Bolted Double Angle Connections in Combined Shear and Tension
Bolted Double Angle Connections in Combined Shear and Tension
Bolted Double Angle Connections in Combined Shear and Tension
Bolted double angle shear connections were tested in combined shear and tension, with the test beam rotated and
held at 0.03 radians relative to the column during loading. Ultimate tension load for each specimen and
representative load vs displacement curves are presented in this paper. Twenty-six two single bolt row connections,
consisting of double angles bolted to a column flange and beam web, were tested. A shear load was applied and
held constant at either 50 or 100 percent of the factored shear capacity while a tension load was applied and
gradually incremented to failure. Selected specimens were tested in pure shear and in pure tension, to complete the
interaction curves for both 5/16"and 3/8" angles. Preliminary results indicate that bolted double angle shear
connections have a significant tension capacity which decreases with increasing shear load. Comparisons with
related research are also provided. Other types such as single angle, end plate, and shear tab connections will be
included in this continuing test program.
The current Canadian steel design code, CAN/CSA-S16.1-94 (1), Clause 6.1.2 states that: "The general
arrangement of the structural system and the connection of its members shall be designed to provide resistance to
widespread collapse as a consequence of local failure". Structural integrity is emphasized and connections are
required to resist the effects of all factored loads, including lateral loads from wind and earthquake. To satisfy the
above requirements, a simple connection should have sufficient capacity to develop both tension and shear in the
beam. Progressive failure of structures such as that which occurred in the Ronan Point apartment building (2) has
led to requirements in the British Standard BS 5950 (3) for minimum tying or tensile force resistance to be
incorporated in the design of connections.
There are no guidelines in the Canadian code for the design of connecting elements in simple beam framing
connections subjected to combined shear and tension. The AISC Manual of Steel Construction (4) provides design
examples for connections with both shear and axial load, such as beam - to - column connections with bracing
framing into the beam. However, there is no body of experimental research to verify strength calculations for
commonly used connections such as those using bolted double angles that are required to carry both shear and
Owens and Moore (5) tested end plate and double angle beam - to - column shear connections subjected to axial
load. They found that the connections could resist the minimum tensile force as specified by the British Standard
(3), and that double header angle connections provided greater resistance to pure tension loading than similarly
dimensioned end plates.
Astaneh and Nader (6) tested tee connections subjected to incremental shear and rotation. Tests were designed to
model beam rotation and shear transfer by simultaneously loading the connection close to the tee for shear and at
a significant distance from the tee to control rotation. The authors developed the test set-up as a realistic method
for modelling the behaviour of shear connections over a full range of loading. In addition to tee connections, single
plate shear connections were tested in the same manner and results indicated that strength and flexibility
requirements were met (7).
Presently the design of axially loaded shear connections involves an assessment of the factored resistance and
allowable deformation under specified loading. As tension strength requirements may necessitate increased
Ph.D. candidate, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, N.B.
Professor, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, N.B.
© 2003 by American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. All rights reserved.
This publication or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any form without permission of the publisher.
thicknesses of connection components beyond the limits which have been established by Canadian and American
codes to ensure rotational flexibility, the stiffness of such connections may lead to brittle failure. Connections
which provide beam end rotation capacities of 0.03 radians permit W shape beams with standard depths to reach
their plastic moment (8). Equations have been developed by Thornton (8) to verify flexibility requirements for beam
end rotation.
Test Specimens
A commonly used type of double angle connection which is bolted to the web of a beam and the flange of a column
is examined in the test program reported herein. Dimensions of test specimens shown in Figure 1 are based on
guidelines in "Standardized Shear Connections" (9). Gauge length for header angles was 6 1/4" (160 mm) to
accommodate the reinforced web of a reusable loading beam and angle thicknesses were limited to 5/16" (7.9 mm)
and 3/8" (9.5 mm).
Test specimens were provided by three different fabricators. Holes were punched or drilled depending on the
fabricator's facilities and mill scale was removed from all surfaces. Bolts were 3/4" (19.1 mm) diameter ASTM
A325 high strength bolts complete with nuts and washers. Bolt lengths for both framing and outstanding legs of
angles were obtained from the appropriate table in the Handbook of Steel Construction (10), to be representative
of standard detailing practice. All connection dimensions including length, width, end distance, thickness, and hole
diameter were measured before specimens were tested.
Tension coupons were fabricated from samples of angle and both yield strengths and ultimate strengths, represented
by Fy and Fu, are provided in Table 1. Mechanical properties were not obtained for H210-1 and the values initially
obtained for Group A were below the minimum yield and tensile strengths specified for 300W steel (11). Two
tension coupons were then cut from one of the specimens in this group which had been tested and the average
ultimate strength is provided in the table, below the original results. Material cut from other specimens in Group
A will be tested to confirm the higher strength indicated. Specimen size and type are indicated by the method of
identification. For example, H210-4 indicates a header angle connection with two rows of bolts, a thickness of 3/8"
(nominally 10 mm), and identification number 4, whereas H208 specimens have a thickness of 5/16" (nominally
8 mm).
The test frame is shown in Figure 2. The five hydraulic rams identified as A, B, C, D, and E performed various
functions. Ram A was used to apply shear load while Ram B worked as an adjustable strut, retracting to permit
translation of the connection without introducing moment while maintaining a constant angle of rotation. Ram C
rotated the test beam at 0.03 radians to the vertical at the start of the test and Ram D was used to apply the tension
load in alignment with the centroid of the connection.
Ram E moved the carriage supporting the tension ram across the top flange of the upper beam to maintain axial
alignment with the test beam. A vertically oriented reusable beam was connected to the flange of a reusable
column mounted horizontally in the frame. The beam and the column were reinforced to isolate connection element
behaviour and to ensure connection failure.
Linear strain converters (LSCs) located as shown in Figure 2 measured displacement throughout each test. The
three LSCs perpendicular to the axis of the beam measured translation of the connection and rotation of the beam.
The two LSCs parallel to the axis of the beam and in contact with the stiffener plate measured displacement of the
© 2003 by American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. All rights reserved.
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connection in response to tension while two additional LSCs measured uplift of the load plate and column flange.
Load cells were used to measure forces transmitted by Rams A, B, C, and D. Load cells for the shear ram and strut
ram were assembled by installing strain gauges on round stress-proof bars and wiring them as a full bridge. Space
constraints within the test frame meant that a different type of load cell was required for the tension Ram D. Two
20 mm thick side plates from which the ram was suspended were shaped down in width at half height. Double
strain gauges were installed on each side and wired together for each plate. Load applied by Ram C in rotating the
test beam was measured by a manufactured load cell. Since Ram E was used only to move the supporting trolley
for the tension ram, it was not monitored for load.
Group Specimens Fy F u
Group Specimens Fy Fu
Test Procedure
During each test, the beam was first rotated and held at 0.03 radians off vertical and then shear up to 50 or 100
percent of the capacity of the connections was applied. Subsequently, tension was applied until maximum load was
The carriage on the upper beam from which the tension ram was suspended, was moved to a marked position
permitting alignment of the centroid of the connection and the tension ram. With the beam suspended from the
tension ram slightly above the flange of the reusable column, the specimen was installed. The beam was then
lowered to make contact and the specimen bolted to the column. With the bolts installed snug tight, the beam was
released at its lift point and rotated 0.03 radians.
The carriage was moved to another marked location which permitted the line of action through the centroid of the
connection and the centre of the tension ram to be aligned 0.03 radians or 1.72 degrees off vertical. The pin at the
suspension point of the beam was reinstalled and alignment confirmed. Connection components were whitewashed
and a small tension load of 1 to 2 kips (5 to 10 kN) was applied to maintain initial alignment. Two controls were
created in the data acquisition program to maintain the desired rotation throughout each test. The first control
opened or closed a solenoid valve, permitting Ram B to retract or hold load. The second control started or stopped
an electric pump, permitting Ram E to advance or hold position.
Initial cycling of shear load at low levels was carried out in order to seat the specimen and remove slackness from
the system before the start of progressive loading. Each test with combined loading began by applying either 50
or 100 percent of the factored shear capacity of the bolts as determined from Clause 13.11.2 of the Canadian code,
CAN/CSA-S16.1-94. The shear load was increased from zero to the maximum desired level and then held constant
while tension was applied until ultimate load was reached. Observations were made periodically throughout the
test and videotaping was used to assist in the collection of visual data.
Separate shear tests and tension tests were also performed with a fixed beam rotation of 0.03 radians. In each case,
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the load was gradually increased up to the maximum capacity of the connection.
Results presented in Table 2 include failure mode, shear load, and tension load for each specimen. Specimens were
numbered sequentially and missing numbers indicate results were not obtained because of equipment failure. The
one exception is specimen H208-8 which has not been tested yet. Bearing failure at bolt holes, extensive yielding
of angles, bolt shear fracture, and angle shear fracture have been observed thus far. Both 3/8" (9.5 mm) and 5/16"
(7.9 mm) angles have been tested under pure shear, pure tension, 50 percent of the bolt shear capacity combined
with tension, and 100 percent of the bolt capacity combined with tension. The factored shear resistance of this
connection (1) based on bolt capacity with threads intercepted is 60 kips (265 kN). The average ultimate shear load
was 102 kips (454 kN) for 3/8" (9.5 mm) angles and 94 kips (417 kN) for 5/16" (7.9 mm) angles.
Tension resistance for both thicknesses is proportional to percent shear capacity utilized. The average ultimate
tension load with 100 percent of the bolt shear resistance applied was only 62 percent of the average ultimate
tension load with 50 percent of the bolt shear resistance applied. Results of tension tests pinpointed a fabrication
problem in five of the specimens. H210-8, H210-9, H208-12, H208-16, and H208-17 were all manufactured by
one fabricator. The machine used to shear the angle requires a different die for different thicknesses of material.
The appropriate die was not used for these specimens, resulting in an elongated indentation approximately 12 mm
long in the fillet at one end of each angle. This defect appeared to cause the angle to fail prematurely and suddenly
by shearing through the outstanding or framing leg. However, when specimens H210-2 and H210-3 from the same
fabricator were tested in combined shear and tension, the average maximum tension load was 357 kN. Subsequent
testing of specimens without this localized plastic deformation may result in higher tension capacity for 3/8" angles,
similar to results for 5/16" angles supplied by a different fabricator and identified as H208-12 and H208-15.
Typical specimens shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4 were subjected to tension loading and rotation. Specimen H210-
13 which is shown in Figure 5 was subjected to shear loading and rotation.
Tension load vs displacement curves are provided in Figure 6 to Figure 8 for 5/16" angles. Specimens represented
in Figure 6 were subjected to pure tension loading. Specimens represented in Figure 7 and Figure 8 were subjected
to an average shear load of 31 kips (139 kN) combined with tension and an average shear load of 59 kips (264
kN) combined with tension, respectively. Results for H208-16 and H208-17 are included in Figure 6 although
additional tests will be necessary to determine why their tension capacity is only 70 percent of the average tension
capacity for the other two specimens in this group. The yield point occurs at between 20 and 25 kips (90 and 110
kN) for the three groups of specimens. Specimens with combined shear and tension were cycled at low levels of
shear before commencement of the test whereas specimens loaded in pure tension were not. Curves for these
indicate bolt slip into bearing at approximately 20 kips (90 kN).
Tension load vs displacement curves are provided in Figure 9 to Figure 11 for 3/8" angles. Specimens represented
in Figure 10 were subjected to pure tension. Specimens represented in Figure 10 and Figure 11 were subjected to
an average shear load of 28 kips (126 kN) combined with tension and an average shear load of 62 kips (272 kN)
combined with tension, respectively. The yield point occurs at between 30 and 36 kips (140 and 160 kN) and the
slope of the curve above this point is similar for all three groups. A comparison of the first three graphs with the
second three graphs indicates that ductility is not significantly reduced when angle thickness is increased from 5/16"
to 3/8" except for pure tension loading. The results for 3/8" angles are suspect for this load case as previously
discussed. Curves for specimens in pure tension, which were not cycled at low levels of tension prior to initiation
of the test, indicate bolt slip into bearing at approximately 20 kips (90 kN). Ductility of bolted double angle
connections is provided through bending of outstanding legs and elongation at bolt holes.
© 2003 by American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. All rights reserved.
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A preliminary interaction curve is provided for 5/16" double angle connections with two single bolt rows in Figure
12. The shear utilization ratio, V/Vo, is obtained by dividing the test shear load by the average shear resistance
obtained for specimens subjected to pure shear while the tension utilization ratio, T/To, is obtained by dividing the
test tension load by the average tension resistance for pure tension loading. Results from additional tests with both
higher and lower levels of shear than those used thus far may modify the single curvature indicated. A similar plot
will be produced for 3/8" double angle connections after the tension capacity for this thickness has been verified
with additional tests.
Tension resistances of 5/16" and 3/8" angles were determined based on prying action according to the AISC Manual
of Steel Construction (4) and the Handbook of Steel Construction (1) as recommended by Thornton (8). For two
single bolt row double angle connections with 3/4" bolts the calculated resistance is 10 kips (46 kN) for 5/16" angle
and 16 kips (71 kN) for 3/8" angle. As indicated by the tension vs displacement curves these values are below the
yield point for the two thicknesses of angle.
Bolted standard double angle connections exhibited significant tension resistance in addition to the design shear
© 2003 by American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. All rights reserved.
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capacity. Tension load vs displacement curves indicate that serviceability limits with respect to deflection may be
a concern in the design of these connections. Additional tests will be required to establish shear and tension
interaction relationships and to verify analytical models which will be derived for the ultimate limit states observed
in the test program. Findings from this research program have resulted in a correction to machine operation by one
of the contributing fabricators. Additional 3/8" specimens which have been fabricated without defects from shearing
will be tested in tension. Two single bolt row end plate specimens and three single bolt row header angle, knife
angle, single angle, and shear tab specimens have been donated for this program and a load beam has been
fabricated for testing deeper connections.
1. Canadian Standards Association (1994). Steel structures for buildings, CAN3-S16.1-M94, Rexdale,
Ontario, Canada.
2. Taylor, D.A., 1975. Progressive collapse. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering,, 2: 517-529.
3. BS 5950 (1990). Structural use of steelwork in building: Part 1: Code of practice for design in simple and
continuous construction: hot rolled sections, British Standards Institution, London, UK.
4. AISC (1994). Manual of Steel Construction, LRFD, 2nd ed. Vol. II, Connections, American Institute of
Steel Construction, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
5. Owens, G.W. and Moore, D.B., 1992. The robustness of simple connections, The Structural Engineer,
70 (3), 37-46.
6. Astaneh, A, and Nader, M, 1990. Experimental studies and design of steel tee shear connections. ASCE
Journal of Structural Engineering, 116 (10), 2882-2902.
7. Astaneh-Asl, A, McMullin, K, and Call, S., 1993. Behaviour and design of steel single plate shear
connections. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 119 (8), 2421-2440.
8. Thornton, W.A., Strength and ductility requirements for simple shear connections with shear and axial
load. Proceedings, AISC National Steel Construction Conference, 1997, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
9. Henderson, J.E. (1994). Standardized shear connections, Canadian Institute of Steel Construction,
Willowdale, Ontario, Canada.
10. Canadian Institute of Steel Construction (1995). Handbook of Steel Construction, Willowdale, Ontario,
11. Canadian Standards Association (1992b). Structural quality steels, CAN-G40.21-M92, Rexdale, Ontario,
© 2003 by American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Figure 1: Bolted double angle specimens
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Figure 2: Test frame
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Figure 3: Header angle connection subjected to tension and rotation; bolt heads tearing through angles
Figure 4: Header angle connection subjected to tension and rotation: shear fracture through angle leg
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Figure 5: Header angle subjected to shear and rotation; bolt shear fracture
Figure 6: Tension load vs displacement curves for 5/16" angles in pure tension
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Figure 7: Tension load vs dispacement curves for 5/16" angles with average shear load of 31 kips (139 KN)
Figure 8: Tension load vs displacement curves for 5/16" angles with average shear load of 59 kips (264 kN)
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Figure 9: Tension load vs displacement curves for 3/8" angles in pure tension
Figure 10: Tension load vs displacement curves for 3/8" angles with average shear load of 28 kips (126 kN)
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Figure 11: Tension load vs displacement curves for 3/8" angles with average shear load of 62 kips (274 kN)
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