Main Afs
Main Afs
Main Afs
The comparator based systems are suitable for dedicated applications in industries such as
process control, control of machine and equipments. In typical process control application
comparator continuously monitors one or more process variables and generates output to Electro-
mechanical elements which in turn control the process variables.
For the measurement of physical quantities transducers are used to give electrical signal
proportional to the input quantity which may be temperature or speed or other physical quantities.
The main Aim of the project “AUTOMATIC FAN SWITCHING” is to control temperature
of the thermal system of the industries, were temperature control is critical with aid of comparator
and peripherals. The application field of the project involves a wide range comprising house field,
medical field, industrial field and Research.
C.A.S. Malappuram 1
Automatic Fan Switching
(741-C Op-Amp)
‘NTC’ SCL 105)
C.A.S. Malappuram 2
Automatic Fan Switching
A thermistor is a type of resistor whose resistance varies significantly with temperature. The
word is a portmanteau of thermal and resistor. Thermistors are widely used as inrush current
limiters, temperature sensors, self-resetting overcurrent protectors, and self-regulating heating
Thermistors differ from resistance temperature detectors (RTD) in that the material used in a
thermistor is generally a ceramic or polymer, while RTDs use pure metals. The temperature
response is also different; RTDs are useful over larger temperature ranges, while thermistors
typically achieve a higher precision within a limited temperature range [usually −90 °C to 130 °C.
Thermistors can be classified into two types, depending on the sign of k. If k is positive, the
resistance increases with increasing temperature, and the device is called a positive temperature
coefficient (PTC) thermistor, or posistor. If k is negative, the resistance decreases with increasing
temperature, and the device is called a negative temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistor. Resistors
that are not thermistors are designed to have a k as close to zero as possible(smallest possible k), so
that their resistance remains nearly constant over a wide temperature range.
Here we use a THERMISTOR as a temperature sensor due to the availability and the cheap
rate. Here the thermistor is an NTC (Negative Temperature Coefficient) due to its character when
the temperature increases the resistances decreases into corresponding levels this major advantage
of thermistor we use for temperature sensing here also when the temperature increases then the
C.A.S. Malappuram 3
Automatic Fan Switching
resistance will decrease into corresponding level this varied output will given to the input of the
next stage. Here we used SCL 105 as thermistor
C.A.S. Malappuram 4
Automatic Fan Switching
• Cheap rate
• Large availability
• Small in size
C.A.S. Malappuram 5
Automatic Fan Switching
Operational amplifiers are important building blocks for a wide range of electronic circuits.
They had their origins in analog computers where they were used in many linear, non-linear and
frequency-dependent circuits. Their popularity in circuit design largely stems from the fact the
characteristics of the final elements (such as their gain) are set by external components with little
dependence on temperature changes and manufacturing variations in the op-amp itself.
Op-amps are among the most widely used electronic devices today, being used in a vast
array of consumer, industrial, and scientific devices. Many standard IC op-amps cost only a few
cents in moderate production volume; however some integrated or hybrid operational amplifiers
with special performance specifications may cost over $100 US in small quantities. Op-amps may
be packaged as components, or used as elements of more complex integrated circuits.
C.A.S. Malappuram 6
Automatic Fan Switching
• No latch-up
C.A.S. Malappuram 7
Automatic Fan Switching
A clipping circuit consists of linear elements like resistors and non-linear elements like
junction diodes or transistors, but it does not contain energy-storage elements like capacitors.
Clipping circuits are used to select for purposes of transmission, that part of a signal wave form
which lies above or below a certain reference voltage level. Thus a clipper circuit can remove
certain portions of an arbitrary waveform near the positive or negative peaks. Clipping may be
achieved either at one level or two levels. Usually under the section of clipping, there is a change
brought about in the wave shape of the signal.
Here we use diode as a clipping element to clip the negative portion from the out of the
comparator circuit for the proper switching action. Due to this clipping we get two stages (0 to +ve
C.A.S. Malappuram 8
Automatic Fan Switching
The signal from the temperature sensor is in the order of small voltage range. So the signal
has to amplify with a particular range. And this amplified signal is fed into 12v relay.
TIP122 is a standard type of NPN bipolar junction transistor used for medium power linear
switching applications
C.A.S. Malappuram 9
Automatic Fan Switching
A type of relay that can handle the high power required to directly drive an electric motor is
called a contactor. Solid-state relays control power circuits with no moving parts, instead using a
semiconductor device to perform switching. Relays with calibrated operating characteristics and
sometimes multiple operating coils are used to protect electrical circuits from overload or faults; in
modern electric power systems these functions are performed by digital instruments still called
"protective relays".
C.A.S. Malappuram 10
Automatic Fan Switching
Power supply is an essential part of every electronic equipment. Since the healthy
functioning of all stages in the equipment requires a well designed power supply. The design of a
particular power supply is influenced by great many things like voltages required, current ratings
power drawn and the percent of regulation required. Generally kind of power supply used in an
instrument is of fixed voltage type, since the various voltages required at various points already
However in rare case, a facility to vary the power supply voltage may be provided higher
load as well as line regulation along with the mains isolation.
All the power supply requirements could be met by +12,-12v regulated power supply. Hence
a power supply of above said voltages and capable of supplying a current 3A was developed
extensively for our project
Capacitor filter has been used in this design from the view point of economy and the
compactness. Though very simple, capacitor (220 µF) filter provides excellent filtering action. A
0.1 µF capacitor connected in parallel with this 2200 µF serves to eliminate RF interference which
may be picked up by any part of the mains cord, power transmission line, transformer etc. This filter
DC is given to three terminal IC, which provides steability to the output voltage. Again the
regulator output voltage further filtered using capacitor of 22 µF at the output of the regulator.
C.A.S. Malappuram 11
Automatic Fan Switching
This circuit will turn off/on 12V dc fan, when temperature above normal temperature.
Here, first we apply a voltage in the inverting terminal slightly more than non inverting
terminal. Now the comparator output is in negative saturation. In this circuit we use an NTC in the
non-inverting terminal. Which is a thermistor is one which the zero power resistance decreases with
increasing temperature, when we heat the thermistor the drop will be decreased and the comparator
now is in positive saturation. For proper switching action we use a negative clipper at the output of
the comparator. And then it is fed to an amplifier, which is a power transistor (TIP122). This
amplified signal will switch the relay into 12v. This voltage will turn on the fan.
According to the nature of thermistor the value of the resistance will vary into separate
levels. Due to this variation the comparator output is also vary. This output is used to control the fan
automatically with varying temperature at the thermistor.
C.A.S. Malappuram 12
Automatic Fan Switching
We have one in through knowledge of the project the difference components required and
their designs for their proper function. The circuit diagram is obtained according to the
requirements and it is developed in PCB.
• Wikipedia (
C.A.S. Malappuram 13
Automatic Fan Switching
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