Yoga Flow

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Detailed Yoga Routine

Warming up

I. Tune In
Lay on back - Eyes Closed- Deep Breaths (Ujjayi) -to-

II. Series To Energize (Kundalini)

Stretch Pose (Breath Of Fire) -to-
Nose To Knee Pose (Breath of Fire) -to-
Spinal Roll (a few times) -to-
Easy Pose -to-
Ego Eradicator (Breath of Fire) -to- Easy Pose (Prayanama: Kapalbhati Breath)

III. Sun Salutation

Mountain Pose -to- Extended Mountain -to- Forward Fold -to- Deep Forward Fold -to-
Forward Fold -to- Plank -to- Chaturanga -to- Upward Dog -to- Downward Dog -to-
Forward Fold -to- Deep Forward Fold -to- Forward Fold -to- Extended Mountain -
Mountain -to-

IV. Yogic Pushups

Forward Fold -to- Plank -to- Chaturanga -to- Upward Dog -to- Downward Dog -to- Plank
(repeat from Plank 5 -10 times) -to- Cobra (hold) -to- Childʼs Pose (relax)

use Ujjayi breathing during practice unless indicated

I. Standing Poses
Mountain Pose (return to Mountain between each pose) -to-
Warrior 1 -to- Warrior 3 (repeat on each side) -to-
Eagle -to-
Chair -to-
Triangle (or revolved) - directly to-
Half Moon (or revolved) -to-

II. Backbends
Bow Pose (Rocking) -to-
Cat-Dog -to- Childʼs Pose -to-
Hero Pose -to-
-Camel -hold- (alternate Between breath of Fire and Long Deep Breaths) -to-
Hero -to- Cat/Dog -to- Hero -to-
-Reclining Hero -to-
Hero -to- Childʼs Pose (relax, deep breaths)
Detailed Yoga Routine

III. Seated Postures: Forward Bends, Hip Openers and Twists

Easy Seated Pose -to- Forward Bend while still in Easy Pose (Repeat Each Side) -to-
Staff Pose -to-
Double Leg Forward Stretch (Hold)
Butterfly Stretch -to-
Cobblerʼs Pose (bending forward) -to- Hero Pose -to- Cat/Dog -to- Downward Dog -to-
Downward Pigeon (hold 5-10 minutes) -to-
Spinal Twist (Binding) (repeat Downward Pigeon/Spinal Twist on Each Side) -to- Boat
Pose -to- Reversed Pigeon (repeat each side) -to- Butterfly Stretch -to- Skylark
-to- Half Lotus (stay in pose while Alternate Nostril Breathing)

IV. Inversions and Arm Balances

Shoulder stand -to-
Plough Pose -to-
Shoulder Stand -to-
Fish Pose -to-
Extended Fish -to- Easy Pose -to-
Crow -to- Childʼs pose (relax)

V. Savasana
*Preparation: Lay On Back -to- Knees to Chest -to- Revolved Abdomen Twist (repeat
each side) -to- Knees to Chest (rock back and forth)- Lay flat on back- Stretch Ankles/
Wrist - Warm Hands, cover eyes (Pranamaya: Cooling Breath) -to-

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