Basf Mastertop 1240 Tds PDF
Basf Mastertop 1240 Tds PDF
Basf Mastertop 1240 Tds PDF
MasterTop 1240 is a coloured industrial flooring Supply form Colour Density
mortar screed based on an advanced solvent-free MasterTop liquid Amber 1.1kg/L
epoxy resin system and selected graded 1200 Part A
aggregates. The mixed mortar is screedable and MasterTop liquid Amber 1.okg/L
can be laid to provide a joint-less topping. Where 1200 Part B
the situation demands, the aggregate content can MasterTop Paste Various 2.0kg/L
be reduced to yield a semi self-smoothing and X1 colour
self-sealing mortar.
Filler F15 powder white 2.6kg/L
RECOMMENDED USES b. Mixed systems
Where a high level of resistance to abrasion is Components Mix ratio by weight
required. It is ideal for: Primer A:B 5.4:3
chemical and pharmaceutical industries Body Coat A:B:X1:F15 5.4:3:0.6:3 to 4 x 22.7
food and beverage industry Sealer A4:B4:X1:F16 5.4:3:0.6:4.5 to 6.5
areas subjected to heavy wear and tear
MasterTop 1705 See datasheet
production and packaging areas
Pot-life (minutes) 100C 200C 300C
wet process areas
manufacturing and storage areas Primer (A/B) 90 45 20
laboratories Body Coat 100 90 45
Sealer (A/B/X1/F16) 90 45 20
Curing time (days)
Chemical, abrasion and impact resistant - Primer (A/B) 5 2 1
Withstands chemical and mechanical attack.
Body Coat 7 3 2
Lower maintenance cost.
Non-slip - Safe working areas. APPLICATION
Wide colour range - Attractive floors. Pleasant Surface Preparation
working environment. The compressive strength of the substrate shall not
PROPERTIES be less than 30 MPa. The concrete slab in contact
with the ground must have a vapour barrier installed
in compliance with DIN 18195 or equivalent. The
(7 days cure @ 20ºC using A4,B4,X1 and F1a)
moisture content of the substrate shall not be higher
Compressive (DIN 1164) 65 MPa than 8% throughout. The temperature of the
substrate must be at least 3oC above the current
Flexural strength (DIN 1048) 35 MPa
dew point temperature.
Bond strength (DIN ISO 4624) > 1.5 MPa Remove oil, grease and wax contaminants by
Abrasion resistance (DIN ISO 98 mg scrubbing with industrial grade detergent or
53154) degreasing compounds followed by mechanical
cleaning. Cement laitance, loose particles, mould
Modulus of elasticity (DIN 1048) 9000 MPa release agents, curing membranes and other
Coeff. of linear expansion (DIN 8 x 10-5 K- contaminants must be removed from the surface by
53752) 1 shot blasting, scarifying or grit-blasting followed by
vacuum cleaning.
Service Temperature : -20oC to
60oC After pre-treatment of the substrate, the bond
strength of the substrate must be at least 1.5 MPa.
Application Temperature : Minimum For filing up surface irregularities such as blowholes,
10oC-35oC cracks, honeycombs, use a MasterEmaco repair
MasterTop® 1240
PRIMER squeegee. The amount of material applied
Mixing determines the smoothness of the finish. Back roll
Use a low electric drill fitted with a paint mixer or a with short hair mohair roller. Depending on the
wing type paddle. Mix one unit of MasterTop 1200 compactness of the mortar, a second sealer coat
part A with MasterTop 1200 part B and mix for at may be required in order to obtain a completely
least 3 minutes or until the mix is uniform in colour sealed surface. This is of particular importance for
and free of streaks. floors that are continuously wet.
Placing TOP COAT
Depending on the substrate condition, apply 0.2 to Following application of the MasterTop 1240, protect
0.3 kg/m2 of the primer, using a roller or squeegee. coated area for at least 24 hours after laying from
MasterTop X1 may be added to help visually in spillage, dust, insects, small animals, traffic, rain,
locating areas where primers are not applied moisture, etc.
BODY COAT For thickness of 4 to 8 mm System
Mixing Product kg/m2 Thickness
Mix MasterTop 1200 part A with MasterTop 1200 mm
part B and MasterTop X1 in a forced action mixer Primer A4:B4 0.2–0.3 0.1–0.2
and mix for at least 3 minutes until the mix is uniform Body Coat A:B:X1:F15 9 to 18 4–8
and free of streaks. Continue to mix slowly adding 3
to 4 bags of F15. Mix for a further 3 minutes until a Sealer A4:B4:X1:F16 0.4–0.6 0.2–0.3
uniform mass and colour is obtained. Top Coat MasterTop 0.4–0.6 See data
Placing 1705 sheet
The Body Coat is applied wet on wet onto the still
tacky primer using a normal steel / wooden trowel.
The mortar is screeded approximately 2 mm higher MasterTop 1200 part A 5.4 kg/pail
than the final compacted thickness using a metal MasterTop 1200 Part B 3.0 kg/can
screed-bar and thickness templates. For larger areas MasterTop X1 colour 0.6 kg/pack
a screed box is recommended. Compacting takes
MasterTop Filler F15 22.7 kg/bag
place with a steel/PVC trowel or a power float for
large areas. MasterTop Filler F16 25.0 kg/bag
Mixing MasterTop 1200 has a shelf life of 12 months.
Use a low speed electric drill fitted with a paint mixer Store out of direct sunlight, clear of the ground on
or a wing type paddle. Mix MasterTop 1200 part A pallets protected from rainfall.
with one pack of MasterTop X1 until the colour is PRECAUTIONS
uniform then add MasterTop 1200 part B, add 4.5 to
6.5 kg of F16 and mix for at least 3 minutes or until For the full health and safety hazard information and
the mix is uniform and free of streaks. how to safely handle and use this product, please
make sure that you obtain a copy of the BASF
Placing Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) from our office
Immediately after mixing, pour the material onto the or our website
BodyCoat. Spread the mixed material using a
ID#MasterTop 1240-ASEANv1-0713
The technical information and application advice given in this BASF publication are based on the present state of
STATEMENT OF our best scientific and practical knowledge. As the information herein is of a general nature, no assumption can be
RESPONSIBILITY made as to a product's suitability for a particular use or application and no warranty as to its accuracy, reliability or
completeness either expressed or implied is given other than those required by law. The user is responsible for
checking the suitability of products for their intended use.
Field service where provided does not constitute supervisory responsibility. Suggestions made by
NOTE BASF either orally or in writing may be followed, modified or rejected by the owner, engineer or contractor since
they, and not BASF, are responsible for carrying out procedures appropriate to a specific application.