MC - 18 - 19 Attachment - Water Quality Form 1 (Bacti) Template For WDs

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Form I - Microbiological Test Results

LWUA Memorandum Circular No. 18.19 requires all water districts to regularly submit
reports on microbiological test results to LWUA through email using the standardized
template in Microsoft Excel form (see following sheet). For a systematic data generation,
transmittal, storage and analyis, may we suggest the following:



Form I - Microbiological Test Results

LWUA Memorandum Circular No. 18.19 requires all water districts to regularly submit
eports on microbiological test results to LWUA through email using the standardized
emplate in Microsoft Excel form (see following sheet). For a systematic data generation,
ransmittal, storage and analyis, may we suggest the following:

The template sheet is protected. Please fill-up the yellow-colored cells.

The Microbiological Test reports shall be submitted to LWUA through the emails addresses:
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Please use this file name format in saving and sending the report files:
"WQ Form I_Water District Name_Province_Month Year.xls"

Example: WQ Form I_Balanga_Bataan_Dec 2019.xls

(Instruction: Fill up the yellow-colored cells)


1 . Population actually served by utility:

(No. of service connections x ave. no. of -
persons per service connection (5 persons per household)

No. of service connections

2 . Required minimum number of samples based on the table below:

2.a For Total Coliform & Thermotolerant Coliform/E.Coli
2.b For Heterotrophic Plate Count

Minimum Frequency of Sampling for Minimum Frequency of Sampling for Point of

Population Served
Total Coliform and Thermotolerant Heterotrophic Plate Count (HPC) Compliance
Coliform/E. coli

Less than 5,000 2 samples monthly 2 samples monthly Consumers' taps

1 sample per 5,000 population + 2 1 sample per 5,000 population + 2
5,000 - 100,000 additional samples monthly additional samples monthly Consumers' taps
1 sample per 10,000 population + 12 Required at least 40% of the sampling
More than 100,000 additional samples monthly points Consumers' taps

Note: Collection of samples should be spread out within a month

3 . Sample Requirement
a. No. of samples examined.
b. Percent (%) to the minimum required.
c. Met Standards? Yes No

("Yes" if b is 100% or more. "No" if b is less than 100%.)

4 . Parameter/Method
A. Total Coliform

4.1 Multiple Tube Fermentation Technique (MTFT)

a. Number of samples showing presence of coliform group.
b. Percent (%) to samples examined (4.1.a/3.a x 100).
c. Met Standards? Yes No

("Yes" if b is 5% or less. "No" if b is more than 5%.)

4.2 Membrane Filter Technique (MFT)

a. Number of samples showing presence of coliform colonies.
b. Percent (%) to the number of samples analyzed.
(4.2.a/3.a x 100)
c. Met Standards? Yes No

("Yes" if b is 5% or less. "No" if b is more than 5%.)

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4.3 Enzyme Substrate Coliform Test (EST)
a. Number of samples showing presence of coliform.
b. Percent (%) to total number of samples examined.
(4.3.a/3.a x 100)
c. Met Standards? Yes No

("Yes" if b is 5% or less. "No" if b is more than 5%.)

B. Thermotolerant Coliform/ E. coli

a. Number of samples showing presenvce of thermotolerant coliform/E. coli organisms.
MTFT: MPN/100 ml value of < 1.1
EST: Absent or < 1 MPN/100 ml
MFT: < 1 thermotolerant coliform colonies/100ml.
b. Percent (%) to total number of samples analyzed
c. Met Standards? Yes No

("Yes" if a is zero. "No" if a is not equal to zero.)

C. Heterotrophic Plate Count (HPC)

a. Number of HPC tests conducted.
Percent (%) to the minimum required.
Met Standards (no. of samples)? Yes No

b. No. of samples showing HPC value < 500 CFU/ml.

c. Percent (%) to number of tests conducted (b/a x 100).
d. Met Standards? Yes No

("Yes" if c is 100%. "No" if c is not 100%.)

5.A Using Free Residual Chlorine
a. No. of days without a test conducted
b. No. of samples with residual chlorine <0.3 or >1.5 mg/L
c. Met Standards? Yes No

("Yes" if a and b are both zero. "No" if either a or b, or both a and b are not zero.)

5.B Using Chlorine Dioxide

a. No. of days without a test conducted
b. No. of samples with residual chlorine dioxide <0.2 or >0.4 mg/L
c. Met Standards? Yes No

("Yes" if a and b are both zero. "No" if either a or b, or both a and b are not zero.)


If number of samples is 20 or less, please attach laboratory test results with this summary form.
If number of samples is more than 20, only the summary form is required even without accompanying laboratory test results.


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General Manager

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