Datasheet PDF
Datasheet PDF
Datasheet PDF
The TDA7263 is class AB dual audio power am-
plifier assembled in the new Clipwatt package, ORDERING NUMBER:TDA7263
specially designed for high quality sound applica-
tion as HI-FI music centers and stereo TV sets.
Symbol Parameter Value Unit
Rth j-case Thermal resistance junction to case Max 3 °C/W
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Refer to the stereo test and application circuit, VS = 28V; RL = 8Ω;
Gv = 30dB; f = 1KHz; T amb = 25°C unless otherwise specified.)
Symbol Parameter Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit
VS Supply Voltage 10 32 V
VO Quiescent Output Voltage 13.5 V
Iq Total Quiescent Current 70 95 mA
PO Output Power (RMS) d = 10% Tamb = 85°C 10 12 W
d = 1% 9.5 W
d Total Harmonic Distortion PO = 1W, f = 1kHz 0.02 0.2 %
f = 100Hz to 10KHz; PO = 0.1 to 8W 0.5
CT Cross Talk R S = 10KΩ; f = 1KHz 70 dB
R S = 10KΩ; f = 10KHz 60 dB
RI Input Resistance 100 200 KΩ
fL Low Frequency Roll-off (-3dB) 40 Hz
fH High Frequency Roll-off (-3dB) 80 KHz
eN Total Input Noise Voltage A Curve; R S = 10KΩ 1.5 mV
f = 22Hz to 22KHz; RS = 10KΩ 3 10 µV
SVR Supply Voltage Rejection RS = 10KΩ; f = 100Hz; Vr = 0.5V 45 60 dB
(each channel)
Tj Thermal Shutdown Junction 145 °C
VTMUTE Mute Threshold 1 1.6 V
VTPLAY Play Threshold 4.5 V
ATT AM Mute Attenuation 70 100 dB
IqMUTE Quiescent Current @ Mute 7 10 mA
TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (referred to the typical Application Circuit, VS = 28V, RL = 8Ω, unless
otherwise specified)
Figure 1: Output Power vs. Supply Voltage Figure 2: Distortion vs. Output Power
Figure 3: Quiescent Current vs. Supply Voltage Figure 4: Supply Voltage Rejection vs.
Figure 7: Total Power Dissipation vs. Output Figure 8: Maximum allowable Power dissipation
Power vs. Ambient Temperature
The recommended values of the components are those shown on the typical application circuit. Different
values can be used; the following table can help the designer.
Component Purpose Larger Than Smaller Than
R1 and R3 1.5KΩ Close loop gain setting (*) Increase of gain Decrease of gain
R2 and R4 47Ω Close loop gain setting (*) Decrease of gain Increase of gain
R5 and R6 4.7Ω Frequency stability Danger of oscillations
C1 and C2 100nF Input DC decoupling Higher SVR Higher low frequency cutoff
C3 47µF - Ripple Rejection Increase of the Switch-on - Degradation of SVR
- Mute time constant time - Worse turn-off pop by muting
C4 100nF Supply Voltage Bypass Danger of oscillations
C5 1000µF Supply Voltage Bypass
C6 and C7 47µF Feedback input DC Increase of the Switch-on Danger of Switch-on time
decoupling time
C8 and C9 0.1µF Frequency stability Danger of oscillations
C10 and C11 1000µF Output DC decoupling Higher low-frequency cut-off
(*) Closed loop gain must be higher than 26dB
Note: Use either C1, C2 (Polyester) or C1(*), C2(*) (Electrolytic) but not both.
BUILT-IN PROTECTION SYSTEMS duces the output power and therefore the
power dissipation.
The maximum allowable power dissipation de-
The presence of a thermal limiting circuit offers pends upon the thermal resistance junction-ambi-
the following advantages: ent. Figure 8 shows the dissipable power as a
1-an overload on the output (even if it is perma- function of ambient temperature for different
nent), or an excessive ambient temperature heatsink thermal resistance.
can be easily withstood.
2-the heatsink can have a smaller factor of
safety compared with that of a conventional SHORT CIRCUIT (AC CONDITIONS)
circuit. There is no device damage in the case The TDA7263 can withstand accidental short cir-
of excessive junction temperature; if for any cuits across the speaker made by a wrong con-
reason the junction temperature increases up nection during normal play operation.
to 145°C. the thermal shutdown simply re-
A 3.10 0.122
B 1.10 0.04
C 0.15 0.006
D 1.50 0.059
E 0.52 0.02
F 0.80 0.03
G 1.70 0.066
G1 17.00 0.66
H1 12.00 0.48
H3 20.00 0.79
L 17.90 0.70
L1 14.40 0.57
L2 11.00 0.43
M 2.54 0.1
M1 2.54 0.1
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