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Name: Mary Jane C.

Baril Course/Year: Score:

Class Schedule: Date of Submission:
MW 7:00-8:30AM December 3, 2019

Directions: Reflect on the concept presented in the input and connect this to your personal
experience of language by creating your own Language Biography. Begin by filling in the
language Biodata form below.

Language Biodata Form

1. How many language do you speak? As of my 19 years of existence, I can speak 3

Identify the Languages. languages. These languages are English,

Cebuano, and Filipino.

2. What is or are your first language/s As a Filipino born in the northern region of

or mother tongues? Mindanao, the first language I spoke is


3. How’s did you acquire your first There is nothing as special for a parent to talk

language/s or mother tongue? with his/her child and this is how I acquired

my first language. It was the environment that

I’m surrounded that allowed me to acquire the

language I speak fluently today. I acquired it

not just through the people teaching me how

to speak but from what I can hear also.

4. What skills can you perform using Through my first language, I was able to

your first languages? develop my skills of listening, talking, and


5. What is/ are your second language? My second language is the language I

acquired growing up and developed more

until I was sent to school- the English


6. What skill can you perform using Through my second language, I was able to

your second language? enhance or developed more my skills in

listening, talking and it was the language I

used when I started to know on how to read

and write. It also helped me to widen my

knowledge and understanding about things

that I could not easily gain through my first


7. What are your language strengths? My language strengths in the English

language would be my ability to express more

of my feelings than my first language. I can

construct grammatically correct sentences

more in this language but not fully, can

understand a lot of vocabulary, pronunciation,

spelling etc.
8. What are your language My language weaknesses on the other hand is

weaknesses? that I'm not confident enough to speak

compared to my first language.

9. What language is your favorite and My favorite language is the Cebuano

why? language. I would not be able to learn other

languages without the language that shaped

me to what I am today and to what I have

today. This language strengthen my ties to the

people around me especially my family.

In my Nineteen years of existence, I see language as a universal tool that keeps the
world going. Without it, life would be meaningless. Life would be in so much chaos. What is
included to our development as a person is the ability to acquire language. The first language I
acquired is the Cebuano language. I don’t really remember how or when but I believe I acquired
this from the environment I am exposed to growing up. With this language, I was able to learn
and develop my listening skills, learn how to speak and my understanding. I wouldn’t be able to
learn my second and third language which are English and Filipino. With the English language, I
can say that I was more fond of this language when I was years younger as I was sent to a private
school. It made me but not completely, forgot my first language. It broaden my vocabulary. As
for the Filipino language, I acquired it because it was taught in school. Compared to my first
language, I can express my feelings more on the English language and have much better
vocabulary in it. However, the only problem for me in this language is that I don’t have the
confidence. I prefer to speak on my mind than speaking it verbally. At some circumstances, I
find the English language my favorite but most times it will always be my first language. The
language that makes me free and comfortable and I believe, the language that makes me Mary
Jane Baril.

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