Plantar Fasciitis Workbook
Plantar Fasciitis Workbook
Plantar Fasciitis Workbook
Differential Diagnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Stretching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Taping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
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About Us
Niel Asher Healthcare was founded in 1997 and is now the leading online
publisher of educational material and other learning resources for manual
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This Trigger Point Workbook may be retained for personal or educational
use. Information should not be edited or modified. Any resale, or
redistribution of all or portions of the information is not permitted.
Your plantar fascia supports the arch of your foot and if strained, becomes
weak, swollen and inflamed. Repeated strain can bring about small tears
in the ligament causing pain and swelling. This will be felt when you stand
or walk.
Repeated injuries to the plantar fascia, which support the arch of the foot,
seem to be the main cause of Plantar Fasciitis.
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Which Muscles May be Affected by Plantar Fasciitis?
(The image on the right details the trigger point and pain map)
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(The lower image details the trigger point and pain map)
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The soleus typically refers pain into the posterior aspect and plantar
surface of the heel and to the distal end of the Achilles tendon. A rare
myofascial trigger point spreads pain to the ipsilateral sacroiliac joint, and
can also refer pain to the jaw in extreme cases.
Several myofascial trigger points can form in this muscle, referring pain
and a sense of stiffness or tension into the medial plantar aspect of the
foot, and diffuse pain spread over one or both of the gasters. Pain can
also refer up into the medial hamstrings.
Typically, individuals will try to statically stretch the symptoms away this
will irritate the muscle spindle response and serve only to compound the
The quadratus plantae is a muscle in the foot that extends from the
anterior (front) of the calcaneus (heel bone) to the tendons of the
digitorum longus muscle in the leg. It assists the flexor digitorum longus
with toe flexing. The muscle brings the pulley of the flexor digitorum
longus in line with the length of the foot. The quadratus plantae muscle
also increases stability of the foot by resisting extension of the toes.
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What are the Symptoms of Plantar Fasciitis?
People who suffer from Plantar Fasciitis often feel a sharp pain that
usually occurs with their very first steps in the morning. Once the foot
limbers up, the pain of Plantar Fasciitis is known to decrease, but has
been noted to reappear after long periods of standing or after getting up
from a seated position.
Sudden stretching of the sole of the foot may increase the pain. In
extreme cases, symptoms include numbness, tingling and swelling as a
result of small tears in the ligament.
Plantar Fasciitis most commonly arises in older people, but may also
occur in younger individuals who are on their feet for many hours of the
Plantar Fasciitis is also identified with age, obesity and lack of physical
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Here’s a list of other conditions which can present as ankle pain they
are more likely to be painful if there hasn’t been a twist or a trauma.
Please note a very small percentage of them can be serious, so if you are
concerned please check with your doctor or therapist
Bone Issues
• (Avulsion) fracture
• Stress fractures
• Tarsal tunnel syndrome
• Bone spurs (heel)
• Broken ankle/broken foot
• Referred pain from the low back (S1 radiculopathy)
• Severs disease (Children/youth)
• Gout
• Osteomyelitis
• Pseudogout
• TB
• Pagets disease of the bone
• Osteoarthritis
• Reactive arthritis
• Psoriatic arthropathy (from psoriasis)
• Subcalcaneal bursitis
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Very rarely
• Fibrosarcoma
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Your Trigger Point Treatment Program for Plantar Fasciitis
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Both DSM and ICT are very safe and effective but can leave some soreness
for a few minutes to hours afterwards. Very occasionally they may leave
bruising if performed overzealously or if you are on certain medication
(especially blood thinners).
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Take a look at the images below and follow these instructions for
maximum effect.
How Often?
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Quadrates Plantae
• Identify the trigger point by having a look at the image and then feel
for the taut muscle or band
• Lubricate the skin with oil, cream or lotion
• Identify and locate the tender/trigger point or taut band
• On the tummy with the knee bent
• Locate the tender/trigger point in the bottom of the foot (see
anatomy) press it and hold it still using your thumb/elbow/trigger
point tool on the taut band - if you use your fingers you can reinforce
with your other hand. This should be experienced as discomfort and
not as pain
• Hold still until the pain melts away - come away slowly
• Repeat three times but approach the tender spot from a different
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What then?
Follow pressure sessions by massaging the area with some cream, oil or
lotion in the direction of the muscle. You can use warmth or heat- rub
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Gastrocnemius - Deep Stroking Massage
• Identify the trigger point by having a look at the diagrams and then
feel for the taut muscle or band
• Lubricate the skin with oil, cream or lotion
• Identify and locate the tender/trigger point or taut band
• On the tummy with the knee bent
• In 1 direction only - work from the knee level towards the outside of
the ankle – don’t forget to go right down to the bottom of the foot
(see anatomy) perform slow stroking rhythmic massage using your
thumb/elbow/trigger point tool on the taut band, and reinforce with
your other hand it should feel a bit like squeezing toothpaste from a
tube. This should be experienced as discomfort and not as pain
• Come away and repeat three times
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What then?
Follow pressure sessions by massaging the area with some cream, oil
or lotion in the direction of the muscle. You can use warmth or heat-rub
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• Stand on the edge of a ledge (somewhere stable like the stairs or the
gutter is ideal)
• You will need to have enough of your foot on the edge of the ledge so
that it does not slip off
Make sure you are stable, this will allow you to hold your stretch for a
longer period (better quality of stretch)
• Lower both heels over the edge of the ledge
• Try lowering one leg at a time. This increases the weight on the calf
muscle and increases the intensity of the stretch
• To specifically target the Soleus muscle bend both knees
• You will feel the stretch move lower and to the inside of the shin
How often?
• Hold stretch for between 30-50 seconds, 3 times each side every two
to three hours
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Stretch 2: Gastrocnemius (calf muscle ) stretch
• Place the leg to be stretched behind and lean forward, ensuring the
heel is kept in contact with the floor at all times
• A stretch should be felt at the back of the lower leg. If not then move
the back leg further back
• A more advanced version of a calf stretch is to use a step and drop
the heel down from it
How Often?
This can be repeated several times a day and should not be painful
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Stretch 3: Hamstring stretch
Stretch as shown
• Stand
• Keep one leg on ground put one foot on chair or a step with leg
• Bend forward at the hip. Hold for 30 seconds.
• Repeat on other side
• Do not attempt to touch your toes as this will stretch your back, and
the goal of this exercise is to isolate your hamstring muscles in the
leg that is being supported by the chair
How Often?
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Stretch 4: Gluteus medius stretch
Stretch as shown
How Often?
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Stretch 5: Soleus
Stretch as shown
How Often?
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Stretch 6: Deep foot flexors
Stretch as shown
How Often?
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Special Instructions - You can extend your arms out to your sides or
lightly rest your fingertips on a wall or chair to help with balance
How Often?
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Exercise 2: Towel lifts
A towel grab can help to strengthen and alleviate pain in the soles of your
feet caused by flat feet, also called fallen arches
• Place a hand towel on the floor the towel should be completely flat
• Stand with your foot over the towel and use your toes and the
bottom of your foot to scrunch up the towel
• Next use your toes and feet to flatten the towel
• Repeat 10 times
How Often?
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Taping methods for plantar fasciitis using kt tape, kinesiotape or
kinesiology tape
1. Measure tape from heel from the ball of the foot and cut to that length.
Cut it into to four tails leaving the last 2 inches uncut as an anchor (you
can use a solid strip if you have a problem with the tails loosening)
2. Flex your foot pointing your toes up, and anchor the 2 inch base to the
5. Anchor this strip at the outside top edge of your foot. Tape from outside
to inside to support the arch, pulling up a little with the tape at the end
6. Lay down the end with no tension on the top of your foot
7. Gently run over the tape with hand to provide some pressure. Tape
should stay on for a few days , thereafter it will start to peel. At this point it
can be removed and re applied with a new strip
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Medial head popliteal
surface of femur
above medial condyle.
Lateral head lateral
condyle and posterior
surface of femur.
Plantar exes foot at TAPING
ankle joint. Assists in
exion of knee joint.
A main propelling Stretch - Plantar
force in walking and flexion.
running. Antagonist
tibialis anterior. Tape - Tape from
under the heel origin
INSERTION along the line of the
Posterior surface muscle fibers. Be
of calcaneus (via sure to measure and
tendo calcaneus, a cut tape the correct
fusion of tendons of
gastrocnemius and
soleus). Stabilization - Anchor
at Heel with 30-40 %
PATTERNS load on tape.
Several trigger Decompression - at
points in each trigger point sites.
muscle belly, and Palpation the key.
attachment trigger 90% load on tape.
point at ankle. The
four most common
points are indicated
diagrammatically for
medial and lateral
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Tr i g g e r P o i n t T h e r a p y - Tr e a t m e n t A s s e s s m e n t
blue = pain; yellow = numbness; orange = tingling; green = cramp; purple = tightness
Additional patient comments (quality and nature of pain, aggravating factors, what has been tried and results):
P l a n t a r F a s c i i t i s 39
Tr i g g e r P o i n t T h e r a p y - Tr e a t m e n t A s s e s s m e n t
blue = pain; yellow = numbness; orange = tingling; green = cramp; purple = tightness
Sitting bones
Pubic bone
Additional patient input:
Sitting bones
Next visit:
P l a n t a r F a s c i i t i s 40
Lifestyle Changes to consider
If you are on your feet for a lot of the time, or if you do lots of walking,
running, standing, etc, when you are not used to it
If you have a tight Achilles tendon (the big tendon at the bottom of your
calf muscles above your heel), it can affect your ability to flex your ankle
and make you more likely to damage your plantar fascia. Therefore, make
sure you stretch during the day. Calf stretches can be done easily at the
office on a simple step or against the wall
Wearing shoes with good cushioning in the heels and good arch support
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Recommended sports
• Cycling
• Swimming
• Water aerobics
• Pilates
• Yoga
• Running
• Soccer
• Jumping sports such as basketball, volleyball
• Standing long periods
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Other factors such as fatty foods and exposure to free radicals may also
have a detrimental effect on our soft tissues. Supplements—for example
omega-3, zinc, magnesium, iron, and vitamins K, B12, and C, as well as
folic acid—may help to speed up your recovery.
What Next?
During the acute period you should stick to the RICE protocol (rest, ice,
compression, elevation), although gentle trigger point therapy followed
by gentle stretching may be useful.
Much of the advice here will depend on how ‘fresh’ or severe your
problem has become. As a rule if it has been there for more than six
months then try the self help for three to four weeks and if there is no
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change then see a therapist. If your problem has been there for less time
then you should get a proper diagnosis but can can try our self help tips
for up to six weeks. If there is no improvement after six weeks then we
would urge you to see a therapist.
Once you have a diagnosis you should review our self-help and advice
pages and then put together a treatment plan. This should include self
massage and trigger point massage with balls/tools, stretching and
modifying your lifestyle to avoid or modify any aggravating activities.
Try to stick to the same pair of shoes and remember to build-up the
exercises slowly and respectfully adding only a few extra repetitions
every week. It’s a fact that we walk, run and cycle using our feet and
think nothing of it but when irritated, foot muscles and tendons become
exquisitely tender and do not respond well to sudden loading. Please bear
this in mind when performing rehabilitation.
Look out for other workbooks in the Trigger Point Workbooks series.
Team NAT
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More About Trigger Points and Trigger Point Therapy
Trigger Points
We first heard the term trigger point used in 1942 by a woman called
Dr. Janet Travell. She came up with the phrase to describe the painful
lumps, or nodules, felt within tight bands of muscle. Since then, we’ve
learnt a lot more about trigger points and the features they have in
One thing to remember about trigger points is that where you feel pain,
may not be the same place as where the trigger point is embedded. This
is partly the reason that some therapies fail to help because a therapist
or doctor will tend to concentrate on the place that hurts, rather than
locating the source of the pain.
What a trigger point does is to make its host muscle shorter and fatter,
as well as reducing its level of efficiency. This can can lead to significant
pressure being put on your nerves and blood vessels. However, by taking
the time to understand trigger points and their maps, you can get closer
towards finding the source of your pain.
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What are the physical characteristics of trigger points?
Sadly, we do not have suitable language to define the sensation felt from
a trigger point. The following points though should together provide an
adequate description
When a trigger point becomes active, the pain emitted can mimic a wide
range of medical conditions angina, bursitis, prostatitis, appendicitis,
cystitis, arthritis, esophagitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, pelvic
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inflammatory disease, diverticulosis, costochondritis, sciatica, and pain
from a heart or gall bladder attack.
Many of us suffer from stiff, achy muscles caused by knots. Trigger point
therapy encompasses a variety of ways to deactivate these painful knots
and eventually get rid of them. One of the great things about trigger point
therapy is that it’s simple to perform, both at home with a partner, or on
your own with some special trigger point tools.
If you combine trigger point therapy with some simple changes in your
lifestyle, the results can be almost instant. And, what’s more, they can
last. Many manual therapists already use trigger point therapy as part of
their daily work because it’s a great way to
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What happens when you press on a trigger point?
By doing so you:
• numb and reduce the pain, not only in the treated area, but also
where you perceive the pain to be
• lessen the pain feedback pathways
• interrupt the pattern of pain and spasm
• stretch out tight muscles, which will indirectly affect other tissues
• open out the plastic-wrap-like myofascial bag that encompasses
your muscles
• stimulate the blood supply helping to remove debris and toxins
• up your body’s release of powerful pain-killing endorphins
• affect the autonomic/automatic nervous system
When we’re talking about trigger point referred pain, it’s not the same as
the referred shoulder pain you get from appendicitis, or, even the pain
you get in your jaw or arm when having a heart attack. Instead, when you
press on a trigger point for five or six seconds, it results in part, or all, of
the pain map turning on, replicating your symptoms. Often, where the
trigger point is, and where you feel the pain, are two entirely different
places on your body.
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Frequency of treatment
If you feel sore or bruised after treatment, don’t worry. It’s quite normal
to feel this way for up to 36 hours afterwards. However, we don’t know for
certain yet whether this is a side effect, or a result of the treatment.
Our Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) deals with bodily functions like
sweating, digesting, and breathing. During trigger point therapy, you
might experience unaccountable ANS symptoms which include sweating,
redness, skin blanching, coldness, gooseflesh, excessive sweating,
dysmenorrhea, toiletry dysfunction, earache, dizziness, stuffiness, and
difficulty breathing.
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Trigger Point Therapy - Frequently Asked Questions
If the pain diminishes rapidly, stay with it until the trigger point softens or
evaporates beneath your pressure.
If the pain stays the same or gets worse, come away for 15 seconds and
then try again.
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Repeat 3 times if necessary.
If the trigger point still does not deactivate after the third repetition, note
it down as it may be a secondary or satellite point.
If you identify the correct point and deactivate it with care and love,
the answer is—probably not. There may well be some soreness for up
to 48 hours after treatment. If the soreness lasts or gets worse, please
discontinue treatment immediately and seek a medical opinion.
Bruising should not occur if you follow the instructions, but may occur if
you are on blood-thinning medication. With time and experience, bruising
becomes increasingly rare. We have found that it is not the depth of
treatment (force) that will cause a bruise but usually the result of pressure
being applied too quickly (velocity).
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Try to feel the muscles and tender nodules beneath the skin. Arnica
creams and tablets have been suggested to reduce the incidence and
severity of bruising. Unfortunately some people bruise more easily than
It is not uncommon to feel sore or bruised for 24–36 hours after treatment,
but it is unclear whether these conditions are treatment effects or side
effects. Treatment reactions are common and most severe following
cervical manipulation they are, somewhat controversially, proportionally
related to treatment efficacy. Reactions may include other associated
symptoms, such as fatigue or “flu-like” feelings, increased peeing,
lethargy, and increased sleepiness.
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