Pub002 023 00 1299
Pub002 023 00 1299
Pub002 023 00 1299
Installation and
Maintenance Instructions
Health and Safety
This manual is produced to enable If the actuator has nameplates very well invalidate the conditions WARNING
a competent user to install, indicating that it is suitable for under which the certification was Motor Temperatures
operate, adjust and inspect Rotork installation in Hazardous Gas Areas granted With excessive use motor surface
IQ range valve actuators. then the actuator is suitable for use temperature could reach 132° C.
Access to live electrical conductors
in Zone 1 and Zone 2 explosive
The electrical installation, atmospheres only. They should not of the actuator is forbidden in the Should further information and
maintenance and use of these hazardous area unless this is done guidance relating to the safe
be installed in atmospheres where
actuators should conform to the gases are present with an ignition under a special permit to work, installation, maintenance and use
requirements of the “Electricity at otherwise all power should be of the Rotork IQ Range actuator be
temperature less than 135° C.
Work Regulations 1989” and the unless suitability for lower ignition isolated and the actuator removed required, this will be provided on
guidance given in the “16th edition to a non hazardous area for repair request.
temperatures has been indicated
of the IEEE Wiring Regulations”, on the actuator nameplate. Any test or attention.
also any other National legislation
applicable. The user should
therefore make himself familiar with
instruments applied to the actuator
should be of equivalent certification.
Only persons competent by virtue
of their training and experience WARNING:
The electrical installation, should be allowed to install, With respect to the handwheel
these regulations and other maintenance and the use of these operation of Rotork electric
Statutory Provisions relating to the maintain and repair these actuators
actuators should be carried out in and they should carry out this work actuators, under no
safe use of this equipment. Also accordance with BS 5345 Part 1 circumstances should any
the user should be fully aware of in accordance with the instructions additional leaver device such
1976 and BS 5345 Part 3 1979. given in the manual. The user and as a wheel-key or wrench be
his duties under the Health and
Safety Act 1974. No inspection or repair should be those persons working on this applied to the handwheel or
equipment should be familiar with in order to develop more force
undertaken unless it conforms to
The mechanical installation should their responsibilities under the when closing or opening the valve
the requirements given in these as this may cause damage to the
be carried out as outlined in the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act
standards, and under no valve and/or actuator or may cause
manual and also in accordance circumstances should any 1974 and relevant Statutory
with the relevant British Standard Provisions relating to their work. the valve to become stuck in the
modification or alteration be carried seated/backseated position.
Codes of Practice. out on the actuator as this could
2 3 Operating your
Storage IQ Actuatory
If your actuator cannot be installed 3.1 Operating by Hand 3.2 Operating Electrically
immediately store it in a dry place
until you are ready to wire up. Check that supply voltage agrees
with that stamped on the actuator
If the actuator has to be installed
nameplate. Switch on power
but cannot be wired up it is supply. It is not necessary to check
recommended that the plastic
phase rotation.
transit cable entry plugs are
replaced with metal plugs which are Do not operate the actuator
sealed with PTFE tape. electrically without first
checking, using the infra-red
The Rotork double sealed
setting tool, that at least the
construction will preserve internal primary settings have been Fig. 2
electrical components perfectly if
Fig. 1 made. (See section 8)
left undisturbed. Local Control
To engage handwheel drive Selecting Local/Stop/Remote With the red selector positioned at
It is not necessary to remove any
depress the hand/auto lever into Operation Local (clockwise) the adjacent
electrical compartment covers in
“hand” position and turn the black knob can be turned to select
order to commission the IQ The lower, red selector enables
actuator. handwheel to engage the clutch, either Local or Remote control, Open or Close, for Stop turn red
the lever can now be released and knob anti-clockwise.
lockable in each position using a
Rotork cannot accept responsibility it will return to it's original position. padlock with a 6.5mm hasp.
for deterioration caused on site Handwheel will remain engaged Remote Control
The Stop facility is still available. Rotate the red selector to the
once the covers are removed. until the actuator is operated The selector can also be locked in
electrically when it will Remote position (anti-clockwise),
Every Rotork actuator has been the Stop position to prevent this gives remote control only for
automatically disengage and return electrical operation by Local or
fully tested before leaving the to motor drive. If required the Open and Close but local Stop can
factory to give years of trouble free Remote control. still be used by turning the red
Hand/auto lever can be locked in
operation providing it is correctly, either position using a padlock with knob clockwise.
commissioned installed and sealed.
a 7mm hasp.
3.3 Local Valve Position Indication On power up the actuator's liquid Open Closed
crystal display screen is back-lit Red indicator and open symbol Green indicator and closed symbol
with a "soft amber" light and one of displayed displayed
the indicator lamps will be on,
dependent on position. The display
screen will show percentage open
or an end of travel symbol.
(See Figs. 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3)
Preparing Drive Bush
4.1 IQ7 to IQ35 - Before machining the drive bush, Re-Assembly This clip need not be removed
Thrust Base Types “A & Z” remove the thrust bearing from it
1. Remove all swarf from the drive
as follows:-
Removal of drive bush for bush, ensuring that the “O” rings
machining 1. Locate and loosen the grub on the drive bush and bearing
Bronze bush fitted into thrust taking screw in the steel bearing stop stop rings are in good condition,
ring. clean and greased.
2. Slide bearing onto drive bush
and ensure that it is fitted down
to the shoulder.
3. Screw bearing stop ring with the
grub screws uppermost onto the
drive bush, tighten down and
lock with one grub screw.
4. Refit the drive bush assembly Fig.7
into the base casting on the A cast mounting plate is fitted to
Fig. 6 actuator, ensuring that the slots the actuator, which need not be
in the drive bush are located into removed.
2. Unscrew the bearing stop ring the drive dogs of the hollow Removal
from the drive bush, slide the output shaft. Removal of the drive bush requires
bearing off the drive bush. Keep it to be tapped out from the top
5. Refit the base plate and secure
the stop ring and bearing in a with cap headed screws. (handwheel end). Insert a suitable
safe, clean place ready for drift down the hollow output shaft
Fig. 5 4.2 IQ7 to IQ35 -
Turn actuator onto it's side, remove re-assembly. and drive out.
Non-Thrust Base Types “B”
the two cap head screws holding 3. Machine the drive bush to suit Re-Fit
base plate onto thrust base, pull Actuators for non-thrust
the valve stem, ensure that the Machine the drive bush to suit,
out the drive bush complete with applications have a steel bush with
male thread on the bush is not clean, grease and re-fit by tapping
it's bearing assembly. a spring clip.
damaged. back into the actuator output shaft.
4.3 IQ40 to IQ95
Thrust Base Types “A & Z”
Removal of drive bush for
Engage “hand” and turn handwheel
until retainer set screw is visible
through hole in actuator base.
Fig. 8
Loosen set screw and unscrew
retainer using hammer and punch.
Remove drive bush and machine
Fig. 10 Fig. 12 Fig. 14
to suit valve stem or gearbox input
Type A drive bush Type A drive bush in position 2 Type Z3 drive bush in position 3
If the actuator has a type A drive If the actuator has a type Z3 drive
Allow generous clearance on bush, this can be fitted in position bush (Fig. 13) this can only be fitted
screw thread for old rising stem 1 or 2 to suit the position of the below the actuator base (Fig. 14).
valves. valve mounting flange.
Re-Assembly 4.4 IQ40 to IQ95 Type B3 & B4
Non-Thrust Base Types “B”
Having confirmed the position Identical drive bushes secured by
required, insert the machined drive Type B1 cap headed screws.
bush ensuring that the actuator
B3 is supplied pre-machined to
output shaft dogs are in full Output shaft bored and keyed to
engagement with the bush. ISO 5210 standard. There is no ISO 5210 standard.
Fit drive bush retainer securely, drive bush to machine. B4 is supplied blank and must be
turning clockwise until fully machined to suit the input shaft of
tightened using hammer and the gearbox or valve that it will
punch. Rotate by hand wheel to drive.
align retainer set screw with hole in
the side of base and lock tight.
Fig. 17
B3/B4 Drive Bush in Situ.
Fig. 16
B3/B4 Drive Bush
Fig. 15
Mounting the Actuator
5.1 Rising Stem Valves - Fit the machined drive nut into the the drive dogs on the actuator 5.2 Valve with Gearbox -
Top Mounting thrust base as previously output shaft engage into the drive Side Mounting
described, lower the actuator onto nut. Actuator flange should now be
Check that the mounting flange is
a) Fitting the Actuator and Base the threaded valve stem, engage flush with base flanges.
at right angles to the input shaft,
as Combined Unit. “hand” and wind the handwheel in
and that the drive bush fits the
All Actuator Sizes the opening direction to engage
shaft and keyway with adequate
the nut onto the stem. Continue
axial engagement. Engage “hand”,
winding until the actuator is firmly
offer up actuator to the input shaft
down on the valve flange. Wind two
and turn handwheel to align
further turns, fit securing bolts and
keyway and key. Tighten mounting
tighten fully.
b) Fitting Thrust Base to Valve. 5.3 Non Rising Stem Valves -
Actuator sizes :- 7 to 35 only Top Mounting
Fit the machined drive bush into Treat as for side mounting except
the thrust base as previously that when thrust is taken in the
described. Remove the thrust base actuator, a thrust nut must be fitted
from the actuator, place it on the above the drive bush and securely
threaded valve stem with the tightened.
Fig. 19 slotted end of the drive bush
5.4 Handwheel Sealing
uppermost and turn it in the
Fig. 20
opening direction to engage the Ensure that sealing plug in centre
thread. Continue turning until the Continue to turn actuator until of handwheel (or spindle cover
base is positioned onto the valve fixing holes align. Using bolts tube depending on which is fitted)
flange. Fit securing bolts but do not supplied fix actuator to thrust base is sealed with PTFE tape and fully
tighten at this stage. Lower the and tighten down. Open valve by tightened, ensuring that moisture
actuator onto the thrust base and two turns and firmly tighten down does not pass down the centre
rotate the complete actuator until fixings onto valve flange. column of the actuator.
5.5 IQM Modulating Actuators 5.6 IQML Linear Drive Unit 5.7 Adjusting Linear Stroke
The IQM range of actuators are Consists of a lead screw assembly With actuator securely fitted to
suitable for modulating control duty arrangement attached to the base valve, but with the linear drive
of up to 1200 starts per hour in of the actuator in order to provide a disconnected, ensure valve is at its
accordance with IEC 34-1 to S4 linear output stroke between 8mm fully closed (Down) position.
50%. (3/8in) minimum and 120mm Remove cover tube from actuator
IQM actuators have a dynamic (4 3/4in) maximum. and wheel, locate the down stop
braking facility as standard. If The IQML can be supplied with or adjustment on the linear drive unit
mechanical overrun of the actuator without a yoke mounting adaptor, and with two spanners loosen the
and valve prove to be excessive for this adaptor consists of four pillars lock nut, run the lock nut and
accurate control, the brake can be and a base flange to suit the valve. tubular down stop to the end of the
enabled by fitting a link to the Fig. 22 IQML without Yoke thread.
actuator terminal block as indicated
by the wiring diagram. With
dynamic braking enabled, motor
heating effects increase and
therefore the number of actuator
starts should be reduced to
prevent motor thermostat tripping.
(Refer to publication E 410E for more
Commissioning of IQM range
actuators is identical to the
standard IQ.
(Refer to sections 7/8/9)
Fig. 21 IQML with Yoke
Fig. 23 Down stop 2 spanners
Turn the actuator hand wheel lubrication of the lead screw.
clockwise, linear drive will go down Periodically, dependant on usage
toward valve spindle, couple linear and temperature, apply two pumps
drive to valve spindle. of a grease gun.
Turn the tubular down stop
clockwise into the actuator until it
comes to a mechanical stop. If the
valve must close onto its seat by
“TORQUE ACTION” then back off
(anti-clock) the down stop by one
third of one turn (equivalent to
1mm). Run the lock nut down onto
the tubular down stop and tighten
with two spanners. There is no “up
stop” (open) on the linear drive
unit, the mechanical stop in the
valve will give this position. Refit
the top cover tube to the
handwheel using teflon tape to
seal the thread.
The linear drive unit is pre-packed
with grease type Rocol MTS 1000,
use this or an equivalent high
temperature bearing grease.
A grease Nipple is situated in the
base of the actuator to enable
Wiring Up
Check that the supply voltage A plastic bag in the terminal threaded adaptors and cable glands
agrees with that stamped on compartment contains :- are tight and fully waterproof. Seal
actuator nameplate. Terminal screws and washers unused conduit entries with a steel
Spare cover “O” ring seal, Wiring or brass threaded plug.
6.1 Earth/Ground Connections diagram and Instruction book. 6.4 Connecting Terminals
A lug with a 6mm diameter hole is 6.3 Cable Entry On EExde enclosure units
cast adjacent to the conduit entries connections to the power and
for attachment of an external control terminals must be made
earthing strap by a nut and bolt. using pre-insulated ring tags with a
An internal earth terminal is also maximum tag thickness of 1mm for
provided. Fig. 24
control and 2mm for power.
The wiring code card fixed in the Refer to the wiring diagram inside
6.2 Removing Terminal Cover cover is particular to each actuator the terminal cover to identify
Using a 6mm allen key loosen the and must not be interchanged with functions of terminals. Check that
4 captive screws evenly. Do not any other actuator. If in doubt supply voltage is the same as that
attempt to lever off the cover with a check the serial number on the marked on the actuator nameplate.
screwdriver as this will damage the code card with that of the actuator. Remove power terminal screen.
“O” ring seal and may damage the Begin by connecting these cables
Fig. 26
flamepath on a certified unit. and replace screen. When all
WARNING connections are made ensure
Actuators containing a setting tool Ensure all cables to be terminated wiring diagram is replaced in the
fitted to the inside of the terminal are electrically isolated. terminal compartment.
compartment cover are identified Only Explosion proof certified entry
with a self adhesive yellow label on 6.5 Replacing Terminal Cover
reducers and glands may be used
the outside of the terminal in hazardous locations. Ensure cover “O” ring seal and
compartment cover. Remove red plastic transit plugs. spigot joint are in good condition
Make cable entries appropriate to and lightly greased before re-fitting
Fig. 25 the cable type and size. Ensure that cover.
7.7 Procedure Branch - Cross-road 7.8 The Actuator Display: mode the settings cannot be 7.9 Returning to
Setting / Checking Mode altered. Valve Position Display
With procedure branch [Cr] In setting mode, once displayed, a
displayed: (Refer to 7.6 page 15) Actuator functions as laid out in the new setting can be entered into the There are four ways of returning to
Primary and Secondary valve position display:
actuator memory by
Commissioning stages, can be pressing the key. The setting 1. Approximately 5 minutes after
individually displayed by using the the last setting tool operation the
will flash off and back on,
Setting tool arrow keys. confirming its selection. display will automatically return
The arrow key will always display to position display.
the FIRST function on the next TOP PORTION 2. Press the and arrow keys
level DOWN within the procedure. Function e.g together.
The arrow key will always tC = Torque Close 3. Press the arrow key until the
display the NEXT function on the display returns to position.
To access the primary settings
press the arrow key. SAME level and will wrap around LOWER PORTION 4. With any actuator Function
the functions on same level. The Function Setting Screen displayed, select Remote
(Refer to Section 8) actuator display indicator lamps will e.g. Value = 40% Control using the red
Commissioning Primary continue to indicate valve position. Local/Stop/Remote selector.
Functions Typical Actuator Function Display -
Actuator functions are displayed in
To access the secondary settings code form in the top portion of the Setting Mode Enabled
press the arrow key. liquid crystal display screen.
The setting for the displayed
(Refer to Section 9)
function is shown in the lower
Commissioning Secondary
portion of the screen. Depending
on the actuator function displayed,
its setting may be an option or a
value. In setting mode the setting
tool or keys will cause the
setting to be changed. In checking
8 Commisioning
Primary Functions
The actuators Primary Function Viewing the Primary
settings affect the correct operation Function Settings
of the valve by the actuator. If the
actuator has been supplied with With the actuator mounted on the
valve, the mains supply on and
the valve, the valve maker or
supplier may have already made local or stop control selected, point
the Setting Tool at the actuator
these settings.
indicator window from a distance of
ELECTRICAL OPERATION MUST less than 0.75m. By pressing the
NOT TAKE PLACE UNTIL THE key and when appropriate,
PRIMARY SETTINGS HAVE the key, it is possible to move
BEEN MADE AND CHECKED. through the procedure, displaying
the various functions and their
This instruction assumes Setting
settings as shown in Fig. 29, page
mode has been entered (Refer to 18. The right-hand side of Fig. 29
7.4 page 15) and that full primary
explains the function of each LCD
settings must be set/checked. display.
Fig. 28
PrimaryFunction Settings
Function Settings
Positional Display Refer to section 7
(This may be an open or closed
Commissioning Information
50 symbol or a percentage open value).
Direction to Close
The actuator can be configured to be Using the or key, display Having ensured that the display
clockwise or anti-clockwise to close. character conforming to correct corresponds to the established
Manually operate actuator and valve closing direction. closing direction.
to establish correct closing direction.
If the handwheel labelling is found PRESS THE KEY
to be incorrect please apply to The displayed option will flash,
Rotork for conversion labels. indicating that it has been set.
C1 C2 C3
[A] in the setting field indicating
tC tO anti-clockwise to close.
Close Action
The actuator can be configured to (Refer to valve manufacturer for Using the or key, display the NOTE: When set to close on
close on torque for seating valves recommended selection). desired option. torque, the actuator will apply the
and limit for non-seating valves. value of torque as set for [tC] in
In the absence of valvemaker seating the valve.
50 instructions refer to the following (Refer to tC page 22)
Open Action
The actuator can be configured to Using the or key display the NOTE: When set to open on
open on torque for back seating desired option. torque, the actuator will apply the
valves or limit for non back seating value of torque as set for [tO] in
valves (Refer to valve manufacturer for back seating the valve.
recommended setting). In the absence (Refer to tO page 23)
of valvemaker instructions set
“Open Limit”.
[Ot] in the setting field indicates
open on torque.
[OL] in the setting field indicates
C1 C2 C3 open on limit.
tC tO The displayed option will flash,
indicating that it has been set.
Torque Value Closing
The value of torque available in the Using the and keys display
close direction can be configured recommended value.
(Refer to valve manufacturer for In the absence of a recommended
recommended value). torque value, try a low setting and
The closing torque value can be increase until satisfactory valve
varied between 40% and Rated, in operation is achieved.
1% increments.
50 The displayed value will flash,
40% of Rated Torque
C1 C2 C3
tC tO
LC LO Rated Torque
Torque Value Opening
The value of torque available in the The opening torque value can be Should the set value of torque be
open direction can be configured. varied between 40% and Rated, in developed in opening, the actuator
(Refer to valve manufacturer for 1% increments. In addition “boost” will torque trip and stop.
recommended value). can be configured when no open
torque protection is required.
TORQUE as in C3 page 21
unless back seating at rated torque
P? PC is acceptable.
Using the and keys display the
Cr recommended torque value.
In the absence of a recommended
torque value, try a low setting and Boost
C1 C2 C3 increase until satisfactory valve
operation is achieved. In checking mode, on pressing
key after reviewing open torque
tC tO NOTE: Rated torque is quoted on
setting, the display will revert to
the actuator nameplate. Boost
valve position.
torque is at least 140% of rated
LC LO torque. 99%
Set Limit Closed Set Limit Open
NOTE: It is possible to set the With [LC] displayed With [LO] displayed
Open Limit Position [LO] first. 50
Limit closed
P? PC Move valve manually to the closed
Limit open
position. Allow for overrun by Cr Move valve manually to the open
position. Allow for overrun by
Cr winding actuator output open up to
one turn. winding actuator output closed up
C1 C2 C3 to one turn.
C1 C2 C3 The two bars will flash and the
closed indicator lamp will tC tO The two bars will flash and the
open indicator lamp will illuminate,
tC tO illuminate, indicating closed limit
position has been set. indicating open limit position has
LC LO been set.
LC LO To check closed limit position hand
wind valve open one turn, when 50 The open symbol (See Fig. 4.1)
should now appear.
amber lamp should illuminate and
50 the closed lamp should extinguish.
NOTE: When in checking mode Set
NOTE: When in checking mode Set Wind valve back closed one turn, Limit Open [LO] does not appear.
when closed lamp should illuminate
Limit Closed [LC] does not appear.
with the amber lamp extinguished.
Return to
Positional Display
If the procedure has been followed
as described, the positional display
50 will indicate that the actuator is in
the open position.
Select Remote Control,
momentarily using the red Selector
to exit setting procedure and then
P? PC select required control: Local, Stop
or Remote.
tC tO
From Password
Contact Function Value Contact Form
Cr Contact S1 r1 r1 r1
To Contact S2 r2 r2 r2
Function Contact S3 r3 r3 r3
Contact S4 r4 r4 r4
Option Functions If OF, OP or OJ are fitted and selected “ON” their appropriate set up displays will be inserted here.
Help Screens H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6
Default Option d1 d2 d3
9 Commissioning 9.1 Accessing the
Secondary Functions Secondary Functions
SECONDARY Having established that the In order to display the secondary
FUNCTION INDEX primary settings have been functions it is necessary to press
correctly set, the secondary the key until [Cr] appears.
page settings can now be configured to
9.1 Accessing the Secondary Settings 27 If you have chosen to enter
suit site control and indication
requirements. secondary functions in the
9.2 Indication Contacts S1 - S4 28 checking mode the display will be
It is possible to move through the as Fig. 31.
9.3 Control Mode Configuration 29 various secondary functions as If you have chosen to enter
shown in Fig. 30 using the and secondary functions in the setting
9.4 Option Folomatic 32 keys. mode the display will be as
Fig. 32 (Refer to section 7).
9.5 Option Pakscan 34 The actuator wiring diagram will
indicate any Options fitted.
9.6 Option Interrupter Timer 39 Options Infra-red Control [Or] and
Power Loss Inhibit [OS] are
9.7 Option Setting Tool Local Control 41 standard features their use being
9.8 Option CPT (Current Position Transmitter) 41 optional.
9.2 Indication Contacts r1 r1 r1 Contact S1:
S1 S2 S3 and S4 Contact S1 : Function r1 Contact S1 : Value Contact Form
Indication contacts S1 [r1], S2 [r2], Using the or key display the When the S Contact function is set Use the or keys to select
S3 [r3], and S4 [r4] may each be desired function. to [Po], the required intermediate between [nO] (normally open) and
set to trip for any one of the position value must be set. [nC] (normally closed).
following functions:- No other contact function
requires a value to be set. PRESS THE KEY
The displayed function will flash
CL closed limit
indicating that it has been set. The displayed option will flash
OP open limit The value can be set from 1%
indicating that it has been set.
tt torque trip mid travel open to 99% open in 1%
bA battery low increments.
dC actuator closing Using the or key, display the
dO actuator opening required value.
d? actuator moving
St motor stalled
HA handwheel operation The displayed value will flash
bL blinker (moving) Contact S1 has been configured indicating that it has been set.
tS torque trip - any position to trip at valve closed limit. Contact S1 configured as a
tO torque trip - opening normally open contact
tC torque trip - closing PRESS THE KEY
NOTE: If function [Po] is selected
Po intermediate position and it is configured as a normally
indication open contact it will make at the set
S Contact form can be set value with the actuator moving in
normally open (NO) or normally the open direction.
closed (NC). Value set to indicate To access S2 - S4
Procedure for setting up contacts 25% open
S2, S3 and S4 are the same as PRESS THE KEY
those shown for S1. PRESS THE KEY.
9.3 Control Mode A1 A2 A3
Configuration ESD Enable ESD Direction ESD Contact Mode
If it is necessary to change the The default setting for Emergency The default setting for Emergency The default setting for ESD
default control configuration follow Shut Down control is [On]. Shut Down direction is close [CL]. Contact Mode is [nO]
the instructions given in this The actuator responds to an
section. With the actuator control set to If the actuator is required to open applied ESD signal derived from a
Local or Remote, an ESD signal the valve in the event of an ESD
external - normally open contact
There are 9 configurable control will override any existing open or press the or key. making.
functions as follows:- close signal, moving the valve to The display will change to [OP].
For ESD, where an external -
the required emergency position. normally closed ESD contact
A1 ESD enable ESD will not override Stop control PRESS THE KEY
breaks and the signal is removed
A2 ESD direction or an active interlock. The displayed option will flash use the or key.
indicating that it has been set. The display will change to [nC].
A3 ESD contact mode To disable ESD control press the
or key. The display will change PRESS THE KEY
A4 Thermostat bypass to [OF].
A5 Local maintain The displayed option will flash
indicating it has been set.
A6 2 Wire control The displayed option will flash
A7 2 Wire control indicating that it has been set.
A4 A5 Self-maintained A6 A7
Thermostat By-pass Local Control Two Wire Control Two Wire Control
The default value for motor The default for local actuator For 2-wire remote control form (d) Press the or key the display for
thermostat by-pass is enabled [ON]. pushbutton control is self- and form (e) (Refer to actuator wiring [A7] will change to [On].
maintained [On]. diagrams).
The thermostat is normally in The combination of settings for PRESS THE KEY
circuit. When an ESD signal is If non-maintained (jogging, inching,
[A6] and [A7] give the following The displayed option will flash
applied the thermostat will push-to-run) actuator pushbutton priorities.
automatically be by-passed. To control is required, press the or indicating that it has been set.
OF OF - Close priority
enable thermostat during ESD key. On On - Open priority
(thermostat by-pass disabled) A4
The display will change to [OF].
should be changed by pressing The default condition is for both
or key to display [OF]. PRESS THE KEY [A6] and [A7] to be [OF], giving
Closed priority.
WARNING: Actuator hazardous The displayed option will flash
enclosure certification is indicating that it has been set. If you require to change the priority
invalidated while the thermostat press the or key. The display 2-wire control - close priority
is By-passed. for [A6] will change to [ON].
The displayed option will flash The displayed option will flash
indicating that it has been set. indicating that it has been set.
A8 A9
External Interlocks Display Invert
Actuators are delivered with the The default setting for display
interlock facility disabled. To invert is [Of]. The display
enable the interlock facility use the characters are oriented with the
or key to change the display top towards the yellow indicator
from [OF] to [ON]. lamp.
To rotate the characters through
180° (bottom towards yellow lamp)
The displayed option will flash press the or key.
indicating that it has been set. The display will change to on [On].
The displayed option will flash and
the screen display will invert.
All Position, Torque + Position,
Help and Setting displays will be
9.4 OF Display Folomatic OI Folomatic FI Set Point
Option Folomatic Set Up Screens Feedback Signal Type
Setting instructions for actuators The action of turning on the Before commissiong of the Using the or key select [ l] for
including a Folomatic Folomatic option makes an Folomatic functions can begin, the current set point signal or [ U] for
(proportional) Controller for use additional series of settings Folomatic Feedback must be set to voltage set point signal.
in (analog) valve position control. available. suit the applied set point signal.
The Folomatic is an optional
control device - Check actuator
wiring diagram for inclusion.
Folomatic set up screens can be
turned OFF to provide extra
security. Current mode selected
Folomatic Folomatic With [HI] displayed, an increasing
Once selected ON the option PRESS THE KEY
Set Up screens Set Up screens set point signal will correspond to
function displays allow OFF ON valve opening. The displayed option will flash
commissioning of the Folomatic to
If a high set point signal is required indicating that it has been set.
be undertaken. Use the or key to select
Folomatic Display [ON]. to correspond to valve closing use Press the key to display [Fr].
NOTE: Turning ON/OFF the the or key to change to [LO].
Folomatic set up screens (when PRESS THE KEY
fitted) does not affect its operation. PRESS THE KEY
The displayed option will flash
This instruction lists the Folomatic indicating that it has been set. The displayed option will flash
function displays in their sequence indicating that it has been set.
Press the key until [OI] is If setting [OI] is modified after
and assumes that all Folomatic Displayed.
functions are to be checked/set. commissioning the Folomatic, it will
be necessary to re-commission the
The actuator should be selected in Folomatic.
Local or Stop with the set point
signal connected to terminals 26(+) Press the key to access the
and 27(-) (Refer to Wiring diagram). Folomatic set up displays.
Fr Set point FL Valve Position - FH Valve Position - Fd
Signal Range LOW Set Point HIGH set Point Deadband Adjustment
Using the or key select [05], APPLY MINIMUM APPLY MAXIMUM If the actuator hunts or responds
[10] or [20] to correspond with the SET POINT SIGNAL SET POINT SIGNAL unnecessarily to a fluctuating set
set point signals within the range of point signal the deadband must be
0-5mA or volts, 0-10mA or volts or Using the or key select: Using the or key select: increased. If more accurate control
[ ][ ] = valve closed [ ][ ] = valve closed
0-20mA or volts. (i.e. 4 - 20mA). is required the deadband may be
[01] to [99] = percent open [01] to [99] = percent open decreased.
[ ] = valve open [ ] = valve open
to correspond with the LOW to correspond with the HIGH set Use the or key to select the
set point signal. point signal. Deadband width. Range 00 - 99
corresponds to 0% - 9.9% of
setpoint signal.
NOTE: Maximum deadband is 9.9%
0-20mA or Volt of valve stroke. Normally minimum
range selected deadband should not be less than
The displayed option will flash Valve closed Valve open
indicating that it has been set. on LOW signal on HIGH signal
Press key to display [FL]. PRESS THE KEY PRESS THE KEY
The displayed value will flash The displayed value will flash
indicating that it has been set. indicating that it has been Deadband set to 1.2%
set. of Valve Stroke
Press key to display [FH].
Press key to display [Fd]. PRESS THE KEY
The displayed value will flash
indicating that it has been set.
Press key to display [Ft].
Ft Motion Inhibit Timer FA Action on Loss of FF 9.5
Adjustment Set Point Signal Failsafe Action Option Pakscan
The Motion Inhibit Timer introduces Use or key to enable [On] or Failsafe action when [FA] enabled. Setting instructions for
a delay in the actuator response to disable [OF] action on loss of set actuators including a Pakscan
Use or key to select, on loss of
a rapidly fluctuating set point signal, point signal. Field Control unit for use in
preventing unnecessary movement. set point signal: conjunction with Rotork
[ON] - Failsafe as determined
Once the system stabilises the [LO] - move valve to position Pakscan 2-wire control system.
actuator will respond to steady by [FF].
[OF] - Failsafe to position corresponding to minimum Pakscan (Field Control Unit) is
changes in the set point signal as set point.
necessary. corresponding to low set an optional device - check wiring
point. [SP] - stayput on loss of set point diagram for inclusion.
Use or key to adjust motion [Hl] - move valve to position
inhibit time in seconds - range 0-99 corresponding to maximum Pakscan setup screens can be
Normally it is recommended that set point. turned OFF to provide extra
motion inhibit time should not be security.
set to less than 5 seconds.
(See note on page 41) Once selected ON the Pakscan
option displays enable
commissioning of Pakscan to be
Enabled undertaken.
The displayed option will flash PRESS THE KEY Pakscan set up screens (when
indicating that it has been set. fitted) does not affect its operation.
The displayed option will flash
NOTE: Failsafe action “ON” will be indicating that it has been This instruction lists the Pakscan
Motion inhibit
time set to 5 seconds effective only for systems using an set. function setup displays in their
offset or live zero signal range, for sequence and assumes that all
PRESS THE KEY Commissioning of the Folomatic is Pakscan functions are to be
example 4-20 mA.
The displayed value will flash now complete. Remote control may set/checked.
indicating that it has been set. Press to display [FF]. be selected.
Press to display [FA].
OP Display Pakscan PA Pb Loop Baud Rate
Set Up Screens Loop Address Selection
The action of turning ON the The actuator Pakscan field control The actuator Pakscan field control
Pakscan function makes an unit must be allocated a unique unit must be set up with the loop
additional series of settings loop address. baud rate. For a Pakscan 2-wire
available. The actuator must be in control loop the selected baud rate
“Loopback” for its address to be set must be common to the Master
Use the or key to turn ON the or changed. Loopback can be Station and all the Field Control
Pakscan set up display screens.
achieved in two ways: Units included on the loop.
1. Turn OFF the Master Station. The actuator must be in 2400 baud rate set
2. Disconnect the actuator from the “Loopback” for its baud rate to be PRESS THE KEY
2-wire control loop. set or changed.
Using the or keys display the The displayed option will flash
Loopback can be achieved in two indicating that it has been set.
required loop address. ways:
Address to be set within the range 1. Turn OFF the Master Station.
Pakscan set up 01 - FO (Hexadecimal).
screens ON 2. Disconnect the actuator from the
2-wire control loop.
Using the or keys display the
The displayed option will flash required baud rate.
indicating that it has been set.
01 = 110 baud
Press the key to display Pakscan 03 = 300 baud
set up displays. 06 = 600 baud
12 = 1200 baud
The displayed option will flash 24 = 2400 baud
indicating that it has been set.
Press the key to display [Pb].
PF Remote Auxilliary OF Pakscan
input Position Control
Press the arrow key to display [PF]. When valve position control is
required via the Pakscan system
This facility is used when supplementary remote control or volt free digital additional setting must be made.
auxiliary inputs are required in addition to Pakscan control or actuator
status information. It is also possible to have a combination of both. Return to valve position display by
pressing the down and across
eg. Remote open and close pushbutton control (maintained operation) with arrow keys together.
tank level high and low alarm inputs.
Remote auxiliary input selected for After entering the correct
Normally open or normally closed external contacts can be used. password to put the actuator in
function/forms FF.
There are numerous combinations of input function and form. The setting mode:
common combinations are listed below. Apply to Rotork for other options. PRESS THE KEY
Display OF - (Option Folomatic
Use the or keys to display the required option: The displayed option will flash Screen)
indicating that it has been set.
INPUT REQUIRED CODE Folomatic set up displays are used
ESD (NO) STOP/MAINT CLOSE OPEN = [Fb] for setting Pakscan Position
ESD (NC) STOP/MAINT CLOSE OPEN = [F3] Control Parameters.
AUX4 STOP/MAINT CLOSE OPEN = [7F] NOTE: The actuator does not
AUX4 AUX3 CLOSE OPEN = [3F] include a Folomatic.
AUX4 AUX3 AUX2 AUX1 = [0F]
NOTE: All external contacts to be wired in accordance with publication
E120E - Remote Control Circuits Forms a, b, c and f.
OF Display Pakscan FL Pakscan Valve FH Pakscan Valve
Position Set up Screens Position - 0% DV Position - 100% DV
The Pakscan position control set On receipt of a 0% desired valve On receipt of a 100% desired value
up screens can be suppressed to (DV) command from the (DV) command from the
provide extra security. Masterstation, the actuator will masterstation, the actuator will
respond by moving to the position respond by moving to the position
Use the or key to turn ON the
as set for [FL]. The reported as set for [FH]. The reported
Pakscan position set up screens. position, measured value (MV) will position, measured value (MV) will
relate to the DV. relate to the DV.
Use the or keys to display the Use the or keys to display the
0% DV = Valve closed
valve position at, or nearest to the valve position at, or nearest to the
0% (closed) valve position. PRESS THE KEY 100% (open) valve position.
NOTE: On receipt of a digital The displayed value will flash
command to close from the master indicating that it has been set.
Pakscan position control set up station the actuator will move to its
set closed limit position ignoring Press key to display [FH].
screens selected ON
any other position that may have
PRESS THE KEY been entered.
The displayed option will flash 100% DV - Valve open
indicating that it has been set. NOTE: On receipt of a digital
command to open from the master-
Press to display Pakscan
position control display screens. station the actuator will move to its
set open limit position ignoring any
Once [FI] is displayed other position that may have been
Press key to display [FL]. entered.
The displayed value will flash
indicating that it has been set.
Press key to display [Fd].
Fd Pakscan Deadband Ft Pakscan Motion Inhibit
Adjustment Timer Adjustment
If the actuator hunts or responds Whenever the actuator comes to
unnecessarily to a fluctuating rest, the Motion Inhibit Timer (MIT)
desired value the deadband must is started. Further operation in
be increased. If more accurate response to a change in desired
control is required the deadband value is delayed until the MIT times
may be decreased. out.
The deadband is adjustable from By adjusting the MIT time to suit
[00] to [99] (0% to 9.9% of valve the control application, Motion inhibit time set to 5
stroke). unnecessary actuator/valve seconds.
operation as a response to a
Use the or keys to display the PRESS THE KEY
rapidly fluctuating DV can be
required setting. eradicated. Once a system The displayed value will flash
stabilises and steady changes in indicating that it has been set.
DV take place the actuator will
respond as necessary.
Rotork general advice is to set the
longest possible motion inhibit time
while maintaining an acceptable
response time for control. This will
Deadband set to 1.2% maximise the working life of the
actuator and valve.
Use the or keys to display the
The displayed value will flash required setting.
indicating that it has been set.
Range 2 - 99 seconds.
Press the key to display [Ft].
9.6 Option OJ Interrupter Timer Jd Interrupter Timer - JC Position in Valve Closing
Interrupter Timer Enabled / Disabled Direction Stroke for Timer to Start
Setting instructions for actuator When fitted, the timer will be The default for timer direction is Using the or key select the
including an Interrupter Timer. made available for operation. [CL], timer operation will start in position for the TIMER TO START
closing and stop in opening - WHEN THE VALVE IS CLOSING.
The interrupter timer enables The Interrupter cannot be
pulsing operation around the close
pulsed “stop/start” operation by the enabled or disabled using the [ ][ ] = valve closed,
actuator as a response to local and setting Tool. [01]-[99] = percentage open
If pulsing operation is required to
remote control commands. [ ] = valve open
stop in closing and start in opening
This effectively increases the valve
- around the open position,
stroke time and can be adjusted to
use the or key.
prevent hydraulic shock (water
The display will change to [OP].
hammer) and flow surges in
pipelines. PRESS THE KEY
The displayed option will flash
The interrupter timer is an optional Interrupter timer Interrupter timer indicating that it has been set.
extra - check wiring diagram for
disabled enabled
inclusion. Timer set to start pulsing when
When the timer option is available closing valve reaches 25% open
an additional series of settings can
be accessed by pressing the key PRESS THE KEY
The displayed option will flash
NOTE: If the timer option is not
indicating that it has been set.
available pressing the key will not
Pulsed operation around the
access to settings. closed position. If the timing is not required in the
closing stroke select [JC] to [ ][ ]
Press key to display interrupter NOTE: Instructions [JC] and [JO]
timer set up displays. Valve closed position.
are for timer operation around the
closed position. For timing around Press key to display [JO].
the open position, read stop for
start [JC] and start for stop [JO].
Press key to display [JC].
JO Position in Valve Opening JN JF
Stroke for Timer to Stop Contactor ‘On’ Time Contactor ‘Off’ Time Example
Using the or key select the Using the or key select the Using the or key select the An actuator fitted with the
position for the TIMER TO STOP actuator run period in the range actuator stop period in the range interrupter timer and set as the
WHEN THE VALVE IS OPENING. 1 - 99 seconds. 1 - 99 seconds. example shown in these
instructions would operate at:
[ ][ ] = Valve Closed
[00]-[99] = Percentage Open Rated speed from full open to 25%
[ ] = Valve Open open.
1/6 rated speed from 25% open to
fully closed and from fully closed to
25% open.
Actuator run period Actuator OFF period Rated speed from 25% open to
set for 5 seconds set for 25 seconds fully open.
Timer set to stop pulsing PRESS THE KEY PRESS THE KEY
when opening valve
reaches 25% open The displayed option will flash The displayed option will flash
indicating that it has been indicating that it has been set.
The displayed option will flash Press the key to display [JF].
indicating that it has been set.
If the timing is not required in the
opening stroke select [JO] to [ ][ ].
Press key to display [JN].
9.7 Setting Tool 9.8 CPT Current Position
Note Control [Or] Transmitter [OI]
With a Folomatic Option fitted AND The default setting for Setting Tool Setting instructions for NOTE: If the actuator has options
the Interrupter Timer enabled, the control is [OF]. actuators including a CPT Folomatic and CPT, redefining the
Folomatic “Motion Inhibit Timer” To enable Tool control press providing 4-20 mA analog CPT, will require the Folomatic to
must be adjusted to the same time the or key to select [On]. position feedback. be re-commissioned.
as that set for the Interrupter Timer PRESS THE KEY The CPT is an optional extra. It
“Contactor Off”. may be internally or externally (Refer to 9.4 Folomatic [OI]
The displayed option will flash powered. page 32)
Failure to do so will cause the indicating that it has been set. Check wiring diagram for inclusion
actuator response to defer to the
With the red control selector in and connection details.
lower time which may cause Local, Setting Tool control keys are
control or process problems.
active (Refer to page 14).
For ‘ON’ and ‘OFF’ times in excess
of 99 seconds apply to Rotork.
This feature may be disabled by NOTE: D1 will return the torque values to their default settings. The set
using the or key so that [OF] limit positions are not changed.
appears in the lower part of the D2 will reset the limit positions to 25 turns apart, the actuator being at the
display. If the feature is disabled it 50% position. The set torque values are not changed.
is important that the actuator is not
manually operated during a power The functions associated with the Folomatic and Pakscan options are not
failure if the battery is low. Manual altered by reinstating the defaults.The Interrupter timer option is
operation can be prevented by unaffected by the D1 default but the D2 default will disable the option.
locking the actuator hand/auto Subsequent reinstating of D1 will re enable the timer but it will require all
lever in the auto position. its functions resetting.
10 Maintenance, Monitoring
and Troubleshooting
To reinstate D1 settings, with [d1] displayed: Maintenance Routine maintenance should
Every Rotork actuator has been include the following:
PRESS THE KEY fully tested before despatch to give * Check actuator to valve fixing
The setting bars will flash indicating the D1 defaults have been reinstated. years of trouble free operation bolts for tightness.
providing it is installed, sealed and * Ensure valve stems and drive
To reinstate D2 settings, with [d2] displayed: commissioned in accordance with nuts are clean and properly
PRESS THE KEY the instructions given in this lubricated.
publication. * If the motorised valve is rarely
The setting bars will flash indicating the D2 defaults have been reinstated. The IQ actuator's unique double operated, a routine operating
The Default settings for the listed Actuator functions are subject to change sealed, non intrusive enclosure schedule should be set up.
by Rotork and as such cannot be regarded as comprehensive. provides complete protection for * Replace actuator battery every
the actuator components. 5 years.
If the D1 or D2 defaults are reinstated using the default option, the Covers should not be removed for
current settings must be checked and adjusted using the Setting Tool routine inspection as this may be The Actuator Battery
to suit site operating conditions. The battery supports the actuator
detrimental to the future reliability
of the actuator. position updating circuits and the
position (LCD) display when the
The electrical control module cover main power supply is turned off.
is bonded by the Rotork quality It ensures the current position is
control seal. It should not be updated and displayed when
removed as the module contains manual operation takes place with
no site serviceable components. the main power turned off.
The battery is not required to
support the EEPROM memory.
D1 Displayed D2 Displayed
A unique circuit has been It is recommended that the Battery For Watertight (WT)- FM - CSA Monitoring
incorporated into the battery is replaced with the mains power actuator enclosures Rotork The IQ range of actuators are the
function of the IQ, effectively turned ON. recommend the use of an Ultracell worlds first to incorporate real time,
reducing the overall drain and For actuators shipped before 1998 Lithium U9VL 9 volt battery as it instantaneous torque + position
significantly increasing the battery with the optional Data-Logger fitted has a long shelf life but any monitoring as standard.
life. it is essential that battery equivalent may be used. Torque + position can be used to
Tests show for a “typical” actuator, a replacement is undertaken with * Replace battery box cover. monitor valve performance during
battery life of 7 years can be main power on, otherwise logged Ensure cover 'O' ring is in good operation. The effect of process
expected. data will be lost. Alternatively, condition and correctly fitted. changes (differential pressure etc)
Allowing for a conservative Logged Data can be downloaded can easily be evaluated. Tight
margin, Rotork recommend that * Reset Limit Closed and Limit spots in valve travel can be
and stored using the Rotork Open positions.
the battery should be replaced Communicator (Refer to Publication pinpointed as well as gauging
every 5 years. (Refer to section 8 Commissioning torque developed through stroke
E172E for information). Primary Functions LC and LO page 24)
Battery level status indication is for Torque Value Setting (See pages
For actuators shipped after 1997 Oil 22 , 23).
available as a standard feature the battery can be changed with
(Refer to Help screens -10.1 page 46 and Unless specially ordered for Using the Setting Tool, the display
the main power on or off. extreme climatic conditions, Rotork can be set to indicate torque and
S contacts Section 9.2 page 28).
* Undo the 4 caphead screws in actuators are despatched with position.
Battery Replacement the battery box cover and gearcases filled with SAE 80EP oil With the actuator displaying current
Proceed as follows: remove battery. - suitable for ambient temperatures position and selected to local or
The actuator battery is located in a Used batteries should be ranging from -22 F/-308C to stop.
separately sealed compartment on disposed of in accordance with 160 F/708C.
the main electrical control module Press the key
the relevant regulations. IQ Actuators do not require regular
cover, to the left of the control The display will split, the top
selector knobs. If the actuator is * Fit replacement battery: oil changes. indicating the instantaneous
located in a hazardous area a “hot For CENELEC Actuator (Refer to Weights & measures torque, (% rated), the bottom
work” permit must be obtained enclosures use a Duracell section 11, page 54) indicating the measured position
unless the actuator can be removed Procell MN 1604 9 volt 6LR61 (% open).
to a non hazardous location. Alkaline battery ONLY.
Troubleshooting If the display is blank the actuator For troubleshooting, access the
The IQ range of actuators are the battery must be replaced and limit following Help displays and refer to
worlds first that can be reset. text:
commissioned and interrogated (Refer to Section 10, Page 44 The H1- Factors inhibiting electrical
without removing electrical covers. Actuator Battery.) operation and monitoring
Help screen diagnostics enable direction of movement.
fast and complete fault finding to 10.1 Help Displays
be carried out. H2 - Monitor Local and Remote
Example shows 19% (of rated) control inputs to the actuator.
torque at 50% open position. With the actuator powered up and
With power On, the actuator Local or Stop control selected, six
Display torque range: [00] - [99] % display is not backlit. Position H3 - Monitor remote indication
of rated in 1% increments. For help displays can be accessed outputs derived by the
indicator lamp not illuminated. using the Setting Tool.
values of torque above 99% the With mains power on, the actuators actuator.
display will indicate [HI]. (Refer to Section 9 fig 30 page 26 for
display should be backlit. their location.) H4 - Monitor the actuators position
Display position range: (Refer to 3.3 - the Actuator Display.) sensing devices.
[ ][ ] valve closed With remote selected press the
[00] - [99] % open Check that 3 phase supply is key. The help screens will be H5 - Monitor the actuators battery
[ ] valve open available and is of the correct status and position limit
For a stationary actuator the voltage as stated on the actuator status.
display will capture the last nameplate. Measure Voltage phase Each display uses bars to indicate
to phase across terminals 1, 2 & 3 the status of a particular control or H6 - Torque Trip, Flux and mains
measured value.
of the actuator terminal bung. indication function. Each bar reacts power supply monitoring.
To keep the torque + position to changes in the status of its
display active press or keys. With power Off, the actuator Help screen bars marked are
actuator function by turning “on” or
The display will remain active for does not display position. undefined and may be ON, OFF or
turning “off”
approximately 5 minutes from the With mains power off the actuator flashing.
last key operation. battery supports position indication
liquid crystal display only.
(Refer to 3.3 - the Actuator Display.)
control circuit supply, will de- Close Interlock Failed
H1 Factors Inhibiting Electrical
Operation and Monitoring energise in the event of the any of
the following: Bar ON = Close interlock Failed
Direction of Movement Unauthorised Close electrical
Loss of one or more of the power operation can be prevented by
supply phases. interlocking the actuators (close)
Loss of control circuit supply. control with an external contact.
Actuator selected for local control. If external interlocks are not
Monitor Local stop selected required the interlock function must
Moving Relay Motor thermo-stat tripped. be selected OFF.
Clockwise Energised
(Refer to Section 9 [A8] page 31)
Moving Motor
Motor Running
Anti Running Torque Trip
Clockwise Bar ON = Actuator Motor running
Combined with Running Anti- Bar ON = Torque Trip
Open clockwise or Running clockwise. When the actuator generates a
Thermo- Interlock value of torque equal to that set for
stat Trip Failed Open Interlock Failed
Open (when opening) or Close
Torque Close Bar ON = Open interlock failed (when closing) it will stop,
Trip Interlock
Failed Unauthorised Open electrical protecting itself and the valve from
operation can be prevented by damage. This feature is known as
Monitor Relay Energised
interlocking the actuator (open) Overtorque Protection.
Bar OFF= Monitor Relay de- control with an external contact. Once a torque trip has occurred,
energised If external interlocks are not further operation IN THE SAME
The monitor relay having a required the interlock function must DIRECTION is prevented.
changeover contact rated at 8 Amp be selected OFF. This “latching” of the event protects
240V AC, 30V DC, normally made (Refer to Section 9 [A8] page 31) the actuator and valve from
between terminals 42 and 44 with repeated hammering against the
its coil energised via the internal obstruction as a response to a
maintained control signal. NOTE: When motor drive is H2 Monitor Local and respond in the way selected for
To “delatch” the actuator it must be engaged, clockwise rotation will Remote Control Inputs to ESD. An ESD signal will not
reversed. For actuator torque result in the actuator output moving the Actuator override actuator selected to stop
adjustment (Refer to section 8. [tC] Clockwise. on its red selector knob.
and [tO] pages 22 & 23).
Thermo-stat Tripped
Bar ON = Thermo-stat tripped
Remote ESD
(Refer to Section 9- A1, A2, A3 & A4
pages 29 & 30)
The actuator will not respond to
any local/remote control signal
The actuator motor is protected by Maintain Signal while an ESD signal is maintained.
Not Present Not Present
a thermo-stat. Local Close Not Present
Should the motor get too hot the Remote Local Bar ON = Local Close SIGNAL
thermo-stat will trip and the Not Close
Selected Not Present
actuator stops. On cooling the
thermo-stat automatically resets, Bar OFF= Local Close signal
Local Remote
enabling operation. See the Not Close PRESENT.
Selected Not Present
actuator nameplate for Motor Remote Close Not Present
rating. Local Open Remote Open Bar ON = Remote Close signal
Not Not
Moving Anti-clockwise Present Present NOT PRESENT.
ESD Signal Not Present Bar OFF = Remote Close signal
Bar ON = The motor is turning in
an Anti-clockwise direction. PRESENT.
Bar ON = ESD signal NOT
PRESENT Remote Open Not Present
Moving Clockwise
Bar ON = Remote Open signal
Bar ON = The motor is turning in a Bar OFF = ESD signal PRESENT. NOT PRESENT.
Clockwise direction. When applied an Emergency Shut
Bar OFF= Remote Open signal.
Down signal will override any
existing local or remote control
signal, causing the actuator to
Local Open Not Present H3 Monitor Remote Indication Battery Relay H4 Monitor the Actuators
Bar ON = Local Open signal NOT Outputs Derived by the Indicates contact status of optional Position Sensing Devices
PRESENT. Actuator Battery Alarm Relay.
Bar OFF= Local Open signal
Local Not Selected
Bar ON = Local Control NOT
Bar ON = contact is CLOSE
Bar OFF= contact is OPEN
CIRCUIT Mains Wake-up
SELECTED. Battery Supply Sensor
Bar OFF= Local Control Relay S Contact 4 For a Low battery condition the OK
SELECTED. relay contact will respond in a way
S Contact 3 dependent on whether it was Position
Remote Not Selected configured to be N/C or N/O (Refer Sensor B
Bar ON = Remote Control NOT to actuator circuit diagram).
SELECTED. Position
S Contact 2 Sensor A
Bar OFF= Remote Control
SELECTED. Wake Up Sensor
S Contact 1
NOTE: When Remote is selected The wake up sensor is used to
the actuator display will return to Switch Contacts S1, S2, S3, S4
“wake up” the position sensing
Position Mode. Bar ON = S contact is CLOSE circuit when manual operation
Remote Maintain Not Present CIRCUIT. starts with mains power off. This
Bar ON = Remote Maintain ultimately reduces the drain on
Signal NOT PRESENT Bar OFF = S contact is OPEN the actuator battery. Correct
(and/or Remote Stop ACTIVE) CIRCUIT. operation of the sensor is indicated
Bar OFF= Remote Maintain Bar indication is real time and by the Bar being ON (and OFF) 24
Signal PRESENT reactive. times per output revolution. When
(Refer to Actuator Circuit Diagram - (Refer to Section 9 [r1] page 28 for the motor is running, ON and OFF
Remote Control Circuits) configuration of “S” contacts) bit duration should be equal.
Position sensor B With manual operation selected and turning the actuator in the indicated H5 Moniter the Actuators
Senses output rotation. Used for direction, starting with all sensor Bars OFF; Battery Status and Position
the position sensing circuit. Limit Status
Correct operation of the sensor is
Sensor B 0 1 1 0 0
indicated by the Bar being ON
(and OFF) 12 times per output Sensor A 0 0 1 1 0
revolution. When the motor is 30° ANTICLOCKWISE
running, ON and OFF bit duration
should be equal. When hand winding the actuator the bit duration will not be equal.
Battery Discharged H6 Torque Trip, Flux & Mains Torque Trip * IQ10 DC Only
Power Supply Monitoring
Bar ON = Battery Discharged: Bar ON = Torqued off: *1 Torque Sensor Failure
Actuator stopped by torque
ON when the battery is no longer limitation. *2 Temperature Sensor
able to support actuator functions. Failure
(See also H1, ``Torque Trip'')
The battery must be replaced and
*3 *4
Limit Positions reset. No Flux Feedback
Actuator Limit Open No Flux Bar ON - No flux Feedback. 0 0 Apply to Rotork
Feedback (*2)
Bar ON when the set Open limit (*1) The actuators motor flux is 1 0 Motor Over
position is reached. measured as part of the torque Temperature
(Refer to Section 8 [LO] page 24) Torque Phase sensing circuits calculation of
Trip Sequence
torque. 0 1 Normal Operation
Actuator Limit Close D
(*3) No flux feedback indicates a fault 1 1 Apply to Rotork
Bar ON when the set Close limit Phase to the flux sensing circuit or a
position is reached. Sequence C (1 = Bar on)
(*4) failure of the motor contactor to
(Refer to Section 8 [LC] page 24)
Phase sequence C and D: The actuator will not run.
Bit ON = 1
0 0 = Apply to Rotork.
0 1 = Positive phase rotation
1 0 = Negative phase
rotation sequence.
1 1 = Phase lost.
H7 Automatic Self Test and ASTD is carried out every time After circuits and communication NOTE: Operation will be inhibited a
Diagnosis (ASTD) mains power is applied and only in are checked, ASTD tests for the standard. Whether a combined
the event of a problem will H7 following conditions: mains and battery supply failure
Alarm be displayed. will inhibit operation is determined
* Actuator Position Error - the
Help Screen 7 therefore cannot be by the setting of OS (Refer to 9.9
accessed using the Setting Tool. actuator current position is in Inhibit Operation After Power
Loss p42).
* Black Out - the actuator was The following table interprets all
subjected to a combined mains
combinations of H7 alarm displays:
supply and actuator battery
supply failure (Refer to The H7 - 1 = Configuration error alarm
On power up the actuator Actuator Battery p44) H7 - 2 = Position error alarm
automatically tests its vital H7 - 3 = Config error + Position
operational circuits and memory * Actuator configuration Error - the
error alarms
devices to ensure correct actuator configuration (settings)
H7 - 4 = Supply black out alarm
operation. are in error.
H7 - 5 = Supply Black Out +
In the unlikely event of a device Should any one (or combination) of configuration error
problem the IQ diagnoses the these tests fail Operation will be alarms
cause and will automatically inhibited *, and an alarm displayed: H7 - 6 = Supply Black Out +
present this information in the form the display lamps will flash and the Position error alarms
of Help Screen 7 Alarm display. appropriate H7 display will indicate H7 - 7 = Config error + position
Electrical operation can be the cause by using a number error + Supply Black Out
inhibited to prevent possible between 1 and 7. alarms
damage to the actuator and valve. Remote indication of inhibited
The problem can then be operation will be indicated by the
accurately investigated and monitor relay.
corrected by maintenance
Remedial Actions 3. Enter the correct password. Carry out the above remedial
Position Error Alarm: The (Refer to section 7, p15) actions for the alarm as indicated
actuator detects an error in its 4. Reset Limit Closed and Limit by the displayed H7 number.
recorded position. Open. (Refer to LC & LO p24) Operation should then become
1. Using the setting tool enter the 5. With LC or LO screens available and the H7 alarm display
setting procedure. displayed, select remote control cancelled.
2. Enter the correct password. using the Red selector.
(Refer to section 7, p15) NOTE: That both during and after
Configuration Error Alarm
3. Reset Limit Closed and Limit an H7 alarm display, help Screens
Open. The actuator detects an error in its 1-6 are available for diagnosis.
set up.
(Refer to LC & LO, p24)
4. With LC or LO screens If any of the remedial actions are
To Override Alarm unsuccessful, contact your nearest
displayed, select remote control 1. Using the setting tool enter the
using the Red selector. Rotork representative.
setting procedure.
2. Enter the correct password.
Black Out Alarm: The actuator
(Refer to section 7, p15)
was subjected to a combined
3. Check all primary and secondary
mains supply and actuator battery
supply failure with Power Loss actuator function settings.
(Refer to sections 8, p17
Inhibit (OS) selected ON.
and 9, p27)
(Refer to the Actuator Battery p44 and
4. With any actuator function
Inhibit Operation after Power Loss (OS)
screen displayed, select remote
control using the Red selector.
1. Replace the the actuator battery. 5. Power down the actuator and
then power it back up.
(Refer to p44)
2. Using the setting tool enter the 6. Operate the actuator over the full
valve stroke and monitor its
setting procedure.
Weights and Measures
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notice. Published data may be subject to change. For the very latest version release, visit our website at
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The name Rotork is a registered trademark. Rotork recognises all registered trademarks. Published and produced
in the UK by Rotork Controls Limited. HYSG0115 Date of issue 12/99