Impedance Calculations For Advanced Eng Math PDF

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Applications of Complex Numbers in RLC Calculations for AC Circuits and Transmission Lines

A. Introduction:

We define electrical resistance as the measure or level of difficulty to which electron can flow
through a conductor, the term “resistance” is directly referred to the resistor. In direct current
or DC circuits, the capacitor is equivalent to an open circuit, while the inductor is equivalent to
a short circuit.

B. For Series RLC

In alternating current or AC circuits, the capacitor and inductor have an equivalent resistance,
but these are called “reactance”. It is mathematically expressed as imaginary numbers, but
actually are vectors that does not belong in the same axis as the regular resistance, which is
expressed as a real number.

The effective “resistance” for an AC circuit is called the “Impedance”, which is symbolized by
“Z”. The impedance is expressed as a complex number: the combination of resistance and net
In the rectangular format it appears as: 𝑍 = 𝑅 ± 𝑗𝑋


R = Resistance

XL : Inductive Reactance 𝑋𝐿 = 2𝜋𝑓𝐿

XC : Capacitive Reactance 𝑋𝐶 =

X = Net Reactance 𝑋 = 𝑋𝐿 − 𝑋𝐶 Z =?
f : AC operating frequency in Hz
Rectangular Form: 𝑍 = 𝑅 ± 𝑗𝑋

Polar Form: 𝑍 = |𝑍|∠𝜃𝑧

Conversion from Rectangular-to-Polar Conversion from Polar-to-Rectangular

|𝑍| = √𝑅 2 + 𝑋2 𝑅 = |𝑍|cos(𝜃𝑍 )
𝜃 = tan−1 | | 𝑋 = |𝑍| sin(𝜃𝑍 )

If X is positive If X is negative
𝜃𝑧 = 𝜃 𝜃𝑧 = 360° − 𝜃
the AC circuit is inductive the AC circuit is capacitive
MKS Units for Impedance, Resistance and Reactances are in Ohms (Ω)
C. For Parallel RLC

In the parallel configuration of a RLC circuit, we use the quantity called Admittance (Y) which is
the reciprocal of impedance. This Admittance refers to the level of ease that electric current
passes through an AC circuit.
And has the complete form in rectangular form:

Rectangular Form: 𝑌 = 𝐺 ± 𝑗𝐵
Polar Form: 𝑌 = |𝑌|∠𝜃𝑌


G = Conductance – the reciprocal for resistance, refers to the ease of AC flow in a conductor.
BL : Inductive Susceptance 𝐵𝐿 =

BC : Capacitive Susceptance 𝐵𝐶 = 2𝜋𝑓𝐶

B = Net Susceptance – the reciprocal of reactance, refers to the equivalent level of conduction
of AC in a capacitor and/or inductor.
𝐵 = 𝐵𝐶 − 𝐵𝐿

Rectangular Form: 𝑌 = 𝐺 ± 𝑗𝐵

Polar Form: 𝑌 = |𝑌|∠𝜃𝑌

Conversion from Rectangular-to-Polar Conversion from Polar-to-Rectangular

|𝑌| = √𝐺 2 + 𝐵2 𝐺 = |𝑌|cos(𝜃𝑌 )
𝜃 = tan−1 | | 𝐵 = |𝑌| sin(𝜃𝑌 )
If B is positive If B is negative
𝜃𝑌 = 𝜃 𝜃𝑌 = 360° − 𝜃
the AC circuit is capacitive the AC circuit is inductive
Units for Admittance, Conductance and Susceptances are in Seimens (ʊ)

Converting Y to Z. Note this is done by using the polar form of Y;

1 1 ∠360° 1 1
𝑍= = |𝑌|∠𝜃𝑌
= ∠(360° − 𝜃𝑌 ) such that |𝑍| = |𝑌|
𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝜃𝑍 = (360° − 𝜃𝑌 ) ;
𝑌 |𝑌|

𝑅 = |𝑍|cos(𝜃𝑍 ) and 𝑋 = |𝑍|sin(𝜃𝑍 )

D. Equivalent Circuits

For Series RLC

The equivalent circuit from a given series RLC when simplified can either be:

Given: Z = R ± jX

If X is positive If X is negative
Series RL Series RC
𝑋 = 𝑋𝐿 = 2𝜋𝑓𝐿 𝑋 = 𝑋𝐶 =
𝑋𝐿 1
𝐿= 𝐶=
2𝜋𝑓 2𝜋𝑓𝑋𝐶
For Parallel RLC

The equivalent circuit from a given parallel RLC when simplified can either be:

Given: Y = G ± jB

If B is positive If B is negative
Parallel RC Parallel RL
𝐵 = 𝐵𝐶 = 2𝜋𝑓𝐶 𝐵 = 𝐵𝐿 =
1 𝐵𝐶 1 1
𝑅= ;𝐶 = 𝑅 = ;𝐿 =
𝐺 2𝜋𝑓 𝐺 2𝜋𝑓𝐵𝐿

E. Resonant Frequency (fR)

For Purely Series or Parallel RLC

The frequency at which the AC circuit behaves as a purely resistive circuit.

The frequency at which X = 0 or B = 0

The frequency at which XL = XC or BL = BC


Using XL = XC
2𝜋𝑓𝐿 =

(2𝜋𝑓)2 𝐿𝐶 = 1
𝑓2 =
(2𝜋)2 𝐿𝐶
𝑓𝑅 = 2𝜋√𝐿𝐶
Frequency is in unit - Hertz (Hz)
Sample Calculations:

1. Given:
R = 5 Ω ; L = 4 mH ; C = 10μF; and f = 200 Hz

Determine the following:

a. Z in rectangular form
b. Z in polar form
c. Equivalent circuit
d. Resonant frequency

a. Z in rectangular form
b. Z in polar form
c. Equivalent circuit
d. Resonant frequency


a. Z in rectangular form:

R = 5Ω (from given)

XL = 2πfL = 2π(200Hz)(4mH) = 5.027 Ω ; XC = 1/(2πfC) = 1/[2π(200Hz)(10μF)] = 79.577 Ω

X = XL – XC = –74.55 Ω

Z = (5 – j 74.55) Ω

b. Z in polar form:

Z = (5 – j 74.55) Ω
|Z| =√52 + 74.552 = 74.717 Ω ; θ = tan –1 | | = 86.163° ; since X is negative : θZ = 360° - θ = 273.837°

Z = 74.717 Ω ∠273.837°

c. Equivalent circuit using Z = (5 – j 74.55) Ω

Equivalent Circuit is a series RC

REq = 5Ω (from real part of Z)

X = XCEq = 74.55 Ω (imaginary part of Z)

1 1
CEq = 2𝜋𝑓𝑋 =2𝜋(200𝐻𝑧)74.55𝛺 =10.674 μF

d. Resonant frequency
1 1
𝑓𝑅 = = = 795.775 Hz
2𝜋 √𝐿𝐶 2𝜋√(4𝑚𝐻)(10𝜇𝐹)
2. Given:
R = 5 Ω ; L = 4 mH ; C = 10μF; and f = 200 Hz

Determine the following:

a. Y in rectangular form
b. Z in polar form
c. Equivalent circuit using Z
d. Resonant frequency
a. Y in rectangular form
b. Z in polar form
c. Equivalent circuit using Z
d. Resonant frequency


a. Y in rectangular form:

G = 1/R = 1/5Ω = 0.2 ʊ

BC = 2πfC = 2π(200Hz)(10μF) = 0.0126 ʊ ; BL = 1/(2πfL) = 1/[2π(200Hz)(4mH)] = 0.1989 ʊ

B = BC – BL = –0.1863 ʊ

Y = (0.2 – j 0.1863) ʊ

b. Z in polar form:

Y = (0.2 – j 0.1863) ʊ
|Y| =√0.22 + 0.18632 = 0.2733 ʊ ; θ = tan –1 | | = 42.970° ; since B is negative : θY =360°- θ = 317.03°

Y = 0.2733 ʊ ∠317.03°

|Z| = (1/|Y|) = 1/(0.2733) = 3.659 Ω ; θz =360°- θY =360°- 317.03° = 42.97°

Z = 3.659 Ω ∠42.97°

c. Equivalent circuit using Z = 3.659 Ω ∠42.97

Convert to Rectangular first

𝑅 = |𝑍|cos(𝜃𝑍 ) and 𝑋 = |𝑍|sin(𝜃𝑍 )

R = (3.659)cos(42.97°) = 2.677 Ω and X = (3.659)sin(42.97°) = 2.494 Ω ;

Equivalent Circuit is a series RL

REq = 2.677 Ω (real)

X = XLEq = 2.494 Ω (since X is positive)

𝑋𝐿 2.4949𝛺
LEq = = =1.985 mH
2𝜋𝑓 2𝜋(200𝐻𝑧)

d. Resonant frequency
1 1
𝑓𝑅 = = = 795.775 Hz
2𝜋 √𝐿𝐶 2𝜋√(4𝑚𝐻)(10𝜇𝐹)
D. For Mixed or Hybrid Configurations as applied in Transmission Lines

A transmission line is a communication means in a form of a wire like a coaxial cable that is used to
transmit signals of information between the source (S) to the receiver (R).

It can be approximated into one of many electrical circuit model as shown below:

Complex numbers are used to calculate the impedance, admittance, current and voltages along the said

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