Al A'mash
Al A'mash
Al A'mash
Born :
Died :
Narrator in:
"Alī Ibn al-Madānīyy said:" We wrote down 300,000 traditions from him. "Alī Ibn
Ahmad ibn al-Nadr:" I heard Alī Ibn al-Madānīyy say: The keepers of science among
the community of Prophet Muḥ ammad are six men : For the inhabitants of Mecca it
is Amr ibn Dinār. For the inhabitants of Medina it is Muḥ ammad Ibn Muslim az-
Zuḥ rīyy. For the inhabitants of Kufa, these are Abū Isḥ āq as-Sabā'īyy and Sulāyman
ibn Mihrān al-āmā'sh. And for the inhabitants of Basra, it is Yahyā ibn Abī Kathīr and
Qatadah. "Ibn al-Barrā:" Alī Ibn al-Madānīyy said: "al-āmā'hh hallucinated very much
in the traditions of the younger ones, as of al-Hakam, Salamah ibn Khuāyl, Habib ibn
Abī Thabīt and Abū Isāāq. "Yaqūb ibn Shāybah:" Alī Ibn al-Madānīyy said: "The
traditions of al-Āmā'sh of Abū Isāāq are not strong." Sahl ibn Halimah: "I heard
Sufyān ibn Uyaynah say," al-ā'mā'h surpassed his companion with four qualities:
reciting the Qur'aan, imprinting in the traditions, knowing in al-Farayid, and
forgetting one thing. "Fudāyl ibn Dukāyn: "He truly counts among the only Imāme in
Hādith. He was a Hāfīd and Reliable. "Ishāq ibn Mansūr al-Kausaj:" Ibn Mā'in said:
al-Ā'mā'sh is trustworthy. "Abū Dāwūd:" I heard Yahyā ibn Mā'in saying, "al-Ā 'mā'h
is Jalil Jiddān. "Ahmad ibn Hanbal:" Shū'bah used to say: Sulāyman is dearer to us
than Āsīm. "Abdullāh ibn Ahmād:" My father said, "Mansūr and al-Ā'mā'h are more
reliable than Hammad and Āsim. "Ibn Hanīyy an-Nisaburīyy:" I said to Abū Abdullāh
Ahmad ibn Hanbal: who was taller (in position) Abū al-Husāin or al-Āmā'sh? "He
said: "Abū al-Husāin was greater than him, and al-ā'mā'hh is dearer to me, for he was
a scholar of the knowledge and the book of Allāh as Abū al-Husāin. And Abū al-Husāin
is one of the Banī Assad and he was a righteous scholar. "And Ibn Hanīyy said," I asked
Abū Abdullāh about al-Āmā'h: is he conclusive in the traditions (Hujjah fī 'al-Hādith)?
"He said," Yes. "And Ibn Hanīyy asked him," Is Āsim ibn Abī al-Nujud dear to you or
al-Āmā'sh? "He said," al-Āmā'hh I prefer and he was authentic in reporting (Sahih al-
Hādith) and he was a Muḥ addith. "Al-Fadl ibn Ziyād:" I heard Abū Abdullāh when he
was asked: "If it is between Mansūr and al-ā'mā'sh (the) of Ibrāhīm ( a contradiction
arises, with which of the two should we agree? "He said:" With the statement of
Mansūr, for he made fewer mistakes. "Alī Ibn Sā'id al-Naswīyy:" I heard Ahmad ibn
Hanbal say, "Mansur was the most reliable among the people of Kufa. And there are
in the traditions of al-Āmā'sh that are very confusing. "Abū Dāwūd as-Sijistanīyy:" I
said to Ahmad: "Is Suhāyl dear to you or al-Āmā'sh who report of Abū Salih?" He Abū
Dāwūd also said, "He made mistakes in the accounts of Abū Isḥ āq as-Sabā'īyy." Abū
Zu'rāh ar-Razīyy: "He is truly an Imām." Abū Hātim ar-Razīyy: "He is Trustworthy, it
is argued with his traditions." Ibn Abū Hátim: "One questioned my father about al-
Āmā'h and Mansūr, he said:" al-Āmā'h is a Hāfīd who ( Statements mixed with each
other) and Tadlīs operated and Mansūr is more excellent than him, who did not mix
(say) and did not do Tadlīs. "Abū'l-Hāssan al-Ijjlī:" He was trustworthy, reliable. He
had been the Muḥ addith among the people of Kufa of his time. And he had slight
tendencies towards Shiism. "An-Nasā'īyy:" Trustworthy, Reliable. "Muḥ ammad Ibn
Ammār al-Mawṣ ilīyy: There is none among the Muḥ addītīīs who is more reliable
than al-Āmā'ūh" Abū'l-Qāsim al -Malahīyy: "He was the most knowledgeable among
the people regarding the statements of Abdullāh ibn Mas'ūd." Al-Husāin ibn Alī al-
Karabisīyy: "He was the muḥ addith and the reciter from Kufa. And he operated
Tadlis. "Ibn Khuzāymah:" He had more memory than Mu wieammad Ibn Abī Salih.
"Abū Nu'āym al-Asbahanīyy:" The imām, the reciter, the narrator, the mufti, he did
many good deeds.
[Ibn Hanīyy, Su'ālat no. 2166; Abū Dāwūd, Su'alāt no. 343; Ibn Jazrīyy,
Ghāyat al-Nihāyah no. 1389; Ibn Khalikān, al-Waf'īyat no. 271; Ibn Rajab,
al-Illal (1/347); ad-Dhahabī, Siyār al-Alām an-Nubalā'a no. 2110; Mizān
al-I'tidāl no. 3517; Ibn Hājar, Tahḍ hīb at-Tahḍ hīb no. 3386; Taqrīb at-
Tahḍ hīb no. 2615]
His Tadlīs
He is one of the most well-known Mudallisīn among more than 50 scholars. He also
operated Tadlīs al-Tashwīyyah (settlement fraud).
[Alī ibn Jā'd, Musnad no. 672; Ibn Qaysarānīyy, Masalah at Tasmīyyah
(1/47); Ibn Abdul-Barr, at-Tamhīd (4/33); al-Hākim, Mar'ifāt Ulūm al-
Hādith (1/107); at-Tabarī, Tahhīb al-Athar no. 3; An-Nawāwīyy, Sharh
Sahih Muslim (1/72); ad-Dhahabī, Mizān al-I'tidāl no. 3517]
The Amīr Al-Mu'mīnīn fī'l Hadīth Ibn Hājar classified him in the third (3) category of
Mudallisīn and said: "The Muḥ addith from Kufa and the reciter and he operated
Tadlīs. This attributed to him al-Karabisīyy, al-Nasā'īyy, ad-Daraqutnī and others. "
[at-Tirmidhīyy, al-Illal no. 430; Abū Umar al-Danīyy, Ilm al-Hādith no.
39; Ibn Qattan, Bayan al-Wahīm (2/435); al-Ālaīyy, Ğamīyy at-Tahsīl
(1/188); al-Āymīyy, al-Asmâ 'al-Mudallisīn no. 30; as-Suyūtī, Asmā al-
Mudallisīn (1/55); Ibn al-Irāqīyy, al-Mudallisīn (1/55); Ibn Najjaar, al-
Targuma no. 2615, al-Āynīyy, Umdat al-Qārīyy (3/184); Ibn Imād al-
Hanbālīyy, Shadhrāt ad-Dhahab (1/215)]
Imām ad-Dhahabī said when his Tadlīs is acceptable: "He practiced Tadlīs and
perhaps he did Tadlīs from weak narrators without knowing it. If (ever) he says:
Somebody told us, (that's fine) and if (always) he says, "From," then Tadlīs may be a
possibility, except by his scholars, of whom he narrates much, like Ibrahim Abī Wā'il
and Abī Salih al-Samān. So this tradition is considered connected. "
1. • Abbās ad-Durīyy: "I heard Yahyā ibn Mā'in saying: Everything that al-Ā'mā'sh of
Anas Ibn Mālik reports is Mursal, and he saw Anās." Ibn Mahraz: "I heard Yahyā ibn
Mā ' in saying, when he heard that al-Ā'mā'h heard from Anas: "No, he has seen him
but heard nothing from him." Alī Ibn al-Madānīyy: "al-Ā'mā'hh has nothing heard of
Anas Ibn Mālik, he only saw him praying in Mecca praying behind the Maqam. And
the reports of him, he tells only by Yazīd ar-Ruqāshīyy. "Abū Īsa at-Tirmidhīyy:" al-
Ā'mā'shh may not have heard this report of Anas, even among the prophets. And he
saw Anās when he said, "I saw him praying."
2. • Abū Hātim ar-Razīyy: "al-Ā'mā'šh did not hear about Abū Salih, the Mawla of Umm
Hanīyy. In this regard, he practiced the Tadlīs of al-Kalbīyy. "Abdullāh ibn Ahmad ibn
Hanbal:" My father said: The traditions of al-Āmā'sh of Abū Salih are separate
(Munqatī). " Info : In this regard, there is a dispute whether he is of Abū Salih heard
or not, because Khalid al-Ahmar said: "I heard al-Āmā'h say," I wrote down a thousand
traditions from Abū Salih. "
3. • Yahyā ibn Sā'id al-Qattan: "I wrote of al-Āmā'sh (that) of Mujahīd (reported), all up
to him (the chain) was connected, he (however) did not hear from him." Yaqūb ibn
Shāybah as-Sadūsīyy: "I asked Alī ibn al-Madānīyy: How many traditions did al-Āmā'h
hear from Mujahīd?" He said: "His traditions are not proven unless he says," I heard.
"Abū Hātim ar-Razīyy:" al-Ā'mā'šh heard little of Mujahīd. And most of what he
reports of Mujahīd is based on Tadlīs. "Abdullāh ibn Ahmād:" One questioned my
father about the traditions of al-Āmā'sh of Mujahīd, to which he said: Abū Bakr al-
Ayyāsh said: He reports it of Layth (ibn Abī Sulaym) of Mujahīd. "Ibn Tahmam:" Yahyā
ibn Mā'in said, "al-Āmā'h heard of Mujahīd. And (much) what he reports about him,
he did not hear it.
4. Al-Bukhārī: "al-Āmā'šh heard nothing of Ibn Buraydah."
5. • Harb ibn Ismā'il al-Kirmānīyy: "Ahmād said," al-Āmā'šh heard nothing of Shimr ibn
Atīyyah. "
6. • Abū Zu'rāh ar-Razīyy: "al-Āmā'šh heard nothing of Ikrimah, neither of Muḥ ammad
ibn Sirīn, nor of Salim ibn Abdullāh." Salih ibn Muḥ ammad al-Jazrīyy said: "al-
Āmā'šh heard nothing of Ikrimah the Mawla Ibn Abbās. "
7. • Abū Dāwūd as-Sijistanīyy: "He heard nothing from Nafi'ī."
8. • Abū Zu'rāh ad-Dimašhqīyy: "I heard Abū Nu'āym say:" al-Ā'mā'hh never saw Qāys
ibn Abī Hazm. "
9. • Ibn Mā'in: "al-Ā'mā'šh heard nothing of Abū al-Safar except a tradition, neither did
he hear of Abū Amr al-Shāybanīyy."
10. • Abū Bakr al-Bazzār: "He did not hear about Abū Sufyān."
11. • al-Khātib al-Bagdadīyy: "He tells of Abdullāh ibn Abī Awfa Mursal."
[Ibn Abū Hātim, al-Marasīl no. 297; ad-Durīyy, Tarīkh no. 1572; at-
Tirmidhīyy, Ğamīyy (1/64); Ibn Tahman, Riwāyat no. 59; Alī Ibn Jā'd,
Musnad no. 683; Ibn Hājar, Tahḍ hīb at-Tahḍ hīb no.
3386; Mughlaṭ āyy, al-Ikmāl Tahḍ hīb al-Kamāl no. 2227]
It has been reported that he has distanced himself from many of his traditions that
burden the Rāfiḍ ah against the Prophet's companions.
Thus, Abū Bakr ibn al-Ayyāsh said: "I heard al-Āmā'h say," May Allaah forgive us. We
have handed down things to surprise them, but they have been taken to religion. And
the Prophet's companions experienced Mu'āwiyah as Umar's leader at the time, and
after him for 10 years without anyone going to kill him. "Hammad ibn Zāyd:" al-
Āmā'šh said when the illness befell him and died shortly before his death Oh Allah, I
ask forgiveness from the lore that tells where I depicted Uthmān as small. "