1ºeso Repaso Gramatica
1ºeso Repaso Gramatica
1ºeso Repaso Gramatica
Write questions and short answers. Uses the correct form of have got.
1 she / a bike?
_____________________________________ ?
Yes, _______________.
2 your friends / a DVD player?
_____________________________________ ?
Yes, _______________.
3 we / computer?
_____________________________________ ?
No, _______________.
4 he / a dog?
_____________________________________ ?
No, _______________.
Completa estas frases poniendo el verbo en Presente Simple.
Complete the questions and short answers with the PRESENT SIMPLE or
No, __________
5. (you/know) ___________ __________________the answer to this question?
No, __________.
6. (they/walk) _____________________________________ to school today?
No, __________.
7. (he/meet) ____________________________________________ us later?
Yes, __________.
Write the following sentences into the past tense. Then write them in the
negative and interrogative forms.
Put in the phrases in brackets into the gaps. Use the going to
Complete the text with there’s, there isn’t, there are or there aren’t.
It’s a great house. It’s on one level so there aren’t any stairs. (1) __________
three bedrooms and two bathrooms. In the big bathroom, (2) ___________ a bath.
In the small bathroom (3) __________ a bath, only a shower. (4) ____________
lots of other rooms: a big kitchen, a living room and a dining room. And (5)
___________ a toilet, of course!
(6) ______________ a large patio outside, but unfortunately (7) _____________ a
swimming pool!
Write sentences using going to in affirmative, negative and interrogative.
You / have / a great time.
You’re going to have a great time.
1 I / go / on holiday / in July.
2 We / travel / around Europe / next year.
3 You / stay / in 5-star hotels.
4 They / spend / a week in Germany / next month.
5 She / stay / with friends / at the weekend.
6 It / be / fun.
Write sentences. Use the past simple form of the verb and ago.