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Republic of the Philippines

Technological University of the Philippines - Taguig

Civil and Allied Department

The Technological University of the Philippines shall be the premier state University and
model of excellence in technology education. It shall ensure the highest standards in all programs in
instruction, research and production to meet the demands for world class technologies, engineers,
technicians and other technical specialists in knowledge-based economy of the 21st century.

The university shall provide higher and advanced vocational, technical, industrial,
technological and professional education and training to meet the current projected needs for the
trained manpower in the developing sectors. It shall provide progressive leadership in applied
research, developmental studies in technical, industrial and technological fields and production
using indigenous materials, effect technology transfer to the countryside, and assist in the
development of small and medium scale industries in identified growth centers.

Program Educational Objectives

At the end of the four year program, the students are expected to:
1. Achieve a high level of expertise in environmental analysis and researches using different
techniques to succeed in their chosen profession,
2. Actively engage in lifelong learning and understanding of the need to keep abreast of the
development in technical, industrial and environmental fields and production,
3. Extend professional services to effect transfer of knowledge and technology and assist in
the development of small and medium scale industries to contribute to national


1. Course Code: ES 3L
2. Course Title: Environmental Chemistry (Laboratory)
3. Pre-requisite: Chem3, Chem3L
4. Co-requisite: ES 3
5. Course Description: In this course students will learn basic techniques for sampling and
chemical analysis of environmental samples, including air, water and soil. Students will also
learn to utilize data acquisition and further develop their analytical and scientific writing skills..

6. Credit/ Class Schedule: 2 units; 7.5 hours per week

Course Title: Date Effective: Date Revised: Prepared by: Approved by:
7. Program Outcomes and Relationship to Program Educational Objectives:
Program Outcomes Educational
At the end of the program, the students should be able to acquire the ability to: Objectives
1 2 3
Apply knowledge of mathematics and sciences to the practice of
environmental science.

Use appropriate techniques needed to monitor and understand

environmental quality.

Integrate and apply various discipline towards the understanding

of environmental problems.
Use knowledge regarding relevant, local, regional and global
environmental and contemporary issues.
Rational and structured approach to solve environmental

8. Course Objectives and Relationship to Program Educational Objectives:

Course Objectives Program Outcome
The students should be able to: a b c d e
1. Plan out an experimental procedure and develop good lab
2. Conduct accurate chemical analyses on environmental
3. Interpret chemical data on environmental samples.
4. Write both short and long reports describing your work and
interpreting the significance of the results.

9. Course Activities:

Week Expt Lab Prelab due Lab report

No. on lab day due date
1 Water Characterization: pH, conductivity, 1 week after
chlorides and sulfates (Ibanez et al.)
2 Dissolved Oxygen in Water (Ibanez / Pillai) 1 week after
3 Determination of Solids (Pillai) 1 week after
4 Determination of Turbidity (Pillai)
5 Alkalinity and Buffering Capacity of Water 1 week after
(Ibanez et al. / Pillai)
6 Aqueous Carbonate Equilibria and 1 week after
Water Corrosiveness (Ibanez et al.)
7 Jar Test for Determining Optimum Coagulant 1 week after
Dosage (Pillai)
8 Determination of BOD and COD of WW 1 week after
sample (Pillai)
Course Title: Date Effective: Date Revised: Prepared by: Approved by:
9 Nitrogen Determination in Water: Ammonia, 1 week after
Nitrate, Nitrite, TKN or Kjeldahl (Pillai)
10 Determination of Oil and Grease (Pillai) 1 week after

10. Course Requirements

Experiments, Quizzes and Reporting – 70%

Final Exam and Class Project – 30%

11. References

(a) Ibanez, J.G.; Hemandez-Esparza, M; Doria-Serrano, C.; Fregoso-Infante, A. Environmental

Chemistry: Microscale Laboratory Experiments, 2008.

(b) Pillai, P.R.S. A Comprehensive Laboratory Manual for Environmental Science and
Engineering, 2009.

(c) Scientific Papers / Journal Papers

Course Title: Date Effective: Date Revised: Prepared by: Approved by:

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