Experiment - 1: Theory

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Experiment -1

Aim :
To verify Norton’s theorem

Apparatus :
1.DC regulated power supply of 12V

2.Two meters are mounted on the front panel to measure value of voltage and


3.Different types of resisters are mounted behind the front panel.

4.circuit diagram for Norton’s apparatus printed (tolerance +/- 10 %)


Theory :
Norton’s theorem states:
‘The current that flows in any branch of a network is the same as that which
would flow in the branch if it were connected across a source of electrical
energy, the short-circuit current of which is equal to the current that would
flow in a short-circuit across the branch, and the internal impedance of which
is equal to the impedance which appears across the open-circuited branch

The above statement simply means that any linear active network with output
terminals AB, as shown in Figure 1(a), can be replaced by a current source in
parallel with an impedance z as shown inFigure1(b). The equivalent current
source I SC is the current through a short-circuit applied to the terminals of the
network. The impedance z is the equivalent impedance of the network at the
terminals AB when all internal sources of e.m.f. are made zero. Figure 1(b) is
known as the Norton equivalent circuit.
The following four-step procedure may be adopted when determining the
current flowing in an impedance Z L of a branch AB of an active network, using
Norton’s theorem:
i) short-circuit branch AB;
ii) determine the short-circuit current I SC ;
iii) remove each source of e.m.f. and replace it by its internal impedance (or, if
a current source exists, replace with an open circuit), then determine the
impedance, z, ‘looking in’ at a break made between A and B;
iv) determine the value of the current i L flowing in impedance Z L from the
Norton equivalent network shown in Figure 1(c), i.e.,

Procedure :
1. Form the circuit as shown in figure using Norton’s Theorem
2. Step I :Open load and measure voltage across open end X and Y as
shown in fig (2)
Open circuit voltage V oc across R H = V Nor Volts
3. Step II :Now disconnect the voltage source and short the A and B points
as shown in circuit diagram, fig 3 (with R l open circuit).Now measure the
resistance at X and Y,R nor

Formula Used :

Voc =open circuit voltage =V nor

R Nor = Norton’s equivalent resistance

I sc = Short circuit current.

I Nor = Isc= V nor/R nor

Load Current , I L = Isc * R nor/(R nor + R L)

Pregiven Data :
V Nor =

Isc =

R1 =

R2 =

R3 =

R4 =

RL1 =

RL2 =

RL3 =

Precautions :
1. Connect the circuit as shown
2. The circui t should be neat and clean.
3. Short the Circuit while measuring Resistance.

Result :
Norton’s Theorem is verified
Aim :
To verify Norton’s Theorem

Apparatus :
DC regulated power supply of 12 V, voltmeter, Ammeter
,Multimeter,Resistor,connecting wires

Circuit Diagram :

Calculations and observations:

R Nor = Nortons’s Equivalent Resistance

Short circuit current =I nor=Isc =Vnor/Rnor

V nor= ; Isc =
Now circuit may be replaced by

I L = Isc *R nor / ( R nor +R L)

Observation Table :

Sno Load Resistance RL IL (mA)


Calculated Value :
RL 1 = Ω

IL 1 = mA

RL 2 = Ω

IL 2 = mA

RL 3 = Ω

IL 3 = mA

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