Master Tong Information Document PDF
Master Tong Information Document PDF
Master Tong Information Document PDF
It’s always great to have a general treatment protocol ‘in your pocket.’ It can be especially
useful in these 3 instances:
*When you are totally befuddled as to what the heck is going on (hence the Miriam Lee Protocol below)
*When the patient begins to see you, you do know what the heck, but it’s complex and it’s hard to know
where to start.
• Fewer needles.
• Contralateral needling for pain or structural problems. For chronical conditions, bilateral.
• 6 twirls for drainage (Xie Fa) and 9 twirls for tonification (Bu Fa)
• If pain related to organ pathology then needle the opposite side. For example Liver pathology the Liver
is on the right side so the left side would be needled. Spleen is on the left so right side would be
• Qi stagnation points are needled on the left, Blood stasis points needled on the right.
Tung style Acupuncture does not need the use of the diagnostic methods (pulse, tongue etc.) or
terminology adopted by the TCM acupuncture.
Tung’s acupuncture is very safe since most of its points are located on the body’s extremities.
If the patient has a deficiency, energy will be pushed toward it. In case of an excess, energy will be pulled
from it.
A general tune up for maintenance and if totally unsure of diagnosis is Miriam Lee’s 10 Points
Needle these points bilaterally in order for the 10 points:
LU7 - Lie Que, LI4 - Hegu, LI11- Qu Chi, ST36 - Zu San Li, SP6 - San Yin Jiao
These can be used on any client. For stronger client use a longer retention time, for weaker client use a
shorter retention time
The following are mainly from Master Tung’s Acupuncture by Miriam Lee, cross referenced with others
11.01 Da Jian – Great Space
Reaction area of the Heart and Six Bowels.
With palm facing up measure 3 fen to the radial side from the median line in the center of the proximal
phalanx of the index finger
All lung and breathing issues, asthma, bronchitis, tonsillitis, Palpitations in the chest, Enteritis – inflammation
of the intestines usually accompanied by diarrhea, large intestine and small intestine issues, Hernia – Inguinal,
Internal, Funicular, direct (called Mounting Qi in Lee book), Stye – inner canthi eye pain, Knee pain
Needling – Use 5 fen needle. Needle 1 fen to access Heart organ reaction area. Needle 2 to 2.5 fen deep to
access the Small Intestine reaction area (Hernias)
Bilateral needling is forbidden
Dr Tung stated only use left hand. Left side relates to Qi and Right side relates to Blood. He emphasized using
only Left side as Qi is the Commander of Blood
Clinically the lung and heart are both related to breathing issues. These points treat mostly lung, but also have
an effect on the heart. Because this point is the reactionary zone of the intestines, treats intestinal problems
Points 11.01 to 11.05 are Hernia points for Heart and Liver Imbalances and Knee issues.
11.02 Xiao Jian – Small Space
Reaction area of the Heart and Six Bowels
With palm facing up measure 2 fen distal to 11.01 Da Jian
Bronchitis, Spitting up yellow phlegm, Chest stuffiness and oppression, Heart palpitations,
Knee pain, Small Intestine qi – oblique Hernia, Mounting Qi – other Hernias, Inner canthi
eye pain, Knee pain with swelling and edema due to Heart and Spleen imbalance
If the chest feels heavy, this indicates there is suppression in the Chest, and this is a Lung
problem. Palpitations and Knee pain, on the other hand, indicate Heart disease
Needling 1 fen deep treats the Heart organ. Needling 2.5 fen deep accesses the Lung
reaction area
Bilateral needling is forbidden
With palm facing up measure 3 fen radially from the median line of the middle phalanx of
the index finger and 3 fen proximal to the distal phalangeal joint
Mounting Qi (Hernias), Small Intestine Qi (oblique Hernia), Toothache, Stomach ache,
Male fertility issues, Male sexual issues
Needle 1 to 2 fen deep. Bilateral needling is forbidden
With palm facing up measure 2 fen to the radial side from the median line of the middle
phalanx of the index finger and 3 fen proximal to 11.03 Fu Jian
Mounting Qi, Urethritis, Small Intestine Qi, Toothache, Stomach ache
11.03 Fu Jian and 11.04 Wai Jian are essentially the same. Qq.04 Wai Jian is used more
often as a more effective point
Needle 1 to 2 fen. Bilateral needling is forbidden
11.05 – Zhong Jian – Middle Space
Reaction area of the Lungs, the Heart organ and Six Bowels
With palms facing up find the middle of the median line of the proximal
phalanx of the index finger
Heart palpitations, Chest stuffiness and oppression, Knee pain, Dizziness,
Vertigo, Mountain Qi
Needle 1 to 2 fen. Bilateral needling is forbidden
Note- Mounting Qi Hernia formula - 11.01 Da Jian, 11.02 Xiao Jian, 11.04 Wai Jian, 11.05 Zhong Jian
If no immediate relief prick any greenish blood vessels in the area of the medial malleolus and let Blood out,
this should stop pain and is a good emergency treatment
With palm facing up measure 5 fen to the ulnar side of the median line of
the middle phalanx of the ring finger
#1 go-to point for all gynecological problems, Fibroids, Leukorrhea both
red and white, Metrorrhagia, Salpingitis (inflammation of the fallopian
tubes), Infertility, Vulvodynia, Uterine anteversion (prolapse), Frequent
urination, Calms the fetus in cases of frequent miscarriage
Needle 1 to 3 fen in depth
For Infertility due to Fallopian tube blockage use in conjunction with 11.24 Fu Ke. Treat twice week. First time
needle 11.06 Huan Chao on the right and 11.24 Fu ke on the left. Vice versa second treatment.
11.07 Zhi Si Ma – Finger Four Horse 3 point unit
Reaction area of the Lungs
2 fen to the Ulnar side of the median line on the dorsal surface of the middle phalanx
of the index finger. Middle point is at the midpoint of the line, the remaining two
points are 2 fen above and below
Lateral costal inflammation, Lateral costal pain, Skin diseases, Dark spots on the face
(due to emotional upset), Inflammation of the Nose, Inflammation of the Ear, Tinnitus,
Needle one half fen depth
Treats Flank pain due to any cause
11.08 Zhi Wu Jin – Five Finger Gold, Zhi Qian Jin – Five thousand gold 2 point unit
Reaction area of the Lungs
On line 5 fen to the ulnar side of the median line on the dorsal surface of the proximal
phalanx of the index finger. Divide into three segments, the two points located on
the dividing lines
Inflammation of the Intestines, Lower Abdominal pain, Fish bone stuck in throat
(anything stuck in throat)
Needle one half fen in depth. The more distal point is Zhi Wu Jin and the more
proximal Zhi Qian Jin. Very effective for something stuck in the throat
11.09 Xin Xi – Heart Knee 2 point unit
Reaction of the Heart Organ
With the palms facing down, measure 4 fen to either side from the
centre meridian line on the dorsal surface of the middle phalanx of
the middle finger. A 2 point unit
Knee pain caused by Heart fatigue due to overwork, Shoulder pain
due to overwork
With palms facing down the center point of the distal phalangeal joint of
the middle finger
Hemiplegia – paralysis of the arms
Needle transversely under the skin one half fen
First treatment treat for 5 minutes. After 5 days the second treatment
treat for 3 minutes. After 5 days the third treatment treat for 1 minute
only. Relief may not last long but at first it is startling, Lee states may be
some other special technique needed which she does not know about
11.11 Fei Xin – Lungs Heart 2 point unit
Reaction area of the Heart organ and Lungs
The first point is 3 fen proximal to the midpoint of the distal
dorsal phalangeal joint of the middle finger. The second point is
3 fen distal to the midpoint of the proximal dorsal phalangeal
joint of the same finger
Upper back and Neck aching pain, Spinal pain, Lower leg pain,
Varicose veins, Wheezing and Asthma issues, Bronchial issues
Needle transversely under the skin 1 fen
For breathing issues that get worse with stress, combine with Wood Anger
For breathing issues related to heart problems, combine with Heart Normal
Because the Heart pumps Blood out to the limbs and the Lungs draw Blood back into the trunk, weakness of
the Heart and Lungs may result in Blood collecting in the limbs. In this case every Spinal bone will feel painful
to palpation. In addition the legs are bloated and distended with Varicose veins
Low back pain, Kidney pain, Flank pain, Supraorbital (nose bone)
pain, Kidney deficiency, Twisted or wrenched lower back if cannot
stand straight or hard to move
Needle transversely under the skin 1 half fen
11.13 Dan – Gallbladder 2 point unit
Reaction area of the Gallbladder
With palms facing down find the midpoint of the proximal phalanx
of the middle finger. Measure 3 fen left and right horizontally from
the median line on the back of the finger
Heart palpitations, Children’s night crying (fear and nightmares),
Fainting due to Heart attack, Knee pain
Use a 3 edged needle to prick and have Blood exit the point
For a babies night crying, needle both points once a week. For persistent cases 3 to 4 treatments ought to be
With palms facing down find line 2 fen to the ulnar side of the median
line on the dorsal surface of the middle phalanx of the ring finger. The
midpoint on this line is the first point. The remaining two points are 3
fen below and above this middle point
Wind, Facial paralysis (Bells Palsy), Breast enlargement (not due to
infection), Atrophy and Antony of the muscles and flesh
Needle 1 half fen in depth
11.15 Zhi Shen – Finger Kidneys
Reaction area of the Liver and Kidneys
With the palms facing down find line 2 fen to the ulnar side of the
median line on the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the ring
finger. The lowest point is 1 cun distal to the metacarpalphalangeal
joint of the ring finger. The upper points are 3 fen and 6 fen above in a
Dry mouth, Kidney deficiency, Heart organ decline and weakness,
Upper back pain
Needle 1 half fen in depth
Lee states these can be painful to needle so can use SP9, SP6 on women and SP9 and KD 7 on men
With palms facing down measure 2 fen towards the ulnar side of the
root of the nail of the little finger
Knee pain, Arthritis, Rheumatic Heart disease, Rheumatism, Mental
disturbance due to phlegm obstructing the portals of the Heart (if
phlegm obstructing the orifices the person seems rational and nods in
understanding, but they will have forgotten everything just told the
next second)
Needle 1 half fen in depth, Can also Bleed this point
11.17 Mu Xue – Wood Cave 2 point unit
Reaction point of the Liver
With the palms facing up find line 4 fen to the ulnar side from the
median line of the proximal phalanx of the index finger. Find the
midpoint of this line then measure 3 fen above and below to find
the points
Liver fire agitation, Spleen Qi agitation, Cystitis, Dry eye or tearing,
Hand sweating, Common cold, Palms of hands cracked, rough and
hard, Skin diseases of the hands, Clear mucus dripping from the
nose, Tinnitus, Rhinitis, Sinusitis, Stress, Great point for those
easily angered
Needle 1 half fen in depth
Traditionally needled on the left. The point can be used for either deficiency or excess. When completed the
client can immediately breathe more freely and deeply meaning that the Liver Qi has been moved allowing
more space for the breath
With palms facing up measure 2 fen proximal and distal from the
midpoint of the median line of the middle phalanx of the middle
Spleen enlargement, Spleen inflammation, Spleen hardening
Needle 1 half fen in depth
11.19 Xin Chang – Heart Normal 2 point unit
Reaction area of the Heart
With palms facing up find line 2 fen to the ulnar side from the
median line of the proximal phalanx of the middle finger. Each
point is located 2 fen above and below the midpoint of this line
Heart palpitations, Heart Organ disease, Rheumatic Heart
disease, Rheumatism, Phlegm obstructing the portals of the
Heart (odd behaviours, manic behaviors), Hypertension
Needle 1 half fen in depth
With the palms facing up find line 2 fen to the ulnar side of the
median line of the middle phalanx of the ring finger. The points
are located 2 fen above and below the midpoint
Hepatitis, Hepatomegaly, Cirrhosis of the Liver, Liver pain,
Insomnia which is Liver related, Stress from Liver, Breathing
issues, Shortness of breath, Asthma
Needle 1 half fen in depth
Great point for all kinds of Liver pain
11.21 San Yan – Three Eyes Point not used often as has same functions as ST36 Zusanli
11.22 Fu Yuan – Recover the Source 3 point unit
Reaction area of the Liver
With palms facing up establish a line 2 fen to the radial side
of the median of the proximal phalanx of the ring finger.
Then measure 2.5 fen, 5 fen and 7,5 fen from the
metacarpalphalangeal joint along this line
Hyperplastic Osteoarthritis
Needle 1 half fen in depth
Clients with this condition often have swelling of the head of the Fibula near Zu San Li ST36. If you place the
palm of your hand over the swelling you should feel a heat being emitted. This is called Steaming Bones in
TCM and is a form of consumptive disease
With palm facing up find the centre of the palmar surface of
the middle phalanx of the little finger
Yellowing of the Sclera of the eyes due to Hepatitis
Needle 1 half fen in depth
Jaundice in TCM of the three yellows, eyes, skin and urine.
This point treats only yellow eyes
11.24 Fu Ke – Women’s Speciality 2 point unit
Reaction area of the Uterus
With palms facing up find line 3 fen to the ulnar side from the
dorsal midline of the proximal phalanx of the thumb. The
measure 3 fen and 6 fen distally from the metacarpalphalangeal
Inflammation of the uterus, Pain of the uterus, Uterine tumour,
Lower abdominal distention, infertility, Menstrual irregularities,
Menstrual pain, Scanty or excessive menstruation
Needle 2 fen in depth. Needle both points simultaneously
Can combine with 11.06 Huan Chao for promoting conception.
Best results combine with REN3 Zhong Ji, Extra point Zi Gong usually 5 to 7 treatments is all that is needed to
enable conception
With palms facing up find line 3 fen from the median line of the
proximal phalanx of the thumb. The points are located 3 fen and 6
fen distal to the metacarpalphalangeal joint
Continuous drooling in children
Needle 2 fen in depth
11.26 Zhi Wu – Control Dirt 3 point unit
With palms facing up find the median line of the proximal phalanx of the
thumb. Then measure 2.5 fen, 5 fen and 7.5 fen distal to the
metacarpalphalangeal joint
Abscesses acute or chronic, Non healing wounds, Weeping wounds
Bleed with a 3 edged needle to exit the black Blood
Find the radial division between the palmar and dorsal surfaces of
the thumb. Measure 2 fen, 4 fen, 6 fen and 8 fen and 1 cun distal
from the metacarpalphalangeal joint
Enlargement of the bones in the whole body, Head pain, Foot pain,
Hand pain, Tendonitis
Needle 2 fen in depth
22.01 Zhong Zi – Double Child
Reaction area of the Lung
With palm facing up find the thenar eminence and measure 1 cun
proximal from the skin fold between the first and second
Upper back pain, Shoulder pain, Scapula pain, Pneumonia, Common
cold, Cough, Asthma (very effective in small children)
Needle 3 to 5 fen in depth
Can combine with 22.02 Zhong Xian
With palm facing up find the point between the first and second
metacarpals. Point is on the joint of the first and second metacarpals
Upper back pain, Shoulder pain, Scapula pain, Pneumonia, Knee pain,
Fevers, Palpitations, Plantar Fasciitis
Needle 3 to 5 fen in depth
Combine with 22.01 Zhong Zi effective for back pain around UB43
22.03 Shang Bai – Upper White
Reaction area of the Lungs and Heart
Measure 3 fen to the radial side and 5 fen proximally from the
metacarpalphalangeal joint of the middle finger
Redness of both canthi of the eyes, Sciatica, Chest pain
Needle 3 to 5 fen in depth
Fold hand into fist. Find the shallow area between the first and
second metacarpals
Pediatric asthma, High fever in children (very effective), Sciatica
Needle 4 to 6 fen in depth for treatment of Sciatica. Use a three
edged needle to treat Pediatric asthma with High fever and
Pneumonia suddenly attacking Lungs (very effective)
Needling pregnant women is forbidden
22.05 Ling Gu – Spirit Bone
Reaction area of the Ischium and the Lungs
Fold the hand into a fist. Measure 1 cun 2 fen proximal to 22.04
Dai Bai. This point is at the joint of the first and second
metacarpals opposite 22.02 Zhong Xian or above LI4 Hegu
Sciatica, Low back pain, Lower limb pain, Hemiplegia of the face,
Hemiplegia of the body, Swelling of the bone and surrounding
tissues, Menstrual irregularity, Amenorrhea, Difficult delivery
and labour, Upper back pain, Deafness, Tinnitus, One sided
headache, Menstrual pain, Intestinal pain, Migraine, Excessive or
scanty menstruation, Periumbilical pain
Using a 1.5 to 2 cun needle, insert through 22.05 Ling Gu and
22.04 Da Bai simultaneously
Needling in pregnant women is forbidden
22.05 Ling Gu is the main point and 22.04 Da Bai is the assistant. 22.05 Ling Gu has a very powerful ability to
regulate the Qi. Points can be used to also treat Ischial nerve pain, Spinal pain, Painful urination, Elbow pain,
Pain along inguinal crease, Dizziness
If after 15 minutes of needling Sciatic pain is gone or greatly reduced then we know the Lungs are weak and
are the cause of the Sciatica. Once needles removed the pain will come back. The Lungs must be
Fold the hand into a fist. Measure 1.5 cun to the ulnar side of
22.03 Shang Bai and 5 fen proximal to the metacarpalphalangeal
joint of the ring finger
Kidney organ disease, Lower back soreness, Upper back pain,
Sciatica, Dizziness, Vision problems, Outer ankle pain, Swelling
and edema of the four limbs, Exhaustion, Soreness of the flanks
and low back upon standing, Astigmatism
Needle 3 to 5 fen in depth
22.07 Xia Bai – Below White
Reaction area of the Kidneys and Liver
Fold the hand into a fist. Measure 1 cun proximal to 22.06 Zhong
Irritating soreness of the teeth, Slight pain of the Liver, Kidney
organ disease, Lower back soreness, Upper back pain, Sciatica,
Dizziness, Vision problems, Outer ankle pain, Swelling and edema
of the four limbs, Exhaustion, Soreness of the flanks and low back
upon standing, Astigmatism
Needle 3 to 5 fen in depth
Combine with 22.06 Zhong Bai for more effectiveness
Palm facing down measure 2.5 cun distal to the wrist joint and 4
fen to the palmer side of the fifth metacarpal on the lateral edge
of the hand
Kidney deficiency headache, Eye floaters, Sciatica, Exhaustion
and taxation, Kidney inflammation, Enlargement of the bones of
the four limbs, Serious pain on both sides of the waist, Upper
back pain, Tinnitus (especially effective)
Needle 2 to 4 fen in depth
Recommended not to needle both hands simultaneously in
22.09 Wan Shu Er – Wrist Normal Flow Two
Reaction area of the Kidneys
Palms facing up measure 1 cun proximal to 22.08 Wan Shun Yi or 1.5
cun distal to the wrist joint
Kidney deficiency headache, Eye floaters, Sciatica, Exhaustion and
taxation, Kidney inflammation, Enlargement of the bones of the four
limbs, Serious pain on both sides of the waist, Upper back pain,
Tinnitus (especially effective), Nosebleed
Needle 2 to 4 fen in depth
It is forbidden to needle 22.08 Wan Shur Yi and 22.09 Wan Shu Er at
the same time
Palms facing up, measure 6 fen proximal to the Heart line between
the fourth and fifth metacarpals
Faintness and numbness due to the pain of needle insertion, Fear of
Needle 3 to 5 fen in depth
Do not Bleed on the Heart Meridian
22.11 Tu Shui – Earth Water 3 point unit
Reaction area of the Spleen and Kidney
Palm facing up the first point is located 1 cun proximal from the first
metacarpalphalangeal joint to the radial side of the first metacarpal.
The second and third points are then 1.5 and 2 cun further proximal
Stomach pain, Chronic stomach disease, Palmer, finger and hand
bone pain
Needle 2 to 3 fen in depth
According the the Nei Jing intestinal and stomach diseases can be
diagnosed upon examination of this area of the palm. These points lie on the Lung channel and treat Lung
channel diseases, the Internal pathway of the Lung travels from the Middle San Jiao down to the Large
Intestines and circles the Stomach
Client supine, measure 2 cun above the wrist on the lateral side of the
Menstrual irregularity in women, Leukorrhea both red and white,
prolapse of the anus on passing stools, Hemorrhoid and hemorrhoid pain
Needle 2 to 5 fen in depth. Insert needle obliquely under the skin only
33.02 Qi Jiao – This Corner
Reaction area of the Lungs
Client supine measure 2 cun proximally from 33.01 Qi Men, (Or 4 cun
above the wrist)
Menstrual irregularity in women, Leukorrhea both red and white, prolapse
of the anus on passing stools, Hemorrhoid and hemorrhoid pain
Needle 2 to 5 fen in depth. Insert needle obliquely under the skin only
Client supine measure 2 cun proximal from 33.02 Qi Jiao (or 6 cun from
the wrist)
Menstrual irregularity in women, Leukorrhea both red and white,
prolapse of the anus on passing stools, Hemorrhoid and hemorrhoid pain
Needle 2 to 5 fen in depth. Insert needle obliquely under the skin only
33.01 Qi Men, 33.02 Qi Jiao and 33.04 Qi Zheng are three points that can
be used simultaneously on both arms
Combine with UB40 for a more effective treatment of Hemorrhoids
33.04 Huio Chuan – Fire Stringing Together
Reaction area of the Heart and Lungs
Client supine fold the hand into a fist, measure 3 cun above the
middle of the wrist joint on the dorsal surface of the forearm
Constipation, Heart palpitations, Forearm pain, Rib pain
Needle 3 to 5 fen in depth
Client supine and their hand on their chest, measure 5 cun above the
middle of the wrist joint
Chest pain with a feeling of fullness and oppression, Flank fullness,
Hand spasm
Needle 5 fen to 1 cun in depth
33.06 Huo Shan – Fire Mountain
Reaction area of the Heart
Client supine and their hand on their chest, measure 6.5 cun from the
middle of the wrist joint
Needle 1 to 1.5 cun in depth
Combine with 33.04 Huo Chuan and 33.05 Huo Ling for Chest pain and
Combine with 33.05 for severe Chest oppression and difficulty
Client supine with their hand on their chest, measure 8.5 cun
above the middle of the wrist crease
Cough, Asthma, Common cold, Nasal inflammation, Sciatica,
Lower leg soreness, Anemia, Dizziness, Floater vision, Exhaustion
and taxation, Panting
Needle 5 fen to 1 cun in depth
For treatment of Anemia, Dizziness, Leg pain, Low back pain,
Exhaustion retain the needle for ten minutes. Afterwards moxa 3
to 5 cones everyday for three months in order to increase
33.08 Shou Wu Jin – Hand Five Gold
Reaction area of the Liver
Client supine and with their hand on their chest, measure 6.5 cun
above the pisiform bone and to the lateral side of the ulna
Sciatica, Lower abdominal pain, Lower leg fullness and distention,
Lower leg numbness, Lower leg pain
Needle 3 to 5 fen in depth to the lateral side of the ulna
Combine with 33.09 Shou Qian Jin
Client supine and with their hand on their chest, measure 8 cun
above the pisiform bone or 1.5 cun proximal from 33.08 Shou Wu
Sciatica, Lower abdominal pain, Lower leg fullness and distention,
Lower leg numbness, Lower leg pain
Needle 3 to 5 fen in depth
Combine with 33.08 Shou Wu Jin
33.10 Chang Men – Intestine Door
Reaction area of the Liver and Kidneys
Client supine, measure 3 cun above the pisiform bone on the medial
side of the ulna on the ventral surface of the forearm
Inflammation due to Hepatitis, Dizziness, Floater vision. This point if
for diarrhoea accompanying hepatitis when rush to toilet but nothing
comes out, then rise and the urge to relieve bowels comes back
Treats abrupt onset of abdominal pain and cramping with urgency to
relieve bowels, can use acupressure which will work for short time
Needle 3 to 5 fen in depth
Forbidden to insert on both sides simultaneously
Client supine, measure 6 cun above the pisiform bone on the ventral
surface of the forearm and to the medial side of the ulna
Acute hepatitis (very effective)
Needle 3 to 5 fen in depth
Simply inserting the needle in stops Liver pain
Twirling the needle to the right releases chest stuffiness and
Twirling the needle to the left releases intestinal pain
Not point for chronic Liver pain
33.12 Xin Men – Heart Door
Reaction area of the Heart
Client supine, measure longitudinally 1.5 cun distal to the olecranon
Inflammation of the Heart organ, Heart palpitations, Chest
oppression, Dry vomiting, Liver cholera (acute gastroenteritis with
vomiting and diarrhoea, Inner knee pain, Coccyx pain
Needle 4 to 7 fen in depth
Forbidden to needle on both sides at same time
Client supine, measure longitudinally 4 cun above the wrist joint to the
lateral side of the radius on the ventral surface of the forearm
Asthma, Palm of hand pain which reaches down to fingers, Shoulder
pain, Upper back pain, Heart organ pain, Palpitations
Needle 5 fen depth for asthma, palm of hand pain, shoulder pain and
upper back pain.
Needle 1 cun depth for Heart organ pain and palpitations
33.14 Di Shi – Earth Scholar LU6 Kong Zhui
Reaction area of the Lungs and Heart
Client supine, measure 7 cun longitudinally above the wrist joint
to the lateral side of the radius on the ventral surface of the
Asthma, Common cold, Headache, Kidney deficiency, Heart organ
Needle 1 cun depth for asthma, common cold, headache and
Kidney deficiency
Needle 1.5 cun depth for Heart organ disease
Client supine, measure longitudinally 3 cun above 33.14 Di Shi or
10 cun above the wrist joint to the lateral side of the radius on
the ventral surface of the forearm
Asthma, Rhinitis, Upper arm pain, Common cold, Chest fullness
and distention, Cough
Needle 1 to 1.5 cun deoth
Combine with 33.14 Di Shi and 33.13 Ren shi for treatment of
cough and asthma, very effective
Combine with 33.13 Ren Shi, 33.14 Di Shi bilateral insertion most
effective for treatment of severe asthma with pain in the arms
33.16 Qu Ling – Curve Mound LU5 Chize
Reaction area of the Heart and Lungs
Client supine, measure horizontally 5 fen lateral from the center
of the cuboid fossa
Spasm, Intestinal cholera, Asthma, Arthritis of the elbow, Heart
palpitations, Common cold
Needle 3 to 5 fen in depth
Use a three edged needle and look for blood vessels within the
crook of the elbow, prick to exit bood for Intestinal cholera,
Liver cholera and Heart blockage
When this point is bled its located where there is visible blood
vessel, letting blood here clears heat
Client supine, measure longitudinally 1.5 cun above the elbow
joint along the anterior lateral aspect of the ventral surface of
the upper arm
Common cold, Rhinitis, Laryngitis
Needle 5 fen to 1 cun in depth
Very effective for severe colds with nasal and throat
44.02 Hou Zhui – Back Vertebra
Reaction area of the Liver, Heart and Spine
Client sitting, measure longitudinally 2,5 cun above the elbow joint
on the back on the posterior surface of the arm
Upper back vertebra prolapse and slippage, Upper back vertebra
distention and pain, Kidney organ inflammation, Low back pain
Needle 3 to 5 fen in depth
Client sitting, measure 4.5 cun longitudinally above the elbow joint
on the posterior aspect of the arem or 2 cun proximal to 44.02 Hou
Upper back vertebra prolapse and slippage, Upper back vertebra
distention and pain, Kidney organ inflammation, Low back pain
Needle 3 to 5 fen in depth
Combine with 44.02 Hou Zhui simultaneously on both sides for
effective treatment
44.04 Fu Ding – Wealth Top
Reaction area of the Liver and Heart
Client sitting, measure longitudinally 2.5 cun above 44.03 Shou
Ying, or 7 cun from elbow joint on posterior aspect of arm
Exhaustion and taxation, Liver weakness, High blood pressure,
Dizziness, Headache
Needle 3 fen in depth for fatigue and Liver weakness
Needle 5 fen in depth for headache, dizziness and hypertension
With arm beside body measure longitudinally 8 cun above the elbow on
the posterior aspect of the arm
High blood pressure, Dizziness, Headache, Skin diseases, Arteriosclerosis,
Kills microbes
Needle 3 to 7 fen in depth
Combine with 44.04 Fu Ding to treat neck aching and pain and facial
44.06 Jian Zhong – Shoulder Centre, Middle
Reaction area of the Liver, Heart and Spine
Client supine find the center of the deltoid muscle 3 cun below the
acromion process
Knee pain (very effective), Skin diseases (most effective for skin on the
neck), Infantile paralysis, Hemiplegia, Heart palpitations,
Arteriosclerosis, Nosebleed, Shoulder pain
Needle 5 fen to 1 cun in depth
Can use as three needle combination equilateral triangle 2.5 cun
below point
Raise clients arm to find the depressions above the shoulder joint. Point
is located just distal to the acromion process when arm is abducted
Abdominal distention and oppression, Laryngitis, Whole body
exhaustion, Soreness and distention of both lower legs, Retching and
vomiting, Liver cholera, Intestinal cholera and Yin and yang cholera
Needle 3 to 5 fen in depth
This point raises the clear Qi
44.08 Ren Zhong – Person Ancestor
Reaction area of the Lungs, Heart and Liver
Measure 3 cun above the elbow joint between the long and short heads of the
biceps muscle
Lower leg pain, Hand pain, Elbow swollen and difficult to move, Yellow face
(Gallbladder disease), Four limbs swollen and edema, Spleen enlargement,
Common cold, Asthma
Needle 5 fen in depth for colds and asthma
Needle 8 fen in depth for edema and swelling of the arms
Needle 1.2 cun for Liver, Gallbladder and Spleen diseases
Insert with care to avoid injury to biceps or humerus
Measure 6 cun above the elbow joint between the long and short heads of the
biceps muscle
Heart organ disease, Arteriosclerosis, Able to return from death and rescue life
due to critical yang pathoconditions
Needle 1 cun in depth for mild diseases
Needle 2 cun in depth for serious diseases
Both upper arms should be needled at the same time
Insert with care to avoid injury to biceps or humerus
44.10 Tian Zhong – Heaven Ancestor
Reaction area of the Flanks, Diaphragm, Six bowels and Lower legs
Measure 9 cun above the elbow joint between the long and short heads of the
biceps muscle
Vaginal sores, Vaginal pain, Leukorrhea both red and white, Lower leg pain,
Infamtile paralysis, Diabetes mellitus, Body odour
Needle 1 to 1.5 cun in depth
Insert carefully to avoid injury to the biceps or the humerus
Client seated measure longitudinally 5 fen above 44.06 Jian Zhong and 1.5 cun
Women’s inflammation of the vagina, Vaginal itching, Vaginal pain, Leukorrhea
both red and white, Infantile paralysis
Needle 3 to 5 fen in depth
11.24 Fu Ke, 11.06 Huan Chao and SP6 San Yin Jiao are more accessible for
women’s issues
44.12 Li Bai – Plum White
Reaction area of the Kidneys and Lungs
Client seated measure longitudinally 2 cun inferior to 44.11 Yin Bai
Body odour, Lower leg pain, Foot pain, Infantile paralysis
Needle 3 to 5 fen in depth
Client seated measure horizontally 1 cun medial to 44.03 Shou Ying, 4.5
cun above the elbow joint on the posterior of the arm
High blood pressure, Arteriosclerosis, Dizziness, Exhaustion and taxation,
Lower back soreness
Needle 6 fen to 1 cun in depth
Insert the needle along the medial side of the humerus
44.14 Luo Tong – Falling Through
Reaction area of the Liver, Kidneys and Upper back
Client seated measure horizontally 1 cun medial to 44.04 Fu Ding, 7 cun
above the elbow joint on the posterior of the arm
High blood pressure, Arteriosclerosis, Dizziness, Exhaustion and taxation,
Lack of strength of the four limbs, Lower back soreness
Needle 6 fen to 1 cun in depth
For the same indications using 77.17 Tian Huang, 77.21 Ren Huang or SP9
Yin Ling Quan and SP6 San Yin Jiao achieve the same purpose and is much
easier to accomplish
Client seated measure horizontally 1 cun medial to 44.05 Hou Zhi, 8 cun
above the elbow joint on the back of the arm
High blood pressure, Sciatica, Hemiplegia, Infantile paralysis, Subluxation of
the joints due to nerve loss
Needle 6 fen to 1 cun in depth
44.16 Shang Qu – Upper Curve
Reaction area of the Kidneys and Liver
Client seated measure horizontally 1 cun posterior to 44.06 Jian Zhong, 3 cun
below the acromion process
Infantile paralysis, Sciatica, Upper arm pain, High blood pressure, Lower leg
distention and pain, Varicose veins
Needle 6 fen to 1 cun in depth
Use a three edged needle to prick and exit blood for the treatment of
cirrhosis of the Liver and Hepititis
Client seated measure horizontally 2 cun posterior to 44.11 Yun Bai, 2.5 cun
below the acromion process
Inflammation of the Kidneys, Kidney stones, Lower back pain, Lower leg
soreness, Lack of strength of the whole body, Albuminuria (protein in urine),
Upper arm pain, Hand and wrist pain, Hand and upper back pain
Needle 3 to 5 fen in depth
Using a three edged needle to prick and exit yellow fluid is very effective for
the treatment of Kidney organ disease. Use a three edged needle to prick and
exit black blood for hand, wrist and upper back pain
55.01 Huo Bao – Fire Wrapper
Reaction of the Heart and Liver
On plantar surface of foot, find the center of the proximal
phalangeal joint of the second toe
Heart pain, Liver disease, Hangover, Difficult delivery and
labour, Retention of placenta, Menstrual irregularity, Intestinal
Using a three edged needle prick and exit black blood
Needle 3 to 5 fen in depth
Special point for Heart attack
Measure longitudinally 5 fen posterior from the web of the
first and second metatarsals on the plantar surface of the foot
to locate the first point, 1 cun to find the second point, 1.5
cun to find the thirs point, and 2.3 cun to find the fourth point
Trachoma (eye bacterial infection), Red eyes, Tearing eyes,
Eyes sensitive to wind, Photophobia, Supraorbital bone
soreness, Headache, Toothache, Deafness, Tinnitus,
Inflammation of the eyelids
Needle 5 fen to 1 cun in depth
Very effective points for eye diseases
55.03 Hua Gu Er – Flower Bone Two 2 point unit
Reaction area of the Spleen
Measure longitudinally 1 cun posterior from the web
between the second and third toes on the plantar surface
of the foot to find the first point and 1.5 cun to find the
Fingers have no strength, Upper arm muscle pain
Needle 5 fen to 1 cun in depth
Very effective point for Upper arm muscle pain
Measure longitudinally 2 cun posterior from the web
between the third and fourth toes on the plantar surface of
the foot
Lower back pain, Sciatica, Spinal bone pain, Leg and foot
Needle 5 fen to 1 cun in depth
Combine with 55.05 Hua Gu Si for Sciatica and Leg and foot
55.05 Hua Gu Si – Flower Bone Four
Reaction area of the Lungs
Client supine measure longitudinally 1.5 cun posterior to the
web between the fourth and fifth toes on the plantar surface
of the foot
Thoracic paravertebral muscular pain, Sciatica, Abdominal
pain, Stomach pain, Stops bleeding, Leg and foot numbness
Needle 5 fen to 1 cun in depth
Combine with 55.04 Hua Gu San for Leg and foot numbness
Client supine measure 3.5 cun anteriorly from the center of
the back of the heel or find the center of the anterior edge
of the pad of the heel
Brain tumours, Edema of the brain, Cerebellar or occipital
pain, Brain nerve pain, Epilepsy, Nasal congestion, Dizziness
after trauma, Body weakness
Needle 3 to 5 fen in depth
Forbidden to needle more than 5 fen in depth as may cause
Heart restlessness
Insert quickly to avoid pain at insertion site, client should
feel head clear instantly if not and feels more distended
discontinue treatment
66.01 Hai Bao – Sea Seal
Reaction area of the Heart
Client supine find the midpoint of the phalangeal joint on the medial
side of the big toe, junction of the red and white skin
Pain and inflammation of the canthi of the eyes, Mounting Qi
(Hernia), Thumb and index finger pain, Women’s vaginal
Needle 1 to 3 fen in depth
Leukorrhea both red and white, Menstrual irregularities,
Menstrual pain, Uterine inflammation, Amenorrhea, Fallopian
tube blockage
Needle 2 to 4 fen in depth
Can combine with 77.17 Tian Huang and 77.21 Ren Huang to
further enrich Yin and soften the Liver and nourish water to
control fire (anger, frustration and worry)
Urinary Tract Infection combine 66.01 Mu Fu, KD1 Yong Quan and SP2 Dadu
66.03 Huo Ying – Fire Hardness LIV2 Xing Jian
Reaction area of the Heart and Liver
Client supine measure longitudinally 5 fen posterior to the web
between the big and second toes, 5 fen anterior from LIV3
Heart palpitations, Dizziness, Retention of placenta, Enlargement of
the bone, Jaw pain (TMJ), Fainting, Uterine inflammation, Uterine
Needle 3 to 5 fen in depth
Can be combined with 66.04 Hou Zhu for slow responses, slow pulse, unconsciousness
Combine with KD1 Yong Quan, 55.06 Shang Liu and a point midway between those for clenched jaw and TMJ
Forbidden to needle in pregnant women
When the pulse is slow you must supplement the Liver not drain, Liver is mother of Heart so supplementing
the Liver nourishes the Heart (the child)
Difficult delivery, Enlargement of the bone, Heart organ disease
leading to headache, Liver disease, Stomach disease, Nerves
weak and debilitated, Heart organ paralysis, Hand and lower leg
pain, Uterine inflammation, Uterine pain
Heart organ paralysis or numbness refers to tossing and turning
during sleep. The client cannot get comfortable no matter what
they do. If they soak their feet in warm water to provide some
Needle 3 to 8 fen in depth
Forbidden to needle in pregnant women
66.05 Men Jin – Door Metal Gold ST43 Xian Gu
Reaction area of the Stomach and Duodenum
Client supine measure horizontally 8 fen lateral from 66.04 Hou
Zhu in the space between the second the thirs toes
Intestinal inflammation, Stomach inflammation, Abdominal
distention and pain, Appendicitis, Pain at the side of the head,
Nasal blockage and pain, rectal prolapse, Migraine (very
effective), Colitis
Needle 5 fen in depth
Forbidden to needle both sides simultaneously
Combine with ST44 Nei Ting for more effectiveness especially for Rectal prolapse
Combine with 77.09 Si Hua Zhong for a very effective Migraine treatment especially when the eyeballs when
pressed feel like marbles and nausea, vomiting present
Client supine measure longitudinally 1.5 cun posterior to the
web between the third and fourth toes
Leukemia, Enlargement of the Spleen, Poor digestion, Liver
disease, Exhaustion and taxation, Gallbladder disease, Infantile
paralysis, Pain and rigidity of the middle and ring fingers,
Numbness of the entire body
(Infantile paralysis, Polio always comes from the Gallbladder)
Needle 3 to 5 fen in depth
Combine with 66.07 Nu Dou to increase effectiveness
especially for Numbness of the whole body
Whenever there is Liver disease the Spleen will become weak so must supplement the Spleen and Stomach
66.07 Mu Dou – Wood Scoop
Reaction area of the Spleen and Liver
Client supine measure longitudinally 5 fen posterior from the web
between the third and fourth toes
Spleen enlargement, Liver disease, Poor digestion, Exhaustion and
taxation, Gallbladder disease, Infantile paralysis
Needle 3 to 5 fen in depth
Bleeding due to trauma, One sided headaches
Needle 3 to 5 fen in depth
Forbidden to needle in clients with Asthma, Lung disease,
Excessive phlegm and Body weakness
Client supine measure longitudinally 1 cun above 66.08 Liu Wan
Lower back pain, Edema of the four limbs, Abdominal distention, Neck
nerve pain, Uterine diseases
Needle 3 to 5 fen in depth
66.10 Huo Lian – Fire Connection SP3 Tai Bai
Reaction area of the Heart and Kidneys
Client supine measure
longitudinally 1.5 cun posterior
from the metatarsal phalangeal
joint on the medial side of the
first metatarsal
High blood pressure leading to
dizziness and vertigo, Heart
palpitations, Heart organ debility
and weakness
Needle 5 to 8 fen in depth transversely along the metatarsal bone
Forbidden to needle in pregnant women
Forbidden to treat bilaterally
Numbness of the hands,
Heart palpitations, Dizziness,
Lower leg pain, High blood
pressure, Distention of the
head and brain, Vertigo,
Soreness of the eyelids,
Restriction of neck
movement, Whiplash, Poor vision, Floaters vision
Needle 5 to 8 fen in depth transversely
Forbidden to needle in pregnant women
Needle only one side
66.12 Hui San – Fire Scatter KD2 Rangu
Reaction area of the Heart, Kidneys and Six bowels
Client supine measure 1 cun
posterior to 66.11 Huo Ju
Headache, Distention of the
brain, Pain in the corners of the
eyes, Kidney deficiency,
Dizziness, Floater vision, Lower
back soreness, Upper back pain
Needle 5 to 8 fen in depth transversely along the metatarsal bone
Combine with 66.10 Huo Lian and 66.12 Huo Ju for Brain tumours and Meningitis
Client supine measure
longitudinally 2 cun
inferior to the apex of the
medial malleolus
Uterine inflammation,
Uterine tumour, Uterine
enlargement, Lower
abdominal Qi
accumulation, Distention
and oppression
Needle 5 fen to 1 cun in depth
Combine with 77.17 Tian Huang and 77.21 Ren Huang for more effective treatment
66.14 Shui Xiang – Water Minister KD 3 Taixi
Reaction area of the Kidneys and Brain
Client supine measure 5 fen
posterior to the posterior
border of the medial
Kidney organ inflammation,
Edema of the four limbs,
Kidney deficiency, Lower
back pain, Upper back pain,
Upper vertebral pain,
Women’s postpartum fever, Cataracts
Needle 3 to 5 fen in depth or all the way through the space between the malleoli and the tendon calcaneus
Client supine measure
longitudinally 2 cun
inferior to 66.14 Shui
Kidney organ
inflammation, Edema of
the four limbs, Kidney
deficiency, Lower back
pain, Upper back pain,
Upper vertebral pain,
Women’s postpartum fever, Cataracts
Needle 3 to 5 fen in depth
Often needled with 66.14 Shui Xiang
77.01 Zheng Jin – Upright Sinews
Reaction area of the Spine and Brain
Client prone find the tendon calcaneus and measure 3.5 cun superior
from the base of the heel
Upper back twisting vertebral pain, Lower and upper back vertebral
pain, Neck sinew pain leading to inability to move, Enlargement of the
cranial bones, Accumulation of water in the brain
Needle 5 to 8 fen in depth
Located on the Achilles tendon between UB60 Kunlun and KD3 Taixi.
When needling the needle must go all the way through the tendon and
touch the bone in order to get a good result
Combine with 77.02 Zheng Zong, because the Du Mai runs up the spine
and it is the sea of Yang, needling the two points together can also
increase Yang Qi
If the back sprain is severe also bleed UB40 Wei Zhong
Client prone measure 2 cun further proximal or superior to 77.01
Zheng Jin
Upper back twisting vertebral pain, Lower and upper back vertebral
pain, Neck sinew pain leading to inability to move, Enlargement of the
cranial bones, Accumulation of water in the brain
Needle 5 to 8 fen in depth
Combine with 77.01 Zheng Jin for very effective results
To treat sprain from heavy lifting apply quick insertion and withdrawal
technique to 77.01 Zheng Jin and UB40 Weizhong
77.03 Zheng Shi – Upright Scholar
Reaction area of the Lungs and Spine
Client prone measure 2 cun superior or proximal to 77.02 Zheng
Zong along the posterior surface of the lower leg
Shoulder pain, Upper back pain, Lower back pain, Sciatica
Needle 5 fen to 1 cun in depth
Client prone measure 2.5 cun above 77.03 Zheng Shi where the heads
of the gastrocnemius join
Spasm of the sinews of the lower leg, Lower back soreness, Upper
back pain, Nosebleed, Cholera (Acute gastroenteritis)
Needle 1 to 2 cun in depth
Combine with 77.03 Zheng Shi for Upper and lower back pain. If the
pain is chronic apply repeatedly quick insertion and withdrawal
technique to the entire area between these points
Can use this point bilaterally for Hemorrhoids
77.05 Yi Zhong – One Weight
Reaction area of the Heart, Lungs and Spleen
Client on their side measure 3 cun proximal to 1 cun anterior
to the lateral malleolus of the fibula
Hyperthyroidism (due to Heart organ disease), Exopthalmia
(bulging of the eye), Tonsillitis, Paralysis of facial nerves (Bells
palsy), One sided headache, Liver disease, Brain tumours,
Meningitis, Spleen Infection and enlargement, Lump glomus
(blue red nodules of the distal extremities), Breast cancer,
Mastitis, Breast distention and pain
Needle 1 to 2 cun in depth (may be more than 2 cun
depending on muscle fatness)
Combine with 77.05 Yi Zhong, 77.06 Er Zhong and 77.07 San Zhong for best results
For Bells Palsy needle 77.05 Yi Zhong first then 77.07 San Zhong then 77.06 Er Zhong
Hyperthyroidism (due to Heart organ disease), Exopthalmia
(bulging of the eye), Tonsillitis, Paralysis of facial nerves (Bells
palsy), One sided headache, Liver disease, Brain tumours,
Meningitis, Spleen Infection and enlargement, Lump glomus (blue
red nodules of the distal extremities), Breast cancer, Mastitis,
Breast distention and pain
Needle 1 to 2 cun in depth
Combine with 77.05 Yi Zhong, 77.06 Er Zhong and 77.07 San Zhong for best results
For Bells Palsy needle 77.05 Yi Zhong first then 77.07 San Zhong then 77.06 Er Zhong
77.07 San Zhong – Three Weight
Reaction area of the Heart, Lungs and Spleen
Client on their side measure 2 cun above 77.06 Er Zhong or 7 cun
proximal and 1 cun anterior to the lateral malleolus of the fibula
Hyperthyroidism (due to Heart organ disease), Exopthalmia
(bulging of the eye), Tonsillitis, Paralysis of facial nerves (Bells
palsy), One sided headache, Liver disease, Brain tumours,
Meningitis, Spleen Infection and enlargement, Lump glomus (blue
red nodules of the distal extremities), Breast cancer, Mastitis,
Breast distention and pain
Needle 1 to 2 cun in depth
Combine with 77.05 Yi Zhong, 77.06 Er Zhong and 77.07 San Zhong for best results
For Bells Palsy needle 77.05 Yi Zhong first then 77.07 San Zhong then 77.06 Er Zhong
Client supine measure 3 cun inferior from the lateral edge of the lower
border of the patella
Asthma, Lower toothache, Heart palpitations, Tumour growing inside
mouth on tip of tongue, Dizziness, Heart organ disease, Cholera with
spasm of the sinews, Convulsions
Needle 2 to 3 cun in depth for Asthma
Needle 3 to 3.5 cun for Heart disease
For Concentration and Memory issues needle deeply at least 2.5 cun
along with SP6 San Yin Jiao, LI11 Qu Chi,, LI4 Hegu and LU7 Lie Que
Bleeding this point can help with Dry mouth use a three edged needle and
bleed out 5 to 10 cc of blood
77.09 Si Hua Zhong – Four Flowers Middle
Reaction area of the Heart, Lungs and Six Bowels
Client supine measure 4.5 cun inferior or distal to 77.08 Si Hua Shang or
7.5 cun inferior from the lateral edge of the lower border of the patella
Asthma, Eye pain, Heart organ disease, Arteriosclerosis of the Heart, Heart
organ paralysis, Acute stomach pain, Deformity or swelling of the bones of
the hands, Migraines, Headaches
Main point in the Four Flowers combination
Needle 2 to 3 cun in depth for Asthma and Eye disease
Bleed with three edged needle for treatment of other indications
Combine with LIV3 Tai Chong for Migraines and Headaches, acute or
Client supine measure 2.5 cun inferior to 77.09 Si Hua Zhong or 10 cun
inferior from the the lateral edge of the lower border of the patella
Asthma, Eye pain, Heart organ disease, Arteriosclerosis of the Heart,
Heart organ paralysis, Acute stomach pain, Deformity or swelling of the
bones of the hands, Migraines, Headaches
Supplementary to 77.09 Si Hua Zhong
Needle 2 to 3 cun in depth for Asthma and Eye disease
Bleed with three edged needle for treatment of other indications
Combine with LIV3 Tai Chong for Migraines and Headaches, acute or
Bleeding with a three edged needle treats Arteriosclerosis of the Heart,
Heart paralysis, Acute stomach pain and Inflammation of the stomach
and intestines
77.11 Si Hua Xia – Four Flowers Below
Reaction area of the Lungs, Kidneys and Six Bowels
Client supine measure 2.5 cun below 77.10 Si Hua Fu
Inflammation of the intestines, Abdominal distention, Chest distention,
Superficial edema, Swollen guns, Bruxism (involuntary grinding of teeth)
Needle 5 fen to 1 cun in depth
Client supine measure 1.5 cun above 77.11 Si Hua Xia or 11 cun below
the lateral inferior border of the patella
Inflammation of the intestines, Abdominal distention, Chest distention,
Superficial edema, Swollen guns, Bruxism (involuntary grinding of teeth)
Needle 5 fen to 1 cun in depth
Combine with 77.11 Si Hua Xia for best results
77.13 Si Hua Li – Four Flowers Inner
Reaction area of the Heart and Lungs
Client supine measure 1.2 cun medial to 77.09 Si Hua Zhong or 7.5 cun inferior
from the lateral edge of the lower border of the patella and 1.2 cun medial
Intestinal and stomach disease, Heart organ disease, Heart palpitations,
Cholera with spasm of the sinews, Convulsions, Heart organ paralysis
Needle 1.5 to 2 cun in depth
Client supine measure 1.5 cun laterally from 77.09 Si Hua Zhong
Acute intestinal inflammation, Toothache, One sided headache, Facial palsy,
Costal pleural inflammation, , Chest tightness, Asthma, Sciatica, Shoulder and
upper arm pain, Earache, Acute rhinitis, High blood pressure
Needle 1 to 1.5 cun in depth
Use a three edged needle to insert and exit black blood in cases of stomach
and intestinal inflammation, Intercostal neuralgia, Chest tightness, Asthma,
Sciatica, Shoulder and upper arm pain, Earache, Acute rhinitis, High blood
Effective point for treating diseases affecting only one side of the body
77.15 Shang Chuan – Upper Lip
Reaction area of the Lip
Client supine locate the lateral inferior edge of the patella and the
attachment of the patella ligament
Lip pain, White mouth conditions such as thrush or candidiasis, Genital
Herpes, Herpes
Use a three edged needle to prick the area below the knee cap surrounding
this point. If black blood exits treatment will be effective
Combine with 77.16 Xia Chun
Client supine measure 1 cun below the lateral inferior edge of the patella and
patella ligament
Lip pain, White mouth conditions such as thrush or candidiasis, Genital Herpes,
Use a three edged needle to prick the area below the knee cap surrounding this
point. If black blood exits treatment will be effective
77.17 Tian Huang – Heaven Emperor SP9 Yin Ling Quan
Reaction area of the Kidneys, Heart and the Six Bowels
Client supine measure 2.5 cun below the knee joint just below the
medial epicondyle of the tibia
Hyperactivity of the stomach, Stomach disease with vomiting, Eating
disorders (Bulimia), Kidney organ disease, Diabetes Mellitus,
Albuminuria (protein in urine), High cholesterol, Decreases stomach
acid, Also treats High blood pressure, Dizziness, Headache, Shoulder pain
and Poor sleep when due to Heart disease, Blockage of the arteries
Needle 5 fen to 1 cun in depth
Combine with 77.18 Tian Huang Fu to treat hyperactivity of the stomach
and vomiting
Forbidden to needle in pregnant women
Moxibustion is not appropriate on this point
Combine with 77.19 Di Huang, 77.21 Ren Huang to make the Lower
Three Emperors
77.18 Tian Huang Fu – Heaven Emperor Quasi aka Shen Guan – Kidneys Barrier
Reaction area of the Six Bowels
Client supine measure 1.5 cun below 77.17 Tian Huang or 4 cun below
the knee joint just below the medial epicondyle of the tibia
Hyperacidity of the stomach, Vomiting, Anemia, Astigmatism,
Psychological disease, Pain in the nasal bone, Dizziness, Hysteria,
Epilepsy, Same side frozen shoulder, Floater vision, Coccygeal pain,
Upper back pain, Headache, Low back and flank fatigue due to Kidney
deficiency, Hand, pain and numbness of the hands, Shoulder and elbow
Needle 5 fen to 1 cun in depth
Major supplementing Kidney point
77.19 Di Huang – Earth Emperor SP7 Lou Gu
Reaction area of the Kidneys
Client supine measure 7 cun above the medial malleolus on the medial
posterior border of the tibia
Kidney organ inflammation, Edema of the four limbs, Diabetes Mellitus,
Strangury diseases such as gonorrhea, Impotence, Incontinence,
Spermatorrhea (involuntary ejaculation), Premature ejaculation,
Albuminuria (protein in urine), Hematuria (blood in urine), Uterine
tumours, Menstrual irregularities, low back pain
Needle 1 to 1.5 cun in depth
Forbidden to needle in pregnant women
Combine with 77.17 Tian Huang and 77.21 Ren Huang to make the
Three Lower Emperors
Client supine measure 3 cun below 77.19 Di Huang along the medial
posterior border of the tibia
Pain in the four limbs, Neck pain, Diabetes mellitus
Needle 5 fen to 1 cun in depth
Forbidden to needle in pregnant women
Point not used much
77.21 Ren Huang – Human Emperor SP6 San Yin Jiao but slightly closer to bone
Reaction area of the Kidneys
Client supine measure 4 cun below 77.19 Di Huang on the medial
posterior border of the tibia
Strangury, Impotence, Involuntary seminal emission, Spermatorrhea,
Nocturnal emissions, Pain of the vertebra of the upper and lower back,
Dizziness due to Kidney deficiency, Hand numbness, Diabetes mellitus,
Albuminuria, Hematuria, Inflammation of the Kidney organ, Low back
pain due to Kidney deficiency
Needle 6 fen to 1.2 cun in depth
Forbidden to needle in pregnant women
Combine with 77.17 Tian Huang, 77.19 Di Huang to form the Lower
Three Emperors
Combine with 77.18 Tian Huang Fu (Shen Guan) to form the Two
Emperors to treat Parkinson’s disease to alleviate tremours
Sometimes after needling this point there can be a drop in blood
pressure when client stands up, if happens immediately needle ST36 Zu San Li to relieve
Client supine measure 1.5 cun longitudinally to the lateral side of 77.08 Si
Hua Shang
Toothache, Facial paralysis
Needle 5 fen to 1 cun in depth
77.23 Ce Xia San Li – Beside Below Three Miles
Reaction area of the Teeth and Lungs
Client supine measure 2 cun below 77.22 Ce San Li
Toothache, Facial paralysis
Needle 5 fen to 1 cun in depth
Combine with 77.22 Ce San Li to treat body pain on the opposite side of the
body. Treat left side for right side pain and vice versa
Client supine measure 5 fen lateral and 2 cun distal or inferior to
77.23 Ce Xia San Li
Acute intestinal inflammation, Hyperthyroidism, Shoulder pain
reaching upper back, Parotitis (inflammation of the parotid gland),
Acute enteritis (inflammation of the intestines), Thyroiditis, Boils in
the throat, Pharyngitis
Needle 5 fen to 1 cun in depth
Combine with 77.25 Zu Win Jin for more effective treatment
77.25 Zu Wu Jin – Foot Five Gold
Reaction of the Lungs, Kidneys and Thyroid
Client supine measure 2 cun below 77.24 Zu Qian Jin
Acute intestinal inflammation, Hyperthyroidism, Shoulder pain
reaching upper back, Parotitis (inflammation of the parotid gland),
Acute enteritis (inflammation of the intestines), Thyroiditis, Boils in
the throat, Pharyngitis
Needle 5 fen to 1 cun in depth
Combine with 77.24 Zu Qian Jin for more effective treatment
Client supine establish a line 1.5 cun posterior to the lateral
malleolus. The measure 2 cun along this line above the tip of the
malleolus to find the first point. The remaining two points are
located 2 and 4 cun further superior
Shoulder bone pain, Clavicular pain, Breast bone pain with
swelling and distention, Costal pleural inflammation
Needle 5 to 8 fen in depth
77.27 Wai San Guan – Outer Three Gate 3 Point Unit
Reaction area of the Lungs
Client supine, establish a line running from the head of the fibula
to the tip of the lateral malleolus. These points are then located
¼, ½ and ¾ of the way along this line
Parotitis, Tumours of any kind, Cancer of any kind, Pharyngitis,
Tonsillitis, Shoulder and upper arm pain, Acne, Shoulder
immobility, Inability to lift the arm above head
Needle 1 to 1.5 cun in depth
These points can reduce symptoms but may not effect a radical
Client supine measure 1.5 cun posterior and 2 cun superior from the
medial malleolus
Astigmatism, Cataracts
Needle 5 fen to 1 cun in depth
88.01 Tong Guan – Passing Through Gate
Reaction area of the Heart
Client supine measure longitudinally 5 cun above the center of the
superior edge of the patella on the median line of the anterior surface
of the thigh
Knee pain, Heart organ disease, Pericardium (Heart mouth or opening)
pain, Pain on both sides of the Heart, Cardiac rheumatism, Dizziness,
Floaters vision, Heart palpitations, Stomach pain due to fire not
generating earth, Pain of the four limbs, Cerebral anemia, Swelling of
the lower leg
Needle 3 to 5 fen in depth
Client supine measure 7 cun longitudinally above the center of the
superior edge of the patella on the median line of the anterior surface
of the thigh
Knee pain, Heart organ disease, Pericardium (Heart mouth or
opening) pain, Pain on both sides of the Heart, Cardiac rheumatism,
Dizziness, Floaters vision, Heart palpitations, Stomach pain due to fire
not generating earth, Pain of the four limbs, Cerebral anemia,
Swelling of the lower legs
Needle 5 to 8 fen in depth
88.03 Tong Tian – Passing Through Heaven
Reaction area of the Heart
Client supine measure 9 cun longitudinally above the center of the
superior edge of the patella on the median line on the anterior surface
of the thigh
Knee pain, Heart organ disease, Pericardium (Heart mouth or opening)
pain, Pain on both sides of the Heart, Cardiac rheumatism, Dizziness,
Floaters vision, Heart palpitations, Stomach pain due to fire not
generating earth, Pain of the four limbs, Cerebral anemia, Swelling of
the lower legs
Needle 5 fen to 1 cun in depth
Combine with 88.01 Tong Guan and 88.02 Tong Shan to treat High
blood pressure, Heart issues and Circulatory diseases. Do not choose
all six points at the same time though choose only one or two of them,
especially for High blood pressure use only one needle not two
Client supine measure 1 cun inferior and 1 cun medial from 88.03 Tong
Uterine tumours, Uterine inflammation, Irregular menstruation (early,
scanty or late), Vaginal itch, Intestinal pain, Gastric hemorrhage
Needle 1.5 to 2 cun in depth
Combine with 88.05 Jie Mei Er and 88.06 Jie Mei San known as Three
88.05 Jie Mei Er – Sister Two
Reaction area of the Kidneys and Six Bowels
Client supine measure 2.5 cun above 88.04 Jie Mei Yi
Uterine tumours, Uterine inflammation, Irregular menstruation (early,
scanty or late), Vaginal itch, Intestinal pain, Gastric hemorrhage
Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun in depth
Combine with 88.04 Jie Mei Yi and 88.06 Jie Mei San known as Three
Client supine measure 2.5 cun above 88.05 Jie Mei Er
Uterine tumours, Uterine inflammation, Irregular menstruation (early,
scanty or late), Vaginal itch, Intestinal pain, Gastric hemorrhage
Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun in depth
Combine with 88.05 Jie Mei Er and 88.04 Jie Mei Yi known as the Three
Lee states that 11.06 Huan Chao and 11.24 Fu Ke used more often as
Three Sisters can be difficult to locate and hand is more accessible
88.07 Gan Mao Yi – Common Cold One
Reaction area of the Lungs and Six Bowels
Client supine measure horizontally 1 cun medial to the side of 88.05 Jie
Mei Er or 12.5 cun superior and 1 cun medial to the center of the upper
edge of the patella
Common cold, Flu, High fever, Sever chills, Headache due to common
cold or flu
Needle 8 fen to 1.5 cun in depth
Not used much as bruises very easily
Client supine measure horizontally 1 cun towards the medial side of 88.06
Jie Mei San or 15 cun superior and 1 cun medial to the center of the upper
edge of the patella
Common cold, Flu, High fever, Sever chills, Headache due to common cold
or flu
Needle 8 fen to 1.5 cun in depth
Not used much as bruises very easily
Can combine 88.07 Gan Mao Yi by needling transversely through the thigh
88.09 Tong Shen – Passing Through Kidneys
Reaction area of the Kidneys
Client supine find the superior medial angle of the patella
Impotence, Premature ejaculation, Strangury, Kidney organ inflammation,
Diabetes mellitus, Kidney deficiency leading to dizziness and low back pain,
Kidney dysfunction, Rheumatism, Uterine pain, Women’s red and white
vaginal discharge, Effective for cold feet in men, Dry mouth due to Kidney
Needle 3 to 5 fen in depth
Client supine measure 2 cun above the superior medial edge of the patella
Impotence, Premature ejaculation, Strangury, Kidney organ inflammation,
Diabetes mellitus, Kidney deficiency leading to dizziness and low back pain,
Kidney dysfunction, Rheumatism, Uterine pain, Women’s red and white
vaginal discharge, Any type of Stomach issues
Needle 3 to 5 fen in depth
The point is located in the vicinity of SP10 Xue Hai
Can be combined with 88.11 Tong Bei for Restless Fetus (repeated
88.11 Tong Bei – Passing Through Upper Back
Reaction area of the Kidneys
Client supine measure 4 cun above 88.09 Tong Shen
Impotence, Premature ejaculation, Strangury, Kidney organ inflammation,
Diabetes mellitus, Kidney deficiency leading to dizziness and low back pain,
Kidney dysfunction, Rheumatism, Uterine pain, Women’s red and white
vaginal discharge, Any back issues
Needle 5 fen to 1 cun in depth
Simultaneous insertion of all three points 88.09 Tong Shen, 88.10 Tong
Wei and 88.11 Tong Bei bilaterally is forbidden. Only one or two of these
points should be selected and treated bilaterally for a total of four
insertions in one treatment
The three points together treat Kidney inflammation, Swelling of the whole
body, Swelling of the limbs, Swelling and redness of the dorsum of the
feet, Top of the shoulder pain but as above not all at once
Client supine find the midpoint of the midline of the medial aspect
of the thigh
Cirrhosis of the Liver, Hepatitis, Bone enlargement, Spinal
meningitis, Inadequacy of Liver function leading to exhaustion and
taxation, Low back soreness, Vertigo, Eye pain, Liver pain,
Indigestion, Leukemia
Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun in depth
88.13 Tian Huang – Heaven Yellow
Reaction area of the Liver, Kidneys and Heart. Surface layer if Kidneys, second layer is Liver and third layer if
Client supine measure 3 cun longitudinally above 88.12 Ming Huang
Cirrhosis of the Liver, Hepatitis, Bone enlargement, Spinal meningitis,
Inadequacy of Liver function leading to exhaustion and taxation, Low
back soreness, Vertigo, Eye pain, Liver pain, Indigestion, Leukemia
Needle 1.5 to 2,5 cun in depth
Client supine measure 3 cun below 88.12 Ming Huang
Cirrhosis of the Liver, Hepatitis, Bone enlargement, Spinal meningitis,
Inadequacy of Liver function leading to exhaustion and taxation, Low
back soreness, Vertigo, Eye pain, Liver pain, Indigestion, Leukemia
Needle 1.5 to 2 cun in depth
The Three Yellows 88.13 Tian Huang, 88.12 Ming Huang and 88.14 are
three main points for diseases of the Liver. They are all located on
the Liver channel. Used bilaterally six needles at a time.
Also treats overuse of western antibiotics as aids the Liver
Can combine with 33.10 Gan Men and 33.11 Chong Men for acute
88.15 Huo Zhi – Fire Branch
Reaction area of the Liver, Gallbladder and Heart
Client supine measure 1.5 cun above 88.14 Qi Huang
Yellow Gallbladder disease (Jaundice), Dizziness due to Jaundice,
Floater vision with upper back pain, Gallbladder inflammation
Needle 1.5 to 2 cun in depth
Combine 88.12 Ming Huang, 88.15 Huo Zhi and 88.14 Qi Huang needled
together for Jaundice with Gallbladder inflammation
Client supine measure 1.5 cun below 88.14 Qi Huang or 4.5 cun
below the midpoint of the midline of the medial aspect of the thigh
Yellow Gallbladder disease (Jaundice), Dizziness due to Jaundice,
Floater vision with upper back pain, Gallbladder inflammation, Upper
back vertebral and foot pain, Effective point for Heel pain
Needle 1.5 to 2 cun in depth
Combine 88.16 Huo Quan, 88.14 Qi Huang and 88.15 Huo Zhi treats
Jaundice and Gallbladder inf;ammation and stops Gallstone pain
Other treatments for Heel pain is PC7 Da Ling and a special point 1
cun distal to PC7 Da Ling on the palm of the hand. Can also needle
KD3 Taixi through to UB60 Kunlun.
On same side as pain can needle directly under the calcaneous in the center of the back of the heel, insert
perpendicularly then withdraw and reinsert obliquely one side then the other then perpendicularly again to
88.17 Si Ma Zhong – Four Horses Middle
Reaction area of the Liver and Lungs
Client supine measure 6 cun above the superior border of the patella and
2 cun lateral towards the side of the thigh
Flank pain, Upper back pain, Sciatica, Low back pain, Lung weakness, Lung
disease, Chest and upper back pain
due to injury, Costal pleural inflammation, Nasal inflammation, Deafness,
Tinnitus, Ear inflammation, Facial nerve paralysis, Red eyes, Asthma,
Hemiplegia, Ox skin tinea, Skin disease (Psoriasis), Sinus issues,
Adolescent acne, External cold causing joint pain, Breast pain, Lower leg
Needle 8 fen to 2.5 cun in depth
Needle Four Horses insert middle then upper then lower and stimulate
from top to bottom
Four Horses 88.17 Si Ma Zhong, 88.18 Si Ma Shang and 88.19 Si Ma Xia needle one side only for Flank pain,
Upper back pain and Sciatica. For all rest of conditions needle bilaterally
Client supine measure 2 cun longitudinally above 88.17 Si Ma Zhong
Flank pain, Upper back pain, Sciatica, Low back pain, Lung weakness,
Lung disease, Chest and upper back pain
due to injury, Costal pleural inflammation, Nasal inflammation,
Deafness, Tinnitus, Ear inflammation, Facial nerve paralysis, Red eyes,
Asthma, Hemiplegia, Ox skin tinea, Skin disease (Psoriasis), Sinus issues,
Adolescent acne, External cold causing joint pain, Breast pain, Lower leg
Needle 8 fen to 2.5 cun in depth
Needle Four Horses insert middle then upper then lower and stimulate
from top to bottom
Four Horses 88.17 Si Ma Zhong, 88.18 Si Ma Shang and 88.19 Si Ma Xia
needle one side only for Flank pain, Upper back pain and Sciatica. For all rest of conditions needle bilaterally
88.19 Si Ma Xia – Four Horses Below
Reaction area of the Liver and Lungs
Client supine measure 2 cun longitudinally below 88.17 Si Ma Zhong
Flank pain, Upper back pain, Sciatica, Low back pain, Lung weakness,
Lung disease, Chest and upper back pain
due to injury, Costal pleural inflammation, Nasal inflammation, Deafness,
Tinnitus, Ear inflammation, Facial nerve paralysis, Red eyes, Asthma,
Hemiplegia, Ox skin tinea, Skin disease (Psoriasis), Sinus issues,
Adolescent acne, External cold causing joint pain, Breast pain, Lower leg
Needle 8 fen to 2.5 cun in depth
Needle Four Horses insert middle then upper then lower and stimulate
from top to bottom
Four Horses 88.17 Si Ma Zhong, 88.18 Si Ma Shang and 88.19 Si Ma Xia needle one side only for Flank pain,
Upper back pain and Sciatica. For all rest of conditions needle bilaterally
Client supine measure 2.5 cun longitudinally above the knee along the
midline of the lateral aspect of the thigh
Facial paralysis, Facial nerve twitch, Wry mouth, Strabismus
Needle 3 to 5 fen in depth
Combine 88.22 Shang Quan, 88.21 Zhong Quan and 88.20 Xia Quan and
needle one side only (opposite side of pain)
88.21 Zhong Quan – Middle Fountain
Reaction area of Lungs and Face
Client supine measure 2 cun longitudinally above 88.20 Xia Quan
Facial paralysis, Facial nerve twitch, Wry mouth, Strabismus
Needle 3 to 8 fen in depth
Combine 88.22 Shang Quan, 88.21 Zhong Quan and 88.20 Xia Quan and
needle one side only (opposite side of pain)
Client supine measure 2 cun longitudinally above 88.21 Zhong Quan
Facial paralysis, Facial nerve twitch, Wry mouth, Strabismus
Needle 5 fen to 1 cun in depth
Combine 88.22 Shang Quan, 88.21 Zhong Quan and 88.20 Xia Quan and
needle one side only (opposite side of pain)
88.23 Jin Qian Xia – Gold Front Lower
Reaction area of the Lungs and Liver
Client supine measure longitudinally 1 cun superior from the outer upper
edge of the patella
External protuberance of the chest bone, Weakness of the Lungs, Allergic
skin sensitivity, Headache, Liver weakness, Epilepsy
Needle 3 to 5 fen in depth
Combine 88.23 Jin Qian Xia and 88.24 Jin Qian Shang together bilaterally
88.24 Jin Qian Shang – Gold Front Upper GB33 Xi Yang Guan
Reaction area of the Lungs and Liver
Client supine measure 1.5 cun above 88.23 Jin Qian Xia
External protuberance of the chest bone, Weakness of the Lungs,
Allergic skin sensitivity, Headache, Liver weakness, Epilepsy
Needle 5 fen to 1 cun in depth
Combine 88.23 Jin Qian Xia and 88.24 Jin Qian Shang together bilaterally
88.25 Zhong Jiu Li Central Nine Miles GB31 Feng Shi
Reaction area of the Lungs and Four Limbs
Client supine find the midpoint of the midline on the lateral aspect of
the thigh
Upper back pain, Lower back pain, Lower and upper back vertebral
pain, Hemiplegia, Nerve paralysis, Neck pain, Dizziness, Distended eyes,
Numb hands, Upper arm numbness, Upper leg pain, Lack of strength of
the nerves, Expels wind in eyes, ear mouth nerve pain, One sided
headache, Trigeminal neuralgia
Needle 8 fen to 1.5 cu in depth
Can combine 88.25 Zhong Jiu Li, 88.26 Shang Jiu Li and 88.27 Xia Jiu Li
together. Needled on the opposite side of the pain
Client supine measure 1.5 cun horizontally anterior to 88.25 Zhong Jiu Li
Heart nerve upper arm pain, Eye pain, Kidney Qi insufficiency,
Abdominal distention
Needle 8 fen to 1.5 cun in depth
Can combine 88.25 Zhong Jiu Li, 88.26 Shang Jiu Li and 88.27 Xia Jiu Li
together. Needled on the opposite side of the pain
88.27 Xia Jiu Li – Below Nine Miles
Reaction area of the Upper back and Legs
Client supine measure 1.5 cun horizontally posterior to 88.25 Zhong Jiu
Upper back pain, Upper leg pain
Needle 8 fen to 1.5 cun in depth
Can combine 88.25 Zhong Jiu Li, 88.26 Shang Jiu Li and 88.27 Xia Jiu Li
together. Needled on the opposite side of the pain
Client supine measure 1 cun proximal and 3 fen lateral from the lateral
superior edge of the patella
Pain and aching from injections of western medicine, Vascular system
disease, Pain and fatigue from acupuncture stimulation, Pain, Sprain,
Strain, Contusion, Injury, Mental overstimulation leading to aching and
pain, Inability to calm down after traumatic event,
Needle 3 to 5 fen in depth
Needle short duration approximately 8 minutes for pain release
88.29 Nei Tong Guan – Inner Passing Through Gate
Reaction area of the Heart
Client supine measure 5 fen horizontally to the medial side of 88.01 Ting
Guan which is located 5 cun superior to the middle of the upper edge of
the patella
Hemiplegia, Lack of strength in the four limbs, Paralysis of the four limbs,
Heart organ decline and weakness, Loss of speech due to windstroke
Needle 3 to 5 fen in depth
Simultaneous bilateral needling of 88.29 Nei Ting Guan, 88.30 Nei Tong
Shan and 88.31 Nei Tong Tian is not permitted. Use only four of the six
needles at any one time as it is very draining on the Heart
Client supine measure 5 fen horizontally to the medial side of 88.02 Tong
Shan which is located 7 cun above the midpoint of the upper edge of the
Hemiplegia, Lack of strength in the four limbs, Paralysis of the four limbs,
Heart organ decline and weakness, Loss of speech due to windstroke
Needle 5 to 8 fen in depth
Simultaneous bilateral needling of 88.29 Nei Ting Guan, 88.30 Nei Tong
Shan and 88.31 Nei Tong Tian is not permitted. Use only four of the six
needles at any one time as it is very draining on the Heart
88.31 Nei Tong Tian – Inner Passing Through Heaven
Reaction area of the Heart
Client supine measure 5 fen horizontally to the medial side of 88.03 Nei
Tong Tian which is located 9 cun above the midpoint of the superior
border of the patella
Hemiplegia, Lack of strength in the four limbs, Paralysis of the four limbs,
Heart organ decline and weakness, Loss of speech due to windstroke
Needle 5 to 8 fen in depth
Simultaneous bilateral needling of 88.29 Nei Ting Guan, 88.30 Nei Tong
Shan and 88.31 Nei Tong Tian is not permitted. Use only four of the six
needles at any one time as it is very draining on the Heart
Client supine the first point is found in the center of the medial
aspect of the knee joint. The second point is 2 cun below the first
Laryngitis, Loss of voice, Inflammation of the throat
Needle 3 to 5 fen in depth
99.01 Er Huan – Ear Ring
Reaction area of the Six Bowels
In the center of the lobule of the ear
Relieves intoxication from alcohol, Vomiting
Needle toward the face 1 to 1.5 fen in depth
Combine with DU25 Su Liao for best effect when relieving from alcohol
The Eye point in modern auricular acupuncture
Longitudinally 3 fen below the middle transverse branch of the dorsal
auricular artery on the dorsal aspect of the ear
Liver disease, Cirrhosis of the Liver, Enlargement of the Liver, Liver
decline and weakness leading to exhaustion and taxation, Chronic
Strangury (blockage of the base of the Bladder)
Needle 1 to 2 fen in depth
99.03 Huo Er – Fire Ear
Reaction area of the Heart
At the midpoint of the outer edge of the antihelix
Heart organ decline and weakness with knee pain, Pain of the four limbs
Needle 1 to 3 fen in depth
The Knee point in modern auricular acupuncture
Located in the concha of the ear
Decline and weakness of the nerves, Excess of red blood cells, High fever,
Diabetes Mellitus
Needle 1 to 2 fen in depth
The Spleen point in modern auricular acupuncture
99.05 Jin Er – Metal Gold Ear
Reaction area of the Lungs
At the superior edge of the eminentia conchae
Lung decline and weakness leading to sciatica, Abnormal curve of the
vertebrae of the lower and upper back, Allergic common cold, Allergic
Needle 1 to 2 fen in depth
The Ear point in modern auricular acupuncture
At the inferior outer edge of the antihelix of the ear
Kidney deficiency, Bilateral low back pain, Abdominal tightness and
Needle 1 to 2 fen in depth
99.07 Er Bei – Ear Upper back
Reaction area of the Throat
Measure longitudinally 3 fen superior to 99.06 Shui Er on the upper
posterior area of the ear
Pharyngitis, Inflammation of the throat, Throat tumour
Needle use a three edged needle to prick and exit blood
These three points are located on the outer edge of the helix of the
ear. The upper point is the apex of the helix. The middle point is at the
outer edge of the helix. The lower point is at the inferior edge of the
Cholera, One sided headaches, Common cold
Needle using a three edged needle and prick to exit blood, each time
use just two of the points
1010.01 Zheng Hui – Upright Correct Meeting DU20 Bai Hui
Reaction area of the Brain
At the top of the skull at the juncture of the
coronal and sagittal sutures
Loss of speech due to stroke, Hemiplegia,
Infantile convulsions (literally fright epilepsy),
Facial paralysis, Tremours of the four limbs,
General physical weakness, Any spasm due to
wind, Nervous system dysfunction
Needle 1 to 3 fen in depth
Combine with 1010.05 Qian Hui and 1010.06
to enhance effectiveness.
Often used with Yintang extra point
To calm the spirt and free the channels
combine with 1010.01 Zheng Hui, 1010.02
Zhou Yuan, 1010.03 Zhou Kun, 1010.04 Zhu Lun and 1010.05 Qian Hui. This also treats wind diseases
Horizontally 1.3 cun to the left and right side of
1010.01 Zheng Hui
Hemiplegia, Loss of strength of the four limbs,
Deficiency weakness, Asthma, Wheezing,
Inadequacy of Lung function leading to sciatica and
upper back pain, Hyperactivity, Tremours especially
arms due to Parkinsons disease
Needle 1 to 3 fen in depth
Can needle transversely from this point through to
UB5 Wu Chu
Only needled on clients above 7/8 years old
To calm the spirt and free the channels combine
with 1010.01 Zheng Hui, 1010.02 Zhou Yuan,
1010.03 Zhou Kun, 1010.04 Zhu Lun and 1010.05 Qian Hui. This also treats wind diseases
1010.03 Zhou Kun – State Elder Brother UB8 Luo Que
Reaction area of the Lungs
Longitudinally 1 cun posterior to 1010.02 Zhou
Hemiplegia, Loss of strength of the four limbs,
Deficiency weakness, Asthma, Wheezing,
Inadequacy of Lung function leading to sciatica
and upper back pain, Hyperactivity, Tremours
especially arms due to Parkinsons disease
Needle 1 to 3 fen in depth
To calm the spirt and free the channels combine
with 1010.01 Zheng Hui, 1010.02 Zhou Yuan,
1010.03 Zhou Kun, 1010.04 Zhu Lun and 1010.05
Qian Hui. This also treats wind diseases
Longitudinally 1.5 cun anterior to 1010.02 Zhou
Hemiplegia, Loss of strength of the four limbs,
Deficiency weakness, Asthma, Wheezing,
Inadequacy of Lung function leading to sciatica and
upper back pain, Hyperactivity, Tremours
especially arms due to Parkinsons disease
Needle 1 to 3 fen in depth
To calm the spirt and free the channels combine
with 1010.01 Zheng Hui, 1010.02 Zhou Yuan,
1010.03 Zhou Kun, 1010.04 Zhu Lun and 1010.05
Qian Hui. This also treats wind diseases
1010.05 Qian Hui – In Front Meeting DU21 Qian Ding
Reaction area of the Brain
Longitudinally 1.5 cun anterior to 1010.01 Zheng
Dizziness, Floaters vision, Brain distention,
Decline and weakness of the nerves, revive from
Needle 1 to 3 fen in depth
This point is often combined with 1010.06 Hou
Hui and 1010.01 Zheng hui
To calm the spirt and free the channels combine
with 1010.01 Zheng Hui, 1010.02 Zhou Yuan,
1010.03 Zhou Kun, 1010.04 Zhu Lun and 1010.05
Qian Hui. This also treats wind diseases
Longitudinally 1.6 cun posterior to 1010.01 Zheng Hui
Bone tuberculosis, Mild headache, Dizziness, Upper back
vertebral bone pain from the 12th thoracic to the 2nd lumbar
vertebra, Cerebrovascular disease, Loss of speech due to
windstroke, Hemiplegia, Nerve paralysis
Needle 1 to 3 fen in depth
Needle towards DU20 Bai Hui
Combine with 1010.01 for lumbarsacral and tailbone pain
To calm the spirt and free the channels combine with
1010.01 Zheng Hui, 1010.02 Zhou Yuan, 1010.03 Zhou Kun,
1010.04 Zhu Lun and 1010.05 Qian Hui. This also treats wind
1010.07 Zong Shu – All Pivot DU16 Feng Fu
Reaction area of the Dan Tian
Longitudinally 8 fen superior to the posterior hairline along
the sagittal midline
Vomiting, Restlessness of the Six Bowels, Headache, Decline
and weakness of the Heart organ, Cholera, Neck pain
Needle 1 to 2 fen in depth
Can use a three edged needle to bleed which is even more
Can also Gua Sha until skin turns black and blue instead of
Needling too deeply can cause paralysis
1010.08 Zhen Jing – Repress Settle Quiet Yin Tang Extra Point
Reaction area of the Brain
Longitudinally 3 fen superior to the midpoint between
the two eyebrows
Mental disorders, Tremours of the four limbs, Both
thighs soreness, Paralysis of the four limbs, Loss of
sleep, Infantile fright convulsions
Needle 1 to 2 fen in depth needling from above to
For severe cases this point can be bled
1010.09 Shang Li – Upper Above Mile UB2 Zan Zhu
Reaction area of the Lungs and Eyes
Longitudinally 2 fen superior to the medial end of
the end of the eyebrow
Vertigo, Headache
Needle 1 to 2 cun in depth
Can also bleed if case severe
Points 1010.09 Shang Li, 1010.10 Si Fu Er and
1010.11 Si Fu Yi can be combined and pricked and
bled together for the treatment of acute headache
Longitudinally 2 fen superior to the center of the
Lower abdominal distention, Vertigo, Headache
Needle 1 to 2 fen in depth
Points 1010.09 Shang Li, 1010.10 Si Fu Er and
1010.11 Si Fu Yi can be combined and pricked
and bled together for the treatment of acute
1010.11 Si Fu Yi - Four Bowels First SJ23 Si Zhu Kong
Reaction area of the Eyes and Lungs
Longitudinally 2 fen superior to the lateral ends of
the eyebrows
Lower abdominal distention, Vertigo, Headache
Needle 1 to 2 fen in depth
Points 1010.09 Shang Li, 1010.10 Si Fu Er and
1010.11 Si Fu Yi can be combined and pricked and
bled together for the treatment of acute
Be careful of visible blood vessels as can bruise
At the tip of the nose
Allergic rhinitis, Psychosis (seeing devils)
Needle 1 to 2 fen in depth
Use a three edged needle to prick and exit blood
is a more effective treatment
1010.13 Ma Jin Shui – Horse Gold Water SI18 Quan Liao
Reaction area of the Kidneys and Lungs
In the hollow just inferior to the zygomatic arch of
the maxilla
Kidney stones, Wrenched lower back, Kidney
organ inflammation, Nasal inflammation, Feeling
of pain in the chest when breathing (Cha Qi)
Needle 1 to 3 fen in depth
If immediately after insertion the pain is relieved
the location is correct, if not relieved then
location is wrong. The technique for this point is
Longitudinally 4 fen inferior to 1010.13 Ma Jin
Bladder stones, Bladder inflammation, Frequent
urination, Low and upper back vertebral pain,
Nasal inflammation
Needle 1 to 3 fen in depth
If Lungs are weak it can lead to incontinence
when sneezing, laughing and coughing. This is
not a Kidney Bladder issue but a Lung issue so
supplement the Lungs
Use 1010.16 Liu Kuai and 1010.14 Ma Kuai Shui
for treatment of stones stuck in the Urethra
1010.15 Fu Kuai – Bowels Fast LI20 Ying Xiang
Reaction area of the Kidneys and Six Bowels
Horizontally 5 fen lateral from the inferior lateral
edge of the wings of the nose
Abdominal distention, Abdominal aching pain,
Mounting Qi (Hernias)
Needle 1 to 3 fen in depth
Horizontally 1.4 cun lateral to DU26 Ren Zhong
Stones stuck in the Urethra, Inflammation of the
Needle 1 to 3 fen in depth
Use 1010.16 Liu Kuai and 1010.14 Ma Kuai Shui
for treatment of stones stuck in the Urethra
1010.17 Qi Kuai – Seven Fast ST4 Di Cang
Reaction area of the Lungs
Horizontally 5 fen lateral to the corner of the
Facial paralysis, Lung deficiency and weakness,
Stones stuck in the urethra
Needle 5 fen to 1.5 cun in depth. Needling from
the corner of the mouth towards the outside
Longitudinally 1 cun superior and 6 fen lateral
from 1010.13 Ma Jin Shui
Liver deficiency, Gallbladder deficiency,
Gallbladder stones, Night crying in children, All
Gallbladder diseases
Needle 1 to 3 fen in depth
If a person is resting quietly and are startled by
a small noise or if a baby is sleeping and is
awakened to cry bu a small noise this signifies
Gallbladder deficiency, the bile does not fill the
1010.19 Shui Tong
Reaction area of the Kidneys
Longitudinally 4 fen inferior to the corner of the
Kidney organ dysfunction, Rheumatic disease,
Inadequacy of Kidney function, Exhaustion and
taxation, Dizziness, Floater vision, Kidney
deficiency, Low back pain, Wrenching of the
lower back, Cha Qi (feeling of pain in the chest
when breathing)
Needle 1 to 5 fen in depth, needle from the
inside towards the outside (from medial to lateral)
Combine 1010.19 Shui Tong and 1010.20 Shui Jin to treat Kidney deficiency.
Horizontally 5 fen medial to 1010.19 Shui
Kidney organ dysfunction, Rheumatic
disease, Inadequacy of Kidney function,
Exhaustion and taxation, Dizziness, Floater
vision, Kidney deficiency, Low back pain,
Wrenching of the lower back, Cha Qi (feeling
of pain in the chest when breathing),
Asthma, Cough, Dysponea, Abdominal
distention, Vomiting, Diarrhea, Dry cholera
Needle 1 to 5 fen in depth, needle from inside to outside (medial to lateral)
Combine 1010.19 Shui Tong and 1010.20 Shui Jin to treat Kidney deficiency. If indicated this point can show a
darkened area of skin, if so treatment will be effective
1010.21 Yu Huo – Jade Fire ST2 Si Bai
Reaction area of the Heart and Liver
At the infraorbital foramen of the maxilla
Heart channel sciatica, Shoulder and upper
arm pain, Pain of the four limbs, Knee pain,
Maxillary pain, Mandibular pain
Needle 1 to 3 fen in depth
Treats all pain due to blood stasis, blood
deficiency and blood desertion
In the depression superior to the alae of the
Shoulder soreness/bone pain, Dizziness,
Floater vision, Various type of nerve pain due
to Kidney deficiency, Hemiplegia, Bone pain of
the four limbs, Facial paralysis, Tongue pain,
Tongue stiffness and rigidity, One sided
headache, Pharyngitis, Supraorbital margin
Needle 1 to 2 fen in depth
1010.21 Yu Huo – Jade Fire and 1010.22 Bi Yi - Nose Wing are major points for quietening pain. 1010.21 Yu
Huo treats all pain due to Blood stasis, Blood deficiency and Blood desertion. 1010.22 Bi Yi treats pain due to
Qi deficiency, Qi desertion and Qi congestion. It also clears the Brain, Relieves fatigue and Clears the mind
1010.23 Zhou Huo – State Fire
Reaction area of the Heart
Longitudinally 1.5 cun superior to the tip of the
Heart palpitations, Phlegm obstructing the
portals of the Heart organ function, Lack of
strength of the four limbs, Low back pain
Needle 1 to 3 fen in depth
Horizontally 1 cun posterior to 1010.23
Zhou Huo
Lung channel low back pain, Sciatica,
Rheumatic disease
Needle 1 to 3 fen in depth
Not used much as difficult to locate
1010.25 Zhou Shui – State Water 2 point unit
Reaction area of the Kidneys
On the sagittal midline on the back of the head. The
first point is located at the external occipital
protuberance. The second point is located 8 fen
above the first
Lower and upper back vertebral pain, Lower limb
numbness or paralysis, Lack of strength of the
Needle 1 to 3 fen in depth
Quick Reference for Points
Neck Pain
77.20 Si Zhi- Four Limb
88.25 Zhong Jiu Li – Central Nine Miles
1010.07 Zong Shu – All Pivot
Shoulder Pain
11.09 Xin Xi – Heart Knee
22.01 Zhong Zi – Double Child
22.02 Zhong Xian – Double Immortal
33.13 Ren Shi – Person Scholar
44.06 Jian Zhong – Shoulder Centre, Middle
77.03 Zheng Shi – Upright Scholar
77.17 Tian Huang – Heaven Emperor (SP9 Yin Ling Quan)
77.24 Zu Qian Jin – Foot Thousand Gold
77.25 Zu Wu Jin – Foot Five Gold
88.11 Tong Bei – Passing Through Upper Back
11.24 Fu Ke – Women’s Speciality
22.05 Ling Gu – Spirit Bone
33.01 Qi Men – This Door
33.02 Qi Jiao – This Corner
33.03 Qi Zheng – This Upright Straight
55.01 Huo Bao – Fire Wrapper
66.02 Mu Fu – Wood Woman
77.19 Di Huang – Earth Emperor
11.06 Huan Chao – Return To Nest
11.24 Fu Ke – Women’s Speciality
66.02 Mu Fu – Wood Woman
66.03 Huo Ying – Fire Hardness (LIV2 Xing Jian)
66.04 Hou Zhu – Fire Master (LIV3 Tai Chong)
66.09 Shui Qu – Water Curve
66.13 Shui Jing – Water Crystal (KD6 Zhao Hai)
77.19 Di Huang – Earth Emperor (SP7 Lou Gu)
88.04 Jie Mei Yi – Sister One
88.05 Jie Mei Er – Sister Two
88.06 Jie Mei – Three Sister
88.09 Tong Shen – Passing Through Kidneys
88.10 Tong Wei – Passing Through Stomach
88.11 Tong Bei – Passing Through Upper Back
Heart Palpitations
11.01 Da Jian – Great Space
11.02 Xiao Jian – Small Space
11.05 Zhong Jian – Middle Space
11.13 Dan – Gallbladder
11.19 Xin Chang – Heart Normal
22.02 Zhong Xian – Double Immortal
33.04 Huio Chuan – Fire Stringing Together
33.12 Xin Men – Heart Door
33.13 Ren Shi – Person Scholar
33.16 Qu Ling – Curve Mound (LU5 Chi Ze)
44.06 Jian Zhong – Shoulder Centre, Middle
66.03 Huo Ying – Fire Hardness (LIV2 Xing Jian)
66.10 Huo Lian – Fire Connection (SP3 Tai Bai)
Heart Palpitations Cont’d
66.11 Huo Ju – Fire Chrysanthemum (SP4 Gong Sun)
77.08 Si Hua Shang – Four Flowers Upper (ST36 Zu San Li)
77.13 Si Hua Li – Four Flowers Inner
88.01 Tong Guan – Passing Through Gate
88.02 Ting Shan – Passing Through Mountain
88.03 Tong Tian – Passing Through Heaven
1010.23 Zhou Huo – State Fire
Common Cold
11.17 Mu Xue – Wood Cave
22.01 Zhong Zi – Double Child
33.07 Huo Fu Hai – Fire Bowels Sea (LI10 Shou San Li)
33.14 Di Shi – Earth Scholar (LU6 Kong Zhui)
33.15 Tian Shi – Heaven Scholar
33.16 Qu Ling – Curve Mound (LU5 Chi Ze)
44.01 Fen Jin – Division Gold Metal
44.08 Ren Zhong – Person Ancestor
88.07 Gan Mao Yi – Common Cold One
88.08 Gan Mao Er – Common Cold Two
99.05 Jin Er – Metal Gold Ear
99.08 Er San – Ear Three
Jaw Pain
66.03 Huo Ying – Fire Hardness (LIV2 Xing Jian)
22.05 Ling Gu – Spirit Bone
22.08 Wan Shun Yi – Wrist Normal Flow One (SI3 Houxi)
22.09 Wan Shu Er – Wrist Normal Flow Two
33.14 Di Shi – Earth Scholar (LU6 Kong Zhui)
44.04 Fu Ding – Wealth Top
44.05 Hou Zhi – Back Branch
55.02 Hua Gu Yi – Flower Bone One
66.04 Hou Zhu – Fire Master (LIV3 Tai Chong)
66.08 Liu (Mu) Wan – Six Finish Complete (GB43 Xia Xi)
66.12 Hui San – Fire Scatter (KD2 Rangu)
77.05 Yi Zhong – One Weight
77.06 Er Zhong – Two Weight
77.07 San Zhong – Three Weight
77.09 Si Hua Zhong – Flour Flowers Middle
77.10 Si Huang Fu – Four Flowers Quasi
77.14 Si Hua Wai – Four Flowers External
77.17 Tian Huang – Heaven Emperor (SP9 Yin Ling Quan)
Headache Cont’d
77.18 Tian Huang Fu – Heaven Emperor Quasi – Shen Guan
88.07 Gan Mao Yi – Common Cold One
88.08 Gan Mao Er – Common Cold Two
88.23 Jin Qian Xia – Gold Front Lower
88.24 Jin Qian Shang – Gold Front Upper (GB33 Xi Yang Guan)
88.25 Zhong Jiu Li – Central Nine Miles (GB31 Feng Shi)
99.08 Er San – Ear Three
1010.06 Hou Hui – Behind Meeting (DU19 Hou Din)
1010.07 Zong Shu – All Pivot (DU16 Feng Fu)
1010.09 Shang Li – Upper Above Mile (UB2 Zan Zhu)
1010.10 Si Fu Er – Four Bowels Two (Yu Yao extra point)
1010.11 Si Fu Yi – Four Bowels First (SJ23 Si Zhu Kong)
Disease Protocols
Posterior Headache
1. 66.11 Huo Ju – should stop pain almost immediately. If also stomach ache or palpate abdomen and can feel pronounced
palpitations of the descending aorta this is good point to use
2. 77.09 Si Han Zhong – use prompt prick technique (bleed). Usually due to Stomach Spleen problem, If eyeballs are painful
and hard to palpation this is good point to use
Eye Diseases
1. 22.06 Zhong Bai
1. 77.18 Tian Huang Fu, 77.19 Di Huang, 77.21 Ren Huang – long term treatment will probably be needed
Night Blindness
1. GB1 Tong Zi Liao – long term treatment will be needed
1. 77.18 Tian Huang Fu, 77.19 Di Huang, 77.21 Ren Huang and 77.28 Guang Ming
Double Vision
1. 77.28 Guang Ming, 77.18 Shen Guan and GB20 Feng Chi
Nasal Diseases
Dry Nose
1. 88.17 Si Ma Zhong, 88.18 Si Ma Shang, 88.19 Si Ma Xia
1. 44.06 Jian Zhong – should stop nosebleed immediately
2. LI4 Hegu
Ear Diseases
Otitis Media
1. Bleed the visible blood vessels in the area of the lateral, malleolus with prompt prick technique. Treat the affected side. If
both ears affected, treat bilaterally. As soon as the blood is let the throbbing will stop
Ear Pain (not always due to infection, can affect the jaw)
1. 77.05 Yi Zhong, 77.06 Er Zhong, 77.07 San Zhong, 77.14 Si Hua Wai – prompt prick technique
1. 66.08 Liu Wan – bleed, if client weak only bleed one side. Deafness is very difficult to treat.
Mouth and Eyes Awry (due to Windstroke or as a Premonitory sign of Incipient Windstroke)
1. 77.14 Si Hua Wai (bleed), 77.22 Ce San Li and 77.23 Ce Xia San Li (needle)
2. 77.05 Yi Zhong, 77.06 Er Zhong, 77.07 San Zhong, 88.17 Si Ma Zhong, 88.18 Si Ma Shang, 88.19 Si Ma Xia, 88.08 Tong Shen.
Bleed the three weights (77’s) and needle the rest
1. 22.05 Ling Gu, 77.22 Ce San Li and 77.23 Ce Xia San Li, alternate Ling Gu 22.05
2. 77.14 Si Hua Wai
Facial Numbness
1. 77.05 Yo Zhong, 77.06 Er Zhong, 77.07 San Zhong (bleed these three points), 77.22 Ce San Li and 77.23 Ce Xia San Li (needle
these two points)
Throat Pain
1. 77.05 Yi Zhong, 77.06 Er Zhong, 77.07 San Zhong and 77.24 Zu Qian Jin, Bleed any or all of these points plus any tender
areas behind the ear
Leg numbness
1. 88.17 Si Ma Zhong, 88.18 Si Ma Shang and 88.19 Si Ma Xia (four horses)
2. 44.06 Jian Zhong – treat opposite side
3. 55.04 Hua Gu San and 55.05 Hua Gu Si, painful to use for client but very effective
Knee Pain
1. 11.05 Zhong Jian, 11.01 Da Jian and 11.02 Xiao Jian – needle the three points together on the left side for knee pain
2. 22.05 Ling Gu for stiffness of knee, treat opposite side
Heel Pain
1. UB40 Wei Zhong – bleed
2. PC7 Da Ling
3. KD3 Tai Xi and UB60 Kun Lun – treat opposite side
1. 1010.20 Shui Jin and 1010.19 Shui Tong
1. 1010.20 Shui Jin and 1010.19 Shui Tong – sometimes need to leave needles in over hour
2. 22.04 Da Bai, 22.01 Zhong Zi and 22.02 Zhong Xian (if above treatment doesn’t work use these points)
Frequent Urination
1. 66.01 Hai Bao and 66.02 Mu Fu
2. 1010.14 Ma Kuai Shui
Uterine Pain
1. 11.24 Fu Ke
2. 11.06 Huan Chao – these two points can be used together on opposite sides and supplement with SP6 San Yin Jiao if
1. 22.05 Ling Gu, 22.04 Da Bai treat opposite side and move affected limb for 45 mins, mostly for paralysis of the arms
2. 88.25 Zhong Jiu Li, 88.26 Shang Jiu Li and 88.27 Xia Jiu Li treat opposite side and exercise limb for 45 mins with needles in
place mostly for leg paralysis
3. 22.01 Zhong Zi and 22.02 Zhong Xian treat opposite side and exercise as above
Parkinson’s Disease
1. 77.18 Shen Guan, 77.28 Guang Ming and 88.12 Ming Huang
2. 88.12 Ming Huang, 88.14 Qi Huang and 77.18 Shen Guan mostly for leg shaking, if client dizzy after treatment supplement
with ST36 Zu San Li
3. 1010.01 Zheng Hui, 1010.05 Qian Hui and 1010.18 Mu Zhi
4. UB7 Tong Tian, UB6 Cheng Guang and UB5 Wu Chu for hands shaking needle through and through from Tong Tian to Wu
Chu in that direction
Diabetes Mellitus
1. KD1 Yong Quan, 77.18 Tian Huang Fu, 77.19 Di Huang, 77.21 Ren Huang, if there is thirst then needle 88.09 Tong Shen
Swollen Edema in Limbs
1. 77.18 Tian Huang Fu, 77.19 Di Huang, 77.21 Ren Huang, 88.03 Tong Tian, 22.06 Zhong Bai and 22.07 Xia Bai
Other Diseases
Hives, Urticaria
1. 77.18 Tian Huang Fu, 77.21 Ren Huang, 66.05 Men Jin, 88.17 Si Ma Zhong, 88.18 Si Ma Shang, 88.19, Si Ma xia, 88.25 Zhong
Jiu Li. Prompt prick area from Tian Huang Fu to Ren Huang to bleed. Then bleed Men Jin, Then needle four horses and
Zhong Jiu Li
1. 77.18 Tiang Huang Fu, 77.19 Di Huang, 77.21 Ren Huang an 1010.18 Zhen Jing
High Fever
1. 22.04 Da Bai needle deeply to reduce a fever
1. UB13 Fei Shu, UB14 Jue Yin Shu prompt prick and bleed. After number of treatments attacks may reduce
Extreme Fatigue
1. ST36 Zu San Li and SP6 San Yin Jiao tonify and LI11 Qu Chi, LI4 Hegu, LU7 Lie Que, 1010.01 Zheng Hui and 1010.08 Zhen Jing
drain these points. Client may feel more tired as they are so relaxed but after sleep they will feel renewed and renewed
Flow chart illustrating the use of the three correspondences to identify effective acupuncture points
Zones Distribution