RFMW Manual
RFMW Manual
RFMW Manual
To determine the frequency & wavelength in a rectangular waveguide working in TE10 mode
Apparatus required:
1 Klystron Power Supply
2 Klystron tube
3 Isolator
4 Frequency meter
5 Variable attenuator
6 Slottedsection
7 Tunableprobe
8 Wave guide stand
9 SWR meter
10 Matched termination.
Mode represents in wave guides as either
TE m, n/ TM m,n
TE – Transverse electric,
TM – Transverse magnetic
m – Number of half wave length variation in broader direction.
n – Number of half wave length variation in shorter direction.
λo is free space wave length
λg is guide wave length
λc is cutoff wavelength
For TE10 mode,
Where m = 1 in TE10 mode and ‘a' is broad dimension of waveguide. The following
relationship can be proved
C = ƒλ
Where c = 3 x 108 m/s is velocity of light and f is frequency.
1. Set up the components and equipments as shown in figure 1.
2. Set the variable attenuator at maximum position (at no attenuation).
3. Keep the control knobs of SWR Meter as below:
Range dB : 50 dBposition
Crystal : At 200ohm Impedance
Mode select : Normal Position
Gain (Coarse & Fine) : Mid Position
SWR/dB : dB position
4. Keep the Control knobs of Klystron Power Supply as below.
Mod-Switch : AM
Beam Voltage Knob : Fully anticlockwise
Reflector Voltage : Fullyclockwise AM-
Amplitude Knob : Fullyclockwise AM-
Frequency : Mid Position
16. Measure the wave-guide inner broad dimension 'a' which will be around 22.86 mm for
X band and Calculate
c =3 x 108 meter/sec. i.e. velocity of light.
18. Verify with frequency obtained by frequency meter.
19. Above experiment can be verified at different frequencies.
Apparatus Required:
1. Klystron power supply
2. Klystron mount with tube
3. Isolator
4. Frequency meter
5. Variable attenuator
6. Detector mount
7. Wave guide stands
8. SWR Meter
9. Cables and accessories
The Reflex Klystron makes the use of velocity modulation to transform a continuous electron
beam into microwave power. Electrons emitted from the cathode are accelerated & passed
through the positive resonator towards negative reflector, which retards and finally, reflects the
electrons and the electrons turn back through the resonator. Suppose an rf-field exists between
the resonators the electrons traveling forward will be accelerated or retarded, as the voltage at the
resonator changes in amplitude.
The accelerated electrons leave the resonator at an increased velocity and the retarded electrons
leave at the reduced velocity. The electrons leaving the resonator will need different time to
return, due to change in velocities. As a result, returning electrons group together in bunches, as
the electron bunches pass through resonator, they interact with voltage at resonator grids. If the
bunches pass the grid at such a time that the electrons are slowed down by the voltage then
energy will be delivered to the resonator; and Klystron will oscillate.
Fig 2: Modes of reflex klystron
1. Set the components and equipment as shown in the figure 3.
2. Initially set the variable attenuator at maximum position (no attenuation).
power supply
Vrepeller(V) Power(dB) Power(mW)
Objective: To calculate the insertion and isolation loss of Magic Tee
Apparatus required :
1. Microwave source
2. Isolator
3. Variableattenuator
4. Frequency meter
5. Slottedline
6. Tunableprobe
7. MagicTee
8. Matchedtermination
9. Wave guidestand
10. Detectormount
11. SWR meter andaccessories.
Theory :
The device Magic Tee is a combination of the E and H plane Tee. Arm 3, the H-arm forms an
H plane Tee and arm 4, the E-arm forms an E plane Tee in combination with arm 1 and 2 a
side or collinear arms. If power is fed into arm 3 (H-arm) the electric field divides equally
between arm 1 and 2 in the same phase, and no electrical field exists in arm 4. Reciprocity
demands no coupling in port 3 (H-arm). If power is fed in arm 4 (E-arm), it divides equally
into arm 1 and 2 but out of phase with no power to arm 3. Further, if the power is fed from
arm 1 and 2, it is added in arm 3 (H-arm), and it is subtracted in E-arm, i.e. arm 4.
Value of SWR corresponding to each port, as a load to the line while other ports are
terminated in matched load.
2. Isolation
The isolation between E and H arms is defined as the ratio of the power supplied by the
generator connected to the E-arm (port 4) to the power detected at H -arm (port 3) when
side arms I and 2 are terminated in matched load.
Isolation (dB) = 10 log10P3
Objective:To calculate the insertion and isolation loss of Isolator and Circulators.
Apparatus required:
1. Microwave source
2. Power Supply forsource
3. Isolators
4. Circulators
5. Frequency meter
6. Variableattenuator
7. Slotted line
8. Tunableprobe
9. Detectormount
10. SWRmeter
11. Test isolationand
12. Circulation andaccessories
Isolator: An isolator is a two-port device that transfers energy from input to output with
little attenuation and from output to input with very high attenuation.
or: The circulator is defined as a device with ports arranged such that energy entering a port
is coupled to an adjacent port but not coupled to other ports. Refer to the figure. A wave
incident on port 1 iscoupled to port 2 only, a wave incident at port 2 is coupled to port 3 only
and soon.
Following are the basic parameters of isolator and circulator for study.
1. Insertionloss
The ratio of power supplied by a source to the input port to the power detected by a
detector in the coupling arm, i.e. output arm with other port terminated in the matched
load, is defined as insertion loss or forward loss. .
2. Isolation
It is the ratio of power fed to input arm to the power detected at not coupled port with
other port terminated in the matched load
3. InputVSWR
The input VSWR of an isolator or circulator is the ratio of voltage maximum to voltage
minimum of the standing wave existing on the line when one port of it terminates the
line and other have matched termination.
Note: When port which is not coupled to input port is terminated by matched termination it
marks as Isolator. (Two port device).
1. Measurement of Insertion Loss and Isolation.
a. Remove the probe and isolator or circulator from slotted line and connect the
detector mount to the slotted section. The output of the detector mount should be
b. Energize the microwave source for maximum output particular frequencyof
operation. Tune the detector mount for maximum output in the SWRMeter.
c. Set any reference level of power in SWR meter with the help of variable
attenuator and gain control knob of SWR meter. Let it beP1.
d. Carefully remove the detector mount from slotted line without disturbing the
position of set up. Insert the isolator/circulator between slotted line and detector
mount. Keeping input port to slotted line and detector at its output port. A
matched termination should be placed a third port in case ofcirculator.
e. Record the reading in the SWR meter. If necessary change range -dB switch to
high or lower position and 10dB change for one step change of switch position.
Let it beP2.
f. Compute insertion loss on P1 – P2 indB.
g. For measurement of isolation, the isolator or circulator has to be connected
inreverse i.e. output port to slotted line and detector to input port with another port
terminated by matched termination (in case circulator) after setting a reference
level without isolator or circulator in the set up as described in insertion loss
measurement. Let same P1 level isset.
h. Record the reading of SWR meter inserting the isolator or circulator as given in
step 7. Let it beP3.
i. Compute isolation as P1 - P3 indB.
j. The same experiment can be done for other ports ofcirculator.
k. Repeat the above experiment for other frequencies ifrequired.
Setup for Measurement Loss & Isolation of Isolator & Circulator
Figure: Test Bench Setup for measuring the transmission loss of DUT
Frequenc VSWR Meter Reading VSWR Meter Transmission
yf( without DUT Reading with DUT Loss
GHz) Pin(dB) Pout(dB) -S21(dB)
Study of V-I characteristics of Gunn Diode
Apparatus required:
1. Gunn oscillator
2. Gun Power Supply
3. PIN modulator
4. Isolator
5. Frequency meter
6. Variable attenuator
7. Detector mount
8. Waveguide stands
9. SWR Meter
10. Cables and accessories
The Gunn Oscillator is based on negative differential conductivity effect in bulk
semiconductors, which has two conduction bands minima separated by an energy gap
(greater than thermal agitation energies). A disturbance at the cathode gives rise to high field
region, which travels towards the anode. When this high field domain reaches the anode, it
disappears and another domain is formed at the cathode and starts moving towards anode and
so on. The time required for domain to travel from cathode to anode (transit time) gives
oscillation frequency.
In a Gunn Oscillator, the Gunn diode is placed in a resonant cavity. In this case the
Oscillation frequency is determined by cavity dimension. Although Gunn oscillator can be
amplitude modulated with the bias voltage. We have used separate PIN modulator through
PIN diode for square wave modulation.
A measure of the square wave modulation capability is the modulation depth i.e. the output
ratio between, ‘On’ and ‘Off’ state.
1. Set the components and equipment as shown in the figure below.
2. Initially set the variable attenuator for maximum attenuation.
3. Keep the control knob of Gunn Power Supply as below:
Gunn BiasKnob : Fully anticlockwise
Pin bias Knob : Fully anti-clockwise
Pin Mod frequency : Mid position
Mode switch : CW Mode
Figure: Setup for Study of V-I characteristics of Gunn Diode
4. Keep the control knob of SWR meter as
below: Range dB : 50
Crystal : 200 ohm
Mode Switch : Normal
Position Gain (Course & Fine) : Mid
Position SWR/dB switch : dB
5. Set the micrometer of Gunn Oscillator for required frequency ofoperation.
6. Switch ‘On’ the Gunn Power Supply SWR Meter and cooling fan.
7. Measure the Gunn diode current corresponding to the various voltage controlled by
Gunn bias knob through the panel, do not exceed the bias voltage above 10volts.
8. Plot the voltage and current reading on the graph as shown in figure1.
9. Measure the threshold voltage which corresponds to the maximumcurrent.
Sr. No. Gunn Bias V (Volt) I (mA)
Apparatus required:
1. Klystron power supply
2. Klystron mount
3. Isolator
4. Frequency meter
5. Variable attenuator
6. Detector mount
7. Matched Terminator
8. MHD coupler
9. Wave guide stand
10. Cables & accessories
11. SWR meter
Theory :
A directional coupler is a device with it is possible to measure the incident and reflected wave
separately. It consists of two transmission line, the main arm and auxiliary arm,
electromagnetically coupled to each other. Refer to the figure. The power entering port 1 the
main arm gets divided between port 2 and 3 and almost no power comes out in port 4. Power
entering port 2 is divided between port 1 and port 4.
Aim:To study the substitution method for attenuation measurement and determine the
attenuation due to a component under test
Equipments Required:
1. Microwave Power Source- Klystron /Gunn
2. PowerSupply
3. Variable Standard Attenuator (Calibrated)
4. Component undertest
5. Microwavebench
6. Stands, Connecting Cables andAccessories
1. Assemble the set-up as shown in thefigure.
Aim:To determine the resonant frequency of the micro strip ring resonator and to calculate
the εrof the substrate. (known parameters are strip conductor width in the ring W=1.84 mm ,
height of substrate h=0.76mm , radius of the ring , r0=12mm).
1. Microwave signal source with 1khz modulating frequency.
2. VSWR Meter.
1. Microstrip Ring Resonator
2. Stripline directional coupler
3. Detector
4. Matched load,50Ω
5. Cables and adapters