4th Quarter Week 2 PDF
4th Quarter Week 2 PDF
4th Quarter Week 2 PDF
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of guidelines and principles in exercise program design to
achieve fitness.
B. Performance Standards The learner modifies a physical activity program for the family/school peers to achieve fitness.
C. Learning Competencies/ 1. undertakes physical activity and physical 1. undertakes physical activity and physical
Write the LC code for each
fitness assessments (PE8PF-IVa-h-23) fitness assessments (PE8PF-IVa-h-23)
2. performs appropriate first aid for injuries and 2. monitor’s periodically one’s progress towards
emergency situation in dance fitness goals ( PE8PF-IVd-h-28)
(cramps, sprian, heat exhaustion, dehydration) 3. analyzes the effect of execise and physical
(PE8PF-IVd-30) activity participation on fitness (PE8PF-IVh-
3. executes the skills involve in the dance 35)
(PE8RD-IVd-h-4) 4. assumes responsibility for achieving firness
4. assumes responsibility for achieving firness (PE8PF-IVd-h-31)
(PE8PF-IVd-h-31) 5. exerts best effort to achieve positive feeling
5. exerts best effort to achieve positive feeling about self and others (PE8PF-IVd-h-38)
about self and others (PE8PF-IVd-h-38)
First Aid to Common Sua-Ku-Sua Dance PFT Post Test Effect of exercise
Dance Injuries and physical activity
Basic Skills of Sua Ku to fitness
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide TG 8- 1-17 TG 8- 4-19
2. Learner’s Mateials G8-149-152,155-157,165-166,171,180-185 G8- 4-27
3. Textbook pages Andin, C. T. (1977). The Teaching of Physical Andin, C. T. (1977). The Teaching of
Education in Philippine Schools. Rex Bookstore. Physical Education in Philippine Schools.
Aquino, F.R., Philippine Folk Dances vol 1-6. Rex Bookstore.
Bautista J., Duyan D., Franco M.R., et al. Bautista J., Duyan D., Franco M.R., et al.(2005).
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
(2005).MAPEH for a Better You. LG MAPEH for a Better You. LG
Corporation.202- 210. Corporation.202- 210.
Benavinte Jr. R.P., Domingo Francnis A., Doria Benavinte Jr. R.P., Domingo Francnis A., Doria
Jose P. et.al (2013).Physical Jose P. et.al (2013).Physical Education and
Education and Health –Grade 8 Learners Health –Grade 8 Learners Module. Vicarish
Module. Vicarish Publication and Publication and Trading , Inc.
Trading , Inc. Bucher, C. A. & Wuest D. A. (2009).Foundations
Bucher, C. A. & Wuest D. A. (2009). Foundations Physical Education, Exercise Science and
Physical Education, Exercise Sport. McGraw-Hill Companies Inc.
Science and Sport. McGraw-Hill Companies Catapang, Jose P.,(1998). A Manual onPhysical
Inc. Fitness, Sports Physiological Training,
Catapang, Jose P.,(1998). A Manual on Physical Consultancy and Research Services
Fitness, Sports Physiological (SPTCRS) Publications.
Training, Consultancy and Research Services Darilag, Agripino et.al (2012). Enjoy Life with PE
(SPTCRS) Publications. and Health II.pp.143-151.
CCP Encyclopedia of Philippine Art .Volume V . Lacia G. C., Limos A.P., Operario M. R., (2013)
Philippine Dance(1994). Vera- The 21st century MAPEH in Action. Rex
Reyes Inc. Bookstore. pp. 275-278
Darilag, Agripino et.al (2012). Enjoy Life with PE
and Health II.pp.143-151.
Lacia G. C., Limos A.P., Operario M. R., (2013)
The 21st century MAPEH in
Action. Rex Bookstore. pp. 275-278
Tolentino, Francisca R., (1993).Philippine
National Dances.Kayumanggi Press Inc.
Tulaio, D. D. (2008). Physical Education for
College 2. Natonal Bookstore. pp.2-9,
11-27, 61.
4. Additional Materials https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpGmi_ZRet0
from Learning
Resources (LR) portal