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Apraxias RajanPantelyat 2018eLSWiley

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Chapter · November 2018

DOI: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0024019.pub2


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2 authors:

Suraj Rajan Alexander Pantelyat

University College London Johns Hopkins University


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Apraxias Advanced article

Suraj Rajan, Department of Neurology, Johns Hopkins University School of Article Contents
• Introduction
Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
• Epidemiology
Alexander Pantelyat, Department of Neurology, Johns Hopkins University • Clinical Subtypes

School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, USA • Neuroanatomy of Apraxia: Historical Models

• Neuroanatomy of Apraxia: Current Thinking
Based in part on the previous version of this eLS article ‘Apraxias’ • Testing Apraxia at Bedside
(2013) by Alexander Y Pantelyat and Murray Grossman.
• Treatment
• Future Directions

Online posting date: 16th November 2018

Apraxia is defined as the difficulty or inability in praxis and language processing (Goldenberg, 2009). Since
to perform learned skilled actions. Identifying the earliest descriptions, the concept of apraxia has expanded
apraxia in patients has prognostic implications. to include ‘unskilled’ and ‘novel’, as opposed to ‘skilled and
The praxis network is predominantly in the left learned’ movements.
hemisphere, and comprises parietal lobe regions There are several different forms of apraxia, and these have
been variously organised based on the body part affected and
that connect to several circuits involving the
the specific type of dysfunction. This review will focus on the
frontal, temporal and occipital cortices and the
most commonly described types of apraxia, including ideomo-
basal ganglia. This review discusses the types of tor, ideational/conceptual, limb-kinetic and orofacial types. The
apraxia and the disorders associated with apraxia, designation of certain other disorders of action as apraxia is con-
highlighting studies based on corticobasal syn- troversial, and this will be addressed below. Apraxia is a hallmark
drome and stroke as disease models. The evolution feature of corticobasal syndrome (CBS), a progressive condition
of historical concepts of praxis leading up to characterised by frontal, parietal and basal ganglia dysfunction.
k This syndrome is associated with neurodegenerative diseases k
the current ‘pathway’ models is discussed in the
context of neuroanatomical and imaging studies. such as corticobasal degeneration (CBD), progressive supranu-
Bedside testing and interpretation of apraxia are clear palsy (PSP), Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and rarely, dementia
elucidated with examples. with Lewy bodies (DLB). Clinically, CBS involves akinesia (lack
of movement) and rigidity (stiffness) in combination with cortical
signs such as apraxia (Kouri et al., 2011; Wadia & Lang, 2007).
As such, CBS is a useful model to study the anatomic correlates of
Introduction praxis, and this model is discussed below (Gross and Grossman,
2008) in addition to other praxis models. In addition, we touch
The literal meaning of the Greek term ‘apraxia’ is ‘without upon findings regarding apraxia in progressive nonfluent aphasia
action’. Apraxia in behavioural neurology refers to the loss of (PNFA), a subtype of frontotemporal lobar degeneration (Rohrer
the ability to carry out learned, skilled actions in the absence et al., 2010).
of motor, sensory, coordination or comprehension abnormalities
(Rothi and Heilman, 2003). It is to be differentiated from akine-
sia, which is defined as a general failure to initiate movement in Epidemiology
the absence of weakness (Heilman and Watson, 2008). Apraxia
is a helpful localising sign on the mental status examination and There are no available studies assessing the collective prevalence
often predicts disability in patients with stroke or dementia. It of the various types of apraxia. Apraxia is prevalent in 25.3%
can affect both sides of the body, even when the underlying of ‘first stroke’ patients, 51.3% of left hemispheric strokes and
lesion is unilateral. Apraxia can occur in the absence of any lan- 6% of right hemispheric strokes (Zwinkels et al., 2004). It is
guage deficits, despite the proximity of cortical areas involved also reported in several dementia syndromes such as AD and
frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) and is often observed
in head trauma involving the left parietal lobe, which makes it
likely to be encountered in general neurological practice. Limb
eLS subject area: Neuroscience apraxia is highly prevalent in CBS (70–80%) and is a key defining
How to cite: clinical feature of CBS (Armstrong et al., 2013; Stamenova et al.,
Rajan, Suraj and Pantelyat, Alexander (November 2018) 2009). CBD, its most common neuropathological correlate, is
Apraxias. In: eLS. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester. rare, with an estimated prevalence of 2–7 per 100 000 individuals
DOI: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0024019.pub2 (Togasaki and Tanner, 2000).

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Clinical Subtypes motor and language functions (Rothi and Heilman, 2003). It is
typically demonstrated when a patient is asked verbally to per-
Liepmann (1920), in his first systematic descriptions of apraxia, form a gesture with a limb. Most researchers also include the
suggested 3 different types: limb-kinetic apraxia, ideomotor inability to imitate another person’s gesture, to perform the appro-
apraxia, and ideational apraxia. Subsequent studies of anatom- priate action in response to a visually presented object, or to carry
ical substrates and various disorders where apraxia is a key out a movement using the actual object in this type of apraxia.
feature have brought forth descriptions of other types of apraxia. Impaired mimicking of meaningless gestures, such as made-up
Whether all of these are in fact disorders of ‘skilled action’ is hand postures, may suggest a deficit in converting visual informa-
debatable (Coslett, 2018). This controversial nature of apraxia tion into action, rather than a deficit in retrieving encoded action
is also reflected in the highly variable rules behind naming of sequences. This is also considered ideomotor apraxia by some
apraxia types and apraxic phenomena. Some are named based researchers (Gross and Grossman, 2008; Sunderland, 2007), but
upon the body parts involved (e.g. orofacial, ocular motor), contested by others (Coslett, 2018).
some are named after their putative mechanisms (e.g. ideational, Patients with ideomotor apraxia show spatial and temporal
constructional), others are named after the tasks that are involved (timing-related) errors affecting limb position in space, config-
(e.g. writing, speech, eyelid opening), and in rare cases, naming uration, amplitude, timing and sequencing. They often use their
involves the neuroanatomical substrate (e.g. callosal apraxia). limb as an object, rather than demonstrating how to use that
Several authors have raised concerns about misclassification object. Although patients may have difficulty miming the use of
of apraxias (Zadikoff and Lang, 2005). In an attempt to be as an object, they may be able to perform the same action in their
comprehensive as possible, we will discuss both the traditional daily lives without difficulty using the actual object. This phe-
descriptions of apraxias and the nontraditional apraxias. See nomenon has been called the ‘voluntary–automatic dissociation’
Table 1 for a summary of apraxia subtypes. Practical clinical (Leiguarda and Marsden, 2000).
assessment of apraxias at the bedside is discussed in a separate Patients with ideomotor apraxia may exhibit differing degrees
section. of impairment depending on testing conditions. As such, patients
typically have greatest difficulty performing gestures when
Ideomotor apraxia responding to verbal commands. They usually have less diffi-
culty imitating a gesture or acting in response to an object that
Ideomotor apraxia is the quintessential apraxia type, defined as an is shown to them; and they may be least impaired when asked
impaired performance of skilled motor acts despite intact sensory, to use the object itself (Randerath et al., 2011). However, these
k k
Table 1 Types of apraxia and their neuroanatomical correlates
Type of apraxia Description Neuroanatomical correlates
Ideomotor Impaired performance of skilled motor acts despite intact Lesions in bilateral frontal and parietal cortices,
sensory, motor and language function. Usually assessed frontoparietal white matter connections and
by verbal command to perform or imitate a gesture. basal ganglia
Voluntary–automatic dissociation typically present
Ideational Difficulty carrying out a sequence of actions in performance Extensive left hemisphere damage
of a complex, multistep task (e.g. mailing a letter)
Conceptual Loss of object or action knowledge: misuse of objects, Posterior left hemisphere damage
difficulty matching objects and their actions, unawareness
of the mechanical advantage provided by tools, inability
to judge whether a gesture is well- or ill-formed
Limb-kinetic Inaccurate or clumsy distal arm or leg movements. Lesions involving connecting sensorimotor fibres
Voluntary–automatic dissociation typically absent of the hand (frontoparietal white matter)
Orofacial Impairment of skilled volitional movements involving the Inferior frontal, deep frontal white matter, insula
face, mouth, tongue, larynx and pharynx (e.g. blowing and basal ganglia lesions
out a candle). Considered a subtype of ideomotor apraxia
Dressing Difficulty mapping a piece of clothing onto the spatial Parietal lesions
configuration of the body, thereby interfering with
putting on clothing (a coat, T-shirt)
Constructional Inability to copy visually presented information Right parietal, frontal lesions
Writing Difficulty using a writing tool to form letters Superior frontal, parietal lesions
Gait Impaired gait without associated weakness, as seen in Frontal lesions, lesions affecting frontal–basal
vascular parkinsonism, normal pressure hydrocephalus ganglia connections
Eyelid opening Difficulty voluntarily opening the eyes in the absence of Medial frontal lobe, basal ganglia, upper
associated eyelid spasm brainstem lesions
Speech Poor coordination of motor speech apparatus Premotor, supplementary motor cortex lesions

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typical patterns have been contradicted by numerous reports (De the dominant left hemisphere influences the right hemisphere’s
Renzi et al., 1982; Fukutake, 2002; Merians et al., 1999). motor programme via the corpus callosum, the largest white mat-
Upon testing, apraxic patients’ performance may differ depend- ter structure connecting the two cerebral hemispheres (Heilman
ing on gesture type: transitive (involving an object; for example and Watson, 2008). Thus, bilateral limb-kinetic apraxia may be
using a hammer) versus intransitive (a symbolic gesture not observed with lesions limited to the left hemisphere.
involving an object, for example waving goodbye). These mean- This disorder has been associated with structural lesions of the
ingful gestures can be contrasted with meaningless gestures frontal cortex and can be difficult to differentiate from associated
(Gross and Grossman, 2008). Given these dissociations, it is limb weakness (Leiguarda and Marsden, 2000). Limb-kinetic
important to evaluate praxis using a broad range of tasks. apraxia has also been observed in patients with CBS and PSP
The role of visual cues is also important to consider, as some (Leiguarda et al., 1997; Leiguarda et al., 2003; Quencer et al.,
patients may have co-occurring visuospatial deficits. Visual 2007). In all cases, it can be difficult to parse limb-kinetic apraxia
information can potentially mitigate deficits of motor program- from the extrapyramidal features of these disorders (Graham
ming and execution due to loss of sensory feedback in apraxia et al., 1999), which include dystonia, parkinsonism and dyski-
(Gross and Grossman, 2008), and patients who do not benefit nesias. Limb-kinetic apraxia tends to be independent of modality
from visual input have been described (Graham et al., 1999). (e.g. verbal command versus imitation). It differs from classical
Likewise, cortical sensory loss (difficulty interpreting haptic ideomotor apraxia because limb-kinetic apraxia typically has no
information, such as agraphesthesia – the inability to interpret voluntary–automatic dissociation, or the superior performance of
numbers written in one’s hand without looking – or difficulty spontaneous actions compared with the same actions performed
identifying objects by touch) may contribute to functional deficits on command (Leiguarda and Marsden, 2000).
in patients with apraxia.
Orofacial apraxia
Ideational and conceptual apraxia
Orofacial apraxia (also called oral or buccofacial apraxia) is
In ideational apraxia, patients have difficulty carrying out a characterised by an impairment of skilled volitional movements
sequence of actions in the performance of a complex, multi- involving the face, mouth, tongue, larynx and pharynx. It is tested
step task, such as mailing a letter. Ideational apraxia is often by asking patients to imitate both transitive (e.g. sucking on
seen in patients with extensive left hemisphere damage, dementia a straw, blowing out a candle) and intransitive (e.g. whistling)
and delirium (Rothi and Heilman, 2003). Problems with ordering gestures (Stamenova et al., 2009). Orofacial apraxia has been
k actions may be due in part to executive and memory impairments, associated with inferior frontal, deep frontal white matter, insula k
or to an overall deficit in cognitive resources (Giovannetti et al., and basal ganglia lesions (Ozsancak et al., 2004). Automatic
2002; Weintraub, 2000). gestures involving the same muscles are often preserved, as is the
Some researchers have made a distinction between ideational case with ideomotor limb apraxia. Orofacial apraxia frequently
and conceptual apraxia (Ochipa et al., 1992). In contrast to a coexists with limb apraxia, prompting many to consider orofacial
disorder of action sequencing, patients with conceptual apraxia apraxia as a subtype of ideomotor apraxia. However, orofacial
demonstrate loss of object or action knowledge. They may mis- and limb apraxia can be dissociated, suggesting that the neural
use objects, have difficulty matching objects and their actions, be systems underlying these disorders are at least partially separable
unaware of the mechanical advantage provided by tools, or be (Ozsancak et al., 2004).
unable to judge whether another’s gesture is well- or ill-formed
(Rothi and Heilman, 2003). Conceptual deficits often can be seen
in patients with dementia who have a disorder of semantic mem- Other apraxias: constructional, dressing,
ory, and have been associated with lesions of the left temporal writing, gait, gaze, apraxia of eyelid
lobe (Gross and Grossman, 2008). Importantly, both ideational opening, speech apraxia
and conceptual apraxias often lead to severe disability in the
performance of activities of daily living (Rothi and Heilman, The term ‘apraxia’ has been applied to a wide variety of clin-
2003). ical phenomena. Several types of motor dysfunction have been
described in reference to the performance of specific actions,
Limb-kinetic apraxia including constructional, dressing and writing apraxias. Con-
structional apraxia, or the inability to copy visually presented
Limb-kinetic apraxia has been used to describe inaccurate or information such as a geometric design, can be seen in patients
clumsy distal arm or leg movements. It is typically noted in the with right parietal lesions, where it is likely due to a higher-order
limb contralateral to the affected hemisphere (Rothi and Heil- visuospatial processing deficit, or in patients with frontal dys-
man, 2003). For instance, Heilman et al. (2000) used selective function, where there is impaired organisation and planning of
hemisphere anaesthesia to demonstrate left hemisphere domi- visual representations (Damasio et al., 2000). Dressing apraxia
nance for motor deftness in right-handed epilepsy patients with appears to be a spatial disorder that interferes with mapping
typical, left-sided language lateralisation. In addition, several a piece of clothing onto the spatial configuration of the body,
studies have revealed that the left hemisphere influences the thereby interfering with putting on an article of clothing like a
ipsilateral left hand more than the right hemisphere influences coat. As both constructional and dressing apraxias often result
the right hand (Heilman and Watson, 2008). It is possible that from parietal lesions, they may coexist in the same patients.

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Writing apraxia, also known as apraxic agraphia, is charac- aphasia may in some cases account for patients’ greater diffi-
terised by difficulty using a writing instrument to form letters culty performing gestures to verbal command, aphasia cannot
(Grossman et al., 2001). The patient has no difficulty demon- easily account for deficits with gesture imitation. A single lesion
strating the use of a writing instrument. The instrument is held may account for both aphasia and apraxia by affecting the brain
correctly, and letter formation proceeds in a remarkably slowed structures that contribute to both gesture and language produc-
manner that is not automatised. For example, it may take an tion, or brain structures for gesture production that are near to
affected patient one minute to write a single five-letter word. This structures important for language. This is discussed in further
is quantified by demonstrating slower writing in direct proportion detail below in the sections on neuroanatomy and bedside testing
to the length of a word. Letters also may be formed in an odd man- of apraxia.
ner that differs during the course of a writing session; for example, Apraxia frequently occurs as a feature of CBS, a rare clinical
the letter ‘a’ in the word ‘banana’ may be formed in three differ- condition comprising only approximately 1% of patients clini-
ent ways. Letters also may be spatially rotated or flipped. This cally diagnosed with parkinsonism (Litvan et al., 1997). Clinical
type of apraxia is associated with disease in superior frontal and features in addition to apraxia include asymmetric rigidity and
parietal regions of the dominant hemisphere. other unilateral or strikingly asymmetric involuntary movements,
In contrast to ideomotor apraxia, several forms of apraxia inter- cortical sensory loss and alien limb phenomenon (the latter is
fere with actions that are not explicitly learned. For instance, specific, but not sensitive for CBS). The gradual accumulation
gait apraxia describes the gait of disorders affecting the frontal of abnormal 4-repeat microtubule-associated protein tau in the
lobes or frontostriatal connections such as normal pressure hydro- frontal and parietal cortices and basal ganglia underlies CBD.
cephalus, vascular parkinsonism and several other conditions Limb apraxia has been reported in up to 70–80% of CBS cases
(Zadikoff and Lang, 2005). Apraxia of eyelid opening refers to (Zadikoff and Lang, 2005) In an autopsy-confirmed series of
difficulty voluntarily opening the eyes in the absence of associ- cases with CBD, ideomotor apraxia was found in 40% of patients
ated blepharospasm (involuntary contractions of the eyelid); this at onset and 72% at the time of death. In addition, orofacial
can be observed in patients with CBS and PSP. apraxia may be seen in CBS (Zadikoff and Lang, 2005; Ozsancak
Apraxia of speech is an articulatory disorder that appears et al., 2004), and constructional, writing and dressing apraxia also
to involve poor coordination of the motor speech apparatus. may be present.
The motor system underlying apraxia of speech appears to be PNFA or nonfluent variant of primary progressive aphasia
independent of the system controlling gestures in limb apraxia (nfvPPA) is a subtype of frontotemporal degeneration that has
(Barrett et al., 2002). Speech sounds are misformed, so that been associated with apraxia of speech. In a neuroanatomical
k sounds that are not part of the speaker’s native vocabulary correlation study, Rohrer et al. (2010) noted that 69% of their k
are produced; these are called ‘phonetic’ errors. This differs PNFA patients had orofacial apraxia, and 44% had limb apraxia.
from the frequently occurring substitutions and exchanges Severity of orofacial, but not limb or speech apraxia, correlated
that occur in the speech of most healthy speakers; these are with estimated disease duration. The severity of speech apraxia
called ‘phonologic’ errors as they are governed by the linguistic correlated with left posterior inferior frontal atrophy; orofacial
system of phonology and involve production of recognisable apraxia with left middle frontal, premotor and supplementary
speech sounds in an incorrect order. The rhythm and prosody motor cortical atrophy; and limb apraxia with left inferior parietal
of speech are also disrupted in apraxic speech. Apraxia of lobe atrophy.
speech is often the most prominent symptom in several neu- Among dementia patients, limb apraxia was most associated
rodegenerative disorders (Josephs et al., 2012; Wicklund et al., with posterior cortical atrophy (PCA), AD, as well as logopenic
2014). It can be seen in association with aphasia in FTLD, progressive aphasia (LPA) and nonfluent variants of progressive
PSP and CBD, although apraxia of speech also can occur in aphasias (Ahmed et al., 2016). Of note, AD pathology accounts
isolation (Josephs et al., 2012; Josephs et al., 2014). Child- for the majority of PCA and LPA presentations. Apraxia of speech
hood apraxia of speech (also known as verbal dyspraxia or seemed to significantly differentiate LPA from the PNFA in that
developmental apraxia) has also been described and is often it is typically absent in the former. When compared to dementias
idiopathic. like behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD) and
semantic variant progressive aphasia, limb apraxia may be helpful
in differentiating AD pathology.
Apraxia in stroke, corticobasal syndrome Many of these disorders have been used as neuroanatomical
and progressive nonfluent aphasia lesional models to elucidate the mechanisms underlying praxis.
This will be explored in the following sections.
Apraxia may be associated with other neurologic deficits that
cause weakness, executive dysfunction (e.g. difficulty with mul-
tistep processes), aphasia (a disturbance in the comprehension
or formulation of language), inattention or hemispatial neglect.
Neuroanatomy of Apraxia:
In stroke patients, several forms of apraxia have been associ- Historical Models
ated with unilateral lesions to the left or right hemisphere. In
patients with left hemisphere damage, apraxia often coexists with Linguists and neurologists of the late nineteenth century identi-
aphasia; in patients with right hemisphere lesions, apraxia is fied the phenomenon of apraxia as part of aphasia, as a deficit
often associated with a visuospatial disorder. While co-occurring in ‘recognising the use’ of tools, or as a deficit in ‘memories of

4 eLS © 2018, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. www.els.net



kinesthetic perception’ (Platz, 2006; Rothi and Heilman, 1996).

Heymann Steinthal, the nineteenth century German philologist,
Neuroanatomy of Apraxia: Current
is credited for using ‘apraxia’ in scientific literature for the first Thinking
time in the context of deficits in executing skilled motor task
(Rothi and Heilman, 1996). He considered apraxia as an ‘ampli- Dual-pathway model
fication of aphasia’ (Goldenberg, 2014). Hugo Karl Liepmann
(1863–1925), through systematic analysis of neuropathological Studies in the 1980s and 1990s revealed the existence of a bilat-
cases at the turn of the twentieth century, proposed that action erally represented ventral and dorsal visual processing streams.
representation is found in the left parietal lobe (Liepmann, 1920). In human models, the ventral ‘what’ stream projects from occip-
To execute an action, he argued that the space-time plan is ital cortex to the inferior temporal cortex, retrieving information
retrieved from the parietal lobe and conveyed to primary motor on identifying an object. The dorsal ‘how’ stream projects from
areas via the left premotor cortex. From this perspective, the occipital cortex to the posterior parietal cortex and mediates visu-
inability to pantomime learned actions in patients with ideomo- ally guided actions directed at an object (Goodale and Milner,
tor apraxia is due to disruption of frontoparietal connections, 1992). Binkofski, Buxbaum and others have developed a praxis
whereas motor strength and limb movements are preserved due model integrating these streams (Binkofski and Buxbaum, 2013).
to an intact corticospinal tract. Left parietal lobe damage was In this model, the inferior parietal lobe integrates ventral occip-
thought to underlie ideational apraxia (disruption of the rep- itotemporal and dorsal parietooccipital streams of higher-order
resentation of action sequences) and left frontal damage was spatial and shape information regarding object use. The dor-
thought to cause the imprecision of actions found in limb-kinetic sal stream was subsequently noted to have two substreams:
apraxia. dorso-dorsal and ventrodorsal. This model suggested that the
Building upon Liepmann’s model, Norman Geschwind con- dorso-dorsal system (the ‘grasp’ system) processes characteris-
ceived of apraxia as a phenomenon of disconnection between tics of a tool such as size, shape and orientation, whereas the
the posteriorly located receptive ‘speech areas’ (temporoparietal ventrodorsal system (the ‘use’ system) is concerned with the stor-
regions), which are the source of programs for motor action, age of object-specific actions (Figure 1). This ‘dual-pathway’
and the association areas located anterior to the primary motor model has gained great momentum in the past decade, with many
areas in the dominant frontal lobe (Geschwind, 1965) Accord- voxel-based morphometric and lesion-symptom mapping stud-
ing to this model, a lesion in the superior longitudinal fascicu- ies in stroke patients opening new frontiers in the neuroanatomy
lus connecting the left inferior frontal lobe to Wernicke’s area of praxis. Kalénine et al., for example identified that impaired
k would, therefore, compromise performance of tasks to verbal semantic gesture recognition was associated with damage to the k
command, while sparing the comprehension of viewed gestures. posterior temporal lobe (posterior middle temporal gyrus) and
The model also recast the idea of ‘language-based’ hemispheric that impaired spatial gesture recognition was associated with
dominance toward dominance of the hemisphere that is the ‘major damage to the inferior parietal lobule. In this context, they note
source’ of motor action programs. Thus, the model explained that the posterior middle temporal gyrus is probably a key node in
why a left-handed patient with right hemispheric stroke can have the association of actions and meanings, whereas the inferior pari-
apraxia of the unparalysed right hand, despite intact language etal lobule helps encode object-related postures and movements
function (Geschwind, 1975). (Kalénine et al., 2010).
Rothi and Heilman provided evidence for dual-component
models of praxis – anterior (execution–production) and posterior
(conceptual–representational). According to this model, repre- Apraxia and aphasia
sentations of objects are stored in the left inferior parietal lobe
(including angular and supramarginal gyri), and transformed Lesional image analyses have also helped parse the complex
into an executive signal by the premotor cortex (including the relationship between apraxia and aphasia. By investigating 50
supplementary motor area); this is utilised by the primary motor subacute stroke patients, Weiss and colleagues showed that in
cortex to perform a gesture (Heilman et al., 1997). Damage those with concurrent aphasia and apraxia, lesions were noted
to anterior areas generally causes production deficits, whereas in the left inferior frontal gyrus, particularly in an anteroventral
posterior damage gives rise to both abnormal gesture production subarea of Brodmann area 44 (BA 44). It is notable that BA
and gesture comprehension, including difficulty discriminating 44 and BA 45 form the traditional ‘Broca’s area’ involved in
between normal and abnormal gestures. Lesion studies have speech production in the dominant hemisphere. Apraxia was
provided substantial evidence for this dual-component model tested in these patients with 3 tasks: pantomiming the use of
(Heilman et al., 1982). a tool, imitation of a meaningful gesture and imitation of a
While all the above models have merits, and the broad princi- meaningless gesture (all shown through pictures). These authors
ples of the neuroanatomical correlates remain true today, none of suggest that the anteroventral subarea of BA 44 is involved
them can adequately explain the anatomical underpinnings and in extracting meaning from sensory information and semantic
physiological mechanisms of the full range of apraxia described processing, and could explain the deficits in pantomiming and
above. Advanced structural and functional brain imaging tech- imitating meaningful gestures in these patients. It was also noted
niques have recently enabled researchers to develop models of that deficits in imitating meaningless gestures correlated with
praxis that provide a more comprehensive account for the deficits strokes involving the postcentral gyrus in the parietal lobe (Weiss
seen in the various types of apraxia. et al., 2016).

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dorsal st
Dorso rea

trodorsal stream

n tr
al s t
rea m

Figure 1 Schematic representation of the anatomic location of the dorso-dorsal, ventro-dorsal and ventral streams (arrows). The main
parts of the parietal lobe are highlighted: postcentral gyrus (blue), the supramarginal gyrus (red), the superior parietal lobule (green) and the angular gyrus
(purple). The arrows representing the streams emerge from the primary visual cortex. The ventral (‘what’) stream projects from the occipital cortex to the
inferior temporal cortex, retrieving information on identifying an object. The dorso-dorsal (‘grasp’) stream processes characteristics of a tool such as size,
shape and orientation. The ventro-dorsal stream (‘use’) stores object-specific actions.

Apraxia in models of gestures and tool action schemata and motor semantics. This process is, therefore,
more demanding and error-prone than imitation of meaningful
use gestures, as was demonstrated in a large study of left and right
Apraxia, due to its interference with pantomiming, offers rich hemispheric stroke patients (Achilles et al., 2016). Studies eval-
k k
opportunities for the study of tool use. Sunderland and others uating praxis in dementia patients have also noted that even mild
evaluated real tool use and action planning in a small sample of AD patients have deficits in imitation of meaningless hand and
four apraxic patients and ten age-matched controls (Sunderland finger postures, suggesting that early atrophy in the inferior pari-
et al., 2011). Under timed conditions, the subjects were asked etal regions in these patients could be placing higher demands
to quickly reach for tools or abstract objects of similar dimen- on visuospatial processing. In contrast, impairment in pantomim-
sions. Apraxic patients frequently did not invert their hand to ing the use of familiar tools may be correlated with deficits in
appropriately grasp inverted tools; this was dissociated from their semantic memory associated with temporal lobe degeneration in
relatively preserved ability to invert the hand and avoid a bar- late-stage AD (Johnen et al., 2015).
rier to grasp an abstract object. The frequency of errors on the In summary, the newer models of praxis propose bilaterally
tool-grasping task correlated with severity of apraxia. represented ventral and dorsal processing streams, with the dor-
Goldenberg and Randerath (2015) reported that strokes involv- sal stream further subdivided into dorso-dorsal and ventrodorsal
ing the supramarginal and angular gyri of the left inferior parietal substreams. The dorso-dorsal or the ‘grasp’ system processes
lobe were associated with defective pantomiming of tool use characteristics of a tool such as size, shape and orientation, while
and imitation of meaningless hand postures. In an analysis of the ventrodorsal or the ‘use’ system stores object-specific actions.
functional imaging and structural lesion studies in the context of The lesions of subareas within Broca’s area could explain deficits
pantomime deficits, Niessen et al. reaffirmed the emerging notion in pantomiming and imitating meaningful gestures. Meaningless
of a left hemispheric fronto-temporo-parietal network underly- gestures, on the other hand, require processing in the absence of
ing pantomiming of tool use. They also confirmed the role of the pre-existing motor action schema and may depend more on visu-
left parietal cortex in both storing and activating motor schemas ospatial processing. The left hemispheric lateralisation of apraxia
for tool use (Niessen et al., 2014). From acute left hemispheric has been consistently demonstrated in large studies of stroke
stroke patients, Hoeren et al. inferred that imitation of mean- patients, and the left fronto-temporo-parietal network involved in
ingless hand and finger gestures is associated with nodes of the pantomiming tool use appears to be intimately involved in the
dorso-dorsal stream, providing visual-motor support for ‘on-line’ development of apraxia.
movement control. Pantomiming the use of tools may addition-
ally require the ventrodorsal and ventral streams, which probably
assist in accessing stored actions and their relationships with tools Testing Apraxia at Bedside
(Hoeren et al., 2014).
Meaningless gestures, due to being novel and unfamiliar, are Ideomotor apraxia is the most straightforwardly visualised limb
thought to be processed without accessing preexisting motor apraxia in a clinical setting and hence has been the focus of

6 eLS © 2018, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. www.els.net



both lengthy and abridged apraxia testing scales. Several apraxia Meaningful and meaningless gestures are tested separately.
scales have been developed over the years and are referenced Imitation of meaningless gestures appears not to be influenced
here (Helm-Estabrooks, 1992; Leiguarda et al., 2014; Tessari by severity of aphasia in left hemispheric stroke patients. Testing
et al., 2015). Individual testing of components of apraxia such as meaningless gestures may be a particularly sensitive way to
conceptual, conduction, visuoimitative and dissociation apraxia detect imitation deficits independently of which hemisphere is
is beyond the scope of this review; below, we aim to provide affected, as it depends less on prior motor engrams and more on
‘practice pearls’ for the general clinician and interested student. visuospatial processing (Achilles et al., 2016).
Reliable testing of apraxia depends on the patient’s ability to
understand commands and move the limbs without weakness. What to look for
Hence, it is important to first assess the patient’s attention, lan-
guage comprehension and motor strength. Pantomiming the use Hesitancy and self-correction, or a lack of smooth movement
of a tool is the most difficult for the apraxic patient. Imitating coordination or ‘gracefulness’ can be seen in milder presentations
the examiner using a tool is less difficult, and demonstrating the of apraxia (Helm-Estabrooks, 1992). Common errors in ideo-
motor praxis include incorrect direction of movements, use of
use of a tool when it is provided to the patient is the least diffi-
the wrong limb, wrong posture of the limb or digits, and use of
cult (Randerath et al., 2011). Hence, we recommend asking the
a body part as the object. The latter is easily recognisable; for
patient to pantomime the use of a tool first; if this fails, we advise
example, when pantomiming the use of a comb, the patient might
asking the patient to imitate the examiner performing gestures; if
run his fingers along his hair, or when pantomiming the use of a
this fails as well, then the patient can be given objects to demon-
toothbrush, the patient might use her index finger as the brush.
strate appropriate gestures involving the object. Items like a pen,
Pretending that the index and middle fingers are the blades of
a key and a pair of scissors that are often found in a hospital or
a pair of scissors when asked to cut a piece of paper is another
office setting can be used. A list of examples of commands and
common error. In some cases, the component movements of a
actions is provided in Table 2.
complex act may be preserved, but objects can be misused (e.g.
Apraxia, particularly when present with other deficits, can help
combing the face instead of the hair) (Helm-Estabrooks, 1992).
localise lesions, and hence it is useful to test praxis of indi-
Looking for errors in the sequencing of actions in a multistep task
vidual limbs, the buccofacial region and axial structures sepa-
can detect ideational apraxia.
rately. Transitive and intransitive gestures are tested separately.
As discussed earlier, apraxia often coexists with aphasia, which
may impair a patient’s ability to understand commands. Severe
k limb apraxia may be associated with impairment in gestures, and
Treatment k
severe orofacial apraxia may be associated with impaired verbal Therapy for apraxia is still experimental, and much of the evi-
communication. Agnosia and spatial neglect are also often associ- dence for targeted rehabilitation comes from studies on stroke
ated with apraxia, especially in strokes, and this may significantly patients. Compared to conventional rehabilitation for aphasia,
impair accurate assessment of apraxia as well. a behavioural training program of gestural exercises has been
The patient’s ability to understand gestures is tested by demon- shown to improve limb apraxia specifically and functional inde-
strating the gestures to the patient and asking her to indicate what pendence generally (Smania et al., 2006). There is some evi-
the action represents. Testing gestured pictures involves showing dence that using communicative gestures alongside rehabilita-
the patient the picture of an everyday item and asking them to tion for aphasia in stroke patients may improve not only the
demonstrate its use through a gesture. Errors in the sequence in practised gestures but also unpractised gestures (Daumüller and
which the components of a complex task are performed are the Goldenberg, 2010; Rose et al., 2013). Anodal stimulation using
hallmark of ideational apraxia. Asking the patient to choose the transcranial direct current (tDCS) over the left parietal cortex
relevant items from a set of objects such as toothbrush, toothpaste, improved ideomotor upper limb apraxia in small samples of
a comb and a spoon and demonstrate how she would brush her CBS patients (Bianchi et al., 2015) and left hemispheric stroke
teeth (for example) may be cumbersome in some clinical settings. patients (Bolognini et al., 2015). Cholinesterase inhibitors shown
Another task would be to ask the patient to demonstrate mailing to improve cognition in dementia have not been specifically stud-
herself a letter (provide paper, envelope and a pen to fold the paper ied for subcomponents of impairments such as apraxia (Liepelt
into the envelope, write the address and seal the envelope). et al., 2007). There is no pharmacologic therapy with evidence
Apraxia of speech in the acute setting of stroke is commonly for improving apraxia currently available.
misdiagnosed as aphasia. Detailed testing at the bedside can
be difficult, but if the patient’s writing and reading/auditory
comprehension are normal, and speech is notable for phoneme Future Directions
prolongation and inter-syllabic segmentation, then apraxia of
speech rather than aphasia should be considered (Polanowska As we have noted here, despite recent progress in the understand-
and Pietrzyk-Krawczyk, 2016). As discussed under section titled ing of network dysfunction underlying apraxia, there remains
‘Clinical Subtypes’, apraxia of speech can distinguish certain disagreement among researchers regarding what specific impair-
FTD variants from AD, in that limb apraxia can be an early fea- ments constitute apraxia. The lack of consensus on nomencla-
ture of the latter. An apraxia of speech rating scale has been ture and the defining criteria for apraxia are also evident. Larger
recently developed (Strand et al., 2014). studies with better-defined apraxia cohorts are still lacking.

eLS © 2018, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. www.els.net 7



Table 2 Examples of commands and actions for testing apraxia

Body part and Command/action
type of apraxia
Oral buccofacial ‘pretend to … ’
apraxia • sniff a flower
• suck through a straw
• bite an apple
• blow out a candle
• lick ice cream on a cone

Axial (proximal) ‘show me … ’

transitive • how you will swing a bat or a golf club
• the posture of a boxer
• how you dribble a basketball
• how you kick a soccer ball
• using a bow and arrow at a target practice

Distal (limb) transitive ‘imagine you have … ’

• a comb in your hand and show how you would comb your hair
• a hammer and pretend hammering this imaginary nail
• a toothbrush and show how you brush your teeth
• a pair of scissors in your hand and show how you would cut a sheet of paper

Intransitive meaningful ‘Show me how you will … ’

gestures • wave goodbye
• salute an officer
k • wipe sweat off your forehead k
• stop the traffic in the middle of the road
• blow a kiss
• fold hands in a prayer
• make an ‘OK’ signa
• make a victory signa

Intransitive These are made-up meaningless hand and body gestures. Examples include:

Gestured pictures: Show the patient pictures of everyday items and say, ‘here is the picture of a spatula; here is how I would
use the spatula’
Ask the patient to demonstrate the use of the item in the picture using a gesture
Examples of items:
Pen, Spatula, Whistle, Key, Toothbrush, cone ice cream, paintbrush, bow and arrow
Ideational apraxia Patient must be provided with a set of items to do a task. Observe for appropriate use of items, and
sequence of actions.
‘Show us how you brush your teeth’
Provide: a toothbrush, toothpaste, a spoon and a comb
‘Show us how you would mail a letter’
Provide: a piece of paper, and envelope, and a pen to write the address
a Some of these gestures can be different, depending on the cultural background of the patient.

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Correlating in vivo imaging data with neuropathological eval- the imaged concentrations of tracer indicate tissue metabolic
uation of the same patients – the current gold standard for activity through the regional glucose uptake.
diagnosing neurodegenerative diseases such as CBD – would Praxis The process by which a theory, lesson or skill is
undoubtedly lend greater insight into the precise neuroanatomical enacted, practised, embodied or realised.
correlates underlying various apraxia types. Until then, network Voxel-based morphometry (VBM) A neuroimaging analysis
models of apraxia will remain imperfect in their ability to explain technique that allows investigation of focal differences in
disparate clinical observations. brain anatomy, VBM registers every brain to a template,
which gets rid of most of the large differences in brain
Glossary anatomy among subjects. The brain images are then smoothed
so that each voxel (a volume element representing a value on
Alien limb phenomenon A clinical finding in which there is a regular grid in three-dimensional space) represents the
involuntary movement of the hand or foot, which is not average of itself and its neighbours. Finally, the image volume
recognised by the limb’s owner as his/her own; the patient’s is compared across brains at every voxel.
limb moves as if on its own volition.
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