population, glycemic targets, and insu- and weight gain. Many women fear injecting themselves
lin regimens, does make comparison of studies challeng- with insulin, and in comparative trials, women prefer taking
ing. Nevertheless, it is accepted that subcutaneous insulin oral agents to insulin therapy.28 Having a diagnosis of GDM
therapy is effective at lowering blood glucose in women with has been shown to increase a woman’s anxiety and result in
GDM and that this is associated with improved outcomes for a less positive pregnancy experience than in women without
mother and baby. GDM.63 Treatment with insulin appears to have further
With changes in clinical practice over the last decade detrimental effects on maternal well-being in pregnancy.
in the United Kingdom, insulin is increasingly used as a A recent survey of 1372 Australian women including 393 who
third-line agent to supplement metformin therapy when reported their experiences of having GDM found that women
metformin alone fails to control glucose levels or if metfor- taking insulin were significantly more likely to experience
min is not tolerated. Indeed in a survey of maternity units shock, fear, or anxiety.64 This study highlights the need for
in Scotland in 2013, there was almost a universal use of healthcare professionals to provide additional support to these
insulin as a third-line agent (Stirrat, personal communi- women when their treatment for GDM is intensified.
cation). Details of types of insulin preparation and typical The increased insulin resistance associated with obesity in
insulin regimens for managing diabetes in pregnancy are pregnancy may mean that insulin requirements are greater
described in detail elsewhere (Chapter 22). As in standard for obese women with GDM than for women of normal
diabetes management, diabetologists will tailor an individ- weight. These larger doses of insulin may increase the risk of
ual’s insulin regimen and preparation after consideration of excess gestational weight gain due to the anabolic actions of
the woman’s daily blood glucose profile and lifestyle. Thus insulin described earlier. Women with GDM who are com-
women may require prandial quick-acting insulin and/ menced on insulin treatment should therefore have addi-
or basal (long-acting) insulin or a basal–bolus regimen tional dietetic input to minimize insulin-associated weight
depending on the situation, and insulin requirements are gain. Likewise, it is also important that obese women with
likely to change during pregnancy. The 2013 Scottish sur- GDM are advised to avoid excessive gestational weight gain
vey highlighted that a range of different insulin preparations as weight gain in the nonpregnant obese individual is associ-
and regimens was used, including the use of fixed mixtures ated with further increased insulin requirements.65 If these
of insulin (Stirrat, personal communication). Women with observations are extrapolated to pregnancy, excessive gesta-
GDM who need to start insulin therapy will require more tional weight gain could lead to increased insulin require-
intensive management during pregnancy, seeing a diabetes ments and a consequent vicious cycle of increasing insulin
specialist nurse and diabetes consultant for education about doses and increasing weight gain. Use of metformin in com-
insulin administration and dose titration as well as advice bination with insulin is associated with a lower total daily
about management of hypoglycemia. There is no evidence requirement of insulin,28 and the combination of the weight-
that obese women with GDM should use a different injection neutral effect of metformin and the lower insulin require-
site for insulin administration than is advised in a nonpreg- ments may be beneficial in limiting gestational weight gain
nant individual. If very large doses of insulin are required in the obese woman with GDM. However, further studies are
to control blood glucose, this may be associated with pain needed.
264 Pharmacological treatment for the obese gestational diabetes mellitus patient
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33 Role of exercise in reducing
the risks of gestational diabetes
mellitus in obese women
Raul Artal
Pathophysiology 267
gestational diabetes mellitus.24,30 ACOG also recommends The glycogen repletion from the muscles and liver increases
that “for an obese pregnant woman who is gaining less the insulin action that persists after exercise. Adiponectin
weight than recommended but has an appropriately growing regulates insulin sensitivity and glucose homeostasis, and
fetus, no evidence exists that encouraging increased weight low levels of adiponectin are associated with beta cell dys-
gain to conform with the 2009 IOM guidelines will improve function.39 Muscle binding of adiponectin translocates a
maternal or fetal outcomes.”25 glucose transporter type 4 (GLUT4)—which is an insulin-
In 1985, the concept of lifestyle modification was intro- regulated protein found in adipose and striated muscle tis-
duced for the management of pregnant diabetics with a study sue and is responsible for the glucose transport into cells.
comparing hormonal responses to light exercise of diabetic Exercise increases glucose uptake by GLUT4 translocation,
and nondiabetic pregnant women, and it was suggested that increasing the amount of aerobic enzymes in the skeletal
physical activity could be considered a safe intervention in muscles by as much as 20-fold upregulating lipid oxidation
pregnancy as well to improve and control glycemia.26 and mitochondrial biogenesis.
Over the subsequent years, different investigators have Exercise thus improves glycemia primarily through
confirmed and proposed various lifestyle intervention man- two mechanisms: (1) insulin-stimulated muscle glucose
agement schemes to prevent or manage gestational diabetes uptake and (2) insulin-independent glucose transporta-
and type 2 diabetes prior to and during pregnancy.27,28 The tion (GLUT4). As such exercise reduces the hepatic glucose
ADA in its Executive Summary: Standards of Medical Care in production and glycogen metabolism and also lowers total
Diabetes—201418 states that “Women with a history of GDM cholesterol and triglyceride while raising high-density lipo-
found to have prediabetes should receive lifestyle inter- protein levels.
vention or metformin to prevent diabetes.” The American Leptin has a key role in regulating energy intake and
College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the ADA issued energy expenditure; during pregnancy, its level increases by
a joint statement in 2010: “Epidemiological studies sug- 150%–200% in the second and third trimester over levels in
gest that higher levels of physical activity may reduce risk the first trimester and twofold to threefold above nonpreg-
of developing gestational diabetes mellitus prior and during nant levels.40 In leptin-deficient subjects with lipodystrophy,
pregnancy.” Randomized clinical trials suggest that moder- decreased production of leptin by adipose tissue has been
ate exercise may lower maternal blood glucose levels in gesta- considered to be a cause for insulin resistance41; conversely,
tional diabetes mellitus.29 The Royal College of Obstetricians exercise-induced reductions in leptins have been ascribed to
and Gynaecologists and the Canadian Diabetes Association changes in energy balance, improvements in insulin sensi-
(CDA) consider exercise an adjunctive therapy for women tivity, and lipid metabolism.42
with gestational diabetes.31,32 Insulin sensitivity progressively decreases in pregnancy,
The CDA guidelines also specify that the frequency, and to counteract this process and maintain euglycemia
intensity, type, and duration of activity should be based on during the third trimester in healthy pregnant women, insu-
each individual’s obstetric risk.32 lin secretion increases two to four times.43
The acquired decrease in insulin sensitivity particu-
larly in obese women in pregnancy is the physiological
Pathophysiology background and rationale for recommending exercise as a
logical intervention to either prevent or manage gestational
The physiological and endocrinological changes in preg- diabetes and prevent further progression to diabetes during
nancy are significant; pregnancy is considered to be a dia- or after pregnancy.
betogenic state and characterized by progressive insulin While prescribing exercise in pregnancy, the anatomical
resistance, similar to the insulin resistance observed in and physiological changes associated with pregnancy have to
patients with type 2 diabetes.24,33,34 be considered.34
In overweight and obese patients, insulin resistance is by
and large a result of the progressive increase in adiposity and
hyperglycemia; increased fat storage will further increase Exercise prescription for sedentary overweight or obese
the insulin resistance. During pregnancy, a major contribu- women to prevent or manage gestational diabetes
tor to insulin resistance is the accumulating adipose tissue, The basic components of exercise prescription include fre-
which acts as an active organ, and placental and other hor- quency, intensity, duration, and type.
mones such as human placental lactogen, cortisol, proges- Energy expenditure and thus insulin sensitivity depend
terone, estrogen, tumor necrosis factor alpha, adiponectin, on the frequency and amount of work (exercise) intensity and
interleukin-6, resistin, and plasminogen activator inhibitor. duration. As to type, aerobic exercise is most frequently pre-
Excessive weight gain in pregnancy and the increased adi- scribed to pregnant women, while experience with resistance
posity lead to further increased release of adipokines and exercise in pregnancy is more limited. Some of the studies
leptin that increase the oxidative stress that contributes to conducted in pregnancy to prevent or manage gestational
the insulin resistance.35,36 Exercise can reverse or prevent diabetes mellitus meet the requirements set for lifestyle
this process by stimulating muscle and liver glucose uptake modification by the ADA for nonpregnant, while other
and nonoxidatively metabolizing glucose into glycogen.37,38 studies appear to not have met the ADA recommendation
268 Role of exercise in reducing the risks of gestational diabetes mellitus in obese women
Table 33.1 Lifestyle intervention of diet and exercise for obese GDM
patients study 1 (2007)
established by the ADA for nonpregnant individuals to Exercise prescription for sedentary, overweight and
reduce the risk for or manage diabetes may be valid for obese subjects
pregnant subjects as well. This is illustrated in some but not Over the years, we have developed exercise prescription
all of the published trials in pregnant patients (Table 33.2). regimens for sedentary, overweight, or obese women who
Clearly in many of these intervention trials in pregnancy, are at risk for or acquired gestational diabetes or affected
the subjects did not engage in activities sufficient to elicit by type 2 diabetes.27 Table 33.3 illustrates our current
normoglycemia.22 It also appears that in many of the inter- recommendations.
ventional studies, the subjects’ BMIs were by and large at or
below 25–30. Significant is the fact that among subjects that
engaged in even a minimum amount of exercise, certain
comorbidities were precluded among them, fetal macroso-
Summary and conclusions
mia and reduced cesarean sections. Pregnancy poses a risk for pregnant women particularly
A potential cause for intervention failure in many of overweight, obese, or sedentary women to develop gesta-
the trials could be related to additional gestational weight tional diabetes. Women that engage in any recreational
gain. In our recent experience in the care of obese pregnant physical activity during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy
women with a BMI exceeding 30, a gestational weight gain experience a 48% reduction in developing gestational diabe-
of less than 5 kg for the duration of pregnancy has favorable tes when compared to sedentary women.8,57
outcomes.15 Several organizations based their recommendations on
In a population-based birth cohort study conducted in reviews and meta-analyses of randomized and nonrandom-
Central New York, we compared GDM prevalence among ized clinical trials58 have reached the conclusion that ante-
pregnant subjects who engaged in physical activities to preg- natal lifestyle interventions of judicious gestational weight
nant subjects who did not. Physical activity was associated gain and exercise could reduce or prevent gestational diabetes
with a 50% reduction in the rates of GDM among women in the overweight and obese pregnant women and could be
with a BMI greater than 33 kg/m2 (OR = 1.9, 95%, confidence safely prescribed to pregnant patients who have acquired
interval 1.2–3.1) (see Figure 33.3). gestational diabetes or type 2 diabetes.
This study suggests that exercise has a stronger and Pregnancy provides a unique opportunity to adopt
more immediate protective effect in women with higher lifestyle modification, since pregnant women have better
BMI and that lifestyle interventions may be more effec- access to medical care and supervision than any other time.
tive and reduce insulin resistance and improve insulin
sensitivity in subjects who are obese and insulin resistant
than in those who are obese but metabolically healthy; this Practice points
distinction remains to be studied. Since the data obtained
for this study were obtained from birth certificates, we ●● Obesity is currently the leading cause for gestational
could not determine the timing, intensity, and duration of diabetes.
exercise and if the activities were conducted throughout ●● Additional gestation weight gain in obese pregnant
pregnancy.8 women increases the risk for gestational diabetes.
270 Role of exercise in reducing the risks of gestational diabetes mellitus in obese women
Author Study n BMI GWG (kg)b criteria LGAa Comment
1. Artal Intervention 39 35.2 ± 7.2 21.5 Yes 11.8% GDM controlled %
(2007)21 Diet 57 33.5 ± 9.2 29.8 No 15.2% macrosomia in subjects
gaining weight—17.9%
Vs. losing/no
2. Barakat Intervention 40 22.7 ± 2.8 12.5 ± 3.2 No No No GDM
(2012)50 Control 43 23.0 ± 2.9 13.8 ± 3.1 No Three subjects with GDM
3. de Barros Intervention 32 29.6 ± 4.1 30.4 ± 4.3 No 3.1 Resistance exercise
(2010)53 Control 32 29.4 ± 4.0 29.9 ± 4.1 9.4
4. Bo S Intervention 101 27.6 ± 4.1 NA Yes 9.9% Exercise but not behavior
(2014)54 Behavior 99 27.5 ± 4.2 NA No improved post prenatal
5. Bung Intervention 17 35.2 ± 4.8 NA No 10.1% Exercise and diet as efficient
et al. Insulin 17 35.9 ± 3.9 NA — 11.7% as insulin for GDM
(1991)46 management
6. Dempsey Intervention Continuous, NR Yes NR 74% lower GDM risk
(2004)57 ≥6 hours/ 326 categorical, 56% lower GDM risk
week and
≤6 hours/ multivariable
week models
None 294
7. Hopkins Intervention 47 26.7 NR Yes 4.3% No effect on insulin
(2009)59 Control 37 25.5 No 5.4% sensitivity in either group
Self-reported compliance
Lower cord IGF—1 in
exercise subjects
8. Asbee Intervention 57 25.5 25.1 No NR C/S 25%
(2009)60 Control 43 25.6 40.1 No NR C/S 58.3%
No difference in GDM
9. Kinnunen Intervention 128 >25 46.8% (above Yes 2.7% GDM—15.8%
(2012)61 Control 110 >25 recommendation) No 2.8% GDM—12.4%
54.4% (above LGA—reduced in both
recommendation) groups
Physical activity not
a LGA, large for gestational age.
b GWG, gestational weight gain.
n = 12, 290
No exercise
% With GDM
<18 18–20 21–23 24–26 27–29 30–32 33–35 36–38 39–41 42+
Body mass index (BMI)
Figure 33.3 Prevalence of GDM by BMI and Physical Activity Status 1995–1996 (Central New York). (From Dye, T.D. et al., Am.
J. Epidemiol., 146(11), 961, 1997. With permission.)
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34 Role of bariatric surgery in obese
women planning pregnancy
Ron Charach and Eyal Sheiner
274 Role of bariatric surgery in obese women planning pregnancy
●● Anesthesia complications
Adverse perinatal outcomes may be associated with overweight
●● Wound disruption and obesity. Maternal obesity appears to be associated with an
●● Infection increase in the rates of some congenital malformations (espe-
●● Deep venous thromboembolism
cially neural tube defects [NTDs]), and the risk may increase
●● Postpartum hemorrhage
with increasing maternal weight.43–45 In a systematic review
Perinatal (39 studies) and meta-analysis (18 studies), Stothard et al.44
●● Congenital malformations (especially neural tube reported that maternal obesity is likely to be associated with a
defects) small increased risk of a range of structural anomalies such as
●● Fetal and early neonatal death
General outcomes oral iron treatments along with multivitamin, folate, and
Inconsistency exists regarding the long-term outcomes B12 supplementation are imperative. Gurewitsch et al.74 even
of different types of bariatric surgery. A recent systematic proposed that female patients who had RYGB in the child-
review of all bariatric procedures with a follow-up of 10 or bearing age should undergo preconception treatment with
more years showed greater than 50% excess weight loss for parenteral iron to avoid the risks of transfusion therapy dur-
all current procedures. The weight losses for LAGB and other ing pregnancy.
bariatric procedures were substantial and with similar excess Marceau et al.75 reported a significant decrease in mean
weight loss in the long term.67 Angrisani et al., however, in a serum albumin concentration among women after BPD,
recent study that compared outcomes of patients randomly with 1.6% of them requiring parenteral nutrition. Eerdekens
assigned to undergo LAGB or RYGB at 10 years, reported et al.76 described five case reports of postoperative excessive
that RYGB had better results than LAGB in terms of excess vomiting or fat malabsorption that eventually resulted in
weight loss results (76.2% vs. 46.2%) at 10 years’ follow-up.68 severe vitamin K deficiency and fetal cerebral hemorrhage.
Nevertheless, LAGB was found to be safer in terms of early Other case reports have described NTD possibly related to
and long-term surgical complication.68 folate deficiency,77 fetomaternal electrolyte imbalances,78
and microphthalmia attributed to vitamin A deficiency.79
In light of these findings, regardless of the type of bariatric
procedure, routine nutritional screening, recommendations
Postbariatric surgery: Pregnancy for appropriate supplements, and monitoring compliance of
complications and management this unique population are obligatory.73 Concerns about low
birth weight caused by malnourishment of mother and fetus
Since concerns arose regarding the potential impact of are discussed later in this chapter.
bariatric surgery on future pregnancies, a multidisciplinary
team approach of a bariatric surgeon and a maternal–fetal
medicine specialist is probably the best way to manage Screening for gestational diabetes mellitus
subsequent pregnancies. Special concern should be given Glucose screening in several postoperative patients should
to screening for gestational diabetes, nutritional guidelines be managed differently as compared to the general popula-
and supplementation, gastrointestinal complaints, and tion. Glucose challenge test (GCT) or glucose tolerance test
gravidas who still remain obese during pregnancy.69 For are not well tolerated in those patients who have undergone
the appropriate management of postbariatric pregnancy, a procedure with malabsorptive component such as RYGB,
see Table 34.3. due to the “dumping syndrome” that occurs in approxi-
mately 50% of these patients.80 “Dumping syndrome” is
caused by ingestion of high amounts of refined sugars that
Nutritional deficiencies
leads to a hyperosmolar environment and fluid shift from
Several case studies have demonstrated nutritional deficien- the intravascular compartment to the small bowel lumen,
cies in postoperative pregnancies.70–72 Procedures involving causing distension, cramping, nausea, vomiting, and diar-
malabsorption, such as RYGB, appear more likely to cause rhea. Reasonable alternatives for screening are measuring
nutritional deficiencies due to hormonal and nutritional glycated hemoglobin (A1C) and assuming overt diabetes is
changes as compared to purely restrictive procedures such as present if it is elevated (≥6.5%) and measuring fasting and
LAGB. Although only one case of anemia was demonstrated postprandial blood sugars for 1–2 weeks in the second tri-
in a study of 79 consecutively enrolled, previously banded mester.81,82 Restrictive-type bariatric procedures such as
pregnant patients,70 all types of bariatric surgery may be LAGB are not reported to cause dumping syndrome; there-
complicated by iron deficiency. Malabsorptive procedures fore, women after LAGB procedure can undergo standard
may be more refractory to treatment and are also prone to be testing for GDM.
associated with an increased risk of calcium, vitamin D, and
vitamin B12 deficiencies.73 Therefore, prenatal and perinatal
Gastrointestinal complications
Life-threatening surgical complications of both malabsorp-
Table 34.3 Appropriate management of
tive and restrictive procedures might be nonspecific, resemble
postbariatric pregnancy
a number of other conditions, and could be difficult for obste-
tricians to recognize. For this reason, all pregnant women
●● Routine screening for nutritional deficiencies with a history of bariatric surgery with severe abdominal pain
●● Usage of appropriate supplements and monitoring
compliance should also be examined by a general surgeon.
●● Alternative screening ways for GDM (after malabsorp- Bowel obstruction during pregnancy in women who had
tive procedure) previously undergone bariatric surgery has been reported in
●● Careful evaluation by a general surgeon in cases of several case reports, and few of them reported fetal and mater-
severe abdominal pain
nal deaths.83,84 In those patients, common obstetric complaints
●● Avoidance of conception for 12 months following bar-
iatric surgery such as hyperemesis, esophageal reflux, and contractions
might mimic early bowel obstruction symptoms and should be
Postbariatric surgery: Pregnancy complications and management 277
evaluated carefully. Most cases are attributed to bowel ischemia high number of unintended pregnancies.95,96 Theoretically,
and internal hernia formation after RYGB.84–87 The estimated conception during this time period provokes a risk for sur-
prevalence of this complication is up to 2%, and it is contributed gical complications, nutritional-related complications, and
by elevated abdominal pressure and cephalad intestinal dis- malformations.97 It seems reasonable that additional nutri-
placement caused by the enlarging gravid uterus.84 Computed tional requirements of the developing fetus and the dramatic
tomography scan and even exploratory surgery may be neces- decline in maternal intake of nutrition might lead to intra-
sary in highly suspicious clinical circumstance.81,88 uterine growth restriction (IUGR).98 When considering the
Among women who have undergone LAGB, band slip- consequences of early postbariatric pregnancies, the follow-
page has been reported in the literature89,90; nevertheless, ing issues should be addressed:
as other postbariatric surgical complications, systematic
studies have not reported high rates of this complication. 1. Pregnancy outcome and safety: In order to optimize
Haward et al.91 recently demonstrated that pregnancy does weight loss and reduce the potentially adverse effects of
not increase the risk of primary or overall band revision nutrient fluctuations and deficiencies after surgery,75,81,88
after LAGB. However, the authors mention that shorter time women are currently advised to avoid conception for
between LAGB operation and pregnancy may predispose to 12–18 and sometimes 24 months following bariatric
band revisions (p = 0.03). surgery.64,82,88,94,99,100 The 2009 ACOG Practice Bulletin
One of the major benefits of LAGB is the band adjustabil- on pregnancy after bariatric surgery advised that “some
ity that allows varying degrees of weight reduction or gain authorities have recommended waiting 12–24 months
and control of gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea after bariatric surgery before conceiving so that the fetus
and vomiting. Some surgeons prophylactically adjust the is not exposed to a rapid weight loss environment and
band: Ducarme et al.92 demonstrated a 60% band adjustment so that the patient can achieve full weight loss goals.”82
rate for the prevention of nausea and vomiting in the first This undetermined advice reflects the growing num-
trimester of pregnancy. However, Martin et al.93 reported bers of observational studies that do not demonstrate a
that although some bands were adjusted to alleviate nausea difference in pregnancy outcomes in early postbariat-
and vomiting, the gastric bands were not routinely deflated ric surgery gestations as compared to later ones.70,101–103
during pregnancy. Dixon et al.70 found that patients often Our group100 compared the pregnancy outcome of 104
required close monitoring and band adjustment in order to patients who conceived during the first postoperative
meet the recommended gestational weight gain and to relieve year to 385 patients who conceived after the first postop-
excessive nausea and vomiting. They also reported that some erative year. No significant difference was found between
fluid was removed at 36 weeks in order to reduce the risk of the two groups nor was a shorter time interval to con-
gastric restriction during delivery. Currently, there is no gen- ception associated with an adverse perinatal outcome or
eral practical consensus as to whether or not bands should be pregnancy complications. As a possible explanation, Kral
deflated once pregnancy is detected. et al.104 suggested that in oppose to starvation state, the
lack of abnormal starvation stress after bariatric surgery
does not expose the fetus to an excess of glucocorticoids,
Gestational weight gain
therefore being less likely to induce IUGR in the neonate.
Currently, there are no clear guidelines for optimal weight In light of the theoretical risks raised, avoiding preg-
gain during pregnancy in women who have undergone nancy for at least 1 year is still advised, but if conception
bariatric surgery. Nutritionist consultation after concep- does occur less than a year after surgery, advising termi-
tion is important for the planning of dietary regimens nation of the pregnancy seems to be unnecessary due to
that are adjusted to the physiologic changes of pregnancy. the relative scarcity of complications uncovered to date.
Weight gain recommendations are based on Institute of Close observation alone may be sufficient to achieve a sat-
Medicine (IOM) guidelines, which are based on prepreg- isfactory outcome.
nancy BMI.82 The minimum weight gain standards sug- 2. Pregnancy weight gain and postpartum weight loss:
gested by the IOM are 230 g/week for obese women in the Currently, inconsistency exists regarding the effect of early
second and third trimester. Dixon et al. reported that if the pregnancy after surgery on gestational weight gain and
bariatric surgery team monitored the patient throughout postpartum weight loss. Dao et al.101 reported that women
the pregnancy, the weight gain was optimal and similar to who conceived within 12 months of surgery had less
the IOM recommendations.70 Due to concerns about fetal weight gain during pregnancy and less weight loss post-
growth, caloric restriction during pregnancy is not recom- partum than those who waited longer before conceiving
mended even in the price of continuing to be overweight (mean gestational weight gain 1.8 vs. 15.5 kg). However,
after bariatric surgery.82 Wax et al.103 compared 52 postgastric bypass patients with
surgery-to-conception intervals of ≤18 months to those
Surgery-to-conception interval of >18 months and found no statistically significant dif-
After bariatric surgery, the first 1–2 years is often referred ferences in maternal pregnancy weight gain. Only limited
to as the “rapid weight loss phase.”82,94 During this period data are available on the long-term effects of time to con-
of time, fertility may be increased and effectiveness of cer- ception after surgery on total weight loss with some stud-
tain contraceptives may be decreased, possibly leading to ies reporting no negative effect on total weight loss.101,105
278 Role of bariatric surgery in obese women planning pregnancy
Table 34.4 Summary of selected studies on gestational diabetes mellitus in pregnancy after bariatric surgery
Table 34.5 Summary of selected studies on hypertensive disorders in pregnancy after bariatric surgery
weight loss and induced malabsorption were thought by an SGA infant (<2500 g) among post-LAGB patients versus
the authors as the reason for the increase in SGA births. obese controls. The authors hypothesized that this improved
When compared to the morbidly obese group, Lesko and outcome may be related to the reduction in the risk of pre-
Peaceman,126 in a recent study, found that neonates of eclampsia. Another study comparing 38 post-RYGB cases
postoperative women were significantly more likely to be with 76 general population controls found no difference in
SGA (5.0% vs. 17.4%, respectively). Similar results were mean birth weight or IUGR among the two groups.103
demonstrated by our group111 in a study among postop-
erative women (procedures of all types) and the general
Congenital anomalies (Table 34.8)
obstetric population (5% vs. 2%, respectively). However,
when variables such as obesity and hypertensive disor- Although deficiencies in a number of nutrients have been
ders were controlled, this relationship disappeared. This reported in case studies68–70 and concerns about malnour-
may highlight the importance of residual confounders ishment of mother and fetus were made, systematic studies
when interpreting the results of studies commenting on have repeatedly failed to link history of bariatric surgery
SGA or IUGR in postoperative pregnancies. with poor perinatal outcomes.75,92,107,111 Increased risk of con-
genital anomalies has been found in general in overweight
In contrast, in a small study including 13 post-LAGB and obese women, and postbariatric surgery patients must
patients, Ducarme et al. reported a decreased rate of delivering be balanced with this known risk.
Postbariatric surgery: Fertility 281
% postbariatric % prebariatric
Postbariatric surgery: Fertility
It is well established in literature that obesity can be asso-
Figure 34.2 The risk for hypertensive disorders. HTN, hyper- ciated with oligoovulation/anovulation that can reduce
tension; PET, preeclampsia toxemia; PIH, pregnancy-induced fecundity rates. Studies have shown that weight loss (both
hypertension. (Adapted from Bennett, W.L. et al., Br. Med. J.,
340, c1662, 2010.) nonsurgical and surgical) could increase fertility for over-
weight and obese women.11–13 In one series, 15 of 32 women
that were unsuccessful at becoming pregnant prior to bariat-
A potentially major concern is the association between ric surgery became pregnant following surgery.75 In another
bariatric surgery and NTD. This association was reported in study by Teitelman et al.,129 70 out of 98 anovulatory women
a number of case reports127,128 and may be attributed to the regained normal menstrual cycles after surgery, and those
biologic plausibility of folate deficiency and hyperhomocys- who regained ovulation lost significantly more weight than
teinemia in postoperative woman.121,128 However, Weintraub those who remained anovulatory. In a recent retrospective
et al.107 did not report a higher rate of fetal malformations study of 110 obese infertile women who were unsuccess-
among 507 deliveries after bariatric surgery as compared to ful in their attempts to conceive prior to bariatric surgery,
301 deliveries before bariatric surgery after controlling for 69 became pregnant after surgical weight loss. The authors
maternal age and preterm delivery in a multivariate model. found only the amount of weight loss (OR 20.2, p = 0.001)
Table 34.6 Summary of selected studies on cesarean delivery rate in pregnancy after bariatric surgery
Table 34.7 Summary of selected studies on birth weight in pregnancy after bariatric surgery
Table 34.8 Summary of selected studies on birth defects rate in pregnancy after bariatric surgery
Type of
Study (author, year, country) Cases Comparison group surgery Main findings
Sheiner et al.111 2004, Israel 298 deliveries Pregnancy cohort BS NS
without BS,
n = 158,912
Weintraub et al.107 2008, Israel 507 deliveries 301 presurgical LAGB Increased rate of fetal
deliveries malformation (OR 2.5) but NS
once maternal age and
preterm delivery were
controlled for
Patel et al.102 2008, USA 26 deliveries 254 deliveries RYGB NS
stratified by BMI
Wax et al.103 2008, USA 38 deliveries 76 deliveries matched RYGB NS
for maternal age
and prior CS
Abbreviations: BS, bariatric surgery; CS, cesarean section; LAGB, laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding; NS, no significant difference was
found; OR, odds ratio; RYGB, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass.
References 283
and the achieved BMI (p = 0.001) after surgery were good 4. Postbariatric surgery parturients are becoming a new
predictors for successful pregnancy regardless of the type of obstetric group with unique risks and possible fetal and
surgical procedure the woman underwent.130 maternal outcomes.
However, in spite of these encouraging data, when 5. Pregnancy after bariatric surgery appears to be generally
compared to nonobese controls, studies have demon- safer than pregnancy in obese women.
strated inconsistency regarding fertility outcomes as some 6. Routine nutritional screening, recommendations for
reports do not demonstrate any significant difference in appropriate supplements, and monitoring compliance
fertility between normal and postoperative women, while are obligatory for postoperative pregnant women.
others show slightly worse outcomes.109 Our group111 had 7. Life-threatening surgical complications might be
found elevated rates of infertility treatments in postbar- nonspecific and could be difficult for obstetricians to
iatric surgery patients as compared to the general popula- recognize. All pregnant women with a history of bariat-
tion even after controlling for potential confounders such ric surgery with severe abdominal pain should also be
as maternal obesity. Nevertheless, it should be emphasized examined by a general surgeon.
that infertility treatments may not be a perfect marker 8. There is no general practical consensus in women post-
for fertility status. Contrary to our prior findings, more LAGB to prophylactically deflate the band once preg-
recent studies comparing postbariatric patients to obese nancy is detected.
or preoperative parturients found no significant differ- 9. Weight gain recommendations are based on IOM guide-
ence in the rate of infertility treatment before or after lines. Caloric restriction during pregnancy is not recom-
surgery. 29,107 mended even at the price of continuing to be overweight.
In conclusion, generally, postsurgical women show 10. GCT is not well tolerated in patients who have undergone
increased fertility when compared to obese controls.109 a malabsorptive procedure; alternative screening ways
When compared to nonobese controls, studies have demon- for GDM should be implemented.
strated inconsistent results. Currently, it is agreed by most 11. Severely obese women should be offered bariatric sur-
experts that bariatric surgery is not the primary treatment gery with a sufficient interval before conception to allow
for infertility in severely obese women.112,131 weight reduction.
12. More powered studies are needed in order to conclude
about optimal surgical-to-conception interval; currently
Summary of key points women are advised to avoid conception for 12 months
following bariatric surgery.
1. Obesity is an epidemic and is considered to be one of the 13. Postoperative patients tend to have either a similar or
most pressing concerns in the developed world. lower rate of CD compared to obese women who have
2. Close to one-third of women of childbearing age (20– not undergone bariatric surgery.
39 years) are classified as obese in the western society, 14. The risk of obstetrical complications, such as GDM and
and an additional quarter of women in this age group hypertensive disorders as well as fetal macrosomia, is
are overweight, a fact that can eventually lead to adverse significantly reduced following bariatric surgery. There
consequences for their future reproductive health, preg- is a possible risk for SGA infants.
nancy, and long-term health. 15. Systematic studies have repeatedly failed to link the his-
3. Rates of surgical weight loss procedures have increased tory of bariatric surgery with poor perinatal outcome.
dramatically over the recent decade as surgery is prob- 16. Generally, postsurgical women show increased fertility
ably the best treatment for obesity. when compared to obese controls.
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35 Fetal lung maturity
Gian Carlo Di Renzo, Giulia Babucci, and Graziano Clerici
288 Fetal lung maturity
Table 35.1 SCN/NICU admission of live born babies, by maternal diabetes in pregnancy
status, 2005–2007
Gestational diabetes
Preexisting diabetes mellitus No diabetes
Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
Admitted 2,843 57.5 12,734 31.9 110,546 13.9
Not admitted 2,104 42.5 27,237 68.1 685,907 86.1
Total 4,947 100.0 39,976 100.0 796,628 100.0
Age-standardized rate (percent) (95% confidence interval)
Admitted 58.2 (57.7–58.7) 31.8 (31.2–32.3) 13.9 (13.5–14.2)
Not admitted 41.8 (41.4–42.2) 68.2 (67.4–69.0) 86.1 (85.2–87.0)
Source: AIHW analysis of NPDC data, Diabetes in pregnancy: Its impact on Australian women and their babies.
Copyright Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2010. This publication is part of the Australian Institute
of Health and Welfare’s Diabetes Series. A complete list of the Institute’s publications is available from the
Institute’s website: www.aihw.gov.au.
Some authors have reported irregular production in phos- in pregnancies with poor glycemic control regardless of
pholipids as shown by delayed appearance of PG and the the class of diabetes. 24–28
early appearance of phosphatidylinositol (PI). Others have Bourbon et al. proposed that elevated maternal plasma
suggested that insulin interferes with the regular timing of level of myoinositol in diabetic women may inhibit or delay
lung maturation induced by glucocorticoids, while some oth- the production of PG in their fetuses.29
ers have suggested that the delay in maturation is the result In a recent study of lung histogenesis during intrauterine
of poor glycemic control regardless of class of diabetes.4,16–18 development of diabetic Sprague Dawley rats at 18, 19, and
In vitro studies have largely documented that insu- 21 days of gestation, a delay in alveolarization in the diabetic
lin can interfere with substrate availability for surfactant group was observed, which was confirmed by transmission
biosynthesis. Smith et al.19 demonstrated that, when insulin electron microscopy. In the diabetic group, a small quantity of
was added in the presence of cortisol to fetal lung cell cul- protein D (associated with surfactant) was detected. The same
tures, steroid-enhanced lecithin synthesis was abolished. fetuses, of the diabetic group, presented a delay in lung his-
Engle et al.14 found that higher levels of insulin resulted togenesis and in the differentiation of type II pneumocytes.30
in declined glucose and choline uptake by fetal rat type II It is suspected that neonatal respiratory problems in these
alveolar cells. infants have also a histologic basis in addition to biochemi-
However, from other animal studies, it appears that cal origin. Previously, Pinter31 demonstrated a decreased
altered expression factors or growth factors may have an fluid clearance and lack of thinning of the lung’s connective
important regulatory influence. Particularly, the role of the tissue compared with controls in the fetal lung of diabetic
epidermal growth factor (EGF) in the development of fetal rat rats. Bhavnan32 reported higher lung glycogen levels and
lung in the case of maternal diabetes was examined. In order reduced pulmonary compliance in offsprings of diabetic
to evaluate the possible role of glucose for the expression of rabbits compared with controls.
EGF and the growth of the pulmonary tissue, they performed It is well known that glucose balance has an effect on the
in vitro studies with organotypic cultures of fetal alveolar incidence of the hyaline membrane disease (Figure 35.1).
cells derived from control rats. The results also indicate that Several studies have attempted to explain the mechanism of
glucose has a role in the expression of EGF and that cells hyaline membrane disease. Hawdon and Aynsley-Green,33
exposed to high glucose concentrations are less responsive to in an investigation of type II pneumocytes in rats and rab-
EGF probably due to decreased thymidine incorporation.20 bits, have shown that insulin inhibits the cortisol-dependent
Carlson et al. have shown that insulin blocks cortisol production of phosphatidylcholine, apparently as a conse-
action at the level of the fibroblasts by reducing the produc- quence of the inhibited production of one of the precursors
tion of the fibroblast-pneumocyte factor.21 of phosphatidylcholine, fibroblast-pneumocyte factor. In
Some authors22 reported abnormal timing of phospho- rats, high glucose levels block the transformation of choline
lipid production in diabetic pregnancy, as indicated by a to phosphatidylcholine, and butyrate blocks the translation
delay in the appearance of PG in the amniotic fluid only of mRNA into surfactant proteins.
in class A (white) of diabetic pregnancies. Smith23 pos- In a demonstration of the central role of glucose homeo-
tulated that insulin interferes with the normal timing of stasis and decreased insulin resistance in the prevention of
glucocorticoid-induced pulmonary maturation in the fetus. gestational diabetes and/or improvement of its outcome,
Some investigators have disagreed with these find- recent studies have used an insulin sensitizer to be admin-
ings, reporting that fetal lung maturation occurred later istered to pregnant women. In these recent studies, 2 mg of
Phospholipids 289
46 5
56 5
66 5
70 9
73 2
76 5
81 0
89 8
composition that reflects the status of the fetal lung.
19 194
19 195
19 196
19 196
19 197
19 197
19 198
19 198
A number of diagnostic methods with a high degree of
this substance in the amniotic fluid.53 It was observed that the mirror of a bad maternal glycemic control, and/or an
levels of cholesterol palmitate were correlated with fetal uncertain dating of pregnancy.
lung maturity; on the contrary, a similar correlation was not Caution should be used in planning the time of delivery
demonstrated in diabetic pregnancies.54 of patients with a mature L/S ratio and absent PG. The L/S
ratio can be used to assess fetal lung maturity when glucose
levels have been well controlled in a diabetic pregnancy.
Fluorescence polarization When control has been unreliable or is difficult to assess,
positive PG or higher L/S ratio (>2.5) should be used to
There are two main systems used to measure fluorescent predict fetal lung maturity.34
polarization: the Fetal lung maturity analizer (FELMA) Ghidini et al.68 suggest that an L/S ratio of ≥3.0 repre-
microviscometer and the Tdx system. The fluorescent polar- sented the optimal trade-off between sensitivity (68%) and
ization of amniotic fluid is in large part determined by false-positive rate (6%) in the prediction of the presence
binding of the probe to phospholipid structures and to the of PG. Similarly, a significant relationship exists between
albumin as a predominant protein.55 Fluorescence polar- LB count values and the presence of PG. An LB count of
ization of the amniotic fluid is inversely related to the L/S ≥50,000 represents the optimal trade-off between sensitivity
ratio.56,57 The specificity of this method to predict RDS ranges (92%) and false-positive rate (0%) in the prediction of the
from 50% to 70%.58,59 The technique is not reliable when the presence of PG.
amniotic fluid is contaminated with blood or meconium. The presence of PG or an L/S ratio of ≥2.5 indicates that
Maternal diabetes may have variable effects on the fluores- the fetal lungs are mature. The confirmation of fetal lung
cent polarization values, and in this condition, this method is maturity should be obtained and used to plan the time of
an unreliable indicator of fetal lung maturity.60 delivery.
However, it is still unclear if there is a delay in fetal lung
maturation between diabetic and nondiabetic pregnant
Comparing current techniques women at the same period of gestation. Some studies have
confirmed a delay in pregnant women with diabetes, while
Several recent studies have examined the capacity of the vari-
other studies have not demonstrated a significant differ-
ous tests in today’s use for predicting neonatal lung maturity.9,61
ence in fetal lung maturity in pregnant women with diabetes
Lamellar bodies (LB)—1 to 5 μm lamellated structures synthe-
compared with the nondiabetic.4
sized by type 2 granular pneumocytes—can be counted using
Furthermore, it is still a matter of debate if preexisting
commercial blood cell analyzers.62 These storage granules con-
diabetes has a role in the delay of fetal lung maturation4
tain phospholipids, cholesterol, and several surfactant-specific
(Figure 35.4). Also, Di Renzo et al. in a study published in
proteins that become pulmonary surfactant. The first appear-
2011 investigated for the assessment of lung maturity. In the
ance of lamellar bodies in the cytoplasm of fetal pneumocytes
study, conducted between 2008 and 2010, 105 cases of gesta-
is between 20 and 24 weeks of gestation63; the lamellar bodies
tional diabetes were found that were assessed for fetal lung
become more numerous and larger and are secreted into fetal
maturity by evaluating the L/S ratio and the presence of PG
alveoli; and fetal breathing movements and exudation of lung
considering an L/S ratio of >4 and PG present at gestational
fluid carry these lamellar bodies into the amniotic fluid. The
age between 36 and 40 weeks. The vast majority was found
phospholipid content and the laminated structure change when
the fetal lung is mature. The measure of the surfactant/albumin
ratio in the amniotic fluid represents the fetal lung maturity
test. Other means of predicting the maturity include calculat-
ing the L/S ratio, measuring the amniotic fluid level of PG,64
performing the foam stability test65 or a fluorescence polar- 80
ization assay,66 and measuring amniotic fluid optical density 70
at 650 nm.67 All these tests measure some aspects of the pul- 60
monary surfactant contained in the amniotic fluid, and none
is perfect for the prediction of lung maturity. The ideal test 40
must be readily available and cheap with good predictive value. 30
Abd El Aal et al. with an important study found that a lamellar
body count is a good screening test for predicting neonatal lung
maturity. It is comparable to the fetal lung maturity assay by
fluorescence polarization and better in others. 0
<34 34–36 37 38 >39
Gestational age (weeks)
To date, the method most widely used to assess the fetal Figure 35.4 The controversy surrounding fetal lung maturity
lung maturity is the evaluation of the L/S ratio and PG. in diabetic pregnancy: a reevaluation. (From Langer, O., J.
Particular attention should be given to macrosomia, as Matern. Neonatal. Med., 12, 428, 2002. With permission.)
292 Fetal lung maturity
Table 35.2 Assessment of lung maturity: Results Table 35.3 Actions of glucocorticosteroids
Table 35.4 Guidelines of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists: Antenatal Corticosteroids to
Reduce Neonatal Morbidity and Mortality
This is the fourth edition of this guideline, which was previously published in April 1996, December 1999
and February 2004. The previous guideline was entitled Antenatal Corticosteroids to Prevent Respiratory Distress Syndrome.
1. Purpose and scope
The aim of this guideline is to provide up-to-date information on the appropriate use of antenatal corticosteroid therapy
in women whose babies are at risk of complications owing to either preterm birth or elective cesarean section at term.
This guideline does not assess the effectiveness of tests in the prediction of preterm delivery (e.g., ultrasound scanning for
cervical length, cervical fibronectin measurement) or other interventions that may prevent preterm labour (e.g., tocolysis).
2. Background
There is evidence to suggest that antenatal corticosteroids are effective not only in reducing respiratory distress syndrome
(RDS) but also in reducing other complications of prematurity such as intraventricular haemorrhage (IVH). The title of this
guideline has been changed to Antenatal Corticosteroids to Prevent Neonatal Morbidity and Mortality to include all groups
of women and all outcomes.
3. Identification and assessment of evidence
This RCOG guideline was developed in accordance with standard methodology for producing RCOG Greentop
Guidelines. The Cochrane Library (including the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews), DARE, Embase, TRIP, Medline
and PubMed (electronic databases) were searched for relevant randomised controlled trials, systematic reviews and
meta-analyses and cohort studies. The search was restricted to articles published between 2002 to July 2008. The databases
were searched using the relevant MeSH terms, including all subheadings, and this was combined with a keyword search.
Search words included ‘steroids’, ‘premature labour’, ‘premature fetus’ and ‘membrane rupture’, and the search was limited
to humans and to the English language. The National Library for Health and the National Guidelines Clearing House were
also searched for relevant guidelines and reviews.
4. What are the benefits of antenatal corticosteroids?
Antenatal steroids are associated with a significant reduction in rates of neonatal death, RDS and intraventricular
haemorrhage and are safe for the mother.
Antenatal corticosteroids have no known benefits for the mother.
A Cochrane review of 21 studies (3885 women and 4269 infants) showed that treatment of women at risk of preterm
birth with a single course of antenatal corticosteroids reduced the risk of neonatal death by 31% (95% CI 19–42%), RDS by
44% (95% CI 31–57%) and intraventricular haemorrhage by 46% (95% CI 31%–67%).1 Antenatal corticosteroid use is also
associated with a reduction in necrotising enterocolitis, respiratory support, intensive care admissions and systemic
infections in the first 48 hours of life compared with no treatment or treatment with placebo.
5. At what gestation should antenatal steroids be used?
Clinicians should offer a single course of antenatal corticosteroids to women between 24+0 and 34+6 weeks of gestation
who are at risk of preterm birth.
Antenatal corticosteroids can be considered for women between 23+0 and 23+6 weeks of gestation who are at risk of
preterm birth.
The decision to administer corticosteroids at gestations less than 24+0 weeks should be made at a senior level taking all
clinical aspects into consideration.
The data are strongest for gestations between 26+0 and 34+6 weeks. The data for pregnancies between 24+0 and 26+0
weeks of gestation are scarce, with only one trial (49 infants) contributing data to the Cochrane review.1
The conclusion of the authors of the Cochrane review1 and the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
(ACOG) Committee opinion (2008)2 is that, despite the paucity of data at earlier gestations, the reduction in outcomes
other than RDS at 26+0 weeks of gestation would suggest that there is some benefit in corticosteroid prophylaxis at earlier
gestations between 24+0 and 26+0 weeks.
In a prospective cohort of 4446 infants between 22+0 and 25+0 weeks of gestation, multivariable analyses showed that
those who received intensive care, were exposed to antenatal corticosteroids, were of female sex, were from singleton
pregnancies, and of higher birth weight (per each 100 g increment) had a reduced risk of death. Among survivors, the risk
of death, or profound or any neurodevelopmental impairment at 18–22 months corrected age, was reduced.3 These
reductions were similar to those associated with a 1-week increase in gestational age.
A retrospective cohort study on 181 infants born at 23 weeks of gestation revealed that those exposed to antenatal
corticosteroids had decreased odds of death (OR 0.32, 95% CI 0.12–0.84), with no significant differences in the occurrence
of necrotising enterocolitis among survivors (15.4% compared with 28.6%, P = 0.59) or severe intraventricular
haemorrhage (23.1% compared with 57.1%, P = 0.17). Only a complete course of corticosteroids was associated with a
decreased odds of death (OR 0.18, 95% CI 0.06–0.54).4 The study concluded that neonates at 23 weeks of gestation whose
mothers completed a course of antenatal corticosteroids had an associated 82% reduction in odds of death.
Evidence from the EPICure study, a prospective cohort study, showed that of 283 babies born at less than 26+0 weeks of
gestation assessed at 2.5 years and 241 assessed at 6 years, antenatal corticosteroids was associated with an increased
mental development index.5
294 Fetal lung maturity
Table 35.4 (Continued) Guidelines of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists: Antenatal
Corticosteroids to Reduce Neonatal Morbidity and Mortality
Trial data are scanty for pregnancies at the extreme of prematurity. Obstetricians currently have the discretion to
administer steroids before the 24th week of pregnancy, but the whole clinical picture needs to be taken into account with
respect to intact survival data as well as the chance of any survival based on antenatal assessment of viability at these
extremes (e.g., by estimation of fetal weight). In this context, we have advised caution and discussion at senior level prior to
considering antenatal corticosteroid administration at 23+0 to 23+6 weeks of gestation.
6. How long after administration is a course of antenatal corticosteroids most effective?
Antenatal corticosteroids are most effective in reducing RDS in pregnancies that deliver 24 hours after and up to 7 days
after administration of the second dose of antenatal corticosteroids.
Antenatal corticosteroid use reduces neonatal death within the first 24 hours and therefore should still be given even if
delivery is expected within this time.
Reduction in RDS is seen in infants born up to 7 days after the first dose (RR 0.46, 95% CI 0.35–0.60, nine studies, 1110
infants).1 No reduction in neonatal death, RDS or cerebro-ventricular haemorrhage is seen in infants delivered more than
7 days after treatment with antenatal corticosteroids.1
Antenatal corticosteroid use reduces neonatal death even when infants are born less than 24 hours after the first dose has
been given (RR 0.53, 95% CI 0.29–0.96, four studies, 295 infants).1
However, caution should be exercised in the interpretation of the data. The question as to whether the effects of antenatal
corticosteroids change with time to delivery cannot be answered by existing analyses, the main reason being that the time
periods chosen for subgroup analysis were arbitrary. All the babies born at term were in one subgroup. Analyses based on
subgroups defined by outcomes not known at randomisation are subject to considerable bias. This question would require
re-analysis of individual patient data to clarify whether the association is real.
7. How safe is the use of antenatal corticosteroids?
Women may be advised that the use of a single course of antenatal corticosteroids does not appear to be associated with
any significant short-term maternal or fetal adverse effects.
Evidence on the longer-term benefits and risks of a single course of antenatal corticosteroids shows no clear difference in
adverse neurological or cognitive effects. There is still insufficient evidence on the longer-term benefits and risks of multiple
courses of antenatal corticosteroids.
Studies in the sheep model have shown that injections with glucocorticoids enhance fetal lung maturation but are
associated with developmental and other functional alterations that are of concern. Weekly doses to the sheep mother are
associated with restricted fetal growth, delayed myelination of the central nervous system, altered blood pressure soon after
birth and increased insulin response to glucose challenge in early adulthood.
There have therefore been concerns about whether steroid administration may have adverse effects on the long-term
outcomes of children exposed in the antenatal period. Multivariate analyses in humans have shown that increasing the
number of glucocorticoid exposures, for the purpose of enhancing lung maturation prior to preterm birth, is associated with
reduced birth weight and behavioural disorders at 3 years of age.7
The Cochrane review and other studies have shown that a single course of corticosteroid therapy for preterm birth results
in benefit without causing significant adverse effects such as neonatal or maternal sepsis.1,8,9 The Cochrane review revealed
that no statistically significant differences were seen for chorioamnionitis (RR 0.91, 95% CI 0.70–1.18, 12 studies, 2485
women) or puerperal sepsis (RR 1.35, 95% CI 0.93–1.95, eight studies, 1003 women). There were no maternal deaths, but
the randomised controlled trials were underpowered to detect such a difference (RR 0.98, 95% CI 0.06–15.50, three
studies, 365 women).1
Long-term follow-up of survivors from randomised trials of antenatal corticosteroid therapy through childhood to
adulthood (up to 20 years of age) shows no clear adverse neurological or cognitive effects.10,11
A randomised controlled trial showed that children who had been exposed to repeat as compared with single courses of
antenatal corticosteroids did not differ significantly in physical or neurocognitive measures. However, there was a
nonsignificant higher risk of cerebral palsy among children who had been exposed to repeat doses of corticosteroids
(RR 5.7, 95% CI 0.7–46.7, P = 0.12). The number of children with cerebral palsy was small. This was, however, felt to be of
concern and warranting further study.12
Furthermore, studies on long-term cardiovascular risks, cognitive functioning, working memory and attention, psychiatric
morbidity, handedness or health-related quality of life on the survivors of the first and largest double-blind, placebo-
controlled, randomised trial of a single course of antenatal betamethasone for the prevention of neonatal RDS at age 31
found no differences between groups exposed to betamethasone and placebo.
8. Are there any contraindications to the use of antenatal corticosteroids?
Caution should be exercised when giving corticosteroid therapy to women with systemic infection including tuberculosis
or sepsis. Corticosteroids suppress the immune system, so there is a risk that their use may activate latent infections or
exacerbate fungal infections. In a woman with systemic infection, it may theoretically suppress the immune response to
infection. There is no evidence to suggest that a single course of corticosteroids would have a profound effect in women
with systemic infection, but caution should be exercised in its use.
Senior opinion should be sought when contemplating delaying delivery for steroid prophylaxis in cases of overt
Induction of fetal lung maturity 295
Table 35.4 (Continued) Guidelines of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists: Antenatal
Corticosteroids to Reduce Neonatal Morbidity and Mortality
A large meta-analysis of observational studies reports that clinical chorioamnionitis is significantly associated with both
cystic periventricular leucomalacia (RR 2.6, 95% CI 1.7–3.9) and cerebral palsy (RR, 1.9, 95% CI 1.5–2.5).15,16 This would
suggest that with chorioamnionitis, a course of antenatal corticosteroids may be started, but should not delay delivery if
indicated by maternal or fetal condition.
9. Who should receive antenatal corticosteroids?
Antenatal corticosteroids should be given to all women at risk of iatrogenic or spontaneous preterm birth up to 34+6
weeks of gestation.
Antenatal corticosteroids should be given to all women for whom an elective cesarean section is planned prior to 38+6
weeks of gestation.
There is no evidence to support a practice of prophylactic steroids in women with a previous history of preterm delivery
or multiple pregnancy who show no signs of being at risk of iatrogenic or spontaneous preterm birth.
There is evidence of benefit in all major subgroups of preterm babies, such as women with premature rupture of
membranes and pregnancy-related hypertension syndromes as well as the subgroups discussed below.1 This benefit is
irrespective of race or gender. A single course of antenatal corticosteroids should be considered routine for preterm
delivery with few exceptions.
9.2 In women with diabetes mellitus
Diabetes mellitus is not a contraindication to antenatal corticosteroid treatment for fetal lung maturation.
Women with impaired glucose tolerance or diabetes who are receiving fetal steroids should have additional insulin
according to an agreed protocol and be closely monitored.
Women with either insulin-dependent diabetes or gestational diabetes were not entered into randomized controlled
trials of antenatal corticosteroid therapy. There is therefore no evidence from randomized controlled trials that antenatal
corticosteroid therapy is either safe or effective in these circumstances. Maternal hyperglycemia can adversely affect fetal
lung maturity. It is possible that any benefit of corticosteroids could be offset by corticosteroid-induced hyperglycemia.19
However, the National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) has published a clinical guideline for diabetes
in pregnancy that states that ‘diabetes should not be considered a contraindication to antenatal corticosteroids’.20 The
NICE guideline recommends that diabetic women receiving steroids should have additional insulin according to an agreed
10. What is the best dose and route of administration for a course of antenatal corticosteroids?
Betamethasone 12 mg given intramuscularly in two doses or dexamethasone 6 mg given intramuscularly in four doses
are the steroids of choice to enhance lung maturation.
The most extensively studied regimens of corticosteroid treatment for the prevention of RDS are two doses of
betamethasone 12 mg given intramuscularly 24 hours apart or four doses of dexamethasone 6 mg given intramuscularly
12 hours apart. Evidence for other dosing regimens such as the commonly used two doses of betamethasone 12 mg given
12 hours apart is sparse (two trials, 92 women),29,30 but it would seem reasonable that as long as 24 mg of either drug is
given within a 24–48-hour period, any dosing regimen can be used.
A large nonrandomised retrospective study has suggested that infants exposed to antenatal betamethasone have less
neonatal cystic periventricular leukomalacia than infants exposed to antenatal dexamethasone.31 Another historical cohort
study used multivariate logistic regression analysis to compare the two steroid-treated groups with each other. It showed
the risk of neonatal death was lower with betamethasone than with dexamethasone (OR 0.44 for betamethasone versus
0.73 with dexamethasone, p < 0.05).32
The Cochrane review on antenatal corticosteroids for accelerating fetal lung maturation for women at risk of preterm
birth suggests that betamethasone treatment causes a larger reduction in RDS than dexamethasone. Since then, in a
Cochrane review on different corticosteroid regimes (ten trials, 1089 women and 1161 infants), dexamethasone decreased
the incidence of intraventricular haemorrhage compared with betamethasone (RR 0.44, 95% CI 0.21–0.92, four trials, 549
This review advised caution in suggesting benefit of dexamethasone over betamethasone. A randomised controlled trial
looking at long-term outcomes in children treated with dexamethasone would be required as this form of corticosteroid
has not been studied in the long term. For current practice, the use of either corticosteroid is acceptable.
Comparison of oral versus intramuscular administration of dexamethasone (one trial, 183 infants) suggests that oral
administration increased the incidence of neonatal sepsis (RR 8.48, 95% CI 1.11–64.93) in one trial of 183 infants.
No statistically significant differences were seen for other outcomes reported. The authors suggest that very few
conclusions about the optimum regimens can be made.
11. When should an antenatal course of corticosteroids be repeated?
Weekly repeat courses of antenatal corticosteroids reduce the occurrence and severity of neonatal respiratory disease,
but the short-term benefits are associated with a reduction in weight and head circumference. Weekly repeat courses are
not recommended.
A single rescue course may be considered with caution in pregnancies where the initial course was given at less than
26+0 weeks of gestation. Senior opinion should be sought if a rescue course is to be considered.
296 Fetal lung maturity
Table 35.4 (Continued) Guidelines of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists: Antenatal
Corticosteroids to Reduce Neonatal Morbidity and Mortality
Animal studies and observational studies in humans have suggested that multiple courses of steroids may lead to
possible harmful effects including growth delay, brain developmental delay, lung development problems, necrotising
enterocolitis, maternal and neonatal sepsis, adrenal gland insufficiency and placental infarction.35–41 A systematic review
of 19 randomised controlled trials of repeat doses of antenatal corticosteroids in animals concluded that there might be
beneficial effects in terms of lung function but adverse effects on brain function and fetal growth.40
The effect of repeat courses of antenatal corticosteroids in humans is the subject of a Cochrane review by Crowther
et al.42 The review suggests that although repeat courses reduce the occurrence and severity of neonatal lung disease
(RR 0.60, 95% CI 0.48–0.75, three trials, 2139 infants) and the risk of serious health problems in the first few weeks of
life (RR 0.79, 95% CI 0.67–0.93, four trials, 2157 infants), they are associated with a reduction in some measures of
weight (Z-score [weighted mean difference] –0.13, 95% CI –26 to 0.00, one trial, 1144 infants) and with being small for
gestational age at birth (RR 1.63, 95% CI 1.12–2.37, two trials, 602 infants).
There is still insufficient evidence on the longer-term benefits and risks to be able to recommend the routine use of
repeat courses.
The Cochrane review did not include the results of several continuing trials, two of which have been completed since its
publication.43,44 The results of TEAMS (Trial of early and multiple steroids) are awaited.43 In the MACS (Multiple Courses of
Antenatal Corticosteroids for Preterm Birth) trial of 1858 women at 25–32 weeks of gestation, multiple courses of
antenatal corticosteroids (n = 937) or placebo (n = 921) every 14 days until week 33 or delivery (whichever came first)
found that although infants exposed to multiple courses of antenatal corticosteroids had similar morbidity and mortality to
those exposed to placebo (12.9% versus 12.5%), those receiving multiple doses of corticosteroids weighed less at birth
(2216 g versus 2330 g, p = 0.0026), were shorter (44.5 cm versus 45.4 cm, p < 0.001), and had a smaller head
circumference (31.1 cm versus 31.7 cm, p < 0.001). A regime of repeat doses should not be recommended.44
In 2000, a National Institutes of Health consensus statement concluded that ‘repeat courses of corticosteroids should
not be used routinely and should be reserved for women enrolled in randomised controlled trials’.45 A recent randomised
controlled trial recruited 437 patients with singleton or twin pregnancies at less than 33+0 weeks of gestation who had
completed a single course of corticosteroids before 30+0 weeks of gestation and randomised them to a single rescue
course of betamethasone (two 12 mg doses 24 hours apart) or placebo. There was a significant reduction in the primary
outcome of composite neonatal morbidity at less than 34 weeks of gestation in the rescue steroid group than in the
placebo group (43.9% versus 63.6%, OR 0.45, 95% CI 0.27–0.75, p = 0.002) and significantly decreased RDS, ventilator
support and surfactant use.
Perinatal mortality and other morbidities were similar in each group. No long-term outcomes were reported for this
Peltoniemi et al. looked at whether a single additional dose of 12 mg betamethasone given when preterm birth is
imminent before 34+0 weeks of gestation and at least a week after the full treatment course would lower the risk of RDS
and severe (grade 3 or 4) intraventricular haemorrhage compared with placebo. This study showed that more infants in the
steroid group required surfactant therapy. Post hoc analysis of data on 206 infants who were delivered within 1 to 24
hours indicated that the additional steroid dose tended to increase the risk of RDS and reduce the rate of intact survival.
No differences were found between the steroid and placebo groups in mortality rates or rates of severe intraventricular
haemorrhage. The results of this study would suggest that rescue doses may alter respiratory adaptation.47 A subanalysis
within the MACS study also showed no benefit from a rescue dose.
A rescue course of two doses of 12 mg betamethasone or four doses of 6 mg dexamethasone should only be considered
with caution in those pregnancies where the first course was given at less than 26+0 weeks of gestation and another
obstetric indication arises later in pregnancy.
In the absence of evidence, a rescue course of two doses of 12 mg betamethasone or four doses of 6 mg dexamethasone
should only be considered with caution in those pregnancies where the first course was given at less than 26+0 weeks of
gestation and another obstetric indication arises later in pregnancy. This would be justified by the paucity of data on the
efficacy of the current dosing regimens on babies less than 26+0 weeks of gestation.
Source: Anceschi, M.M. et al., Effects of corticosteroids on fetal lung maturation, in: The Surfactant System of the Lung, MacMillan Press,
London, U.K., 1991, pp. 23–27.
decreased as management of the diabetic pregnant women complications of diabetes like macrosomia. Furthermore,
has focused on the good control of blood glucose levels. when a preterm delivery is indicated such as in uncontrolled
It is largely accepted that a close blood glucose control diabetic patients, it is mandatory to use a combination of
should be maintained during pregnancy, in order to reduce tests for the prediction of fetal lung maturity.
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36 Monitoring during the later stage
of pregnancy and during labor:
Glycemic considerations
Harold W. de Valk and Gerard H.A. Visser
300 Monitoring during the later stage of pregnancy and during labor
Glucose monitoring during later stages produce a profile that begins to approach informationwise
that of an offline continuous glucose monitor.3 Nevertheless,
of pregnancy and labor part of the patient population can be well regulated during
pregnancy without undue hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia.
Monitoring and treatment are aimed at maintaining mater-
These patients basically do not need offline or online con-
nal plasma glucose levels within a safe range to prevent fetal
tinuous glucose monitoring. In addition, some patients who
growth promotion, to prevent maternal hypo- and hypergly-
could theoretically benefit from more advanced monitoring
cemia, and to prevent neonatal hypoglycemia. Monitoring
find those methods too cumbersome and too distressing,
and treatment are closely interlinked. Monitoring basically
and linked to other negative emotions.
means nothing more than ensuring a steady flow of infor-
mation to the patient and the healthcare professional on
maternal plasma glucose levels combined with information
on food intake, stress, physical activity, as well other glu- Continuous glucose monitoring
cose level–modifying issues and information regarding fetal
The technique of continuous glucose monitoring has been
growth and amniotic fluid volume. These are all essential to
described in other chapters. Broadly speaking, two methods
provide the best opportunity to improve or maintain glyce-
exist: offline continuous glucose monitoring (oCGM) and
mic control. Monitoring is a means and not a goal in itself.
online (real time) continuous glucose monitoring (rtCGM).
The first question is at what time points do we need a
Both techniques measure interstitial and not plasma glucose
measurement? Usual glycemic profiles include fasting glu-
values, but these two generally correspond well. As a conse-
cose levels, preprandial glucose levels, and postprandial
quence of measuring in two different compartments, there
(1.5–2 hours) glucose levels. Fasting levels have not much to
may be a delay in glucose curves in the compartments with
do with the culinary events during the previous evening and
the change in the interstitial compartment following the
night. Fasting levels reflect the endogenous glucose produc-
change of the plasma compartment. This delay is variable but
tion and is used to determine the dose of long-acting insulin
may be as long as 20 minutes. This can pose a problem with
or the basal rate of the insulin pump during the night. Low
rtCGM but not so much with oCGM.
fasting glucose levels mean overdosing of insulin. Low pre-
oCGM was introduced first and provides generally up
prandial glucose levels, especially if they occur at more than
to 4–5 days of glucose values that are registered but not
one meal, can indicate that the insulin dose and plasma insu-
directly available to the patient or the healthcare profes-
lin levels are too high and suppress endogenous glucose pro-
sional. When we consider usefulness in the peripartum
duction, a key feature of the defense against hypoglycemia.
period, it is obvious that just an isolated oCGM can hardly
Prandial insulin doses, either by injection or by insu-
be expected to help. The landmark trial by Murphy et al.
lin pump, are determined by pre- and/or postprandial lev-
showed that oCGM in women with type 1 or type 2 diabe-
els observed in the previous days in combination with the
tes did result in a statistically significant decrease in macro-
size and content of the envisaged meal. The dose of prandial
somia, the primary end point.4 Neonatal hypoglycemia, as
insulin is dictated largely by the amount of carbohydrates,
an index of peripartum management, was similar in both
the content of the meal, and the degree of insulin resis-
groups (oCGM 8%, no oCGM 17%). The studied group was
tance. Insulin resistance is highest during the morning and
rather small (38 patients on oCGM and 33 patients not on
decreases during the day and is lowest in the evening and
oCGM), limiting the power to detect smaller differences. In
during the night, affecting insulin dosing and the CIR. It
conclusion, oCGM can reduce macrosomia with adequate
is clear that it takes clinical expertise and education from
implementation in an individualized multidisciplinary set-
patients, diabetes nurse educators, and endocrinologists to
ting, but there is no specific place for oCGM in peripartum
interpret and tease out glycemic profiles especially in preg-
control and during delivery in patients with type 1 or type
nancy and that the ability to do so is also highly dependent
2 diabetes. A recent Chinese study provided some evidence
on the information available. This information is related not
that oCGM may have an effect in women with GDM.5 In that
only to glucose levels but also to meals and, for example, to
study, patients with GDM were randomized to the interven-
physical activity. More details on insulin therapy during
tion group (oCGM and 7-point glucose profiles) and control
pregnancy are described elsewhere.2 Having established this
group (only glucose profiles). In this intensive study, the
framework, the second question is what the best method of
intervention group received oCGM weekly until satisfactory
glucose monitoring is.
control was reached followed by oCGM every 2–4 weeks.
They also performed glucose profiles similar to that in the
Finger-stick measurements control group. Nutritional counseling was based on glucose
data throughout the trial. oCGM was not employed around
Classic monitoring means glucose measurements in capil- childbirth. Insulin therapy was started significantly more in
lary blood obtained by finger stick. This can be painful and the intervention group compared to the control group (27.9%
is cumbersome as the patient needs to carry the (small) vs. 12.2%, p < 0.001). The incidence in the intervention group
device with her. It only provides a snapshot image of a con- of neonatal hypoglycemia (defined as a plasma glucose
tinuously changing plasma glucose level. Kerssen et al. have <2.2 mmol/L [40 mg/dL]) was significantly lower (5.5% vs.
shown that at least 10 measurements a day are required to 14%, p < 0.02). Interestingly, this difference was present in
Continuous glucose monitoring 301
diet-treated patients but not anymore in insulin-requiring defined as a plasma glucose level <2.5 mmol/L (<45 mg/dL),
patients. In the intervention group, there was also a lower the first measurement within 2 hours, and they employed
incidence of preeclampsia, primary Cesarean section, prophylactic early feeding starting 3 hours after delivery in
preterm delivery, macrosomia, hyperbilirubinemia, and all women. In the control group, glucose was measured every
respiratory distress syndrome. Again, these significant dif- hour during delivery. Such a close monitoring can mean that
ferences were present in diet-treated women, not in insulin- the difference with rtCGM may be quite limited. A sample
requiring women. The beneficial effect may be due to the strict size calculation was not performed, which is logical in a ret-
nutritional setup as well as to the ability to assess the post- rospective analysis. All of the women in the control group
prandial glucose curve in more detail with CGM. The lower were included and 45% of the women in the rtCGM group
incidence of neonatal hypoglycemia with CGM may be in (women had to have had rtCGM before delivery). The inci-
part explained by the lower incidence of m acrosomia. These dence of neonatal hypoglycemia was comparable in both
results are reason for further studies in GDM and, if any- groups (rtCGM 37% on rtCGM and 46% in the control
thing, underscore once the great importance of ongoing group); the incidence of severe hypoglycemia (plasma glu-
dietary counseling. At present, oGDM has no place in the cose <2.5 mmol/L [45 mg/dL]) and intravenous glucose was
peripartum management in GDM but may be a promising similar as well (11% vs. 17%). Analysis within the group in
tool in the correct setting to reduce neonatal hypoglycemia rtCGM showed that neonatal hypoglycemia was associated
by reducing macrosomia. with a higher mean maternal plasma glucose during the
Turning to rtCGM, this technique with direct, instanta- 8 hours up to delivery (either self-monitored or analyzed
neous display of interstitial glucose levels would theoretically from rtCGM) and that the infant birth weight z-scores were
offer a method to optimize glucose control in a specified inversely related to the 2-hour neonatal plasma glucose level.
period of time. No studies have been performed with isolated There was no evidence of a threshold in both associations.
use of rtCGM in the peripartum period. A major trial with This retrospective analysis of some of the data of a pro-
rtCGM during pregnancy was performed by Secher et al. In spective trial highlights some important issues on research
that trial, pregnant patients with type 1 diabetes were ran- and practical management of rtCGM in the peripartum
domized between intermittent use of rtCGM and no rtCGM arena: the background against which rtCGM is tested (fre-
(conventional care).6 No difference in neonatal hypoglyce- quency of self-measurement), self-selection for rtCGM (even
mia (defined as a plasma glucose <2.5 mmol/L [45 mg/dL]) in randomized trials, compliance is not a random phe-
was observed. This audacious trial has highlighted some of nomenon), management of rtCGM, insulin administration
the issues that explain why randomized as well as observa- technique (CSII vs. MDI), practical nutritional approach to
tional trials are so difficult to do in this patient group. The the neonate during the first hours postpartum, definition
trial showed that there was no difference in the primary of neonatal hypoglycemia, group size, and expected differ-
outcome macrosomia. However, this lack of effect may well ences between groups. This illustrates that only a carefully
be explained the intermittent use (use of at least 75% of the designed large trial may give more definite answers and that,
time is mandatory to see the effects of rtCGM) as shown in for now, common sense should prevail. Hopefully, the con-
the meta-analysis by Pickup et al. using the individual datas- tinuous glucose monitoring in women with type 1 diabetes
ets of clinical trials.7 In addition, late start during pregnancy in pregnancy trial (CONCEPTT) trial and the neonatal spin-
(patients require up to 6 weeks to get used to the device off trial may shed further light on the best peripartum and
and practical implementation) as well as the glucose targets neonatal policy.
directing insulin therapy (prevention of hypoglycemia vs. RtCGM could theoretically be used during delivery as an
optimal prevention of hyperglycemia) may have contributed add-on, managed by the medical team. This would obviate a
to the negative result and indicate avenues to improve the large role for the delivering woman and potentially help to
effects of rtCGM. Trials regarding glucose monitoring are achieve good maternal glucose levels. On the other hand, the
necessarily not blind (assessors may be blinded), and being risk of maternal hypoglycemia may increase. No data exist
in a trial usually has a beneficial effect in itself in the control on such a procedure (Figure 36.1).
group. This latest issue means that this placebo effect, which Logically, preventive efforts can best be directed at those
may be substantial, should be adequately accommodated in individuals at highest risk. The value of this approach has
group size calculations to prevent disappointment. An ear- been elegantly demonstrated by Pickup who demonstrated
lier small study from Macedonia randomized 25 patients that summarizing meta-analyses may be negative (in this
with type 1 diabetes on insulin pump to intermittent rtCGM case insulin pump therapy and incidence of severe hypo-
or usual care.8 No neonatal hypoglycemia (defined as a glycemia), whereas analyzing only those patients with prior
plasma neonatal glucose of 1.66 mmol/L [30 mg/dL] or less) severe hypoglycemia shows a dramatic positive effect.10
was observed. Neonatal hypoglycemia was not the primary The difficulty in neonatal hypoglycemia is to define
end point and group size was too small to detect relevant dif- those at highest risk. Preterm delivery is a well-known
ferences when rtCGM would have had a great impact. one. At the end of pregnancy, we could add a large fetus
The Secher trial may give us some insight in the effect (for example, with an abdominal circumference exceeding
on neonatal hypoglycemia. Cordua et al. have looked ret- the 90th percentile) and suboptimal glycemic control with
rospectively at the effect on neonatal hypoglycemia in this periods of definite hyperglycemia. A recent study by the
prospective trial in more detail.9 Neonatal hypoglycemia was Danish group may serve as a nice example, dealing with
302 Monitoring during the later stage of pregnancy and during labor
Peripartum insulin management with breastfeeding should be discussed as well as the pos-
sibility of comorbidity or change in comorbidities (diabetic
There is no definite answer to the question of what the best complications like retinopathy but also thyroid disease or for
insulin treatment strategy is in preconceptional diabetes. example, preexistent rheumatoid arthritis).
Employed methods include repetitive doses of subcutane- Monitoring of maternal glucose levels should also be dis-
ous rapid-acting insulin above the maternal plasma glu- cussed including target levels and monitoring frequency.
cose, continuous intravenous insulin started above a preset Frequent measurement of maternal glucose levels should be
maternal plasma glucose level, and standard infusion of discussed. The frequency depends on the stage of delivery
glucose combined with varying intravenous insulin infu- and previous glucose levels. Some women (and partners)
sion speed to achieve and maintain target maternal plasma want to manage the glucose levels, but once the actual deliv-
glucose levels.16,18,19 The study by Lepercq et al. had a low ery has set in, experience has taught us that all of them gladly
frequency of neonatal hypoglycemia (13%). This low fre- leave it to the nursing staff. Different schemes can be used,
quency may have been due to the strict maternal glucose but once every 1–2 hours is advisable (except at the beginning
control achieved with a combination of 10% dextrose and of an induction of labor when a more liberal time scheme can
standard intravenous insulin to all women (although pre- be used). Such timing issues do not exist with rtCGM, but it
set target levels were in the usual range, 3.4–7.8 mmol/L is advisable to register glucose levels at specified regular time
[61–140 mg/dL]), to a more strict definition of neonatal points.
hypoglycemia but also to a rather aggressive approach to Neonatal management during the first days after birth is
early neonatal management. Neonates received intramus- described in another chapter. Regarding the mother, there is
cular glucagon at birth as well as oral suspension enriched no real need for strict glycemic control. On the contrary, as
with glucose and triglycerides during the first 3 hours after breastfeeding is associated with an increased risk of mater-
birth. Although apparently effective, it is questionable nal hypoglycemia, a more liberal approach to target glucose
whether this scheme will find a great welcome in pediatric levels is advisable. And with recurrent maternal hypogly-
circles. This study demonstrates that various avenues can be cemia, hypoglycemia unawareness may ensue and compli-
taken to manage peripartum glucose and demonstrates that cate the situation. A practical approach would be to advise
studies cannot easily be compared because of differences in plasma glucose levels between 6 and 12 mmol/L (108 and 216
maternal glucose target levels, definition of hypoglycemia, mg/dL) for a period of about 3 months.
and postnatal management.
Organizational issues
In this chapter, we have described some issues regarding
A well-organized structure of care and counseling is of physiology and pathophysiology in the diabetic pregnancy
prime importance when caring for these women (and their relevant to the period of childbirth. Maternal plasma glu-
partners and families). Good and well-based information cose levels in the period leading up to delivery and the levels
is a first requisite, and generally speaking, information on during delivery are inversely related to the degree of neo-
the latter stages of pregnancy, childbirth, and thereafter is natal hypoglycemia. Notwithstanding all potential benefits
best already discussed to some extent in the earlier stages of of advanced technology, adequate and ongoing nutritional
pregnancy. counseling of the pregnant woman is of paramount impor-
Many women find it difficult to combine a professional tance. Repetitive use of rtCGM is associated with a decreased
career with having type 1 diabetes and being pregnant. incidence of macrosomia but has no effect on the incidence of
Many of them have decreased working time or stop work- neonatal hypoglycemia in women with type 1 or type 2 dia-
ing before formal pregnancy leave starts. In the Netherlands, betes. There is evidence emerging that a positive effect may
for example, pregnancy leaves formally starts at 34 weeks of be seen in diet-treated gestational diabetes. The value and
gestation, but many women already start descending into possibilities offline CGM are still under debate. Audacious as
leave from 26 weeks onward. It is therefore wise to discuss these trials may be, there are many methodological issues to
this with the employer to prevent unpleasant surprises for all surmount. We hope that the current large-scale CONCEPTT
concerned. Likewise, maternity leave for women with diabe- trial (randomized trial with rtCGM started preconception-
tes may be too short for some women with type 1 diabetes, ally or early during pregnancy) will provide us with some
and this should be anticipated as well. answers. There is no single best insulin regimen during
On a more technical level, a multidisciplinary deliv- delivery, the choice having to be made locally. Safe target lev-
ery plan should be made at the most opportune moment els for maternal glucose levels are between 4 and 7 mmol/L
sometime after 30 weeks of gestation. A general plan can be (72–126 mg/dL) with maternal glucose levels being inversely
made for the different modes of delivery that can be indi- related to neonatal glucose levels without a threshold level.
vidualized per patient. It is useful and advisable to provide The incidence of neonatal hypoglycemia depends not only
the pregnant woman and the partner with a copy of the on the definition of hypoglycemia but also on the specific
plan. The reevaluation of comedication after delivery and protocol for neonatal care directly after birth.
304 Monitoring during the later stage of pregnancy and during labor
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come in patients with type 1 diabetes on insulin pump with con- 18. Kline GA, Edwards A. Antepartum and intra-partum insulin man-
stant or intermittent glucose monitoring? A pilot study. Diabetes agement of type 1 and type 2 diabetic women: Impact on clini-
Technol Ther 2011; 13: 1109–1113. cally significant neonatal hypoglycemia. Diabetes Res Clin Pract
9. Cordua S, Secher A, Ringholm L, Damm P, Mathiesen ER. Real- 2007; 77: 223–230.
time continuous glucose monitoring during labour and delivery 19. Lepercq J, Abbou H, Agostini C et al. A standardized protocol to
in women with type 1 diabetes—Observations form a random- achieve normoglycaemia during labour and delivery in women
ized trial. Diabet Med 2013; 30: 1374–1381. with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Metab 2008; 34: 33–37.
37 Timing and mode of delivery
Salvatore Alberico and Gianpaolo Maso
Gestational diabetes is defined by the World Health Organi motivated by the evidence that diabetic mothers with infants
zation (WHO) as carbohydrate intolerance resulting in hyper- having a weight exceeding this limit exhibit a significant
glycemia of variable severity with onset or first recognition increase in dystocia upon birth.
during pregnancy.1 The implementation of systematic screen- GDM and even pregestational diabetes result in higher
ing as suggested by the evidence that emerged from the HAPO frequency of macrosomic newborns.
study2 and the conclusion by the International Association of Four studies also allowed assessment of the association
Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Groups (IADPSG), who spon- between untreated GDM according to the WHO criteria and
sored the International Workshop Conference on Gestational macrosomia.11–14
Diabetes in 2008, indicate that this is a frequent disease.3 The pooled relative risk (RR) was 1.81 (95% CI 1.47–2.22;
In effect, the simulation assumed a gestational diabetes p < 0.001), with very homogenous results across studies
mellitus (GDM) prevalence of 10% according to the WHO (I2 = 0%). No study was available to examine this association
criteria and a 50% higher prevalence (i.e., a 15% prevalence of using the IADPSG diagnostic criteria, but analysis using the
GDM) for the IADPSG criteria.4 evidence-based data group database showed an RR of 1.38
Before we go into the description of the obstetric o utcome (95% CI 1.14–1.68; p = 0.001). When using large for gesta-
relating to pregnancies complicated by GDM, we must tional age as the outcome, the magnitude of the association
remember that the data available from the literature quite for the WHO criteria was slightly lower (RR = 1.53, 95%
often do not distinguish outcomes resulting from pregnan- CI 1.39–1.69; p < 0.001; I2 = 0%). Applying the criteria of
cies complicated by GDM from those with pre-gestational IADPSG, derived from the three studies,15–17 we obtained a
diabetes type 1 or 2. higher RR, but with heterogeneous results (RR = 1.73, 95%
According to the Pedersen hypothesis,5 maternal hyper- 1.28–2.35; p < 0.001, I2 = 93%).
glycemia results in excess transfer of glucose to the fetus
resulting in fetal hyperinsulinemia. The effects of fetal
hyperinsulinemia include an overgrowth of insulin-sensitive Anthropometric characteristics of
tissues such as adipose tissues, especially around the chest,
shoulders, and abdomen, which increases the risk of mac- diabetic mothers with macrosomic
rosomic newborns and of shoulder dystocia, brachial plexus infants
injury, perinatal death, and birth trauma, as well as the need
for cesarean section.6–8 Studies of macrosomic infants of diabetic mothers revealed
Therefore, the prevention of excessive fetal growth during a greater amount of total body fat, thicker upper-extrem-
gestation, together with the proper management of maternal ity skin fold measurements, and smaller ratios of head to
glucose metabolism in the anticipation of the time of child- abdominal circumference than macrosomic infants of non-
birth, if possible, to lower the risk of foetal macrosomia, can diabetic mothers. This disproportion between abdominal
be considered as targets to be pursued by obstetricians.10 and cephalic diameter favors complications of childbirth,
which are obviously accentuated by the greater weight of
these newborns.18
Rate of macrosomia in diabetic The reasons are related to the fact that a normal or a pro-
pregnancy portionally lower cephalic circumference than the fetal body
allows a smooth progression of the fetus in the birth canal,
Fetal macrosomia is varyingly defined as either an absolute with normal disengagement of the head. The largest biacro-
birth weight greater than 4000 g, 4500 g, or 5000 g or a cus- mial diameter involves difficulty in making an internal
tomized birth weight centile greater than the 90th, 95th, or rotation, with the arrest of the anterior shoulder against the
97th percentile for the infant’s gestational age. inner face of the pubic bone, not allowing its fixation under
In our assessment, macrosomia will be considered in an the margin of the same bone, and then difficulty in making a
infant with a birth weight greater than 4000 g. This choice is normal disengagement.
306 Timing and mode of delivery
The maneuvers required to reach a fetal extraction can The occurrence of shoulder dystocia involves risks not
then lead to an excessive traction on the nerves of the bra- only for the newborn, which can have a permanent damage
chial plexus leading to the paralysis of the same plexus. of the brachial plexus 25 or a greater incidence of neurologi-
cal disorders, resulting in permanent neurological dysfunc-
Macrosomia: Risk factors tion,26 but also for the mother. Maternal morbidity as a
result of infection is increased, particularly the incidence of
Macrosomia, even in the absence of a disease in a diabetic postpartum hemorrhage (11%) as well as third- and fourth-
mother, involves in each case a generic risk in the obstetrical degree perineal tears (3.8%).27
outcome. We can therefore say that shoulder dystocia is the most
A study investigating the effects of birth weight on fetal dangerous complication that the obstetrician is called to
mortality shows that higher fetal mortality rates are associated prevent, and the question that we must ask ourselves now is
with a birth weight greater than 4250 g in nondiabetic mothers what the risk factors of shoulder dystocia are.
and a birth weight greater than 4000 g in diabetic mothers.19 As we have said previously, there is a relationship
An interesting piece of information on the outcome of between fetal size and shoulder dystocia, 28 but it is not a
macrosomic newborns is derived from the Medical Birth good predictor, because the large majority of infants with a
Registry of Norway on 372,128 births, registered for the period birth weight of ≥4500 g do not develop shoulder dystocia 29
1999–2005. Especially in newborns weighing more than and equally important because 48% of births complicated
4000 g, the frequency of deliveries carried out by cesarean by shoulder dystocia occur in infants who weigh less than
section, particularly in emergency cesarean section, increases. 4000 g.7
According to the same registry, fetal macrosomia leads In a population of 2,014,956 deliveries, Overland et al.
to an increase in operative deliveries with a vacuum extrac- showed the correlation between neonatal weights and inci-
tor (OR = 1.7) or low forceps (OR = 1.4) and a risk of shoul- dence of shoulder dystocia: The adjusted OR (AdOR) for
der dystocia (OR = 6.8), clavicular fracture (OR = 3.4), and a weight of less than 3500 g is 1, AdOR = 3.92 for weight
plexus injury (OR = 5.6).20 between 3501 and 3999, AdOR = 17.10 for weight between
4499 and 4000 g, AdOR = 60.33 for weight between 4500
Fetal growth per week of pregnancy and 4999, and AdOR = 176.52 for weight greater than
5000 g.29 In the same study, the condition of maternal dia-
One of the conditions that complicates child birth is cer- betes resulted in a crude OR = 5.69 for a shoulder dystocia at
tainly macrosomia, which progresses over the course of ges- delivery. Numerous other studies available in the literature
tation. Anticipating the birth in a few weeks, after reaching have shown that the risk for shoulder dystocia has increased
the age defined as the end of gestation (≥37 weeks), one can still to 3.6- to 4.5-fold in infants of diabetic women when the
therefore avoid the weekly weight gain, which in fetuses of actual birth weight is ≥4000 g.28–33
diabetic mothers is obviously superior to a fetus with a nor- The debate on this issue is so open, and there are many
mal progression of growth. And in fact, it is estimated that tips that relate to the accomplishment of the delivery in
from the 37th to the 42nd week of pregnancy, weight gain pregnant women with GDM and suspected fetal macroso-
may be around 625 g ± 201 (37.73 ± 0.443 lb). mia. Some authors recommend elective cesarean at an esti-
In the case of acceleration of fetal growth, comparable to a mated fetal weight of 4000 g in diabetic patients;34,35 others
line coinciding with the 90th percentile, fetal weight exceeds suggest that a weight threshold of 4500 g should be used
4000 g at the end of the 39th week of gestation. to reduce unnecessary intervention because of ultrasono-
It is so easy to imagine that in anticipation of the birth at graphic error.36
38 weeks, with a safe fetal maturity, it can be easier to give The use of the general population estimation of fetal weight
birth to a fetus weighing less than 500 g than compared to as an indicator to perform an elective cesarean section is not
those who weigh more. cost-effective. The limits of predictivity of the weight using
the ultrasound method are still significant for macrosomic
Shoulder dystocia: Correlation with fetuses.
It has been calculated that by placing a threshold for fetal
fetal growth, GDM, and limit for weight >4500 g, obstetricians would have to perform elective
vaginal delivery 3700 cesarean sections to prevent one permanent brachial
plexus injury.
Shoulder dystocia is one of the major complications that can Thus, elective cesarean section for suspected macrosomia
occur during childbirth assistance of a diabetic mother’s alone is difficult to support.37
newborn. Shoulder dystocia is defined as a vaginal cephalic Different discourse appears to diabetic mothers, where
delivery that requires additional obstetric maneuvers to if the recommendation was an elective cesarean section
deliver the fetus after the head has been delivered and gentle for estimated fetal weight greater than 4500 g, it would
traction has failed.21,22 take 443 cesarean sections to prevent 1 brachial plexus
There is a wide variation in the reported incidence, and injury. 38
studies involving the largest number of vaginal deliveries Langer et al. instead suggested in women with GDM for
indicate a prevalence between 0.19% and 3.3%.23,24 elective cesarean section an estimated weight limit greater
Labor and delivery in GDM 307
than ≥4250 g during delivery. In this way, a 76% reduction Multivariate analysis found that being treated for gesta-
of shoulder dystocia was verified in their population, with tional diabetes was the most significant factor in determin-
an increase in the rate of cesarean sections by only 0.26%. ing a cesarean section (OR 2.1, 95% CI 1.3–3.6); untreated
A weight threshold of 4500 g yielded a smaller increase in gestational diabetes was not a significant risk factor (OR 1.6,
the cesarean section rate but failed to prevent approximately 95% CI 0.9–2.7) (EL = 2+).
40% of shoulder dystocia cases in diabetic patients.31 It makes you wonder why the cesarean section rate is
In any case, we can conclude that the class of birth weight so high in these pregnant women. Part of the justification
greater than 4000 g, gestational age greater than 38 weeks, is related to psychological conditioning that the obstetri-
and maternal diabetes correlate directly with an increased cian undergoes in the management of these pregnancies,
risk of shoulder dystocia at birth. when the fear of having to compare with the assistance of a
This is the reason why many groups of experts in the macrosomic child at birth associates with the forced imple-
management of childbirth in diabetic pregnancies establish mentation of difficult fetal extraction maneuvers in case of
a weight limit for vaginal birth in these women when the shoulder dystocia. We cannot ignore also the fear of having
estimated fetal weight at 38 weeks indicates a risk of exceed- to then undergo medicolegal disputes in the event of neona-
ing 4000 g. This recommendation takes into account the tal or maternal adverse outcomes. Another hypothesis is that
limitations of ultrasound evaluation methods to identify the many of these cesarean sections are due to failed induction
correct fetal weight at term gestation. Therefore, the same or labor arrest following prolonged attempts at induction.45
recommendation is less than the limit set in the ACOG bul- A systematic review on this topic was published by
letin in 2005 (which established a limit of no more than Witkop in 2009.46
4500 g birth weight) and NICE, 2008, who indicated that This study has selected 11,400 published papers on the
limit to 4250 g. aforementioned subject. After a review of their structure,
With regard, however, to the two societies mentioned ear- only five articles met the inclusion criteria for the key
lier, refer to the birth weight and not the fetal weight estima- questions related to delivery management, and of these,
tion assessed at 38 weeks.39,40 only one was a randomized controlled trial (RCT) that
compared the effect of two labor-induction protocols on
maternal and perinatal outcomes on a population of 200
Dystocia: Correlation with operative pregnancies.
Witkop says the following in his work:
vaginal delivery and GDM
The five studies were heterogeneous in their meth-
The same study by Øverland et al., cited earlier, clearly
odology, comparison groups, time period in which
indicates that an additional risk factor for shoulder dysto-
the study was conducted, length of the study period,
cia is represented by an operative vaginal delivery (forceps,
populations included, and outcome measures. Because
AdOR = 1.14, and vacuum extractor, AdOR = 2.86). This risk
of the heterogeneity, we were unable to conduct a
is even more pronounced in the case of macrosomic fetuses
from diabetic mothers.32–41
In conclusion, we therefore could say that in pregnant and concludes
women with GDM, it is prudent to avoid a prolongation of
gestation, an excessive fetal weight at birth, and an operative it is difficult to fully assess the outcomes observed in
vaginal birth in order to reduce the risk of shoulder dystocia. this study on the basis of only one clinical trial of 200
Labor and delivery in GDM The study in question is that of Kjos, an RCT (n = 200) from
the United States involving women with insulin-requiring
The published studies on the mode of delivery in GDM indi- diabetes comparing the outcomes of active induced labor
cate a common denominator: an increase in the frequency of (accurate measurement of gestational development and
cesarean sections. In the same studies, this rate is very high, induction of labor with intravenous oxytocin, n = 100)
ranging in some series from 45% to 80%.42,43 with expectant management (close monitoring and insulin
A prospective case–control study (n = 3778) from Canada treatment, n = 100). Those enrolled had gestational diabe-
examined the relationship between cesarean section rates tes (n = 187) or preexisting diabetes (n = 13). There were
and gestational glucose intolerance (3-hour 100 g oral glu- no differences between the groups at baseline. In the active
cose challenge test).44 induction group, 70 women had induction of labor, 8 had
The study identified four groups: negative gestational dia- cesarean section, and 22 had spontaneous labor. In the
betes (n = 2940), false-positive gestational diabetes (n = 580), expectant management group, 49 women had induction, 7
untreated borderline gestational diabetes (n = 115), and had cesarean section, and 44 had spontaneous labor.47 This
known treated gestational diabetes (n = 143). Women with study has been shown that even after adjustment for gesta-
gestational diabetes had higher rates of macrosomia (28.7% tional age at delivery, maternal weight, and maternal age, the
vs. 13.7%, p < 0.001) and cesarean section (29.6% vs. 20.2%, average neonatal birth weight in the expectant management
p = 0.02). group was significantly greater than the mean neonatal birth
308 Timing and mode of delivery
weight in the active induction group (p < 0.01). The findings section in diabetic pregnancies and the opportunity to lead or
of this RCT suggest that neonates born to women undergo- not an induction of labor.
ing induction at 38 weeks have a significantly lower risk of
macrosomia than those born to women treated with expect-
American Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
ant management. The absence of any difference in cesar-
ean delivery rates suggests that maternal morbidity among 1. A cesarean delivery may be considered if the estimated
women undergoing induction is similar to that of women fetal weight is greater than 4500 g in women with diabetes.
undergoing expectant management. 2. Expectant management beyond the estimated date gen-
In a review of randomized trials of elective delivery in erally is not recommended. Induction of labor in preg-
women with diabetes from the Cochrane database, includ- nancies with a fetus with suspected macrosomia has not
ing those with mild gestational diabetes, there was little evi- been found to reduce birth trauma and may increase the
dence to support elective labor induction.48,49 cesarean delivery rate.39
This last author forms part of the problems of management
(induction vs. expectant), an important clinical factor that Colorado clinical guidelines
might suggest whether or not the opportunity to induce labor ●● Timing of delivery remains relatively open. There are no
in women with GDM: the degree of ripening of the uterine data to support delivery prior to term or cesarean delivery
cervix. In fact, he says: “Objectively evaluating the risks and purely on the basis of GDM.
benefits of labor induction is potentially confounded by the ●● Well-controlled GDM pregnancies on medical nutrition
status of the cervix at the time of initiation of induction, early therapy have little indication for delivery prior to 38–39
determination of an arrest disorder and physician bias toward weeks gestation.
cesarean delivery for women who have diabetes.” ●● Delivery at ~39 weeks gestation has been shown to
The analysis of the studies mentioned seems to agree on decrease macrosomia in women with good dating criteria
the benefit that induction of labor at 38 weeks in case of GDM and a favorable cervix.
involves a lower average neonatal weight in the induced com- ●● To determine the mode of delivery when the estimated
pared to those with expectant management and a lower fre- fetal weight is 4000–4500 g, consider past delivery history
quency of macrosomic newborns. In this debate, it is a rather and clinical pelvimetry.51
recurrent fear that induction of labor, on the other hand, may
lead to an increase in the frequency of cesarean sections.35
In reference to this awe, Blackwell’s study seems to con- Collège National des Gynècologues et Obstètriciens
tradict that induction of labor is to determine this effect. In Françai
fact, in their experience after controlling confounding fac- 1. Elective cesarean section in the case in which the esti-
tors, labor induction was not associated with the delivery mated ultrasound fetal weight indicates a value greater
mode. In fact, 55.6% of gestational and 72.9% of pregesta- than >4250 to 4500 g.
tional diabetics who achieved vaginal delivery underwent 2. It is possible to propose an induction of labor at term
induction of labor. We agree with the conclusions of these (>39 weeks) taking into account a balance of benefit to
authors, which argue that nonmedical factors may play an the mother and the fetus.52
important role in the decision for cesarean delivery in dia-
betic pregnancies because they observed in their popula-
Austrian guidelines
tion the lack of effect of factors traditionally associated with
cesarean delivery: labor induction, bishop score, epidural 1. Timing of delivery was not determined in the Austrian
anesthesia, birth weight, and macrosomia.42 guidelines for gestational diabetes management.
Another support for this opinion came from the study of 2. Continue pregnancy until term when uncomplicated;
Levy, who, in a retrospective cohort study using routinely aim for vaginal delivery if possible.53
collected data (n = 108,487) undertaken in the United States,
examined whether induction of labor increased cesarean Australian guidelines
section rates in women with diabetes. The cesarean section 1. Induction of labor or operative delivery based on obstet-
rate was lower in women who had induction of labor than ric and/or fetal indications; otherwise deliver at term.54
those who did not have induction of labor (OR 0.77, 95% CI
0.50–0.89) (EL = 2+).50
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
1. Induction of labor at term can reduce the incidence of
International societies: What shoulder dystocia in women with gestational diabetes
recommendations do they suggest? (Grade B).
2. A systematic review and meta-analysis of RCTs of the
Very briefly, we indicate the recommendations that the most effect of treatment in women with gestational diabe-
important societies of obstetrics and gynecology suggest in tes38 concluded that the incidence of shoulder dystocia is
reference to the weight limit for carrying an elective cesarean reduced with early induction of labor.
Special clinical conditions 309
This is confirmed by several observational studies of fetal distress and neonatal hypoglycemia (NICE Clinical
available in the literature but has also been shown by some Guideline no. 63).
studies carried out by S. Quenby on the characteristics of
the muscle cells of the uterus. She noted that in obese sub-
jects, a higher concentration of cholesterol is present at Conclusion
the level of these fibrocells, which induces a dysfunction
in labor, of uterine contractions, which then lose their The recommendations concerning guidelines must be based
effectiveness.62 on randomized, controlled clinical trials. The two RCTs
available in this area (GL Kjos and GINEXMAL) indicate
with certainty that in women with GDM, the induction of
Vaginal birth after previous cesarean section labor produces an average of neonatal weights lower than
Vaginal delivery and the induction of labor are not contra- in the group with expectant management with a lower fre-
indicated even in cases of GDM; a retrospective case series quency of macrosomic births.
(n = 10,110) from the United States examined the success Lowering the frequency of macrosomic births in women
of VBAC in women with previous obstetric complications, with GDM without increasing the rate of cesarean sections
including gestational diabetes.63 Sixty-two percent of women can already be considered an important positive result.
who attempted VBAC were successful. The factors associ- The selection of patients eligible for an active manage-
ated with unsuccessful VBAC were birth weight exceed- ment, which takes into account the degree of cervical ripe-
ing 4000 g, cephalopelvic disproportion, prolonged labor, ness, can help lower the frequency of cesarean sections in the
dysfunctional labor, preexisting diabetes and gestational induction group.
diabetes, hypertension, induced labor, sexually transmitted The recommendations that we can try to define with
disease, fetal distress, and breech birth. regard to the opportunity to induce labor in childbirth are
Another retrospective cohort study (n = 25,079) from therefore as follows:
the United States showed instead that gestational diabe-
tes is not an independent risk factor for VBAC.64 The study ●● The induction of labor at 38 weeks is justified in order to
involved 13,396 women who attempted VBAC. Data on 423 reduce the frequency of births with higher weight. The
women with diet-controlled gestational diabetes and 9437 effect leads to known benefits associated with the birth of
women without diabetes were analyzed. The success rate for a reduced number of macrosomia.
attempted VBAC among women with gestational diabetes ●● It is good to act with common sense according to the
was 70% compared to 74% for women without diabetes, and clinical characteristics of the patient, her Bishop’s score,
the proportion of babies weighing more than 4000 g was 18% and her motivations.
compared with 13% (p < 0.05). ●● It is also important to have one part of a comprehensive
informed consent from the patient and the other of a
full capacity to manage the complications of delivery by
Glycemic profile during labor consultants.
and risk of fetal death in GDM
Finally, it should be remembered that a clinical recommen-
We do not feel superfluous to recall once again the impor- dation is, however, a suggestion aimed at intelligent profes-
tance of maternal glycemic control during labor and birth sionals where they can customize the interests of patient
and early feeding of the baby in order to reduce the risk care, and not a military order to be executed at all costs.
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38 Management of the
macrosomic fetus
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39 Congenital malformations in
diabetic pregnancy: Prevalence
and types
Paul Merlob
316 Congenital malformations in diabetic pregnancy
offspring of women with pregestational insulin-dependent malformation rates no different than the general n ondiabetic
diabetes.11 Recently (2012), the largest case series of mal- population. Nevertheless, it is important to remember that
formed babies (669 newborns) was published by Garne et al.12 gestational diabetes is a heterogeneous disorder that includes
confirming that the risk of major nonchromosomal congeni- previously unrecognized or newly diagnosed nongesta-
tal anomalies is at least twice as high in the pregestational tional diabetes mellitus.8,17 These patients (with preexist-
diabetic pregnancies compared to nondiabetic pregnancies. ing but undetected type 2 diabetes) represent a subgroup of
IGDM with an increased risk for occurrence of congenital
Prevalence Type 2 diabetes (associated with both increasing insulin
resistance and abnormality of insulin secretion) is increas-
The prevalence of congenital malformations has been evalu- ing explosively.13,20 As in all diabetic pregnancies, infants
ated predominantly in women with type 1 diabetes (pre- born to mothers with type 2 diabetes are also at increased
gestational insulin-dependent diabetes), with rates ranging risk of having congenital malformations.16,20 The most
mainly from 4.1% to 17.1%. Despite improvements in obstet- common malformations20 were cardiac (53%) followed by
ric care, with strict control of diabetes and good pregnancy musculoskeletal (27%). These results are almost similar
surveillance, the rate of major malformations in infants of to rates previously identified in women with type 1 dia-
mothers with type 1 diabetes remains two to three times that betes. 20 The majority of malformations occurred in those
of the general population. Comparisons among the differ- with poor glycemic control who did not received prepreg-
ent studies are very difficult, if not impossible, for several nancy care. 20,21
reasons: The prevalence of congenital malformations in all types
of maternal diabetes is in good relationship with
●● The diagnostic classification of diabetes varies among and
even within countries. ●● The severity of the maternal diabetes (White’s class)
●● Screening for the detection of diabetes has not been ●● The control of maternal diabetes (expressed by HbA1c)
undertaken in the same manner and scale in all geo-
graphic regions. An increased prevalence of malformations occurring in
●● The timing and degree of preconception and postconcep- parallel with the severity and duration of the diabetes has
tion care differs. been described. 22 For example, the frequency of major
●● The diagnosis, definition, and classification of congenital malformations among offspring has been reported to be
malformations vary largely among studies. 4.4% in White’s classes B and C, 9.7% in class D, and 16.7%
●● The methods used to detect fetal and neonatal malforma- in class F, with an overall prevalence of 6.4% in all infants
tions are different. of diabetic mothers as compared with 2% in the general
●● Other confounding factors, such as maternal age, obesity, population. 22
ethnicity, and uptake of folic acid, are rarely taken into The same increase of prevalence of malformations was
account. observed in relation to the HbA1c levels. For example, a
frequency of 5.1% of malformations has been reported for
These confounding factors may explain the great variability a HbA1c of 7.0%–8.5%, 22.9% for a level of 8.6%–9.9% and
in the reported prevalence rates of congenital malformations 21.7% for a level of HbA1c above 10%.22 Even a slightly raised
in type 1 diabetic pregnancies, and they should be taken into of HbA1c during early pregnancy in women with type 1 dia-
account when prevalence of malformations is studied. betes carries an increased risk for fetal malformations.23,24
It is important to emphasize that the demographic pat-
tern of diabetes in pregnancy is changing: increasing num-
bers of young women are being diagnosed as having type 1 Types of malformations
diabetes, and the number of people diagnosed as having
type 2 diabetes is also increasing.13,14 The congenital malformations of IDM and IGDM consti-
With regard to gestational diabetes, several authors have tute a spectrum known as diabetic embryopathy (DE).12,22,25
reported an association with major malformations, and the This spectrum implies errors of morphogenesis that appear
same types of anomalies were found as in the offspring of between the third and the seventh week of embryonic devel-
women with pregestational type 1 diabetes.8,15–18 Although opment (end of blastogenesis and organogenesis).26 Within
the risk is apparently lower, being that gestational diabetes this spectrum of DE, cardiac, skeletal, central nervous system
accounts for approximately 90% of all cases of pregnancies (CNS), urogenital, gastrointestinal, facial, and multiple mal-
complicated with diabetes,19 the overall effect of this risk has formations were repeatedly described (Table 39.1). Congenital
important clinical and public health connotations. malformations in IGDM and offspring of women with type 2
Sheffield et al.10 found that women with pregestational diabetes affect the same organ systems that have been previ-
diabetes or gestational diabetes plus fasting hyperglycemia ously described in pregnancies with type 1 diabetes.16
had a threefold to fourfold greater risk of congenital mal- The most commonly affected organ systems were cardiac
formations in their offspring than the general population, (37.6%), musculoskeletal (14.7%), CNS (9.8%), and multiple
whereas infants of women with mild gestational diabetes had malformations (16%).16
Types of malformations 317
Organ system Common Rare, occasional
Cardiac Corrected transposition Tetralogy of Fallot
Ventricular septal defect Hypoplastic left heart
Coarctation Single ventricle
Atrial septal defect Double-outlet right ventricle
Cardiomyopathy Pulmonic stenosis
Anomalous venous return
Skeletal Sacral agenesis Polydactyly
Vertebral and rib anomalies Syndactyly
Limb reduction defects Clinodactyly
CNS Anencephaly Occipital encephalocele
Neural tube defects Holoprosencephaly
Microcephaly Septo-optic dysplasia
Urogenital Hydronephrosis Hypoplastic genitalia
Renal agenesis Micropenis
Ureteral duplication Ambiguous genitalia
Multicystic dysplasia Megalo-urethra
Gastrointestinal Duodenal atresia Malrotation
Anorectal atresia Volvulus
Esophageal atresia Omphalocele
Diaphragmatic hernia
Facial Cleft lip Choanal atresia
Cleft palate Absent depressor anguli oris muscle
Ears Fused orbits
Atresia of canal ear
Hairy ears
Hearing loss
Optic nerve hypoplasia
Others Single umbilical artery Laterality defects
Tracheal stenosis
Branchial arch anomalies
It has been debated whether maternal diabetes exerts a cardiac malformations, the strongest association with
nonspecific teratogenic effect expressed in a universally maternal diabetes was found in infants with defects of pri-
increased risk of all congenital malformations or whether mary congenital cardiogenesis, whereas most abnormalities
the disease should be regarded as a specific teratogen asso- arising later in cardiac development were not associated with
ciated with a distinct pattern of congenital abnormalities.11 diabetes.9 Others found a strong teratogenic effect on four
The spectrum in DE is large and highly variable; however, specific types of malformations: renal agenesis, obstructive
most studies have reported an increase of specific malforma- urinary tract, and cardiac and multiple abnormalities, as
tions especially involving the heart, the skeleton (particu- opposed to an unspecific increased general risk of congenital
larly sacral agenesis), the kidneys, and the CNS.7 Regarding malformations.11
318 Congenital malformations in diabetic pregnancy
Preconception care and reduced risk of congenital the medical community are needed to promote education
malformations of the public, improve maternal access to PCC programs,
Many prospective controlled studies worldwide have dem- and maximize the interventions associated with improved
onstrated that strict metabolic control of maternal diabetes pregnancy outcome.21
before conception and during pregnancy can prevent most
neonatal complications, including congenital malforma-
tions.38 Ray et al.21 conducted a systematic review of all Summary
published studies on preconception care (PCC) (eight pro-
spective and eight retrospective studies were included in Maternal diabetes mellitus (types 1 and 2) and gestational
the final analysis) involving a total of 1192 infants whose diabetes with fasting hyperglycemia are associated with a
mothers had received PCC and 1459 infants of mothers who twofold to threefold increase in the risk of congenital mal-
had not. The pooled rate of major malformations was lower formations in offspring compared with the general popula-
in the infants of the PCC recipients (2.1%) than in nonre- tion. Although no specific malformation syndrome has been
cipients (6.5%), with a relative risk of 0.36. Interestingly, the identified, cardiac, skeletal, CNS, and multiple malforma-
risk of major malformations was lowest in the one study tions are the most frequently described. Up to 50% of all
in which folic acid was administered periconceptionally.39 perinatal deaths of offspring of diabetic mothers are due to
Recently, Correa et al. in a multicenter, population-based congenital malformations.42 Congenital malformations also
case–control study of birth defects, found that lack of peri- pose a serious social and financial burden to both the indi-
conceptional vitamins or supplements that contain folic acid vidual family and society at large.22 Therefore, the medical
may be associated with an excess risk for birth defects due to community must ensure that programs for PCC are made
maternal diabetes mellitus.40 The essential problem is that a available to diabetic mothers for strict control of their dis-
substantial percentage of diabetic women do not attend PCC ease before conception and during pregnancy. This could
programs21 and do not take prenatal folic acid and multivi- prevent the occurrence of most neonatal complications,
tamins, just as in the general population.41 Greater efforts by including congenital malformations.
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40 Diabetic embryopathy in the
preimplantation embryo
Asher Ornoy and Noa Bischitz
322 Diabetic embryopathy in the preimplantation embryo
Zygote and morula damage is due to the diabetes and not to the possible action
of STZ. In the same line, other studies have shown that STZ-
The mechanism of the developmental delay of the zygote is induced diabetic rats had a 15%–20% decrease in the total cell
not clear. Several studies investigated the development of the number of the ICM, a 20%–25% decrease in the implantation
zygote in diabetic rats. Diabetes was induced by ablation of rate, and a similar reduction in the number of blastocysts.5
the insulin-secreting islet cells by STZ. These studies showed However, the implanted blastocysts seem to be normal, as
delay in early developmental progression of the zygotes and their protein synthesis was similar to that of implanted blas-
reduced implantation rates.6 Other studies, carried out on tocysts from nondiabetic animals.
embryos recovered from non obese diabetic (NOD) diabetic In contrast to the reduction in the number of ICM cells,
or nondiabetic mice 72 hours after fertilization, showed an high glucose concentrations did not change the number of
increased percentage of embryos at the one-cell stage, as these trophoblastic cells.5 Hinck et al.13 studied the differentiation
embryos could not continue their normal dividing process.7 of Rcho-1 rat trophoblastic cells into giant cells in a culture
When these embryos were further cultured in the presence medium supplemented with different concentrations of glu-
of high d-glucose concentrations, severe growth retardation cose. High glucose concentrations increased the number of
was demonstrated. No impairment of growth was observed trophoblastic cells; their nuclei were smaller and contained
following culture in high l-glucose concentrations. Similar more DNA compared to control cells. While the cells cultured
results were obtained when two-cell stage mouse embryos in control culture media increased their progesterone secre-
were obtained from nondiabetic mice but cultured on cul- tion, the addition of high glucose concentrations inhibited
ture media containing high concentrations of d-glucose.8 that increase. Apoptosis was not increased with the addition
Other studies have examined substrate utilization in the of glucose. These morphological and physiological changes
developing mouse embryos. Many zygotes that were incu- (reduction in progesterone secretion) could interfere with
bated in high concentrations of glucose or lactate failed to implantation and may possibly explain the increased rate of
progress to the two-cell stage.8,9 Moreover, it is known that early abortions in man.
mouse embryos begin to utilize glucose for several synthetic Thieme et al.1 recovered rabbit blastocysts 6 days postcopu-
processes at the eight-cell stage,9 and therefore the stages of lation. The rabbits were made diabetic by alloxan with postfeed-
morula and early blastocysts are highly susceptible to high ing blood glucose level ranging between 14 and 25 mmol/L.
glucose concentrations. In the diabetic animals, compared to nondiabetic ones, blas-
It can be concluded that high glucose levels at the earliest tocyst development was delayed and no embryos reached the
developmental stages, starting from 1 to 2 cells, can influ- pregastrulation stage. The authors explain the growth and
ence the future embryonic development and may even stop developmental delay of the diabetic blastocysts by the lack of
cell division and growth. insulin and IGF1 that are needed for normal embryonic devel-
opment. They indeed found in vitro that insulin is required
for Wnt3a, Wnt 4, and Brachyury gene expression and that, in
blastocysts removed from diabetic rabbits at the pregastrula-
Blastocyst tion stage, when only Wnt3a is normally expressed, the expres-
Leunda-Casi et al.10 examined how high levels of glucose sion of this gene was significantly downregulated.
influence the development of mouse blastocysts. Embryonic Cagnone et al.14 cultured in vitro fertilized bovine morulae
exposure to high levels of d-glucose for a short time impaired in control and hyperglycemic culture medium and studied the
trophectoderm differentiation, and the outgrowth of the gene expression profiles in the blastocyst stage. They found by
trophectoderm was increased. This effect was secondary to microarray analysis differences in gene expression between the
a deficiency in fibroblast growth factor-4 (FGF-4) protein embryos cultured on hyperglycemic culture medium and con-
in the inner cell mass (ICM). The addition of FGF-4 to the trols. In the “diabetic” blastocysts, they observed overexpres-
blastocysts pretreated with high glucose normalized tropho- sion of genes involved in metabolic control such as extracellular
blastic growth. The authors conclude that FGF-4 is impor- matrix signaling, calcium signaling, and energy metabolism.
tant in the normal differentiation of the trophoblast and that They also observed upregulation of HIF1 alpha signaling, a find-
these observations could explain some of the morphological ing described by us also in early somite rat embryos cultured in
changes detected in the placentae of diabetic pregnancies.10 diabetic culture medium.15 Hence, they have shown that hyper-
A comparison between blastocysts from STZ-induced glycemia induces at the blastocyst stage significant epigenetic
diabetic to normal rats indicated that the former contained a changes, similar to those described by several investigators dur-
lower number of cell nuclei in the ICM on day 5 postfertiliza- ing later developmental stages in “diabetic” embryos.
tion. The proportion of morulae versus blastocysts was also
different from controls, as the diabetic animals had more In conclusion
embryos persisting in the morula stage in comparison with High glucose increases apoptosis of the ICM and may cause
controls or with rats injected with subdiabetogenic doses embryonic death. Reduction of insulin, such as in type 1 diabetes,
of STZ, and hence not diabetic.11 Treatment of the diabetic may cause embryonic growth delay. Hyperglycemia-induced
rats with insulin during the preimplantation period (day changes in gene expression can be observed already at that
1–6 of pregnancy) normalized embryonic growth and devel- developmental stage. Trophoblastic cells are not diminished in
opment.12 These studies demonstrate that the embryonic number; on the contrary, their number may even increase.
Blastocyst 323
In vitro studies on preimplantation embryos At first, we cultured 2–4-cell mouse embryos for up to
72 hours to the early blastocyst stage in 30% serum from
1. Culture in “diabetic” culture medium: We cultured preim- pregnant women with PGD or with GD and found that a
plantation mouse blastocysts for 72 hours in Roswell Park high proportion of these embryos stopped from further
Memorial Institute (RPMI) medium with the addition of developing within 24–72 hours of culture (Table 40.1).
10% fetal bovine serum and found 20%–24% of embryonic The developmental stage of the living embryos was also
developmental arrest.16 Addition of high concentrations of reduced, but this reduction was significant only after
glucose, acetoacetate, β-hydroxybutyrate, glucagon, and 72 hours of culture (Table 40.1). When we cultured early
insulin were all embryotoxic, inducing a high percentage blastocysts in 50% diabetic serum, about half of the blas-
of embryonic death. However, while the concentrations tocysts died within the first 48 hours of culture, but from
of most substances were much higher than possibly found that stage, all living embryos had spread on the Petri dish
in diabetes, the embryotoxic glucose concentrations were and continued to develop normally. Hence, the develop-
only 300 mg%, concentrations often observed in diabetes. mental stages of the living embryos were not different
Moreover, a combination of β-hydroxybutyrate, acetoac- from that of controls (Table 40.2). There was a negative
etate, and glucose, in relatively low concentrations, was correlation between the degree of diabetic control and the
more embryotoxic than each of the substances individu- extent of damage to the embryos. The sera from women
ally. In addition, 50% serum from STZ-induced diabetic with good control had less deleterious effects on the
rats added to the culture medium caused 53% of embry- zygotes, morulae, or early blastocysts. Sera from women
onic developmental arrest, while 20% and 50% of rat and with GD were also less embryotoxic than sera from
human control serum did not reduce the number of nor- women with PGD.
mally developing embryos. These results imply that human diabetic serum may
2 . Culture in sera from diabetic pregnant women: We cul- stop mouse morulae and/or early blastocysts from fur-
tured, in two sets of experiments,17 mouse embryos on ther development and retard the development of living
RPMI culture medium with 30% or 50% serum obtained morulae. However, these sera do not retard the develop-
from women with pregestational diabetes (PGD) (type 1 ment of living late blastocysts and do not interfere with
or type 2) or gestational diabetes (GD), in comparison their hatching. The developmental stage specificity of the
with similar concentrations of serum from nondiabetic hyperglycemia-induced injuries is apparently related to
women. The results are shown in Tables 40.1 and 40.2. age-specific metabolic changes.
Table 40.1 Effects of 30% serum from diabetic pregnant women on the
developmental stages of two- to four-cell stage mouse embryos cultured for
72 hours
Table 40.2 Effects of 50% serum from diabetic pregnant women on the
developmental stages of mouse blastocysts cultured for 72 hours
Apoptosis Apoptosis
Hyperglycemia induces excessive cell death in the ICM of Figure 40.1 Hyperglycemia-induced apoptosis. (Modified
rat blastocysts, which was characterized mainly by nuclear from Keim, A.L. et al., Mol. Reprod. Dev., 60, 214, 2001.)
Growth factors and cytokines 325
transport expression and induces the p53 apoptotic cas- question is whether deranged oxidant antioxidant status
cade.22,23 It is important to note that P53 expression is neces- can occur at this early stage of preimplantation embryonic
sary for the induction of apoptosis by hyperglycemia.24 development. We found that serum from diabetic women
Of the different glucose transporters existing in the early can induce oxidative stress in the mouse blastocysts,17 appar-
embryo, GLUT8 was found to be one of the most impor- ently in a way similar to that induced in postimplantation
tant.25 This transporter is regulated by insulin. During early embryos.26 This was evidenced by reduced concentrations of
differentiation of the mouse blastocyst, there is a significant low-molecular-weight antioxidants (LMWA) such as gluta-
increase in glucose demand, and insulin causes GLUT8 to thione and vitamins C and E. The preimplantation mouse
move to the plasma membrane, thus increasing the uptake of embryos cultured in serum from diabetic pregnant women
glucose, which is then converted to lactic acid. It is presumed had a lower concentration of LMWA compared to embryos
that, similar to other glucose transporters, hyperglycemia cultured in serum from nondiabetic women. It seems, there-
decreases GLUT8, hence reducing the uptake of glucose by fore, that diabetic metabolic factors may induce embryo-
the ICM, inducing cell death. toxicity in preimplantation embryos through derangement
Mouse blastocysts, genetically BAX deficient (BAX −/−) of the antioxidant defense mechanism. Leunda-Casi et al.28
obtained from diabetic dams, showed lower chromatin found that hyperglycemia may increase ROS generation, and
degradation and apoptosis than BAX-positive (BAX +/+) this might be one of the reasons for increased cell apoptosis
embryos. Furthermore, the embryos from the BAX-deficient as evidenced in this study by the TUNEL (terminal deoxy-
diabetic mice had lower rates of malformations and resorp- nucleotidyl transferase dUTP Nick End Labeling) tech-
tion on day 14 of pregnancy.22 These data propose that nique. Similar findings were reported by others in mouse
increased apoptosis in the blastocysts might indicate future zygote and blastocysts.29 One of the key mediators that was
increased risk of early embryonic death or malformations, as suggested as the essence for apoptosis is hydrogen peroxide
observed in diabetic pregnancies. (H2O2). Violation of this balance by high glucose concentra-
The second apoptotic compound, Bcl-2, belongs to a fam- tions can cause massive cell damage, increase in apoptotic
ily of proteins that operate in the effector phase of apoptosis events, and defective embryonic development.30 When there
and may either promote or inhibit apoptosis. An increase are high levels of glucose, they need to be degraded, and the
in the expression of the antiapoptotic Bcl-2 mRNA was result is a high production of ketone bodies and an increase
observed in rat blastocysts that were cultured in 28 mM in the production of ROS.
glucose for 24 hours, compared to blastocysts incubated in Fertilization and embryonic development take place in
6 mM glucose.23 When the Bcl-2 expression was inhibited, an environment of low oxygen tension. Oxygen tension is
using antisense oligodeoxynucleotide, there was an increase gradually increasing with advanced gestation, once placen-
of chromatin degradation in blastocysts incubated in high tation is well established and maternal uterine arterioles are
glucose concentrations. The addition of specific inhibitors not obliterated by trophoblastic cells.27,28 Oxidative stress
to caspase-3 and caspase-activated deoxyribonuclease pre- also seems to play an important role in the early phases of
vented the degradation of rat blastocysts.23 embryonic development, and hence antioxidants may play a
A third apoptotic compound, clusterin, a disulfide-linked significant role in preventing damage to the embryos.17,26,30–32
heterodimeric protein associated with the clearance of cel- ROS mediate their action through many of the proinflam-
lular debris and apoptosis, was twice higher in embryos of matory cytokines. They can influence the oocyte, sperm, and
diabetic rats than in control embryos.21 When rat and mouse embryos. During pregnancy, there are increased numbers
blastocysts were incubated with high glucose concentra- of polymorphonuclear leukocytes that increase superoxide
tions, there was an increase in BAX, in clusterin expression, ions. This oxidative stress may regulate the expression of
and in nuclear chromatin degradation.22,23 cytokine receptors in the placenta, cytotrophoblastic cells,
It can be concluded that the significant loss of progenitor vascular endothelial cells, and smooth muscle cells. In addi-
cells from the ICM makes the embryos more sensitive to later tion, several studies have also demonstrated the significant
developmental deficiencies. Furthermore, it is known that role of free radicals in placental function. Oxidative damage
normal embryogenesis can occur only if a sufficient number to the trophoblastic cells early in pregnancy or to the pla-
of functional ICM cells are available.24 Increased apoptosis at centa during the establishment of its maternal circulation
this early stage of development may lead to spontaneous mis- may also cause early pregnancy loss.30–32
carriage or congenital malformations. Figure 40.1 summa-
rizes the steps leading to diabetes induced increased apoptosis.
Growth factors and cytokines
Oxidative stress and antioxidants Cytokines and growth factors play an active role in the nor-
mal implantation process. They also have important roles
Many studies implied that the causes of diabetic embryopa- in the pathogenesis of diabetes-induced organ damage, and
thy may be secondary cellular damage from overproduction those that interrupt the reproductive tract are able to cause
of reactive oxygen species (ROS) or/and decreased anti- preimplantation embryopathy.33–35 There are only few reports
oxidant defense mechanism in the embryonic cells.17,26–28 that refer to cytokine expression in the diabetic uterus.
The source of ROS is complex and nonspecific. The main IGF-2 synthesis is downregulated, and to the contrary,
326 Diabetic embryopathy in the preimplantation embryo
tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α) synthesis is upregulated fetuses were found to exhibit the same damage and anoma-
around the implantation sites in diabetic female rats.36,37 lies as observed in the offspring of diabetic animals,39 fur-
Wuu et al.38,39 showed a correlation between reduction in the ther demonstrating the importance of glucose transport to
concentrations of mRNA encoding IGF-2 and embryonic normal early embryonic development.
growth retardation 2 days after initiation of implantation in Downregulation of GLUT1 mRNA and protein expres-
C57B1/6J pregnant mice. However, later observations dem- sion in mouse trophoblasts and in human term placental
onstrated that maternal diabetes did not affect the uterine trophoblasts40–42 were observed after exposure to high
IGF-1 expression. Detection of TNF-α revealed overexpres- glucose concentrations. It has therefore been suggested
sion in the mRNA as well as in the protein concentrations in that the glucose transporter is regulated in the placenta
the preimplantation uterus of STZ-induced diabetic Wistar by glucose and that, as a protective mechanism for the
rats.32 The majority of TNF-α protein synthesis was located embryo, the transporter is being moved from the cell sur-
in the epithelium lining the uterine lumen. Despite normal- face into an intracellular position, thus decreasing glucose
ization of glycemia by addition of insulin to the diabetic ani- uptake in hyperglycemia.43–46 This mechanism seems to
mals, it did not prevent the overproduction of TNF-α in the protect the embryo from the toxic effects of high glucose
uterus.37 Incubation of rat and mouse uterine cells in different concentrations.
glucose concentrations induced the stimulation of TNF-α
secretion in uterine epithelial cells, apparently mediating the Nitric oxide and prostaglandins
release of other cytokines, i.e., interleukin 1β—from the sub- In the preimplantation period, when the trophoblastic
epithelial population of macrophages after their direct acti- cells penetrate the decidua, there is an increase in vascu-
vation by hyperglycemia. There is evidence that high levels lar permeability and other inflammation-like changes. This
of TNF-α in utero can be harmful to the embryonic develop- increase in vascular permeability is related to vasoactive
ment at the implantation phase. Embryos exposed to high agents like nitric oxide (NO) and prostaglandins (PGs),
levels of TNF-α and surviving to term were significantly as both are associated with increased vascular permeabil-
smaller than control embryos.34–40 Mouse embryonic stem ity, vasodilation, and increased blood flow in the uterus.
cells indicate that TNF-α inhibits cell proliferation in the At the beginning of implantation in the rat uterus, there is
ICM lineage and decreased their differentiation potential.35 an increase in the NO synthase activity, synthesizing more
Further evidence for the hypothesis that TNF-α contributes NO, and in the production of PGE, PGF2α, and PGI2.47,48
to the harmful influence of maternal diabetes on preimplan- Moreover, when the synthesis of NO or PGs in the uterus
tation development was found in blastocysts from Wistar is blocked, there is a decrease in the number of implanted
rats. Culture medium was produced from normal and dia- rat embryos. During preimplantation, there is an oversen-
betic uterine cells; the blastocysts of Wistar rats incubated sitivity to metabolic disturbances, and the external envi-
in these media showed diminished growth in the diabetic ronment can easily affect embryonic development. Novaro
medium, but improved significantly (not completely) by pre- et al.48 studied the uterine synthesis and temporal pattern
treating the blastocysts with antisense oligonucleotide that of two vasoactive agents, NO and PGE, both modulating
blocked the embryonic TNF-α receptors.40 the implantation process in rats with non-insulin-depen-
To conclude, there is an increased secretion of TNF-α in dent diabetes mellitus, and found that the activity of NO
diabetic rats and mice at the preimplantation period that synthase in the rat uterus and the production of PG E were
may harm the embryos, interfering with normal embryonic increased in diabetes. In addition, the temporal profile of
growth. A similar mechanism may be responsible for the their activity was different from the control animals, and
increased risk of early embryonic loss in diabetic women. the number of implanted embryos was reduced. However,
the implantation rate was not different between the diabetic
and control animals. While the NO increase was observed
Metabolic factors in different tissues, PGE production was located at the
Glucose metabolism implantation sites and remained high after the implanta-
Glucose supplement in mouse blastocysts can be provided tion. The authors suggest that the increase of PGE synthesis
by the glucose transporters (i.e., GLUT1, GLUT8), by passive in diabetic uterine tissue is a secondary effect. First, there
diffusion, and by an active transport system.24,41,42 In human is an increase in NO production; NO regulates the synthe-
and mouse blastocysts, the uptake of deoxyglucose is very sis of PGs; together they have a positive influence on glu-
active, and its concentrations in the mouse embryos were cose metabolism and on the process of vasodilatation in the
found to be 30 times higher than in the culture medium.42 uterus. The rate and timing of the beginning of implanta-
This transport was blocked by cytochalasin B but not by tion are not altered by diabetes, but diabetes may damage
substances that usually block the active transport of glucose the early blastocysts, reducing the number of embryos that
in the gut or kidney, emphasizing that this mechanism is are able to implant normally.48
unique to the early developing embryo.
Suppression of GLUT1 in preimplantation embryos by Epigenetic changes
antisense GLUT1 is known to produce ICM apoptosis, in a Many studies on embryos, fetuses, and placentae from dia-
way similar to high glucose concentrations. In addition, in betic animals have demonstrated a variety of epigenetic
the GLUT1 transporter–deficient mouse, the embryos and changes, especially changes in gene expression and in DNA
References 327
methylation induced by diabetic maternal environment.15,49 fertility of men with long-standing diabetes, by affecting
Several recent studies have shown that the changes in gene spermatogenesis, seems to be similar to the effects of dia-
expression can already be observed at the earliest stages of betes on the ova.
embryonic development.1,5,14,50 In spite of the fact that these
epigenetic changes (i.e., modifications of histones and DNA
methylation) occur very early in development, many of them
persist and can have transgenerational effects.50 Hence, the As there are practically no data in man except for reduced
different epigenetic changes observed in the early embryos fertility and increased spontaneous abortions in diabetics,
might be responsible for many of the long-term and trans- most of the research was done on animal models. A direct
generational effects commonly found in the offspring of dia- extrapolation of these studies to man must be with great
betic mothers. caution, as it may lead to wrong conclusions. In addition, in
most in vivo animal studies, diabetes was induced by abla-
Effects on male fertility tion of insulin production, and it is possible that some of the
Studies suggest that sexual dysfunction is frequently asso- results stem from how diabetes develops. However, many
ciated with diabetes in men and in experimental animals.51 of the results were obtained also in vitro, including studies
Many of these problems result from diabetes-induced on human diabetic serum that served as culture medium,
changes in the vascular system as well as in the peripheral strengthening the simulation to man. There is a need for
and central nervous system that are related to changes in human additional studies to verify the different proposed
endocrine function.52 Studies on different diabetic male mechanisms of diabetic-induced early embryopathy.
animals have documented abnormalities in testicular func-
tion and spermatogenesis.53 Recently, Aktug et al.5 ana-
lyzed sperm from STZ-induced diabetic rats compared to To summarize
nondiabetic animals. While the sperm number in the dia- Glucose blood levels can influence most processes related
betic rats was markedly reduced, there was no difference in to oocyte maturation, fertilization, and early embryonic
sperm abnormalities. In addition, studies demonstrated a development. Good glycemic control in diabetic women,
reduction in the activity of ATPases and phosphatases in even before pregnancy is diagnosed, can decrease or possi-
the epidermis and in spermatozoa.54 Impotence, infertility, bly prevent most of these effects that, if not prevented, may
and retrograde ejaculation have been described in diabetic have long-term consequences on early and late embryonic
men, but the etiology remains unclear. The reduction in the development.
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41 Postimplantation diabetic
Ulf J. Eriksson and Parri Wentzel
330 Postimplantation diabetic embryopathy
Table 41.1 Malformation rates O
Table 41.3 Second line teratogens
Figure 41.5 Day 11 embryos from normal (left) and diabetic HO
(right) rats; the latter is malformed (growth retarded, failed rota-
tion, and NTD). Figure 41.6 Inositol.
332 Postimplantation diabetic embryopathy
In subsequent experiment, it was reported that folic rat embryos does not block dysmorphogenesis.162 In sub-
acid supplementation to pregnant diabetic mice reduced sequent work, it was shown that a diabetic environment
the malformation rate (NTD, cardiovascular and skeletal in vivo caused a general increase in PKC activity, as well as
anomalies) in fetuses.186 Also, folic acid supplementation, increased DAG levels, concomitant with disturbed embryo-
in conjunction with safflower oil, decreased resorptions and genesis.190 A detailed study of the activity of individual PKC
malformations in diabetic rats.187 It was also reported that isoenzymes in embryos of diabetic rats showed that PKC-
folic acid administration diminishes apoptosis and differ- α, PKC-βI, PKC-γ, PKC-δ, and PKC-ζ were increased.191
entiation of embryonic stem cells (ESCs) exposed to diabe- In addition, the PKC-γ and PKC-δ activities were further
tes188; however, in further experiments it was found that folic increased in malformed embryos.191
acid administration may also change the differentiation of It has been reported that PKC signaling is associated with
neural progenitor cells in embryos of diabetic mice,189 an apoptosis, especially the isoforms PKC-δ202 and PKC-ζ.203
observation that will need further investigation. It has further been suggested that PKC-δ is involved in sta-
The experimental reports suggest that folic acid has a bilizing p53 proteins204 and that it is related to ROS produc-
marked antiteratogenic effect on embryonic development in tion,205 both of which would ultimately lead to apoptotic
a diabetic environment. cell death. Since enhanced apoptosis is a feature of diabetic
embryopathy (see later), one study used addition of specific
inhibitors of PKC-δ and PKC-ζ to high-glucose culture
Diabetes-induced fetal processes with medium and found diminished dysmorphogenesis.192 In a
subsequent study with specific inhibitors of PKC-α, PKC-
suspected teratological impact βII, and PKC-δ added to the high-glucose culture medium,
Several enzyme systems have been reported as disturbed in it was shown that all of these inhibitors diminish embry-
the offspring of diabetic animals, and, consequently, have onic dysmorphogenesis and decrease the glucose-enhanced
been assumed to be part of the teratogenic process. The two activity of their respective PKC isoform.193 In a subsequent
most often reported are varied activation/inhibition of PKC study, inhibition of PKC-βII in high glucose–cultured mouse
isoforms162,190–195 and activation of c-Jun N-terminal kinases embryos diminished the rate of NTD and also decreased
(JNKs) (Table 41.4).196–200 several glucose-induced embryonic effects, such as activa-
tion of Bid, caspase 8 and 3, and cytochrome C release from
mitochondria.194 Furthermore, in a recent study, female mice
Protein kinase C activity heterozygous for PKC-δ (pkcδ+/−) were made diabetic with
PKC is a family of protein kinase enzymes that phosphory- streptozotocin (SZ) and mated with heterozygous males. The
lates hydroxyl groups of serine and threonine amino acids NTD rate in the diabetes-exposed homozygous (pkcδ−/−)
in target proteins. PKC enzymes are activated by increased embryos was markedly diminished compared with the rate
concentration of DAG, or calcium ions (Ca2+). The PKC fam- of diabetes-exposed wild-type (pkcδ+/+) embryos.195 Also,
ily consists of 15 isoenzymes in humans. They are divided the diabetes-exposed pkcδ−/− embryos had lower markers of
into three subfamilies, based on their second messenger oxidative stress, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, as well
requirements: conventional (or classical), novel, and atypi- as normalized expression of phosphorylated JNK (p-JNK).195
cal. Conventional (c)PKCs contain the isoforms α, βI, βII, These findings implicate PKC activity changes in dia-
and γ. These require Ca2+, DAG, and a phospholipid such as betic embryopathy; however, the exact relationships between
phosphatidylserine for activation. Novel (n)PKCs include the maternal diabetes, embryonic PKC isoforms activity, and
δ, ε, η, and θ isoforms and require DAG, but do not require embryonic developmental disturbances will be further
Ca2+ for activation. Thus, conventional and novel PKCs are investigated.
activated through the same signal transduction pathway
as phospholipase C. On the other hand, atypical (a)PKCs
(including protein kinase ζ and ι/λ isoforms) require neither JNK activation
Ca2+ nor DAG for activation. The family of JNKs has three isoforms, JNK1, JNK2, and
Investigations of a possible teratological role for PKC in JNK3, where JNK1 and JNK2 are found in all cells and tis-
diabetic pregnancy initially showed that nonspecific inhi- sues and JNK3 is found in the brain, heart, and testes. JNK
bition of PKC activity in cultured mouse embryos causes is activated by several stress stimuli, e.g., changes in levels of
malformations and growth retardation,201 and that addi- ROS, ultraviolet radiation, inflammatory signals, and pro-
tion of a nonspecific PKC inhibitor to high glucose–cultured tein synthesis inhibitors. JNK phosphorylates and thereby
modifies the activity of several mitochondrial and nuclear
proteins. Downstream molecules that are activated by JNK
Table 41.4 Suspected processes include c-Jun and p53. By activating and inhibiting other
cellular proteins, JNK thus regulates cell growth, differentia-
PKC activity—Alterations in activities correlate with tion, survival, and apoptosis.
malformations in experimental studies
Support for the notion that embryonic activation of
JNK activity—Increased activity correlates with mal JNK enzymes may be a constituent of diabetic embryopa-
formation in experimental studies
thy was initially found in the studies of embryos of diabetic
Teratological processes provoked by diabetes 335
Actually, teratogenic concentrations of beta-hydroxybutyr- the apoptotic machinery, and previous studies have sug-
ate or the branched-chain amino acid analog KIC can also gested that an altered apoptotic rate may affect the maldevel-
be blocked by the addition of SOD to the culture medium.101 opment of embryos subjected to a diabetic milieu.104,214
Analogously, dietary supplementations with antioxi- Furthermore, diabetic transgenic mice overexpressing
dative compounds have been shown to diminish diabetic thioredoxin-1 have a lower incidence of malformations and
embryopathy in vivo. Thus, administration of BHT,73 decreased oxidative stress markers than diabetic wild-type
v itamin E,77,80,229 vitamin C,81,229 and folic acid,149 dimin- mice,251 demonstrating a parallel relationship between dys-
ishes the malformation rate in offspring of diabetic rats and morphogenesis and degree of oxidative stress. Also, it has
largely improves embryonic and fetal growth in vivo. Alpha- been suggested that diabetes-induced oxidative stress in
lipoic acid supplementation has been found to diminish the embryos may cause maldevelopment via altered TNF-alpha
high diabetes-induced incidence of resorptions and mal- levels.252
formations in offspring of diabetic rodents.234–236 Embryos In a recent study of the activity of AMP-activated kinase
exposed to a diabetic intrauterine milieu have demonstrated (AMPK) in embryos of hyperglycemic mice, it was dem-
diminished malformation rates after maternal supplemen- onstrated that maternal hyperglycemia stimulated AMPK
tation of NAC.237 Combined supplementation of antioxida- activity and that stimulation of AMPK with 5-aminoimid-
tive compounds, e.g., vitamin E and C228 or folic acid and azole-4-carboxamide-1-beta-4-ribofuranoside (AICAR)
vitamin E, 216 to pregnant diabetic rats also diminished increased the rate of NTD in the embryos.253 In addition,
diabetes-induced dysmorphogenesis. In a study of glucose- stimulation of AMPK by hyperglycemia, hypoxia, or antimy-
induced cardiac malformations in a mouse model, the cin A could be inhibited by antioxidants. The AMPK inhibi-
administered antioxidants diminished all negative effects tor compound C blocked the effects of hyperglycemia or
of hyperglycemia/oxidative stress, such as hampered migra- antimycin A on NTD occurrence, suggesting that diabetes-/
tion and increased apoptosis of NCCs, and prevented out- glucose-induced stimulation of embryonic AMPK activity
flow tract defects.238 is a teratogenic consequence of oxidative stress in diabetic
In addition, pregnant diabetic mice, transgenic for the embryopathy.253 In support of that notion, it was reported in
CuZnSOD gene (SOD1), have fewer malformed offspring a subsequent study that sole stimulation of AMPK disrupts
than their diabetic wild-type mice,209,210,212,239 illustrating the embryonic gene expression and causes NTDs.254
antiteratogenic capacity of increased ROS scavenging activity. The bulk of data implicates oxidative stress and ROS
Embryonic neural tissue subjected to high glucose con- excess as an important component in the etiology of diabetic
centration shows increased superoxide production, as mea- embryopathy. The data also suggest that long-term expo-
sured in a Cartesian diver system.240 One effect of increased sure to high glucose creates embryonic ROS excess either
intracellular ROS production would be inhibition of the from increased ROS production240 or from diminished anti-
rate-limiting enzyme of glycolysis, GAPDH, since this oxidant defense capacity.102,225,255 ROS excess may be small,
enzyme has displayed sensitivity to ROS in several differ- restricted to particular cell populations,256,257 and likely vary
ent conditions of oxidative stress.241 This sensitivity resides with gestational time and nutritional status, making direct
in the thiol group of cysteine residue 149 in the active site ROS determinations difficult.
of the enzyme.242,243 Oxidation of the thiol group by NO Increasing ROS levels in embryos leads to malforma-
or ROS leads to decreased enzyme activity,244 and block- tions,258,259 suggesting that ROS excess may also have a role
ing of this process by antioxidants protects the activity of in the teratogenic process(es) of phenytoin medication,260,261
the enzyme.245 Another mechanism for GAPDH inhibition ethanol abuse,256,257,262 and, possibly, thalidomide adminis-
also results from mitochondrial production of ROS, acti- tration.263 Therefore, ROS excess may constitute a common
vating poly {ADP-ribose} polymerase 1 (PARP 1) by dam- element in a number of teratogenic situations, including dia-
aging DNA. PARP 1, in turn, induces ADP ribosylation of betic pregnancy.264
GAPDH, leading to its inactivation and an accumulation of
metabolites earlier in the metabolism pathway. In line with Hypoxic stress
these considerations, decreased GAPDH activity was found In early organogenesis, oxygen levels are likely to be very low
in rat embryos subjected to a diabetic environment both in the embryonic environment, and excess glucose metabo-
in vivo and in vitro,246 and furthermore, addition of the anti- lism could accelerate the rate of O2 consumption, thereby
oxidant NAC prevented the decrease in activity.246 exacerbating the hypoxic state. Since hypoxia can increase
In addition, fetuses and embryos of diabetic rodents dis- mitochondrial superoxide production, excessive hypoxia
play increased rates of DNA damage,71,86,247 another indica- may contribute to oxidative stress. In a study of O2 availabil-
tion of enhanced ROS activity and damage in the embryonic ity in embryos of glucose-injected hyperglycemic mice, it was
tissues. High-amplitude mitochondrial swelling was demon- found that O2 availability was reduced by 30% in embryos of
strated in the embryonic neuroectoderm of embryos exposed hyperglycemic mice.265 When pregnant hyperglycemic mice
to a diabetic environment,248,249 a swelling diminished by were housed in 12% O2, the NTD rate increased eightfold in
antioxidative treatment of the mother,85 implicating an the offspring. Conversely, housing pregnant hyperglycemic
embryonic ROS imbalance, with conceivable consequences mice in 30% O2 significantly suppressed the effect of mater-
for the rate of apoptosis in susceptible cell lineages in the nal diabetes to increase NTD.265 These observations sug-
embryo.231,250 The mitochondrion has an important role in gest that maternal hyperglycemia depletes O2 in the embryo
Teratological processes provoked by diabetes 337
and that this contributes to oxidative stress and the adverse the detrimental effects of hyperglycemia in neuropathy and
effects of maternal hyperglycemia on embryo development. nephropathy.271
It has also been suggested that AGE–RAGE activation
Isoprostane formation is involved in diabetic embryopathy. Thus, the embryonic
Isoprostanes, e.g., 8-epi-PGF2a (Figure 41.13), are prostaglandin- formation of glycated proteins96,272,273 has been suggested to
like compounds formed in situ from peroxidation of ara- influence the teratological events in diabetic pregnancy. It has
chidonic acid by nonenzymatic, free radical–catalyzed been shown in rodent embryos cultured in high glucose that
reactions and therefore serve as indicators of lipid peroxi- the levels of the AGE precursor 3-Deoxyglucosone (3-DG)
dation.266–268 These nonclassical eicosanoids possess potent increase in embryonic tissue, and the addition of 3-DG to
biological activity as inflammatory mediators. Also, the for- the culture medium with physiologic concentrations of glu-
mation of isoprostanes may, in itself, consume arachidonic cose induces malformations, an effect that is reversible with
acid and therefore diminish the available pool of arachidonic the addition of SOD.96
acid in the embryo (see earlier). It has been shown that a In a recent study of diabetic embryopathy with RAGE
diabetes-like environment increases isoprostane levels147 in knockout mice, it was found that maternal diabetes induced
embryonic tissues. In addition, supplementation of 8-epi- more fetal resorptions, malformations (facial skeleton, neu-
PGF2a to the culture medium caused malformations in the ral tube), and weight retardation in the wild-type fetuses than
whole embryo culture, thereby illustrating the independent in the RAGE−/− fetuses, despite similar maternal hypergly-
teratogenic activity of isoprostanes.269 Furthermore, add- cemia. In wild-type offspring, maternal diabetes increased
ing SOD or NAC to the culture medium with isoprostane fetal hepatic levels of 8-iso-PGF2α and activated NFκB in
excess normalized almost all morphological and biochemi- the embryos, in contrast to unchanged 8-iso-PGF2α levels
cal parameters, including the elevated tissue concentration and NFκB activity in diabetes-exposed RAGE−/− offspring.
of 8-epi-PGF2a, thereby illustrating the teratogenic potential These findings suggest that RAGE activation and oxidative
of diabetes-/glucose-induced oxidative stress.269 stress are associated phenomenon in diabetic embryopathy
(Ejdesjö et al., submitted).
AGE formation and RAGE activation
The biochemical process of AGE formation, which is accel-
erated in diabetes as a result of chronic hyperglycemia and Nitrosative stress
increased oxidative stress, has been postulated to play a cen- Nitrosamine overproduction, or stress, has been implicated
tral role in the development of diabetic complications.270 in diabetic embryopathy, as a downstream event to oxidative
AGEs are known to accelerate oxidative damage to cells in stress. Thus, in a study of yolk sacs of CuZnSOD-(SOD1)-
a diabetic environment. Examples of AGE-modified sites overexpressing embryos from normal and diabetic mice, it
are carboxymethyllysine (CML), carboxyethyllysine (CEL), was found that the SOD1-transgenic embryos were largely
and argpyrimidine. Under oxidative stress due to hypergly- protected from several of the negative effects of diabetes. 210
cemia in patients with diabetes, AGE formation is increased Thus, diabetes-induced elevated markers of oxidative stress
beyond normal levels. (4-hydroxynonenal and malondialdehyde reductions) were
RAGE, the receptor for AGE, is a transmembrane pat- diminished in the SOD1-transgenic embryos compared
tern recognition receptor. Except for AGEs, RAGE also has to the wild-type embryos. Furthermore, hyperglycemia-
other agonistic ligands: the high-mobility group protein B1 increased iNOS expression and nitrosylated protein were
(HMGB1), S100/calgranulins, amyloid-beta, and MAC-1. also diminished, and caspase-3 and caspase-8 cleavages
The interaction between RAGE and its ligands is thought to were blocked, in the SOD1-transgenic embryos. This find-
result in pro-inflammatory gene activation. Ligand stimula- ing suggests that oxidative stress induces iNOS expression,
tion of RAGE initiates a signaling cascade resulting in acti- nitrosative stress, and apoptosis in diabetic embryopa-
vation of NFκB and activation of NADPH oxidase, thereby thy.210 In another study, diabetic pregnant mice were fed
yielding increased intracellular oxidative stress. via gavage, an inhibitor of nitric oxide (Figure 41.14) (NO)
An increased accumulation of AGE has been found in synthase (NOS) 2, L-N6-(1-iminoethyl)-lysine (L-NIL;
the pathogenesis of several diabetic complications, such 80 mg/kg), once a day from embryonic (E) day 7.5–9.5 dur-
as cataract, retinopathy, atherosclerosis, neuropathy, and ing early stages of neurulation. The treatment significantly
nephropathy. Inhibition or knockout of RAGE attenuates reduced the NTD rate in the embryos, compared with that
in the vehicle (normal saline)-treated diabetic group.211
In addition to alleviation of nitrosative stress, ER stress
OH was also ameliorated, assessed by quantification of associ-
ated factors. Apoptosis was reduced, indicated by caspase
COOH 8 activation. These results show that nitrosative stress is
important in diabetes-induced NTDs via exacerbating ER addition, regulate embryonic cell proliferation, differentia-
stress, leading to increased apoptosis.211 tion, and apoptosis. Furthermore, blockage of this process
The combined observations support a role for nitrosative in embryos causes NTDs reminiscent of those observed in
stress in diabetic embryopathy, apparently as a consequence diabetic pregnancies. In a study of NTD induction in dia-
of oxidative stress. betic mice with or without 2%–5% trehalose water, the role
of autophagy was investigated. Maternal diabetes suppressed
autophagy in neuroepithelial cells and altered autophagy-
ER stress related gene expression. Trehalose treatment reversed
ER stress, also named unfolded protein response (UPR), autophagy impairment and prevented NTDs in the embryos
is a cellular stress response related to the ER, which is of diabetic pregnancies. The study demonstrates that mater-
induced by an accumulation of misfolded proteins in the nal diabetes suppresses autophagy in neuroepithelial cells of
ER lumen. The ER stress/UPR diminishes protein transla- the developing neural tube, leading to NTD formation.276
tion, degrades misfolded proteins, and produces chaper- In a recent study of diabetes-induced cardiac malforma-
ones involved in protein folding in order to restore normal tions, it was found that the rate of atrioventricular septal
ER function. If this is not achieved, or the disruption is defects (AVSDs) was increased concomitant with enhanced
prolonged, the ER stress/UPR shifts toward promoting ER stress in embryonic hearts. Blocking of glucose-induced
apoptosis. ER stress with 4-PBA in an endocardial cushion explant
In a study of the effects of maternal diabetes on the devel- culture restored endocardial cell migration. The findings
opment of oocytes and early embryos by using time-lapse suggest that the development of endocardial cushions is sus-
live cell imaging confocal microscopy, the ER displayed an ceptible to the insult of maternal hyperglycemia, and that
increased percentage of homogeneous distribution patterns diabetes-induced ER stress in the developing heart mediates
throughout the entire ooplasm during oocyte maturation the negative effect on endocardial cell migration.277
and early embryo development. In addition, a higher fre- The studies suggest that ER stress, downstream of oxi-
quency of large ER aggregations was detected in oocytes and dative stress, is involved in the teratogenesis of neural and
two cell embryos from diabetic mice. These results suggest cardiac malformations in embryos exposed to diabetes or
that the diabetic condition adversely affects the ER distri- hyperglycemia.
bution pattern during mouse oocyte maturation and early
embryo development.274
In a study of oxidative and ER stress in SOD1- Hexosamine stress
overexpressing mice, it was found that maternal diabetes Increased ambient glucose concentration yields increased
causes increased levels of ER stress markers, e.g., C/EBP uptake, phosphorylation, and metabolism of glucose, pri-
homologous protein (CHOP), calnexin, phosphorylated marily by enhanced flux in the glycolytic pathway and,
(p)-eIF2alpha, p-PERK, and p-IRE1alpha; triggered XBP1 also, in the hexosamine biosynthetic pathway.118 This is
mRNA splicing; and enhanced ER chaperone gene expres- a pathway that converts glucose to uridine diphosphate
sion in wild-type embryos, whereas all these changes were N-acetylglucosamine (UDP-GlcNAc) (Figure 41.15).
blocked in the embryos of diabetic transgenic mice. This Under normoglycemic conditions, approximately
supports the notion that diminishing diabetes-induced oxi- 1%–3% of total glucose consumed by somatic cells is
dative stress, e.g., by SOD1 overexpression, blocks ER stress directed down the hexosamine pathway.278 UDP-GlcNAc
in embryos.212 is the substrate for the majority of glycosylation in the
A downstream effect of the ER stress would be an acti- cell, producing mucopolysaccharides. 279 In this process,
vation of JNK. The possible relationship between JNK1/2 UDP-GlcNAc is attached to serine or threonine residues of
activation and ER stress in diabetic embryopathy was inves- proteins, thus becoming a posttranslational modification
tigated in mice. Maternal diabetes increased ER stress mark- (beta-O-linked glycosylation), which regulates protein
ers and induced swollen/enlarged ER lumens in embryonic function in an analogous manner to phosphorylation. 280
neuroepithelial cells during neurulation. Deletion of both Altered beta-O-linked glycosylation has been associated
JNK1 or JNK2 genes diminished hyperglycemia-increased with a number of disease states, including cancer, inflam-
ER stress markers and ER chaperone gene expression. In high matory conditions, and neurodegenerative diseases. 281
glucose–cultured embryos, the addition of the ER chaperone Notably, it is also implicated as a primary mechanism
4-phenylbutyric acid (4-PBA) diminished ER stress markers
and abolished the activation of JNK1/2 and its downstream
transcription factors, caspase 3 and caspase 8, as well as Sox1 OH
neural progenitor apoptosis. Consequently, 4-PBA blocked HO O
high glucose–induced NTD in vivo. It was concluded, there-
fore, that hyperglycemia induces ER stress, which yields the O P O P O
activation of proapoptotic JNK1/2 pathway, which yields O HO HO
induced neural tube apoptosis and thereby NTD.275 HO OH
Autophagy is an intracellular process to degrade dysfunc-
tional proteins and damaged cellular organelles, which, in Figure 41.15 UDP-GlcNAc.
Teratological processes provoked by diabetes 339
behind the development of insulin resistance and pancre- of diabetes-induced malformation is markedly lower in
atic beta-cell destruction in type 2 diabetes.278,281 diabetic transgenic mice compared with diabetic wild-type
It has been suggested that hexosamine stress may have a mice. Furthermore, the diabetes-induced increased mark-
role in diabetic teratogenesis.46,213,282 Indeed, defect devel- ers for oxidative stress, apoptosis-promoting proteins, and
opment has been demonstrated in preimplantation mouse cleaved caspase-3 production are all diminished in the off-
embryos, treated with glucose (27 mM) or glucosamine spring of diabetic transgenic mice compared with the off-
(0.2 mM) that was added to embryo culture media. Both spring of diabetic wild-type mice.251
treatments disturbed embryo development, increased A new apoptotic pathway was recently suggested to be
apoptosis, and decreased cell number in the resulting blas- activated by a diabetic/hyperglycemic environment, involv-
tocysts.282 Addition of benzyl-2-acetamido-2-deoxy-a- ing the ASK1–FoxO3a–TRADD–caspase 8 gene products.207
d-galactopyranoside (BADGP), an inhibitor of O-linked Blocking components of this pathway diminished the NTD
beta-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase (OGT), the enzyme rate in diabetic mice. Thus, hyperglycemia-induced apopto-
that adds O-GlcNAc to proteins, rescued all these pheno- sis and the development of NTDs were reduced with genetic
types in the hyperglycemia treatment group, although only blockage of either FoxO3a or Casp8, or by inhibition of ASK1
mild improvement was seen in the glucosamine group.282 by thioredoxin. In addition, examination of human neu-
This may reflect the relative potencies of each hexose in their ral tissues affected by NTDs revealed increased activation
capacity to stimulate UDP-GlcNAc production.278 In another or abundance of the genes in the cascade. The conclusion
study, pregnant mice were injected with glucose to induce was that activation of the ASK1–FoxO3a–TRADD–caspase
hyperglycemia, or glucosamine, to directly activate the 8 pathway participates in the development of NTDs, which
hexosamine pathway. Both treatments increased the NTD could be prevented by inhibiting intermediates in this
rate in the embryos, decreased GSH levels, and increased cascade.207
oxidative stress, as indicated by increased 2,7-dichloro- There is, evidently, strong experimental evidence for the
dihydrofluorescein fluorescence. Glucose and glucosamine role of apoptosis in diabetic embryopathy (Figure 41.16).
also inhibited expression of Pax-3; however, all these effects
were prevented by GSH ethyl ester administration.213
These findings suggest a role for hexosamine stress in dia-
betic embryopathy. Genetics and epigenetics of diabetic dysmorphogenesis
(Table 41.6)
Genetic predisposition
Apoptosis Despite similar teratological exposure, the effect of any
The notion that apoptosis may be a component of the tera- teratogen, including maternal diabetes/hyperglycemia, var-
togenic process of diabetic pregnancy has been studied ies between individuals. In addition to stochastic conditions,
thoroughly. Thus, there are several reports of an increased genetic predisposition determines the effect of each terato-
rate of apoptosis in embryos exposed to a diabetic environ- gen on a particular individual.285,286 Although predisposing
ment.88,89,200,206,207,215,216,231,250,283,284 In particular, there are genetic conditions for diabetes are clearly present in offspring
findings indicating increased apoptotic rate already in pre- of diabetic parents,287,288 as the offspring of a diabetic father
implantation embryos.104,123,214 has a higher risk of developing the disease than the off-
In a study of early postimplantation embryos, the expres- spring of a diabetic mother,289–293 it has been established
sion of Bcl-2 mRNA was decreased, and the number of that diabetic men do not have an increased risk of father-
deoxynucleotidyl transferase–mediated nick end labeling ing malformed offspring.294,295 This indicates that the genes
(TUNEL)-positive cells increased in embryos of diabetic predisposing to diabetes do not induce congenital malforma-
rats compared to control. These results suggest that a Bax- tions. In contrast, maternal diabetes has been suggested to
regulated mitochondrial cytochrome c–mediated caspase-3 be associated with Down’s syndrome296–298 and has also been
activation pathway might be involved in diabetic embryopa- suggested to predispose for optic nerve hypoplasia in female
thy.215 In another early study, it was reported that combined offspring.299 A genetic element may be present in the etiology
supplementation of folic acid and vitamin E to pregnant of diabetic embryopathy,300 a notion supported by experi-
diabetic rats diminished diabetes-induced dysmorphogen- mental data.69,95,209,301–304
esis and normalized apoptotic-associated protein levels.216 The contribution of the fetal genome and maternal
In another study of rodent embryos subjected to high glu- (diabetic) environment was evaluated in a rat model were
cose in vitro or diabetes in vivo, disturbed development was the outcome of diabetic pregnancy in two outbred sub-
found, concomitant with increased activation of caspase 3 strains of Sprague Dawley rats (with low incidence {H} and
and other markers of apoptosis. Supplementation of NAC high incidence {U} of skeletal malformations in the off-
or an apoptosis inhibitor diminished both dysmorphogen- spring) and in F1 hybrids between them.95 The fetuses of
esis and apoptosis.231 Exposure to a diabetic milieu during diabetic H mothers had no skeletal malformations, regard-
organogenesis thus increases dysmorphogenesis and apop- less of embryo type (H/H or H/U). When the diabetic
tosis in embryos. mother was U or from the hybrid strain (H/U) and the off-
In mice, transgenic for the thioredoxin-1 gene with over- spring of the mixed H/U type, increased skeletal malforma-
production of the antioxidant thioredoxin-1, the incidence tion (3%–5%) rates resulted. When the embryos contained a
340 Postimplantation diabetic embryopathy
Inositol Hexosamine
Sorbitol stress
Oxidative stress
Anti ox enzymes
Figure 41.16 Schematic outline of the development of diabetic embryopathy. Blue color marks increased activity/amount and
red color decreased activity/amount of compounds or processes (mixed blue–red color marks mixed effect—both increased and
decreased). Note that more interactions between the items are likely to be present than those denoted here and that the epigen-
etic/genetic alterations are not included.
the teratogenic insult by (dys)regulating maternal metabo- Pax-3 expression in embryos of diabetic mice could be nor-
lism.138 Furthermore, when the F1 crosses were mated in a malized by treatment of the mother with antioxidants,265
subsequent study, the malformation rates of the F2 combi- thereby demonstrating a coupling between ROS excess and
nations, WL × WLdiabetic and LW × LWdiabetic, were around a teratologically important change in gene expression. In
5%,306 a further dilution of the teratogenic induction; how- a later study, NCCs of Pax3-deficient embryos displayed
ever, the malformed WL × WL offspring only had agnathia/ impaired migration and increased apoptosis. Suppression
micrognathia, whereas the malformed LW × LW offspring of p53, by either null mutation of the p53 gene or admin-
had 60% agnathia/micrognathia and 40% cleft lip and pal- istration of a p53 inhibitor, pifithrin-alpha, prevented the
ate. Thus, despite identical autosomal genotypes, the diabetic defective NCC migration and apoptosis in Pax3-deficient
WL and LW female rats gave birth to offspring with mark- embryos and also restored proper development of cardiac
edly different malformation patterns. This study suggested outflow tracts. Pax3 thus appears to be required for cardiac
a teratological mechanism in diabetic pregnancy influenced outflow tract septation because it blocks p53 expression dur-
by maternal metabolism and parental strain epigenetics.306 ing NCC migration.317
In a previous study, it could be demonstrated that a spe- The embryonic expression of genes controlling the
cific variant of the catalase enzyme is present in rats that defense against oxidative stress is sensitive to maternal
are malformation-prone (Cs-1a), whereas another variant of diabetes. Thus, in a study of pregnant diabetic rats, the
the catalase protein was present in rats that do not develop embryos demonstrated decreased expression of CuZnSOD
malformations in response to maternal diabetes (Cs-1b).303 and MnSOD.327 In addition, the expression of Gpx-1 and
Thus, embryonic catalase activity was lower in embryos Gpx-2 was decreased compared with embryos from normal
from normal U rats than in embryos from normal H rats, rats, enzymes that function in the detoxification of hydrogen
and maternal diabetes augments this difference.304 The cata- peroxide, an important antioxidant system. The decrease in
lase cDNA and the promotor region of the catalase gene in gene expression of Gpx-1 was further enhanced in the mal-
the U and H rat were sequenced307 and yielded one nucleo- formed embryos. The immunostaining of Gpx-1 displayed a
tide mutation in the 5′-UTR-region of the U rat cDNA and general accumulation of positive cells in the cardiac tissue
a heterozygocity in the U rat gene promoter. Therefore, the of all embryos. However, the nonmalformed embryos had
decreased catalase mRNA levels may result from a different less staining than embryos from normal rats and malformed
regulation of transcription (promotor), and the difference in embryos from diabetic rats had almost no staining at all.327
the electrophoretic mobility in zymograms303 may be a result In a study of cardiac malformations in diabetic mouse
of posttranslational modifications of the catalase protein. pregnancy demonstrating dilated heart tube, smaller ven-
Using an inbred Sprague Dawley strain (L) with about tricles, conotruncal stenosis, and abnormal heart loop-
20% skeletal malformations when the mother is diabetic ing, ventricular septal defects were observed and actors in
and inbred Wistar Furth rats (no diabetes-inducible skeletal the TGF-β signaling that regulate heart development were
malformations), a global gene linkage analysis of the skel- downregulated by maternal diabetes. It was concluded that
etal malformations was performed with microsatellites, a TGF-β signaling is involved in cardiac malformations in dia-
study that yielded strong coupling of the malformations to betic embryopathy.311 Also, in a study of global gene expres-
7 regions on chromosomes 4, 10, 14, 18, and 19 and a weaker sion in a transgenic mouse model of caudal dysgenesis and
coupling to 14 other loci in the genome; altogether we found in a pharmacological model using in situ hybridization and
loci on 16 chromosomes. Searching for candidate genes quantitative real-time PCR, altered expression of several
within a distance of 10 cM from each microsatellite yielded molecules that control developmental processes and embry-
18 genes that had been implicated in previous studies of dia- onic growth was noted. The most pronounced finding was
betic embryopathy. These genes were involved in embryonic that of altered Wnt signaling, which suggests that impaired
development/morphogenesis (Map1b, Shh, Tgfb3, Vegfa, signaling in this pathway may be involved in diabetic embry-
Dvl2, Nf1, Gsk3b, Gap43, Tgfbr3, Gdf1, Csf1r),308–314 regula- opathy.313 A genome-wide investigation of gene expression in
tion of DNA/RNA metabolism (En2, Brcc3, Tp53),192,308,315–317 embryos from normal and diabetic mice followed by quanti-
regulation of apoptosis (Nol3, Bak1),308 and cellular metabo- tative RT-PCR yielded several genes with altered expression.
lism (Folr1, Akr1b1).149,168,315 Sequence motifs in the promoters of diabetes-affected genes
suggest potential binding of transcription factors that are
Gene expression involved in responses to oxidative stress and/or to hypoxia,
Altered gene expression in the offspring has been found in and furthermore, around 30% of the diabetes-affected genes
several studies308,311,313–315,318–322 and appears to be an integral encoded transcription factors and chromatin-modifying
component of diabetic embryopathy.323 proteins or components of signaling pathways that affect
The Pax-3 gene expression has been found to be reduced transcription.318 In a genome-wide expression profiling in
in embryos of diabetic mice,88,89 and this transcription fac- the developing heart of embryos from diabetic and control
tor may regulate the gene expression of the licensing factor mice, it was found that a total of 878 genes exhibited more
cdc-46324 and a gene, Dep-1,325 as well as p53,316 all of which than 1.5-fold changes in the expression level in hearts of
may be of importance for a correct neural tube closure. Null experimental embryos compared with their respective con-
mutation of the Pax-3 gene yields the Splotch mouse display- trols. Several genes involved in a number of molecular sig-
ing NTDs.88,326 It has also been shown that the decreased naling pathways such as apoptosis, proliferation, migration,
342 Postimplantation diabetic embryopathy
and differentiation in the developing heart were differen- as well as increased expression of Dcx and Pafah1b1 and
tially expressed in embryos of diabetic pregnancy.322 decreased expression of four microRNAs targeting these
Several different genes and pathways have been demon- genes. This study suggested that hyperglycemia alters the
strated to be affected in diabetic pregnancy; however, there epigenetic mechanisms in NSCs, resulting in the altered
is not, as yet, any universal gene identified to be respon- expression of developmental genes.333 In a genome-wide sur-
sible for enhanced (or decreased) susceptibility to diabetic vey of histone acetylation in neurulation stage embryos from
embryopathy. diabetic mouse pregnancies, it was found that exposure to
maternal diabetes and, independently, exposure to a high-fat
Epigenetics diet were associated with increases and decreases of H3 and
There are considerable indications that epigenetic processes H4 histone acetylation, respectively, in the embryo. These
have a role in diabetic embryopathy.319,328–334 data suggest that epigenetic changes in response to the diet
In a seminal study, it was found that transient hypergly- and metabolic condition may contribute to the increased
cemia induced long-lasting activating epigenetic changes in risk for NTD in diabetic and obese pregnancies.330
the promoter of the NFκB subunit p65 in aortic endothe- In a study of embryos of pregnant hyperglycemic mice
lial cells both in vitro and in nondiabetic mice, resulting in and mouse ESCs, the methylation of a Pax3 CpG island was
increased p65 gene expression. Both the epigenetic changes decreased in embryos and ESCs. Use of shRNA in ESCs
and the gene expression changes persisted for at least 6 days demonstrated that DNA methyltransferase 3b (Dnmt3b)
of subsequent normal glycemia. Furthermore, the hypergly- was responsible for the methylation and silencing of Pax3
cemia-induced epigenetic changes and increased p65 expres- prior to differentiation and by oxidative stress. These results
sion were prevented by reducing mitochondrial superoxide indicate that hyperglycemia-induced oxidative stress stimu-
production or superoxide-induced alpha-oxaldehydes.328 lates Dnmt3b activity, thereby inhibiting chromatin modi-
Analysis of gene expression data from two sets of embryos fications necessary for induction of Pax3 expression and,
of diabetic mice suggested that maternal diabetes may increase thus, providing a molecular mechanism for defects caused
the overall variability of gene expression levels in embryos. by Pax3 insufficiency in diabetic pregnancy.334
The suggestion was that altered gene expression and increased Epigenetic changes in the embryo caused by maternal
variability of gene expression together constitute the molecular diabetes are likely to be transferring the teratogenic input
correlates for the incomplete phenotype penetrance in diabetic of the diabetic environment. Identifying these changes is
pregnancy. Based on this model, it was suggested that maternal important both for the increased knowledge generated and
diabetes reduces the precision of gene regulation in exposed also for the possible antiteratological treatment that may
individuals. Loss of precision in embryonic gene regulation emerge from the identified mechanisms.
may include changes to the epigenome via deregulated expres-
sion of chromatin-modifying factors.319,329
In a study of maternal diabetes effect on DNA methylation Conclusions and future directions
of imprinted genes in oocytes, it was found in SZ-induced dia-
betic and NOD mice that the methylation pattern of Peg3 dif- From the previous discussion, it is evident that diabetic
ferential methylation regions (DMR) was altered, and in the embryopathy has a complex etiology and pathogenesis. The
SZ-induced mice, demethylation was observed on day 35 after studies of etiologic factors in the pathogenesis of congenital
SZ injection. The expression level of DNA methyltransferases malformations have revealed a scenario in which the dia-
(DNMTs) was also decreased in diabetic oocytes. These results betic state simultaneously induces alterations in a series of
indicate that maternal diabetes has adverse effects on the DNA teratogenically capable pathways. These pathways are inter-
methylation of maternally imprinted gene Peg3 in oocytes, but twined, and several of them result in an imbalance of the
also that methylation in the oocytes of the offspring is nor- ROS metabolism, yielding ROS excess in teratogenically
mal.331 Also, the expression was increased and the methylation sensitive cell populations, an imbalance ultimately causing
level of H19 was decreased, whereas the expression and meth- congenital malformations. Blocking the ROS excess may be
ylation levels of Peg3 was completely opposite in placentas of one valid way to diminish the disturbed development caused
diabetic mice. When embryos of normal females were trans- by the diabetic environment (Table 41.7).
ferred to normal/diabetic pseudopregnant females, the meth- Downstream of the oxidative stress, however, several con-
ylation and expression of Peg3 in placentas were also clearly ditions of cellular stress are present, such as nitrosative, ER,
altered in the normal-to-diabetic group compared to the nor- hypoxic, and hexosamine stress, as well as a possible terato-
mal-to-normal group. However, when the embryos of diabetic genic involvement of AGEs. In this area of metabolites and
female were transferred to normal pesudopregnant female
mice, the methylation and expression of Peg3 and H19 in pla-
centas were similar between the two groups. The data suggest Table 41.7 Conclusions and future directions
that the effects of maternal diabetes on imprinted genes may
primarily be caused by the adverse uterus environment.332 What is the current level of understanding of the
teratogenic process of diabetic embryopathy?
In a study, NSCs were exposed to high glucose/hypergly-
cemia and alterations were found in chromatin reorganiza- Are there any putative target molecules/pathways that we
could possibly utilize to prevent malformations?
tion, global histone H3 status, and global DNA methylation,
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42 Fetal malformations detected
with magnetic resonance
imaging in the diabetic mother
Tuangsit Wataganara
352 Fetal malformations detected with magnetic resonance imaging in the diabetic mother
anomaly suspected from the ultrasound. MRI has an advan- The comparison between ultrasound and MRI imaging in
tage of excellent tissue contrast. This quality allows for the the fetus is summarized in Table 42.1.
detection of subtle fetal malformation and early changes
that may lead to fetal damage. The MRI field of view is rela-
tively large. Surrounding maternal structures can be simul- Principles and techniques of fetal
taneously evaluated to determine their relationship with the magnetic resonance imaging
uterus and placenta, especially when surgical intervention
is planned. Unlike fetal ultrasound, maternal adiposity and MRI is an alternative imaging method that can confirm or
bony structure do not affect the quality of MRI image. MRI complement abnormal ultrasound findings. Its use in preg-
data can be interpreted off-line by specialists. For instance, nant women was first described in 1983.9 The original obstet-
neurogeneticists can help determine the significance of the ric indication for MRI was to assess myometrial invasion of
subtle findings in the developing fetal brain at various ges- placenta accreta. Its application in fetal medicine was pre-
tational ages. MRI can also improve the understanding of viously limited because the original MRI sequence protocol
the whole fetal care team, including nurses, genetic coun- was subjected for a significant motion artifact. Maternal and
selors, and social workers. Limitations of fetal MRI exist. fetal sedation were commonly practiced to reduce move-
Its high cost naturally limits broader availability. Strict ment and to compensate for a long examination time. Fetal
indications for fetal MRI have been implemented in many MRI has regained broader application after the develop-
places where both fetal ultrasound and fetal MRI are offered. ment of ultrafast MRI sequences in the 1990s. The single-
MRI is very sensitive to fetal movement. Motion artifact, as shot rapid acquisition with focused echoes is a high-quality
shown in Figure 42.1, can occur, even with the ultrafast MRI T2-weighted sequence that acquires a slice in less than a sec-
protocol that takes only 20 seconds to complete the scan. ond.10 The preferred system for fetal MRI consists of 1.5 T
T1 T2
Figure 42.1 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is extremely sensitive to fetal movement. The motion artifact can equally affect
the image quality of both T1- and T2-weighted gradient. Development of ultrafast fetal MRI protocol as well as optimal patient
preparation can reduce the artifact and improve the image quality.
Table 42.1 Comparison between ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging for an assessment of fetal anatomy
Ultrasound MRI
Advantages Safe Better soft tissue contrast, especially intracranial and intrathoracic lesion
Convenient Large field of view
Inexpensive Off-line interpretation
More experienced
Disadvantages Maternal obesity Expensive
Oligohydramnios Not widely available
Operator dependent Subjected to motion artifact
Less experienced
Limitation in fetal cardiac assessment and intravenous contrast study
Additional benefits of magnetic resonance imaging in the detection of fetal anomalies related to gestational diabetes 353
resonators with multichannel coils. MRI can measure vol- Fetal anomalies related to maternal
ume of fetal organs in three dimensions. For instance, total
lung volume in case of congenital diaphragmatic hernia can diabetes
be used to predict neonatal survival.11 Assessment of fetal
Poor glycemic control in periconceptional period and early
intracranial and intrathoracic lesions has also been benefited
gestation has been linked to malformation in various fetal
from the superb soft tissue delineation of MRI.
organ systems, especially the cardiovascular system and
Most literatures suggest the safety of MRI used in preg-
CNS. Anomalies in fetal gastrointestinal, renal, and skel-
nancy.12,13 Many professional organizations discourage its use
etal systems are also linked to maternal diabetes mellitus.
during the first trimester.14 By nature, spontaneous miscar-
Fetal cardiac defects commonly associated with maternal
riage occurs more frequently in the first trimester. It could be
gestational diabetes include ventricular septal defect and
perceived as iatrogenic by the patients if the incidence occurs
conotruncal anomalies (such as transposition of the great
soon after the MRI session. The patient can be assured that
arteries and truncus arteriosus). Cardiomyopathy that
there has been no known risk to the fetus if MRI is offered in
leads to intrauterine congestive heart failure has also been
the late second or third trimester.12 Maternal claustrophobia,
observed in diabetic mothers with poor glycemic control.18
pacemaker, and ferromagnetic implants remain the contra-
The overall prevalence of neural tube defect (NTD) is 2–5
indications of MRI during pregnancy.15
per 1000 live births. Maternal diabetes mellitus is associated
Good preparation can help improve the image quality from
with a 16-fold increase incidence of fetal NTD. Anencephaly
MRI sequence. The mother is advised not to eat or drink at
and spina bifida are the two most common NTD related
least 4 hours prior to the examination. This is to reduce motion
to maternal diabetes mellitus.19 There is also a significant
artifacts from bowel movement and to prevent excessive
increase in the incidence of encephalocele in infants born
fetal activity after meal. Written informed consent should be
from diabetic mothers.20 The incidence of fetal spina bifida
obtained. Fetal sedation is not mandatory. Screening ultra-
is even higher when the pregnancy is complicated with obe-
sound examination should be performed immediately before
sity.21 Obesity and diabetes mellitus is strongly interrelated.
the MRI examination to confirm fetal viability. The mother is
Neural tube is a primitive bundle of nerves that folds
usually in supine position. First shots can be done to adjust for
to form brain at the front end and spinal cord at the rear
the signal density, as shown in Figure 42.2. Single-shot rapid
end. Failure of this structure to close on the 28th concep-
acquisition T2-weighted images with refocused echoes in the
tion day results in a broad spectrum of NTDs. Anencephaly
axial, coronal, and sagittal planes are obtained. T1-weighted
and spina bifida are the most common variants of NTD. The
images are also acquired, since it can better depict fat and
former begins with maldevelopment of the skull (acrania)
hemorrhage.16 Intravenous contrast study with gadolinium is
with protrusion of the brain (exencephaly). The brain is then
discouraged, because it rapidly crosses the placenta and its fetal
destroyed by its exposure to amniotic fluid.
safety profile has not been clearly shown.17
Fetal caudal regression, or sacral agenesis, syndrome is an
anomaly that strongly related to maternal diabetes mellitus.
The risk of caudal dysplasia increases remarkably, up to 600
times higher in infants born from diabetic mothers.19 This mal-
formation consists of agenesis of the lumbar vertebrae, sacrum,
and coccyx. Fetal lower extremities are poorly developed. Renal
malformations, such as hydronephrosis, ureteral duplication,
and renal agenesis, are also commonly associated with caudal
regression syndrome. It can lead to oligohydramnios that sig-
nificantly compromise ultrasound evaluation of the fetus.
Figure 42.3 Magnetic resonance image of a second-trimester Figure 42.5 Magnetic resonance (MR) image of a second-
fetus with small spina bifida at the lumbosacral level. The fetus trimester fetus with dysplastic kidney displayed in sagittal
is displayed in coronal plane. Multiplanar image display can plane. Fetal kidney (arrow) is small and irregular in shape.
help associate the defect with its surrounding fetal anatomy. Multiple hyposignaling small cavities are found in the subcorti-
cal area of the kidney, which is highly suggestive for dysplastic
kidney. Note the small amount of amniotic fluid that can affect
the image quality of ultrasound. MRI has superb soft tissue
delineation even in the presence of low liquor level.
Figure 42.4 Sagittal magnetic resonance image of a fetus Figure 42.6 Ultrafast sagittal magnetic resonance (MR)
with open neural tube defect at the sacral level. Note the image shows a fetus with neural tube defect and c loacal
protrusion of meningeal sac from the spinal canal at fetal sacral malformation. The cloacal malformation resulted in severe
level. No visible spinal cord tissue herniated in this meningeal oligohydramnios that makes ultrasound examination
sac. A favorable prognosis is expected in this low-level lesion suboptimal. MRI is a second-tier imaging modality in this case,
without spinal tissue herniation. when limitation of ultrasound is encountered.
Additional benefits of magnetic resonance imaging in the detection of fetal anomalies related to gestational diabetes 355
T1 T2
Figure 42.8 Comparison between T1- and T2-weighted sagittal fetal magnetic resonance images. Note that T2-weighted image
provides a clearer tissue definition for the fetal central nervous system compared to the T1-weighted image.
356 Fetal malformations detected with magnetic resonance imaging in the diabetic mother
Figure 42.9 Sagittal magnetic resonance (MR) image of a large spina bifida at the lumbosacral level. Note the continuity of
the spinal canal into the meningeal sac. The sac did not contain spinal cord tissue. The skin covering the defect is visible on the
MR image. Postnatal image of the same infant shows a large defect with full skin cover (closed neural tube defect).
shown in Figure 42.9. Axial cut at the defect level can dem- always found with Arnold–Chiari type II malformation. This
onstrate the presence or absence of neural tissue in the sac, is a herniation of the brain stem, the cerebellar vermis, and the
as shown in Figure 42.10. fourth ventricle through the foramen magnum due to loss of
NTD is actually a broad variety of malformations related to pressure from leakage of cerebrospinal fluid. The degree of cer-
failure of closure of neural tube. It can be categorized into open ebellar herniation is related to seizures, bladder dysfunction,
and closed defect. Common open NTD include rachischisis and ambulation restriction.22 Cerebellum and other intracra-
and myelomeningocele. Rachischisis is the most severe form nial structures in the posterior fossa have limited visibility
of NTD and is invariably lethal. The absence of an extensive from standard ultrasound examination. MRI can yield more
segment of vertebral column leads to a significant exposure of details in the posterior fossa due to its superb soft tissue con-
neural tissue. The more common form of open NTD is myelo- trast, as shown in Figure 42.12.23 Associated higher cerebral
meningocele. Open NTD, as shown in Figure 42.11, is almost abnormalities, as a consequence of NTD, can also be clearly
demonstrated with MRI, as shown in Figure 42.13.
Spina bifida (the so-called meningomyelocele) is a com-
mon fetal malformation of the CNS. It can cause a signifi-
cant neurological handicap. In utero surgical restoration
of meningomyelocele has been increasingly offered after
the result of a randomized trial of prenatal versus postna-
tal repair of myelomeningocele (MoMs trial) suggested its
benefit of decrease postnatal shunt placement and improved
motor outcomes.24 Fetal MRI has been advocated in this
trial to detect hindbrain herniation, as shown in Figure 42.14.
This is used not only for prognostic purposes but also to
monitor the possibility of reversal of hindbrain herniation in
cases that opted for in utero repair. Comparison of advantages
and disadvantages between ultrasound and MRI in imaging
of fetal NTD are summarized in Table 42.2.
If defect of the neural tube closure occurs on the cranial
end, it will result in meningocele or meningoencephalocele,
as shown in Figure 42.15. Most of the time, the defect is on
the occipital part of the skull. In meningoencephalocele or
encephalocele, there is some brain tissue herniated in the
protruded meningeal sac. Encephalocele is associated with
a much worse neurological prognosis. Encephalocele can
Figure 42.10 Axial magnetic resonance image of the fetus
with open neural tube defect at the level of vertebral defect.
readily be detected on the ultrasound. MRI complements the
Note a large protrusion of meningeal sac without spinal tissue ultrasound by its ability to detect the herniated brain with
herniation. higher accuracy. This is particularly important in smaller
Additional benefits of magnetic resonance imaging in the detection of fetal anomalies related to gestational diabetes 357
Figure 42.11 Sagittal magnetic resonance image of a fetus with large spina bifida. Large vertebral defect was seen extending
from upper lumbar down to the sacral level. There was no skin coverage, and the spinal cord is fully exposed, as confirmed by the
postnatal picture. Also note an obliteration of fetal cisterna magna and dilated cerebral ventricle, which indicate fetal hindbrain
(a) (b)
Figure 42.14 (a) Sagittal magnetic resonance images of a fetus with normal hindbrain and (b) a fetus with hindbrain herniation.
Table 42.2 Advantages and disadvantages of ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging in imaging of fetal
neural tube defect
fetal echocardiography. Aside from structural defects, fetal ultrasound in the detection of fetal malformations when the
echocardiography can also show fetal heart rate, rhythm, and amniotic fluid is low.29 Anomalies in fetal gastrointestinal
wall motion. MRI is not widely used for the study of fetal heart system may be better visualized in the ultrasound.
and great vessel. Because the fetal heart is always moving,
the demonstration of fetal cardiac structures using standard
fetal MRI sequence is always suboptimal, as shown in Figure Rationale and application of magnetic
42.17. Gadolinium, a commonly used intravenous contrast
for MRI angiography, is contraindicated during pregnancy. resonance imaging in pregnancy
Gadolinium can readily cross the placenta and its mutagenic complicated with diabetes
effects are not clearly elucidated.27 However, with the develop-
ment of MRI sequence optimization, the image quality of the Diabetes mellitus is a strong risk factor for congenital malfor-
fetal heart and great vessels is improving without the need for mations, especially those with poor glycemic control in peri-
intravenous contrast agent.28 conceptional period. These women should be offered dedicated
In addition to anomalies in the CNS, MRI may have ultrasound as the primary imaging modality to detect and to
a complementary role in some other fetal malformations monitor the progress of most fetal malformations related to
related to maternal diabetes mellitus. Fetal renal agenesis maternal diabetes mellitus. MRI can complement ultrasound
related to maternal diabetes mellitus can result in anhy- examination, especially in certain malformation, such as NTD.
dramniotic state. Decreased amount of amniotic fluid makes Using MRI as a first-tier screening tool in all pregnancy com-
fetal ultrasound examination suboptimal. MRI is superior to plicated with diabetes mellitus is currently not advisable.
Rationale and application of magnetic resonance imaging in pregnancy complicated with diabetes 359
Figure 42.19 An example of using “niche mode”, a novel function of three-dimensional sonography that may improve the q uality
of fetal brain imaging. This ultrasound picture shows an image of porencephaly (destructive brain lesion) in three-orthogonal
multiplanar view.
Figure 42.20 Fetus at 11 weeks with spina bifida at the thoracic level diagnosed by transvaginal ultrasound during routine first
trimester screening. At this early gestational age, ultrasound is superior to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the diagnosis of
spina bifida because of an excessive fetal movement and unclear safety profile of MRI to the first-trimester fetus.
examination of fetal brain using transvaginal approach Summary and future directions
through fetal fontanel. Ultrasound examination of fetal
brain has been enhanced by some novel 3D sonographic Diabetes mellitus is a common medical condition found dur-
modalities, as shown in Figure 42.19. Fetal movement can ing pregnancy. Those with poor glycemic control during the
be readily observed on ultrasound, and it could lead to an periconceptional period should be offered dedicated screen-
early diagnosis of some conditions. Figure 42.20 shows fetal ing ultrasound examination. Certain malformations, such as
spina bifida at thoracic levels, where the fetal contour is mal- NTD and heart defects, are strongly associated with mater-
formed and the movement of lower limbs seen from trans- nal diabetes mellitus. Ultrasound is the first-tier screening
vaginal ultrasound examination was limited. On the other imaging tool of choice in most cases. MRI can confirm the
hand, fetal MRI is not advisable in the first trimester because diagnosis in difficult cases, such as in obese mothers or oli-
excessive movement of the fetus at this stage can cause sig- gohydramnios. MRI can provide more details regarding
nificant motion artifact on the MRI. Diabetes-related poly- hindbrain herniation and neural tissue prolapsed in NTD
hydramnios can increase motion artifact in MRI. It takes that can be used for a proper counseling for postnatal out-
several factors to be considered for the choice of optimal fetal comes. The quality of fetal cardiac MRI has been improv-
imaging modality in each setting. ing in recent years, and it may be clinically applicable soon
References 361
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affected by secondary intracranial lesion of NTD that can be perinatologists and radiologists gain more experiences with
studied by ultrasound. Fetal movement can be demonstrated MRI, its fetal indication will be broaden.
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43 Continuous glucose monitoring
in pregnancy
Marlon Pragnell and Aaron Kowalski
[95% confidence interval −0.4% to −0.1%]).31 None of these excursions was found to better correlate with birth weight
studies, however, included pregnant women with T1D. percentile than from a single glucose value from a 1-hour
RT-CGM use is not without challenges, and the increased oral glucose challenge test.36
burden perceived by some wearers is an important factor CGM has also provided insights into maternal glycemia
in adherence. Clinical psychologists have identified three in obese pregnancies; however, these have been limited by
major psychosocial themes in responders who have worn the relatively small numbers and short duration of retro-
RT-CGMs and improved their HbA1c or reduced hypogly- spective CGM data collection. Harmon and colleagues
cemia. These include (1) coping with frustrations and using compared 16 obese and 22 normal-weight pregnancies dur-
controlled rather than emotion-based coping when ing early (14–18) and late (26–30) gestation. Obese women
faced with frustrations while using the device; (2) using were found to have higher 24-hour and nocturnal glucose
information in retrospective pattern analysis, not just profiles compared with normal-weight subjects and that
minute-by-minute data analysis, in glycemic management; there was little difference to any of the measured glucose
and (3) “significant other”/spousal involvement with inter- parameters whether the women were on ad libitum or con-
est, encouragement, and participation by their loved ones. trolled diets.37
Indeed, it was noted that CGM use promoted collaborative
diabetes management and increased spousal understanding
of diabetes especially when planning and managing preg- Physiological insights into diabetic pregnancy
nancy. Both responders and nonresponders expressed body CGM technology has proved invaluable for understanding
image concerns when using RT-CGM.32,33 the pathophysiology of pregnancy complicated by diabetes.
Mazze and colleagues performed a retrospective CGM study
in 82 pregnant women of whom 51 were healthy, 6 had T1D,
and 25 were diagnosed with GDM. Their study, which also
CGM in pregnancy: Physiological included 21 nonpregnant women, showed healthy pregnan-
insights and clinical utility cies were characterized by tight glucose control, whereas
increasing glycemic variability was observed in the diabetic
While many small studies have utilized CGM to gain a women. The authors suggested that the use of CGM through-
deeper understanding of glucose control in pregnancy and out diabetic pregnancy is “critical if mimicking normal glu-
its pathophysiology with diabetes, the evidence base for cose patterns is to be achieved.”19
effectiveness in clinical practice is weak, and additional Dalfra and colleagues assessed glycemic variability in 50
large well-designed randomized CGM trials are required to pregnant women (20 T1D, 20 GDM, and 10 healthy controls)
inform choices of glucose monitoring techniques.34 who wore retrospective CGM for 2 days in each trimester of
pregnancy. Women with T1D showed higher glucose vari-
ability, with a twofold higher risk of hyperglycemic spikes
Physiological insights in normal and obese pregnancy during the day than healthy women or those with GDM. The
Prior to the advent of CGM, very little was known even about latter have only slightly higher CV parameters than healthy
the “normal” glucose profile in pregnancy. The first study to controls.20
address this, conducted in 57 nondiabetic pregnant women Most recently, Law and colleagues applied functional data
on 72 hours of retrospective CGM, reported mean and noc- analysis (FDA) to data from a previously published RCTs in
turnal glucose levels of 84 ± 18 mg/dL and 68 ± 10 mg/dL, a total of 117 pregnant women with T1D (n = 89) and T2D
respectively, with a peak postprandial glucose level of 110 ± (n = 28) who used repeated CGM during pregnancy. They
16 mg/dL that occurred at an average of 70.5 ± 13 minutes demonstrated that lower, less variable glucose levels in the
following the start of the meal.35 first trimester and higher, more variable glucose levels in
The first detailed longitudinal CGM profiles of normal the second and third trimesters were significantly associ-
pregnancy demonstrated a tendency of postprandial glucose ated with large-for-gestational-age (LGA) babies. Temporal
levels to rise even during the course of normal pregnancies profiles in the first trimester indicated that the lower-average
with similar caloric intake. These profiles were obtained in glucose levels associated with LGA were driven by distinct
a study of 32 women where 72 hours of retrospective CGM dips in glucose levels midmorning and midevening, whereas
data were recorded at 16, 22, 30, and 36 weeks gestation and higher-average glucose levels associated with LGA in the
then at 6 weeks postpartum. Detailed food diaries showed second and third trimesters were driven by significantly
no significant change in caloric intake, and fasting glucose higher glucose levels that occur during the early hours of the
levels did not change significantly although an upward trend morning and afternoon in the second trimester and during
was observed at 36 weeks and was highest 6 weeks after late evening in the third trimester. The authors also noted
delivery. The 2-hour postprandial glucose levels tended to that the magnitude of the transient excursions detected by
increase throughout pregnancy and then decrease signifi- FDA of CGM were substantively larger than the differences
cantly 6 weeks postpartum. in summary statistical indices of average glucose levels and
More recently, in a study in 55 normal pregnancies using glucose variability, suggesting that the FDA approach may
retrospective CGM over 7 days between 24 and 28 weeks provide greater sensitivity in the analysis of glycemic control
of gestation, the area under the curve of hyperglycemic in pregnancy.17
CGM in pregnancy: Physiological insights and clinical utility 365
Clinical utility of retrospective CGM in diabetic and 2011, failed to show improvement in glycemic control
pregnancy or pregnancy outcomes in women with pregestational dia-
Retrospective CGM has been shown to facilitate therapeutic betes.41 This Danish study randomized 154 unselected preg-
changes as a patient educational tool during T1D and T2D nant women with T1D (n = 123) and T2D (n = 31) to either
pregnancy. In a trial of 71 women (46 T1D, 25 T2D) where the intermittent RT-CGM or SMBG. Participants in this study
baseline HbA1c was relatively high at 7.3% (SD 1.2%), improve- already had good glycemic control with baseline median
ments were demonstrated in maternal glucose control, birth HbA1c of 6.7% (range 5.3%–10.7%), and so the primary ther-
weight, and the risk of macrosomia. Study participants were apeutic focus was on preventing hypoglycemia. Women in
allocated to standard antenatal care with or without retrospec- both groups were advised to perform at least seven finger-
tive CGM. Women in the retrospective CGM group wore the stick tests daily (before and after meals and before bedtime),
device over four 6-weekly intervals. Women returned to the and those randomized to RT-CGM were advised to wear
clinic each time for their data to be downloaded and inter- the device for at least 6 days at 8, 12, 21, 27, and 33 weeks
preted with a clinician to guide modifications to diet, exer- gestation. Women in the RT-CGM group were additionally
cise, and insulin dosing with a focus on reducing postprandial encouraged to use the device continuously. However, only 49
hyperglycemia. Women who wore the device showed reduction out of 76 women (64%) reported using CGM as per protocol,
in HbA1c that first appeared between 28 and 32 weeks g estation and only 5 women (7%) wore the device near continuously
leading to a sustained HbA1c reduction of 5.8% vs. 6.4% (at least 60% of the time). The baseline HbA1c of 6.7% at
(p = 0.007) in controls. The infants of mothers wearing retro- randomization improved to 6.0% and 6.1% in RT-CGM and
spective CGM were found to benefit from a lower birth weight control groups, respectively, at 33 weeks with no apparent
standard deviation score (0.9 ± 2.0 vs. 2.6 ± 1.4; p = 0.05), lower RT-CGM benefits on glucose control (hyper- or hypoglyce-
birth weight percentile (69 vs. 93; p = 0.02), and reduced risk mia) or neonatal outcomes, either in MDI or insulin pump
of macrosomia (35% vs. 60%; p = 0.05) compared to controls.38 users. Neonatal morbidity was high, with 40% of infants
A recent study with retrospective CGM in 340 pregnant being macrocosmic and 25% of infants being delivered pre-
Chinese women with GDM reported CGM use was associ- term or treated for hypoglycemia. The key recruitment bar-
ated with better glycemic control and improved pregnancy rier for women entering the trial was identified as allocation
outcomes with reduced risk of preeclampsia and cesarean to the RT-CGM arm, and adherence was poor. A patient sat-
delivery, decreased birth weight, and improved neonatal isfaction questionnaire showed that adherence was limited
complications. In these studies, the women were guided, by inaccuracy compared with SMBG, technical challenges,
through modified dietary, activity, or insulin regimens, to and skin irritation. Additionally, women experienced up to
limit their postprandial glucose excursions over 140 mg/dL to 12 alarms/day during their first period of RT-CGM use, and
no more than 10 minutes/day and duration of asymptomatic one-third of these interrupted sleep.42
hypoglycemia to no more than 30 minutes/day. As a result, The lack of benefit of RT-CGM in this trial may be due to
more women in the CGM group received insulin regimen a relatively low baseline HbA1c compared with the retrospec-
than in the routine care group (27.9% compared with 6.9%) tive CGM trial by Murphy et al.38 and the RT-CGM trials that
and experienced a shorter duration of both hyperglycemia demonstrated efficacy in the nonpregnant population.28,29
and hypoglycemia.39 Indeed, the authors noted the lack of HbA1c reduction
GlucoMoms, a large multicenter open-label randomized was more in line with a study on well-controlled nonpreg-
clinical trial of retrospective CGM study, including a decision nant patients who saw no additional HbA1c improvement
and cost-effectiveness assessment, is nearing completion in the with RT-CGM.43 Very poor CGM adherence may also have
Netherlands (TrialRegister.nl NTR2996). This trial is enroll- been a contributing factor as the meta-analysis suggests
ing 300 women with T1D or T2D before 16 weeks gestational near-continuous sensor use (6–7 days/week) in addition to
age or with GDM requiring insulin therapy before 30 weeks higher baseline HbA1c (≥7%) is required for CGM benefit in
gestational age. Subjects have been randomized to stan- nonpregnant diabetic population.30 It was also noted that the
dard care or retrospective CGM with the device being worn intervention focused primarily on minimizing hypoglycemia,
5–7 days every 6 weeks. Based on their CGM profiles, sub- whereas the primary outcome, macrosomia, is usually associ-
jects receive dietary advice and insulin therapy adjustments ated with maternal hyperglycemia. Women in this trial still
as needed. The primary outcome is macrosomia (birth weight had 25% of SMBG readings above 144 mg/dL, with the major-
above 90%) with birth weight, composite neonatal morbidity, ity of these presumably due to postprandial excursions. Fine-
maternal outcome, and costs as secondary outcomes.40 tuning of carbohydrate intake and prandial insulin has been
identified as key to achieving stringent postmeal targets, and
therefore more robust carbohydrate-based insulin algorithms
Clinical utility of real-time CGM in diabetic pregnancy and/or regular dietary guidance could have helped women
While multiple randomized controlled clinical trials have achieve the level of postprandial glucose control necessary to
shown that sustained use of RT-CGM improves glucose reduce macrosomia and improve HbA1c in the trial.44
control in nonpregnant T1D populations, there remains a CONCEPTT, a large international trial of RT-CGM in
dearth of evidence in T1D pregnancy. women with T1D funded by JDRF, is currently underway to
The only randomized trial of RT-CGM in diabetic preg- evaluate the role of continuous RT-CGM before and during
nancy reported to date, conducted in Denmark between 2009 pregnancy (NCT01788527). The trial is enrolling 324 women
366 Continuous glucose monitoring in pregnancy
with T1D in two parallel studies, one in women planning also provide the most comprehensive assessment of pump vs.
pregnancy (n = 110) and the other in pregnant women up MDI on glucose control before and during pregnancy.
to 13-week 6-day gestation (n = 214). The primary outcome
is the change in HbA1c from baseline with secondary out-
comes that include CGM time in target, episodes of severe Conclusions
hypoglycemia, measures of glucose variability, and quality of
life. The baseline HbA1c for eligibility is >6.5% or <10% in Tight glycemic control in diabetic pregnancy is essential for
the prepregnant arm and >7.0% or <10% in the pregnant arm. achieving better maternal and fetal outcomes. Clinical stud-
To ensure patients randomized into the study can under- ies have shown that retrospective CGM in pregnancy can
stand the device and adhere to its use, a key challenge in the improve glycemic control and thereby reduce macrosomia.
Danish study, the CONCEPTT protocol includes a 6-day run RT-CGM may further improve control by enabling insu-
in phase during which time women will wear a retrospective lin therapy adjustments in real time; however, more clini-
CGM. CONCEPTT is anticipated to provide unprecedented cal data are needed before its use in diabetic pregnancy can
details of maternal control from conception until delivery be fully endorsed. CONCEPTT, a large international trial
and will be the first trial to evaluate the role of RT-CGM of RT-CGM in pregnant women with T1D, may provide a
metrics in pregnancy (time in target, time spent above/ better understanding of the clinical utility of RT-CGM in
below target with maternal/fetal outcomes). The study will improving glycemic control.
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44 Insulin infusion pumps
in pregnancy
Ilana Jaye Halperin and Denice S. Feig
Starting and adjusting CSII therapy during pregnancy 369
control, CSII is associated with up to 50% less hypoglycemia American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology meta-analy-
than MDI.1 However, the meta-analyses only looked at glu- sis of 6 studies with 107 women on CSII and 106 women on
cose variability and not hypoglycemia. The Ontario Health MDI showed no significant difference in pregnancy outcomes
Technology Assessment Series reviewed the literature in 2009 and glycemic control between users of MDI and CSII. Higher
and felt there was conflicting data on hypoglycemia in CSII number of ketoacidosis episodes and diabetic retinopathy was
compared with MDI.7 One concern for users of CSII is that found in the CSII group but did not reach statistical signifi-
without any long-acting insulin on board, pump malfunc- cance.11 In their discussion, both authors stressed the need
tion can quickly result in ketoacidosis. Studies have shown, for large, multicenter, RCTs that also assessed the quality of
however, that with proper education and resources, the rates life and cost-effectiveness.
of ketoacidosis are similar between the users of CSII or MDI.1 Unfortunately, since that time there have been no further
The key is that patients who use CSII have access to a needle RCTs. Since 2007, over six observational studies have been
and syringe so that they can give a subcutaneous injection published.12–18 None show a significant difference in patient
in the case of pump malfunction. Most pump suppliers will important outcomes such as cesarean delivery and perina-
provide a backup pump within 24 hours. tal morbidity or mortality. One study showed significantly
Insulin pumps are generally recommended to any patient higher Apgar scores in babies born to mothers who used
with T1DM who has one or more of the following: difficulty CSII during pregnancy.12 Two studies showed a lower HBA1c
with labile (high and low) blood sugars, frequent or severe (6.2% vs. 6.5% p = 0.0214 and 6.4% vs. 6.8% p = 0.00219) and
lows, hypoglycemia unawareness, variable work schedules, lower insulin doses at parturition. Chen et al. showed a
intensive exercise program, gastroparesis, or a desire for bet- higher rate of diabetic ketoacidosis in the CSII group (13%
ter control to prevent complications.8 vs. 2% p = 0.04) and neonatal hypoglycemia (35% vs. 13%
CSII therapy is not right for all patients with T1DM. In p = 0.01).17 However, Kallas-Koeman et al. showed no differ-
order to benefit from pump therapy, patients need to be ence in the rate of DKA or hypoglycemia between women on
engaged with a team of diabetes educators, be willing to do fre- MDI and on pump. They did show a higher rate of large-for-
quent self-monitoring of blood glucose, count carbohydrates gestational-age babies born to women on pump; however,
adequately, and be comfortable with the physical aspects the study was not powered to determine if this was a true
of insertion sites, tubing, and wearing a pump. In Ontario, association or due to some unknown confounder.19
Canada, the province provides funding only to patients with The current body of evidence suggests that pumps can be
T1DM who have demonstrated an ongoing commitment to safely used in pregnancy. Similar to the literature in the gen-
blood glucose monitoring, the safe and appropriate use of the eral population, it remains unclear if pump therapy offers
insulin pump, participation in an insulin pump education significant benefits over MDI in terms of hard outcomes
program, and regular diabetes clinic attendance. If patients such as diabetes complications, severe hypoglycemia, and
do not have hemoglobin A1C measurements done regularly pregnancy outcomes. However, there are certainly individ-
or do not attend visits with physicians and the diabetes edu- ual patients for whom CSII offers more flexibility, decreased
cation team, they lose their funding.9 glucose variability, and improved quality of life.
the current glycemic control. At the start of pregnancy, basal the more traditional IV insulin and glucose infusion.
insulin makes up 50% of the TDD—to get an hourly basal One retrospective study from Italy of 65 women on CSII
rate, divide this by 24. With increasing pregnancy, bolus rates reported that starting at 28 weeks gestation, women and
surpass basal rates in making up the TDD.22 Most patients their caregivers were given weekly education on how to
on CSII have 2–4 basal rates per day to reflect differences in manage the pump during labor and delivery. 24 Women
insulin sensitivity throughout the day. These can be prepro- were instructed to enter a profile B into their pump that
grammed if there is a known dawn phenomenon or adjusted was 50% of their lowest basal rate at the end of pregnancy
after basal rate testing is completed. Basal rate testing involves and a profile C that was 0.1 unit/hour. If women were in
skipping a meal and refraining from vigorous activity dur- good metabolic control leading up to the early stages of
ing that time. Frequent capillary blood glucose checks (every labor, they were instructed to continue with their usual
2 hours or more) are required. If the basal rate is appropriate, basal rates (profile A) until the initiation of anesthesia
then the blood sugar level should remain constant throughout or the beginning of active labor at which point they were
the period of testing. If the capillary glucose readings drift to switch to profile B. If they had a low blood sugar level
up, the basal rate is considered to be too low. If the capillary (<3.8 mmol/L), they were to switch to profile C until
glucose readings drift down, then the basal rate is too high. the BG returned to normal. If the blood glucose level
The TDD is also used to determine the carbohydrate-to- was about 7.8 mmol/L, a correction bolus of 0.5–2 unit
insulin ratio that is preprogrammed into the pump. The tra- was administered. If the blood sugar level was above
ditional teaching is to divide 500 by the TDD to get a ratio of 10 mmol/L, CSII was stopped and IV insulin was initi-
X g for 1 unit of insulin. For example, a TDD of 50 units/day ated. The average blood glucose level across the 65 women
results in an insulin-to-carbohydrate ratio of 10, meaning that was within the target of 3.8–7.8 mmol/L, regardless of
for every 10 g of carbohydrate, 1 unit of insulin is required. mode of delivery; none of the women experienced a sig-
This will also be refined over time with postprandial blood nificant hypoglycemia (<2.8 mmol/L) or needed to switch
glucose monitoring. Finally, the sensitivity factor will be cal- to intravenous insulin. Neonatal hypoglycemia occurred
culated by dividing 100 by the TDD; this will give a correction in 17% of the deliveries; all were preterm. 24 The authors
factor in mmol/L, for example, a TDD of 50 units/day yields concluded from this study that CSII can be used safely
a sensitivity factor of 2, meaning that each 1 unit of insulin during labor and delivery in highly motivated patients.
lowers the blood glucose level by 2 mmol/L. It is worth noting that in this protocol, the upper target
It is important to provide women with T1DM anticipa- of 7.8 mmol/L is higher than the target recommended by
tory guidance at the start of pregnancy. Regardless of the some guidelines, for example, the 2013 Canadian Diabetes
mode of insulin delivery, they should be aware that their Association Guidelines, which recommends a target of
insulin requirements may decrease in the first trimester and 4.0–7.0 mmol/L to prevent neonatal hypoglycemia (grade
then slowly increase after 12–14 weeks, with a leveling off or D, based on observational data and no prospective, con-
even a decrease in requirements in the last 6–8 weeks prior trolled studies). 25 The American Diabetes Association
to delivery. Titration of insulin doses will be required every makes no recommendation on target blood sugar lev-
2–7 days to maintain blood sugar levels within the tight tar- els intrapartum. The National Institute for Health and
gets of pregnancy. Two studies have now shown that bolus Care Excellence in the United Kingdom recommends
insulin doses increase twice as much as basal doses do.22,23 maintaining the intrapartum blood sugar level between
One study of 9 women followed closely during pregnancy 4.0 and 7.0. 26 The patient and physician should be given
showed that the average TDD increased from 33 to 94 units. the option of switching to an intravenous insulin infu-
Interestingly, basal rates doubled but bolus doses quadru- sion if the patient become medically unstable or unable
pled, and the basal/bolus split went from 50/50 preconcep- or unwilling to continue with the pump during labor and
tion to 25/75 at delivery.22 The second study of 26 women delivery. Some pump companies advise disconnecting the
showed that the most marked increase in the bolus was seen pump when undergoing a surgical procedure where elec-
with breakfast, where the insulin-to-carbohydrate ratio went trocautery is performed. Cesarean sections often involve
from median 12 to 13 over the course of the pregnancy.23 some degree of cautery; however, our experience and that
As the consequences of diabetic ketoacidosis in preg- of the Italian center24 is that there have been no reported
nancy are dire to the fetus and insulin precision is para- cases of pump malfunction; this needs to be validated in
mount, trainers recommend that women change their a larger survey.
infusion sites every 48 hours (as opposed to 72 hours in the Postpartum insulin requirements drop considerably, and
nonpregnant population), although there is no evidence to women are usually instructed to take between 50% and 75%
back up this recommendation. of their prepregnancy basal rates and decrease to two-thirds
of their prepregnancy carbohydrate ratio and sensitivity fac-
tor. Breastfeeding should be encouraged, but women should
CSII in labor, delivery, postpartum, be informed that they may require even less insulin while
and breastfeeding breastfeeding because the glucose shunts to the breast milk.
In a small study of 18 women, those who breastfed used
While feasible, it is still not common practice to continue on average 0.2 unit/kg/day compared to 0.3 unit/kg/day in
CSII during labor and delivery; many centers still favor women who did not breastfeed.27
References 371
Table 44.1 Advantages to pump therapy over Table 44.2 Disadvantages of pump therapy
conventional multiple daily injections compared to multiple daily injections
• Provides more precision in calculating basal rates and • Patients always have a device attached to them.
bolus doses that should result in tighter glycemic • To achieve optimal control, patients need to have skills
control. in carbohydrate counting and must monitor blood
• Allows for changes in basal rates to account for sugar levels frequently (this is actually required for MDI
changes in activity. as well, but some patients on MDI with fixed
• Can adjust basal rate to account for the dawn carbohydrate content in their meals can achieve good
phenomenon. control).
• Easier to give boluses for meals and snacks. • Pump malfunction can lead to diabetic ketoacidosis
• Bolus delivery can be rapid or extended depending on
fat and carbohydrate content of meals. • More expensive.
• Absorption of insulin is more reliable. • Need to have skills to troubleshoot device when
malfunction occurs.
• Only need to change site every 24–48 hours as
opposed to multiple injections daily. • Requires a multidisciplinary team who are skilled at
managing pump therapy.
• Allows for pairing with continuous glucose sensor with
potential for low glucose suspend feature.
1. Pickup J, Keen H. Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion at 6. Bruttomesso D, Crazzolara D, Maran A et al. In Type 1 diabetic
25 years: Evidence base for the expanding use of insulin pump patients with good glycaemic control, blood glucose variability is
therapy in type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Care March 2002; 25(3): lower during continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion than dur-
593–598. ing multiple daily injections with insulin glargine. Diabetic Med
2. Fry A. Insulin delivery device technology 2012: Where are March 2008; 25(3): 326–332.
we after 90 years? J Diabetes Sci Technol July 2012; 6(4): 7. Health Quality Ontario. Diabetes strategy evidence platform:
947–953. A summary of evidence-based analyses. Ont Health Technol
3. Pickup J. Insulin pumps. Diabetes Technol Ther February 2013; Assess Ser 2009; 9(19): 1–42.
15(Suppl. 1): S24–S28. 8. Walsh J, Roberts R. Pumping Insulin: Everything You Need to
4. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Insulin Pump Use in Succeed on an Insulin Pump. 5th ed., San Diego, CA: Torrey
Australia. Diabetes Series No. 18. Australian Institute of Health Pines Press, 2012.
and Welfare: Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia, 9. Assistive Devices Program: Insulin Pump Therapy. 2012. Available
2012, p. 58. from: http://www.health.gov.on.ca/en/public/programs/adp/
5. Pickup J, Mattock M, Kerry S. Glycaemic control with contin- insulin_pamp.aspx.
uous subcutaneous insulin infusion compared with intensive 10. Farrar D, Tuffnell DJ, West J. Continuous subcutaneous insulin
insulin injections in patients with type 1 diabetes: Meta- infusion versus multiple daily injections of insulin for pregnant
analysis of randomised controlled trials. BMJ March 23, 2002; women with diabetes. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2007; (3):
324(7339): 705. 005542.
372 Insulin infusion pumps in pregnancy
11. Mukhopadhyay A, Farrell T, Fraser RB, Ola B. Continuous subcuta- 19. Kallas-Koeman M, Kong J, Klinke J et al. Insulin pump use in
neous insulin infusion vs intensive conventional insulin therapy in pregnancy is associated with lower HbA1C without increas-
pregnant diabetic women: A systematic review and metaanalysis ing the rate of severe hypoglycemia or diabetic ketoacidosis in
of randomized, controlled trials. Am J Obstet Gynecol November women with type 1 diabetes. Diabetologia 2014; 57: 681–689.
2007; 197(5): 447–456. 20. Gabbe SG, Holing E, Temple P, Brown ZA. Benefits, risks,
12. Wender-Ozegowska E, Zawiejska A, Ozegowska K et al. Multiple costs, and patient satisfaction associated with insulin pump
daily injections of insulin versus continuous subcutaneous insu- therapy for the pregnancy complicated by type 1 diabetes mel-
lin infusion for pregnant women with type 1 diabetes. Aust N Z J litus. Am J Obstet Gynecol June 2000; 182(6): 1283–1291.
Obstet Gynaecol April 2013; 53(2): 130–135. 21. Bernasko J. Insulin pump therapy for pregnancy: A primer.
13. Talaviya PA, Saboo BD, Joshi SR et al. Pregnancy outcome and gly- J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med June 2012; 25(6): 552–557.
cemic control in women with type 1 diabetes: A retrospective com- 22. Roeder HA, Moore TR, Ramos GA. Insulin pump dosing across
parison between CSII and MDI treatment. Diabetes Metab Syndr gestation in women with well-controlled type 1 diabetes melli-
April–June 2013; 7(2): 68–71. tus. Am J Obstet Gynecol October 2012; 207(4): 324.e1–324.e5.
14. Bruttomesso D, Bonomo M, Costa S et al. Type 1 diabetes con- 23. Mathiesen J, Secher A, Ringholm L et al. Changes in basal rates
trol and pregnancy outcomes in women treated with continuous and bolus calculator settings in insulin pumps during preg-
subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) or with insulin glargine and nancy in women with type 1 diabetes. J Matern Fetal Neonatal
multiple daily injections of rapid-acting insulin analogues (glargine- Med 2013; early online: 1–5.
MDI). Diabetes Metab November 2011; 37(5): 426–431. 24. Fresa R, Visalli N, Di Blasi V et al. Experiences of continuous
15. Gonzalez-Romero S, Gonzalez-Molero I, Fernandez-Abellan M subcutaneous insulin infusion in pregnant women with type 1
et al. Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion versus multiple diabetes during delivery from four Italian centers: A retrospec-
daily injections in pregnant women with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes tive observational study. Diabetes Technol Ther April 2013;
Technol Ther April 2010; 12(4): 263–269. 15(4): 328–334.
16. Cypryk K, Kosinski M, Kaminska P, Kozdraj T, Lewinski A. Diabetes 25. Thompson D, Berger H, Feig DS et al. Diabetes and pregnancy.
control and pregnancy outcomes in women with type 1 diabetes Can J Diabetes 2013; 37(Suppl. 1): S61–S68.
treated during pregnancy with continuous subcutaneous insulin 26. National Collaborating Center for Women and Children’s
infusion or multiple daily insulin injections. Pol Arch Med Wewn Health. Diabetes in pregnancy: Management of diabetes and
June 2008; 118(6): 339–344. its complications from pre-conception to the post-natal period.
17. Chen R, Ben-Haroush A, Weismann-Brenner A, Melamed N, Hod Clinic Guidelines, March 2008. Available from: http://www.
M, Yogev Y. Level of glycemic control and pregnancy outcome in nice.org.uk/nicemedia/live/11946/41320/41320.pdf, accessed
type 1 diabetes: A comparison between multiple daily insulin injec- on March 28, 2014.
tions and continuous subcutaneous insulin infusions. Am J Obstet 27. Riviello C, Mello G, Jovanovic LG. Breastfeeding and the basal
Gynecol October 2007; 197(4): 404.e1–404.e5. insulin requirement in type 1 diabetic women. Endocr Pract
18. Gimenez M, Conget I, Nicolau J, Pericot A, Levy I. Outcome of April 2009; 15(3): 187–193.
pregnancy in women with type 1 diabetes intensively treated with
continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion or conventional therapy.
A case-control study. Acta Diabetol March 2007; 44(1): 34–37.
45 Closed-loop insulin delivery in
type 1 diabetes pregnancy
Zoe A. Stewart and Helen R. Murphy
374 Closed-loop insulin delivery in type 1 diabetes pregnancy
Another randomized controlled trial (GLUCOMOMS, Portable insulin pumps that deliver continuous subcu-
TrialRegister.nl NTR2996) is evaluating the role of retro- taneous infusions of insulin have been used in clinical care
spective CGM. since the early 1980s.60 Since then, pump technology has
continued to advance and is becoming increasingly popu-
lar. Improvements in insulin pump devices, availability of
Control algorithms portable CGM systems (CGMS), development of new quick-
acting insulin analogues, and more sophisticated control
Proportional integral derivative algorithms have accelerated the development of closed-loop
Proportional integral derivative (PID) algorithms control systems.
insulin administration using a combination of the propor- One approach to closed-loop systems uses intraperitoneal
tional, integral, and derivative terms.54 These terms adjust insulin delivery with a glucose sensor either implanted in
insulin doses according to real-time glucose levels, the area the superior vena cava61 or inserted subcutaneously.62 This
under the curve between the actual and target glucose levels, approach has the potential to reduce inherent delays in sub-
and rate of change of glucose to adjust insulin, respectively. cutaneous insulin absorption and delivery insulin in a way
The three terms and three individualized constants deter- that more closely mimics normal physiology. However, intra-
mine the insulin dose administered. The PID algorithm peritoneal devices are expensive, require surgical implanta-
reacts solely to measured glucose levels and cannot predict tion, and carry a higher risk of infection and failure than
future changes in glucose. subcutaneous pumps. Intraperitoneal pumps would be inap-
propriate for routine use during pregnancy.
All other closed-loop prototypes currently being inves-
Model predictive control
tigated use a subcutaneous glucose measurement device
Model predictive control (MPC) algorithms predict future coupled with CSII via a portable pump. This subcutaneous–
glucose levels based on patients’ predicted glycemic responses subcutaneous approach is attractive and likely represents
to insulin and meals.55 The difference between the glucose the most feasible model because it is minimally invasive and
concentration predicted by the model and a preset insulin uses devices that are already commercially available and
target is used to determine the rate of insulin delivery. The acceptable by patients.
majority of closed-loop systems currently under investigation
use an MPC algorithm because these systems can account
for meals, patient-initiated insulin boluses, and individual Progress to date
differences in insulin absorption more easily than systems
using other algorithms. Low-glucose suspend
The simplest forms of automated insulin delivery are low-
Fuzzy logic glucose suspend systems. In these systems, a message is sent
to the insulin pump to temporarily stop basal insulin deliv-
Fuzzy logic models recognize that the same dose of insulin
ery when the CGM device detects or predicts hypoglycemia
may not always cause the same change in glucose level. These
and there is no response to warning alarms. This feature has
models aim to emulate the decision-making processes and
been demonstrated to decrease frequency, duration, and
expertise of clinicians and try to account for multiple pos-
severity of hypoglycemia without causing hyperglycemia or
sible responses to the same insulin dose.56
Sensor-augmented pump systems with a low-glucose sus-
pend feature have been commercially available since 2009
History of closed-loop glucose control (Paradigm Veo and MiniMed 530G with Enlite; Medtronic
Diabetes, Northridge, CA). They suspend insulin delivery
The concept of automated glucose control is not new. In the for up to 2 hours based on measured hypoglycemia but not
1960s, a relatively simple “on-off” system of closed-loop glu- predicted hypoglycemia. In selected cohorts of high-risk
cose management using intravenous glucose and insulin was patients, the Paradigm Veo can reduce exposure to hypogly-
developed for use in research settings.57 This concept was cemia without inducing hyperglycemia.68,69
developed further to incorporate a computational algorithm, The effects of low-glucose suspend systems in pregnancy
and the first commercial closed-loop system, the Biostator have not been evaluated.
(Miles Laboratories, Elkhart, IN), was released in 1977.58
This system obtains blood via an intravenous catheter and
measures glucose levels before discarding the sample. Blood Overnight closed-loop insulin delivery
glucose results are then fed to a computer algorithm that Approximately 50% of severe hypoglycemic episodes occur
controls administration of intravenous insulin and dextrose. overnight and can therefore go unnoticed.70 The proportion
This large device is only suitable for use in closely monitored of severe hypoglycemic episodes that occur overnight is sim-
inpatient settings, and despite multiple attempts, optimal glu- ilar in pregnant and nonpregnant populations.71 However, in
cose control could not be achieved with available algorithms.59 pregnancy, the risk of adverse outcome may be particularly
376 Closed-loop insulin delivery in type 1 diabetes pregnancy
high because counterregulatory responses to hypoglycemia insulin dose was given than when a fully automated closed-
are impaired and severe hypoglycemia is more frequent.10 loop system was used. 82 Other studies have utilized
One potential early application of closed-loop technol- closed-loop technology for basal insulin delivery but have
ogy is overnight, when meals and exercise are less relevant, relied on standard calculation and manual administration
so models for glucose control are less complex. Overnight of premeal insulin boluses to control meal-related glucose
closed-loop control could also offer substantial clinical ben- excursions with good effect.62,73,83
efits including tighter glycemic control and prevention of A randomized crossover trial of 12 pregnant women
nocturnal hypoglycemia. examined the use of 24-hour closed-loop glucose control
The short-term safety of overnight closed-loop glucose with standardized meals and exercise and manual admin-
control using an MPC-based algorithm has been demon- istration of premeal boluses.14 In this study, closed-loop
strated under research conditions in multiple nonrandom- insulin delivery achieved near normoglycemia with less fre-
ized and proof-of-concept trials72,73 and in randomized quent severe hypoglycemia than conventional insulin pump
crossover studies examining a total of 17 children, adoles- therapy.
cents, and adults.74 In these studies, overnight closed-loop Although preliminary, data from these studies suggest that
control resulted in better glycemic control and less expo- stable glycemic control can be achieved with day and night
sure to hypoglycemia, including after a large carbohydrate closed-loop insulin delivery. Meal times and exercise con-
meal and alcohol.75 Two small pilot studies have demon- tinue to pose the greatest challenges for closed-loop systems.
strated that overnight closed-loop control using an MPC- Day and night use of closed-loop technology has been dem-
based algorithm is safe in early and late pregnancy and can onstrated to be feasible in the outpatient setting72 although
achieve near normoglycemia while reducing exposure to efficacy has not been established outside of research settings
hypoglycemia.13,14 and further studies are ongoing. We previously described
Closed-loop systems using PID and fuzzy logic algo- a significant gestational delay of approximately 30 minutes
rithms have also been shown to be safe and able to maintain in time-to-peak plasma aspart concentration from early to
good overnight glycemic control in small nonrandomized late pregnancy (taking 80 ± 30 minutes in late compared to
inpatient studies76–78 but have not been tested in pregnancy. 50 ± 10 minutes in early pregnancy).84 We recently high-
lighted the marked interoccasion variability of insulin phar-
macokinetics during type 1 diabetes pregnancy, showing
Day and night (24-hour) closed-loop insulin delivery that while basal insulin delivery was stable, the day-to-day
Ideally, closed-loop technology would be able to achieve variability of premeal boluses was particularly striking.85
and continuously maintain normoglycemia autonomously
including during exercise and meal times. However, this
remains an ambitious goal. In conventional treatment, Dual-hormone closed-loop systems
patients give a premeal insulin bolus to account for the food Under normal physiological conditions, glycemia is largely
they are about to eat, allowing time for insulin absorption regulated by feedback systems using insulin and gluca-
and action before glucose from the meal has reached the gon. In patients with type 1 diabetes, glucagon function is
bloodstream. However, closed-loop control around meal impaired,86 which increases the risk of hypoglycemia. Many
times would rely on changes in interstitial glucose to detect argue that an artificial pancreas using both insulin and glu-
meals, resulting in an inherent delay. These delays, together cagon to control glucose levels would more closely mimic
with the pharmacokinetics of currently available insulins, normal physiology and would therefore be better able to pre-
can result in postmeal hypoglycemia. vent hypoglycemia. Some investigators have demonstrated,
Four proof-of-concept trials of day and night closed- under research conditions, that dual-hormone systems can
loop control without meal announcement demonstrated provide good glycemic control and reduced exposure to
that closed loop could achieve acceptable glycemic control hypoglycemia.87–91 However, current formations of gluca-
with low rates of hypoglycemia.56,76,79,80 As expected, in fully gon are unstable and would not be viable for use in outpa-
automated closed-loop control, prolonged postprandial tient settings.92 There have been no studies of dual-hormone
hyperglycemia persisted and postprandial hypoglycemia closed-loop systems in pregnant women.
occurred frequently. Hypoglycemia could be avoided in the
first 2 hours after ingestion of a small meal (30 ± 5 g carbo-
hydrate) using an MPC algorithm with a safety constraint Limitations/obstacles
that accounts for insulin on board.80
As an intermediate step to 24-hour fully automated Sensor delay/inaccuracy
closed-loop control, some groups have proposed a system At present, the most viable option for commercial launch
that provides day and night closed-loop control but relies of a closed-loop insulin delivery system utilizes CGMs that
on the user to input the timing, and in some cases carbohy- measure interstitial glucose as a marker of blood glucose.
drate content, of meals so that the algorithm can calculate Although these monitoring systems have a level of accuracy
appropriate bolus doses.81 One study found that peak post- that is safe, factors including calibration error and sensor
prandial glucose levels were lower when a premeal priming drift can mean that glucose values measured by interstitial
References 377
sensors are less accurate than that of finger-stick blood avoid glucose excursions, fully automated closed-loop
g lucose measurements.93 systems rely on changes in interstitial glucose to identify
Overestimation of glucose is of particular concern meal times and exercise before the algorithm can respond
because, if relied upon, these values would lead to excessive and change the insulin infusion rate. This creates an inher-
insulin doses and potentially hypoglycemia. ent delay. While improvements in algorithms and adjunct
Further, the time required for glucose molecules to move tools like heart rate monitors can be used to identify meals
from the blood to the interstitium creates a lag of approxi- and exercise early, without meal or exercise announcement,
mately 6 minutes between blood glucose and interstitial glu- automated closed-loop systems will always be acting reac-
cose.94 While some control algorithms account for sensor tively rather than proactively.
inaccuracy and the known delay between blood and intersti- Closed-loop systems that incorporate meal announce-
tial glucose, the closed-loop system ultimately relies on the ment or manual premeal boluses will likely provide the most
glucose readings obtained via CGMs to make calculations feasible way forward until the challenges of maintaining
and adjust insulin doses. good glucose control during meal times and exercise with-
out human intervention can be overcome. This is certainly
the case in pregnancy where gestational delays in glucose
Time to onset and peak of insulin activity disposal and slower insulin pharmacokinetics mean that
As with all automated control systems, there is a time lag human intervention with premeal boluses 15–30 minutes
between the point at which the algorithm makes a change before eating will be required until rapid-acting insulins are
and the time at which the effect of that change is realized. available.
Most algorithms currently under investigation take into
account the time required for delivery and absorption of
insulin and the time to peak insulin activity. However, it can Conclusion/future directions
be difficult to accurately predict these times because absorp-
tion and action times of insulin vary considerably between Closed-loop insulin delivery systems have the potential to
different individuals and within the same individual at dif- revolutionize the treatment of type 1 diabetes, resulting in
ferent times.89,95 stable glycemic control with minimal patient intervention.
To avoid accumulation of insulin and subsequent iatro- This technology could be particularly beneficial in preg-
genic hypoglycemia, closed-loop algorithms need to adjust nancy, when glucose levels can be difficult to control, the risk
glucose levels gradually and take into account insulin that of hypoglycemia is increased, and reducing exposure both
has already been administered but is yet to reach its full to hyperglycemia and to hypoglycemia could have lifelong
effect.96 Rapid-acting insulin analogues including aspart and implications for both mother and child.
lispro have reduced insulin-related time lag97,98; however, it In nonpregnant populations, closed-loop control can
can still take up to 90 minutes to reach a maximum glucose- increase the time spent with target glucose levels and reduce
lowering effect.99 frequency and severity of hypoglycemia. Trials are cur-
Preliminary studies have found that mechanisms includ- rently underway to explore the feasibility and effectiveness
ing site warming100 and coadministration of hyaluroni- of closed-loop systems for overnight glucose control in out-
dase101,102 can accelerate the pharmacokinetics of insulin, patient settings over longer periods of time for both pregnant
and attempts at development of more rapid-acting insulin and nonpregnant populations.
analogues are ongoing.
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46 Noninvasive glucose monitoring
Itai Ben-David and Pierre Singer
382 Noninvasive glucose monitoring
these physiological concepts. As variations in skin condi- 250 B
tions, such as pigmentation, temperature, hydration, and 200
blood flow, affect the skin’s optical properties, glucose sens-
ing becomes challenging. D D
A different compartment used for glucose sensing is the 100
interstitial fluid.16 This is sometimes referred to as minimally 50
invasive glucose monitoring (MIGM), and its measurements C E
are transdermal. Glucose passes from the capillary wall to 0 100 200 300 400 500
the interstitial compartment by means of simple diffusion to Glucose reference (mg/dL)
be later taken up by the cells. This process is affected by many
factors, such as metabolic rate, vessel wall permeability, and Figure 46.1 An example of a Clarke error grid evaluation. In
local insulin levels.17 When blood glucose level changes, this example, 74.5% of the measurements fall within area A
there is a lag time, estimated at 2–45 minutes, between the and 20.7% within area B, giving an acceptable result of 95.5%
within these areas. Of the measurements, 1% falls within
blood and the interstitial fluids. The relationship between the area E, considered the most hazardous as it would lead to
two compartments, blood and interstitial fluid, constantly erroneous treatment.
changing represents one of the greatest challenges when
developing NIGM or MIGM.
Although the skin is the main site of measurement, there EGA.22 It was evaluated23 by Wentholt et al. in 2006 and was
are a few others. The oral mucosa was used18 with limited suc- found inferior in detecting differences compared to accuracy
cess relying on the same general principles as with the skin. assessment methods such as linear regression and correla-
Other sites used for measurement are the eye and the tym- tion. In general, a perfect accuracy analysis system does not
panic membrane. Yet other methods estimate glucose levels exist, and usually a combination of absolute difference, cor-
from bodily fluids—tears and exhaled breaths. These methods relation, linear regression, and Clarke EGA is employed24
will be discussed in further detail later. (shown in Figure 46.1).
as research is still very much going on. We will divide these Sonophoresis
into transdermal systems, which are generally minimally Skin permeability is increased using low-frequency ultra-
invasive, and optical systems, which are generally truly non- sound emitted from the SonoPrep™ (Sontra Medical) device.28
invasive (see Table 46.1). A low current is delivered while the return electrode is held
by the patient. A biosensor is coupled to the permeated skin
and converts glucose into hydrogen peroxide that in turn is
Transdermal devices oxidized. The current created is measured, and after a calibra-
tion phase, the level of glucose can be estimated. Results in
Reverse ionotophoresis a study29 from 2000 were mediocre with 92% falling within
The GlucoWatch® Biographer (Cygnus Inc.), up to its G2 areas A+B on the Clarke EGA. In a subsequent trial in 10 dia-
model, became Food and Drug Administration (FDA) betic patients,28 results improved with 95% falling within area
approved25 in 2001 as an adjunct to finger-stick testing to A+B with no report of pain or irritation by any of the patients.
improve therapeutic decisions. A hydrogel pad is placed over Since then, no significant advance has been reported.
the skin and left to warm up for 2 hours, a finger-stick test
is performed for calibration, and it starts measuring glu-
cose level every 10 minutes. The hydrogel pad is replaced Electroporation
every 13 hours. The device employs reverse ionotophoresis: Electroporation is achieved by applying short electrical
Application of a small current to the skin26 and subcutane- pulses to the skin, thus reversibly increasing its permeabil-
ous fluid passes through the skin to an electrode pair. This ity and allowing for transcutaneous sampling. Developed by
fluid contains glucose at a level proportional to the subcuta- BTX® Applications, it was tested30 on rats only, with all data
neous tissue. Oxidation of glucose is performed on the pad, points within areas A+B on the Clarke EGA. Clinical trials
allowing for level calculation. Its applicability in monitoring in humans have not been reported.
for hypoglycemic episodes was questioned as results were
disappointing showing very low sensitivity and specificity in
the hypoglycemic range.27 It was also deemed too expensive Impedance spectroscopy
when compared to SMBG and it did not alleviate the need A small current is passed across the skin, and impedance
for finger sticks. Perhaps the most unappealing effect was is recorded allowing for an indirect estimation of glucose
the skin irritation due to the electric current to the skin that levels. The Pendra (Pendragon Medical Ltd.) was released
afflicted most of all users. Its manufacture and sales were to the market after CE approval in 2003. Its use was cum-
halted in 2007. bersome as it required a prolonged equilibration phase, and
384 Noninvasive glucose monitoring
a year later, the company filed for bankruptcy.31 Its results32 passes through an array of cymbal transducers. These are
were very poor with only 78.4% of the results falling within specialized transducers with compact structures mak-
areas A+B and an unacceptable 4.3% within the most dan- ing them potentially comfortable as carried continuous
gerous area E. devices. In 2005, the technique was studied34 on rats with
good results. It was later studied35 on 200 lb pigs to show that
the technique can be used on human-sized animals as well,
Skin suction blister and results were promising. However, many of the operat-
This technique creates vacuum over a small area of the skin ing conditions of the cymbal array as well as the correlation
that leads to the formation of a blister. Fluid from the blister of glucose between the different components have not been
is collected and analyzed. The technique was studied33 on six sorted out. Clinical trials in humans are still awaited.
T1DM patients. Glucose levels in the fluid paralleled closely
with the venous levels but the lag time was unexpectedly
long in three of the patients. Since 1995, no new advances Electromagnetic sensing
have been reported. The Glucoband® (Calisto Medical) is placed on the wrist
skin where it applies a bioelectromagnetic wave specific for
glucose and measures resonance and impedance. Preclinical
Ultrasound with cymbal array trials quickly prompted its release to the market in 2005 but
Ultrasound waves permeate the skin and glucose is dif- since no other data have been published and its sales have
fused through. Glucose is sensed through a current that long ceased (Table 46.2).
Optical devices
Absorption spectroscopy
Absorption spectroscopy utilizes light of variable frequencies
in order to measure changes in refraction (scattering), reflec-
tion, and absorbance within the tissue. These are affected by
changes in the concentrations of different molecules includ-
ing glucose. In general, these devices comprise of a light
source that delivers radiation at the set frequency and inten-
sity. After passing through, the tissue light waves are sensed
by the probe and then processed in the processing unit.
Mid-infrared spectroscopy
Absorption spectroscopy in the mid-infrared (MIR) range Figure 46.2 The OrSense NBM-200 device, using o cclusion
(2.5–50 µm) has been used to measure glucose levels accord- red/near-infrared spectroscopy. (By courtesy of the manufacturer.)
ing to the changes in the beam of light returned to the
device. However, many molecules other than glucose also
absorb this light.2 As light passage is slow, it is affected by the in 23 diabetic patients before and after a meal with 95.5% of
epidermal molecular structure. There are only in vitro data the measurements falling within areas A+B on the Clarke EGA
from a study36 on blood from 28 patients in which glucose compared to SMBG. However, since 2007 no further data have
level correlated well, but it seems this system is not practical been published on this device, and it is not commercially avail-
in vivo because of the confounding molecules. able for glucose monitoring (see Figure 46.2).
Near-infrared spectroscopy
In contrast, light in the NIR range (0.7–1.4 µm) largely passes Raman spectroscopy
through the epidermis unchanged and can therefore provide Light of a single wavelength (monochromatic) is passed
a molecular picture of the dermis. Different calculations are through a tissue. When it interacts with glucose, the energy
used to estimate glucose level. However, accuracy is ham- of the photons is shifted according to the vibrational and
pered by many factors such as other molecules (e.g., urea), rotational energy of glucose, thus providing selective
skin pigmentation, temperature, and hydration. A different information about the level of glucose. It may differentiate
measurement site is the oral mucosa that is richly vascular- between two similar molecules like glucose and galactose.39
ized but is impaired by the glucose contained in the saliva. In 2009, it was tested40 on 30 human subjects with 387 dif-
A few sensors have been released to the market. The ferent site measurements. Results were acceptable with 92%
Diasensor® (BioControl Technologies Inc.) failed twice to of data points falling within areas A+B on the Clarke EGA.
gain FDA approval, and in 2002 its CEO pleaded guilty to This device from C8 MediSensors has received CE approval
tax evasions and fraud practically ending a decade of invest- in 2012 but since progress seems to have halted.
ments of many millions of dollars in this product. The
TensorTip CoG® (Cnoga Ltd.) is a device combining invasive
and noninvasive measurements that became available in Photoacoustic technique
many countries since 2012. A new technology37 using single- This is a different spectroscopy technique. Light passed
walled carbon nanotubes is showing promise as a continuous through a tissue is converted into heat that emits ultrasonic
noninvasive monitor, but research is still at a preliminary waves caused by local expansion. These are interpreted by
level. As mentioned in the text ahead, NIR technology has the processor to calculate the glucose level. The Aprise™
also been researched as a screening tool for diabetes. (Glucon Inc.) device was examined41 on 62 diabetic patients
with 979 paired measurements. Results were acceptable with
94.6% of the points falling within areas A+B on a Clarke
Occlusion red/near-infrared spectroscopy EGA. Further research is awaited.
Occlusion spectroscopy is based on the fact that blood vessel
occlusion changes its physical and optical properties. As glu-
cose levels in the blood increase, it changes the scattering prop- Thermal emission spectroscopy
erties (smaller scattering coefficient). The device (OrSense®) The site of measurement for this device is the tympanic
employs an annular ring placed on the patient’s thumb that membrane. The human body emits electromagnetic radiation
contains a pneumatic cuff that inflates to an oversystolic pres- that stands in relation to spectral distribution. The handheld
sure for 2–3 seconds and then deflates causing erythrocyte apparatus analyzes light in the MIR range that is influenced
aggregation. The probe also contains a light source in the red/ by the body’s composition. In 2002, thermal infrared emis-
NIR spectrum and a light detector. The passage of photons to sion characteristics of different glucose concentrations were
the detector is affected by the glucose level as well as hemato- measured42 in 26 patients with insulin-dependent diabetes
crit concentration. It showed promising result in a pilot study38 (T1DM and T2DM). No side effects were reported. Out of
Glucose monitoring
Figure 46.3 Existing and underdevelopment technologies for noninvasive glucose monitoring.
Other forms and applications of noninvasive glucose monitoring 387
432 paired data points, all fell within areas A+B (97.5% in a fluctuation in data points was observed as a result of
area A)—excellent results. Despite the good results, 12 years motion, limiting applicability, as well as being confounded
later, this is still the only published data in the field. by parameters such as temperature changes, tissue compo-
nents other than glucose, blood pressure, and heart rate (see
Figure 46.3).
Fluorescence and FRET technology
Different molecules in different states emit varying light
intensity.2 Using the molecule Concanavalin A (ConA) that Other forms and applications of
has four glucose binding sites,43 the level of glucose can be
calculated using a competitor such as fluorescein. This tech- noninvasive glucose monitoring
nique as a method for glucose sensing has been studied44 for Noninvasive glucose monitors as screening tools
over 30 years. Different enzymatic reactions have been used.
Apart from its place in managing glucose levels in diabetic
Most recently, EyeSense® released an implantable glucose
patients, NIGM is being increasingly investigated as a diag-
monitor that is placed between the eye and the conjunctiva.
nostic screening tool. The NSEEDS trial51 used skin fluores-
Studied45 on 28 diabetic patients, most patients suffered sub-
cence spectroscopy to evaluate the glycemic response to oral
conjunctival hemorrhage postoperatively but afterwards
glucose loading and was found to be similar to A1C and FPG
only complained of mild discomfort. Reading accuracy
for the detection of abnormal glucose tolerance. NIR was
was acceptable with more than 96% of the points falling
examined52 on 154 healthy and diabetic subjects, achieving
within areas A+B on the Clarke EGA; however, a shift from
77.3% sensitivity for the detection of diabetes with 70% spec-
area A to B was noticed. Lag time still poses a problem of
ificity, comparable with FPG measurements,53 while alleviat-
unknown significance.
ing the need for fasting.
A different technology is fluorescence resonance energy
Autofluorescence was evaluated54 for differentiating nor-
transfer (FRET). First studied46 in 1988, this technique is
mal pregnancies from GDM according to levels of advanced
based on the transfer of energy from donor molecules to
glycation end products; results were disappointing as it
acceptor molecules, thereby decreasing fluorescence levels
could not differentiate between the two groups at time of
allowing for miniscule changes in the level of molecules to be
diagnosis, nor was it able55 to diagnose gestational diabetic
detected. Studied in preclinical models,47 generally a contact
pregnant women at high risk for complications.
lens is used and boronic acid is usually the donor molecule.
A few devices have been patented, but many problems still
need to be addressed—the longer time it takes for tear col- Hypoglycemia monitoring
lection, the more the need for an external light source and As said earlier, one of the major pitfalls of most many NIGM
the lack of a predictable relationship between blood and tear systems is their failure to recognize hypoglycemic states
glucose levels. leading to delayed or even deleterious treatment. An alto-
gether different approach toward NIGM is not measuring
the glycemic level but rather monitoring for the signs of
Optical polarimetry hypoglycemia, mainly the autonomic reactions. This may
When polarized light hits certain molecules, it rotates. These help deal with nocturnal hypoglycemia, a prevalent56 path-
molecules are called optically active and they can be detected ological state that can cause seizures57 and might even be
using polarimetry. Using a dual-wavelength optical polar- fatal.58 The HypoMon® (AiMedics Pty. Ltd.)59 is a chest belt
imeter, this technique was studied48 in 2012 on nine rabbits worn during the night that monitors surface ECG and skin
employing a contact lens and an external light source, mea- bioimpedance. It also includes a radio-frequency transmitter
suring the glucose level within the aqueous humor. Accuracy that sends signals to a receiver that can be placed in the same
was very good with 100% of the results falling within areas room or an adjacent one. Tested on 52 patients with T1DM,
A+B on the Clarke EGA. These data are still preliminary, it showed a positive predictive value of only 38%, not yet con-
and many adaptations will be needed for human subjects as sidered acceptable. Another apparatus is the Gili Medical
an external light source must be placed directly on the eye- hypoglycemia noninvasive monitoring system (Gili Medical
lid, causing discomfort and also limiting the continuity of Ltd.), which contains four sensors that monitor for physi-
measurement. ologic effects of hypoglycemia—heart rate (tachycardia),
perspiration level (increased), skin temperature (peripheral
vasoconstriction), and body movement level (trembling).
Optical coherence tomography The monitor is placed on the hand and is connected to a
Introduced49 in 1991, this technique uses and detects light receiver. Tested60 on 10 patients with T1DM, it showed high
reflection from tissues combined with light from a reference sensitivity and specificity (100% and 85.7%, respectively).
arm. The device contains a photodetector and an interfer- This technology is still in development and its design must
ometer to achieve a high-resolution analysis of the tissue become less cumbersome. It should be noted that these mon-
scattering properties. Studied50 in 2002 on 15 healthy sub- itors are limited by many factors that hamper the autonomic
jects undergoing oral glucose tolerance testing, results were reaction to hypoglycemia such as hypoglycemia tolerance
in good correlation with blood glucose levels. However, and β-blockers.
388 Noninvasive glucose monitoring
Exhaled breath analysis The Minimed® (Medtronic Ltd.) is probably the best
A proposed alternative to finger-stick systems that collects studied system, 66–68 available in multiple models. It was
condensed humidity in exhaled breaths for glucose level studied in pregnant women as well,69 and its use was associ-
measurement has been developed.61 Within 10–20 minutes, ated with a better glycemic control, a lower birth weight, and
enough respiratory secretions (1–2 mL) can be collected for a reduced risk for macrosomia. It was prospectively studied
analysis.62 Respiratory fluids normally contain low levels of in 34 gravid patients with GDM70 and detected postprandial
glucose. In pathological conditions such as cystic fibrosis hyperglycemia as well as nocturnal hypoglycemia better than
and diabetes, these levels are increased.63 These secretions SMBG. Other widely available systems that have shown good
may serve as a surrogate for blood glucose measurement as and reliable results are the Dexcom Seven® (Dexcom Ltd.) that
blood glucose levels may be estimated by analyzing the glu- recently showed71 improved accuracy and the Freestyle® (vari-
cose level in the secretions, mainly in the pediatric popula- ous models, Abbott Diabetes Care). The latter was studied in
tion, but further research is pending. pregnant women suffering from T1DM72 and was found safe
but still not of optimal accuracy. In another study73 in pregnant
diabetics, it was found less accurate during moderate exercise.
Continuous glucose monitoring It should also be mentioned that some of the older models of
the Freestyle sensors were recalled in the beginning of 2014.
systems A different approach is microdialysis. A double-lumen
Similar to NIGM but more invasive are the continuous glu- catheter is placed within the subcutaneous tissue, and a
cose monitoring systems (usually referred to as CGM or glucose-free isotonic fluid is transfused continuously over a
CGMS). These are more invasive systems and have consis- dialysis membrane. Glucose permeates the membrane and
tently shown far better results. Because CGMS are widely its level is assayed. It can also be placed intravenously in
marketed, they are discussed in depth in a different chapter. hospitalized patients.74 This technique showed75 its ability to
However, they will be shortly mentioned here. Often, NIGM reduce HbA1C levels in patients with T1DM. The GlucoDay®
and MIGM are considered forms of CGM, but here they are (Menarini Diagnostics) is the main commercially available
reviewed separately. model, studied76 since the early 2000s.
The typical CGM device includes a sensor, sensing glu-
cose in the interstitial fluid or in the blood; a processing unit,
wireless or with wires; and a screen displaying the result. Conclusions
When the monitor is accurate and precise enough, allowing
a reliable and reproducible safety profile, it can be connected The place for NIGM is obvious—a painless system that can
to a fourth element, a continuous insulin pump. This is truly measure glucose levels and guide treatment could dramati-
an artificial pancreas (regarding the β-islet function). cally improve the quality of life of diabetic patients and reduce
In the subcutaneous or intravenous CGM devices, the sen- long-term organ damage. Results, however, have been gener-
sor is placed within the subcutis or a vein where it obtains a ally disappointing, especially when compared to the more
continuous reading of glucose level in the fluid. In the ear- invasive CGMS that have consistently shown good results
lier models, it was connected by a wire to the processing unit, and are becoming an integral part in the management of
but the more modern devices are completely implanted and diabetes, especially insulin dependent. This is certainly not
interface with the external controller wirelessly. The sensing for lack of investment. Billions of dollars77 have been spent
process is usually based on glucose oxygenation, and then an on research with very little to show. Devices released to the
assay by optical or electrochemical assay is performed. The market with great promises, especially in the lay press, were
reading is transmitted to the display unit (usually by radio later quietly withdrawn due to poor postmarketing results. Is
frequency). In earlier models, the data had to read retrospec- there a future for NIGM systems? In the authors’ opinion, it
tively but the newer models allow real-time CGM. An earlier remains unclear. It is clear, however, that devices must stand
systematic review64 couldn’t show significant improvement in more rigorous testing before being released into the market.
treatment targets. A more recent meta-analysis65 of six ran- Only time will tell whether advances in basic science could
domized controlled studies evaluating glycemic control in translate into accurate, precise, affordable, comfortable, and
T1DM using real-time CGM showed lower glycated hemoglo- easy-to-use systems that could become an integral part in
bin (HbA1c) and lower hypoglycemia rate in CGM users. the diagnosis and treatment of diabetes.
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47 Reproduction and its impact on
health and disease
Sara Ornaghi and Michael J. Paidas
392 Reproduction and its impact on health and disease
Population with complicated pregnancies the result of constitutional determinants and external factors
Population with physiological pregnancies that influence fetal growth throughout pregnancy, whereas
Threshold for vascular/metabolic diseases the ponderal index may reflect restriction or acceleration of
Vascular risk factors
Similarly, the association of low birth weight with maternal Hypertensive disorders
CVD risk may be driven by endothelial dysfunction and Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy are common obstet-
other pathologies associated with restricted fetal growth ric complications that presage CVD. Preeclampsia affects
and preterm birth.3 approximately 2%–5% of pregnancies, 52,53 and it still rep-
resents a major cause of perinatal morbidity and mortality.54
Preterm delivery In turn, incidence of gestational hypertension varies from
PTD (<37 weeks of gestation) accounts for 6%–12% of deliv- 3% to 14%.52,53,55
eries in the developed world.35 The HRs for CVD associated Although a link between preeclampsia and future chronic
with total PTD are on the order of 1.3–2.6 as compared with hypertension has already been suggested almost 50 years
term births.3,28–31,36–42 However, different values of relative risk ago,56 it was only recently that preeclampsia has been
(RR) are reported when considering the distinct phenotypes accepted to predispose also to premature CVD.57
of PTD, that is, spontaneous (spontaneous labor, preterm Case–control and cohort studies consistently reported
premature rupture of membranes) or iatrogenic (medically that preeclampsia is predictive of future CVD and cere-
induced labor, cesarean section). Spontaneous preterm birth brovascular disease. This risk has been summarized in
is generally associated with uteroplacental inflammation, two systematic reviews of controlled studies that evalu-
ischemia, and hemorrhage.43 Further, women with a history ated the risk of late cardiovascular events in women with
of spontaneous PTD show higher inflammatory levels, larger and without a history of preeclampsia. 58,59 Compared
waist circumference, and dyslipidemia years after deliv- with women with no history of the disease, preeclamptic
ery.27 In turn, the main reasons for the medically indicated patients were at increased risk of developing hyperten-
preterm deliveries include preeclampsia and fetal growth sion (RR 3.70; 95% CI, 2.70–5.05 at mean follow-up of
restriction, well-known risk factors for subsequent mater- 14 years), ischemic heart disease (RR 2.16; 95% CI, 1.86–
nal CVD development. Consequently, hypertensive preterm 2.52 at mean follow-up of 11.7 years), stroke (RR 1.81; 95%
deliveries show a stronger association with maternal CVD CI, 1.45–2.27 at mean follow-up of 10.4 years), and venous
outcomes as compared with normotensive preterm deliver- thromboembolism (RR 1.79; 95% CI, 1.37–2.33 at mean
ies, though the latter are still associated with a 1.2–3-fold follow-up of 4.7 years). The absolute risk that a woman
increased risk compared with term deliveries.36,40,44,45 This with or without a history of preeclampsia would develop
can be likely related to the presence of common antecedents one of these cardiovascular events at age 50–59 years was
in preterm birth and CVD.45,46 As mentioned earlier, the pos- estimated to be 17.8% and 8.3%, respectively. 59 In addi-
sible causes of spontaneous preterm birth include infection tion, a graded relationship was observed between severity
and inflammation involving pro-inflammatory cytokines, of preeclampsia and risk of future cardiac disease (mild
the prostaglandin cascade, and matrix metalloproteinases.47 preeclampsia [RR 2.00; 95% CI, 1.83–2.19], moderate pre-
The process of atherosclerosis is also largely inflammatory eclampsia [RR 2.99; 95% CI, 2.51–3.58], severe preeclamp-
in its origin. Further, biochemical markers of inflammation sia [RR 5.36; 95% CI, 3.96–7.27]), as well as correlation
are related to the risk of plaque rupture and endothelial dys- between preeclampsia and future peripheral artery dis-
function and, subsequently, to the CVD risk but also to the ease (RR 1.87; 95% CI, 1.94–3.73). 58
risk of preterm birth.48,49 In addition, thrombin activation Similar findings have been reported by prospective
by vascular lesions can be detected in the placentas of spon- cohort studies published afterward.52,60–62 Further, the Child
taneous preterm deliveries. It has been reported to be a key Health and Development Study in California, providing the
component in the atherosclerotic process.50,51 longest follow-up (37 years), has confirmed that women with
A 39% higher risk in women delivering moderately pre- a history of preeclampsia in any pregnancy have a twofold
term infants and a more than doubled risk in women deliv- increase in the risk of CVD death (adjusted HR 2.14; 95%
ering very (28–32 weeks) and extremely (<28 weeks) preterm CI, 1.29–3.57).
infants has been reported, as compared with women who Women with early-onset/severe preeclampsia and PTD
had a first term delivery, even after adjustment for potential are at the highest risk of CVD later in life, including during
confounders, including preeclampsia and smoking.29 The the premenopausal period (Table 47.1).36 In two large stud-
impact of the severity of PTD on the risk of specific car- ies, these women had an eight- to ninefold increased risk of
diovascular events (hypertension, ischemic heart disease, death from cardiovascular causes compared with women
thromboembolism) and type 2 DM in the mother has also without a history of preeclampsia.36,62 In contrast, mild pre-
been investigated in a registry-based retrospective cohort eclampsia occurring late in gestation does not appear to be
study conducted by Lykke et al.39 Included in the analysis associated with a high risk of remote CVD.63 The stronger
were 782,287 women with a first delivery. After adjustments association between CVD and preterm preeclampsia sug-
for maternal age, year of delivery, hypertensive pregnancy gests that the pathogenesis of early versus late preeclampsia
disorders, fetal growth deviation, placental abruption, and may be different.
stillbirth, the authors identified that women delivering Endothelial dysfunction is a hallmark of preeclampsia.
between 32 and 36 weeks of gestation were at higher risk for Several studies have demonstrated that women with a history
all the cardiovascular events analyzed, as compared with of preeclampsia or severe early-onset fetal growth restric-
term controls. Further, the adjusted risk of subsequent type tion exhibit impaired endothelial function and peripheral
2 DM increased 1.89-fold. vasodilation remote from pregnancy, thus suggesting that
394 Reproduction and its impact on health and disease
previous GDM exhibit high rates of the metabolic syndrome population-based interventional study including deliver-
in the first decade following the index pregnancy.106,110,111 ies occurred during a 25-year period with a mean follow-up
Further, these women have been linked to a variety of non- duration of 11.2 years, the authors recognized higher rates of
traditional cardiometabolic risk factors including increased total renal morbidity in women with previous GDM (OR 2.3,
insulin resistance, low circulating levels of adiponectin, and 95% CI 1.4–3.7; p < 0.001) and a linear correlation between
upregulation of inflammatory proteins.112 Moreover, these the number of GDM episodes and the risk for future renal
patients display evidence of vascular dysfunction, including morbidity.
increased vessel stiffness, and impaired cardiac autonomic Altogether these data further emphasize the importance
function.113–116 Finally, they have been shown to be at risk for of GDM screening to maternal future morbidity risk assess-
the early onset of subclinical atherosclerosis, as indicated ment and may initiate the discussion regarding the introduc-
by increased carotid artery intima-media thickness (IMT) tion of specific screening programs after GDM pregnancies
(the CARDIA Study—NCT00005130).87 The carotid artery in order to early detect vascular, metabolic, and renal dis-
IMT has been shown to strongly predict heart disease and eases, thus using the benefits of secondary prevention.
stroke, particularly in women. Therefore, on the basis of all
of these findings, it has long been suspected that the diagno- First-trimester bleeding and miscarriage
sis of GDM likely identifies a population of young women at First-trimester bleeding is common in pregnancy, with
increased risk of CVD, in addition to type 2 DM.117,118 an incidence up to 20%–27%, and for about half of these
Studies have reported a 66%–85% higher risk of CVD, women, the pregnancy will end in miscarriage.132,133 In these
including coronary artery disease, myocardial infarc- patients, a higher risk of ischemic heart disease later in life
tion, and/or stroke.99,109,119–121 Results of the aforementioned has already been reported.38,134 In turn, for women with an
CARDIA study demonstrated that a history of GDM signi- ongoing pregnancy, evidence has mounted in the last few
fies increased CVD risk apart from greater prepregnancy years for an increased risk of later pregnancy complications
obesity, race, parity, and age. Weight gain, insulin resistance, such as PTD, placental abruption, and preeclampsia.135,136
and blood pressure partially accounted for the GDM-IMT As reported herein, these obstetric complications, as well as
association, thus leading the authors to suggest that body size, fetal growth restriction, are associated with increased mater-
blood pressure control, and insulin resistance could be impor- nal mortality and cardiovascular morbidity.
tant modifiable risk factors that may influence progression of Lykke et al. conducted a registry-based cohort study, aim-
atherosclerosis during the midlife in women with a history of ing to investigate the association of first-trimester bleeding
GDM. Two cohort studies reported a RR of CVD of 1.71 (95% without miscarriage with both prepregnancy cardiovascu-
CI 1.08–2.69, with a median follow-up of 12 years)99 and 1.58 lar morbidity and maternal long-term cardiovascular out-
(95% CI 1.00–2.49, with a median follow-up of 30 years).109 come.137 The results showed that women with prepregnancy
However, it is still unclear whether a history of GDM increases CVD were at increased risk of first-trimester bleeding and,
CVD risk independent of subsequent metabolic disorders, vice versa, that women experiencing first-trimester bleeding
mostly due to the lack of biochemical screening for metabolic were at higher risk of subsequent CVD (Table 47.2). The lat-
diseases before and after pregnancy in the previous studies.122 ter association persisted after adjustment for later pregnancy
Not only GDM but also lesser degrees of antepartum complications, which are associated with both first-trimester
hyperglycemia have been associated with an elevated risk of bleeding136 and subsequent maternal cardiovascular morbid-
subsequent type 2 DM and CVD.93,120,123–125 These data sug- ity,31,38,39,89 and thus being potential confounders. According
gest that further study of the potential relationship between to the intrinsic model of early vaginal bleeding, impaired
mild glucose intolerance in pregnancy and vascular disease cytotrophoblast invasion and spiral artery remodeling may
is needed, as it is possible that current antepartum GDM underlie this obstetric complication. Interestingly, an altered
screening may provide unrecognized insight into the future placentation also explains the observed link to later adverse
cardiovascular risk potential in young women.112 pregnancy outcomes,4,15,135,138 thus indicating the potential
Since the maternal cardiovascular risk is associated with existence of a common etiology to first-trimester bleeding,
GDM development, the ACOG,126 the American Diabetes adverse pregnancy outcomes, and subsequent CVD.
Association (ADA),127 and the Fifth International Workshop
Conference on Gestational Diabetes128 have recommended
long-term follow-up of these patients. All of them need to Recurrent pregnancy complications and maternal
undergo an oral glucose tolerance test 6–12 weeks after deliv- CVD risk
ery, using a 2-hour 75 g oral glucose tolerance test. In case of There is evidence that recurrent preeclampsia89 and PTD39,40
a negative result, women should be counseled regarding their are associated with a greater risk of CVD than a single com-
risk of developing GDM in subsequent pregnancies and type 2 plicated pregnancy in multiparous women. Specifically,
DM and CVD in the future. Since lifestyle interventions, such Lykke et al. demonstrated that PTD is associated with sub-
as weight loss and exercise, are clearly beneficial for reducing sequent overt type 2 DM and that the recurrence of PTD
the incidence of these disorders,129,130 they should be always causes a twofold increase in this risk.39
performed by clinicians. One-third to two-thirds of women with GDM in their first
Recently, a significant correlation between GDM and pregnancy will have GDM in a subsequent pregnancy.139–142
long-term renal morbidity has been also reported.131 In a In a study including over 65,000 pregnancies, the risk of GDM
396 Reproduction and its impact on health and disease
Table 47.2 First-trimester bleeding without miscarriage and subsequent maternal cardiovascular
Controls Cases
n = 763,976 n = 18,311 Adjusteda
Long-term outcome n % n % HR 95% CI P
Hypertension 18,101 2.4 450 2.5 1.20 1.09–1.32 <0.001
Ischemic heart disease 8,264 1.1 252 1.4 1.58 1.39–1.79 <0.001
Stroke 8,738 1.1 249 1.4 1.41 1.25–1.60 <0.001
Thromboembolic event 3,760 0.5 121 0.7 1.61 1.34–1.93 <0.001
Diabetes mellitus 6,520 0.9 200 1.1 1.51 1.31–1.74 <0.001
a Adjusted for the preterm delivery, primary rupture of membranes, hypertensive disorders, small for gestational age/large for
gestational age, placental abruption, and stillbirth.
in the second pregnancy among women with and without by their large, healthy placentas,150,151 thus hypothesizing that
previous GDM was 41% and 4%, respectively.139 Although the endocrine, angiogenic, and thrombotic processes might explain
association of recurrent GDM with CVD risk has not been the links between offspring size and breast cancer risk.3
studied, after a first GDM pregnancy, each subsequent GDM
pregnancy has been associated with a modestly increased Preterm delivery
risk of type 2 DM (adjusted HR = 1.16; 95% CI, 1.01–1.34)
and, likely, of cardio- or cerebrovascular events later in life.143 Several studies have reported that PTD, especially in a first
pregnancy, is associated with an increased risk of future breast
Additionally, having preeclampsia,144 PTD,44 or GDM143
cancer36,152–155 and, perhaps, ovarian cancer.156 However, data
in the last pregnancy appears to be associated with higher
in literature are still controversial on this topic.151,157,158
risk of future CVD in multiparous mothers, thus suggesting
that pregnancy complications severe enough to contraindi-
Hypertensive disorders
cate or discourage a subsequent pregnancy may be particu-
larly potent predictors of future CVD risk.3 No significant association between hypertensive disorders of
pregnancy and later development of cancer has been iden-
tified.59,159 Observational studies from the United State,
Non-CVD risk Sweden, and Norway reported that women with preeclamp-
Breast cancer risk sia were at reduced risk or had no excess risk of cancer when
Parity followed 13–19 years postpartum.36,150,154,157,160–162 Further, in
While high parity has shown a protective effect for hormone- the registry-based retrospective cohort study of Lykke et al.,
receptor positive breast cancers,145 an increased risk of estrogen women experiencing hypertensive disorders of pregnancy
receptor (ER)- and progesterone receptor (PR)-negative (ER- were not identified to be at increased risk of subsequent death
PR-) tumors, known to be associated with poorer prognosis from noncardiovascular causes in general. Interestingly, mild
compared with other cancer subtypes, has been identified.146 preeclampsia was associated with a slightly reduced risk of
However, emerging evidence suggests that breastfeeding may death from this kind of causes.163 In turn, a study from Israel
reduce this risk.146 Using cases and controls taken from the reported an increased risk of cancer in such women (HR 1.27;
Breast Cancer Family Registry, Work et al. examined reproduc- 95% CI, 1.03–1.57) with a median follow-up of 29 years.164,165
tive risk factors in relation to ER and PR status of breast cancers. The discordant results may be explained by several factors,
High parity (≥3 live births) without breastfeeding was identi- including differences in patient populations, the absence of or
fied as positively associated with ER-PR-tumors (OR 1.57; 95% insufficient adjustment for confounders, differences in length
CI, 1.10–2.24). In turn, no association with parity was found in of follow-up, and incomplete ascertainment.
women who breastfed for a total duration of ≥12 months (OR
0.93; 95% CI, 0.71–1.22).147 Hypothesized potential protective Gestational diabetes mellitus
mechanisms include the removal of estrogens via breast fluid, Although a handful of studies have indicated links between
excretion of carcinogenic agents through breast milk, delay in type 2 DM and breast cancer,166,167 only a few studies have
ovulation associated with breastfeeding, and induction of ter- investigated whether GDM increases the risk of cancer. Thus
minal differentiation of breast epithelial cells.148 far, reports include increased,166,168 decreased,169 and null
associations of GDM with breast cancer risk.158
Birth weight
Offspring birth weight has been positively associated with risk Renal cancer risk
of breast cancer.24,28,149 Intriguingly, any increased breast cancer Clinical and experimental findings suggest that female hor-
risk associated with bearing large infants seems to be explained monal and reproductive factors could influence kidney cancer
Conclusion 397
Table 47.3 Combinations of preterm delivery, small for gestational age, and preeclampsia
and the risk of subsequent death from cardiovascular causes
development.170 Interestingly, it has been reported that ana- with decreasing gestational age. Within each stratum of
tomical changes to the kidney during pregnancy might gestational age, mothers to very-small-for-gestational-age
make nephrons more vulnerable to inflammation and oxi- infants consistently had higher risks of CVD than mothers
dative stress.171 to non-SGA or moderately SGA infants, who appeared to
Since most studies examining the association of female have similar risks. Compared with women giving birth to a
hormonal and reproductive factors with kidney cancer risk non-SGA infant at term, women giving birth to a very-small-
have been based on small case numbers, with limited statis- for-gestational-age infant very preterm had a tripled risk for
tical power, Karami et al. decided to conduct analyses in two CVD during follow-up. Further, HRs for CVD remained
large, prospective cohort studies to more comprehensively essentially unchanged after additional adjustment for pre-
investigate this association.172 No clear evidence of an asso- pregnancy BMI.
ciation with parity and number of live births was found.
as an early indication that a woman is on a high CVD risk public health, given the magnitude of the associations, the
trajectory, before the classic CVD risk factors (hypertension, prevalence of the pregnancy complications, and the impor-
dyslipidemia, type 2 DM, and endothelial dysfunction) are tance of CVD in women. Further, pregnancy complications
clinically detected. However, whether pregnancy compli- occur early enough in a woman’s life course to offer a signifi-
cations are either mere markers of a woman’s subsequent cant preventive intervention by lifestyle changes and drug
disease susceptibility, or important modifiers of pathologi- administration (i.e., statins and antihypertensive drugs).
cal processes, e.g., via accelerated systemic atherosclerosis Accordingly to what reported herein, histories of preeclamp-
leading to cardiovascular morbidity,175 is still incompletely sia and GDM have been recently included as part of CVD
clarified. In some cases, pregnancy complications are pre- risk assessment by both the American Heart Association and
ceded by manifestations of the metabolic syndrome, which the European Society of Cardiology.180,181
will predispose to later CVD.77,176,177 Further, a possible
relationship between the individual’s genotype, pregnancy
complications, and subsequent CVD and death has yet to be Summary points
Further work to elucidate the endocrine, metabolic, vas- ●● Women with a history of adverse pregnancy outcome
cular, immune, and inflammatory factors shared by repro- appear to be at increased risk of metabolic and vascular
ductive disorders and chronic disease is needed. Indeed, diseases in later life.
many of the reproductive disorders overlap in definition or ●● Pregnancy complications and CVD and cerebrovascular
etiology, as in the predominance of preterm infants among diseases may have common pathogenic mechanisms.
the low birth weight. ●● Pregnancy may be viewed as a cardiovascular stress test,
Because of the progressive increase in maternal age at the and having a severe pregnancy complication might be the
first pregnancy and in the use of assisted reproduction, and first sign of CVD susceptibility in a woman.
the recent advances in obstetric care, the number of women ●● Women with a history of GDM should be screened for
having a history of pregnancy complications will continue to type 2 DM and be given counseling and appropriate life-
rise. Pregnancy may be viewed as a cardiovascular stress test, style advice.
and a preterm and/or SGA delivery might be the first sign of ●● Women who have had a very-low-birth-weight baby
CVD susceptibility in a woman.46,179 or combined complications seem to be at severalfold
Information about reproductive health might be used as increased risk of mortality from cardiovascular causes
a form of “personalized medicine” to tailor health advice to and should be screened for vascular risk factors.
women, from early in their lives, in order to change disease ●● Since the severity of the hypertensive disorders seems to
trajectories before they emerge as chronic disease at meno- predispose to thromboembolic events, caution is man-
pause. The use of pregnancy complication history to screen datory when prescribing oral contraceptives for these
women for targeted CVD prevention has potential to improve women.
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48 Diabetes, pregnancy, and the
developmental origins of health
and disease
Gerard H.A. Visser and Mark A. Hanson
404 Diabetes, pregnancy, and the developmental origins of health and disease
Most recently, such effects on the offspring of several gen- 16-year-old adolescents was related to maternal obesity,
erations have also been shown to operate via the paternal and especially to the combination of maternal obesity and
line.10,11 GDM, but not to GDM alone.16 A meta-analysis has sug-
A set of identified, independent risk factors impacting gested that there is an association between all types of dia-
outcome in offspring of women with diabetes is shown in betes in pregnancy and childhood obesity; however, only
the following: three studies in the meta-analysis corrected for maternal
BMI, and in all three of those studies, the direct relation-
●● Genetic predisposition ship between maternal diabetes and childhood obesity was
●● (Gestational) diabetes lost following correction for BMI.17 Similarly, a study of
●● Maternal body mass index (BMI) metabolic syndrome in infants at the age of 7–11 years has
●● Weight gain in pregnancy shown that maternal obesity or being large for gestational
●● Macrosomia at birth age at birth were independently associated with metabolic
●● Cesarean delivery (CD) syndrome but not maternal GDM.18 In a recent review by
●● Excessive weight gain >2 years of age Donovan and Cundy,19 it was concluded that exposure to
●● Socioeconomic circumstances hyperglycemia in utero has minimal direct effects on the
later risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes. The increased risk
Maternal diabetes and diabetes in offspring of obesity in the offspring of women with type 2 diabetes
or GDM can be explained by confounding factors, such
The impact of hyperglycemia during fetal development
as parental obesity. In women with type 1 diabetes, it has
on the offspring has been studied in Pima Indians in the
been shown that childhood obesity at the age of 7 and
United States, a population poorly adapted for Westernized
increased insulin resistance were independently related to
diets and sedentary lifestyles common today, and thus with
maternal BMI and being large for gestational age at deliv-
a high propensity toward the development of diabetes. In
ery. 20 Thus, there is doubt as to the independent impact of
Pima Indian women, non-insulin-dependent diabetes mel-
maternal preexisting diabetes or GDM on obesity in the
litus (NIDDM) during pregnancy results in offspring who,
offspring, although data corrected for maternal BMI are
at ages 20–24, themselves have a much higher prevalence of
limited. The effect of maternal diabetes on outcome may
NIDDM (45%) than do the offspring of nondiabetic Pima
be related to an increased and proportionally abnormal
Indian women (1.4%) or the offspring of Pima Indian moth-
fetal growth resulting in macrosomia at birth. The impact
ers who developed diabetes after the pregnancy (8.6%).12
of maternal obesity, irrespective of the presence of diabe-
These differences remained statistically significant after tak-
tes or otherwise, has also been shown in a large popula-
ing into account paternal diabetes, age at onset of diabetes
tion study in Scotland, in which an excess of premature
in the parents, and the offspring’s weight relative to height.
mortality from cardiovascular events was found in adult
Thus, in this diabetes-prone population, there is a dramatic
offspring. 21 In this study, data were adjusted for maternal
increase in the development of diabetes among those off-
age at delivery, socioeconomic status, birth weight, and
spring who gestated in an abnormal intrauterine environ-
gestational age at delivery. Maternal BMI was not taken
ment defined by diabetes-driven hyperglycemia. In contrast,
into account.
in Europe, women with either GDM (compared with preg-
nant women at genetic high risk for, but without, GDM) or
type 1 diabetes (compared to the general population) tended Weight gain during pregnancy
to have offspring that are approximately 8% more likely to An increased weight gain during pregnancy has been shown
develop T2D or impaired glucose tolerance by the age of 2713; to be related to fetal macrosomia at birth in women with
in this European population less prone to develop diabetes, type 1 diabetes.22 High maternal weight gain is also associ-
the effects of intrauterine hyperglycemia are less pronounced ated with increased body weight in a 12-year-old offspring,
but still detectable. It, therefore, appears that both genetic and this effect appeared only partly mediated through a
and epigenetic predispositions may differ between popula- higher birth weight.23 Similarly, associations have been
tions and play a role in determining risk of adult diabetes. found between gestational weight gain with offspring BMI
Unfortunately, maternal BMI was not taken into account in and blood pressure at 21 years of age.24
these studies.
Fetal macrosomia
Maternal BMI and obesity in offspring Being large for gestational age at birth is a risk factor for
GDM in the mother is associated with a range of effects childhood obesity both in offspring of women with diabe-
on the offspring.14,15 Fetuses of women with GDM develop tes16,20 and in nondiabetic populations.16 This may be due
insulin resistance in utero, but mainly in the case of to epigenetic changes induced by an abnormal intrauter-
maternal obesity. In fact, data suggest that obesity is the ine environment, by genetic differences (in relation to a
more important factor impacting long-term weight out- high maternal BMI) or altered nutrition and activity pat-
comes for offspring, not GDM. A recent Finnish study tern during childhood. The latter may be due to impaired
demonstrated that overweight and abdominal obesity in socioeconomic circumstances and related unhealthy
Discussion 405
lifestyle. Animal data have shown that “cafeteria style” potential value in ensuring that children over the age of 2 do
diet during the newborn period will result in obesity not grow too quickly or gain weight disproportionately to
and glucose intolerance during pregnancy and in glucose their gains in height, which may induce epigenetic changes
intolerance in the following generation. 25 There is evidence that impair glucose tolerance and set the stage for diabetes.
that the highest incidence of childhood obesity occurs in Similarly, accelerated growth has been found in infants of
offspring of women with type 2 diabetes in whom abnor- women with type 1 and type 2 diabetes.20,26 Concentrated
mal intrauterine environment, increased maternal BMI, public health efforts focused on adequate diet and sufficient
and suboptimal socioeconomic circumstance may come exercise early in childhood and more study on interventions
together. 26 In offspring of women with type 1 diabetes, such as folic acid that may potentially minimize epigenetic
type 2 diabetes, and GDM, childhood obesity is most insults during pregnancy37 are both high priorities to help
common in infants being large for dates at birth, with stem the ongoing epidemic of diabetes across the globe, an
the highest incidence of obesity in large-for-dates infants epidemic that threatens to become a worldwide pandemic in
of obese women with type 2 diabetes (Hammoud et al., the years ahead, with particular burden placed on the devel-
unpublished data). oping world.38
Cesarean delivery
Women with diabetes deliver generally two to three times as
much by cesarean section than control women. CDs result
in a 20%–30% higher incidence of autoimmune disease and The data presented in this chapter indicate that many fac-
obesity in the offspring. This has been shown most convinc- tors may play a role in the outcome of offspring of women
ingly in meta-analyses of observational studies regarding with diabetes. The strongest relationship with diabetes and/
childhood diabetes and asthma.27,28 Although these data did or obesity in offspring concerns most likely the preexisting
not derive from randomized controlled trials, subanalysis maternal BMI and fetal macrosomia at birth. The latter is
did not reveal effects of low-birth-weight infants, breast- affected by maternal diabetes and concomitant abnormal
feeding, and passive smoking. Moreover, funnel plots did intrauterine environment and maternal weight gain during
not show evidence of publication bias.27 The effects of CDs pregnancy. There is evidence that macrosomia in fetuses of
on the immune response may be due to the absence of the women with type 1 and type 2 diabetes is increasing in the
stress of the normal labor process, resulting in maladaptive Western world, despite improvements in glucose control
immune activation. Other possibilities include altered epi- during pregnancy.39–42 This unexpected finding is likely to
genetic regulation of gene expression and perturbed bacterial be due to an increase in maternal BMI, reduction in mater-
colonization of the gastrointestinal tract.29 After a CD, there nal vascular complications, better glucose control in early
is a delayed and altered bacterial colonization with reduced pregnancy resulting in a better placentation, increase in
variation.30,31 This may result in delayed developmental bal- weight gain during pregnancy, and poorer control (espe-
ance between TH-1 and TH-2 immune responses.32 A meta- cially postprandially) near term since women are not admit-
analysis of 15 studies with a combined population of over ted routinely to the hospital anymore.22,43,44 Reduction of
160,000 individuals has shown a 22% increase in obesity in macrosomia at birth seems difficult, with reducing of
children, adolescents, and adults after having been born by weight gain during pregnancy as one of the few modifiable
cesarean section.33 The microflora in the gut may stimulate options. Prevention of excessive growth during childhood
fat deposition and promote obesity through several mecha- might be a secondary tool to prevent negative long-term
nisms, by improving energy yield from food; by regulating effects of fetal overgrowth. Achievement of normoglycemia
gut permeability, low-grade inflammation, and immune is the most important factor but appears difficult at present.
balance; or by modulating metabolism and/or genes directly Continuous glucose measurements have shown that glucose
in the liver.34 All in all, it can be concluded that microflora values of women with type 1 diabetes are on average almost
during early life play a significant role in health and dis- 2 mmol/L higher than in control pregnancies.45 A first ran-
ease.35 In women with diabetes, a CD may have an effect domized trial on the use of a real-time continuous glucose
on the incidence of type 1 diabetes and/or obesity in their sensor, five times during pregnancy for 4–6 days, failed to
offspring. show an improved outcome in women with type-1/2 dia-
betes, maybe because this device facilitates enhanced food
Accelerated growth in offspring >2 years of age intake that may promote fetal growth.46 However, a recent
Finally, persuasive evidence of the impact of early childhood study from China has shown that continuous glucose mea-
growth on the development of T2D has been presented by surements and intensive dietary counseling in women with
Eriksson et al. in their longitudinal archival study of 8760 GDM were associated with better glycemic control and a
subjects born in Helsinki from 1934 to 1944.36 Subjects significantly lower incidence of large-for-dates newborn
were divided into those weighing ≤3.5 kg at birth, and those infants.47 Intensified glucose monitoring in combination
weighing >3.5 kg at birth. In both groups of subject, rapid with regular dietary counseling may therefore be able to
gain in BMI after the age of 2 years was associated with an reduce macrosomia at birth and hopefully reduce long-term
increased risk of T2D in later life. These data suggest the impairments.
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49 Interventions to improve
pregnancy outcome in obese
pregnancy: Implications for
mother and child
Rahat Maitland and Lucilla Poston
The majority of adverse complications of obese pregnancies on GWG may be less appropriate for obese women than for
for both mother and child are strongly associated with pre- those with a lower BMI, although achievement of the Institute
pregnancy BMI1; therefore, it can be reasonably assumed that of Medicine (IOM) recommendation of 5–9 kg (for women
preconception is the optimal time to introduce strategies to with a BMI > 30 kg/m2) would inevitably reduce postpartum
encourage weight loss so that women become pregnant with weight retention and thereby decrease the risk of adverse out-
a healthy BMI. However, as a large proportion of pregnan- comes, including delivery of an large for gestational age (LGA)
cies are unplanned, this approach will only be appropriate infant in a subsequent pregnancy.14 Recent meta-analyses have,
for a motivated subgroup, until such time when public health however, identified many of these studies to be poorly designed
strategies to reduce weight in adolescents and young adults and most to be underpowered for clinical outcomes.15–19 The
have met with success. Most intervention strategies therefore results have generally been disappointing with very modest
focus on the pregnant woman, and in recent years, as the reductions in GWG, e.g., 2.2 kg, in one meta-analysis17 and
global epidemic of obesity has spiralled, so have the num- with relatively few women achieving the IOM recommended
ber of studies attempting to reduce the burden of obesity on limits of GWG. Moreover, evaluation of an intervention on
the health of the mother and her child. While interventions the woman’s diet or PA, in order to determine compliance,
to obese subjects often meet with failure in the general pub- has not always been undertaken. Of those that have evaluated
lic, encouragement can be taken from the knowledge that the women’s diet, some have shown the desired effect, with
pregnancy is often a time of high motivation for women, to significant changes including reduced calorie and saturated
address and maximize not only their own health but that fat intake and an increase in polyunsaturated fats or improve-
of their unborn child. Given the increasing evidence that ments in fiber consumption.3,9,20 Less frequently, an increase
a child nurtured in utero by an obese woman may have an in PA has been reported.13,21 Compliance to the intervention
increased risk of obesity and cardiometabolic disease in later is important to assess, as failure to change GWG could arise
life,2 interventions in pregnancy may also have the benefit of either from poor compliance to the intervention or because
impacting favorably upon the health of the next generation. of the lack of effectiveness. Some interventions have been
underpinned with theoretical strategies designed to support
behavioral change and others have not. One meta-analysis to
determine the most effective intervention strategy for limiting
Interventions to limit gestational GWG in women of all BMIs concluded that those that did not
weight gain address theories of behavioral change were less effective than
those that did22 but an updated systematic review suggests that
Intervention strategies designed to improve outcomes for either approach is equally effective.23 These authors concluded
mother and child in overweight and obese pregnant women that motivational interviewing and behavioral self-monitoring
have included dietary advice3–5 or physical activity (PA)6–8 or, are likely to be key factors in achieving limitation of GWG,
more frequently, a combination of the two.9–13 To date, the especially if coupled with dietary interventions.
outcome of choice has predominantly been gestational weight The evidence for any clinical benefit of a modest limi-
gain (GWG). Since there is a strong association between mater- tation of GWG achieved through intervention studies
nal prepregnancy BMI and clinical outcomes, the emphasis in overweight and obese pregnant women is less than
Physical activity 409
encouraging, as indicated by several meta-analyses. Dodd The DALI study (ISRCTN70595832), a collaborative
et al. reported no significant effect on birth weight, mac- European randomized controlled trial (RCT) of a vitamin
rosomia, cesarean section rate, gestational diabetes melli- D and lifestyle intervention in different combinations for
tus (GDM), or any other clinical outcome.15 More recently, obese pregnant women, is currently underway and may pro-
Oteng-Ntim et al. reported a significant reduction in GWG vide more insights into the effects of restricting GWG (target
of 2.21 kg in obese and overweight women with an associ- sample size 880) and the safety in terms of clinical outcomes.
ated lower incidence of GDM (odd ratio 0.80, [95% confi- Women in the lifestyle intervention arms (dietary, PA, or a
dence interval [CI] 0.58–1.10]), but the strength of evidence combination of both) are advised to limit GWG to <5 kg.
was considered low.17 In a subgroup of obese women, part Primary outcomes are GWG, insulin sensitivity (homeo-
of a large meta-analysis of interventions on GWG in women static model assessment of insulin resistance [HOMA-IR]),
of all BMIs, Thangaratinam et al. also arrived at the same and fasting blood glucose (FBG) measured following 75 g
conclusion.18,19 One of the few studies in obese pregnant oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) at 24–28 and 35–37 weeks
women to have shown improvement of relevant biochemi- gestation. Prenatal ultrasound scanning will enable detailed
cal outcomes was a rigorous, intensive dietary intervention intrauterine dimensions to be made, and within 48 of birth,
in 50 obese pregnant women, designed to restrict GWG neonates will have full anthropometric assessment.28
to 6–7 kg and proposing adherence to the official Danish
dietary recommendations (fat 30E%, protein 15E%–20E%,
and carbohydrate 50E%–55E% [E% = % of total energy]). Intervention studies aimed to improve glucose
Compared to other studies, a considerable reduction in metabolism and reduce GDM incidence
GWG was achieved, being reduced by half (6.6 vs. 13.3 kg, Since the increased risk of GDM is a consequence of insu-
[95% CI 2.6–10.8], p = 0.002). This was also associated with lin resistance (IR) and because IR underpins the majority of
a reduction in the fasting plasma insulin concentration adverse outcomes of pregnancy in obese women, approaches
from 15 weeks onward. At 27 weeks gestation, a 20% reduc- that focus on IR or GDM as primary outcomes in high-risk
tion in plasma insulin was observed with a further 23% women may be more profitable than a focus on restriction
reduction at 36 weeks. 3 The intervention, however, had no of GWG. However, despite the strong evidence to support
effect on the incidence of GDM, but the study was likely to lifestyle changes in reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes mel-
have been underpowered for this outcome. litus (T2DM),29–31 results of meta-analyses regarding inter-
These negative data from interventions primarily tar- ventions to reduce GDM in women of all BMIs have been
geting GWG are perhaps unsurprising as evidence sug- contradictory, leaving many unanswered questions.32,33
gests that prepregnancy BMI may contribute as much to
adverse outcomes as excessive GWG.1 Approaches that focus
on limitation of weight gain in obese pregnant women may Physical activity
therefore be misplaced.
PA is an established method of improving insulin sensi-
tivity and overall glycemic control in addition to reducing
Safety considerations of limiting GWG cardiovascular risk by influencing multiple clinical and bio-
Thus far, no adverse effects of limiting GWG within rec- chemical variables associated with adverse events including
ommended limits in obese pregnant women by dietary or glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c), systolic blood pressure, adi-
exercise interventions have been reported.4,11,24–26 However, posity, and triglycerides in subjects with T2DM.34 The acute
caution should be heeded, as observational studies have effects of exercise can increase insulin-mediated uptake by
highlighted deleterious consequences for those who gain the skeletal muscle by up to 40% for 16 hours, with long-term
less than 5 kg (the lowest gain advised by the IOM for BMI effects from sustained activity thought to be mediated via
≥ 30 kg/m2), including adverse effects on fetal growth. The increased glucose transporter type 4 (GLUT) 4 production.35
most comprehensive review to address this issue is a retro- In the absence of any weight loss, improvements in periph-
spective analysis of 1241 overweight and obese women who eral insulin sensitivity and activity of lipoprotein lipase, an
had participated in prospective observational studies.27 Of enzyme involved in the catabolism of triglyceride-rich lipo-
the total sample, 15.2% (n = 188) gained or lost less than 5 kg proteins and strongly associated with IR, have been reported
and for these women, the incidence of small for gestational in sedentary adults following a 6-month walking program.35
age (SGA) and low birth weight was significantly greater The progression to overt diabetes in high-risk individuals
than for those whose GWG exceeded 5 kg. Their infants had including those who are obese with known glucose intoler-
significantly less total (403 ± 175 vs. 471 ± 193 g, p < 0.0001) ance can be limited, but the optimal mode, frequency, inten-
and lean fat mass (2855 ± 321 vs. 2995 ± 347 g, p < 0.0001) sity, and duration of exercise is yet to be identified.29,36
with smaller head circumference (34.2 ± 1.7 vs. 34.5 ± 1.7, In pregnancy, among women of normal BMI, increasing
p = 0.02) and reduced length (49.3 ± 2.3 vs. 50.0 ± 2.8, p = PA also improves glucose tolerance.37 However, advancing
0.001), reflecting reduced skeletal growth. The risk of SGA gestation and physical restriction coupled with maternal
was independent of maternal glucose status, and the exclu- anxiety is often considered a barrier to exercise in pregnancy
sion of all women with GDM from secondary analysis did in women of all BMIs. Most exercise-only interventions cen-
not alter the results. ter around supervised exercise classes two to three times a
410 Interventions to improve pregnancy outcome in obese pregnancy
week, adapted for pregnancy with a qualified trainer, with or The Metformin in Gestational Diabetes (MiG) trial, the
without a home-based element.6,21,38–40 largest RCT of 751 subjects comparing metformin therapy
While one meta-analysis showed strong inverse associa- vs. insulin for women diagnosed with GDM from 20 to
tions (25%–55% reduced risk) between PA before or dur- 33 weeks gestation (mean BMI for metformin and insulin
ing early pregnancy and GDM,32 a more recent report of groups 35.1 ± 8.3 kg/m2 and 34.6 ± 7.2 kg/m2, respectively),
six RCTs of PA in of a total of 1278 subjects33 suggested that found no significant difference in the composite primary out-
there was insufficient evidence to support the use of PA to come of neonatal complications.48 Acceptability and compli-
prevent GDM (risk ratio 0.91 [95% CI 0.57–1.44], p = 0.68). ance with metformin treatment were high, and women in
Following the Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy this group experienced less GWG and greater postpartum
Outcomes study,41 new guidelines for the diagnosis of GDM weight reduction at 6–8 weeks.
were agreed by the International Association of Diabetes and Metformin has also been used to induce ovulation in
Pregnancy Study Groups (IADPSG) advocating lower glu- women with subfertility and polycystic ovary syndrome, a
cose thresholds than those used previously (fasting glucose condition also characterized by IR, with no adverse preg-
≥5.1 mmol/L, or 1-hour glucose ≥10.0 mmol/L, or 2-hour nancy outcomes reported. Thus, it might appear reasonable
glucose ≥8.5 mmol/L [75 g OGTT]).42 In 2013 these were also to use metformin as an intervention in nondiabetic obese
endorsed by the World Health Organization.43 Using these pregnant women from early pregnancy onward. Two multi-
new diagnostic criteria, a recent RCT of PA and GDM in center RCTs of metformin vs. placebo with no other lifestyle
510 healthy Spanish pregnant women of normal BMI found or dietary restrictions are in progress. The “Metformin in
no reduction in GDM between exercising and nonexercising Obese Nondiabetic Pregnant Women” (MOP: NCT01273584)
groups.26 This concurs with a Norwegian study of lean women and “Efficacy of Metformin in Pregnant Obese Women”
(n = 702) that adopted a less intense intervention.25 However, (EMPOWaR: ISRCTN51279843) studies are recruiting
neither study measured compliance to the intervention, women from 12 to 16 weeks gestation with slightly different
i.e., whether PA changed in the intervention arm of the study. entry BMI values (BMI ≥ 35 kg/m2 for MOP and ≥30 kg/m2
There has been limited success in PA interventions in for EMPOWaR). Exclusion and inclusion criteria are other-
overweight and obese pregnant women. In a feasibility study, wise similar but non-Caucasian women are excluded from
Callaway et al. reported a modest increase in PA among EMPOWaR.
obese pregnant women who received an individualized exer- Theoretically, the metabolic profile of infants exposed to
cise program, but did not consider this would be adequate to metformin could be favorably altered and accompanied by
reduce GDM.21 The FitFor 2 program found no significant changes in adipose tissue distribution. This has the poten-
differences in maternal FBG, fasting insulin, HbA1c, BMI, or tial to reduce the heightened lifetime risk of cardiovascu-
birth weight following a PA intervention (60 minutes aerobic lar morbidity and premature death reported in children of
exercise in sessions twice a week) in women at high risk of obese mothers.2,49 The MiG TOFU (the offspring follow-up
GDM (BMI ≥ 30 or >25 kg/m2 plus one other risk factor).7 study) follow-on study has, however, identified some
Lack of statistical power may have confounded the results; potentially concerning differences in body composition in
however, compliance to the sessions was poor, with only children at 2 years using a combination of body composi-
16.3% of women attending half of the total number of sessions tion measures in a subgroup of 318 children from the MiG
(two perweek), and compliance decreased with progression study.50 Overall body fat and estimates of visceral fat mea-
of pregnancy. Several studies have addressed the barriers to sured by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry and bioimped-
changing PA behavior among obese pregnant women, which ance studies were equivalent but children in the metformin
have included physical discomfort, concerns about safety for arm had greater measures of subcutaneous fat stores at three
the baby, and social and cognitive factors.44,45 The high inci- sites: subscapular (6.3 ± 1.9 vs. 6.0 ± 1.7 mm, p = 0.02) and
dence of depression among obese pregnant women may also biceps skinfold (6.03 ± 1.9 vs. 5.6 ± 1.7 mm, p = 0.04) and
contribute to a lack of enthusiasm.46 mid-upper arm circumference (17.2 ± 1.5 vs. 16.7 ± 1.5 cm,
p = 0.002). The original hypothesis that in utero metformin
exposure would be associated with less visceral fat and thus
Pharmacological interventions less IR in the offspring was not met. Nonetheless, the authors
concluded that increases in subcutaneous fat stores may be
Metformin exerts its glucose-lowering effects by reducing a preferential and healthier response to metformin with an
hepatic gluconeogenesis and improving peripheral insulin ultimate reduction of visceral fat in the long term. Longer-
sensitivity, by mechanisms that are not fully understood. The duration follow-up studies, ideally from large RCTs such as
resultant reduction of blood glucose concentration without MOP and EMPOWaR, are required.
corresponding hypoglycemia or weight gain, an unwanted
side effect of many other agents used for T2DM, makes it
a desirable option for treatment of GDM since they both Targeted postprandial glucose interventions and the GI
share a common metabolic pathway of IR and inflammation. Studies from more than 20 years ago showed that postpran-
Metformin crosses the placenta and therefore its use in preg- dial glucose has a stronger association with macrosomia than
nancy has until recently been limited because of concern of FBG therefore interventions specifically aimed at reduc-
its potential effects on the mother and fetus.47 ing the postprandial glycemic response seem warranted to
Low glycemic index (LGI) diet 411
improve pregnancy outcome in women who have GDM or LGI and obesity
who are obese and insulin resistant.51 A Cochrane review of the evidence for the use of LGI diets
Dietary advice remains the cornerstone of treatment for in obese subjects (in nonpregnant subjects) included six
GDM, with increasing use of second-line therapies, particu- eligible RCTs with a total of 202 subjects. Obese and over-
larly insulin and metformin for women who are unable to weight subjects who followed the LGI diet had significantly
achieve adequate control with dietary changes alone.52,53 Two greater weight loss (weighted mean difference −1.1 kg [95%
seminal RCTs have unequivocally demonstrated that treat- CI −2.0 to −0.2]) and reductions in total cholesterol and LDL
ment of mild glucose intolerance in pregnancy improves neo- concentrations compared to subjects on standard or high-
natal and maternal outcomes.54,55 In one study, the Australian GI diets (WMD [weighted mean difference] −0.22 mmol/L,
Carbohydrate Intolerance Study in Pregnant Women, women [95% CI −0.43 to −0.02] and WMD −0.24 mmol/L, [95% CI
with mild glucose intolerance, randomized to the intervention −0.44 to −0.05] for standard and high GI, respectively).59
group, received dietary advice and only commenced insulin Subsequently, Liu et al. demonstrated a significant reduction
when fasting and/or postprandial blood glucose targets were in serum glucose and insulin AUC (42% and 29%, respec-
exceeded on more than two occasions. A significant reduc- tively) when comparing diets of LGI/low carbohydrate to
tion in serious perinatal complications was achieved in the high GI/high carbohydrate in overweight and obese people.60
intervention arm, and although 20% of women in this group
were commenced on insulin to optimize glucose control, it is
important to highlight that the majority of women were suc- LGI diet and diabetes
cessfully managed with dietary advice alone.54 A Cochrane review published in 2009 and an earlier meta-
analysis both concluded that a modest, yet clinically useful,
reduction in HbA1c of 0.5% can be achieved with a LGI diet
Low glycemic index (LGI) diet in the management of diabetes, equivalent to the changes
observed with single-agent pharmacotherapy.61,62 Similar
Otto and Niklas first observed the different glycemic limitations of small sample size and variation in duration of
response to various foods in 1980 with the subsequent con- diet were reported and both reviews included participants
cept of the glycemic index (GI) food classification system with T1 and T2DM.
developed by Jenkins in Toronto shortly thereafter.56 Initial
studies compared a 50 g portion of carbohydrate calculated
from published food tables to a standard of 50 g glucose. LGI and pregnancy
Following consumption of the carbohydrate, serial venous Two systematic reviews are inconclusive to support univer-
blood samples were taken up to 2 hours and glucose val- sal recommendation of LGI diets to prevent or treat GDM in
ues plotted to determine the area under the curve (AUC). pregnant women.63,64
Similar methods are adopted today however the use of cap- The Camden study, a prospective analysis of dietary GI
illary blood glucose is more frequently utilized against a calculated from three 24-hour recall questionnaires over the
standard of white bread. The AUC for each food is expressed course of pregnancy, in 1082 women reported a positive and
as a percentage of the mean AUC for the standard, from a significant relationship between GI, maternal HbA1c, and
sample of 10 subjects, and used to calculate the GI.57 The GI plasma glucose 1 hour following 50 g glucose challenge test
predicts the ranking of the glycemic response of foods in (GCT) at 24–28 weeks gestation.65 Similarly, GI was posi-
an individual; foods that are digested and absorbed slowly tively related to fetal growth.
raise blood glucose concentrations gradually and are thus Louie et al. conducted a systematic review of LGI diets in
given low GI (LGI) values. The division of GI values into pregnancy for women of all BMI categories including three
three simple categories has facilitated a useable system for studies complicated by GDM.66 Of the eight studies included,
individuals and generated an additional tool for the delivery half showed positive influence of a LGI diet on pregnancy
of dietary advice for healthcare professionals; high GI ≥70, outcomes, with a reduction in LGA reported in two but a
medium GI 56–69, and LGI <55. moderate increase in the delivery of an SGA infant in one.
Inherent and important limitations of GI classification In general, LGI diets have been shown to be safe in preg-
exist when applying the principles to the wider population and nancy with no adverse maternal effects reported, but issues
when interpreting individual responses to foods of different regarding restricted fetal growth have been identified.65
categories. Aberrations in methodology are known to affect These concerns have not been reproduced in subsequent
the GI including food portion size and preparation, the choice studies and will continue to be addressed by ongoing larger
of standard, timing of test, frequency of blood sampling, and intervention trials.
the formula used to determine the AUC.57 Subject character-
istics such as age, sex, ethnicity, degree of glucose intolerance,
and coexisting disease that may influence glucose absorption Randomized controlled trials of LGI interventions in
are also confounders but attempts to standardize that these over weight and obese pregnant women
factors would serve to limit the variability in glucose response The three largest RCTs aimed at lowering the GI of the diet,
and maintain consistencies across food groups tested, there- in conjunction with supporting a healthy lifestyle in high-risk
fore minimizing the effect on overall GI.58 pregnant women, have completed recruitment,12,67,68 and two
412 Interventions to improve pregnancy outcome in obese pregnancy
have published the outcomes.12,67 While the recently reported UPBEAT (ISRCTN 89971375)
Pregnancy and Glycemic Index Outcomes study did not spe- The UPBEAT (U.K. Pregnancies Better Eating and Activity
cifically recruit obese women (mean BMI 24.5 kg/m2) and Trial), which has recently completed recruitment and has
included those with normal glucose tolerance, the results yet to report outcomes, is a multicenter RCT of a complex
nonetheless merit mention.69 In an RCT, LGI dietary advice dietary and PA intervention aimed at improving glucose
was compared to routine healthy eating with both arms receiv- homeostasis in obese pregnant women (n = 1546). Following
ing equivalent support and contact from the research team and randomization at 15+0–17+6 weeks gestation to intervention
dietitian from 20 weeks onward. In contrast to an earlier but or standard antenatal care, the program is delivered over
smaller study from the same group, no significant differences 8 weekly group sessions with a health trainer until OGTT
were observed for the primary outcomes of birth weight, birth at 27+0–28+6 weeks gestation. The objective of the dietary
centile, or ponderal index.70 The failure to replicate the find- recommendation is to reduce the GI and glycemic load
ings in the larger cohort with women of similar characteristics (GL = GI × carbohydrates [g]/100) using food swaps and to
is perhaps unsurprising since the advice given to the control exchange saturated fatty acids (SFAs) for monounsaturated
arm was a healthy diet, reinforced with dietary counseling, in and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Women maintain contact
contrast to standard antenatal care in the earlier study, where with the research team with further three structured vis-
women were reported to consume a high GI diet reflective of its until delivery where dietary data, blood samples, and
habitual diet. anthropometry are obtained. Within 72 hours of birth, a
detailed anthropometric assessment of the baby is made that
is repeated at 6 months’ postnatal review.
Low glycemic index diet in pregnancy to prevent The study endpoints include maternal and neonatal pri-
macrosomia (ROLO study): Randomised control trial mary outcomes of, respectively, GDM diagnosed by 75 g
The ROLO study hypothesized that an LGI diet would OGTT using the recommendations of the IADPSG42 and
reduce recurrence of macrosomia in subsequent pregnancies LGA delivery, defined as adjusted birth weight >90th centile
for women who had previously delivered an infant >4000 g for gestational age using customized centiles, where adjust-
vs. standard antenatal care with no dietary advice (n = 781, ment is made for maternal height, weight, ethnicity, parity,
mean BMI 26.8 kg/m2).71 No difference in the primary out- and infant sex.73
come was observed, but positive findings were noted for A pilot trial for UPBEAT was undertaken in 183 women
those following the LGI diet. At 40 weeks gestation, women in four urban U.K. hospitals, to evaluate changes in dietary
in the intervention arm had gained 1.5 kg less weight than and PA behaviors in response to the intervention, to trial
controls (mean difference −1.3, [95% CI −2.4 to −0.2], p = all aspects of the protocol, and to undertake process evalu-
0.01), and fewer exceeded the 2009 IOM guidelines for GWG ation.74 Baseline habitual diets for all women were similar
(38% vs. 48% for LGI and control, respectively). Both FPG with no differences in the following: total energy intake,
and 1 hour glucose following 50 g GCTs were significantly GI, GL, and macronutrient composition. At 28 weeks gesta-
lower in the LGI group, although the incidence of GDM fol- tion, there was a significant reduction in total energy intake,
lowing 100 g glucose load was no different.67 GL, total fat, and SFA with an increase in fiber consump-
tion (nonstarch polysaccharides) for the intervention group.
Women entered the study with a medium GI diet (58), but
Antenatal lifestyle advice for women who are after 8 weeks of adherence to the program, a borderline sig-
overweight or obese: LIMIT randomised trial nificant 7-point reduction in the GI was achieved, and the
LIMIT was the first adequately powered lifestyle interven- diet of the intervention group was reclassified as LGI (differ-
tion RCT for obese and overweight pregnant women with ence −7, [95% CI −15 to 0], p = 0.054). On completion of the
2212 participants randomized to a combined program of study, analysis will determine whether these positive dietary
dietary and exercise advice (in conjunction with behavioral changes are maintained throughout pregnancy and beyond
strategies) or to standard antenatal care. The intervention and whether they translate into favorable clinical outcomes.
was delivered over three visits with a research dietitian and In summary, for all the pregnancy interventions dis-
reinforced by three additional telephone consultations with cussed, the additional commitment over and above the time
trained assistants.12 Dietary advice was not principally cen- required for routine antenatal care is a limitation particu-
tered on LGI principles but incorporated food exchanges, larly for women in full-time employment or with childcare
increased fiber and fruit consumption, and reduction of responsibilities. Poor compliance and high dropout rates are
refined sugars to maintain a eucaloric diet with a global greatest in women from ethnic minorities and those who have
effect of lowering overall GI.72 The primary outcome of a not received higher education.7,11,21 Authors have attempted
reduction in LGA incidence (birth weight ≥90th centile to facilitate participation by various means including local
for gestational age and sex) compared to control was not delivery, providing transport to and from research centers,
met. Pregnancy outcomes including the diagnosis of GDM and regular phone, postal, and email contact, but greater
and GWG were the same; however, there was a reduction in understanding of barriers to behavioral change, particularly
the risk for the secondary outcome of macrosomia in the to increased PA, is needed.
intervention group (15% vs. 19%, relative risk 0.83, [95% CI Adequately powered RCTs are required to determine
0.68–0.99], p = 0.04). whether the interventions described are successful in
References 413
improving maternal, obstetric, and offspring outcomes and study designs that encourage and support pregnant women
whether they have the real translational potential to be a and that can adapt to meet the cultural requirements of the
therapeutic option for obese pregnant women. Pragmatic local population, are essential.
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50 Lifestyle interventions to
reduce risk of diabetes
among high-risk pregnant
and postpartum women
Lisa Chasan-Taber
Table 50.1 Randomized trials of lifestyle interventions to reduce risk of type 2 diabetes among women with gestational diabetes mellitus: Study designs
Wein RCT; FU: 796 200 women with previous Diet intervention vs. Telephone; mailings Diet, healthy eating; PA, exercise
et al.21 person-years GDM from 1989 to 1991 control (30 minutes three times per
(median and subsequent IGT week)
51 months)
Abbreviations: RCT, randomized clinical trial; FU, follow-up; GDM, gestational diabetes mellitus; IGT, impaired glucose tolerance; PA, physical activity; FG, fasting glucose; GI, glycemic index; BMI,
body mass index.
Table 50.2 Randomized trials of lifestyle interventions to reduce risk of type 2 diabetes among women with gestational diabetes mellitus: Findings
Impact on
type 2 Impact on biomarkers Impact on
Author Name diabetes of insulin resistance Impact on weight Impact on PA Impact on diet breastfeeding
Cheung NA NA BMI (kg/m2): 28 (95% Steps (% achieving NA
et al.13 CI: 23.9, 34.3) vs. goal), 30.8 vs.
25.5 (95% CI: 22.5, 17.6 p = 0.34; PA
28.7), p = 0.14 (% achieving
goal), 70.0 vs.
57.9, p = 0.51
Ferrara Diet, Exercise, NA NA Weight (% achieving PA (difference in Fat (% difference in mean Breastfeeding
et al.14 and goal): 37.5% vs. mean change in change) −3.6, p = 0.002 (difference in
Breastfeeding 21.4%, p = 0.07 minute/week): % partially or
Intervention 25.3, p = 0.91 exclusively
15%, p = 0.09
Hu et al.15 Tianjin NA FG (change in Weight change, −1.4 ± LTPA (% increased): Fat (% decrease), 77.1 vs. NA
Gestational mmol/L), −0.09 ± 3.44 kg vs. −0.21 ± 59.4% vs. 26.9%, 68.9, p = 0.064; fiber
Diabetes 0.52 vs. −0.09 ± 3.52 kg (0.3%), p = p < 0.001 (% increase), 59.5 vs.
Mellitus 0.6, p = 0.97; 0.001; BMI change, 47.4, p = 0.012
Prevention insulin (change in −0.50 ± 1.41 kg/m2
Program pmol/L), −11.8 ± vs. −0.09 ±
27.4 vs. −3.2 ± 1.37 kg/m2, p = 0.004
31.2, p = 0.004
Kim NA FG (change in Weight (change in kg): PA (% moderate NA NA
et al.16 mmol/L), −0.046 vs. −0.14 kg vs. −1.5 kg, intensity): 58 vs.
0.038, p = 0.65; p = 0.13 47, p = 0.51
2- hour glucose on
75 g OGTT (change
in mmol/l), −0.48
vs. −0.42, p = 0.91
McIntyre NA FG (change in Change in weight (kg): PA (median [range] NA NA
et al.17 mmol/L), 0.25 ± .56 0.97 + 3.7 vs. 0.22 + increase in
vs. 0.12 + 0.42, NS; 4.2 NS planned PA
insulin (change in minutes/week),
nU/mL), 1.49 + 4.23 60 (0–540) vs. 0
vs. 0.06 + 3.89, NS (0–580); p =
0.234; walking,
Methods 417
Table 50.2 (Continued ) Randomized trials of lifestyle interventions to reduce risk of type 2 diabetes among women with gestational diabetes mellitus: Findings
Impact on
type 2 Impact on biomarkers Impact on
Author Name diabetes of insulin resistance Impact on weight Impact on PA Impact on diet breastfeeding
Ratner Diabetes Diabetes: NA Weight (change in kg): PA (change in hour/ NA NA
et al.18 Prevention 53% risk −5.13 ± 0.43 vs. week): 1.5 hour/
Program reduction approx. 0 in placebo week vs. NA in
vs. placebo, at 6 months; −1.6 ± year 1; <0.5 vs.
p = 0.002 0.80 vs. approx. 0 in NA in year 3
placebo at 3 years
Reinhardt NA NA BMI (difference in LTPA (change in Total fat (change in g/ NA
et al.19 change in kg/m2), minutes/day): 11 day), −19 (95%CI: −37,
−1.5 (95% CI: −2.8, (95% CI: 1, 22) −1); GL (unit change),
− 0.1); weight −26 (95% CI −48, −4)
(difference in change
in kg), −4.0 (95% CI:
−7.6, −0.5)
Shyam NA Glucose, 2 hours post Weight (% achieving PA (median MET- Fat (g), 58 ± 18 vs. 53 ±
et al.20 75 g OGTT (median goal): 33% vs. 8%, minute/week, 16, p = 0.695 for
mmol/L, IQR), −0.2 p = 0.01 IQR): 933 (1403) difference in change;
(2.8) vs. 0.8 (2.0), vs. 965 (857), fiber (g), 17 ± 4 vs. 13
p = 0.025; insulin p = 0.908 ± 4, p = 0.02 for
(<2 μU/L), 61.5% difference in change;
vs. 52.6%, p = GI, 57 ± 5 vs. 64 ± 6,
0.228 p = 0.033 for
difference in change
Wein Diabetes NA NA NA NA
et al.21 (annual
rate): 6.1%
vs. 7.3%
rate ratio =
0.83, 95%
CI: 0.47,
418 Lifestyle interventions to reduce risk of diabetes among high-risk pregnant and postpartum women
Abbreviations: RCT, randomized clinical trial; FU, follow-up; GDM, gestational diabetes mellitus; IGT, impaired glucose tolerance; PA, physical activity; FG, fasting glucose; GI, glycemic index; LTPA,
leisure time physical activity.
Results 419
Shih et al. are conducting the Mothers After Gestational low-risk perceptions for future type 2 diabetes and subopti-
Diabetes in Australia Diabetes Prevention Program, a ran- mal levels of physical activity and fruit and vegetable intake.
domized controlled trial among 574 women with a diagnosis The majority of studies reveal a distinct knowledge–behavior
of GDM in their most recent pregnancy.26 Women are ran- gap among this population as well as a lack of knowledge
domized to 12-month diabetes prevention program or to a regarding necessary lifestyle modifications.30
usual care control group. The intervention is delivered via Promising strategies to address these challenges can be
in-person and group sessions and telephone. Follow-up con- found in recent studies that have found a number of enablers
tinues for 12 months. Primary outcomes include incidence to postpartum lifestyle changes including social support.31
of diabetes, and secondary outcomes include cardiovascular Dasgupta et al.32 conducted focus groups among women
risk factors and psychosocial and quality of life factors. within 5 years of a GDM diagnosis. Participants stated that
their participation in a diabetes prevention program would
be enhanced by face-to-face interactions with professionals
Discussion and peers, provision of childcare support, and inclusion of
spouses/partners. Therefore, interventions that integrate the
Postpartum lifestyle interventions are critical in light of entire family and influence family members, along with the
recent findings from long-term follow-up studies that a sig- participant, to adopt health promoting behaviors may be
nificant proportion of women with GDM go on to develop particularly successful.
type 2 diabetes, especially during the first decade after the In this vein and to address transportation barriers, home-
index pregnancy.5 With the growing rates of diabetes and based interventions conducted via mail, telephone, the
obesity in US women, evidence regarding the effective- Internet/e-mail, and text messaging or involving home vis-
ness of lifestyle modification for the prevention of diabetes its by health educators may be more feasible and acceptable
in women with GDM is critical. Therefore, GDM offers an to women in the postpartum period. For example, several
important opportunity for the development, testing, and recent trials that relied largely on the Internet, mail, or tele-
implementation of clinical strategies for the prevention of phone have observed promising results.16,19,21 Furthermore,
subsequent type 2 diabetes.27 Such protocols can capital- there is evidence that Internet-based lifestyle interventions
ize on the teachable moment of pregnancy28 and empower can increase exercise in a general postpartum population.33
women to make postpartum lifestyle changes. However, at the same time, Internet access may be a barrier
To date, the majority of randomized controlled trials of as women with GDM tend to have lower socioeconomic sta-
lifestyle interventions in women with GDM designed to tus than women without GDM.34
prevent type 2 diabetes have been limited to pilot or feasibil- Weight loss interventions that begin during pregnancy
ity studies. However, preliminary findings suggest that such may be more effective than those initiated only in the post-
interventions can improve postpartum biomarkers of insu- partum period given the strong association between GWG
lin resistance and other diabetes risk factors in women with and postpartum weight retention and the fact that it may
a history of GDM. Specifically, the trials conducted to date be difficult to reduce postpartum weight retention with-
have observed favorable impacts on fasting glucose, insulin, out first preventing excessive gestational weight gain dur-
postpartum weight, leisure time physical activity, and intake ing pregnancy.35 Two of the published trials began in late
of total fat, fiber, and glycemic load. Only one study to date pregnancy14,19 and suggest that such protocols can have a
examined the impact on breastfeeding and found the sug- beneficial impact on gestational weight gain as well as pre-
gestion of a beneficial impact.14 pare women for postpartum changes. Consideration should
While evidence is rapidly accumulating that behavior in also be given to translating such programs to clinical care.
the postpartum period may be critical in the prevention of In their newly launched study,24 Ferrara et al. are evaluat-
longer-term progression toward diabetes, lifestyle changes ing whether delivering a diabetes prevention program at the
can be difficult to implement in these critical years after health system level is able to successfully reach women with
delivery. Postpartum women may be faced with the pres- prior GDM.
sures of caring for a new baby in addition to their existing Breastfeeding has been associated with reduced blood
household and caregiving responsibilities. Recent qualita- glucose levels and a reduced incidence of type 2 diabetes
tive data show that having young children is a major bar- among women with a history of GDM.36 However, only one
rier to an active lifestyle in the first 12 months postpartum.29 of the nine published trials included breastfeeding as one of
Other qualitative and quantitative studies indicate a number their goals.14 Future trials should focus on promoting a com-
of barriers to physical activity during postpartum, includ- bination of breastfeeding, diet, and physical activity.
ing physical discomfort, parenting duties, tiredness, lack Finally, rates of progression to type 2 diabetes vary by
of time, not prioritizing their health over other competing ethnicity, with, for example, Asian and Hispanic women
responsibilities, and lack of spousal/partner support.3 having higher rates of progression than non-Hispanic white
A second challenge to implementing behavior change women.37 At the same time, Hispanic women have higher
in the postpartum period is the relatively low perceived rates of being overweight/obesity when entering pregnancy
risk of future diabetes among women with recent GDM. A and are more likely to be sedentary than non-Hispanic white
review30 of studies examined the risk perceptions and health women.37 Future studies should focus on these high-risk
behaviors of women with previous GDM. The authors found groups. One newly launched study23 is being conducted in
References 423
Hispanic women only and will evaluate whether a culturally preventing subsequent progression to type 2 diabetes among
modified intervention will be effective in reducing diabetes women with GDM. Such interventions that focus on the
risk in Latinas with GDM. acquisition of healthy lifestyle skills in late pregnancy and
In summary, trials of diabetes prevention programs postpartum have a high potential for preventing the inter-
among high-risk pregnant and postpartum women are generational cycle of diabetes in this high-risk population.
sparse. Collectively, the prior body of evidence suggests that
such lifestyle interventions, if delivered to women with a
history of GDM, would have the potential to delay or pre- Acknowledgment
vent one-sixth of type 2 diabetes cases in the female popu-
lation.38 Larger, well-designed controlled randomized trials This work was funded by NIH/NIDDK 2R01DK064902 and
are needed to assess the effects of lifestyle interventions on DK097011.
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51 Can fetal macrosomia be
predicted and prevented?
Maria Farren and Michael Turner
426 Can fetal macrosomia be predicted and prevented?
Percentage of neonates
6 ≥4.5 g 4.0–4.5 kg
1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011
Figure 51.1 Birth weights in 1992–2012, Coombe Women and Infants University Hospital.
8 4000–4499 kg ≥4500 kg
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Figure 51.2 Percentage of babies born in the Republic of Ireland in 2002–2012, ESRI/NPRS Perinatal Statistics Report 2003–2012.
Birth weight (kg)
3440 Singletons Total
1990 1993 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012
Figure 51.3 Mean birth weight in Ireland, ESRI/NPRS Perinatal Statistics Report.
as did the proportion of infants weighing 4000–4249 g, Overall, it is observed that the incidence of macrosomia
4250–4499 g, and 4500 g or more.20 However, it is worth has remained stable over the last 10–15 years. Anecdotally
noting that within their study, only 60.2% had their preg- babies are getting bigger. However, with the possible excep-
nancies dated by early pregnancy ultrasound. The remaining tion of Scandinavia, this is not the case as is reflected in
subjects had their pregnancies dated on the basis of the last our analysis at local, national, and international level.
menstrual period or on the gestational age recorded as book- Commentary in the literature is fraught with discrepancies,
ing. This may explain the apparent increase in BW. assumptions, and inaccurate measurements of gestation at
Risk factors 427
1996 1998 2000 2002 2009 2012 Risk factors
The risk factors for macrosomia are either modifiable or
Figure 51.4 Percentage of singleton births in all macroso- unmodifiable (Table 51.1). Unmodifiable risk factors include
mic groups in the United States in 1996–2012, National Vital maternal age, parity, ethnicity, parental height, gender of the
Statistics, CDC.
fetus, and a history of a previous LGA infant.
The effect of maternal age was demonstrated in a retro-
recruitment and delivery. These discrepancies illustrate the spective American review in 1985.15 A total of 574 infants
importance of accurate dating of a pregnancy so that any weighing <4500 kg were compared to a control sample of
diagnosis of macrosomia is not erroneous. 18,739 infants weighing 2500–3499 kg. This study found
The reason for any decreasing trends in fetal macrosomia that women delivering macrosomic infants were older and
is multifactorial. The increasing rate of assisted reproduction of higher parity.
has led to an increased number of twin and multiple preg- A prospective observational study in Philadelphia
nancies.21 Such an increase of multiple pregnancies leads to between 1991 and 1994 explored the effect of ethnicity on
a decrease in the overall BW as multiple pregnancies tend macrosomia.28 Macrosomia was defined as a BW >90th cen-
to be delivered earlier and overall weigh less than their sin- tile. Within the cohort, 103 American and 36 Latino subjects
gleton counterparts. were followed prospectively. All subjects had been diag-
The diagnosis and management of gestational diabe- nosed with GDM. They found ethnicity is an independent
tes mellitus (GDM) also may account for the plateau in risk factor for fetal macrosomia. However, ethnic variation
the BWs. The criteria for screening remain controversial, in the United States is difficult to interpret as there is such
but even with selective screening, more women are being wide ethnic intermingling.
diagnosed with GDM.22 The Hyperglycemia and Adverse The effect of parental height was extrapolated from the
Pregnancy Outcome (HAPO) trial revealed the effects of Millennium Cohort Study in the United Kingdom between
mild hyperglycemia on fetal size and has subsequently led 2000 and 2002.29 There were 8053 infants studied. It showed
to changes in the parameters once considered for the diag- maternal weight was more influential than paternal weight
nosis of GDM.23 on infant BW.
Larger numbers of women being screened for GDM may Women with a history of fetal macrosomia are at risk of
lead to earlier intervention and this improves glycemic con- delivering another macrosomic infant. A retrospective study
trol. The control of blood glucose levels can be achieved in Dublin between 1998 and 1999 reviewed 14,461 pregnan-
through diet, oral hypoglycemics, and subcutaneous insulin. cies.30 From this cohort, 529 infants (3.7%) were macrosomic,
The overall effect of treatment modalities is stricter glycemic with the incidence higher in parous women (4.6%) compared
control and subsequent reduction in BW.24 This may also
explain the plateau in the number of macrosomic infants. In
the United States, there is a trend toward universal screen-
Table 51.1 Risk factors of fetal macrosomia
ing for GDM. Therefore, even greater numbers of women are
diagnosed with GDM, and their pregnancies are managed
ideally within strict glycemic control.24 Unmodifiable Modifiable
In addition to the regulation of hyperglycemia, the preg- Maternal age Hyperglycemia
nancy complicated by GDM is unlikely to progress past 38 Parity Hypertriglyceridemia
weeks gestation especially in the case of insulin-dependent Ethnicity Gestational age at birth
GDM.25 As a result, these fetuses are not being given the Parental height Maternal weight
opportunity for a growth surge in the latter part of preg- Gender of the fetus Gestational weight gain
nancy and in the postdates period. This may impact on the History of LGA infant Dysfunctional lifestyle
overall percentage of macrosomic infants.
428 Can fetal macrosomia be predicted and prevented?
with nulliparas (2.4%, p < 0.0001). In the following 5 years, to the accuracy of ultrasound estimation. However, this
164 women went on to deliver a macrosomic fetus. They study considered those women in the general obstetric pop-
found that women with a history of one macrosomic fetus ulation. The accuracy of maternal estimates of BW among
are at increased risk of another macrosomic fetus in a sub- women with GDM has not been studied.
sequent pregnancy (odds ratio [OR] 15.8, 95% confidence Ultrasound has been extensively studied for sensitivity
interval (CI) 11.45–21.9, p < 0.001). For women with two or and specificity in detecting fetal macrosomia. Twenty-two
more macrosomic fetuses, the risk is greater (OR 47.4, 95% articles were reviewed in 2005.36 The inclusion criteria were
CI 19.9–112.9, p < 0.001). any study that considered the sensitivity and specificity of
While all the previous factors are factored in, there are ultrasound-estimated fetal weight to correctly identify a
influences on BW that can be modified. These are of great macrosomic fetus. The authors considered macrosomia as
interest to the clinician, for it is these that we can focus on in fetal weight ≥4000 g. The majority of the reports that met
an effort to reduce the adverse maternal and fetal outcomes the inclusion criteria were from the United States. Of the
associated with the macrosomic infant. Modifiable risk fac- 22 reports, 14 were in the general obstetric population, 4
tors may include maternal hyperglycemia, increased gesta- included pregnancies complicated by GDM, and 4 included
tional age at delivery, increased maternal weight, increased postdate pregnancies.36
gestational weight gain, and an unhealthy lifestyle. The incidence of macrosomia among the general obstetric
The link between maternal and fetal hyperglycemia was population (defined as BW >4000 g) ranged from 3% to 55%.
first described in Copenhagen in 1952.31 Maternal hypergly- The sensitivity and specificity in the detection of macrosomia
cemia leads to fetal hyperglycemia as glucose crosses the pla- in this group was wide ranging. The sensitivity ranged from
centa and insulin does not.32 Glucose is the main substrate 70% to 99%, while the specificity ranged from 12% to 79%.
for growth in the fetus.33 In babies of mothers with diabe- The time span of the articles included was 10 years (1993–
tes, the effect of hyperglycemia is apparent as their BWs are 2003). The review considered the possibility that a variation
increased. A prospective study in the northern region of the in the regression equation used by each study to predict BW
United Kingdom in 1994 enrolled 113 women with preex- influenced the results. Hadlock’s proposed formula was used
isting diabetes mellitus. The study found that 35% of those by 57% of the reports.38 The post-test probability using this
delivered (36 out of 104 deliveries) had a BW >95th centile.34 equation ranged from 17% to 76%. Of the 14 studies, 3 used
In 2008, the HAPO study found that continuous exposure the equation proposed by Shepard with a post-test probabil-
by the fetus to glucose, at levels below those diagnostic of ity ranging from 16% to 32%, and 1 study used various equa-
diabetes, had a variety of adverse effects on the pregnancy tions with a post-test probability ranging from 27% to 47%.39
including BW >90th centile. It concluded that the equation chosen was not a factor in the
Gestational age at delivery is an important risk factor for inconsistent results.
macrosomia. An observational study in California in 1997 The review found that despite advances in equipment and
studied the BW of 326 singleton fetuses born between 37 and expertise, our ability to predict the macrosomic infant has
42 weeks gestation. They ensured the pregnancies were accu- not improved over the decade. The expertise of the person-
rately dated and controlled for obesity, ethnicity, and life- nel conducting the ultrasound examination also does not
style factors, e.g., smoking. The study found that BW was a influence the accuracy of prediction of fetal macrosomia.40
linear function of gestational age between 37 and 42 weeks.35 A retrospective review in California recruited 365 women
Despite this, however, studies have shown no benefit to over a 7-month period. The prevalence of macrosomia (BW
induction of labor or cesarean section in nondiabetic moth- ≥ 4000 g) was 12%. The prediction of BW in the growth-
ers with suspected fetal macrosomia.2 restricted fetus and the appropriately grown fetus was more
accurate among sonographers. However, both sonographers
and fetomaternal specialists had similar accuracy in detect-
Prediction ing the macrosomic fetus. The post-test probability to detect
the macrosomic fetus was 53% and 56%, respectively.
There has long been an interest in accurate methods or mod- The ability to predict macrosomia in the general obstetric
els for the prediction of fetal macrosomia. Clinical assessment population is fraught with inaccuracy. However, evidence
has been the longest standing method. This involves subjec- suggests it is feasible to predict macrosomia in pregnancies
tive clinical palpation of the abdomen and measurement of complicated by diabetes mellitus and in postdate pregnan-
the symphysiofundal height (SFH). These methods are fraught cies. It is most likely that the reason for greater detection is
with inaccuracies as interobserver variation occurs. The mea- the higher prevalence of macrosomia among these groups.
surement of SFH does not allow for variables such as polyhy- The post-test probability of detection of a macrosomic fetus
dramnios, uterine anomalies, or m ultiple pregnancies.36 ranged from 71% to 81% in those with GDM and 61%–63%
Some studies suggest that maternal prediction of mac- in postdate pregnancies.41–44 These studies defined macroso-
rosomia is accurate. A report in 1995 asked 70 postdates mia as ≥4000 g.
women to predict the fetal weight of their baby.37 Among the Neonatal morbidity due to birth trauma is more likely to
cohort, the sensitivity was 56% and the specificity was 94%. occur when the BW is ≥4500 g.8 Therefore, it is prudent to
The pre-test probability of macrosomia was taken to be 20%, consider if macrosomia can be predicted—either clinically
and therefore, the post-test probability was 70%, comparable or sonographically—in this select group of patients. In the
Prevention 429
literature, reviews suggest a post-test probability of detection to reduce and also weight gain in the current pregnancy,
of macrosomia in infants ≥4500 g varies from 22% to 37% if BMI is to be optimized.
on ultrasound and 12% to 36% on clinical examination.2,45–47 Maternal obesity may influence fetal macrosomia.
Present evidence indicates that it remains difficult to predict However, possibly of more importance is the concept of
infants who weigh ≥4500 g either clinically or on ultrasound. maternal body composition. Considering the overall body
Serum biomarkers that are sensitive and specific could composition and not just BMI may be a more appropriate
potentially predict fetal macrosomia. This area remains in its focus for both the prediction and prevention of fetal mac-
infancy, and the results to date show only a relatively small rosomia. In a prospective observational study, our research
improvement in overall prediction of macrosomia.48 Low team studied the correlation between fetal BW and mater-
pregnancy-associated plasma protein A and increased beta nal body composition.53 The study included 2618 subjects of
human chorionic gonadotropin levels have been shown to be whom 16.5% were obese. We concluded there was no rela-
predictive in pregnancies complicated by growth restriction. tionship between maternal fat mass and fetal macrosomia.
However, the reverse has not been proven true when it comes However, fat-free mass was a strong predictor of BW ≥4.0 kg.
to the prediction of macrosomia. The use of biomarkers for Women who were in the highest fat-free mass quartile had
predicting macrosomia, from as early as the first trimester, an odds ratio of 3.6 for a BW >4000 g compared to those in
has been investigated but with only marginal increase in the lowest quartile (Figure 51.5).
detection.48 These markers were used in combination with The impact of body composition on BW is further dem-
maternal risk profile. onstrated by work carried out in our unit. This prospective
study recruited 368 women across all BMI categories. The
BW of babies was recorded and compared against maternal
body composition. This shows the range of fetal BW across
Prevention all BMI categories.
The root of macrosomia is multifactorial. Therefore, there Obstetric interventions are made in a bid to reduce the
are many aspects that can be considered when it comes to incidence and impact of fetal macrosomia. It has previously
preventing this obstetric challenge. been postulated that elective cesarean section or induc-
The effect of maternal hyperglycemia on fetal macroso- tion of labor may avoid the adverse outcomes of macroso-
mia is established. Glucose crosses the placenta, while insulin mia. However, neither approach has shown clear benefit in
does not. This results in fetal hyperglycemia and a subsequent women with otherwise uncomplicated pregnancies.
hyperinsulinemia and fetal macrosomia.49 In a pregnancy A retrospective analysis in 1983 reviewed the outcomes
complicated by diabetes, there is central deposition of subcuta- for infants with a BW > 4000 g.54 They concluded that mac-
neous fat in the abdominal and interscapular areas. However, rosomia was rare at 37 weeks gestation and increasingly
the skeletal growth is unaffected.50 A prospective study of 479 more common thereafter. They advocated ultrasound analy-
healthy, nondiabetic mother and baby pairs concluded that sis between 36 and 38 weeks gestation and subsequent induc-
the effect of maternal hyperglycemia on fetal growth is mainly tion of labor for suspected macrosomia.
related to fat deposition.30 Therefore, it stands to reason that It must also be considered that induction of labor in itself
control of hyperglycemia is essential to prevent macrosomia. increases the rate of cesarean section. Eleven studies, both
There is some evidence also that altering the carbohydrate observational and randomized, which compared expectant
type consumed from high to low glycemic index changes glu-
cose and insulin response, in turn altering fetal weight gain.51
The impact of maternal obesity on fetal BW may be a factor 5.00
to be considered in preventing macrosomia. A retrospective
observational study in Cleveland reviewed 12,950 deliveries 4.50
from 1997 to 2001 to evaluate whether an abnormal body
habitus contributed to the birth of a macrosomic infant.52 4.00
Birth weight
management versus induction of labor when fetal macroso- contentious. Some advise a cutoff value of >4000 g, others
mia was suspected were reviewed.55 These 11 studies included advise >4250 g, and the ACOG recommends >5000 g.56,58,59
3751 subjects of which 2700 were managed expectantly and It remains reasonable that cesarean section should be
1051 underwent labor induction. Analysis showed that, com- discussed in the context of GDM and suspected fetal mac-
pared with those whose labor was induced, women who expe- rosomia >4500 g.
rienced spontaneous onset of labor had a lower incidence of
cesarean section (OR 0.39, 95% CI 0.30, 0.50) and higher rates
of spontaneous vaginal delivery (OR 2.07, 95% CI 1.34, 3.19). Conclusion
No differences were noted in rates of operative vaginal deliv-
ery, shoulder dystocia, or abnormal Apgar scores in the analy- Macrosomia remains a contentious and controversial topic
ses of the observational or randomized studies.55 in obstetric practice. There is little doubt that a pregnancy
Pregnancy complicated by GDM is an independent risk complicated by macrosomia leads to a greater risk of mater-
factor for neonatal morbidity. Shoulder dystocia was more nal and neonatal morbidity. It is, therefore, a pregnancy
common in diabetic women.56 Within this study, it was con- complication that we strive to both predict and prevent.
cluded that the combination of diabetes and a macrosomic However, the effects are wide reaching. Our prediction tools
infant, with macrosomia defined as ≥4000 g, accounted for at present are ineffective.
73% of shoulder dystocia cases among women with GDM. The suspicion of macrosomia heightens both maternal
Therefore, it was concluded that cesarean section was indi- and clinician anxiety and often leads to more investigation
cated in those with GDM and an estimated fetal weight and more intervention than in the pregnancy where fetal
≥4000 g.56 A similar increased risk of brachial plexus injury growth is considered to be normal. The challenges facing us
associated with GDM has also been demonstrated.57 when it comes to macrosomia are wide ranging. It is hoped
The complications associated with macrosomia in those that through greater research and an agreed definition of
with GDM are recognized and cesarean delivery in these macrosomia, the tools for prediction and the strategies for
cases has been widely recommended.56–58 However, the prevention will become more precise and widely used among
cutoff value at which cesarean section is advised remains clinicians worldwide.
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52 Hypoglycemia in diabetic
Graziano Di Cianni, Cristina Lencioni, Emilia Lacaria, and Laura Russo
nervous system
Increased sympathoadrenal outflow
Pancreas medulla
Increased Increased
glycogenolysis neurogenic
and increased Liver
ingestion of
Increased glucose
production Glucose
Figure 52.2 Physiological mechanism against hypoglycemia. The decreased in glucose concentration in blood includes a
decreased in insulin secretion, an increase in glucagon secretion, and an increase in epinephrine secretion.
434 Hypoglycemia in diabetic pregnancy
duration diabetes (10–20 years), suffer from reduced responses epinephrine during hypoglycemia. The attenuated epineph-
of epinephrine. Therefore, patients with type 1 diabetes with rine response to hypoglycemia is a marker of an attenuated
combined defect of glucagon and epinephrine are at about autonomic and sympathetic response.7 It causes the initial
sixfold increased risk for severe iatrogenic hypoglycemia loss of the warning symptoms of hypoglycemia and, over
during intensive insulin therapy.12 time, through a downward vicious spiral including pro-
Hyperinsulinemia is the rule in diabetes mellitus, both gressively impaired physiological responses and increasing
type 1 and type 2, because of the therapeutic delivery of clusters of hypoglycemic episodes, the development of hypo-
insulin into the peripheral rather than portal circulation glycemia unawareness.18
and because of the empirical algorithms used to administer
insulin. Absolute hyperinsulinemia, due to excessive levels
of circulating insulin (excess of dosage or irregularity of Cardiovascular, cognitive impact, and mortality
absorption), causes hypoglycemia more frequently during associated with hypoglycemia
the hours preceding meals or in the first hours in the morn- Severe and prolonged hypoglycemia can cause death: recent
ing. Relative hyperinsulinemia, due to other conditions such studies have demonstrated that up to 10% of patients with
as delayed or inadequate diet (especially as far as the range of type 1 and sulfonylurea-treated type 2 diabetes mellitus died
carbohydrates is concerned), physical exercise, renal failure, of hypoglycemia. Potential mechanisms include brain death
excessive alcohol consumption, and delayed gastric empty- and cardiac arrhythmias (including torsade de pointes and
ing, usually causes hypoglycemia after meals.13 atrial fibrillation).19
Type 2 diabetes is characterized by insulin resistance and Acute prolonged hypoglycemia causes a marked increase
persistent beta cell function, which allows insulin secretion in the workload of the heart, compromises endothelial func-
to decrease as blood glucose decreases, and apparently intact tion, and increases blood coagulability and viscosity.20
counterregulation. Consequently, as reported in the litera- A recent retrospective study reported a 79% higher risk in
ture,9 the rate of severe hypoglycemia results is lower than in cardiovascular events compared to patients without hypo-
type 1 diabetes. However, the United Kingdom Prospective glycemic events in patients with type 2 diabetes.21 Three large
Diabetes Study (UKPDS) showed that the frequency of hypo- trials, Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes
glycemia increases over the years with a prolonged duration (ACCORD),22 Action in Diabetes and Vascular Disease:
of insulin treatment.14 Patients with advanced type 2 diabetes Preterax and Diamicron Modified Release Controlled
and long duration of insulin treatment have reduced both glu- Evaluation (ADVANCE),23 and Veterans Affairs Diabetes Trial
cagon and sympathoadrenal response to hypoglycemia.9 (VADT),24 examined the effects of glucose lowering the cardio-
In people with type 2 diabetes, hypoglycemia is often a vascular events in patients with type 2 diabetes: a total of 24,000
consequence of the pharmacological treatments with hypo- patients with high cardiovascular risk were assigned to either
glycemic agents that stimulate pancreatic insulin secretion intensive control or standard therapy. Subjects assigned to the
(sulfonylureas, glinides). intensive arm experienced more episodes of hypoglycemia
than those randomly assigned to standard treatment arm. In
the ACCORD trial, subjects assigned to more intensive treat-
Hypoglycemia unawareness ment also experienced a 20% increase in mortality. In contrast
Hypoglycemia unawareness is a common long-term compli- in the ADVANCE or VADT study, recent severe hypoglycemia
cation of diabetes. Recent evidences suggest that 10%–15% of was a strong predictor of negative cardiovascular outcome. The
individuals with type 1 diabetes mellitus exhibit hypoglyce- results are still conflicting and a matter of debate.
mia unawareness, whereas impaired awareness (patients who Data from a mean 18 years of follow-up in the Diabetes
usually, but not always, experience symptoms of hypoglyce- Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) show no asso-
mia during hypoglycemic episodes) is seen in 40%–50%.1,15 ciation between hypoglycemia and a decline in any cogni-
In insulin-treated type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypoglycemia tive domain.25 Recent findings show that adults with type 1
unawareness has been reported to be approximately 10%.16 diabetes require a greater volume of the brain to perform a
The exact mechanism of hypoglycemia unawareness is working memory task during hypoglycemia.26
not completely understood. In type 2 diabetes mellitus, current evidence suggests that
It is thought to be due to an alteration in the relationship recurrent hypoglycemia does not cause cognitive impair-
between glycemic thresholds of the various components ment in young middle-aged patients. Data are conflicting
of the physiological response to hypoglycemia and cogni- regarding the impact of severe hypoglycemia on the risk
tive functions.17 Patients with hypoglycemia unawareness of dementia among elderly patients with type 2 diabetes
demonstrate sympathoadrenal activation at lower glucose mellitus.27,28
concentrations than those who have awareness and, impor-
tantly, at a lower level than that for cognitive impairment.
Strong evidence indicates that defective loss of symptoms Hypoglycemia in diabetic pregnancy
of hypoglycemia in patients with type 1 diabetes is largely
the result of antecedent, frequent hypoglycemia. It seems In pregnant women with diabetes (type 1 and type 2), a good
likely that antecedent hypoglycemic episodes contribute metabolic control before and during pregnancy is essential
to defective glucagon response and impaired secretion of to reduce the maternal–fetal morbidity and mortality.29 This
Hypoglycemia in diabetic pregnancy 435
Number of events
4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38
Gestational week
Figure 52.3 Rate of severe hypoglycemic events per week during pregnancy in 108 women with type 1 diabetes. (Modified from
Ringholm, L. et al., Diabet. Med., 29, 558, 2012.)
436 Hypoglycemia in diabetic pregnancy
Table 52.2 Maternal hypoglycemia and embryogenesis in pregnancies with type 1 diabetes
Studies aimed to evaluate fetal heart rate (FHR) during that are developmentally adaptive for fetal survival, but later
hypoglycemia in diabetic pregnant women are conflicting. in life might predispose offspring to adult-onset diabetes.70
While some studies showed fetal tachycardia during mater- The degree of glycemic control during pregnancy affects
nal hypoglycemic coma,65 others showed bradycardia and perinatal outcome; nevertheless, data of pregnancy out-
reduced fetal movements during maternal hypoglycemia.66 come in diabetic women with repeated hypoglycemia are
An increased FHR has been demonstrated during hypogly- few. Perinatal outcome seems not to be affected by severe
cemic clamp studies, probably as a consequence of mater- episodes of hypoglycemia.35,54 Finally, studies in children
nal increased sympatico adrenal activity.67 On the contrary, of mothers who experienced frequent severe hypoglycemic
other studies have reported no changes in FHR and fetal episodes during pregnancy showed no relation between
movements, suggesting that the fetus could use alternative intellectual performance, psychomotor development, and
substrate during episodes of maternal hypoglycemia.68 With hypoglycemia. Rizzo et al. studied children of mothers with
correction of maternal blood glucose levels, FHR and fetal hypoglycemia during the second and third trimester of
activity returned to normal. pregnancy. They found normal intelligence scores at 2 and
Although data regarding congenital malformations 5 years of age.71 Maternal hypoglycemia in the first or third
and functional cardiac anomalies are not conclusive, it is trimester has not been shown to predict cognitive function
accepted that low levels of maternal glucose during preg- in adult offspring of women with type 1 diabetes.72
nancy may cause fetal growth retardation and small-for-
gestational-age infants.
Langer has shown that in gestational diabetic pregnant Treatment
women, the frequency of small-for-gestational-age infants
was 20% in women with low mean plasma glucose levels Diabetic people should be educated to identify correctly
(<4.8 mmol/L), significantly higher with respect to normal the alarm symptoms of hypoglycemia and to treat them-
pregnant women (11%).69 selves promptly to prevent progression to neuroglycopenia.
In addition, maternal hypoglycemia may also determine All hypoglycemic episodes, even in the absence of symp-
impaired fetal beta cell function. In fact, animal experimen- toms, require treatment. The goal of the treatment is to
tal studies suggest that fetus with intrauterine growth restric- increase the blood glucose to a safe level to avoid clinical
tion caused by chronic placental insufficiency have impaired consequences.
insulin secretion, insulin biosynthesis, and insulin content. Relatives, friends, teachers, and coworkers should be
The fetal beta cell dysfunction might indicate mechanisms taught to recognize symptoms of hypoglycemia, and in case
438 Hypoglycemia in diabetic pregnancy
of doubt, they must treat immediately the person that may Effective approaches known to decrease the risk of iatro-
have hypoglycemia. genic hypoglycemia include patient education, dietary and
Mild to moderate hypoglycemia is usually treated exercise modifications, medication adjustment, careful glu-
with food, oral glucose tablets, or sucrose solutions. It cose monitoring by the patient, and conscientious surveil-
is sufficient to administer 15–20 g of glucose as glucose lance by the clinician.6
tablets (3–5 g/10 kg body weight) or sports drinks con- Optimizing insulin therapy is essential to reduce the risk
taining pure glucose to raise blood glucose by 65 mg/dL of hypoglycemia in diabetic pregnant women; the use of both
(3 mmol/L). Fruit juice is absorbed more slowly than glu- short- and long-acting insulin analogues during pregnancy
cose and is not as effective in raising the blood glucose can reduce the risk of severe hypoglycemia.73–75 The data that
levels as tablets or liquid glucose. Likewise, honey is less insulin pumps can help with the reduction of severe hypo-
efficient than glucose because it contains only 40%–50% glycemia during pregnancy are not well established.76 A case
glucose and the same amount of fructose. Sucrose solu- report suggested that insulin pump therapy combined with
tion as granulated sugar in orange juice or milk does real-time continuous glucose monitoring, with careful mon-
not provide a quick rise in blood glucose levels for rapid itoring of glucose values, is useful in preventing severe hypo-
symptomatic relief and may require the administration glycemia in pregnant women with impaired hypoglycemia
of a larger volume. awareness.35,77
Moderate hypoglycemia may require a second adminis-
tration of glucose.
In case of loss of consciousness, the treatment is 10–25 g Conclusions
(20–50 mL of 33% glucose solution injected intravenously
over 1–3 minutes). The intravenous infusion of glucose solu- Diabetic pregnancy represents the most important challenge
tions (20–50 mL at 33%) is the advised treatment for the hos- of insulin therapy, requiring a continuous effort to maintain
pitalized patient. euglycemia and avoid severe hypoglycemic episodes. The fre-
The administration of glucose solutions at 33% must be quent exposure to low glucose levels determines an impaired
carefully controlled to avoid phlebitis and pain in case of glucose counterregulation and hypoglycemia unawareness.
breaking of the vein. Hypoglycemia may be dangerous for the mother, but it is
Glucagon is ideal to use at home and the standard dose unclear whether and to which extent it determines embry-
is 1 mg given subcutaneously. The maximal blood glu- opathy. Finally, the worry about hypoglycemic episodes can
cose response occurs after 15 minutes, with a peak at 20 have a negative impact on the experience of pregnancy for the
minutes to 1 hour. When glucagon is used, it is important mother and her partner. Women should avoid hypoglycemic
to remember that postglucagon nausea and vomiting are episodes and be able to prevent them. Therefore, women have
common and that careful monitoring of blood glucose to be adequately instructed to perform self-monitoring of
levels should be continued until the patient is able to eat blood glucose and observe the diet especially of the intermeal
normally. snacks and insulin plan. The new technology for monitoring
Glucagon does not cross the placenta and its use in preg- the glucose profile daily will be a useful tool to reduce hypo-
nancy is not dangerous.58 glycemic episodes in pregnancy with diabetes in the next years.
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53 Hypertensive disorders and
diabetic pregnancy
Jacob Bar, Moshe Hod, and Michal Kovo
442 Hypertensive disorders and diabetic pregnancy
Fetal undernutrition
Figure 53.1 Possible mechanisms linking fetal undernutrition and coronary artery disease. IGF, insulin growth factor.
urbanized India.24–26 Indian infants are exceptionally small, of cell types, gene expression, or both. Some researchers
with a mean birth weight of 2700 g, and their mothers tend have accused the authors who formulated the hypothesis
to be short and underweight. The infants also have low mus- of incorrect statistical interpretations because of chance,
cle mass, small viscera, and a relative excess of fat—a body artifacts, or confounding factors in later life, but these have
composition particularly likely to lead to insulin resistance.27 been resolved.34 Nevertheless, it should be emphasized that
In a cohort study in Indian children, Yajnik et al.28 showed support for the hypotheses comes mainly from studies in
that lower weight at birth and higher body mass index in rodents35 that cannot rule out environmental causes, partic-
childhood were associated with impaired glucose tolerance. ularly those associated with socioeconomic status,36,37genetic
Although improving the growth and nutrition of the mother predisposition to low birth weight or hypertension and
before pregnancy would seem to be the ideal strategy to hypertension-related diseases, and postnatal factors.38,39
improve fetal growth, animal studies have shown that more Unfortunately, testing these parameters in humans is neither
than one generation of improved maternal nutrition may be ethical nor practical.
necessary for an optimal outcome.29,30 Thus, in India, where In an attempt to separate genetic from extrauterine envi-
women begin childbearing already in their teens, before they ronmental influences, some researchers have studied multiple
are fully grown, postponing marriage might be a good first pregnancies. For example, the Tasmanian Infant Health
step.31 There is only limited evidence that nutritional supple- Survey of a cohort of monozygotic, dizygotic, and singleton
ments in pregnancy improve fetal growth in undernourished pregnancies reported a stronger association between birth
mothers.32 Furthermore, the effect of supplements varies weight and BP in children from multiple pregnancies.40 The
according to the stage of pregnancy: giving them early in association also held true within the monozygotic pairs,
pregnancy may even worsen fetal growth.6 suggesting that a genetic predisposition may need to be
Stene et al.,33 in a large population-based cohort study, combined with specific mechanisms within the fetoplacen-
noted a relatively weak but significant and nearly linear asso- tal unit.40 A study of 492 pairs of female twins showing an
ciation between birth weight and risk of type 1 DM. The ratio inverse relationship of birth weight and adult BP41 proved
of children with a birth weight of 4500 g or more to children further corroboration for the assumption that restricted
with a birth weight of less than 2000 g was 2.21. This find- intrauterine growth is due to placental dysfunction rather
ing raised the possibility that perinatal factors influence the than inadequate maternal nutrition or genetic factors.
risk of type 1 DM. The underlying mechanisms of this asso- Two other studies stress the importance of primary pre-
ciation are unknown, but they probably differ from those vention of high BP and cardiovascular disease and the con-
responsible for the association between low birth weight and troversy still surrounding Barker’s fetal origin hypothesis. In
later onset of type 2 DM. the first, school children with a history of low birth weight
There may also be factors other than nutrition that play a were found to have impaired endothelial function and a
role in the casual pathway leading to high BP, cardiovascular trend toward carotid stiffness, which may represent early
disease, or type 2 DM. expressions of vascular compromise.42 However, another
The fetal origin of adult disease (FOAD) hypothesis group of investigators showed no difference in flow-mediated
assumes that a poor nutrient supply during a critical period endothelial-dependent vasodilatation (early stage in the
of in utero life may “program” a permanent structural or development of atherosclerosis) between adolescents who
functional change in the fetus, altering the distribution had a low birth weight and controls.43
Intrauterine factors in metabolic syndrome: The fetal origin of adult disease 443
Impaired fetal development
(birth weight or , low nephron number,
paternal hyper-
arterial remodeling)
Figure 53.2 Factors that directly or indirectly affect fetal development and may thus favor programming diseases that occur in
later life. (From Koleganove, N. et al., Nephrol. Dial. Transplant., 27, 3003, 2012. With permission.)
An additional factor that may underlie the proposed con- with or without FGR, FGR without hypertension, intra-
tribution of the intrauterine environment to adult disease is uterine fetal death, placental abruption, and even preterm
the reduced nephron mass documented in infants in disad- labor.49 Defective deep placentation is dependent upon
vantaged populations with intrauterine growth restriction genetic and environmental factors, as well as time of onset,
and exposure to maternal diabetes and vitamin A deficiency. duration, and extent of the ischemic insult. Moreover, evo-
A lower nephron mass may impair nephrogenesis, thereby lutionary pressures derived from the potential conflict rela-
increasing the susceptibility of the infant to later kidney tionship between the fetus and the mother that include their
damage from diseases such as hypertension and diabetes or response to insults also play a role in determining the phe-
diabetic kidney, which also commonly affect disadvantaged notypic expression of disorders of the placental bed.49 FGR
people.44,45 is caused by placental dysfunction, resulting in impaired
In summary, the FOAD hypothesis is not without criti- transfer of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus that may lead
cism, implying that the association between anthropomet- to fetal hypoxia and early growth impairment. To assess the
ric measures at birth and outcomes in adulthood is also vascular function of the placenta in FGR and to estimate
influenced by confounders, such as socioeconomic status the hemodynamic condition of the growth-restricted fetus,
and lifestyle (diet, cigarette smoking, physical exercise).46 Doppler ultrasonography is widely used. Hemodynamic
Nevertheless, it is likely to remain an important perspec- deterioration in cases of severe placental insufficiency is
tive and better position as part of a broader life course well recognized through the increased impedance to blood
perspective rather than as an independent hypothesis.47 flow in the umbilical artery (UA)50 and the compensatory
Recently, the World Health Organization included low mechanisms that maintain cerebral oxygen supply.51 There is
birth weight as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease a significant association between pathological Doppler flow
(Figure 53.2). pattern and placental vascular compromise. Indeed, the pla-
cental component has been studied thoroughly in FGR,52,53
with and without pathological UA Doppler indices.54,55
Vicious cycle of pregnancy: The contributing factors to Stereological studies observed substantial changes in placen-
adult disease tal morphology demonstrating poor growth of villi and fetal
Intrauterine environment component vasculature of FGR placentas.56 Most of the studies included
Successful pregnancy requires normal placental function patients with hypertensive disorders.57
from adequate placentation early in pregnancy to sustained The fetus, in response to placental undernutrition and in
placental function in the second half of pregnancy. Abnormal order to maintain sufficient vascular supply to the brain, by
placentation, which is defined as defective remodeling of the using mechanisms such as arterial redistribution, decreases
uteroplacental arteries, results in inadequate uteroplacental resistance to blood flow in the middle cerebral artery, a phe-
blood flow,48 leading to unsuccessful pregnancy outcome. nomenon that has been termed as a “head sparing effect.”
In recent years, it has become clear that poor placentation Simultaneously, Doppler studies demonstrate that because
occurs in a broader range of pregnancy complications than of the limited blood supply to the fetus, the arterial redis-
initially thought. These complications include preeclampsia tribution process is accompanied by an increased resistance
444 Hypertensive disorders and diabetic pregnancy
to flow to other fetal vital organs, such as the kidneys, liver, Postnatal period component
and pancreas. These independent Doppler studies may shed When undernutrition during early development is followed
light on the thrifty phenotype paradigm and on the asso- by improved nutrition later in development, many mam-
ciation between poor intrauterine environment and disease mals retain some capacity to compensate by increasing their
at adulthood. The arterial redistribution as a compensation growth rate. Such compensatory changes will carry costs.
mechanism may explain why individuals exposed to isch- This may explain why rapid childhood growth, especially in
emic changes in utero develop dyslipidemia, lower nephron people who were born small or were thin in infancy, appears
number, and impaired glucose tolerance, all contributing to to have deleterious effects on later health.63,64
metabolic syndrome later in life.
Combined component: The epigenesis
Maternal component: Genetics plus environment Developmental plasticity is defined as the ability of an organism
The association between pregnancy complications in gen- to develop in various ways, depending on the particular envi-
eral and preeclampsia in particular to future metabolic ronment or setting.65 Developmental plasticity requires stable
syndrome is well established in recent years.58 By the envi- modulation of gene expression, and this appears to be medi-
ronmental changes, either metabolic or hormonal, preg- ated, at least in part, by epigenetic processes such as DNA meth-
nancy complications, especially preeclampsia and GDM, ylation and histone modification. Thus, both the genome and
occur in women with underlying vascular compromise.59 the epigenome interactively influence the mature phenotype
The same women who develop pregnancy complications and determine sensitivity to later environmental factors and
are more obese, have more familial history of diabetes and the subsequent risk of disease.66 The human placenta executes a
hypertension, and have the same risk factors to develop later complex of specific functions influenced by maternal, fetal, and
atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Indeed, our group60 environmental signals. It is highly possible that placental epig-
and another investigator clearly demonstrated an associa- enome is linked to its development and function, in general, and
tion between early thrombo-occlusive disorders before the between its imprinting status and fetal growth, in particular.67
age of 50 and history of pregnancy complications.61 One of In summary, pregnancy is a key point in the FOAD
the most common complications in their pregnancy was hypothesis. The maternal background that leads to preg-
FGR (odds ratio [OR] of 8.4).60 Another investigator demon- nancy complications and placental compromise is expressed
strated that preeclamptic women have a 4.3 times increased through various mechanisms including genetic and epigen-
odds of having a fetus with growth restriction compared to etic mechanisms in the intrauterine and postnatal environ-
controls.62 ment, all contributing factors to adult disease (Figure 53.3).
Potential intervention
Suboptimal Potential
Environmental exposure intrauterine monitoring
(e.g., diet) environment (maternal blood)
Disruption in epigenetic Changes in
Stochastic factors profile DNA methylation, gene expression
Genetic sex-specific miRNA
effects Pregnancy disease
Aberrant placenta (e.g. PE, IUGR)
Fetal programming/
? ?
Adverse birth outcome
including low birth weight
Predisposition to
adult-onset disease (e.g. T2D)
Figure 53.3 Influences and consequences of placental epigenetic disruption. Several factors are known to influence placental
epigenetic profile, including environmental exposures, stochastic events, and genetic and sex effects. Disruption of DNA methylation
patterns can lead to aberrant gene expression and placental development and function. In turn, placental dysfunction can lead to
pregnancy-associated disease as preeclampsia or fetal growth restriction. Disruptions in normal fetal development can lead to predis-
position to adult-onset disease and health problems. (From Novakovic, B. and Saffery, R., Placenta, 33, 959, 2012. With permission.)
Insulin resistance and hypertension in the nonpregnant state 445
metabolic disease
diastolic function.123 The mechanism by which insulin resis-
tance may link these physiological findings is still unknown.
One possibility is an interference of insulin resistance with
the function of an endogenous sodium pump inhibitor or
Healthy digitalis-like factor. Graves et al.124 demonstrated that levels
of serum digoxin-like immunoreactive factor are higher in
women with preexisting diabetes and preeclampsia than in
normotensive diabetic women.
In hypertensive diabetic patients, some of the physiologi-
Pregnancies Middle age
cal changes that occur during pregnancy may persist after
pregnancy. In one study, women with a preeclamptic preg-
Figure 53.6 Factors influencing the generation of insulin nancy showed greater plasma insulin responses and steady-
resistance and its clinical correlates during pregnancy. (From state plasma glucose levels 2 months after delivery than
Sattar, N. and Greer, I.A., Br. Med. J., 325, 157, 2002. With women with uncomplicated pregnancy.125 A longer-term
permission.) study reported persistent mild hyperinsulinemia in women
17 years after a preeclamptic pregnancy, despite their current
Epidemiological studies normoglycemic state.126 Other investigators, however, failed
Diabetic pregnancy is associated with a higher rate of to detect these changes at 3–6 months after delivery.127
hypertensive complications than normal pregnancy109,110
and a slightly increased risk of preeclampsia (15%–20% vs
5%–7%).111–113 The latter holds true even when the diagnosis of Pregestational diabetes and hypertensive complications
GDM is based on the 2 hour 75 g oral glucose tolerance test.114 In most cases, pregestational diabetes refers to type 1 DM.
Mean arterial pressure is further increased in the presence of The incidence of type 1 DM in pregnancy ranges from 0.2%
early diagnosis of GDM and the need for insulin therapy.115 to 0.5%.128,129 Affected women contribute heterogeneous
The increased risk of hypertensive disorders in GDM is group in terms of duration of diabetes, White’s classifica-
probably a result of the combination of insulin resistance and tion, the presence of hypertension, and end-organ damage,
a genetic predisposition (Figure 53.6). A genetic predisposi- especially to the eye (retinopathy) and kidney (nephropa-
tion to PIH was described in southwestern Navajo Indians, thy). Pregnancy in women with type 1 DM is associated
who like other Native Americans are also at increased risk with increased risks of preeclampsia, intrauterine growth
of hypertension, obesity, and DM.116 Preeclampsia was also restriction (IUGR), neonatal morbidity, and perinatal mor-
reported to be associated with increased fasting plasma insu- tality.129–135 The diagnosis of preeclampsia is difficult in
lin levels in African-American women.117 However, these women with preexisting hypertension and proteinuria,129,136
findings have not been confirmed in more heterogeneous and women with chronic hypertension are at increased risk
populations.118 of superimposed preeclampsia independent of the pres-
ence of diabetes.137 The rate of hypertensive disorders (PIH
Physiological studies and preeclampsia) in the various studies ranged from 9%
Patients with the severest form of glucose intolerance are to 66%. The lowest rate occurred in women with milder
more likely to exhibit preeclampsia119 than patients with forms of DM (class B) and the highest in women with dia-
milder forms.118 Controlled studies of the association betic nephropathy. Table 53.1 summarizes the reported rates
between insulin resistance and preeclampsia have been per- of preeclampsia in women with type 1 DM.128,130,138–141 Four
formed in several populations. Martinez et al.120 found that of the six studies noted that rates of preeclampsia increased
among women with normal glucose tolerance in the third with an increasing severity of diabetes, with a mean of 16%
trimester, those who subsequently developed severe pre- (range 9%–24%). Rates were higher in patients with diabetic
eclampsia had similar fasting and postprandial glucose lev- nephropathy (mean 52%, range 35%–66%) (Table 53.2).
els to normotensive controls, but their fasting plasma insulin The risk factors identified for preeclampsia in women with
levels were twofold higher and their postload insulin con- type 1 DM were as follows: duration of diabetes, preexist-
centrations fourfold higher. Moreover, Joffe et al.121 reported ing hypertension, microalbuminuria prior to pregnancy,
that the level of plasma glucose at 1 hour after a 50 g oral glycemic control prior to 20 weeks, nulliparity, minimal
glucose challenge was an important predictor of preeclamp- proteinuria (190–499 mg/dL) before 20 weeks, and nephrop-
sia, even if it was within the normal range. This suggests that athy.118,131,132,142–144 Siddiqi et al.131 listed nulliparity, duration
there is a continuum of insulin resistance also in women of diabetes, and poor glycemic control, and Caritis et al.142
with normal glucose tolerance that may predispose them to nulliparity and mean arterial pressure. Combs et al.132
hypertensive disease. This assumption was supported by a added glycohemoglobin (HbAlc) level >9% at 12–16 weeks of
448 Hypertensive disorders and diabetic pregnancy
Authors No. of women White’s class No. %
Hanson and Persson128 463 B–R 53 11.5
Garner129 107 B,C 13 12.2
Greene et al.130 361 B–R 86 23.8a
Miodovnik et al.138 136 B–R 12 9
Kovilam et al.139 238 B–D 36 15
Sibai et al.140 462 BD 92 20
Total 1767 292 16.4
a Includes women with pregnancy-induced hypertension.
Authors No. of women No. %
Hanson and Persson 128 31 18 58
Greene et al.130 59 39 66
Gordon et al.133 45 24 53
Reece et al.135 31 11 35
Miodovnik et al.138 46 30 65
Kovilam et al.139 73a 32 44
Sibai et al.140 58 21 36
Bar et al.144 24 11 46
Total 367 186 52
a Includes women with retinopathy and nephropathy.
gestation and proteinuria >190 mg/dL. Accordingly, Hanson pregnancy outcome and long-term effect.144 However, con-
and Persson128 noted a preeclampsia rate of 31% when HbA1c trary to findings in earlier studies of a nonteratogenic effect
levels were >10.1% and a rate of 10.2% when HbA1c levels of ACE-I in early pregnancy,148,149 in 2006, Cooper et al.150
were <10.1%. These findings indicate that PIH/preeclamp- reported an increased risk of major congenital malforma-
sia might be preventable by aggressive control of maternal tions in infants who were exposed to ACE-I in the first tri-
BP before and during pregnancy and prevention of micro- mester compared to infants who were not (OR = 2.71, 95%
albuminuria or reduction of proteinuria level in women CI 1.72–4.27). Other investigators found no increased risk
with diabetic nephropathy. Recently, researchers found that of major congenital malformations.151 Nevertheless, ACE-Is
suboptimal control of hypertension in early pregnancy was are still useful for patients with diabetic nephropathy for a
associated with a significant risk of preterm delivery.145 planned pregnancy. Since conception can take months, pre-
ACE-Is seem to be the ideal agent for the treatment of venting the administration of ACE-I during this period may
hypertension.144,146 According to one long-term follow-up enhance long-term renal function and pregnancy outcome.
study, the survival of patients with diabetic nephropathy has Patients should be advised to use sensitive pregnancy kits
increased from 5 to 7 years to a median of 21.7 years, most for the earliest possible detection of pregnancy, when the
likely because of improvements in aggressive antihyperten- ACE-I must be immediately stopped. The preconception
sive treatment and glycemic control.145 The same group of medication should be accompanied by strict glycemic con-
investigators showed that pregnancy itself has no adverse trol better achieved by the use of insulin pumps, rather than
impact on kidney function and survival in patients with pre- multi-injections.144 Some authors suggested the use of low-
served renal function and diabetic nephropathy.147 Therefore, dose aspirin to prevent preeclampsia, since alterations in the
in women with type 1 DM and preexisting hypertension and metabolism of prostacyclin and thromboxane A2 have been
proteinuria, stringent glycemic control should be started at reported in DM.129,152 However, Caritis et al.,152 in a study of
least 6 months before conception in order to achieve a good 462 women with type 1 DM, found no significant differences
References 449
in the rate of preeclampsia between the aspirin and placebo an excess of known and potential cardiovascular risk fac-
groups, although there was a nonsignificant trend toward tors, and it is a marker of established cardiovascular disease
a lower rate of preeclampsia in the aspirin group (19% vs in both hypertensive158 and nonhypertensive159 individu-
32%, respectively). Larger studies in patients with diabetic als. Its role in diabetic and hypertensive pregnancy is less
nephropathy are needed to clarify this issue. The steady clear,160 but becoming increasingly recognized. One study
increase in overweight in developed countries, concurrent found that the presence of microalbuminuria in the early
with the rising incidence of type 1 DM discovered a new third trimester was predictive of preeclampsia in pregnant
entity of women with pregestational DM with overweight women at risk.161 Furthermore, a significantly higher rate of
and obesity. In the subgroup with diabetic nephropathy, women whose pregnancy was complicated by preeclamp-
maternal overweight was recently found to be associated sia had microalbuminuria 5 years later (40%) than women
with increased risk of pregnancy complications.153 Therefore, with uncomplicated pregnancy.162 Microalbuminuria was
these women should be advised to reduce weight, in addition also noted in 30% of 72 women who had not conceived since
to the prepregnancy counseling program. GDM pregnancy 5–8 years previously—a significantly higher
rate than in women who did not have a history of GDM.163
Ekbom,143 in a study of 68 women with type 1 DM, found
Microalbuminuria, diabetes, and hypertension in that preeclampsia developed in 60% of those who had micro-
pregnancy albuminuria before pregnancy. When the data were fitted
The role of microalbuminuria in DM has been estab- to a logistic regression model, a significant association was
lished over the last 20 years. At the early stage of DM, revealed between microalbuminuria and duration of diabe-
when glucose metabolism is not controlled, the increase tes and preeclampsia. Similar in patients with hypertension,
in glomerular plasma flow and intraglomerular pressure is the progression to diabetic nephropathy in patients with
probably responsible for the increased protein excretion.154 type 1 DM and microalbuminuria can be slowed by block-
Some authors believe these hemodynamic alterations are age of the renin–angiotensin system. Angiotensin II receptor
major determinants of both the initiation and progression antagonists were also recently shown to be renoprotective in
of diabetic nephropathy.155 Several studies have reported patients with type 2 DM and microalbuminuria.158 This find-
that patients with type 1156 or type 2 DM157 who have above- ing and other preliminary results144,146 further suggest that
normal urinary albumin excretion rates are more likely to pregnancy outcome may be improved with prepregnancy
acquire diabetic nephropathy, eventually progressing to ACE-I treatment (discontinued at conception) in diabetic
renal failure.156 Microalbuminuria is also associated with patients with overt proteinuria or microalbuminuria.
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54 Diabetic retinopathy
Nir Melamed and Moshe Hod
Diabetic retinopathy is the most common chronic complica- Pathogenesis and natural history
tion of diabetes mellitus1 and is the most common cause of Diabetic retinopathy is the result of several pathological
blindness in middle-aged subjects in the United States and the processes that include loss of capillary pericytes, damage
United Kingdom.2–5 The mutual effects of pregnancy and reti- to capillary wall resulting in increased permeability and
nopathy, though long a subject of research and debate, remain weakness of capillary wall, microvascular occlusion lead-
unclear, and data on methods of diagnosis and management ing to retinal ischemia, and proliferation of new blood ves-
in pregnancy remain scarce.6–10 The purpose of this chapter is sels.25–28 It is currently believed that chronic hyperglycemia
to review the current literature on the effects of pregnancy on is the primary cause of diabetic retinopathy.29–31 Although
diabetic retinopathy and to provide guidelines for the man- the exact mechanisms by which hyperglycemia initiates
agement of pregnancies complicated by diabetic retinopathy. these pathological processes remain unclear, putative mech-
anisms include impaired autoregulation of retinal blood
flow (RBF),32 increased production of sorbitol by the enzyme
Diabetic retinopathy in nonpregnant aldose reductase,33 accumulation of advanced glycation
end products,34 oxidative stress,35–37 increased platelet aggre-
patients gation and hypercoagulability,38 and alteration in cell signal-
Epidemiology ing pathways such as diacylglycerol-induced protein kinase
C activity.39–41
The prevalence of diabetic retinopathy is almost 100% in
patients with type 1 diabetes and over 60% in patients with
type 2 diabetes in whom the disease has been present for Nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy
more than 20 years.11–13 In the population-based Wisconsin Microaneurysms, hypercellular outpouchings from the cap-
Epidemiologic Study of Diabetic Retinopathy, the prevalence illary wall, are the earliest signs of diabetic retinopathy. They
of proliferative diabetic retinopathy was 1.2% and 67% in appear as small red dots (Figure 54.1) and can be identified
persons with type 1 diabetes for less than 10 years and more in 2% and 98% of the patients with type 1 diabetes in whom
than 35 years, respectively. the disease has been present for 2 and 15 years, respectively.42
It is estimated that 20%–30% of diabetic women in the Possible mechanisms for the formation of microaneurysms
reproductive age group have some evidence of retinopathy.1 include weakness of capillary wall and increased intralu-
Risk factors for diabetic retinopathy include longer duration minal pressure.25,26 Rupture of microaneurysms results in
of the disease, onset of disease before 30 years of age, poor retinal hemorrhages that may appear as either small dots or
glycemic control manifested by higher levels of glycosylated larger flame-shaped hemorrhages. As a result of the increased
hemoglobin, hypertension, hypertriglyceridemia, anemia, capillary permeability, lipids and proteins leak into the outer
and evidence of diabetic nephropathy.4,11,14–21 retina, appearing as well-defined yellow-white deposits,
known as hard exudates (Figure 54.2). Extravasation of flu-
ids may lead to retinal thickening and edema. Although, in
Classification of diabetic retinopathy general, nonproliferative retinopathy does not impair vision,
Diabetic retinopathy is a progressive disorder and is gener- hard exudates or retinal edema involving the macular area
ally categorized as either nonproliferative (NPDR, or back- may lead to severe loss of central vision.43 Thus, diabetic
ground) or proliferative, although more detailed grading macular edema (DME) is the most common cause of vision
systems exist,22,23 as presented in Table 54.1. Grading is per- loss in NPDR.44
formed according to the semiquantitative assessment of the
morphological lesions on fundus photographs. The grading Preproliferative diabetic retinopathy
system considers mainly the type and number of retinopathy As the disease progresses, retinal capillaries become
lesions, while the diagnostic value of the regional distribu- occluded, leading to retinal ischemia. This stage, known
tion of the lesions is largely unknown.24 as preproliferative retinopathy, is characterized by the
454 Diabetic retinopathy
Classification Description
Normal No evidence of retinopathy
Minimal Microaneurysms only
Mild Microaneurysms plus hard exudates, soft exudates (cotton wool spots), mild retinal
hemorrhages, venous loops
Moderate Microaneurysms plus mild intraretinal microvascular abnormalities (IRMA), moderate
retinal hemorrhages, venous beading
Severe Microaneurysms plus moderate to severe IRMA, severe retinal hemorrhages, venous beading
Proliferative New vessels in the retina or on the optic disc
High-risk proliferative Proliferative plus preretinal hemorrhage, fibrous tissue, or other high-risk characteristics
Advanced diabetic eye dis. Proliferative plus vitreous hemorrhage, retinal detachment, or rubeosis iridis
Source: Adapted from Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study Research Group, Ophthalmology, 98, 786, 1991.
at earlier stages of the disease (severe nonproliferative or whether pregnancy influences the development or progres-
early proliferative retinopathy).108,109 sion of diabetic retinopathy is still unanswered.145 Although
most studies have reported that pregnancy is associated with
Vitrectomy progression of retinopathy in 17%–70% of the cases,146–158
Vitrectomy, which includes removal of the vitreous gel and several studies have failed to support these findings.159–163
may be accompanied by removal of fibrous tissue and repair
of retinal detachment, is associated with dramatic improve- Studies supporting a deteriorating effect of pregnancy on
ment of vision in cases of severe VH,110–112 as well as in cases of diabetic retinopathy
very severe neovascularization with no evidence of VH.113–117 Moloney et al.148 prospectively followed 53 pregnant women
Vitrectomy may also be achieved by means of pharmacologi- with type 1 diabetes every 6 weeks during pregnancy and
cal interventions using enzymes such as hyaluronidase, plas- until 6 months postpartum. Of the 20 women who had no
min, and chondroitinase that have been shown to be effective evidence of retinopathy, 8 (40%) developed retinopathy dur-
in clearing VH, thereby avoiding the need for surgery. Plasmin ing pregnancy. Progression of preexisting retinopathy dur-
has been used to cleave the vitreoretinal junction and allow ing pregnancy was common, with a moderate increase in the
less traumatic removal of the posterior hyaloids.118,119 These number of microaneurysms and the appearance of retinal
interventions are still under investigation. hemorrhages and soft exudates in 56% and 28% of the cases,
respectively. The risk for the development and progression of
Experimental therapies retinopathy was related to the duration of diabetes.
Better understanding of the mechanisms and factors involved Dibble et al.147 followed 55 pregnant diabetics who were
in the pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy (as described managed by strict glycemic control. Progression of retinopa-
earlier) has led to exploration of new drugs directed against thy was related to the duration of diabetes and the severity of
these factors, some of which are currently under clinical tri- retinopathy before pregnancy. Thus, progression of retinopa-
als. Examples include aldose reductase inhibitors,33,120–122 thy occurred in 16% (3 of 19) of the women with minimal or
protein kinase C inhibitors,123 antioxidants, inhibition of mild nonproliferative retinopathy compared with 86% (6 of 7)
nonenzymatic glycation of proteins (aminoguanidine),124 of the women with untreated preexisting proliferative reti-
VEGF inhibitors,125,126 intraocular gene therapy with the nopathy. Similarly, in a prospective cohort study of 145 preg-
PEDF gene,127,128 and somatostatin analogues (reduce GH nant women with type 1 diabetes,152 Serup et al. have found
and IGF-1 levels).129 that none of the women with White classes B or C (no evi-
There is some evidence that intravitreal injection of dence of retinopathy) developed persistent retinopathy as a
glucocorticoids such as triamcinolone acetonide may be consequence of pregnancy, while deterioration was noticed in
effective in decreasing neovascularization. However, gluco- 50% of the women with preexisting retinopathy. Additional
corticoids may be associated with significant risks includ- support to the role of the severity of retinopathy as a risk fac-
ing increased intraocular pressure, cataract formation, and tor for progression during pregnancy comes from a retrospec-
endophthalmitis.130,131 tive study of 23 pregnant diabetic women.149 While none of
Inhibition of VEGF has been shown to prevent neovas- the women with either no evidence of retinopathy (n = 10) or
cularization in animal models.125,132,133 Several human- nonproliferative retinopathy (n = 8) experienced progression
ized antibodies directed against VEGF have demonstrated of retinopathy during pregnancy, four of the five women with
promising results in the treatment of proliferative retinopa- proliferative retinopathy required photocoagulation during
thy. Examples include bevacizumab and ranibizumab that pregnancy due to the progression of retinopathy.
are nonselective anti-VEGF antibodies that are currently In a prospective study of 234 intensively treated preg-
being used in the treatment of age-related macular degen- nant diabetics,146 Jervell et al. reported that the development
eration. Pegaptanib is an oligonucleotide ligand that spe- or progression retinopathy occurred in 68 women (29%).
cifically inhibits VEGF-165, the VEGF isoform that is most Nevertheless, progression was rarely associated with loss of
important in promoting neovascularization and vascular visual acuity.
permeability.134,135 There are now several clinical studies In order to quantify the effect of pregnancy on diabetic
demonstrating regression of neovascularization after intra- retinopathy, Soubrane et al. followed 22 pregnant diabet-
vitreal injection of VEGF inhibitors.136–144 However, there are ics using serial fluorescein angiography examinations.150
only limited data regarding the long-term efficacy and safety The mean number of microaneurysms increased from 42.7
of these agents, and more randomized trials are required. before pregnancy to 56.7 at the 28th week and to 79.7 at the
35th week. This number decreased to 62.7 and 60.3 at 6 and
15 months postpartum, respectively. Similarly, Hellstedt
Diabetic retinopathy in pregnancy et al.156 followed the number of microaneurysms in 21 dia-
betic women with mild retinopathy. Microaneurysms were
Impact of pregnancy on the development and assessed during pregnancy and at 3 and 6 months postpar-
progression of diabetic retinopathy tum using red-free photographs. The number of microaneu-
Understanding the effect of pregnancy on diabetic retinop- rysms increased progressively during pregnancy and peaked
athy is essential for determining the optimal management at 3 months postpartum. This increase was related to the
of pregnancies complicated by diabetic retinopathy. However, degree of improvement in glycemic control.
Diabetic retinopathy in pregnancy 457
Phelps et al.151 prospectively studied 35 pregnant women While most of the data come from patients with type 1
with type 1 diabetes under tight glycemic control. The pro- diabetes, there is more recent evidence that pregnancy
gression of nonproliferative retinopathy, noticed in 55% of the can affect the progression of diabetic retinopathy also in
women, correlated with the levels of plasma glucose at entry women with type 2 diabetes. In a recent study, Rasmussen
and with the magnitude of improvement in glycemic control. et al.157 studied the progression of diabetic retinopathy
Klein et al.153 assessed the effect of pregnancy on diabetic during pregnancy in 80 women with type 2 diabetes, 11
retinopathy using a control group of nonpregnant women of whom had evidence of retinopathy in early pregnancy.
with type 1 diabetes. In addition to poor glycemic control, The progression of retinopathy was observed in 11 (14%)
pregnancy per se was a significant and independent risk fac- women, and although it was mild in most cases, one case
tor for progression of retinopathy. was complicated by progression from mild retinopathy to
Rosenn et al.154 reported a progression rate of 33% in a sight-threatening retinopathy and impaired vision in both
prospective study of 154 pregnant women with type 1 dia- eyes. Risk factors for the progression of retinopathy were
betes. They have found that hypertension, either chronic a longer duration of diabetes and insulin treatment before
or pregnancy induced (PIH), was a significant and inde- pregnancy.
pendent risk factor for the progression of retinopathy. The
level of glycemic control and improved glycemic control in Studies not supporting a significant effect of pregnancy
early pregnancy was also associated with the progression of on progression of retinopathy
retinopathy. There are several studies that failed to demonstrate a signifi-
In the Diabetes in Early Pregnancy Study,155 the risk of cant effect of pregnancy on the natural history of diabetic
progression was strongly correlated with the severity of reti- retinopathy. Other studies have found that although reti-
nopathy before pregnancy. Thus, progression of more than nopathy progressed during pregnancy, complete or partial
two steps was noted in 10.3%, 21.1%, 18.8%, and 54.8% of regression was observed after delivery.
the women with no, minimal (microaneurysms only), mild, Stephens et al.159 found the rate of development of reti-
and moderate-to-severe retinopathy at baseline, respectively. nopathy during pregnancy to be as low as 2%. Horvat et al.,160
Progression to proliferative retinopathy was observed in 6.3% in a prospective study extending over 12 years, followed 172
and 29% of the women with mild and moderate-to-severe diabetic women during pregnancy. Of the 40 women with
retinopathy, respectively. Other factors associated with the nonproliferative retinopathy, only 4 (10%) progressed to pro-
progression of retinopathy included elevated baseline glyco- liferative retinopathy. They have found retinopathy to fluc-
sylated hemoglobin and the magnitude of improvement of tuate during pregnancies, with simultaneous progression
glycemic control in early pregnancy. and regression of retinopathy in different parts of the same
In another prospective study, 8 65 diabetic women were eye. Their conclusion was that pregnancy is not associated
followed during pregnancy and 12 months postpartum. with an increased risk for progression of retinopathy and
While the overall progression rate was 77.5%, only 26% of visual loss.
the women with no retinopathy at baseline had evidence of In another retrospective study,161 the progression of
retinopathy during pregnancy. Duration of diabetes, poor retinopathy in 65 pregnant women with type 1 diabetes
glycemic control, anemia, and elevated systolic blood pres- was compared to a matched control group of 56 nonpreg-
sure were also risk factors for progression of retinopathy. nant women with type 1 diabetes. The rate of sight-threat-
Lovestam et al.161 retrospectively compared a group of ening deterioration of retinopathy was similar for the two
65 pregnant women with type 1 diabetes with a matched groups (13% and 11%, respectively). Similarly, Temple
group of nonpregnant women. et al. prospectively studied 179 pregnancies of women
They have found preeclampsia to be a potent independent with type 1 diabetes.163 The overall rate of progression of
risk factor for progression of retinopathy. Moreover, Gordin retinopathy during pregnancy was only 5%, and the rate
et al.164 have recently investigated the long-term impact of of progression to proliferative retinopathy necessitating
preeclampsia and PIH complicating pregnancies of 158 laser therapy was 2.2%.
women with type 1 diabetes. Based on a follow-up of 16 years In the DCCT,162 although pregnancy was associated with
on average, preeclampsia and PIH were found to be indepen- a greater risk for worsening of retinopathy, this worsening
dently associated with an increased risk of developing severe was transient, and the long-term risk for progression of reti-
diabetic retinopathy later in life, with a hazard ratio of 3.5 nopathy did not appear to be increased by pregnancy.
and 3.2, respectively. Some of the studies cited earlier have reported partial
More recently, Vestgaard et al.158 reported on the rate of or complete regression of the pregnancy-related wors-
progression of diabetic retinopathy in a prospective study of ening of retinopathy. Moloney et al.148 reported that by
102 pregnant women with type 1 diabetes who were man- 6 months postpartum, the nonproliferative changes had
aged by tight glycemic. Overall, progression of retinopathy regressed to control levels, and neovascularization showed
occurred in 28 (27%) women. Sight-threatening progression some regression. Similarly, Serup et al.152 reported that
occurred in six women and was associated with the presence postpartum regression was common and that prolifera-
of macular edema, impaired visual acuity, and higher blood tive changes that developed during pregnancy disappeared
pressure in early pregnancy, but not with HbA1c, decline in spontaneously after delivery in most of the cases. For that
HbA1c, or prevalence of severe hypoglycemia. reason, the authors recommended that treatment with
458 Diabetic retinopathy
pregnancy was significantly associated with reduced fetal photocoagulation is beneficial mainly in cases of high-risk
growth, manifested by lower mean birth weight and a higher proliferative retinopathy and clinically significant macular
rate of small-for-gestational-age (SGA) and low birth weight edema. However, it is recommended that in cases of impend-
infants. There was no correlation between progression of ing pregnancy, during which rapid progression of retinopa-
retinopathy and gestational age at delivery, preterm delivery, thy may occur, photocoagulation should be instituted at
respiratory distress syndrome, neonatal hypoglycemia, or earlier stages, as in cases of severe nonproliferative or early
neonatal death. proliferative retinopathy.108,109 In one study of women with
Klein et al.171 reported adverse perinatal outcome in 33 proliferative retinopathy, treatment with laser photocoagu-
of 179 diabetic pregnancies. Severity of retinopathy was the lation before conception was associated with significant pro-
only variable that significantly predicted adverse perinatal gression of retinopathy in 26% of the women compared with
outcome. Lauszus et al.172 reviewed the records of 26 dia- 58% when treatment was initiated in early pregnancy.173
betic pregnancies with preexisting proliferative retinopathy.
Proliferative retinopathy was associated with increased pre- Antenatal follow-up
term delivery rate (27%) and serious neonatal morbidity. The concerns regarding rapid optimization of glycemic con-
trol with respect to progression of retinopathy in diabetic
women with poor glycemic control who did not have precon-
Management of diabetic retinopathy during pregnancy ception counseling have been described earlier. Nevertheless,
As discussed earlier, diabetic retinopathy can worsen during according to the 2008 National Institute for Health and Care
pregnancy. Thus, patients with diabetic retinopathy should Excellence (NICE) guidelines, diabetic retinopathy should
undergo preconception counseling and follow-up during not be considered a contraindication to rapid optimiza-
pregnancy by a multidisciplinary team that includes a peri- tion of glycemic control in women who present with a high
natologist, endocrinologist, and ophthalmologist that are HbA1c in early pregnancy.174
experienced in the management of diabetic retinopathy. The frequency of eye examinations during pregnancy
depends on the severity of retinopathy prior to conception,
Preconception counseling evidence of progression of retinopathy, glycemic control,
Patients with diabetes who are planning to become preg- duration of diabetes, and the presence of other risk fac-
nant should be given a thorough explanation on the risk tors such as hypertension. Thus, patients with no or mini-
of the development or progression of diabetic retinopathy mal retinopathy should be evaluated in the first and third
during pregnancy and the importance of glycemic control trimesters.174 Patients with mild to moderate retinopathy
throughout pregnancy. Patients with high-risk characteris- should undergo evaluation each trimester. In cases of severe
tics (long-standing diabetes, severe retinopathy, coexisting nonproliferative or proliferative retinopathy, when there is
hypertension, poor glycemic control) should be identified evidence of progression of retinopathy, and in patients with
and followed appropriately. poor glycemic control or hypertension, follow-up may be
A comprehensive eye examination prior to conception needed every 2–4 weeks.153,155,162,175,176
should be performed by an ophthalmologist experienced in Fluorescein angiography is a sensitive tool to assess the
the care of diabetic retinopathy. This examination carries great extent of capillary nonperfusion and early neovasculariza-
importance since it determines the risk for progression of reti- tion and may aid in guiding treatment of macular edema,
nopathy, the frequency of follow-up visits during pregnancy, although ophthalmoscopic examination is satisfying in most
and the need for laser photocoagulation prior to conception. of the cases for the diagnosis of proliferative retinopathy. In
Glycemic control should be achieved prior to conception in addition, although detrimental effects of fluorescein dye
order to reduce the risk of progression of retinopathy as well on the fetus have not been documented,177 fluorescein does
as to avoid the adverse maternal and fetal outcome associ- cross the placenta into the fetal circulation. Thus, fluorescein
ated with poorly controlled diabetes during pregnancy. One angiography during pregnancy is generally not indicated.
goal is to achieve a glycosylated hemoglobin level of less than
six standard deviations above normal prior to conception.155 Laser photocoagulation during pregnancy
In the presence of proliferative or severe nonproliferative The use of laser photocoagulation during pregnancy is
retinopathy, normalization of blood glucose levels should be controversial. In general, the indications for treatment
achieved gradually over a period of weeks to months in order and the response to laser photocoagulation are the same
to avoid progression of retinopathy that may result from rapid as for nonpregnant women.178,179 As described earlier, sev-
normalization. However, in patients presenting after concep- eral studies reported that postpartum regression of the
tion, blood glucose should be normalized as soon as possible pregnancy-induced progression of retinopathy is com-
since the benefits of good glycemic control in early pregnancy mon,148,152 and the authors recommended that treatment
far outweigh the risk of transient progression of retinopathy. with photocoagulation during pregnancy and in the early
Other risk factors, such as uncontrolled chronic hypertension, postpartum period should be restricted. In contrast, others
should be followed and treated adequately prior to conception. believe that because the progression of retinopathy during
One question that needs to be answered is the role of laser pregnancy can be at times rapid and aggressive, treat-
photocoagulation prior to conception. As discussed earlier, ment with laser photocoagulation should be applied dur-
the ETDRS have found that in type 1 diabetes, panretinal ing pregnancy and after delivery when indicated.147,180,181
460 Diabetic retinopathy
Thus, the decision whether to treat should be made on an Insulin lispro has a 1.5-fold higher affinity toward the IGF-1
individual basis, taking into account the severity of reti- receptor compared with human insulin, and the initial sugges-
nopathy, evidence of progression, lack of glycemic con- tion that insulin lispro may worsen retinopathy was made by
trol, the presence of additional risk factors, and, on the Kitzmiller et al.184 In this study, of the ten patients who were
other hand, the risks and side effects associated with laser treated with insulin lispro and had no evidence of retinopa-
photocoagulation. thy prior to conception, three developed bilateral proliferative
According to the ETDRS,182 in patients with DME, focal changes, and two developed VH during pregnancy. However,
photocoagulation should be performed during pregnancy, these patients had poor glycemic control at baseline and expe-
because spontaneous regression rarely occurs after delivery. rienced significant improvement in glycemic control during
If the edema does not respond well to photocoagulation, hos- pregnancy, two major risk factors that may be responsible
pitalization is required, with diuretic treatment and occa- for the progression of retinopathy in these cases. Subsequent
sionally steroids.183 studies did not support an effect of insulin lispro on retinop-
athy.185–188 Insulin aspart is similar to insulin lispro in many
Insulin analogues during pregnancy and diabetic aspects, although its affinity to the IGF-1 receptor is the same
retinopathy as human insulin.189 There are only little data on insulin aspart
In addition to its metabolic effects that are mediated by the in pregnancy, and currently it remains a category C medica-
insulin receptor, insulin also has a mitogenic effect, currently tion for pregnancy.185 The results of multicentric study now in
thought to be mediated by the IGF-1 receptor. The possible role progress on the efficacy and safety of insulin aspart in pregnant
of IGF-1 in the pathogeneses of diabetic retinopathy (discussed patients with type 1 diabetes will provide important informa-
earlier) and the change in the relative affinity of the insulin tion on the safety of insulin aspart during pregnancy.190 Insulin
analogues toward the IGF-1 receptor have raised concerns glargine has a higher affinity to IGF-1 receptor and a greater
regarding the effect of these analogues on diabetic retinopathy. mitogenic activity compared with human insulin (6.5-fold and
Preconception counseling
Antenatal care
• There is no need for labor induction in women with good glycemic control.
• In cases of high-risk proliferative retinopathy, elective cesarean section or shortening of the second stage
should be considered due to the risk of vitreous hemorrhage.
Figure 54.4 Recommendations for the management of pregnancies complicated by diabetic retinopathy.
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55 Diabetic nephropathy
Elisabeth R. Mathiesen, Lene Ringholm, and Peter Damm
Effect of diabetic nephropathy on pregnancy outcome 467
preeclampsia and may already present with elevated blood nine gestational weeks as compared with women not devel-
pressure in early pregnancy.22 Women with diabetes devel- oping preeclampsia. Throughout pregnancy, ANP levels were
oping preeclampsia are generally characterized by higher 34% higher in these women.37 However, the function of pla-
urinary albumin excretion, blood pressure, and HbA1c in centa in the early stage of pregnancy judged by the level of
early pregnancy compared with women who do not develop activin A and inhibin A is often well preserved in diabetic
preeclampsia.23 Women with type 1 diabetes developing women developing preeclampsia.38 Similarly, growth restric-
preeclampsia have impaired vasodilatatory capacity present tion of the fetus is rare in diabetic women with preeclampsia.38
already in early pregnancy, several weeks prior to the clini-
cal presentation of preeclampsia. In addition, the markers
of endothelial dysfunction vascular cell adhesion molecule Pathogenesis of preeclampsia
(VCAM) and intercellular adhesion molecule (I-CAM) are
elevated in early pregnancy.23 Signs of vascular dysfunction in women with diabetes and
thus precede development of clinical preeclampsia in women nephropathy
with type 1 diabetes who are prone to the condition. In addi-
tion, several other pathophysiological aspects are involved We suggest that the increased prevalence of preeclampsia
such as increased oxidative stress and reduced antioxidative in women with type 1 diabetes complicated with diabetic
defenses that may be related to levels of vitamin C and E.24,25 nephropathy or microalbuminuria is mainly related to
However, supplementation with vitamin C and E in a ran- common maternal constitutional factors with an increased
domized study including 762 women with type 1 diabetes susceptibility to endothelial dysfunction. The pathogenesis
did not reduce the risk of preeclampsia.25 As in preeclamp- of development of preeclampsia in women with diabetic
sia in women without diabetes, preeclampsia in women with nephropathy or microalbuminuria and type 1 diabetes does
type 1 diabetes is also associated with elevated levels of anti- thus include presence of endothelial dysfunction,23 impaired
angiogenic factors in the third trimester.26 maximal vasodilatation,23 increased levels of components
of the renin–angiotensin system,32 and markers of cardiac
overload.37 All these can be modulated by antihypertensive
treatment. Thus, tight antihypertensive treatment during
Preeclampsia and the pregnancy to prevent increase in blood pressure and/or uri-
renin–angiotensin system nary albumin excretion theoretically should be beneficial in
these women.
During the early stages of normal pregnancy, activation of
the local27,28 and systemic29,30 renin–angiotensin systems
is present. At 3–6 gestational weeks, the plasma prorenin Effect of diabetic nephropathy on
level increases tenfold, with a much lower prorenin level
from 9 weeks onward.27 This is consistent with the role of pregnancy outcome
the renin–angiotensin system, particularly prorenin, in Diabetic nephropathy may adversely affect the outcome of
embryonic and fetal development and in placentation.27 In pregnancy mainly by three mechanisms: (1) preterm deliv-
preeclampsia, disturbance in the renin–angiotensin sys- ery due to maternal hypertensive complications, (2) fetal
tem is seen with increased vascular responsiveness to intrauterine growth restriction and fetal distress caused by
angiotensin II. 31 The prorenin levels in 108 pregnant women placental dysfunction, or (3) deterioration of maternal kid-
with type 1 diabetes have been prospectively investigated, ney function. In addition, congenital malformations have
and prorenin concentrations at 8 gestational weeks were posi- been described with a slightly higher prevalence in women
tively associated with later development of preeclampsia.32 with diabetic nephropathy compared to diabetic women
Likewise, throughout pregnancy, prorenin concentrations with normal kidney function.39
were 30% higher in the nine women with type 1 diabetes who The prevalence of preeclampsia in women with diabetic
developed preeclampsia compared to those who did not.32 nephropathy is up to 64%4,5,7,12 especially in the presence
of reduced kidney function,40 hypertension at the start of
pregnancy, or nephrotic proteinuria.5,7 Also, women with
Preeclampsia and vasoactive markers type 1 diabetes and microalbuminuria are at increased risk
of developing preeclampsia compared to women with type 1
The vasoactive marker of cardiac overload, atrial natriuretic diabetes and normal urinary albumin excretion,26,41 and
peptide (ANP), is synthesized in cardiac tissue in response these women are also at particular risk of preterm delivery41
to volume expansion and ventricular pressure overload.33,34 where preterm delivery before 34 gestational weeks has been
In nondiabetic women, increased levels of ANP and brain reported in up to 45%.9,41 Severe disabilities of the children
natrioretic protein (BNP) are seen in late pregnancy when born to mothers with diabetic nephropathy have also been
the diagnosis of preeclampsia has been established.35,36 In described. In a follow-up study of 35 children born between
a small, prospective series of women with type 1 diabetes 1982 and 1992 by women with diabetic nephropathy, the
followed throughout pregnancy, preeclampsia developed majority were developmentally normal, but neurodevelop-
in six women (7%) with significantly higher ANP levels at mental problems were seen in children born preterm with a
468 Diabetic nephropathy
birth weight less than 2000 g.9 The risk of perinatal mortality creatinine, blood pressure, and proteinuria is necessary to
in pregnancies complicated by diabetic nephropathy is now estimate the risk for complications during pregnancy in a
close to that of women with type 1 diabetes without diabetic woman with diabetic nephropathy. Smoking and alcohol
nephropathy.2,4,5,7,12 Recently, similar pregnancy outcomes consumption are discouraged strongly during pregnancy.
were reported in women with kidney involvement and either Both the level of blood pressure and the actual number of
type 1 or type 2 diabetes.1 antihypertensive agents used to control the blood pressure
sufficiently prior to pregnancy are of importance to predict
and plan the need for further intensification of antihyper-
Effects of pregnancy on diabetic tensive treatment during pregnancy.
Glycemic control
Only a few studies have addressed the long-term impact
Poor glycemic control before pregnancy is associated with
of pregnancy on renal function in women with diabetic
pregnancy complications such as congenital malforma-
nephropathy. The most recent study is a prospective
tions,46,47 preeclampsia,48–50 and preterm delivery.46 Strict
cohort study including women with diabetic nephropa-
glycemic control is therefore the goal, and HbA1c as close to
thy, and normal serum creatinine offered strict blood
normal as possible at least below 7% is recommended. The
pressure control during the whole follow-up period of
risk of severe hypoglycemia has to be taken into account.51
16 years. In total, 26 women had at least one pregnancy
during the period and 67 had no pregnancies in the obser-
vation period. In these women with normal serum creati- Low-dose aspirin
nine, pregnancy was not associated with a greater decline
Low-dose aspirin treatment is indicated in women with dia-
in kidney function or impaired long-term maternal sur-
betic nephropathy or microalbuminuria to prevent cardio-
vival.42 However, other studies report that in women with
vascular events, and it might also prevent preeclampsia.52
a reduced creatinine clearance before pregnancy, there is
If a woman is already on low-dose aspirin treatment before
increased risk of deterioration of kidney function during
pregnancy, this treatment may be continued, while initiation
of low-dose aspirin treatment in pregnancy normally is post-
In general, pregnancy outcome is favorable in women
poned until after organogenesis (10–12 weeks).
with small elevations in serum creatinine, i.e., less than
124 μmol/L (1.4 mg/dL), with proteinuria less than 1 g/24 h,
and with normal blood pressure.44 In contrast, serum creati- Folic acid
nine above 176 μmol/L and severe hypertension or protein-
Daily folic acid supplementation should be advised as it
uria in the nephrotic range (>3 g/24 h) and/or preexisting
might reduce the risk of fetal malformations.53 There is no
cardiovascular disease are associated with a high risk for
consensus on the dose of folic acid; at least 400 μg/day is rec-
poor maternal and fetal outcome.44 The long-term survival of
ommended in Denmark, while in Canada and the United
a mother with diabetic nephropathy has improved consider-
States, the recommendation is up to 5 mg/day.54
ably in recent years, but the long-term likelihood of compli-
cations including visual impairment and renal dysfunction
is still increased.4,9,11,42 Blood pressure control
Prepregnancy treatment with ACE inhibitors combined
with strict metabolic control for at least 6 months resulting
Prepregnancy counseling of women in low levels of urinary albumin excretion has been found
with diabetic nephropathy to be associated with a high rate of successful pregnancy
Careful counseling of the woman with diabetes and kidney Whether treatment with ACE inhibitors or angioten-
involvement concerning the risk for herself and the newborn sin II receptor antagonists in early pregnancy is associated
is important for a well-considered decision regarding preg- with increased risk of congenital malformations is cur-
nancy. The use of safe contraception in the planning phase is rently being debated.39,55–57 However, treatment with ACE
recommended.45 inhibitors during the last part of pregnancy is associated
To minimize the risk of pregnancy-induced maternal with abnormal fetal renal development and neonatal renal
progression to end-stage renal failure, focusing on the pre- failure.55,58 Treatment with ACE inhibitors or angiotensin
pregnancy level of serum creatinine is important, since II receptor antagonists should therefore ideally be stopped
serum creatinine above 176 µmol/L is the best predictor of prior to conception,55,58 but if these drugs are given during
the risk of pregnancy-induced decline in maternal kidney organogenesis, interruption of pregnancy is not indicated
function leading to end-stage renal disease during preg- on this background.56 If the severity of diabetic nephropathy
nancy or shortly after.44 In addition, an updated diabetes sta- indicates continuous treatment with inhibitors of the renin–
tus including self-monitored glucose values, HbA1c, risk of angiotensin system, in the case of unplanned pregnancy, a
severe hypoglycemia, degree of diabetic retinopathy, serum shift to other antihypertensive agents can successfully take
Treatment of women with diabetic nephropathy during pregnancy 469
place in early pregnancy when the pregnancy test is posi- Treatment of women with diabetic
tive.5 Types of antihypertensive agents that are considered
safe in pregnancy are methyldopa, beta-blockers (such as nephropathy during pregnancy
labetalol), and the calcium antagonists nifedipine and diltia-
Glycemic control
zem.4 Although the use of diuretics throughout pregnancy is
controversial,59 we have good clinical experience with con- Strict glycemic control during pregnancy is of utmost
tinuation of diuretic treatment initiated before pregnancy importance but may be difficult because pregnant women
in stable doses during pregnancy in women with diabetic with type 1 diabetes have an increased risk of severe hypo-
nephropathy.4,60 glycemia, particularly in early pregnancy.51 Development of
preeclampsia is more frequent in women with higher levels
of HbA1c in early pregnancy,48–50 but it is reassuring that
Cholesterol-lowering drugs improvement of glycemic control during pregnancy is asso-
Treatment with statins or other cholesterol-lowering agents ciated with less preeclampsia.64 The British NICE guidelines
during pregnancy may be associated with malformations or recommend HbA1c below 6.0% during pregnancy.65
changes in the development of the central nervous system
and should ideally be discontinued prior to pregnancy61 or
as soon as pregnancy is diagnosed. Low-dose aspirin
In women with high risk of developing preeclampsia, treat-
ment with low-dose aspirin has some preventive effect52
Diabetic retinopathy if initiated before 16 gestational weeks. It is not known what
Sight-threatening diabetic retinopathy is prevalent in is the optimal gestational age to start low-dose aspirin, but
women with diabetic nephropathy, and it is well known generally it is initiated after the organogenesis. Low-dose
that a pregnancy-induced deterioration of retinopathy may aspirin treatment in women with diabetic nephropathy is
occur. Treatment for diabetic retinopathy should therefore therefore recommended in American66 and British65 guide-
be performed if indicated to stabilize the retinopathy prior lines. The British NICE guidelines now recommend 75 mg
to pregnancy.62,63 aspirin daily from 12 gestational weeks to all pregnant
women with diabetes and/or kidney disease.65 Preferably
this treatment should be stopped 1 week before delivery,
Summary of prepregnancy care i.e., at 36–37 weeks.
Intensive glycemic control, folic acid supplementation, and
intensive antihypertensive treatment are of importance
prior to pregnancy in women with diabetic nephropathy or Folic acid
microalbuminuria. Renin–angiotensin system inhibitors Daily folic acid supplementation during the first 12 gesta-
and cholesterol-lowering agents should ideally be stopped tional weeks might reduce the incidence of congenital mal-
before pregnancy or at the latest when pregnancy is diag- formations in pregnant women with diabetes.53
nosed. Screening for diabetic retinopathy and treatment, if
indicated, is important (Table 55.1).
Blood pressure control
A gradual increase in both blood pressure and urinary albu-
Table 55.1 Prepregnancy counseling of women with min excretion has been demonstrated prior to onset of pre-
diabetic nephropathy eclampsia in women with type 1 diabetes.48 With the aim
to reduce the high prevalence of preeclampsia in pregnant
• Use of safe contraception in the planning phase women with diabetic nephropathy or microalbuminuria,
• Evaluation of the risk of pregnancy-induced maternal
our group in the year 2000 decided to initiate antihyperten-
kidney failure sive treatment if blood pressure exceeded 140/90 mmHg or
• Evaluation of the risk of preeclampsia and preterm urinary albumin excretion exceeded 2000 mg/24 h. If the
delivery women already were on antihypertensive treatment, the
• Intensive glycemic control with HbA1c as near to normal drugs were changed to antihypertensive agents well tolerated
levels as possible (<7%, ~50 mmol/mol) in pregnancy such as methyldopa, labetalol, or nifedipine. In
• Supplementation with folic acid an unselected cohort of 20 normotensive pregnant women
• Tight target for antihypertensive treatment, i.e., with type 1 diabetes and microalbuminuria treated accord-
BP <130/80 mmHg and urinary albumin excretion ing to this strategy, a significant reduction in preterm deliv-
<300 mg/24 h ery before 34 gestational weeks was seen when compared
• Consider change to pregnancy-friendly antihypertensive to a previous cohort where antihypertensive treatment
agents before conception for elevated blood pressure was less rigorous.60 However,
• Review the medication list for drugs contraindicated in the prevalence of preeclampsia and preterm delivery was
pregnancy, i.e., cholesterol-lowering agents
still high, and therefore, we decided in 2004 to intensify the
• Screen for sight-threatening diabetic retinopathy
strategy even more by initiating antihypertensive treatment
470 Diabetic nephropathy
when blood pressure exceeds 135/85 mmHg or urinary albu- Diabetic retinopathy
min excretion exceeds 300 mg/24 h. This strategy seems to Besides protecting the kidney function, focusing on diabetic
be associated with further improvement as fewer women retinopathy is important in these women since progression
with type 1 diabetes and microalbuminuria developed pre- to sight-threatening diabetic retinopathy is prevalent during
eclampsia or delivered preterm in the following audit.2 pregnancy.62,63 Laser treatment should be performed during
Furthermore, in women with diabetic nephropathy, pregnancy, if indicated.63
early-onset and intensive antihypertensive treatment most
likely also reduces the severity of preeclampsia and preterm
delivery.1,2,4 It is often necessary to use a combination of dif- Summary of treatment recommendations
ferent antihypertensive agents to control blood pressure and Strict glycemic control, low-dose aspirin, folic acid supple-
urinary albumin excretion.4 Methyldopa, labetalol, nifedip- mentation, and intensive antihypertensive treatment with
ine, and diltiazem are often used and are apparently safe in pregnancy-friendly drugs are of importance during preg-
pregnancy.4,60,67 In addition, diuretics, both thiazides and nancy in women with diabetic nephropathy or microalbu-
loop diuretics, may be used with caution during pregnancy, minuria. The goal for antihypertensive treatment includes
and we often find it necessary to continue with unchanged both lowering of blood pressure and urinary albumin excre-
dose of diuretics if the women are already treated with this tion and is stricter compared to pregnant women without
class of drug prior to pregnancy due to diabetic nephropa- diabetes. Close obstetric surveillance and screening for dia-
thy,4,60 while we normally do not use diuretics in other preg- betic retinopathy is important to improve pregnancy out-
nant women. Many women with diabetic nephropathy can comes in these high-risk pregnancies (Table 55.2).
be controlled with one or two antihypertensive agents, but
as many as four different antihypertensive classes of drugs,
including diuretics, are used for selected pregnant women Concluding remarks
at our center in order to stabilize the blood pressure.2,4,60 Pregnancy outcome in women with diabetic nephropathy or
Although antihypertensive agents have been reported to be microalbuminuria has improved considerably over the last
associated with intrauterine growth restriction,68 this seems decade with a take-home-baby rate of approximately 95%.
not to be the case in women with diabetes.1,2 Most information in the literature comes from women with
Carr et al.6 described a cohort of 43 pregnant women with type 1 diabetes and diabetic nephropathy or microalbu-
diabetic nephropathy where suboptimal control of hyperten- minuria, but the same numbers are probably also valid for
sion in early pregnancy was associated with increased risk of women with type 2 diabetes. Careful counseling of women
preterm delivery compared to women with well-controlled with diabetic nephropathy or microalbuminuria prior to
blood pressure on medical treatment (38% vs. 5%). pregnancy with estimation of the risk for the mother and
Although prospective, randomized trials are not avail- fetus is important. Pregnancy does not result in worsening
able, studies from our center1,2,60 in combination with studies of kidney function in women with diabetic nephropathy
by Kimmerle9 and Carr6 strongly suggest that women with and normal serum creatinine, but pregnancy complications
diabetes and diabetic nephropathy or microalbuminuria are common.
receiving early and intensive antihypertensive treatment Strict glycemic control before and during pregnancy,
have a better pregnancy outcome compared to women initi- low-dose aspirin from 10 to 12 gestational weeks onward,
ating antihypertensive treatment in late pregnancy. folic acid supplementation in early pregnancy, and inten-
The mechanism of the effect of early and intensive sive antihypertensive treatment are important factors for
antihypertensive treatment in pregnant women with dia- optimizing pregnancy outcome. Methyldopa, labetalol,
betic nephropathy or microalbuminuria is not known. nifedipine, and diltiazem are regarded safe in pregnancy,
Antihypertensive treatment may stabilize the urinary albu- whereas ACE inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor antagonists,
min excretion and the universal leakage of albumin from or cholesterol-lowering agents should not be used during
the microcirculation and thus improve the endothelial func-
tion. Thereby, the antihypertensive treatment reduces not
Table 55.2 Treatment of women with diabetic
only blood pressure and urinary albumin excretion but also
nephropathy during pregnancy
the other clinical manifestations of preeclampsia associated
with maternal endothelial dysfunction. The beneficial effect
• Intensive glycemic control
of antihypertensive treatment of diabetic nephropathy or
microalbuminuria in normotensive patients with type 1 dia- • Low-dose aspirin from 10–12 weeks until 36–37 weeks
betes outside pregnancy is well documented.14 • Supplementation with folic acid during the first 12 weeks
• Tight target for antihypertensive treatment, i.e., BP
<135/85 and urinary albumin excretion <300 mg/24 h
Obstetric surveillance • Use of pregnancy-friendly antihypertensive agents
• Review the medication list for drugs contraindicated in
In late pregnancy, close obstetrical surveillance including pregnancy, i.e., cholesterol-lowering agents
frequent ultrasound examinations of fetal growth and non-
• Tight obstetric surveillance
stress testing are important to diagnose complications and
• Screen for sight-threatening diabetic retinopathy
plan the time and mode of delivery.45
References 471
pregnancy. Case series and pathophysiological studies sup- before and during pregnancy is mandatory, and laser treat-
port a stringent goal for blood pressure and urinary albumin ment should be performed if indicated. Further research on
excretion in pregnant women with diabetic nephropathy the benefit and risk of intensive antihypertensive treatment
or microalbuminuria. Screening for diabetic retinopathy in this population is needed.
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56 Diabetic ketoacidosis
Annunziata Lapolla and Maria Grazia Dalfrà
Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a serious complication of dia- metabolized as an alternative energy source in the process of
betes resulting often in a medical emergency. Nowadays, the ketogenesis.10,12 In particular, the excessive beta-oxidation of
occurrence of DKA is rare in pregnant women with diabe- fatty acids prompts the formation of large quantities of acetyl
tes, occurring mainly in patients with type 1 diabetes, but CoA, which is then converted by the liver into ketone bod-
also in type 2 or, more rarely, in women with gestational ies (3-beta-hydroxy-butyrate and acetoacetate). Acetoacetate
diabetes mellitus (GDM). Maternal and fetal complications undergoes decarboxylation and conversion into acetone. The
determined by DKA can be life threatening, so prompt rec- abundant ketone bodies, and particularly 3-beta-hydroxy-
ognition and treatment of this condition is mandatory to butyrate and lactic acid (which is also used in gluconeogen-
avoid these complications. esis), are the main contributors to the metabolic acidosis.12
It is important to bear in mind that the metabolic changes
characteristics of DKA trigger a chain of events that become
Incidence self-perpetuating in a vicious cycle. Hyperglycemia gives rise
to an osmotic gradient that results in an excessive diuresis,
The reported incidence of diabetes in pregnancy ranges leading to severe dehydration and hypovolemia.10–12 This
from 6% to 7% with 90% of cases constituted by women further exacerbates the hyperglycemia and acidosis due to
affected by GDM.1,2 In this context, DKA has a reported the activation of other counterregulatory hormones (corti-
incidence between 0.5% and 3% of all diabetic pregnan- sol growth hormone), and the osmotic diuresis causes low
cies.3–9 Previously considered typical of type 1 diabetes is sodium levels. The shortage of insulin also leads to protein
now reported also to occur in patients with type 2 diabe- breakdown and interferes with cellular potassium uptake
tes and GDM. Furthermore, the increase of the utilization so that normal or high serum potassium levels can coincide
of assisted reproductive technology resulting often in mul- with low total body potassium.10–12
tifetal gestation can be a risk factor for the development of
DKA; in fact, this gestation can be associated with preterm
labor determining the necessity to utilize corticosteroid for Ketoacidosis and pregnancy
fetal lung maturation, a therapy that in diabetes disease can
determine hyperglycemia and subsequently DKA. Pregnancy is characterized by insulin resistance, accelerated
starvation, and respiratory alkalosis, especially in the second
and third trimesters.13 It has been demonstrated that sensi-
Pathophysiology tivity to insulin decreases in pregnancy, reaching its nadir in
the third trimester and rapidly returning to prepregnancy
DKA is a complex metabolic disorder characterized by hyper- levels after delivery.13–15 Although the specific mechanisms
glycemia, acidosis, and ketonemia.10 It frequently occurs as a behind the gradual onset of insulin resistance, often with a
consequence of absolute or relative insulin deficiency accom- concomitant increase in insulin secretion, during pregnancy
panied by an increased secretion of the counterregulatory have not been fully clarified, an important contribution
hormones (cortisol, glucagon, epinephrine).11 These hormone comes from the endocrine changes characteristic of preg-
changes lead to a more marked hepatic gluconeogenesis and nancy, including increased levels of estrogens, progesterone,
glycogenolysis, prompting severe hyperglycemia. Glycogen human placental lactogen (HPL), cortisol, and TNFα.16,17
stores are depleted, and gluconeogenesis is enhanced, partly The gradual decline in insulin sensitivity occurring in
because of high levels of glucose precursors (and glycerol normal pregnancy was demonstrated in a clamp study by
in particular), as a result of the increased lipolysis and of Catalano et al.,15 who found insulin sensitivity 56% lower in
amino acids from muscle breakdown. Insulin resistance is normal pregnant women during their third trimester. This is
responsible for the increased lipolysis, which in turn reduces considered a physiological mechanism to facilitate the supply
the adipocytes’ capacity to store free fatty acids, which are of glucose to the fetus, and it coincides with a parallel gradual
474 Diabetic ketoacidosis
DKA management can affect insulin absorption.8 Initial insulin boluses should
contain approximately 10–15 U of regular insulin (0.1 U/kg),
DKA during pregnancy is an obstetric and medical emer- and the follow-on continuous insulin infusion could be at
gency that warrants intensive treatment at a specialized care 0.1 U/kg/h, testing glucose levels hourly. If glucose levels
unit. The principles of DKA management in pregnancy are drop too quickly, then there may be excessive displacements
the same as for patients who are not pregnant. Treatment for of water inside cells due to the rapid drop in serum osmo-
DKA includes fluid replacement, insulin therapy, correcting larity. Serum glucose levels should ideally drop by approxi-
acidosis and abnormal electrolytes, and treating the under- mately 50–75 mg/dL/h. Continuous insulin infusions should
lying disease, associated with intensive monitoring of mater- be given until metabolic alterations have been corrected and
nal and fetal conditions (Table 56.4). patients are able to resume their regular diet and switch to
their regular subcutaneous insulin treatment regimen.
Fluid replacement
Patients with DKA may have a fluid deficit amounting to a Potassium
mean 100 mL/kg of body weight42 and ranging from 6 to 10 L,42
Potassium depletion may be substantial, and the correction
with a total fluid loss of 100–150 mL/kg actual body weight.43
of acidosis, the administration of insulin, and fluid replace-
Initial intravenous replacement solutions should consist
ments can shift the ion from the extracellular to the intracel-
of isotonic saline (0.9% NaCl) solution at 1000 mL/h for at
lular medium. In DKA, the total potassium deficiency is about
least 2 hours. The use of hypotonic saline solution (0.45%
5–10 mEq/L. To prevent fatal arrhythmias, it is important to
NaCl) in the early phase of fluid replacement can raise the
keep potassium levels between 4 and 5 mEq/L. Potassium
risk of cerebral edema.44
levels should be monitored every 2–4 hours, and replace-
After administering an initial 2 L of isotonic saline, in the
ment potassium should be administered slowly (≤20 mEq/h)
presence of hypernatremia, the solution may be changed to a
to avoid hyperkalemia and the risk of cardiac arrhythmia.
hypotonic saline (0.45% NaCl) delivered at 250 mL/h, a rate
Potassium replacement can be achieved either by adding KCl
matching the electrolyte loss during osmotic dieresis, until
(40 mEq/L) to the replacement fluid administered, in an infu-
serum glucose levels are between 200 and 250 mg/dL. Once
sion administered at 140–250 mL/h, or by means of intermit-
glucose levels have dropped to lower than 250 mg/dL, the
tent intravenous boluses of 10 mEq/h every 4–6 hours.43
saline solution could be replaced with a 5% dextrose solution
to prevent an excessively rapid drop of glucose levels.
Acidosis correction
Insulin therapy Correcting acidosis with intravenous bicarbonate is rarely
Insulin treatment has to be initiated to correct the metabolic recommended in the protocols for DKA management.
disorder. It is preferable to start with intravenous boluses The administration of bicarbonate may be associated with
and follow up with continuous intravenous infusions rather profound alkalosis or worsening acidosis secondary to an
than to administer insulin via an intramuscular or subcu- increase in the partial pressure of carbon dioxide, which can
taneous route because a lower than normal tissue perfusion lead in turn to an impaired fetal oxygen transfer.8
For a pH <7.0 or serum bicarbonate levels <5 mEq/L, it is
advisable to administer 50 mEq of bicarbonate.
Table 56.4 Treatment for diabetic ketoacidosis in
1. Fluids
a. Isotonic saline solution Maximizing tissue oxygenation in the mother and oxygen
b. Total replacement in the first 12 hours with 4–6 L supply to the uterus and placenta are essential aspects of
i. 1 L in the first hour. acute DKA management. Fetal hypoxia and fetal distress
ii. 500–1000 mL/hour for 2–4 hours. may occur during maternal acidemia. Oxygen administered
iii. 250 mL/hour up to 80% fluid replacement. through a face mask, hydration, and left lateral decubitus of
iv. In cases of hypernatremia, use 0.45% saline
solution. the mother can help to maximize uteroplacental perfusion
c. Glucose, starting with a 5% dextrose infusion, when and fetal oxygenation.
glucose levels drop < 250 mg/dL (14 mmol/L)
2. Electrolytes
a. Potassium
i. If normal or low, begin with 15–20 mEq/hour. Managing of precipitating factors
ii. If high, wait until it drops to within normal
range, then 20–30 mEq/L. Among precipitating factors for the onset of DKA infec-
b. Bicarbonate: 44 mEq if pH < 7.0 tions must be bear in mind. Possible sources of infection
3. Insulin include the urinary tract, the upper airways, the gallbladder,
a. An initial bolus of 10–15 U of regular insulin the ear, a tooth abscess, cellulitis, and wound infections after
(0.2–0.4 U/kg)
b. Intravenous infusion with 2–10 U/hour surgery. It is mandatory to identify and treat these issues
with appropriate antibiotics and/or surgery.
References 477
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57 Thyroid disease in pregnancy
Yoel Toledano and Gabriella Solomon
Pregnancy has a profound effect on the thyroid gland Thyroxine binding globulin
function. Numerous physiological changes occur during During pregnancy, estrogen increases serum TBG concen-
pregnancy including hormonal alterations and increased tration about twofold by elevated production and decreased
metabolic demands. Thyroid disorders may affect the progres- clearance. To maintain adequate free thyroid hormone con-
sion of pregnancy, the pregnant woman, and the developing centrations during this period, thyroid hormone production
fetus. On the other hand, pregnancy may also affect the course increases until a new equilibrium is reached and plateaus at
and the treatment of thyroid disorders. Hence, diagnosis and approximately 16 weeks of gestation.1
treatment of thyroid disorders in pregnancy parallel that of
nonpregnant women, but present unique problems.
Iodine and pregnancy
Iodine requirements are higher in pregnancy due to enhanced
Maternal thyroid physiology T4 production, increased renal iodine clearance, and fetal
iodine demands. Maternal iodine deficiency can result in
Thyroid hormone production and secretion is regulated by impaired maternal and fetal thyroid hormone synthesis. Severe
pituitary thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), with a nega- iodine deficiency in a given population has been associated
tive feedback loop, i.e., TSH production and secretion are with decreased fertility, spontaneous abortion, increased peri-
suppressed when thyroid hormone levels are increased. For natal and infant mortality, endemic goiter, and endemic men-
the vast majority of clinical situations, TSH is considered as tal retardation.4 Moreover, it can lead to endemic cretinism
the single best screening test for primary thyroid dysfunc- characterized by irreversible mental retardation, with either a
tion. Thus, a low serum TSH level, in the presence of a high neurological syndrome such as deaf-mutism and motor rigid-
serum–free T4 (FT4) and/or free T3 (FT3) levels, is charac- ity or predominant hypothyroidism or a combination.4
teristic of primary hyperthyroidism. Alternatively, a high The prophylactic action of treatment with iodine on the
serum TSH level in the presence of a reduced serum FT4 incidence of cretinism demonstrates the fundamental etio-
level is characteristic of primary hypothyroidism. The main logical role of iodine deficiency. Iodine deficiency is the
changes in thyroid physiology during pregnancy include leading cause of preventable mental retardation worldwide.5
thyrotropin (TSH) receptor stimulation by human chorionic Prolonged enhanced thyroid stimulation by even mild to
gonadotropin (hCG) and increased serum thyroxine bind- moderate iodine deficiency can lead to gradual decline in
ing globulin (TBG) concentrations and iodine requirements. total body iodine stores and goiter formation.6 Iodine intake
and methods to treat and avoid iodine deficiency differ
between countries. The World Health Organization recom-
Human chorionic gonadotropin mends 250 μg of iodine daily during pregnancy and lactation
As TSH and hCG are both glycoprotein hormones with and 150 μg/day for women of reproductive age.7 Accordingly,
considerable homology, the rising hCG level during early the American Thyroid Association (ATA) has recommended
pregnancy, with peak at 10–12 weeks, probably has a weak a 150 μg daily iodine supplementation for pregnant and
thyroid stimulatory activity. Consequently, the elevated breastfeeding women in North America in order to achieve
serum hCG concentration is accompanied by a reciprocal the total of 250 μg iodine ingestion per day.8
fall in TSH level. This effect is more pronounced at higher
hCG levels as is seen in twin pregnancies.1 Near the end
of the first trimester (peak circulating hCG), there is a Thyroid function in the fetus
small and transient increase in FT4 levels, usually within At 10th–12th week of gestation, fetal TSH appears in the
the normal range. Regarding physiological changes in pituitary gland. At the same time, the thyroid gland is
pregnancy, transient gestational hyperthyroidism and/or capable of concentrating iodine and synthesizing thyroid
hyperemesis gravidarum may reflect the extreme end of hormones. Hormone synthesis is little until midgestation.
the spectrum.2,3 Thereafter, fetal thyroid production and secretion increase
480 Thyroid disease in pregnancy
Serum TSH (mlU/L)
3 2.93
1.23 1.35
0.12 0.31
0.03 0.09 0.20
First trimester Second trimester Third trimester
(n = 7) (n = 5) (n = 2)
Figure 57.2 TSH changes during pregnancy-trimester-specific TSH reference intervals. Median values (rectangle) versus the range
of 2.5th (ellipse, bottom) and 97.5th (ellipse, top) percentiles for each trimester of pregnancy taken from eight studies of trimes-
ter specific TSH reference intervals, reported between 2004 and 2009, for women without thyroid peroxidase autoantibodies
from iodine-sufficient populations. The dotted horizontal lines show the typical nonpregnant reference range (0.4–4.1 mU/mL).
(Adapted from Glinoer, D. and Spencer, C.A., Nat. Rev. Endocrinol., 6(9), 527, 2010. With permission.)
Hypothyroidism 481
is adequate, the most common cause of hypothyroidism Overall, the prevalence of overt and SCH in pregnancy is
during pregnancy is autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD) estimated to be 0.3%–0.5% and 2%–2.5%, respectively. The
(Hashimoto’s thyroiditis).21 Also, the presence of other auto- prevalence may be higher in iodine insufficient areas.24,25
immune disorders like type 1 diabetes mellitus raises the Screening programs detect congenital hypothyroidism in
risk of AITD.22 In iodine-poor areas, iodine deficiency itself approximately 1:2000 to 1:4000 newborns.26
is the most frequent cause of hypothyroidism. In fact, iodine
deprivation is the most common cause of hypothyroidism
worldwide. Next, other etiologies can occur in pregnant Maternal and fetal complications of hypothyroidism
women including prior radioiodine ablation of the thyroid, Hypothyroidism during pregnancy may adversely affect
thyroidectomy, or secondary hypothyroidism e.g., Sheehan’s maternal and fetal outcomes. It has been associated with an
syndrome. Finally, an important cause for neonatal thyroid increased risk of spontaneous abortion. In continuing preg-
hypofunction is congenital hypothyroidism. Most cases of nancies, hypothyroidism has been associated with increased
this disorder are due to agenesis or dysgenesis of the fetal risk of several complications such as preterm delivery, gesta-
thyroid gland, congenital dyshormonogenesis, or iodine tional hypertension, placental abruption, low birth weight,
deficiency in endemic areas. cesarean section, and postpartum hemorrhage.4,20,27–29
Symptoms and signs of hypothyroidism during pregnancy Conversely, no difference in adverse pregnancy outcomes
are the same as in the nonpregnant state. They include sensi- was detected in a study of women with antenatal severe
tivity to cold, dry skin, constipation, fatigue, muscle cramps, hypothyroidism, defined as TSH level above 20.0 mIU/L,
weight gain, voice change, and drowsiness. The symptoms compared to a control euthyroid group. Hirsch et al. con-
may be nonspecific or may go unnoticed. Notably, many cluded that intense follow-up and levothyroxine replacement
patients are asymptomatic. Regarding congenital hypothy- therapy during gestation may improve pregnancy outcomes,
roidism, it is a very common cause of intellectual disability even when target serum TSH levels are not reached.30
that can be prevented. Thyroid function tests confirm the Women with SCH were also at increased risk for adverse
diagnosis of hypothyroidism. An elevated serum TSH level, in pregnancy outcomes in some (but not all) studies, though
combination with a subnormal serum FT4 level, characterizes lower than overt hypothyroidism. The complications
overt/primary hypothyroidism. Furthermore, serum TSH included spontaneous abortion, preterm delivery, placental
level elevation above 10 mIU/L, irrespective of serum FT4 lev- abruption, and pregnancy loss.20,25,31,32 The adverse outcomes
els, is also considered as overt hypothyroidism by the ATA.15 have varied between studies.
Next, subclinical hypothyroidism (SCH) is character- Importantly, maternal hypothyroidism has been associ-
ized by a serum TSH above the upper reference limit (using ated with impairment in psychomotor development in the
pregnancy-specific reference ranges) in combination with a offspring.12,32,33 The full IQ scores of children at age 7–9 years,
normal serum FT4 concentration. However, in secondary born to hypothyroid women (mean TSH 13.2 mIU/L), were
and tertiary (central) hypothyroidism, the diagnosis should four points lower in average compared with euthyroid con-
be based on a low serum FT4 and low-normal serum TSH trols. Strikingly, the test scores of children of untreated
levels. hypothyroid women were seven points lower than controls,
An additional thyroid function disorder during gesta- but the test scores of children whose mothers were treated
tion is isolated hypothyroxinemia (low T4). It is defined as a (although inadequately) were similar in most categories to
maternal FT4 concentration in the lower 5th or 10th percen- the control children.33 Correspondingly, the association of
tile of the reference range, in conjunction with a normal TSH. cognitive development and SCH in pregnancy is still under
The effect of isolated maternal hypothyroxinemia on perinatal study. Recently, a randomized study was reported on the cog-
and neonatal outcome is yet unclear. Indeed, in mothers with nitive examination of children whose mothers received levo-
isolated hypothyroxinemia treated or not with T4 before thyroxine therapy during pregnancy for impaired thyroid
20 weeks gestation, the IQ of children was not affected.23 function tests (mean maternal serum TSH was 3.8 mIU/L).
482 Thyroid disease in pregnancy
No benefit in cognitive function, assessed at age 3 years, treatment for all pregnant women with SCH as we expect
was detected versus controls.34 More randomized trials are that the benefits outweigh any potential risks. However, close
needed to determine the benefit of SCH treatment on neuro- monitoring of thyroid function is highly recommended in
cognitive outcomes in early pregnancy. case the therapeutic decision was not to treat.
Finally, assessment of treatment in secondary and ter-
tiary (central) hypothyroidism should be guided by FT4 and
Treatment of hypothyroidism not TSH.
It is well accepted that maternal hypothyroidism should be
treated considering the risks to both the mother and the fetus.
The recommended treatment for hypothyroidism is oral syn- Screening for hypothyroidism
thetic l-T4 (levothyroxine or l-thyroxine). The goal of l-T4 Universal screening for hypothyroidism in asymptomatic
replacement during gestation is to restore euthyroidism as soon women who are pregnant or are planning pregnancy is con-
as possible. Treatment with l-T4 is usually initiated with a dose troversial due to insufficient evidence that it is beneficial.39
of 100–150 µg/day or close to full replacement doses (1.6 mcg/ Indeed, screening practices and guidelines vary widely.
kg body weight/day), but individual dose requirements vary Some professional societies updated these clinical practice
widely. Milder hypothyroidism may require a lower dose. The guidelines and recommended “targeted” or “aggressive case
normal trimester reference ranges for TSH are used as target of finding” rather than universal screening.15,17
treatment during pregnancy.15–17 Concordantly, the ATA recommends thyroid function
In most of the pregnant women already treated with testing in women at high risk for overt hypothyroidism15:
l-T4, early dose adjustment is needed as soon as pregnancy
is confirmed in order to meet the increased requirement
during pregnancy. Requirements increase as early as the History of thyroid dysfunction or prior thyroid surgery
fifth week of gestation.35 Optimizing preconception TSH Age > 30 years
level (<2.5 mIU/L) is recommended for hypothyroid women Symptoms of thyroid dysfunction or the presence of goiter
anticipating pregnancy.15 There is an indication that lower TPO-Ab positivity
TSH levels before pregnancy (to the lower quartile of nor- Type 1 diabetes or other autoimmune disorders
mal) might reduce the risk of elevated levels in pregnancy.36 History of miscarriage or preterm delivery
Adjustment may require 30% increase in dosage or more.37 History of head or neck radiation
Strategy for increasing l-T4 dose should be individual- Family history of thyroid dysfunction
ized. Factors like preconception TSH level and etiology of Morbid obesity (BMI > 40 kg/m2)
maternal hypothyroidism may provide insight into the mag- Use of amiodarone or lithium or recent administration of
nitude of the needed increase. Dose increase is more likely iodinated radiological contrast
to be required in patients without a functional thyroid tissue Infertility
(e.g., due to radio-ablation or surgery) than in patients with Residing in an area of known moderate to severe iodine
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.38 insufficiency
Next, treatment of hypothyroidism should be monitored.
l-T4 has a long half-life of almost seven days. Hence, a peak
therapeutic effect at a given dose may not be attained for The time for screening is in early pregnancy. Indeed, the
4–6 weeks. Correspondingly, monitoring TSH levels every Endocrine Society recommends TSH screening either on the
4–6 weeks is recommended during the first half of preg- ninth week of gestation or on the first prenatal visit.17
nancy. Actually, monitoring every 4 weeks can detect 92% of
abnormal values.37 In the second half of pregnancy, it is rea-
sonable to monitor TSH levels at least once between 26–32 Hyperthyroidism in pregnancy
weeks gestation and also 4–6 weeks after changing dosage
or brand, as new equilibrium is expected.37 After delivery, Etiology
most hypothyroid women need to decrease the l-T4 dosage The prevalence of hyperthyroidism during pregnancy is
administered during pregnancy to the prepregnancy dose. relatively uncommon. It ranges between 0.1% and 1%.
Regarding treatment of SCH during pregnancy, there is Approximately 0.4% and 0.6% of pregnant women present
no consensus.39,40 Reduction in adverse pregnancy outcomes with clinical and subclinical hyperthyroidism, respectively.41
was demonstrated in a study of women with SCH and positive Etiologies of thyrotoxicosis include those that present specif-
TPO-Ab treated with l-T4.39 Recently, several professional ically during pregnancy, as well as others found in the gen-
societies addressed this issue but had controversial opin- eral population.
ions. For example, the ATA recommended l-T4 treatment The most common etiology of hyperthyroidism in the
in pregnant women with SCH who are also thyroid peroxi- childbearing age is Graves’ disease (GD). This cause accounts
dase antibody positive (TPO-Ab+).15 Instead, the Endocrine for 85% of clinical hyperthyroidism in pregnancy. Also,
Society recommended replacement in all pregnant women another common etiology of thyrotoxicosis is hypereme-
with SCH.17 From our perspective (Toledano and Solomon, sis gravidarum.42 In contrast, uncommon etiologies d uring
the authors of this chapter), we also recommend offering pregnancy include silent or subacute thyroiditis, toxic
Hyperthyroidism in pregnancy 483
multinodular goiter, single toxic adenoma, molar disease, TRAb titer between gestational weeks 22 and 26. When the
and struma ovarii.43 titer is three to five times above normal, the fetus should be
evaluated for detection of potential fetal hyperthyroidism.
This condition can be assessed by several fetal ultrasono-
Clinical diagnosis graphic parameters: tachycardia (persistent fetal heart rate of
The clinical characteristics are the same in pregnant and >160 bpm), the presence of fetal goiter, increased fetal motil-
nonpregnant patients. However, the clinical diagnosis of ity, growth retardation, and accelerated bone maturation.43
hyperthyroidism during pregnancy may be challenging. A pattern of the fetal heart monitor tracing unique to fetal
Many nonspecific symptoms can be mimicked by normal thyrotoxicosis47 includes a sustained baseline of 170–180
pregnancy, e.g., anxiety, fatigue, heat intolerance, tachycar- beats/minute combined with moderate variability. The lat-
dia, tremor, warm moist skin, and systolic murmur. Instead, ter exhibits acceleration with a lack of deceleration. If the
several physical findings such as goiter, ophthalmopathy, and information to be gained will change therapy, it is possible
pretibial myxoedema are highly suggestive of GD. Another to perform serial cordocentesis for diagnosis and monitoring
suspicious symptom of hyperthyroidism during gestation is drug therapy.48,49 Suspected fetal hyperthyroidism in utero
weight loss or the absence of weight gain despite an increased can be treated with a combination of mercaptizol (MMI,
appetite. When hyperemesis gravidarum is associated with 20 mg/day) and thyroxine, which is occasionally required to
weight loss, the differential diagnosis should include hCG- maintain maternal euthyroidism. Fortunately, neonatal GD
induced hyperthyroidism. with hyperthyroidism is presented in only 1%–5% of neo-
nates born to mothers with GD. As discussed previously, the
etiology is related to the transplacental passage of stimulat-
Laboratory diagnosis ing maternal TRAb. In fact, it is recommended to perform
Measurements of serum TSH, T4 and T3 levels, and anti-TSH cord serum-free T4 and TSH determinations in all deliveries
receptor antibodies (TRAbs) are required when suspect- of mothers with a history of GD.
ing hyperthyroidism. Patients with prominent symptoms Fetal hypothyroidism: Maternal GD treated with anti-
almost always have a suppressed serum TSH level <0.1 mU/L thyroid drugs (ATDs) may induce fetal hypothyroidism.
concurrently with elevated serum free T4 and T3 levels. Conceivably, keeping maternal circulating thyroid hormone
Importantly, the evaluation of thyroid function tests must levels in the upper quartile of the normal range is the best
consider the hCG-mediated suppression of serum TSH that way to avoid fetal hypothyroidism.41,43 Inhibitory TRAb pro-
occurs during pregnancy. Furthermore, thyroid antibodies duction has been shown to cause hypothyroidism transiently
(thyroglobulin [Tg]-Ab and TPO-Ab) are usually positive in neonates born to mothers with GD.50,51
in patients with GD. Hence, the differential diagnosis must
include AITD as the etiology of hyperthyroidism. Not sur-
prisingly, TRAbs are detectable in the majority of patients Management of Graves’ disease in pregnancy
with GD. During the second half of pregnancy, TRAb pro- As a general rule, gradual improvement of GD occurs dur-
duction tends to undergo immunological remission. Thus, ing gestation. Several causes were alluded to this spontane-
measurement of these antibodies is dependent on gestational ous improvement including immunosuppressive effect of
age at determination.44,45 the pregnancy, elevation of maternal serum TBG levels that
reduce serum-free T4 and T3 fractions, and iodine losses
characteristic to the gestation period.
Pregestational counseling for women with Graves’ The key management for GD during pregnancy are the
disease ATDs.41,43 In general, the two main targets of therapy are
Conceivably, pregestational counseling is extremely impor- (1) controlling hyperthyroidism in the mother by main-
tant in the treatment plan of young women with GD. taining free thyroid hormone levels at the upper limit of
Contraception counseling is strongly recommended in all normal range or borderline high levels and (2) using the
women of childbearing age affected with GD. The main aim smallest possible dose of ATD in order to minimize the
is to avoid pregnancy while having hyperthyroidism.41,42 risk of fetal hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. Beneficial
The different therapeutic choices should be presented and response to therapy includes weight gain and improvement
discussed with women planning a pregnancy: medical treat- in symptoms. Several adverse effects of ATD have been doc-
ment, radioiodine therapy, or surgery. A full discussion on umented. First, propylthiouracil (PTU) is associated with
the different choices can be found in reference 46. risk of hepatic toxicity necessitating liver transplantation in
a number of cases and may be fatal.52,53 Second, methima-
zole (MMI) treatment is infrequently associated with aplasia
Fetal and neonatal adverse effects cutis in neonates. This is a localized lesion in the parietal
Fetal hyperthyroidism is a serious and rare complication. area of the scalp. It is characterized by congenital absence
However, this potentially fatal disorder is preventable. of the skin and a punch-out, “ulcer” lesion.54 Third, cho-
Several risk factors were identified including active maternal anal atresia and/or esophageal atresia, minor dysmorphic
Graves’ hyperthyroidism (GH) and a history of GD treated features, and developmental delay are characteristic to the
with ablation therapy. It is recommended to determine the “methimazole embryopathy.” Taken together, the FDA and
484 Thyroid disease in pregnancy
the ATA recommended to use PTU only in the first trimes- Diagnostic evaluation and management of a thyroid
ter of pregnancy. By the second trimester, PTU should to be nodule in pregnancy
switched to MMI.55 The first investigation of choice is fine-needle aspiration
Simultaneously, symptoms of acute hyperthyroid disease biopsy (FNAB). It can detect a malignancy/suspicious result
may be controlled transiently by propranolol. in 35%.64 Several management guidelines suggested the
The second treatment option in pregnancy is surgery. following approach for a single thyroid nodule detected on
Subtotal thyroidectomy is the preferred surgery and typi- physical examination or for a dominant nodule in a multi-
cally is performed in the second trimester. Indications to nodular gland, confirmed by ultrasonography:
the surgical alternative are few: consumption of large ATD
doses, allergy to ATD,56 and patient preference. 1. Solid lesion <1 cm, follow-up in the postpartum.
As far as breastfeeding in mothers treated with ATD 2. Nodule >1–1.5 cm, should be considered for FNAB if
for GD is concerned, the risk to the neonates is insig- there are suspicious findings on ultrasound.
nificant. However, this hazard is low as long as the doses 3. In the presence of tracheal obstruction, immediate
of ATD can be kept moderate (MMI <20 mg/dL; PTU surgery.
<250–300 mg/dL).43 4. If the FNAB is diagnostic of malignancy or it is a suspi-
cious lesion, surgery may be postponed until after deliv-
ery, unless there is one of the following signs: presence of
Gestational transient thyrotoxicosis lymph node metastases, the lesion is a large primary or
Gestational transient thyrotoxicosis (GTT) or nonauto- extensive lymph node involvement related to a medullary
immune gestational hyperthyroidism is a transient syn- cancer.
drome of hyperthyroidism occurring near the end of the 5. Surgery and FNAB could both be postponed until after
first trimester of pregnancy, usually in healthy women. It is delivery with probable safety.
frequently related to excessive vomiting.43 As its nature is 6. A woman with a malignant lesion or rapid growth
transient, GTT may be clinically inapparent. The clinical should be offered surgery in the second trimester of
and biochemical characteristics of thyrotoxicosis are usually gestation.
mild and variable. They include mild thyroid enlargement 7. Some authors recommend that women with follicular
and lack of thyroid autoantibodies. lesions or early-stage papillary carcinoma may postpone
The etiology of GTT was discussed earlier. Its prevalence the surgery until postpartum since these lesions are not
is highly variable and ranges between 0.3% in Japan and 11% expected to progress rapidly.15,65,66
in Hong Kong.58,59 It may reach 2%–3% of unselected preg-
nancies in Europe, i.e., tenfold more prevalent than GD.57
Since GTT improves in parallel to the decline in hCG levels, Pregnancy and coexisting thyroid malignancy
this syndrome is always transient. As a rule, partial or total Currently, evidence suggests that treated differentiated thyroid
suppression of serum TSH can last several weeks after serum cancer without the evidence of residual disease should not
free T4 reverts to normal.60,61 GTT usually has no adverse hamper planning pregnancy. Accordingly, Hirsch et al.67
pregnancy outcome. reported on 63 consecutive women (90 births), followed
However, the most severe cases are commonly associated between 1992 and 2009 for papillary thyroid cancer. All
with hyperemesis gravidarum, e.g., twin pregnancy. Usually, women had delivered at least once after total thyroid-
no specific treatment is necessary. In some cases, admin- ectomy, and I-131 was also administered in 58 of them.
istration of beta-adrenergic blocking agents, hydration, A comparison of neck ultrasound and serum thyroglobulin
and antiemetics are required for a short period to relieve (Tg) levels was performed before and after pregnancy. The
symptoms. Importantly, GD should be excluded in patients conclusion was that gestation does not cause thyroid can-
with a severe clinical presentation and clear symptomatic cer recurrence in PTC survivors who have no structural or
hyperthyroidism by measurement of TRAb. Transient PTU biochemical evidence of disease persistence at the time of
administration for a few weeks should be considered. conception. Hence, pregnancy has a minimal effect on thy-
roid cancer. Instead, it is possible that residual cancer at the
time of conception will progress. More evidence is needed
Nodular and malignant thyroid disease before making a firm recommendation.
As far as thyroid hormone administration is concerned,
The prevalence of nodular thyroid disease is not so rare. Up suppression and maintenance of serum TSH levels between
to 10% of pregnant women have thyroid nodules. Nodular 0.1 and 0.5 mU/L is prudent. Specifically, it is important in
thyroid disease was not associated with pregnancy in an patients with a high-risk tumor recurrence but with no clini-
iodine-deficient area.62 Furthermore, the incidence of thy- cal or biochemical evidence of current disease. In analogy
roid cancer was reported in a retrospective study from the with this, TSH suppression is recommended in pregnant
California Cancer Registry during the years 1991–1999: women with a positive or suspicious FNAB for cancer that
3.3/100,000, 0.3/100,000, and 10.8/100,000 were diagnosed prefer delaying surgery until postpartum. However, the
before pregnancy, at the time of delivery and within 1 year level of serum TSH in this case should be detectable, i.e.,
after delivery, respectively.63 suppressed only mildly. Next, adverse events with previous
Thyroid autoimmunity 485
I-131 therapy were not reported in subsequent pregnancies.68 nondiabetics. As expected, PPT is strongly correlated to thy-
Following I-131 ablation therapy, it is strongly recommended roid antibodies in women with type 1 diabetes. As discussed,
to delay pregnancy for at least 1 year. 10% of pregnant women have positive antithyroid antibod-
ies at 14–16 gestational weeks. PPTD occur in 50% of these
women during the first 6 months after delivery.71 Of note, up
Postpartum thyroid dysfunction to 50% of these patients may develop permanent hypothy-
roidism at 7–10 years postpartum.
Prominent changes in the immune system are detected The etiology of PPT is a destructive thyroiditis. It may
during pregnancy.69 Hence, the change in immune cellu- present up to 9 months after delivery with a transient hyper-
lar status consists of an alteration from the Th1 to the Th2 thyroidism and/or hypothyroidism.72 Using the correlated
state. Also, the humoral immune system alters. Generally, thyroid function tests, it is possible to diagnose the specific
10% of pregnant women have positive anti-TPO-Ab titer at thyroid dysfunction, i.e., hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism.
14–16 weeks gestation. However, it decreases considerably The clinical course include hyperthyroidism alone, hypothy-
during the second and third trimesters. After delivery, the roid phase alone, and hyperthyroidism followed by hypo-
Th2 position reverts abruptly back to the nonpregnant Th1 thyroidism in 19%, 49%, and 32% of patients, respectively.
state. Notably, this immune rebound phenomenon consists Remarkably, prominent symptoms in the hyperthyroid phase,
of a very pronounced elevation in the anti-TPO-Ab titer. and even in antibody-positive patients without any thyroid
Indeed, it reaches a peak between 3 and 6 months postpar- dysfunction, are irritability and lack of energy. Conversely, the
tum. Similarly, TRAb titer present in early pregnancy has hypothyroid status may present with intense symptomatology.
the same pattern through gestation and postpartum. The The diagnosis of PPT may be established by radioiodine
postpartum immunological alterations discussed earlier uptake. After isotope administration, the uptake will be very
can lead to the development of postpartum thyroid dysfunc- low both at early and late times, consistent with the destruc-
tion (PPTD), and they may be either transient or perma- tive nature of this disorder. Although antithyroid antibodies
nent. Moreover, the dysfunction may be related to either a are frequently positive, TRAbs are negative.
destructive or stimulating pathological process (Figure 57.3). Regarding the management of PPT, no specific therapy
is generally required in the hyperthyroid phase as it is rela-
tively asymptomatic. Beta-adrenoreceptor blocking agents
Postpartum Graves’ disease may be administered for hyperthyroid symptoms and signs,
Significantly, women with GD in remission after ATD e.g., palpitations, anxiety, sweating, or tachycardia. However,
therapy have an increased risk for relapsing hyperthyroid- symptomatic and persistent hypothyroidism should be
ism postpartum.70 The differential diagnosis of postpartum treated with l-thyroxine. As 50% of women with transient
hyperthyroidism requires clinical examination, measure- thyroid dysfunction postpartum will develop permanent
ment of circulating TRAb, thyroid scintiscanning, and radio- hypothyroidism after 7–10 years, annual thyroid function
iodine uptake. test should be performed.
Graves’ disease
Figure 57.3 Patterns of postpartum thyroid dysfunction. (Adapted from Lazarus, J.H., Eur. Thyroid J., 1, 24, 2012. With
486 Thyroid disease in pregnancy
implantation, and early embryo development. Indeed, the When thyroid hormone levels are compatible with euthy-
correlation between abnormal immunological laboratory roidism, it is possible that in women with AITD these lev-
tests, including antithyroid antibodies, and infertility is well els are actually inappropriately low for the given gestational
established.73,74 period. Indeed, some reports suggested that l-thyroxine
Regarding thyroid dysfunction, AITD, called also chronic treatment may correct such minor deficiency. Moreover, this
lymphocytic thyroiditis or Hashimoto’s disease, is the most treatment may influence the systemic immune disorder and
common cause of hypothyroidism in women of reproductive the placental–decidual environment.85–88 Of note, the asso-
age. Simultaneously, female infertility is correlated to clinical ciation between thyroid autoimmunity and miscarriage still
hypothyroidism. Medically assisted conception and onset of does not imply causation.89,90
gestation is not hampered by AITD, but a successful outcome
of the ongoing pregnancies is significantly reduced in those
women with AITD due to greater early pregnancy loss.75
Currently, screening women with infertility and/or miscar-
riage for the presence of thyroid autoimmunity and dys-
Miscarriage function is routinely performed in many centers. However,
Several studies suggest that thyroid-antibody-positive several reports on women achieving a pregnancy through
women have a higher propensity to pregnancy loss, placen- an IVF procedure have shown no correlation between the
tal abruption, and even preterm delivery and become preg- presence of thyroid autoimmunity and a risk for spontane-
nant at an older age (approximately, 3–4 years older).76–84 ous miscarriage.75,91–96
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58 Quality of care for the woman
with diabetes at pregnancy
Alberto de Leiva, Rosa Corcoy, Alejandra de Leiva-Pérez, and Eulàlia Brugués
490 Quality of care for the woman with diabetes at pregnancy
advice provided by more than 130 expert diabetologists from data collection, data aggregation, and analysis (Figure 58.3)
213 European countries. of proper indicators (clinical, analytical, etc.) allows a local
DiabCare Basic Information Sheet (BIS) contains 141 evaluation (internal comparison); then, sending the aggre-
fields that include all the necessary data for the analy- gated data in anonymous fashion to a server, the compari-
sis of the quality of diabetes care (Figure 58.1). The per- son with all the other teams sharing the network is possible
tinent analysis provides the performance of care in both (external comparison).
aspects of process and outcomes (intermediate and final). After all of this, the members of the local quality circle are
Demographic data (age, sex, etc.) are required for a num- in the situation to propose and debate measures for quality
ber of purposes. True patient outcomes include the burden improvement. These measures are implemented in the fol-
of the medical end points of the St. Vincent Declaration lowing period and the evaluation of their effects will be then
(such as amputation, blindness). Symptoms of diabetes- analyzed, following the scheme of continuous assurance and
related problems (e.g., painful neuropathy, angina pec- improvement (Figure 58.4).
toris) are also recorded. Specific outcomes regarding The present authors’ use of the DiabCare program,
pregnancies are also included. For the measurement of adapted to a net environment in a hospital-based out-
quality of life, the DiabCare data sets only include infor- patient consultation, has provided a variety of benefits,
mation related to the duration of hospital admissions and including Diabetes Data Set exploitation as a registry, dia-
the number of days without the ability to perform normal betes-type characterization, assessment of self–blood glu-
activities. Assessment of diabetic complications (retinopa- cose monitoring (SBGM) status, St. Vincent Declaration
thy, nephropathy, neuropathy), cardiovascular risk factors, targets, treatment characterization, outcome for diabetic
pharmacological treatment, and metabolic outcomes (gly- pregnancies, completeness assessment of medical records,
cated hemoglobin [HbA1c], lipid profile) was considered cardiovascular risk factors, and identification of groups of
essential.4 The computer database (Figure 58.2) contains patients at risk.8
all the data items of the BIS and additional information On the basis of this information, a quality assurance
with easy access by a single key stroke. circle on diabetes care has been operating in the present
Once a year, at least, the data of all patients under care authors’ center since then, following the protocol proposed
must be collected in the DiabCare BIS. The performance by the EU Consortium DiabCare Quality Network, inte-
of the diabetes team is compared with the gold standards grated in a comprehensive disease management program
of the St. Vincent Declaration Program. The evaluation of (the Optidiab System). A published report about the infor-
the level of quality should cover the structure (housing, mation provided by the annual evaluation (the 141 param-
human resources, equipment, logistics) and the process eters of the DiabCare BIS) of >1000 subjects confirmed the
(the way the care is organized, from the first call to the burden of type 2 diabetes patients compared to type 1 dia-
treatment plan; the annual measurements of indicators, betes patients undergoing intensive and specialized care on
HbA1c, blood pressure, etc.; the way the treatment is initi- a regular basis.9
ated, use of antihypertensive drugs, cholesterol-lowering Interestingly, aggregated and compared data from
agents, etc.). the central server, integrating national centers from the
The DiabCare program was designed for those services European DiabCare Quality Network (22,000 patients),
not having a computer database but having access to com- lead to the conclusion that the long-term metabolic
puters. In 1991, the feasibility phase, integrating the infor- outcome of patients under intensive management in
mation from 4000 patients of 29 centers in 19 European European specialized centers is far short of achieving their
countries, was completed. After some minor modifications, desired goal (HbA1c < mean + four standard deviations
it gained widespread adoption by centers and local, regional, [4 SD] of the nondiabetic population); aggregated HbA1c
and national diabetes task forces all over Europe.5–7 levels (Diabetes Control and Complication Trial [DCCT]
The DiabCare Feasibility Study5 demonstrated the adjusted) recorded at the annual evaluation were optimal
achievements obtained by the implementation of local docu- for only 26.9% of cases, acceptable for 23.2%, and poor in
mentation compatible to the DiabCare Diabetes Data Set. the remaining 49.9% of subjects.10
It made possible the assessment of the quality of care and The DiabCare program allows a simple registration
to install regional/national quality networks, along with procedure for collecting basic data from pregnant diabetic
establishing a standard documentation to be used in various women; the system has also been demonstrated to be useful
healthcare settings in different countries. for limited evaluation of quality assurance in the broad field
A quality circle is a group of motivated and commit- of diabetes and pregnancy.11–13
ted people acting as a structured forum to solve on-the-job
problems affecting the quality of their work. Prerequisites
for the constitution of the circle are the political awareness DiabCare BIS for diabetes and
and the involvement of the decision-makers to get things pregnancy
going. The implementation of pilots or demonstration proj-
ects make clear what the benefits are and the economic cost. One of the main recommendations of the St. Vincent
The quality circle must select targets according to the Declaration was the following: “Achieve pregnancy outcome
local health requirements. The information gathered after in diabetic women that approximates to that of nondiabetic
DiabCare BIS for diabetes and pregnancy 491
Basic Information Sheet
Internat. Centre: Implementation of the St. Vincent Declaration
Basic Patient N+. : Initials: Date of Birth Sex: M F
Data 1st name last name Mon. Year
IDDM NIDDM Other Diabetes OAD Insulin
since: since: since:
Blindness Y N if yes: occurred last 12 mo. Y N End-stage renal fail. Y N if yes: occurred last 12 mo. Y N
St. Vincent MI/CABG/Angiopl. N if yes: occurred last 12 mo. Y N N if yes: occurred last 12 mo. Y N
Targets Y Leg amput. ab. ankle Y
Cerebral stroke Y N if yes: occurred last 12 mo. Y N Leg amput. bel. ankle Y N if yes: occurred last 12 mo. Y N
Symptoms Postural hypotension Y N Anginal chest pain N Peripheral neuropathy Y N Leg claudication N
last 12 months Y Y
Additional Hypertension Cardiac failure Isch. heart dis. Dyslipidaemia Nephropathy Neuropathy Other
Treatment Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N
women.” In consequence, WHO/IDF guidelines for care and Blood glucose monitoring in diabetic
management of pregnant diabetic women have been proposed
by an invited group of international experts in the field.14 pregnancies
The document brought attention to the important dif-
Portable meters are used by healthcare workers and by
ferences in the provision of diabetes and obstetrical care in
patients. Because of their imprecision and variability, they
different European countries. Specifically, the relevance of
should not be used for diagnosing diabetes and their value in
intensive metabolic care before conception and during preg-
screening must be limited.
nancy and parturition and the needs of special training and
SBGM is recommended for all insulin-treated patients.
education of the diabetic women contemplating pregnancy
Glucose can be measured in whole blood, serum, or plasma,
were addressed. For the purpose of developing the quality
but plasma is recommended for diagnosis. Although red
assurance program, a DiabCare BIS for diabetes and preg-
blood cells are freely permeable to glucose, the concentration
nancy was proposed by members of the WHO/IDF Working
of water in plasma is around 11% higher than that of whole
Group on Pregnancy Outcomes in the Diabetic Woman
blood; as a consequence, the glucose concentration in plasma
(Figure 58.5), with data fields addressing diabetes diagnosis,
is higher than in whole blood (being the hematocrit normal).
obstetrical history, prepregnancy counseling, status at enter-
The glucose concentration decreases with time in the assay
ing the specialized interdisciplinary clinic, maternal and
tube because of in vitro glycolysis (on average by 5%–7%,
newborn outcomes, and reclassification after pregnancy.
or 0.6 mmol/L or 10 mg/dL/hour), which can be attenu-
The OBStetrical Quality Indicators and Data (OBSQID)
ated by inhibition of enolase with sodium fluoride used in
Perinatal Aggregated Data (PAD) protocol, mainly focused
combination with anticoagulants. Therefore, when plasma
on outcomes, represents a valid alternative proposed by the
glucose is going to be analyzed, plasma should be separated
Quality of Care and Technologies Program, WHO–Europe,
from cells within 1 hour. Glucose is almost exclusively mea-
being exploited for epidemiological studies.
sured by enzymatic methods (hexokinase, glucose oxidase).
Blood glucose monitoring in diabetic pregnancies 493
Internet client
Modem Modem
Dial up
TCP/IP (first level
Aggregation server
(second level node)
(top level node)
Documentation communication
Around Conception:
Basic Information Sheet for Diabetes and Pregnancy
Insulin: O Yes O No OAD: O Yes O No Lowering BP Med: O Yes O No ACE Inhibitor: O Yes O No
Feeding: O Breast O Bottle
Figure 58.5 DiabCare Basic Information Sheet for diabetes and pregnancy. (Adapted from Tamás, G. et al., Av. Diabetol., 5, 137,
1992; de Leiva, A. and Hernando, M.E., Diabetes Care, 32(Suppl. 2), S211, 2009.)
For plasma glucose, a coefficient of variation <2.2% is recom- reports not recorded in the memory of the meter), usually
mended as a target for imprecision. depicting a trend toward correcting results of readings.15,16
The evaluation of SBGM devices may be misleading; in Of course, adequate training, visual acuity, hypoxia,
general, several units should be tested to explore interdevice altitude, hemolysis, hematocrit, hypertriglyceridemia,
variability. The evaluation should include the analysis of the adequate sample volume,17 and other technical elements
mean difference of the device reading, with respect to a ref- can influence the results. Reinforcing patient education at
erence procedure at low, medium, and high blood glucose regular clinic visits, evaluating his or her technique, and
concentrations. Other items of the evaluation will include cus- frequent comparison of SBGM profiles with concurrent
tomer acceptability (size, weight, portability, calibration, dura- laboratory blood glucose analysis will assess the reliability
tion of a test performance, economic cost). Then, a validation of patient reports.
protocol using an adequate sample size of recruited patients Many different brands of meters are commercially avail-
will follow, covering a wide range of blood glucose levels from able. They use strips containing glucose oxidase or hexokinase;
the hypoglycemic range to extreme hyperglycemia. some meters contain a porous membrane that separates eryth-
The utilization of memory meters has shown that patients rocytes, the analysis being carried out in plasma. The meters
often make incomplete recordings of their daily blood glu- provide a digital readout using reflectance photometry or elec-
cose profiles (inaccurate readings, omission of outliers, false trochemistry for the measurements of glucose concentration.
Impact of advanced technologies in the quality of care of diabetic pregnancies 495
Meter value paired meter value Sensor value
350 Insulin Meal Exercise Other
Glucose concentration (mg/dL)
12.00 a.m. 4.00 a.m. 8.00 a.m. 12.00 p.m. 4.00 p.m. 8.00 p.m. 12.00 a.m.
integrated for the first time, continuous glucose monitoring So far, clinical trials show that closed-loop insulin delivery
(CGM) into a smart TM platform and various predictive in diabetic women during pregnancy and out of pregnancy
algorithms with positive results in glycemic control and improves stability of glucose control at night and prevents
glucose variability (EU INCA Project).32,33 the “dawn phenomenon,” but delayed insulin action at meal-
A recent systematic review and meta-analysis has investi- time results in hyper-/hypoglycemia. Therefore, in spite of
gated the impact of TM on the management of diabetes (4207 the great research effort invested into the development of
patients, type 1 or 2). TM was associated with a statistically closed-loop control algorithms, their continuous ambulatory
significant decline in HbA1c (mean difference −0.44%). Low utilization is still far from being a short-term reality; patient
density cholesterol level (LDL-c) was reduced in 6.6 mg/dL, safety reasons for this initiative have also been argued.
just a tendency to reduce body mass index (BMI), and there The telemedical artificial pancreas (TAP) is built on two
were no changes in either systolic or diastolic blood pressure.34 interlinked loops. The “personal loop” allows wireless commu-
The use of TM can facilitate the management of diabetic nication between the PA—a personal device assistant-based
pregnancies in multiple aspects: smart assistant—an insulin pump, and a CGM device. The
“remote loop” connects the diabetic subject to the healthcare
1. Education of patients and relatives professional via the PA and its wireless connection to the tele-
2. Teleconsultations (e-mail, online text messages, mobile medicine central server (TMCS). The platform implies two
phones, etc.) control modes:
3. Videoconferences, excellent tools for training and com-
munication to multiple patients 1. The patient decides changes in the insulin pump program
4. Greater involvement of other healthcare professionals by using the information coming from the glucosensor
(dietitians, midwifes), saving physicians’ time, without (free mode).
affecting the quality of care35 2. The patient gets advice, through the PA, on the insulin
5. Reducing the number of visits to diabetes clinic and bolus before each main meal (advisory mode). The patient
emergency department uses the PA to register and transfer data related to tim-
ing, pre- and postprandial glucose excursions, amount of
Having real-time access to medical devices can improve ingested carbohydrates, and additional relevant informa-
decision-support tools with immediate feedback to patients. tion (e.g., previous exercise). From this information, the ad
A personal assistant (PA) integrated in a portable device hoc algorithm computes the corresponding insulin dose
such as a smartphone is able to communicate different medi- that has to be approved by the physician, through the web
cal devices and/or sensors in a personal wireless network.36 interface, before it is shown to the patient (Figure 58.7).
The system is able to support diabetes care in a distributed The patient uses the PA to get results of the proposed
and ambulatory environment.37 The mobile application can insulin bolus and decides to follow it or not.43
provide advice from automatic processing tools based on
monitoring data as well as expert feedback to patients. The
whole system has been successfully tested in two random- Telemedical control-loop strategies
ized and crossover clinical experiments with type 1 diabetic
patients showing that the wireless PA joined to the TM sys- 2
Patient control
tem allows better glycemic control in insulin pump–treated Doctor control
diabetic patients.38 Patient
Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion
Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) and mul-
tiple doses of insulin (MDI) are both safe and valid treat-
ments for women with type 1 diabetes during pregnancy.39,40
Nevertheless, the main predictors of glucose optimization
in CSII therapy are high HbA1c levels before CSII, pregesta- 3
tional care, younger age, and the use of more basal segments 4 Control algorithms
over the daily insulin profile.41 Control algorithms (remote loop)
(personal loop)
Closed-loop insulin delivery
In recent years, the acceptable accuracy of continuous glucose central server
sensing in association with the model predictive control (MPC)
algorithm has been demonstrated; overnight closed-loop insu-
lin delivery under these premises can be used safely in preg- Figure 58.7 Telemedical artificial pancreas. (Adapted from
Telemedical Artificial Pancreas; EC-INCA Project: Gómez, E.J.
nancy.42 Nevertheless, large multicenter randomized studies et al., IEEE Trans. Inf. Technol. Biomed., 12(4), 470, 2008; de
are needed to confirm the benefits of closed-loop insulin deliv- Leiva, A. and Hernando, M.E., Diabetes Care, 32(Suppl. 2),
ery in comparison with sensor-augmented pump therapy. S211, 2009.)
About using HbA1c for the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus 497
The system has been, so far, technically validated and a clini- Several hemoglobinopathies interfere with some assay
cal pilot has been also satisfactorily carried out. A multi- methods; the results can be falsely increased or decreased;
center randomized ambulatory crossover study is already in non-hemoglobin-based methods for assessing long-term
process. glycemic control may represent useful alternatives in these
Very recently, the safety and effectiveness of a bihor- circumstances.46
monal, automated pancreas (“bionic pancreas”), allowing European guidelines have recommended the classifi-
the precise delivery of insulin and glucagon, have been cation of blood glucose control by the number of SD; the
compared with insulin pump (control). The clinical experi- experimental value is from the nondiabetic mean for the
ment was validated for 5 days in 20 adults and 32 adoles- particular assay.47
cents with type 1 diabetes. The bionic pancreas achieved The International Federation of Clinical Chemistry
improved mean glycemic levels with less frequent hypogly- (IFCC) has organized a working party to develop a scientifi-
cemic episodes.44 cally based method of the production of a primary reference.
Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESIMS) has been
demonstrated to be a precise measurement of HbA1c, in par-
ticular glycation of the beta chain, which has been proposed
Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and as a robust procedure for calibration purposes. In a protocol
glycation of human serum albumin performed with 1022 patients, the comparison of the ESIMS
with the ion-exchange chromatographic procedure showed
More than 40 years ago, it was observed that normal adult excellent agreement, with values, on average, 0.7% lower
hemoglobin could be separated by chromatographic pro- with ESIMS. The comparison with DCCT-corrected ion-
cedures into major and various minor components. In one exchange values gave good agreement, with ESIMS showing
of the minor components—HbA1c—glucose was attached, an overall lower value of mean 0.4%.48
nonenzymatically, to the terminal N-valine of the beta chain There is a general agreement that the new mass-
of HbA0. In the following years, numerous assays were spectroscopy-based method appears to be more accurate and
developed to measure HbA1c levels. to reflect “true” HbA1c. It yields normal (nondiabetic) val-
The average lifespan of erythrocytes is 100–120 days. ues that are significantly lower than those used by the NGSP,
Measuring HbA1c offers an accurate estimation of the aver- DCCT, and UKPDS (3%–5% vs. 4%–6%).
age blood glucose concentration of the past 2–3 months. The Ames DCA 2000 Analyzer measures HbA1c by an
HbA1c is used as an integrated estimation of mean glyce- agglutination inhibition immunoassay, allowing results in
mia and as a marker of risk for the development of diabetes 6 minutes with 1 mL of blood. The Ames DCA 2000 analyzer
complications. offers reliable results, although showing a trend to lightly
At present, there are more than 30 HbA1c assay methods underestimate the results in comparison with HPLC.49 This
available. Certain methods quantify HbA1c based on charge analyzer gave valid and reliable results when operated by
differences of the glycated components (cation exchange nonmedical personnel. The Primus CLC330 provides an
chromatography, agar gel electrophoresis). Other methods HPLC near-patient HbA1c method, comparable in preci-
analyze structural differences between glycated and nongly- sion and accuracy to the Ames DCA 2000 analyzer.50 Near-
cated components (affinity chromatography, immunoassay). patient testing for HbA1c has practical clinical use in the
In addition, various methods quantify total glycated hemo- diabetes clinic, avoiding the need for a second appointment
globin, including HbA1c and other hemoglobin–glucose and allowing immediate changes in therapy.
In 1996, the American Association of Clinical Chemists
(AACC), in collaboration with the ADA, established the
National Glycohemoglobin Standardization Program About using HbA1c for the diagnosis
(NGSP). It was decided to adopt the high-performance liq- of diabetes mellitus
uid chromatography (HPLC) reference method used in the
DCCT (Bio-Rex 70; between run coefficient of variation In 2010, the ADA introduced a value of HbA1c equal or
[CV] <3%), as the designated comparison method. superior to 6.5% as diagnostic criteria of diabetes,51 primar-
The UKPDS incorporated the same standardization ily based upon the increased accuracy and reliability of the
method; therefore, its HbA1c reports were compatible with improvement of A1c assays through the NGSP. A1c correlates
those of DCCT. More than 90% of U.S. laboratories, and well with both mean glucose concentration52 and complica-
many others worldwide, are using this procedure for stan- tions of diabetes. Nevertheless, the new recommendations
dardization purposes.45 acknowledge that a cutoff for A1c equal or above 6.5% clas-
Any condition that shortens erythrocyte survival (hemo- sifies one-third fewer individuals as having diabetes in com-
lytic anemia, acute blood loss) falsely lowers HbA1c test parison with a fasting plasma glucose (FPG) value equal or
results; in contrast, iron-deficiency anemia increases the above 126 mg/dL. Some advantages of the estimation of A1c
value. Glycation may also vary between patients with similar include the following: (1) fasting is not needed, (2) A1c is not
capillary blood glucose levels and appears to be lower in sub- subjected to acute perturbations (stress, exercise, diet, etc.),
jects with a higher BMI. and (3) A1c can be used for both diagnosis and initiation of
498 Quality of care for the woman with diabetes at pregnancy
diabetes monitoring. On the contrary, (1) standardization Standardization Program. The mean (SD) A1c result of
of A1c assay is poor; (2) A1c depicts important differences 21,064 HAPO Study participants was 4.79 (0.40)%. 57
in various ethnic groups; (3) the cost is elevated when com- In a recently published study of 335 gravidas who received
pared to glucose assay; (4) A1c levels vary not only according a 3-hour, 100 g OGTT at 24–32 weeks, it was discovered that
to glycemia but also according to the erythrocyte turnover HbA1c concentrations gradually increased in diet-treated
rate (anemia, hemoglobinopathies, malaria, etc); (5) A1c lev- and insulin-treated GDM gravidas compared with non-
els of 6.0%–6.5% do not predict diabetes as effectively as FPG GDM gravidas. The HbA1c value corresponding to an FPG
and 2-hour OGTT; and (6) using A1c may delay the diagno- of 5.1 mmol/L (diagnostic of GDM) was 2 mmol/L (0.2%)
sis of DM in more than 50% of cases.53 higher if sampling occurred at 29–32 vs. 24–28 weeks of
pregnancy, indicating that HbA1c varies with gestational
age.58 Various other reports have recommended to incorpo-
NGSP Network rate HbA1c in the diagnosing criteria. The WHO considers
The NGSP was implemented to standardize HbA1c results that HbA1c of 48 mmol/mol (6.5%) and above is diagnostic
to those of the DCCT/UKPDS. There have been consid- of DM. Individuals with HbA1c values below such a cut-
erable variations in the procedure for reporting glycated off may still have diabetes; abnormal Hb variants, anemia,
hemoglobin; in addition, an important variability among altered lifespan of the red cell, aging, and ethnicity, among
values reported in each category was displayed, which was other variables, ought to be taken into consideration. Clinical
associated with confusion in clinical practice. The DCCT judgment is required for each individual to avoid inappro-
tried to avoid the variability among results by having all priate exclusion or inclusion in the category of diabetes.
analyses of HbA1c performed in a single laboratory. Then,
the AACC decided to standardize the HbA1c assay to
facilitate that all clinical laboratories are able to compare
their own results with those of DCCT/UKPDS. For this
Glycated serum proteins
purpose, a network of NGSP consisted in a central pri- Mostly albumin and other serum proteins undergo the pro-
mary reference laboratory (CPRL), using the DCCT/EDIC cess of glycation. Glycated albumin (GA) is a ketoamine
Bio-Rex 70 HPLC method, additional primary reference formed via nonenzymatic glycation of serum albumin. The
laboratories, using the same method, and seven second- turnover of serum albumin depicts a half-life of 25 days; GA
ary reference laboratories (SRLs) using commercial meth- provides an index of a mean glycemic level of a shorter inter-
ods (ion-exchange HPLC, immunoassay, boronate-affinity val than HbA1c. The fructosamine assay is the most widely
HPLC, capillary electrophoresis). 54 used method for estimating glycated serum proteins.
The IFCC also created a working group to develop an Nevertheless, although fructosamine levels correlate with
internationally accepted reference method and HbA1c mate- HbA1c levels within a population, transference cannot apply
rials for the assay. Each laboratory of the IFCC Network for individual values.59 Also, changes in serum proteins
runs one of the two approved IFCC methods (HPLC–mass affect the readings of fructosamine60; the technique is unre-
spectrometry or HPLC–capillary electrophoresis). Results liable in diabetic patients with renal failure,61 liver cirrhosis,
obtained by the IFCC method correlates quite well with and nephrotic syndrome.62
NGSP/DCCT results. GA can be used for patients with anemia or hemoglobin-
ADA, EASD, and IDF reached the agreement that labo- opathies. It can be also used to estimate the effectiveness of
ratories should report an estimated average glucose (eAG).55 treatment before starting or changing medications for dia-
A linear relationship was established between the HbA1c betic patients. As GA is potentially an atherogenic protein,
and mean blood glucose, but the observation of too much GA measurement may be included in the routine protocol to
variability in the HbA1c/mean BG relationship did not make screen for both diabetes and atherosclerosis.63
the report of eAG advisable (it has not been accepted outside
the United States).
A new International Consensus in 2010 indicated that
HbA1c should be reported in both DCCT units (%HbA1c) Assessment of the effectiveness of
and NGSP units (millimoles/M).56 After all of these efforts, SBGM in diabetic pregnancies
the quality of HbA1c test meets the clinical needs.
The Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome Various randomized controlled trials (RCTs)64–68 and case
(HAPO) Study compared associations of maternal glu- series studies 69–72 carried out in either diabetes or obstet-
cose and A1c with adverse outcomes. A1c was measured rics departments of university hospitals have evaluated
by an HPLC method (Biomen HA 8140 instrument). The the clinical effectiveness of SBGM in women with GDM
coefficient of variation ranged from 2.8% to 5.0% across or diabetic pregnancies. Blood glucose and HbA1c deter-
the range of A1c values. For external quality control, minations, as well as maternal and fetal outcomes, were
the Central Laboratory participated in the European recorded. Some studies examined the costs of hospital care
Reference Laboratory Program, which allows standard- and home monitoring and compared the costs for a control
ization of DCCT values, and the U.K. National Glycation group receiving standard care. The largest of all protocols
Quality of life in women with GDM: The Italian DAWN Pregnancy Study 499
included a population of 153 women with GDM in the at 24 weeks of pregnancy, performed after an overnight fast.
experimental group and 2153 nondiabetics in the control Overt diabetes will be diagnosed if FPG equals or exceeds
group. The main goal of the case series studies was to assess 7.0 mmol/L (126 mg/dL) and GDM if one or more val-
the feasibility of managing pregnant women at home using ues equal or exceed the following threshold values: FPG,
SBGM. There was general agreement that women were 5.1 mmol/L (92 mg/dL); 1-hour plasma glucose, 10.0 mmol/L
able to achieve satisfactory blood glucose profiles at home (180 mg/dL); and 2-hour plasma glucose, 8.5 mmol/L
using SBGM; hospital utilization was lower, and infant (153 mg/dL).74 Accepting IADPSG recommendations means
birth weights and indicators of macrosomia were also more accurate and timely diagnosis of pregestational diabe-
more favorable in those women. Main findings from the tes and of GDM and probably will double the frequency of
RCT demonstrated that patients with type 1 DM managed pregnant women with diabetes. The economic impact of this
by SBGM at home obtained similar results regarding gly- new approach deserves thorough investigation and is likely
cemic control to those patients under intensive control in to differ across countries.75
the hospital. Maternal and fetal outcomes were also simi- The WHO in a recent report has confirmed the increased
lar in both groups. Women preferred lower use of hospi- prevalence of GDM accepting the new IADPSG crite-
tal and home management with SBGM. In particular for ria, which has implications for health services and human
GDM, monitoring blood glucose after meals, rather than and material resources. The IDF estimates that the global
before, contributed to better metabolic control and bet- prevalence of hyperglycemia in pregnancy in women aged
ter fetal outcomes (there were fewer cesarean sections for 20–49 years is 16.9%. Some health services throughout the
cephalopelvic disproportion, fewer cases of macrosomia world may experience difficulties in meeting these demands;
and large-for-gestational-age infants, and fewer episodes therefore, it is important for each health service to assess
of neonatal hypoglycemia). In addition, women who uti- the burden of diagnosing and optimally treating pregnancy
lized SBGM were less likely to require hospital admission, complicated by diabetes before adopting the convenient deci-
leading to a substantial cost saving. sion to implement programs to test and treat the condition.76
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59 Early pregnancy loss and
perinatal mortality
Kinneret Tenenbaum-Gavish, Anat Shmuely, and Moshe Hod
PNM in the diabetic population 503
Neonatal death is largely attributed to four factors: pre- Later in pregnancy, maternal hyperglycemia is translated
term delivery, infections (mainly sepsis and pneumonia), into fetal hyperplasia of pancreatic islet cells and hyperin-
birth asphyxia, and fetal anomalies affecting the neonatal sulinemia. Pedersen et al.34,35 linked this to early neonatal
period.25 hypoglycemia. A series of studies by Salvesen et al.36,37 dem-
onstrated that hyperinsulinemia is related to cord blood
acidemia and hypoxemia. It is suggested that hypoxemia
Early pregnancy loss and academia are related to increased rates of stillbirth
Early pregnancy loss is an indirect measure related to quality and neonatal death observed in the diabetic population.
of care before and during early pregnancy. Early pregnancy Furthermore, insulin has an anabolic effect on muscle and
loss or spontaneous abortion refers to pregnancy loss at less adipose tissue linked to fetal macrosomia.37,38 Macrosomia
than 20 weeks of gestation in the absence of elective medical in its turn is related to increased risk of PNM and shoulder
or surgical measures to terminate the pregnancy.25 dystocia.39
patients with pregestational diabetes and the risk for PNM41 proportion of spontaneous pregnancy loss in this specific
was also demonstrated in patients with gestational diabetes subgroup of diabetic patients.
(also related to maternal age and obesity).42,43 Population- Rudge et al.61 described pregnancy results in women
based studies showed that for women with PGDM, 16%–28% with abnormal glucose tolerance including women diag-
of PNM is due to congenital malformations, and an addi- nosed with GDM. They reported an abortion rate of 0.8% in
tional 21%–41% is due to preterm delivery.39,44 Since the rates the group of patients with altered diurnal glycemic profile
of both complications improve with prepregnancy care,45 it without frank diabetes (as opposed to no abortions in the
is not surprising that Wahabi et al.46 found in their meta- control group). There is evidence to support the theory that
analysis that the PNM rate in women, who attended pre- some metabolic abnormalities such as insulin resistance and
pregnancy care programs, was reduced by 66% compared to high levels of fasting blood glucose may be apparent at early
those who did not.46 stages of pregnancy in women who are subsequently diag-
Tables 59.2 and 59.3 summarize data regarding PNM and nosed with gestational diabetes.62 An alternative explanation
its various components in women with pregestational and is that this constitutes a group of women with undiagnosed
gestational diabetes, respectively. Type 2 diabetes.
These studies and others offer circumferential support
that GDM represents a metabolic disorder that interferes
Early pregnancy loss with the outcome of pregnancy from conception to delivery
The altered intrauterine conditions in women with diabe- even though it is generally diagnosed throughout the third
tes are probably associated with increase in early pregnancy trimester.
loss rate. However, the exact quantification of the added
risk in the diabetic population is difficult to assess due to
the indefinable incidence of miscarriages in the general Stillbirth (late fetal loss)
population.53,54 Stillbirth is a major component of PNM in the diabetic pop-
ulation (see Tables 59.2 and 59.3).
Pregestational diabetes Congenital malformations are thought to be the most
The incidence of pregnancy loss in the diabetic population established causes of stillbirth in the diabetic population.
has declined substantially since the introduction of insulin The most common malformations are cardiovascular and
in the early twentieth century. During the 1940s and 1950s, neural tube defects,2 but diabetes was not found to be pre-
the reported pregnancy loss rate (“sudden fetal death”) dictive of any specific malformations.24,63,64
was approximately 20%.55 This might reflect the associa- Fetal metabolic acidosis with and without hypoxemia (as
tion between enhanced glycemic control (both precon- discussed earlier) is more prevalent in the diabetic popula-
ceptionl and during the first weeks of organogenesis) and tion.36,37,65 Their presence may offer an additional explanation
the decreased rate of malformations.56 Most of the studied for late fetal demise in the diabetic population. Most stud-
reporting outcome of miscarriage included patients with pre- ies investigating the pathophysiological basis for fetal death
gestational diabetes, without a specific distinction between unrelated to congenital anomalies were done in women with
type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The reported rate of spontaneous PGDM,34,65 but it is reasonable to assume that women with
abortions in women with Type 1 diabetes is approximately GDM may share the same pathophysiological events as they
17%.57 The pooled estimate risk for early pregnancy loss in also present the same high stillbirth rates.
patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes was calculated to be The higher prevalence of other recognized risk factors
3.23 RR (95% CI 1.64–6.36).3 for stillbirth such as maternal obesity, hypertension, and
Good glycemic control around the period of conception advanced maternal age in the diabetic population may
reduces the risk of early pregnancy loss to that observed in all contribute to higher stillbirth rates.2,66 Late fetal death
the nondiabetic population. High levels of HbA1c above occurs more often in women with poor metabolic control,
normal range showed progressively high pregnancy loss ketoacidosis, and vascular complications probably as a
rates. Lower levels of HbA1c were associated with lower result of fetal metabolic acidemia and hypoxemia.67 Landon
early pregnancy loss rates among women with Type 1 diabe- et al.67 found that women with Type 1 diabetes with vascu-
tes mellitus (DM).22,58,59 Therefore, HbA1c can be regarded lar complications were at greater risk for abnormal fetal sur-
as an indirect measure of adverse outcome and be used for veillance tests and subjected to more obstetric interventions
quality control. such as induction of labor. In the group of patients who
A threshold level of HbA1c of 10%–12% correlating with needed intervention, fetal cord pH was significantly lower
MBG of 150–170 mg/dL is suggested as the upper limit for than the nonintervention group. This may also serve as an
reducing the risk of spontaneous abortions.60 indirect measure of fetal acidemia (in diabetic women as a
possible cause of fetal compromise that may lead to intra-
Gestational diabetes mellitus uterine fetal death).
Only few studies investigating gestational diabetes mel-
litus (GDM) and pregnancy outcome have included early Pregestational diabetes
pregnancy loss as one of the outcome measures examined. The reported rate of congenital malformation in patients
Therefore, there is a scarcity of data concerning the exact with Type 1 diabetes in some population-based studies is
Table 59.2 PNM in PGDM
Author # Total PNM Stillbirth Neonatal death Preterm Macrosomia LGA Birth trauma anomalies
CEMACH2 3808 (2767 Type 1; NA 26.8/1000 9.3/1000 36% Macrosomia 21%a; Shoulder dystocia 41.8/1000
1041 Type 2) (Type 1 (Type 1 LGA 51.7% 7.9%; Erb’s palsy
25.8/1000; 9.3/1000; 4.5/1000
Type 2 Type 2
29.2/1000) 9.2/1000)
French 435 (289 Type 1; 44/1000 34.5/1000 Type 1 3/1000; 38.2% Macrosomia 17.3% Shoulder dystocia 41/1000
multicentric17 146 Type 2) Type 2 7.6%
Machintosh 2359 (1707 Type 1; 31.8/1000 26.8/1000 9.3/1000 NA NA NA 46/1000
et al.16 652 Type 2)
Jensen et al.39 1215 (Type 1) 31/1000 21/1000 NA 41.7% LGA 62.5% NA 50/1000
Clausen and 301 (240 Type 1; 66/1000 NA NA 38% Type 1 LGA 51% Type 1; NA 29/1000
Matheisen47 61 Type 2) (Type 2) 56% Type 2 (Type 1)
31% Type 2 Macrosomia 5% 67/1000
Type 1; 8% Type 2 (Type 2)
Evers et al.15 323 Type 1 28/1000 18.5/1000 9.25/1000 32.2% LGA 45.1% Shoulder dystocia 88/1000
ATLANTIC-DIP11 104(80 Type 1, 24 25/1000 25/1000 NA 12% 32% NA 24/1000
Type 2)
Tennant et al.48 1548 (1206 Type 1, NA 26.5/1000 4/1000 NA NA NA NA
342 Type 2)
a No significant difference in macrosomia rate between type 1 and type 2.
PNM in the diabetic population 505
Table 59.3 Perinatal mortality in gestational diabetes mellitus
Author # Total PNM Stillbirth death Preterm Macrosomia LGA Birth trauma Metabolic
506 Early pregnancy loss and perinatal mortality
Crowther et al. 49 1000 (490 NA 0/506 vs. 0/506 NA Macrosomia 10% Shoulder dystocia 1% Jaundice 9% (both)
intervention, 510 3/524 2/524 vs. 21% vs. 3% RR 0.46
routine care) LGA 13% vs. 22% (95% CI 0.19–1.10)
O’sullivan et al.42 187 GDM 64/1000 NA NA 22.5% NA NA NA
Dunne et al.50 216a NA 0 0 NA LGA 25%–37% NA NA
Ramtoola et al.51 294 116/1000 81/1000 38/1000 22% Macrosomia 16% NA Hypoglycemia 14%
Hyperbilirubinemia 39%
Ray et al.14 428 NA NA NA 19.2% LGA 15.9% Shoulder dystocia 3% NA
Tundidor et al.52 2299 5/1000 NA NA 5.7% LGA 10.4% 2.2% Jaundice 3.5%
Hypocalcemia 1.5%
a GDM + IGT.
PNM in the diabetic population 507
three- to fivefold higher than that of the general popula- and hyperinsulinemia. The threshold for this pregnancy
tion.19,57 Congenital anomalies in women with Type 2 complication seems to be between 105 and 110 MBG; patients
diabetes are also significantly higher than that of the gen- who achieve glycemic control below these values have a still-
eral population and contribute to the increased PNM rate birth rate comparable to those of the general population.60
reported in this subgroup of patients.16,17 The congenital
malformation rate in patients with Type 2 diabetes is equal Neonatal death
to or even exceeds that of Type 1 diabetes.16,17,68 A meta-
Preterm delivery
analysis that included an overall number of 3088 women
with PGDM, conducted by Wahabi et al.,46 found that pre- Pregestational diabetes Preterm delivery is strongly related
pregnancy care (glycemic control being the most impor- to adverse neonatal outcome.2,4,17 Over one-third of infants
tant aspect) reduced the rate of congenital malformations of pregestational diabetic mothers were born prematurely.2
from 7.4% to 1.9%, a rate similar to that reported for the The rate of preterm delivery (both spontaneous and
background population.46 induced) in the Type 1 diabetic population is as high as
Stillbirth rate in women with pregestational diabetes 45%.17 Poor glycemic control (elevated HbA1c levels) and
may reach 28–46/1000 live births—a rate three to five times vascular complications (preeclampsia and nephropathy) are
higher than that of the general population.2,16,43,48 Lauenborg predictive factors for preterm labor.70–72
et al.,24 in an audit on 25 cases of stillbirth in Type 1 diabetes The CEMACH enquiry reported the risk for preterm
patients, found a direct relationship between poor glycemic delivery in the diabetic population (type 1 and type 2 dia-
control both before and during pregnancy (measured by betes) to be nearly fivefold higher in comparison to the
HbA1c levels) and a higher incidence of stillbirth. The rela- general population. Up to two-thirds of preterm deliv-
tive risk for stillbirth in patients with Type 2 diabetes was eries were induced (“medically indicated”), and nearly
found to be 4.7 (95% CI 3.7–6.0).16 Cundy et al.43 reported a 37% of them were due to presumed fetal compromise. 2
sevenfold increase in the risk for late fetal death in women Some studies indicate that the proportion of induced
with Type 2 diabetes that contributed to a high PNM rate of preterm delivery due to presumed fetal compromise is
46/1000 in that study. This was attributed to maternal fac- greater in the diabetic population than that of the general
tors such as obesity and advanced maternal age more preva- population. 2
lent in his study group. Furthermore, patients with Type 2 Diabetes complicated by nephropathy or vascular disease
diabetes tend to be of lower socioeconomic class and part of causes an overall higher preterm delivery rate even when
an ethnic minority group, demographic differences that are compared to a group of women with chronic hypertension,
interrelated to lack of preconception care (PCC) and may be which might suggest there are other pathophysiological
confounding in the interpretation of results.2,16,43 factors contributing to the adverse outcome.70
Tennant et al.48 found that increasing periconception
HbA1c concentration (for values above 49 mmol/mol), his- Gestational diabetes mellitus There is an association
tory of retinopathy, and lack of prepregnancy folic acid con- between increased incidence of preterm delivery and
sumption were all associated with increased odds of fetal and gestational diabetes. Hedderson et al.73 found that the risk
infant death. There was no difference in the risk of fetal and/ for preterm delivery increased with increasing levels of
or infant death in women with Type 1 diabetes compared glycemia (ranging from abnormal screening, but normal
with those with Type 2, nor was there any evidence that diagnostic glucose tolerance test to GDM). The relative
the associations with HbA1c concentration, folic acid con- risk for preterm labor was 1.42 (95% CI [1.15–1.77]) for the
sumption, or history of retinopathy were different between GDM group compared to normal controls. This association
types. Damm et al.69 defined a composite endpoint of poor was also present for both induced and spontaneous preterm
outcome in late pregnancy that included preterm delivery, labor.73–75
preeclampsia, both preterm delivery and preeclampsia, still- The degree of glucose intolerance or “early onset” of GDM
birth, and death within 1 week postnatally in women with is linked to a higher incidence of preterm labor. This may
Type 1 PGDM. They found that elevated HbA1c, high glu- suggest an inverse relation between length of pregnancy and
cose spikes, and out-of-range plasma glucose levels in the poor glycemic control and identify poor glycemic control as
third trimester, and albuminuria in early pregnancy, are a marker of increased risk for preterm delivery.13
associated with poor late-pregnancy outcomes.
Gestational diabetes mellitus
Pregestational diabetes Macrosomia is associated with
The stillbirth rate in patients with GDM is greater than that increased PNM and increased birth trauma. Birth-related
of the general population. The exact extent of increase in still- trauma in women with pregestational diabetes is much higher
birth rates is dependent upon the severity of glucose intoler- than those in the general population: shoulder dystocia
ance and degree of glycemic control. Stillbirth rates are only (more than twofold), birth-related fractures, and Erb’s palsy
slightly increased when good glycemic control is achieved (more than tenfold).2,14,62 Higher rates of shoulder dystocia
(stillbirth rate of 4.8 vs. 4.2 per 1000).15 Pettitt et al.66 reported carry an increased risk of PNM. Sheiner et al. found PNM
an increased risk of stillbirth mainly related to excessive fetal rates of 3.7% in infants suffering from shoulder dystocia vs.
growth, which is also a measure of increased hyperglycemia 0.5% in those without (OR 7.4 95% C.I [3.5–14.9]).76
508 Early pregnancy loss and perinatal mortality
Mondestin et al. reported that PNM is increased among caused by hyperinsulinemia.60 There is a direct relation-
diabetic pregnancies at all birth weight categories over ship between higher rates of respiratory complications and
1250 g,77 but especially when fetal weight exceeded 4000 g, poor glycemic control,29,38 but there is little information
thus doubling the risk of fetal death in the diabetic population concerning the estimated threshold of glycemia that carries
reaching 5.9/1000 births (adjusted R.R 2, 95% CI 1.8–2.2).77 an increased risk for respiratory complications.60 Another
There was no significant difference between the rates of problem is the lack of data relating directly to the relation-
macrosomia in infants born to women with Type 1 diabetes ship between higher rates of these “metabolic” complication
compared with those born to women with Type 2 diabetes.2 and PNM. These complications may carry an increased risk
In unselected diabetic populations of patients with type 1 for morbidity and mortality, but the exact quantification of
and type 2 diabetes, up to 50% of infants of diabetic moth- this added risk is difficult due to lack of information. Dani
ers are born at weights >90th percentile. These patients were et al.80 demonstrated that infants of GDMs had lower levels
suboptimal in their glycemic control, as reflected by HbA1c of glucose and higher levels of pyruvate, histidine, alanine,
levels.2,62,76 The risk for delivery of a macrosomic child is valine, methionine, arginine, lysine, hypoxanthine, lipopro-
directly related to glycemic control measures throughout tein, and lipid than controls, but did not find any clinical
pregnancy. differences in outcomes.80
It is believed that with modern resources, the greater
Gestational diabetes mellitus High rate of macrosomia is part of these complications have a minor influence on actual
also reported in infants of mothers diagnosed with GDM mortality rates but may cause increase in morbidity.
(increased risk of two- to fourfold).5,13 Women with GDM
who attend an intensive pregnancy surveillance have a
fourfold decrease in the risk of birth-related complications What can be done to reduce the rate
compared with GDM patients receiving “standard”
prenatal care.49 of PNM in pregnancies complicated
Langer et al.78 demonstrated the relationship between gly- by diabetes?
cemic control (namely, MBG levels <105) and reduced inci-
dence of macrosomia. The St. Vincent Declaration given at 1989 set as a goal to
The aforementioned text is not direct evidence for the equalize pregnancy outcomes of women with diabetes melli-
relationship between metabolic control, macrosomia, and tus to those of nondiabetic women within 5 years. Although
reduced PNM. However, it is logical to assume that intensive there has been considerable advancement in the ability to
prenatal care results in better glycemic control that contrib- detect fetal anomalies and establish fetal well-being and
utes to improved outcome. maturity, this goal, which was perceived as feasible at the
Yee et al.79 found that in overweight and obese women time (especially in light of the conceivable improvement in
diagnosed with GDM, third trimester weight loss was asso- pregnancy outcomes of insulin-dependent diabetic women),
ciated with a decreased risk of macrosomia, as well as a has not been met. The presence of diabetes is thought to
decreased rate of cesarean delivery and NICU admission. increase the risk for congenital malformation by as much as
10-fold, stillbirth up to 5-fold, and neonatal death 3–4-fold.3
Furthermore, some reports imply that the trend toward
Respiratory and metabolic complications decline in PNM rates in the diabetic population is less than
Admission to neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) or other the decline in PNM observed in the general population dur-
special care units is more common in infants of diabetic ing the same time period.4,22
mothers and reaches up to 50% of neonates.2,17,38 Colstrup et al.81 sought to evaluate whether the goals of the
The NICU admission rate is an indirect measure of mor- 1989 St. Vincent Declaration have been obtained concerning
bidity and of quality of care in the diabetic population (both fetal and neonatal complications. Their study included 12
PGDM and GDM). The majority of admissions are due to population-based studies published between 2003 and 2013,
a myriad of conditions that may all contribute to early or with a total of 14,099 women with T1DM. The authors found
late PNM in the diabetic population, such as hypoglycemia, that the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes (including con-
hyperbilirubinemia, and respiratory distress due to lung genital anomalies, preterm deliveries, and macrosomia) was
immaturity. Premature infants are more prone to episodes two to five times increased in women with T1DM compared
of hypoglycemia than term infants38; however, even after with the general population. They concluded that the goals
correction for preterm birth, the proportion of infants of of the St. Vincent Declaration have not been achieved.
diabetic mothers hospitalized in NICU is still significantly Good glycemic control is a fundamental part in avoid-
higher than the general population.2,38,72,74 For instance, the ing adverse pregnancy outcome. In order to elucidate pos-
rate of hypoglycemia in infants born to Type 1 diabetes may sible causes for this apparent failure to meet goals set at
reach 50% in premature infants and 23% in term infants.71 St. Vincent, two important issues must be addressed. The
Pulmonary complications ranging from transient tachy- first issue is the extent at which the diabetic population
pnea to respiratory distress are more common in infants of meets the healthcare practitioners’ criteria for “good dia-
diabetic mothers resulting from abnormal lung maturation betic control.”
References 509
There are very few randomized control trials (RCTs) population. Other studies also hold up the hypothesis that
regarding the relationship between glycemic control intensive care consisting of maternal glucose monitoring
and pregnancy outcome.82 The Diabetes Control and and decisions concerning insulin treatment based upon its
Complications Trial (DCCT) suggested that early and tight results are related with enhanced perinatal outcome.85,86
glycemic control might reduce pregnancy loss rates and con- The second issue regarding the failure to meet
genital anomaly rates equal to those of the general popula- St. Vincent goals is related to preconception counseling in
tion.83 This finding was not repeated in Cochrane’s review the diabetic population. Preconception counseling is sig-
on three other RCTs.82 Conversely, observational studies nificant due to the fact that the crucial phase of organo-
(which included less selective populations) failed to demon- genesis takes part during early pregnancy, at which timely
strate such a substantial reduction.2,17 Some of the difference and adequate metabolic control is important for optimal
can be explained by the fact that different cutoff points for pregnancy outcome.
HbA1c levels to distinguish between poor and good glycemic A meta-analysis12 reviewing 14 cohort studies concerning
control were used. There were also dissimilarities regarding patients with PGDM, calculated a major malformation rate
the time in which the predictive HbA1c measurement was of 2.1% in women attending PCC vs. 3.5% in those without
taken (first trimester, first antenatal visit, etc.) and the num- PCC (RR 0.36, 95% CI 0.22–0.59). This connection between
ber of measurements used to categorize women in “poor” vs. PCC and reduction in adverse pregnancy outcome (mainly
“optimal” control. It is clear that a single HbA1c measure- spontaneous abortions and congenital anomalies) was also
ment cannot be used as an absolute predictor for pregnancy demonstrated in other studies.17,19,39,87 The topic of PCC may
complications. HbA1c may reflect long-term average glyce- need special attention in women with Type 2 DM as they
mic control, but there are many limitations to its use, raising tend to differ in lifestyle, age, and economical background
important questions regarding its adequacy as a measure of and often require change in treatment regime (oral antigly-
glycemic control (vs. other methods such as self-monitoring cemic drugs or insulin).2,19,47
blood glucose levels, MBG, or fasting blood glucose). The route toward improved PCC attendance remains
Furthermore, the optimal HbA1c level that should be set as somewhat obscure. Some of the factors associated with low
a treatment goal is beyond the scope of this chapter. Langer attendance rates such as education level, socioeconomic
et al.84 provided support for those calling to rely on maternal status, and ethnic background are not in the hands of
glucose levels as a measure of glycemic control rather than healthcare providers. However, diabetic patients should be
HbA1c. They showed that strict glycemic control resulting in counseled against PCC failure and unplanned pregnancies
near normoglycemia leads to perinatal morbidity and mor- and provided with accessible preconception education and
tality rates almost comparable to those of the nondiabetic care programs.
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60 Short-term implications of
gestational diabetes mellitus:
The neonate
Delphine Mitanchez, Catherine Yzydorczyk, and Umberto Simeoni
Diabetes mellitus during pregnancy is responsible for signif- of prostaglandins,5 particularly prostaglandin E2 that is
icant complications in the fetus and neonate. Risk is higher involved in maintaining the patency of the ductus arteriosus
in pregestational diabetes, but also if pure gestational diabe- in utero)6; (2) high glucose levels induce an excessive pro-
tes (GDM) is not recognized and well managed. The current duction of reactive oxygen species that has been shown to
worldwide pandemic of type 2 diabetes (T2D) has devastat- cause oxidative stress and subsequently increase the risk of
ing effects with T2D representing up to 25% of pregnancies fetal malformations, notably neural tube defect7; and also
with pregestational diabetes.1 The rate of fetal and neonatal (3) high glucose induces the activation of the cascades of
complications in these pregnancies is not different to those proteins involved in apoptotic cell death, including the cas-
affected by type 1 diabetes (T1D). Diabetes in pregnancy pase families. Notably, it has been shown that hyperglycemia
is still responsible for a significant perinatal mortality and upregulates caspase-8 activity (enhanced cleavage) and may
morbidity in many countries.2 be involved in hyperglycemia-associated.8 Despite a growing
Optimizing diabetic care before and during pregnancy understanding of the molecular basis of diabetic embryopa-
reduces the risk of neonatal complications. Indeed, thanks thy, mechanisms are not yet fully understood.9
to considerable advances in the management of diabetes in Likewise, the mechanisms of the impact of maternal dia-
pregnancy, whether preexisting (type 1 or type 2) or purely betes on fetal and neonatal physiology need further research.
gestational, many infants born to diabetic mothers experi- Pedersen’s hypothesis, formulated more than 50 years ago,
ence a healthy neonatal course, especially in high-income suggested that fetal overgrowth was related to increased
countries. Treatment of GDM has been shown to reduce spe- transplacental transfer of maternal glucose, thus stimulat-
cific or composite neonatal outcomes.3 However, implemen- ing the release of insulin by the fetal beta cells and inducing
tation of strategies to limit the consequences of diabetes in subsequent macrosomia.10 More recently, studies have char-
pregnancy to the offspring is still difficult to achieve in many acterized the link between maternal glycemia and neonatal
countries, particularly in low-income and developing ones. macrosomia or fat mass.11 Fetal hyperinsulinism not only
While even in countries that enjoy high standards of peri- affects fetal growth but is also currently considered as the
natal care, GDM can be misdiagnosed and neonatal complica- central factor in the pathophysiology cascade summarized
tions can occur that need a specific pediatric management. in Figure 60.1.
Furthermore, despite tight glycemic control, macrosomia
still persists in some cases. This suggests that mechanisms
other than those evoked by Pedersen contribute to fetal over-
Pathophysiology of fetal and growth. Evidence has recently emerged on the involvement
neonatal complications of the maternal metabolic environment and of placental
modifications in fetal overgrowth. In GDM, the maternal
Poorly controlled maternal pregestational diabetes sig- metabolic environment is characterized by insulin resis-
nificantly increases the risk of offspring malformations. tance (IR) and inflammation.12 Both conditions influence
Maternal hyperglycemia results in glucose metabolism in fetal growth. IR facilitates maternal hypertriglyceridemia,
the developing embryo that alters various molecular chain which in turn enhances substrate availability to the fetus.
reactions: (1) altered cell lipid metabolism (newborn infants Furthermore, specific alterations of the placental transcrip-
born to diabetic mothers have a lower status of arachidonic tome have been evidenced in the context of the altered envi-
acid concentrations,4 therefore altering the production ronment of diabetic pregnancy. For example, genes for lipid
Perinatal death and asphyxia 513
Fetal hyperinsulinemia
Respiratory distress
asphyxia Hyperbilirubinemia
transport have been shown to be upregulated in the placenta of A relationship has been established between the risk of
women with GDM, as well as are genes for inflammatory path- malformations in GDM and maternal blood glucose level.18
ways.13 Altogether, such alterations directly or indirectly alter Such risk also increases with maternal body mass index
the availability of the substrates to the fetus either by increasing (BMI) and when GDM is diagnosed during early pregnancy.
their source or by modifying the maternal–fetal interface. These observations suggest that the increased risk could be
In addition, altered vascular structure and function, related to the inclusion of women with undiagnosed T2D in
altered microcirculation, placental immaturity, and poor tis- the GDM groups.19
sue oxygenation are important determinants of both short-
and long-term outcomes.
Perinatal death and asphyxia
Fetal malformations Both types of pregestational diabetes are associated with an
increased risk of stillbirth. In T1D, a three- to fivefold risk
Birth defects remain one of the leading causes of infant increase has been found in various countries.20. In T2D, the
mortality. It is estimated that 8 million infants in the world risk of perinatal death is even higher than in T1D (OR = 1.5
(185,000 in the United States) are born each year with major [1.15–1.96]).21 Pregnancies in women who have newly diag-
malformations. Many of these birth defects can be attributed nosed T2D have significantly worse outcomes, probably
to pregestational diabetes.9 related to obesity, hypertension, and maternal age. In T2D,
Major congenital malformations reported in babies of the BMI of women with a stillbirth has been shown to be
pregestational diabetic mothers are heart malformations higher (+2 kg/m2) than in women with live-born infants,
(transposition of great vessels, ventricular or atrial septal suggesting that obesity can strongly contribute to perinatal
defects, coarctation of the aorta), caudal regression syn- death in women with T2D.22 Unlike in pregestational dia-
drome, central nervous system defects (NTD, including betes, the increased rate of fetal deaths in the second and
anencephaly), gut malformations (duodenal and anorectal third trimesters of pregnancy is debatable in cases of GDM.
atresia, hypoplastic left colon), and skeletal and genital– Although it is difficult to demonstrate a consistent increase
urinary tract anomalies.14 in GDM, the risk for stillbirth appears slightly increased but
Poor maternal glycemic control in the periconceptual is lower than in T1D and T2D.20 Cundy et al. showed that,
period increases the risk of malformations. The rates of fetal after exclusion of newly diagnosed T2D in the GDM group,
malformations appear to be similar in maternal T1D and perinatal mortality was similar to that in the general popula-
T2D.15 The risk for congenital malformations in preexist- tion.22 According to these data, the increased risk of perina-
ing diabetes is 1.9- to 10-fold higher than in the total pop- tal death in cases of GDM, reported in some studies, may be
ulation.16 The risk is slightly increased in the case of GDM attributable to undiagnosed T2D.
compared to the general population (ORs between 1.1 and Only 50% of stillbirths (fetal death after 20–22 gestational
1.3) but is much lower than in women with pregestational weeks [GW]) can be explained by causes such as intrauter-
diabetes.16 The malformations described are similar to those ine growth restriction, preeclampsia, acute asphyxia, intra-
reported in pregestational diabetes, especially cardiovascu- uterine infection, or congenital malformation. But in the
lar defects and anomalies involving the musculoskeletal and remaining 50%, the pathophysiology is likely to be multifac-
central nervous systems.17,18 torial and may result from chronic fetal asphyxia and fetal
514 Short-term implications of gestational diabetes mellitus
cardiac dysfunction. In T1D offspring, more than 75% of macrosomia as it is characterized by an excess body fat,
perinatal deaths are attributed to congenital anomalies or an increased in muscle mass, and organomegaly with-
complications of preterm birth, whereas in T2D offspring, out increased brain size and is thus asymmetric. There is
the deaths are mainly due to stillbirth, chorioamnionitis, or a linear and continuous relationship between percentage
birth asphyxia.22 body fat in newborns, maternal glycemia, and fetal insulin
The rate of neonatal deaths, even in high-income coun- levels. 33
tries, is still around 3% in T1D or in T2D and is much lower, Hence, maternal diabetes during pregnancy, whatever
close to the rates of nondiabetic pregnancies in the case of its type, is a risk factor for macrosomia. Treatment of GDM
pure GDM. Strict glycemic control may reduce the number significantly reduces the rate of macrosomia.3,34 In case
of stillbirths in women with TD1 and TD2.23 of T1D, optimal glycemic control during pregnancy (i.e.,
Increased risk of perinatal asphyxia has been reported in HbA1c ≤ 7.0%) does not preclude a high incidence of fetal
diabetic pregnancies in a number of studies. Different risk macrosomia. Some studies have found that third trimester
factors have been identified in T1D: nephropathy developing HbA1c is an independent risk indicator for macrosomia,
during pregnancy, hyperglycemia 6 hours before delivery, but it has a weak predictive capacity. HbA1c does not reflect
preterm birth, and lower gestational age.24 In cases of GDM, intermittent hyperglycemia, mainly postprandial hyper-
the incidence of perinatal asphyxia is not increased, nor is glycemic episodes, that may be involved in accelerated fetal
it influenced by maternal treatment.25,26 Macrosomic infants growth.35,36 The frequency of macrosomia or LGA is not dif-
(>4500 g) are at increased risk of asphyxia-linked morbidi- ferent in T2D with respect to T1D,37 even if in T2D, HbA1c
ties whatever is the cause of macrosomia.27 is lower at booking and throughout gestation.21
Macrosomia, regardless of the cause, is in itself a risk
factor for adverse perinatal outcomes, such as asphyxia and
Preterm birth perinatal death, birth injury, respiratory distress, and hypo-
glycemia.27,38 Such risks increase as the birth weight or the
A number of studies have reported an increased risk of
birth percentile rise. An important complication of macro-
preterm birth in case of maternal diabetes. However, it is
somia is shoulder dystocia and subsequent birth injuries.
difficult to determine the respective parts of spontaneous
Such risk is the highest for infants with a birth weight 4,500–
preterm delivery and of induced labor or cesarean section,
4,999 g and >5,000 g, (ORs 2.4 [2.2–2.5] and 3.5 [3.0–4.2],
because of frequent interventionistic approaches. The ben-
respectively).27 Among infants with Erb’s palsy in the general
efits of early delivery to avoid fetal death or shoulder dystocia
population in the British Isles, 53% were LGA.39 Erb’s palsy is
must be balanced against the morbidity linked to preterm
tenfold higher in case of pregestational diabetes.40
birth, particularly respiratory morbidity.
In pregestational diabetes, the rate of premature birth is
Fetal growth restriction
increased up to 25%, with most of these being late preterm
birth (34–36 GW).28 In T1D, pregestational hypertension Fetal growth restriction is less often associated with mater-
is related to preterm birth, whereas in T2D, third trimester nal diabetes but has been reported in association with severe
glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) is a predictor of prema- vascular complications of advanced diabetes and poor pla-
turity.29 GDM and glucose intolerance are risk factors for cental perfusion.41 An interaction between preconceptional
spontaneous preterm birth independently on other compli- HbA1c and reduced weight at birth has been found.42 The
cations,30 mean maternal glucose level was also related to the hypothesis is that high glucose levels in early pregnancy
risk of preterm birth.31,32 harm placental development, especially when it is asso-
ciated with microvascular disease. Placental growth is
reduced and placental functions are impaired, resulting in
Fetal growth fetal growth restriction. This situation exposed to the risk
of preterm birth.
The concept of excessive fetal growth has been expressed
either by the word “macrosomia” or by the expression “large Other neonatal complications
for gestational age” (LGA). Macrosomia is usually defined by
an upper birth weight threshold somewhere between 4,000 Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
and 4,500 g, depending on the study. However, in this defini- Fetuses exposed to maternal hyperglycemia and hyperinsu-
tion, gestational age is not taken into account. The term LGA linism are prone to develop hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
corresponds to a birth weight ≥90th percentile or > +2SD It primarily affects the interventricular septum but can
(>97th percentile) for gestational age. This more precise defi- extend to the myocardium in more severe cases. Contrary
nition takes into consideration gestational age at birth and to what is described for macrosomia, the precise role of fetal
allows preterm newborns with excessive fetal growth to be growth factors and the influence of hyperglycemia on car-
identified. diomyocyte growth and function are poorly understood.43
Macrosomia observed in the case of newborns of dia- Myocardial hypertrophy is most often asymptomatic.
betic mothers can be differentiated from other forms of It can sometimes lead to severe morbidity and mortality,
Other neonatal complications 515
according to the severity and the extension of cardiac Diabetes, but also maternal BMI, is associated with a
hypertrophy, especially in the case of obstructive septal higher risk of persistent pulmonary hypertension (PPH).
hypertrophy. However, other independent risk factors like macrosomia
Myocardial hypertrophy has been reported in both and cesarean deliveries might be in the causal pathway
pregestational diabetes and GDM with a wide range of between diabetes, overweight, and PPH. 56 Furthermore,
frequencies (between 25% and 75% of infants born to dia- increased risk for meconium aspiration has been reported
betic mothers).44,45 The incidence was lower in case of GDM after diabetic pregnancy, together with increased risk of
comparing to pregestational diabetes.46 The most recent
perinatal asphyxia. However, such complication affects
studies showed that optimal maternal glycemic control does mainly pregnancies complicated by severe preexisting
not entirely preclude interventricular septum hypertrophy diabetes. 57
and minor fetal cardiac function impairment, whatever is
the type of diabetes.47,48
Neonatal glucose disorders; hypoglycemia
Antenatal ultrasounds play an important role in moni-
toring fetal cardiac anatomy and function. Babies of women It has long been known that a correlation exists between
with diabetes should have an echocardiogram in the pres- macrosomia, increased cord C-peptide levels, and neona-
ence of clinical signs associated with congenital heart mal- tal hypoglycemia. The data collected by the HAPO study
formations or cardiomyopathy. confirmed such relationship: neonatal hypoglycemia was
It is usually considered that heart hypertrophy resolves strongly associated with elevated cord serum C-peptide lev-
anatomically within few months. However, the long-term els. Infants with excessive size at birth were more likely to
effect of diabetic cardiomyopathy on heart function remains develop hypoglycemia and hyperinsulinemia.58
to be elucidated. The exact incidence of hypoglycemia in cases of maternal
diabetes is difficult to assess due to the variable definitions
used for neonatal hypoglycemia in the different studies.
Respiratory disorders
Comparisons with the risk observed in healthy newborns
Neonatal respiratory distress syndrome are difficult also because of different monitoring of blood
Newborns to diabetic mothers have increased risk of neona- glucose at birth most of the studies. The infant of diabetic
tal respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), a major cause for mother is at risk of transient hyperinsulinism, which pre-
admission into neonatal intensive care units. vents at birth the normal activation of metabolic pathways
The principal mechanism relies in altered lung surfac- producing glucose and ketone bodies and causes increased
tant synthesis due to fetal hyperinsulinism. Insulin has been glucose consumption by tissues. However, severe hypogly-
shown to alter prenatal surfactant. Delayed appearance of cemia with clinical signs is unusual nowadays, probably
phosphatidylglycerol in amniotic fluid after 34 GW has been because of the improvement of prenatal maternal care.59
found in women with poorly managed diabetes. This risk
has been found to be higher between 36 and 37 GW49 and in Glucose monitoring
cases of pregestational diabetes.50 The pathological significance of low blood glucose levels
As a consequence, late preterm birth associated with immediately after birth, in the absence of specific symptoms,
RDS is a particular characteristic of intrauterine expo- is still questioned. An immediate fall in blood glucose con-
sure to diabetes. Late preterm infants are at greater risk of centration is observed after birth, reaching a nadir between
neonatal morbidities than term infants. This risk is higher 1 and 2 hours in healthy term infants. From 2 to 3 hours
in the presence of additional maternal morbidity, particu- of age, blood glucose then rises spontaneously, even in the
larly prenatal maternal exposure to hypertensive disorders absence of any nutritional intake, due to the activation of
of pregnancy and diabetes. 51 In neonates delivered after metabolic regulatory pathways. Therefore, measurement of
34 weeks, GDM should be considered as an independent blood glucose level at this stage is not indicated in asymp-
risk factor for severe neonatal respiratory disorder. 52 tomatic infants since normal levels cannot be distinguished
Macrosomia (birth weight ≥ 4000 g), associated or from abnormal levels during this period and the incidence of
not with GDM, is a risk factor for neonatal respiratory hypoglycemia is likely to be overestimated.60 The first mea-
distress.53,54 surement in asymptomatic neonates is recommended before
Complementary studies are necessary to determine the second feed, at around 3–4 hours of age, which gener-
whether in the case of diabetic pregnancies, changes need ally allows identifying infants who cannot manage adequate
to be introduced in recommendations on antenatal steroid early glucose homoeostasis.
therapy to accelerate fetal lung maturation. Regulatory pathways involved in glucose homeostasis
are activated within the first 24 hours of life. Thus, at-risk
Other respiratory disorders infants who have not suffered hypoglycemia during the first
Besides RDS, infants born to diabetic mothers are exposed 24 hours (glucose values above 2 mmol/L), who have been
to an increased risk of transient tachypnea of the newborn, fed normally, and who are clinically stable do not present a
particularly in the context of cesarean birth, due to delayed higher risk of subsequent hypoglycemia. Then, blood glucose
reabsorption of alveolar liquid at birth.55 monitoring may be discontinued.
516 Short-term implications of gestational diabetes mellitus
There is currently no consensus on the indications for increased fetal red cell production. The incidence and the
systematic glucose blood monitoring in asymptomatic severity of polycythemia are in relation with poor maternal
infants born to diabetic mothers. It seems reasonable to glycemic control.
consider that LGA or growth-restricted infants born to dia- Normovolemic polycythemia seen in infants from dia-
betic mother may benefit from a blood glucose concentration betic mother can lead to hyperviscosity. Early symptoms
check at 3–6-hour intervals during the first day of life. On are unspecific. Feeding problems, plethoric aspect, cyano-
the other hand, normal-grown infants of mothers with diet- sis, lethargy, hypotonia, respiratory distress, jitteriness and
controlled GDM should not be monitored. irritability, seizure (due to multiple cerebral infarcts), necro-
tizing enterocolitis, hyperbilirubinemia, and hypoglycemia
Prevention and treatment have all been found associated. Hypoglycemia is aggravated
Early and frequent breastfeeding remains the key to prevent in infants of diabetic mothers due to increased glucose con-
hypoglycemia, whatever the birth weight of the infant, as far sumption by the increased red cell mass. Renal thrombosis
as he or she is able to feed autonomously. Therefore, infants and other forms of thrombosis are also more frequent in
of diabetic mothers should be kept beside their mother, in infants of diabetic mothers.
the absence of any significant complications requiring a Treatment is still controversial. In asymptomatic infants,
transfer to a special care neonatal unit, which corresponds no treatment is needed except to avoid hypoglycemia.
to the majority of the cases in high-income countries. Even Polycythemia associated with clinical signs should be treated
in mildly or moderately symptomatic infants with low blood by partial exchange transfusion as early as possible.
glucose levels, sustained breastfeeding or eventually formula Hyperbilirubinemia has been traditionally described as a
supplements should be tried first, provided a satisfactory neonatal complication of maternal diabetes. It is not a seri-
clinical response is obtained. For newborns without clinical ous complication if nontoxic levels are treated, which is usu-
signs, therapeutic intervention is required when two con- ally the case. The potential danger is kernicterus, which is
secutive blood glucose levels are below 2.0 mmol/L.61 In the not classically reported in cases of diabetes. In the HAPO
case the infant is unable to feed, an IV glucose supplementa- study, hyperbilirubinemia was weakly associated with
tion (3–6 mg/kg/hour) should be provided at constant rate of maternal blood glucose levels.11 Polycythemia could be one
infusion, in order to avoid rebound hypoglycemia. of the causes, but additional mechanisms, such as preterm
In the presence of severe symptoms, such as marked hypo- birth and poor liver conjugation, are likely to be involved.
tonia, coma, seizures, or blood glucose level <1 mmol/L, an
IV bolus dose of glucose (150–200 mg/kg) should be admin-
istered urgently, followed by constant rate infusion. It is nec- Impact of maternal obesity on
essary to check that thereafter blood glucose concentrations neonatal complications of GDM
stabilize within the normal range.43
Maternal obesity is associated with worse perinatal outcomes
Neonatal hypocalcemia even in glucose-tolerant women. Macrosomia is the main
Neonatal hypocalcemia has been reported following dia- complication reported in overweight or obese women, inde-
betes during pregnancy, with an incidence up to about pendently of diabetes.64–67 It is well recognized that neonates
30% in poorly controlled diabetes.62 The mechanism is still born to obese women, even if normally glucose tolerant, have
unclear but seems to involve an abnormal calcium phos- increased fat mass.68 As in GDM, increased adiposity at birth
phorus metabolism during pregnancy with decreased cal- is related to maternal IR with excess of glucose and lipid
cemia and vitamin D concentrations especially during the availability and to increase systemic inflammation.12
third trimester. The severity of hypocalcemia is related to The risk of fetal and infant deaths are two- to threefold
the degree of maternal diabetes control. Neonatal hypo- higher for women who are obese at the start of pregnancy,
parathyroidism has been reported and may be in part sec- after excluding pregnancies affected by congenital anomalies
ondary to maternal magnesium loss.62 Furthermore, some or pregestational diabetes.69 Maternal obesity is associated
studies have reported an association between GDM and low with an increased risk of a range of structural anomalies,
maternal vitamin D status, particularly with poor blood with the higher risk for neural tube defects.70,71
glucose control. Conversely, there is growing evidence that The risk of GDM increases with maternal BMI.72 The
women who develop GDM are more likely to be vitamin overall population-attributable fraction of GDM related to
D deficient.63 Other factors like prematurity and perinatal overweight was estimated at 46.2%.73
asphyxia can contribute to low calcium levels. There is no The benefit effect of treatment of diabetes on neonatal
indication to screen healthy babies for hypocalcemia and outcomes is lower in obese women even if targeted levels
hypomagnesemia. of glycemic control are achieved. Furthermore, when GDM
is untreated or poorly controlled, overweight and obese
women have a higher risk of poor neonatal composite out-
Neonatal polycythemia and hyperbilirubinemia come, compared to normal weight GDM women.26,74
Relative fetal hypoxia, secondary to insulin-induced high The combination of GDM and obesity has a greater impact
glucose uptake and metabolic rate (Figure 60.1), causes on pregnancy outcomes than either GDM or obesity alone.
increased erythropoietin secretion and, as a consequence, This cumulative risk was shown for macrosomia, newborn
References 517
percent body fat, and birth trauma.75 It was also reported for Macrosomia and subsequent complications are the main
a composite neonatal outcome (birth weight > 4000 g, birth short-term consequences of intrauterine exposure to GDM.
trauma, shoulder dystocia, hypoglycemia, or jaundice).76 Nevertheless, maternal obesity per se is a risk factor for
adverse pregnancy outcomes and has a major impact when
associated with GDM.
Conclusions There have been considerable advances in the manage-
ment of diabetes during pregnancy in high-income coun-
Severe neonatal complications (birth defects, perinatal tries, but many remain to be done in developing countries.
deaths, or asphyxia) are mainly due to pregestational dia- Prevention of adverse outcomes in the fetus and the neo-
betes. Such serious complications reported in studies on nate would be improved with a better understanding of the
GDM are likely due to undiagnosed prepregnancy T2D. mechanisms involved in the impact of maternal diabetes
Maternal diabetes during pregnancy, regardless of the type, on embryo, fetal, and neonatal physiology. Indeed, many of
is a risk factor for macrosomia or excessive fetal growth. these mechanisms remain to be determined.
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e46–e48. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2011; 24: 723–727.
61 Long-term outcomes after
gestational diabetes mellitus
exposure in the offspring
Delphine Mitanchez, Catherine Yzydorczyk, and Umberto Simeoni
An extensive literature is available, tracking health out- The risk of diabetes was significantly higher in siblings born
comes at adulthood for the offspring of diabetic mothers. after the mother developed diabetes than in those born before
Many studies have found that offspring of diabetic moth- the mother’s diagnosis of diabetes (odds ratio 3.7, = 0.02) and
ers face an increased risk of developing impaired glucose the mean of body mass index (BMI) was 2.6 kg/m2 higher in
tolerance, hypertension (HT), overweight and obesity, and offspring of diabetic than in offspring of nondiabetic preg-
dyslipidemia, as well as other noncommunicable diseases. nancies (= 0.003).3 Furthermore, there were no significant dif-
Such outcomes may be partly linked to genetic and lifestyle ferences in the risk of diabetes or in BMI between offspring
exposure. But there is increasing evidence that fetal expo- according to the paternal diabetic status and onset of diabetes.
sure to maternal diabetes is one of the multiple risk factors of These results were confirmed in other ethnic groups. In a
chronic diseases and, in particular, the metabolic syndrome large prospective Swedish cohort study, BMI at 18 years old
(MS) in adults. of men whose mothers had diabetes mellitus during their
pregnancy was on average 0.94 kg/m2 greater (95% [CI],
0.35–1.52) than in their siblings born before their mother
Effect of maternal diabetes on the was diagnosed with diabetes, after adjustment for maternal
age, parity, and education.4 These findings suggest that intra-
offspring long-term health and risk uterine exposure to maternal diabetes has a negative impact
for disease on health outcomes, beyond genetic and lifestyle factors. In
a Nordic Caucasian population, the risk for T2D and predia-
Glucose intolerance and type 2 diabetes, overweight betes was found to be increased in offspring born to mothers
and obesity with diet-treated GDM (7.76 [95% CI 2.6–23.4]) and mothers
Extensive data on the consequences of exposure to diabetes in with type 1 diabetes (T1D) (4.0 [95% CI 1.3–1.9]).5 These
utero on childhood overweight and obesity and risk of type 2 results were confirmed by others.2 Interestingly, adult off-
diabetes (T2D) have been obtained from studies on Pima spring of women with T1D are more likely to have impaired
Indians, a population with an exceptionally high prevalence glucose tolerance and a deficient insulin secretory response
of obesity and T2D due to genetic reasons. The prevalence of to glucose than the offspring of fathers with T1D.6 These
T2D in offspring of Pima women has been shown to increase data favor the effect of exposure to maternal diabetes dur-
up to sixfold in those with diabetic or prediabetic mothers, ing pregnancy on the risk of T2D, regardless of the type of
while diabetes during childhood and adolescence occurred maternal diabetes and beyond transmitted diabetic genes.
almost exclusively among the offspring of diabetic and pre- The longitudinal cohort Exploring Perinatal Outcome
diabetic mothers.1 Accordingly, the offspring born to moth- among Children (EPOCH) study found that youth exposed
ers with pregestational T2D or gestational diabetes mellitus to maternal GDM had a higher average BMI growth trajec-
(GDM) are heavier at birth and at every age than those born tory from 27 months through 13 years of age and higher
to nondiabetic mothers. There is evidence that the higher BMI growth velocity starting at age 10–13 years. But no dif-
frequency of diabetes and obesity in the offspring of diabetic ferences were noted in growth velocity until 26 months of
Pima women is not only due to their genetic susceptibility to age.7 The effects of in utero exposure to diabetes thus extend
obesity and diabetes. Studies including sibling pairs in which beyond neonatal and early childhood periods and emerge
one sibling was born before and the other was born after the during puberty, a sensitive period for the development of
onset of maternal diabetes have brought interesting data.2 glucose intolerance and obesity.
520 Long-term outcomes after gestational diabetes mellitus exposure in the offspring
Cardiovascular and renal diseases In GDM, apart from hyperglycemia, the maternal metabolic
Offspring of Pima mothers who had diabetes during preg- environment is characterized by insulin resistance (IR) and
nancy had higher systolic arterial blood pressure than off- inflammation.17 Both conditions influence fetal growth.
spring of mothers who did not develop T2D until after IR facilitates maternal hypertriglyceridemia that enhances
pregnancy: this was independent of the levels of adiposity.8 substrate availability to the fetus. Other mechanisms influ-
Adverse cardiovascular effects of maternal diabetes on off- ence nutrient supply to the fetus. The placental transcriptome
spring were observed early in life and in other ethnic groups. has been shown to be a target of the altered environment of
When compared with offspring not exposed to maternal dia- diabetic pregnancy. For example, genes for lipids transport
betes, exposed offspring have a worse cardiovascular risk pro- have been shown to be upregulated in the placenta of women
file with the increased levels of circulating cellular adhesion with GDM, as well as are genes for inflammatory path-
molecules, which are biomarkers of adverse endothelium per- ways.18,19 Altogether, such alterations directly or indirectly
turbation. These markers are related to the earliest preclinical change the availability of substrates, other than glucose, to
stages of atherosclerosis and diabetes.9 Epidemiological stud- the fetus either by increasing their source or by modifying
ies that focused on blood pressure values in the adult offspring the materno-fetal interface. Additionally, placental epigen-
of mothers with GDM found a low increase in systolic blood etic changes were recently reported at gene loci involved in
pressure (SBP). A recent systematic review confirmed the energy metabolism regulation like those of adipokines.20
association between exposure to maternal diabetes and SBP This epigenetic adaptation to detrimental in utero environ-
in childhood. But this association was only significant in male ment may have impacts on the short- and long-term meta-
offspring. Furthermore, there is some evidence that this asso- bolic regulations of the newborn. Maternal pregestational
ciation may be influenced by maternal prepregnancy BMI.10 overweight or obesity that frequently associated with GDM
Endothelial dysfunction (ED) has been thought to be criti- or T2D may also increase lipid availability, modulate deliv-
cal in the development of vascular disease, notably in HT.11 ery of lipid substrates to the fetus, and have programming
ED can be characterized by a loss of regulatory functions consequences.
related to vascular tone, inflammation, and oxidative stress In a multiethnic group, youth aged 10–22 years with T2D
but also by an impaired vasculogenesis and capacity of repair were more likely to have been exposed to maternal diabe-
mediated by circulating endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs). tes or obesity. Exposure to maternal diabetes (OR 5.7 [95%
These cells are now considered as a strong biomarker to CI 2.4–13.4]) and exposure to maternal obesity (2.8 [95% CI
assess ED and have been considered as endothelial colony- 1.5–5.2]) were independently associated with T2D in the off-
forming cells (ECFCs).12 It was shown in vitro and in vivo spring. Exposure to maternal diabetes in utero resulted in
that hyperglycemia or exposure of ECFCs to a diabetic intra- an attributable risk of only 4.7%, although 47.2% of T2D in
uterine environment reduced ECFC colony formation and youth could be attributed to intrauterine exposure to mater-
capillary-like tube formation13 and increased senescence and nal diabetes and obesity together.21
reduced proliferation.14 These data provide potential mecha- Concerning the link between in utero diabetes and over-
nistic insights into the development of ED and the long-term weight and obesity in offspring, the literature provides con-
cardiovascular complications observed in newborns of dia- tradictory results. Although in utero exposure to maternal
betic pregnancies. diabetes plays a role in the occurrence of overweight in the
Exposure to a diabetic intrauterine environment is also offspring, the importance and the respective significance of
considered as a strong risk factor for renal disease. Diabetic the exposure to GDM relative to other risk factors associ-
nephropathy is the major cause of end-stage renal disease.15 ated with maternal diabetes (genetic, maternal overweight,
In Pima Indians, an increase in urinary albumin excretion fetal macrosomia, lifestyle, socioeconomic) have been poorly
(UAE) in offspring of diabetic mothers has been observed: quantified. After adjusting on maternal prepregnancy
UAE was 58% in offspring of mothers with GDM, 43% in off- BMI, the association between maternal diabetes and off-
spring of mothers who develop diabetes after pregnancy, and spring BMI was no longer significant in some studies.22,23
40% in offspring of nondiabetic mothers.16 These functional Although convincing data exist in the literature on the effect
changes might result in damage to the developing glomeruli, of maternal diabetes on offspring health, many unanswered
possibly related to a similar process of decreased number of questions remain regarding the size effect of maternal intra-
nephrons. uterine exposure compared with shared genetic traits. These,
in turn, are difficult to distinguish from influences of the
child’s postnatal environment and lifestyle.
Limitations and confounding factors
Some limitations in the available studies must, however, be
taken into consideration. Most studies encounter major dif- Effect of high birth weight
ficulties to separate the responsibility of fetal exposure to on long-term outcomes
maternal hyperglycemia alone in the long-term outcome,
from fetal exposure to coexisting maternal manifestations Maternal diabetes is one of the main risk factors of having
like overweight/obesity. Different interrelated mechanisms macrosomic infants at birth. A number of publications have
play a role in the modification of fetal nutrition and metab- reported the link between high birth weight (BW) and obe-
olism and may have an impact on the long-term outcome. sity in childhood to early adulthood. A meta-analysis showed
Effect of breastfeeding 521
that BW ≥4000 g increases twofold the risk for obesity, and term because it may not be sufficient alone to prevent the
this risk is increased about 2.5-fold when BW exceeds the adverse long-term outcome on the offspring.17 As discussed
90th percentile.24 However, the association between higher earlier, other substrates influence fetal growth and probably
BW and higher adult BMI may be due to increased lean mass have long-term metabolic consequences. Excess gestational
rather than an increase in fat tissue. Evidence suggests that weight gain (GWG) is a factor associated with high BW and
although BW is positively associated with BMI, it is not nec- subsequent long-term outcomes. The comparison of differ-
essarily associated with increased adiposity, and at higher ences in BW between sibling pairs showed that for every
BW, subsequent adiposity may actually be reduced.25 additional kilogram an individual woman gained during
Being large for gestational age (LGA, BW > 90th percen- pregnancy, the BW of her offspring increased by about 25 g.31
tile), in association with GDM or maternal obesity, increases In a large prospective multicentric study, excessive GWG
the risk of MS in childhood. A longitudinal cohort study was an independent valuable predictor of macrosomia. In
analyzed the prevalence of MS in children aged 6–11 years, the subgroup of diabetic mothers, excessive GWG (accord-
accordingly they were LGA or adapted for gestational age ing to the Institute of Medicine [IOM] recommendations)
(AGA, BW 10th–90th percentile), and their mothers had was related to a 2.6-fold increased risk of developing macro-
or had no GDM. The prevalence at any time of at least two somia (OR 2.6; 95% CI 1.2–5.5). However, in this population,
components of MS was higher for the LGA/GDM group GWG lower than recommended was not associated with a
(50%), compared to the LGA/control group (29%), AGA/ reduction of macrosomia (OR 0.8; 95% CI 0.3–1.8).32 In a
GDM group (21%), and AGA/control group (18%). The risk of large Swedish prospective cohort, offspring BMI was related
developing MS with time was significantly different between to maternal GWG. However, in normal-weight women, this
LGA and AGA offspring in the GDM group, with a 3.6-fold positive association was only driven by shared familial risk
greater risk among LGA children by 11 years. In this study, factors for BMI (genetic/environment). In overweight and
children exposed to maternal obesity were also at increased obese women, a greater maternal GWG appears to be associ-
risk of developing MS.26 ated with greater offspring BMI via intrauterine mechanisms
A recent systematic review on the association between and shared familial characteristics.4
BW and risk of T2D showed that in most populations stud- Maternal weight gain during pregnancy is probably an
ied, BW was inversely related to T2D risk. There was a posi- important and challenging modifiable risk factor because
tive association between high BW (>4 kg) and risk of T2D excessive GWG is associated with higher BW. The absence
only in two native North American populations. These pop- of effect of reduced GWG on fetal growth in diabetic preg-
ulations have an exceptionally high prevalence of T2D and nancy, reported in some studies, may be due to the fact that
obesity from early ages and a very high prevalence of GDM. IOM guidelines were not conceived for diabetic mother.
Therefore, the influence of maternal diabetes/obesity on the Then, the challenge is to determine nutritional guidelines
BW–T2D association could not be excluded in these popula- specifically devised for women with diabetes, considering
tions and may overweight the effect of being LGA alone.27 the amounts of calories but also the quality of nutrients.
Other factors of prevention (prepregnancy control of
overweight, regular activity, etc.) must be recommended to
the mother as part of a comprehensive management plan.
Effect of maternal glycemic and
gestational weight gain control on
long-term prognosis in the offspring Effect of breastfeeding
Treatment of GDM may be an important determinant of off- Infancy has been suggested as another critical period for future
spring outcomes, but there is currently insufficient informa- risks in the offspring whatever was the intrauterine environ-
tion to firmly assess the effects of maternal interventions on ment. Breastfeeding compared with formula feeding showed to
infant and child health. Two trials are available in the litera- have beneficial effects on glucose tolerance, HT, dyslipidemia,
ture, with a follow-up of offspring of mothers randomized to and obesity.33 The strongest evidence for a protective effect
either minimal intervention or tight control of diabetes.28,29 of breastfeeding for later health is for a lower risk of obesity.
They did not demonstrate any differences in the frequency of Although unknown, some potential mechanisms by which
MS or in the weight of the children according to the inter- breastfeeding protects against later risk have been discussed.
vention provided to their mothers. Breastfed babies may control the amount of milk they consume
In a large cohort of 9439 mother–child pairs in a diverse and so learn to self-regulate their energy intakes better than
US population universally screened for GDM, it was shown those given formula, although whether this difference persists
that increasing hyperglycemia levels in pregnancy were into adult life is unknown. Nutritional benefits of breastfeed-
associated with increased risk of obesity in children at age ing may include differences in nutrients between human milk
5–7 years. But this risk was modifiable by treating GDM, as and formulas (lower glucose and protein, high concentrations
obesity risk was attenuated and no longer significant after in long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid). Differences in early
multivariate adjustment in the treated GDM group.30 protein intakes that are greater in formula than in human milk
There are significant methodological difficulties in prov- could also affect later adiposity. It has been suggested that the
ing an effect of maternal glycemic control over the long benefits of breastfeeding for long-term obesity is of particular
522 Long-term outcomes after gestational diabetes mellitus exposure in the offspring
importance in the early postnatal weeks of life. This is a critical BMI growth velocity both during infancy and in the child-
period for determining levels and distribution of adiposity. The hood period, in offspring of nondiabetic mothers, as well
benefits of breastfeeding at this time may be due to a slower pat- as in offspring of diabetic mothers. These effects were inde-
tern of growth in breastfed compared with formula-fed infants pendent of sex, race/ethnicity, current childhood diet, and
(the growth acceleration hypothesis).34 Weight gain during the physical activity levels. This study indicates that the favor-
first week of life in healthy formula-fed infants was associated able effects of breastfeeding on BMI growth patterns extend
with overweight status two to three decades later. After adjust- throughout the entire childhood period and are also pres-
ment for important confounding factors, each 100 g increase in ent in youth at increased risk for obesity due to intrauterine
absolute weight gain during this period was associated with a exposure to maternal diabetes.41 Others have reported data
28% increase in the risk of becoming an overweight adult (95% that favor the benefit of breastfeeding in offspring of dia-
CI 8%–52%).35 A long-term advantage of breastfeeding was betic mothers, either on the risk of obesity42 or on the risk
further supported by a “dose–response” effect. A longer dura- of diabetes.43
tion of breastfeeding was associated with a lower tendency to Overall, there is no doubt that breastfeeding should be
later obesity; each month of breastfeeding was associated with recommended in diabetic mothers, all the more since GDM
a 4% (95% CI −6% to −2%) reduction in obesity risk.36 and T2D are increasingly spreading in emerging countries.
In diabetic mothers, there are many controversies con- The controversies concerning the benefit of breastfeed-
cerning breastfeeding benefits in their offspring, particularly ing in diabetic mothers should be reviewed in the light of
during the first week of life. Some observed a positive dose- potential confounders, especially the time point of expo-
dependent relation between the volume of diabetic mother sure, exposure quality (exclusive or not exclusive breast-
milk ingested during the first neonatal week and later risk feeding), and duration, but also ethnicity, socioeconomic
of overweight.37 But those infants who did not receive breast status, and maternal BMI. Breastfeeding may represent an
milk from their diabetic mothers were instead nourished important challenge in preventing long-term disorders in
with banked breast milk from nondiabetic donor mothers. the offspring of diabetic mothers.
This created a different “reference exposure” than in all other
studies where breastfeeding was tested against formula. The
mechanisms evoked for such a negative effect of breast milk Conclusion
from diabetic mothers was that it contains increased levels
of glucose and insulin as compared with breast milk from More and more indisputable data are evidencing long-term
healthy mothers but even hormones like insulin and leptin consequences on offspring health in case of gestational dia-
that may be absorbed from milk in the immature gut of an betes or excess growth at birth. Converging results from
infant.38 However, the composition of milk from diabetic clinical and epidemiological data, but also from animal
mothers may also be influenced by metabolic control during models (see Chapter 10), suggest that GDM contributes to
pregnancy and postpartum, and this may change the impact the current worldwide T2D pandemic. However, the specific
on the outcome of offspring. The same authors found that mechanisms remain unclear and many aspects, in particu-
neither late neonatal intakes of breast milk from diabetic lar epigenetic, need to be clarified. The specific intrauterine
mothers nor the duration of breastfeeding has an indepen- metabolic alterations that favor such long-term evolution
dent influence on childhood risk of overweight or glucose need to be investigated, and the consequences of overweight
intolerance.39 However, others found that adequate breast- and obesity among those of diabetes should be separately
feeding (≥6 months) reduces, in childhood, the increase evaluated. Such comprehensive data will offer major proved
of adiposity levels associated with exposure to diabetes in opportunities for prevention. Meanwhile, obvious preventive
utero.40 Furthermore, these results were strengthened by the measures are indicated like early diagnosis and tight control
follow-up of a longitudinal cohort. It was shown that ade- of maternal diabetes during pregnancy, limited GWG, and
quate breastfeeding reduced the overall body size and slowed promotion of breastfeeding.
1. Dabelea D, Pettitt DJ. Intrauterine diabetic environment confers 5. Clausen TD, Mathiesen ER, Hansen T et al. High prevalence of
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62 Metabolomics and diabetic
Angelica Dessì, Roberta Carboni, and Vassilios Fanos
pregnancy. Therefore, the loss of the first phase of insulin relation to the fact that GDM may be the first manifestation
secretion will cause postprandial hyperglycemia, while the of a type 2 diabetes or a metabolic syndrome; thus after preg-
reduced suppression of hepatic production of glucose will be nancy, it is important for these women to be followed up.14
responsible for fasting hyperglycemia. The early complications for the neonate are respiratory
distress, shoulder dystocia, hyperbilirubinemia, polycythe-
mia, hypocalcemia, macrosomy, and hypoglycemia; the late
Diagnosis ones are instead connected with a higher risk of overweight
As concerns diagnosis, guidelines recommend the measure- and obesity in the adolescent age as well as the higher risk
ment of blood sugar at the first appointment in pregnancy of developing type 2 diabetes, this too in the adolescent
for all women with no previous tests to single out those with period.
diabetes prior to becoming pregnant; also recommended The reduced action of insulin in GDM causes an exces-
is the screening for diabetes in cases of physiological preg- sive increase of nutrients in the blood (glucose, lipids, amino
nancy using defined risk factors. acids), which, on passing through the placenta, determine
At the 16th–18th week of gestation, an OGTT with 75 g hyperinsulinism capable of favoring a consequent increase
of glucose and a second OGTT with 75 g at 28 weeks of in adipose tissue with fetal organomegaly and macrosomia.10
gestational age if the first test gave a normal result should be On passing through the placental barrier, the excess mater-
performed on all women presenting at least one of the fol- nal glucose causes a condition of constant hyperglycemia in
lowing conditions: the fetus that will lead to chronic hyperinsulinism that, on
continuing after delivery, will result in neonatal hypogly-
●● Gestational diabetes in a previous pregnancy cemia.15 This reduced glucidic tolerance will tend to persist
●● Prepregnancy body mass index (BMI) ≥ 30 during growth and into adulthood and consequently will
●● The finding of blood sugar values between 100 and expose the children of diabetic mothers to a higher risk of
125 mg/dL (5.6–6.9 mmol/L) previous to or at the begin- developing pathologies such as obesity and type 2 diabetes.
ning of pregnancy
In recent years, many clinical studies have been performed As concerns GDM, metabolomics proposes to identify
on animals, adults, children, and neonates using a metabo- biomarkers useful in predicting, already at an early stage of
lomic approach that makes it possible to study important gestation, if a woman is prone to GDM and thus beginning
perinatal and postnatal pathologies such as asphyxia and timely treatment so that the disease does not develop and
hypoxia, congenital diseases, the state of nutrition, kidney that the fetus does not undergo any of the mother’s metabolic
diseases, nephrotoxicity, cardiovascular disease, and other influences that may impact on its metabolism and growth.
pathologies.18–20 In the medical field, there is growing inter- Moreover, thanks to metabolomics, it is possible to study
est in characterizing at the biochemical and molecular level more in depth the metabolic profile of pregnant women.
the different pathophysiological states that mark the lives of Up to the present, few works have been published on the
human beings in the period from embryonic development to application of metabolomics to the study of women pre-
ageing and death. “Clinical metabolomics” is proposed as a senting GDM and the assessment of the metabolic state of
new multidisciplinary scientific field developed through the the children of GDM mothers (Table 62.1), but the results
interaction of disciplines such as chemistry, physics, biol- appear promising both as regards the overall metabolic state
ogy, and medicine, which to the same extent contribute to of women and their risk of developing GDM and as regards
the gathering of up-to-now latent information, leading to the the metabolic profile of the neonate.23
identification of new phenotypical characteristics of diseases In the literature, we find four studies that focused on the
studied but not yet adequately defined. The ultimate objec- metabolomic analysis of maternal biofluids in women pre-
tive of such characterization is that of developing “tailored” senting GDM and two studies that assessed the metabolome
therapeutic approaches for the single individual and/or of the children of diabetic mothers.
group of individuals, where for group is meant persons hav- The study by Sachse et al.14 examined the urinary meta-
ing a common phenotypical profile deriving from a similar bolic profile by means of NMR of pregnant women for the
gene–environment interaction.21,22 purpose of identifying biomarkers useful in identifying the
women most at risk of developing GDM. The urinary meta-
bolic profiles of 823 pregnant women in good health were
Gestational diabetes and analyzed. Urine samples were taken in the morning while
metabolomics fasting and during three different visits: from the 8th to the
20th week of pregnancy, from the 26th to the 30th week, and
As can be seen in the guidelines, at present the diagnosis of from 10 to 16 weeks after delivery. The authors highlighted
GDM is based solely on the finding of high values of glucose the substantial changes in the composition of the urinary
in the blood. This kind of investigation does not take into metabolites during and after the pregnancy; in particular,
consideration the complete metabolic picture of a woman the most important results were the constant increase in lac-
as well as being, in cases not considered at risk, performed tose and the increasing–decreasing pattern of a plurality of
toward the end of the 6 month of pregnancy when, if it is NMR signals between 0.55 and 1.10 ppm, signals that may
found altered, the fetus is already affected by a series of meta- belong to pregnanediol and estrogens, or more probably, to
bolic influences capable of impacting on its growth. their sulfates and water-soluble glucuronoids.
For this reason, the application of an “alternative” As concerns the possibility of finding biomarkers capable
method is necessary to help in characterizing the overall of identifying GDM, the authors concluded that on the basis
metabolic state of a pregnant woman. Metabolomics in the of their results, it is not possible to find reliable biomark-
field of this pathology would appear to be the most suitable ers for GDM in a large multiethnic population; however, an
method since it is capable of providing a quantitative mea- increase in the citrate excreted in the urine in relation to the
surement as a function of time of the metabolic response of seriousness of the cases of GDM was found.
a living system to pathophysiological stimuli and/or genetic The work by Diaz et al.24 was performed on urine and
modifications.16 plasma of women in the final 3 months of pregnancy in an
Study Sample Population analysis Metabolites resulting
Dani et al. 28 Cord serum Infants 1H-NMR Glucose, pyruvate, histidine, alanine, valine,
methionine, arginine, lysine, hypoxanthine
Logan et al.27 Urine Infants 1H-NMR Glucose, formate, fumarate, succinate, citrate
Graça et al.26 Urine, amniotic fluid Mothers UPLC-MS None
Sachse et al.14 Urine Mothers 1H-NMR Lactose, citrate
Diaz et al.24 Urine, plasma Mothers 1H-NMR 3-Hydroxyisovalerate, 2-hydroxyisobutyrate
Scioscia et al.25 Urine Mothers MS Inositolphosphoglycan P-type
References 527
attempt to characterize metabolic changes possibly caused MATLAB® software*. The statistical analysis was performed
by prenatal disorders and identify possible early biomarkers with the principal component analysis (PCA) and partial
of diseases. The metabolic profile was analyzed by means of least square-discriminant analysis (PLS-DA). The results
NMR and the metabolomic analysis revealed higher levels obtained in this study made it possible to discriminate
of 3-hydroxyisovalerate and 2-hydroxyisobutirrate in the between the two groups of neonates: the most important
urine of women who later developed GDM. differences in the urinary metabolites were those found
The work by Scioscia et al. 25 assessed by means of a for glucose, formate, fumarate, citrate, and succinate, all
metabolomic approach performed with MS on the urine of metabolites involved in the tricarboxylic acid cycle.
pregnant women if inositolphosphoglycan P-type (P-IPG), Another similar work was carried out by Dani et al.,28
a second insulin messenger that correlates with the degree who studied the metabolome of newborn children of GDM
of resistance in diabetic subjects, may have changed dur- mothers and compared it with that of the neonates of healthy
ing pregnancy. The study examined 48 women with GDM mothers. The purpose of the study was to see if there were
and 23 healthy women during pregnancy and revealed an differences between the two groups and if such differences
increase in urinary excretion of P-IPG in the GDM women remained evident despite close control over the GDM.
compared to controls. The authors also found a correla- The metabolomic analyses with 1HNMR were performed
tion between urinary values of P-IPG and blood glucose. on the serum of 30 IGDM term neonates and 40 term neo-
According to the authors, the metabolomic identification nates of healthy mothers used as controls. The results of
of P-IPG is a potential marker of insulin resistance and these investigations revealed a lower level of glucose and a
may predict fetal growth alteration in GDM patients. higher level of pyruvate, histidine, alanine, valine, methio-
Finally, the study by Graça et al. 26 was performed nine, arginine, lysine, hypoxantin, lipoproteins, and lipids
on urine and amniotic liquid of women in the second in the neonates of GDM mothers compared to the controls.
3 months of pregnancy with the use of both the UPLC-MS Despite these variations, the authors found no differences
and 1H-NMR methods. The authors investigated the pos- from the clinical standpoint.
sible metabolic effects of fetal malformations, GDM, and
preterm delivery. In particular, contrary to the other Conclusions
works published, in the metabolome in the case of GDM,
no significant changes were found, either in the urine or in A new challenge in medicine is certainly the application of
the amniotic liquid. metabolomics in the study of pathologies originating in the
The other two studies in the literature examined the fetal womb that may later lead to both short- and long-term com-
metabolism of neonates of GDM mothers to assess the con- plications, as in the case of GDM. The studies published show
sequences of the maternal pathology on the development of that metabolomics can be considered a potential and formi-
their children. dable instrument for prevention by identifying women most
In their study, Logan et al.27 hypothesized that the meta- at risk of developing GDM. An evaluation of this kind would
bolic profile of the neonates of diabetic mothers (IDM) was make it possible to indicate a therapy, a lifestyle, and diet to
different from that of children of healthy mothers. They follow in pregnancy so as to avoid the frequent complications
then studied the metabolome of 18 IDM neonates and 12 caused by GDM.
term and healthy neonates used as controls. Urine was col-
lected within 72 hours from birth using balls of absorbent * MATLAB® is a registered trademark of The MathWorks, Inc. For product
cotton and then conserved at −80°C; the metabolomic information, please contact The MathWorks, Inc. at 3 Apple Hill Drive
analysis was then performed by means of 1HNMR spec- Natick, MA 01760-2098, USA; 508-647-7000 (telephone); 508-647-7001
troscopy and the spectra obtained were analyzed using (fax); [email protected] (e-mail); www.mathworks.com (website).
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63 Fetal growth restriction:
Evidence-based clinical
Eduard Gratacós and Francesc Figueras
530 Fetal growth restriction
that, when used in combination, the presence of at least one at stake, the distinction into “early” or “late” is too simple
of these signs can classify as the subgroup of small fetuses and difficult to integrate since the determinants of elective
with the highest risk of poor perinatal outcome.10 It is likely delivery are the severity of fetal deterioration and the risks
that in future years, composite definitions include angio- of prematurity. For this reason, in our view FGR is better
genic factors as a valid criterion,11 but the lack of normative managed with a single protocol throughout pregnancy, as
gestational-age-adjusted values is for the moment a limita- discussed later in this chapter. The cutoff to define early-
tion for its wide use in practice. versus late-onset FGR has commonly been set in an arbi-
Finally, we should stress that SGA is associated with trary fashion at about 32–34 weeks at diagnosis or 37 weeks
apparently near-normal perinatal outcomes. However, in the at delivery. A prospective study using decision tree anal-
light of current evidences, SGA is not a “constitutionally” ysis in >700 cases determined that 32 weeks at diagnosis
small fetus. Fetuses under this diagnostic category have been and 37 weeks at delivery best classified two groups where
consistently demonstrated to present signs of brain reorga- the differences in terms of adverse perinatal outcome are
nization in utero and neonatally and poor long-term neu- maximized.16
rological, cardiovascular, and endocrinological outcome.12–14 Briefly, early-onset FGR represents about 20%–30% of
Therefore, the so-defined SGA fetuses are, in the majority all FGR and it is associated with early PE in up to 50%.4 In
of instances, suffering a form of pathological deviation from early-onset FGR, there is commonly severe placental insuf-
normal development. It remains to be established whether ficiency and chronic fetal hypoxia; hence UA Doppler is usu-
SGA is a category composed by a single problem or a mix- ally abnormal.17 Fetal condition deteriorates with evolution
ture of different causes, which might include among others a to decompensated hypoxia and acidosis, which is reflected
subset of fetuses with placental insufficiency of even milder by progression of abnormalities in the UA into absent and
nature, abnormalities in hormonal pathways regulating fetal reverse diastolic flow and increased PIs in the ductus veno-
growth, genetic causes, and true constitutional smallness. sus (DV), which is used as a reflection of late-stage disease
and very high risk of fetal death. Fetal deterioration nor-
mally lasts weeks18 following a cascade of Doppler changes.
“Early-onset” versus “late-onset” FGR Management is challenging and aims at achieving the best
balance between the risks of leaving the fetus in utero versus
Aside from the clinically relevant distinction between FGR the complications of prematurity.
and SGA, FGR presents under two different phenotypes Late-onset FGR represents 70%–80% of FGR and has a
when the onset is early or late in gestation. Table 63.1 dis- low association (about 10%) with late PE.19 The degree of
plays the main differences between both clinical forms. placental disease is mild;20 thus UA Doppler is below the
Differentiating between early- and late-onset FGR has a 95th centile in virtually all cases.6 However, the CPR, which
clear value and should always be required for any research combines changes in the UA and MCA, becomes abnormal
study for the sake of comparability. Being early or late onset at some point before birth in a substantial proportion of
determines differences in the severity of placental disease,15 cases.6 Changes in the DV are virtually never observed,6,21
as well as in the fetal adaptive response and deterioration. and the cascade of sequential fetal deterioration described
These notions have been extremely important for our for early onset does not occur in late FGR. However, progres-
pathophysiological understanding of the various clinical sion to fetal deterioration may occur suddenly and there is
presentations of FGR. However, when clinical decisions are high association with intrapartum fetal distress and neona-
tal acidosis.22,23 We have proposed24 that this is possibly the
consequence of a combination of rapid placental function
Table 63.1 Summary of the main differences deterioration, lower tolerance to hypoxia in term fetuses,
between early- and late-onset forms of fetal growth and the more frequent presence of intense uterine contrac-
restriction tions at this pregnancy stage.
Umbilical artery Doppler of cases, abnormal DV precedes the loss of short-term vari-
UA Doppler is the only measure that provides both diag- ability in cCTG, and in about 90% of cases, it is abnormal
nostic and prognostic information for the management of 48–72 hours before the biophysical profile (BPP).18,40 Hence,
FGR. There is compelling evidence that using UA Doppler it is considered to provide a better window of opportunity
in high-risk pregnancies improves perinatal outcomes, with for delivering fetuses in critical conditions at very early ges-
a 29% reduction in perinatal deaths.25 Absent or reversed tational ages.
end-diastolic velocities, the end of the spectrum of the
abnormalities of the UA Doppler, have been reported to be
present, on average, 1 week before the acute deterioration.26 Aortic isthmus Doppler
There is an association between reversed end-diastolic flow This vessel reflects the balance between the impedance of
in the UA and adverse perinatal outcome (with a sensitivity the brain and systemic vascular systems.43,44 Reverse aortic
and specificity of about 60%), which seems to be indepen- isthmus (AoI) flow is a sign of advanced deterioration and a
dent of prematurity.27 After 30 weeks, the risk of stillbirth further step in the sequence starting with the UA and MCA
of a fetus with isolated reversed end-diastolic velocities in Doppler. AoI has a strong association with both adverse
the UA Doppler overcomes the risks of prematurity,28,29 and perinatal45 and neurological outcome.46 However, longitu-
therefore delivery seems justified. dinal studies show that the AoI precedes DV abnormalities
by 1 week,21,47 and consequently it is not as good to predict
the short-term risk of stillbirth.35 In contrast, AoI seems to
Middle cerebral artery Doppler/cerebralplacental ratio improve the prediction of neurological morbidity.30
MCA informs about the existence of brain vasodilation,
a surrogate marker of hypoxia. There is an association
between abnormal MCA-PI and adverse perinatal and neu- Fetal heart rate analysis and biophysical profile
rological outcome, but it is unclear whether delivering before Early studies on high-risk pregnancies showed that, though
term could add any benefit. MCA is particularly valuable highly sensitive, cardiotocography has a 50% rate of false
for the identification of6 and prediction of adverse outcome positives for the prediction of adverse outcome.48 In addi-
among30,31 late-onset FGR, independently of the UA Doppler, tion, a meta-analysis49 on high-risk pregnancies failed to
which is often normal in these fetuses. Fetuses with abnor- demonstrate any beneficial effect in reducing perinatal mor-
mal MCA-PI had a sixfold risk of emergency cesarean sec- tality. Hence, there is no evidence to support the use of tradi-
tion for fetal distress when compared with SGA fetuses with tional fetal heart rate (FHR) monitoring or “nonstress tests”
normal MCA-PI,32 which is particularly relevant because in FGR fetuses. A main limitation of CTG is the subjective
labor induction at term is the current standard of care of interpretation of the FHR, which is extremely challenging in
late-onset FGR.33–35 Late-FGR with abnormal MCA-PI has very preterm fetuses with a physiologically reduced variabil-
poorer neurobehavioral competence at birth and at 2 years of ity. cCGT has represented a step forward and has provided
age.23,36 MCA is considered a rather late manifestation, with new insights into the pathophysiology and management of
acceptable specificity but low sensitivity, which is improved FGR. cCGT evaluates short-term variability of the FHR, an
by the use of CPR. aspect that subjective evaluation cannot assess. Current evi-
The CPR improves remarkably the sensitivity of UA dence suggests that cCGT is sensitive to detect advanced fetal
and MCA alone. Thus, the CPR is already decreased when deterioration, and it provides a value similar to DV reverse
its individual components suffer mild changes but are still atrial flow for the short-term prediction of fetal death. Short-
within normal ranges.37,38 In late-onset SGA fetuses, abnor- tem variability becomes abnormal, coinciding with the DV,
mal CPR is present before delivery in 20%–25% of the cases,39 whereas in about half of cases, abnormal DV precedes the
and it is associated with a higher risk of adverse outcome at loss of short-term FHR variability; the latter is the first to
induction, although to a lesser degree than MCA.32 become abnormal in the other cases.18
Concerning BPP, it is calculated by combining ultra-
sound assessment of fetal tone and respiratory and body
Ductus venosus Doppler movements, with amniotic fluid index (AFI), and a conven-
DV is the strongest single Doppler parameter to pre- tional CTG. BPP was designed to improve the performance
dict the short-term risk of fetal death in early-onset FGR. of FHR. Early observational studies reported a very low
Longitudinal studies have demonstrated that DV flow wave- risk of false positives for acidosis and perinatal death, but
forms become abnormal only in advanced stages of fetal more recent studies on early-onset very preterm FGR fetuses
compromise.18,26,27,40 Absent-reversed velocities during atrial raise concerns over the false-positive rate, with up to 23% of
contraction are associated with perinatal mortality indepen- instances of IUFD in fetuses with BPP > 6 and 11% in those
dently of the gestational age at delivery,41 with a risk ranging with BPP > 8.50 A meta-analysis51 showed no significant ben-
from 40% to 100% in early-onset FGR.35,42 Thus, this sign is efit of BPP in high-risk pregnancies. Consequently, whenever
normally considered sufficient to recommend delivery at any Doppler expertise and/or cCTG is available, the incorpora-
gestational age, after completion of steroids. In about 50% tion of BPP in management protocols of FGR is questionable.
532 Fetal growth restriction
Amniotic fluid index point of view, the concerns of the clinician are to determine
AFI is used essentially as part of the BPP. Amniotic fluid vol- (1) whether there is an indication for elective delivery, i.e.,
ume is believed to be a chronic parameter. In fact, among the whether the risks of leaving the fetus in utero exceed those
components of BPP, it is the only one that is not considered of delivering electively, and (2) if there is not an indication
acute. A meta-analysis52 of 18 randomized studies demon- for elective delivery, when should be the next control sched-
strated that a reduced AFI is associated with an abnormal uled. Although when considered as groups there are clear
5-minute Apgar score, but there was no association with aci- differences between early-onset and late-onset forms, on
dosis or perinatal death in SGA (RR 1.6 [95% CI 0.9–2.6]). an individual basis there is important overlapping of clini-
Longitudinal studies in early-onset FGR fetuses have shown cal features at borderline gestational ages. In addition, cases
that the AFI fluid index progressively decreases.18 One week with the same gestational age at onset are often detected at
before acute deterioration, 20%–30% of cases have oligohy- different time points during gestation. Consequently, we
dramnios.18,40 There is limited evidence on the role of oli- believe it is most practical to define an integrated protocol
gohydramnios to predict perinatal complications in FGR for the management of FGR.
fetuses managed with Doppler so that its inclusion in man- As mentioned at the beginning of this chapter, FGR is
agement protocols is questionable. probably among the obstetrical entities with the greatest
variation in clinical practice. We have long stated that FGR
must be followed according to a stage-based protocol, which
Clinical management of FGR: integrates the best available evidence to indicate timing of
follow-up and delivery. In our experience, the application
Follow-up scheme and timing of of such protocol facilitates clinical management and com-
delivery munication among doctors about what “severity” means
and could largely reduce clinical practice variation.
No treatment has been demonstrated to be of benefit in Our suggested approach24 is to group in stages those
growth restriction.53–57 Thus, assessment of fetal well-being indices or signs that are associated with similar fetal risks,
and timely delivery remain as the main management strat- since they should indicate similar follow-up intervals and
egy. The aim behind a clinical protocol for managing FGR timing of delivery. Thus, we suggest to profile several stages,
is to combine existing evidence on various methods for or prognostic groups, which define different management
monitoring fetal well-being in order to establish the risks of strategies (Table 63.2):
fetal injury or death and to balance them against the risks of
prematurity if the fetus is delivered. SGA: Excluding infectious and genetic causes, the perinatal
As we have discussed earlier, the first aim after identify- results are good. Fortnightly Doppler and growth assess-
ing a “small fetus” is to distinguish between FGR and SGA. ment are standard practice. Labor induction should be
Once this distinction is established, from a conceptual recommended at 40 weeks. Fortnightly monitoring is safe.
Threshold could be tailored on parents’ wishes or adjusted according to local statistics of intact survival.
References 533
Stage I FGR (severe smallness or mild placental insufficiency): cesarean section after 30 weeks. Monitoring every 24–48
Either uterine artery, UA or MCA Doppler, or the CPR is is recommended.
abnormal. In the absence of other abnormalities, evidence Stage IV FGR (high suspicion of fetal acidosis and high risk
suggests a low risk of fetal deterioration before term. of fetal death): There are spontaneous FHR decelerations,
Labor induction beyond 37 weeks is acceptable, but the reduced short-term variability (<3 ms) in the cCTG, or
risk of intrapartum fetal distress is increased.51 Cervical reverse atrial flow in the DV Doppler. Spontaneous FHR
induction with Foley catheter may be recommended to deceleration is an ominous sign, normally preceded by
reduce the risk of hyperstimulation. Weekly monitoring the other two signs, and thus it is rarely observed, but
seems reasonable. if persistent it may justify emergency cesarean section.
Stage II FGR (severe placental insufficiency): This stage cCTG and DV are associated with very high risks of still-
is defined by UA AEDV or reverse AoI. Despite the birth within the next 3–7 days and disability. Deliver
evidence for UA AEDV being stronger than that for after 26 weeks by cesarean section at a tertiary care cen-
AoI, observational evidence suggests an association ter under steroid treatment for lung maturation. Intact
between the latter and abnormal neurodevelopment, survival exceeds 50% only after 26–28 weeks, and before
so that both criteria are put into a single category. this threshold, parents should be counseled by multidis-
Delivery should be recommended after 34 weeks. The ciplinary teams. Monitoring every 12–24 hours until is
risk of emergent cesarean section at labor induction recommended.
exceeds 50%, and therefore, elective cesarean section
is a reasonable option. Monitoring twice a week is Particularly at early gestational ages, and at whatever stage,
recommended. coexistence of severe PE may distort the natural history, and
Stage III FGR (advanced fetal deterioration, low-suspicion strict fetal monitoring is warranted since fetal deterioration
signs of fetal acidosis): The stage is defined by reverse may occur unexpectedly at any time.
diastolic flow in the UA (REDV) or DV-PI >95th centile. This management protocol is adjusted to available evi-
There is an association between a higher risk of still- dence at the time of writing this chapter. Obviously, as new
birth and poorer neurological outcome. However, since evidence becomes available, any protocol should be adapted
signs suggesting a very high risk of stillbirth within days accordingly. However, this should not affect the main phi-
are not present yet, it seems reasonable to delay elective losophy of structuring FGR in severity stages that determine
delivery to reduce as possible the effects of severe prema- the frequency of follow-up and the decision to wait versus
turity. We suggest delivery should be recommended by deliver electively.
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