A 1 A 1111211 Afdr 3 B
A 1 A 1111211 Afdr 3 B
A 1 A 1111211 Afdr 3 B
A suitable pig signaller should be fitted to signal the launch of each pig and the
total number of pigs
launched, similarly, a pig signaller should be fitted to the pig receiver to signal
receipt of each pig and
the total number of pigs received.
Equipment should also be supplied to locate a stuck or stalled pig within the
Pig signalling and location equipment data sheets and specifications are to be
submitted to COMPANY
for review prior to inclusion in specific project procedures.
The volume of fluid injected behind a pig or pigs should not be used as the sole
method for the
determination of pig location.
7.5.2. Pig Design
All pigs introduced into pipeline will be of the metal-bodied bi-directional type,
supplied by a reputable
manufacturer, specifically for the project, or refurbished to as new condition. Pig
disks must be new
and unused. All pigs will be able to accept signalling and location equipment. All
pigs will be uniquely
and permanently marked with numbers such that they can be visibly identified in
photographs. Pigs
will be Dual Diameter where required.
All bi-directional pigs will be fitted with a minimum of four sealing discs. Pig
design(s) including the
suppliers scaled, dimensioned drawings and specification sheets must be submitted
to COMPANY for
review prior to inclusion in project procedures.
7.5.3. Gauge Plates
Gauging pigs will be bi-directional disc type. The gauging plate will be fitted in
front of the third disc.
Gauge plates will be machined aluminium, 6-12 mm thick and be removable from the
pig. The leading
edge of each gauge plate will be chamfered 45° to half the plate thickness.
The gauge plate diameter is to be calculated according the following formula
The standard was revised in 1978 to include SI metric dimensions. The outside
diameter and
wall thicknesses were converted to millimeters by multiplying the inch dimensions
by 25.4.
Outside diameters larger than 16 in. were rounded to the nearest millimeter, and
outside diameters
16 in. and smaller were rounded to the nearest 0.1 mm. Wall thicknesses were
rounded to the
nearest 0.01 mm. These converted and rounded SI metric dimensions were added to
Table 2. A
formula to calculate the SI metric plain end mass, in kilograms per meter, using SI
metric diameters
and thicknesses was added to section 5. The SI metric plain end mass was calculated
and was
added to Table 2. These changes in the standard were approved and it was designated
an American
National Standard on July 18, 1979.
Further revisions were made in 1984. The ANSI designations, which are no longer in
use, were
deleted from Table 1, and the list of specifications was revised to agree with
current ASTM and
API specifications. Additional sizes and thicknesses which had been added to API
were added to Table 2. That edition was approved as an American National Standard
on August
19, 1985.
The next edition included additional wall thicknesses and was approved by the
National Standards Institute on August 24, 1995.
The 1996 edition contained revisions to Table 2, adding pipe sizes, changing some
plain end
weights and masses, identifying metric pipe by the dimensionless designator DN, and
the API Specification column. The 1996 edition was approved as an American National
on September 23, 1996.
The 2000 edition contained revisions to Table 2 to include the revised density for
steel incorporated into Section 5 previously. Table 1 was deleted and other
editorial changes to Sections 1, 2,
3, 5, 8, and 9 were made. The 2000 edition was approved as an American National
Standard on
December 1, 2000.
The current edition contains revisions to Section 5 and Table 1. It corrects the
equation for
nominal plain end weight. It adds the missing DN schedule numbers in Table 1. This
was approved as an American National Standard on June 23, 2004.
10.Principal Representation
10.0.1 The works under the contract will be delivered with a Technical Advisory
Inspector on site to ensure the works are executed safely, in an environmentally
friendly manner and to an ac-ceptable quality standard.
10.0.2 The availability and need for onsite Principal Representation will be based
on the project size, contract value and project risk and will be outlined in the
Project Specific Specification.
10.0.3 The Contractor must allow the Superintendent or their Representative access
to the drill cab and all drilling records at any time during the project.
The theory o f auto frettage is based on the fact that the stress in a thick‐
walled cyl indrical vesse l is h igher at the
bore than at the outs ide surface for a given internal pressure . I f such a vesse
l is sub j ected to a continuous ly increas ing
pressure , the entire vesse l wi l l deform e las tical ly unti l some pressure is
reached at which the material at the bore begins
to p lastical ly deform . As the pressure continues to increase , the boundary at
which material begins to yie ld moves from
the bore through the vesse l wall unti l it reaches the outer wal l , caus ing p
lastic co llapse [see KD -2 1 0 (e) (6 ) ] . In the pro -
cess of autofrettage , the pressure is increased from the po int o f first yie
lding at the bore to a pressure that wi l l p lace the
e lastic–p las tic interface at the des ired radius . The removal o f this pressure
then produces compress ive res idual tangential s tress at the bore and tens ile
res idual tangential stress at the outer wall .
(b) The effects of these res idual compress ive tangential s tresses are to
(1 ) increase the value of any subsequent app l ication of internal pressure which
wi l l cause the onset of additional
permanent deformation of the cyl inder
(2) reduce the effective mean stress value of the cyclic bore s tresses and thus
increase the fatigue l ife
(3) reduce the effective fracture mechanics stress intens ity factor at the tip of
a crack or crackl ike flaw near the bore
due to internal pressure . This wi ll retard the growth of fatigue or s tress
corros ion cracks near the bore surface .
Non-welded line-up clamps shall be used for alignment of all pipes and equipment
work. Ground clamps shall be provided and insulated electrode holders and/or leads
shall be employed.
The clamps shall preferably be of the internal type for establishing concentricity
of the pipe bores without scoring or otherwise damaging the metal surfaces.
Application of external clamps is subject to where the use of internal clamps is
impracticable and at tie-in points and shall be approved by PRINCIPAL
Representative. The use of internal line up clamps for all nominal pipe sizes of 12
inches and larger is mandatory.
Clamps actual design shall be subject to the approval of PRINCIPAL Representative.
SUPPLIER shall use clamp types specified by an authorized inspector representing
PRINCIPAL specific for the work being done. Pipes shall have a length of at least 3
m for application with internal clamps.
Further revisions were made to the standard in 1975. Additional sizes and
of steel pipe that had been added to API specifications were added to Table 2.
Table 3,
Dimensions and Weights of Welded Wrought Iron Pipe, was deleted in its entirety,
wrought iron pipe is no longer produced. These changes in the standard were
and it was designated an American National Standard on June 5 , 1975.
The standard was revised in 1978 to include SI metric dimensions. The outside
and wall thicknesses were converted to millimeters by multiplying the inch
dimensions by
25.4. Outside diameters larger than 16 in. were rounded to the nearest millimeter,
outside diameters 16 in. and smaller were rounded to the nearest 0.1 mm. Wall
were rounded to the nearest 0.01 mm. These converted and rounded SI metric
were added to Table 2. A formula to calculate the SI metric plain end mass, in
per meter, using SI metric diameters and thicknesses was added to section 5. The SI
plain end mass was calculated and was added to Table 2. These changes in the
were approved and it was designated an American National Standard on July 18, 1979.
Further revisions were made in 1984. The ANSI designations, which are no longer in
use, were deleted from Table 1, and the list of specifications was revised to agree
current ASTM and API specifications. Additional sizes and thicknesses which had
added to API specifications were added to Table 2. That edition was approved as an
American National Standard on August 19, 1985.
The next edition included additional wall thicknesses and was approved by the
National Standards Institute on August 24, 1995.
The 1996 edition contained revisions to Table 2, adding pipe sizes, changing some
end weights and masses, identifying metric pipe by the dimensionless designator DN,
eliminating the API Specification column. The 1996 edition was approved as an
National Standard on September 23, 1996.
The current edition contains revisions to Table 2 to include the revised density
for steel
incorporated into Section 5 previously. Table 1 was deleted and other editorial
changes to
Sections 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, and 9 were made. This edition was approved as an American
Standard on December I , 2000.
7.1. Mother Pipe
Mother pipe shall be manufactured as within the requirements as stated in the DEP Ref. [8] and line pipe specifications report. The carbon steel shall be
ISO 3183 Ref [22] PSL 2.
Company shall be notified if there is intent to upgrade or modify the strength of
either the mother pipe or induction bend after the bending process.
7.2. Qualification Test Bend
The test bends shall be manufactured with approved MPS as stated in the DEP Gen. Ref. [6]
7.3. Production Bending
Induction bending shall be carried out in accordance with the qualified MPS.
Interruption of the induction bending operation shall result in rejection of the
7.4. Post-Bending Heat Treatment
Except acceptable properties can be demonstrated after bending for any L450 X65
line, the
Contractor shall provide a quench and temper heat treatment of the entire joint.
The temperature of each furnace-load of bends shall be monitored by thermocouples
connected directly to selected bends and shall be recorded. The type and location
of the thermocouples shall be as specified in the MPS.
7.5. Strip/Plate End Welds
Induction bends shall not contain coil-strip end welds or plate end welds.
7.6. Forming and Sizing after Bending
This shall be done according to ISO 15590-1 Ref [20] as amended by DEP
Gen. Ref. [6]
7.7. Jointers and Girth Welds
Induction bends ordinarily should not contain girth welds. The DEP
Ref. [6] permits jointers during manufacture of bends on the condition that on
completion of the bend, the joiner shall be removed such that no effect from the
joiner shall remain including the heat affected zone.
7.8. End Preparation
Bends shall be square except otherwise specified by company. The cutting method
shall not affect the properties of the bend when compared to the mother pipe.
The blast cleaned profile shall be sharp and angular. Angular profile value shall
be determined by heat
shrink sleeve manufacturer in accordance with ISO 8503-5 requirements and
acceptance criteria.
4.4. Surface Cleaning
After blast cleaning to the specified quality, surfaces shall be brushed, vacuumed
or blown clean with
dry, oil-free compressed air to remove all dust and blast cleaning abrasive from
the surface and in
particular from pockets and corners. The pipe surface shall be cleaned of mill
scale, rust and other
foreign matter to achieve a minimum surface cleanliness of Sa 2½ in accordance with
the DEP, Section 9.2.6.
4.5. Mechanical Cleaning
Where, with the agreement of COMPANY, it is recognized that abrasive blast cleaning
cannot be
carried out; the area to be coated shall be cleaned by power wire brushing in
accordance Swedish
Standard SIS 055900 Standard ST3.
The prepared joint area shall be freed of all slag, weld spatter, mill scale, dirt
or other foreign matter, as
in abrasive blast cleaning.
Pigging and gauging activities shall be submitted as part the Contractors pressure
testing procedure. At the completion of the carrier pipe pull, the carrier pipes are to be
pigged and flushed clean. A number of cleaning passes may be required until clean
water remains in the carrier pipes. Pig selection shall be relevant to the pipeline
material and confirmed with a pig supplier and/or manufacturer. Cleaning acceptance
criteria shall be ≤10mm dust penetration with a low density foam pig for a maximum
length of 2km. For sections exceeding 2km an agreed value between Unitywater and
the Contractor is to be established. Cleaning pigs shall be numbered, logged, condition noted and comments
surrounding debris removed. Any pigging near residents or the general public shall
be controlled to ensure material exiting the pipeline is controlled and does not
impact the surrounding area. Silencers shall be used when appropriate. When pigging with compressed air, gauges shall be used at both ends with
constant communication between launching and receiving ends. No tools shall be used
on the pipeline until both ends of the pipeline have confirmed the gauges read
0kPa. The gauging pig is to be sized to the internal diameter of each carrier
pipe according to the project specific specification. The Contractor is to complete
this work and use a fit for purpose cleaning pig and gauging pig. The gauge plate
shall be a minimum 3mm thick, 95% of the internal diameter, segmented and shall be
free of defects once received. Location of the gauge plate on the gauging pig is to
be at the Contractors discretion. Gauge plate material shall not be able to damage
the parent material of the pipeline.
7.6.18 Alignment Tolerances The HDD bore path must follow the approved designed alignment and conform
to the allowable tolerances depicted in Table 12 below unless otherwise detailed in
the Project Specific Specification. The alignment shall be constructed on the project specific centre lines
and agreed to by the Superintendent’s Representative and Principal.
Table 12
i. The Contractor shall be responsible for the design and construction of all
aspects of the HDD works including any temporary works and temporary supporting
structures. All de-sign assumptions regarding subsurface conditions, equipment
requirements, groundwater and other factors are the responsibility of the
Contractor and shall be fully documented.
ii. Based on the alignment shown in the Principal Drawings, the Contractor shall
design and size the excavated profile to accommodate all temporary and permanent
iii. A design vertical and horizontal profile shall be submitted to the
Representative for review prior to commencement of work.
iv. The Contractor shall not proceed with any work until the Contractor’s RPE
certified design has been accepted by the Superintendent’s Representative.
Acceptance of the Contrac-tor’s design by the Superintendent’s Representative in no
way diminishes the responsibility of the Contractor for the design.
v. The HDD crossing shall be designed in accordance with this Specification and
the refer-enced documents by a person suitably qualified and having experience with
the design considerations required for this type of work. The profile design shall
take into account the following:
• Temporary works associated with the HDD construction;
The Contractor shall notify the Company of any conflict between this specification,
the Codes and Standards and any other specification included as part of the Project
This specification and the guidelines set forth do not relieve the Contractor, its
Sub- Con-tractors and Vendors of the responsibility to provide a finished product
capable of perform-ing its intended service.
Any exception to this specification and referenced documentation shall be raised by
the Contractor and approved by the Company in writing, following the applicable
procedure for concession requests as defined in the Quality Management Procedures
of the Project.
During further stages of the project (detailed design) Contractor is obliged to
verify calcula-tions, the design and dimensions of all equipment using its own
calculations based on pro-cess, design, safety and warranty data given in the
tender documentation. The detailed de-sign must be agreed upon with the Company.
Tension on the pull section results from three primary sources: (1) frictional
drag between the pipe and the wall of the hole, (2) fl uidic drag from
viscous drilling fl uid surrounding the pipe, and (3) the effective (submerged)
weight of the pipe as it is pulled through the hole. In addition
to these forces that act within the drilled hole, frictional drag from the
portion of the pull section remaining on the surface (typically supported
on rollers) also contributes to the tensile load on the pipe.
Additional loads that the horizontal drilling rig must overcome during
pull back result from the length of the drill string in the hole and the
reaming assembly that precedes the pull section. These loads don ’ t act on
the pull section and therefore have no effect on pipe stresses. Nonetheless,
if a direct correlation with the overall rig force is desired, loads resulting
from the reaming assembly and drill string must be estimated and added
to the tensile force acting on the pull section.
Calculation of the tensile load required to install a pipeline by HDD
is complicated due to the fact that the geometry of the drilled path must
be considered along with properties of the pipe being installed, subsurface
materials, and drilling fl uid. Assumptions and simplifi cations
are typically required. A theoretical pulling load may be calculated by
hand or with the aid of one of several commercially available software
Regardless of the method used to calculate an HDD pulling load, the
design engineer should be aware that numerous variables affect pulling
loads, many of which depend upon site-specifi c conditions and individual
contractor practices. These include prereaming diameter, hole stability,
removal of cuttings, soil and rock properties, drilling fl uid properties,
drilled path geometry, and the effectiveness of buoyancy control measures.
Such variables cannot easily be accounted for in a theoretical
calculation method designed for use over a broad range of applications.
For this reason, theoretical calculations are of limited benefi t unless
combined with engineering judgment derived from experience in HDD
The fi rst step in calculating a pulling load is to analyze the drilled path.
This analysis can be based on the designed drilled path, a “worst-case”
drilled path, or “as-built” pilot-hole data, if available. Bearing in mind
that most pilot holes are drilled longer, deeper, and to tighter radii than
designed, a conservative approach in the absence of as-built pilot-hole
data is to evaluate a worst-case drilled path that accounts for potential
deviations from the design. This worst-case path should be determined
based on allowable tolerances for pilot-hole length, elevation, and curve
radius as defi ned in the contract documents. The design engineer should
be aware that deviations in these parameters are typical and are often due
For steel piping operating above –20F, alloy steel studs ASTM
A193 Grade B7, with ASTM A194 Class 2H semi-finished heavy
hex nuts shall be used except for sulphide stress cracking service
where stud bolts shall be ASTM A193 Grade B7M. For steel piping
operating below –20F, ie: blowdown service, ASTM A320, Gr L7
studs, with ASTM A194, Gr 7 semi-finished hex nuts shall be used,
except for sulfide stress cracking services where stud bolts shall be
ASTM A320, Gr L7M.
At least one (1) reading per drill rod is required during the drilling of the pilot
hole, registering inclination, heading, length, depth and the orientation of the
bent sub. This information shall be recorded on the steering log and be available
for inspection of the superintendent as and when required. The Contractor shall ensure proper calibration of all equipment before
commencing directional drilling operation and provide proof of calibration
documentation to the Superintendent’s Representative
(2) Bolting threads and lengths shall conform to the dimensions listed
in the appropriate national or industry flange standard. Headed
bolts (rather than stud bolts) shall not be used without prior PTT
(3) All bolts and nuts shall be coated with PTFE, or equivalent
material.For steel piping operating above –20F, alloy steel studs ASTM
A193 Grade B7, with ASTM A194 Class 2H semi-finished heavy
hex nuts shall be used except for sulphide stress cracking service
where stud bolts shall be ASTM A193 Grade B7M. For steel piping
operating below –20F, ie: blowdown service, ASTM A320, Gr L7
studs, with ASTM A194, Gr 7 semi-finished hex nuts shall be used,
except for sulfide stress cracking services where stud bolts shall be
ASTM A320, Gr L7M.
(2) Bolting threads and lengths shall conform to the dimensions listed
in the appropriate national or industry flange standard. Headed
bolts (rather than stud bolts) shall not be used without prior PTT
(3) All bolts and nuts shall be coated with PTFE, or equivalent
(4) For Austenitic bolting materials shall be in accordance with piping
material classification data sheets.
1.4.6 Proprietary Connectors
Proprietary connectors shall be used as required by project Specifications.
1.5 Design Considerations for Particular Piping Systems
1.5.1 General
(4) For Austenitic bolting materials shall be in accordance with piping
material classification data sheets.
1.4.6 Proprietary Connectors
Proprietary connectors shall be used as required by project Specifications.
1.5 Design Considerations for Particular Piping Systems
1.5.1 General
The SDV valve will be provided at the station inlet and outlet. In case of an
emergency event the SDV valves will cut off the gas supply from the suppliers and
to the pipelines.
The compressor station will be designed for locally manned, fully automatic,
permanent operation from Station Control Room with remote monitoring of the station
from the Central Control Room.
9.2 Pig Receiver
Pig Receivers will be provided at all pipelines entering the compressor station.
The pig receiver is described in section 10.8.
9.3 Filter Separator Skid
The filter separators, as described in section 10.1, shall be provided at Obigbo
Compressor Station at each gas supply source.
The filter separator design and operating conditions are: Parameter Value QIT
Source Obigbo Node Source Cawthorne and Alakiri Source Okono/Okpoho
Design Pressure
98.0 barg
98.0 barg
98.0 barg
98.0 barg
Design Temperature
within the hole and to improve the condition and stability of the borehole and the
borehole walls. Conditioning reaming tools are to be in good working order and appropriate
to the ground conditions indicated.
7.6.12 Pipe Pullback At the completion of the hole opening and the hole conditioning, the
Contractor will commence the casing/carrier pipe pullback. The pipe pullback is a
critical operation and the following must be controlled by the Contractor:
involve a combination of pipe removal and abandonment-in-place along the length of
the pipeline. A key factor influencing the choice between the two options is
present and future land use.
It is further noted that the abandonment techniques presented are confined to those
possible using currently available technology. While developments in pipeline
removal and abandonment technologies were evaluated, no major improvements to the
methods currently in use were discovered. However, as pipeline abandonments become
more prevalent, improved abandonment methods will likely be developed.
1.5 Objective
The objective of this discussion paper is to assist the user in the development of
a pipeline abandonment plan, a framework for which is provided in Section 2 of this
paper. More particularly, the paper is meant to assist parties in making an
informed decision between abandoning in place or through removal. Section 3
outlines the general technical and environmental issues that should be considered
when abandoning a pipeline, while Section 4 elaborates on post-abandonment
responsibilities. Site-specific issues should be addressed on a case-by-case basis.