Engleza - Clasa III - Plan de Lectie 2 PDF
Engleza - Clasa III - Plan de Lectie 2 PDF
Engleza - Clasa III - Plan de Lectie 2 PDF
B. Affective competences:
Teaching aids: video materials, blackboard, overhead projector, newspaper
A. Bibliographical:
Stage of the Teacher’s activity Students’ activity Interaction Time Skills Aims Purposes
Checking T checks attendance. Ss answer. T-Ss 1’ speaking -to see if everybody is
attendance present
Warm-up T asks Ss to play the Robot Ss listen to the T and T-Ss 3’ speaking - to arise the Ss interest on
game solve the task the lesson
One Student is a robot the Ss-Ss
other gives instructions
(walk/run/stop/eat/fly/swim/ Pair work
Checking T asks students to read their Ss read their T-Ss 4’ reading -to check if the homework
homework homework (ex 3/pg 11) homework and write Ss writing is correct
it on the blackboard.
Feedback Teacher offers feedback. Ss listen. T-S 1’ listening -to let the students know
T-Ss how well they performed
their homework
Announcing the T announces the objectives of Ss listen to the T. T-Ss 1’ listening -to let students know what
objectives the lesson. knowledge they will
consolidate during the
Checking the 1. T refers to the previous Ss solve the task. Lock up -to arise the Ss interest on
previous material lesson. 10’ speaking the lesson
Pair work Textbook
2. T asks Ss to solve exercise Ss solve the -to reinforce the previous
4/11 exercise. knowledge
-to check if they
Ss solve the task by reading understood the previous
3.T asks Ss to ask and answer using can/can’t T-Ss lesson
questions Ss solve the tasks writing
-to consolidate previous
Consolidating the 1.T asks Ss to watch a video Ss use the 27’ Speaking Video -to activate the vocabulary
previously taught Yes, I can information in the Lock up of the previously taught
material video to solve the lesson
-to practice the items that
T-Ss were taught
2. T asks Ss to use the Ss fill in the table Reading Blackboard
information in the video and Ss -T
classify who and what can - to check if they
do, make up sentences. understood the new
Speaking introduced material
Ss ask and answer Handout
3. T asks Ss to solve the questions speaking Lock up At the -to ask questions
given task using the handout about routines Writing weekend
At the weekend
Group work
Can you play the piano? -to express their opinions
Yes, I can/ No, I can’t in free speech
Feedback and 1. Teacher offers feedback Students listen T-S 1’ listening -to let the students know
evaluation 2. Teacher gives marks T-Ss how well they did their job
in the classroom
Homework 1.T assigns homework, Ss Students listen T-Ss 2’ listening -to let the students know
have to write sentences on the what their H is
activities in the handout