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PTCL Internship Report 2020

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Internship Report Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited
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May 29, 2019May 29, 2019 adminadmin 0 Comments

Internship Report
Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited
Submitted by:
Khaizar Hayat
Supervised by:
Sir Noman Shafi

Thanks to ALLAH Almighty I have successfully completed my 6 weeks internship
as per requirement of B . C O M Degree. I was appointed as an internee at
telecomm. office PTCL, HYDERABAD.My internship started on 15-01-2020 and
ended on 26-02-2020, with the official working hoursstarting from 9am to 5pm. I
worked here in Revenue Department.The basic objective of my internship to know
the issues related to finance department & to knowfind out problems regarding the
theoretical concepts with practical experience working in anorganization during
my internship. With the emerging trend of computerized system the load ofwork
can be decreased. It is not easy to implement a system immediately it take a lot of
time.so itis important for the organization to develop a research for redesigning the
operations organization.Fresh graduates have more knowledge about business
administration and skills in informationtechnology.To update the skills, it is
suggested to develop human resource training programs for freshgraduates. PTCL
is the largest telecommunication company in Pakistan and almost all over
thePakistan no other company is as famous as PTCL especially for landline
services.With employee strength of 80,000 and 5.7 million customers PTCL is
enjoying the leading positionin telecommunication industry. This report with other
helpful material also contains SWOTanalysis which is useful in academia and for
organization as well.

This project is dedicated to my parents who ever wished to see me as a successful
person inevery field of my life. May they live long (Ameen)

Him belongs the dimension of
the Heavens and the earth, it is
He who gives life
and death and He haspower
over all
All praise to Allah Almighty, the most merciful, kind, and
source of all knowledge and wisdom.All respect and
possible tributes goes to my Holy Prophet Mohammad
(SAW), who is foreverguidance and knowledge for all
human beings on this earth. I am really every thankful to
Sir QamarIqbal for his cooperative attitude during the
completion of my internship report. He helped andsupport
me during gathering and analyzing information.

“In the Name of Allah most Merciful and most Beneficent”
I am very thankful to Almighty Allah who gave me the opportunity, courage and insight to work
in a prestigious organization and for His blessings that have brightened in all parts of my lives
and my parents whose prayers always supported me in every task. A whole heartedly Thank
you to Mam Shahida who helped me in every way to secure my internship spot at PTCL. I am
grateful to my exceptional and devoted supervisor Mr. NOMAN SHAFI for providing me with the
best of his supervision and guiding me through thick and thin. I am also thankful to all staff at
PTCL, for their valuable guidance and support throughout the internship period. They
collectively helped me understand the office environment and how to adhere to the challenges
faced in our daily life. Furthermore, I would like to thank Mr. Aamir Siddiqui (Manager Budget
Control) for helping us from the very start and rotating our departments at regular intervals. He
especially deserves my thankfulness for his cooperation and guidance during the course of my
EXECUTIVE SUMMARYInternship is the essential element of BBS degree Program and has
two credit hours allocated. I have done my internship in the Finance department of Pakistan
telecommunication company limited zonal office in Islamabad. This internship report comprises
of all the information about my work experience with the PTCL.
I was first sent to the PTCL Head Quarters located in G-8/4 for the interview and then
reallocated to the North Zonal Office in Sector F-5. I was sent under direct supervision of
General Manager Finance (North Zone). The report covers all the aspects of PTCL’s structure
and design. In 1947 the Department of Posts and Telegraph was established and in 1962 the
Department of Telephone and Telegraph came into being. In December 1990 Pakistan
Telecommunication Corporation (PTC) took over operations and functions from Pakistan
Telephone and Telegraph Department. In 1996 PTCL was formed after privatization and issued
600 million shares and got listed on all stock exchanges of Pakistan. From establishments it has
contributed a lot to the development of telecommunication in the country. Pakistan
Telecommunication Company Limited not only provides conventional telephone facilities, it also
offers optical fiber services to the private sector. They provide services for home and for
business use. The CEO and President of PTCL is Dr-Daniel Ritz. PTCL is providing number of
services and products to its customers such as the facility of landline, EVO wireless broadband,
Broadband Pakistan, IPTV service (Smart TV), V-fone, Satellite communication and
International. In April 2006, Etisalat international Pakistan, has assumed management control of
Pakistan Telecommunication Company Ltd (PTCL) – part of the $2.6bn deal to buy a 26% stake
in PTCL. The organization structure followed by PTCL includes the decisions made by the top-
level management, stroked rules and regulations, mixture of both
narrow and wide span of control, much of the authority is in the hands of top-level managers,
and the jobs are performed according to the functions performed.
The purpose of this report is to explain my tenure of six weeks as an intern at PTCL, highlight all
the work that I did. To assess the strengths, weaknesses opportunities and threat which I may
find during my internship and to adhere to the working environment which is more or less same
in any other organization.
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONSPTCLPakistan Telecommunication Company Limited
ADPAnnual development program
CDMA Code Division Multiple Access
CAPEXCapital Expenditure.
ERP Enterprise Resource Planning.
EVPs Executive Vice Presidents
GSM Global system for Mobile
IPTV Internet Protocol Television
IRR Internal Rate of return
I.G.E International Gateway Exchange
OPEX Operational Expenditure
PR Press Releases
P ; T Pakistan post and telegraph department
PT;T Pakistan post and telephone department ; Pakistan telegraph department.
PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network
S.D.R Special Drawing rights
SEVPs Senior Executive vice Presidents
SOEs State-owned corporations
TSTV Time Shifted TV
SANSales Acceptance Note
CRMCustomer Relationship Management
PATProvisionally Associated Team
FY06Fiscal Year 2006
SM Senior Manager
Table of Contents
_Toc524673143 h 5CHAPTER 1 PAGEREF _Toc524673144 h 8INTRODUCTION TO THE
_Toc524673146 h 10VISION PAGEREF _Toc524673147 h 11MISSION PAGEREF
_Toc524673148 h 11CORE VALUES PAGEREF _Toc524673149 h 12OBJECTIVES:
_Toc524673153 h 18FINANCE DEPARTMENT PAGEREF _Toc524673154 h 19CHAPTER 2
PAGEREF _Toc524673155 h 20PERSONAL WORKING PAGEREF _Toc524673156 h
20CAPEX Department PAGEREF _Toc524673157 h 20Revenue Department PAGEREF
_Toc524673158 h 25Budgeting Department PAGEREF _Toc524673159 h 27CHAPTER 3
PAGEREF _Toc524673160 h 28SWOT ANALYSIS PAGEREF _Toc524673161 h
28STRENGTHS PAGEREF _Toc524673162 h 28WEAKNESSES PAGEREF _Toc524673163 h
29OPPORTUNITIES PAGEREF _Toc524673164 h 31THREATS PAGEREF _Toc524673165 h
32CHAPTER 4 PAGEREF _Toc524673166 h 34CONCLUSION PAGEREF _Toc524673167 h
PAGEREF _Toc524673169 h 36
independence, telecommunication services were provided by a single department known as
Pakistan post and telegraph (P;T).With only 12346 telephone lines and seven telegraph offices
all over Pakistan this department started its services. In 1962 Ayub khan government decided to
divide this department into two separate departments, Pakistan telephone ; telegraph (PT;T)
and Pakistan post. PT;T department was altered into Pakistan Telecommunication Corporation
with a legal identity separate from the government on 5th December 1990. Pakistan
telecommunication corporation spread the network of its services all over the Pakistan in its five
years’ time and the total number of telephone lines expanded TP 2127344 in addition to
telegraph the telex services. At the end of 1995 the total number of employees was 53705.
PTCL also improved the international communication. On January 1st 1996, Pakistan
telecommunication corporation (PTCL) was transformed into Pakistan telecommunication
company limited (PTCL) under Pakistan telecommunication reorganization act 1996 according
to which Pakistan telecommunication company limited (PTCL) took over all the assets, rights,
properties and obligations of Pakistan telecommunication corporation. The telecommunication
sectors were split up into four bodies under the PTCL reorganization act, 1996.
Pakistan Telecommunication Company limited (PTCL)
Frequency allocation board (FAB)
Pakistan telecommunication authority (PTA)
National Telecommunication Corporation (NTC)
Pakistan Telecommunication Company limited (PTCL) is the leading Information and
Communication Technology Service Provider in the area; they are the connection that permits
global communication. They are determined towards mobilizing the world for the future. Since
its conversion from a public sector corporation into a publicly listed corporate entity in 1996,
PTCL has executed an aggressive restructuring plan, the major aim of which is to improve
profitability through increased efficiency and customer focus and to train the company for the
highly competitive surroundings.In April 2006, Etisalat International Pakistan, which is
commonly known as Etisalat, has assumed management control of Pakistan
Telecommunication Company Ltd (PTCL) – part of the $2.6bn deal to buy a 26% stake in PTCL.
Ufone (Pakistan Telecom Mobile Ltd) a wholly-owned subsidiary of PTCL started its operations
on January 29th 2001 as a GSM 900 service provider. Since its beginning, it has stretched its
customer base and coverage at a quick pace and established itself as one of the top cellular
service providers in the country. Ufone is now measured to be one of the most aggressive,
innovative and active players in the mobile industry of Pakistan.
COMPANY PROFILEWith employee strength of 18,000 and 5.7 million customers, PTCL is the
largest telecommunications provider in Pakistan. PTCL also continues to be the largest CDMA
operator in the country with 0.8 million V-fone customers.
The company maintains a leading position in Pakistan as an infrastructure provider to other
telecom operators and corporate customers of the country. It has the potential to be an
instrumental agent in Pakistan’s economic growth. PTCL has laid an Optical Fiber Access
Network in the major
metropolitan centers of Pakistan and local loop services have started to be modernized and
upgraded from copper to an optical network.
On the Long Distance and International infrastructure side, the capacity of two SEA-ME-WE
submarine cable is being expanded to meet the increasing demand of International traffic.
VISIONTo be the leading Information and Communication Technology Service Provider in the
region by achieving customer satisfaction and maximizing shareholders’ value’.The future is
unfolding around us. In times to come, we will be the link that allows global communication. We
are striving towards mobilizing the world for the future. By becoming partners in innovation, we
are ready to shape a future that offers telecom services that bring us closer
To achieve our vision by having:
An organizational environment that fosters professionalism, motivation and quality
An environment that is cost effective and quality conscious
Services that are based on the most optimum technology
“Quality” and “Time” conscious customer service
Sustained growth in earnings and profitability
CORE VALUESProfessional Integrity
Customer satisfaction
Team Work
Loyalty to company
OBJECTIVES:The following objectives are as follow:
The primary objective of Pakistan Telecommunication Company limited is to satisfy the
telecommunication needs of its customers. Such as Public data network, integrated services,
and internet services.
To improve and expand the services up to the rural areas, and to minimize the expenses to earn
more profit.
To introduce the computerized directory Telecom services all over the country.
Plain, establish and maintain telecommunication.
To enhance efficiency, improved quality and expand the system to meet customer satisfaction
and improved services on demand.
To introduce new services of audio tax and video conferencing for the business community.
An Organizational Structure clarify the roles of personnel of an organization and to determine
right person for the right job, which is responsible for what, objectives to be achieved, who is to
report to whom and to remove the obstacles for performance caused by confusion and
uncertainty of job assignment as well as to make easy decision- making and communication
networks reflecting and supporting organization objectives.
The head of Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited is “President”.
Then there are the SEVPs (Senior Executive Vice Presidents) i.e. SEVP (Finance), SEVP
(Operations), SEVP (Technical), SEVP (Human Resource Management), SEVP (Marketing ;
Business Development) and SEVP (Legal affairs). Then there is a chain of Executive Vice
Presidents (EVPs) like EVP (Finance Central), EVP (Marketing), EVP (HR Central), EVP Hailey
College of Commerce, University of the Punjab, Lahore (Accounts), EVP (Operation), EVP
(Information Technology, Training ; Research), and EVP (Revenue). All these are appointed at
Pakistan Telecommunication Company, Headquarters at G-8/4, Islamabad. Apart from these
EVPs, there are also EVP (Operation), EVP (HR) etc. who are heading the other regions of
PTCL in major cities country wide. Then there are Chief Engineers and General Managers at
H/Qs who report to their relevant EVP. Then there are Senior Managers, Deputy Directors,
Assistant Directors, Account Officers, Assistant Account Officers, Financial Analysts, Marketing
Managers, Computer Programmers, and IT Specialists etc. There are also Regional Heads
(General Managers) to head PTCL Regions then comes the Senior Managers Operations),
Senior Engineers
(Operations), Engineers to look after the telecom system of Regions. In non-gazette staff there
are Engineering Supervisors Operations /Switching /Power plant /Optical Fiber system/M. W
Corporate Development
Pro ; Admin
Special projects
BZ North
BZ South
Sr. Manager
Company Secretary
Internal Audit
Corporate Development
Pro ; Admin
Special projects
BZ North
BZ South
Sr. Manager
Company Secretary
Internal Audit
Every organization is divided into definite departments. Each department performs different kind
of jobs and requires staff with specialized skills to handle particular job. This increases the
efficiency of workers.
The PTCL Head Office is comprised of several departments. The division is made on the basis
of function they perform. Hence it can be concluded that PTCL has adopted the policy of
functional departmentalization. The main departments of PTCL are mentioned below.
1. Human Resource Management Department
2. Finance Department
3. Commercial Department
4. Operational Department
5. Technical Department
6. I.T Department
7. Corporate Affairs Department
8. Special Projects Dept
9. Sales Department
FINANCE DEPARTMENTThis department is divided into following three sub-sections:
Accounts and Budgeting
The Finance Wing deals with the revenue matters of the company ; the Accounts Wing is
responsible for proper book–keeping of the financial transactions, commercial audit ;
preparation of periodic accounts of the company.
Finance is the backbone of every organization because without finance any organization can’t
run its business. It plays an important role in determining the long-term objectives and
evaluating the feasibility of the business. The financial activities of PTCL have been split up into
three major branches:
Finance, Accounts & Revenue. The details regarding this section will be covered in finance
section with reference to my internship report.
The total internship period was about 6 weeks, from 3-August-2018 to 14-September 2018
The first department where is worked is revenue department. There is no paperwork, all the job
is done through emails and digitally
On the first day we met G.M Finance North. He reassigned us to sub-departments.
I wassent to Revenue and Collection department. The first department where is worked is
revenue department.
Our manager gave us basic orientation on first day . On The second day we were told about all
the terms that were used in PTCL monthly bills. After that we learnt about PTCL portals which
included E-Reports, Customer Relationship management (CRM) and Business Intelligence (BI)
There is no paperwork, all the job is done through emails and digitally
There are four portals used in Revenue. These are:
Billing section
RMS (Receivable Management System)
Recovery console
CRM (Customer Relationship Manager)
Billing section
In which they have different traffic provided to the customer and accordingly provided to the
traffic the bills have generate. They have different traffics provided to the customer as following:
Local calls, broadband, international calls.
RMS (Receivable Management System)
Receivables Management System deals complete with the issuance of the numbers and it’s
customers. It’s uses are:
Manual Block Restores
A defaulter’s number can be blocked due to nonpayment for a period of three months. The
number is actually blocked by two ways
In which the user can only listen to incoming calls and cannot make out going calls.
The user cannot receive of dial any kind of call.
Recovery console
In which three aspects are included:
Bill payment
Installment applies
System batch print
CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
It is a report in which all the solved and unsolved numbers are recorded. Once a problem is
rectified, it is also written back in CRM from where it came from in the first place to record who
was on the job and from where did the problem came from.
The task which assigned to us on daily basis was to match consumer revenue with
services provided to them and to check whether were they either being
overcharged/undercharged or not.
I learnt about the formulae and methods that were used in M.S Excel related to that particular
They then engaged me with the month end financial reports and showed me the copies of their
financial statements
I was working with 3 other internees and 2 permanent employees so I learnt working in a team
and how it increases efficiency of work and work done in the easiest and quick way
Preparing report
I prepard the billing report of customers for TCS Courier (Tranzum Courier Services)
The payment section consisted of two branches. The OPEX and the CAPEX. I was stationed in
the OPEX for a time period of 2 weeks where I learned the whole procedure of how the PTCL’s
OPEX. The very first thing that I learned was that everything originated right back from the
headquarters where they review and assess all the proposals from the zones all around
On my first day in OPEX, I learnt about the process of OPEX and how it worked
I learnt about the basics of SAP and all the commands and methods of SAP related to that
I myself Parked and Posted the bills in SAP
BUDGETING DEPARTMENTIn budgeting department I learnt about the budget and how the
budget of PTCL was made.There wasn’t much work here mainly because the Senior Manager
and the Manager both were given the task of allocating the budget. They simply have to
supervise and maintain a complete check in balance of to whom they have to forward the
budget, how much is left and where should it be utilized. It is very important for the Manager and
Senior Manager that the budget must be used in the project for which it is allotted.
PTCL has no competitor in the market and other companies are legally not allowed enter in
competition with PTCL before 2003. So PTCL is performing its activities freely without any
Leadership in The Market
PTCL is leading Company to provide telecom facilities in the Pakistan. PTCL aims at using the
latest technology in the field of engineering and IT for its services. It is also getting constancy
from international Companies in order to remain leader in telecom sector.
Financial Resources
PTC earns billion of rupees as profit per year and has enough money in its general reserve. It
also has debit as a major source of capital. These adequate financial resources not only enable
the Company to cope with any unexpected event but no deploy its resources to increase its
product line.
Modern Technology
PTCL is running modern technology to develop its products and services and improve the
quality of services. In this connection it has replaced the old exchanges with new digital
exchanges. It has computerized billing system. Due to this technology thousands of complaints
have been reduced. PTCL has also entered in the business of Mobile phone and Internet
Optional Polices and Compensation
Best and optional policies and attractive compensation packages for employees, which has
really improved their commitment, dedication and hard work towards the achievement of
organization goals.
Human Resource Development
Human resource development and employment of technology towards modern development.
Wide Distribution Channels
Easy access to the customers at their residential localities through wide distribution channel.
WEAKNESSESPublic image
Many people bad mouth PTCL just because it’s a government firm. Even though there are some
faults on their side but a lot of bed reputation comes along just for being a government
Ambiguity in Strategic Direction
PTCL is doing business very well but only to that extent to which customers respond. Although
PTCL is generating revenue from its value-added services but it doesn’t have any solid financial
strategic outline, which can cope the entire complex financial situation, and also ambiguity
exists in implementation strategic financial plans. Externally, PTCL has no competitors so it has
no benchmark to gauge financial performance of its different departments with those of
Promotions are done on the basis of seniority not knowledge and skills. Most of the times less
knowledgeable and less skilled employees are promoted who have little knowledge about the
modern working methods due to which overcoming challenges is difficult whereas the skilled
employees have to work under them which affects the overall performance
Lack of Human Resources Management
PTCL has no human resources management department. It doesn’t have clear policy regarding
hiring & training of work force. In PTCL, for most of the jobs there is no job work & evaluation of
performance of employees.
Lack of Training Program
There is no proper training program to improve the skill of PTCL employees to cope with ever-
changing telecommunication sector. Less skilled & inefficient workers are creating hurdles in its
No Effective Marketing Department
There is no effective marketing department in the Organization. There is only marketing officer
working as a manager, further more marketing staff in the field region is also not available.
Customer Dissatisfaction and Delayed Responses
Many customers of PTCL are not satisfied with its services because of wrong billing, late
delivery of bills and delayed responses for any fault in the telephone. Some customer complains
that they received their bills in full amount although they have stayed out of the home and had
not use the telephone at all.
There is no inclusion or company culture and approaches among the officers of PTCL and
mostly their behavior with general public is still bureaucratic and their approach is not objective
or profit-oriented.
Customer Service
Customer care service is very poor. One has to wait a lot of time to talk to the customer service
officer and all they do is give 48 hours of time to solve their issue/
Skillful human resources:
PTCL can improve the skill of its manpower by providing them the opportunities of advanced
courses that will make them to cope with the ever-changing condition in field of
Telecom Facilities in Rural Areas
All the value-added services and digital facilities are available only in the main cities of Pakistan.
PTCL can expand its business by providing telecom facilities in rural areas, which is only
possible when adequate planning is done.
PTCL can also improve the human resources by the selection of competent person for different
departments and this can only possible by discouraging the corruption and favoritism.
Addition to The Product Line
Top management of Organization can make additions to its existing product line by providing
more services. In this way it can increase its revenue and customer satisfaction. This requires
market research.
PTCL has already captured the industry so all kind of the opportunities are for PTCL till the end
of monopoly.
Market Size
As PTCL is currently the largest Telecom Sector in Pakistan, the market size is huge and if
PTCL manages to capture it all, it shall gain huge amount of investments.
Provide incentives and motivation to enhance efficiency of staff
PTCL have an opportunity to provide benefits on good performance. These benefits can be
provided in form increase in salary, allowances, bonuses etc. these benefits can be providing in
order to encourage and motivate employees.
THREATSStrategy of New Management
With the change of the management, most of the employees are working under pressure. They
are disturbed due to fear and tension created by the new management. As the new
management has its first step to remove the unnecessary and unskilled employees from
the organization. So, in this perspective the performance and efficiency of the employees is
Mobile Companies
Many mobile companies such as Mobilink, Warid Telecom, and Telenor are threats for PTCL.
People are increasingly using mobiles and ignoring PTCL land line network.
Government Legislation
Government policies can affect the performance of PTCL. Hence government policies will be a
real threat for PTCL if they are not in favor of PTCL business activities. This can affect the
recruiting policies of PTCL.
At the end of the monopoly, competitors will enter the industry and the completion will increase
as a result of which they will offer high pays and facilities to skill-person of the industry. This can
increase the turnover of PTCL, which can create a serious threat for the organization.
CHAPTER 4CONCLUSIONDuring my internship I have noticed following things.
Although PTCL is still a monopoly but they still have to achieve a lot because Nayatel is gaining
popularity and many others are now switching to Nayatel because of its high-speed internet. But
at the moment, PTCL can enjoy being the best ISP and Landline provider all over Pakistan.
Here are some of my conclusions.
The employees were not trained enough and were not having enough knowledge about the
work they were performing.
PTCL management should give more emphasis towards customer satisfaction, delight and
Downsizing employees from 65000 to 18000, they still have many employees who sit idle in
their office all day.
PTCL revenue is decreasing due to arrival of market competitors in the country, so the
management should adopt special careful steps to face this competition environment.
The workload is not equal in the departments. Some departments don’t even have a proper
team to work with.
There exists a huge amount of outstanding bills to be collected by the defaulters. The company
should frame tight and effective policies to ensure the collection of its outstanding bills. The
revenue officers should be provided incentives and bonuses on achieving the determined
targets of revenue collection.
With top management, lower level employees should also be invited in the meetings and
seminars so that they can be able to give their opinions and suggestions. These opinions and
suggestions can benefit the organization and for taking any decision they should take lower
management in confidence.
PTCL should recheck its marketing strategies as currently very few people know the services
offered by PTCL. It should install more billboards, use print and electronic Medias.
Less educated staff reduces the performance growth of the department in general and of the
organization as a whole.
The employees and workers of the organization do not come on time
No proper procedure of installing new connections due to which the complaints increase and
also some customers lose their confidence in the Broadband connections.
In order to meet the new world challenges, it is very important for PTCL to bring some
new changes in the existing system. With the implementation of the state-of-the-art technology
PTCL would be able to compete and face the challenges of the new world.
Only those people should be promoted to the upper level who has desired skills.
Upper management must provide proper trainings related to technology to it’s employees,
especially the old, it will help them in implementation of new techniques of working
PTCL should communicate changes to its key people (top management and down wards). By
sharing information and ensuring its acceptance, there are some other suggestions which
should adopted by the management to improve the efficiency.
There is a communication gap between Top management and lower management which should
be removed. This can boost the morale of lower management as well as productivity
There should also good relationship between middle management and clerical staff. If the
middle management and clerical staff cooperate with each other than the strong relationship is
There should be a good working environment in the offices. This
isimportant as productivity is dependent on healthy working conditions. This includes both
physical and intangible working environment.
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