Alexander Pope As A Poet

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Pope is by far the most important poetic figure of the age called after him (1700-1740). His importance
lies in the fact that he exercised the greatest influence on the classical poetry of the century. His poetry was
intellectual, didactic and satiric, and was almost written in heroic couplet. It is never of the highest class, but
within its limits, it stands unrivalled in the language.

Pseudo Classicist

The true classicism is meant to be a combination of poetic ardor and excellence of form. In Pope the true
poetic ardor and energy is absent but he is exceedingly careful about the technique of form and style. When we
look at the contents of Pope's poetry we do not find anything worthwhile. Satire, didactic poetry, and a flimsy
mock-heroic poem---are all his poetic achievements.

Intellectual Poetry

Pope's poetry was of his age, and it reflected in full measure the spirit of the age. It is intellectual and its
appeal is to the mind rather than to the heart. It is full of wit and epigram, the brilliancy of which is
unsurpassed. Pope is next to Shakespeare, in contributing quotable lines of verse, which are remarkable for their
pregnancy, neatness and brevity. Here are some of his famous quotes.

Ø To err is human, to forgive divine.

Ø We think our fathers fools, so wise we grow. Our wiser sons, no doubt will think us so.

The Rape Of The Lock As A Social Satire

This poem shows Pope's genius for satirical poetry which exposes in a witty manner the follies and
absurdities of the high society of the times. All the recognized weapons of satire have been employed by Pope
in a most effective manner. The principal targets of satire in this poem are aristocratic ladies and gentlemen of
Pope's day. Ladies who learns to roll their eyes and to blush in a coquettish manner. Pope ridicules the
fickleness and superficiality of the ladies by referring to their hearts as moving toy-shops and their varying
A Poet of Wit and Fancy

He was gifted with the power of intellectual expression and perfect propriety of phrase.

It is true that Pope had not much to express, he had hardly any original thing to say, his thoughts are
mostly borrowed or common place, but what gives distinction to his poetry is its lucid expression, His aim was
to set the gems, not to create them. Lessing said: Pope's great merit lay in what we call the mechanic of

Pope's Heroic Couplet

Pope is the unchallenged master of the heroic couplet, just as Milton is of blank verse. Almost all of
Pope's poetry is written in the heroic couplet. The rhythm of Pope's couplet has perfect smoothness and
regularity which have a pleasing effect upon the ear

Some Limitations

Pope's poetry is not only superficial but is limited in its range. Firstly, it is the poetry of society in the
city, as in The Rape of the Lock-- a poetry of satire and a philosophic poetry, which is dry and has no warmth of
experience behind it. Pope said:"The proper study of mankind is man". But it was mankind as seen only in
the small society of London.

So far as Pope's versification is concerned it was limited to the heroic couplet. Though he handled this
measure with masterly skill, it shows mechanical skill rather than genuine art.

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