Rebiewer Oblicon
Rebiewer Oblicon
Rebiewer Oblicon
Article 1156. An obligation is a juridical necessity to give, to do or not (1) As a general rule, the law does not require any form in
to do. obligations arising from contracts for their validity or
binding force. (see art 1356)
“Obligatio” – Latin word meaning tying or binding (2) Obligations arising from other sources (Art. 1157.) do not
have any form at all.
“Obligation is a LEGAL RELATION established between one party
and another whereby the latter is bound to the fulfillment of a Obligation, right and wrong (cause of action distinguished)
PRESTATION (the conduct which has to be observed by the
Debtor/Obligor) which the former may demand from him (1) Obligation is the act or performance which the law will
(2) Right, on the other hand, is the power which a person has
Juridical Necessity – in case of non-compliance the courts may call under the law, to demand from another any prestation.
upon to enforce its fulfillment or, the economic value it represents. (3) A wrong (cause of action), according to its legal meaning, is
an act or omission of one party in violation of the legal right
or rights of another, causing injury to the latter.
Damages – represents the SUM OF MONEY given as a
compensation for the injury or harm suffered by the “In a breach of contract, the contract violated is the subject
creditor/oblige for the violation of his rights. matter, while the breach thereof by the obligor is the cause of
Creditor or Obligee – he who has the RIGHT TO THE PERFORMANCE Subject matter – the item with respect to which the controversy
of the Obligation. has arisen or concerning which the wrong has been done, and is
ordinarily the right, the thing or the contract under dispute.
Debtor or Obligor – he who has the Obligation to comply otherwise
shall be visited by Harmful/ Undesirable Legal Consequences
(4) Juridical Tie/Legal Tie – EFFICIENT CAUSE or that system and which matters are conducted>
House – object/prestation
Injury – is the legal invasion of a legal right; it is the wrongful Art. 1158. Obligations derived from LAW are not presumed. Only
act or omission which causes loss or harm to another; while those expressly determined in the CC or in special laws <other laws
damage is the loss, hurt, or harm which results from the no in CC> are demandable and shall be regulated by the percepts
injury. On the other hand, damages denote the sum of of the law which establishes them; as to what has not been
money recoverable as amends for wrongful act or omission; foreseen, by the provisions of this book.
Art.19. Every Person must in the exercise of his rights and in the
performance of his duties, act with justice, give everyone his due
and observe honesty and good faith.