CH - 06 - Dev Fund PLC Wiring and Ladder Logic
CH - 06 - Dev Fund PLC Wiring and Ladder Logic
CH - 06 - Dev Fund PLC Wiring and Ladder Logic
Figure 6-1
2 (2-1) In the relay shown in Figure 6-1, the coil would be considered to be
3 (2-2) In the relay instruction for the mechanism shown in Figure 6-1, the contact
1 is a(n) __________
Figure 6-2
4 (3) In the hardwired relay control circuit shown in Figure 6-2, when the switch is
closed, CR coil is __________
Figure 6-3
6 (5-1) In the motor starter circuit shown in Figure 6-3, the main contacts M are
8 (5-3) Any overload current that would be experienced in the circuits shown in
Figure 6-3 would be sensed by the __________
9 (6) The abbreviation NO (normally open) and NC (normally closed) represent the
electrical state of switch contacts when __________
Figure 6-4
10 (7) The pushbutton symbol shown in Figure 6-4 would be classified as a(n)
Figure 6-5
12 (9) A limit switch is usually actuated by __________
Figure 6.6
Figure 6-7
15 (12) The symbol shown in Figure 6-7 is for a __________
Figure 6-8
Figure 6-9
Figure 6-10
Figure 6-11
Figure 6-12
20 (17) The symbol shown in Figure 6-12 is for a __________
Figure 6-13
Figure 6-14
23 (20) Most proximity switches come equipped with an LED status indicator to
Figure 6-15
26 (23) An inductive proximity sensor is actuated by __________
28 (25) A(n) __________ converts light energy directly into electric energy
Figure 6-16
29 (26) The light sensor shown in Figure 6-16 would be classified as a __________
30 (27) The light source used in most industrial photoelectric sensors is a(n)
Figure 6-17
31 (28) For the photoelectric sensor shown in Figure 6-17, part 1 is the __________
and part 2 is the __________
32 (29) Fiber optic sensors __________
34 (31) A(n) operates by sending sound waves toward a target and measuring the
time it takes for the pulses to bounce back
35 (32) The force applied to a strain gage causes it to bend and change its
Figure 6-18
42 (39) A(n) __________ converts electrical pulses applied to it into discrete rotor
Figure 6-19
44 (41) The purpose of the M contact shown in the circuit in Figure 6-19 is to
Figure 6-20
46 (43) For the programmed latching operation shown in Figure 6-20, the two
elements that must have the same address are __________
48 (45) Programmed latching circuits are retentive. This means that if power is
interrupted the output will _________ when the power is returned
ANS: The best answer/response to the above question/statement is:
a) switch to the ON state
b) switch to the OFF state
c) remain in its original ON or OFF state
d) x
e) x
f) x page ____
Figure 6-21)
49 (46-1) For the program shown in Figure 6-21, what is the address of the
instruction associated with the pressure switch?
50 (46-2) For the program shown in Figure 6-21, the type of instruction is associated
with the selector switch is _________
51 (46-3) For the program shown in Figure 6-21, rung 1 will be true whenever the
52 (46-4) For the program shown in Figure 6-21, rung 2 will be true whenever
53 (46-5) For the program shown in Figure 6-21, the instruction to address B3:1/3 is
associated with __________
54 (46-6) For the program shown in Figure 6-21, if the XIC instruction at address
I:1/3 is true
55 (46-7) For the program shown in Figure 6-21, assume that the NC limit switch is
substituted for the NO limit switch, if the circuit were to operate in the same
manner as before __________
Figure 6-22
56 (47-1) With reference to the hardwired circuit and equivalent PLC program shown
if Figure 6-22, when LS2 is actuated and LS1 is not, __________
57 (47-2) With reference to the hardwired circuit and equivalent PLC program shown
if Figure 6-22, when LS1 is actuated and LS2 is not __________
58 (47-3) With reference to the hardwired circuit and equivalent PLC program shown
if Figure 6-22, when both LS1 and LS2 are not actuated __________
59 (47-4) With reference to the hardwired circuit and equivalent PLC program shown
if Figure 6-22, when both LS1 and LS2 are actuated __________
61 (2) Wen current flow through the coil of a relay, the coil is said to be _________
62 (3) A normally closed (NC) relay contact is closed when current flows through the
63 (4) A relay usually will have only one coil, but a number of different contacts.
64 (5) Each contact of a relay is usually drawn as if it would appear with the coil
65 (6) In general, control relay contacts are designed to handle higher currents than
66 (7) In general, PLC output module are designed to switch high current loads
67 (8) A motor starter is made up of a contactor with a(n) __________ relay
physically attached to it.
68 (9) In a magnetic motor starter, the control circuit is required to handle the full
load current of the motor
69 (10) In a motor starter, a(n) __________ relay is provided to protecdt the motor
against excessive current.
Figure 6-23
72 (13) For the symbols shown in Figure 6-23, identify the symbol names from the
list provided
1) NO pushbutton
2) NC pushbutton
3) break-make pushbutton
4) selector switch
5) NC limit switch
6) NO temperature switch
7) NO pressure switch
8) NC level switch page ____
Figure 6-24
73 (14) For the symbols shown in Figure 6-24, identify the symbol names from the
list provided
1) pilot light
2) control relay
3) motor starter coil
4) OL relay contact
5) solenoid
6) solenoid valve
7) motor
8) solenoid valve page ____
74 The
75 The
76 The
77 The
78 The
79 The
d) x
e) x
f) x page ____
80 The
81 The
82 The