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Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s.


GRADES 1 TO 12 School Camp Vicente Lim NHS Grade Level Grade 8

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Mrs. Celeste S. Peria Learning Area PE
Teaching Dates and Time Week 2 Quarter 4

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of guidelines and principles in exercise program design to
achieve fitness.
B. Performance Standards The learner modifies a physical activity program for the family/school peers to achieve fitness.
C. Learning Competencies/ 1. undertakes physical activity and physical 1. undertakes physical activity and physical
Write the LC code for each
fitness assessments (PE8PF-IVa-h-23) fitness assessments (PE8PF-IVa-h-23)
2. performs appropriate first aid for injuries and 2. monitor’s periodically one’s progress towards
emergency situation in dance fitness goals ( PE8PF-IVd-h-28)
(cramps, sprian, heat exhaustion, dehydration) 3. analyzes the effect of execise and physical
(PE8PF-IVd-30) activity participation on fitness (PE8PF-IVh-
3. executes the skills involve in the dance 35)
(PE8RD-IVd-h-4) 4. assumes responsibility for achieving firness
4. assumes responsibility for achieving firness (PE8PF-IVd-h-31)
(PE8PF-IVd-h-31) 5. exerts best effort to achieve positive feeling
5. exerts best effort to achieve positive feeling about self and others (PE8PF-IVd-h-38)
about self and others (PE8PF-IVd-h-38)
First Aid to Common Sua-Ku-Sua Dance PFT Post Test Effect of exercise
Dance Injuries and physical activity
Basic Skills of Sua Ku to fitness
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide TG 8- 1-17 TG 8- 4-19
2. Learner’s Mateials G8-149-152,155-157,165-166,171,180-185 G8- 4-27
3. Textbook pages Andin, C. T. (1977). The Teaching of Physical Andin, C. T. (1977). The Teaching of
Education in Philippine Schools. Rex Bookstore. Physical Education in Philippine Schools.
Aquino, F.R., Philippine Folk Dances vol 1-6. Rex Bookstore.
Bautista J., Duyan D., Franco M.R., et al. Bautista J., Duyan D., Franco M.R., et al.(2005).
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
(2005).MAPEH for a Better You. LG MAPEH for a Better You. LG
Corporation.202- 210. Corporation.202- 210.
Benavinte Jr. R.P., Domingo Francnis A., Doria Benavinte Jr. R.P., Domingo Francnis A., Doria
Jose P. et.al (2013).Physical Jose P. et.al (2013).Physical Education and
Education and Health –Grade 8 Learners Health –Grade 8 Learners Module. Vicarish
Module. Vicarish Publication and Publication and Trading , Inc.
Trading , Inc. Bucher, C. A. & Wuest D. A. (2009).Foundations
Bucher, C. A. & Wuest D. A. (2009). Foundations Physical Education, Exercise Science and
Physical Education, Exercise Sport. McGraw-Hill Companies Inc.
Science and Sport. McGraw-Hill Companies Catapang, Jose P.,(1998). A Manual onPhysical
Inc. Fitness, Sports Physiological Training,
Catapang, Jose P.,(1998). A Manual on Physical Consultancy and Research Services
Fitness, Sports Physiological (SPTCRS) Publications.
Training, Consultancy and Research Services Darilag, Agripino et.al (2012). Enjoy Life with PE
(SPTCRS) Publications. and Health II.pp.143-151.
CCP Encyclopedia of Philippine Art .Volume V . Lacia G. C., Limos A.P., Operario M. R., (2013)
Philippine Dance(1994). Vera- The 21st century MAPEH in Action. Rex
Reyes Inc. Bookstore. pp. 275-278
Darilag, Agripino et.al (2012). Enjoy Life with PE
and Health II.pp.143-151.
Lacia G. C., Limos A.P., Operario M. R., (2013)
The 21st century MAPEH in
Action. Rex Bookstore. pp. 275-278
Tolentino, Francisca R., (1993).Philippine
National Dances.Kayumanggi Press Inc.
Tulaio, D. D. (2008). Physical Education for
College 2. Natonal Bookstore. pp.2-9,
11-27, 61.
4. Additional Materials https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpGmi_ZRet0
from Learning
Resources (LR) portal

B. Other Learning OHSP PE 1 Q1-module 1 OHSP PE 1 Q1-module 1

Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
A. Reviewing previous Recall: Recall: Warm up exercise: Recall: The class will do
lesson or presenting the
new lesson
The class will do the Each group will Wellness Dance the Wellness Dance
warm up dance activity demonstrate the assigned Exercise by Hashtag; Exercise by the
with the figure in their group and https://www.youtube.com/ Hashtag.
accompaniment of ask to integrate the song watch?v=VpGmi_ZRet0 https://www.youtube.com/
Sarong Banggi. of Sua-Ku-Sua. (5 min) watch?v=VpGmi_ZRet0
(5 min) (5 min) The teacher will ask the
Let the students sing Teacher will review the students about the
the Sua-Ku-Sua. class about the common different test conducted
(5 min) dance injuries and first aid last meeting.
applied to it. (10 min)
(3 min)
B. Establishing a purpose The teacher will ask The teacher will ask the
for the lesson
the students to bring student to fill up the
out the assigned 2 concept map to classify
fans and asked the the health related fitness
students on how they and skill related fitness
can use the fans in (pls. see annex G)
dancing. The teacher will ask the
Ask also the students- students to identify the
volunteer to type of test used in
demonstrate the skill measuring the health
in dancing using the 2 related and skill related
fans. fitness
(5 min) (5 mins)
C. Presenting examples/ The teacher will now Teacher-led review on
Instances of the new
led to the execution of the different physical
the basic skills in Sua- fitness tests (Skill and
Ku-Sua and the Health related fitness)
stuents will follow the including procedures of
teacher’s conducting them through
demonstration. question and answer
(pls see Annex A) and ask each group
(10 min) demonstrate the test
(Pls. see annex H)
The teacher will check
and facilitate on students
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
demonstration of the

After the group

demonstration, the
teacher will give time for
each group to do their
tasking in preparation for
the conduct of the PFT
(10 min)
D. Discussing new concepts The teacher will led to Teacher-led discussion
and practicing new skills
the discussion of the on the general
common dance guidelines in the conduct
injuries and first aid of PFT (e.g., reminders
that will be applied to it on safety measures;
in case of emergency time management;
through a power point accurate recording of
presentation. results; etc.)
(pls see Annex B )
(5 min) The teacher will present
1. The class will be the rubric of the PFT that
divided into 5 groups will serve as a guide of
and be given a task the students on thier
card. group work. (pls see
2. Each task card annex I)
contains the common
dance injuries and ask Simultaneous conduct of
the group to make a the PFT –(Health
role play/dramatization Related Fitness Test)
on what kind of first per group.(Pls see
aid is applied to the Annex J)
Group A- Sprain
Group B- Cramps The teacher will move
Group C-Strain around to facilitate and
Group D-Knee Injuries monitor the group’s
Group E-Fracture & work.
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
Dislocation. Individual students
3. The group will be should have their own
given 3 minutes to PFT results at the end of
practice the role the lesson/day.
play/dramatization and
2 minutes After the group work,
presentation. each group will make a
4. The teacher will yell to inform the teacher
move around to
that they are finished
facilitate groups’work.
5. Group presentaton with their task.
of the assigned task.
(pls see annex C)
Results will be record on
(15 min)
the PFT result card. (pls
see annex K)
(40 min)
E. Discussing new concepts The teacher will led to Continuation of the
and practicing new skills
the discussion of the Physical Fitness Test –
group task about the (Skill Related Fitness)
10 figures of Sua-Ku-
Sua. Simultaneous conduct
of the PFT –(Health
Each group will be Related Fitness Test)
given task card to per group.(Pls see
interpret 2 figures of Annex J.1)
the Sua-Ku-Sua for 8
minutes. The teacher will move
(pls see annex D) around to facilitate and
monitor the group’s
The teacher will move work.
around to facilitates Individual students
group interpretation. should have their own
PFT results at the end
Group presentation of the lesson/day.
will follow after the
group interpretation. After the group work,
(15 min) each group will make a
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
yell to inform the
teacher that they are
finished with their task.

Results will be record

on the PFT result card.
(pls see annex K)
(30 min)
F. Developing mastery 1. The teacher will present The students will make
(Leads to Formative
Assessment 3)
to the class the cirtcuit a comparative analysis
station which they will on the results of the
follow to learn the dance previous PFT to the
steps. (pls see Annex E) latest result. (Pre test
(2 min) and post test). The
2. There will be an teacher will asked the
assigned group leader that students to fill in the
will teach the dance figure space about their
in each station. comparative analysis.
3. The class will now (pls see annex L)
move to the circuit station (5 min)
to learn the 10 figures of
4. Each station will be
given 5 minutes to learn
the dance steps.
5. The teacher will whistle
to give signal that time is
(25 min)

G. Finding practical Students will be asked to Teacher-led discussion

applications of concepts
and skills in daily living
answer the following on the fundamentals
questions: and elements of a PF
1. Based on your Plan through a
experience dancing the powerpoint
Sua-Ku-Sua, what are the presentation.
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
benefits that you can
derive from dancing? The teacher will ask the
a. Physical Benefits students to develop
b. Emotional Benefits their individual PF Plan
c. Social Benefits based on the result of
2. How can you their comparative
encourage your group annalysis. (pls see
members to participate annex M).
actively in the group work? (5 min)
(5 min)
H. Making generalizations The teacher will ask the Draw reflections from
and abstractions about
the lesson
students to answer the the students on their
following questions: realizations/insights
1. What are the basic regarding the lesson.
steps of Sua-Ku-Sua? The significance of PF
2. What are the common to one’s life should be
dance injuiries and the emphasized. The
first aid applied to the students may answer
injury? the following questions
3. Aside from learning the as a guide:
dance steps, what are the 1. What are the benefits
other things you learned that we can get from
about the dance Sua-Ku- conducting the physical
Sua? fitness test?
(3 min) 2. Why do we need to
record and monitor your
individual score for the
physical fitness test?
3. How will you
your group mates to
actively participates in
the activity?
4. What the different
physical activities that
you have done to
improve your fitness
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
(5 min)

I. Evaluating learning The teacher will present The Physical Fitness

and explain the rubrics to Plan of each student
the class for the practical shall be assessed using
test next meeting (pls see a scoring guide or
annex F) rubrics. (pls see annex
(2 min) N)
Practical Test: (5 min)
The teacher will ask the
leader of each group to
make a draw lots for the
order of performance for
the practical test
(15 min)
J. Additional activities for The students will be ask to Continuation of the
application or
bring their fitness plan Physical Fitness Test-
next meeting. Skill Related Fitness
next meeting.
V. REMARKS Note: Time allotment may vary depends on the situation and capability of the students.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other
For improvement, enhancement and/or clarification of any DepEd materials used, kindly submit feedback to [email protected]

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