Grade 11 - Ethics
Grade 11 - Ethics
Grade 11 - Ethics
An identity of a person includes his/her personal information such as a name, surname, address, date of
birth etc.
A digital identity is created by the user for social media or by third parties for electronic identity for
A digital footprint refers to all information that can be found relating to someone on internet, including
personal information, photos, videos and other data.
Digital Privacy:
Netiquette is the term which defines rules for online behavior. It is a combination of the words network
and etiquette. The rules of online behavior mainly relate to communication by email, instant messaging,
chatting, forums, blogs and social media sites.
Rules of netiquette
Follow the same rules of good behavior that we use in real life.
Respect other people’s privacy.
Use appropriate language.
Do not use copyrighted material.
Don’t spam and don’t follow/send chain emails
Don’t participate in flame wars.
It is any act of aggression, harassment, behavior that is instituted and implemented using digital
communication devices such as internet and mobile phones. It occurs through SMS, emails, chat rooms,
social media, and forums.
Cyberbullying causes:
Software License
Software license is the term that describes the legal rights the users have in using, editing and
distributing software. These rights are defined by the original software developer.
2. Proprietary: Software is owned by the company which developed it. To use it we need to buy
the license to use the software. Copying, distribution, modification and distributing is not
Digital Divide (Technology gap)
It is the social issue referring to the difference in the amount of information available to those who have
access to computers and the internet and those who do not have access.
The digital divide should be made smaller. The Europe 2020 initiative consists of a ten-year jobs and
growth strategy for the EU.