Factors Affecting Prenatal Development From The Sunnah and Contemporary Psychology
Factors Affecting Prenatal Development From The Sunnah and Contemporary Psychology
Factors Affecting Prenatal Development From The Sunnah and Contemporary Psychology
Marriage is a social and spiritual contract whereby a man and woman. This
article underlines the factors affecting prenatal period from the perspectives
of the Sunnah and contemporary psychology. Prenatal period begins with
conception and ends at birth i.e. until nine months of pregnancy,)1( which
sometimes lasts for six months.)2( The Sunnah, however, is considered unique
in stating a child’s developmental stages from conception to birth in the
mother’s womb as mentioned in tradition: a drop of semen, a clot, and a little
lump of flesh.) 3( Prenatal development is defined as, “all growth and
elaboration of organic structures in a fetus that takes place from the moment
of conception until birth.”) 4( The following section delineates the factors
affecting the development during prenatal stage from the Sunnah and
contemporary psychology realms.
Factors Affecting Prenatal Development from the Sunnah Perspective
Indeed, Islam sheds light on the importance of children even before
birth and stresses on their complete care.) 5( The Sunnah gives prime
importance to the prenatal child care for a healthy and secure birth and
describes a number of factors that can influence the prenatal development.
The following discussion depicts common factors affecting the prenatal stage
positively or negatively from the Sunnah perspective:
i. Prophetic Supplications for the Prenatal Child-Care
The Sunnah introduces the supplications related to the prenatal care of
children. For example, the Prophet (peace be upon him) used to congratulate
a newly-married person with the supplication of Allah’s blessings and
goodness in all matters of life including children.
“Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet (peace be upon him)
would say, when he wished to congratulate someone who got
(1) Abdul Rahmā n, Al-‘Ī swī , Psychologia al-Tanshi’a al-Ejtimā ‘iyyah (Al-Iskandria:
Dā r al-Fikr al-Jā mi‘ī , 1984–85), p. 40.
(2) Mā lik bin Anas, al-Mu’aṭ ṭ ā (Abu Ẓ abī : Mu’assasat Zā yid bin Sulṭ ā n, 2004),
(3) Bukhā rī , Muḥ ammad bin Ismā ‘ī l, Ṣ aḥ ī ḥ al-Bukhā rī , (Riyā ḍ : Dā russalā m,
2007), 1/217.
(4) The Cambridge Dictionary of Psychology, ed. David Matsumoto, (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 2009), p. 397.
(5) ‘Aṭ iyya bin Muḥ ammad, Sā lim, Sharḥ Bulū gh al-Marā m, (Riyā ḍ : Maktabah
Shā mila, n.d.), 136/ 9.
Factors Affecting Prenatal Development 45
((ك َو َج َم َع بَ ْي نَ ُك َما فِى َخ ْير َ ))بَ َار َك اللَّهُ ل
َ َك َوبَ َار َك َعلَْي
“May Allah bless you, and (shower) His blessings upon you, and
combine you together in good.’”
Another tradition mentions the words:
(())بَ َار َك اللَّهُ لَ ُك ْم َوبَ َار َك َعلَْي ُك ْم َو َج َم َع بَ ْي نَ ُك َما فِى َخ ْير
“May Allah bless you [both], and (shower) His blessings upon
you, and combine you together in good.”
The supplication includes all good that can be obtained through it
[marriage], whether the children or anything else. This supplication is the way
[Sunnah] of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) that contains
goodness and blessing [for a marriage]. (3)
Furthermore, the Prophet (peace be upon him) commands a Muslim
husband to recite the supplication before having intimate relationships (sexual
intercourse) with his wife in order to protect themselves and the child from
Ibn ‘Abbā s reported that Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon
him) said: “If anyone of you, when intending to have a sexual
relation with his wife, says:
(4) َّ ِّب
((الش ْيطَا َن َما َرَزقْتَ نَا َّ ))بِ ْس ِم اللَّ ِه اللَّ ُه َّم َجن ِّْب نَا
ِ َو َجن،الش ْيطَا َن
“In the Name of Allah, O Allah! Protect us from Satan and keep
Satan away from what you will give us.”
This shows that the Prophet (peace be upon him) motivates us to recite
this blessed supplication before having intimate relationships to protect
ourselves and our children from the harms of Satan.)5( There are different
opinions [of scholars] about the harms [of Satan] including: He [Satan] will
not become dominant upon him [child] because of the recitation of
supplication, he will not harm his [child’s] body, he will not convert his
(1) Abū Dā wū d, Sulaymā n bin Ashʻ ath, Sunan Abi Dā wū d, translated by Yā sir
Qā ḍ i (Riyā ḍ : Dā russalā m, 2008(, 2/544. Hafiz Zubayr ‘Alī Zay said: [This
Hadī th is Ṣ aḥ ī ḥ ].
(2) Ibn Mā jah, Muḥ ammad bin Yazī d, Sunan Ibn Mā jah, trans by Naṣ ī ruddī n al-
Khaṭ ṭ ā b (Riyā ḍ : Dā russalā m, 2007), 3/93. Hā fiz Zubayr ‘Alī Zay said: [This
Hadī th is] Ṣ aḥ ī ḥ .
(3) Abdul Mohsin al-‘Abbā d, Sharh Sunan Abi Dā wū d, (Riyā ḍ : Maktabah Shā milah,
2011), 12/95.
(4) Bukhā rī , Ṣ aḥ ī ḥ al-Bukhā rī , 9/298.
(5) Hamza Muḥ ammad Qasim, Manā r al-Qā rī Sharh Mukhtaṣ ar Ṣ aḥ ī ḥ al-
Bukhā rī (Damascus: Maktabah Dā r al-Biyā n, 1990), 5/117.
Research Journal Al Baṣīrah (Vol: 5, Issue:2) 46
[child’s] faith to infidelity, and he will not harm by joining his [child] father
and mother during intimate relationships, )1(as well as he will not harm the
child physically and psychologically.)2(
ii. Characteristics/ Qualities of the Parent (Husband and Wife) and its
Impacts on Prenatal Development
The Sunnah strongly emphasizes the characteristics of religion and
character while looking for a man and woman for an Islamic marriage. A
tradition clearly mentions the impacts of neglecting a religious man having
best character in the form of turmoil (Fitnah) and discord (Fasā d) in the
society.) 3( Similarly, a tradition highlights the influences of neglecting a
religious woman as: “take possession of (marrying) the religious woman
(otherwise) you will be a loser” )4(and “a pious wife that helps you in your
worldly and religious affairs is better than what people have accumulated”.)5(
Therefore, the husband and wife having religious and pious personality can
provide sound foundations to a family life for the development of children.
Consequently, Muslim husband and wife can provide the best possible
foundations to a happy and joyful family life, which in turn leads towards the
care of their fetus. On the other hand, they may affect the physical and
psychological health of the fetus by neglecting their mutual responsibilities
and rights.
iii. Maternal Diet and its impact on the Fetus
During pregnancy, a woman’s physical health is an important factor
to effect the development and growth of a fetus. A pregnant woman can affect
her fetus in two ways; by eating unlawful things as well as by unbalanced diet.
The Sunnah, in general, recommends Muslims (men and women) lawful food
and prohibits unlawful food. Besides, Allah Almighty does not accept the
worship of the indiviDu‘ā ’l, who nourishes oneself with unlawful things.
Abu Hurairah said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon
him) said: . . . Allah has enjoined upon the believers that which
(1) Abdul Rahmā n bin Abī Bakr, Jalā l al-Dī n, al-Suyū ṭ ī , al-Tas’hī h Sharh al-
Jā mi‘ al-Ṣ aḥ ī ḥ (Riyā ḍ : Maktabah al-Rushd, 1998), 1/310.
(2) Humza Muḥ ammad, Manā r al-Qā rī Sharh Mukhtaṣ ar Ṣ aḥ ī ḥ al-Bukhā rī ,
(3) See Al-Tirmidhī , Muḥ ammad Ibn ʻ Ī sā , Jā miʻ Al-Tirmidhī , translated by Abu
Khalī l (Riyā ḍ : Dā russalā m, 2007), 2/455. Shaykh Albā nī said: [This Hadī th is]
Hasan. Nasiruddin, al-Albā nī , Irwā ’Al-Ghalī l (Beirut: Al-Maktab Al-Islā mī ,
1985), 6/266.
(4) Bukhā rī , Ṣ aḥ ī ḥ al-Bukhā rī , 7/32–33.
(5) Al-Bayhqī , Ahmad bin Al-Husayn, Shaʻ ab Al-Ī mā n, (Riyā ḍ : Maktabah Al-Rushd,
2003), 6/247. Shaykh Albanī said: [This Hadī th is] Ṣ ahih. Ṣ aḥ ī ḥ al-Jami‘,
(Damascus: al-Maktab al-Islamī , 2010), 2/812.
Factors Affecting Prenatal Development 47
(1) Sū rah Al-Mu’minū n: 23/51.
(2) Sū rah Al-Baqarah: 2/172.
)3( Muslim, Ṣ aḥ ī ḥ Muslim, 3/59.
)4( Sū rah Al-A‘rā f: 7/31.
)5( Bukhā rī , Ṣ aḥ ī ḥ al-Bukhā rī , 7/373. Also see: Ibn Mā jah, Sunan Ibn Mā jah,
4/493. Shaykh Albā nī said: [This Hadī th is] Hasan. Ṣ aḥ ī ḥ Ibn Mā jah, 2/283.
)6( For example, women are given exemption of prayer and fasting during menses period,
and similarly after the birth of baby for forty days. Author
)7( Al-Nasā ʼ ī , Sunan Al-Nasā ʼ ī , translated by Nasiruddin al-Khattab (Riyā ḍ :
Dā russalā m, 2007), 3/238. Hā fiz Zubayr ‘Alī Zay said: [This Hadī th is] Hasan.
Research Journal Al Baṣīrah (Vol: 5, Issue:2) 48
This shows that He [Allah] has waived half of the prayer from the
traveler for relief, and has waived fasting from the pregnant and breastfeeding
woman because of her child.)1(
iv. Impact of Heredity on the Prenatal Stage
The Sunnah describes the impact of heredity on the physical traits such
as color, shape, and body structure of a child. For example, a tradition
illustrates the physical impact of heredity at prenatal stage by mentioning the
resemblance of a child with parent as:
Anas said: “The Messenger of Allah said: ‘The man’s water is
thick and white, and the woman’s water is thin and yellow.
Whichever of them comes first, the child will resemble (that
This refers to a man and woman’s seminal fluid, and whose fluid
discharges first or becomes dominant and more in volume, the child will get
resemblance of disposition and gender to that parent (father or mother).)3(
Similarly, a tradition explains the resemblance of a child with his/ her
paternal and maternal relatives as:
“. . . If her [woman] water prevails over that of the man, then the
child will resemble his maternal uncles, and if the man’s water
prevails over hers, then he will resemble his paternal uncles.”(4)
In addition, another tradition presents the practical example of
transferring physical characteristics from the parent to the child, whereby a
man complained about the black color of his boy, and the Prophet (peace be
upon him) said:
“May be your latest son has this color because of heredity.”(5)
v. Home Environment and its Impacts on Pregnant Woman
The Sunnah addresses the family life in such a way that promotes and
strengthens a healthy and prosperous and caring home environment for the
development of children personality. There are a number of factors that may
influence the family environment including spouses’ personality, religious
)1( Mahmoud bin Ahmad, Badr Al-Dī n, Al-‘Aynī , Nukhabat Al-Afkā r Fī Tanqī ḥ
Mabanī al-Akhbā r Fī Sharh M‘ā nī al-Ā thā r, 1st ed. (Qatar: Wazā rat al-Awqā f
Wa al-Shu’ū n al-Islamiyah, 2008), 6/379.
)2( An-Nasā ʼ ī , Sunan An-Nasā ʼ ī , 1/135. Hā fiz Zubayr ‘Alī Zay said: The chain of
this [Hadī th] is Ṣ ahih.
)3( Muḥ ammad bin ‘Ali, al-Lu’luwī , Zakhī rat al-‘uqbā Fī Sharh al-Mujtabā , 1st ed.
(Riyā ḍ : Dā r al-Mirā j al-Duwlia, 1996), 4/210.
)4( Muslim, Ṣ aḥ ī ḥ Muslim, 1/429. See also: Bukhā rī , Ṣ aḥ ī ḥ al-Bukhā rī , 6/171–
)5( Bukhā rī , Ṣ aḥ ī ḥ al-Bukhā rī , 7/149–50.
Factors Affecting Prenatal Development 49
)1( Ibn Mā jah, Sunan Ibn Mā jah, 4/386–87. Hā fiz Zubayr ‘Alī Zay said: The chain of
this [Hadī th] is Ṣ ahih.
)2( The Arabic word khamr ( )خمرmeans to veil, cover; to hide, conceal. It is also used for
wine; liquor, alcoholic beverage, and drink, intoxicant, inebriant, booze; alcohol, and
spirits. Rohi Baalbaki, al-Mawrid (Qā mū s): A Modern English Arabic Dictionary, 7th
ed. (Beirut: Dar Al-‘Ilm Lil-Malayī n, 1995), p. 523.
)3( Muslim, Ṣ aḥ ī ḥ Muslim, 5/329.
)4( Ibn Mā jah, Sunan Ibn Mā jah, 4/377. Hā fiz Zubayr ‘Alī Zay said: The chain of this
[Hadī th] is Hasan.
)5( Ibid, 2/451. Nā siruddī n Albā nī said: [This Hadī th is] Hasan. Sunan Ibn Mā jah,
(Beirut: Darul Fikr, n.d.), 1/513.
Factors Affecting Prenatal Development 51
)1( An-Nasā ʼ i, Sunan An-Nasā ʼ i, 3/31–32. Hā fiz Zubayr ‘Alī Zay said: The chain of
this [Hadī th] is Ṣ ahih.
)2( Bukhā rī , Ṣ aḥ ī ḥ al-Bukhā rī , 2/202.
)3( Ibn Mā jah, Sunan Ibn Mā jah, 3/154. Hā fiz Zubayr ‘Alī Zay said: [This Hadī th is]
Ṣ ahih.
)4( Abū Dā wū d, Suanan Abi Dā wū d, 3/29. Hā fiz Zubayr ‘Alī Zay said: [Hadī th is]
Research Journal Al Baṣīrah (Vol: 5, Issue:2) 52
Ibn Abbas narrated that the Prophet (S.W.A) said: “No woman
asks for divorce when it is not absolutely necessary, hut she will
never smell the fragrance of paradise, although its fragrance can
be detected from a distance of forty years travel.”(1)
Moreover, the Prophet (S.W.A) does not recognize the indiviDu‘ā ’l
among his Ummah [not a true follower of Islam], who causes
misunderstanding between husband and wife that leads to a divorce.
Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace be
upon him) said: “He who ruins a woman for her husband, or a
slave for his master, is not of us.”(2)
ix. The Supplication (Du‘ā ’) Therapy for a Pregnant Woman
The Arabic word ‘Du‘ā ’ is translated as prayer, supplication and
invocation.)3( Islamic supplications connect humankind to Allah Almighty to
seek His divine help in all matters of life. The Sunnah recommends Muslims
(male and female) reciting the supplications for the safety and protection from
all mental and physical sicknesses. During pregnancy, a woman undergoes
psychological and physical changes, which may lead her to suffer from
different negative thoughts, emotional swings, and physical problems.
Through supplications by creating a strong bond and firm belief in Allah
Almighty, a pregnant woman can secure herself from all psychological
disturbances and physical problems, which may influence the fetus health in
the womb. The Prophet (peace be upon him) used to recite the supplications
during day and night time particularly after Fajr and Maghreb prayers.)4(
Some specific supplications to deal with the distress situations in general and
during pregnancy in particular are mentioned below:
ِ ش ال َْع ِظ
ُ الَ إِلَهَ إِالَّ اللَّه،يم ِ الَ إِلَهَ إِالَّ اللَّهُ َرب ال َْع ْر،يمِ (( الَ إِلَه إِالَّ اللَّه الْع ِظيم ال
ُ ْحلَ ُ َ ُ َ
)5( ِ ِ ِ
ِ الس َم َوات َوَرب ال َْع ْر
))ش الْ َكريم َّ َرب
“None has the right to be worshipped but Allah, the Majestic, the
Most Forbearing. None has the right to be worshipped but Allah,
the Lord of the heavens and the earth, and the Lord of the
Tremendous Throne.”
)1( Ibn Mā jah, Sunan Ibn Mā jah, 3/175. Hā fiz Zubayr ‘Alī Zay said: [Hadī th is]
)2( Abū Dā wū d, Suanan Abi Dā wū d, 3/19. Hā fiz Zubayr ‘Alī Zay said: [Hadī th is]
)3( Rū hī Ba‘lbakkī . al-Mawrid (Qā mū s), p. 543.
)4( These supplications can be recited and memorized from the book Hiṣ n Al-Muslim
compiled and referenced by Sa‘ī d Ibn ‘Ali al-Qaḥ ṭ ā ni and published by Dā r al-
Ishā ‘at Karachi Pakistan. This book can also be obtained through play store in android
mobile phone. Author
)5( Bukhā rī , Ṣ aḥ ī ḥ al-Bukhā rī , 8/199.
Factors Affecting Prenatal Development 53
parent, as well as negative mood swings which may result in crying and/ or
depression.)1( A range of studies have shown that a mother’s emotional state
may affect the level of birth complications and low birth weight. Prenatal
problems including poor environmental factors seem to produce long-term
negative effects in children.) 2( The emotional state of the mother during
pregnancy can influence the fetus and birth. Such states may range from
positive emotional experiences to general anxiety and/ or low mood to intense
fear and prolonged depression.)3( During early pregnancy, maternal stress may
increase the level of corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH) )4( that is
associated with premature delivery.)5(
iii. Impacts of Maternal Stress on the Embryo and Fetus
Serious prolonged stress in comparison to mild stress may increase the
risk of serious complications during pregnancy.) 6( Recent studies have
examined the effects of induced maternal stress, emotions, and hormonal
changes on fetal functioning.)7( Prenatal maternal stress is associated with
cognitive, behavioral, physical, and emotional problems in children.)8( Studies
have shown that prenatal stress affects physical and functional development
in infants and is associated with more difficult child behavior during the first
10 years of childhood.)9( Maternal stress affects the health of the embryo or
fetus negatively and alters the fetal and infant developmental trajectory by
disturbing hormones (cortisol, gonadotropins, estrogen and progesterone),
nutrient, bold flow and oxygen availability to the embryo or fetus.)10( Bergh
highlighted that several behavioral problems including ADHD)11( in children
)1( Santrock, Children, p. 114.
)2( Bee, The Developing Child, pp. 53, 62.
)3( Santrock, Children, p. 130.
)4( Hobel C. J., Dunkel-Schetter, C., Roesch, S. C., Castro, L. C., and Arora, C. P.,
“Maternal Plasma Corticotrophin-Releasing Hormone Associated with Stress at 20
Weeks’ Gestation in Pregnancies Ending in Preterm Delivery,” in Children, Santrock,
p. 130.
)5( Santrock, Children, p. 130.
)6( Kail and Wicks-Nelson, Developmental Psychology, p. 54.
)7( Di Pietro J. A., et al., “Fetal response to induced maternal stress,” Early Human
Development 11, (2003): pp. 41–45.
)8( King, S., et al., “Prenatal maternal stress from a natural disaster predicts dermatoglyphic
asymmetry in humans,” Developmental Psychology 21, (2009): pp. 343–353.
)9( Mulder E. J. H., et al., “Prenatal maternal stress: effects on pregnancy and the )unborn(
child,” Early Human Development 70, (2002): pp. 3–14.
)10( Kathleen, “Environmental Influences on Prenatal Development and Health,” in Life–
span Perspectives on Health and Illness, ed. Thomas L. Whitman, Thomas V. Merluzzi
and Robert D. White., (London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc., 1999), pp. 94–96.
)11( Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a disability in which children
consistently show one or more of these characteristics over a period of time including
inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Santrock, Children, p. 299.
Research Journal Al Baṣīrah (Vol: 5, Issue:2) 56
Process of
Model of the information from the genotype and environment to determine behavior )2(
vi. Impacts of Teratogens during the Prenatal Period
Teratology is defined as, “the study of birth defects and behavioral
problems that arise from environmental influences during the prenatal
period.” Tetragons are environmental agents that cause disruption to fetal
development.)3( Such agents are also referred to as developmental toxins and
include ethanol, tobacco, rubella, external pressure, radiation, and maternal
stress.)4( A range of studies has confirmed the harmful effects of drug taking
at the prenatal stage and after birth. For example, in the case of smoking
during pregnancy, nicotine contracts the blood vessels and reduces the blood
flow to the placenta; resulting in a decrease in the healthy nutrition of the
fetus.)5( Further, children of smoking mothers have higher rates of behavioral
problems.)6( A mother’s moderate drinking of alcohol, cigarette smoking, a
)1( Peter Hepper, “Prenatal Psychological and Behavioural Development,” pp. 92–113.
)2( This model is drawn from Peter K. Smith, et el., Understanding Children’s
Development, p. 34.
)3( Danuta Bukatko, and Marvin W. Daehler, Child Development, p. 126.
)4( Kathleen J. Sipes Kolberg, “Environmental Influences on Prenatal Development and
Health,” p. 94.
)5( Bee, The Developing Child, p. 53.
)6( Fergusson, D. M., Horwood, L. J., and Lynskey, M. T., “Maternal smoking before and
after pregnancy: Effects on behavioral outcomes in middle childhood,” Pediatrics 92,
(1993): pp. 815–822.
Research Journal Al Baṣīrah (Vol: 5, Issue:2) 58
partner’s smoking, cocaine, marijuana, and heroin use, are not recommended
during pregnancy because they can have deleterious effects on the fetus and
prenatal development.)1( Drugs such as heroin, cocaine, alcohol and tobacco
affect the fetus and unborn children are at greater risk of a variety of problems
and disorders across the lifespan.)2( Recent evidence has shown that children
of moderate or social drinkers have lower IQ (below 85) and a poorer attention
span. Bee recommends cessation of drinking during pregnancy.)3(
vii. Impacts of Family and Social Environment
For healthy prenatal development a stable social environment is
significant. Domestic violence is a serious hazard for pregnant women and
their babies. The pregnant woman’s environment can be seriously impacted
by high-risk family stress and violence as well as the physical condition of
pregnancy. Prenatal care is strongly influenced by life circumstances, ethnic
conditions, and socioeconomic status of women.)4( Significant sociocultural
dimensions that affect prenatal care include; ethnicity, decision making
patterns, religious preference, language, communication style, and common
viii. Genetic Errors during Conception
Genetic errors occur at the moment of conception that cannot be
altered. Such errors lead to conditions such as; Downs syndrome)6( in which
children have distinctive facial features and are typically retarded; Sex-
chromosome anomalies)7( in which children show unusual physical features
and some cognitive deficits; Fragile-X syndrome)8( where children experience
adverse intellectual or behavioral consequences); Single-Gene defects) 9(
where the child inherits a gene for a specific disease).)10( Recessive gene
disorders can occur due to a pair of recessive genes from each parent that the
)1( Santrock, Children, pp. 124–126.
)2( Hoffnung M., et al., Lifespan Development, pp. 85–86.
)3( Bee, The Developing Child, p. 54.
)4( Hoffnung M., et al., Lifespan Development, p. 89.
)5( Santrock, Children, p. 120.
)6( A child has three copies of chromosome due to the failure of proper meiosis. Santrock,
Children, p. 120.
)7( Klinefelter’s syndrome is due to XXY pattern of chromosome that causes boys
underdeveloped testes and learning and language disabilities, whereas Turner’s
syndrome is due to XO or XXX pattern that causes girls sterile. Bee, The Developing
Child, pp. 47–49.
)8( It occurs due to an abnormal section of DNA at a specific location on the X–
chromosome ordinarily from a carrier mother. Bee, The developing child, p. 49.
)9( Mental retardation is caused by 141 diseases or disorders with known genetic loci and
361 more whose loci have not yet been identified. Wahlstrom, J., “Gene map of mental
retardation,” Journal of Mental Deficiency Research 34, (1990): pp. 11–27.
)10( Bee, The Developing Child, pp. 47–49.
Factors Affecting Prenatal Development 59
)1( Hoffnung M., et al., Lifespan Development, p. 71.
)2( Bukhā rī , Ṣ aḥ ī ḥ al-Bukhā rī , 7/326.
)3( Sū rah Ash-Shu’rā : 26/80.