12 Week Bikini

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This workout, designed by womens bikini
competitor Traisha Martin, is the exact workout Main Goal: Lose Fat Time Per Workout: 30-90 Mins
she has been following while on her bikini Training Level: Intermediate Equipment: Barbell, Cables,
competition prep.
Program Duration: 12 Weeks Dumbbells, EZ Bar, Machines
Link to Workout: https://www.muscleandstrength.com/ Days Per Week: 5 Days Author: Traisha Martin

Day 1: Shoulders
Exercise Sets Reps Rest
1. Arnold Press 5 8 40 Secs

2. Smith Machine Shoulder Press 5 8 10 - 15 Secs

3. Strict Overhead Press 5 8, 5, 3, 5, Failure 1 - 2 Mins

4. Single Arm Lateral Machine Press 5 8 Alternate

5. Partial Lateral Raise 3 Failure Alternate

Day 2: Back
Exercise Sets Reps Rest
1. Lat Pull Down 5 8 40 - 60 Secs
2. Hammer Strength High Row Ma-
5 8 40 - 60 Secs
3. Underhand Barbell Row 5 8 40 - 60 Secs

4. Rear Delt Fly Machine 5 8 40 - 60 Secs

5. Lying Dumbbell Pullover 2 50 40 - 60 Secs

Day 3: Legs
Exercise Sets Reps Rest
1. Box Squats 3 12 2 - 3 Mins

2. Deadlifts 3 12 2 - 3 Mins

3. Reverse Hack Squat 3 12 2 - 3 Mins

4a. Goblet Squat 5 8 2 - 3 Mins

4b. Squat Jumps 5 8 40 - 60 Secs

5. Glute Bridges 2 Failure 40 - 60 Secs

Focus on clenching your glutes at the top of each movement (other than the Squat Jumps).

Day 4: Arms
Exercise Sets Reps Rest
1. EZ Bar Curls 5 8 40 Secs

2. Alternating Dumbbell Curls 5 8 40 Secs

3. Straight Bar Tricep Pressdown 5 8 40 Secs

4. Tricep Cable Overhead Extension 5 8 40 Secs

5a. Rope Tricep Pressdown 3 8 40 Secs

5b. 5 Secs Isometric Bicep 3 8 No Rest

The last exercise is meant to completely exhaust the muscle, no rest. For Bicep Contractions, you can use a
resistance band and hold the biceps in a completely contracted position for 5 Secs.

Day 5: Autoregulation
Exercise Sets Reps
Freestyle exercises for 45 Mins to 1 Hr. This is a good opportunity to add in some
chest exercises based on your individual needs/goals, or you can focus on other lagging
muscle groups. Just be sure to get in there and put in the work!


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