Cerita Rakyat Jaka Tarub
Cerita Rakyat Jaka Tarub
Cerita Rakyat Jaka Tarub
A long time ago, there lived a widow in a village. She had a son whose name was Jaka Tarub. Everyday,
Jaka Tarub went to a forest to collect some woods and hunting for animals.
One day, when Jaka tarub went to the forest, he heard a noise from a river near the forest. So, he came
closer to the river and searched for them. He saw seven girls were taking bath in the river. After the girls
were finished, they took their shawl and flew to the sky through a rainbow. Amazingly, they were not
human but they were fairies.
On the next day, Jaka Tarub went back to the river. He had an idea. When the fairies were taking bath in
the river. He stole one of their shawl. So, after the fairies were finished, one of them whose name was
Nawang Wulan could not find her shawl. Her friends had to go back to the heaven. So, they left her in
the river. Nawang Wulan cried. And then Jaka Tarub approached her and invited her to stay at his house.
Not long after that, they got married and had a baby girl.
As a fairy, Nawang Wulan had a spiritual power. Everytime she cooked a rice, she just needed a small
portion of rice and when it had done, the pot will be full of rice. But, the pot musn’t be opened before it
had done.
One day, Jaka Tarub was really curious. He opened the pot before it had done. Consequently, Nawang
Wulan’s spiritual power disappeared. She had to cook as an ordinary human being. She needed more
rice than usual. The stock of rice in the silo diminished rapidly. Then one day, when she took rice in the
silo, she found her shawl. It hidden by Jaka Tarub.
Finally, as a fairy, she had to come back to the heaven. Nawang Wulan asked Jaka Tarub to take care her
daughter and build a tower. Every full moon, she will came to the tower to meet her daughter. Then,
Nawang Wulan went back to the heaven and Jaka Tarub was very sad.