70 Labmanual
70 Labmanual
70 Labmanual
This laboratory manual describes the determination of water quality indicators that are measured
rather frequently in the laboratory of UNESCO-IHE.
Most of the procedures are based on the APHA / AWWA / WEF Standard Methods for the
Examination of Water & Wastewater.
The methods, mentioned in this manual, are not necessarily the most suitable for your samples. The
choice of the method will depend on the preservation agents used, the sample volume, the matrix of
the sample and/or the concentration of the analyte.
It is advised to discuss all the technical possibilities with the laboratory staff before you start the
Instrumental methods like GLC (gas-liquid chromatography), IC (ion chromatography), ICP (induced
coupled plasma), AAS (atomic absorption spectrometry), TOC ( total organic carbon), UV
spectrometry, ISE (ion-specific electrodes) and other methods are not discussed here.
A special training, given by the staff of the laboratory, is required before these techniques can be
applied by you.
As a part of our Quality Control programme we will ask you, from time to time, to analyse an
“unknown” sample. The result produced by you will be an indication of the reliability of the data you
are producing during your laboratory activities.
According to our safety regulations you must be informed first about the UNESCO-IHE safety
procedures before you are allowed to start any laboratory activity.
A member of the lab staff will give an explanation of the written procedures which will be handed over
to you. Some of the general safety procedures can be found in this manual.
Fred Kruis
Head of UNESCO-IHE Laboratory
October 2007
According to the statutory regulations (laws concerning public safety) the Director of
UNESCO-IHE is responsible for the safety of everyone working in the buildings and on the
property of UNESCO-IHE.
The laboratories are open from 08.00-19.45 hrs.(office hours), except on Saturdays,
Sundays and public holidays. On Saturdays it will be open from 08.30-12.30 hrs.
In very special cases it is possible to have access to the laboratory outside office hours, however,
no porter and/or first-aid officer will be present in the building.
In such a case, special safety regulations will be explained to you. Discuss this possibility in time
with the head of the laboratory
The labstaff is present from Monday till Friday and their working hours are
from 08.30-17.00 hrs.
3.4 Wear safety glasses and gloves when working with aggressive or toxic chemicals.
3.6. Read the characteristics, the risks and preventive measures of any unknown compound in
the "(Chemical) Safety Sheets". Everyone should know the exact functioning and possible
risks of chemicals and instruments before it is used.
3.7 Use the fume cupboards when toxic, noxious and dangerous solutions are used.
Storage of other materials in fume cupboards is forbidden!
3.8 Hazardous work should not be undertaken outside the regular working hours, there should always
be a second person within shouting distance and in principle in the same room
3.9 Place a sheet with the text "Please, let this apparatus switched ON!" where equipment is left in
operation outside the regular opening hours.
3.10 Good hygiene should be practised with biological material. Materials of human origin, cultures of
micro-organisms etc., should be considered contaminated (meaning contains viable, possible
pathogenic micro- organisms).
Chapter Page
1. SAMPLING................................................................................................................. 5
2. DIGESTIONS ............................................................................................................. 9
2.1 Digestion of plant samples with H2SO4/Se/salicylic acid and H2O2 ......................... 9
2.2 The destruction of plants and fish tissue for the determination of Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb,
Mn, Fe and Zn with the atomic absorption technique ............................................... 11
2.3 The destruction of soil and sludge for the determination of Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Mn,
Fe and Zn with the atomic absorption technique ...................................................... 12
2.4 Preliminary Digestion for Metals in water ................................................................. 14
2.5 Digestion of water samples with the macro-Kjeldahl method ................................... 16
2.6 Digestion of water samples with the persulfate method, acc. to Koroleff ................. 18
2.7 Digestion of water samples for the determination of P ............................................. 20
3. DETERMINATION OF CATIONS............................................................................. 21
3.1 Al; eriochrome cyanine R method ............................................................................ 21
3.2 Ammonia .................................................................................................................. 24
3.3 Ca; EDTA Titrimetric Method.................................................................................... 26
3.4 Ca + Mg (Hardness); EDTA Titrimetric Method........................................................ 27
3.5 Fe; phenanthroline method....................................................................................... 30
3.6 K; flame emission photometry .................................................................................. 34
3.7 Na; flame emission photometry ................................................................................ 35
4. DETERMINATION OF ANIONS............................................................................... 37
4.1 HCO3- / CO32- ; Alkalinity; Titrimetric analysis ........................................................... 37
4.2 Cl-; argentometric titration ........................................................................................ 39
4.3 NO3 ; Procedures...................................................................................................... 41
4.3.1 NO3-; Spectrophotomretric method with 2,6-dimethylphenol ................................... 41
4.3.2 NO3-; Cadmium reduction spectrophotometric method ........................................... 43
4.3.3 NO3-; U.V. spectrophotometric screening method................................................... 46
4.4 NO2-, spectrophotometric method ........................................................................... 48
4.5 PO43-; ascorbic acid spectrophotometric method.................................................... 50
4.6 SO42-; turbidimetric method..................................................................................... 53
5. OXYGEN .................................................................................................................. 55
5.1 Dissolved Oxygen (DO); Azide modification............................................................. 55
5.2 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) ....................................................................... 57
5.3 Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) ........................................................................... 67
5.4 Total Organic Carbon (TOC) .................................................................................... 72
6. MISCELLANEOUS .................................................................................................. 75
6.1 Biomass.................................................................................................................... 75
6.2 Suspended Solids, (SS or dry weight)
and Volatile Suspended Solids (VSS or ash-free dry weight)................................... 78
6.3 Chlorophyll-a in algae............................................................................................... 79
6.3.7 Chlorophyll-a in macrophytes ................................................................................... 81
Chapter Page
1. Sampling
Sample containers
Polyethylene (p.e) or glass bottles are often used; in many cases both materials are equally
satisfactory. The ability to seal the bottles tightly with stoppers or caps is important.
Advantage of glass: can be more vigorously cleaned e.g. sterilized by heating for
bacteriological samples.
Disadvantage: breakage.
Analytical methods often recommend the container type, however different publications do
not always agree. In this manual the guidelines according to ISO 5667-3 about preservation
and handlings of water samples are given.
a) The material of the containers may cause contamination of samples, e.g. sodium and
silica can be leached from glass, organic substances can be leached from plastics
b) Determinants may be sorbed on the walls of containers, e.g. trace metals by ion-
exchange processes on glass surfaces, adsorption of benzene by plastics
c) Constituents of the sample may react with the container material e.g. fluoride may react
with glass.
These effects become more and more important as the concentrations of determinants
become smaller.
In general: use glass for determination of organic materials and p.e. bottles should be
used for determinants that are major constituents of glass, e.g. Na+, K+,
boron and silica.
Not only the major components of the container can cause contamination, errors have been
reported from Fe, Mn, Zn and Pb leached from glass and from Li and Cu leached from p.e.
Clean glass containers with chromic acid and p.e. containers with 1 M HCl.
Avoid the use of concentrated HNO3 for p.e. containers since this acid can form chemical
groups with ion-exchange properties.
Don’t use household detergents (PO4!).
Be careful with the use of bottle caps with inserts.
Sample containers may also cause errors by sorption of determinants. Trace metals, e.g. Hg
and Ag, detergents, pesticides and PO4 can easely be absorbed.
This degree of sorption depends on many factors, the addition of suitable preserving
reagents is the best way to avoid problems. Make experimental checks to ensure that
sorption effects are tolerably small.
Sample storage
Many chemical, biological and physical reactions may occur during this period.
Precautions must be taken otherwise the samples on analysis may be quite
unrepresentative of conditions at the time of sampling.
a) bacteria, algae and other biological species may consume, excrete, or change the
chemical form of many determinants e.g. D.O., BOD, CO2, hardness, alkalinity, pH, NO3,
NH4, PO4
b) determinants may be oxidized by D.O or air e.g. Fe2+, S2-
c) substances may precipitate e.g. CaCO3, metals
d) pH, conductivity, alkalinity, CO2, hardness may change due to CO2 absorption from the
e) dissolved and colloidal metals and certain organic components may be absorbed on the
surface of sample containers or solids in the samples
f) polymeric materials may depolymerize condensed inorganic phosphates and polymeric
silicic acid.
Such reactions are generally affected by the chemical and biological nature of the sample,
by its temperature and degree of exposure to light, and by the nature of the sample
Thus, the rate of change of a given determinant may vary not only from one type of water to
another but also from time to time for samples from a given body of water! It is emphasized
that these rates of deterioration are such that important changes sometimes occur within a
few hours or less, and often within a day.
Biological activity is usually prevented or markedly reduced by storing samples in the dark
and at low temperature, e.g., approximately 4ºC.
This method of preservation is widely employed, and can be very useful; it is always worth
adopting as a minimum precaution when there is doubt about stability. Some samples may
be so unstable as to require refrigeration immediately after collection.
Some researchers recommend storage of sea water samples in p.e. bottles in deep-freeze
units (-20ºC) until just before analysis. They claim that adequate stability for many weeks is
then obtained for determinants such as phosphorus, nitrogen and silicon compounds. The
technique has also been recommended for sewage effluents, even BOD may be reasonably
preserved, and for estuarine waters and fresh waters. The technique has been mainly used
for non-metallic determinants, but has been reported to be satisfactory for mercury in sea-
water. Other researchers, however, have reported errors caused by deep-freezing when
silicon or phosphate are to be determined.
Algal and bacterial activity in the sample can often be sufficiently reduced by filtering the
sample through a filter of small pore-size which retains algae and bacteria. Membrane filters
(0.45 μm) or glass-filbre filters are often used for this purpose. The technique is quite
convenient and recommended for phosphorus and silicon compounds. An important
precaution is to ensure that impurities leached from the filter do not cause
appreciable contamination; extensive prewashing of the filter is sometimes needed to
prevent this effect.
Another possible approach is to begin the analysis of the sample directly after collection so
that the determinant is converted to a form in which it is adequately stable. The analysis can
then be completed when convenient.
The determination of dissolved oxygen by the Winkler method can be used in this way;
addition of the mangenese and alkaline reagents leads to the formation of the oxidized
manganese precipitate, which is stable for relatively long periods. This approach is not
generally applicable, however.
It may be virtually impossible to prevent the sorption of certain determinants on the walls of
sample containers, e.g., oils and greases, organochlorine pesticides at very low
concentrations. In such instances, it is necessary to use one sample container solely for a
particular determinant. This allows the sorbed material to be removed from the bottle (e.g. by
solvent extraction) after the sample has been poured into the vessel used for the analysis.
There is general agreement that acidification of samples is necessary when trace metals are
to be determined, but different acids and acidities are recommended. The minimum acidity
required for stability depends on the metal, but there appears to be a growing tendency to
use sufficient nitric or hydrochloric acids to give concentrations in the range 0.05-0.1 mol/L in
the sample after collection; 0.1-0.3 mol/L appears to be essential when mercury and silver
are to be determined.
Biocidal agents are often used when determinants liable to biological reactions are of
interest, e.g. certain organic compounds, nitrogen and phosphorus compounds. Chloroform
has been extensively used in the past, but the modern tendency is to avoid this reagent, and
mercuric chloride or acidification are more frequently recommended. In general, mercuric
chloride (20-40 mg/L) seems to be preferred for preserving nitrogen compounds, while
sulfuric acid (1-2 ml/L) is used for determinants such as COD, fats and greases; no general
conclusions for phosphorus seem justified. However, it was reported that mercuric chloride
in a sample concentration of 40 mg/L did not inhibit microbiological growth in wastewater
effluent samples containing TOC concentrations greater than 20 mg/L, addition of 400 mg/L
was good enough where preservation of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds is desired.
Care is required because determinants such as orthophosphate are released when species
such as algae are killed.
a P = polyethylene; G = glass
d The maximum time depends on the type of sample
Examination of water for pollution control
Volume 1 Sampling, data analysis and laboratory equipment
J. Suess ISBN 0-08-025255-9
This digestion procedure can be applied for the determination of N-total (finally measured as
NH4), P, Na, K, Ca, Mg and Zn.
The Ca content of the plant samples should not exceed 45 g Ca per kg dry weight.
2.1.2 Principle
The large part of organic matter is oxidized by H2O2 at relatively low temperature. After
decomposition of the excess H2O2 and evaporation of water, the digestion is completed by
conc. H2O4 at approximately 300°C under the influence of Se as a catalyst.
Salicylic acid is used to form nitro-salicylic acid compounds in order to prevent loss of free
Since CaSO4 may be formed when cooling after completing the digestion it is necessary to
wait 24 hours after the addition of water before Ca analysis. During this period the CaSO4
will dissolve.
2.1.3 Apparatus
a) Conc. H2SO4
b) H2O2 30%
c) Se powder
d) Salicylic acid, powder
e) Preparation of H2SO4 - Se mixture
Heat 250 mL of conc. H2SO4 on a hot plate until fumes will appear (± 300°C), add
0.88 g Se while mixing. Keep the temperature high. The originally dark coloured
suspension turns via green-blue into a clear yellowish solution. Cool down.
f) Digestion mixture
Dissolve 7.2 g of salicylic acid in 100 mL H2SO4 - Se mixture at room temperature. The
colour will change from blue to yellow/greenish while mixing. This solution should not be
stored for more than 48 hours.
2.1.5 Procedure
1. Weight about 0.3 g with an accuracy of 0.001 g of the dried plant material and transfer
quantitatively to the destruction tube (do not weigh less than 0.1 g)
2. Add 2.5 mL digestion mixture, swirl carefully until all the plant material is moistened.
Prepare also 2 blanks and 2 reference samples
3. Allow standing for at least 2 hours, during these period nitro-salicylic acid compounds will
be formed
4. Place the tube at 100°C for at least 2 hours in an oven, during this period the nitro-
salicylic compounds will be reduced
5. Cool the tubes to room temperature and add successively three 1 mL aliquots of H2O2,
mix carefully after each addition. The reaction is violent, wait until the reaction with H2O2
has ceased (±10 sec) before adding the next portion
6. Place the tube again in the preheated block and heat at 330°C. In the beginning the rack
with tubes should be lifted up from time to time to prevent loss of liquid during boiling. The
digestion is considered complete when the digests have turned colourless or light yellow;
this usually takes about 2 hours
7. The digest is diluted with about 15 mL of water, add about five pumice grains, boil (lower
the rack with tubes a few cm in the heating block, be careful!) and after cooling made up
to 50 mL in a volumetric flask. Mix well, let particles settle for 24 hours, before analysis
8. Continue as described in the Procedure for the ammonia determination and use a
portion of the neutralized digested sample containing not more than 0.1 mg N
1) Before weighing, the plant material should contain a moisture content of 1-2%, so store
the plant material in a dessicator after drying or dry again at 70°C before weighing. If this
is not done, the plant sample may contain up to 10% moisture. The use of conc. H2SO4
then causes a raise in temperature, which will result in a loss of nitrate.
2) The plant sample is normally dried at 70°C in a well-ventilated drying oven during
24 hours. The material is then finely ground, in order to obtain a homogeneous sample
from which representative subsamples can simply be taken. As a rule of thumb, the
milled plant material should pass a 1 mm sieve when less than 1 gram is to be weighed
out. Both drying and milling should be carried out with equipment that does not release
elements for which the samples are to be analysed.
The dried and milled samples should be stored in a cool and dry place in tightly
stoppered flasks or in sealed polyethene bags, protected against direct sunlight. During
storage, the plant material may attract moisture so that the drying procedure at 70ºC
must be repeated just before weighing out a sample for analysis.
The analytical results are often referred to “oven-dry” material, which means dried
at 105ºC. For comparability, therefore, the moisture content should be determined
by drying at 105ºC and taking the difference with the 70ºC dried sample. The drying
at 105ºC should be done, however, with a separate sample, since this operation
may change its chemical composition.
Syllabi Soil and Plant analysis, part 7, plant analysis procedures.
Dept. of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition by Walinga, Vark, Houba, v.d. Lee 1989
Wageningen Agriculture University.
2.2 The destruction of plants and fish tissue for the determination of Cd,
Cr, Cu, Pb, Mn, Fe and Zn with the atomic absorption technique
2.2.1 Apparatus
2.2.3 Glassware
2.2.4 Procedure
1. Transfer not more than 1.250 g dried sample (24 hours at 103°C) to the destruction tube,
add 25 mL HNO3, three boiling chips and place a funnel on top of the destruction tube.
2.3 The destruction of soil and sludge for the determination of Cd, Cr, Cu,
Pb, Mn, Fe and Zn with the atomic absorption technique
2.3.1 Apparatus
2.3.2 Reagents
2.3.3 Glassware
2.3.4 Procedure
1. Transfer not more than 1.250 g of a ground air-dried sample to the destruction tube, add
50 mL H2O and three boiling chips
2. Add 50 mL HCl/HNO3 3:1, mix, and place a funnel on top of the destruction tube
1. NEN 6465 (Dutch Standards). Sample pretreatment of sludge, sludge containing water
and air-dust for the determination of elements with atomic absorption spectrometry.
Destruction with nitric acid and hydrochloric acid
To reduce interference by organic matter and to convert metal associated with particulates
to a form (usually the free metal) that can be determined by atomic absorption spectrometry
or inductively-coupled plasma spectroscopy, use one of the digestion techniques presented
below. Use the least rigorous digestion method required to provide complete and consistent
recovery compatible with the analytical method and the metal being analyzed.
Nitric acid will digest most samples adequately. Nitrate is an acceptable matrix for both flame
and electrothermal atomic absorption. Some samples may require addition of perchloric,
hydrochloric, or sulfuric acid for complete digestion. These acids may interfere in the
analysis of some metals and all provide a poorer matrix for electrothermal analysis. Confirm
metal recovery for each digestion and analytical procedure used. As a general rule, HNO3
alone is adequate for clean samples or easily oxidized materials: HNO3-H2SO4 or HNO3-HCl
digestion is adequate for readily oxidizable organic matter; HNO3-HClO4 or HNO3-HClO4-HF
digestion is necessary for difficult-to-oxidize organic matter or minerals. Dry ashing is helpful
if large amounts of organic matter are present, but yields highly variable precision and bias,
depending on sample type and metal being analyzed. Dry-ash only samples that have been
shown to yield acceptable precision and bias.
Mix sample and tranfser a suitable volume into a platinum or high-silica glass evaporating
dish. Evaporate to dryness on a steam bath. Transfer dish to a muffle furnace and heat
sample to a white ash. If volatile elements are to be determined, keep temperature at 400 to
450°C. If sodium only is to be determined, ash sample at a temperature up to 600°C.
Dissolve ash in a minimum quantity of conc HNO3 and warm water. Filter diluted sample and
adjust to a known volume, preferably so that the final HNO3 concentration is about 1%. Take
portions of this solution for metals determination.
a) Hot plate
b) Conical flasks, 100 mL, acid-washed and rinsed with water
Mix sample and transfer a suitable volume (50 to 100 mL) to a 100 mL conical flask or
beaker. Add 5 mL conc. HNO3 and a few boiling chips. Bring to a slow boil and evaporate on
a hot plate to the lowest volume possible (about 10 to 20 mL) before precipitation occurs.
Continue heating and adding conc HNO3 as necessary until digestion is complete as shown
by a light-colored, clear solution. Do not let sample dry during digestion.
Wash down flask or beaker walls with water and then filter if necessary. Transfer filtrate to a
100 mL volumetric flask with two 5 mL portions of water, adding these rinsings to the
volumetric flask. Cool. dilute to mark, and mix thoroughly. Take portions of this solution for
required metal determinations.
b) Recoverable HNO3/HCl: For this less rigorous digestion procedure, transfer a measured
volume of well-mixed, acid-preserved sample to a flask or beaker. Add 2 mL 1 + 1 HNO3
and 10 mL 1 + 1 HCl and heat on a steam bath or hot plate until volume has been
reduced to near 25 mL, making certain sample does not boil. Cool and let settle
overnight. Adjust volume to 100 mL and mix.
American Public Health Organisation
Standard Methods for the examiniation of water and wastewater, 18th edition 1992
p. 3-4/3-7.
The macro-Kjeldahl method is applicable for samples containing either low or high
concentrations of organic nitrogen but requires a relatively large sample volume for low
The most reliable results are obtained on fresh samples. If an immediate analysis is not
possible, preserve samples by acidifying to pH 1.5-2.0 with conc. H2SO4 and storing at 4°C.
Do not use HgCl2 because it will interfere with ammonia removal.
2.5.3 Interferences
During digestion, nitrate in excess of 10 mg/L can oxidize a portion of the ammonia released
from the digested organic nitrogen, producing N2O and resulting in a negative interference.
When sufficient organic matter in a low state of oxidation is present, nitrate can be reduced
to ammonia, resulting in a positive interference.
2.5.5 Principle
In the presence of H2SO4, K2SO4 and CuSO4 catalyst, amino nitrogen of many organic
materials is converted to (NH4)2SO4. Also NH3 and NH4+ are converted to (NH4)2SO4. During
sample digestion, a copper ammonium complex is formed and afterwards decomposed by
Na2S2O3. After decomposition the NH3 is distilled from an alkaline medium and absorbed in
2.5.6 Apparatus
Digestion apparatus
Distillation apparatus
2.5.7 Reagents
a) Digestion reagent: Dissolve 134 g K2SO4 and 11.4 g CuSO4.5H2O in about 800 mL H2O.
Carefully add 134 mL conc. H2SO4. When it has cooled to room temperature dilute to 1 L.
Keep at a temperature close to 20°C to prevent crystallization
b) NaOH - Na2S2O3 reagent: Dissolve 500 g NaOH and 25 g Na2S2O3.5 H2O in water and
dilute to 1 L
c) H2SO4 0.02 M: Add 1.2 mL conc. H2SO4 to 1 L H2O
d) Intermediate standard NH4Cl for Kjeldahl determination:
1. Place a measured volume of sample and blank in a Kjeldahl flask, select sample size
from the following tabulation. If necessary, add water till about 300 mL. Neutralize to
pH 7 in case of strong alkaline samples.
2. Carefully add 50 mL digestion reagent, mix well and add a few pumice grains
3. Heat in the hood and boil until the volume is about 25 mL and fumes are observed
4. Continue to digest for an additional 30 min., coloured or turbid samples will turn clear or
straw-coloured. The total destruction time must be at least 4 hours.
5. Cool, dilute to 300 mL and mix
6. Carefully add 50 mL NaOH-Na2S2O3 mixture and connect immediately the flask to the
distillation apparatus. Shake the flask to insure complete mixing. A black HgS
precipitate will form, the pH should exceed 11.0
7. Distil and collect 200 mL distillate below the surface of 50 mL 0.02 M H2SO4. Extend tip
of condenser well below level of H2SO4 and do not let temperature in condenser rise
above 29°C.
Use a medium high flame and do not lower this flame during the distillation.
At the end of the distillation, remove the distillate before the flame is turned off
8. Measure the end volume by means of a measuring cylinder and mix
9. Determine N content of the sample, see procedure 3.2 and start with procedure 3.2.6
step 3
10. Distillation recovery check: Treat a standard in the same way as the sample by putting
25.00 mL of the intermediate standard solution (= 1.25 mg N) in the Kjeldahl flask as
described in step 1
Measure the end volume by means of a measuring cylinder and mix. Take 10.00 mL
distillate and measure the absorbance against mg N in 50 mL (see procedure 3.2.6,
starting at step 3). Check the distillation recovery
If ammonia should be removed: add 25 mL borate buffer (9.5 gram Na2B4O7.10H2O/800 mL
+ 200 mL 0.1 M NaOH) and 6 M NaOH until pH 9.5 is reached.
Add some pumice and boil off 300 mL. If desired, distill the fraction and determine ammonia
nitrogen. Use the residue to determine organic nitrogen.
American Public Health Organisation. Standard Methods for the examiniation of water and
wastewater, 18th edition 1992. p. 4-95/4-97.
2.6 Digestion of water samples with the persulfate method, acc. to Koroleff
The persulfate method determines total nitrogen by oxidation of all nitrogenous compounds
to nitrate. The organic content in the water samples should not be too high. Should
ammonia, nitrate and nitrite be determined individually, “organic nitrogen” can be obtained
by the difference.The procedure gives good results for total nitrogen, composed of organic
nitrogen (including some aromatic nitrogen-containing compounds), ammonia, nitrate and
nitrite. Molecular nitrogen is not determined and recovery of some industrial nitrogen-
containing compounds is low.
2.6.3 Interferences
Chloride ions do not interfere with persulfate oxidation, but the rate of reduction of nitrate to
nitrite (during subsequent nitrate analysis by the Cd-reduction method) is significantly
decreased by chlorides. Ammonium and nitrate ions adsorbed on suspended pure clay or
silt particles should give a quantitative yield from persulfate digestion. If suspended matter
remains after digestion, remove it before the Cd-reduction step.
If suspended organic matter is dissolved by the persulfate digestion reagent, yields
comparable to those from true solutions are obtained; if it is not dissolved, the results are
unreliable and probably reflect a negative interference.
The persulfate is not effective in wastes with high organic loadings, dilute such
samples and re-analyze until results from two dilutions agree.
2.6.4 Principle
Alkaline oxidation with persulfate at 100 – 110 °C converts organic and inorganic nitrogen to
nitrate. Total nitrogen is determined by analyzing the nitrate in the digestate.
2.6.5 Apparatus
2.6.6 Reagents
2.6.7 Calibration
1. Transfer 0; 5.00; 10.00; 15.00; 20.00 and 25.00 mL standard nitrate solution in 100 mL
erlenmeyer flasks. The amount of N is in the range of 0-250 μg N. Fix a paper with a
description of the sample/standard around the neck of the erlenmeyer flask, use a
pencil to write down the information on the label
2. Add 5.0 mL solution b) and bring all volumes to about 30 mL with H2O
3. Cover the erlenmeyer flask with a cotton plug and aluminium foil and mix carefully
4. Put the flasks in the autoclave and destruct for 30 min. at 110 °C
5. Cool the flasks and transfer the contents to 50.0 mL volumetric flasks and mix
6. Measure the absorbance at 220 and 275 nm as described in procedure 4.3.3
According to the calibration procedure, take a sample volume which contains less than
500 μg N, this is the maximum amount which may be present in 50 mL end-volume.
Check each digestion procedure: transfer 25.00 mL intermediate glycine digestion standard
to a 100 mL erlenmeyer flask and treat this standard in the same way as the samples.
2.6.9 Remark
The glassware to be used for the digestion should be rinsed before use, do this by filling the
erlenmeyers with solution b) and treat them in the autoclave by following the above
mentioned procedure.
American Public Health Organisation
Standard Methods for the examination of water and wastewater, 20 th edition 1998
p. 4-99 / 4-103
2.7.1 Introduction
2.7.4 Reagents
2.7.5 Procedure
1) Transfer a volume of sample, standard or blank (each containing not more than 0.1 mg
P) to the erlenmeyer flask and add 1 mL conc. H2SO4, 5 mL conc. HNO3 and some
2) Digest to a volume of 1 mL and than continue until solution becomes colourless to
remove HNO3
3) Cool and add approximately 20 mL H2O, 1 drop indicator and as much 6 M NaOH as
required to produce a faint pink tinge
4) If necessary, remove particulate material or turbidity by filtering and transfer quantitatively
the sample and blank in a 100 mL volumetric flask
5) Measure P as described in procedure 4.5.7; start with step 2.
American Public Health Organisation
Standard Methods for the examiniation of water and wastewater, 18th edition 1992
p. 4-108/4-110.
Determination of cations
3.1.1 Principle
With Eriochrome cyanine R dye, dilute aluminum solutions buffered to a pH of 6.0 produce a
red to pink complex that exhibits maximum absorption at 535 nm. The intensity of the
developed color is influenced by the aluminum concentration, reaction time, temperature,
pH, alkalinity, and concentration of other ions in the sample. To compensate for color and
turbidity, the aluminum in one portion of sample is complexed with EDTA to provide a blank.
The interference of iron and manganese, two elements often found in water, is eliminated by
adding ascorbic acid. The optimum aluminum range lies between 20 and 300 μg/L.
3.1.2 Interference
Negative errors are caused by both fluoride and polyphosphates. When the fluoride
concentration is constant, the percentage error decreases with increasing amounts of
aluminum. Because the fluoride concentration often is known or can be determined readily,
fairly accurate results can be obtained by adding the known amount of fluoride to a set of
standards. A simpler correction can be determined from the family of curves. A procedure is
given for the removal of complex phosphate interference. Orthophosphate in concentrations
under 10 mg/L does not interfere. The interference caused by even small amounts of
alkalinity is removed by acidifying the sample just beyond the neutralization point of methyl
orange. Sulfate does not interfere up to a concentration of 2000 mg/L.
The minimum aluminum concentration detectable by this method in the absence of fluorides
and complex phosphates is approximately 6 μg/L.
Collect samples in clean, acid-rinsed bottles, preferably plastic, and examine them as soon
as possible after collection. If only soluble aluminum is to be determined, filter a portion of
sample through a 0.45 μm membrane filter; discard first 50 mL of filtrate and use succeeding
filtrate for the determination. Do not use filter paper, absorbent cotton, or glass wool for
filtering any solution that is to be tested for aluminum, because they will remove most
of the soluble aluminum.
3.1.5 Reagents
Determination of cations
d) Ascorbic acid solution: Dissolve 0.1 g ascorbic acid in water and make up to 100 mL in a
volumetric flask. Prepare fresh daily
e) Buffer reagent: Dissolve 136 g sodium acetate, NaC2H3O2.3H2O, in water, add 40 mL 1 M
acetic acid and dilute to 1 L
f) Stock solution Eriochrome cyanine R: Dissolve 300 mg dye in about 50 mL water. Adjust
pH from about 9 to about 2.9 with 1 + 1 acetic acid (approximately 3 mL will be required).
Dilute with water to 100 mL. This stock solution has excellent stability and can be kept for
at least a year.
Working dye reagent: Dilute 10.0 mL stock dye solution to 100 mL in a volumetric flask
with water. Working solutions are stable for at least 6 months
g) Methyl orange indicator solution: Dissolve 50 mg in 100 mL H2O
h) EDTA (sodium salt of ethylenediamine-tetraacetic acid dihydrate), 0.01 M: Dissolve 3.7 g
in water, and dilute to 1 L
i) NaOH 1 M and 0.1 M.
3.1.6 Procedure
Determination of cations
1. Add 1.7 mL 3M H2SO4 to 100 mL sample in a 200 mL erlenmeyer flask. Heat on a hot
plate for at least 90 minutes, keeping solution temperature just below the boiling point. At
the end of the heating period solution volume should be about 25 mL. Add water if
necessary to keep it at or above that volume
2. After cooling, neutralize to a pH of 4.3 to 4.5 with NaOH, using 1 M NaOH at the start and
0.1 M for the final fine adjustment. Monitor with a pH-meter. Make up to 100 mL with
water, mix, and use a 25 mL portion for the aluminum test
3. Run a blank in the same manner, using 100 mL distilled water and 1.7 mL 3 M H2SO4.
3.1.7 Calculation
μg Al ( in 50 mL final volume )
mg Al/L =
mL sample
Determination of cations
3.2 Ammonia
3.2.1 Introduction
Direct determination of ammonia can be carried out for drinking waters, clean surface waters
and good-quality nitrified wastewater effluent.
In other instances, and where interferences are present and greater precision is necessary,
a preliminary distillation step is required. This method is proven to be applicable for all
domestic waste waters. Using 40 mL of sample and 50 mm cuvettes a low analytical limit of
0.01 mg/L NH4-N can be achieved.
3.2.2 Interferences
3.2.3 Apparatus
a) Spectrophotometer for use at 655 nm with 1 cm cells for samples in the range of 0.05 –
2.0 mg NH4-N/L
b) Waterbath at 25 °C
c) pH meter
3.2.4 Reagents
c) Stock NH4Cl: Dissolve 3.819 g anhydrous NH4Cl, dried at 105°C, in water and dilute to
1000 mL.
1.00 mL = 1.00 mg N
d) Intermediate standard NH4Cl for Kjeldahl determination:
Dilute 50.00 mL stock solution to 1000 mL
1.00 mL = 0.05 mg N
e) Standard NH4Cl:
Dilute 10.00 mL stock solution to 1000 mL
1.00 mL = 0.01 mg N = 10 μg N
f) Methyl-red indicator: dissolve 100 mg of the sodium salt in 60 mL ethanol and add
40 mL H2O
Determination of cations
3.2.5 Calibration
1. Make a series of standards by diluting 0; 0.50; 1.00; 2.00; 3.00; 5.00; 7.00 and 10.00 mL
standard solution (see 3.2.4 e) to 40 mL in a 50 mL volumetric flask
2. Proceed as described in 3.2.6 step 4.
Plot the absorbance against μg NH4-N/50 mL end volume
3. Determine the mathematical expression for the calibration line.
3.2.6 Procedure
3.2.7 Calculation
μg NH − N in 50 mL endvolume
NH4-N mg/L =
mL sample
μg NH − N in 50 mL endvolume
4 mL end volume distillate
Kjeldahl N mg/L = x
mL sample used for destruction mL distillate transferred to 50 mL flask
3.2.8 Remarks
1. The colour development depends on the temperature, place the volumetric flasks of step in a waterbath of 25.0 ± 0.2 °C (if necessary).
NEN 6472
Determination of cations
3.3.1 Principle
When EDTA is added to water containing both calcium and magnesium, it combines first
with the calcium. Calcium can be determined directly, with EDTA, when the pH is made
sufficiently high that the magnesium is largely precipitated as Mg(OH)2 and an indicator is
used that combines with calcium only.
3.3.2 Interference
Orthophosphate precipitates calcium at the pH of the test. Alkalinity in excess of 300 mg/L
may cause an indistinct end point in hard waters.
3.3.3 Reagents
a) NaOH 1M
b) Murexide indicator: Dissolve 150 mg in 100 g absolute ethylene glycol
c) EDTA titrant 0.01 M: Dissolve 3.723 g Na2 EDTA.2H2O in 1000 mL, standardize this
solution, 1 mmol EDTA = 1 mmol Ca
Restandardize from time to time.
3.3.4 Procedure
1. Use 50.0 mL sample, or a smaller portion diluted to 50 mL so that the calcium content is
about 5-10 mg.
Analyze hard waters with alkalinity higher than 300 mg/L CaCO3 by taking a smaller
portion and diluting to 50 mL or, when the calcium content is low, by neutralizing the
alkalinity with acid, boiling 1 min, and cooling before beginning the procedure
4. Titrate with EDTA slowly, with continuous stirring to the proper end-point. The colour will
change from red to violet. Check end-point by adding 1 to 2 drops of titrant in excess to
make certain that no further colour change occurs. Facilitate end-point recognition by
preparing a colour comparison blank containing 2.0 mL NaOH solution, 2 drops indicator
and sufficient EDTA titrant (0.05-0.10 mL) to produce an unchanging colour.
Because of the high pH used in this procedure, titrate immediately after adding NaOH
and indicator.
3.3.5 Calculation
mg Ca/L = (V x M x 40.08) x , where
mL sample
V = mL EDTA titrated
M = molarity of EDTA
American Public Health Organisation, Standard Methods for the examiniation of water and
wastewater, 18th edition 1992 p.3-57/3-58.
Determination of cations
3.4.1 Principle
3.4.2 Interference
Table I
Maximum concentrations of interferences permissible with various inhibitors.
Values based on using 25 mL sample diluted to 50 mL
Al 20 20
Cd 20
Co over 20 0.3
Cu over 30 20
Fe over 30 5
Pb 20
Mn2+ 1
Ni over 20 0.3
Zn 200
Polyphosphate 10
Suspended or colloidal organic matter also may interfere with the end-point. Eliminate this
interference by evaporating the sample to dryness on a steam bath and heating in an oven
at 550°C until the organic matter is completely oxidized. Normally 15-20 min. is long enough
to oxidize 200 mg of solids. Dissolve the residu in 20 mL 1 M HCl, neutralize to pH 7 with
1 M NaOH and make up to 50 mL with H2O. Cool to room temperature and continue
according to procedure 3.4.4.
3.4.3 Reagents
Determination of cations
1. Inhibitor I: Adjust acid samples to pH 6 or higher with 0.1 M NaOH or buffer. Add 250
mg NaCN (or KCN), to 25 mL sample diluted to 50 mL as described in 3.4.4, add
sufficient buffer to adjust pH 10.0 ± 0.1
CN (cyanide) is extremely poisonous, take extra precautions in its
use. Flush solutions containing this inhibitor with large quantities
of water after insuring that no acid is present in the collecting
container. Under acidic conditions HCN
(= hydrogen cyanide) will be liberated. This is a very poisonous
2. Inhibitor II: Dissolve 5.0 g Na2S.9H2O or 3.7 g Na2S.5H2O in 100 mL. Close glass
bottle with a rubber stopper, this inhibitor deteriorates through air oxidation. It
produces a sulfide precipitation that obscures the end-point when high concentrations
of heavy metals are present. Use 1 mL in procedure 3.4.4 before adding buffer.
d) EDTA 0.01 M: Dissolve 3.723 g Na2EDTA.2H2O in 1000 mL. Standardize this solution.
1 mmol EDTA = 1 mmol Ca. Store preferable in polyethylene bottle
because the EDTA extracts hardness producing cations from soft-glass
bottles. Restandardize from time to time.
3.4.4 Procedure
1. Take a sample volume that requires less than 15 mL EDTA and complete titration within
5 min, measured from the time of buffer addition.
Dilute 25.0 mL sample to about 50 mL in a borosilicate erlenmeyer
2. Add 1-2 mL buffer, usually 1 mL will be sufficient to produce a pH 10.0 ± 0.1
3. Add 2 drops eriochrome black T indicator
4. Titrate slowly with EDTA, with continuous stirring, until the last reddish tinge disappears.
Add the last few drops at 3-5 sec. intervals.
3.4.5 Calculation
Hardness as mg CaCO3/L = (V x M x 100) x , where
mL sample
V = mL EDTA titrated
M = molarity of EDTA
Determination of cations
3.4.6 Remarks
1. Titrate at room temperature. The colour change becomes very slow at freezing
temperature and indicator decomposition occurs in hot water
2. The absence of a sharp end-point means that an inhibitor must be added or that the
indicator has deteriorated
3. Titrate under daylight conditions since ordinary incandescent lights tend to produce a
reddish tinge in the blue at the end-point.
4. For low hardness samples (less than 5 mg/L) take a larger sample volume i.e.
100-1000 mL. Add proportionally larger amounts of buffer, inhibitor and indicator. Titrate
in that case also a blank and compensate
5. If the approximate hardness is known, precipitation loss can be reduced by adding 90%
or more of EDTA to the sample before adjusting pH with buffer.
American Public Health Organisation
Standard Methods for the examination of water and wastewater, 18th edition 1992
p. 2-36/2-38.
Determination of cations
3.5.1 Principle
Iron is brought into solution, reduced from Fe3+ to Fe2+ by boiling with acid and
hydroxylamine. Fe2+ will form an orange-red coloured complex with 1,10 phenanthroline.
The intensity of the colour is independent of pH 3 to 9. A pH between 2.9 and 3.5 insures
rapid colour development in the presence of an excess of phenanthroline.
3.5.2 Interference
Strong oxidizing agents, CN-, NO2-, phosphates (polyphosphates more than o-PO43-), Cr, Zn
in concentrations exceeding 10 times that of iron, Co and Cu in excess of 5 mg/L and Ni in
excess of 2 mg/L are interfering substances.
Bi, Cd, Hg, Ag and molybdate precipitate phenanthroline.
The initial boiling with acid converts polyphosphates to orthophosphate and removes CN-
and NO2- that otherwise would interfere. Adding excess hydroxylamine eliminates errors
caused by strong oxidizing agents.
In the presence of interfering metal ions, use more phenanthroline to compensate for the
amount which forms complexes with those ions. Where excessive concentrations of
interfering metal ions are present, the extraction method may be used. The presence of
excessive amounts of organic matter may require digestion before use of the extraction
3.5.4 Apparatus
3.5.5 Reagents
Store reagents in glass bottles, the HCl and ammonium acetate are stable indefinitely if
tightly stoppered.
The hydroxylamine, phenanthroline and stock iron solutions are stable for several months.
The standard iron solutions are not stable; prepare daily as needed by diluting the stock
Determination of cations
e) Stock Fe: Slowly add 20 mL conc. H2SO4 to 50 mL H2O and dissolve 1.404 g
(NH4)2Fe(SO4)2.6H2O. Add dropwise 0.1 M KMnO4 until a faint pink colour persists. Dilute
to 1000 mL with H2O and mix. 1.00 mL= 200 μg Fe
f) Standard Fe: Prepare daily for use; dilute 50.00 mL stock Fe to 1000 mL.
1.00 mL = 10 μg Fe
Reagents h and i are required when the samples are digested
3.5.6 Calibration
1. Add 50.00 mL sample or a smaller accurately measured portion which does not contain
more than 0.5 mg Fe to a 125 mL erlenmeyer flask. Dilute, if necessary, to 50 mL.
Remark: If noticeable amounts of colour or organic matter are present, it may be necessary
to evaporate the sample in a porcelain dish, gently ash the sample during 15 min at 550°C,
and redissolve the ash in 2 mL conc. HCl and 5 mL H2O. Pretreat the porcelain dish by
boiling for several hours in 1 + 1 HCl.
2. Continue this procedure by starting with step 2 mentioned under calibration (3.5.6).
1. Immediately after collection filter sample through a 0.45 μm membrane filter into a
vacuum flask containing 1 mL conc. HCl/100 mL sample
2. Analyze this filtrate according to procedure 3.5.7.
Determination of cations
Determine Fe2+ at the sampling site because of the possibility of change in the Fe3+/Fe2+
ratio with time in acid solutions.
3.5.10 Remark
If samples are coloured or turbid, also carry out the whole procedure for a second set of
samples. However, do not add phenanthroline to this second set. Measure the absorbance
and translate this into iron values.
Subtract these values for the values found with the addition of phenanthroline. This
procedure does not compensate for interfering ions!
Carry out the extraction procedure in the fume cupboard.
Determination of cations
3.5.12 Calculations
When the sample has been treated according to 3.5.7; 3.5.8 and 3.5.9.
mg Fe/L = μg Fe (in 100 mL final volume) x
sample portion (10 ) x sample volume ( 50 )
American Public Health Organisation
Standard Methods for the examiniation of water and wastewater, 18th edition 1992
p. 3-66/3-68.
Determination of cations
Do not store samples in soft-glass bottles because of the possibility of contamination from
leaching of the glass. Use acid-washed polyethylene or borosilicate glass bottles. Adjust
sample to pH<2 with HNO3, this will dissolve potassium salts and reduce adsorption on
vessel walls.
3.6.2 Principle
Stock K: Dissolve 1.907 g KCl dried at 110° C and dilute to 1000 mL, 1 mL = 1.00 mg K
Standard K: Dilute 10.00 mL stock solution to 100 mL, 1 mL = 0.100 mg K
American Public Health Organisation
Standard Methods for the examiniation of water and wastewater, 18th edition 1992
p. 3-80.
Determination of cations
Do not store samples in soft-glass bottles because of the possibility of contamination from
leaching of the glass. Use acid-washed polyethylene or borosilicate glass bottles. Adjust
sample to pH<2 with HNO3, this will dissolve sodium salts and reduce adsorption on vessel
3.7.2 Principle
3.7.3 Glassware
Stock Na: Dissolve 2.542 g NaCl dried at 140°C and dilute to 1000 mL. 1 mL = 1.00 mg Na
Standard Na: Dilute 10.00 mL stock to 100 mL. 1 mL = 0.100 mg Na
American Public Health Organisation
Standard Methods for the examiniation of water and wastewater, 18th edition 1992
p. 3-93/3-95.
Determination of anions
4.1.1 Background
4.1.3 Reagents
4.1.4 Procedure
Determination of anions
4.1.5 Calculations
V * N * 1000
Alkalinity as mg/L CaCO3 = * 100
mL sample * 2
V * N * 1000
In case initial pH ≤ 8.3 : mg/L HCO3- = * 61
mL sample
Determination of anions
4.2.1 Principle
4.2.2 Interference
Substances in amounts normally found in potable waters will not interfere. Br-, I- and CN-
register as equivalent Cl-. Sulfide, S O 2- and SO - interfere but can be removed by
2 3 3
treatment with H2O2. Ortho-PO4 in excess of 25 mg/L interferes by precipitating as Ag3PO4.
Fe in excess of 10 mg/L interferes by masking the endpoint. A potentiometric method is
suitable for coloured or turbid samples in which the colour-indicated endpoint might be
difficult to observe. However, a turbidity and colour can also be removed by treatment with
4.2.3 Reagents
a) K2CrO4 indicator: Dissolve 12.5 g K2CrO4 in a little H2O, add AgNO3 solution
until a definite red precipitate is formed. Let stand 12 h, filter
and dilute to 250 mL.
b) AgNO3 titrant: Dissolve 2.40 g AgNO3 in water and dilute to 1000 mL. Store
in a brown bottle. Standardize against NaCl;
1 mol Ag+ = 1 mol Cl-
c) NaCl standard: Dissolve 824 mg NaCl, dried at 140° C, in water and dilute to
1000 mL. 1 mL = 0.0141 mmol Cl-.
d) Phenolphthaline indicator: Dissolve 0.5 g in 50 mL ethanol and add 50 mL H2O
e) NaOH 1 M: Dissolve 4 g in 100 ml H2O
f) H2SO4 0.5 M: Add 2.7 mL conc. H2SO4 to 100 mL H2O
g) H2O2 30%
h) Al(OH)3 suspension: Dissolve 30 g AlK(SO4)2.12H2O in 250 mL H2O. Heat to 60°C
and add 14 mL conc. NH4OH slowly with stirring. Let stand
about 1 h, transfer to a large bottle and wash precipitate by
successive additions, with thorough mixing and decanting with
water, until free from chloride. The suspension occupies a
volume of approximately 250 mL.
Determination of anions
0 .141
Molarity AgNO3 =
mL titrant
4.2.5 Procedure
1. Use a 100 mL sample or a suitable portion diluted to 100 mL which contains 0.15 - 10 mg
2. If the sample is highly coloured or turbid, add 3 mL Al(OH)3 suspension, mix, let settle
and filter. If sulfide, sulfite or thiosulfate is present, add 1 mL H2O2 and stir for 1 min.
3. Adjust pH 7-10, if necessary
4. Add 1 mL K2CrO4 indicator
5. Titrate with AgNO3, be consistent in endpoint recognition
6. Carry out a blank, a titration volume for the blank of 0.2-0.3 mL is usual.
4.2.6 Calculation
mg Cl-/L = (A - B) x M x 35.45 x , where
mL sample
American Public Health Organisation
Standard Methods for the examiniation of water and wastewater, 18th edition 1992
p. 4-49/4-50.
Determination of anions Apparatus Reagents Calibration
1) Transfer the following amounts of standard NO3-N to 100 mL volumetric flasks: 0; 1.00;
5.00; 10.00; 15.00; 20.00; 25.00 and 30.00 mL and fill up to the mark.
The concentration range is 0 – 30 mg NO3-N/L.
2) Add 35 mL of Reagent 1 to a 50 mL volumetric flask
3) Add 5.00 mL of each solution from 1) to a 50 mL volumetric flask
4) Mix well and wait for 5-10 minutes
5) Add 5.00 mL of Reagent 2. Mix well and wait for 10 minutes
6) Measure the absorbance at 324 nm between 10 – 60 minutes with a 1 cm quartz cuvet
against H2O
7) Plot the absorbance against the NO3-N concentration (max. 30 mg/L) and determine the
mathematical expression of the calibration line.
Determination of anions
1) In case the availability of the sample volume is limited it is possible to use reduced
volumes. Reduce the volumes of the solutions by a factor 5 and use 25 mL volumetric
flasks instead.
2) Follow the instructions with respect to colour development times carefully.
Nitrate measurement according to ISO 7890/1 – 1986 (E)
Determination of anions Principle
NO3- is reduced almost quantitatively to NO2- in the presence of Cd. The NO2- produced
thus is determined by diazotizing with sulfanilamide and coupling with N-(1-naphthyl)-
ethylene diamine dihydrochloride to form a highly coloured azo-dye that is measured
A correction may be made for any NO - present in the sample by analyzing without the
reduction step.
The range of this method is 0.01 - 1.0 mg NO3- - N/L. Interference
Suspended matter in the reduction column will restrict sample flow. Concentrations of Fe,
Cu, or other metals above several mg/L lower reduction efficiency. Add EDTA to samples to
eliminate this interference. Oil and grease will coat the Cd surface, remove them by pre-
extraction with an organic solvent.
Residual chlorine can interfere by oxidizing the Cd column, reducing its efficiency. Sample
colour that absorbs at about 540 nm interferes.
If storage is necessary, store for up to 24 h at 4°C. For longer storage, preserve with 2 mL
conc. H2SO4/L and store at 4°C.
When sample is preserved with acid, NO - and NO - cannot be determined as
3 2
individual species. Apparatus
a) Reduction column
b) Spectrophotometer for use at 543 nm, cells of 1 cm Reagents
a) Cu-Cd granules: Wash 25 g new or used 40-60 mesh (0.25-0.5 mm) Cd granules
with 6 M HCl and rinse with water. Add 100 mL 2% CuSO4 solution
and swirl for 5 min. or until blue colour partially fades. Decant and
repeat with fresh CuSO4 until a brown colloidal precipitate begins
to develop. Gently flush with water to remove all precipitated Cu.
b) Colour reagent: To 200 mL H2O add 25 mL 85% H3PO4 and 2.5 g sulfanilamide.
After dissolving completely add 0.25 g N-(1-naphthyl)-
ethylenediamine dihydrochloride. Mix to dissolve, then dilute to 250
mL. This solution is stable for about one month when stored in a
dark bottle in the refrigerator.
c) NH4Cl-EDTA: Dissolve 13 g NH4Cl and 1.7 g Na2 EDTA in 900 mL, adjust to pH
8.5 with conc. NH4OH and dilute to 1 L
d) Dilute NH4Cl-EDTA: dilute 300 mL NH4Cl-EDTA to 500 mL
e) CuSO4 2%: Dissolve 10 g CuSO4.5H2O in 250 mL H2O and dilute to 500 mL
Determination of anions
f) Stock NO3-: Dissolve 0.722 g KNO3 (dried at 105°C for 24 h) in water and dilute
to 1000 mL. Add 2 mL CHCl . 1 mL = 100 μg NO --N. This solution
3 3
is stable for at least 6 months
h) Stock NO2-: Dissolve 1.232 g NaNO2 in water and dilute to 1000 mL. Add 1 mL
CHCl . 1 mL = 250 μg NO --N. Because NO - is oxidized readily in
3 2 2
the presence of moisture, use a fresh bottle of reagent for
preparing the stock solution and keep bottles tightly stoppered
against the free access of air when not in use. However, in order to
know the exact NO - content of this solution, this stock solution
must be standardized according to procedure 4.2.6 before adding
i) Standard NO2-: Dilute 2.00 mL stock NO2- to 1000 mL. Depending on the exact
NO - content in the stock the NO --N content will be about 0.5 μg
2 2
NO2- N/mL.
5 .00 x M M
NO2- - N μg/mL = x 14 x 1000 x 2.5 = x 175,000
Vt Vt
M = molarity KMnO4
Vt = titrated volume of stock nitrite solution
5) Activate column by passing through it, at 7-10 mL/min, at least 100 mL of a solution
composed of 25% 1.0 mg NO3--N/L standard and 75% NH4Cl-EDTA.
Determination of anions
There is no need to wash columns between samples, but if columns are not to be reused for
several hours or longer, pour 50 mL dilute NH4Cl-EDTA solution on the top and let it pass
through the system. Store Cu-Cd column in this solution and never let it dry.
1) Prepare a standard serie of 0; 2.5; 5.0; 10.0; 25.0 and 50.0 μg NO3--N in 50 mL by
diluting 0; 0.25; 0.50; 1.00; 2.50 and 5.00 mL standard NO3--N to 50 mL in volumetric
2) To 25.00 mL standard add 75 mL NH4Cl-EDTA and mix
3) Pour into the column and collect effluent at a rate of 7-10 mL/min
4) Discard the first 25 mL
5) Collect the rest in a flask
6) To 50.00 mL effluent add 2.0 mL colour reagent and mix. Do this as soon as possible
after the reduction procedure, wait not more than 15 min.
7) Measure the absorbance, between 10 min and 2 h, at 543 nm against H2O in a 1 cm cell.
Plot the absorbance against μg NO3--N in 50 mL (from step 1)
8) Determine the mathematical expression for this line
9) Compare at least one NO2- standard to a reduced NO3- standard at the same
concentration to verify reduction column efficiency. Reactivate Cu-Cd granules with
CuSO4 acc. to 4.2.5 when reduction efficiency falls below 75%
If NO --N concentration exceeds 1 mg/L, use remainder of reduced sample to make an
appropriate dilution and analyze again. Report
Report as miligrams oxidized N per liter (the sum of NO3--N + NO2--N) unless the
concentration of NO --N is separately determined and subtracted.
Determination of anions Principle
Use this technique only for screening samples that have low organic matter contents; i.e.
uncontaminated natural waters and potable water supplies. Measurement of U.V. absorption
at 220 nm enables rapid determination of NO -. Because disolved organic matter also may
absorb at 220 nm and NO3- does not absorb at 275 nm, a second measurement made at
275 nm may be used to correct the NO - value. The extend of this emperical correction is
related to the nature and concentration of organic matter and may vary from one water to
another. Acidification with 1 M HCl prevents interference from hydroxide or carbonate
concentrations up to 1000 mg CaCO3/L. Interference
Dissolved organic matter, surfactants, NO2-, Cr6+, chlorite and chlorate interfere. Chloride
has no effect on the determination. Apparatus
Spectrophotometer for use at 220 and 275 nm with quartz cells of 1 cm. Reagents Calibration
1) Dilute 0; 5.00; 10.00; 15.00; 20.00 and 25.00 mL standard NO3 to 50 mL in volumetric
flasks. Add 1 mL 1 M HCl and mix. See remark 2
2) Measure the absorbance at 220 nm and 275 nm against H2O. "Zero" the instrument for
both wavelengths (this “zero” setting depends of the type of instrument)
Remark: clean the quartz cells carefully with special tissues and use the same cell,
as much as possible, for measurement of the standards and samples
3) Subtract two times the absorbance reading at 275 nm from the reading at 220 nm to
obtain absorbance due to NO3-
4) Plot the absorbance against μg NO --N/50 mL and determine the mathematical
expression of this line.
Determination of anions Procedure
μg NO3 - N in 50 mL endvolume
mg NO3--N/L =
mL sample
1. If correction value is more than 10% of the reading at 220 nm, do not use this method
2. The calibration graph is lineair up to 500 μg NO3 – N / 50 mL (= 10 mg NO3 – N / L)
American Public Health Organisation
Standard Methods for the examiniation of water and wastewater, 18th edition 1992
p. 4-85/4-91
Determination of anions
4.4.1 Principle
Nitrite (NO2-) is determined through formation of a reddish purple azo dye produced at pH
2.0-2.5 by coupling diazotized sulfanilamide with N-(1-naphthyl) ethylenediamine
dihydrochloride (NED dihychdrochloride)
4.4.2 Interferences
Chemical incompatibility makes it unlikely that NO2-, Cl2 and NCl3 will coexist. NCl3 imparts a
false red colour when colour reagent is added. The following ions interfere because of
precipitation under test conditions and should be absent: Fe3+, Pb2+, Hg2+, Ag+,PtCl62-
(chloroplatinate) VO32- (metavanadate), Sb3+, Au3+, Bi3+.
Cupric ion may cause low results by catalyzing decomposition of the diazonium salt.
Coloured ions that alter the colour system should be absent.
Remove suspended solids by filtration.
Never use acid preservation for samples to be analyzed for NO2-. Make the determination
promptly on fresh samples to prevent bacterial conversion of NO - to NO - or NH .
2 3 3
For preservation for 1-2 days, freeze at -20°C or store at 4°C.
4.4.4 Apparatus
4.4.5 Reagents
a) Colour reagent: To 200 mL H2O add 25 mL 85% H3PO4 and 2.5 g sulfanilamide.
After dissolving completely add 0.25 g N-(1-naphthyl)-
ethylenediamine dihydrochloride. Mix to dissolve, then dilute to 250
mL. This solution is stable for about one month when stored in a
dark bottle in the refrigerator
b) Stock NO2-: Dissolve 1.232 g NaNO2 in water and dilute to 1000 mL. Add 1 mL
CHCl . 1 mL = 250 μg NO --N. Because NO - is oxidized readily in
3 2 2
the presence of moisture, use a fresh bottle of reagent for
preparing the stock solution and keep bottles tightly stoppered
against the free access of air when not in use. However, in order to
know the exact NO - content of this solution, this stock solution
must be standardized according to procedure 4.4.6 before adding
c) Standard NO2-: Dilute 2.00 mL stock NO2- to 1000 mL. Depending on the exact
NO - content in the stock the NO --N content will be about 0.5 μg
2 2
NO2- N/mL.
Determination of anions
5 .00 x M M
NO2- - N μg/mL = x 14 x 1000 x 2.5 = x 175,000
Vt Vt
M = molarity KMnO4
Vt = titrated volume of stock nitrite solution
4.4.7 Calibration
1) Dilute 0; 5.00; 10.00; 15.00; 20.00 and 25.00 mL standard NO2--N to 50 mL in volumetric
flasks. This serie is equal to 0.0; 2.5; 5.0; 7.5; 10.0 and 12.5 μg NO2--N/50 mL
2) Add 2 mL colour reagent and mix
3) Measure the absorbance between 10 min and 2 h at 543 nm against H2O in a 1 cm cell
4.4.8 Procedure
1. Remove turbidity
2. If necessary, adjust pH to 5-9 with 1 M HCl or 1 M NH4OH
3. To 50.0 mL sample or a portion diluted to 50.0 mL add 2 mL colour reagent and mix
4. Measure the absorbance between 10 min and 2 h at 543 nm against water
μg NO2 - N in 50 mL endvolume
NO2--N mg/L =
sample volume
American Public Health Organisation
Standard Methods for the examiniation of water and wastewater, 18th edition 1992
p. 4-85/4-91
Determination of anions
4.5.1 Principle
4.5.2 Interference
Arsenates react with the molybdate reagent to produce a blue colour similar to that formed
with phosphate.
Concentrations as low as 0.1 mg As/L interfere with the phosphate determination. Cr6+ and
NO - interfere to give results about 3% low at concentration of 1 mg/L and 10-15% low at
10 mg/L.
Na2S and silicate do not interfere at concentrations of 1 and 10 mg/L.
4.5.4 Apparatus
4.5.5 Reagents
Determination of anions
4.5.6 Calibration
1) Transfer the following amounts of standard P to 100 mL volumetric flasks: 0; 2.00; 3.00;
5.00; 10.00; 15.00 and 20.00 mL
2) Add 16 mL combined reagent, fill up to the mark and mix
3) Measure the absorbance between 10 - 30 min at 880 nm with a 1 cm cell against H2O
4) Plot the absorbance against μg P/100 mL and determine the mathematical expression of
the calibration line.
1. Pipet 50.00 mL 0.45 μm filtered sample or less to a 100 mL volumetric flask, add 1 drop
phenolphthaleine indicator
2. If a red colour develops (pH >8.3) add dropwise 2.5 M H2SO4 to just discharge the
3. Add 16 mL combined reagent, fill up to the mark and mix
4. Measure the absorbance at 880 nm between 10-30 min with a 1 cm cell.
Natural colour of water generally does not interfere at the high wavelength used. For highly
coloured or turbid waters, prepare a blank by adding 8 mL 2.5 M H2SO4 and 2.4 mL
ammonium molybdate to 50.00 mL sample and fill up to 100 mL. Subtract blank absorbance
from sample absorbance.
μg P in 100 mL endvolume
mg P/L =
mL sample
Determination of anions Calibration
1) Place into 250 mL separation funnels volumes of 0; 1.00; 2.00; 5.00; 10.00; 20.00;
30.00 and 40.00 mL standard P. (0 - 20 μg P)
2) Add H2O until endvolume is 200 mL
3) Add 20 mL mixed reagent, mix well and allow to stand for 10 minutes
4) Add 15.0 mL n-hexanol and shake the mixture vigorously for 15 min. in a mechanical
5) Reject the aqueous layer
6) Add 1.0 mL isopropanol, swirl the funnel gently to clear any water mist and reject any
further aqueous layer
7) Run off the solvent layer into a centrifuge tube and centrifuge for about 1 min.
8) Measure the absorbance at 680 nm! in 1 cm cells against n-hexanol
9) Plot the absorbance against μg P
10) Determine the mathematical expression of the calibration line. Procedure
1. Place into a 250 mL separation funnel a quantity of 0.45 μm filtered sample not
exceeding 200 mL and containing between 0.25 and 20 μg P
2. Also carry out a blank
3. Follow steps 2-8 of the calibration procedure.
( A − B ) x 1000
μg P/L =
mL sample
A = μg P in sample
B = μg P in blank
A seawater sample (made of 3.3% seasalt in tapwater) was analyzed 5 times. The mean
concentration found was 16.9 μg P/L with a relative standard deviation of 2.7%.
For a standard addition of 5.0 μg P/L a recovery of 80% was found.
A brackish water sample was analyzed, the concentration was found to be 26.4 μg P/L.
For a standard addition of 30.0 μg P/L a recovery of 91% was found.
American Public Health Organisation
Standard Methods for the examiniation of water and wastewater, 18th edition 1992
p. 4-108, 4-115/4-116.
Exam. of Water of Pollution control, Volume 2. Editor Michael J Suess, IHE book number
B3-79 p 310. ISBN 0-08-025255-9
Determination of anions
4.6.1 Principle
SO42- is precipitated in an acetic acid medium with BaCl2 so as to form BaSO4 crystals of
uniform size.
Light absorbance or scattered light is measured by a photometer.
Minimum detectable concentration is approximately 1 mg/L.
In the presence of organic matter certain bacteria may reduce SO42- to S2-. To avoid this,
store heavily polluted or contaminated samples at 4°C.
4.6.3 Interference
Colour or suspended matter in large amounts will interfere. Some suspended matter may be
removed by filtration. Silica in excess of 500 mg/L will interfere, and in waters containing
large quantities of organic material it may not be possible to precipitate BaSO4 satisfactorily.
In potable waters no other ions than SO42- will precipitate under strongly acid conditions.
4.6.4 Apparatus
a) Magnetic stirrer with constant stirring speed, use magnets of identical shape and size.
The exact speed is not critical, but keep it constant for standards and samples. Adjust
the speed to prevent splashing
b) Turbidity meter or spectrophotometer for use at 420 nm with 5 cm cells
c) Stopwatch
d) Measuring spoon, capacity 0.2 - 0.3 mL
4.6.5 Reagents
Alternative : Dilute 10.4 mL 0.0200 N H2SO4 to 100 mL. 1.00 mL = 100 μg SO42-
Determination of anions
4.6.6 Calibration
1) Pipet 0;10.00; 15.00; 20.00; 25.00; 30.00; 35.00 and 40.00 mL standard in a 100 mL
volumetric flask and fill up to the mark. This covers the range of 0-4000 μg
SO42- / 100 mL.
2) Pour content of volumetric flask in a 250 mL beaker + magnet, add 20 mL buffer and
3) While stirring, add a spoonful of BaCl2 and begin timing immediately
American Public Health Organisation
Standard Methods for the examiniation of water and wastewater, 18th edition 1992
p. 4-134.
5.1.1 General
The iodometric test is the most precise and reliable titrimetric procedure for DO analysis. It is
based on the addition of divalent manganese solution, followed by strong alkali, to the
sample in a glass-stoppered bottle. DO rapidly oxidizes an equivalent amount of the
dispersed divalent manganous hydroxide precipitate to hydroxides of higher valency states.
In the presence of iodide ions in an acidic solution, the oxidized manganese reverts to the
divalent state, with the liberation of iodine equivalent to the original DO content. The iodine is
then titrated with a standard solution of thiosulfate.
Use the azide modification for most wastewater, effluent and stream samples, especially if
samples contain more than 50 μg NO - -N/L and not more than 1 mg ferrous iron/L. Other
5.1.2 Reagents
5.1.3 Procedure
recolourations due to the catalytic effect of nitrite or to traces of ferric salts that have not
been complexed with fluoride.
5.1.4 Calculation
DO mg/L = V x M x 8 x ; where
Vs − 2
V = mL Na2S2O3 used
M = molarity Na2S2O3
Vs =sample volume (= bottle volume)
0 .500
Molarity Na2S2O3 =
mL Na2 S2 O3
The chemical reactions occurring during the Winkler titration are as follows:
I 2 Mn2+ + 2 H2O + O2 2 MnO2 ↓ + 4 H+
+ -
II 2 MnO2 + 8 H + 4 I 2 Mn2+ + 4 H2O + 2 I2
III 4 S2O3 + 2 I2 2 S4O62- + 4 I-
American Public Health Organisation
Standard Methods for the examiniation of water and wastewater, 18th edition 1992
p. 4-98/4-102.
5.2.1 Preservation
From a theoretical point of view it is a most unsatisfactory characteristic, for which at present,
however, no better alternative is available. Theoretically, it is easy to calculate the amount of
oxygen necessary for complete biological oxidation of a known amount of a known organic
compound and this would include also the O2 consumed in mineralisation of the microbial cells
grown during the process. An experimental determination of this value would last a long time,
since the theoretical value is reached asymptotically.
In practice the composition of organic wastes is not known in qualitative and quantitative detail,
hence calculation is excluded. Also, for obvious reasons, the test cannot be extended to a period
of weeks. Hence a compromise must be made by shortening the incubation time to a practical
value and by assuming that in this period always the same percentage of the theoretical O2
consumption has taken place. This assumption is certainly not justified in many cases, as will be
clear from the following discussion of the factors affecting the result of a BOD determination.
Microbial population. Qualitatively this must consist of microbes capable of attacking the organic
matter present. If not available, such a population must be obtained in a preceding enrichment
experiment which then furnishes suitable ("acclimated") inoculation ("seed") material.
Quantitatively, the population must be large enough to overcome retardation in O2 consumption:
below a certain limit the size of the inoculum has a great influence on the time-course of growth
and O2 consumption. It should also be realized that in a latter phase of the test period O2 is
consumed in the mineralisation of bacterial cells by protozoa.
Composition of organic and inorganic matter present. Different organic compounds are not
mineralised at the same rate. Cellulose particles, for instance, are degraded much more slowly
than dissolved glucose. Some organic compounds inhibit the degradation of others, causing
sequential oxidation. Some intermediates or end products affect the pH or are inhibitory.
Inorganic substances like S2-, Fe2+, NH3 and NO2- are also liable to oxidation but may even
further complicate the picture as Fe2+ and S2- are also purely chemically oxidized and the
oxidation of NH3 and NO2- requires a very specific microbial population and usually proceeds at
a low rate. Obviously, absence of toxic components in the sample is necessary for a successful
test. Finally a reasonable balance of C, P and N sources must prevail during the entire test
The BOD and the Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) are entirely different characteristics since
the oxidation procedures applied in these two methods do not oxidize one and the same organic
compound to the same extent under the imposed test conditions and reaction period. Only in
cases where the composition of a given wastewater remains constant can an empirical ratio
COD/BOD be worked out that is practically useful. This ratio will also be influenced by the
presence of compounds toxic to microbes, which may lead to very low or zero values for the
BOD in cases where a high COD is found. In table 1 an overview is shown of COD and BOD of
some wastewaters.
Experimental procedure
The test requires that a known amount of O2 is brought in contact with a suitable amount of sample in such
a way that upon incubation oxidative biodegradation can take place and that the unused O2 can be
determined at the end of the incubation period. This is realized by introducing into a glass-stoppered bottle
a known amount of appropriately diluted sample after which the bottle is completely filled with fully aerated
dilution water, which contains nutrient minerals as well as appropriate bacterial "seed" material when
By using completely filled, glass-stoppered bottles the available O2 is restricted to O2 dissolved in the
water. The dissolved O2 concentration in the bottle is determined at the beginning and at the end of the
incubation period. As a rule different dilutions are used; tests showing a residual O2 concentration of at
least 1 mg O2/L and a depletion of at least 2 mg O2/L are considered to be most reliable.
As a rule, samples have to be strongly diluted to fit the test conditions. If we know that the sample is
anaerobic, and if air-saturated water is used, the initial O2 concentration in the bottle can be computed. In
all other cases the initial O2 concentration has to be determined. The O2 determination is carried out
according to the oxygen electrode method. (Alternatively, the azide modification of Winkler's titration
method can be used).
A blank bottle, filled with dilution water only, is included when "seed" material is used. The O2 consumed in
this bottle during incubation is due to endogenous respiration of the bacteria in the seed material and
hence a correction has to be made for this.
The BOD of wastewater will be determined according to the American Standard Methods. Dilution water
has been prepared by aerating distilled water at a temperature of approximately 20°C. Just before use,
MgSO4, CaCl2, FeCl3, and phosphate buffer have been added to it in the concentrations indicated in the
Standard Methods. In some cases, the dilution water must be inoculated ("seeded") with a washed
bacterial suspension.
Transfer 1 mL of the sample to your BOD bottle. Note the volume of your bottle (around 300 mL). The
bottles are then filled to completion with dilution water and closed, taking care no air bubbles remain. The
initial O2 concentration can be calculated since an anaerobic sample solution will be used. In this case,
however, the volume of the added sample is so small it can be neglected. Hence the O2 found in the blank
bottle at the end of the incubation period can be taken as initial O2, which then automatically includes the
correction for the endogenous respiration of the added "seed" bacteria. A water-seal is used to prevent O2
from the air from entering the bottle during incubation. This is achieved by placing the bottles in an inverted
position in a water bath. A blank, consisting of seeded dilution water only, is included.
Incubate at 20°C during 5 days.
Measurement that include nitrogenous demand generally are not useful for assessing the
oxygen demand associated with organic material.
The extent of oxidation of nitrogenous compounds during the 5-d incubation period depends
on the presence of micro-organisms capable of carrying out this oxidation. Such organisms
usually are not present in raw sewage or primary effluent in sufficient numbers to oxidize
significant quantities of reduced nitrogen forms in the 5-d BOD test. Many biological
treatment plant effluents contain significant numbers of nitrifying organisms. Because
oxidation of nitrogenous compounds can occur in such samples, inhibition of nitrification is
recommended for samples of secondary effluent, for samples seeded with secondary
effluent, and for samples of polluted waters. Report results as CBOD5 when inhibiting the
nitrogenous oxygen demand. When nitrification is not inhibited, report results as BOD5.
a) Principle
The method consists of filling with sample, to overflowing, an airtight bottle of the
specified size and incubating it at the specified temperature for 5 d. Dissolved oxygen is
measured initially and after incubation, and the BOD is computed from the difference
between initial and final DO. Because the initial DO is determined immediately after the
dilution is made, all oxygen uptake, including that occurring during the first 15 min. is
included in the BOD measurement.
b) Sampling and storage
Samples for BOD analysis may degrade significantly during storage between collection
and analysis, resulting in low BOD values. Minimize reduction of BOD by analyzing
sample promptly or by cooling it to near-freezing temperature during storage. However,
even at low temperature, keep holding time to a minimum.
Warm chilled samples to 20°C before analysis.
1) Grab samples
If analysis is begun within 2 h of collection, cold storage is unneccessary. If analysis
is not started within 2 h of sample collection, keep sample at or below 4°C from the
time of collection. Begin analysis within 6 h of collection; when this is not possible
because the sampling site is distant from the laboratory, store at or below 4°C and
report length and temperature of storage with the results. In no case start analysis
more than 24 h after grab sample collection. When samples are to be used for
regulatory purposes make every effort to deliver samples for analysis within 6 h of
2) Composite samples
Keep samples at or below 4°C during compositing. Limit compositing period to 24 h.
Use the same criteria as for storage of grab samples, starting the measurement of
holding time from end of compositing period. State storage time and conditions as
part of the results.
5.2.5 Apparatus
a) Incubation bottles
250 to 300 mL capacity. Clean bottles with a detergent, rinse thoroughly and drain
before use. As a precaution against drawing air into the dilution bottle during incubation,
use a water-seal. Obtain satisfactory water seals by inverting bottles in a water bath or
by adding water to the flared mouth of special BOD bottles. Place a paper or plastic cup
or foil cap over flared mouth of bottle to reduce evaporation of the water seal during
5.2.6 Reagents
5.2.7 Procedure
d) Seeding
1. Seed source
It is necessary to have present a population of microorganisms capable of oxidizing
the biodegradable organic matter in the sample. Domestic wastewater,
unchlorinated or otherwise-undisinfected effluents from biological waste treatment
plants, and surface waters receiving wastewater discharges contain satisfactory
microbial populations. Some samples do not contain a sufficient microbial population
(for example, some untreated industrial wastes, disinfected wastes, high-
temperature wastes, or wastes with extreme pH values). For such wastes seed the
dilution water by adding a population of microorganisms. The prefered seed is
effluent from a biological treatment system processing the waste. Where this is not
available, use supernatant from domestic wastewater after settling at room
temperature for at least 1 h but no longer than 36 h. When effluent from a biological
treatment process is used, inhibition of nitrification is recommended.
Some samples may contain materials not degraded at normal rates by the
microorganisms in settled domestic wastewater. Seed such samples with an
adapted microbial population obtained from the undisinfected effluent of a biological
process treating the waste. In the absence of such a facility, obtain seed from the
receiving water below (preferably 3 to 8 km) the point of discharge. When such seed
sources also are not available, develop an adapted seed in the laboratory by
continuously aerating a sample of settled domestic wastewater and adding small
daily increments of waste. Optionally use a soil suspension or activated sludge,
or a commercial seed preparation to obtain the initial microbial population.
Determine the existence of a satisfactory population by testing the performance of
the seed in BOD tests on the sample. BOD values that increase with time of
adaptation to a steady high value indicate succesful seed adaption.
2. Seed control
Determine BOD of the seeding material as for any other sample. This is the seed
control. From the value of the seed control and a knowlegde of the seeding material
dilution (in the dilution water) determine seed DO uptake. Ideally, make dilutions of
seed such that the largest quantity results in at least 50% DO depletion. A plot of DO
depletion, in milligrams per liter, versus milliliters seed should present a straight line
for which the slope indicates DO depletion per milliliter of seed. The DO-axis
intercept is oxygen depletion caused by the dilution water and should be less than
0.1 mg/L (5.2.7h). To determine a sample DO uptake subtract seed DO uptake from
total DO uptake. The DO uptake of seeded dilution water should be between 0.6 and
1.0 mg/L.
Techniques for adding seeding material to dilution water are described for two
sample dilution methods (5.2.7f)
e) Sample pre-treatment
1. Samples containing caustic alkalinity or acidity:
Neutralize samples to pH 6.5 to 7.5 with a solution of sulfuric acid (H2SO4) or sodium
hydroxide (NaOH) of such strength that the quantity of reagent does not dilute the
sample by more than 0.5%. The pH of seeded dilution water should not be affected
by the lowest sample dilution.
NOTE: Excess Na2SO3 exerts an oxygen demand and reacts slowly with certain
organic chloramine compounds that may be present in chlorinated samples.
6. Nitrification inhibition
If nitrification inhibition is desired add 3 mg 2-chloro-6-(trichloromethyl) pyridine
(TCMP) to each 300 mL bottle before capping or add sufficient amounts to the
dilution water to make a final concentration of 10 mg/L.
NOTE: Pure TCMP may dissolve slowly and can float on top of the sample. Some
commercial formulations dissolve more readily but are not 100% TCMP; adjust
dosage accordingly.
Samples that may require nitrification inhibition include, but are not limited to,
biologically treated effluents, samples seeded with biologically treated effluents, and
river waters. Note the use of nitrogen inhibition in reporting results.
f) Dilution technique
Dilutions that result in a residual DO of at least 1 mg/L and a DO uptake of at least
2 mg/L after 5 d incubation produce the most reliable results. Make serveral dilutions of
prepared sample to obtain DO uptake in this range. Experience with a particular sample
will permit use of a smaller number of dilutions. A more rapid analysis, such as COD,
may be correlated approximately with BOD and serve as a guide in selecting dilutions.
In the absence of prior knowledge, use the following dilutions: 0.0 to 1,0% for strong
industrial wastes, 1 to 5% for raw and settled wastewater, 5 to 25% for biologically
treated effluent, and 25 to 100% for polluted river waters.
Prepare dilutions either in graduated cylinders and then transfer to BOD bottles or
prepare directly in BOD bottles. Either dilution method can be combined with any DO
measurement technique. The number of bottles to be prepared for each dilution
depends on the DO technique and the number of replicates desired.
When using graduated cylinders to prepare dilutions, and when seeding is necessary,
add seed either directly to dilution water or to individual cylinders before dilution.
Seeding of individual cylinders avoids a declining ratio of seed to sample as increasing
dilutions are made. When dilutions are prepared directly in BOD bottles and when
seeding is necessary, add seed directly to dilution water or directly to the BOD bottles.
g) Determination of initial DO
If the sample contains materials that react rapidly with DO, determine initial DO
immediately after filling BOD bottle with diluted sample. If rapid initial DO uptake is
insignificant, the time period between preparing dilution and measuring initial DO is not
Use the azide modification of the iodometric method or the membrane electrode method
to determine initial DO on all sample dilutions, dilution water blanks, and where
appropriate, seed controls.
i) Incubation
Incubate at 20°C ± 1°C BOD bottles containing desired dilutions, seed controls, dilution
water blanks, and glucose-glutamic acid checks. Water-seal bottles as described in
j) Determination of final DO
After 5 d incubation determine DO in sample dilutions, and checks as in 5.2.7g.
5.2.8 Calculation
Calculate from this result the BOD520 of the wastewater. The calculations can performed as
Suppose Na2S2O3 consumption for blank bottle and sample bottle is b ml and s ml, respectively.
This corresponds with b * M * 8 mg O2 and s * M * 8 mg O2, respectively.
b * M *8 s * M *8
Or mg O2/mL and mg O2/mL, respectively
Vb − 2 Vs − 2
(-2, because of 2 ml reagent introduced).
Due to bio-oxidation there will be consumed
( b * M *8 s * M *8
− ) mg O2/mL or ( b
) * M * 8 mg O2/mL.
Vb − 2 Vs − 2 V b−2 Vs − 2
If the sample bottle has been filled with c ml sample and, for the rest dilution water, there will be
( b
)* M *8* mg O2/mL or
V b−2 Vs − 2 c
( b
)* M *8* * 1000 mg O2/L which is the BOD520.
V b−2 Vs − 2 c
Measure the oxygen concentration with an oxygen electrode, immediately at the start of the
experiment and after 5 days. The DO concentration in the sample bottle after 5 days should
be above 1.0 mg/L, but at least 2.0 mg/L oxygen should be consumed.
The DO consumption of the blank should preferably be not more than 0.2 mg/L.
( So − Sv ) * Vs
BOD5 (in mg/L) =
( So − Sv ) − ( Bo − Bv ) * f * Vs
BOD5 (in mg/L) =
When the sample volume is just a few mL (in case of samples with a high BOD) the following
formula can be used as well:
( B − S ) *Vb
BOD = = mg /L
B = Dissolved Oxygen blank after 5 days (mg/L)
S = Dissolved Oxygen sample after 5 days (mg/L)
Vb = Volume sample-bottle (mL)
c = Volume sample (mL)
• It is important to use a good, well-calibrated DO-probe
• No gas bubbles should be collected under the probe when placing the probe into the
American Public Health Organisation
Standard Methods for the examiniation of water and wastewater, 18th edition 1992
p. 5-2/5-6.
5.3.1 Introduction
The COD is used as a measure of the oxygen equivalent of the organic matter content of a
sample that is susceptible to oxidation by a strong chemical oxidant.
Oxidation of most organic compounds is 95-100% of the theoretical value. Pyridine and
related compounds resist oxidation and volatile organic compounds are oxidized only to the
extent that they remain in contact with the oxidant.
COD analysis will never yield 100% of the stochiometric ThOD calculations as the oxidation
of reduced nitrogen is not included in the standard COD test.
Ammonia, present either in the waste or liberated from nitrogen-containing organic matter, is
not oxidized in the absence of significant concentration of free chloride ions. In this
procedure these chloride ions are complexed with HgSO4.
Do not use the test for samples containing more than 2000 mg Cl- /L. Techniques designed
to measure COD in saline waters are available. NO - and reduced inorganic species such
as Fe2+, S2-, M42+ etc. are oxidized quantitatively. To eliminate a significant interference due
to NO - sulfamic acid can be added.
Ag acts as a catalyst and forms precipitates with halides.
Preferably collect samples in glass bottles. Test unstable samples without delay, if delay is
unavoidable, preserve sample by acidification to pH ≤ 2 using conc. H2SO4.
Oxygen Principle
Most types of organic matter are oxidized by a boiling mixture of chromic and sulfuric acids.
A sample is refluxed in strongly acid solution with a known excess of K2Cr2O7. After
digestion, the remaining unreduced K2Cr2O7 is titrated with ferrous ammonium sulfate (FAS)
to determine the amount of K2Cr2O7 consumed and the oxidazable organic matter is
calculated in terms of oxygen equivalent. Apparatus
Reflux apparatus. Reagents
a) K2Cr2O7 0.0417 M: Dissolve 12.259 g K2Cr2O7, previously dried at 103°C for 2 hours,
in 1000 mL H2O
b) H2SO4 - reagent: Add 10 g Ag2SO4 to 1 L conc. H2SO4, let stand overnight to
dissolve. Mix carefully after dissolving
c) Ferroin indicator: Dissolve 1.485 g 1,10 phenanthroline monohydrochloride
monohydrate and 695 mg FeSO4.7H2O in H2O and dilute to 100
d) FAS titrant 0.1 M: Add 20 mL conc. H2SO4 to 1 L H2O, mix and dissolve
40 g (NH4)2.Fe(SO4)2.6H2O
e) HgSO4
f) Potassium hydrogen phthalate
(KHP) standard: Lightly crush and then dry KHP (HOOCC6H4COOK) to constant
weight at 120°C. Dissolve 425 mg per liter water. This solution has
a theoretical COD of 500 mg O2/L. This solution is stable when
refrigerated for up to 3 months in the absence of visible biological
1) Dilute 10.00 mL (pipet) of the standard K2Cr2O7 solution to about 100 mL (erlenmeyer
2) Carefully add 30 mL concentrated H2SO4 with a measuring cylinder. Mix well. Cool
down to ca. 20°C
3) Add 4 drops ferroin indicator
4) Fill a buret with FAS solution
5) Titrate with the FAS solution until the colour changes from blue-green to reddisch-
2 .5
Molarity FAS =
( A − B ) x M x 8000
COD as mg O2/L = , where
mL sample
Exercise extreme care with this procedure because even a trace of organic matter on the
glassware or from the atmosphere may cause gross errors.
Evaluate the technique and quality of reagents by conducting the test on a standard KHP
Oxygen Apparatus Reagents
a) Digestion solution: Add to about 500 mL H2O 10.216 g K2Cr2O7, previously dried at
103°C for 2 hours, 167 mL conc. H2SO4 and 33.3 g HgSO4. Dissolve
(this will take many hours, mixing during this time is not required,
however mix after dissolving), cool to room temperature and dilute to
1000 mL
c) Stock KHP: 850 mg potassium hydrogen phthalate, dried at 120°C for 24 hours, is
dissolved in 1000 mL H2O.
The COD of this stock solution is 1000 mg O2/L.
0 0
2 20
5 50
7 70
10 100
20 200
30 300
40 400
50 500
60 600
70 700
80 800
90 900
Oxygen Procedure
Wash the digestion tubes and caps with 4 M H2SO4 before first use to prevent
1. Transfer 2.5 mL of standard or sample to the digestion tube and add 1.5 mL digestion
2. Carefully run 3.5 mL H2SO4/Ag2SO4 down inside of tube so an acid layer is formed
under the sample-digestion solution layer. Tightly cap tubes and swirl several times to
mix completely, do not invert the tubes!
3. Place the tubes in a preheated oven of 150°C during 2 hours
4. Allow them to cool, mix the content and let particles settle
1. Use an adjustable Eppendorf pipette
2. Run the standard and samples in duplicate
3. For each set of samples also analyse simultaneously one or two standards with a COD
value comparable to the samples.
American Public Health Organisation
Standard Methods for the examiniation of water and wastewater, 18th edition 1992
p. 5-6/5-11.
The organic carbon in water and wastewater is composed of a variety of organic compounds
in various oxidation states. Some of these carbon compounds can be oxidized further by
biological or chemical processes, and the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical
oxygen demand (COD) may be used to characterize these fractions. The presence of
organic carbon that does not respond to either the BOD of COD test makes them unsuitable
for the measurement of total organic carbon. Total organic carbon (TOC) is a more
convenient and direct expression of total organic content than either BOD or COD, but does
not provide the same kind of information. If a repeatable empirical relationship is established
between TOC and BOD or COD, then TOC can be used to estimate the accompanying BOD
or COD.
This relationship must be established independently for each set of matrix conditions, such
as various points in a treatment process. Unlike BOD or COD, TOC is independent of the
oxidation state of the organic matter and does not measure other organically bound
elements, such as nitrogen and hydrogen, and inorganics that can contribute to the oxygen
demand measured by BOD and COD. TOC measurement does not replace BOD and COD
To determine the quantity of organically bound carbon, the organic molecules must be
broken down to single carbon untis and converted to a single molecular form that can be
measured quantitatively. TOC methods utilize heat and oxygen, ultraviolet irradiation,
chemical oxidants, or combinations of these oxidants to convert organic carbon to carbon
dioxide (CO2). The CO2 may be measured directly by a nondispersive infrared analyzer, it
may be reduced to methane and measured with a flame ionization detector or CO2 may be
titrated chemically.
The methods and instruments used in measuring TOC analyze fractions of total carbon (TC)
and measure TOC by two or more determinations. These fractions of total carbon are
defined as:
• inorganic carbon (IC)
the carbonate, bicarbonate, and dissolved CO2;
• total organic carbon (TOC)
all carbon atoms covalently bonded in organic molecules;
• dissolved organic carbon (DOC)
the fraction of TOC that passes through a 0.45-μm-pore-diam filter;
• particulate organic carbon (POC)
also referred to as nondissolved organic carbon, the fraction of TOC retained by a
0.45 μm filter;
• volatile organic carbon (VOC)
also referred to as purgeable organic carbon, the fraction of TOC removed from an
aqueous solution by gas stripping under specified conditions;
• nonpurgeable organic carbon (NPOC)
the fraction of TOC not removed by gas stripping.
In most water samples, the IC fraction is many times greater than the TOC fraction.
Eliminating or compensating for IC interferences requires multiple determinations to
measure true TOC. IC interference can be eliminated by acidifying samples to pH 2 or less
to convert IC species to CO2.
Subsequently, purging the sample with a purified gas removes the CO2 by volatilization.
Sample purging also removes VOC so that the organic carbon measurement made after
eliminating IC interferences is actually a NPOC determination; determine VOC to measure
true TOC.
In many surface and ground waters the VOC contribution to TOC is negligible. Therefore, in
practice, the NPOC determination is substituted for TOC.
Alternatively, IC interference may be compensated for by separately measuring
inorganic carbon (IC) and total organic carbon (TOC).
American Public Health Organisation
Standard Methods for the examiniation of water and wastewater, 18th edition 1992
p. 5-10/5-15.
6.1 Biomass
This determination is based on the fact that phospholipids are present in almost all
membranes in a relatively constant ratio. In living cells as well as in dead cells the turnover
of phospholipids is relatively high. Because of this fact they are suitable as a measure for the
amount of living biomass in a sample (For bacillus-like bacteria it is assumed that 1 gram of
dry cells contain 50 μmol of lipidphosphate).
a) Shaking machine
b) Oven, adjustable till 180°C
c) Separation funnels of 250 mL, acid rinsed and washed with water
d) Destruction tubes, acid rinsed. After acid treatment, boiled with water and dried without
touching the inner parts
e) Stoppered 250 mL glass bottles, acid rinsed and washed with water. Idem for several
f) Marbles, acid rinsed and washed with water
g) Spectrophotometer for use at 830 nm with 1 cm cells
h) 100 mL volumetric flasks, acid rinsed and washed with water
i) Waterbath at 100°C.
6.1.3 Reagents
a) CH3OH, methanol
b) CHCl3, chloroform
c) HClO4, perchloric acid, 60% and 30%
d) H2O2, hydrogenperoxide, 30%
Let stabilize for 1 night at 4°C and put the clear liquid in a dark bottle.
6.1.4 Calibration
1. Prepare a serie of standards by diluting 0; 10.00; 30.00; 50.00 and 80.00 mL stock to
100 mL in volumetric flasks and fill up to the mark
2. Place 0.50 mL of each standard in a destruction tube and add 0.50 mL 60% HClO4.
Follow from here on the destruction procedure 6.1.6 starting with step 4 and further
3. Plot the absorbance against nmol P and determine the mathematical expression of this
line (400 nmol should give an absorption of about 2).
1. Weigh maximal 6 g dry weight sample and put in a glass stoppered bottle of 250 mL
(Perform dry-weight measurement separately if necessary)
2. Add 50 mL CH3OH, 25 mL CHCl3 and 20 mL H2O. Take into account the water present in
the sample
3. Close the bottle and shake at room temperature during 2 h
4. Add 25 mL CHCl3 and 25 mL H2O
5. Mix thoroughly
6. Transfer the content to a separation funnel and leave the sample for 24 h (overnight) at
4°C for de-mixing
7. Collect a few mL of the lowest (CHCl3) layer without water. If necessary, centrifuge this
8. If necessary, store at 4°C (stable for at least 1 week).
1. Take a sample from the chloroform layer, e.g. 0.50 mL, and transfer to a destruction tube
2. Evaporate the CHCl3 under a stream of air
3. Add 1.00 mL 30% HClO4
6.1.7 P-determination
6.1.8 Calculation
6.1.9 Remark
Flush afterwards the destruction tubes 3 x with H2O and store the tubes and the marbles in
6.2 Suspended Solids, (SS or dry weight) and Volatile Suspended Solids
(VSS or ash-free dry weight)
6.2.1 Materials
a) Suction apparatures
b) GF/C filters or GF52 filters
c) Oven, 105ºC
d) Muffle furnace, 520ºC
e) Aluminium cups
6.2.2 Procedure
8. Remove sample + filter from cup and weigh the sample + filter (= a)
9. Put sample + filter back in the cup and heat at 520ºC for 3 hours
10. Cool in the dessiccator and weigh sample + filter (= b)
11. VSS, (ash-free dry weight) = a - b
Since the weight of Al-cups will change after treatment at 520ºC, it is important to carry out
the weighing procedures from step 8 on without the Al-cups.
6.3.1 Principle
Algae will be filtered and extracted with ethanol. The difference in absorbance of the solution
before and after acidification, measured at 665 and 750 nm is a measure of the chlorophyll-a
content. Degradation products of chlorophyll-a show absorption spectra that are comparable
to the one of chlorophyll-a, and thus will result in an overestimation. By acidification of a
sample, all chlorophyll present is transformed into phaeophytine. Thus, by subtracting the
absorption values after acidification from the ones measured before acidification, the
absorption due to degradation products can be measured. The measurements at 750 nm
are necessary to correct for the turbidity.
Transport the sample in a dark bottle preferably at 4ºC, filter the algae as soon as possible
after sampling using glass fiber or membrane (0.45 µm porosity) filter. The sample can be
stored no longer than 24 h at 4ºC. The filter with algae can be stored at -18ºC or lower
during 2 weeks in the dark.
6.3.4 Reagents
6.3.5 Procedure
Choose a sample volume, normally between 50-2000 mL, that will result in an absorbance
between 0.1 and 0.9 at 665 nm for the non-acidified extract.
Carry out the following steps under reduced light intensity.
2. Transfer the filter to a Schott GL18 COD tube, add 25.0 mL 80% ethanol; close the tube
3. Put the tube in a waterbath of 75ºC and leave it there for 5 minutes. Use a rod to promote
the destruction
4. Shake the tube during 5 min. at 75ºC with a speed of 250 rpm
5. Cool the tube in ice
6. Divide the 25 mL extracts into centrifuge tubes and centrifuge the extract for 10 minutes
at 3000 rpm, let it stop by itself without using the brake
7. Combine the extracts, mix and measure the absorbance at 750 nm (Eo) and 665 nm (Ex)
against 80% ethanol
8. Add 0.10 mL 0.4 M HCl to 10.0 mL extract and measure after 5-30 min again at 750 nm
(Eoa) and 665 nm (Exa) against 80% ethanol. The pH of this extract should be 2.6-2.8
6.3.6 Calculation
En - Ea
Chl-a μg/L = 296 x V1 x , where
Vo x p
Nederlandse Norm (Dutch Standard) NEN 6520.
Miscellaneous Principle
measuring cylinder of 10 mL
mortar and pestle
screw-capped centrifuge tubes marked at 5 mL
tube rack
measuring pipets of 1.0 and 5.0 mL
96% ethanol
0.06 M HCl Procedure
Miscellaneous Calculations
The same type of calculation can also be applied for the chlorophyll-b and
total-phaeopigments determination.
- In these basic formulae there is no correction for extraction volume (Ve) and sample
dilution (D)
- There will be an extra dilutionfactor (C) after acidification (adding 0.5 mL to 3 mL sample
in cuvette = 3.5/3); before acidification: C = 1
- Furthermore, [chlor] is given as ash-free dry weight (AFDW) so there should also be a
conversion from sample fresh weight (FWs):
- Phaeopigments-a in sample = (total phaeopigments-a) - (chlorophyll-a). This results in an
indication for planthealth, where a result close to zero stands for a very healthy plant.
Small amounts of phaeopigments-a means little decomposition of chlorophyll-a in the
Wintermans, J.F.G.M. & De Mots A., 1965. Spectrophotometric characteristics of
chlorophylls a and b and their pheophytins in ethanol. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 109:448-453.
• Store the soil samples not longer than 4 days at 4ºC (in the dark)
• Soil samples must be dried at low temperature
• Cool the sample, after drying, with liquid N2 (-196ºC)
• Grind the sample
• Do the extraction immediately after grinding.
• Petroleumether
• Na2SO4, heat for 6 hours at 500ºC, store in a dessiccator and cool before use to 4ºC
• Seasand, wash two times with an equal volume of water and heat for 6 hours at 500ºC
• Aluminiumoxide, deactivated, see next page
• Baby-powder (talkpoeder)
Sample treatment
• Add 20 g Na2SO4 and 5 g babypowder to a glass bottle with PTFE foil and screw cap
• Determine the mass of these reagents with an accuracy of 0.1 g
• Shake (mix) and cool to 4ºC
• Add about 25 g soil (determine the mass) to the bottle
• Shake well, place the bottle at 4ºC and shake during 4 hours
• Afterwards, let the bottle stand for 12-16 hours
If necessary, add more Na2SO4
If big particles are present (>3 cm): crush with a spatula
• The efficiency of the procedure depends of the composition of the soil and the detention
time of the compounds in the soil.
The extraction efficiency depends also of the structure and composition of the soil
• Prevent any contact between skin and extracts or standards of the PAH's. Use plastic
gloves all the time!
Make use of the fume cupboard as much as possible!
• Dry aluminium oxide W 200, basic or neutral, activity Super I Woelm, during 16 hours at
• Cool in the dessiccator and add 11 g water to 89 g Al2O3
• Shake till there are no big particles left anymore
• Keep the deactivated Al2O3 for at least 16 hours in an air-tight vessel before use
• Store the deactivated Al2O3 always in an air-tight bottle.
• Weight about 20 g sample with an accuracy of 0.1 g in a 300 mL erlenmeyer with glass
• Add 100 mL petroleumether and shake during 10 minutes on a shaking machine (linear
• Let the phases separate and transfer the petroleumether to the Kuderna Danish
equipment, use a funnel with glasswool
• Repeat the extraction with another 100 mL petroleumether, add this extract also to the
Kuderna Danish
• Rinse the erlenmeyer two times with 10 mL petroleumether, add this also to the Kuderna
• Evaporate the extract to a volume of about 10 mL, using the Kuderna Danish and a
waterbath of 70-75°C. Remove the tube and evaporate to a volume smaller than 1 mL,
use a gentle stream of N2 at room temperature. Adjust the height and the flow of the N2
inlet in such a way that it takes at least 15 minutes. Add some petroleumether till the
volume is 1.00 mL.
Chromatography tube
Dutch Standard NVN 5730 Soil-Sample pretreatment for determination of organic
parameters in soil
Dutch Standard NEN 5731 Soil-Determination of ten polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons with
6.5.1 General
The theory on the cation exchange capacity of soils may directly be related to the theories
for adsorption isotherms and for ion exchange. The CEC of a soil is defined as the capacity
to bind and exchange cations. The CEC is especially brought about by the clay fraction, in
particular the sodium-alumio-silicates in the soil.
CEC is an important factor both in agriculture, where it may be related to the binding
capacity of organic compounds and plant nutrients to soil particles, and in sedimentology,
e.g. playing a dominant role in the adsorption characteristics of heavy metals onto lake and
river sediments.
6.5.2 Principle
The experiment is carried out with a percolation tube filled with the soil sample. The soil is
first percolated with NaAc, sodium acetate, to saturate the soil with Na. (All negative places
will be occupied by Na+ ions). After rinsing with ethanol to remove excess of Na+ ions,
another percolation will be carried out with NH4Ac. The adsorbed Na+ will be replaced by
NH4+. The released Na+ is measured by the flame emission spectrophotometry technique.
6.5.4 Reagents
d) Ethanol 96%
e) Stock NaCl: dissolve 0.254 g NaCl (dried) in 100 mL. 1 mL=1.00 mg Na
f) Standard serie: dilute 0; 1.00; 3.00; 5.00 and 7.00 mL stock with 0.01 M NH4Ac to
100 mL. This will cover the range of 0-70 mg Na/L
6.5.5 Procedure
1. Weight about 10 g soil with an accuracy of 0.01 g, previously washed with 96% ethanol
and dried at room temperature, add 50 mL inert silver sand and mix
2. Transfer 7 mL inert silversand to the percolation tube which already contains a glass-
wool plug. To ensure a homogeneous packing of the column a special funnel with a
long stem has to be used
3. Transfer in the same way the just prepared soil-sand mixture to the tube
4. Clear the funnel with a brush and add on top of the soil-sand mixture another 7 mL inert
silver sand
5. Percolate with 250 mL 1 M NaAc in about 1 hour (1-2 drops/s) by placing the 250 mL
volumetric flask on top of the tube
6. Percolate with 100 mL ethanol in about ½ hour
7. Discard the effluents
8. Percolate with 100 mL NH4Ac in about ½ hour, collect the percolate in a 100 mL
volumetric flask, fill up with 1 M NH4Ac to the mark and mix
Remark: The soil-sand mixture should always be kept under the liquid level.
6.5.6 Calculation
mg / L ( graph ) x 100
CEC meq Na/100 g = x 100 (dil.factor)
23 x 10 x sample weight ( g )
Geochemische bemonsterings- en analysemethoden van Rijkswaterstaat -
Deltadienst. Nota 76-60, bijlage 13.
6.6.1 Principle
The cation-active dye methylene blue will form blue complexes with anion-active
components which can be extracted with chloroform. To prevent interferences the extraction
will be carried out from an alkaline solution first, followed by an extraction with the acidic
methylene blue solution.
The absorbance of the organic phase will be measured at 650 nm.
6.6.2 Reagents
All glassware should be rinsed with the HCl/CH3OH mixture and washed with H2O
6.6.4 Procedure
6.6.5 Calibration
mg weight x 1.023
This standard solution contains μg MBAS per mL
7) Add volumes in the range of 0 - 8.00 mL to a 250 mL separation funnel, add H2O to a
volume of about 100 mL and continue as described under “procedure” step 4
8) Prepare a calibration graph by plotting the absorbance against the μg MBAS / 50 mL
6.6.6 Calculation
μg MBAS in 50 mL endvolume
mg MBAS/L =
mL sample
6.7.1 Principle
The water sample is mixed with a buffer masking solution and with Azomethine-H reagent.
After 1-2 hours the absorbance is measured at 410 nm and the concentration can be
calculated by using a calibration graph. The method is fast, has a high sensitivity and
precision compared to other existing spectrophotometric measurements such as the carmine
and the curcumine method. The accuracy of the method is good, recovery is 99-107%. A
detection limit of 0.1 mg B/L is obtained. Common ions of water, wastewater and seawater
do not interfere.
6.7.2 Apparatus
b) Standard B solutions:
Dilute the stock solutions in order to achieve an intermediate stock solutions of 100 mg/L
B and dilute this intermediate stock solution to achieve a standard serie of 0.0; 0.1; 0.3;
0.5; 0.7; 1.0; 2.0; 3.0; 4.0; 5.0; 6.0 and 7.0 mg/L B.
Keep all standards in polyethylene bottles
d) Azomethine-H solution:
Dissolve 0.9 g azomethine-H and 2.0 g L(+) ascorbic acid in 100 mL H2O
1. Transfer 5.00 mL sample/standard to a plastic vessel, take a smaller volume and add
up to 5.00 mL when the sample concentration exceeds 7 mg/L B
6. Measure the absorbance of the sample and use the graph to determine its
concentration, if the sample is diluted one should take the dilution into account
6.7.5 Remarks
1) At UNESCO- IHE some test were done for the removal of boron, samples were filtered
in order to measure the B concentration.
Several filter types were used (e.g. membrane filter OE 67 with a pore size of 0.45 μm
and glass fiber filter GF 52) and checked on the adsorption of BO3-B at different pH
Also the adsorption of BO3-B onto glass was checked.
The adsorption of BO3-B to filter paper as well to glass was less than 3% at B
concentrations of 0.8 mg/L in the range of pH 3-10
Lopez F.J, Gimenez E and Hernandez F (1993)
Analytical study on the determination of boron in environmental water samples.
Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 346: 984-987
6.8.1 Principle
Silica can be present as a monomer, polymer and colloidal silica. Measurement of the
polymer and colloidal forms are difficult and expensive.
Monomeric silica is being measured as the molybdenum reactive silica.
The monomeric or molybdenum reactive silica will react at pH 1.2 with molybdenum complex
to form silicic acids as well as phosphoric acids, which will have a yellow colour. By adding
oxalic acid the phosphoric acids will be destroyed and the silicic acids can be measured at
410 nm by using a spectrophotometer.
6.8.2 Interferences
6.8.3 Apparatus
6.8.4 Reagents
c) Oxalic acid:
Dissolve 7.5 g H2C2O4 .H2O in H2O and dilute to 100 mL
The purity of the reagent water can be tested in the following way:
Transfer to a 50 mL volumetric flask, in rapid succession
- 1 mL solution a)
- 2.00 mL solution b)
- dilute to about 35 mL with H2O and mix
wait 5-10 minutes
- 2.00 mL solution c) and mix
fill up to 50 mL with H2O and mix
Measure the absorbance at 410 nm in a 1 cm cell.
When the absorbance > 0.03 the reagent blank contains too much silica, due to the demi
water used or by contamination of the chemicals. Use in that case Milli-Q water.
1) Transfer 0.00; 0.20; 0.25; 0.40; 0.60 and 0.80 mL silica stock solution, or a sample
volume which is less than 40 mL and does not contain more than 1.7 mg SiO2, to 50 mL
volumetric flasks.
The standard serie covers the range of 0-1.711 mg SiO2 / 50 mL
6.8.7 Calculation
SiO2 mg/L = mg SiO2 / 50 mL (from graph) x
V = mL sample volume
Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 2o th ed. 1998.
Page 4-156 / 4-158
V.D. Adams, Water and Wastewater Examination Manual, method 4.24 Silica
Molybdosilicate Method, Lewis publishers, 1990, Chelsea, Michigan USA
EPA, Methods for chemical analysis of water and wastes, method 370,U.S. Department of
Commerce, National Technical Information Service (NTIS), march 1993, Cincinatti, OH.
Extraction performed following Mok et al. (1986), and Mok and Wai (1987) with some
adjustments for IHE laboratory conditions.
Here are some points that need some attention before you start this procedure.
a) Before starting this procedure rinse all the glassware with HNO3 to remove any
b) Always prepare fresh chemicals (as noted in the chemical listing).
c) Always keep the standards acidified.
d) Before using the separation-funnels, grease the taps well, to prevent leakage.
f) Extraction solution
Chloroform (p.a); stabilized with 0.75% ethanol. Acros: 23209 –0025
i) HNO3, 50%
Use reagent grade HNO3 (65%), add 500 mL to 150 mL demi
1. Transfer 100 mL of sample to a 250 mL high model bottle with a propylene stopper
3. Add 10 mL of a freshly prepared 5% EDTA solution (masking agent) and mix, the
solution should be clear
5. Add 25 mL of chloroform, stopper and extract the mixture by shaking vigorously for 15
minutes on a shaking machine at 300 rpm
6. Transfer the mixture to a separation funnel and allow the phases to separate during 5
minutes. Aqueous phase at top, chloroform phase with As(III) at bottom (Make sure
that no drops of chloroform stay attached to the glass wall or at the surface of the
solution. Slowly swerve the separating funnel and absorb these drops into the solution.
The chloroform drop at the surface can be forced down by pinching it with a metal wire)
7. Rinse and dry the 250 mL bottle and collect the chloroform phase in this bottle, discard
the aqueous phase and wash the funnel with demi water.
8. Add 5 mL 50% HNO3 solution and shake the mixture for 10 minutes vigorously by
shaking at 300 rpm., followed by manual shaking during 1 minute
9. Transfer the mixture to the separation funnel, let the phases separate for 5 minutes.
Discard the lower, chloroform, phase (25 mL)
(Make sure that no drops of chloroform stay attached to the glass wall or at the surface
of the solution. Slowly swerve the separating funnel and absorb these drops into the
solution. The chloroform drop at the surface can be forced down by pinching it with a
metal wire)
Measurements of As on GF-AAS
*Remark: It is also possible to add the matrix modifier (MM) in proportion to the amount of
sample upon analysis. (ex. use 20 μL MM on top of 2.00 mL sample).
6.10.1 Principle
This procedure measures only hexavalent chromium (Cr6+). Therefore, to determine TOTAL
chromium convert all the chromium to the hexavalent state by oxidation with potasssium
permanganate after digesting with a sulfuric-nitric acid mixture. The hexavalent chromium is
determined colorimetrically by reaction with diphenylcarbazide in acid solution. A red-violet
color of unknown composition is produced and is nearly specific for chromium.
6.10.2 Interferences
6.10.3 Apparatus
6.10.4 Reagents
6.10.5 Calibration
Remark: The volumes mentioned in Standard Methods are for 100.00mL volumetric flasks,
here the volumes are decreased by a factor 2 to limit the waste.
1. Transfer the following amounts of standard Cr(VI) to 50.00 mL volumetric flasks:
0; 5.00; 10.00; 15.00; 20.00; 25.00 and 30.00 mL.
1. Transfer an appropiate amount of the (filtered) sample to a volumetric flask of 50.00 mL.
2. Adjust the pH to 1.0 ± 0.3 with 0.2 M H2SO4.
3. Fill up to the mark with demineralized water and mix
4. Add 1.0 mL diphenylcarbazide solution and mix
5. Let stand for 5 to 10 minutes for full color development
6. Transfer an appropiate portion to a 1-cm absorption cell and measure its absorbance at
at 540 nm. Use demineralized water as reference.
To compensate for possible slight losses of chromium during digestion or other analytical
operations, treat chromium standards by the same procedure as the sample.
6.10.8 Calculations
6.11.1 Introduction
Depending upon climate and local conditions, carbonates may be the dominant sink for
some trace elements. The major control on trace element uptake by carbonates, often in
metastable and and polymorphic forms, is pH. Trace elements may be coprecipitates as
carbonates or, like Cd, may actually replace Ca2+ in the lattice.
The preferred method of selective dissolution of the carbonate phase is an acidified acetate-
buffered reaction, namely 1 M NaOAc/HOAc at pH 5. Grosssman and Millet (1961) reported
that organic carbon and free iron concentrations in noncalcareous soil samples were
unchanged after contact with this buffer for nine weeks; other workers (Nissenbaum, 1972,
Gupta and Chen, 1975 and McLaren and Crawford, 1973) have demonstrated that lower pH
values lead to a partial attack of Fe and Mn oxides. The time required for carbonate
dissolution will depend upon such factors as particle size, percentage and type of carbonate
present, and sample size. Tessier et al. (1979) evaluated the optimum time for leaching the
carbonate fraction and their results indicated complete Ca dissolution within 5 hr of leaching.
This extraction time is likely to be sufficient for most finely devided suspended solids.
However, for coarse bottom sediments with high carbonate content, longer leaching times
and frequent pH adjustment might be necessary.
Remark: Leaching the exchangeable fraction is frequently carried out with NaOAc rather than MgCl2.
This may lead to the formation of a complex Ca2+ + Oac- = CaOAc+ (log K = 1.24), which might reduce
the Ca-yield after step 2. Therefore, MgCl2 is to be preferred.
Grossman, R.B. and J.C. Millet, 1961. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc., 25, 325-326
Gupta, S.K. and K.Y. Chen, 1975. Environ. Lett., 10, 129-158.
McLaren, R.G. and D.V. Crawford, 1973. J. Soil Sci., 24, 172-181
Nissenbaum, A., 1972. Isr. J. Earth Sci., 21, 143-154
Tessier, A., P.G.C. Campbell, and M. Bisson, 1979. Anal. Chem. Vol. 51, No. 7, 844-851.
6.12.1 Introduction
Acid volatile sulphide (AVS) is a measure for the available amount of sulphide in the
It is also known as the fraction of sulphides extracted by cold hydrochloric acid.
AVS consists primarily of iron mono sulfides and manganese monosulphides.
AVS can bind metals in anaerobic sediments and thereby reduce or eliminate the toxicity of
the metals. Therefore AVS is a key parameter to control the behavior of some metals in
The colorimetric method substitutes the gravimetric method. The gravimetric method yields a
low recovery and is time consuming compared to the colorimetric method.
6.12.2 Materials
6.12.3 Chemicals
a) 6M HCl:
Dilute 60mL of concentrated HCl to 100mL
b) 1M H2SO4:
Dilute 55mL of concentrated H2SO4 to 1L (Add the acid to the water !)
c) 0.5M NaOH:
Dissolve 20 g NaOH in 1L.
Solution A:
add 330mL concentrated H2SO4 to 170mL of demiwater.
After cooling to room temperature add 1.125g of
N,N-dimethyl-p-phenylenediamine oxalate and dissolve.
(NOTE: N,N-dimethyl-p-phenylenediamine oxalate is very toxic !!)
Solution B:
dissolve 2.7g FeCl3.6H2O in a mixture of 50 mL conc. HCl + 50mL H2O
1. Prepare a setup consisting of a reaction vessel and one or two trapping vessels
(depending on amount of S2- expected).
The trapping vessels contain 80mL of 0.5M NaOH.
2. Weigh accurately about 0.5 to 1.0 g of wet sediment and add 50 mL of demiwater to the
reaction vessel.
(Weigh more if S2- is expected to be < 0.25 µmol/g)
7. Continue for 1 hour while stirring and flushing with N2-gas at room temperature.
The evolved H2S is trapped in the trapping vessels (NaOH).
The reagent used to determine the sulphide concentration in the trapping vessels is called
Mixed Diamine Reagent (MDR, see 1.3C). The N,N-dimethyl-p-phenylenediamine oxalate in
the MDR reacts with iron(III)sulphide and hydrogensulphide in a strong acid environment.
The result is a methylene blue color.
6.13.1 Calibration
6.13.2 Measurement of S2- in the sample, concentration < 2.5 µmol S2-/g
1. Transfer the content of the reaction vessel into a 100 mL volumetric flask
2. Rinse the reaction vessel
3. Add 10mL of MDR to the reaction vessel
4. Fill up to the mark with demiwater
5. Measure the absorbance after 30 minutes at 670 nm in a 1cm cuvet
6. Determine µmol S2-/100 mL
6.13.3 Measurement of S2- in the sample, concentration > 2.5 µmol S2-/g (see remarks!)
1. Transfer the content of the reaction vessel into a 100 mL volumetric flask
2. Rinse the reaction vessel
3. Fill up to the mark with demiwater
4. Transfer a portion (A) into a 100 mL volumetric flask
5. Add 0.5M NaOH till ca. 80mL
6. Add 10mL of MDR
7. Fill up the mark with demiwater
8. Measure the absorbance after 30 minutes at 670 nm in a 1cm cuvet
9. Determine µmol S2-/100 mL
6.13.4 Calculations
umol S / 100 mL
µmol S2-/g =
weight ( g ) * dryweight content ( g / g )
6.13.5 Remarks
Van den Hoop et. al., chemosphere, vol 35, no10, pp 2307-2316, 1997
Allen et al., Environmental toxicology and chemistry, vol 12, pp 1441-1453, 1993
Kloster and King, Journal American water works association, vol 69, no10, pp 544-546,
1977, The determination of sulfide with DPD
Appendix 1
With the exception of gravimetric procedures, all laboratory-born results are based on
comparison with a standard. So, a correct standard is of utmost importance for reliable
analytical results. There are two categories of standards: primary and secondary.
Some substances used for primary standards are listed in the table below. Each of these has to
be dried at optimum temperature just before weighing, according to this (incomplete) table:
Just before drying, any lumps should be cut down so that only fine crystals remain. This is
important, because coarse crystals may contain occluded water in their cavities and thus would
need a higher drying temperature. The fine crystals should, however, not be pulverized because
this enhances deliquescence (= attraction of water) and/or efflorescence (= weathering) later
on. Besides, the heating oven should be ventilated well, since this decreases both the time and
the temperature of drying. After the recommended heating procedure, the primary standard
substance should be cooled in a desiccator containing preferably magnesium perchlorate as a
dessicant. The dried substance should be weighed as soon as it has reached the ambient
Primary standard substances should be stored in closed weighing bottles which are placed in a
desiccator. (Note: this only holds for substances not containing crystal water, and for
substances that can be dried). The desiccator may contain a desiccant like silicagel (which
should be blue). In this way, a primary standard may be stored for weeks or months without
appreciable uptake of water. It is advisable, however to repeat the drying procedure now and
As a rule, hydrated substances are not suitable for use as a primary standard, because of
difficulties in keeping the amount of crystal water constant.
Some substances are not allowed to be dried, even though they do not contain crystal water.
This holds e.g. for boric acid, H3BO3, because drying would convert it to metaboric acid, HBO2.
Appendix 1
Appendix 1
A secondary standard is substance which may be used for standardizations after having been
compared against some primary standard. Many hydrated reagents fall into this category. Two
of them are of practical importance: oxalic acid and borax.
Oxalic acid, (COOH)2.2H2O, may be stored over a saturated solution of NaBr. It may be more
convenient, however, to check the content by titrating with standardized KMnO4. In either case
it seems wise to purchase analytical grade oxalic acid.
Borax, Na2B4O7.10H2O, has the advantage of a high molecular mass in comparison to oxalic
acid. Borax may be stored over a saturated solution of NaCl or NaBr. For example, a sample of
borax decahydrate (stored in the bottle in which it had been supplied) can loose 25% of its
crystal water in a period of 2 years! They recrystallize borax instead of storing it over a
deliquescing salt.
Hydrated substances should never be pulverized, because this accelerates the process of
efflorescence greatly.
The purity of reagents should be chosen in accordance with the intended applications. It is
common practice to use the “analytical reagent” quality, which contains contaminations at
mg/kg level. For routine analysis of macro elements, however, the “chemically pure” grade
might suffice. For the determination of micro elements, on the other hand, it might be necessary
to use high-purity chemicals, which are specified for different techniques (“spectroscopically
pure”, “chromatographically pure” ). Since such reagents are very expensive, the need for their
application should be established first.
The water used for laboratory work has to meet several requirements concerning its purity,
among which pH and conductivity are the main ones. The pH may vary between 5.0 and 6.5,
while the electrical conductivity should be lower than 1 μS cm-1.
Two ways of purification are well-known and practised generally: distillation and deionisation
(the latter is also called demineralisation). Each technique is appropriate for normal analytical
work. However, after single distillation (from hard glass apparatus) traces of metal ions are still
present; deionisation, on the other hand, may leave traces or organic substances in the water.
For special purposes, e.g. determination of very low contents of trace elements, the two
techniques may be applied both, thus producing “demi-dest” water. In some cases, e.g. for the
titrimetric determination of low levels of carbonate, it is necessary to use CO2-free water. This is
simply obtained by boiling for 4 minutes; during cooling the vessel should be stoppered by a
guard tube containing a CO2 absorbent, but in practice a watch glass has proved to be
All standard substances are only applied in solution, and are accordingly called primary
standard solutions and secondary standard solutions. The preparation of such solutions
(preferably in 0.1 M acid) is usually straightforward: weighing, dissolving and making up the
volume. Of course, the substance must be weighed very precisely and prepared in a volumetric
flask. In this way, solutions of rather high concentrations (usually 1000 mg element per litre) are
prepared; these are called stock solutions. For several substances there are stock solutions
commercially available in sealed ampoules. This may be convenient, e.g. when the standard
substances does not dissolve readily.
Appendix 1
Appendix 1
Stock solutions are preferably stored cool and dark, either in hard glass or in polythene vessels,
flushed in advance with acid, and may thus be stable for months. When stock solutions are
stored for more than a year, they should be checked before using; it is known, for example, that
storage in a polythene flask may lead to 1 - 1.5% loss of water by evaporation.
From those stock solutions all other solutions are made by dilution, these are called standard
solutions. Standard solutions may deteriorate rather rapidly due to adsorption. It is advisable to
check the rate of decomposition, and to prepare fresh standard solutions at an appropriate
frequency, if necessary every day.
D. Filter paper
Filter paper is classified from coarse to fine according to its porosity. The following table gives
this classification for some well-known brands of quantitative papers, i.e. HCl-HF treated papers
(formerly called “ash-free”).
Schleicher Whatman
& Schüll
98% for > 1.6 μm GF/A
98% for > 1.0 μm GF/B*
98% for > 1.2 μm GF52 GF/C
98% for > 2.7 μm GF/D
98% for > 0.7 μm GF/F*
99.9% for > 0.3 μm* GF6*
T. Yoshimori. Drying and weighing of standard reference materials for titrimetric analysis and
the status of the Faraday constant as an international standard. Talanta 22 (1975) 827-825.
Appendix 2
Weigh out accurately about 200 mg of sodium carbonate and transfer it to a 300 mL erlenmeyer flask.
Dissolve in about 75 mL of distilled water and add 3 drops of the indicator. Titrate with the acid until
the colour has changed from green via grey to rose. Then boil until the CO2 is driven out of the
solution, cool and titrate further until the colour has become rose again.
M = 0.01887 * for HCl
or M = 0.009435 * for H2SO4
in which:
1. The colour change before the boiling stage should be reached 0.2 - 0.3 mL before the
equivalence point. After boiling, the consumption of acid should not exceed 0.3 mL, otherwise
the determination should be repeated.
2. Dried sodium carbonate is very hygroscopic.
Appendix 3
The base is standardized by titration of oxalic acid with methyl red as an indicator.
Weigh out accurately 250 mg of oxalic acid and transfer it to a 300 mL erlenmeyer flask. Dissolve the
acid in about 100 mL of distilled water (free from CO2), add 3 drops of indicator solution and titrate
with the base until the colour of the indicator has changed to yellow. Then add 10 mL of the calcium
chloride solution and proceed with the titration until the colour has once again changed to yellow.
M = 0.01586 *
in which:
1. Soldium oxalate reacts alkaline with respect to the indicator. Therefore, calcium chloride is
added which results in a precipitation of calcium oxalate and the consequent liberation of HCl;
this HCl is neutralized in the final stage of titration.
2. To prevent coprecipitation of oxalic acid, the solution of calcium chloride is added at the end of
the titration.
3. Small amounts (200 - 500 mL) of CO2 free water can be prepared by boiling during 4 minutes in
erlenmeyer flasks (not in beakers). It is allowable to cool while only a watch glass covers the
erlenmeyer flask.
Appendix 4
Weigh out accurately about 275 mg of sodium oxalate and transfer it to a beaker of 600 mL. Dissolve
the substance, while stirring, in a mixture of 100 mL of 2 M sulphuric acid and 100 mL of water at
about 27 ºC.
While stirring, add with a burette about 35 mL of the permanganate solution and wait until the solution
has become colourless. Heat to 55-65ºC and then titrate dropwise, while stirring, until a rose colour
persists after a waiting period of 30 seconds.
Perform a blank determination with a mixture of 100 mL of 2 M sulphuric acid and about 140 mL of
M = 0.002987 *
a −b
in which
Appendix 5
A known amount of NaCl is titrated with an AgNO3 solution, so that silver chloride precipitates. After
the equivalence point, any excess of AgNO3 forms a red precipitate of silver chromate with the
Silver nitrate solution, AgNO3 0.1 mol/L. Dissolve 17.0 g of AgNO3 in 1 liter of water.
Potassium chromate solution. Dissolve 5 g of K2CrO4 in 100 mL of water.
Sodium chloride. NaCl, pretreated according to Appendix 1.
Calcium carbonate, CaCO3 (analytical grade).
First perform a blank determination in a 250 mL beaker that contains 140 mL of water, 4 mL of
potassium chromate solution and 0.5 g of CaCO3. Titrate with the silver nitrate solution until the
suspension shows a weak, but distinct, red colour which persists even with energetic stirring. Keep
this suspension for future comparison.
Then weigh out accurately about 250 mg of sodium chloride, transfer it to a 250 mL beaker, and add
100 mL of water and 4 mL of potassium chromate solution. Titrate carefully, while stirring, until the red
colour which appears with every drop of AgNO3 fades aways slowly. Then titrate dropwise until the
solution shows the same shade of red as the blank.
M = 0.01711 *
a −b
in which
Appendix 6
HCl 1 M. Add 8.3 mL of concentrated hydrochloric acid (36%) to about 40 mL water and make up to
100 mL.
Buffer solution, pH 10. Dissolve 5.4 g of ammonium chloride, NH4Cl, and 0.2 g of Mg EDTA, in 35 mL
of concentrated aqueous ammonia (25%) and dilute with water to 100 mL.
EDTA solution, 0.05 mol/L. Dissolve 18.6 g of disodium ethylenediamine tetra acetate,
Na2EDTA.2H2O, in 1 liter of water.
Eriochrome Black T, dissolve 0.5 g in 90 mL triethanolamine.
Weigh out accurately about 150 mg of CaCO3 into a 300 mL erlenmeyer flask. Dissolve it in a small
excess of 1 M HCl (about 3 mL). Dilute to about 100 mL and boil for some minutes. Check whether all
CaCO3 has dissolved; if not, add 0.5 mL of 1 M HCl extra and boil again. Then add to the still hot
liquid 10 mL of the buffer solution and 0.4 mL of the indicator solution. Titrate from red to a blue end
point with the EDTA solution.
Perform also a blank determination.
M = 0.009991 *
a −b
in which
w = weight of CaCO3, in mg;
a = volume of EDTA used for the analyte, in mL;
b = volume of EDTA used for the blank, in mL;
1. If, by accident, too much HCl has been added, the solution can be neutralized first with 1M
2. Store the standardized EDTA solution in polythene bottles.
3. The Na2EDTA should be of analytical grade, since lower grades may contain other complexing
agents which can give erroneous results (e.g. in the determination of Zn).
4. The addition of Mg EDTA to the buffer solution provides a sharper colour change at the end
point when using Eriochrome Black T.
Appendix 7
0 .500
The molarity of the Na2S2O3 solution =
mL Na 2 S2 O3
Appendix 8
N thiosulfate * 25 mL
Normality of Iodine =
mL iodine
Appendix 9
Appendix 9
• 6M HCL
• Starch 5% : dissolve 5 g of starch in 100mL hot demi water.
• Standard iodine solution, 0.025 N:
Dissolve 20 to 25 g KI in a little water and add 3.2 g iodine. After the iodine has dissolved,
dilute to 1000mL
• Sodium thiosulfate solution, 0.025N Na2S2O3
6.2g sodium tiosulfate in 1000mL.
(Standardize against K2Cr2O7 according to appendix 7 in the Lab manual)
1) Measure from a buret an amount of I2 solution estimated to be an excess over the
amount of S2- present.
2) Add distilled water, if necessary, to bring volume to about 20mL
3) Add 2 mL 6M HCL
4) Pipet 200 mL sample into the flask, discharging sample below the solution surface
5) If the I2 color disappears, add more I2 solution until color remains
6) Back-titrate with 0.025N Na2S2O3, adding a few drops of starch solution as you
approach the end point, continue until blue color (of starch) disappears.
1.00 mL of 0.0250N I2 solution reacts with 0.4 mg S2-
[( A * B) − (C * D)] *16000
mg S2-/L =
sample volume(mL)
A) mL iodine
B) normality of iodine
C) mL Na2S2O3
D) normality of Na2S2O3
Appendix 10
The atomic weights used throughout these appendices are the standard atomic weights 1987 as
given by the IUPAC. The following table is a selection of the existing elements. The values are given
with the same number of decimals as in the original IUPAC table, i.e. with the same degree of
confidence. The last column gives the uncertainty of the last decimal digit. The values apply to
elements as they exist naturally on earth, and are thus applicable to any normal material.
Appendix 9
IUPAC commission on Atomic Weights and Isotopic Abundances: Atomic Weights of the Elements
1987. Pure Appl. Chem. 60 (1988) 841-854.