Unit 08
Unit 08
Unit 08
Business Problems
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Lesson-1: Differentiation
After studying this lesson, you should be able to:
Explain the nature of differentiation;
State the nature of the derivative of a function;
State some standard formula for differentiation;
Apply the formula of differentiation to solve business problems.
Calculus is the most important ramification of mathematics. The present
and potential managers of the contemporary world make extensive uses
of this mathematical technique for making pregnant decisions. Calculus
is inevitably indispensable to measure the degree of changes relating to
different managerial issues. Calculus makes it possible for the
enthusiastic and ambitious executives to determine the relationship of
different variables on sound footings. Calculus in concerned with
dynamic situations, such as how fast production levels are increasing, or
how rapidly interest is accruing.
The term calculus is primarily related to arithmetic or probability
concept. Mathematics resolved calculus into two parts - differential
calculus and integral calculus. Calculus mainly deals with the rate of
changes in a dependent variable with respect to the corresponding Differential calculus
change in independent variables. Differential calculus is concerned with is concerned with the
average rate of
the average rate of changes, whereas Integral calculus, by its very nature, changes.
considers the total rate of changes in variables.
Differentiation is one of the most important operations in calculus. Its
theory solely depends on the concepts of limit and continuity of
functions. This operation assumes a small change in the value of The techniques of
dependent variable for small change in the value of independent differentiation of a
variable. In fact, the techniques of differentiation of a function deal with function deal with the
the rate at which the dependent variable changes with respect to the rate at which the
independent variable. This rate of change is measured by a quantity dependent variable
changes with respect
known as derivative or differential co-efficient of the function. to the independent
Differentiation is the process of finding out the derivatives of a variable.
continuous function i.e., it is the process of finding the differential co-
efficient of a function.
Derivative of a Function
The derivative of a function is its instantaneous rate of change.
Derivative is the small changes in the dependent variable with respect to
a very small change in independent variable.
Let y = f (x), derivative i.e. means rate of change in variable y with
respect to change in variable x.
1. = 0, where C is a constant.
dx n d
2. = [xn] = n. xn-1
dx dx
d d
3. a. f (x ) = a [ f (x )]
dx dx
− ( n +1)
d − n
4. x = − .x n
de x d x
5. =
dx dx
( )
e = ex
d g (x ) d
e[ ] = e g ( x ) . [g (x )]
dy dy du
7. If y = f(u) and U = g(x) then = ×
dx du dx
d x
( )
a = a x . log e a
d [ f ( x ) ± g (x )] d [ f ( x )] d [g (x )]
9. = ±
dx dx dx
10. (log e x ) = d ln x = 1
( )
dx dx x
n dy n d [ f ( x )]
11. If Y = [f(x)] then, = n [f(x)] –1 .
dx dx
d 1
12. loga x = x loga e
d [ f ( x ).g ( x )] d [g (x )] d [ f ( x )]
13. = f (x ) + g (x )
dx dx dx
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f (x ) d [ f ( x )] d [g ( x )]
g ( x ) g ( x ) dx − f ( x ) dx
14. =
dx [g (x )]2
d g (x) d
15. a = a g ( x ) . [g (x )]. log a e
dx dx
du f (x + dx. y ) − f ( x, y )
16. If U = f(x, y), = and
dx dx
du f ( x, y + dy ) − f ( x, y )
dy dy
de ax
17. If y = eax, then its first derivative is equal to = eax
d 2 e as = 2 ax
Second derivative is equal to ae
dx 2
d 3 e ax = 3 ax
Third derivative is equal to a e and the nth derivative is
denoted by
d n e ax = n ax
a e
dx n
Derivative of Trigonometrically Functions
d d
18. dx(Sin x) = Cos x. dx (Cos x) = − Sinx
d d
19. dx(tan x) = Sec2x. dx (Cot x) = − Cosec2x
d d
20. dx (Sec x) = Sec x. tan x; dx(Cosec x) = − Cosec x. Cot x
d 1 d 1
( )
Sin −1 x = ;
Cos −1x = − )
1 − x2 1 − x2
d 1 d 1
22. ( )
tan −1 x = ; (
Cot −1x = −)
dx 1+ x2 dx 1+ x2
d 1 d 1
Sec −1x =) ; (
Co sec −1x = − )
x. x 2 −1 dx x x2 −1
Sin x
Sin2x + Cos2x = 1; tan x = Cos x
Cos x
Sec2x – tan2x = 1; Cot x = Sin x
dy dy dx
Then, dt = dx . dt
dy dt
∴ =
dx dx
Let us illustrate these different derivatives by the following examples.
Example – 1:
If y = f(x) = a; find
dy d(a)
dx = dx =0, since a is a constant, i.e.,'a' has got no relationship with
variable x.
Example – 2:
Differentiate the following functions, with respect to x,
dy d
(ii) dx = dx (8x−5)
d −40
= 8 dx (x−5) = 8(−5) x−6 = − 40x–6 = .
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dy − 40
Therefore, dx = 6
dy d
(iii) dx = dx (3x3 − 6x2+2x − 8)
d d d d
= dx (3x3) − 2
dx (6x ) + dx (2x)
dx (8)
Example –3:
=ex(logx)(4x)+ex(2x2+3)x + logx(2x2+3)ex
= ex[4x.logx + x + (2x2 +3) logx]
dy 2x2+3
So, dx = ex[4x.logx + x + (2x2 +3) logx]
2+3log x dy
If y = 2 , find dx
x +5
2+3log x
d d
( x 2 + 5) (2 + 3 log x) − (2 + 3 log x) ( x 2 + 5)
dy dx dx
dx ( x 2 + 5) 2
3 15 15
(x2+5) (x)–(2+3logx)(2x) x –x –6xlogx . x –x –6xlogx
= = Thus, =
(x2+5)2 (x2+5)2 dx (x2+5)2
Find the differential co-efficient of e x +5 x +7
with respect to x.
Let y= ex2+5x+y
dy x 2 +5 x + y d
dy 2
x + 5x + y
dx = (2x + 5). e
Find dx , if y = log 4x+3
dy 2
dx = 4x+3
y = x.ex2
First derivative,
dy d x2 x2 d x2 x2 x2 2
dx = x dx e +e . dx (x) = x.e . 2x + e .1 = e (2x +1)
Second derivative, 2 = ex2.2x(2x2+1) +ex2.4x
2 x2 2 2
= ex . 4x3 + e .2x + ex . 4x = ex . (4x3 + 2x + 4x)
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Third derivative,
d3y = x 2
e 2x (4x3 + 6x) + ex2 (12x2 + 6)
e x 12x2 + ex2 (12x2 + 6) = ex2 (8x4 + 12x2 + 12x2 + 6)
= ex . 8x4 +
Given, y = xlogx
Taking logarithm of both sides, we have
dy 1 2xlogx. logx
Hence, dx = y (2 logx. x ) = x
Find the derivative of log (ax + b) with respect to x.
Let y = log (ax +b)
dy d 1 d a
So, dx = dx [log (ax + b)] = (ax+b) dx (ax + b) = ax+b .
dy a
Therefore, dx = ax + b
Differentiate y = loga x with respect to x.
log e x
We know that log a x =
log e a
dy d d log e x
So, = (log a x ) =
dx dx dx log e a
1 d 1 1 1
= . log e x = . =
log e a dx log e a x x. log e a
dy 1
So, =
dx x. log e a
x dy
If y = xx , find dx
y = xx
Taking logarithm of both sides, we have Let y = xx
log y = log x x = xx log x. Then log y= x log x
d 1
Differentiating with respect to x, we get, dx(log y) = 1(log x) + x. x
1 dy x d d x
y . dx = x dx (log x) + log x dx( x ) = 1 + log x
1 dy 1 1 dy
or, y . dx = xx . x + log dxx (1+logx) y dx = 1+ log x
dy 1 dy
∴dx = y [xx . x + log xx (1+log x)] So, dx = y (1+log x)
x dy
= xx [xx 1+ log xx (1+log x)] So, dx = xx (1+ log x)
1 d
= . [Sin (3x2+5)]
Sin(3x2+5) dx
1 d
= 2 . Cos (3x2+5) . dx (3x2+5)
Sin(3x +5)
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. Cos(3x
( 2
2+5) . 6x = 6x. Cos 3 x + 5 = 6x.Cot (3x2+5)
Sin(3x2+5) ( )
Sin 3x 2 + 5
So, dx = 6x.Cot (3x2+5)
3 5x2+9
i) 5x4+x5 – 8x2+7x, (ii) (2x3–5x–2+2) (4x2–3 x ) (iii) 3x–2
(iv) (3x2–2x+5)3/2 (v) 5exlogx, (vi) x2+3xy+y3=5 (vii) ex
d4y 6
4. If y=x3 log n, show that =
dx4 x
iv) (sin–1x)log x
6. If y = 8x3–5x3/2+3x2–7x+5 : find
i) log2e (ii) 2 log2e (iii) 2log2e (iv) loge
2. Find the derivatives of the function 1–x
2 1 2
i) 1–x (ii) (iii) (iv) (1–x) 2
(1–x)2 (1–x)2
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4. If f(x)=2x3–3x2+4x–2, find the value of f ( x = −2 )
i) 30 (ii) 40 (iii) 25 (iv) 35
2 x+4 d
5. If f(x)= 2x – +
x 4–x , find f (x = 2 )
i) 2.75 (ii) 2 (iii) 2.5 (iv) 2.45
7. If y = 8x3 – 5x3/2 + 3x2 – 7x +5. find
15 15
i) 24x2 – 2 x 1/2+6x – 7 (ii) 48x – 2 x1/2+6
15 15
(iii) 48 + (iv) 48x – +7
8 x3 2 x
dz f ( x + ∆x, y ) − f ( x, y )
= lim
dx ∆ x → 0 ∆x
dz f ( x, y + ∆y ) − f ( x, y )
= lim
dy ∆x →0 ∆y
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Example − 2:
Determine the partial derivatives of
= 15x2−6xy2+0
∴ dx = 15x2−6xy2
dz d d d
Again dy = dy (5x3) −3x2 dy (y2) + dx (7y5)
= 0 − 6x2y + 35y4
∴dy = 35y4 − 6x2y.
Find the partial derivatives of z = (5x + 3) (6x + 2y)
dz d d
dx = (5x + 3).dx (6x+2y) + (6x + 2y). dx (5x+3)
dz d d
Again dy = (5x + 3). dy (6x+2y) + (6x + 2y). dx (5x+3)
Determine the partial derivatives of Z = 5x+3y
d d
(5x+3y) dx (6x+7y) – (6x+7y) dx (5x+3y)
dx = (5x+3y)2
(5x+3y). 6−(6x+7y).5
dz 30x+18y−30x−35y
dx = (5x+3y)2
dz −17y
∴ dx =
d d
(5x+3y). dy (6x+7y)−(6x+7y). dy (5x+3y)
Again dy =
(5x+3y).7 − (6x+7y).3
dz 17x
∴dy =
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d2f d2 f
f xx′′ (x, y) or dx dx or
dx 2
f y′′ (x, y) or dx
f yx′′ (x, y) or dy dx
f (x, y)
d(f) d2f
f y′ (x, y) or dy ′′ (x, y) or dx dy
f yx
d2f d2 f
f yy′′ (x, y) or dy dy or
dy 2
The cross (or mixed) partial derivative f xy′′ or f yx′′ indicates that first the
primitive function has been partially differentiated with respect to one
independent variable and then that partial derivative has in turn been
partially differentiated with respect to the other independent variable:
f xy′′ = ( f x′ ) y = dy dx = dydx
′ d dz
= dx dy = dxdy
d dz
( )′
f yz′′ = f y′ x
The cross partial is a second-order derivative, which are equal always.
That is
d2z d2z
dydx dxdy
or , f xy′′ = f yx′′
Determine (a) first, (b) second and (c) cross partial derivatives of Z =
7x3 + 9xy +2y5.
dz dz
(a) dx = Zx = 21x2 + 9y; 4
dy = Zy = 9x + 10y .
d2z d2z
(b) = Zxx = 42x; = Zyy = 40y3.
dx2 dy2
d2z d dz d
(c) dydx = dy . dx = dy (21x2+9y) = Zxy = 9
d2z d dz d 4
dxdy dx dy dx (9x+10y ) = Zyx = 9.
= . =
Determine all first and second-order derivatives of
Z = (x2+3y3)4
dz 2 3 3. 2 33
dx = 4 (x +3y ) 2x = 8x (x +3y )
dz 2 33 2 2 2 33
dy = 4 (x +3y ) . 9y = 36y (x +3y )
= 8x[3(x2+3x3)2 (2x)] + (x2+3y3)3. 8
= 36y2 [3(x2+3y3)2 (9y2)] + (x2+3y3)3 72y
d2z d dz 2 32 2
dydx = dy . dx = 8x [3(x +3y ) (9y )]+0
= 216xy2 (x2+3y3)2
d2z d dz 2 2 32
dxdy = dx . dy = 36y [3 (x +3y ) . 2x]
= 216xy2 (x2+3y3)2
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[Note: the cross partial derivatives f xy′′ ( x, y ) (x, y) and f y′′(x, y ) (x, y) must be
equal to one another; otherwise the function is not continuous.]
3. Where (a, b) is a critical point on f, let D = f xx′′ (a, b). f yy′′ (a, b) −
[ f xy′′ (a, b)]2
(i) If D>0 and f xx′′ (a, b) < 0, f has a relative maximum at (a, b)
(ii) If D>0 and f xx′′ (a, b) > 0, f has a relative minimum at (a, b).
Determine the critical points and specify whether the function had a
relative maximum or minimum,
z = 2y3−x3+147x−54y+12.
By taking the first-order partial derivatives, setting them equal to zero,
and solving for x and y:
∴x=+7 ∴y=+3
This mean that we must investigate four critical points, namely (7, 3), (7,
−3), (−7, 3) and (−7, −3).
The second-order partial derivatives are
(2) Zxx (7, −3) = −6 (7) = −42 <0 Zyy (7, −3) = 12x −3 =−26 < 0
(4) Zxx (–7, −3) = –6 (−7) = 42>0 Zyy (−7, −3) = 12x −3 = −36 < 0
Since there are different signs for each of the second-order partials in (1)
and (4), the function cannot be at a relative maximum or minimum at (7,
( )
3) or (−7, −3). When f xy′′ and f yy′′ are of different signs, f xx′′ . f yy′′ cannot
′′ and the function is at a saddle point.
be greater than f xy
∴1512 > 0
∴ 1512 > 0.
Hence the function has a relative maximum at (7, −3) and a relative
minimum at (−7, 3).
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f (x, y, z) = x2ey In z.
Since the constraint is always set equal to zero, the product λ [k−g (x, y)] Since the constraint
also equals zero, and the addition of the term does not change the value always set equal to
of the objective function. Critical values x0, y0 and λ0, at which the zero, the product λ
[k−g (x, y)] also
function is optimised, are found by taking the partial derivatives of F equals zero.
with respect to all three independent variables, setting them equal to
zero, and solving simultaneously:
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dx = Zx = 8x + 3y – λ= 0 ... (2)
dy = Zy = 3x +12y – λ= 0 ... (3)
dl = Zλ = 56 – x – y = 0 ... (4)
∴ y = 56/2.8 = 20.
x = (1.8 × 20) = 36
8 (36) + 3(20) – λ = 0
or, 288 + 60 – λ = 0
or, 348 – λ = 0
∴ λ = 348
∴ 48y = 1200
∴ y = 25
Substituting y=25 in equation (4), we get
170 – 3x – 25 = 0
or, –3x = –145
∴ x = 483
1 1
Then substituting x = 483 and y = 25 in equation (2), we get λ = – 463
1 1
Using x0 = 483 , y = 25 and λ = – 463 in lagrangian expression, we get
Determine the critical points and the constrained optima for Z = x2 + 3xy
+ y2 subject to x + y = 100
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dy = 3x + 2y + λ = 0
= x + y – 100 = 0
The three equations are solved simultaneously to obtain x = 50, y = 50
and λ = 250.
By setting up the lagrangian function, we get
Using the simple power function rule, taking the first-order partial
derivatives, setting them equal to zero and solving simultaneously for K0
and L0 (and λ0, if desired)
dQ 0.4 –0.5
dL = QL = 0.5K . L – 4λ=0 ... (2)
dl = 108–3k–4L = 0 ... (3)
∴L = 0.9375k.
Substituting L = 0.9375k in equation (3), we get
108–3k–4 (0.9375k) =0
∴ L0=15
From the following information find least cost input combination and the
minimum cost of production:
Qn = 500, Pd = Tk.10 and Pk = Tk.0.50. Subject to Qn = 1.01 L0.75. K.0.25
It can be stated that minimize,
C = 10L + 0.50K
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So, λ = ----------- (L)
0.7575 L−0.25 . K 0.25
d(V) 0.75(0.25)K–0.75] = 0
dK or V'(K) = 0.50 – λ [1.01 L
We know that
Marginal physical product of labor (MPPL) PL
Marginal physical product of capital (MPPK) PK
Then we get,
3K 10
or, L = 0.50
So, K = ∴K = 6.67L
1. 5
Substituting the value of K in the original subject to the production
function, we have
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Key Concepts
Total costs (TC): Total cost is the combination of fixed cost and variable
cost of output. If the production increases, only total variable cost will
increase in direct proportion but the fixed cost will remain unchanged
within a relevant range.
Total revenue (TR): Total revenue is the product of price/demand
function and output.
Profit: Profits are defined as the excess of total revenue over total costs.
Symbolically it can be expressed as, P (profit) = TR – TC. i.e., (Total
Revenue – Total Cost)
The rules for finding a The rules for finding a maximum point tell us that P is maximized when
maximum point tell us the derivative of the profit function is equal to zero and the second
that P is maximized derivative is negative. If we denote the derivatives of the revenue and
when the derivative of
the profit function is
cost functions by dTR and dTC we have,
equal to zero and the
second derivative is 'P' is at a maximum when dTR - dTC = 0. This equation may be written
negative. as dTR = dTC.
The derivative of the total revenue function must be equal to the
derivative of the total cost function for profits to be maximized.
d(profit function)
Profit Maximizing output = dx
dp d2p
Condition: In case of maximization, the conditions are dx = 0 and 2
must be Negative.
d(total cost function)
Cost Minimizing output = dx
Condition: In case of minimization, the conditions are dx = 0 and
must be Positive.
Marginal Cost (MC): MC is the extra cost for producing one additional
unit when the total cost at certain level of output is known. Hence, it is
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the rate of change in total cost with respect to the level of output at the
point where total cost is known. Therefore, we have, MC = dx where
total cost (TC) is a function of x, the level of output.
Marginal Production (MP): MP is the incre–mental production, i.e., the
additional production added to the total production, i.e. MP = dx
Marginal Revenue (MR): MR is defined as the change in the total MR is defined as the
revenue for the sale of an extra unit. Hence, it is the rate of change total change in the total
in revenue with respect to the quantity demanded at the point where total revenue for the sale of
dTR an extra unit.
revenue is known. Therefore, we have, MR = dx where total revenue
(TR) is a function of x, the quantity demanded.
Let us illustrate these concepts by the following examples.
The profit function of a company can be represented by P =f (x) = x –
0.00001x2, where x is units sold. Find the optimal sales volume and the
amount of profit to be expected at that volume.
The necessary condition for the optimal sales volume is that the first
derivative of the profit function is equal to zero and the second
derivative must be negative. Where the profit function is:
P = x – 0.00001x2
dP d
dx dx
x − 0.00001x 2 )
Marginal Profit = 1 – 0.00002x
To get maximum profit now we put marginal profit = 0
So, 1 – 0.00002x = 0
or, 0.00002x = 1
So, x = 0.00002 = 50,000 units.
The second derivative of profit function, i.e.
d2P d
2 = (1 − 0.00002 x ) = − 0.00002 < 0
dx dx
Now by putting the value of x in profit function we get maximum profit.
P = x – 0.00001x2
= dx (y)
= dx (20x + 5000) = 20.
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The total cost of producing x articles is 4 x2 + 175x + 125 and the price
at which each article can be sold is 250 – 4 x. What should be the output
for a maximum profit. Calculate the profit.
5 5x2
Total revenue (TR) = 250 − x x = 250 – 2
Total cost (TC) = 4 + 175x +125
d(p) –30x
dx = 4 +75
–30x + 300
or, 4 =0
d 2 p d dp d − 30 x − 30
and = . = + 75 = <0
dx 2 dx dx dx 4 4
Profit function = 4 + 75(x) – 125
Profit = 4 + 75(10) – 125
= 4 +750 – 125 = –375 +750 – 125 = 750 – 500 = 250
1 1
= 3 x3 – 5x2 + 28x + 10 + 2x = 3 x3 – 5x2 + 30x + 10
d(P) 3x2
So, dx = 2500 – 3 = 2500 – x2
2500 – x2 = 0
or, – x2 = – 2500
So, x = 50
d2 p
and = – 2x = – 2x 50 = –100 < 0
dx 2
Hence the profit maximizing output of the firm is 50 units.
At this level, the price is given by
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Obtain an expression for the total annual cost. Hence find an expression
for the average total cost per mile and calculate the annual mileage
which will minimize the average cost per mile.
Suppose he covers x miles in a year.
Tax per annum = $50; Insurance per annum $ 110
.75x 20x
Cost of petrol = ; Service charges = 3000 .20
Depreciation = 100 (0.001 is in pence and is divided by 100 to get $ amount)
0.75x 20 x
Total cost: C = 50+110 + + 0.00001x 2
30 3000
C 160 0.75 20
Average TC per mile: x = M = x + 30 +3000 +0.00001x
dM d –1 0.75 20
dx = dx 160 x + 30 + 3000 + 0.00001x
= − + 0.00001
dM d2M
The necessary condition for minimization of cost is dx = 0, and
must be positive.
According to the condition, we can write + 0.00001 = 0
or, 2 = 0.00001
or, x = 4000
The average cost is a minimum since = –160 x–2 + 0.00001
= 320 x–3 + 0 = >0
So, the motorist can cover 4000 miles in a year to minimize the average
cost per mile.
The yearly profits of ABC company are dependent upon the number of
workers (x) and the number of units of advertising (y), according to the
412 – 2x – y = 0
1612–2x–16y = 0
– 1200 +15y = 0
or, 15y=1200
∴ y = 80
Substituting the value of y in equation (1), we get
or – 2x = –332
∴x = 166
Pxx (x, y) = –2<0
Pyx (x, y) = –8 <0
(ii) The profit generated from using these values is:
P (166, 80) = 412 (166)+806 (80) – (166)2 – 4 (80)2– (166) (80) –50000
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27x2 – 72y = 0
–288x + 72y = 0 [Multiplying equation (2) by 4]
By adding 27x2 – 288x = 0
or, x (27x – 288) = 0
or, 27x – 288 = 0
or, 27x = 288
∴ x = 10.66 rounded to
Substituting x = 11 in equation (2) we get
–72 (11) + 18y = 0
or, –792 +18y = 0
or, 18y = 792
∴ y = 18 = 44
2. The demand function faced by a firm is P=500 – 0.2x and its cost
function is C=25x+10,000. Find the optimal output at which the
profits of the firm and maximum. Also find the price it will
3. The demand function of a profit maximizing monopolist is, P–3Q–
30 = 0 and his cost function is, C = 2Q2+10Q. If a tax of taka 5 per
unit of quantity produced is imposed on the monopolist, calculate
the maximum tax revenue obtained by the Government.
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