As the name suggests, a Document Property is associated with a document as it flows through
an integration process. If you have 1000 invoice documents, and a Dynamic Document
Property named "Unique Transaction ID", you will have 1000 instances of that property with a
1000 values.
Process Properties : (potentially group of values) are defined separately to the process and
then used by process(es).
Dynamic Process Property : As the name suggests, a Process Property is associated with a
process. There is only one instance and one value for a process property within the scope of a
process execution .It is a global variable for a process.
A Dynamic Process Property is a single, “on-the-fly” property that you create.
Difference between DDP and DPP :
Dynamic document properties don’t persist between branches. The document property set on
one branch will not be available on a subsequent branch. But if you set the property before the
branch, it would be available down each. This is because document property get "attached" to
a document and follow that document down a given path to completion.
As for process property, if you have multiple documents processing at the same time, you
would get the same value because process properties are single, ”global” variables. You
wouldn't want to store document-specific info in a process property.
Difference between PP and DPP:
The main difference is process property is a component in BOOMI where you can maintain a
revision history and it's not the case for a dynamic process property.
Process Properties are grouped i.e. a PP can be any number of named values and are
referenced as per Process Property 'PP_Abc' from 'PP_Fred' ... where as dynamic process
properties are referred to as Dynamic Process Property name of 'DPP_Abc'. i.e. dynamic
process properties are not grouped.
For Process Properties .. there is a checkbox alongside the process properties used by the
process to indicate whether they are extensible ... or not .. (available as options to be set at
atom level per environment.) i.e. You can have Process Properties that are not extensible ..
Process Properties are chosen from pick lists whilst doing development ...
For Dynamic Process Properties you have to type the name and it has to match the name
setup for the process exactly or things don't work as expected .. i.e. beware typos !