G9 Lesson Plan 6

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Republic of the Philippines

Caraga Administrative Region
Schools Division of Siargao


Alegria, Sta. Monica, Surigao del Norte


FEBRUARY 17-18, 2020

EN9G-IVd-23: Express permission, obligation, and prohibition

1. Express permission, obligation, and prohibition through the use of modals
2. Identify the modals expressing permission, obligation and prohibition
3. Communicate more clearly and effectively through proper use of modals in the


Lesson: Modals
1. Tarpapel
2. Photocopies of the Test
1. K to 12 Curriculum Guide (May 2016)
2. A Journey through Anglo-American Literature Learner‘s Material for English
3. Teacher‘s Guide
4. Online References


Introduction: It sounds so simple: say what you mean. But all too often, what we try to
communicate gets lost in translation despite our best intentions. We say one thing, the
other person hears something else, and misunderstandings, frustration, and conflicts

Preliminary Activity:
Would you like to communicate more clearly and effectively? Why do you wish to
improve communication with your teachers, friends or classmates and to build trust and
respect with them, and be heard and understood?

Read this article and find out what it is all about.
Source: Source: http://www.essortment.com/family-values-39982.html

What should make up a strong family that possesses good family values? It is the family
that sustains its members, that supports and nourishes each other throughout the span
of that family. A strong family unit has to create a safe, positive and supportive place
for all members to thrive. They are able to utilize resources and to live together in a fairly
healthy manner.

The adults in a strong family set the tone. They are good role models that lead by
example. They reach out to friends and community and teach their children the
importance of doing the same -- and that becomes part of who the children are. They
work together to solve problems, and they pass their skills on to the next generation.
Some important elements of a strong family system are family cohesion, family flexibility
and family communication.
Cohesion- In families, cohesion would be defined as the feeling of being loved, of
belonging to the group and being nurtured by it. Although closeness is good in a family
unit, there must be a balance between being together and being separate. A person
must be able to develop their individuality, while being supported and confident within
the family. A few things that bring a family together are the commitment of other family
members, and the spending of time together.

Flexibility- There must be a structure in a family or it will become chaotic and will not be
a peaceful setting for a family. Conversely, there must be flexibility or the family
becomes rigid and the authority figures are resented. We could compare a successful
family to a democracy. There are leaders, but the whole group is involved in the
decision making process. Although the leaders are in charge all members develop the
ability to cope with stress, and at times lead. While the family works to avoid stressful
situations they work together to solve problems, without blaming, criticizing and finding
fault with each other. Families that tend to have a strong spiritual base seem to have a
sense of well-being that facilitates this working together in times of stress.

Communication- Ever hear the saying, "What we have here is a failure to

communicate?" A lack of communication can rip a family apart and destroy them.
Things that facilitate communication are the things mentioned so far – family closeness,
flexibility, time spent together, spirituality. All members must feel a freedom within the
group to express themselves freely.

Another very important factor is the relationship between the "head" couple. In a family
that is parented by a happily married couple, people are able to express themselves
more freely. What they might say isn't filtered through the problems of the "guardians." A
happy marriage seems to set the tone in the house. It spills over from the family to the
community and a healthy family will be reaching out to help others. They do not tend
to isolate themselves from the rest of the world.

A very important thing for families to teach their children is how to make good
decisions. If they have watched their parents making well thought out decisions over
the years, they will tend to be good decision makers themselves. A healthy, happy
family benefits our whole society. Among the children of strong families there is less
crime, less divorce and less emotional problems. They tend to go on and have strong,
healthy families of their own, having learned from their folk's example.

A. Below are sentences taken from the article you have just read.

1. A strong family unit has to create a safe, positive and supportive place for all
members to thrive.
2. There must be a structure in a family or it will become chaotic and will not be a
peaceful setting for a family.
3. All members must feel the freedom within the group to express themselves freely
within the group.
4. A person must be able to develop his individuality by gaining support and trust from
the family.

B. Study the following sentences. What do the underlined words in each sentence
suggest? How do we call these underlined words?

1. Can you speak louder when delivering your lines?

2. You can take a deep breath before rendering your speech.
3. Other speakers mustn‘t make noise while one speaker is on stage.
4. You can‘t speak before a big audience if you are nervous.

What are the two types of modal verbs of obligation?

There are two types of modal verbs of obligation; those that primarily express a firm
obligation or necessity - must and have to - and those that express a recommendation
or moral obligation - should and ought to.

What are the other types of modal?

Can is another type of modal often used to ask for and give permission. It means
something is allowed and can be done. Both can‘t and mustn‘t are also modals used to
show that something is prohibited – it is not allowed. Can‘t tells us that something is
against the rules. Mustn‘t is usually used when the obligation comes from the person
who is speaking.

A. Use must, have to, should and ought to correctly in the following sentences.

1. Children __________ obey their parents.

2. Parents ___________ respect their children too.
3. Challenges ___________ not keep us from achieving our dreams.
4. Parents ___________ send their children to school.
5. Before, one talks about an issue, he/she ___________ read about it first.
6. Family members __________ understand that they have important roles to perform in
keeping the family strong.
7. Friends __________ be carefully chosen for the influence they can have.
8. The school, as a second home ________constantly nurture and protect the rights of
9. We _______find courage even in the small things that we do.
10. In order to succeed, you _________ believe that you can.

B. Read the following sentences. Use the correct modals of prohibitions in each of the

1. _______ I stay with the group?

2. You _______ park here, ma‘am. The parking lot is full.
3. You ______ wear shirts but you _____ wear jeans in the pool.
4. You _____ use Mandela‘s speech to inspire the youth.
5. You _______ make noise while the session is on going.

A. Write an advice to a boy who wishes not to attend school for no reasons.

B. Underline the best answer.

1. Which one of the pair expresses an obligation?
I must go to the dentist.
I will go to the dentist.

2. Which one of the pair expresses necessity?

You have to be very careful in choosing friends.
You can be very careful in choosing friends.

3. Which one of the pair expresses moral obligation?

Parents should teach their children how to make good decision.
Parents must teach their children how to make good decision.

4. Which one of the pair expresses more formal and polite way of saying that someone
has permission?
Students may travel free.
Students can travel free.
5. Which one of the pair expresses polite way of asking permission to do something?
Could we go home now?
Can we go home now?

6. Which one expresses recommendation or moral obligation?

We should understand our roles to keep our family strong.
We mustn't forget our roles to keep our family strong.

7. Which one of the pair expresses an obligation?

We must meet again soon.
We will meet again soon.

8. Which one of the pair expresses ability?

Can I lift that for you?
I can lift that easily.

9. Which one of the pair expresses a request for permission?

Could I go now?
I could go now.

10. Which one of the pair expresses ability?

He could speak several languages.
He could speak to the boss.

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher
Checked by:

T-II / School in Charge

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