Rbe 144 2018

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SING ACHR/GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Ye AATeA/MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (tae GtS/RAILWAY BOARD ) RBE No.!#¥/2018 No. E(P&A)I-2016/RT-16 New Delhi Dated: 20.09.2018 ‘The General Managers, All Indian Railways. Sub: Option to be submitted by Doctors belonging to IRMS and Dental Doctors under the Ministry of Railways to serve the Government upto 65 years - Reg. Ref: 1. Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (DoP&T)’s Notification No. GSR.767(E) dated 11.08.18 (Annexure A). 2. MoH&FW’s OM NO. A.12034/4/2018-CHS.V dated 13.8.18 (Annexure B). In supersession of orders contained in Board’s Letters of even number dated 31.05.16 (RBE No. 57/2016) and 26.12.2017 (RBE No. 205/2017) and in accordance with the orders contained in the DoPRT's Notification No. GSR.757(E) dated 11.08.18 amending Clause (bb) under FR 56 of the Fundamental Rules, 1922, the provisions in respect of age of superannuation of doctors of the Indian Railways Medical Service and Dental Doctors under the Ministry of Railways are modified as stated in the Notification. 2. The age of superannuation of Doctors belonging to IRMS and Dental Doctors under the Ministry of Railways shall be sixty-two (62) years unless they exercise the option of posting to a Clinical post depending upon their expertise and experience, as decided by the Competent Authority in the Ministry of Railways from time to time, in case they desire to continue in their service upto the age of sixty-five (65) years. 3. The serving doctors belonging to IRMS and Dental Doctors under the Ministry of Railways who have already attained the age of 62 years or will be attaining the age of 62 years within 6 months from the date of issue of these orders may exercise their option as per the enclosed format within a period of 30 days from the date of issue of these orders. All other doctors would, in future, be required to submit their option not less than 06 months before their attaining the age of 62 years. The Railway doctors should furnish their option through the Personnel Branches of their respective Railway administrations. 4. The serving doctors who fail to exercise the option within the period specified above shall stand superannuated from service on attaining the age of 62 years or on expiry of the period of 30 days from the the date of issue of these orders, whichever is later. 5. Posting orders involving inter-Railway transfers and for those working in Boards office will be issued by the Railway Board. Orders of CMSs and CMDs in Zonal Railways who cross 62 years of age and opt to serve in a Clinical post and who are posted on the same Railway itself would be issued by the Zonal Railway administration themselves, 6. Copies of options exercised by the Railway doctors should be forwarded to the Board’s office (Secretary's Confdi. Cell) for record and necessary action. 7. Allist of administrative posts identified by the Ministry of Railways and designations of IRMS officers after 62 years is annexed (Annexure C) 8. These instructions are available online at www. indianrailways.gov.in, 9. These instructions may be brought to the notice of all doctors belonging to IRMS and Dental Doctors under the Ministry of Railways. 10. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. 11. Kindly acknowledge receipt. Hindi version will follow. a 3) (N.P. Singh) DA: As above Jt. Director Estt. (P&A) Railway Board No. E(P&A)I-2016/RT-16 New Delhi, dated 20.09.2018 Copy to the Deputy Comptroller and Auditor General of India (Railways), Room No.224, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi (with 40 spares). SAC, 5 Eas for Financial Commissioner/Railways No. E(P&A)I-2016/RT-16 New Delhi, dated 2¢09.2018 Copy forwarded to:- 1. The General Secretary, AIRF, R.No.253, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi.(with 35 spares). 2. The General Secretary, NFIR, R.No.256-€, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi.(with 35 spares). 3. The Members of the National Council, Departmental Council and Secretary, Staff Side, National Council, 13-C, Ferozeshah Road, New Delhi.(with 60 spares). 4. The Secretary General, FROA, R.No.256-A, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi.(with 5 spares). 5. The Secretary, RBSS, Group ‘A’ Officer Association, R.No.402, Rail Bhawan (with 5 spares). The President, Railway Board Class Il Officers’ Association. The Secretary General, IRPOF, Room No.341-C, Railway Board. The President, Indian Railway Class Il Officer Association. 9. The Secretary, Railway Board Ministerial Staff Association. 10, The Secretary, Railway Board Class IV Staff Association 11. The Secretary General, AIRPF Association. 12, The General Secretary, All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association, R.No.8, Ground Floor, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi-110001. 13. All India OBC Railway Employee's Association. 14.The General Secretary, Retired Railway Employees Welfare Association (Regd.), 490A/16, Gurudwara Road, Gurgaon. pum 15. The Chief Commissioner of Railway Safety, 16, Ashok Road, Lucknow. OKs for Secretary, Railway Board Copy to : PSOs/Sr.PPSs/PPSs/PSs/PAs to :- MR, MSR(S), MSR(G), CRB, FC, ME, ML, MM, MS, MT, DG(RHS), DG(RPF), DG(S&T), DG(S), DGI(P), Secretary, AM(B), AM(CE), AM(C), AM(CRIS), AM(Elec), AM(F), AM(Plg), AM (Projects), AM(Sig), AM(MS), AM(Mech.), AM(PU}, AM(RS), AM(T&C), AM(Telecom), AM(T), AM(Vig), AM(Works}, AM(Staff), PED(AR), PED(F), , PED.(Safety), PED(IR), ED(Ple.), ED(A), EDF(BC), EDCE(B&S), EDCE(G), EDCE(Plg.), ED(Chg.), ED(CC), ED(C&IS), ED(E&R), EDEE(Dev.), EDEE(G), EDEE(RS),EDE,EDE(RRB), EDE(N), EDE(Res.), EDF(C), EDF(E), EDF(S), EDF(B), EDF(RM), EDF(X)I, EDF(X)II, ED(H), ED(LM), ED(MIS), EDE(GC), EDT(MPP), EDME(Chg.), EOME(FR), EDME(Tr.), EDME(TOT), EDME(Dev.}, EDME(W), EDPC-1, EDPC-II, ED(PP), ED(Proj.), ED(Proj.)-DMRC, ED(RE), EDRE(S&T}, EDRE(S), ED(Safety), ED(Sig.), ED(S&E), EDRS(C}, EDRS(G), EDRS(P), EDRS(S), EDRS(W), ED(TD), EDTrack(M), EDTrack(MC), EDTrack(P), ED(T&C), ED(CP), ED(PM), ED(PG), EDT(R), EDTC(FM), EDTT(M), EDTT(FM), EDTT(M), EDTT(S), EDV(A), EDV(E), EDV(S), EDV(T), ED(W), IG/RPF(HQs), 1G/RS, JS, JS(C), Js(D), JS(E), JS(G), JS(P), DPC-I, DPC-I, DEIN), DF(A/Cs), DE(G), DE(N), DPR, JDE(G), JDE(L), JDE(LL), JDE(W), JDF(B), JDF(E), JDE(N), JDE(Res.),DS(G), DS(Parl.), US(A), DDE(D&A), DDE(P&A), DDE(LR)I, DDF(E)I, DDF(E)M, DDF(EIII, DDE(R)! (with 2 spares), DDE(W), DDPC-V, VI & Vil, DDE(Trg.) & PAO, Branches : Accounts III (with 10 spares), Budget, Budget(Com)|, Cash- |, Il, Ill, Chasing C&S, F(P&A) I, ERB-I, ERB-II, ERB-IIl, ERB -IV, ERB -V & ERB -VI, E(LR)//II/IL, E(RRB), E(Rep}}, I, IN, E(MPP), E(W), E(G), E(NG)I & I, E(Coop), E(LL), E(Sports), E(ML), E(SCTHI, I, E{D&A), E(GC), E(GR)I & 11 E(O) |, 1, tH & E(O)I(CC), , FLEH1, Ml & Ill, F(E) Spl, G(Pass), G{Acc.), Issue(D), M(L), Parl.), PC-Ill, IV & V, PC-VI, PC-VII, Project Cell, PR, Sec.(E) & Sec.(ABE) Railway Board. (Authority: Ministry of Health & Family Welfare’s OM No. A.12034/1/2017-CHS-V dated 30.09.2017) OPTION TO CONTINUE IN SERVICE BEYOND 62 YEARS OF AGE haere pee senennennny S(O. Shi , 0.0.8. 1, presently Posted 5 nn OM st Railway/Rallway Board, have attained/would be attaining the age of sixty-two (62) years on . 2. Inaccordance with the orders contained in Ministry of Railway's Letter No. E (P8A)-2016/RT-16 dated _..../08/2018, |, Clinical post on att .», do hereby exercise the option of being posted to a 1g the age of sixty-two (62) years and accordingly , desire to continue in service Upto the age of sixty-five (65) years. 3. am aware that | will be considered for posting to posts other than administrative posts as per my option indicated subject to availablity of vacancy and administrative convenience and as decided by the Competent Authority. Further, | shall not stake any claim for posting to any additional administrative posts notified in future. | also understand that my continuation in service is subject to Government of India rules/ instructions, etc issued from time to time. Date: Signature PF No. Name RUID No., Present Designation (if available) Stamp: ‘Mobile No, Forwarded by: A\nnegur’e. REGD. NO. D. 1.-3300409 JIRNd = Tke Gazette of Jndia mereonated mT II —tawg 3sH-aTs (i) PART Il_Section 3—Sub-section (@) itera 2 wane PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY F563) 18 feet, after, seme 11, 2018/51740T 20, 1940 No. 563] NEW DELHI, SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 2018/SHRAVANA 20, 1940 sais, atm Rowe at tert arr (oie te eae FT afrqear se five, 11 aren, 2018 TAR, TO7Ca rea, Pare see 309 % eg aren sere ast a wr ee ET A Fem, 1922 a a seer eR i reat Fra wat &, wale — 4 arr ore are —(1) = Frei ror ae ar (gaara fer, 2018 #1 (2) Rares Bsr sere arte at ge 2. pe fitas, 1922 Farr 96 He (ors) ea ve Prenfane car oem, at — “(era) () Pafa Bsr Baar ag, ot rarer, (i) rear Facer Bar; i) age ste ange saree a CT, ((v)serer ee PSP Bear enter ene Pere Faery, (0) areca anger even exec a Pare afr (a) eater ate efeare rear Rare alt a Fanaa: (i) Pasta see Raa; ake (i) stor Refeaer gfettont oh arpa aH nie armrer apt Ace fier, Rate aft ab re Pace ser Pere, B atetter &, ara ond git ea ae fw nest Rete ste epee nee oe Bram, Ferhat ena, Sateen arnt firerenrs, weer ate cred art alba abate career rrr te gett fare Gare freer mie eh, ear ea sare Ran rare ao sof aver fatter or war fae ers a rm arth Serr a cad TNE ar qua018 o AL 2 ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY. (Paer Sec. 36) 1, ater ot orgy, ete meron fa ae of ora error ara aa Ree al searee rar tata amen gfe aa oie sre creme Ruy PPro afew & safer Fart ite ters at a (0) D8 Rares PaPheary, st ovate (i) He era ears @ Peale aA ares EA og sere ft 3 ar eran He tare Fa Serer her a wwe na are ae wT ae (are Metre Fre, 2018 Fe aren Ae A eA Ae few ore eT fren def, 24 2a, rarer abet fe, Aaah, at era, eect rere, fers sea ote (9 8 Pe mer ee eral cl ae oe erent aa ae gal fac Aare Freer ro aca #1 (ii), Serer ae st re Aer, Aft Rees, caren et ake pet hanks oes (9 8 ae rarest rp 8, ar ae (iy 3 FAAP ara er aA aT fren at ar oc aren wh Bat acs eh ary rn ack, aT (GT ba Fer, 2018 3 sre Sk A aren 330 For ca We re ait sr AT eT A, a ari" (er. #, 2601214/2016-FaT. (T-IV]) es a Pd, er at fearon: ga far, area ere Ht sera, 1922 rere Fy ay ote soa ai ter eA asa raft, 27(e), fer 5 arr, 2018 are Far set MINISTRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBLIC GRIEVANCES AND PENSIONS (Department of Personnel and Training) NOTIFICATION New Deli the L1th August, 2018, GSR. 767(6}—In excrwise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution, the President hereby makes te Following rles further to amend the Fundamental Rules, 1922, namely — 1 and commencement —I)These roles may be called the Fundamental (Second Amendment) Rules 2 Inthe Fundamental Rules, 1922, in rule 86, for clause (bb), he following shall be substituted, namely:- (ob) (The age of superannuation in respect ofthe doctors belonging 10— (Central Health Service: (ii) Indian Railways Medical Service: (i)__-AYUSH and working under the Ministry of AYUSH: Gv) Civilian doctors under the Directorate General of Armed Forces Medical Service: (0) Medical Officers ofthe Indian Ordnance Factories Health Service: (02) Dental Doctors under the Department of Health and Family Welfare: (i) Dental doctors under the Ministry of Railways; and (ii) General Duty Medical Officers, Specialist Grade doctors and Teaching Medical Faculty working in Bhopal Memorial Hospital and Research Centre, shal be sixty-two years unless they exercise the option of posting to Teaching, Clinical, Patient Cae, Implemeniation of Heath programmes, Public Health programmes and functions including advisory and consultancy depending on their expertie and experience, as decided by the competent authority in the conectned Ministry oF Department from time to time, in ease they desire 1 continue in their service upio the age of sixty-five years: Provided that the age of superannuation in respect of the doctors belonging to the General Duty’ Medical Officers sub-care of Central Armed Police Forces and Assam Rifles and Specialist Medical officers of Central Armed Police Forces and Assam Rifles shall be sixty-five years, (om as 3091 re TR + STATE 3 Not Gi) The serving doctors belonging to the services refered to im sub-clause (i) who have either already attained the age of sity-two years or ataining the age of sixty-two years within six months from the date of publication of these amendment rules in the Offical Gazette, may exercise theit ‘option in regard to their posting 10 Teaching, Clinical, Patient Care, Implementation of Health Programmes, Public Health programmes and functions including advisory and consultancy as specified in Sub.clause (i, within a period of thirty days from the date of the commencement of the Fundamental (Second Amendment) Rules, 2018, (ii) The serving doctors who fail exercise the option in regard o their posting 1 Teaching, Cine, Patient Care, Implementation of Health programmes, Public Heakh programmes and Tunctions including advisory and consultancy as specified in sub-clause (i), within the period specified in sub clause (i), shall be superannuated form their service on attaining the age of sixty-two Years or on expiry of a period of thirty days from the date of the commencement of the Fundamental (Second Amendment) Rules, 2018, whichever is later." [F.No. 25012/4/2016-Est4(A-1V)] GYANENDRA DEV TRIPATHI, It, Seey + The Fundamental Rules were published in the Gazette of India on the Ist day of January, 1922 and were last amended vide notification number G'S.R, 27(E), dated the $* January, 2018. RAKESH gitar SIKU td pl iy Dia rig a Govan of nda Pros Rig Rod Nayapa New Dai-0064 tnd Punfe by ie Contr Pleas, De 10054 Annexure- B Mosca A ameaaoecuy Gove gos Ministry of nd Family Weta, ie ent Hetaa NAman Baw, New Dey Date 13" aucust aor OFFICE MEMORANDUM AMENDMENT) Races, 2019. ‘OPTION. TOBE SUBMITTED By NO DENTAL Doctors ve S805 THE Goveenuens uoro 85 Years — reg, The undersigned ig Rte to formar herewin ate CePAtIment of Personne) ang a ) dant, Sate of inca cates, 08.2018 vido worn cUPeTaNnLan intext 11 decters belonging {Central Government ang pint=l Governmontenngee ening Centra Heat Sera (HS) an dental doctors nee the riment of Heatty WY Wellare shal bo 62 you roman t2Y 886i the opts ching! clinica ations stehiplementaion of heats Programmes! Pubic Heatn tion nce tons including acmagey Consultancy ste re et experience as deci 2 the Competent sutheny fan time to i ase they dese to conta Shei sence upto te age orge years Fre praa PEERED 10 the sie MeRtoNed notation, thee been Seere to continu inthe serves UPIO the age oF 65 years. Fg, 8 Semving doctors fracP9 0 the CHS ant dont $e" of Deparment of Heath ang Famiy Wettare who nave Ready attained the age of 60 cect ating the age or eo yo’ ttn © months tom the date att Ot these amendmen a dated 11.08 2018 may ec Oot Eilon ser, poaanet at leaching’ cirical’ patent earelimelementaiion of how, scuanmee! PUbKE Heath Prope ee and functions 2 jawon, New Delhi The doctors who flo exercise the option’ wth regard to thei continuation Slond superannctea rags mentioned in para above and within the period spectied steve anon stond superannusted rom tek sere on attarng the age of 62 yoers Gabint oe cet Miniaties/Department etc, concemed with the implementation ot the Union Cebinet decision dated 27.06.2018 concomed withthe implementations ren cision and are FRG) Ane Provisons of FRSE(Gb) are hereby provided a copy ofthe notion amending ER5SIDD) A copy of Option Form prescribed fre decors of He orate doctors of MoHIFW is enclosed for raference / guidance &. These instructions are avaiable on thi Departments website ie. rw mohtw@eov in sid aes structions may be brought tothe notice of al concerned lnckuding doctors of CHS, ‘nd ental doctors under the Department of Health and Family Well, ane ’ es finstasriae caste eee CN im Seren Seaton SSR ers mee ssez0n8 eos) nt # The Setrolary Department of Posts, Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg, New Deby for necessary action in respect of CHS doctors posted in Dio Posts 2), Te Secretary Misty of Labour and Employment, Sam Shak Bhavan, Re Marg, New Canin cmteSEY Acton in respect of CHS doctors posted in Minty ee nee and Employment eae Sem eeomen Aiea hang, AaH) Administration Pot Bair 2 Administrator, Lakshadweep Islands Administration, Kavarat 5) RS8DG, CCHS, Dlo Heath and Famiy Watlore, Nimon Bhavan, New Deh for acton in respect of CGHS doctors, ©) USIGMR) [US(ODM) US(SN), Deparment of Heath and Famly Weare for Similar action in in respect of al CHS Units, Copy For siviLaR AcTiON To: 3) Secretary, Ministry of AYUSH for action in respect of AYUSH doctors 2) Secrelary, Deparment of Heath Research, Red Cress Buidng, New Det for action in respect of BMHERC 9 Geselay, Deparment of Cofanoe, South loc, New Delhi er ation in respec of doctors of DGaFMS ©) Seater. Deparment of Defence Production, South Black, New Dei for ction n respect of doctors of OFS: 5) Gisimman, Raiway Board, Rall Bhawan, New Deki for actin in eepect a indian Railways Medical Service and dental doctors under the Minty of Ralways, (COPY FOR INFORMATION TO: 4) Cabinet Secretariat, Rashtrapsti Shewan, New Delhi ©) Prime Minister's Office, South Block New Delhi ©) The Secretary, DOPT, North Block, New Delhi ©) Secretary, Department of Expenditure, North Block, New Delhi ©) Sto Honble HEM PPS to SecrtaryHy PPS to OGHEY PPS to AS(HUPPS to usichs) Annexure C All doctors working in Railway Board office; Alll doctors working in Headquarters office; CMs and MDs working in Divisional Office and In-charge of various Central Hospitals and PU Hospitals Re-designations after the age of 62 years in IRMS DG/RHS- Principal Consultant/ Health PCMDs - Chief Consultant/ Health MDs/cMs- Consultant/ Health Jo.

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