Questionnare Black Book
Questionnare Black Book
Questionnare Black Book
The information filled by you will not be disclosed at all and it will be used absolutely for
academic purpose only. Please the appropriate option.
SECTION A: Demographic profile
1) Name:
2) Address
City: State:
3) Mobile no:
4) Email id:
5) Employee in:
6) Designation:
7) Work experience with the company:
Method adopted by capital budgeting by MARUTI SUZUKI & TOYOTA
8) Do your company uses any capital budgeting techniques pay back period (PBP), Net
present value(NPV), internal rate of return(IRR) etc for evaluating investment
(a) YES (b) NO
10) What project size requires a formal quantitative analysis in your company?
(a) 0 to Rs 50,000
(b) 50,001 to 1,00,000
(c) 1,00,001 to 5,00,000
(d) 5,00,001 to 10,00,000
(e) 10,00,001 to 50,00,000
(f) Greater than 50,00,000
11) “Please indicate the relative importance of each of following Quantitative techniques
used in your firm to rank the proposal capital investment and to decide whether or not
they should be accepted for inclusion in the capital budget (on a scale of 1 to 5, where
1= not used, 2= unimportant, 3= somewhat important, 4= important and 5= very
Evaluation Techniques 1 2 3 4 5
13) Which of the following method is favored by your firm in deciding investment project to
(a) Net present value (NPV)
(b) Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
14) Please tick the capital budgeting technique used by you for evaluating various investment
decisions. You may tick multiple techniques if used.
S.NO Investment
1 New Project
2 Expansion of existing
3 Merger / Acquisition
4 Replacement of
5 Leasing of Assets
6 Modernization
7 Process or Product
8 Any other (please
16) In estimating cash flows, how do you treat the following items.
S.NO Particulars Included Excluded
1 Expenses incurred prior to deciding on going ahead
with the project like R&D, market survey, test
marketing, etc.
2 Interest on borrowing
3 Working capital including changes over the life of the
4 Salvage/realizable value from the project at the end
5 Depreciation
6 Income Tax
7 Current market value of an existing resource to be used
in the project (e.g. land)
17) What is the inflation adjustments methods used while estimating cash flows by your
firm? You may tick more than one item.
S.NO Particulars
1 Specify cash flow in constant prices and apply a real rate of return
2 Considered at risk analysis or sensitivity analysis
3 All cash flows expressed in inflated price terms and discounted at
the market rate of return
4 No adjustments
18) Is their at least one member of your employees assigned full time for capital investment
(a) Yes
(b) No
19) For calculating NPV OR IRR your firm use the standard model (e.g. a standard Microsoft
(a) Yes
(b) No
20) What are the level of personnel involved in taking capital budgeting techniques?
(a) Lower level management
(b) Middle level management
(c ) Top level management