Negotiation Skills Assignment
Negotiation Skills Assignment
Negotiation Skills Assignment
BATNA stands for Best Alternative To Negotiated Agreement and ZOPA stands for Zone
of Possible Agreement
BATNA refers to one’s preferred course of action, or knowing what one individual
will do or what will happen, in the absence of a deal
ZOPA exists if there is a potential agreement that would benefit both sides more than their
alternative options do
a) The British government’s decision to reveal what will happen if Brexit talks fail can result
in the implementation of contingency plans were intended to quell the public’s fears that a
failure would lead to chaos.
b) Another example is while bargaining over a rug in a bazaar, a buyer is aware that he/she
can purchase an identical rug at a nearby stall for Rs 1000. Assuming that a person wants
only one rug, that person won’t pay more than $1000 in the negotiation at hand.
a) In order for a salesman to sell his car to an interested buyer for a minimum of Rs 5 lakh,
John must be willing to pay at leastRs 5 lakh. If the buyer is willing to offer Rs 5,50,000
for the car, then there is an overlap between his and the salesman’s bottom lines. If John
can only offer Rs 4,75,000 for the car, then there is no overlap, and there cannot be a ZOPA.
b) For example, two people may be competing for one job. In the simplest case, there is no
ZOPA because both people want the full-time job and either they or the boss is unwilling
to offer them each a half time job instead. So this a win-lose outcome. One person wins,
the other loses. Or, if they do both take a 1/2 time position, each wins half of what they
wanted and loses the other half.
The biggest benefit of a holistic approach isn’t just about mental development, but it
encompasses psychological, social and emotional growth.
A holistic approach motivates children to learn about a subject. It instils curiosity and
allows children to learn naturally and creatively. It is also attuned to each child’s individual
persona and learning style, in contrast of the current mass educational system.
It seeks to help children develop all their skills and to build their strengths
It encourages children to make connections between subjects for instance, using their
creative skills to solve a practical science or social problem, or approaching a foreign
language like the way they approach a mathematical equation.
Continuous learning is the process of learning new skills and knowledge on an on-going
basis. This can come in many forms, from formal course taking to casual social learning.
It involves self initiative and taking on challenges
Continuous learning can also be within an organization, or it can be personal, such as in
lifelong learning.
Creating a supportive environment that encourages employees to engage in continuous
learning takes commitment, resources, and coaching. Some employees will be self-
motivated and will take up continuous learning on their own time, but the majority will not
have the time or resources to do so.
The term continuous learning can also refer to someone who is committed to learning new
skills or knowledge but is often used in a more temporary context or formal context.
An example of continuous learning could be taking an extra training course for their job.
This is a formal commitment, sometimes temporary, that is taken on to achieve new skills.
Also, there are other examples of Continuous learnings which include Formal learning
which includes the ways a learner can gain new knowledge and skills via learning initiatives
that have already been pre-determined, organized and implemented for a specific learning
purpose or goal, Social Learning which talks about all the ways a learner interacts,
discusses, collaborates and learns from others to increase knowledge or learn new skills
There is also Self-Directed learning which includes researching and reading to gain a deep
understanding of a topic, listening to topic relevant podcasts or watching instructional
videos and Experimentation and exploration
1. Top Performer - Developing new skills and knowledge can increase personal performance
or competence on the job.
2. Career development - Additional training, education, or skill development can help
achieve goals for those pursuing a career path or wanting to rotate into a new position.
3. Licenses or Certifications - Pursuing additional learning is also important for those
employees who need to obtain or update professional licenses or certifications.
4. Promotions or incentives - Spending time to learn a new skill or obtain new knowledge
can benefit work performance and influence future promotion or financial incentives.
5. Personal enrichment - Often a person’s interests extend beyond the job they do daily.
Pursuing extracurricular interests can lead to insight and developments that open the door
to new, future opportunities.
6. Stay marketable - Staying current in the trends and advances of one’s profession can help
an employee stay marketable in their profession should anything change.