Fuel - Gas - KOD - Wobbe - Index - Variation - Limiting - Design
Fuel - Gas - KOD - Wobbe - Index - Variation - Limiting - Design
Fuel - Gas - KOD - Wobbe - Index - Variation - Limiting - Design
Rotating Equipment
H. PANDYA, Saipem India Projects Pvt. Ltd.,
New Delhi, India; and A. M. FANTOLINI,
Saipem, Milan, Italy
tion, the average pressure drop across the The number and arrangement of the V Volume, m3
F Feed flow, m3/s
holes will be large compared to the pres- holes are selected to have minimum mal- t Time, sec
sure variation over the length of pipe. The distribution. n Number of compartments
total pressure drop in the riser should be Δp, Δpo Pressure drop, Pa
vi Riser inlet gas velocity, m/s
less than 10% of the pressure drop across Bottom section—KOD design. Once vo Gas velocity through hole, m/s
the holes. This will cause a relatively small- the diameter of the mixing section is cal- ρ Gas density, kg/m3
er variation in the pressure drop across the culated, the design of the bottom section f Fanning friction factor
holes and, hence, smaller flow variation. can be performed by using the same diam- Co Orifice discharge coefficient
Re Reynolds number
The pressure drop through the hole is: eter as the top section. L Length of section of riser pipe, m
1 vo2 The estimated diameter for the mix- d Diameter of riser pipe, m
po = (17) ing drum is generally sufficient for the D Diameter of vessel, m
C02 2 separation of droplets less than 200 μm, LITERATURE CITED
The riser pipe size is normally the although it is necessary to verify if this D. W. Green and R. H. Perry, Perry’s Chemical
Engineers Handbook, 8th Edition, 2008, McGraw-Hill.
same as the feed nozzle size. Holes are ar- condition is respected. Other process de-
ranged in multiple rows and the number sign details, such as the distance between HITESH PANDYA, a senior principal
of holes in a row may vary between vari- bottom tangent line and inlet nozzle, the engineer at Saipem India Projects
ous compartments. The hole diameter holdup volume, the height of the liquid Pvt. Ltd, has over 12 years of
experience in the oil and gas
and number of holes are assumed, and the levels (alarms), etc., can be followed as per industries in the fields of
pressure drops in the riser and holes are best engineering practices in the industry. engineering design and operation.
calculated using Eqs. 15, 16 and 17. The last step is to optimize the L/D He holds a BTech degree in
chemical engineering from Banaras Hindu University.
The percentage of maldistribution in ratio to have vessel dimensions acceptable
the riser pipe is calculated as follows: for the mechanical design. ANTON MARCO FANTOLINI is
the LNG technology projects
Percent maldistribution =100 ABBREVIATIONS manager at Saipem Corporate.
LHV Lower heating value of fuel, Btu/SCF After graduating with a degree
1 (po p ) (18) T Absolute temperature, °R in chemical engineering, he
SG Specific gravity of fuel relative to air gained 18 years of experience
po at ISO conditions in the oil and gas industry,
R Rate of change, %/sec along with specific knowledge of LNG plant design.