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Abstract: A number of epidemiologic studies show a protective effect of light to moderate daily alcohol
consumption on the development of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Although these small
amounts of ethanol may prevent fatty liver, they may also be a risk factor for other diseases such as breast
and colon cancer. Those individuals who have underlying hepatic steatosis or non-alcoholic steatohepatitis
(NASH) should not use ethanol chronically since the data available at present do not support a beneficial
effect of alcohol in this situation. Especially overweight and obese individuals may be more susceptible
towards alcohol even at moderate doses. Animal experiments show a negative effect of ethanol on liver
histology in either dietary or genetic NASH models. In addition, patients with NASH reveal a significant
increased risk for hepatocellular cancer (HCC) even with social alcohol consumption. Thus, subjects with
underlying NASH should abstain from alcohol at any amounts.
Keywords: Alcohol; non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD); non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH)
Submitted Aug 06, 2014. Accepted for publication Oct 29, 2014.
doi: 10.3978/j.issn.2304-3881.2014.12.01
View this article at: http://dx.doi.org/10.3978/j.issn.2304-3881.2014.12.01
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148 Seitz et al. Effect of alcohol in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
question. The purpose of this brief review is to update the the rapid ethanol metabolizing allele ADH1C*1,1) resulting
knowledge on this issue with a final recommendation based in increased acetaldehyde levels have an increased cancer
on the up to date literature. risk when they consume more than 30 grams of ethanol per
day (14). In addition, some pre-existing conditions such as
hepatitis C (15), as well as borderline hypertension (16) or
How much ethanol results in fatty liver?
some metabolic disorders (17) may deteriorate with chronic
The dose threshold of alcohol for its hepatotoxic effects alcohol ingestion even at small amounts.
varies. It depends on a variety of factors including genetics,
ethnicity, and gender (2). The safety levels of drinking as
Epidemiological studies analyzing the effect of
endorsed by the European Association for the Study of the
alcohol on the risk to develop NAFLD
Liver (EASL) and the American Association for the Study of
the Liver (AASLD) are defined as 30 and 20 g of alcohol per A number of epidemiologic studies from the United States,
day in man and woman, respectively (2,8). The Asian Pacific Europe, and Japan have demonstrated that moderate
for the Study of the Liver (APASL) Guideline recommends alcohol consumption may have a beneficial effect on the
less than 20 g of alcohol per day in man and 10 g of alcohol development of NAFL, primarily through the improvement
per day in women (9). Taken together, it is the acceptance in peripheral insulin resistance.
that daily ethanol intake of less than two drinks in man A prospective study of 109,690 women (age 25 to 42 years)
and less than one drink in woman are considered as ‘safe’ showed a nonlinear and inverse relationship between alcohol
and such levels should not lead to hepatic steatosis (10,11), consumption and risk of type 2 DM (7). Compared with
and in fact these cut off levels are also arbitrarily used to lifelong abstainers, the odds of individuals who consumed
differentiate ALD from NAFLD in most clinical trials. <5, <15, <30, and >30 g of ethanol per day and the risk
However, there are other factors such as baseline body of developing type 2 DM were 0.8, 0.67, 0.42, and 0.78,
weight, which should be taken into consideration in clinical respectively. The take home message of this study is that
practice; especially on what we normally consider as “safety light to moderate, but not have alcohol consumption has a
drinking”. In a study by Bellentani et al. using a large cohort protective effect against the development of DM (7).
of subjects in Northern Italy (12), the authors found that In another study from the U.S. using the data from the
subjects with underlying obesity had a higher prevalence of Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
hepatic steatosis, as determined by ultrasonography, when (NHANES) found a reduced prevalence of NAFLD in
compared to lean controls who consumed alcohol in the subjects with modest wine consumption at the maximum of
same range subjects with a daily intake of more than 60 g 10 grams per day (18).
of alcohol and a body mass index (BMI) of over 25 kg/m2 In a cross sectional study (n=5,599) from Japan (19),
revealed a fatty liver in more than 90%. Gunji et al. also found an inverse association between light
It is important to note that the recommended levels of a (40-140 g of alcohol per week) and moderate alcohol
‘safety drink’ are derived when we use liver pathology as the consumption (140-280 g per week) and a prevalence of
end point. These levels of drinking in fact have been shown hepatic steatosis, as diagnosed by ultrasound (19). The results
to have adverse effects which might lead to breast (13) and of this study (19) are in accordance with another Japanese
colon (14) cancers. Although these relatively small amounts study (20) which showed a low prevalence of fatty liver in
of ethanol seem safe for the liver, they may be harmful for subjects who drank less than 20 g of ethanol on 1-3 days
other organs and tissues. In this context major concern per week. The protective effect of light to moderate alcohol
has been raised with respect to the alcohol related risk for consumption on hepatic steatosis was recently confirmed in a
breast (13) and colorectal cancer (14). Such associations are meta-analysis involving 43,175 subjects (21).
mainly extrapolated from several epidemiologic studies, Epidemiological data also support the protective role
which have the pitfalls with multiple potential confounding of moderate alcohol consumption on the liver, when using
factors. At present, there are no reporting data on what the serum transaminases activity as the endpoint. In a study of
minimal threshold of alcohol consumption is deem to be safe 1,177 male subjects without underlying liver disease the
against the risk of developing breast cancer. With respect to authors found that light (70-140 g per week) to moderate
colon cancer it was shown that individuals with an alcohol (140-280 g per week) alcohol consumption was associated
dehydrogenase (ADH) 1C polymorphism (homozygote for with lower levels of serum transaminases activity as
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HepatoBiliary Surgery and Nutrition, Vol 4, No 3 June 2015 149
compared to controls (22). On the other hand, drinking increased with increasing BMI for each alcohol drinking
alcohol in the higher range (>3 drinks per day), as expected, level (29).
was associated with an elevation of ALT and AST by 8.9 Lastly, there was a retrospective study suggesting an
and 21-fold, respectively, when controlling for covariates increasing risk for HCC in patients with underlying NASH
such as BMI (23). who consumed alcohol in moderate amounts (30).
Despite the pitfall in the study design of several of these
epidemiological studies, existing data support the notion
Experimental (animal) studies analyzing the
that light to moderate drinking might be protective against
effect of alcohol on NAFLD development and
diabetes and hepatic steatosis in healthy subjects.
© HepatoBiliary Surgery and Nutrition. All rights reserved. www.thehbsn.org HepatoBiliary Surg Nutr 2015;4(3):147-151
150 Seitz et al. Effect of alcohol in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
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